NEGA, bliss, plural no, female

1. Affection, affectionate attitude, careful care. “Father’s will, mother’s bliss.” pogov.

|| Contentment, being in contentment, without need and worries. “His mother was a rich woman, and from childhood he was accustomed to bliss.” A. Ostrovsky . Life in bliss and comfort.

2. Bliss, rapture (poet.). “Blessed is... who, having calmed his cool mind, rests in heartfelt bliss.” Pushkin . “You were born for languid bliss, for the intoxication of passions.” Pushkin . “What a night! There’s such bliss in everything!” Fet .

  • - ...

    Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

  • - On bliss. Sib. IN good conditions; in full abundance. SPS, 115; FSS, 121; SBO-D2, 22...

    Big dictionary Russian sayings

  • - serene; marvelous; burning; life-giving; creepy; perky; gold; affectionate; crafty; lush; sweet; sweet; voluptuous; passionate; calm; secret; languid; languid; intoxicating...

    Dictionary of epithets

  • - female a state of complete contentment, delight, for all sensory needs. He lives in luxury and bliss; all his whims are fulfilled, all sensual pleasures are at his service...

    Dictionary Dahl

  • - NEGA, - and, wives. . 1. Complete contentment. Live in bliss. 2. Bliss, as well as passionate languor, affection. Indulge in bliss. N. in his gaze...

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - NEGA, negi, plural. no, female 1. Affection, affectionate attitude, careful care. “Father’s will, mother’s bliss.” pogov. || Contentment, being in contentment, without need and worries...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - bliss 1. A state of complete contentment; life without need and worries. 2. Bliss, rapture. 3. Tenderness, affection...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - n"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - tender bliss, Ukrainian. nigga, blr. , other Russian own Nezhata, Russian-tslav. nѣga εὑφροσύνη, Serbo-Croatian. Vega "supervision, care", Czech. něha. Related to ltsh. naigât, -ãju “to experience a need, to crave”...

    Etymological dictionary Vasmera

  • - Father’s will, mother’s bliss...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - ...

    Word forms

"NEGA" in books

Snowdrop (“Only the blessed bliss of spring…”)

From the book Tenderer than the Sky. Collection of poems author Minaev Nikolay Nikolaevich

Snowdrop (“Only the blessed bliss of spring...”) Only the blessed bliss of spring Will spread its greetings over the earth, From under the layer of the last snow Will the first snowdrop look into the light. Somewhere on a secluded hillock, As if timidly hiding from view, He will appear as a messenger

author Shestakov Dmitry Petrovich

32. “The West - all the bliss of the tired sun on it!..”

From the book Stubborn Classic. Collected Poems (1889–1934) author Shestakov Dmitry Petrovich

32. “The West is all the bliss of the tired sun on it!..” The West is all the bliss of the tired sun on it!.. The sun caresses it so hotly with its ray, So burns it with its passionate kiss, - As if it is bidding farewell to its beloved forever. The west is cloudy and, disdaining the late caresses, He looks to where,

From the book Ossetian pies. 1000 and 1 recipe author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

Soft cheese with dried ham and figs “Nega”

From the book Cheese Dishes author Treer Gera Marksovna

Roast beef with raisins, dried apricots, walnuts, sour cream, cumin, turmeric, ginger and mint “Eastern bliss”

From the book Dishes with raisins, dried apricots and prunes author Treer Gera Marksovna

Nut nougat with honey, proteins and Nega waffles

From the book Oriental Sweets author Treer Gera Marksovna

Hips from the inside: silk and bliss

From the book The Art of Being a Woman author Frolova Evgenia Valentinovna

Thighs from the inside: silk and bliss The more skillfully the stimulation of erogenous zones, the sweeter the sex. Remember that the most sensitive areas are those that are rich in nerve receptors, and the closer they are to the genitals, the stronger the arousal will be. Inner thighs -

Sensual bliss of stone therapy

From the book Geisha School in 10 simple lessons by Tanaka Eliza

Sensual bliss of stone therapy How to Alternative option To relax your body, try one of the most favorite procedures among geishas - hot stone massage (stone therapy). Stone therapy is no less ancient than, say, hydrotherapy or thalassotherapy. IN


by Tanaka Eliza

Chapter 3 SENSUALITY AND NEGATIVE BATHHS HISTORY Almost all Japanese traditions were borrowed from the Chinese, but the concept of cleanliness belongs specifically to the Japanese, is their own idea. For them, taking a bath meant cleansing both physically and spiritually.


From the book Sexual Practices of the East. Geisha love art by Tanaka Eliza

THE SENSUAL PEASURE OF STONE THERAPY As an alternative, to relax your body, try one of the most favorite treatments among geishas - hot stone massage (stone therapy). Stone therapy is no less ancient than, say, hydrotherapy or thalassotherapy. IN

We talk about the difference between male and female affection, care and tenderness.

In a matriarchal, sexist society, tenderness and care are perceived in a feminine format. It is believed that male tenderness, care and affection are the same as female, only on the part of a man. Same actions.

That is, it means some kind of woman-man, androgyne, who for some reason behaves like a woman. When a woman expects from a man the same actions as she shows love herself, then she subconsciously confuses a man and a woman.

Meanwhile, this big mistake women. I am considering, of course, a normal man and woman. A strong-willed, independent, self-sufficient, purposeful man, leader, leader of his family. And a feminine, driven woman, the keeper of the hearth, the faithful companion of her man, the mother of his children, who believes in her man and follows him.

Women's care is to create a cozy, comfortable, conflict-free psychological climate in a couple, in a family. With your peace, affection and love, extinguish the anger and annoyance of a man. Remember the hardships that the man went through outside the family and not create additional problems for him in the family. This also applies to fidelity - a woman should behave in such a way that a man does not have a single doubt about his woman’s fidelity.

Men's concern is to protect the family from external negative influences, whatever they may be. Solve family problems. Manage your family and budget wisely and prudently. Act as a fair arbiter in family disputes. Stop major intra-family conflicts and understand their causes. Take care of your woman and children. And the main thing is responsibility to those who follow him.

Women's tenderness and affection is, first of all, a verbal, physical, emotional expression of love and affection for her man. Including good sex.

A man expresses tenderness and affection in the form of protection and caring attitude towards his woman, preserving her peace. Sex - of course, no comments here.

You should not expect lisps and sentimental words from a man. Often women accuse men of not “loving” them, meaning that men do not behave like women. This is due to the fact that most modern women doesn't know how to be with men. Raised in families without a father or with a henpecked father, a dumb brute, they do not see and cannot imagine what a normal man is, how he behaves and how she, a woman, should behave with him. They adopt the behavior style of a capricious or dominant mother. And the image of men and their supposedly normal behavior is formed from a downtrodden womanizer-father, in whom unmasculine behavior is mixed with unfeminine behavior.

A man shows his love not with words, not with baby talk, but with deeds. The main expression of a man's concern for his family is his determination, courage, and perseverance in achieving his goal. When a man knows that he is loved, believed in, helped, trusted and followed, that a woman has entrusted her destiny to him, he will move mountains. And it would be fair to say that a certain share of these rolled mountains is rightfully the merit of a faithful, reliable companion and ally. Women of their leader.

Some men are embarrassed to show their tenderness and affection to a woman. They think that they will not look masculine enough. Well, if all he does is cooze with his beloved, and the rest of the time he lives like a vegetable, or, even worse, under a woman’s heel, then there is no point in caring about masculinity. Because there is no masculinity itself.

If he is a strong-willed man, firm in his intentions, purposeful, independent in his thinking and actions, then perhaps episodes of physical tenderness will help him take off his armor and relax with his loved one? On the contrary, his everyday masculinity will look brighter against the backdrop of these moments of tenderness.

P.S. For me personally, the most tender expression of caring for a woman is to cradle her on my lap, watch her fall asleep with a smile and take care of her sweet dream) This is about affection. The main thing is my Business. Which, including, for the sake of loved ones.

This material will be included in the book "Being a Woman. Being with a Man."

For washing items that require careful care, Laska is the #1 choice of many people. Caring for a silk dress, woolen jumper and even a down jacket becomes easy thanks to the Laska gel. When washed with this product, things do not lose color, become soft to the touch, are easy to iron, do not form pills on them, do not become deformed and acquire a pleasant aroma. In addition, there is no need to use fabric softeners and fabric softeners, which makes the process of caring for clothes more economical.

Types of means

Today in the line of products of this brand you can choose the perfect one for every favorite thing. Depending on the color of the clothing and the type of fabric, choose the appropriate “Laska” product:

  • “3D white restoration” will give things their original whiteness.
  • "Black Shine" will remain saturated color clothes.
  • “Color Magic” will add brightness to colored fabrics.
  • "Active&Fresh", created specifically for the care of clothes for active rest and sports, guarantees softness and freshness.
  • “Wool/silk” will protect thin and delicate items from damage.
  • “Care&Repair” gently washes clothes, prevents the appearance of pills and removes those that have already appeared.

The right product will guarantee high-quality washing, and your clothes will always look perfect.

Washing rules

One of the main points proper care laundry is done after the clothes. You should always sort your laundry not only by color, but also by type of fabric. There are different rules for washing clothes.

The instructions indicate that when caring with Laska, the method of use is as follows:

  • For hand washing, 20 ml of product is poured into 5 liters of water.
  • IN washing machine The automatic dosage is selected according to the degree of soiling of the laundry: 60 ml is used for light soiling, 90 ml for medium soiling and 120 ml for heavy soiling. The liquid must be poured into the washing powder compartment or directly into the drum of the machine.

The water temperature range for washing should be maintained from 30 to 60 degrees. The use of a product intended for fabrics of a different type and color is unacceptable.

White and black things

Such a problem as the rapid loss of whiteness of linen is known to many. The laundry detergent from the “Weasel for White” series will come to the rescue. The gel packaging has a convenient dosing cap. The product dissolves perfectly and without residue in water, and is completely removed when rinsing, leaving no streaks. The formula saves White color, making it more intense. And special components in the composition smooth out rough fabric fibers. As a result, things become smooth and shining white.

When washing in hard water, the results may deteriorate. Regular baking soda dissolved in washing water or added to the washing machine drum will help soften it.

To ensure that black items retain their color, they should be washed separately. Detergent must be used specifically for such laundry.

Perfectly copes with the task of "Weasel Magic of Black". The fact is that during washing, the dye is washed out of the clothes, and the color intensity is significantly reduced. Black things become gray and faded. The formula of the product is designed specifically for the care of clothes of this color. During the washing process, the gel components envelop the fabric, creating a protective shell. As a result, the dye remains and the items retain their rich black color.

Another advantage of the product is its ability to make fabric softer and smoother. If the water is hard, it is advisable to increase the dosage.

Colorful and sports items

Colored items are washed separately not only from black and white. You should sort them by shade. You can't put blue and red together.

Washing with Laska detergent intended for colored laundry works like this:

  • gel components envelop fabric fibers, protecting and restoring them from damage;
  • they prevent dyes from washing out, preserve the color of the product, and also make it rich and shiny.

Sportswear requires a special approach. Designed for energetic pastime, it needs protection. Laska Active&Fresh is ideal for washing sportswear. It affects unpleasant odors, neutralizing them. The effect appears during active movements: the person trains, and the clothes are refreshed. Carefully cares for and preserves the features of things, such as protection from wind and cold. Ideal for modern clothes with a “breathing” function, as it completely retains the properties of the membranes.

Delicate wash

Products made from natural silk and wool are very beautiful, but require special care. Conventional powders destroy the fibers of these fabrics, so they simply cannot survive repeated washing. The Laska product line includes a special product designed to care for such delicate items. It preserves the integrity of natural fibers, clothes do not deform when washed. In addition, the gel provides softness to the fabric and removes stains very carefully.

Detergent "Laska" with a restoration effect can eliminate up to 80% of pellets. It reliably protects new fabric from damage, and the laundry remains fresh for a long time.

Affectionate attitude. What is a 4 letter word?

    I think the word is NEGA. After all, judging by the interpretation of various dictionaries, one can assume just that.

    Ushakov's explanatory dictionary: affectionate attitude, careful care; bliss, rapture.

    Wiktionary: a state of complete contentment, a life without needs or worries; pleasure, enjoyment, bliss, rapture; tenderness, affection, tenderness.

    Slovopedia: a state of complete contentment, delight, for all sensory needs.

    I'll try to guess what it is bliss. True, I’m not sure that this is really the word that is needed, but one of the meanings of this word is rapture, which expresses tenderness, which in fact is very close to affection.

    The four-letter word for this question is very suitable bliss. Check, if the letters match, then the word is correct! Nega is more of a test of bliss and affection in my understanding, but it can also be interpreted with the phrase affectionate attitude.

    There is a word that can be used to define an affectionate attitude. It describes affection, warmth, mutual understanding and much more. This word - bliss, and given the question and the indicated number of letters, it seems to me that only this will fit here.

    I think the correct answer would be the word NEGA. If you look in the dictionary for its meaning, it indicates: life without any worries, pleasure, pleasure, affection, bliss and rapture. Just right in meaning and number of letters.

    Of the four words, there will be only one affectionate attitude: BLESSING - and ecstasy from affection, relaxation from feelings, an experience of bliss and complete pleasure. Poets will talk about this feeling better than me, but I completely agree with the desired person - NEGA.

    In another way, tenderness and affectionate attitude can be called NICE. Therefore, answer NEGA if you are looking for the correct answer in the game Guess the words for the Android platform. Personally, I couldn’t remember this word for a long time, but then it dawned on me.

    This word consists of four letters. Therefore, after a short search, I settled on the word bliss. although I usually solve crossword puzzles myself, or look at the answers so that in the future I know the answer to this or that question.

    I think the four letter affectionate attitude would be NEGA. You can immediately guess what this word means. Means complete contentment. Live in bliss. Bliss, as well as passionate longing and caress.

    A four letter word is absolutely NEGA. In Dal's dictionary, Nega is defined as a state of complete contentment, pleasure, for all sensory needs. For example: He lives in luxury and bliss, all his whims are fulfilled;

    The hidden word consists of four letters. So this makes it much easier to find the answer. Well, as everyone has already guessed, the correct answer to the question will be the word NEGA. This word means tenderness, affection. Well, if you look into the Russian language, a word consists of a root and an ending, where the ending is the letter a, but this is so for self-development.
