For most young people, going to the gynecologist causes shame and panic. In fact, an examination by a gynecologist is not such a terrible procedure, and if you know all the features in advance, then fears will recede. In addition, a gynecological examination is very important in order to become a mother without any problems in the future.

A girl should start seeing a gynecologist regularly (once every six months) at the age of 14-16. It is better that the first visit was before the first sexual contact.

When is it necessary to visit a gynecologist?

  • If menstruation did not start before the age of 16;
  • If menstruation began before 10 years;
  • If the menstrual cycle is unstable for two years from the moment of the first menstruation;
  • If during menstruation the bleeding is too plentiful;
  • If critical days too painful;
  • If you experience itching, notice redness or rash in the area of ​​the labia, experience painful and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

How to prepare for the first visit to the gynecologist?

Before sitting in gynecological chair Be sure to go to the toilet. Full bladder makes it difficult to examine and can cause unpleasant, and even painful sensations.

If you go to a public clinic, just in case, take a disposable diaper with you, which you need to put on the chair before you sit down.

What questions does a gynecologist usually ask?

The first thing the doctor will ask is your menstrual cycle, are there any failures. To answer these questions accurately, we recommend that you keep a menstrual diary (calendar), where you will mark the first day of menstruation and their duration.

Also, the gynecologist will ask a number of questions regarding sexual life, do you live it, how old was the first experience, and what contraceptives do you use.

How is a gynecological examination performed?

Many girls are afraid to seem ridiculous, and sit down somehow wrong on the gynecological chair. There is no need to be afraid, the doctor will tell you everything if necessary. And believe me, no one will laugh with you.

First of all, the gynecologist will examine the cervix and vagina. If you are sexually active, the doctor will insert a speculum into your vagina and check the condition of the above genital organs. If you are still a virgin, then the gynecologist will not use a mirror, but simply take a smear for analysis.

Next, the gynecologist will check the condition of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. To do this, he will insert two fingers into the vagina, and with the other hand he will feel the lower abdomen. If you are not sexually active, then the inspection procedure will be the same, only the fingers are inserted into the anus.

For analysis, you will take a smear from the vagina.

After examining the genitals, the gynecologist must definitely examine the mammary glands for lumps and neoplasms. The examination consists in examining the nipples and feeling the mammary glands.

OK it's all over Now! The first examination at the gynecologist passed! Be sure to monitor your women's health, and once again, undergo an examination at least once every 6 months. At the first examination, it is better to choose a female gynecologist, so you will feel even more comfortable.

Gynecological chair - the main subject in the gynecologist's office medical center, antenatal clinic, examination room of the polyclinic. Women and girls sit in it to conduct a medical or dispensary examination and perform various medical procedures.

The device consists of the actual chair and footrests. Many women know firsthand what gynecological chairs are. Often polyclinics and antenatal clinics are equipped with metal products. Soviet period, hard, cold, unattractive.

To increase the level of patient comfort and ease of procedures, a modern gynecological chair is equipped with leg holders, retractable rollers, a head roller, which are covered with the same coating as the back with a seat, a step. Various Models can be supplemented with a different set of drives for changing the angle of inclination, as well as some various additional features.

Currently, modern designs have appeared with many settings for height, back angle, etc. If you are going to the gynecologist for the first time for an examination, do not be shy and do not hesitate to ask how to properly sit in the gynecological chair if this design is unfamiliar to you.

The gynecological chair can be used for:

  • genital examination
  • sampling
  • medical manipulations
  • diagnostic procedures

outdated design, minimal
patient comfort and

The design of the gynecological chair
modern design, maximum
patient comfort and optimum
conditions for a gynecologist

How to sit on a gynecological chair

First you need to undress - remove all clothes below the waist, put on clean socks brought with you, or new disposable polyethylene shoe covers. After that, you should go directly to this device.

How to sit correctly on a gynecological chair (photo below) is actually easy to understand. You lay a napkin on the surface on which you will “sit”, climb the stairs onto the chair itself and lie down on it so that the buttocks are on the very edge of the gynecological chair. Then you raise one by one legs and place them on the supports so that these supports are in the popliteal fossa, or rest against them with your feet. In the latter position, it will be more convenient and easier for the doctor to examine with mirrors with taking swabs from the cervix and rectal examination (in virgins).

Find out more about
how to get a gynecological exam
and where better to go to a doctor in Moscow for this procedure.

Before a modern gynecological chair appeared in the office of a gynecologist, foreign and Russian specialists made many attempts to equip workplace in such a way that the examination and the treatment process bring the maximum effect and minimum inconvenience to both sides of the process.

Middle Ages - The first gynecological chair

In the Middle Ages, medicine was under the strong influence of the church, which by all means held back the development of medical science. Doctors of that time had almost no aids at hand to provide full medical care to patients. However, beginning in the mid-16th century, the first medical instruments and specialized furniture began to appear in Europe.

In particular, in the middle of the 16th century, the first surgical table appeared, adapted for examining pregnant women. The author of this table is not known for certain. The table was made of wood and equipped with special leg holders. The lower part of the table was lowered, which made it possible to examine the patient.

Heyday - Obstetric beds and gynecological chairs

If the 16th century was marked by a weakening of the influence of the church on medicine and the desire of medieval doctors to fight ailments with all their might, then from the middle of the 18th century, medical equipment began to improve rapidly.
The first design was made according to the developments of the founder of domestic obstetrics N.M. Maksimovich-Ambodika. The gynecological chair has been modified several times during this time.
At the beginning of the century, Dmitry Oskarovich Ott designed leg holders that were worn on the knees. With the help of ropes, the legs were pulled up to the stomach and fixed behind the head.
By the end of the 19th century, a model appeared that vaguely resembles modern device. It was made of wood, had a soft backrest, a special roller, armrests with wooden handles and footrests. This model was developed by K.A. Rauhfuss, Russian doctor of German origin. It is this chair that can be considered the first prototype of the modern gynecological chair.
At the end of the 19th century, all domestic medical institutions were equipped with beds with a special design, which received their name - Rakhmanov - after the name of their creator - obstetrician-gynecologist A.G. Rakhmanov.
The special design of this bed made it possible, if necessary, to raise and lower the backrest, push in and out the lower part when examining the patient. The bed was equipped with a special tray for the fetus, armrests and footrests.
By the beginning of the 20th century, scientific and technological progress made it possible to improve the invention with the help of a hydraulic drive. With its advent, it became possible to adjust the height of the chair by pressing the pedal if necessary, and the footrests and armrests were installed manually.
Today, most maternity hospitals still use Rakhmanov's beds (rakhmanki), and there is no separate concept of " ". All gynecological, proctological and urological manipulations are performed on the same type of chairs, equipped with various additional equipment and devices.

1701-1830 - Gynecological chairs

For many women, a visit to the gynecologist causes a number of negative emotions, and the gynecological chair is associated with an object intended for torture and abuse.

In order to smooth out negative emotions, you need to know how to properly sit on a gynecological chair and the basic principles of a gynecological examination.

The purpose of a gynecological examination is to examine the general anatomical and physiological state of the genitourinary system and timely detection of diseases of the genital organs of women.

Gynecological examination is carried out for all women twice a year (every six months), as well as as part of a medical examination, in case of complaints or diseases of the organs abdominal cavity, fractures of the pelvic bones.

A timely visit to the doctor allows you to identify a large number of diseases in time and carry out the necessary treatment.

Doctors recommend the first trip to the gynecologist for the purpose of prevention, before the start of an active sexual life to detect the onset of the inflammatory process, for the proper functioning of the hormonal background and the overall performance of the body.

Preparing for a gynecological exam?

First of all, every woman before visiting a doctor should:

  1. Take a warm bath or shower, change clothes. It is worth remembering what you should not do, so as not to wash the microflora, but to let it imagine itself in a normal state for it.
  2. Do not use various perfumes or deodorants for intimate hygiene.
  3. A day before visiting a doctor, you need to refuse sexual contact, since the seminal fluid will interfere with the examination.
  4. In the case when a woman takes a course of antibiotics or uses antifungal drugs, then a visit to the gynecologist should be postponed, and carried out 1-2 weeks after stopping treatment.
  5. The best time for an inspection will be the first 2-3 days after the end. During menstruation, it is not worth going for an examination, if there is no indication for this (bleeding accompanied by severe pain).

During the examination, the woman must have an empty bladder and intestines, otherwise there will be difficulties with examining the internal organs.

It is also worth remembering when the last ones were, what their duration and nature of the course were.

Before visiting a doctor, it is necessary to prepare yourself not only physically, but also mentally, especially for those who do it for the first time. All questions must be answered accurately and honestly. After all, the doctor asks them not out of curiosity, but out of medical necessity.

The main attribute of the medical examination room, antenatal clinic and examination room in any clinic is a gynecological chair.

Women and girls should know how to properly sit on a gynecological chair.


Special rules or instructions for proper fit on the gynecological chair does not exist. Women should only adhere to such advice.

For a more comfortable movement from the place of undressing to the chair, many doctors advise wearing cotton socks. To make it easier for women to climb the chair, small steps were specially invented at the bottom, and armrests were provided on the chair itself on the sides, where women can put their hands and spend some time in a more comfortable state.

Before sitting on a chair, you must lay a disposable diaper, napkin or small towel.

Many women are not afraid of the chair itself, but the metal holders. You should know that they allow you to keep your legs in the right position, for a more convenient examination. With their help, the doctor can adjust the position of the legs so that the examination is as painless as possible.

Before you sit on a chair, you must remove your pants (leggings, leggings, tights) or raise the hem of your skirt or dress. After that, you need to lie on the seat, place your legs on the holders, and move the pelvis closer to the edge of the structure, so that the doctor does not have to reach out to you. It is also necessary to free the lower abdomen from clothing that constrains it for palpation by the doctor.

In order to reduce stress sensations, doctors recommend breathing evenly and deeply.

What does a gynecological examination include?

In addition to the examination on the gynecological chair, the doctor will talk with the woman. It is better if she is of a confidential nature, since with the help of answers, he will be able to build a complete picture of a woman’s sexual life, the correctness of her menstrual cycle and the presence or absence of disorders, diseases in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Only after that the doctor proceeds to examine the pelvic organs using a gynecological mirror. To accurately determine the state of the microflora and the absence of inflammatory processes, the doctor will take one or more smears during the examination.

If the doctor deems it necessary, additional examinations may be prescribed.

The gynecologist completes the examination by probing and external examination of the condition of the mammary glands. The presence of pain symptoms may indicate an inflammatory process.

Gynecological examination is not a scary procedure. Everything is easy and does not require special physical training. The main thing is to tune in morally and go to the doctor's appointment with a good mood.

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Data-lazy-type="image" data-src=" 280w, https:// 640w, zerts-7-150x150..jpg 1201w" sizes="(max-width: 280px) 100vw, 280px"> Often, before going to the gynecologist, most of the girls inspire themselves that the gynecological chair causes a lot of horror and a feeling of discomfort. Gynecology is not an idle science, and the gynecological chair was designed specifically to provide the patient and the doctor with maximum comfort during the examination. But there is truth in the share of fear, because if you sit incorrectly, you will be a little uncomfortable, so you need to know how to sit in the gynecological chair correctly.

Before landing, preparation for the inspection process itself is required. You will need to undress, and then put on clean cotton socks. Having done this, you will not walk barefoot on the cold floor, and the doctor himself will not look at your manicure. In addition, the socks will also hide the smell, because on the way to the doctor, your feet could easily be saturated with the smell of street shoes.

You should not have any problems with getting into the gynecological chair, since in most cases the chair is equipped with a step, and sometimes two steps for a more comfortable ascent. There are also armrests on which you can rest your elbows during the examination. The most terrible and fearful element of the gynecological chair is the leg holders, which absolutely everyone is afraid of. But these leg holders can be adjusted, so if you are not comfortable, then you should immediately inform the doctor about this. It is highly not recommended to engage in the adjustment of the chair as a whole.

First of all, you need to sit on a chair, then lay some kind of napkin or film on the seat, and then, having climbed the stairs, sit on the seat and turn around in order to be in the gynecological chair.

To begin with, you need to sit down as if you were sitting on a regular chair, and then, if you have Short dress or skirt need to lift the hem. After the above steps, you should lie down gently, place your legs on the leg holders. Having done this, you need to move the pelvis to the very edge of the chair. This will make the work of the doctor better. Hands can be placed on the armrests. The main thing is that your body is unloaded, relaxed, and there are no clothes on your stomach.

As soon as you tune in to the examination and completely relax, immediately report this to the doctor, who will immediately get down to business. If you experience pain, you should immediately inform the doctor about it.

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