Examination on a gynecological chair can make any woman worry. Many immediately feel discomfort only at the mere mention of it. But during pregnancy, the procedure will have to go through several times, and therefore you should calm your fear. It should be noted that modern medical furniture has become very comfortable, and therefore the chairs in private clinics are much better than in public institutions. But you can properly position yourself on any: the main thing is to know some of the nuances.

You need to prepare for the inspection before leaving the house. Bring clean cotton socks with you. This way you won't have to walk to the chair barefoot on the floor. Also socks can hide bad smell and dirt on the feet, which could appear on the way to the doctor in street shoes.

Often gynecological chairs are equipped with steps to make it easier to climb onto the seat. It also has armrests and leg holders that can be adjusted. It is better not to touch them yourself, but if after placement you are uncomfortable, be sure to tell the doctor, and he will quickly correct the situation.

Before climbing into a chair, it is better to lay a diaper or a napkin. You should climb the stairs facing the chair and turn only immediately before landing.

Initially, you should sit in the same way as on a simple chair. Then you need to carefully lie down, placing your legs on the holders and shifting the pelvis to the edge of the chair. Hands can be placed both on the chest and on the armrests - it is important that you feel comfortable. It is also better to free the stomach from clothes, as the doctor will have to examine it and palpate the lower part.

You should breathe deeply, before examining it is better to relax. If you feel pain, then immediately tell the doctor and in no case be shy.

It is private clinics that allow themselves to buy a high-quality gynecological chair, so it is better to go for an examination there.

Many women experience some discomfort when visiting a gynecologist. Gynecological chair is perceived by many as a kind of torture construct. All this happens with the wrong attitude to this important procedure. To minimize discomfort during procedures performed on the gynecological chair, you need to sit on it correctly.

The importance of visiting a gynecologist

Visiting a gynecologist is not particularly pleasant for women, and especially for those girls who come to this doctor for the first time. They are very embarrassed by this doctor, they are afraid of the examination chair and in every possible way try to delay the time of his visit. Often, this greatly increases the likelihood of certain diseases that become chronic.

You need to visit this doctor, not only to check the reproductive system, but it will also help to assess the peculiarity of a woman's puberty, as well as the development of the genital organs. That is why you need to know how to use this chair correctly.

Invention history

The earliest description of a design that resembled a gynecological chair refers to early XVI century. A doctor from Germany, E. Bumm, decided to lower part of the operating table and equipped it with special leg holders for operations on the pelvic organs.

At the end of the 19th century, the children's doctor Rauhfuz made a special chair with special footrests made of metal and a soft, comfortable cushion located under the head. At the same time, he invented special leg holders.

The famous Rakhmanov's bed appeared around the 20th century and survived almost unchanged to our time. Among its functional features, the following should be highlighted:

  • high legs;
  • rising back;
  • comfortable lower part;
  • knee pads and armrests.

Over time, more interesting and original designs appeared, distinguished by their functionality and reliability.

In museums, you can see quite beautiful and original furniture, which acts as a gynecological chair, on which many women gave birth. It looks quite strange, but it is not without a certain elegance and attractiveness.

Now such childbirth may seem like torture, but at that time special choice women did not. When the time came, the woman in labor climbed into a chair, where the midwife helped her cope with the delivery.

This design was quite functional, it provided for handles that could be conveniently grabbed during contractions, and there were also special footrests. The backrest can be conveniently folded back a little, and the chair turns into a bed and an operating table at the same time. It was a real relic, which was passed down from generation to generation.

Over time, births began to be performed by qualified doctors, and gradually there were noticeable changes in the design of gynecological chairs, although the features of medieval models can still be traced. To select the required model, you first need to study the main characteristics of this product.

What is a gynecological chair?

In a medical institution, various devices and furniture are used, without which it is almost impossible to diagnose and treat. The gynecological and urological chair is simply an indispensable component of examination rooms. Their choice should be taken with all responsibility, since a properly selected model will help ensure convenience and comfort for both the patient and the doctor.

The buyer is offered a significant selection of models that are different in price, materials used, as well as functional characteristics. The price of a gynecological chair should correspond to its quality. It is in the range from 17 to 220 thousand rubles. This is a very convenient and functional device that helps to inspect and timely identify possible diseases and violations.

What are gynecological chairs?

Despite the fact that the functionality and purpose of this product is not too complex and wide, there are many models on the market, among which it is quite possible to choose the required option. Exist different kinds designs that differ in the type of position adjustment, in particular such as:

  • mechanical;
  • pneumatic;
  • hydraulic;
  • electric.

The product with mechanical adjustment is characterized by a high degree of reliability, as it has been tested over a long period of time. The disadvantage of this design can only be considered that it is not possible to change the position when the patient is already on the chair.

A product with a pneumatic drive is characterized by the fact that it helps to change the position. This design is very convenient, but in the event of a breakdown, it is almost impossible to eliminate such a defect.

Hydraulically actuated designs offer a high level of comfort and continuously adjustable chair position. The replacement of failed parts does not cause any inconvenience and can be easily carried out by a full-time engineer.

Electric gynecological chair - the most modern and convenient way seat adjustment. A big plus is that no additional costs for materials are required, and it is also possible to change the situation very quickly. The model of the gynecological chair MSK-1409 is considered very popular, which is distinguished by reliability and functionality. At the same time, it has an affordable price. There are many options for this design, but when purchasing, you must make sure of the quality of the product.

When choosing a gynecological chair, the registration certificate must be checked first of all, since the degree of reliability and functionality will largely depend on this.

How to choose?

When choosing a gynecological chair, it is important to take into account many different parameters, in particular, such as:

  • upholstery quality;
  • weight and dimensions;
  • load capacity;
  • additional fixtures.

The size of the product is a very important characteristic that affects the level of usability of the gynecological office. Most of them have enough small size and bulky, large equipment can be a very inconvenient element that interferes with the movement of the doctor. Very small gynecological chairs can cause some difficulties in patients with a wide pelvic area or overweight.

Most the best option There will be a product with a load capacity of 150 kg. The gynecological chair in this case will have a double margin of safety and will significantly extend the period of its operation. In addition, this design allows the use of additional equipment, which will increase the level of patient comfort and the convenience of the doctor.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the design of the frame. Such a part can be solid or channel. When using solid models during cleaning, certain difficulties may arise. In addition, it is important to consider the size of the pelvic region and base. They must be the same, otherwise the inspection can be quite traumatic. Quite comfortable and functional is the gynecological chair "Clair", which provides a special level of comfort during the reception and increases the efficiency of the examinations.

What is it for?

There are a variety of designs of gynecological chairs, differing in certain parameters. This product is used for:

  • examination of the genital organs;
  • carrying out medical manipulations;
  • taking tests;
  • diagnostic procedures.

This design helps to greatly facilitate the work of gynecologists and increase comfort during medical procedures for women.

The main advantages of modern products

Gynecological chairs have certain advantages, among which are the following:

  • made from quality materials and have additional designs;
  • reliable in operation;
  • safe at full load;
  • differ in affordable price.

Despite the massiveness of the product, the chair is very easy to disassemble and transport. However, in order to get maximum functionality, you need to correctly approach the issue of choosing a product.

How should you sit in a chair?

Many women who come to the gynecologist for the first time are worried about how to sit in the gynecological chair for an examination? First you need to remove clothes below the waist, and put on clean socks or shoe covers on your feet. After that, you need to lay a clean napkin or towel on the surface of the structure, climb onto the chair on the steps and lie down so that the buttocks are from the very edge.

Raise your legs alternately on the supports so that they are located in the popliteal fossa or rest your feet on them. Correct location women will be able to carry out complex diagnostics, treatment and operations.

Author Olka the Beast asked a question in Doctors, Clinics, Insurance

how to sit on a chair at the gynecologist ???, I was given an appointment for the first time, scary !!! and got the best answer

Answer from Eugene Duchovny[guru]
Undress and sit down. The gynecologist will tell you if something is wrong.
Source: doctor

Answer from yeperesete[guru]
they'll tell you, it's no big deal.

Answer from Larissa Kotenko[guru]
As in the photo, only legs up,

Answer from Ѝduard Tolochyants[guru]
sit properly without panties. and how to spread your legs, the gynecologist will tell you

Answer from 666_hedgehog_13[guru]
he himself will tell this gynecologist, and if it’s easier, then you sit down, put your legs on top of the two special grooves for the legs, thereby lying down with your legs up a little up

Answer from Olga Sorokina[guru]
don't be afraid! you sit down, spreading something under you (a towel, a diaper, a special napkin), legs on stands (there are different ones, you’ll figure it out as you go, it’s okay). If the doctor is good, she will tell you how to sit down, how to move. The main thing is to relax and do not pinch during the examination.
Take clean socks to sit in a chair, sometimes they require it.

Answer from Pearl[guru]
They don’t sit in the chair at the gynecologist, but lie. As experts say, if you can't avoid trouble, relax and explore new sensations.

Answer from ¦V i a g r A¦[guru]
about the same as in your profile picture, only you need to lift your legs higher and lie on your back))

Answer from Yostislav Zhmakin[guru]
I sit on it, cross-legged, with a glass of cognac or a glass of whiskey, I watch TV. It's great to have a gynecological chair at home.

Answer from Anya Demina[guru]
don't be afraid to say it.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://deosmed.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/20141006-kreslo-zerts-7-280x279..jpg 280w, https:// deosmed.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/20141006-kreslo-zerts-7-768x767..jpg 640w, https://deosmed.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/20141006-kreslo- zerts-7-150x150..jpg 1201w" sizes="(max-width: 280px) 100vw, 280px"> Often, before going to the gynecologist, most of the girls inspire themselves that the gynecological chair causes a lot of horror and a feeling of discomfort. Gynecology is not an idle science, and the gynecological chair was designed specifically to provide the patient and the doctor with maximum comfort during the examination. But there is truth in the share of fear, because if you sit incorrectly, you will be a little uncomfortable, so you need to know how to sit in the gynecological chair correctly.

Before landing, preparation for the inspection process itself is required. You will need to undress, and then put on clean cotton socks. Having done this, you will not walk barefoot on the cold floor, and the doctor himself will not look at your manicure. In addition, the socks will also hide the smell, because on the way to the doctor, your feet could easily be saturated with the smell of street shoes.

You should not have any problems with getting into the gynecological chair, since in most cases the chair is equipped with a step, and sometimes two steps for a more comfortable ascent. There are also armrests on which you can rest your elbows during the examination. The most terrible and fearful element of the gynecological chair is the leg holders, which absolutely everyone is afraid of. But these leg holders can be adjusted, so if you are not comfortable, then you should immediately inform the doctor about this. It is highly not recommended to engage in the adjustment of the chair as a whole.

First of all, you need to sit on a chair, then lay some kind of napkin or film on the seat, and then, having climbed the stairs, sit on the seat and turn around in order to be in the gynecological chair.

To begin with, you need to sit down as if you were sitting on a regular chair, and then, if you have Short dress or skirt need to lift the hem. After the above steps, you should lie down gently, place your legs on the leg holders. Having done this, you need to move the pelvis to the very edge of the chair. This will make the work of the doctor better. Hands can be placed on the armrests. The main thing is that your body is unloaded, relaxed, and there are no clothes on your stomach.

As soon as you tune in to the examination and completely relax, immediately report this to the doctor, who will immediately get down to business. If you experience pain, you should immediately inform the doctor about it.

Put 5 stars!

The purpose of a gynecological examination is to examine the general anatomical and physiological state of the genitourinary system and timely detection of diseases of the genital organs of women.

A gynecological examination is carried out for all women twice a year (every six months), as well as as part of a medical examination, in case of complaints or diseases of the organs abdominal cavity, fractures of the pelvic bones.

A timely visit to the doctor allows you to identify a large number of diseases in time and carry out the necessary treatment.

Doctors recommend the first trip to the gynecologist for the purpose of prevention, before the start of an active sexual life to detect the onset of the inflammatory process, for the proper functioning of the hormonal background and the overall performance of the body.

Preparing for a gynecological exam?

First of all, every woman before visiting a doctor should:

  1. Take a warm bath or shower, change clothes. It is worth remembering that douching is not worth it, so as not to wash the microflora, but to let it imagine itself in a normal state for it.
  2. Do not use various perfumes or deodorants for intimate hygiene.
  3. A day before visiting a doctor, you need to refuse sexual contact, since the seminal fluid will interfere with the examination.
  4. In the case when a woman takes a course of antibiotics or uses antifungal drugs, then a visit to the gynecologist should be postponed, and carried out 1-2 weeks after stopping treatment.
  5. The best time for an examination will be the first 2-3 days after the end of the menstrual cycle. During menstruation, it is not worth going for an examination, if there is no indication for this (bleeding accompanied by severe pain).

Read: Late ovulation - how likely is pregnancy?

During the examination, the woman should have an empty bladder and intestines, otherwise it will be difficult to examine the internal organs.

It is also worth remembering when the last menstruation was, what their duration and nature of the course.

Before visiting a doctor, it is necessary to prepare yourself not only physically, but also mentally, especially for those who do it for the first time. All questions must be answered accurately and honestly. After all, the doctor asks them not out of curiosity, but out of medical necessity.

The main attribute of the medical examination room, antenatal clinic and examination room in any clinic is a gynecological chair.

Women and girls should know how to properly sit on a gynecological chair.

How to choose?

When choosing a gynecological chair, it is important to take into account many different parameters, in particular, such as:

  • upholstery quality;
  • weight and dimensions;
  • load capacity;
  • additional fixtures.

The size of the product is a very important characteristic that affects the level of usability of the gynecological office. Most of them are quite small and bulky, large equipment can be a very inconvenient element that interferes with the movement of the doctor. Very small gynecological chairs can cause some difficulties in patients with a wide pelvic area or overweight.

The best option would be a product with a load capacity of 150 kg. The gynecological chair in this case will have a double margin of safety and will significantly extend the period of its operation. In addition, this design allows the use of additional equipment, which will increase the level of patient comfort and the convenience of the doctor.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the design of the frame. Such a part can be solid or channel. When using solid models during cleaning, certain difficulties may arise. In addition, it is important to consider the size of the pelvic region and base. They must be the same, otherwise the inspection can be quite traumatic. Quite comfortable and functional is the gynecological chair "Clair", which provides a special level of comfort during the reception and increases the efficiency of the examinations.

Disadvantages of vertical birth

The negative aspects of vertical delivery are:

1. Not every woman in labor can choose a position that is comfortable for herself, despite the available choice of positions.

2. It is much more difficult for an obstetrician in this position to control the process of childbirth and perform the necessary manipulations.

3. In such cases, you can not do anesthesia.

4. For childbirth sitting or kneeling, you need (well, if you have one) a special chair. It is a table with a hole in the center, over which the pelvis is located, as well as the vagina, when the woman in labor sits on it. It has a hand support, footrests. Through the recess (hole), the obstetrician receives the baby.

There are situations when vertical delivery cannot be performed.

Modern generic, delivery room:

How is a gynecological examination carried out?

An examination by a female doctor begins with a survey of the patient:

  • complaints are studied (pain when visiting the toilet, during sex, the presence of rashes, the nature of the discharge);
  • doctor asks about menstrual cycle(at what age did they start, are there any failures, how many days, what abundance, date of the last menstruation);
  • data are collected on reproductive function (the presence of pregnancies, childbirth, abortions, miscarriages);
  • the sexual aspect is being studied (the presence of a sexual partner, the use of contraceptives);
  • the doctor is interested in past diseases of the genitourinary system.

The next step is examination on the gynecological chair. It includes 2 stages - with the help of mirrors and bimanual (palpation with both hands). For each category of women (children, pregnant women, virgins, after childbirth), the procedure has its own differences.

During pregnancy

The doctor's visit starts at early dates gestation (first time in 8-12 weeks). At this time, an internal examination of the cervix, perineum with a mirror is carried out. The purpose of the procedure is to clarify the general condition reproductive organ and exclusion of ectopic pregnancy. Be sure to take a smear on the flora (bacteriological culture) and cytological smear(to detect malignant changes). To do this, you need to bring a gynecological kit with you (sold in any pharmacy).

In addition to manipulations on the gynecological chair, the doctor measures the weight and height of the patient, pressure, pulse, examines the position of the uterus and the width of the pelvis. The survey will include information about hereditary diseases, chronic pathologies and bad habits.

Starting from the 15th week, internal examinations on the chair are not carried out. Now, at each visit, the doctor measures the circumference of the patient's abdomen, the position of the uterine fundus, and listens to the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope. Mandatory parameters are pressure, pulse and weight.

Until the 29th week, visits to the gynecologist are limited to 1 time in 3 weeks. Further trips to the doctor become more frequent - 1 visit in 14 days. Starting from 36 weeks - visits every 7 days. 10-15 days before the birth, the need for a gynecological examination again appears. It is important to check the readiness of the birth canal through which the child will pass, as well as the condition of the pharynx - the opening of the cervix.

For the entire period of gestation, a woman needs to lie on a gynecological chair at least 5-6 times. It all depends on the course of pregnancy and possible deviations.

After childbirth

Natural childbirth and the normal postpartum period involve a visit to the doctor when the discharge takes on a natural character - it will not be plentiful and bloody. The purpose of the examination is to check the condition of the birth canal, the formation of the uterus - whether the organ has become in place, the degree of its contraction to normal sizes, to examine the sutures (if any), their healing.

The specialist examines the woman first with a mirror, then takes a swab. Then he carries out palpation - he puts 2 fingers into the vagina, and with the fingers of the second hand he presses on the stomach closer to the inguinal zone. This allows you to determine the density of tissues, check the appendages, find out if there are extraneous seals or scarring on the uterus and its neck,

Medical examination at school

For the first time, the genitals of girls are examined in the maternity hospital, then at 1 year and before entering the kindergarten. At school, visits to the gynecologist for the first time begin at the age of 12–14. Girls are examined exclusively by a pediatric gynecologist.

The examination process consists in a survey (complaints, first menstruation) and examination of the genital organs. The girls are located on the couch, where the doctor performs palpation through the rectum. With the second hand, the specialist presses on the peritoneum. In the absence of complaints about the genital area, such manipulation may not occur.

Before the examination, the pediatric gynecologist conducts a survey

Important! For adolescents who do not lead sexual life, the smear is taken with a special thin device, which allows you not to injure the hymen. Examination of underage girls who already have intimate relationships is carried out in the same way as a regular preventive visit of adult women.

How to sit correctly in the gynecological chair?

All women should know that a gynecologist must be visited at least once a year. But many do not attend preventive examinations, and there are only two reasons for this: fear of a gynecological chair and fear of a gynecological examinationGynecological examination: an important component for women's health. And what about girls who do not live sexually? Girlfriends enlightened them about all the delights of a gynecological examination, describing the gynecological chair with particular care, comparing it with a torture table.


Preparing for a vertical birth

Preparation should begin early, not just before the birth, but 3-4 months in advance. In general, this process is almost always prepared in courses for expectant mothers. But the catch is that not every maternity hospital practices such childbirth. Therefore, you will also have to choose this institution in advance. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the institution must have a license for


Special rules or instructions for proper fit on the gynecological chair does not exist. Women should only adhere to such advice.

For a more comfortable movement from the place of undressing to the chair, many doctors advise wearing cotton socks. To make it easier for women to climb the chair, small steps were specially invented at the bottom, and armrests were provided on the chair itself on the sides, where women can put their hands and spend some time in a more comfortable state.

Before sitting on a chair, you must lay a disposable diaper, napkin or small towel.

Many women are not afraid of the chair itself, but the metal holders. You should know that they allow you to keep your legs in the right position, for a more convenient examination. With their help, the doctor can adjust the position of the legs so that the examination is as painless as possible.

Before you sit on a chair, you must remove your pants (leggings, leggings, tights) or raise the hem of your skirt or dress. After that, you need to lie on the seat, place your legs on the holders, and move the pelvis closer to the edge of the structure, so that the doctor does not have to reach out to you. It is also necessary to free the lower abdomen from clothing that constrains it for palpation by the doctor.

In order to reduce stress sensations, doctors recommend breathing evenly and deeply.

Contraindications for vertical birth

1. The onset of labor activity much earlier than the due date.

2. Wrong position of the baby in the womb.

3. Narrow pelvis.

4. Large size of the fetus.

5. Rapid delivery.

6. Complications in childbirth (for example, high blood pressure).

And also you can’t give birth while standing if incorrect attachment (presentation) is confirmed children's place and the presence of various diseases of the internal organs.

In general, you should weigh the pros and cons well before making your choice in favor of a particular method. And even more so, do not forget about contraindications.

Before you sit in the gynecological chair, be sure to go to the toilet. A full bladder will make examination difficult and can cause discomfort and even pain.

If you go to a public clinic, just in case, take a disposable diaper with you, which you need to put on the chair before you sit down.

In museums, you can see quite beautiful and original furniture, which acts as a gynecological chair, on which many women gave birth. It looks quite strange, but it is not without a certain elegance and attractiveness.

Now such childbirth may seem like torture, but at that time women did not have much choice. When the time came, the woman in labor climbed into a chair, where the midwife helped her cope with the delivery.

This design was quite functional, it provided for handles that could be conveniently grabbed during contractions, and there were also special footrests. The backrest can be conveniently folded back a little, and the chair turns into a bed and an operating table at the same time. It was a real relic, which was passed down from generation to generation.

Over time, births began to be performed by qualified doctors, and gradually there were noticeable changes in the design of gynecological chairs, although the features of medieval models can still be traced. To select the required model, you first need to study the main characteristics of this product.

Postures for vertical birth

The provisions may be:

1. Sitting or half-sitting, leaning with legs and arms in special devices for this purpose on a chair for such childbirth. The pelvis should be above the opening.

2. Squatting. With or without support. This position stands out as the best for the passage of the baby through the birth canal. But she has a significant disadvantage - she is very tiring, especially at such a moment.

3. Kneeling. Also with support or independently. The position is the most popular during such childbirth.

4. Standing on all fours. This position can be used to rest during labor, reduce pain, and slow down labor.

It is best to rehearse all the proposed options in order to feel each one. Then any inconvenience arising from a certain position will not be news. And during labor, a woman at the level of intuition will understand what exactly suits her at the moment. She may even want to give birth to a baby in a horizontal position.

What are gynecological chairs?

Despite the fact that the functionality and purpose of this product is not too complex and wide, there are many models on the market, among which it is quite possible to choose the required option. There are various types of construction, which differ in the type of position adjustment, in particular such as:

  • mechanical;
  • pneumatic;
  • hydraulic;
  • electric.

The product with mechanical adjustment is characterized by a high degree of reliability, as it has been tested over a long period of time. The disadvantage of this design can only be considered that it is not possible to change the position when the patient is already on the chair.

A product with a pneumatic drive is characterized by the fact that a gas spring helps to change the position. This design is very convenient, but in the event of a breakdown, it is almost impossible to eliminate such a defect.

Designs with hydraulic drive are characterized by a high level of comfort and smooth adjustment of the position of the chair. The replacement of failed parts does not cause any inconvenience and can be easily carried out by a full-time engineer.

Electric gynecological chair is the most modern and convenient way to adjust the position of chairs. A big plus is that no additional costs for materials are required, and it is also possible to change the situation very quickly. The model of the gynecological chair MSK-1409 is considered very popular, which is distinguished by reliability and functionality. At the same time, it has an affordable price. There are many options for this design, but when purchasing, you must make sure of the quality of the product.

When choosing a gynecological chair, the registration certificate must be checked first of all, since the degree of reliability and functionality will largely depend on this.

Gynecological chair: features, types and interesting facts

Many women experience some discomfort when visiting a gynecologist. The gynecological chair is perceived by many as a kind of torture device. All this happens with the wrong attitude to this important procedure. To minimize discomfort during procedures performed on the gynecological chair, you need to sit on it correctly.

Invention history

The earliest description of the design, which resembled a gynecological chair, dates back to the beginning of the 16th century. A doctor from Germany, E. Bumm, decided to lower part of the operating table and equipped it with special leg holders for operations on the pelvic organs.
