Everyone cares about their health in one way or another. One of the common ailments that has ever bothered almost any person is a cough. The problem is really very common and familiar to any person. One of effective means, helping in the fight against coughing, is precisely the mulberry doshab.

Mulberry doshab. What it is?

The basis for obtaining mulberry doshab are mulberries or mulberries. There is so much talk about the benefits of these berries that they have become almost legendary. But it really is. They are famous for their healing properties, and especially in the treatment of coughs of a different nature. Even a fairly strong cough is not able to resist the miraculous power of these truly magical berries. This plant came from the Middle East. It is his homeland. But not only there, but almost all over the world, this drink is very popular. Russia was no exception.

This widespread popularity is due to medicinal properties that he possesses. When a cough appears, be it in an adult or a child, preference has always been given and is given to folk remedies. People trust them. After all, traditional medicine has put many on their feet. It is no secret to anyone that pills, curing a certain ailment, have a negative effect on the body as a whole.

Mulberry cough syrup

It is definitely useful. This benefit is enhanced by the fact that all its components are natural. Absolutely no chemistry, from which in modern conditions there is simply nowhere to go.

  • The total calorie content of the product is 265 kcal.
  • It contains very little protein and fat.
  • A little more carbohydrates are present in it.
  • The components of the product are presented in a wide range. Here you can find the organic nature of the acid.
  • Not poor is its vitamin composition.
  • It contains enough iron and calcium.

The product is not a drug, but, perhaps, no one will argue with its effectiveness.

How to make mulberry cough syrup at home?

The recipe is simple and you can cook it at home.

  • For half a liter of water, 10 kg of white mulberry is taken. For such an amount, a basin is best suited.
  • The berry is mixed with water and put on fire. It is important that it be slow.
  • All this should be on fire for 1 hour.
  • Then all this is filtered, and the liquid is put on fire again.
  • The resulting juice is boiled for several hours on a barely noticeable fire.
  • Naturally, foam will form. It's unavoidable. It must be removed without fail. The fact that the syrup is ready will be prompted by the circumstance in which the foam ceases to form.

The use of mulberry doshab for cough

  1. Although such a syrup is considered a cough remedy for adults and children, the list of its use does not end there.
  2. In addition to the fact that the syrup is an excellent cough remedy, sometimes strong and dry, it will help get rid of bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
  3. Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract are also indications for its use. With great ease, he will get rid of the pain in the throat.
  4. It is characterized by a general strengthening effect. This means that it can be used for other diseases as well. It is permissible to use it for various anemias, problems of the digestive tract, for example, with stomach ulcers, it will also be effective in cardiac pathology.
  5. Any inflammatory changes will disappear without a trace, one has only to start using mulberry doshaba syrup. The positive effect of the syrup on the condition was noted nervous system. It has the ability to purify the blood and liver. It is also very useful for males, as it allows you to solve problems associated with potency.
  6. Every day, any person is haunted by various stressful situations. Sometimes they can be so strong that they are fraught with certain consequences. Mulberry doshab syrup will help to cope with them.
  7. It is gratifying to note that the syrup is practically has no contraindications. The only exceptions are cases of individual intolerance. Syrup is not recommended for children under the age of one year. Pregnant women should take it with great care. If the syrup is taken simultaneously with other fruit juices, then an upset stomach may occur.

Dosage of mulberry cough syrup

It depends on the purpose for which the syrup is used. It is better to do it in the morning on an empty stomach. Take 2 tablespoons. For children, of course, the dose is halved. If there are no problems with the tolerance of the syrup by the child, then the dosage may be increased.

  • If the goal is to strengthen the body in general, then you need to take 1 or 2 tablespoons. If it is used as a cough remedy, then the dose becomes one spoon more. Usually, when consumed, it is diluted with water or added to tea. For the purpose of elimination of pains in a throat apply rinsings.
  • If someone has a history of diabetes, then more than 1 spoon should not be taken. The point is not that any pronounced negative consequences are possible with an overdose. Just syrup is very sweet and high-calorie. And neither one nor the other is indicated for diabetics and overweight people. The prospect for such persons with excessive use of syrup is not entirely rosy.

In addition to the fact that you can prepare the syrup yourself, but if there are no berries on hand, you can purchase it by ordering it in the online store. Quality product has a thick texture and dark color. If it is liquid, then most likely it was simply diluted with water and it is better to refuse to purchase such a product. It would be ideal if you can try the syrup before buying.

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Mulberry doshab - concentrated juice from the fruits of white mulberries, boiled using a special technology. The product preserves as much as possible all beneficial features mulberry fruits which, due to a number of features, are not subject to transportation. Thanks to this, we can enjoy the healing properties of berries that are processed exclusively useful way- no added sugar. Let's talk in more detail about the methods of using mulberry syrup and its contraindications.

The history of doshab begins in the 11th century, when the Turks mastered the cultivation of grapes and the basics of winemaking. Over time, grape production increased, which contributed to the emergence of new fruit processing technologies. Local culinary specialists learned how to make doshab, the recipe of which began to be used for fruits of other cultures. Mulberry doshab, cooked from white mulberry fruits, became especially valuable among them.

The recipe gradually spread to the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Here, depending on the region, there is another name for the product - bekmes (pekmez). New Product firmly entered the culinary of many peoples, especially Azerbaijan.

The ancient recipes for making mulberry doshab have been brought to perfection today and are the basis for the mass production of a useful product. The main export of mulberry doshab to Russia is produced by Armenia.

Stages of production of mulberry doshab:

  • juice extraction from ripe mulberries;
  • juice heating to boiling in copper tin-plated boilers or bekmesovarochny installations;
  • adding white clay(shirehek) to remove toxins and bitterness;
  • upholding and filtering the product;
  • evaporation in special conditions;
  • canning into glass containers.

After such processing, a sweet concentrate of mulberry fruits is obtained, prepared without the addition of preservatives and sugar. This is the basis of the special quality of the product, which is a good alternative to other sweeteners.

Mulberry doshab exclusively useful product, which is used as a homeopathic remedy. This is isolated by the content in it of only natural sugars: fructose and glucose. Monosaccharides are quickly absorbed into the blood, providing the body with long-term energy (265kcal/100g).

Useful properties of mulberry doshab

Doshaba retains most of the beneficial substances from the composition of white mulberry fruits. First of all, it is a natural phytoalexin - resveratrol, which has antitumor, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective and antiviral properties. In addition, the fruits contain:

  • malic, citric acid;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins groups B, C, E, PP, K;
  • nitrogenous, tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • trace elements: iron, selenium, copper, zinc;
  • macronutrients: calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus.

Mulberry doshab has the ability to thin and remove sputum, cleanse the respiratory tract from pus and blood particles. Therefore, the remedy is used to treat cough, cleanse the respiratory tract in bronchopulmonary diseases.

The high iron content in the product helps to treat anemia and other pathologies associated with impaired hematopoiesis. Macronutrients strengthen blood vessels, nourish the structures of the heart. That's why doshab will be useful for hypertension, cardiac pathologies, atherosclerosis. This property is especially important in old age, when all the structures of the heart wear out and hardly provide blood circulation.

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the development of free radicals. Their excessive formation leads to the transformation of healthy cells into malignant ones. This property of doshab is used to prevent cancer or relapse of the disease after a course of treatment. Regular use of doshaba will help to remove toxins that have entered the body from the environment..

The antibacterial properties of doshab will help with scarlet fever and sore throat, during which the drug is used as an additional treatment to relieve fever. Fatty acids and essential oils are useful for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by ulcers and erosions.

Mulberry doshab will be useful for healthy people. It nourishes the body with essential vitamins and macronutrients, helping to strengthen the nervous and immune system improves blood composition and regulates liver function.

Quality indicators of mulberry doshab

Violations during the production, storage or preservation of doshaba can cause loss of its quality. Besides some manufacturers add sugar to the product or dilute it with water. Therefore, before purchasing a product, it is important to know what natural mulberry doshab looks like.

A properly cooked mulberry doshab has a dense and thick consistency, similar to. Prolonged heating of the fruit leads to a change in fructose, which becomes dark in color with an oily sheen. The taste of doshaba is sweet, but not cloying with a long aftertaste. You can check the quality of the doshab by dropping a small amount on a plate, it should not spread.

To guarantee the quality of mulberry doshab, it is better to purchase in pharmacies where you can visually inspect the tool. The product can also be purchased in online stores of well-known manufacturers that specialize in the processing of fruits and berries. It is better to refuse offers from unknown distributors.

The natural product does not contain preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and sugar. The shelf life of mulberry doshab is 2 years. Opened product is stored in a refrigerator with a tightly closed lid.

The use of mulberry doshab

  • For the treatment of coughs and colds doshab is used together with milk. For this, 1 tbsp. l. funds are diluted in 100 ml of warm milk. After complete dissolution of the product, another 100 ml of hot milk is added. The remedy is recommended to be taken 3 times a day.
  • For sore throats and gum disease doshab is used to prepare a means for rinsing the respiratory tract and oral cavity. For this, 1 tbsp. l. the funds are diluted in 150 ml of warm water. Procedures are carried out 3-5 times a day.
  • For general strengthening of the body 1 st. l. doshaba is diluted in 250 ml of boiled water. Take 20-30 minutes before breakfast daily. A course of treatment lasting 20 days will help to cope with fatigue, loss of strength and beriberi. These procedures are especially useful in winter and spring.
  • For the treatment of anemia and stomach ulcers an aqueous solution of doshaba is taken 3 times a day separately from meals for a month.
  • With the help of mulberry doshab, it is possible to carry out procedures for tubage of the liver and gallbladder. This is a gentle washing of the ducts of organs, which contributes to the rapid removal of accumulated bile. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp. l. doshaba in 250 ml of water at a temperature of 40°C-45°C and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. After that, lie down and apply a heating pad to the liver area for 1.5 hours. 15 procedures are recommended with a frequency of 1 time per week.

Restrictions on the use of doshaba

Children can use mulberry doshab from the age of 1. Before the first use, the child is given ¼ teaspoon of the remedy. In the absence of allergies, the daily rate is 1 tsp. per day to strengthen the body. For the treatment of cough, colds and anemia, the dose is increased 3 times.

During pregnancy, doshab take no more than 2 tbsp. l. in a day. Due to possible allergies during lactation, it is better to refuse to use the product.

People with diabetes doshab can consume no more than 1 tbsp. l. in a day. Despite the low glycemic index, exceeding this dose can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. The same rate is recommended for obesity, which is isolated by the high calorie content of the product.

Mulberry doshab is a good substitute for many pharmacological preparations, the excessive use of which is harmful to any person. The sweet and pleasant taste of the product makes it possible to replace sugar with it. which contributes to the overall health of the body.

Mulberry doshab is a unique product that can give the human body a lot of benefits.

White here (or as the mulberry is also called) is a berry that is famous not only for its delicious taste, but also for its many healing properties. Chemical composition these fruits are rich in useful for human body substances such as:

  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • organic acids (malic, citric);
  • tannins;
  • trace elements;
  • pectins;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins B, C, etc.

IN medicinal purposes white mulberries (mulberries) are consumed not only fresh, but also processed. For example, in the Caucasus region and the Middle East, a special syrup is brewed from them - mulberry doshab. Consider what this product is, as well as how to take mulberry doshab.

How to cook mulberry doshab?

Mulberry doshab is prepared by long-term boiling of mulberries. Cooking is carried out without adding sugar. Mulberry doshab is a product of a very thick consistency (similar to natural honey), slightly oily, dark in color.

The taste of mulberry doshab, despite the fact that it is boiled without sugar, is very sweet, but not cloying, leaving a pleasant aftertaste.

Mulberry doshab: buy or cook?

Today, you can buy mulberry doshab in pharmacies and specialized stores. If desired, a healing mulberry doshab can be prepared independently at home according to this recipe:

Fresh sorted white mulberries, washed under running water.

Place in a saucepan and pour water in a ratio of 1 liter per 20 kg of berries.

Put on a slow fire and boil for one hour.

Squeeze the cooked fruits through gauze or a special press.

Pour the squeezed juice into a wide bowl and boil over low heat, periodically removing the foam and stirring, for several hours (this process can even take a day).

Remove from heat when foaming stops and syrup darkens.

Cool the mulberry doshab, pour into a glass jar.

The process of preparing doshaba is quite troublesome, but the result is worth the effort. As a result, you will get a delicious treat and at the same time a medicinal product that will be especially useful in the winter.

Mulberry doshab: benefits

Due to the many useful properties of mulberry doshab, this product is recommended for use in the following pathologies:

  • coughing;
  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • anemia;
  • scarlet fever;
  • diseases of the stomach (peptic ulcer, gastritis);
  • chronic constipation;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • bleeding (postpartum, uterine);
  • hives, etc.

Mulberry doshab is an excellent general tonic, a source of energy, helps to increase intellectual abilities, cleansing the liver and blood, improving the state of the nervous system.

Mulberry doshab: contraindications

It should be borne in mind that, although mulberry doshab does not have direct contraindications, it should not be eaten in large quantities. When overeating, the reaction of the body can be unpredictable, especially for allergy sufferers. It is advisable to consult a specialist before taking mulberry doshab for the treatment of various pathologies.

The instruction considers only individual intolerance to mulberry berries and preparations made from it as a contraindication for the use of mulberry doshab.

You can not take mulberry doshab with exacerbation of gallstone or urolithiasis.

A complete contraindication is acute cholecystitis and acute pancreatitis.

Mulberry doshab: application

Mulberry doshab can be simply eaten as a dessert, combined with baked goods, mixed with butter, crushed walnuts or adding to drinks.

In addition, many mulberry doshabs are added when cooking compotes, kissels, when preparing berry kvass and various oriental sweets.

According to the instructions, for medicinal purposes, mulberry doshab is recommended to be taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach, diluted or washed down with water. After that, you can not drink or eat anything for 15-20 minutes. You can also rinse your mouth with this solution from doshab for sore throats.

For small children, mulberry doshab should be given from the age of two. Like all concentrated products of natural origin, babies are given it, starting with a quarter dose. If allergic reactions do not occur within a few days, then mulberry syrup is given to babies in a teaspoon once a day as a multivitamin remedy.

For the treatment of cough, the dose of doshab from mulberry is increased three times. When using syrup, vitamin and mineral preparations and herbal infusions should not be given so as not to cause allergic reactions. This general rule for the use of all vitamin syrups.

As you know, nature gives us a lot of useful things for the body. A lot of those who prefer during the period of exacerbation, for example, colds, turn to natural remedies. It is in such cases that a mulberry doshab can come to the rescue.

How exactly to get this healing syrup is, of course, up to you. You can buy a ready-made mulberry doshab in a pharmacy or spend your own time and make your own mulberry doshab at home - in any case, using the finished product wisely, you will help your body fight many diseases.

white here- This is a berry that is famous not only for its delicious taste, but also for many healing properties. The chemical composition of these fruits is rich in substances useful for the human body, such as:

  • fructose;
  • glucose;
  • organic acids (malic, citric);
  • tannins;
  • trace elements;
  • pectins;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins B, C, etc.

For medicinal purposes, white mulberry berries are used not only fresh, but also processed. For example, in the Caucasus region and the Middle East, a special syrup is brewed from them - mulberry doshab. Consider what this product is, as well as how to take mulberry doshab.

How is mulberry doshab prepared?

Mulberry doshab is prepared by long-term boiling of mulberries without adding sugar. It is a product of a very thick consistency (like natural honey), slightly oily, dark in color. The taste of mulberry doshab, despite the fact that it is boiled without sugar, is very sweet, but not cloying, leaving a pleasant aftertaste.

Today, mulberry doshab can be purchased at pharmacies and specialized stores, as well as prepared independently at home according to this recipe:

  1. Rinse fresh sorted white mulberries under running water.
  2. Place in a saucepan and pour water in a ratio of 1 liter per 20 kg of berries.
  3. Put on a slow fire and boil for one hour.
  4. Squeeze the cooked fruits through gauze or a special press.
  5. Pour the squeezed juice into a wide bowl and boil over low heat, periodically removing the foam and stirring, for several hours (this process can even take a day).
  6. Remove from heat when foaming stops and syrup darkens.
  7. Cool, pour into a glass jar.

The process of preparing doshab is quite troublesome, but the result is worth the effort - in the end you will get a delicious delicacy and at the same time a medicinal product that will be especially useful in the winter.

The benefits of mulberry doshab

Due to the many useful properties of mulberry doshab, this product is recommended for use in the following pathologies:

  • coughing;
  • bronchitis;
  • asthma;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the stomach (peptic ulcer, gastritis);
  • chronic constipation;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • bleeding (postpartum, uterine);
  • hives, etc.

Mulberry doshab is an excellent general tonic, a source of energy, helps to increase intellectual abilities, and blood, improve states of the nervous system.

Ways to use mulberry doshab

This product can be simply eaten as a dessert, combined with baked goods, mixed with butter, crushed walnuts or added to drinks. Also, mulberry doshab is added when cooking compotes, kissels, when preparing berry kvass and various oriental sweets.

According to the instructions, for medicinal purposes, mulberry doshab is recommended to be taken daily in the morning on an empty stomach, diluted or washed down with water. After that, you can not drink or eat anything for 15-20 minutes. You can also rinse your mouth with this solution for sore throats.

It should be borne in mind that, although mulberry doshab has no contraindications, it should not be eaten in large quantities. When overeating, the reaction of the body can be unpredictable, especially for allergy sufferers. It is advisable to consult a specialist before taking mulberry doshab for the treatment of various pathologies.

In any pharmacy there is a wide selection of cough and cold remedies. However, do not forget that any chemical drug, even the most harmless, at first glance, curing one, negatively affects the other. The most commonly affected are the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

See also: Is Sinecod syrup allowed during pregnancy in the 1-3 trimester

The use of medicines based on natural ingredients has shown itself well in the treatment of colds and even severe coughs. Therefore, it is worth trying to get rid of the disease with folk remedies instead of chemical drugs.

Given the feedback from users who, in practice, managed to verify the effectiveness of treatment with folk remedies, mulberry doshab helps a lot with coughing. What is the basis of the remedy and how to prepare it correctly, we will consider further.

See also: Which syrup to choose from a wet cough for children and adults

What is doshab

This is a concentrated juice of fruits and berries, which is subjected to prolonged boiling. Mulberries, grapes, apricots are most often used as the basis for doshab.

Particularly popular this species folk remedy is used by residents of the Middle Eastern countries and the Caucasus. The main feature of the composition is that sugar or sugar syrup is not used at all in its preparation. Required amount fruit is simply boiled for a long time in its own juice, and the output is a liquid that resembles liquid honey in consistency.

See also: How to take cough syrup Sinekod and its analogues

The most effective cough, as we have previously noted, is mulberry doshab. This is a remedy based on mulberry. Properly prepared mulberry doshab has the following qualities:

  • the consistency should be viscous and slightly oily;
  • the shade of the composition is dark brown;
  • the taste is sweet, but not cloying.

The beneficial properties of mulberry cough syrup cannot be overestimated, so it is recommended to use it to treat the following ailments:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (due to the rich content of potassium in mulberries);
  • nervous disorders and overwork;
  • internal deprivation;
  • scarlet fever;
  • beriberi;
  • insomnia;
  • allergies;
  • bleeding.

And, of course, at the first sign of a cold and the beginning of a cough, do not forget about the mulberry doshab.

How to use mulberry syrup correctly

As a remedy, mulberry doshab can be used in the following ways:

  1. With a very disturbing cough, which is often popularly called barking, the syrup is used 3 times a day, one tablespoon.
  2. For the prevention of colds and even sore throats. Start taking doshab in the off-season and during epidemics. Adults are recommended to drink 2 tablespoons of syrup in the morning before meals, and children - 1 tablespoon each.
  3. If the throat is very bothersome, mulberry doshab can be used as a gargle. To prepare the solution, you need to add 1.5 tablespoons of syrup to 1 glass of warm boiled water. Gargle 2-3 times during the day.

In whatever form the mulberry doshab is used, after its application it is not allowed to drink and take food for 20-25 minutes. Doshab is not contraindicated for people suffering from obesity, but the dosage should not be exceeded: 1 tablespoon per day, and no more.

How to cook doshab at home

If the mulberry tree grows nearby, then the syrup based on its fruits can be prepared independently, and quite simply:

  1. Rinse approximately 10 kg of mulberries thoroughly under running water. It is advisable to remove damaged berries.
  2. The washed base is poured into a container right size, for example, an enameled pot or bucket.
  3. When choosing a container, one should not forget that blue mulberry will definitely color the surface. Give preference to containers that are used specifically for food processing.
  4. 0.5 liters of water is added to the washed berries, the container is placed on a minimum fire.
  5. On low heat, the berries should cook for about 60 minutes. As soon as the recommended time is up, the ingredients need to be filtered. Berries should not be thrown away immediately, because they can be used as a filling for home baking. And the filtered liquid base is again put to cook on the slowest fire for about 6-7 hours.
  6. To determine that the syrup is ready, the foam will help, which must be removed during the cooking process. As soon as the foam stops forming, the homemade miracle remedy for numerous diseases is ready.

Finally, it remains only to pour the mulberry doshab into glass containers, for example, into half-liter jars, and use the medicinal property as needed.

Hello my readers! Probably, everyone in the yard in childhood had a huge tree, which in the summer was strewn with small black or white, something similar to raspberries, berries?

Ripe, tasty, after them it was of blue color everything: hands, lips, and clothes. I remember that time with warmth, even now I want, as in ancient times, to climb a tree to the very top, where usually the largest and most delicious mulberries are.

Have you ever asked yourself the question: what is it for? Except that mulberry leaves are food for silk caterpillars.

So they make delicious syrup from mulberries, mulberry doshab, for sure one of you once came across it in large stores, right?

What are the beneficial properties of mulberry doshab, instructions for using it for coughing, can people suffering from various diseases be eaten? You will learn about all this only by reading the article!

What kind of doshab is this?

Mulberry syrup is made from the fruit of the mulberry tree. The plant is widespread in the countries of the Middle East, but Armenia is considered the birthplace of the syrup.

They do it like this: first squeeze the juice, then boil for a long time, removing the foam, until a thick dark syrup is obtained. Some manufacturers add sugar, others do not. Doshab and without it is very sweet, but not cloying.

Chemical composition

A quality product consists only of natural ingredients without added sugar and contains:

  • vitamins of groups B and C;
  • fructose;
  • malic and citric acids;
  • carotene;
  • pectin;
  • calcium and iron.

The calorie content of mulberry doshab is 265 kcal per 100 grams. Not very much, but it is difficult to add it to the list of products for weight loss. Still carbohydrates. By the way, the product has a low glycemic index.

Mulberry doshab: useful properties

Mulberry syrup is a very healthy and simply delicious product, which in traditional medicine acts as a well-deserved cure for many diseases.

It is used for medicinal purposes:

  • used for coughs and sore throats (it will help to overcome even a prolonged cough);
  • used in bronchial asthma;
  • recommended for cardiovascular diseases;
  • has choleretic properties;
  • beneficial effect on the digestive system;
  • help to overcome insomnia without calling addiction and addiction;


  • Despite all its usefulness, the syrup should be used with the greatest care for people suffering from diabetes.
  • Also, you should not give it to small children under one year old, and it is better for pregnant women not to get carried away.
  • Do not forget about individual intolerance - in such cases, it is strongly not recommended to use mulberry doshab.

How to take mulberry doshab for cough?

Mulberry syrup - popular folk remedy for coughs, both dry and wet. It will help better than any other drugs and pills.

After all, the truth is, why stuff your relatives and children with drugs that can negatively affect the body as a whole, if you can use a natural product? Instructions for use for cough in several versions below.

Method of application No. 1. Consume 2-3 tablespoons of mulberry syrup daily before meals. Children - 2-3 teaspoons.

Method of application No. 2. Dilute the syrup in a glass of warm water or milk and enjoy a tasty and healthy drink. Cough and sore throat will pass quickly.

My family likes to dilute the doshab with water, although the kids will probably like it more undiluted.

Method of application No. 3. Add 1 tablespoon of syrup to a glass of water, gargle with the resulting liquid.

How to choose a good product?

Such syrups are offered by different manufacturers, both foreign and domestic. Usually, instead of the word "syrup" they use "pekmez".

In both cases, remember that in the composition natural product there should be no preservatives, dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers and other filth. Very good if there is no more sugar.

Don't worry, the lack of sweeteners doesn't mean the syrup will be sour or taste bad. Doshab is sweet on its own, but the presence of sugar can make it cloying. It will appeal to both adults and children.

If you doubt the naturalness and safety of goods from the store, try to cook doshab yourself at home.

My aunt takes 5 kg of mulberry and 0.4 liters of water, puts it on fire. After some time, when the berries release juice, they need to be squeezed well. Continue to simmer over low heat until the juice is dark in color and has a thick, oily consistency.

Yes, it takes a long time, but the result is incredible! And 100% natural! This is the product you can get at home.

Friends, tell us in your comments whether you use mulberry doshab in nutrition, to strengthen immunity and for coughing? How? Looking forward to your feedback!

P.S.S. Subscribe to blog news, because I still have so much to tell! See you soon, my dear readers!

Mulberry doshab - concentrated juice from the fruits of white mulberries, boiled using a special technology. The product preserves all the useful properties of mulberry fruits as much as possible. which, due to a number of features, are not subject to transportation. Thanks to this, we can enjoy the healing properties of berries that are processed in an exceptionally beneficial way - without adding sugar. Let's talk in more detail about the methods of using mulberry syrup and its contraindications.

History and production of mulberry doshab

The history of doshab begins in the 11th century, when the Turks mastered the cultivation of grapes and the basics of winemaking. Over time, grape production increased, which contributed to the emergence of new fruit processing technologies. Local culinary specialists learned how to make doshab, the recipe of which began to be used for fruits of other cultures. Mulberry doshab, cooked from white mulberry fruits, became especially valuable among them.

The recipe gradually spread to the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Here, depending on the region, there is another name for the product - bekmes (pekmez). The new product has firmly entered the culinary of many peoples, especially Azerbaijan.

Mulberry doshab is made from white mulberry fruits

The ancient recipes for making mulberry doshab have been brought to perfection today and are the basis for the mass production of a useful product. The main export of mulberry doshab to Russia is produced by Armenia.

Stages of production of mulberry doshab:

  • juice extraction from ripe mulberries;
  • juice heating to boiling in copper tin-plated boilers or bekmesovarochny installations;
  • adding white clay(shirehek) to remove toxins and bitterness;
  • upholding and filtering the product;
  • evaporation in special conditions;
  • canning into glass containers.

After such processing, a sweet concentrate of mulberry fruits is obtained, prepared without the addition of preservatives and sugar. This is the basis of the special quality of the product, which is a good alternative to other sweeteners.

Mulberry doshab is an extremely useful product that is used as a homeopathic remedy. This is isolated by the content in it of only natural sugars: fructose and glucose. Monosaccharides are quickly absorbed into the blood, providing the body with long-term energy (265kcal/100g).

Useful properties of mulberry doshab

Doshaba retains most of the beneficial substances from the composition of white mulberry fruits. First of all, it is a natural phytoalexin - resveratrol, which has antitumor, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective and antiviral properties. In addition, the fruits contain:

  • malic, citric acid;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins groups B, C, E, PP, K;
  • nitrogenous, tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • trace elements: iron, selenium, copper, zinc;
  • macronutrients: calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus.

Mulberry doshab has the ability to thin and remove sputum, cleanse the respiratory tract from pus and blood particles. Therefore, the remedy is used to treat cough, cleanse the respiratory tract in bronchopulmonary diseases.

The high iron content in the product helps to treat anemia and other pathologies associated with impaired hematopoiesis. Macronutrients strengthen blood vessels, nourish the structures of the heart. That's why doshab will be useful for hypertension, cardiac pathologies, atherosclerosis. This property is especially important in old age, when all the structures of the heart wear out and hardly provide blood circulation.

It is recommended to take mulberry doshab on an empty stomach both in concentrated and diluted form. warm water form

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the development of free radicals. Their excessive formation leads to the transformation of healthy cells into malignant ones. This property of doshab is used to prevent cancer or relapse of the disease after a course of treatment. Regular use of doshaba will help to remove toxins that have entered the body from the environment..

The antibacterial properties of doshab will help with scarlet fever and sore throat, during which the drug is used as an additional treatment to relieve fever. Fatty acids and essential oils are useful for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by ulcers and erosions.

Mulberry doshab will be useful for healthy people. It nourishes the body with essential vitamins and macronutrients, helping to strengthen the nervous and immune systems, improves blood composition and regulates liver function.

Mulberry doshab has no specific contraindications. However, mulberry fruits are obligate allergens, this should be taken into account for people with hypersensitivity of the body.

Quality indicators of mulberry doshab

Violations during the production, storage or preservation of doshaba can cause loss of its quality. Besides some manufacturers add sugar to the product or dilute it with water. Therefore, before purchasing a product, it is important to know what natural mulberry doshab looks like.

A properly cooked mulberry doshab has a dense and thick consistency, similar to young honey.. Prolonged heating of the fruit leads to a change in fructose, which becomes dark in color with an oily sheen. The taste of doshaba is sweet, but not cloying with a long aftertaste. You can check the quality of the doshab by dropping a small amount on a plate, it should not spread.

Natural Mulberry Doshab Syrup should be thick and not spread

To guarantee the quality of mulberry doshab, it is better to purchase in pharmacies where you can visually inspect the tool. The product can also be purchased in online stores of well-known manufacturers that specialize in the processing of fruits and berries. It is better to refuse offers from unknown distributors.

The natural product does not contain preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and sugar. The shelf life of mulberry doshab is 2 years. Opened product is stored in a refrigerator with a tightly closed lid.

The use of mulberry doshab

  • For the treatment of coughs and colds doshab is used together with milk. For this, 1 tbsp. l. funds are diluted in 100 ml of warm milk. After complete dissolution of the product, another 100 ml of hot milk is added. The remedy is recommended to be taken 3 times a day.
  • For sore throats and gum disease Doshab is used to prepare a means for rinsing the respiratory tract and oral cavity. For this, 1 tbsp. l. the funds are diluted in 150 ml of warm water. Procedures are carried out 3-5 times a day.
  • For general strengthening of the body 1 st. l. doshaba is diluted in 250 ml of boiled water. Take 20-30 minutes before breakfast daily. A course of treatment lasting 20 days will help to cope with fatigue, loss of strength and beriberi. These procedures are especially useful in winter and spring.
  • For the treatment of anemia and stomach ulcers an aqueous solution of doshaba is taken 3 times a day separately from meals for a month.
  • With the help of mulberry doshab, it is possible to carry out procedures for tubage of the liver and gallbladder. This is a gentle washing of the ducts of organs, which contributes to the rapid removal of accumulated bile. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp. l. doshaba in 250 ml of water at a temperature of 40°C-45°C and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. After that, lie down and apply a heating pad to the liver area for 1.5 hours. 15 procedures are recommended with a frequency of 1 time per week.

Restrictions on the use of doshaba

Children can use mulberry doshab from the age of 1. Before the first use, the child is given ¼ teaspoon of the remedy. In the absence of allergies, the daily rate is 1 tsp. per day to strengthen the body. For the treatment of cough, colds and anemia, the dose is increased 3 times.

Mulberry syrup should not be consumed at the same time as other fruit juices, otherwise it will lead to indigestion.

During pregnancy, doshab take no more than 2 tbsp. l. in a day. Due to possible allergies during lactation, it is better to refuse to use the product.

People with diabetes doshab can consume no more than 1 tbsp. l. in a day. Despite the low glycemic index, exceeding this dose can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels. The same rate is recommended for obesity, which is isolated by the high calorie content of the product.

Mulberry doshab is also attractive to use in cooking. This is the original meat sauce and salad dressing, good foundation for tonic drinks. Mulberry doshab will help diversify the diet and give an extraordinary taste to familiar products.

Mulberry doshab is a good substitute for many pharmacological preparations, the excessive use of which is harmful to any person. The sweet and pleasant taste of the product makes it possible to replace sugar with it. which contributes to the overall health of the body.

There are many medications available to treat colds and coughs. But do not forget that they are all chemical substances which can adversely affect the body. As an alternative, medicines bestowed by nature are used. Few people know that such an inconspicuous berry as mulberry is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. So, get acquainted with the mulberry doshab.

Mulberry doshab - natural cough remedy

What it is

Doshab is nothing more than a concentrated fruit juice obtained by long-term boiling. Most often it is prepared from apricots, grapes and mulberries. The tool is especially popular in the Caucasus and the Middle East. The main feature of the preparation is the absence of granulated sugar. Fruits are simply boiled in their own juice. The end result is a viscous, thick liquid that resembles sauce, honey, or thick syrup in consistency.

In addition to viscosity, a quality mulberry doshab should have a slight oiliness and a dark color.

It is not sugary in taste, very sweet, despite the fact that no sugar is used in its preparation, and has a pronounced aftertaste.

Doshab is made from mulberries

Beneficial features

The benefits of mulberry cough syrup are invaluable, which allows it to be used to treat a variety of diseases:

  1. As you know, potassium is a medicine for the heart muscle, and in doshaba it is contained in large quantities. Therefore, syrup is used for problems of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Useful in nervous disorders resulting from overwork.
  3. It can be used for lichen as an external remedy.
  4. Hemostatic properties are well proven doshab for uterine and postpartum bleeding.
  5. It is recommended for children suffering from scarlet fever.

Doshab is also effective in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

  1. Due to its antiseptic and bactericidal properties, it is often drunk in diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract.
  2. The rich vitamin and mineral composition perfectly copes with anemia, spring beriberi, imbalance of elements in the body, and also activates the immune system.
  3. This is a great way to get rid of insomnia due to sedative properties.
  4. Mulberry syrup is also known for its astringent properties.
  5. The tool activates metabolic processes in children and eliminates allergic symptoms.

Doshab also has a beneficial effect on patients suffering from insomnia.


Mulberry doshab for cough is a storehouse of useful components for our body. It consists of various sugars (mainly monosaccharides), proteins, nitrogenous substances, phosphoric acid, lipids, pectin, tannins, carotene, acids of organic origin (malic and citric), vitamins, (such as A (retinol), B1 ( thiamine), B 5, B2 (riboflavin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), B9 (folates), B4 (choline), C (ascorbic acid), PP (nicotinic acid), E (tocopherol), K (naphthoquinone)), essential oils , saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated fats, various minerals (such as Iron (Fe), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Copper (Cu), Sodium (Na), Selenium (Se), Phosphorus (P), Zinc (Zn)).

Terms of use

Mulberry doshab is used for treatment in several ways:

  • If you are concerned about a barking cough, then the medicine is drunk 2-3 tablespoons a day. In addition, it will help soften the throat.
  • As a preventive measure, it is recommended to eat 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach in the morning. syrup. For children, this dosage is halved, i.e. no more than 1 tbsp. per day. But this is provided that the child tolerates the drug well, and he does not have any allergic manifestations.

When taking syrup, it is important to follow the dosage and certain rules.

  • For a sore throat, the syrup is diluted with warm water and used as a gargle. Water can be replaced with milk.

When using doshab, you should follow the rule: after taking it, you can not drink and eat for 15-20 minutes.

Separately, it is worth talking about taking a sweet doctor for overweight people and diabetics. Due to the high calorie content, the dosage for them is no more than 1 tbsp / day

How to make your own mulberry syrup

To avoid wasting time cooking, you can purchase mulberry cough syrup at various retail outlets. In places where the mulberry tree grows massively, you can prepare the medicine yourself.

You can make your own cough syrup at home

To do this, take 10 kg of berries, carefully sort them out from depressed and bad ones, wash them under running water and transfer them to a container. It can serve as a large enameled bucket or basin. When choosing dishes, remember that mulberry tends to dye. Therefore, it is best to take pots that you use only for conservation.

Half a liter of water is poured into a container with a berry and set on a small fire. The duration of cooking after boiling is one hour. After the time has elapsed, the resulting liquid is filtered, the berries are discarded or left for further use(for example, as a filling for a pie), and the liquid is again poured into a saucepan and set to boil for several hours on the smallest fire.

Preparing mulberry syrup is quite simple.

How to understand that the syrup is completely ready? According to the resulting foam (it must be removed during the cooking process). If it has ceased to appear, then our remedy is ready. It remains only to pour into jars and tightly close the lid.


In addition to being used as a medicine, mulberry doshab is widely used in cooking. It is added in the preparation of various sweets, desserts. It goes well with pastries, nuts. The syrup is mixed into a variety of drinks, used as the basis for kvass, jelly or compote. It can also be spread on bread and butter or eaten neat with tea. Doshab is an excellent seasoning in the Caucasus, served with meat dishes, various salads, as well as a concentrated component for creating dishes such as sharots, halva, sujuk and churchkhela.

Doshab is not only a medicine, but also a delicious dessert


Despite a lot of advantages and excellent tolerability of a folk remedy, mulberry doshab can not always be used. Contraindications include:

  • manifestation of allergic reactions to mulberry;
  • you should not drink the remedy at the same time as the juices of other fruits, otherwise it will lead to indigestion;
  • ladies who are expecting a baby should also carefully take the syrup so that this does not negatively affect their health and the baby.

It is unacceptable to use syrup for children under one year old.

Doshab during pregnancy should be used very carefully

In conclusion, it should be noted that treatment is exclusively folk ways Not recommended. If your doctor has prescribed medications then all recommendations should be followed. The use of mulberry cough syrup is only permissible as an additional therapy. In this case, be sure to consult your doctor and find out if it is possible to combine the syrup with the prescribed medication.

You will learn how to cook mulberry doshab at home from the following video:
