The process of painting a car is a delicate, almost jewelry work. There can be no error in this matter. To get a brilliant result in every sense, you need not only to be able to "feel the materials", but also to choose the right texture. Paint for cars is different, it can have a different composition, density and elasticity. The choice depends on many factors.

Perhaps someone will say that this is a waste of time, paint is just paint and nothing more, but in reality everything is a little more complicated. Let's find out how to choose paint for a car and what types it comes in.

The task that is performed car paint, dual. First of all, enamel protects the surface on which it was applied. Thus, a coating is created that stably withstands various aggressive external influences. A layer of paint is the first line of defense.

In addition, car enamel allows you to make the car individual, to distinguish it from the mass of identical models. Properly selected color scheme is an opportunity to increase the value of the car and stimulate sales. Motorists willingly pay extra for the color they like. Now there are dyes with a metallic effect, as well as luminescent luminous paints.

What is included?

Henry Ford once said that a customer can buy a car of any color, but so far his requirement is black. These are not manifestations of Ford's temper and oddities. In fact, everything is much simpler - in those years they produced only one quick-drying material suitable for painting work on the conveyor. It was a natural-based black lacquer made in Japan.

Also, the main function of car enamel then was corrosion protection, and not an aesthetic appearance. But then the situation began to change, and other types of car paint appeared - for example, Ford did not even dream of dyes that would glow.

Related article: Features of rubber paint for cars and its application

The physical characteristics of modern automotive paints, and these are density, hardness and elasticity, can affect the protective properties and attractive appearance of the car. The composition of modern coatings includes the following components:

  • Binder- it is a pure or dispersion solution, the main function of which is the bonding of the paintwork material;
  • Film former- a pure and natural natural component, but the substance can also be synthetic;
  • Solvents - designed to adjust the viscosity of the paint;
  • Coloring pigment- it gives color;
  • Specialist. pigments - with their help you can get effects such as "metallic", "mother of pearl", "chameleon", the effects of a luminous surface in three-component compositions;
  • Fillers - these substances create the final volume and density.

The main types of car enamels

There are several types of dyes that paint cars. All of them are made on the basis of different substances and can be used depending on the task. Let's look at the main types - this will facilitate the choice of paint for the car.


These materials are widely used in the automotive industry. The composition contains nitro-solvents, which are able to evaporate quickly at ordinary ambient temperatures. After the surface is painted with such a dye, it dries very quickly.

However, such paint for painting a car is not without drawbacks:

  • fire hazard (ignition temperature is very low);
  • To obtain quality result, it is necessary that the painting be carried out in several layers with thorough interlayer drying;
  • the resulting coating very quickly loses the brightness of the tone;
  • after painting, the surface does not shine, so it should be further polished.

Before you paint the car with this enamel, you need to carefully prepare the work surface.


Glyphthalic car paints, unlike cellulose-based products, create a thicker film on the surface. The final coating does not require polishing. But these advantages are negated due to the long drying time of the paint. At temperatures of 20-25 degrees, the coating hardens only after 24 hours, and the sensitivity to solvents and mechanical stress is lost only after 15-30 days.

Related article: What thickness of paint on a car is considered the norm?


This option will be a good choice if you need to paint the car as quickly and effectively as possible. After application, acrylic paint creates a durable, uniform and glossy finish. Acrylic-painted surfaces after drying become highly resistant to mechanical damage, aggressive environmental influences.

If the question is what paint to paint the car, then you can safely choose this option. Acrylic paint is inexpensive, but it has high adhesive and coloring properties. it's the same a good choice if you plan to paint yourself. The only downside is the low coverage. To get the maximum effect from acrylic, the dye must be applied in two or three layers with intermediate drying.

With the addition of a phosphor, acrylic car enamel will glow in the dark. Such a composition can be made by hand. Luminous paints are now used to paint car rims, and it looks very impressive.

As for the characteristics of the coating, it is self-sufficient - you can not even apply varnish. However, to obtain a smooth surface and deep color, it is better not to neglect varnishing - several layers of varnish will only improve the picture.

We choose this product when you need to effectively paint the entire car. Acrylic is best paint for these tasks. As for a specific brand, the selection is made based on the cost of paint and their financial capabilities.


Alkyd car enamel is perhaps the best ratio of quality to price. The main plus is ease of application, good hiding power (the old coating will be painted with a new one with a bang), resistance to various kinds of influences - both mechanical and chemical.

Minus - alkyd paints dry for a long time. A film is immediately formed on the surface, which significantly slows down the hardening of the inner layer. This problem is solved by increasing temperature regime in room. Also, special accelerators are added to the composition of the enamel.

Such paint is allowed to be used for trucks. Choose this option if you want to paint the truck frame, the floor in the cabin, the bottom of the vehicle.

On the video: acrylic enamel VIKA AK-1305.

Nitro paint

This product is not used for full coloring, but for hiding minor defects on the bodies of cars, trucks and other equipment. Nitro enamel dries very quickly, but weather resistance is low. Therefore, after painting, it is recommended to cover the surface with additional varnish.

Luminous enamels

The selected paint for painting a car can perform certain functions, not only protective (anti-corrosion properties, etc.), but also decorative. So, for example, paint with a phosphor in the composition looks transparent during the day, the coating simply shines, and in the dark an effect of a very bright glow is created. The pigment gains light during the day from sun rays, and then emits it.

Such luminous paint will work for 6-12 hours. Among its advantages are resistance to moisture, low temperatures and chemicals, as well as protection from aggressive influences. You can pick up luminous enamel and make your car different from others.

Paints for painting cars are different, and there are many of them. Which paint is better to choose depends on the task. If you need an attractive appearance of the car, a three-component "metallic" will help you, if corrosion protection - alkyd enamel will be enough.

Car paints of different brands (30 photos)

The choice of varnishes and paints for painting a car begins long before the start repair work. Much depends not only on the desired result, but also on the capabilities of the car owner. The characteristics of enamels vary, the technologies for working with them vary - the decision to purchase materials is fundamental.

The technology of applying and drying enamel may require time, special equipment, and a certain humidity. Among the characteristics stand out: spectacular appearance, corrosion protection, durability of the coating and durability of the appearance - it is almost impossible to find all these parameters in the list of advantages of one material. And if this is achieved in one product, then the price for it immediately leaves the average.

Characteristics of car enamels

Henry Ford claimed that a customer could get a car in the right color as long as his requirement was a black car. Historically, the first characteristic of automotive paint has been corrosion protection, not aesthetic appeal. The physical parameters of modern car enamel (material density, hardness and elasticity) can affect both the level of protection and the attractiveness of the coating. The following substances can be distinguished in the general composition of modern paintwork materials:

  • Binder - pure or dispersion, including a film-forming solution, the main task of which is to hold the material together.
  • A film-forming agent is a pure natural component, a synthetic or a mixture.
  • Solvent (turpentine, white spirit, solvent) - obtaining the desired viscosity.
  • Coloring pigments - the color of the car.
  • Special pigments - effects "metallic", "mother of pearl", "chameleon" in a three-component painting.
  • Fillers - final volume and density (microtalc, chalk).

The hardness of car enamel is affected by the binder, the quantity and quality of the filler. The parameter is measured as a percentage of the hardness of the glass - the average values ​​range from 50-60%. The solution to the question of what hardness to stop at should be sought in the nature of the intended operation: the harder the enamel, the more unstable it is to vibrations, the more difficult it is to polish. Those who decide to paint the car with soft enamel will experience the opposite effect: the ability of the coating to withstand strong vibrations and even deformations of the metal, but the rapid loss of an attractive appearance due to scratches.

acrylic paint

The material is based on synthetic resins that can form a coating with good elasticity and hardness after drying. The material is supplied with a hardener, which must be mixed with enamel according to the manufacturer's instructions. Due to the reaction with the hardener, a polyurethane network is formed in the enamel, which gives the enamel strength. The film has a good gloss and is resistant to chemical substances(it can be washed off only with special solvents).

The list of disadvantages of acrylic car enamel starts with a high cost. Non-standard colors are selected by tinting, which requires a separate fee. Despite the high cost, several layers of acrylic coating are required on the car due to its poor covering power. In return, the buyer can refuse varnish, since the durable shiny surface of acrylic allows you to do without it. The quality of the top layer of acrylic directly depends on the hardness of the material, and it may vary by the manufacturer (HS and MS systems). Hard acrylics can do without varnish, but are difficult to polish - with soft ones, everything is exactly the opposite.

If the question is being decided which enamel is best suited to protect a car without taking into account time costs, then one-component alkyd-based automotive paint is one of the most reliable metal protection products. The covering well resists to influence of the atmosphere, the sun, chemical reagents. The alkyd film is resistant to temperature changes, and the boundaries of its use start from -50 and end at +50 ˚C. The gloss of the film is comparable to the gloss of an acrylic coating, at a lower cost, the absence of a hardener in the painting system (the material is simply applied to the car in 2 layers).

The strong film formed by synthetic resins is also a disadvantage of enamel: the formation of the surface occurs faster than the drying of the bulk of the substance, so the drying of alkyd enamel takes a long time. Professional use of alkyd coating requires a special drying regime with strong heating and good ventilation. Alkyd car enamel forms thick layers, due to which it is required to put 1-2 layers on the car. Despite good protection against the effects of the atmosphere, alkyd car enamels do not inhibit the formation of corrosion, therefore they must be laid on a primed surface.

Water-based paints

The coating formed by materials of this class does not dissolve in water, but they are poorly suited for painting a car. Despite the presence of synthetic polymers in their composition, the material exhibits poor resistance to negative temperatures, although modern manufacturers have made significant progress in this direction. Another obvious drawback is the need to prime the car before applying the material.

The advantage of the coating can be considered a high hiding power associated with the minimum size of the coloring pigment. High adhesion allows you to reduce the risks in surface preparation: you can even paint with "water emulsion" old paint. The name of the substance speaks for itself: the basis of the material is an aqueous emulsion, therefore, evaporation of water is necessary for its drying. This takes a long time and is difficult, and professional equipment is required to ensure a high-quality drying process.

Material better fit those who want to streamline the painting process. Powder paint is applied using a special technology, but the cost of equipment is justified to the extent that high-quality, waste-free production is required. The paint powder is applied to the metal by magnetization and must then undergo a sintering step in a curing oven, but the coating it produces is smooth, resistant to corrosion and chemical attack.

Tinting powder is quite problematic, although the number of colors offered by manufacturers reduces the severity of the problem. The technology does not require the use of hardeners and solvents, there are no smudges and shagreen on the surface. But due to the high cost of equipment and the difficulty of making it yourself (although this option is quite viable), for a single car painting, it is better to choose a different paint.

If you think that painting takes a maximum of half an hour and the walls become like new, we have to disappoint you. Surface painting is a work that is not without nuances: the process can be delayed due to the wrong paint, roller or wrongly applied layer. Also important is the time of day at which you pick up the instrument. Training, of course The best way achieve success, but we recommend avoiding other people's mistakes - we tell you how.

Mistake #1: Painting Unprepared Walls

Minor defects, dust, grains of sand, bristles from the brush during the previous staining may be under the paint and adversely affect the result. Under a layer of paint, all the shortcomings will be visible - it remains either to put up with it, or to clean the wall and repaint it. And possible greasy spots will appear, no matter how many layers you cover the surface. Defects will be especially noticeable if you use glossy paint.

What to do: to avoid double work and unpleasant surprises, prepare the wall in advance. Take sandpaper or a special plaster sanding tool and go over the bumps and defects. After - brush off the dust with a brush or broom. Stains can be removed by wiping the wall with a damp cloth and soap.

Mistake #2: Ignoring the Primer

Do not use a primer before painting the walls? Don't be surprised if you end up with an unevenly painted wall or paint overrun. The fact is that the primer provides a lower hygroscopicity of the surface, which saves the means for painting. And also the base gives the "cohesion" of the surface with the paint, which improves the painting of the walls.

What to do: choose the appropriate primer for the walls. Apply it with a brush vertically in small stripes, and then horizontally - perpendicular to the first layer. After the base has dried, you can cover the surface with the first coat of paint.

Mistake #3: Wrongly thinned paint

The paint is too thick consistency or becomes so in the process of work. Then it must be diluted - this is an intuitive action. But with what to dilute - this is already a question that can ruin both the material and the whole work. For example, if water-dispersion paint is diluted with white spirit, it will cause the polymers to stick together. If you paint a wall with such a composition, the result will be of poor quality - disappointment is inevitable: the paint will lie unevenly, maybe even in lumps. If, on the contrary, oil paint diluted with water - it simply does not mix with the bulk.

What to do: read the composition on the paint can and select the product according to it with which you will dilute the product. Do not pour in too much water or thinner - it is better to add little by little, mixing the paint thoroughly.

Mistake number 4: painting without a test

Choosing a color is a rather complicated process, especially if the shade has to be combined with another tone or pattern. The unfortunate masterpiece will have to be repainted, and so the process can be repeated indefinitely. The same applies to the shade, which you have to "extract" with your own hands with the help of color.

What to do: add the coloring concentrate to the paint little by little, mixing the contents thoroughly. First, pour a small amount of paint into a small container and add a couple of drops of color - see what color you get. Get the tone you want, and then do the same in a larger bank if you like the result. To make sure the color is compatible with the overall decor of the room, try to paint - apply paint in an inconspicuous corner and wait for it to dry. If the result suits you - for the case.

Mistake #5: Choosing the wrong tool

Using the right brush or roller is just as important as choosing the right paint. And it's not a matter of taste. In order to evenly paint over the wall, you need to purchase a couple of rollers and a brush. First you will “roll up” the surface, and with a brush you will paint corners and hard-to-reach places.

What to do: for the first coat of paint, it is better to choose a roller with a long pile - 1-1.5 cm. It will pick up more paint, which will make it faster and easier to get a uniform color. For re-painting, a roller with a short pile - 6–7 mm is more suitable: it will help you use the paint more economically and definitely will not leave “streaks”. Bet on a brush with natural bristles - it will not leave lint on the surface.

Mistake number 6: applying paint "in different directions"

If you apply paint vertically, then horizontally, and then at random, in the hope that the wall will look decent when it dries, you are making a serious mistake. All strokes can show up, especially if you use a brush.

What to do: choose one painting option - vertical or horizontal - the paint will lie evenly, and the coloring will not look ridiculous due to chaotic strokes. When painting in several layers, you can alternate methods, for example, paint the first layer vertically, the second horizontally.

Mistake number 7: applying paint in one layer

When applying paint in one layer, the coloring may turn out to be uneven, and if you want to change the color of the surface in a drastic way, you definitely won’t be able to finish the job quickly. Even if you change from a light shade to a darker one, the first color will show through.

What to do: For an intense shade, apply two, and preferably three layers. The first will allow you to distribute the paint over the surface; the second and third - it is better to shade it, even out the color and fill in small irregularities.

Mistake number 8: staining on wet paint

Of course, I want to finish painting faster and enjoy the result. Therefore, we often do not think about the consequences of painting on a “raw” wall. As a result, the wet layer begins to come off, stick to the brush or roller. Oil paint, in turn, can go bubbles - all work will have to be started again. True, after waiting for the paint to dry, and sanding the places with defects.

What to do: be patient. While the paint dries, do something else. Pay attention to the instructions on the can, which indicate how long the paint takes to dry completely. If it's a single base emulsion, it won't be long before you can get back to work.

Mistake #9: Not enough paint

This can become a serious problem. Firstly, because during a trip to the store, the already applied layer may dry out (after drying, the joint between fresh and already applied paint will be noticeable). Secondly, it is difficult to choose the right shade if you added color to the paint yourself.

What to do: the easiest option is to take more. In extreme cases, an unopened jar can be returned to the store or left “just in case” - touch up places where the paint will peel off over time. On paint cans they always write what area the volume is designed for - pay attention to the numbers. Keep in mind that if you paint the surface in two layers, the area will double.

Mistake #10: Wrong Timing for Painting

Applying paint in bright sunlight can cause the compound to dry too quickly - before you even distribute it evenly. Also, the paint may start to foam or peel off. And if you paint by the light of an electric light bulb, all the errors will be barely distinguishable.

What to do: the best option for painting the surface is during the daytime, without direct sunlight falling through the window. It is better to paint the south side in the morning or in the evening, when the sun does not shine so brightly.

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If you have never come across, then you can not imagine how many different types and manufacturers of car paint exist today. Technologies are constantly improving, new interesting shades appear. This article will help you navigate the sea of ​​​​colors and choose the best option for yourself.

The task of any car paint is not only to give the car an attractive appearance, but also to protect its body from corrosion caused by an aggressive environment. Different kinds paints differ in such parameters as hardness, elasticity, density. The protective properties depend on their ratio.

Any paint for painting a car necessarily includes three main components:

  • A pigment is a substance that determines the color and tone of a car. In addition, this component has some other functions, including slowing down corrosion.
  • A binder is a component due to which the pigment is firmly held on the surface of the car. In addition, it forms a protective glossy layer over the pigment after the paint dries.
  • Solvent - thanks to him, the paint is initially liquid with the necessary fluidity for application.

The hardness of paint for painting cars is determined relative to the hardness of glass in percent. The higher this percentage, the more resistant the paint to scratches and various mechanical damage. As a rule, the hardness values ​​of paints from different manufacturers lie in the range of 50-55%.
However, it should be borne in mind that the greater the hardness of the enamel, the less its elasticity and the greater the likelihood of cracking at bends and vibrations.

Types of paints for painting a car

Cellulosic paints were the first to appear in the field of mechanical engineering, having begun to be actively used in the first half of the last century. The main advantage of such paints is the ability of the nitro solvent included in the composition to evaporate quickly at normal ambient temperatures. This feature allows you to apply paint outside special rooms. The paint dries quickly and therefore reduces the likelihood of dust contamination of the painted surface.

Cellulosic paints

However, cellulose paints for painting a car have a large number of disadvantages:

  • have a low flash point and are therefore flammable;
  • when applied to the body, due to the high ratio of the solvent, they form a thin film of paint, which requires the application of several layers with drying of each;
  • cellulose paints fade quickly;
  • after application, they do not have sufficient gloss, therefore, they require additional polishing.

The surface of the car before applying cellulose enamels must be carefully puttied, polished and primed. The paint is well applied with a paint sprayer. In this case, a 1:1 dilution of enamel and thinner is usually used. Only the last layer is recommended to be made thinner: 75% thinner

Glyptal car enamels

To date, cellulose paints are practically not used in painting cars. Very few manufacturers still produce enamels based on nitrocellulose.

Glyptal varnishes, like nitro enamels, have long been used in the automotive industry. They are based on synthetic resins. These paints for painting cars are devoid of many of the shortcomings of their predecessor. So glyptal varnishes form thicker and more durable films when applied to a car body. They create a shiny surface that does not require additional polishing.

The main disadvantage of glyptal paint is a long drying time at an ambient temperature of 20-25 ºС. After 24 hours the painted surface becomes solid. However, after a day the paint is still sensitive to mechanical damage and solvents. It takes 15-30 days for the enamel to fully harden.

Drying with glyptal varnish at a temperature of 60-80 ºС allows you to reduce the drying time, however, this temperature may damage some plastic parts. Special drying activators or hardeners are added to the composition of modern glyptal paints for painting a car. Such substances are able to react with paint components, significantly speeding up drying and, subsequently, increasing the strength of the enamel layer.

Glyptal varnishes are very sensitive to temperature changes and can change their viscosity significantly. This fact should be taken into account when breeding paint. Different manufacturers offer different degrees of dilution, but in most cases it lies in the range of 15-35%.

The car body must be prepared before painting with glyptal varnish. The entire surface to be painted must be primed to ensure good adhesion of the paint.

Acrylic paint for painting cars has more than half a century of history. It is based on synthetic resins derived from petroleum. Allocate thermohardening and thermoplastic varnishes.

Thermal hardening varnishes are used only for factory body painting and are not applicable in repairs due to high temperatures needed to cure the paint. Thermoplastic varnishes do not require high temperature for drying, and therefore are often used for painting after auto repair. They dry fairly quickly at ambient temperatures.

The main advantages that have made acrylic paints so popular are the excellent quality and uniformity of the painted surface, combined with a higher gloss. The paint dries quickly enough and after that it becomes very resistant to mechanical stress and aggressive solutions. Among the shortcomings, a low covering ability is distinguished, which is why painting must be carried out in several layers.

After applying acrylic paint, it is not recommended to make an additional coating on top of the varnish. The paint itself has high reflective characteristics. However, in some cases, applying 1-2 layers of varnish allows you to achieve a deeper color and a smooth surface. Before varnishing, it is necessary to dry the acrylic paint completely and then matte the surface with fine sandpaper.

Acrylic paints can be divided into two types by strength:

  • hard coating paints (HS system materials)
  • paints that form soft cover(materials of the MS system).

Solid acrylic paints give a more durable, damage-resistant finish. Another advantage is less shrinkage during painting. However, such paints are difficult to polish. Most often, soft acrylic paints are used for secondary painting, which, with a fairly high strength, are easier to polish.

Alkyd car enamels

Good value for money are alkyd paints for painting cars. The obvious advantages of this type of paint are low cost with relatively high resistance to mechanical and chemical stress, as well as good coating quality. The paint is easy to apply and forms fairly thick layers, which reduces the number of painting steps.

The disadvantage of alkyl paints is the length of the drying stage due to the fact that a thin film immediately appears on the surface of the paint, which prevents oxygen from penetrating into the paint. Drying is mainly due to the oxidation of the paint base with oxygen, as well as the evaporation of a small amount of solvent. You can speed up the process by heating, as well as adding an accelerator to the paint composition.

A very popular paint option for painting a car today is metallic varnish. Although this species paint has been around for a little over half a century, it is often used in the factory painting of even luxury cars. The cost of metallized varnish is much higher than the cost of alkyd paints and is approximately equal to the price of acrylic varnishes.

How to choose a varnish for painting a car?

Metallized varnish or simply metallic is a two-component paint, which is applied, respectively, in at least two layers. The first layer is a nitro base that sets the future color of the car and gives a metallic tint. The second layer is a colorless acrylic lacquer, which gives the metallic paint a unique shine.

The composition of the nitro base includes two types of pigments. The first is directly colored powder to set the color. The second is aluminum or bronze sequins. Most often, aluminum glitters are used in paints. Their dimensions are very small: the thickness is 1 micron, and the diameter is from 60 to 100 microns.

In a liquid metallized varnish, aluminum particles float freely, and when applied to the surface of a car, as the paint dries, they gradually orient themselves in a certain way in the thickness of the paint. It is very important to strictly observe the technology of all stages of metallic painting, since an incorrect and inhomogeneous orientation of metal particles in space will cause paint spotting due to different reflections of light from the surface of the sparkles.

By itself, a nitro base will not give the desired sheen to a car that has been painted metallic. Therefore, an obligatory stage after the base has dried is the application of a colorless acrylic varnish. As a rule, the varnish is applied in two layers, which after drying and polishing gives a perfectly smooth shiny surface. Colorless acrylic varnishes are also soft and hard.

Pearly Lacquer

Another option for a two-component paint for painting cars is pearlescent varnish. It is very similar in structure and appearance metallic, but looks richer and deeper. In this case, the color can change its shades from lighter to darker depending on the distance from the car, the angle of incidence of light and its intensity. The cost of pearlescent varnish is higher than the cost of metallic.

The composition of the mother-of-pearl nitro base also includes metal particles. However, their sizes are smaller, the number is larger, and they are located in the thickness of the base in many layers. In addition, particles of iron mica, colored with metal oxide, are composed. The nitro base is also necessarily covered with one or two layers of clear acrylic varnish to give the paint a gloss.

Recently, powder coatings have become increasingly popular in the automotive industry. The principle of painting with such enamels is completely different from traditional paints, while the quality and economy are higher. Now powder paints are also used for secondary painting of the car and its elements.

Powder paint for car painting

Powder paint for painting a car consists of a dry mixture of small particles of paint. Pre-magnetized particles are sprayed on the car body and then, under the influence of high temperatures, they melt and form a dense homogeneous film on the surface. Losses with this method of painting are only 2%, since the paint that does not get on the body is cleaned, recycled and reused for painting. At the same time, the paint is environmentally friendly and non-flammable.

A huge number of existing colors and shades today powder paints will satisfy even the most demanding consumer. In addition, it is possible to obtain glossy and matte surfaces, as well as a metallic effect. With the help of powder paint, it is possible to paint not only the metal surfaces of the car, but also plastic parts, as well as glass elements. There are varieties of powdered enamels that melt and polymerize at lower temperatures, which prevents damage to the plastic.

The disadvantage of powder paints for painting cars is the need to use complex, expensive equipment for painting. This makes it impossible to paint the car yourself, and will also cost more. However, the strength and durability of the resulting coating, combined with the large savings in paint, will quickly justify the costs.

What car enamel to paint on rust?

Sometimes rust paints are used to paint parts of a car that have been corroded. It can literally be applied directly to rust. In this case, there is no need to completely remove corrosion from the metal surface with further priming of the cleaned surface. It is enough just to roughly clean the surface to remove loose layers of rust, and then paint can be applied directly to the metal.

Rust paint contains fatty acids that neutralize rust, tempered glass particles that protect the metal surface. Silicones are also added to the paint, which have a water-repellent effect. Rust paint manufacturers offer a very wide range of colors to choose from.

Painting can be done in various ways, both with a conventional brush made of natural materials, and with a spray can or airless paint sprayer. The paint is applied in 2-3 layers. The paint dries in 1-1.5 hours, but complete hardening occurs after 14 hours.

A novelty in the field of paints for painting cars are water-based paints. They have existed for just over five years, but many European auto giants already paint all cars produced in this way. Its advantage is high environmental friendliness, since there are no harmful solvents in the paints.

Another important advantage of water-based paints is their higher surface coverage. It is provided due to the smaller particle sizes of the pigment. At the same time, the quality of the coating is in no way inferior to paints based on solvents. Water-based paints have good adhesion and can therefore be applied to a variety of surfaces, including old paint.

The disadvantages of water-based auto paints include a longer drying time, due to the fact that water evaporates more slowly than an organic solvent. In addition, due to the low prevalence and the use of high-tech equipment, painting with water-soluble paints will cost more than traditional painting. One of the representatives of water-soluble paints is the well-known German company Spies Hecker.

Currently, there are a large number of different manufacturers of paints for painting a car. Among the world leaders, some brands can be distinguished:

  • AkzoNobel,
  • Henkel,
  • dupont,
  • Kansai,
  • Nippon.

The quality of their car cosmetics is undeniable. Paints are well applied to the surface and give an excellent result. Such coatings are durable and resistant to various damages.

Leading companies are constantly investing heavily in research and development, so they regularly delight consumers with their new products. The quality of the coating, durability, as well as the environmental friendliness of paints are improved. In particular, the famous Japanese company Kansai has developed the HYBRID system, which allows you to exclude such toxic substances from the paint composition as: toluene, xylene, chromium and lead compounds.

When painting a car with metallic or mother-of-pearl, it is worth using paints only from leading manufacturers, since the technology for manufacturing such paints is very complicated and may not be possible for little-known manufacturers. The result from cheap paint can be exactly the opposite of what you expect.

When painting with alkyd or acrylic paints, you can save money by choosing a lesser-known brand. Today, there are a large number of companies that cannot boast of leading positions, but offer a wide range of fairly high-quality auto cosmetics:

  • Sonax,
  • Mobihel
  • Helios,

Many companies successfully cooperate with global brands, adopting their experience.

Given the huge number of paint manufacturers for painting cars, today every car owner can easily choose the option that is suitable for the price and quality. High technologies used in the production of paints allow you to get a good result even without resorting to the services of a professional.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which wall paint is better, because there is no single rating. The choice depends on the budget and the type of room to be painted.

All materials can be divided into three groups: for outdoor use, for indoor use and universal, which can be used in both cases. It is logical that two of the three types are suitable for interior repairs: specialized colors and universal ones. Why you should not use materials intended for the street?

The point is that the coating facade works may contain toxic antiseptics, hardeners - substances that cause irritation and even irritation in a closed, unventilated space. Only garage walls are suitable for painting in this way.

Coating materials intended for internal works in a house or apartment, there are two types: based on water and other solvents.

water soluble

They are also called water dispersion, water emulsion - the difference is in the constituent components. They are popular because of their price and practicality: they dry quickly, are well tinted, do not smell, and fit perfectly on almost any surface.

At the same time, the cheapest, but not stable emulsion is based on PVA. It gets dirty easily and is exposed to moisture. The walls are not covered with it, maximum - with a non-aggressive environment, for example, in the living room or in the bedroom.


This paint contains aqueous dispersions of acrylic resins. After application, they form a thin protective film that is resistant to moisture and mechanical stress. This coating is suitable even for rooms with high humidity.

By the way, acrylic-based water dispersion fits well on both wooden and concrete surfaces. The only "but": if there are small irregularities, it is first recommended to putty, for more serious defects - first.

More often acrylic coating in the store is sold in the form of a base white color. To get the desired shade, you need to add color - a color pigment. You can even do this at home on your own. So that the result does not disappoint you, there is no problem of incompatible components, take the color paste of the same company as the base.


These are aqueous emulsions based on latex copolymers to which rubbers have been added. Which paint is better for the walls in the apartment: acrylic or latex? Depends on goals. The latter are even more durable, water resistant, but also more expensive.

Latex emulsion often decorate rooms with high humidity. In addition, it is recommended and used to create plaster decor, for example, imitation of a brick wall. A thin layer, which is formed after application, retains the texture of the surface, while additionally protecting it from water and moisture.

Like acrylic, latex coatings mixed with color to obtain the desired shade.


This emulsion based on silicone resins is one of the new products on the construction market. It is suitable not only for finishing walls inside, but also for decorating the facade of a building, it has good resistance to mechanical damage, to ultraviolet radiation, heat resistance and antiseptic properties. The only significant disadvantage is its high price.

However, in its pure form, such emulsions are rare. Most manufacturers offer acrylic-silicone mixtures.

Important characteristics of paints and varnishes

  • Hiding power - the ability to paint over the color of the surface. The higher this indicator, the fewer layers are needed to create a uniform tone. The hiding power of cheap colors is lower, this should be taken into account when buying, you will need more cans.
  • Vapor permeability - the ability to "breathe". This indicator is important for rooms with high humidity. Vapor-permeable paints conduct moisture and fungus.
  • Resistance to abrasion, that is, mechanical damage, is an indicator of durability. It is determined in the laboratory, simulating the washing procedure.

Paints for different rooms

How to choose paint for walls in the kitchen and bathroom

As you know, the most aggressive environment in the apartment is in the kitchen. There is high humidity and temperature, splashes of water and grease. Not every coating will withstand this. Appropriate materials are needed: waterproof, vapor-permeable, with good abrasion performance. Such requests are met by latex and silicone emulsions.

For bedroom and living room

The quieter environment of the bedroom and living room does not require wear and water resistance of the coating. Acrylic paint will help to avoid financial costs. Choose products that have a label on the packaging wet cleaning, so you can periodically wipe the surface.

Nursery decoration

Small child and strives to paint the room? Choose a color that can be washed, resistant to mechanical stress. For example, acrylic emulsion.

Often it is in the nursery that you want to create an accent: a fabulous pattern or a textured finish. And you can even do it yourself. And with an older child, the lesson can turn into an exciting game. What colors to paint on the wall? The best option- acrylic. The advantages are obvious: a palette of colors, and ease of application.

How to choose an invoice

  • Matte does not shine. Ideally hides surface imperfections. Suitable for low traffic areas such as bedrooms. The deep matte emulsion is also gaining popularity, it is especially relevant in the interior in a modern style.
  • Semi-matte has a barely noticeable sheen. It has slightly higher indicators of wear resistance and durability, such surfaces can often be washed. Suitable for covering the hallway, corridor.
  • Semi-gloss is designed to decorate a nursery, kitchen, bathroom - rooms that will often have to be washed. She has good indicators of strength, resistance to dirt and wear.
  • Glossy gives a sheen almost like glass. It is the most wear resistant paint. But working with it is difficult: the surface must be perfect, because gloss can emphasize even the smallest roughness and unevenness. By the way, in this way you can arrange an accent wall.

Will help right choice: be sure to level the surface, use a primer and a medium pile roller.

What else to consider

If you can't decide on a color for your bedroom, kitchen or living room, try making an inspiration board. Get a folder on your computer or print out your favorite interior options. When enough has accumulated, see what they have in common? What color scheme, style?

Designers call with one voice. However, let's be honest: the majority still prefers a neutral base. Want to try out the brighter options? Start with an accent or small rooms. By the way, most likely a successful experiment will be a bathroom. A neutral white bathroom and sink will stand up to any color.

  • Material prepared: Anastasia Khripunkova

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