Some couples take care of contraception all their lives, while others cannot conceive a child without even being protected. Getting pregnant is not as easy as the average person might think. Of course, there are a large number of examples when pregnancy occurs in a couple who do not expect it at all. But there are other cases when a couple has been trying to become parents for a long time, but it doesn’t work out. What could be the problem, let's see.

There are a number of invariable factors that affect fertility. But there are other circumstances that are quite subject to change, and all you need is the desire to go towards the intended goal.

Step #1. What should be done at the beginning of the journey?

1. It's time to finish with contraceptives

Certain methods of contraception can affect your body systems for a little longer than you might think. The minimum period that the female body needs to conceive after using contraceptives changes.

  • Hormonal contraceptives - such as OCs, hormonal injections, or a hormonal ring. After them, the female reproductive function needs a period of adaptation and there may be a long period of correction of the hormonal level.
  • IUD - intrauterine device - before attempting to conceive a child, it must be removed with the help of a medical specialist.
  • If you have used barrier methods of protection (caps or condoms), then you do not have to worry about adjusting the menstrual cycle, just cancel them. But remember about sexually transmitted infections, because until that time they have reliably protected you.

2. Find out your ovulation days

If you make love on the days when your body is most ready for conception, then your chances of getting pregnant will increase several times. There are a number of rules for tracking ovulation:

  • You need to count from the first day of your last period. If we average the values, then a significant number of women ovulate on the 14th day after this date. (Because of this, you should only make love to your husband on day 14? Not really, see point 3 for clarification)
  • Download the smartphone app to track your cycle. This is not difficult to do, just use the search engine.
  • Measure your basal body temperature. It will grow a little during ovulation. Keep a thermometer near your bed and measure your basal temperature every morning after waking up (try to do this at the same hour each day). A woman's readiness for conception increases 2-3 days before the temperature rises. You need to track its value within a month and you will already be prepared for the next period.
  • Keep an eye on the cervical mucus that is left in your panty liner. It seems nasty or ridiculous, but it's a pretty effective method. When the discharge is clear, sticky and looks like raw egg white, then you have begun a fruitful period. "Relationship" with her husband is desirable to continue daily for 3-5 days after you notice the above signs.
  • Use ovulation tests. They can be purchased at any local pharmacy and even in a supermarket. This is the easiest way, but it requires little material costs.

3. Make love

After determining the period of ovulation, get down to business. The frequency and duration of lovemaking can affect your chances of getting pregnant, so read the following tips:

  • Start with regular PA shortly before ovulation. This is necessary because the egg cell lives for about 24 hours, but the spermatozoa retain their vital activity in the fallopian tubes for up to a week. To ensure the accuracy of "hitting the target", it is better to start early.
  • Better often than rarely. Do not look at the fact that spermatozoa can live up to 7 days, those that have a younger age "work" better. Try to make love at least every other day (maybe more often) during your readiness.
  • Do not use spermicides, lubricants or chemical irritants. Items aimed at increasing pleasure and preventing conception should be avoided at this time.
  • Relax and forget about your goal. Try to get maximum pleasure, in this case, the spermatozoa will reach the cervix in more favorable conditions.
  • After PA, lie down for a bit. You do not need to throw your legs above the body, but you should not get up either. It has been established that a horizontal position after the end of PA for a quarter of an hour increases the chance of conception by 50%.

4. Pregnancy test

After ovulation has passed and you and your partner have done everything that depends on you, it's time to wait. Some women are very worried and cannot be inactive, but still you need to wait for the next menstruation, and if they are absent, you can do a long-awaited pregnancy test, or rather a few. If you are very impatient, then you can try using the following methods, which are very likely to judge conception:

  • Do not finish measuring your basal temperature, and if it remains high for 14 days after ovulation, you are most likely pregnant.
  • About a week after conception (plus or minus 2-3 days) it can begin. This is a very clear sign of conception.

Step #2. How to get pregnant if you can't. Fertility boost

1. Don't get upset too soon

Most couples fail to get pregnant the first time. Out of 100 pairs, only 15-20 succeed. However, 95% of couples achieve what they want naturally, but within 2 years of starting the journey. You can't control every factor in your fertility, but there are a few simple steps you can take to improve it.

Fertility is the ability of an organism to conceive offspring.

2. Plan Your Pregnancy in a Medical Facility

Even if you don't have any reproductive problems, planning a pregnancy is a very good idea. Your doctor will examine gynecological chair, appoint a series of tests. Here are a number of diseases that can affect the ability to conceive:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) - affects ovulation;
  • endometriosis - suppresses fertility;
  • diabetes - with an uncontrolled course, it can contribute to the appearance of birth defects in a child;
  • thyroid disease - like diabetes, in the case of constant monitoring, it does not harm the fetus and pregnancy in any way.

3. Watch your health

If you have not thought about it before, now is the time to pay attention to your health. You can increase your chances of getting pregnant if you keep your body in good shape.

  • Lose weight. Studies show that obese women have more problems not only with conception, but also with pregnancy. If your body mass index is high (above 25), then you should definitely go on a sparing diet and exercise at least 3 times a week. Measuring body mass index is easy. To do this, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. For example, Anya has a weight of 87kg and a height of 1.64m. The following calculations are obtained: 87 / (1.64 * 1.64) \u003d 32.3. As you can see, it is desirable for Anya to start monitoring her weight, because the index is quite high.
  • At the same time, you do not need to lose weight too much. In women with an index less than 18, menstruation may stop and difficulty conceiving will begin.

4. Take vitamins

Before pregnancy, you need to start building up nutrients in organism. For example, taking folic acid before pregnancy reduces the risk of neural tube defects in a child by several times. It is desirable that your set of vitamins contains iron, folic acid and calcium.

5. Watch your diet

There are foods that contain substances that can affect fertility and even a developing baby.

  • The use of pesticides is very harmful, so choose only natural products.
  • Avoid trans fats, which are found in processed baked goods and sweetened foods. It is believed that a diet high in trans fats can lead to infertility.
  • Avoid eating raw and lightly processed fish, unpasteurized cheeses, vegetables that don't look fresh, and meats that contain nitrates.
  • Eat a diet rich in organic plant foods that include grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. The antioxidants, vitamins and minerals found in these foods improve cellular health and promote healthy uterine lining.
  • Some types of protein can increase fertility: tofu, chicken, eggs and seafood are high in omega 3 fatty acids, selenium and iron.
  • Milk, kefir and natural yogurt are also very useful.

6. Keep track of your partner's health

Provide a man with foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin E. Ask him to limit his intake of alcohol, caffeine, fat, sugar and smoking 3-6 months before conception.

For a partner, you can also choose a complex of vitamins, which necessarily contain selenium in their composition.

7. Avoid stimulants and "depressants"

In our country, it is customary to relax only with alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and even heavier drugs. But these "rest" stimulants should be avoided for a woman who is planning a pregnancy. Be sure to stop smoking, drinking alcohol and drinking too much coffee before you become pregnant.

8. Fight sexual dysfunction and psychological problems

Sometimes the desire to conceive a child takes possession of a couple so strongly that they cease to feel the pleasure of PA. A man and a woman begin to look at their intimacy only through the prism of conception, and this is extremely wrong. Try not to let temporary problems in conception ruin your relationship. Perhaps you should forget about the problem for a while, go on vacation and let go of the situation. Some couples will be helped by an experienced sexologist or psychologist. You need to know that there is always a way out and not to make the partner guilty of all troubles.

Family planning is a sensitive process and not always easy. It often happens that young parents, before becoming such, have to work hard on the process of conception. And here the main thing is not to panic, not to fuss and "do not give up." You just need to carefully study the process itself and adhere to some rules that will help in completing your plan.

There are seven fundamental conditions that must be created for the successful conception of a child. Let's look at each of them.

The first condition is an examination by a specialist

So, you have planned the birth of a baby in your family, what's next? You need to conceive, endure and give birth. For conception, first of all, it is necessary to undergo a preconception examination by a doctor - a specialist in this field. Do not be afraid to undergo a joint examination with your spouse. The doctor will definitely give practical advice and “bless” your enterprise.

You will receive recommendations regarding even the health of your unborn baby. For example, you will learn what vitamins and how best to take during pregnancy, so that the baby is born healthy, and so as not to lose your own health and strength.

The second condition is to act within the cycle

Every woman can and should monitor her cycle and be able to determine the so-called favorable days for conceiving a child. These days, of course, include the phase of ovulation. What is characteristic of this phase?

  1. First, there are changes in the vaginal discharge. They become transparent, but more viscous and plentiful. Sometimes, even with blood streaks.
  2. Secondly, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen during the maturation of the follicle.
  3. And, thirdly, increased sexual desire. These are the three characteristics of the ovulation phase that most women experience to some degree.

On average, the ovulation phase occurs on the twelfth to fourteenth day after the start of the cycle. If the ovulation phase is not clearly expressed physiologically, then from the ninth day of the cycle you can start using ovulation tests and continue to pass them until a positive result. And immediately with the onset of the ovulation phase, it is necessary to stop using any contraceptive drugs and means.

The third condition for conception - do not work on the ideal position during intimacy

Modern theorists in sexology, based on folk wisdom and advice, have deduced many rules that tell you what positions and postures you need to take in order to successfully conceive a child. To be honest, none of these rules has proven to be useful in practice. Therefore, no matter who and what advises you about the “ideal position for conception” during sex - do not listen and do not try to do everything according to these tips. Just love each other and enjoy.

The fourth condition for conception is a quiet rest after intercourse

Many women try to take a vertical position immediately after the end of the act, take a shower, etc. So, if you decide to conceive a child, you should not do this. Immediately after intimacy, you need to lie down for twenty to thirty minutes. Just enjoy and relax. In this case, it is not at all necessary to lift the legs up, or something like that. No. Just stay in the supine position, and then the sperm will enter the cervix for you one hundred percent. And this is necessary for a successful conception.

Fifth condition - do not overdo it!

Sex without a break during the ovulation period is too much. Such zeal does not increase the chances of getting pregnant, and in some cases, on the contrary, it significantly reduces. The fact is that after several ejaculations, male sperm loses its rudimentary properties. Hence it follows that having sex more than once a day will not lead to conception, and may even delay this moment until the next cycle.

For men, there are also some conditions to keep their reproductive functions in perfect order. First, you must categorically avoid tight clothing. Secondly, as little as possible to bathe in the sauna. And, thirdly, do not carry a mobile phone in your pants pockets.

The sixth condition for conception is calmness and only calmness!

Stress, as is known and repeatedly proven, kills a person. Slowly, imperceptibly, but firmly and confidently. Therefore, for the successful conception of a healthy baby, you should avoid any stressful situations. And by the word "any", I mean "ANY". Even the smallest stress can prevent the follicle during the maturation of the egg from releasing it for fertilization. And the ovulation phase will pass without results, which means you will have to wait for the next month and start all over again.

And the seventh condition for a healthy conception is a healthy lifestyle

Do you know what the term includes? healthy lifestyle life? First of all, it is a healthy diet. This includes the use of fresh vegetables, fruits, that is, replenishment of the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, everything should be in abundance, and not in excess. As you know, excess is also unhealthy. Therefore, try to eat balanced and in a certain mode.

Further, a healthy lifestyle is a certain physical activity, that is, fitness classes. But, not from case to case, but also in a certain mode, without reloading. Aerobics, walking, and just morning exercises will help your body not only in the process of conception, but throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

And the last condition for a healthy lifestyle is the complete rejection of bad habits. Remember that nicotine, among other things, actively fights (and often wins) with the reproductive functions of a person. That is, for men and women who smoke, the chances of conceiving a healthy child quickly and painlessly are significantly reduced. And attachment to alcohol can cause a pathological pregnancy and the birth of an unhealthy child.

As you can see, all the rules of life for favorable conception not that hard to do. Therefore, do not panic, just try to create all these conditions for yourself, and soon your family will increase by at least one little man.

Many couples want to have children. But not everyone is ready to spend a lot of time on conception. According to studies, only 10% of couples manage to conceive a child the first time. The remaining 90% "work" on the creation of the baby much longer.

Medicine claims that in order for everything to work out, you need to accurately hit the life cycle of the egg and sperm. After leaving the ovaries, the egg "lives" for a day. In rare cases, its vital activity lasts up to two days.

Spermatozoa in the uterus are viable for three days. But in rare cases, their viability can reach six days.

If you want to quickly and correctly conceive a healthy baby, then the following factors must be considered.

Ways to quickly conceive:

  1. Taking oral contraceptives. During the reception birth control pills ovulation does not occur in the body. With the cessation of their use, the body begins to “release” eggs with double strength, so the girl’s chance of becoming a mother is doubled. This method is effective only after taking oral contraceptives for 3-4 months continuously. This method is not very safe for girls. Wrongly matched oral contraceptives disrupt the hormonal background, contribute to a change in body weight. Therefore, it is forbidden to choose birth control pills for yourself.
  2. Douching with a weak soda solution. This method prolongs the life of spermatozoa in the vagina. Douching also eliminates inflammation and thrush, which often becomes an obstacle to the fertilization of the egg.

It is worth remembering that conception can occur, but the zygote will not attach to the epithelium of the uterus and will come out with the onset of menstruation. The reasons for not attaching the zygote to the tissues of the uterus should be established only by a gynecologist. It is impossible to do this on your own.

What days are best?

In order to conceive a baby, you should know which days are better to have sex. According to medical research, ovulation in women occurs on the 12th day after menstruation. It is from 12 to 15 days that partners are more likely to become parents in the future.

But the age of the woman also plays an important role. It is easier to get pregnant from 20 to 25 years old. At this age, failures of the menstrual cycle occur less often, and the body carries out regular ovulation.

After the age of 25, the menstrual cycle is often disrupted, so it is difficult to calculate the right days. To determine fertile days, basal temperature is measured.

Step-by-step measurement instructions basal body temperature:

  1. Basal temperature is measured after waking up. It is not recommended to get out of bed and make any movements, so as not to violate the accuracy of the measurement.
  2. To measure, a thermometer is inserted into the anus of a woman for 5-8 minutes.
  3. On fertile days, the basal temperature is 37.4 degrees. With a cold and other diseases, this indicator will be higher, so it will not be possible to determine the exact basal temperature.

The second way to determine ovulation is to use special test systems. To determine the test strip is lowered into the woman's urine and left for 2 minutes. The appearance of two stripes means the beginning of the ovulation period.

Remember that the accuracy of ovulation days is affected by:

  • Stress.
  • Overwork.
  • Sleep deprivation.
  • Experiences.
  • Hormonal disorders and failures.

What is the best position to conceive a baby?

Poses for conception:

  1. Women from below or the "missionary" position. In this position, the male and female genital organs are as close as possible.
  2. A man behind a kneeling woman. In this position, the seminal fluid does not flow out of the vagina, so the chances of a successful conception of crumbs increase.
  3. When the uterus is bent, you need to have sex in the “spoon” position (knee-elbow position). In this position, the man and woman lie on their sides. The woman is located with her back to the man, slightly bending her legs and moving her elbows to the side. This position promotes deep penetration and rapid ejaculation in men.

After intimacy, it is better for a woman to take the “birch” position - raise her legs together up.

It is difficult to get pregnant in a position when a woman is on top. This arrangement of the female body contributes to the flow of sperm.

What prevents in conception the first time

The probability of conception from the first time is affected by:

  1. Partner age.
  2. Partner lifestyle.
  3. Postponed abortions or other operations in the female genital system.

Note! In addition to the above factors, there are reasons that prevent the fertilization of the cell from the first time.

Table: reasons

Cause Description
Antibiotics Data reception medicines negatively affect the liver and reproductive system of women.
lubricant Intimate gels, lubricants and lubricants kill sperm or reduce their activity.
abortion After an abortion, it is extremely difficult to get pregnant due to a violation of the uterine epithelium.

It is more difficult for the future embryo to catch on in the uterus, so it comes out with menstruation.

Physiological abnormalities Physiological changes mean:

Curvature of the uterus.
Obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This problem in modern gynecology with the right approach and treatment is successfully eliminated.

Tumor If on reproductive organs there is a tumor, then the process of conceiving a baby the first time is impossible.

Until what age can a man conceive a child?

According to studies, the reproductive age of men affects the likelihood of conception.

At the physiological age of 20 to 40 years, it is easier to "make" a child. After 45 years, genetic changes occur in the seminal fluid of a man, often leading to secondary infertility.

The ability to conceive a baby by a man is negatively affected by:

  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol.
  • Drugs.

These bad habits reduce the mobility of germ cells.

Today it is impossible to say exactly until what age a man can conceive children. It all depends on his genetic level and lifestyle.

It is worth remembering that after 45 years the risk of conceiving children with pathologies increases:

  1. Down Syndrome.
  2. immunodeficiency state.
  3. Schizophrenia.
  4. Mental deviations.
  5. Dwarfism.
  6. skin type mutations.

What if the child is conceived while intoxicated?

When a baby is conceived while intoxicated, the fetus increases the risk of:

  1. developmental delays. The delay can be of two forms: Symmetrical is characterized by diseases of the central nervous system.
    Asymmetric is characterized by a decrease in the mass of the fetus.
  2. Genetic pathologies: Down's syndrome, Edward's syndrome, Patau's syndrome.
  3. Heart disease.

Pregnancy is a very serious step and not everyone is always ready for it. But when the time comes, many couples very often ask themselves the question: “How to get pregnant?”.

In most cases, you can get pregnant through sexual intercourse during ovulation. But even with good health of both partners, this is not always enough. Since the female body will not allow fertilization and development of the fetus if adverse factors arise.

The main reasons that prevent pregnancy:

  • Bad habits and wrong lifestyle. Exposure to toxins on the egg causes a woman to have problems with fertilization. Smoking also negatively affects the functioning of the liver, as a result of which the intensive production of androgen hormones begins. In excess, these hormones prevent ovulation, which reduces the chances of getting pregnant.
  • Weight. Problems with conceiving a child can occur both in too thin and in obese women. Often, excess weight or thinness is a hormonal disorder, which leads to problems with the fertilization of the egg. With fluctuations in body weight in men, there are problems with the production of spermatozoa.
  • Stress - this is one of the main signs of preventing pregnancy. Even with good health records, couples who experience constant stress cannot conceive or carry a fetus safely.
  • Nutrition. Improper or harmful nutrition leads to disruption of the female and male genital organs. In order to accelerate the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to include in the diet a large amount of fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables, as well as foods rich in vitamin A and E, folic acid. Nuts and dairy products should be present in a woman's diet every day.

Men are advised to eat fish, meat and nuts to increase sperm motility.

  • Caffeine. Some research scientists have proven that the use of caffeine in large quantities contributes to a longer and more difficult conception of a child.
  • Medications. Taking medication interferes with the maturation of the egg, thereby causing an artificial delay in pregnancy. Also, you should not take the retinol form of vitamin A, it is better to replace it with the plant form - beta-carotene.
  • intimate hygiene. non-compliance intimate hygiene can lead to diseases that prevent the development of the fetus.
  • Physical exercise. Sports activities are necessary in moderation and in no case should you overdo it. Large loads on the body can lead to a delay in menstruation and even the absence of ovulation.

What to do to get pregnant quickly?

Here are some tips to help you get pregnant for sure:

  • After intercourse, you need to lie on your back a little. This will allow the spermatozoa to freely enter the cervix.
  • When conceiving a child, it is desirable not to bring a woman to orgasm. This is due to the fact that during orgasm the cervix begins to rise and the spermatozoa will have to overcome an additional path.
  • Single sexual intercourse. The first ejaculation occurs with the largest number of sperm, so the first intercourse is the most productive.
  • Ovulation is a very important period for conceiving a child. The most fertile woman becomes in the middle of her cycle, since it is during this period that the egg matures.
  • Studies by many scientists show that the greatest chance of getting pregnant occurs in autumn and spring. This is due to the fact that during these periods the body is most saturated with vitamins and minerals that contribute to fertilization. And male hormones contribute to the production of a sufficient number of active spermatozoa.
  • After intercourse, it is necessary to protect yourself from stressful situations for several days and try to completely relax.

Many experts believe that being in high spirits contributes to the proper and active functioning of the fallopian tubes. It also helps in moving the sperm towards the target. Otherwise, the work of the tubes is disrupted and the spermatozoa do not advance.

In what cases does pregnancy not occur immediately?

Under some circumstances, rapid fertilization is completely impossible.

This is due to a number of reasons:

  • After a miscarriage. Often a miscarriage is provoked by serious health problems for a woman, so before the next pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo full treatment. The recovery period can last up to six months, and in some cases more.
  • After birth control pills. After stopping taking birth control pills, the female body gradually restores its hormonal levels. Full resumption of the work of female organs occurs from 1 month to 5 months. And you can get pregnant only after a year.
  • After the spiral. After removing the spiral, regeneration of the inner layer of the uterus will be required. This usually happens in one or two menstrual cycles. At the same time, experts recommend conceiving a child only after full recovery (5-6 months).
  • After the abortion. It is important to know that abortion is defined as the first day of menstruation, so pregnancy is possible after the first two weeks.
  • Pregnancy after 40 years. To accurately get pregnant after 40, a complete study of both the female and male body by specialists is necessary. You should visit a antenatal clinic every 3-6 months and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

How can a man improve his fertility?

To begin with, the future father, as well as the future mother, must adhere to the correct lifestyle:

  • get rid of smoking;
  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • establish proper and healthy nutrition;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • do not overdo it with physical activity.

In addition, a man is contraindicated in wearing tight underwear and taking hot baths. Since temperatures above 37 degrees negatively affect sperm production.

Postures for fertility

Most experienced parents confirm that the position for conceiving a child is very importance. The most popular and effective, according to most, poses is missionary, when a woman lies on her back with a pillow under her pelvis or when a man is behind. It is impossible to single out one most effective pose, because a lot depends on the physiology and structure of the female organs.

But unfortunately, the effectiveness of individual postures has not been proven by scientists.

In the life of a man and a woman, there comes a moment when they are ready to increase their family with the appearance of a baby. Future parents begin to prepare for this important event. First of all, the question arises, how to conceive a child? What measures should be taken so that pregnancy occurs as quickly and without problems as possible?

Preparing for pregnancy

If you decide to become parents, you first need to prepare the body for successful fertilization and normal gestation. Below are the points that a man and a woman must follow before starting the process of conceiving a child:

  • Eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages, if possible, give up or minimize the number of cigarettes.
  • Cut down on beverages such as tea and coffee.
  • Visit a doctor for an examination for the presence of diseases and contraindications to pregnancy. If necessary, undergo the necessary course of treatment.
  • Take a blood test for the Rh factor. Carrying a child with Rh-conflict of parents can be problematic.
  • Eat a balanced diet, prioritize natural products, without preservatives and various chemical additives. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat. Do not get carried away with fatty, spicy foods, as well as sweets.
  • Lose excess weight, especially for women.
  • Fill your life with joyful moments. No stress or depression.

According to statistics, pregnancy in most couples occurs after regular attempts for three months. If this has not happened to you, there is no need to panic, as this is an individual process, sometimes requiring medical intervention.

Right days to conceive

The period of ovulation plays an important role in the issue of conception. Ovulation is the moment when a mature egg leaves the ovary, enters the fallopian tube and lives there, waiting for fertilization during the day. In the absence of conception, she remains in the fallopian tube for another day, after which she dies. Upon meeting with a sperm cell, a zygote (new cell) is formed.

The right time for sexual contact increases the chances of an early fertilization of the egg. These periods include:

  1. Fertile. This is the time period during which the probability of conception is maximum. This period lasts seven days, before ovulation - 5, and 2 days after the release of the egg into the fallopian tube. The most successful of the fertile days are 2 days before ovulation and the ovulatory day itself. To increase the chances of getting pregnant, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for several days before the release of the egg.

  2. The second time period that increases the likelihood of conception is the period from 10 to 18 days of the menstrual cycle. Sexual intercourse at this time should be no more than once every two days.

To use the ovulatory method for the greatest likelihood of becoming pregnant, you first need to calculate the menstruation schedule and designate the days when the female sex cell out into the fallopian tube. You can do this yourself, by measuring basal temperature or by maintaining a menstrual calendar, as well as using a special test.

Choose a pose

The position of the partners during intercourse does not affect the meeting of the sperm with the egg. Male gametes, due to their structure, are very "nimble" and they have one goal - to get to the female germ cell. Therefore, they overcome the obstacles encountered on their way “like a man”.

However, it happens that a woman has a defect in the structure of the internal genital organs. For example, the bend of the uterus does not allow sperm to pass along the intended path. In such cases, a properly chosen position can lead to fertilization. Here are some of them:

  • "Missionary" position - the partner lies on her back, the partner is on top. A woman needs to press her legs to her stomach so that the penis most closely contacts the uterus.
  • Pose when the partner is located behind the partner.

To make it work, choose positions that prevent sperm from flowing out of the vagina. Try not to end sexual intercourse in positions where the woman is on top of her partner.

At the end of the act, ladies who dream of pregnancy are advised to raise their hips so that the sperm does not flow out for as long as possible. For example, you can put a pillow under the buttocks or do the birch exercise.

Age indicator

Who is more likely to get pregnant - a 25-year-old girl or forty year old woman? Of course, the age factor for conception plays a huge role. With age, natural, physiological changes occur in the body that prevent rapid fertilization. Ladies should take this into account and not postpone the conception and birth of a child.

Consider for what period of time, depending on the age of the woman, you should not worry about the absence of pregnancy:

  • During the year, if the girl is not yet 30 years old.
  • Do not panic for nine months to the fair sex 30 - 35 years old.
  • In the period from 35 to 40 years - the absence of conception for 6 months is a reason to visit a gynecologist.
  • It becomes problematic for women after 40 to get pregnant, so three months of “emptiness” is enough to sound the alarm.

After forty years, women begin to have problems with menstrual cycle, the mucous layer of the endometrium becomes thinner, the number of follicles in the ovaries decreases, the number of chronic diseases increases. All these problems reduce the chances of conceiving a child, increasing the risk of becoming infertile.

sperm quality

Successful fertilization can be obtained provided that the man has high-quality and healthy spermatozoa. It is possible to improve sperm, for this men should follow the following rules:

  1. Do not get carried away with alcoholic beverages. The ethanol contained in them helps to reduce the production of the male hormone - testosterone and kills a large number of spermatozoa. Tobacco and drugs have the same effect.

  2. Refuse to visit baths and saunas, the water in the bathroom should not be too scalding. Avoid testicular overheating high temperatures adversely affect sperm.
  3. Do not wear overly tight underwear and tight pants.
  4. It is recommended to take a course of taking vitamins. The elements contained in them have a beneficial effect on the production of healthy gametes.
  5. Keep fit.

The process of healing sperm is quite long. In fact, all of the above rules should become the usual way of life for a man.

The role of folic acid

Chances of getting pregnant if you're deficient folic acid(vitamin B9) decreases significantly. This element is essential for normal conception and the ability to safely bear a child.

Folic acid is prescribed at least ninety days before trying to get pregnant. This is quite enough to saturate the body with the missing vitamin.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to accept this element not only expectant mother but also to the father. Folate deficiency in men negatively affects the quality and motility of spermatozoa. If there are problems with conception, the stronger sex is required to prescribe a folic acid preparation. Often, it is recommended to take vitamin E in parallel, which increases the amount of sperm produced.

positive attitude

Some couples who dream of having a baby do not always succeed in everything at once. In such cases, you should not despair and get hung up on the problem that has arisen. Stay positive and try to enjoy life. Waiting for the moment when you finally see the “two stripes” should bring joy and good mood. The well-known and scientifically proven fact that negative emotions, stress and depression prevent successful fertilization.

During sexual intercourse, it is worth discarding any experiences and enjoying the process itself, and not thinking “it will work out this time or it will not work out”. Lovemaking should not become a means by which the goal will be achieved. On the contrary, the chances of getting pregnant increase if you enjoy each other.

Is it difficult for you to switch? Try to contact a psychologist, go on a trip, attend some classes together. Do whatever you can to keep yourself from being tormented by expectations and let nature quietly do its work.

Problems with conception

Reasons that may not result in rapid fertilization include:

  • The period of a woman after a miscarriage. A pregnancy interrupted in this way entails the occurrence of complex problems in the body. It is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment before planning a new conception. This period may take at least six months.
  • Taking birth control pills. A woman a few months before the planned period needs to stop taking them, since the full restoration of the female body occurs within one to five months.
  • Use of an intrauterine device. If a woman used such a contraceptive to prevent unwanted pregnancy, after its removal, pregnancy may be absent for more than one year. In such cases, you need to keep a calendar of menstrual cycles.
  • Conception of a child after forty years.

We hope that the rules of conception given in this article will help future parents to fulfill their dream of starting a new life as soon as possible.
