A wooden floor is an environmentally friendly and safe coating that maintains a comfortable indoor climate. Unlike synthetic materials, natural wood exudes a pleasant forest aroma and does not emit toxic substances. The tree is distinguished by strength. Durability and aesthetic appearance. It is pleasant to the touch and has a beneficial effect on the well-being of a person.

Advantages of a wooden floor:

  • Promotes the renewal of oxygen and maintains a comfortable atmosphere in the house;
  • Durable and reliable coating;
  • Long service life;
  • Safety and environmental friendliness. The material does not emit hazardous substances and does not cause allergies. Wood, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the state and mood of a person;
  • Availability;
  • Good heat and noise insulation;
  • Wear resistance and suitability for repair. If necessary, you can easily replace damaged areas of the floor yourself.

Despite positive properties, wood needs protection and processing. Natural raw materials are subject to the negative effects of moisture and insects. Without special tools, the coating will gradually crack and rot. Protective compounds will protect living material from such problems. They will not only extend the service life, but also improve the appearance of the floor.

Today there are many different means, including varnishes, paints and wax. Wax is rarely used today. It contains beeswax, linseed oil and other additives in small amounts. This composition is resistant to moisture, but at the same time it does not give effective protection from mechanical damage, including heel strikes, traces of furniture, etc. Therefore, we will take a closer look at paints and varnishes and find out how to properly process a wooden floor.


Varnish - effective remedy, which will protect the coating from mold, fungus and insects. It perfectly preserves the structure and emphasizes the original appearance of wood. Varnishes are transparent (glazing) and opaque (cover). A transparent coating will retain the natural color of the wood, but will last only 3-5 years. The opaque composition can be updated every 6-7 years, while it will achieve the desired shade or gloss of the wooden floor.

In addition, the following types of varnishes are distinguished:

  • Water-soluble - the most environmentally friendly and safe composition that dries quickly and adheres to the floor surface. But such a varnish can only be applied with special rollers, and the coating will have to be updated at least once every three years;
  • The alkyd type characterizes resistance, durability and a high degree of wood protection. But be prepared that such a varnish dries for two or three days;
  • Polyurethane material is wear-resistant, so it is suitable for rooms with high mechanical stress. This varnish is used to treat the floor in the hallway, living room and even in a cafe;
  • Formaldehyde varnish guarantees a durable and reliable coating that is resistant to various temperatures. But when painted, it emits dangerous chemical substances, so it is important to work only in a respirator;
  • Oil products are more susceptible negative influence precipitation and humidity, so such varnishes cannot be used to treat the floor in the gazebo or on the terrace. However, they are suitable for interior decoration. wooden house. Oil varnishes are often used to update an old coating. They revitalize the wood and make the surface shiny;
  • Acrylic varnish forms a transparent shade without yellowness. This safe remedy odorless with a long service life. They are moisture resistant and offer a wide range of gloss options. It is advisable to use such funds for rooms with low traffic, including a bedroom, a nursery, etc.

Regardless of the type of varnish, it is important to read the instructions before use and, if necessary, consult a specialist. It is important to understand whether this or that product is suitable for your type of room, wood type and type. floor covering. It is important to know how to apply varnish, whether protective equipment is needed when working with the material. Compliance with the rules of selection and staining will achieve the desired result.


If you want to give wood a certain color or shade, choose paints. They also protect the wood from moisture and decay, harmful bacteria and insects.

Today, manufacturers offer the following types of paint:

  • Vinyl paints are used for both exterior and interior woodworking. They are resistant to moisture, have a wide range colors and inexpensive cost. However, such products are not popular among the owners of wooden houses, since when they evaporate, they release toxic substances that are harmful to health. In addition, the vinyl composition fades and cracks quite quickly;
  • Oil products characterize saturated colors and homogeneous structure, resistance to temperature changes and low price. Such paint will create a bright and fashionable image of a wooden floor. However, such a coating dries for 24 hours. In addition, after 2-3 years you will have to paint the floor again;
  • Polyurethane paints, like similar varnishes, are distinguished by wear resistance and long service life. Such materials effectively protect wood, but they are toxic and expensive;
  • Alkyd compounds when stained spread bad smell, which will remain for several days and after drying. Among the advantages of such a paint, resistance to moisture and precipitation, temperature extremes and other negative factors are distinguished;
  • Water-based acrylic paints are in great demand today due to their resistance to high humidity, frost and ultraviolet radiation. They are distinguished by a long service life, which is up to 10 years! Manufacturers offer a wide range of colors, which includes two thousand different shades. It is a safe and environmentally friendly composition that does not fade. Therefore, acrylic materials are effectively used for painting facades.

Paint for processing a wooden floor, first of all, is chosen according to the degree of environmental friendliness. Therefore, water-based alkyd formulations will be the best tool. They will protect the wood and give the floor a noble look. Moreover, due to the stability and durability, it will not be necessary to paint the coating more than once every 8-10 years!

How to paint a wooden floor

A rational option would be to paint the wooden floor first with paint and then with varnish. Coating with one varnish will not provide adequate protection for wood from mechanical damage. But the varnish will fix the paint coating with a better finish, give the desired shine and look of a new, fresh floor.

Before painting the floor, you need to prepare the surface. Clean the wood from dust and dirt. If the floor has been painted before, remove the old coating with a spatula or sandpaper. Then the surface is polished, cracks and gaps are eliminated with putty. A new wooden floor can be treated with drying oil or a primer before painting to enhance the protective properties and reduce paint costs.

Apply paint only on a completely dry surface! Paint the floor with a roller, spray gun, for hard-to-reach places use a brush. Please note that the spray gun and sprayer do not always allow you to achieve an even layer. In addition, it can leave unpainted areas.

Start painting from corners, baseboards and other hard-to-reach places. When painting, stir the paint composition regularly and do not forget about ventilation. The paint is applied in two layers parallel to the direction of the boards. The second layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried!

When the paint dries, the floor can be covered with two or three layers of varnish. Do not forget that you can apply each new layer only when the previous one dries! Apply paints and varnishes smooth strokes to avoid bumps and bumps.

Masters of the MariSrub company will help you choose suitable means and answer any question you have! They will paint inside and outside the house, provide a full range of services for the construction and decoration of log buildings.

If wooden floors are made in a residential or non-residential building, then leave them without a protective finish coat it would be wrong. Without it, the surface will quickly become dirty, worn out, moldy or spoiled by microorganisms. Wood floor processing is carried out using different materials. They not only protect the surface and prolong its service life, but also enhance the aesthetic performance, giving a matte or glossy sheen, a certain color or shade, emphasizing the beauty of the wood grain. To understand how to process a wooden floor, you need to take into account the purpose of the room, the characteristics of the temperature and humidity conditions in it, and the properties of the coating.

Why is wood flooring done?

The plank floor in a private house, apartment, on a balcony or in a non-residential premises is treated to protect against:

  • spoilage by microorganisms;
  • moisture;
  • sunlight;
  • mold;
  • exposure to high and low temperatures.

Wood is particularly susceptible to microorganism and mold damage in wet conditions, so protection against moisture absorption is especially important. When the temperature and humidity in the room change, the wood absorbs and releases moisture, due to which the material shrinks, swells and deforms. Protective impregnation and lacquering to some extent reduce the effect of these negative factors on the material and make the product more stable.

It is necessary to cover the floor on an unheated balcony, loggia or veranda to protect it from moisture and sunlight. In addition, any coating reduces the degree of surface contamination, increases its wear resistance and strength.

Types of materials for processing and protection

The following materials are commonly used to process a wooden floor:

  • an antiseptic is necessary for all wood products to protect against damage by microorganisms;
  • varnishes increase wear resistance and surface strength, protect from moisture;
  • oils should be chosen if you want to protect the floor from the absorption of dirt, increase its aesthetic characteristics, protect it from moisture and damage by microorganisms;
  • after treatment with oils or antiseptic impregnations, wax is often applied, it gives the surface shine, eliminates minor irregularities and defects, protects against moisture and damage by microorganisms;
  • if you want to cover the surface with a dense color composition, then choose paint, under a thick layer of paint the board is reliably protected from moisture, sun and other negative influences.

Antiseptic impregnations

Primary treatment with antiseptic impregnations is carried out at the stage of lumber harvesting. After that, during the operation of the finished product, such processing is periodically repeated to extend the service life.

An antiseptic for a wooden floor is needed both for preventive purposes and for visible wood damage by mold and bacteria. In this case, the following types of impregnations are used:

  1. Water soluble formulations they are distinguished by the absence of smell, quick absorption and ease of application (even a wet surface can be treated). The ingredients are completely non-toxic. They are used in residential and commercial buildings for processing doors, frames, fences and other lumber. The disadvantages include the following:
  • water-based antiseptics are not suitable for boards in contact with water;
  • penetrate deeply.
  1. Organic Based Blends have deep penetration. They include many useful supplements. But they have a pungent odor and require preliminary surface preparation before application. They are used in damp rooms, for example, cellars or baths.
  2. Combinations are also on sale.

Important! All antiseptics are divided into transport, which are designed for temporary processing of wood for the period of its transportation and installation, and long-term, designed to protect the product for many decades.


This transparent product, after being applied to the surface and drying, forms a strong transparent film that gives the product a shine, increases the wear resistance of the floor, protects against moisture, decay and mold.

Varnishes are produced on the basis of different resins, which are dissolved by volatile compounds. Acrylic copolymers, polyurethane, synthetic and natural resins are used as the basis.

For the treatment of wooden surfaces, the following types of varnishes are used:

  1. Water-soluble one- and two-component formulations. The most durable and expensive two-component varnishes. They are odorless and dry quickly. Such varnishes increase the wear resistance of the floor.
  2. Alkyd compounds emphasize the natural beauty of the tree, increase the strength of the product. They are not suitable for working in conditions high temperatures are difficult to apply and take a long time to dry.
  3. Polyurethane-based mixtures the strongest and most durable. After their application, the wear resistance of the floor increases significantly. The disadvantage of these compounds is that they are applied only to well-dried boards. Otherwise, defects in the form of blisters and bubbles appear on the surface.


This opaque durable coating is made on the basis of acrylic, polyurethane or tetrachlorvinyl. Most often, alkyd and acrylic paints are used in houses, which have the following advantages:

  • they are very easy and simple to apply;
  • the floor surface is easy to care for;
  • do not need the use of special cleaning products;
  • each consumer can choose an affordable product;
  • a large selection of colors, which facilitates the selection of coatings for the color of the interior;
  • paint layer provided proper care and gentle mechanical impact will last more than one year.

Important! The disadvantage of paint is the low aesthetic appeal of the coating in comparison with varnish, oil and wax. Moreover, the paint hides the beauty of the wood, and the coating loses its natural look.

Oil impregnations

Oil impregnation for a wooden floor differs from varnish in that it does not form a dense impermeable layer on the surface. The oil is absorbed into the upper layers of wood and increases the moisture resistance of the material and its resistance to wear.

If you have wooden floors in the nursery, it’s easy to guess how to treat their surface if you study all the features of oil impregnation. The oil fills all the pores of the wood and reduces the possibility of penetration of moisture and dirt. But at the same time, the natural look of the material and the beauty of its texture are completely preserved.

Important! There are colorless oils that preserve the natural color of the material, and compounds that give the product a certain shade.

Oil impregnations allow you to get a pleasant to the touch, non-slip surface. This coating option is suitable for living rooms with low traffic, for example, for bedrooms and children's rooms. But keep in mind that oil treatment will have to be renewed periodically.


On sale there are special waxes for impregnating wood. They are applied to the surface with the help of special rollers, after which they are carefully rubbed and polished with a soft cloth. Waxing is needed to increase the moisture resistance of the floor, giving it beauty and a beautiful shade.

Important! The main disadvantage of wax is its low resistance to mechanical stress.

However, the wax coating is ideal for floors with defects in the form of small cracks, crevices and irregularities, since after its application all these problems are eliminated. It turns out a flat, smooth and shiny surface.

What determines the choice of means of protection?

Now let's figure out the best way to cover the wooden floors in the house. The use of varnishes should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • If wooden surface previously treated with oil formulations. They cannot be removed even with the help of scraping, since the oil penetrates deep into the structure of the tree. If you apply varnish on such a surface, it will swell and peel off.
  • Varnishes are not suitable for rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, verandas, balconies).
  • Lacquer compositions are not used for floor treatment on open balcony, terrace, veranda or pergola.

When choosing a floor covering, consumers primarily consider natural materials, among which wood is the most popular. Environmental friendliness, attractiveness, quality, reliability and wide application possibilities - these qualities make wood a popular building and finishing material.

But in addition to numerous advantages, wood has a number of disadvantages, among which stands out its poor resistance to impact. external factors. In our article, we will talk about the means and methods for protecting wood from decay.

How to process

The tree is subject to biological destruction, so if it is not processed, then, after a while, rotting will certainly begin. There are several reasons that cause such a nuisance:

  • increased air humidity;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • poor drying of raw materials;
  • insufficient ventilation;
  • freezing;
  • formation of condensate;
  • contact with wet soil.

To avoid rotting, you need to resort to prevention even during harvesting and storage. Previously, when wood production technologies could not boast of perfection, cutting down trees for the manufacture of lumber began in the winter, and with the onset of heat, the material was used for private housing construction and the manufacture of floorboards. During this time, the moisture content of the wood decreased significantly. However, today, in the age of advanced technologies, it is no longer necessary to withstand a tree for such a long time, because a technological approach is used to protect it from decay.

Floor protection products

The treatment of a wooden floor provides for the protection of wood from the effects and penetration of moisture with the help of special waterproofing. If the floor boards are laid on an open veranda, then special paint is used for protection. And in the house, in order to exclude the formation of condensate, you need to create good ventilation and lay a vapor barrier coating, take care of the heat-insulating layer.

protective equipment

Such compounds perform two useful functions:

  1. Preserve wood and thus do not allow dangerous fungi to penetrate into its structure, the impact of which leads to rotting of the tree.
  2. They preserve the integrity of the wood, because they do not allow it to crack.

Depending on the components present and purpose, protective compounds are divided into the following groups:

  • Wax-based products.

Mastic water-repellent for a floor
  • Oil-based products.

Oil application
  • Lacquer compositions.

impregnating varnish

Each of these groups has its own properties and characteristics, we will talk about them in more detail.

Lacquer compositions

Lacquer is made to protect the tree and give it a well-groomed appearance:

  • When you need to secure hardwood, apply alkyd and polyurethane compounds. Processing a wooden floor with these products creates a reliable protection against cracking for floor boards, and also protects the wooden floor from mechanical stress.

Protection with polyurethane varnish
  • For softwoods, an alkyl urethane protective paint is recommended. Before covering the floorboards with it, their surface is first treated with acetone to get rid of the resin protruding from the wood.
  • If you want to process a floor covering from valuable exotic varieties of trees, then it is recommended to use protective compounds for the manufacture of which natural ingredients were used. However, it should be noted that some exotic wood floorings contain substances that interfere with the curing of the varnish, so the floor to be treated must first be primed. To do this, use a special primer on wood, which gives additional protection to the boards and prevents the release of essential oils.

Primer antiseptic

Protective oils

Protective oils are universal compounds that are used for different types of wood. True, on boards for the manufacture of which certain varieties are used, for example, white meranti (merbau), stains may appear white color, and this greatly spoils the external attractiveness of the floor. Their appearance is due to the fact that the oil penetrates deep into the structure of the wood and reacts there with certain substances. Therefore, before applying such protection, it is better to first consult with experienced people who will help with choosing the right composition.

Attention! Oils that are designed to treat wood flooring create high-quality floor protection and give the boards a pleasant softness to the touch.

However, the floor treated with such a product looks attractive if there are no defects on its surface, because the oil does not hide them. Therefore, before resorting to such protection, it is necessary to prepare the lumber in advance, that is, plan the floor boards, then sand them and smooth them down. Only after that cover the flooring with oil.

Floor protection


This is a natural remedy, it is reasonable to use it in conjunction with oils. When applying wax to wooden deck a thin film is formed, it temporarily protects against moisture, but does not protect the floor from damage. In addition, the use of wax is not recommended for those types of wood in which calcium carbonate or silica is present, because the wax will react with them, after which the internal structure of the wood flooring will begin to break down and thereby cause deformation of the boards.

Functional protective compounds - impregnations

The tree is susceptible to mold, fungus and decay, and this material is also loved by rodents and insects. In addition, wood belongs to the line of fire hazardous materials. However, all this can be avoided if special impregnations are used for protection. If you are interested in how to process lags, in this case, impregnations will come in handy. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Fire retardant impregnations. This type of protection is used in the construction of public buildings. But for the construction of private houses they are used somewhat less frequently. Among this line, impregnations, which include active salts, stand out. When applied, they penetrate deep into the boards, and if a fire occurs, then a gas shell is formed, which prevents a fire from starting. However, the floorboards will begin to char. Putties and coloring compositions can also be used for fire protection, which also prevent an open flame from arising.

Flame retardants
  • Mechanical protection or drying of floorboards in chambers specially designed for this purpose helps to get rid of excess moisture in lumber, protecting them from destruction. If the floor boards are well dried, then even after many years of service they will not be affected by fungus and mold. To increase the service life of the flooring, it is necessary from time to time in the summer to ventilate the boards through the holes that are specially provided for this in the foundation.
  • For reliable protection of a wooden floor, universal antiseptics will come to the rescue: Novotex, Pinotex and others. These are very strong chemicals which contain sulfuric acid, it completely eliminates the possibility of the process of decay. Such a tool is successfully used for processing the subfloor and log. However, you should be careful when using it, because sulfuric acid is not safe for humans.
  • Water repellent finishes. These products provide floor boards with reliable protection, in addition, they prevent the spread of insects.
  • Insecticides. Such compounds protect lumber from pest bugs.

Any such composition is applied to the surface of the wood floor very carefully. If the floor boards have already been processed at the factory, then they do not need additional protection, but “clean” lumber needs high-quality impregnation. Therefore, before buying raw or finished lumber, ask the seller if the processing has been completed. If yes, then find out for what purposes: from exposure to moisture, fire or fungal attack.

Protection of the lag from insects

Protective treatment of flooring is an important process that must be approached responsibly. However, to provide reliable protection wooden floor not enough, you should also think about the lags, which are most often attacked by rodents and insects. Logs, like boards, are treated with special means that will provide reliable and high-quality protection. In private housing construction, resin is often used for this purpose, which is strongly heated before application and applied to the surface of the log. After the resin hardens, it forms a reliable protection for the wood structure and thus protects it from pests.

What impregnations for wood are produced, you will find out by watching this video review:

Wood is beautiful construction material, from which many structural elements in residential construction are made.

It is wood floors that indicate the status of a house or apartment, they create warmth, comfort, fit well into the interior, but are subject to the adverse effects of high humidity, pest damage, resulting in their destruction.

What is the best way to protect a wooden floor? Let's figure it out in the article.

The methods of processing the material made it possible to distinguish the following groups of wooden floors:

  • plank floor from a massive board (flooring);
  • piece parquet;
  • parquet board;
  • mosaic floor.

In wooden structural elements a person is attracted by such qualities as strength, easy installation, environmental friendliness, durability, beautiful appearance, adaptability to the interior.

Elements for arranging parquet, parquet board, mosaic floor undergo preliminary antiseptic, moisture-proof and fire-fighting treatment. Unlike them, the boardwalk is sometimes subject to negative processes that subsequently destroy it.

How to protect wood from moisture

It is ideal to solve this problem at the stage of material procurement. Drying wood in natural conditions will take at least 1 year.

Wood moisture level for use in construction is 15%. Exceeding the threshold threatens premature destruction of the floor.

What contributes to the defeat of the floor with mold, fungi, and then rot? Excess moisture and damage temperature regime: sudden changes from cold to hot temperatures, improperly arranged ventilation. It is moisture that causes the further formation of wood rot.

Ways to protect against decay

Harbingers of the rotting process are the formation of mold and fungi on the surface. Fungal organisms not only spoil the appearance of the tree, but are also harmful to health and can cause allergic reactions.

Protection of the wooden floor from rotting begins in the first hours after harvesting the wood - it is then that it is recommended to process the blanks by soaking them with the Wood Healer, which prevents the formation of blue fungus and mold.

To protect the wooden floor from adverse influences, constructive and chemical methods are used. Structural is the protection provided by the construction project:

  1. Waterproofing and vapor barrier - for floors placed indoors. They isolate the structure from the influence of soil, metal, concrete, stone - on the one hand, and from the steam generated in the room - on the other.
  2. Ventilation. Prevents the accumulation and stagnation of moist air, promotes its exchange and maintaining the necessary humidity in the room.
  3. Special constructive solutions: blind areas, drainage systems. In open spaces (verandas, terraces, balconies), canopies and awnings are used.

Wood protection chemicals on the market are aimed at fighting fungi, decay - varnishes, paints, antiseptics. This group is represented by water-soluble, organic-soluble, oily substances and antiseptic pastes.

There is a group of flame retardants based on liquid glass, which protects wood from moisture and makes it fire resistant.

Protective chemicals

To protect the wooden floor from decay, use chemical methods: penetrating and film-forming solutions.

Among the penetrating substances, Aidol Langzeit Lasur is distinguished - a biocide-free blue made on the basis of alkyd resins with a wide range of tones.

With its help, it is possible not only to make a finishing opening of the surface, but also to reliably regulate the moisture content of wood - the solution has water-repellent properties, is absorbed into the material.

Aidol Langzeit Lasur is used in residential areas, hypoallergenic.

Belinka Interier Sauna is a film-forming substance based on acrylic resins. It is recommended for use to protect the floor in wet rooms (baths, saunas).

The peculiarity of the solution is that it forms a moisture-repellent film on the treated surface. Belinka Interier Sauna, when stained, does not change the pattern of the wood structure, in fact, it is a varnish.

It is important to protect not only the visible parts of the floorboards, but also the hidden wooden elements - logs, beams. For this, it is used chemical composition PINOTEX IMPRA is a wood protection solution against penetrating moisture.

It contains biocides that prevent the formation of mold and blue. It is not recommended for use in residential areas, as well as for constructs that are in direct sunlight.

Pirilax-Lux has water-repellent, fire-fighting and insecticidal properties.

Bark beetle - the name of the insect speaks for itself: it feeds on the bark of a tree. If during construction material with the presence of bark (logs, support beams) is used, pests can settle in it.

The presence of woodworm larvae in the plank floor is evidenced by the creaking of the floorboards. The pest requires urgent action, since the larvae are able to turn any wood into dust in a short time.

Huge harm brings and shashel-wood borer. Its feature is omnivorous. Sometimes it is possible to get rid of it only if you burn the damaged wood.

When purchasing building materials, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of passages formed by larvae.

Modern methods of drying blanks in high-temperature ovens make it possible to perfectly protect wood from pests.

Prevention measures

Belinka Impregnant is also an all-rounder in the fight against fungal mold and insect pests. It can be used for indoor work.

We are represented short review ways and means of protecting a wooden floor. It is not at all difficult to do this, and your grandchildren, who inherited cozy house in perfect condition.

The main enemies of a wooden floor are moisture and all sorts of bacteria and microorganisms. Under the influence of these factors, the material for the manufacture of the structure begins to rot, loses its original aesthetic properties and serves much less than expected.

To prevent the occurrence of the mentioned problems, the wooden floor must be covered with a special protective compound. Modern market offers a wide range of products that not only increase the durability and other important performance indicators of wood, but also make it look more noble and attractive.

After reviewing the information below, you will get a complete picture of the features of the choice and use of existing formulations, which will allow you to independently cope with this event.

Reliable and effective protection wooden structure from harmful external influences can be ensured using the following compositions:

Each option mentioned will give the wooden floor an attractive look, while at the same time providing an increase in the resistance of the material to various kinds of influences and loads and contributing to the extension of its service life.

Next, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the description of the main properties of varnish, wax and oil, as well as study the technology for applying each of these materials. But first you should definitely understand the procedure for preparing the surface for subsequent processing.

Instructions for preparing a wooden floor for coating

The procedure is determined by whether you are working with a new floor or with an already used structure.

New floor guide

First of all, check the condition of the fasteners that secure the floorboards. The heads of self-tapping screws and nails need to be "drowned" in the material by about 2-3 mm. Further, the remaining recesses are covered with a sealing agent. Instead, you can use a special putty designed for wood processing. It is important that the color of the material matches the color of the boards as much as possible.

Coat the flooring with a starting varnish and allow the product to dry. The drying time is determined by the moisture content of the boards. With a material moisture content of more than 12%, the varnish will dry for a very long time - up to several months. If the boards were well dried, the waiting period will be reduced to 2-3 weeks.

Old floor guide

If the boards of the existing deck are in good condition and do not require replacement, preparation begins by removing the existing paint or other coating. If defective boards are found, be sure to replace them before starting work.

The paint is perfectly removed with a sanding machine. But buying this unit for the sake of a single use is impractical. If your place of residence does not provide such tools for rent, use the old and proven manual method.

Prepare the following:

  • iron (preferably one that is not a pity);
  • paper. Take it with a margin, it will take quite a lot;
  • special paint remover;
  • electric planer;
  • grinder with a nozzle for grinding wooden surfaces;
  • several spatulas;
  • sandpaper. Practice shows that it is most convenient to work with material having a 150-180 grain size.

Start removing the old paintwork. Put paper on the base, put a well-heated iron on top of it. As a result of this treatment, the paint will lag behind the floor and stick to the sheet. Remove the remaining areas of the coating with a spatula and a knife. If the paint is ingrained into the flooring material, use the remover following the manufacturer's instructions.

Video - Removing old paint from the floor

Remove the thin top layer of material from the cleaned boards. An electric planer will help you with this. Make sure that the heads of the fasteners do not protrude above the boards.

Electric planer

Important! The work is quite dusty, so for your own safety, wear a respirator and goggles.

Sand the surface with a grinder with the nozzle mentioned earlier and sandpaper. Collect dust, but do not throw it away - it may come in handy in the future.

Fill cracks and other defects in the flooring. In the absence of a special primer of a suitable color, use a mixture of PVA glue and wood dust. Dust is added to obtain a mixture of the desired color. In the case of using the second option, be careful and attentive: excess glue that has come out must be immediately removed from the surface. This is easily done with a damp cloth.

In conclusion, you just have to apply a starting varnish to the floor and let it dry. Recommendations are similar to the previous case.

Varieties of material

There is a fairly wide range of varnishes on the market. Before you start, be sure to familiarize yourself with the features of the most popular representatives of this category.

Table. Properties of different varnishes for wood

Varnish typeCharacteristics
water solubleAdvantages:
dries quickly;
adheres well to the base;
doesn't stink.
One- and two-component modifications are available for sale. The first ones usually serve no more than 2-3 years - after this time the floor will have to be re-sanded and processed.
If you apply a two-component varnish in 3 layers, it will last about 10 years even in rather harsh operating conditions. But such material is much more expensive.
AlkydAdvantage - the structure of the treated wood becomes more pronounced and beautiful. The disadvantage is a long drying time.
Varnish is great for covering the so-called. floating floor.
To prevent the varnish from wrinkling, experts recommend limiting its consumption to a maximum of 120 g / m2.
It is important that during the drying process the varnish is not exposed to heat from radiators and other heating devices. Contact with direct sunlight is also unacceptable.
Anhydrous polyurethaneThe main advantage is excellent wear resistance. Also, these varnishes tolerate contact with water and various chemical detergents well.
Important! The moisture content of wood covered with such a product should not exceed 10%. Otherwise, the coating will bubble.
acid curingIt is characterized by the greatest durability. Withstands a wide variety of influences. Natural light shades are created on the floor material. You just need to follow the basic recommendations for using the tool, namely:
the varnish is mixed with the hardener strictly before applying the mixture;
the performer must wear personal protective equipment - a respirator;
the room must be provided with a constant supply of air.
Violation of these recommendations may result in irritation of the mucous membranes for the performer.

Various tools are used to apply varnish. So, for example, quick-drying water-soluble compositions are applied with rollers of the highest quality. The performer must distribute the material over the surface exclusively with translational movements. First, the product is applied across the flooring, after which it is leveled in the longitudinal direction, i.e. the surface is varnished "crosswise".

A spatula can be used to apply the first layer of material. The performer makes fairly quick S-shaped movements, evenly distributing the composition over the base. This technology allows for higher coating strength.

If using a brush, the material should be applied in neat U-shaped strokes. In this case, the new stroke should slightly overlap the previous one.

It is most convenient to start work from the wall opposite to the exit from the room - so you do not have to walk on the applied composition.

The oil penetrates into the structure of the wood, protecting the material from the inside and not creating a continuous film over it. As a result, the wear resistance of the wooden floor is significantly increased. An additional advantage of the oil is its environmental friendliness. As a rule, such coatings do not contain solvents or they are present in insignificant amounts.

It is important to know that on a floor covered with oil, material defects will be much more noticeable than in the case of varnish. Therefore, the work must be carried out in stages and in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. A general requirement that is relevant for all such compositions is the timely removal of excess oil from the wood. Otherwise, the floor will be covered with ugly dark spots.

It is impossible to give specific instructions for covering a wooden floor with oil, because. the procedure is largely determined by the manufacturer's recommendations. One can only describe the general sequence:

  • the surface is carefully polished. Small areas can be processed with sandpaper manually, processing large areas is more convenient and faster with a grinder with an appropriate nozzle;
  • cracks and other defects are sealed with putty;
  • the surface is covered with a thin and uniform layer of oil. For application, you can use rollers, spatulas and devices specially designed for such work. This point, as well as other recommendations for applying the product, should be further clarified in the manufacturer's instructions.

On average, the oil hardens 12 hours. After that, the material will need to be given another 3-4 days to set strength.

Important! After the first treatment of a wooden floor with oil, the surface will be very dirty. Such traces will cease to appear only after the material is completely saturated, which on average takes several years.

Using wood floor wax

The main advantage of wax is its absolute environmental friendliness and safety for human health. Wax can be used both as an independent coating, and in combination with the previously discussed oil.

  • on a previously prepared surface (recommendations were given earlier), a uniform layer of wax is distributed;
  • allow the material to dry. This point should be clarified separately in the manufacturer's instructions, because. drying time may vary depending on the properties of a particular composition;
  • the surface is carefully polished with a clean cotton cloth.

Now you know what you can cover a wooden floor with and how to handle each material considered.

Successful work!

Video - How to cover a wooden floor
