88 years after the murder of the "mad monk", a doctor from St. Petersburg claims that he has at his disposal the preserved sexual organ of Rasputin.

According to him, after the death of Rasputin, his penis was cut off and taken to France by a fanatical follower. Then the preserved organ was exhibited in the Museum of Erotica by Igor Knyazkin, head of the Prostatology Center at Russian Academy natural sciences. This is written by The Times in the material, the translation of which is published by Inopressa.ru.

Rasputin came from Siberia to St. Petersburg in 1911 and immediately achieved great influence over Nicholas II and the Empress as a mystic. This is often explained by its alleged ability to stop bleeding in their hemophiliac son.

But many historians claim that Rasputin converted the Empress and other noble females to his faith, which is a bizarre mixture of Christianity and sexual practices.

Brian Moynihan describes in his book The Holy Sinner how one day Rasputin, after smashing a Moscow club in a drunken stupor to prove his identity, unbuttoned his trousers and showed off his penis.

Rasputin was killed by a group of aristocrats who feared that his influence on Nicholas' family would be detrimental to Russia. According to one legend, they castrated and dismembered his corpse. According to another version, his penis was removed during an autopsy.

Dr. Knyazkin claims that he has documentary evidence that the phallus in a wooden box was taken to Paris, where it became a cult object of worship for Russian emigrants.

Then the penis ended up in the possession of Rasputin's daughter, Matrena, who worked in the American circus as a lion tamer. Caught in 1970 in cramped circumstances, she sold the exhibit to an antique dealer.

Knyazkin says that in 2000 he was approached by two French dealers in valuables, from whom he bought the wooden container and its contents for $8,000. "I'm 99% sure it's authentic."

According to him, Rasputin's penis reaches 30 cm. "Having this exhibit, we will finally stop envying America, where Napoleon's penis is stored," Ananova quotes him as saying. "Napoleon's penis is just a pod compared to Rasputin's 30 cm."

However, the most famous Russian expert on Rasputin, Edward Radzinsky, was skeptical about the information that Rasputin's genitals ended up in St. Petersburg. True, he believes that Knyazkin himself is confident in the authenticity of the object. "The stories about Rasputin's genitals began almost immediately after his death. All these are legends and myths," Radzinsky believes.

In 1994, an anonymous person asked the organizers of the Bonhams auction to estimate the value of the object, which, according to him, was Rasputin's penis. An examination was held at King's College London. Then the exhibit turned out to be a sea cucumber.

http://www.kp.ru/daily/22944/686/86 years ago, on a cold December night in 1916, Grigory Rasputin (New) was killed in St. Petersburg, a favorite of the royal family, who, as contemporaries believed, played the most sinister role in the fate of Russia. They said that the tsar and tsarina were under the heel of this "devil", that he actually rules the country ... Rasputin's ashes did not rest in peace - in revolutionary days, the body was removed from the grave and burned. It was believed that not a single particle of the flesh of a sinful old man (and according to others - a prophet!) Could not be preserved. And suddenly something returned to St. Petersburg ... to put it mildly ... by which, according to legends and rumors, Grigory paved the way to the heights of power. It's about Rasputin's phallus as such... A box from France A well-known urologist in St. Petersburg, Igor Knyazkin, received a call from his longtime patient from the Union of Antiquarians of Russia and said that foreign partners were offering him the penis of a famous historical figure. The antiquary knew that Knyazkin was collecting a collection of erotic exhibits for the museum, which was opened within the walls of his clinic (a private clinic). French antiquarians found a penis in a wooden box in a house on the outskirts of Paris. In addition to a small item that was badly damaged by time (then the penis looked like a shriveled banana), it contained photographs and documents dating back to the beginning of the century. For the genital organ and the box, the sellers asked for 300 thousand dollars. Then 80 thousand. The final price was $8,000. Dr. Knyazkin managed to bring down the price, arguing that it would not be easy to prove that the organ belonged to Grigory Rasputin. And the decisive argument was the fact that one American urologist paid only 4.5 thousand dollars for Napoleon's penis. The sellers realized that the Russian doctor was guided by prices for such a specific product, and did not resist. “I was satisfied with the deal,” says Knyazkin. - Together with a member in the box were photographs of the queen's maid of honor, documents, a small black book with recipes for embalming. When I carefully examined all this, I was even more convinced that I had come across a historical relic. There was no direct indication in the documents about this, but some versions were lined up ... Who could castrate Rasputin? - Historians write that they tried to poison Rasputin, then they shot him and, finally, threw him into the river, - continues Igor Knyazkin. - He proved to be extremely tenacious. But I do not believe that in the cakes that he was fed before his death, he did not notice the poison. It seems to me that they tried to put him to sleep with sleeping pills - precisely in order to castrate. But this is only one of many versions. Firstly, the Masons could have committed the atrocity. According to rumors, some representatives of the Masonic lodge were going to castrate Rasputin for ritual purposes. The pagan ritual of cutting off the genitals of an enemy has been known for a long time; it is found among the ancient Scandinavians and some African tribes. The doctor suggests that Rasputin's member was cut off when Grigory Efimovich was still alive, moreover: the reproductive organ was in a state of erection, this is evidenced by traces of blood that were found in the cavernous bodies of the organ. Associate Professor of the Medical Academy Kosorotov. He performed an autopsy and remained alone with the body for a long time. In the last century, in some cases, the organs of a person who died under criminal circumstances were not buried with the body, but were cut out and placed in separate containers. This was done in order not to tear the grave if later the forensic experts had questions about the circumstances of death. government. Its head Kerensky believed that treasures were hidden in the grave with Rasputin, and on his orders the coffin was raised from the ground. In addition to the icon laid by the empress to the headboard of her pet, then nothing was found. But it is possible that angry people "revenge" the corpse. In addition, Knyazkin believes that they could be driven by banal male envy. A large dick sometimes causes aggression in those men who are lucky with the size of the reproductive organ is smaller (the length of the dissected "dignity of Rasputin" is 28.5 cm!). Fourthly, ardent fans of Grigory Rasputin could cut off the penis. One of them - Akilina Laptinskaya - spent a day next to the coffin in the house of the maid of honor of the Empress Anna Vyrubova. Akilina followed Rasputin for 15 years. Was a sister of mercy Crimean War I saw a lot of blood and wounds. According to Knyazkin, she was able to cut off the genitals from the cooled body of her beloved Grigory Efimovich. By the way, it was her photograph that was in the box from Paris. The penis is almost a century old! Dr. Knyazkin believes that if there were samples of clothing on which the microparticles of Rasputin's body were preserved, then the authenticity of the penis would be established. A genetic examination would remove all questions. “Unfortunately, we cannot say with absolute certainty that the member belongs to Rasputin,” Knyazkin laments. - But something nevertheless became clear - thanks to an examination for age. She was recently held at the Center for Prostatology. Dr. Knyazkin did not spare 25 thousand rubles for research. - Experts confirmed that the genital organ, which is stored in my museum, is really more than 80 years old. Also, the fabrics were checked for the presence of potassium cyanide (cakes, as historians write, the conspirators started with them). Poison was not found, but traces of sleeping pills were found. This may testify in favor of the version that they tried to put the elder to sleep, and did not kill him with poison. How could he have been preserved? To bring the relic from the box into proper form, embalming specialists worked with it in St. Although, obviously, the phallus was previously processed with a balsamic composition, the years have done their job - “dignity” was touched by decay in places. To recreate the form in a state of erection, a special gel was introduced into the cavernous bodies of the penis. To make the penis look "like a living thing", it had to be slightly tinted. From time to time, the exhibit is immersed in a nutrient solution. It is constantly kept in the Knyazkin Erotic Museum under a glass cover. Next to him is a wax figure of an old man. As they say, the irony of fate...Recently, Dr. Knyazkin found out that the famous Russian musician Mstislav Rostropovich bought the correspondence of Rasputin's daughter for a lot of money and presented it to Edward Radzinsky. Igor Vladimirovich believes that there can be a lot of interesting things about his discovery in these documents. For example, information about who owned the old box is the same one where the penis was found. In the memoirs of Rasputin's daughter Matryona, some kind of box is mentioned, very similar to that found in France. In it, Matrena allegedly kept something that looked like a sexual organ. After emigration, Rasputin's beloved daughter lived in Europe, worked as a tiger tamer. After her death in 1977, the trace of the box was lost. It is possible that now it is Knyazkin who is in St. Petersburg. Specialist in the field of urology, andrology, gynecology, ultrasound diagnostics. Member of the European Urological Association (EAU), St. Petersburg Scientific Urological Society. Author of numerous works on urology, prostatology, gynecology, gerontology. By the way, the average length of the excited penis is 15 - 16 cm with a diameter of 2.5 - 3.5 cm with minor deviations. A phallus 16 - 18 cm long is large, 18 - 20 cm - a giant, more than 20 cm - a supergiant. A member 25 cm long is found in one out of ten thousand men. Medicine has recorded some specimens at 25 - 27 and 34 cm. Such penises have a diameter of about 6.5 cm. The phallus, which is attributed to Rasputin, has a length of 28.5 cm. Grigory Rasputin was one of the first we asked the historian and playwright Edward Radzinsky. After all, it was to him, according to rumors, that Rostropovich gave the correspondence of Rasputin's daughter, which may contain information about the "Paris box". And this is what they heard in response: - It is below my dignity to comment on such nonsense. All this is complete nonsense. Around Rasputin there were always a lot of all sorts of fables and conjectures. And what, should I comment on all this? I have never heard of anything like this!... However, Radzinsky did not deny the story of giving him correspondence... Vladimir Yakovlev, professor at the Department of Museum Studies at the University of Culture: - I do not believe that Rasputin's penis can have a posthumous history. Most likely, these stories were caused by all sorts of rumors that surrounded the name of the elder all his life. It is only known for certain that they really tried to castrate Rasputin as a person who dishonored the dignity of a priest. It was during his lifetime. In 1911, the book of memoirs of the monk Illiodor "The Holy Devil" was published. At first, Illiodor was a fan of Grigory Rasputin, but then, seeing what atrocities he was doing, he became his enemy. Perhaps the impetus for the decision to castrate the elder was the incident with the nanny of the royal children. It was said that Gregory almost raped her. However, the three priests did not dare to carry out their attempt. In my opinion, the rumors about the huge size of the penis, the fantastic sexual activity of Rasputin are greatly exaggerated. There are grounds for asserting that in last years life he was impotent. One of Rasputin's mistresses somehow stuck a knife just above the navel to the old man. By acting on a certain point without wanting it, she apparently caused a short-term rise in sexual activity, but not for long. The decline came soon. Rasputin turned to Dr. Badmaev for help (he practiced Tibetan medicine in St. Petersburg). He was treated, most likely, with drugs, which could be the cause of impotence. Daniil Kotsyubinsky, candidate of historical sciences, author of a scientific study on Rasputin: - Information about the preserved sexual organ of Grigory Rasputin is contained in the memoirs of his daughter Matryona. But she is hardly to be trusted. The American journalist Pat Betham, who helped Matryona write her memoirs, I think deliberately contributed to fanning such rumors in order to make the book more sold. The memoirs mentioned a certain box where a giant dick is supposedly stored. historical personality. No evidence that this body belongs to Grigory Rasputin was presented. The body of the old man was burned, so it is unrealistic to do a DNA analysis today, therefore, it is impossible to prove that the member belonged to Rasputin. By the way, this is hardly a suitable talisman for the Prostatology Center, because, as I prove in my research, Elder Gregory was almost completely impotent. Exam. Old professor. A young student. Professor: - So, how many genitals does a man have? - Twelve! - How is it ?! - Well, professor, one penis, ten fingers and a tongue ... In the evening, the professor enthusiastically tells about this answer to his colleague of about eighty :- ...And she says to me: "Twelve, professor!"- How is that? - the grandfather-colleague is amazed. - Well, ten fingers, tongue ... And ... Damn, something else. I forgot!..Finally revealed the composition of Viagra: 2% - Pyramidone; 2% - aspirin; 2% - paracetamol; 4% starch; 90% epoxy hardener.

I'm cooking now analytical review the Christlike sacrifice of our holy King. Let me draw an analogy with way of life , suffering, humility, love for all of our Lord Jesus Christ and Tsar Nicholas II. How our Lord was humiliated, slandered and trampled on Golgotha ​​- we all know. , our Tsar was also a people. But, seeing such publications now, when it is no longer necessary to remove anyone, no one needs this “truth”, one must admit how terribly it can affect the situation in the country! Look: the country has stood on the threshold of a historical solutions: what kind of power is needed now? Zhirinovsky talks about a constitutional monarchy, Zyuganov talks about democracy with a communist face (“The Tsar was weak, we don’t need such a monarchy”). In the world, the crisis is growing, everyone sees it: the Lord allows disasters in the world, one is worse than the other (and we are calm. I don’t take terrorist attacks - this is from my own people). The dollar has been falling over these two years, the euro is now rolling upside down. And the ruble is getting stronger. There is plenty of oil, gold too, but there is nothing to say about gas: everyone needs it. However, abroad everyone is fattening, but here it is getting worse and worse. Do you know how close we are as a whole country (not counting the "chosen ones", as in Orwell's "Animal Farm") to extinction from hunger? As soon as the whole world comes to an agreement and does not send us food and essentials for 2 months, we will all die. There won’t even be Dutch potatoes. We don’t have anything of our own: we buy manure for certain needs in Belarus. How can we not think here? What kind of power is this, which could not use such a God-given trump card as the global crisis ... Everything is fine, however, because this is the very vomit that Blessed Pasha Sarovskaya spoke about. There is little left: to recognize the monarchy is the only possible form of government. for such a huge country and such a deaf and blind people. Understanding, enlightenment in the brains and then repentance are needed. Why do you think the authors of the return of centuries-old events present this preoccupied and puzzled people with this obvious for that time and its global tasks - the destruction of the monarchy - such publications that no one needs, vile, vile, satanic. There is no trace of the monarchy, what is there to be afraid of? It is clear why: to frighten the people, to expose our holy Tsar to the general ridicule. To take us away from the very thought of repentance, to play a comic performance with the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200brepentance. Pay attention: our prophets are not quoted anywhere, but only Jew (Jew) Nostradamus. All the same, no one in his centuries will understand anything. But our prophets called names and dates. This scares them. So they scare the people with horror stories, cause an emetic effect with such publications. Today I was read excerpts from the diaries of Grigory Efimovich, which have not been completely published anywhere. A man who had not wanted to hear anything about Rasputin, Honored Doctor of Russia Grigoriev Grigory Igorevich, read out. He was shocked "You were right! Not 99.9% of lies, as Tatyana Mironova wrote, but all 100! I will try to give you these diaries ".Excuse me, this is scary.

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86 years ago, on a cold December night in 1916, Grigory Rasputin (New) was killed in St. Petersburg, a favorite of the royal family, who, as contemporaries believed, played the most sinister role in the fate of Russia. They said that the tsar and tsarina were under the heel of this "devil", that he actually rules the country ... Rasputin's ashes did not rest in peace - in revolutionary days, the body was removed from the grave and burned. It was believed that not a single particle of the flesh of a sinful old man (and according to others - a prophet!) Could not be preserved. And suddenly something returned to St. Petersburg ... to put it mildly ... by which, according to legends and rumors, Grigory paved the way to the heights of power. It's about Rasputin's phallus as such...

Box from France

Igor Knyazkin, a well-known urologist in St. Petersburg, received a call from his longtime patient from the Union of Antiquarians of Russia and said that foreign partners were offering him the penis of a famous historical figure. The antiquarian knew that Knyazkin was collecting a collection of erotic exhibits for the museum, which was opened within the walls of his clinic (private clinic).

French antiquarians found a penis in a wooden box in a house on the outskirts of Paris. In addition to a small item that was badly damaged by time (then the penis looked like a shriveled banana), it contained photographs and documents dating back to the beginning of the century. For the genital organ and the box, the sellers asked for 300 thousand dollars. Then 80 thousand. The final price was $8,000. Dr. Knyazkin managed to bring down the price, arguing that it would not be easy to prove that the organ belonged to Grigory Rasputin. And the decisive argument was the fact that one American urologist paid only 4.5 thousand dollars for Napoleon's penis. The sellers realized that the Russian doctor was guided by the prices of such a specific product, and did not resist.

I was pleased with the deal, says Knyazkin. - Together with a member in the box were photographs of the queen's maid of honor, documents, a small black book with recipes for embalming. When I carefully examined all this, I was even more convinced that I had come across a historical relic. There was no direct indication in the documents on this matter, but some versions lined up ...

Who could castrate Rasputin?

Historians write that they tried to poison Rasputin, then they shot at him and, finally, threw him into the river, Igor Knyazkin continues. - He proved to be extremely tenacious. But I do not believe that in the cakes that he was fed before his death, he did not notice the poison. It seems to me that they tried to put him to sleep with sleeping pills - precisely in order to castrate. But this is just one of many versions.

First, the atrocity could have been committed by the Masons. According to rumors, some representatives of the Masonic lodge were going to castrate Rasputin for ritual purposes. The pagan ritual of cutting off the genitals of an enemy has been known for a long time; it is found among the ancient Scandinavians and some African tribes. The doctor suggests that Rasputin's penis was cut off when Grigory Efimovich was still alive, moreover: the genital organ was in a state of erection, this is evidenced by traces of blood that were found in the cavernous bodies of the organ.

Secondly, the Privatdozent of the Medical Academy Kosorotov could cut off the genitals. He performed an autopsy and remained alone with the body for a long time. In the last century, in some cases, the organs of a person who died under criminal circumstances were not buried with the body, but were cut out and placed in separate containers. This was done in order not to tear up the grave, if later forensic experts have questions about the circumstances of death.

Thirdly, random people who happened to be near Rasputin's body at the moment when the grave was dug up at the direction of the Provisional Government could abuse by cutting off the genitals. Its head Kerensky believed that treasures were hidden in the grave with Rasputin, and on his orders the coffin was raised from the ground. In addition to the icon laid by the empress to the headboard of her pet, then nothing was found. But it is possible that angry people "revenge" the corpse. In addition, Knyazkin believes that they could be driven by banal male envy. A large penis sometimes causes aggression in those men who are lucky with the size of the genital organ is smaller (the length of the dissected "Dignity of Rasputin" is 28.5 cm!).

Fourthly, ardent admirers of Grigory Rasputin could cut off the penis. One of them - Akilina Laptinskaya - spent a day next to the coffin in the house of the maid of honor of the Empress Anna Vyrubova. Akilina followed Rasputin for 15 years. She was a sister of mercy in the Crimean War, she saw a lot of blood and wounds. According to Knyazkin, she was able to cut off the genitals from the cooled body of her beloved Grigory Efimovich. By the way, it was her photograph that was in the box from Paris.

The penis is almost a century old!

Dr. Knyazkin believes that if there were samples of clothing on which microparticles of Rasputin's body were preserved, then the authenticity of the genital organ would be established. Genetic examination would remove all questions.

Unfortunately, we cannot say with absolute certainty that the member belongs to Rasputin, - Knyazkin laments. - But something nevertheless became clear - thanks to an examination for age.

It was conducted recently at the Prostatology Center. Dr. Knyazkin did not spare 25 thousand rubles for research.

Experts have confirmed that the penis, which is stored in my museum, is indeed over 80 years old. Also, the fabrics were checked for the presence of potassium cyanide (cakes, as historians write, the conspirators started with them). Poison was not found, but traces of sleeping pills were found. This may testify in favor of the version that they tried to put the old man to sleep, and did not kill him with poison.

In order to bring the relic from the casket into its proper form, specialists in embalming worked with it in St. Petersburg. Although, obviously, the phallus was previously processed with a balsamic composition, the years have done their job - “dignity” was touched by decay in places. To recreate the form in a state of erection, a special gel was introduced into the cavernous bodies of the penis. To make the penis look "like a living thing", it had to be slightly tinted.

From time to time the exhibit is immersed in a nutrient solution. It is constantly kept in the Knyazkin Erotic Museum under a glass cover. Next to him is a wax figure of an old man. As they say, the irony of fate...

Recently, Dr. Knyazkin learned that the famous Russian musician Mstislav Rostropovich bought the correspondence of Rasputin's daughter for a lot of money and presented it to Edward Radzinsky. Igor Vladimirovich believes that there can be a lot of interesting things about his discovery in these documents. For example, information about who owned the old box is the one where the penis was found.

In the memoirs of Rasputin's daughter Matryona, some kind of box is mentioned, very similar to that found in France. In it, Matrena allegedly kept something that looked like a sexual organ. After emigration, Rasputin's beloved daughter lived in Europe, worked as a tiger tamer. After her death in 1977, the trace of the box was lost. It is possible that now in St. Petersburg with Knyazkin it is she.

Our reference

Igor Vladimirovich KNYAZKIN - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the St. Petersburg Center for Prostatology. Specialist in the field of urology, andrology, gynecology, ultrasound diagnostics. Member of the European Urological Association (EAU), St. Petersburg Scientific Urological Society. Author of numerous works on urology, prostatology, gynecology, gerontology.


The average length of the erect penis is 15 - 16 cm with a diameter of 2.5 - 3.5 cm with minor deviations. The phallus 16 - 18 cm long is large, 18 - 20 cm - giant, more than 20 cm - supergiant.

A penis 25 cm long is found in one in ten thousand men. Medicine has recorded some specimens at 25 - 27 and 34 cm.

Such penises have a diameter of about 6.5 cm. The phallus, which is attributed to Rasputin, has a length of 28.5 cm.

WHAT HISTORIANS SAYA call to Edward Radzinsky

We were one of the first to ask historian and playwright Edward Radzinsky to shed light on this strange story of Grigory Rasputin's "acquisition of shameful relics". After all, it was to him, according to rumors, that Rostropovich gave the correspondence of Rasputin's daughter, which may contain information about the "Paris box". And this is what they heard in response:

It is below my dignity to comment on such nonsense. All this is complete nonsense. Around Rasputin there were always a lot of all sorts of fables and conjectures. And what, should I comment on all this? I have never heard of anything like it!

However, Radzinsky did not deny the story of giving him correspondence ...

Vladimir Yakovlev, Professor of the Department of Museum Studies at the University of Culture:

I do not believe that Rasputin's penis can have a posthumous history. Most likely, these stories were caused by all sorts of rumors that surrounded the name of the elder all his life. It is only known for certain that they really tried to castrate Rasputin as a person who dishonored the dignity of a priest. It was during his lifetime. In 1911, the book of memoirs of the monk Illiodor "The Holy Devil" was published. At first, Illiodor was a fan of Grigory Rasputin, but then, seeing what atrocities he was doing, he became his enemy. Perhaps the impetus for the decision to castrate the elder was the incident with the nanny of the royal children. It was said that Gregory almost raped her. However, the three priests did not dare to carry out their attempt. In my opinion, the rumors about the huge size of the penis, the fantastic sexual activity of Rasputin are greatly exaggerated. There is reason to believe that in the last years of his life he was impotent. One of Rasputin's mistresses somehow stuck a knife just above the navel to the old man. By acting on a certain point without wanting it, she apparently caused a short-term rise in sexual activity, but not for long. The decline came soon. Rasputin turned to Dr. Badmaev for help (he practiced Tibetan medicine in St. Petersburg). He was treated, most likely, with drugs, this is what could cause impotence.

Daniil Kotsiubinsky, candidate of historical sciences, author of a scientific study on Rasputin:

Information about the preserved sexual organ of Grigory Rasputin is contained in the memoirs of his daughter Matryona. But she is hardly to be trusted. The American journalist Pat Betham, who helped Matryona write her memoirs, I think deliberately contributed to fanning such rumors in order to make the book more sold. In the memoirs, a certain box was mentioned, where a giant member of a historical figure is supposedly stored. No evidence that this body belongs to Grigory Rasputin was presented. The body of the old man was burned, so it is unrealistic to do a DNA analysis today, therefore, it is impossible to prove that the member belonged to Rasputin. By the way, this is hardly a suitable talisman for the Prostatology Center, because, as I prove in my research, Elder Gregory was almost completely impotent.


Medical Institute. Exam. Old professor. Young student.Professor: - So, how many genitals does a man have? - Twelve! - How is it ?! - Well, professor, one penis, ten fingers and a tongue ... In the evening, the professor enthusiastically tells about this answer to his colleague of about eighty :- ...And she says to me: "Twelve, professor!"- How is that? - the grandfather-colleague is amazed. - Well, ten fingers, tongue ... And ... Damn, something else. Forgot!..

Finally, the composition of Viagra is revealed: 2% - pyryramidone; 2% - aspirin; 2% - paracetamol; 4% starch; 90% epoxy hardener.


Grigory Rasputin was killed in the Yusupov Palace on the night of December 16-17, 1916, and the corpse was castrated. Since then, numerous researchers have tried to find a member of the "holy elder." They were sure that he manhood did not disappear without a trace. According to rumors, either Grishka's mistress, or one of his devout admirers, hid the penis.

Relic of Matrena Grigorievna

At one time, a member of Rasputin seemed to have seen a well-known international journalist Malor Sturua. In 1969, he visited Rasputin's beloved daughter, who lived in Los Angeles - Matryona. And she showed her most precious relic. "With a gesture of her hand, she pointed to an oblong mahogany box that stood on the fireplace - remembers Sturua . - Matryona took out a shiny wooden pencil case and opened it with great caution and even reverence. Inside, on red velvet, lay something very similar to a rotten and then dried banana.


Unfortunately, the journalist did not ask who cut off the penis, whether it really belonged to the father and how it ended up with the daughter. Matrena died in 1977. And the box with the dried member disappeared without a trace. And it seems that now it was she who showed up in St. Petersburg.

- This thing was recently brought to me from abroad, - says the head physician of the St. Petersburg Center for Prostatology Igor Knyazkin. - Outwardly, the box is very reminiscent of the relic of Matryona Rasputina. In it lies the flesh of a dark brown color, soft to the touch. No doubt: once it was a real penis, not a banana. At my request, my colleagues have already done the first examination: it turned out that the penis is at least 80 years old. That is, by age, he could well belong to Grigory Rasputin. But the final answer can be given only after additional research.

The Return of the Prodigal

The appearance of a box with a member of Rasputin in St. Petersburg is no less curious. It was discovered in a house in Paris by antique dealers. Among other things, their attention was drawn to an old box that contained the relics of a penis. A certain archive was also found there, which, as it turned out, is related to Grigory Rasputin - old photographs, yellowed documents and private correspondence, where there is a mention of a box with a mummified penis.


- Having learned about the archive, I wanted to look at it, - says Igor Knyazkin. - Indeed, among other papers, it could contain documents that could shed light on the mystery of the disappearance of a member of Grigory Efimovich. The archive is being studied, while the member itself is still with me. We have already taken several biopsy samples to compile the genetic passport of the "object". True, Rasputin's body disappeared, but we hope to find his clothes, on which some microparticles could well have been preserved.

Perhaps scientists will finally be able to answer the question under what circumstances the corpse of a friend of the royal family was castrated. So far, there have been several versions of this. Some believe that a member of Rasputin immediately after the murder cut off Felix Yusupov. Others say that this was done by one of the admirers of the "holy elder" shortly before his funeral.

- The autopsy of Rasputin's body was carried out by Privatdozent of the Military Medical Academy Dmitry Kosorotov, - says Igor Knyazkin. - If the penis had already been cut off by that time, this would have been indicated in the protocol. However, I failed to find this document: until 1933 it was kept in the archives of the academy, and then disappeared without a trace. To restore the picture of the murder, our specialists examined the found member and found blood in its cavernous bodies. It turns out that he was separated in a state of erection. But it is known that the murderers drowned the body of Rasputin. Hardly an erection could be maintained after two days, which the body lay in cold water. So, we can assume that the penis was cut off even before the body was thrown into the river.

Of course, the examinations will require a lot of time and money. However, Igor Vladimirovich himself is already sharing his plans today on how to put the miracle exhibit on public display. An open box with a penis will stand on a beautiful stand under a glass cap with an alarm. And next to it, a wax figure of Rasputin will proudly sit on a bench. According to Knyazkin, the composition called "The Return of the Prodigal Member" should become a real decoration of his Museum of Erotica.


"Man's virtues" and "women's weaknesses"

Knyazkin complains that it is very difficult to find a suitable size room for the future museum. It is understandable. To date, his collection has collected about five thousand exhibits, united by a common theme - "this", and about the same number of erotic postcards and condoms.

Igor Knyazkin began to collect "male virtues" and "female weaknesses" back in the early 90s, heading one of the St. Petersburg centers of prostatology.


- Communicating with patients, I noticed that many of them cannot really tell what hurts them, - says the collector. - Sometimes people are just embarrassed to correctly name their genitals. So I thought: “But what if a small exhibition“ about this ”is placed right in the center. A person sits in the corridor, looks at visual propaganda, and he will feel better. And when it turned out that the exhibition had the most beneficial effect on the courage of patients, he began to purposefully collect suitable gizmos.

At the entrance to the visitor center meets Ivan Barkov, to which Knyazkin has a special sympathy. The sculpture is the most ordinary, only the coat of the great poet is disturbingly bristling "slightly below the stomach." On the walls are bas-reliefs depicting scenes of love, in comparison with which "Kama Sutra" looks like an innocent children's comic. A little further away is a glazed showcase, where the main part of the "visual agitation" is located. There are whistles, lighters, toothbrushes, corkscrews, ashtrays, shoehorns and even toothbrushes on the shelves. In each craft, its phallic essence is easily guessed. Mechanical toys with sexual inclinations flaunt nearby. They need to be turned on with a key. There is even a "NATO" peacemaker here who indulges in masturbation. On the next rack "chastity belt" for the most unfaithful part of the male body. The plastic construction closes with an elegant metal lock.


- In Russia, it is quite difficult to buy such things, - complains Knyazkin. - But from each trip abroad I bring several bags with various erotic toys.

The first Erotic Museum in Russia should appear on the banks of the Neva by the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. And for this holiday, Knyazkin plans to erect a monument to Ivan Barkov in the city. According to the collector, the future sculpture of the writer in the image of Luka Mudishchev will be cast from a bronze Lenin, which is lying idle at one of the factories in the Pskov region.


In the fall of 1999, the "manhood" of the old man was put up at a London auction " Bonamz". The owner of the treasure, who remained unknown, said that at one time he secretly took it out of Russia. And the authenticity of the exhibit was confirmed by a certificate issued by ... the NKVD!

The owners of the auction house found several potential buyers. However, after a thorough examination, it turned out that the 20-centimeter object is nothing more than ... a dried sea cucumber! To avoid scandal, this lot was removed from sale.
