In the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers do not yet notice significant changes in their condition. The fact that there is a real miracle in the tummy is only reminiscent of morning sickness. At this stage, women are already beginning to lovingly stroke the still inconspicuous belly, talking with the baby, coming up with a name for him and guessing what color of undershirts they will have to order for their relatives for the baby’s birthday.

Despite the apparent ease of the condition, it is important now to treat your health as carefully as possible and understand that every action can affect the condition of the baby.

Important: more than 15 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriages.

During gestation, you do not need to use:

  • cinnamon;
  • cedar;
  • cypress;
  • basil;
  • lemongrass;
  • juniper.

These aromas are ways to greatly invigorate a pregnant woman and increase the tone of the uterus. In some cases, doctors also forbid chamomile, rosewood, and sandalwood oils.

What future moms really need is herbal baths with calendula, mint and chamomile, which are added in any form. Some women put the herb in a cloth bag that they tie to the edge of the tub. In water, herbs begin to spread their beneficial properties.

What to wear in early pregnancy

Expectant mothers are not recommended to purchase tight clothing that hinders movement. Wardrobe future mother should be free and very comfortable. Can't walk to high heels because they shift the center of gravity and increase the load on the spine. In no case should you buy synthetic underwear, you should temporarily abandon the "thong" panties. You need to choose underwear made of cotton material and wear special bodices.

Cosmetical tools

In the early stages, the expectant mother should be very careful in choosing cosmetics. For the development of the baby, substances such as:

  • vitamin A;
  • benzoyl peroxide;
  • hydrocortisone.

Be healthy!

Video - Nutrition during pregnancy

Video - What not to do when pregnant

For many girls, everything related to pregnancy and childbirth causes a panic state. And when the time comes to think about offspring, fear prevents you from focusing on the main thing - the birth of a child, makes you devote all your thoughts to the possible negative aspects of both processes. There is another extreme - the belief that nature will do everything itself, so there is nothing to worry about at all. Both points of view are wrong. Pregnancy and childbirth are natural processes. But a woman must prepare for them mentally and physically, have enough knowledge about how this happens, do everything in her power for the safe bearing and birth of a healthy baby.

The need for this is caused not only by the material resources of the family. Here the most important thing is the health of both parents, their readiness for the birth of a child, the creation of favorable conditions for this. The process should be started 2-3 months before the intended fertilization. It includes:

  • Quit smoking and alcohol;
  • Normalization of nutrition with the obligatory use of a large amount of vitamins, trace elements, fiber;
  • Healthy physical activity with frequent exposure to fresh air. This part of the preparation is especially useful for a woman, because it is she who will bear the child and give birth, which require endurance and energy expenditure;
  • Avoidance of stress.

Actually, there is nothing complicated in these requirements, it would be good for everyone to lead such a lifestyle all the time.

Which doctors should be visited

Future parents should definitely be examined by doctors. A woman needs to visit doctors of the following specialties:

  • Gynecologist. It is good that this is a specialist who will then observe the entire pregnancy. He should know about past illnesses, childbirth, abortions. The gynecologist will need the results of tests for flora, cytology, viral infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis), PCR studies for venereal infections, cytomegalovirus, as well as information on the body's susceptibility to rubella,;
  • Dentist. Before pregnancy, you need to get rid of infections in the oral cavity, caries;
  • Cardiologist;
  • Otorhinolaryngologist;
  • Allergist;
  • Endocrinologist.

In addition to the above analyses, more research needs to be done:

  • Ultrasound of the reproductive organs and mammary glands;
  • Blood and urine tests (general and biochemical);
  • Hormone levels;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

If a woman is not the first attempt to get pregnant, the specialist may consider it necessary to prescribe:

  • Colposcopy of the cervix;
  • Hysteroscopy;
  • Biopsy of the endometrium.

Reception oral contraceptives, as well as protection using the IUD should be interrupted 2-3 months before conception. If there are genetic diseases in the family or one of the future parents had radiation exposure, it is worth visiting the appropriate specialist.

In order for conception to occur exactly when future parents want, it is necessary to calculate the most favorable days for it. Ovulation occurs at about 11-16, if you count from the first day of menstruation.

The most important thing during pregnancy

There are many nuances in this period that you should know so that everything goes harmoniously and safely for the woman and the unborn baby. Proper behavior will help avoid many potential problems.


A woman will be able to understand that she is pregnant, based on her own well-being. But it will be a little later, but until the first signs appear, a pregnancy test will come to the rescue. Whatever it is, its functioning is based on the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, which appears immediately after the implantation of the embryo inside the uterus, that is, 7-10 days after conception. And if you make a test on the first day of the expected, but not arrived menstruation, it will be informative. These devices are of several types:

  • Test strips. Impregnated with a reagent that, when immersed in morning urine, gives a result with an accuracy of up to 95% in 5-10 seconds. If another control line appears next to the existing control line, the woman is pregnant;
  • Tablet. Able to indicate pregnancy with a delay of less than a week. A drop of morning urine is placed in a designated window. After a while, the result is visible in the adjacent rectangle;
  • Jet. Detect pregnancy with high accuracy at the earliest possible date. The receiving tip of the device is placed under the stream of urine, and the result will be visible in a few minutes in the window intended for this.

It happens that tests give out information that does not correspond to reality. The reason for this is a violation of instructions or taking drugs containing hCG.

How to determine the term

To track pregnancy, it is necessary for both the doctor and the expectant mother to know her term. This is the basis for the appointment of studies, monitoring the development of the fetus, the possibility of detecting pathology. Thanks to the knowledge of the term, it is easy to determine the date of the upcoming birth. There are several counting methods:

  • On the day of ovulation. It happens around the middle of the cycle. If it is 28 days, then conception occurred 14 days after the start date of the last menstruation. It is possible to identify the day of ovulation by regular measurements of basal temperature;
  • With the help of ultrasound. The screen clearly shows the size of the fetal egg, according to which the doctor will calculate the term. This method is most informative up to 24 weeks;
  • Examination of the uterus. The gynecologist will determine the period by its size, starting from the 5th week, when the organ begins to grow;
  • By the first movement of the fetus. As a rule, this happens at 18-20 weeks, sometimes at the 16th. It's a bit late, but some inattentive women find out about pregnancy just like that.

How to live with pregnancy

The lifestyle should be aimed at ensuring the normal development of the unborn child and the well-being of the woman. This does not mean that all pleasures become inaccessible, but the life of the expectant mother becomes more streamlined:

  • It is necessary to monitor nutrition so that the fetus receives enough vitamins and minerals. You should forget about coffee, green tea, seafood, legumes for now, less carbohydrates, from which weight grows. But meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables, fruits are not forbidden in the diet;
  • Take vitamins as directed by your doctor. Folic acid is especially important. But vitamin A needs moderate doses, otherwise the child is threatened with pathology;
  • Rest and comfort are the main components of the daily routine. This also applies to clothes and underwear. Sleep should be at least 8 hours, mental, physical and emotional stress is reduced. Important 1.5-hour walks in the fresh air, exercises to strengthen the spine, abdominal muscles, perineum;
  • The use of transport should be limited due to possible shaking, which creates unwanted vibration;
  • Weight lifting and shock domestic work, especially with the use of chemicals, prohibited;
  • Alcohol and smoking are the enemies of pregnancy. Even infrequent use can provoke deformities in a child;
  • Medicinal preparations and plants are taken only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • You should still take care of yourself carefully, but without the use of toxic cosmetics, acrylic and ammonia materials, solarium, and hardware methods. Care and hygiene products are better to choose those that are specially designed for pregnant women;
  • The breast is prepared for future feeding by washing with warm and cool water, air baths 10 minutes 3 times a day;
  • With a normal pregnancy, vaginal sex is not prohibited. With an increase in the term, it is only necessary to protect the growing belly from pressure on it.

Poor health is not uncommon in different periods pregnancy. Typical problems in women:

  • Toxicosis. It manifests itself from the beginning of pregnancy with nausea, vomiting, aversion to food and certain smells. By the 12th week, toxicosis disappears, but even before this time, its symptoms can be alleviated by eating a piece of salty biscuit with sweetened weak tea in the morning, drinking 1.5 liters of fluid per day, reducing portions and increasing the number of meals to 6;
  • in the legs. The enlarged uterus compresses the blood vessels, so the blood supply to the muscles is disrupted. The body may be deficient in calcium and potassium. Products containing these microelements will help, mini-exercises with squeezing and unclenching the toes;
  • Vertigo. They can occur for various reasons: stuffiness, tightness, fatigue. You can deal with a problem by avoiding the conditions that create it;
  • Insomnia. It is caused by anxiety and changes in the body that provoke the need to go to the toilet often, the inability to choose a comfortable position due to the stomach. Sleeping at the same hours, drinking warm milk shortly before it, daytime rest will help;
  • . You can fix the problem if you drink a glass of water after waking up, and add it to it before eating. lemon juice, walk a lot, introduce prunes, dried apricots into the diet.

Childbirth: readiness #1

In the entire chain of childbearing, this is what women fear the most. Childbirth is a serious test, but the vast majority of mothers have successfully overcome it. In addition, experts are always ready to help.

What to take to the hospital

Necessary things and documents should be prepared in advance. Before giving birth, you need to take with you only those that are needed directly for the woman and the newborn. Everything else is collected and left for later, these things will later be brought by a happy father.

  • Passport;
  • Exchange card;
  • The results of the latest analyzes to date;
  • Medical policy;
  • Birth certificate;
  • Agreement with the clinic (if concluded).

Things for childbirth and stay in the ward:

  • Spacious nightgown;
  • Socks, thin and thicker, but not woolen;
  • Hygiene items (soap, comb, brush and toothpaste, napkins, toilet paper);
  • A pair of small terry towels;
  • Robe;
  • Washable slippers with non-slip soles.

Items that will be needed after childbirth and at discharge:

  • Sanitary pads and disposable underwear for mom;
  • 2 with front closure;
  • Cream for nipple cracks;
  • Laxative candles;
  • Pampers for a newborn 1 set. Another is bought already in accordance with the size of the baby;
  • Baby soap, cream, soft towel;
  • Sterile cotton;
  • Thin and thick vests, bonnets, diapers, mittens;
  • A blanket or "envelope", a hat, overalls, socks for discharge. All things according to the weather;
  • Clothes and cosmetics for mom. The one in which the woman came to the hospital is likely to be great.

How is childbirth

Healthy women give birth to a child in a natural way, that is, through the birth canal. The process, assisted by a midwife or doctor, is divided into 3 phases:

  • The first is counted from the beginning of regular contractions until the cervix is ​​fully dilated by 4 cm. This is the longest part - 8-10 hours. Sometimes the process is stimulated with medications;
  • The second lasts 3-4 hours. The contractions intensify and become more frequent, the fetal bladder opens and the water leaves. The cervix opens up to 6-8 cm, and the fetus moves to the level of the pelvic floor;
  • The third is characterized by the opening of the uterine os by 10-12 cm and lasts from 20 minutes to 2 hours. She goes into main part childbirth, although it feels like the activity of the process is weakening. But this is not so, it is after the full opening of the cervix that the fetal head passes through the pelvic ring, and after 8-10 attempts by the mother, the baby comes out. Sometimes, to facilitate this part of the path, the woman's perineum is dissected.

During the first two phases, the woman is allowed to sit up and walk around to stimulate labor. In some clinics, the process takes place with anesthesia. The condition of the woman in labor is monitored by measuring pressure, temperature, and doing vaginal examinations.

After the birth of the child and the cessation of pulsation in the umbilical cord, it is cut. The afterbirth comes out of the uterus after 2-3 contractions, the woman is given drugs to prevent bleeding.


It should be prescribed according to indications, but sometimes it is done at the request of a woman. The planned operation is carried out as follows:

  • On the operating table, a woman is given an epidural or general anesthesia. They put a dropper and an apparatus for measuring pressure, as well as a catheter for diverting urine;
  • The woman's stomach is wiped with an antiseptic, the doctor dissects the abdominal wall and the anterior uterus, removes the child, and cuts the umbilical cord. It takes 10-15 minutes;
  • The surgeon separates the placenta, examines the uterine cavity, sews up the organ. Then the seams are applied to the abdominal wall, bandage and ice on top;
  • The woman is placed in intensive care for a day, where saline and antibiotics are administered.

After transfer to the ward, the stitches are processed every day, the painkiller is stopped after 3-4 days.

  • The woman's body recovers faster;
  • No need to waste time looking for the right one baby food, money to buy it, fiddling with the preparation and sterilization of bottles.
  • Usually the baby is applied to the breast on the third day after birth, and before that the woman has to express herself. It hurts, but it is necessary that then you can feed for at least 6 months, and preferably up to a year. In this regard, new mothers are concerned about two problems:

    • lack of milk;
    • Cracked nipples.

    The first is solved by frequent attachment of the child to the breast, taking lactation-stimulating drugs: infusion of anise seeds, grated carrots with sour cream. A woman will have to drink plenty of fluids and eat right to prevent gas formation in the baby.

    Cracked nipples should be treated with special creams and air baths. It is also necessary to learn how to properly breastfeed the baby so that he captures the nipple along with the areola.

    body after childbirth

    In this part, the stomach delivers the most suffering to women. He is no longer as flat as before, during pregnancy, the muscles stretched and sagged slightly. But you don't have to put up with it. Some steps can be taken:

    • Change nutrition. If you include oatmeal, rice, vegetables, fruits in your diet, drink plenty of water, this will spur metabolic processes. Fat from the abdomen will slowly but steadily begin to go away. Do not forget that a large amount of fiber is harmful to the baby if he is breastfed. And starvation is unacceptable, because the milk will disappear. Therefore, in your zeal for harmony, you need to know the measure;
    • Restore muscle tone. Gentle exercises for the abdomen will help: abdominal breathing, its tension on a walk, doing household chores. You need to increase the load gradually, you can intensively engage in six months after childbirth, if they passed without complications.

    postpartum discharge

    The uterus after childbirth is not restored in a day. This process is stretched for a certain period, during which the woman has lochia. At first, they contain a lot of blood, then they gradually brighten and by the end of the 6-8th week after birth they become transparent or white.

    Menstruation can come in 1.5-2 months if the woman is not breastfeeding. Lactation lengthens the period without menstruation to six months. But on average and breastfeeding they begin on the 4th month after childbirth, because by this time the child is already being introduced to complementary foods and less is being applied to the breast.

    Sex after childbirth

    You will have to refrain from it for another 4-6 weeks if the birth was normal. The sexual sphere of a woman should be fully restored, then sex will be a joy, and will not cause pain and infection.
    After a caesarean section or perineal lacerations, recovery will take 2 months.

    At the first sexual intercourse, a woman may feel pain and discomfort. This is due to the dryness of the vagina, which can be corrected with a lubricant, but rather a long prelude to the act. Wall tone is almost always reduced. But this problem is also solvable by training the vagina with Kegel exercises.

    Pregnancy is that period in life when you need to give up many of your habits. But is it worth it to be so critical of the new situation and deprive yourself of all the joys of life? The answer is "No". But the taboo list still exists.

    Basic prohibitions for pregnant women

    There are many myths and facts about this period of a woman's life: some believe that she cannot cut her hair, paint her nails, move actively, etc. You should look into this more carefully. Due to the change in the hormonal background, it is better to refrain from perming and hair coloring procedures, as a result of which their condition may worsen. If you belong to the category of women who dye their hair all the time, opt for sparing options. The expectant mother is also forbidden to wear synthetic underwear. During pregnancy, you can not:

    Don't change the climate

    In the early stages of pregnancy, if there are no contraindications, you can travel. But here are the flights, due to which there is a change in climate and there are drops atmospheric pressure, on later dates- prohibited. In addition, some women themselves can hardly endure even simple weather changes, not to mention if they are in a position. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, but to take care of yourself and your tummy without changing the usual rhythm of life. We are not saying that it is better for pregnant women not to leave the house at all. But in winter, it is not recommended to change the frost for the sun, even for those ladies whose pregnancy proceeds calmly.

    Less talking on the phone

    In the modern world, human communications are built mainly on communication through such intermediaries as the Internet and mobile phones. So it is quite difficult to stop using a mobile phone, even knowing its harm. Only here it is proved that the use cellular communication This is something that pregnant women should not do. Therefore, if there is absolutely no way without a mobile, limit its use and completely turn it off at night.

    Don't take hot baths

    Anything that raises body temperature above 38.9C, whether it's a long bath, too long sauna, exhausting work in the heat, or a viral infection, is potentially harmful to the development of the fetus, especially in the first months of pregnancy. . There is one more important point: during pregnancy, a woman's vaginal microflora is very vulnerable. So, from this point of view, hot tub for women in position is not very good.

    Better get in the habit of taking a shower. And even better - a contrast one, because this is hardening, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, since the redistribution of blood resulting from such a procedure is useful for the functioning of such organs as the brain, liver, heart, and also for the entire reproductive system.

    Don't cross your legs

    The cross-legged position is one of the most beloved of all women. However, one of the main tasks of pregnant women is to strive to reduce the load on the legs and allow the legs to fully relax. Only now, if you sat down to rest and at the same time crossed your legs, then you do not give rest to your legs. Moreover, you worsen the condition of the legs, as there is an additional clamping of the veins and swollen tissues. As a result, the legs do not rest, swelling increases, and the possibility of cellulite development is aggravated!

    If, in the first half of pregnancy, swelling does not bother you - this is very good! But in the second half, in addition to the growing belly and weight, the baby's head also grows, which gradually descends to the entrance to the small pelvis. And you, constantly putting your foot on your foot, impede the correct course of this process. In some women, there is even a rather strong relaxation of the ligaments, especially the pubic ones, and pathological mobility of the pubic joint occurs.

    When the head is lowered, in the cross-legged position, the pressure on the baby's head increases, and this can very adversely affect the health of your child.

    Don't drink too much, don't eat too little

    At the insistence of doctors, pregnant women are not advised to drink more than 2 liters of water per day. And it is better if this figure does not exceed 1.5 liters. Moreover, soups, fruits and juices are also taken into account.

    As for nutrition, diets during pregnancy are out of the question. Nutrition just has to be right! Pay special attention to this issue, as it is one of the important conditions for a favorable course and outcome of pregnancy, childbirth, the normal development of the fetus and newborn.

    Do not smoke or inhale smoke

    It is not news that smoking is dangerous for both the smoker and the witness. And if you are also pregnant, then from passive smoking during this period, intrauterine growth retardation, the development of cancerous tumors in the fetus, and, it is possible, the possibility of premature birth can occur.

    Smokers are at double risk. Babies born to women who smoke are more likely to have problems with the central nervous system and weigh little. Therefore, quitting smoking is not just necessary, but necessary!

    Of course, losing your favorite habits is not easy. But for the sake of the baby, after all, you can try!

    Nutrition. Pregnant women should not eat:

    It is undesirable to drink coffee and strong tea during pregnancy, because it contains caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system of the baby. If you simply cannot imagine your life without coffee, then you need to reduce its amount to two cups a day. It is also worth abandoning other products containing caffeine, replacing them with safer ones.

    Physical activity, housework, health

    Pregnant women should not have sex? It is possible in the absence of contraindications. Remember that sex during pregnancy should be as gentle as possible, avoid sudden movements.

    Can pregnant women lift weights? Highly undesirable. Everyone is individual, but theoretically, lifting a lot of weight can provoke premature birth. In addition, it is detrimental to the back of the expectant mother.

    What exercises should not be done while pregnant? Any exercise that involves sudden movements, pressure on the stomach, unnatural load on the back, etc. If you want to be physically active during your pregnancy, there are a variety of pregnancy fitness programs to look out for, but try to choose a reliable instructor.

    Pregnant women can not wash by hand? It is strictly prohibited. Washing by hand can not only tire you out, create unnecessary tension in your back, but also adversely affect your health and the health of your baby due to prolonged contact with water containing detergents.

    During pregnancy, especially in the first months avoid overwork. Try to work so as not to feel tired. Entrust any hard work around the house to your husband, he probably will not ask why pregnant women should not lift weights, but on the contrary, he will carefully take on part of the work. Moreover, packages with purchases and even small children should also be considered heavy.

    You can't overstress your legs. If you start to feel discomfort in your legs, then be sure to take a break, rest. It is best, in case of overwork, to lie down or use a chair so that you can stretch your legs and let them relax.

    Pregnant women should not be vaccinated, sick or take medication? Of course, diseases are best avoided, since taking medication during pregnancy is undesirable. In any case, this issue should be decided by your doctor and no one else.

    As far as vaccinations are concerned, vaccinations against measles, mumps, rubella and tuberculosis can be especially dangerous. If you are going to travel to another country, you should clarify in advance whether you need to do any vaccinations and consult with a specialist about them.


    If you need to go somewhere, you can use, perhaps, any mode of transport, except for airplanes. During the flight, frequent pressure drops occur, which will negatively affect the state of health. For the same reason, it is better to forget about rides and extreme sports for a while. Otherwise, when traveling, try not to overwork and take care of your back.

    Appearance and personal care

    Should pregnant women dye their hair? More precisely, it is harmful, because when using hair dye, you inhale the vapors emitted by it. This can have a bad effect on your well-being, and it is advisable to protect the unborn baby from chemical odors.

    Are pregnant women not allowed to sunbathe? It is possible, but in moderation. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin can lead to cancer, so regardless of whether you are pregnant or not, sunbathing should be dosed.

    Should pregnant women take a bath? More precisely hot bath, it can provoke various complications up to termination of pregnancy. Warm baths are not only possible, but also necessary, as they help to relax tense muscles.

    Should pregnant women not wear heels? Highly undesirable. High-heeled shoes create an additional load on the spine, which is already overstressed during pregnancy.

    Folk signs about what not to do when pregnant

    There are many superstitions that prohibit various actions:

    • pregnant women should not knit, sew;
    • to cut hair;
    • buy things for the baby before birth.

    Most of these signs are far-fetched and are purely associative in nature. You should not pay attention to them. But some superstitions are not devoid of common sense. For example, the statement " pregnant women shouldn't pet cats”- a cat may well be the cause of infection with toxoplasmosis. However, if you do not forget about the elementary rules of hygiene and wash your hands more often with soap, then cats do not pose any threat.

    What pregnant women should not go to funerals also quite logical. Expectant mothers are very impressionable, and any experiences negatively affect pregnancy.

    And the most important ban pregnant women should not be nervous and think about the bad. A good mood and a smile on your face will do much more than all the recommendations and advice.

    Before the birth of the baby, you do not need to find out his gender

    The Church opposes such predictions. Once, experts said that the procedure could harm the baby's body. But today, all expectant mothers must undergo an ultrasound scan. Naturally, if the baby is hiding in such a way that it is impossible to determine its gender, then this procedure should not be carried out often.

    A pregnant woman should not hold her hands above her head for a long time.

    A woman who is expecting a baby is not recommended to hang curtains, hang clothes, because the baby can get tangled in her own umbilical cord. The baby can wrap itself in its umbilical cord if it is very long or the baby has a very high activity. How long the umbilical cord will be in a baby is laid down at the genetic level, so a woman cannot influence its length in any way.

    For a long time, gynecologists confirmed the fact that if during pregnancy a woman often raises her hands high, then at the time of birth, the child will throw the umbilical cord over herself. But to date, experts have proven that this is not at all interconnected. But, it is worth knowing that after the twentieth week of pregnancy, you really do not need to raise your hands often so that the amniotic fluid does not pour out and premature birth does not begin. This does not happen often, but everything, it is better not to risk it.

    You can not swear in the presence of a pregnant woman, because the child may have a birthmark

    Congenital pigment spots occur due to the fact that melanocytes - pigment cells - develop incorrectly. They are both on the skin and inside. The exact reasons why such age spots occur have not been clarified, but it has been proven that they do not develop as a result of scandals during pregnancy.

    But do not forget that all negative emotions, which a woman receives when she quarrels with someone, harms both her and the baby. Therefore, any situations that can bring negative emotions should be avoided.

    A woman who is expecting a child is forbidden to sew, otherwise she can “sew up” the baby’s path to our world

    This is an invented superstition, completely unjustified. It was invented out of nothing to do. This judgment has no smart justification, because needlework can only positively affect the future mother. But at the same time, it is important to remember that you need to do needlework only in a position that will be convenient for the mother, so that in this position all useful substances and blood can normally flow to the fetus.

    If the mother sews for a long time and notices that the baby suddenly began to move very actively or suddenly calmed down, then in this case she needs to change her position - lie down or go for a little walk.

    Things for the child can not be purchased before birth

    This superstition has existed since ancient times. Previously, it was believed that clothes prepared and purchased in advance cannot belong to the unborn baby, since otherworldly forces have already occupied it. There is also another explanation - in ancient times in Rus', all families had many children, there was no need to purchase new things, since all things passed from older children to younger children. But for the first child, it was customary to prepare clothes in advance.

    Mom had to sew tiny clothes, and my father made a cradle. In those days, there were no special stores for small children, and there was no opportunity to purchase things a couple of days before the birth of a child.

    During pregnancy, a woman is forced to protect not only her health and life, but also the health and life of her unborn child. She is responsible for the development of the fetus, its growth and vital activity. And therefore, she is forced to adhere to many rules, give up many habits and be especially vigilant and attentive.

    What not to eat during pregnancy

    The first thing you have to start changing your life is nutrition. It must certainly be useful and complete. This means that the expectant mother must consciously approach the preparation of her diet. IN daily menu be sure to include animal and vegetable proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats. Variety on the table during pregnancy is desirable and even necessary. But now you have to think twice before you eat. First, it is necessary to control weight gain so as not to gain excess; secondly, a lot of things can not be eaten during pregnancy, or you need to at least limit quantitatively.

    So, there are categories of products potentially dangerous for the expectant mother and child that can cause severe allergic reactions, lead to contraction of the uterine muscles, cause stool disorders and constipation, thin the blood and threaten the onset of bleeding, disrupt the heart and worsen blood circulation, provoke the appearance of edema.

    The list of products prohibited during pregnancy includes moldy cheeses, spicy spices, heavily salted dishes and foods, sushi, raw eggs and meat, alcohol and others. More information can be found in this section.

    What not to do during pregnancy

    But with the exception of certain foods, restrictions during pregnancy are not exhausted. Now it will be impossible to do a lot of things that in ordinary life do not pose great dangers. Doctors do not recommend expectant mothers to wear weights, walk in high heels, smoke and stay in smoky rooms, sunbathe for a long time and visit solariums, get nervous and freeze, and perform hard physical work. Regarding many prohibitions, there is not only a medical, but also a popular point of view: is it possible to dye and cut hair, raise hands, knit and embroider, go to church, take medicine, have sex and much more - here you will find answers to all these questions .

    Proper nutrition of a pregnant woman is the key to successful delivery, maintaining the health of the pregnant woman herself and the birth of a healthy baby. But what to eat during pregnancy, the observing doctor will tell you. You should not always listen to the advice of your loved ones, who recommend a diet for their own needs.

    Nutrition for a pregnant woman

    It is very difficult to regulate the diet of a pregnant woman in the first months of the term. In the first trimester, a woman may experience severe toxicosis, which is why she generally has the right to refuse any food. During this period, even some completely non-aggressive smells are annoying, not to mention dishes.

    Over time, when toxicosis recedes and appetite returns, another problem arises - rapid weight gain, which is very difficult to fight. Extra pounds provoke a number of serious problems that accompany a woman after childbirth. This:

    • phlebeurysm;
    • tendency to constipation;
    • haemorrhoids;
    • heart failure;
    • kidney failure;
    • disorders of the pancreas;
    • tendency to high blood pressure.

    The diet, which the supervising doctor approves, can lead a woman to complete discouragement. Pregnant food is never too tasty so as not to “warm up” the appetite and at the same time saturate the body with useful substances.

    From the first trimester, portion sizes are set by the doctor. Now the nutrition of a pregnant woman will vary by weeks of development of the child. There are a number of necessary products that it is desirable to use a pregnant woman constantly. The dominant role is occupied by cottage cheese and iron-containing products.

    Healthy food for pregnant women

    Before discussing all kinds of dishes for a pregnant woman, one should consider general rules formulating a diet. Plant foods should make up ⅔ of food eaten per day. Such a menu is most important in the last stages of pregnancy, at least two to three weeks before childbirth. Vegetables contain a large amount of prostaglandins, which provide elasticity to the tissues of the birth canal.

    Dishes from vegetables have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating constipation and inhibiting the growth of body fat. Eating vegetable soups and sautés, a pregnant woman will not feel a high load on the stomach and pancreas, especially if the dishes are steamed without using a frying pan.

    However, no vegetables can replace either the mother's body or the unborn baby. meat products. Refusing meat during pregnancy is simply a crime. A growing embryo simply needs protein of animal origin. Every day, up to 100 grams of animal proteins should be included in the diet of a pregnant woman. If on some days a woman wants to do without meat, it should be replaced with fish.

    Fruit is a separate item. Of course, expectant mothers who had allergic problems even before conception should be extremely careful when choosing fruits in supermarkets. Most exotic fruits are pre-treated with liquefied gas or acceptable herbicides to make them marketable for a longer period.

    Exotic fruits entering the local market travel a long way from the southern countries. Sometimes it takes from several days to several weeks for delivery. Usually, fruits and vegetables from abroad are transported by sea, as this is the cheapest type of delivery. It is not recommended to buy fruits and vegetables sold in vacuum packaging for pregnant women.

    It should also be remembered that freshly prepared food is much tastier and healthier than heated and prepared in advance. Therefore, it is better to prepare food for pregnant women in small portions per meal. Food left overnight in the refrigerator should not be covered with plastic bags and kept under nylon lids for a long time. Pathogenic microflora can multiply in it, invisible to the human eye, but carrying a high degree of danger to health.

    Dry food and "on the go" should be excluded. You can not overeat, as well as go hungry for a long time. The feeling of thirst must be quenched as it arises. Equally important is what the pregnant woman will drink and in what volumes. Increased fluid intake will lead to edema, which will cause shortness of breath, blockage of the veins of the lower extremities, and interfere with normal blood circulation. Drink should be at room temperature. Carbonated, tonic and alcoholic drinks are not recommended. Food should be consumed slowly, in a relaxed atmosphere, chewing thoroughly. Rushed air can cause prolonged belching, colic, and general discomfort.

    What products are needed

    Useful cooking for a pregnant woman consists of dishes prepared as follows:

    • Cooking food in a double boiler or baking in the oven. This is the most useful way thermal processing of products. You can bake any food, from vegetables to meat and fish. To do this, use foil, polypropylene packaging or parchment paper. So you can cook dietary meat, retaining all the useful substances in it.
    • Food cooked extinguishing method. This option involves prolonged stewing of food in a sealed container with a small addition of water or vegetable oil. Meat, vegetables and mixed dishes are very tasty and nutritious.
    • Food cooked frying method. In order to maximize the preservation of useful substances in foods that have been fried in a pan, it is necessary to fry vegetables or meat in small pieces on a hot surface without adding fat. A wok pan is ideal for such dishes, it has thin walls that heat evenly from the bottom to the top surfaces. The burner flame should cover the entire surface of the pan, so the burner should be wide.
    • Food cooked in nature on open fire. This very first method of cooking in human society is gaining popularity even now. For a future mother, it is advisable to select lean pieces of meat or fish. In small pieces, you can fry pumpkin, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, potatoes. Before eating, remove the crust formed during frying.

    From plant foods, pregnant women can do everything, individually excluding what can cause allergic reactions. You need to be careful when eating citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, and some exotic fruits. Salads are best seasoned unrefined vegetable oil, trying not to abuse the salt and hot spices. Salt and spices cause an increased feeling of thirst, provoking swelling and the accumulation of excess weight.

    The benefits of beef tongue for pregnant women

    Beef tongue refers to dietary products due to the low content of connective tissue cells. Beef tongue dishes are easily digested without provoking putrefactive processes in the digestive system, which is typical for other types of meat products.

    • takes part in the synthesis of hormones and amino acids;
    • improves performance nervous system;
    • eliminates anemia;
    • stabilizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
    • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
    • improves the functions of the skin.

    In dishes prepared from beef tongue, a high content of protein and trace elements, which contribute to the improvement of the pancreas. Nutritionists believe that this product is able to replenish about half daily allowance trace elements vital for the adult human body.

    Doctors observing pregnant women strongly recommend including beef tongue dishes in the diet, which will eliminate the development of anemia, gastric ulcers and saturate the body of the mother and the unborn baby with useful substances.

    Jelly during pregnancy

    The gelatin contained in the jelly is not able to affect blood clotting. Therefore, pregnant women can eat dishes in which gelatin is present in full. For the preparation of edible gelatin, an extract of Pacific seaweed agar-agar or cartilage and tendons of animal origin is used. cartilage tissue animals are saturated with natural collagen, which will reliably ensure the health of the cartilage of the pregnant woman and the developing embryo.

    Gelatin is rich in glycine. It is an essential amino acid for the body. It is thanks to her that a person feels a surge of energy and mental activity. The composition of gelatin contains the following substances that affect the functioning of the digestive system and the cardiac system:

    • alanine;
    • dicarboxylic acids;
    • peptides;
    • active proteins.

    Some fruits are not advised to be taken raw during pregnancy, as they can cause belching, stool disorders and heartburn. By preparing delicious jelly with the addition of juices or fruit drinks, you can perfectly replenish the supply of trace elements and vitamins in the body of a pregnant woman, combining the useful with the pleasant.

    Doctors have to recommend dishes with the addition of gelatin to pregnant women with an indispensable consideration of the work of the intestines of their patients, since it has a slight astringent effect.

    Brewer's yeast for pregnant women

    Brewer's yeast has a beneficial effect on the body. The product is produced by pharmacological companies in the form of tablets, capsules and suspensions. This is a real storehouse of trace elements and vitamins, which is an excellent dietary supplement.

    Yeasts are unicellular fungal organisms that remain alive under certain conditions. They are obtained in the process of cultivating the following composition: malt, hop cones and beer wort. After combining the components, the fermentation phase begins, followed by fermentation.

    Women during gestation often experience health problems caused by lack of nutrients in organism:

    • increased fatigue;
    • brittleness nail plates;
    • hair loss on the head;
    • decreased immune functions;
    • the appearance of skin rashes.

    Brewer's yeast is prescribed for pregnant women to maintain the body in such a difficult period. The supplement does not contain substances dangerous for the embryo and the mother's body, so experts safely prescribe it to women from the early stages of conception.

    Brewer's yeast is distinguished by the following content:

    • Vitamins B, P and D. Contribute to the restoration of the functions of the nervous system, skin, nail plates, hair follicles.
    • Phosphorus. Renews bone tissue and stabilizes the functioning of the urinary system.
    • Copper. It takes an active part in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, and also stimulates the production of insulin.
    • Potassium. Regulates the acid-base balance in the body and improves the transmission of nerve impulses.
    • Calcium. Forms structural material at the cellular level, creating healthy rudiments of teeth in the embryo and bone.
    • Zinc. Provides regeneration of cells of the cerebral cortex.
    • Magnesium. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, reduces tremor, stabilizing the functions of the nervous system.
    • Silicon. Contributes to the normal absorption of calcium by the body.
    • Sodium. Supports electrolytic balance in the body of a woman and an embryo.
    • Sulfur. Improves the structure of the skin, hair and nail plates.
    • Selenium. Neutralizes dangerous products decay, increases the protective functions of the body.

    However, with all the beneficial properties of brewer's yeast, gynecologists approach their appointment with caution. Active enzymes can provoke dysbiosis of the mucous membranes of the genital tract and disruption of the organs of the urinary system. Therefore, the doctor carefully examines the history of the pregnant woman and individual characteristics.

    Essential trace elements

    Most of the necessary trace elements the body receives from food. These are iodine, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc. In cases where the lack of useful substances involved in metabolic processes, protein synthesis, improving blood circulation and digestion makes itself felt, you should take the necessary trace elements in addition. Seafood, vegetables and fruits are especially rich in trace elements.

    During pregnancy, the female body often lacks iron. Iron deficiency can lead to irreversible processes in the development of the embryo. A woman should monitor the first symptoms of iron deficiency and compensate for it. So, the most common symptoms of iron deficiency are as follows:

    • anemia;
    • increased fatigue;
    • drowsiness;
    • dizziness;
    • muscle weakness;
    • frequent sudden heartbeats;
    • tendency to irritability;
    • depression;
    • dry skin;
    • fragility of the nail plates;
    • restless legs syndrome;
    • dyspnea;
    • loss of appetite;
    • inflammation or pain in the tongue and lips.

    In most cases, you can compensate for iron deficiency by adjusting your diet. Table #1 lists foods high in iron.

    Table number 1. Iron-containing products and the level of trace elements in them

    dried mushrooms

    Rabbit meat

    pork liver

    wheat bran

    Turkey meat

    Brewer's yeast

    cocoa powder

    Beef liver

    Egg yolk



    fresh mushrooms

    Chicken meat

    sea ​​kale

    Egg white

    How to use vitamins correctly

    A pregnant woman should receive the whole complex of vitamins necessary for the body. From berries you can buy cranberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries. All fruits contain vitamin C, which is perfectly preserved for a long time in fruit drinks and berries grated with sugar.

    Fruits can also be consumed raw, if the pregnant woman does not suffer from increased secretion of gastric juice and allergic reactions to some of them. When a woman feels that raw fruits cause increased irritation of the gastric mucosa, then ideal option jelly and fruit compotes will become. Apples can be baked in the oven or in a double boiler; juicy fruits can be used to prepare fillings for cottage cheese dishes.

    In addition to fruits, vitamins are found in meat and dairy products, vegetables, offal. The most complete list of essential vitamins and foods containing them is given in Table 2.

    Table number 2. Essential fat-soluble vitamins during pregnancy

    Vitamin name


    A (retinol + beta-carotene)

    Visual receptors, skin, mucous membranes

    Liver, egg, butter, dairy products

    D (calciferol)

    Calcium absorption, bone and tooth growth

    Egg, butter, hard cheese, milk, fatty varieties fish

    E (tocopherol)

    natural antioxidant

    Vegetable oil, olives, wheat germ

    Blood clotting

    Liver, onion, spinach, cucumber, green pea, parsley dill

    B1 (thiamine)

    Metabolic processes, nerve and muscle activity

    Liver, heart, tongue, beans, peas, brewer's yeast, whole grain cereals

    B2 (riboflavin)

    Metabolic processes, heart function

    Liver, heart, red meat, cereal cereals, dairy products, brewer's yeast

    B5 (pantothenic acid)

    metabolic processes

    Beef, liver, egg, brewer's yeast, cereals

    B6 (pyridoxine)

    Metabolic processes, hemoglobin production

    Beef, chicken, pork, brewer's yeast, liver, cereals

    B8 (biotin)

    Metabolic processes, hair growth, nail plates

    Liver, egg, dried fruits, beans, beans, peas, fish

    B9 (folic acid)

    Cell division and growth, development of the bone skeleton

    Cucumber, spinach, parsley, zucchini, sunflower seeds, lettuce, hard cheese, whole grain cereals

    B12 (cobalamin)

    RBC production, metabolic processes

    Beef, chicken, pork, fish, liver, heart, dairy products

    C (ascorbic acid)

    Natural antioxidant, wound healing, resistance to viral infections

    Most fruits and vegetables

    PP, B3 (niacin)

    metabolic processes

    Beef, chicken, pork, river fish, ocean lean fish, brewer's yeast, beans, peppers, peas

    Do's and Don'ts

    Each organism is individual. It is possible that the diet of one pregnant woman is categorically not suitable for another. The characteristics of each organism will show what it is desirable to refuse during the period of bearing a child, and what to focus on. However, nutritionists have developed special tables for pregnant women, the advice of which should be followed. Table 3 lists the most commonly used Everyday life products and dishes from them, as well as the benefits and possible harm for pregnant.

    Table number 3. Recommended and undesirable foods for pregnant women


    Bread and bakery products

    Bran bread, wholemeal bread, crackers, savory pastries

    Pastries from the highest grades of flour, puff pastries and rich pastries

    Vegetable soups in low-fat broth, lean borscht, beetroot

    Fatty broths

    Lean steamed or boiled beef, rabbit meat, skinless chicken meat

    Fatty meats, homemade fatty sausages, dumplings, smoked bacon, canned meat

    Low-fat varieties of fish (pollock, hake, pelengas, perch, carp, saffron cod, grenadier)

    Fatty fish, smoked, salted fish, canned fish, crab sticks

    Cereals, cereals, legumes

    Buckwheat, rice, wheat, barley, corn, oatmeal

    Semolina porridge, dishes with a high content of beans, peas, beans

    1-2 eggs per day (boiled or scrambled)

    Fried or raw

    Sour-milk products, low-fat cottage cheese, cheesecakes, casserole, yogurt, low-fat sour cream, cheese

    Smoked cheeses, raw milk

    Fruits vegetables

    Boiled vegetables, fruits in compote or jelly; cranberries, blueberries, nuts, pumpkin seeds

    Red fruits and vegetables, some citrus fruits if allergic

    Fats and sweets

    Olive, sunflower, corn and butter, jelly, jam, chocolates in moderation

    Sweet pastries with rich cream, too large portions of chocolate

    Snacks, spices

    Vegetable salads, vinaigrette, vegetable caviar, fruit salads

    Hot sauces, horseradish, mustard, hot pepper, vinegar, salt

    Small volumes of natural juices, fruit jelly, dried fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks, weak teas, rosehip broth, chamomile tea

    Alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea, tonic drinks high in sugar and gas

    Nutrition of a pregnant woman by month

    In each trimester, it is necessary to focus on foods with a high content folic acid This contributes to the normal development of the fetus. It is not advisable to limit yourself in water consumption. However, drinking too much liquid during the day, and especially at night, is not worth it. Water should be purified, without dyes and artificial flavors, non-carbonated. It is not recommended to drink water at the time of a meal or immediately after, it is better to do this before a meal and a couple of hours after a meal.

    In the first trimester, you can plan your daily food intake as shown in table No. 4. Depending on whether there are allergic reactions to various fruits and vegetables, each woman should regulate their consumption on her own or on the advice of an observing doctor.

    Table No. 4. Recommended daily diet for a pregnant woman in the first trimester

    Day of the week



    Buckwheat or rice porridge (you can add milk), fresh juice (carrot, apple, orange)

    Puff with pumpkin or spinach

    Whole grain bun, broccoli pea soup, rosehip tea

    apple or carrot

    Braised chicken with rice or pasta, mint tea

    Bran bread with cucumber or tomato and hard cheese

    Yogurt or curdled milk

    Spaghetti with tuna, zucchini with olive oil

    Curd cheesecake

    Oven baked potatoes with beans

    Oat flakes with milk, kefir

    grapefruit or orange

    Lean beef casserole with beans

    Dried apricots with prunes

    Vegetable salad from boiled rice, eggs and sardines, tomato or cranberry sea

    Cheesecakes with the addition of low-fat sour cream, carrot juice with pulp

    White or red cabbage salad with olive or corn oil

    Laminaria salad with unrefined sunflower oil, fish pie, dried fruit compote

    banana or kiwi

    Wholemeal bread, boiled egg, lettuce, baked milk or kefir

    Oatmeal porridge in water or milk with the addition of dried apricots or prunes, fermented baked milk or yogurt

    Several walnuts, steamed dried fruits

    Boiled pasta from durum flour with low-fat meat sauce, carrot or cranberry juice

    Toast with butter

    Lavash with soft or melted cheese with greens, chamomile or rosehip tea

    Omelet with a small amount of vegetables and ham, croutons, fresh orange or tomato juice

    Bran bread with lean salted salmon

    Boiled chicken meat, avocado salad, curdled milk or kefir

    A few walnuts or peanuts

    Vinaigrette with bran bread, salted herring, fermented baked milk


    Pancakes or pancakes with fruit or jam, yogurt

    apple or pear

    Bran bread, vegetable soup with a piece of lean meat, compote or green tea

    Carrot salad with low-fat sour cream

    Boiled or stewed chicken, boiled potatoes, carrots or boiled beets, mint tea

    Table No. 5. Recommended average daily food intake for pregnant women in the second trimester

    Daily Value(g)

    Wheat bread

    Rye bread

    Wheat flour

    pasta or spaghetti


    vegetable dishes

    Fresh fruits

    Dried fruits

    Sweet flour products

    Fish, seafood

    Low-fat cottage cheese

    Sour cream, fat content not more than 10%

    Dairy products


    Vegetable oil

    Hard cheeses

    Black tea

    iodized salt

    Natural coffe

    Table No. 6. Recommended average daily food intake for pregnant women in the third trimester

    Daily Value(g)

    Fish (boiled or stewed)

    Meat (boiled or baked in a sleeve without a crust)

    Low-fat cottage cheese

    Dairy products

    Low fat sour cream


    Vegetable oil (corn, sunflower, olive)

    Wholemeal bread

    White bread made from premium flour



    Cauliflower, white cabbage or broccoli

    Bulb onions

    Cucumber tomato

    Prunes, figs, dried apricots, raisins

    Table number 7. Chemical composition the required diet per day in the second and third trimesters


    Daily Value(g)

    Proteins of vegetable origin

    Animal proteins

    Animal fats

    vegetable fats


    Total daily energy value

    2556 kilocalories

    Table No. 8. Recommended number of meals per day, indicating approximate volumes

    I trimester

    II trimester

    III trimester

    Meals 4 times

    Meals 5 times

    Meals 6 times

    Breakfast volume 30% of the daily ration

    Breakfast volume 20% of the daily ration

    The volume of the second breakfast is 15% of the daily ration

    The volume of the second breakfast is 10% of the daily ration

    Lunch volume 40% of the daily ration

    Lunch volume 30% of the daily ration

    The volume of the second lunch is 10% of the daily ration

    Dinner volume 10% of the daily ration

    Snack volume 15% of the daily ration

    A couple of hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of fermented milk products, close to 5% of the daily diet

    Dinner volume 10% of the daily ration

    A couple of hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of fermented milk products, close to 5% of the daily diet


    It is important for every pregnant woman to know which foods should be limited, and which should be completely abandoned for a while during pregnancy. Everything that a woman does during this period instantly affects the health of the unborn baby. The most vulnerable is the woman herself and the fetus during the first trimester. An increased salt content can increase toxicosis, cause increased swelling, which is why spicy dishes seasoned with a lot of spices and canned vegetables should be excluded from the diet, replacing them with fresh ones.

    Fried food is undesirable not only during pregnancy, but also in everyday life. As soon as the pregnant woman reduces the consumption of fried foods, one can immediately notice a decrease in the strong feeling of thirst and improved digestion. Fried provokes constipation, impaired liver function. Today, there are many ways to cook "steamed". At the same time, you should avoid eating pregnant food from microwave oven. Although the products are not covered with a crust, as when fried, they can cause great harm to the body of the mother and child.

    Not everyone can completely eliminate sweets from their diet. However, it should be understood that “fast carbohydrates” do not bring any particular benefit to anyone, giving the body only extra pounds.

    Carbonated sweet drinks have a high content of various dyes, preservatives, flavors, flavor substitutes. There is no mention of alcohol at all. It can only increase toxicosis, irritating the mucous membranes of all organs of the digestive tract, and also bring irreparable harm to the embryo.


    1. Sobolev A.N. "Nutrition of a breastfeeding woman", 2009
    2. Yurkov A.S. "Daily intake of vitamins by pregnant women", 2010.
    3. Ivanskikh A.V. "Peculiarities of nutrition of pregnant women, women in labor and nursing mothers", 2009
