Antique wooden products with a faded surface, textured notches and openwork grooves left by carpenter bugs are distinguished by special luxury and charm. Of course, the natural aging process of wood takes many years. However, if desired, the tree can be aged artificially. There are several techniques by which you can give your new wooden things a spectacular antique look.

Chemical treatment is ideal for artificially aging hardwood:
  1. To begin with, wooden blanks are thoroughly cleaned of stains and dirt.
  2. To make the natural pattern of wood more textured and voluminous, the boards are alternately treated with coarse and fine-grained sandpaper.
  3. Next, the polished wood is wiped with a rag or sponge soaked in ammonia or other alkaline solution. As a result of such simple processing, the workpieces acquire a noble darkening.
  4. Finishing varnishing with a transparent glaze will give the prepared wooden products a rich iridescent gloss.
To effectively and quickly "age" coniferous wood, heat treatment with an open fire is required:
  1. Cleaned from stains and dust wooden details fired with a blowtorch or gas burner until a slight soot appears.
  2. Next, the charred wood is manually processed with a metal / wire brush, after which it is cleaned with a fine emery cloth.
  3. To emphasize the beauty and texture of wood, products are covered with a stain of a neutral shade. To apply the solution, a soft, clean sponge is used, cavities and other hard-to-reach areas are painted over with a brush.
  4. The final stage of processing blanks is the application of decorative antique wax. The paste is rubbed into the wood in a circular motion using a woolen cloth.

Machining (brushing) is the process of removing soft layers of wood using various brushes mounted on a drill or angle grinder. The brushing procedure consists of three stages:
  • preparation of wood and rough selection of soft fibers;
  • grinding and polishing workpieces;
  • toning and varnishing of prepared parts.

An important nuance! For mechanical processing, it is recommended to use softwood with a pronounced patterned texture - pine, spruce, fir, larch, linden, ash or walnut.

At the first stage of brushing, wooden parts are processed manually: with a wide chisel or a sharp angle of an ax, the edges of the boards are carefully hewn and chaotic notches and potholes of various depths (up to 1.5 cm) are applied. Next, they use an electric tool and brush heads - they allow you to remove soft wood fiber without damaging the growth rings. A polymer brush mounted on a drill or grinder will help achieve delicate aging, a metal brush-brush is chosen for a more “brutal” effect. When using brush heads, it is important to follow certain rules:
  • Before starting work, be sure to put on protective equipment: a high-quality respirator, plastic goggles and thick gloves will protect you from wood dust and flying particles of metal bristles.
  • It is desirable to organize workplace so that the light rays are directed perpendicular to the wood fibers.
  • In the process of work, avoid strong pressure on the surface to be treated, the pressure on the tool should be moderate.
  • Before direct brushing, new brush heads must be “run in”, otherwise the wooden blanks will be covered with a small fleecy “terry cloth”.
  • The movements of the brush should be directed along the hard wood fibers, with transverse processing, you can spoil the natural beauty of growth rings.
At the second stage of brushing, ribbed wooden blanks are processed with an abrasive brush and fine-grained sandpaper. During the sanding process, it is important to remove all protruding fibers and burrs. To polish textured boards, use a sisal brush, metal wool or an abrasive sponge. Dust from the workpieces is carefully cleaned with a flat brush and a vacuum cleaner.

On a note! For greater naturalness, the product can be decorated with "wormholes". To do this, with the help of a blunt core or an awl, shallow holes are randomly punched in the wood.

At the third stage of brushing, the wood is tinted. To give the blanks a natural, aged look, they are painted with stain or acrylic paint in dark shades. First, the selected paint and varnish is abundantly applied to the wooden surface, then immediately remove its excess with rags or rubber spatula. Thanks to this tinting technique, potholes and depressions acquire a rich dark hue, while the protrusions, the so-called "ridges", remain lighter. After complete drying, the products are covered with a transparent protective impregnation or acrylic varnish.

To simulate the aging of wood, you will have to stock up on remarkable patience. Such work does not tolerate fuss and haste. However, the result is worth it - an artificially aged tree looks incomparably beautiful, spectacular and soundly.

How to age a tree at home? This wood finishing technique is popular among gardeners, designers and self-taught craftsmen. With its help, you can make a unique interior and exterior design.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

How to age a tree: the main points

To add age to a tree with your own hands, you need to be able to work with natural materials and stock up on tools. Of the tools you need to have:

  • metal brush;
  • electric or manual planer;
  • sandpaper;
  • grinder.

In addition to the listed tools, you must also have dust protection equipment. It can be a respirator or goggles. Since there will be a lot of dust in the process of creating crafts, you should think about ventilation methods. It is advisable to carry out this work outdoors. If this is not possible, then the tree is recommended to be slightly moistened before abrasive processing. But before opening with varnish, it must be dried. Also, do not forget that it is absolutely impossible to sweep the dust formed from the surface with your hands in order to prevent the appearance of splinters. Also, you can not touch the surface with your hands in order to feel its relief. This can be done only after the complete removal of dust.

In the interior, this technology is used very often. It successfully combines with stone, metal and ceramics. Without it, Provence interior style is unthinkable. But then special painting of the boards is required.

Aged wood is used inside the house for steps, benches, as well as to create a designer lamp or chest of drawers. It can be used to make furniture, such as a table or chairs. It also produces unique boxes. There are many ways to use an old tree in the interior, the choice depends on the design style and aesthetic tastes of the owner.

An artificially aged tree should resemble as much as possible a natural one that has been influenced sun rays, wind, rain and other natural phenomena. Therefore, here it is necessary to use only hand tools and manual processing of the material. It is also important to choose the right varnishes and paints for the exterior coating. Today there is a huge range of those, so it is important to make right choice depending on the desired result.

In order to achieve the effect of antiquity at home, it is first recommended to practice on a piece of wood. This will allow you to evaluate the result and avoid mistakes. For training, you need to take the type of wood from which the entire structure will be made in the future.

To make a beautiful and durable wooden structure with the effect of antiquity, it is important to choose the right type of wood. Coniferous trees they are not suitable for this idea, as they contain resin, which interferes with the creation of the effect. It is also worth abandoning birch, cherry, maple, pear, juniper. It is better to pay attention to ash, larch, oak, wenge, merbau, dussia.

In order to properly make the effect of aging wood, you need to take old boards. They are the easiest to machine and absorb paints and varnishes well. It is desirable that they have knots. This will add even more beauty to the craft. If there are no such boards in the house, then you can ask your neighbors or acquaintances. Surely someone stocked these, but did not find a use for them. You can often get them for free. The young forest does not have many fibers, therefore it is difficult to process, it is better to leave it until the right time.

A master class on creating an aged tree can be easily found on the net. There are many videos and detailed descriptions process. So don't worry if you have no experience with natural materials at all. In just a few hours of studying the information, you can understand the essence of finishing and choose the easiest and most beautiful way for yourself.

There are many ways to create the effect of aging. Among them, there are the simplest ones, which take several hours, as well as more difficult ones, the production of which takes several days. Everyone chooses for himself, based on his stock of tools and the expected result. There are ready-made boards with the effect of antiquity on sale, but the process of creating them at home is much more exciting and pleasing.

How to age a tree with paint?

Painting is a mandatory part of all ways to create an aged tree. If paint is not used, then the outer layer is covered with a colorless or colored varnish. This is necessary to protect the outer layer and give a beautiful texture. Translucent glaze "Belinka" - the basis on which you can apply other layers of paint. It covers the surface after machining. Before coating with varnish or white paint, the surface must be treated with a soft brush to give relief. A colorless varnish is applied to a slightly dried paint. Thus, wood with a slight effect of antiquity is obtained. It comes out light in color and without gross damage.

If you like aged aggressive effect, then you can not do without multi-layer painting. Also here you should expose the boards to all kinds of damage: beat with iron rods, scrape, make holes with an awl. If you want to completely achieve naturalness, then you can make wormholes, but this option is suitable for the most daring and creative.

Tree, painted several times, acquires a deep color. Pinotex is often used for priming; it unevenly covers the surface. It also serves to create a thick color to the lowest layers of the board. After it dries, it is necessary to make minor damage to the surface and proceed to further processing.

Usage white paint is welcome in some cases. She will help create crafts in the spirit of Provence and give beautiful shade. Since it can give a glossy sheen, it is recommended to dilute it with white spirit.

How to age a tree in Provence style?

To create an interior in Provence style, you can not do without old white boards. They have a very different purpose: they are used for shutters, for furniture or steps. After the main coating with a primer, the surface is covered with white paint. It does not have to be applied in an even layer. After drying, you need to walk with a brush to further achieve the effect of antiquity.

Loft involves the use of gray aged boards that resemble concrete as much as possible. They can be made gray using acrylic paints of the desired shade.

How to age a tree with your own hands in white?

If you need to paint the board in grey colour, then you can do without paints. The chemical method of aging involves the use of alkaline agents or ammonia. When using this method, you need to take care of your safety: wear a mask and gloves. After treatment with alkali, the future product can be covered with a film to reduce the drying rate. When the craft dries, traces of alkali should be removed: for this, it must be rinsed with vinegar and brushed. The last stage is the coating with a colorless varnish.

How to age a tree using decoupage technique?

To make cracks on a product using decoupage technique, the surface is processed step by step with special paints. For the first layer, you need to take paint that will shine through small cracks. Next, you need to apply craquelure varnish on the dried first layer. It should be applied in a thick layer. After waiting for almost complete drying or speeding it up with a hairdryer, you need to apply the top layer with confident strokes. For small cracks, it is recommended to dilute acrylic paints. Craquelure on the craft can be considered ready after the paint has dried (30-40 minutes).

How to quickly age a tree?

Most fast way- this is the heat treatment of wood and subsequent varnishing. A blowtorch or burner will help you achieve the desired effect very quickly. The top layer of burnt must be removed to facilitate staining.

How to age a tree with a patina?

Wood aging with ammonia cheap way get the patina effect. You can also use special paints with gold, bronze or silver particles to refine the wood. You can also achieve a patina with a stain. It is used for full or partial patching. The stain will protect the wood from moisture, fungus and mold. Of the minuses of its use, only one can be distinguished - the result is only a dark color.

aged wood effect

Imitation of a tree damaged by the sun and rains is popular for decoration. country houses and modern apartments. You can’t do without such wood when creating certain styles in the interior. It is successfully used for the design of facades.

The use of wood in interior design is always a win-win. This is the most beautiful natural, aesthetically perfect, breathable material. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on human energy, has bactericidal properties. Look great in any room furniture, floor, doors, ceiling beams, various decorative elements made of natural wood which can be processed better than other materials.

Why artificially age a tree

It is difficult to get a definite answer to this question, but there are three main answers:

  1. Personal preferences.
  2. The processed material allows you to create one of fashion styles: vintage, shabby chic, retro, provence, country style.
  3. If there is not enough money for antique furniture, then you can age the tree yourself. Subsequently, nothing will prevent you from passing off a table or chair made of such material as a product with a history.

How to age a tree. Master Class. brushing

There are several ways to achieve the desired result. The most interesting and most used of these is the method of texturing, or brushing. Its name came from English word brush, which means "brush" in translation. The essence of this method is that soft fibers are removed from the top layer of solid wood. As a result of processing, the surface becomes embossed. In the process of natural aging of a tree, the same changes occur with it, but this takes a very long time. Brushing is considered the closest to reality method of imitation of antiquity. It is used to give the wood a pronounced textured texture.

What types of wood are suitable for brushing

Converting an antique wooden surface using the brushing method is not difficult at all at home. But not all wood lends itself to such processing. In order to age a tree, you need to use breeds with a clear pronounced texture: pine, oak, larch, ash, walnut. And maple, beech, cherry, pear, teak and some exotic trees categorically not amenable to mechanical aging. It is useless to apply such mechanical way and for products from MDF. But how to make an aged tree from these materials if others are not available? For this case, there is chemical method. If it is necessary to age coniferous wood, then it would be more rational to use a mechanical method.

Mechanical restoration

Brushing is a rather laborious process. The main tool in this case is a hard metal brush. Since it will not work quickly to age a tree in this way, the process can be accelerated. To do this, you need a drill or a grinder equipped with a special wire brush.

Processing wood with power tools is a rather unsafe process, associated with characteristic vibration and the risk of tearing off wood chips and metal rods. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to artificially age a tree and not suffer. Work is recommended to be carried out in a protective suit. To prevent small debris and dust from getting into your eyes, you must wear special camouflage glasses or cover your face with a shield, and for protection respiratory tract use a respirator.

Chemical processing

How to age wood with your own hands without using special tools? To do this, you need hard sandpaper. She needs to clean the surface, and then apply a solution of ammonia (ammonia), which causes a noticeable darkening of the wood. As a result, the structure of the tree will be able to appear especially brightly, and the noble darkening will give the finished product an antique look.

Depending on the desired degree of aging, this treatment can be light superficial, using a non-rough polymer brush, or deep, when growth rings become visible. In this case, it is very important not to overdo it, since you can get not the desired textured noble product, but spoiled loose wood.

After the initial rough cleaning, regardless of the processing method, the workpiece must be brought to the desired aesthetic appearance. To do this, burrs are removed from the surface, then the product is polished with a polymer abrasive brush. After that, the wood must be additionally carefully lightened with sandpaper and give it a final gloss.


To obtain the desired effect of antiquity, mechanical processing alone is not enough. Then you can simply varnish the product. But it is recommended to perform the so-called patination. This will further emphasize the relief surface of the product. Patina is a characteristic luxurious gloss that a tree acquires over the years. Its reconstruction at home is carried out in several stages and requires a lot of effort.

Patination is the process of applying to a surface to be treated. special formulations and stain. They are chosen depending on the desired color and shade of the finished product. The compositions are applied in such a way that they get into the pores of the tree, which open during mechanical processing. It is important to achieve a patina effect, in which woody deep pores look a little darker and more contrast than lighter surfaces. When performing such processing on your own, it is recommended to use paint desired color. To do this, the surface is first completely painted over, and then the top layer is removed with a sponge or cloth, without waiting for drying. As a result, the tree looks more ancient and noble.

But patination is not necessary at all. Antique enameled items also look great. With the help of such materials, you can create a real masterpiece, which will be distinguished from real antiques only by a true connoisseur of antiquities. One layer of enamel should be applied to the surface. Then the tree needs to be dried and another layer applied. When re-painting the enamel, it is necessary to choose a more liquid one and a different color. When the wood is completely dry, it is necessary to wipe the surface with sandpaper so that the bottom layer shows through and scuffs are obtained.

Toning. Varnishing

After patination, further toning should be performed. For this process, compositions based on natural oils and resin. At the last stage of processing, the tree is covered with 2-3 layers of varnish. Then it should be rubbed with a soft cloth to add extra shine. Varnishing fixes all previous stages and gives the product a finished look. Despite the fact that the process is laborious, anyone can master it. The main thing is to follow the technology. Then it will be clear how to age a tree with your own hands.

Brushing Secrets

How to age a tree to get the best effect? To do this, you need to know some subtleties.

  • The main surface is painted over with the following colors: white, red, black, blue, yellow, purple, brown, orange. For pores take blue, red, yellow and white colors.
  • If you look at a board tinted with paint at an angle, you can notice the heterogeneity of the application.
  • Manual brushing allows you to do the work more artistically, although the process will be very long, unlike the automatic method.
  • The more defects (knots, curls, eyes) wood has, the better the product made from it will look.

Where can treated wood be used?

Far from every dwelling you can find processed material, since it is not enough just to age a tree. It is very important to use it correctly in the interior. Thanks to the use of the brushing method, you can create exclusive, almost antique products. For example, furniture items: exquisite book shelves, chests of drawers, cabinets, kitchen sets, country furniture, picture frames or mirrors, candlesticks and other decor.

This method is perfect for processing parquet and floorboards, as well as for the manufacture of doors, partitions, and various wooden elements. Often, antique-processed wood is used in the decoration of the walls of a home bath or sauna, non-standard rooms or the whole house, retro cafes, bars, billiard rooms.

Today, it is no secret to anyone how to age a tree. In addition to brushing, there are many more ways. They differ in the complexity of the technology and the amount of time spent. But regardless of the choice, aged wood helps to create a unique spiritual atmosphere in any room, to connect eternal values ​​​​and the spirit of modern times, to fill the house with an atmosphere of noble antiquity.

Due to the fact that wood has been used for the construction and decoration of housing almost from the very beginning of time, today there are many different, at first glance, even strange and illogical methods of wood processing. Different treatment methods have different goals: in one case, you need to protect the wood from decay, in the other, to make it more fireproof, just change the color or give it a more expressive shade.

Important Points

Recently, such a type of processing as wood aging has become increasingly widespread. Artificially aging a tree is quite simple, and this is usually done solely for a decorative purpose, because after aging the wood of the interior or exterior, the house or furniture made from it looks like antique, old and worn by time. In the eyes of connoisseurs and aesthetes, the aging of wood gives buildings and finishes more value.

A sample of furniture using the technique of "aging" wood.

Several more or less simple techniques are known for artificial aging. They can be made independently, having a basic set of tools and substances for wood finishing.

Materials and tools that come in handy to age a tree with your own hands: a brush with metal bristles (or circular), sanding skins, antiseptic and solvent, as well as dark and white glaze, sponge or foam rubber.

Painting after removing soft fibers

This is one of the easiest do-it-yourself wood aging methods, which consists in first treating the required surface with a metal brush. Wood has a structure that is treated unevenly, because in winter, spring, summer and autumn, when the corresponding annual rings are formed in the pillars of wood, its plant vessels develop unevenly.

A metal brush thus removes soft fibers, while harder ones remain, since they are more resistant to mechanical stress. This causes a change in the relief surface of the wood, which is emphasized by further painting.

One of the wood aging techniques is called throwing.

Before making the processing of a wooden surface with a metal brush, they first pass through it with a sandpaper. Only after sanding is brushing performed.

Instead of a regular metal brush, you can also take a circular one, which will require a special nozzle from a grinder. It is important to remember that wood brushing is carried out along the fibers, so they are easier to remove.

The formation of wood dust during the processing of wood is inevitable, so it must be removed with a special brush or brush, observing safety so as not to injure the hand and not bring a splinter under the skin.

After that, the wood is coated with two layers of glaze. A translucent dark composition is applied to the surface, and then removed by soaking with a sponge. After that, the surface can be varnished, left in this form, or treated with a light translucent glaze and also wetted with a sponge.
In the second case, a pattern is created in the “a la Provence” style, which is often used for ceilings and floor beams, for example, in basements or attics, thus creating an atmosphere of antiquity.

Multi-layer processing

In order to give the wood an even more antique look in the interior and at the same time look like it has already been worn out enough, multi-layer painting is best suited for aging.

Even before the wood is painted, they try to make the surface as embossed as possible, damaging it with various tools, for example, self-tapping screws, hammers, saws. This creates the effect of high wear of wood.

Already with a relief, the wood surface is covered with a layer of ground paint until it dries completely. When it dries, a sufficiently thick layer of dye is applied on top, which can be used as tinting paint or antiseptic color compounds, which gives the wood even more protection.

It is better to use more liquid compositions for applying paint, which spread well and provide an even layer. After the paint has dried, the second stage of mechanical aging is carried out with the help of tools.

At the second stage, the damage must be applied carefully so that they are small. This damage layer is also covered with a white translucent glaze, which, unlike the primer, can be unevenly layered to create the desired embossed effect.

Lacquer gives an aged surface an even more noble look.

Further, after drying, the top layer of white glaze is completely torn off with a metal brush. This allows you to give the wood a relief look with a fairly contrasting color pattern.
The quality of the aged surface depends on how well the white glaze has been diluted. It is recommended to mix it with white spirit in a ratio of 1 to 1 before aging the tree.

Other Methods

The fastest way to age a tree at home, without much effort, is to age the tree with a brush and one type of glaze. First of all, a metal brush is used again, with which in the longitudinal direction it is necessary to scrape the grooves on the surface.

White glazing gives this surface an antique look. Surface finishing is carried out with a brush.
By this method, it is possible to obtain a bleached wood surface, for which the effect of aging is provided by processing with a stiff brush.

Video: wood aging master class

Wood is beautiful material from which various interior elements are made. It can be decorated different ways. One of the popular techniques is the aging of wood. This is a rather difficult process that requires certain knowledge from the master.

Expert advice will help you figure out how to do this processing yourself. Wood aging can be done in several ways. Having considered all the techniques, it will be possible to choose the best option.

Why is it necessary to age wood?

Wood aging is carried out for various reasons. This technology allows you to give the material the required decorative qualities. With the help of this finish, you can decorate certain styles of the interior. To save money on the purchase of antique, exquisite and very expensive decor elements, the technology of artificial aging of natural material is used.

The choice of such a finish can also be caused by the individual preferences of the owners of the house. If they want to decorate the interior of their home with just such products, artificial aging wood will provide a wide field for creativity. Give the material the necessary appearance It will be easy with the help of the following methods.

There are several approaches that help to give the wood the necessary decorative qualities. For them, certain materials and tools are used. Also, the master will need a sufficient amount of free time. Haste in this case can lead to an unsatisfactory result.

Mechanical aging of wood

There are various methods for aging wood. They allow you to give the array a certain appearance. One of the most popular approaches is mechanical aging. It is also called brushing or texturing. wooden surface treated with a special brush. This allows you to stylize the material, giving it an antique look.

Brushing a tree involves removing the "pulp" from the structure. This gives relief to the workpiece. It is this process that occurs with a wood massif for a long time. It dries out under the influence of various environmental factors.

Experienced craftsmen claim that this is one of the most simple ways wood processing. However, it is not always possible to apply this approach in practice. It depends on the characteristics of the wood species. Also, with the method it is possible to obtain a relief surface. In some cases, it is better to decorate the interior with other types of treated wood.

Features of mechanical aging

Wood brushing may not be used for all types of natural material. This method is suitable for processing almost all coniferous varieties, especially pine. Brushing is also used for larch, walnut, ash and oak. These are the most popular types of wood that are currently used in the construction and decoration of premises.

Mechanical aging is not carried out for fruit varieties of natural material. Also, this technology is not used for processing beech, maple, teak, a number of exotic species wood. They are rarely used for finishing works. Therefore, the mechanical method is so popular.

For processing, you will need to prepare a special brush. It has a metal "pile". The procedure requires a sufficient amount of free time. You can't hurry. Otherwise, you can spoil the appearance of the array. In this way, you can age small blanks. For an extensive amount of work, it is necessary to use a grinder, drill or a special machine.

Manual brushing

Do-it-yourself wood aging requires a certain concentration from the master. The material must be dry. Otherwise, it will not be possible to provide the required decorative surface. Bugs will appear. Dry wood is brushed along the fibers. To make the pile stiffer, it can be trimmed.

As a result of such manipulations, it is possible to remove the softest fibers from the outer structure of the array. After that, the grinding process is carried out. To do this, use a brush with finer bristles or sandpaper with a coarse grit.

After this processing, you can color the array. For this, stain is most often used. This allows you to create the desired shade. Other dyes may be used. The appearance of the finish will depend on the correctness of this stage. This is followed by polishing and varnishing. This allows you to protect the natural material from decay. The surface is varnished several times.

Machine processing

To process a large volume of material, it is necessary to use special equipment. It can be a grinder or an electric drill. A special wire nozzle is put on the angle grinder. The work must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the material.

A wood aging machine can also be used. Such equipment is most often used in enterprises. When using it, it is possible to achieve a high speed and quality of aging. wood massifs. Roughing is done in just a few minutes. At this time, small soft fibers are removed.

Woodworking machines are purchased only if it is necessary to process large volumes of materials. The most popular variety is the Festool Rustofix RAS 180 unit. The Makita 974 grinder, which comes with an abrasive brush, is also used for self-treatment of wood.

Chemical aging

Artificial aging of wood can be performed using a different technology. In the process of processing, the array is cleaned with coarse sandpaper. Then proceed to its chemical aging. If you need to process hardwoods wood, you can use an ammonia solution. You can also use and ammonia. It contributes to the darkening of the array.

You can simply clean the surface slightly for a clearer selection of growth rings. After that, stain and varnish are used. There is also another method. Another possible option chemical aging is the application of water-based stains. When the desired shade is obtained, the composition is washed off with a sponge and water. This emphasizes the contours of the rings, making the edges darker.

Another option is patching. This is the most complex and highly decorative processing. In this case, it opens the pores on the background of a more even surface. For this, special chemical compositions. They can be purchased in specialized stores.

Heat treatment

Thermal wood aging technology is another way to give the array an antique look. The procedure is carried out in several stages. First, the entire surface of the material is fired. It is also possible to perform processing only on certain areas. It also gives a decorative finish. It is best to use a gas burner for these purposes. Before starting work, you need to practice on an unnecessary piece of wood.

Roasting will remove all soft fibers. After this, knots, annual rings of wood appear more clearly. The next step is mechanical processing. Carbon deposits must be removed with a brush with a metal "nap". This will also increase the relief of the picture.

Dry brush method

Another relatively uncomplicated approach is dry brushing the wood. To carry it out, you need to use your imagination. First, scratches, potholes, chips are created on the material. You can skip this step, as this processing is irreversible.

First, one coat of paint is applied to the surface, and then a second. Then they should dry well. Next, using fine sandpaper, the top layer of paint is erased. This must be done unevenly. In some places, the abrasions should reach the first coat of paint, and in others - to the wood. Particular attention should be paid to the protruding parts and the edge.

Next, paint is applied with a dry brush. You need to pick up a flat hard brush. The paint should be contrasting. If the base is light, the top layer should be dark. The paint should look like bristle marks. Strokes cannot be crossed. Next, fresh smears are smeared with a tissue napkin. Then apply a transparent varnish. It is applied in 2 layers.

Wood restoration

Another type of wood aging is its restoration. This must be done if the appearance of the decor is lost. First you need to clean the surface. Next, the wood is covered with acrylic paint in 2 layers. Then the protruding surfaces are rubbed with paraffin. They are painted in the desired shade. Further, after drying, the places treated with paraffin are cleaned off. Finishing carried out with varnish.

Having considered the features of the aging of wood, you can independently create the necessary decor.
