Grease and dirt sometimes so firmly eat into the upholstery that ugly stains remain on the furniture, which are very problematic to get rid of. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to clean the furniture, and do it regularly as it gets dirty, and not from case to case.

The best recipes on how to clean furniture from grease and dirty stains are offered in this material.

Proper care of wooden furniture

Wooden furniture, like all other types of furniture, needs regular maintenance. If you use the right tools for this, it will last for many years. How to clean furniture at home so as not to damage its surface?

Natural wood is the most popular material from which furniture is made. Such furniture is distinguished by its attractive appearance and durability, but it requires special care. When caring for wooden furniture, it is recommended to wipe the dust every day, and once a week to carry out a thorough cleaning to remove grease from fingers.

For proper care behind carved wooden furniture it is better to use a soft brush. Glasses and cups with hot drinks should not be placed directly on wooden furniture, as wood does not like heat. It is recommended to use special stands for this. Avoid hitting direct sun rays on furniture, as it can fade from their exposure. The tree is able to crack and dry out, because of which it loses its natural structure. If indoor furniture can only be placed near the battery, then it is necessary to place a protective screen with a heat-reflecting cloth between them.

Another enemy natural wood is moisture, so avoid getting water on the furniture, and when cleaning, use a dry cloth.

If water is accidentally spilled on the furniture, then you need to quickly remove the moisture so that the liquid does not leave stains on the surface. When caring for wooden furniture, you must use natural cleaning products.

Recipe for caring for wood furniture

Recipe number 1.

You will need: 50 g of baby soap.

Cooking method. Cut baby soap with a knife or grater, add to 500 ml of water, mix thoroughly.

Application. Wipe the contaminated areas with the resulting solution, then wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in clean water. After that, wipe the furniture with a dry cloth.

Note to the owner. If there are scratches on the furniture, you need to take slate powder from colored pencils or crayons. Choose a suitable color, apply the mixture across the scratch and rub with a piece of cardboard. Unnecessary particles should be removed with the edge of a plastic card.

Recipe number 2.

You will need: 15 drops of lemon essential oil.

Cooking method. Before cleaning wooden furniture, essential oil lemon should be thoroughly mixed with 50 ml of water.

Application. Apply the resulting mixture to a sponge, wipe the surface of wooden furniture.

Lemon essential oil is great for polishing furniture, and it also has a pleasant smell.

How to clean wooden furniture from dirt

Below are recipes for how else to clean furniture at home in order to preserve the texture of the surface.

Recipe number 3.

You will need: 100 ml table vinegar, 50 ml olive oil.

Cooking method. Before washing wooden furniture, mix table vinegar and olive oil.

Application. Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle, spray on the surface of the furniture, then wipe with a flannel cloth.

Polished furniture will look brighter.

Recipe number 4.

You will need: 50 ml lemon juice.

Cooking method. Add lemon juice to 50 ml of water.

Application. To remove stains and stains from water, apply the resulting solution to a cloth, wipe the surface, and then wipe the problem areas again with a cloth.

Recipe number 5.

You will need: 10 ml ammonia.

Cooking method. Add ammonia to 60 ml of water.

Application. Apply the resulting solution to a cloth, wipe thoroughly wooden surface. This tool helps to eliminate various types of pollution.

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Recipes for cleaning wooden furniture

Recipe number 6.

You will need: 10 ml of vaseline.

Application. To remove whitish spots from hot dishes, rub the problem areas with petroleum jelly and leave overnight, and polish in the morning.

Recipe number 7.

You will need: 1 potato tuber.

Cooking method. Peel potatoes, cut in half.

Application. To remove stains from iodine from wooden furniture, wipe the contaminated places with raw potatoes, then wipe with a dry cloth.

When caring for varnished furniture, soap solutions should not be used, as they can damage the surface.

Caring for upholstered furniture: how to clean it from dirt

Upholstered furniture is upholstered various types fabrics: cotton, jacquard, etc. Each upholstery requires a certain care. How to clean upholstered furniture at home to keep the fabric texture? Removable covers are washable. In other cases, it is necessary to clean using brushes or sponges. Sofas and armchairs are recommended to be vacuumed 2 times a week. Seams and corners should be brushed every month. In these places, dust accumulates especially often. When caring for upholstered furniture, it is advisable to comb fabrics with pile with a brush. When various dirt appears on the furniture, it is recommended to use natural cleaning products that will not harm the fabrics.

Below are recipes for how to clean upholstered furniture from dirt, using the tools always at hand.

Recipe number 8.

You will need: 1 bar of laundry soap.

Cooking method. Soak a bar of soap in water.

Application. To remove coffee, chocolate and other serious stains, rub the stain with soap, wipe with a damp cloth and allow to dry.

Another effective method how to clean upholstered furniture at home - make a solution of laundry soap and table vinegar.

Recipe number 9.

You will need: 1 bar of laundry soap, 1 tsp. table vinegar.

Cooking method. Before cleaning upholstered furniture, you need to moisten a bar of soap in water, and then add table vinegar to 200 ml of water.

Application. To remove stains from beer, it is necessary to treat the soiled surface with laundry soap and dry it. Then apply the resulting acetic solution. Wait until it is absorbed, then rinse with clean water and dry.

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How and how to clean upholstered furniture from dirt, grease and stains at home

If you do not know how to clean upholstered furniture, use table salt.

Recipe number 10.

You will need: 1 st. l. table salt.

Cooking method. Before cleaning upholstered furniture from dirt, you need to add table salt to 200 ml of water, mix thoroughly.

Application. To remove various contaminants, it is necessary to moisten problem areas with the resulting solution, then rinse with clean water.

A good way to clean stains on upholstered furniture is to use salt and aspirin.

Recipe number 11.

You will need: 1 tsp salt, 1 aspirin.

Cooking method. Add table salt and an aspirin tablet to 200 ml of water, mix thoroughly.

Application. Apply the resulting solution to the contaminated surface, leave for 20 minutes. Then rub the stain with a cloth soaked in this solution.

Note to the owner. Ice is used to remove chewing gum from upholstered furniture. To do this, you need to put it in a bag and attach it to the elastic, wait until it becomes hard, and carefully peel it off with a knife. Then this place can be wiped with alcohol.

Caring for leather furniture: how to clean from grease and how to wash off dirt

Furniture with leather upholstery looks beautiful and expensive. It should be borne in mind that leather is a natural porous material that absorbs moisture well and gives it away just as easily. Therefore, at low humidity, the skin becomes dry and brittle, and the dye may crumble. Over time, the fatty substances contained in the skin and making it soft dry out. If you do not take care of it, then the top layer will be covered with cracks. It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight on leather furniture, as dyes fade under their influence.

When caring for leather furniture, you should wipe it daily with a dry soft cloth, and if it is heavily soiled, use a damp cloth. Avoid getting alcohol-containing substances on furniture, as alcohol dissolves grease.

How to clean leather furniture so as not to damage the material?

Recipe number 12.

You will need: 100 ml linseed oil, 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar.

Cooking method. Before washing leather furniture, mix linseed oil and table vinegar.

Application. Boil the resulting mixture, cool and apply with a brush on the upholstery, after 3-4 hours polish with a soft dry.

- perhaps the most comfortable place that can be at home. There is nothing surprising in this, because after a hard day at work, we try to lie down as soon as possible, wrap ourselves in a warm blanket and, turning on our favorite series, plunge into the world of calm and relaxation.

All the most “interesting” things happen on the sofa: children play here, our smaller friends, pets, have chosen this place, and no matter how many comments you make to both, they will still do as they please.

After some time, each person thinks about how to clean the sofa at home, because over time it loses its color, becomes worn and covered with a variety of stains, the result of which is grease or dirt.

How to make the sofa get its original look?

Of course, it is better to choose a sofa for your home from a fabric that would match your pace of life. If you have small children and pets that can unknowingly damage furniture, you don't need to choose soiled options that after a few days will become dull and dirty, as if you have been using it for many years.

The nuances worth paying attention to are as follows.

  • If you are considering a sofa as the only place in the house for socializing and receiving guests, make sure when buying that its upholstery can be easily cleaned. It will be useful and, if necessary, clean it from animal hair at home.
  • To prevent upholstered furniture from getting dirty so quickly, cover the sofa with a bedspread or, even better, buy a cover for it.
  • Do not allow yourself and all household members to eat on the couch, because an inadvertently dropped crumb can cause a large stain, which will simply be impossible to remove at home.
  • Preventive cleaning of furniture fabric at home will not take much time and effort, and the general condition of the sofa will be many times better.

If you have not yet brought the furniture to the point where it is no longer possible to clean your sofa at home, try to regularly carry out cleaning prophylaxis.

All you need for this is a wet sheet: spread it on the surface of your furniture and lightly pat it.

In such a simple way, you can easily collect all the dust that has accumulated.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated by rinsing and carefully squeezing the sheet in clean water.

There is one “but” in this method - until the sofa is completely dry, it is highly recommended not to sit on it.

But after all, you will have something to do at this time: while you are waiting for the fabric to dry, you can polish the armrests if they are made of wood, or just brush them.

Wooden armrests - how to clean?

Modern furniture models, as a rule, include wooden elements. In order for your sofa to be completely clean, you need to wash not only the upholstery itself, but also gently clean the armrests.

It often happens that sloppy guests or inattentive children, out of stupid habit, attach used chewing gum to the armrests.

Many are faced with the problem of removing them, but this is not a problem: take Vaseline and rub it into the chewing gum - after a while it will completely crumble.

To get rid of stains white color, which can remain after mugs in hot tea, Vaseline will also come to the rescue. After you wipe the surface with it, after a few hours there will be no trace of stains.

Wondering how to clean a leather sofa? Do you think that this task at home is simply impossible? You are deeply mistaken.

Vaseline, which has already been mentioned above, is an excellent and universal remedy in this case - it will not only clean the armrests, but it will also be able to remove dirt from the skin.

If you do not have such a remedy at home, you can replace it with baby oil. In both cases, the leather sofa will need to be wiped with a damp cloth, otherwise your “handsome man” will look like an oil pastry.

Cleaning depends on the degree of contamination of the surface - it happens that it is enough just to moisten a cloth in cold water with the addition of vinegar and wipe the skin with it.

Fabric upholstery - cleaning secrets

Wondering how to clean sofa upholstery and afraid to make a mistake? Follow all the recommendations below and you will have a perfectly clean sofa in your home again.

To begin with, determine what type the fabric belongs to - whether it will shed, discolor, or even lose its brightness if it is wetted with soapy water (velvet, velor and plush can be safely attributed to such options).

In order to do everything right at home, try applying a small amount of the product that you trust to clean your sofa to a gap that is not conspicuous.

Don't make mistakes! The sofa cannot be wetted too much - you can’t hang it out on the balcony to dry. If excess moisture gets inside the furniture, you cannot avoid a musty smell or even mold.

Not always, in order to give your sofa a perfect look, you need to contact specialized companies and buy expensive products.

Sometimes what we have at hand can be very useful.

  1. soda, vinegar and detergent . This method is by far the most popular. You will need a liter of water (approximately), a spoonful of soda and a spoonful of detergent with vinegar. We mix it all up and gently clean it with a brush - try to keep your movements in the same direction, so you can avoid streaks.

Please note: you can’t overdo it with foam, so that you don’t have to wet the furniture much later. And in the case of “problem fabrics”, on which too much foam will form, it is better to avoid detergent altogether.

  1. . It can be used instead of regular powder. Watch the proportion - it should be 1:9. Everything else is the same as in the previous version. Washing your sofa at home will not be difficult.

Delicacy has not been canceled

There are situations when the upholstery of the sofa does not allow you to fidget with a brush on it, no matter how soft it is. But in this situation, you can find the right way out.

Take the regular laundry detergent you use for your clothes and some warm water.

We make foam by mixing a glass of water with half a glass of powder, apply it on the sofa and wait until it disappears. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times. After that, use and remove the dirty foam.

An unwanted stain has appeared on your favorite sofa and you can’t get it out? It would seem that the sofa is regularly cleaned, but the stain does not disappear anywhere - it will not evaporate on its own, stains will require a special approach.

A fresh stain is much easier to remove than one that has already been absorbed into the fabric. Therefore, try to monitor the appearance of new spots and get rid of them as quickly as possible.

So, popular options for removing various kinds of stains.

  • Bold. Such stains can be removed with chalk, sprinkling it on the “damage”, talc or salt. All these bulk are applied to a dirty surface and left for two hours. After they absorb the grease, they are vacuumed or swept away with a napkin.
  • beer stains. A simple solution of water and soap will do here. The only thing to take away bad smell, you can treat the area with vinegar.
  • Blood. Only cold water and soap! If the stain is still fresh, it can be covered with talc and water.
  • Beverages. In these situations, ammonia or ammonia is used. After application, the area should dry, then it is washed again with water.

As mentioned above, plush or velvet upholstery cannot be cleaned with soap. Stains on such surfaces are removed with gasoline or alcohol.

It becomes clear that removing any stain and generally cleaning your favorite sofa at home is not such a problem. The main thing is to approach the issue responsibly and consider each step. And remember, any stain is easier to prevent than to mess with removing it later!

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Professional dry cleaning of a sofa, upholstered chairs, armchairs or other upholstered furniture is an expensive service. Sometimes you can’t do without it, but in most cases even complex stains like blood stains, baby urine, wine, etc. can be removed on your own for mere pennies.

  • In this article, we have presented 2 step by step guides how to clean a sofa at home using products that are in every home.

How to clean a fabric sofa

Before cleaning your sofa, read the following tips and cautions.

  • All upholstery cleaners must first be tested on invisible areas (for example, under or behind a sofa).
  • Before cleaning a flock sofa, make sure that the selected product does not contain alcohol. After cleaning, go over the entire upholstery with a soft-bristled brush to straighten the pile.
  • To clean a microfiber sofa at home, use only dry methods. Wet cleaning possible only in extreme cases.
  • To clean a light-colored sofa, use only white rags. Colored fabrics under the influence of detergents can stain light-colored upholstery.
  • Do not use bleach or undiluted vinegar.

Step 1. The first step is to get rid of the dust. You can skip this step if you are only concerned with local contamination. However, if you get down to business thoroughly, then first the upholstery of upholstered furniture must be cleaned of accumulated dust, and at the same time from wool, scattered crumbs, etc. You can do this in two ways:

  • Method 1. With a vacuum cleaner: If you have a vacuum cleaner at home, great, you just need to vacuum the upholstery, paying special attention to all joints and corners. You can use a special furniture nozzle (preferably with a brush) or just a dust pipe.
  • Method 2. Without a vacuum cleaner (for fleecy fabrics): If there is no vacuum cleaner in the house or if the upholstery of the sofa is made of velor, velvet or any other fleecy fabric, then the dust is simply knocked out. Prepare an old sheet and carpet beater. Wet the sheet in water (you can use soapy water) and wring it out (you can do this with a washing machine in the rinse and wash cycle). Next, cover the furniture with a cloth and start actively knocking out the dust, not missing a single corner. So you can clean the sofa of dust without polluting the air, because it will remain on the fabric.

Step 2. Manually remove solid contaminants, if any. If necessary, the dirt can be scraped off with the butt of a knife, spatula or other object with a blunt edge.

  • From fabrics with pile (flock, velor or chenille), it is impossible to scrape off hardened dirt. They need to be soaked in soapy foam.

Step 3. Finally, get rid of the stains.

How to clean a sofa with Vanish

For starters, you can try a universal upholstery stain remover that is suitable for all types of fabrics - lather from soapy water or any mild detergent, such as Vanisha carpet cleaner. Simply apply the foam directly to soiled areas, let it work for 10-15 minutes, then rinse the fabric clean and finally remove excess moisture with a clean rag.

If the stain still remains, try removing it:

  • A solution of 9% vinegar (2 tablespoons / 1 liter of water);
  • Shampoo solution with warm water and 10 drops of ammonia.

In most cases, these simple procedures are enough to clean the sofa, for example, from stains of tea, coffee, chocolate, white wine, beer, jam, cola, etc.

If the soap did not cope with the stain, but you can determine its origin, then look for your case in the following collection of cleaning recipes:

  • How to clean a sofa from urine? This is one of the most complex organic contaminants, which may not be noticeable on the fabric, but exudes a pungent odor. As a rule, over time, the inhabitants of the house can get used to it and not feel it at all, but guests catch a specific aroma right away. How to clean the sofa from children's urine or animal urine? As soon as this trouble occurs, blot the soiled area with napkins so that the urine is absorbed. Then dry it with a hair dryer so that there are no streaks left. If the upholstery fabric is colored, then treat the stain with a solution of 9% vinegar (in a ratio of 1:5) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. How to clean a bright sofa from urine at home? In this case, the stain must be treated with a solution of citric acid (in a ratio of 1:10). After 30-60 minutes, wash the area with a soap/shampoo solution and finally wash the upholstery with clean water and dry.
  • How to clean a sofa from greasy stains? Sprinkle a fresh stain with fine salt and let it absorb all the fat (3-5 minutes). Soak the remaining trace in Fairy foam or any other dishwashing detergent for 10-15 minutes, then rinse the area clean and dry.

  • How to remove a wine stain from a sofa? Blot a fresh stain with a napkin and cover it with fine salt. Allow the salt to absorb moisture, repeat the procedure if necessary. Brush off the salt with a soft-bristled brush and scrub the stain with ethyl alcohol and then with soapy water. Next, remove the soap residue with water and blot the area dry with napkins.
  • How to remove chewing gum from the sofa? To remove chewing gum from sofa upholstery, it must be frozen. To do this, put a couple of ice cubes on it alternately (you can in a bag). When the gum hardens, gently scrape it off. If there is a stain on the upholstery after removing the chewing gum, apply methyl alcohol and wipe clean.
  • How to wipe off felt-tip pen, ballpoint pen, lipstick and nail polish? Apply ethyl/ammonia or acetone to the stain, then rinse the area clean.
  • How to remove wax from a sofa? Let the wax dry, then break it apart and scrape it off. Cover the trace of wax with a thin cotton cloth or two or three paper napkins and iron several times. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.
  • How to get blood stains out of a sofa? Fresh blood stains need to be soaked quickly cold water until they completely disappear. If the stain is old, then you need to hold it longer under ice cubes, soak it with a weak solution of vinegar (2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar per 1 liter of water) and, finally, wash the area with soapy water.
  • How to remove a juice stain on a couch? Apply a solution of ammonia and 9% vinegar to the stain, then rinse the fabric with a clean, damp cloth.

Step 4. If your sofa's upholstery is dull or smelly and simple dusting doesn't solve the problem, you can wash the entire upholstery:

  • Soap solution: warm water + mild soap;
  • Shampoo solution: warm water + shampoo;
  • A weak solution of 9% vinegar with water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water);
  • Alcohol (such as vodka) can be used to clean upholstered furniture with microfiber upholstery.

For convenience, spray the product from a spray bottle

To remove odor from a light-colored sofa, you can sprinkle baking soda all over the upholstery, leave it for 20-60 minutes, and then vacuum it up with a furniture brush head. The baking soda should absorb the bad smell.

  • After cleaning a sofa with pile upholstery, go over the entire fabric with a soft to medium-hard bristle brush. This technique will allow you to "fluff" the fibers and refresh the color.

And finally, we suggest watching the following video on how to clean the sofa from dust and dirt at home.

How to clean a leather sofa at home

You will need:

  • Soft rag (2 pcs);
  • Warm water;
  • Mild soap like Dove
  • White alcohol vinegar or regular vinegar 9%;
  • Olive or linseed oil.
  • Microfiber cloth.
  • Toothpaste or hairspray (to remove stains)


Step 1. Make a warm soapy solution from warm water and mild soap.

Step 2 Dampen your rag with soapy water and thoroughly wipe the upholstery with it.

Step 3 Wipe the sofa with a dry, clean cloth to remove moisture.

Step 4. Now, we need to use a conditioner that will protect the skin and refresh it. appearance. To do this, mix one part vinegar with two parts linseed or olive oil. Wipe the mixture all over the leather upholstery of the furniture and leave it for 10 minutes.

Step 5. After 10 minutes, buff the skin with a dry microfiber cloth.

  • Do not use undiluted vinegar or wet wipes containing alcohol, as they will draw moisture out of the leather and cause cracking.

Step 6. How to clean a leather sofa from stains? In order to remove any contamination, you need to locally apply a soft toothpaste or hairspray (after testing on an inconspicuous area!), then quickly wipe off with a clean cloth. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

  • Hairspray is especially good for removing ink from pens and markers.

Question answer

How to clean a sofa without streaks?

To clean your sofa without streaks, follow these guidelines:

  • Apply the sofa cleaner not to the upholstery, but to a sponge or rag;
  • It is very important not to rub the fabric too much, try to tamp and blot the contaminated places.
  • To avoid leaving stains on the sofa after cleaning, it is important to dry the upholstery as quickly as possible. To do this, first blot excess moisture with paper towels or clean rags and finally dry it with a hair dryer.

What is the best carpet cleaner?

  • It is with the help of foam cleaners that it is easiest to clean the sofa without stains (or remove stains if they have already appeared).

Now let's talk about brands and brands. There are many sofa cleaners on the market and even more carpet cleaners (these are also suitable for cleaning upholstery). We studied the reviews on the websites and, and also studied customer reviews on Youtube and came to the following conclusions:

  • The most purchased sofa cleaner is Vanish Carpet Shampoo. It is he who has the most reviews on specialized sites and a fairly high rating of 4.1.
  • The second most popular product is a concentrate for cleaning carpets and upholstery from the Faberlic home series. Has a rating of 4.3. Disadvantages: The tool can only be bought through dealers or ordered online.
  • Spray cleaner for sofas and carpets - Shtikhonit Bagi - has the highest rating of 4.8, but fewer reviews. Users note the ability of the spray to remove stains from ink, red wine and berries.
  • Good fame on Youtube thanks to a visual user review was earned by the Big Wash brand product Spray Foam for Carpet Cleaning.

Every housewife can clean upholstered furniture at home. To do this, you can use household chemicals. You can use folk recipes. They use baking soda, salt, vinegar and ammonia as a cleaning agent. When cleaning stains, you need to consider what fabric the furniture is covered with so as not to spoil it when cleaning. For breeding different kind stains need to use a specific tool. Precautions must be taken when using chemicals. A fresh stain is much easier to remove than an old one.

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    Furniture stain cleaning at home

    The fabric, which is covered with upholstered furniture, loses its fresh look during operation. Even a very neat housewife, with prolonged sitting and lying on the couch, remains greasy stains from sebum, clothes, settling dust. If households like to eat or drink tea while sitting on upholstered furniture, then often greasy or colored stains from food and drinks remain on it.

    Children in the house also add stains to furniture. Traces of dirty hands, features from ballpoint pen and felt-tip pens, plasticine, colored paints remain on the fabric. Animals love, running from the street, not having time to wash their paws, jump on their favorite chair or chair. If the stain is not removed immediately, it can be extremely difficult to remove in the future.

    When cleaning furniture, you need to take into account the specifics of pollution. A tool that easily removes dirt may be useless to deal with a felt-tip pen.

    In big cities, there are many dry cleaners that clean furniture. But knowing how to clean upholstered furniture at home, you can do it yourself with the help of tools. household chemicals or folk recipes.

    Safety and Precautions

    When cleaning furniture, aggressive agents are most often used. chemical substances so you need to wear gloves. Before use, you need to test the product on a small inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bfurniture upholstery.

    Without knowing the composition of the fabric, you can get a faded stain, a hole or damage to the fabric. For example, flock does not tolerate alcohol. Stains on microfiber cloth should not be washed with liquid detergents. Furniture covered with white fabric, eco-leather or leather should not be washed with colored sponges. There is a high risk that they will shed and spoil light furniture.


    Cleaning of upholstered furniture does not require any special devices.Every good hostess has everything you need:

    • foam rubber or melamine sponges;
    • soft and hard clothes brush;
    • liquid soap;
    • detergents;
    • salt, vinegar, starch, ammonia, acetone, aspirin and other substances that are always in the house.

    Cleaning algorithm

    Starting to clean the surface, you should follow a certain algorithm of actions. With any method of removing stains, it is approximately the same:

    • Preparation. Prepare a solution to remove contaminants. It must be placed next to the contaminated surface, so that it is convenient to reach and use it.
    • Applying the stain. The time of its removal depends on the severity and lifetime of the stain. The older the stain, the longer it will take to remove. First, the prepared mixture is applied to the contaminated area. The stain will be saturated with it and the process of destruction of pollution will begin.
    • Expectation. After 5-10 minutes, you can begin to remove the stain with a soft brush. Smooth movements need to rub the area. The more hairy the fabric, the more gently it must be handled so that in the future there are no noticeable combed places after removing the stains.
    • Removing chemicals from upholstery. After cleaning the stain, be sure to wash off the cleaning agent from the surface of the upholstered furniture. A sponge or napkin is wetted in clean water and the cleaned area is wiped several times.

    If after the performed operations the stain remains, the procedure must be repeated, increasing the waiting time for the destruction of the stain.

    If there are few stains and they are slightly noticeable, you can use special wipes to remove dust from the upholstery. Soak them in salted water and wipe the cloth. Then walk on the surface with a soft brush, then wipe the upholstery with a dry cloth or paper towel. This solution works well on most fresh stains.

    Sofas and armchairs should be cleaned periodically with a vacuum cleaner. This will remove excess dust and liquids accidentally spilled on the sofa, will not mix with dirt and will be much easier to remove. When removing fresh stains, you can avoid their penetration into the depth of the material and complex cleaning that requires special techniques and household chemicals.

    Types of fabrics and their cleaning

    Different fabrics have different characteristics from each other, and the general approach to cleaning fabrics often leads to undesirable results. When cleaning upholstery, you need to consider the properties of the fabric:

    • Leatherette can not be cleaned with hard brushes and chemicals containing acid. Cleaning is carried out with a regular sponge or a very soft brush. A melamine sponge lightly moistened with water is excellent for cleaning leatherette. It acts like an eraser, erasing stains from the surface.
    • For velor, neutral detergents are used, which are applied with a damp cloth or cloth. A rag is led in the direction of the pile, leaving no excess moisture.
    • Do not use when cleaning suede and nubuck high temperatures. It is also contraindicated to wet them too much.
    • The tapestry is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle. It cannot be washed.
    • Vinyl is an unpretentious fabric, tolerates most detergents and is not afraid of moisture.
    • The skin is wiped only with a damp cloth soaked in water or special products for leather products. In critical cases, a weak solution of detergent can be applied to the stain, but immediately washed off and wiped dry without leaving streaks.
    • To clean white fabrics, use only white sponges and any optical brightener. Then wipe with a damp cloth.

    If you choose the wrong stain remover, the upholstery of upholstered furniture may suffer and look even worse than before cleaning.

    Different types of spots

    Most often, stains remain on upholstered furniture:

    • fat;
    • guilt;
    • coffee, tea;
    • pieces of food;
    • cream;
    • plasticine;
    • paints;
    • urine;
    • cream.

    And, of course, in any home, dust settles on upholstered furniture.

    To clean the upholstery from dust, there are two simple ways. It's best to do them in sequence.

    • Knockout. Furniture is difficult to take out into the street to carefully knock it out. It is not advisable to do this at home, since the dust raised into the air will settle again on the sofa and on other objects in the room. You need to knock out upholstered furniture in the following way. A large sheet is wetted with water, wrung out. Then it is folded in two layers and the sofa is covered with it. A sofa is knocked out on a damp sheet. Dust, rising from the inner layers and the surface of the upholstery, will settle on the damp fabric. As a result, you can see that the sheet is dirty, and the sofa is cleaner.
    • Vacuum cleaner. To thoroughly clean the sofa from dust, it is worth adding a vacuum cleaner to the knockout. If the power of the existing vacuum cleaner is high and there is a nozzle for cleaning furniture, then the work will bring additional results and refresh the appearance of upholstered furniture. You need to pass over the entire surface, including the back and armrests. Old vacuum cleaners often let some of the dust out, the low power of the device will not be able to get dust from the deep layers of the upholstery, so there is not much point in using such units.

    After cleaning the furniture from dust, old stains left on the upholstery become more noticeable. Correctly and effectively help to remove them folk remedies:

    • Tea and coffee - you need to immediately get wet with a dry cloth, then wipe the place thoroughly with a damp cloth dipped in soapy water with the addition of vinegar. For one liter of soap solution take 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.
    • Wine - remove the liquid that did not have time to be absorbed into the fabric with a damp cloth, sprinkle the stain liberally with salt, leave for 1 hour. Then brush off the salt crystals with a brush or vacuum.
    • Fruits, juices - a mixture of vinegar and ammonia (1: 1) is applied to the stain, when the area dries, they are wiped with a clean, damp cloth.
    • Chocolate, condensed milk should not be smeared on the surface. It is necessary to wait until the stain dries, gently scrape off the dried crust with a spatula. Then walk over this place with a soft brush with soapy water.
    • Grease stains - cover with salt or starch, which will absorb some of the fat, then rinse.
    • Grease - moisten with soapy water, then wipe with a clean, damp cloth.
    • Chewing gum - perfectly cleaned when frozen. Cool the area by placing a plastic bag with ice on top. After 10 minutes, it will easily move away from the upholstery, leaving no trace.
    • Blood - never use warm or hot water. Wipe as quickly as possible with a wet cloth soaked in cold water with aspirin and salt until no traces of blood remain on the cloth.
    • Ink - guaranteed to be removed with acetone, which is contained in nail polish remover.

    Any dirt and stains can be quickly washed off with the well-known Vanish product. When creating its formula, manufacturers took into account the properties of all fabrics and all pollutants. He successfully fights fresh and old stains. After 10-15 min. after its application, the spots disappear. If Vanish is not available, you can use shampoo to create foam and add 3-5 drops of ammonia to the solution.

    A great alternative to upholstery cleaners is steaming. If there is a household steamer or a vacuum cleaner with a steam generator, you need to direct the steam jet to the polluted place. After 1 minute, walk over the place with a dry cloth.

    Steam without excess moisture cleans the surface of the sofa and armchairs. In the process, odors are removed, color returns and refreshes, furniture is updated. The steam from the apparatus reaches the deep layers of the upholstery and destroys the bacteria living in it. It must be remembered that after such cleaning the sofa must be thoroughly dried.

    Strong-smelling spots

    Special shampoos for furniture can eliminate odors from drinks and liquids that have got on the upholstery. The agent is diluted according to the instructions and the surface is treated. Sometimes the first time you can not completely get rid of the smell. The smells of beer and urine are too strong. If it was not immediately possible to wash off the liquid, and it got inside on the filler, the furniture exudes a sharp unpleasant odor for a long time, even if the stain is visually imperceptible.

    The smells of fruit juices or beer can be removed with a solution of water and vinegar - 1 tbsp is taken per liter of water. l. acetic essence. A clean cloth is moistened with a liquid, slightly wrung out and applied to the surface of a sofa or chair. The fabric is pressed against the upholstery of the sofa with force for impregnation. The treatment is repeated several times. Then the sofa is thoroughly dried. The vinegar will dry out in 2-3 days. To add fragrance to furniture, fragrances or fabric softener can be added to the solution.

    The smell of urine, especially cat urine, is much more difficult to remove. When decomposed in air, substances are formed that are practically insoluble in water. To remove persistent odors from upholstery and foam rubber, you can try the following folk remedies:

    • The smell of human urine on furniture of dark colors is removed using tincture of iodine: 15-20 drops of 5% alcohol tincture of iodine are dissolved in 1 liter of water. Clean the upholstery with this solution and try to moisten the filler to a great depth. Light upholstery should be cleaned with vinegar and water. lemon juice, mixed in a proportion of 2-3 tbsp. l. per 0.5 l of water, or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
    • Traces of cat urine can be removed in only a few steps. To begin with, the entire upholstery is moistened with a solution (1 part of 9% vinegar to 3 parts of water), and the furniture is dried. Then the smelling surface is sprinkled with soda and hydrogen peroxide is sprayed from above with a spray bottle (1 bottle per half liter of water). The soda will start to foam. It is left on the upholstery for 2-3 hours, then the dry residues are brushed or vacuumed. Wipe the area with a damp clean cloth.

    Good for urine odor cleaner Vanish carpets. The powder is dissolved in water. Wet the stain with the solution so that the agent penetrates as deep as possible. From above, you need to press on the upholstery so that the agent spreads over the entire area of ​​​​the stain. Then wipe the upper fabric dry and create conditions for drying the furniture. 3-4 days in the room you need to maintain heat and good air circulation. Vacuum thoroughly after complete drying.

    Measures to get rid of upholstered furniture from pollution must be carried out at least once a month, and if there are allergy sufferers in the house, then more often.

During cleaning, the owners of upholstered furniture are faced with the problem of how to clean it from dust and stains. You can fight them with the help of folk methods or household chemicals. In big cities, it is possible to turn to a professional dry cleaner, but in most cases, you can clean your favorite sofa or chair at home.

Exist different methods cleaning of upholstered furniture, you need to choose one or another based on the neglect of pollution and its scale.

For fast and effective cleaning follow these guidelines:

  1. You should choose the one that suits the type of upholstery fabric.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the instructions for the furniture, it indicates what method can be used to clean.
  3. Removable covers, washable washing machine if the fabric type allows it.
  4. Do not combine folk and chemical remedies - there is a risk of getting divorces.

Dry cleaning

Upholstered furniture is easy to dry clean. Such gentle care is necessary for expensive, natural upholstery, which is not desirable to wet. A good option- use of a vacuum cleaner. Rules:

  • Use the vacuum cleaner at minimum power.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the upholstery is not pulled into the nozzle.
  • Removable elements must be vacuumed separately.
  • Using a cleaning steam cleaner will further sanitize the upholstery.

Important! For fleecy coatings (velvet, velor) use a brush with soft bristles and a special dry cleaner. It is impossible to vacuum such coatings.

Wet cleaning

In most cases, it is necessary to resort to wet cleaning of furniture. For this method, folk remedies or household chemicals are used. Both the first and second effectively get rid of dust and dirt, but how exactly you can clean upholstered furniture depends on the upholstery material. General wet cleaning algorithm:

  1. Remove dust and dirt with a vacuum cleaner to avoid streaks.
  2. Wet the sponge in water - water should not flow from it, moisten the pollution.
  3. Apply your chosen cleaning agent or soak a sponge in it.
  4. Wipe the dirt in the direction from the edge to the center, sometimes you need to leave it for 15-20 minutes.
  5. After removing the remnants of the product - rinse it with water, do not overmoisten.
  6. Dry well, providing ventilation in the room. Otherwise, there is a risk of mold development.

Folk remedies and methods

Contaminated places on the upholstery will be cleaned with folk remedies, the most popular of them:

soda and vinegar

Soda, vinegar and any detergent, powder is more convenient. You need to take 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar, powder and soda, mix it all. Apply with a brush or sponge to the stain. Movement in one direction, it is not necessary to lather too much, so that later the product can be easily removed with a damp sponge after processing.

soapy water

Soapy water removes stains from the upholstery of upholstered furniture. It is easy to make - for 1 liter of warm water, take 2-3 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap, mix thoroughly, apply to the stain with a cotton cloth soaked in the solution. This technique will help to avoid the solution from flowing inward, rinse off after removing the stain.

Dishwashing liquid

Using dishwashing liquid is another effective way to deal with stains, especially greasy ones. Means in the amount of 23 tsp. dilute in water and apply according to the standard algorithm.


Refresh furniture knockout. In this case, it is required to cover it with a pre-moistened cloth. After, knock out, repeat the procedure until the fabric is absolutely clean.

Removing stains from upholstery

For each type of stain, there are preferred products.

  • Stains from fruits and juices are removed with a mixture of ammonia and vinegar (1: 1). You can also try to rub the moistened stain with soap and leave for half an hour, then remove the residue with a sponge.
  • If tea or coffee gets on the upholstery, remove moisture with a dry cloth and wipe with a soapy-vinegar solution (2 tablespoons per liter of soapy water). This solution will also help remove beer stains.
  • If red wine gets on the upholstery, you should immediately cover the stain with salt. It will draw out all the moisture, after which you need to wipe the stain with a cloth dipped in alcohol.
  • Adhering chewing gum can be removed as follows: put ice in a bag on it, wait for it to harden and gently scrape it off.
  • Ink marks are removed with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol, acetone or nail polish remover.
  • Blood stains are well removed with cold water, with the addition of salt and aspirin.
  • Urine from the upholstery of the sofa is collected with a dry cloth, and an iodine solution will help get rid of the smell - 15 drops per liter of water (for dark coatings) and 9% vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 3 (for light materials). To enhance the effect, you can cover the stain with soda, wait 2-3 hours and remove the remnants with a napkin.

Advice! In the fight against urine stains, Vanish for cleaning carpets is effective. It is diluted as indicated in the instructions and applied to the stain until completely absorbed. Vanish penetrates deep inside and destroys the smell. After the procedure, the treatment site should be well dried.

Types of fabrics and features of their cleaning

  • Leatherette is not resistant to aggressive household chemicals and hard brushes. Use only a damp cloth dipped in soapy water. For severe contamination, you can use a mixture of glycerin and ammonia.
  • Genuine leather can be wiped with a damp cloth, and stains can be removed with alcohol wipes.
  • Suede cannot be wetted or steamed, cleaning is carried out only with dry products, such as cleaning foam. Velor can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
  • The flock coating must not be cleaned with alcohol.
  • Vinyl upholstery is resistant to most detergents.
  • For microfiber upholstery, use only gentle cleaners and dry naturally.
  • A sofa covered with tapestry can only be dry cleaned, water can damage this material.
  • Furniture with light upholstery should be cleaned only with white sponges, as they can shed under the influence of cleaning agents.

Attention! Before applying the product, be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area.

Universal professional products

It is better to clean the light upholstery of upholstered furniture with household chemicals, they will certainly give a result, and the process of removing stains will not be delayed. How to remove stains:

  1. Vacuum the furniture.
  2. Spread the product evenly if it is in the form of a powder. If meant to be sprayed, then spray.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove the powder with a vacuum cleaner, rinse wet with water and vacuum.

For upholstery of upholstered furniture, you can use a carpet cleaner; special shampoos gently but effectively remove various stains and grease.

You can quickly deal with stains with a steam cleaner or washing vacuum cleaner. In the case of a steam cleaner, the upholstery and internal soft filler will also be disinfected. If there is no such device, then you can try to clean it using a warm iron with a steam function.

Remember, fresh stains and stains on upholstered furniture are much easier to remove than neglected ones.

An effective remedy is a cleansing foam. Its significant advantage is that the upholstery does not need to be moistened, and the result is no worse than when cleaning with a wet method. How to use the foam correctly:

  1. Shake the bottle with the product and apply it to the surface of the contamination.
  2. Rub the dirt with a soft cloth, if necessary with a brush.
  3. Leave it like this for 15 minutes and rub again.
  4. Remove with a dry cloth, vacuum, no need to rinse.

A similar tool can be done independently. This will require shampoo and bath foam, some water. Mix the components with a mixer until a thick foam is formed. Use in the same way as a professional tool.

Get rid of bad odor

deal with bad smell from upholstery will help such means:

  • Special shampoos for carpets and upholstered furniture. They are effective in combating not only stains, but also odors.
  • Vinegar solution. It should only be cooked with cold water. It will take 50 g of acetic acid and 1 liter of water. Apply the mixture to the surface of the upholstery, wipe with a dry cloth and allow to dry. Several such treatments are needed if the smell is too persistent.
  • Odors are also removed with a soap solution, in this case it is better to take a fragrant liquid soap. After use, rinse the sponge well in clean water and rinse off the remaining product.

To make upholstered furniture look like new for a long time, follow these recommendations:

  • Dry vacuuming is more of a support item than a one-stop solution. It will remove the dust, but there is no stain. The exception is the washing vacuum cleaner and cleaning foam.
  • Cleaning a sofa or chair should be started from top to bottom, in this order: back, armrests, seat, bottom of the product.
  • During wet cleaning, excess moisture should be removed with a paper towel or towel to prevent the development of fungus and mold.
  • A washing vacuum cleaner or a steam generator removes stains well without additional funds.
  • Upholstery made of nubuck, flock, velor should be treated with a rubber brush after cleaning, you can shoe.
  • So that the original coating does not suffer from stains so much, it is worth using covers.
