Bunk bed! Try to find a child who refuses to own such a treasure. For children, this is the whole world, real own house- Agree, this is impossible to refuse! And even from the point of view of very rational parents, a bunk bed is a useful purchase, because it frees up a lot of space, which is important in organizing any, even quite spacious, children's room. According to psychologists, for harmonious development, children, like air, need free space- just like their personal place. Even a newborn baby needs its own place to sleep, the criteria for choosing which we have already discussed in the publication. And when the child grows up, it is quite obvious that it is the bunk bed that can become optimal solution for the children's room. After all, this design:

  • saves space;
  • frees up space for games;
  • provides a personal space for the child, where he can create his own world.

If you still doubt that all of the above advantages are really worth choosing a bunk bed, then there can be only one reason for this - thinking about how safe such furniture is for children. This is an essential moment that will not leave indifferent any parent. Surely everyone who you managed to tell about your plans for the upcoming purchase has already shared your fears with you: "It's dangerous, the child can fall and break!". Be critical of such judgments: you must understand that movement for a child is life, and if you remove all potentially dangerous objects from the house (and he can fall off the couch!), then deprive your child of the opportunity to develop physically. It is better to approach the choice of children's furniture responsibly - our tips will help you with this.

So, the last doubts are dispelled, and you have only one question - how to choose a bunk bed?

What are bunk beds?

There are several variations on the bunk bed theme. In modern furniture stores there are models that satisfy any requirement. For example, you will be shown a design for one child, when there is a bed on the upper tier, and a desk, wardrobe or sofa on the lower tier. The same sofa can be used as a bed if there are two children in the family, and if a folding sofa- This is a great option for a large family.

A bunk bed is good in any apartment - if you have a spacious nursery and two children, you can install two such beds without any damage, then each baby will have his own place (table or closet), which he will take care of much more willingly than the general . And if the children's room in your apartment is very modest in size - beds on two tiers will be your salvation in the eternal struggle for every free meter of the room.

What to look for when choosing a bunk bed?

So, you are faced with a choice, you need specific advice and guidance in order to know how to choose a bunk bed.

The main requirement that furniture must meet is its strength. This is especially true when choosing such a non-standard children's bed. Check the legs of the bed - they must be stable, any staggering is excluded. Do not let yourself be seduced by beautiful, figured supports - we urge you: for the sake of your own peace of mind, opt for strong, thick legs. The surest way to test the strength of a bed is to put it to the real test by climbing onto the top tier - and this should not be done by a child, but by you, an adult. If the bed can withstand your weight, the test is passed.

The next check point will be the height of the sides on the upper tier. After all, they are designed specifically to ensure the safety of the child during sleep. Make sure they are at least 30 cm high.

It is also worth paying attention to the distance between the tiers - it is optimal if both the child and the adult will sit comfortably on the lower tier. And at the same time, the upper tier set too high can cause a lot of inconvenience to the “lucky one” who got the “second floor”. If the ceilings in your apartment are low, then pay special attention to this moment and choose the option that is right for your apartment. At the same time, consider the following conditions: whether it will be convenient to make the bed on the upper tier, and whether it is convenient to go down or up the stairs.

Bunk bed safety.

How to choose a bunk bed so that it is as safe as possible for children? Even if for some reason you do not have the opportunity to inspect the bed directly in the store, but, for example, choose it from the catalog in the online store, you can do right choice based on the following recommendations.

Pay attention to the stairs– for the safety of children, it will be better if it is equipped with comfortable handrails. Also remember that the most secure is a ladder that is not installed strictly vertically, but more or less inclined - it will be more convenient to climb and descend on such a ladder, so it is, of course, safer than the one that vertically connects the upper and lower tiers.

It will be more convenient for you to adapt the inclined staircase to the conditions of your home if you make a choice in favor of a bed, to which the ladder can be attached from any side convenient for you.

The presence of bumpers and limiters. When examining a bunk bed from the point of view of safety for a child, pay closer attention to the upper tier - if during sleep the sides are reliably protected from falling, then at any other time this function can be performed by special limiters provided in some models.

What material to choose a bunk bed?

Another important point in the question "how to choose a bunk bed for a child" is the material from which it is made. Agree that furniture in a children's room made of environmentally friendly material is one of the most important conditions for a child to grow up healthy and develop harmoniously. The best thing you can choose for your child is furniture from natural wood . If you have the opportunity to order a bed by individual project, choose birch, oak or beech as the material. If more is needed a budget option- pine products are suitable.

In the event that the bed is made of, you have every right to be inquisitive and familiarize yourself with the hygiene certificate, which should indicate all the necessary indicators, including the most important - the level of formaldehyde.

Avoid furniture made of metal. Apart from the unaesthetic appearance, such a bed will bring a lot of unpleasant moments to its owners - the main thing is, of course, injuries.

Additional benefits of a bunk bed.

If you are sick of the finished monotony of a bunk bed, or you are worried that the liveliness of your children does not allow the use of such a bed in the children's room, you can choose a model that has the ability to adjust the height of the tiers, or one that easily converts into two regular beds. .

And finally, all the most important points when choosing a bunk bed, a suitable model was studied and found! You can already be congratulated on a successful purchase, but think a little more - maybe you should add some useful detail to the standard kit? After all, you get extremely comfortable furniture - so use its potential to the maximum. Such a nice addition can be, for example, boxes for storing linen and toys - with them it will become much easier to clean up the children's room. If such boxes are not provided by the bed model, they can be ordered additionally.

Get creative with the design of the bed when it has already taken pride of place in the children's room - consult with the children, you will be offered a lot of options, because for them this is not just an interior item and a bed, but a whole world that they can transform into something that tells their endless imagination.

  • Choosing durable furniture
  • What parameters still need to be taken into account?

A bunk bed is a very comfortable and economical piece of furniture. It is great for families where there are several children, and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling is small. Thanks to her, it will be possible to comfortably place her children and at the same time it will not be necessary to allocate a lot of space for her in the children's room. But in order for her purchase not to disappoint, you should know how to choose a bunk bed. There are a number of specific recommendations that must be followed. But before moving on to them, we will voice exactly what models such furniture is represented by.

Drawing of a bunk bed.

What are bunk beds?

In the store, you will definitely be amazed by the selection of bunk beds, because it is more than wide. In this case, the entire range can be divided into several types. So, there are bunk models that are based on 2 beds at once: one at the top and the second at the bottom. You can find beds that are equipped with a sofa on the 1st tier. On the 2nd floor there is a sleeping place directly. Manufacturers also offer furniture models that are equipped with a small cabinet on the 1st tier and desk, and on the 2nd floor is the bed itself.

Accordingly, if you have 2 children, then you should choose furniture that has 2 beds or is equipped with a sofa, as it can be moved apart and your child can be comfortably placed on it. If you have only one child, then it is better to buy a bed that has a table and a locker. Then it will be possible to create a real one under it workplace where you can do homework and do homework.

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Choosing durable furniture

Assembly drawing of a bunk bed.

And so we will consider in detail a bunk bed, how to choose it, because here it is necessary to pay attention to many characteristics. First of all, you need to make sure that the product is durable. First you need to check the legs of the bunk bed. They must be highly durable. Not even the slightest wobble is allowed. You should not choose models that are equipped with beautiful, thin, curly supports. They are unstable and not durable. With active play on the bed, they can break. Opt for furniture with thick and durable legs.

Related article: Finishing plastic panels do-it-yourself: installation process

Now you need to check the reliability of the bed itself. Here it is recommended to subject it to a real test. Climb yourself to the top tier. If the furniture does not stagger during the ascent to it, then this indicates its high strength. This bed is perfect for kids. Therefore, you can buy it without fear. If, during the ascent to the upper floor, the two-tier structure staggers, then immediately refuse to purchase it. After all, it will not last long, which means that you and your children will be disappointed in the purchase.

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Making a choice in favor of safety

Bunk bed size chart with wardrobe.

To protect your child from falling and getting injured while sleeping and playing on a bunk bed, special attention must be paid to its safety. You should not purchase models that have a bed on the 2nd floor without sides. It should be noted that their presence alone is not a guarantee that the child will not accidentally fall out of bed. You need to pay attention to their height. After all, if the sides are small, then the safety of a two-tier structure is out of the question. They will not save the child from falling. Preference should be given to those beds that are equipped with sides at least 35 cm high. It is these bunk models that will allow you not to worry about the safety of children during games and sleep.

If you still decide to choose furniture without sides, then you will immediately need to ask yourself how to secure the bed? For such structures, manufacturers offer special limiters, in the form of lacquered boards with a width of 30 to 50 cm. They can be installed on a sleeping place located on the second tier. Thanks to them, the child will not fall.

Related article: Stone foundation cladding

The safety of a bunk bed is also affected by the design of the stairs. It must be equipped with comfortable handrails. Her steps should be wide enough. It should not be installed strictly vertically, but at a slight slope. On such a ladder, it will be convenient for the kids to climb to the upper tier, and then descend from it. In this case, it is necessary that it be fixed directly to the bed frame. The ladder must not go separately, otherwise there is a risk of the child falling.

Diagram of the design of the stairs for the bed.

The distance between tiers is another criterion that affects the safety of such furniture. It is necessary to make sure that the child will sit comfortably on the lower floor of the bed, and during the rise from it, he will not touch his head on the upper bed. In addition, you will need to find out whether it will be convenient for a child to lie down and get up, who will sleep on the 2nd tier. After all, if your house has low enough ceilings, then difficulties may arise. In this case, you should not buy furniture that will be too high.

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We pay attention to the material of the bed

Many parents want to choose a bunk bed that is not only strong and safe, but also sustainable and durable. The last 2 parameters are affected by the material from which it is made. The best is natural wood. It is environmentally friendly and does not harm health.

It is believed that the most durable bunk beds made of beech, oak or birch.

But it should be noted that the cost of such products is at a fairly high level. And if it is not yet possible to allocate a significant budget for the purchase of a two-tier structure in a children's room, then choose models made of pine, as they are inexpensive.

If you decide to buy a bed made of chipboard, then you must definitely familiarize yourself with the hygiene certificate for it. It should indicate the safety indicators of such furniture. Particular attention should be paid to the level of formaldehyde, it should be within the minimum limits. At the same time, you should be aware that chipboard bunk beds do not have a very long life. Of course, their purchase comes out very economical, but if you compare the cost with the duration of operation, then it will not be so low. Therefore, it is better to think about buying furniture for a nursery made of natural wood, even if it is made of pine.

A children's bunk bed is a great solution for those with limited living space. Such furniture saves space in small apartments. The children themselves enjoy climbing to the second tier and they sleep in the "two-story" beds with pleasure. One very important condition for such furniture is that it should be as safe, stable and comfortable as possible. How to choose a baby bed with two tiers to meet these requirements? Consider all the nuances, what to look for when buying.


First, decide what material the bed for the nursery should be made of. This is a very important point, since the strength and durability of furniture will depend on it.

What are "two-story" children's beds made of:

  • Natural tree. This is perhaps the most the best choice for children's furniture. The tree is environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic, does not contain toxins. In addition, natural wood is very durable and will last for decades. The most wear-resistant species: oak, ash, pine, birch, beech, yew, acacia.
  • MDF. Sheets of material are made from fine wood shavings and a special adhesive resin. MDF furniture is quite durable, moisture resistant. Conscientious manufacturers do not add chemicals to the mass for the manufacture of panels and such material will not cause allergies. But some companies still make various additives that reduce the cost of production. MDF will be a good choice for a bunk bed, but ask the seller for a quality certificate from the manufacturer before buying.
  • Chipboard. Cheaper material, which is inferior to MDF in strength. Chipboard is afraid of water, begins to crumble over time, has a shorter service life. They make it from shavings, sawdust and glue, by pressing. As with MDF, hypoallergenicity depends on the quality of the product. Buying such a model, you should not count on a very long service life.
  • Metal. You are unlikely to find all-metal bunk beds, although these are also found. Usually only the frame, stairs and others are made from this material. individual elements. It is better to refuse such a choice, since metal stairs rather slippery and, in general, it is not the most suitable material for children's furniture.

How to choose a baby bed so that its design meets all the requirements and is safe for children. There are also several options here:

  1. Classic. This type includes the usual "two-story" models, where one place rises exactly above the other. They can be equipped with drawers at the bottom or on the side, or they may not contain unnecessary elements.
  2. Transformers. Such beds consist of separate modules. The top part does not always go exactly over the bottom, it can be installed across or otherwise. You can find bunk beds for children with a built-in table, cabinets, numerous drawers, wardrobes.
  3. Non-standard. Similar models are made in the form of ships, buses, carriages, huts and other unusual forms. Usually they are made to order for a specific style of the interior of the children's room.

Design safety

Regardless of whether it is a regular bed or a modular one, pay attention to its safety. The second tier must be with sides (on average 25 cm in height), this will protect the baby from accidental falls. The height is desirable so that the child sits quietly on the second "floor" and his head does not touch the ceiling.

It is preferable that the ladder be installed slightly at an angle, so it will be easier for the child to climb up. Well, if the steps are not round, but wide. And, here, the handrails should not be wide so that the child can easily wrap his hand around them.

Advice! In the furniture documentation, the manufacturer must indicate the maximum load weight, compare this figure with the weight of your children. Keep in mind that sometimes both children will climb to the second tier.

Carefully inspect the furniture from all sides, make sure that no fastening materials (screws, screws) stick out in it. Try to avoid models with a lot of finishing accessories and sharp corners.

Advice! It is better to choose a mattress from natural materials, synthetics can cause irritation on children's delicate skin.

Advantages of children's bunk beds

Each type of furniture has its pros and cons. If you are still in doubt about how to choose a baby bed with two tiers and are thinking whether it is worth buying it at all, the information below will help you decide.

  • Significant space savings.
  • Neat view in the room.
  • Buying one "two-story" bed is cheaper than buying two regular ones.
  • These beds, for the most part, are very popular with children.
  • Injury hazard (although much will depend on the design).
  • Difficulty making bed.
  • Quite often, quarrels arise between children over who will sleep downstairs and who will sleep upstairs.

Despite the shortcomings, such furniture is still in high demand and is sometimes indispensable where the children's room is very small. When installing a bunk bed, keep in mind that the air is always warmer upstairs. Ventilate the room and try to avoid stuffiness so that the child can sleep comfortably on the upper tier.

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A bunk bed is a very comfortable and economical piece of furniture. It is great for families where there are several children, and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling is small. Thanks to her, it will be possible to comfortably place her children and at the same time it will not be necessary to allocate a lot of space for her in the children's room. But in order for her purchase not to disappoint, you should know how to choose a bunk bed. There are a number of specific recommendations that must be followed. But before moving on to them, we will voice exactly what models such furniture is represented by.

What are bunk beds?

In the store, you will definitely be amazed by the selection of bunk beds, because it is more than wide. In this case, the entire range can be divided into several types. So, there are bunk models that are based on 2 beds at once: one at the top and the second at the bottom. You can find beds that are equipped with a sofa on the 1st tier. On the 2nd floor there is a sleeping place directly. Manufacturers also offer furniture models that are equipped with a small locker and a desk on the 1st tier, and the bed itself is on the 2nd floor.

Accordingly, if you have 2 children, then you should choose furniture that has 2 beds or is equipped with a sofa, as it can be moved apart and your child can be comfortably placed on it. If you have only one child, then it is better to buy a bed that has a table and a locker. Then it will be possible to create a real workplace under it, where you can do homework and do homework.

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Choosing durable furniture

And so we will consider in detail a bunk bed, how to choose it, because here it is necessary to pay attention to many characteristics. First of all, you need to make sure that the product is durable. First you need to check the legs of the bunk bed. They must be highly durable. Not even the slightest wobble is allowed. You should not choose models that are equipped with beautiful, thin, curly supports. They are unstable and not durable. With active play on the bed, they can break. Opt for furniture with thick and durable legs.

Now you need to check the reliability of the bed itself. Here it is recommended to subject it to a real test. Climb yourself to the top tier. If the furniture does not stagger during the ascent to it, then this indicates its high strength. This bed is perfect for kids. Therefore, you can buy it without fear. If, during the ascent to the upper floor, the two-tier structure staggers, then immediately refuse to purchase it. After all, it will not last long, which means that you and your children will be disappointed in the purchase.

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Making a choice in favor of safety

To protect your child from falling and getting injured while sleeping and playing on a bunk bed, special attention must be paid to its safety. You should not purchase models that have a bed on the 2nd floor without sides. It should be noted that their presence alone is not a guarantee that the child will not accidentally fall out of bed. You need to pay attention to their height. After all, if the sides are small, then the safety of a two-tier structure is out of the question. They will not save the child from falling. Preference should be given to those beds that are equipped with sides at least 35 cm high. It is these bunk models that will allow you not to worry about the safety of children during games and sleep.

If you still decide to choose furniture without sides, then you will immediately need to ask yourself how to secure the bed? For such structures, manufacturers offer special limiters, in the form of lacquered boards with a width of 30 to 50 cm. They can be installed on a sleeping place located on the second tier. Thanks to them, the child will not fall.

The safety of a bunk bed is also affected by the design of the stairs. It must be equipped with comfortable handrails. Her steps should be wide enough. It should not be installed strictly vertically, but at a slight slope. On such a ladder, it will be convenient for the kids to climb to the upper tier, and then descend from it. In this case, it is necessary that it be fixed directly to the bed frame. The ladder must not go separately, otherwise there is a risk of the child falling.

The distance between the tiers is another criterion that affects the safety of such furniture. It is necessary to make sure that the child will sit comfortably on the lower floor of the bed, and during the rise from it, he will not touch his head on the upper bed. In addition, you will need to find out whether it will be convenient for a child to lie down and get up, who will sleep on the 2nd tier. After all, if your house has low enough ceilings, then difficulties may arise. In this case, you should not buy furniture that will be too high.

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We pay attention to the material of the bed

Many parents want to choose a bunk bed that is not only strong and safe, but also sustainable and durable. The last 2 parameters are affected by the material from which it is made. The best is natural wood. It is environmentally friendly and does not harm health.

It is believed that the most durable bunk beds are made of beech, oak or birch.

But it should be noted that the cost of such products is at a fairly high level. And if it is not yet possible to allocate a significant budget for the purchase of a two-tier structure in a children's room, then choose models made of pine, as they are inexpensive.

If you decide to buy a bed made of chipboard, then you must definitely familiarize yourself with the hygiene certificate for it. It should indicate the safety indicators of such furniture. Particular attention should be paid to the level of formaldehyde, it should be within the minimum limits. At the same time, you should be aware that chipboard bunk beds do not have a very long life. Of course, their purchase comes out very economical, but if you compare the cost with the duration of operation, then it will not be so low. Therefore, it is better to think about buying furniture for a nursery made of natural wood, even if it is made of pine.

Metal bunk beds should not be purchased. They not only do not have high aesthetic characteristics, but also have minimal safety for the child. After all, a blow about metal structure may result in serious injury. Therefore, you should not risk the health of your child.

wooden bed with drawers and a chest of drawers for two children

Most parents strive to make the room for children not only safe, but also interesting. There are all possibilities for this today. Furniture manufacturers offer so many models that you can choose the right one for any style and age. In conditions of shortage of square meters, preference is often given to bunk beds, which are optimal in terms of price, quality and design.

A wooden bed with different widths of beds is designed for sleeping children of different ages

The main features of the use of two-level structures are:

  • compactness;
  • placement in any part of the room;
  • variability of use (not only as a sleeping area for children, but as a play or work space);
  • combining several sections at once (sleeping, working, playing), which greatly simplifies the problem of zoning.

The advantages of a bunk bed are much greater than the disadvantages.

  1. It perfectly optimizes space, saves square meters.
  2. This is additional entertainment. For children, it turns into a ship, a fortress, or some other attribute. It is easy to build a hut or attic with it, where you can have fun.
  3. Creates comfort in the interior. Today, furniture stores offer non-standard, creative models that will make any nursery bright and boring.
  4. Functionality. Built-in cabinets and drawers add convenience during operation.

Multi-level bunk bed with built-in wardrobe and workspace

Among the shortcomings of such furniture, there is a fear of heights in children. Parents also worry about the risk of falling and serious injury. Among other disadvantages is the inability to read a fairy tale to a child before going to bed, lying next to it. If there are two children, then there may be constant quarrels for the top or bottom place. It is also undesirable to sleep on the upper tier for those suffering from diseases of the respiratory system.

Wooden white bunk bed in the girls room

Comfortable and safe bed for two children with sloping stairs, shelves and drawers

Bunk beds differ according to several criteria:

  • number of beds;
  • design;
  • form;
  • additional functions;
  • material.

Beautiful and functional bed-transformer with three beds and a table

In a small apartment, where one nursery is intended for more than one child, a standard bunk bed with two berths located on top of each other will be more preferable. In single bunk beds, the lower or upper tier is transformed into a play, study corner. If the nursery is designed for two children, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows, then two beds can be built at once. Each child in this case will have their own place to sleep and their own play or study area.

White bed in two tiers located at an angle

According to the design of the bed are divided into:

  • classic;
  • corner;
  • retractable.

In the classic version, the top and bottom are clearly located under each other.

Classic bunk bed suitable for two children

In corner versions, the tiers can be built perpendicular to each other or can be rotated at a certain angle.

Corner bunk bed with three beds

In retractable models, the lower part is attached to the upper and, if necessary, simply rolls out. Such products are made according to the principle of nesting dolls.

compact pull-out bed when folded, it takes up space like one bed and does not have dangerous ladders for babies

The form is distinguished:

  • straight;
  • angular.

Straight, rectangular can be located in any part of the room. corner, complex models specially made for installation in the corner of the room.

Wooden bunk bed with built-in workspace and storage shelves

Additional features for bunk beds - perfect solution for small children, where everyone needs saving square meter. Beds can be additionally equipped with:

  • boxes for storing bed linen, toys, things;
  • study area. As a rule, this is a table with table lamp, chair and rack for storing school supplies;
  • sports equipment.
  • play area. It can be a hut on the lower tier or on the upper one, a dollhouse, a garage for cars, etc.

Modular composition consisting of individual items: loft bed, lower bed and desk

The material for a bunk bed may be as follows.

How to choose the right option

When choosing a bunk bed for children, you need to be guided by the following parameters.

  1. Ceiling height. For high ceilings (more than 2.5 m), there will be no problems with the choice. For low ones, only certain types of structures are suitable.
  2. Safety. It is due to the strength, reliability of fasteners, the quality of the material, its environmental friendliness. You should make sure that the bed is equipped with bumpers. The stairs should be comfortable for the child, have a railing. All details must be firmly fixed.
  3. Comfort. This concept includes the size of the bed, the distance between the tiers, the characteristics of the mattress.

Low bunk bed with house and safety rails for preschoolers

The size is selected based on age. Sleeping area 1500x70 cm. Designed for the smallest, preschoolers. For teenagers 11 - 15 years old, sizes 80x1900 cm are suitable. For high school students, you should choose with parameters 90x2000 cm. It is always better to take sizes for growth. It will also be useful if a bed is needed for children with a large age difference.

Large bunk bed for teenagers with a separate place for guests

The distance between the tiers should be such that from the head of the person sitting on the lower floor to the upper part was at least 30 cm.

Mattresses are usually sold separately, which has its advantages, because. You can choose the one that suits your child. For healthy children, an anatomical mattress is needed. For those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system - orthopedic. It is recommended to give preference to the lamella base, because it is more hygienic.

Compact white bunk bed

Not all bunk beds are suitable for small room or rooms with low ceilings. A well-placed bed leaves a distance from the second tier to the ceiling of at least 90 cm. If you can’t comfortably install a standard model, then give preference to retractable nesting dolls.

Pull-out bed for two children allows you to place two beds in the nursery, regardless of the height of the ceilings

In a large room, a corner bed in shape and design will harmoniously look. Large quadrature also allows you to accommodate two bunk, single beds.

For small rooms, straight, angular in shape and classic, retractable models will be practical.

Corner children's bunk bed to save space

What should be the style of the nursery

A set of furniture for a children's room, decorated in a marine style

A bunk bed is almost universal. Choose suitable model possible for the nursery, both in modern and in classical style. For the classic interior fit solid bed (natural wood). A product made of MDF or chipboard is suitable for almost any design, because. with this material, you can make almost any model in shape, color and design. The metal bed will fit perfectly in modern styles: loft, industrial, minimalism, hi-tech, etc.

Bunk bed in the interior of a high-tech room

Innovative design and application of "smart" systems

In order to increase the functionality of the room and optimize the space, there are models with:

  • built-in wardrobes, storage boxes;
  • built-in tables and racks for equipping the study area and placing school supplies;
  • sofa as another place for daytime relaxation.

Sofa on the first tier of a bunk bed

The use of folding, retractable mechanisms greatly increases the possibility of using such furniture.

Unusual bunk bed, decorated in a marine theme

A rational solution is to equip such a multi-level structure with a sports town and a play area. Slides, ropes, ladders are essential elements of an active child. They make pastime not only interesting, but also useful.

Bunk bed for two boys “Pirate” with a sports corner

Video: Children's bunk beds. Examples of design and constructive solutions
