There are many types of paints for, among them oil is very popular. It has excellent qualities, thanks to which the coating will be protected from negative impact external factors.

There was a time when oil paint for walls was forgotten a bit, after other, improved options began to appear on the market: enamel, acrylic, water-dispersion, latex and acrylic. They even began to say that oil paint is toxic and should not be used.

Let's try to figure out if this is really the case.


The basis of its production is oil. Previously, the paint was made from natural ingredients, but now everyone is trying to reduce the cost, while receiving the same income from sales. Now, for the production of oil paint for walls and ceilings, they use synthetic or combined, as well as alkyd resin. Drying oil, in turn, is filled with a suspension and pigments from a ground fine powder of inorganic nature from oxides, mineral additives, and salts.


As thinners for oil paint use:


In the process of the reaction of drying oil with oxygen, the substance solidifies due to oxidative polymerization. A film forms on the paint, and the composition acquires density. It is this reaction that is the fundamental principle of creating a protective layer on the decorated surface.

Adding various pigments to drying oil allows you to get the output desired colors oil paint. These additives may be of inorganic or organic origin. But for the production of oil products organic matter almost never used.


The mineral components themselves in the composition of the paint are divided into 2 groups:

  • Chromatic - used to obtain iridescent shades and the like. The composition has colorful shades that are pleasing to the eye. For this purpose, use: cobalt and chromium salts, litharge, red lead, cadmium salts. Pigments used: chromium and cobalt salts, iron, litharge, cadmium salts, metahydroxide.
  • achromatic - used to obtain shades of gray, white and black. Titanium, lead, zinc, lithopon, black, aluminum or bronze powder, carbon, soot are suitable for this purpose.

Considering that oil paint for outdoor use is a suspension of insoluble components, in order to obtain a homogeneous mass, it must be thoroughly mixed before applying the composition to the walls. And it is necessary to carry out this procedure from time to time in the process of work, since the particles tend to settle at the bottom of the can. Otherwise, in the top layer, from which you will take the paint, there will be few pigments, and the bottom layer will turn out to be concentrated. As a result, the painted surface will acquire an uneven shade.

Features of painting walls with oil paint

Before you get started, prepare the tools:

  • Regular paint brush;
  • Roller with a container for paint;
  • Spray gun or spray gun.

Paint consumption

Previously, it was often used because there was no alternative. Now, there are many other, more environmentally friendly and safe formulations without solvents and bad smell. When working with oil paint, do not forget about respiratory, eye and skin protection.

Also, leave windows and doors open to allow fresh air in.

Achromatic oil paints

Very often used for the purpose of coloring ferrous metal products. These are gas and water pipes, sports equipment, individual elements city ​​infrastructure. In addition, the material is suitable for finishing wood products: windows, window sills, doors, gazebos, benches.

Advantages and disadvantages of oil paint for walls

Oil paint for outdoor work, a rather controversial material that has its fans and haters. The same can be said about almost any material, each has its pros and cons. For some surfaces, one material is suitable, for others, a completely different one.

It is worth starting with the disadvantages of oil paint:

Let's move on to the benefits of oil paints for walls:


If you do not take into account the disadvantages of oil-based paint, then it can be an excellent choice for those who are ready to turn them into virtues. In addition, the affordability of the price of the material allows you not to lose your position in the market of paints and varnishes.

In our store you can buy cheap oil paints. We offer certified Decoration Materials from Russian and foreign manufacturers. The website catalog contains more than forty types of ready-made compositions for processing surfaces such as:

  • tree;
  • stone;
  • metal;
  • plastic.

The price of oil paints in our company is much lower than in many retail chains. We work with brands directly and put a minimum margin on the product. We sell oil paints wholesale and retail. We carry out promotions for customers and make good discounts. We accept cash and plastic cards. For legal entities and entrepreneurs we provide the opportunity to settle by bank transfer.

How to buy oil paints in the House of Painter online store

To buy oil paints in Moscow at a bargain price, just go to our website, select the appropriate composition, put it in the basket or use the "order in 1 click" button. We will process the application and contact you to agree on the time and place of receipt. If we have the right product in stock, we will promptly deliver the purchase on the same day.

Oil paints for repair work indoors were used even when there was a shortage building materials On the market. But even today, in a period of sufficient choice, the demand for such material remains. How to apply oil paint? What staining technologies exist? What is the difference between oil paint and other compositions? More on this later in the article.

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The binding component in the composition is drying oil. Now this substance is produced mostly synthetically, since natural oils use is unprofitable because of their high cost. Mineral flour and other additives act as a filler, and inorganic pigments give the solution a certain color. The solvent allows you to achieve the desired consistency and degree of viscosity.

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Inexpensive do-it-yourself repairs: painting walls with oil paint

Drying oil - the basis of oil paint - is produced synthetically, which reduces the cost of finished products, while its qualities remain the same: the paint fits tightly on the surface, does not allow moisture to pass through, and is resistant to abrasion.

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Features of oil-based paint

Before deciding whether to purchase this material for future repairs, it would be good to familiarize yourself in detail with the advantages and disadvantages of such a choice.


The versatility of oil paint has long been known. This composition lies on any surface and clings to it with a stranglehold. Wood, concrete, plaster, plastic, brick, glass - all of these substrates can be successfully painted with this product.

You can note the following advantages of this material:

  • it has high anti-corrosion properties, which is why metal structures are often treated with oil paint;
  • the coating forms a hard film resistant to mechanical stress;
  • the surface painted with oil paint becomes water-repellent, easy to clean and is not afraid of exposure to household cleaners;
  • the coloring composition applied to a properly prepared base will last for many years, reliably protecting the surface from damage;
  • working with oil paint is easy, no serious professional skills are required for this;
  • the product has good hiding power, that is, it qualitatively covers the original color of the painted surface;
  • material can be used not only for interior decoration, it is successfully used in facade work, as well as for painting almost any outdoor object (roofs, benches, arbors, fences, etc.).

Oil paint covers outbuildings inside and outside, utility and industrial premises. Modern decoration of staircases in entrances is often still carried out using the same coloring agents.

Oil-based material renew the exterior finish country houses or cottages, paint plank floors, walls and ceilings.

Unfortunately, the compositions also have a number of disadvantages that may serve as a reason for refusing to purchase and use them.


First of all, I would like to dispel the myth that there are odorless oil paints. A characteristic sharp and rather unpleasant "chemical" aroma, which does not disappear for a long time, will be present to one degree or another when working with this material.

Modern manufacturers find ways to muffle it a little, but so far no one has been able to completely neutralize it. Accordingly, if you are looking for an odorless coloring agent, then oil solutions are not your option.

Among the disadvantages of this type of paint and varnish products, the following can be distinguished:

  • the composition of the oil paint contains toxic substances that actively evaporate when the fresh coating layer dries and can cause serious poisoning; it is recommended to work with this coloring agent in a respirator and goggles;
  • even after the coating has dried, a small amount of the harmful substance will be released into the air, and this can provoke an allergic reaction in people with hypersensitivity;
  • the vapor permeability of the coating is almost zero, which can adversely affect the quality of the finish with sharp temperature fluctuations (cracks and bubbles appear on the surface);
  • drying oil, on the basis of which the coloring material is made, has the unpleasant property of turning yellow over time, which is why the color of the painted surface noticeably changes and fades.

Despite the listed shortcomings of oil paints, practice again and again confirms the feasibility of their use. These compositions have very good technical specifications, but extremely affordable price still remains one of the most important factors in their selection.

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What kind of paint to use

How to paint walls? I use Caparol and Tikkurila paints. Caparol samtex 3 and tikkurila harmony are very suitable for painting walls. The only downside is the price. I recommend not to save on paint, there are several reasons.

Cheap paints have more consumption, worse coverage. As a result, we need to buy more paint and put more layers. Cheap paint turns yellow and does not wash well and has poor performance. As a result, having bought high-quality paint, we only win.

What kind of paint to paint over oil paint

Oil or alkyd paint can only be painted with the same materials. If we have an old room with painted walls, then it is better to Finishing work and paint over everything with modern paint.

If you want to a budget option, then you can try to paint over a good facade paint. It should be held, but no one will incur guarantees for this.

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One of the options for interior decoration of the room is painting the walls with oil paint. It is practical, inexpensive and simple. This is especially true for surfaces already painted with this composition, since the preparatory process will be greatly simplified:

  • a similar solution will fall perfectly on oil paint if there are no cracks or other defects on the surface; adhesion will be at the highest level;
  • you will avoid the tedious and lengthy withdrawal process old paint, which sometimes also flies a pretty penny.

Where to begin?

Always start by cleaning the walls. They are washed if the problem is only accumulated dirt. They are cleaned with a spatula, scraper, drill with special nozzles, building hair dryer or chemical compositions designed to remove old paint (washes) if the coating is in a deplorable state. In this case, surface leveling is also required. At this stage, putty starting and finishing mixes, sandpaper.

A flat and smooth wall is completely cleaned of dust (you can use a household vacuum cleaner) and primed.

The need for a primer is as follows:

  • The consumption of coloring material is reduced.
  • Improves adhesion of the paint to the surface.

Priming mixtures often contain antiseptics, which is very important when finishing rooms with increased level humidity; Thus, you can protect the room from the appearance of mold and other harmful microorganisms.

The most basic tools will do:

  • paint brushes and roller,
  • paint pan,
  • adhesive masking tape.

If you have a paint sprayer, you can use it. In any case, joints with the ceiling, door jambs, baseboards, sockets and switches are first pasted over with masking tape. Now you can paint.


Start with hard-to-reach places listed in the previous paragraph. They are painted over with a brush. Next, paint is poured into the tray, the roller coat is saturated with it, the excess is squeezed out on the ribbed part of the cuvette and the composition is applied to the surface.

You need to roll the roller from the very top of the wall, driving it in the vertical and horizontal directions alternately.

It is better to conditionally divide the entire area to be painted into squares and work slowly moving from site to site.

The paint will dry for at least a day, and only after that you can put a second layer, which is usually enough to get a good result. Do not forget to thoroughly ventilate the room, the walls of which you paint with oil paint.

if you have Additional Information or an interesting experience with oil paint for walls, please share it in the comments.

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Oil paint consumption

How to use thinner for oil paints

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Consumption per 1 m2 of wall

Consumption depends directly on the relief and porosity of the surface, absorbency and preparation.

Table based on information from manufacturers:

Dye Consumption
Tikkurila Luja 40 5-8 m2/l
Tikkurila Harmony 7-8 m2/l

10-12 m2/l

Alpina Weisslack 0.76l/6.5m2
Caparol Amphibolin 20m2/2.5l
Viva Color 4-8 m2/l

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How to make the right choice?

Interior paints for walls are selected according to their properties, purpose, walls, microclimate of the room. For kitchens or bathrooms, alkyd and polyurethane materials are chosen. Latex and acrylic dyes, which contain fungus and mold prevention agents, are applicable in rooms with a high level of humidity.

The main characteristics when choosing a coloring material are service life and operational stability. These factors are important for hallways. Latex-acrylic materials are suitable for these rooms. In bedrooms, water-based paints are ideal, which create matte surfaces.

This is not all types of dyes. There are also polymeric, adhesive materials. It is difficult to say which wall paint is better - the choice depends on a lot of factors. How to choose paint for walls - you need to take into account the characteristics, texture of the wall, colors and make a choice based on this.

Having made a decision about wall painting in your apartment, you may be wondering what wall paint is considered the best. Nowadays, a huge range of all kinds of products for repair is offered, so it can be very easy to get confused and choose the wrong option.

To calculate paint consumption, you can use the paint consumption calculator.

There are differences in paints for walls, ceilings or floors, they differ in their properties. For example, wall paints should not be taken after drying on clothes. It is good if cleaning can be done with just a damp cloth, and some paints will have to be scrubbed with a soapy brush. Therefore, pay attention before buying what types of surfaces this paint is for. In our case, it should be marked "Wall Paint". If you want to make your job easier and buy a universal paint, then think that its parameters will be worse than that of a specially designed paint.

Types and types of wall paint.

Paints are divided according to their composition into:

Based on silicone resins, silicone wall paints are made. In the world of paint and varnish products, this is a novelty that has many advantages. The most important advantage is their ability to pass water vapor. Silicone paint is often used for exterior work, as it has the ability to form a surface that repels water.

Alkyd enamels for walls are paints, the main component of which is alkyd resin. Such paint dries quickly due to oxidation when interacting with air. After drying, a strong film is formed on the surface that allows steam to pass through. It is good to use alkyd enamel to protect metal surfaces from destruction. It is not recommended to use this species paint in the rooms, as it has a long time bad smell even after drying.

The main component of oil paints for walls is drying oil (oil). Oil paints are known for their strength and durability. They can be used both for interior painting and for exterior painting on various surfaces. The main disadvantage is that oil paint takes a very long time to dry. The paint does not allow moisture to pass through, as a result of which there may be peeling of the substrate. Due to a specific sharp unpleasant odor, oil paints are practically not used for painting indoor walls.

The most economical paints today are water-dispersion paints. They are also called water-soluble or in other words - water-based. Such paint dries very quickly due to the presence of water instead of a solvent in the composition, and also has practically no smell. The properties of the paint depend on the polymers used in the composition, which serve as a binder. The cheapest option is water-dispersion paint based on PVA glue. This type is suitable for painting ceilings in dry rooms. Paints based on acrylic resin or latex will also be inexpensive. All water-based paints can only be used in dry rooms. Such paints are distinguished by their practicality - dirt is easily removed from the painted surface without being absorbed into the structure of the paint. Water-soluble paints are "breathable", that is, vapor-permeable.

Acrylic resins are the basis for acrylic wall paints. After drying, they form a strong hard film due to the binding properties of the resin. The paint is quick-drying, odourless, abrasion resistant and suitable for painting surfaces in wet areas. If moisture constantly gets on the painted surface, both the surface under the paint and the paint itself will quickly deteriorate. Some stores stock acrylic wall paint that is grease resistant. Acrylic paints are characterized by bright colors. Among the varieties of flowers, you can easily find the one you need. It is also not difficult to mix paints by color, getting a new shade. Can be tinted on computerized tinting systems. Acrylic paints give the surface a pleasant matte finish.

Latex paints can also be attributed to water-soluble wall paints. Their main advantage is considered to be excellent resistance to abrasion. To obtain a silky and matte surface, latex paint must be applied in a uniform thin layer. Most often, latex paints are used when painting wallpaper, textured plaster. When dried, latex paint perfectly retains the texture of the surface, forming a thin film. Latex paints are distinguished by the degree of surface gloss.

Among the paint and varnish products, decorative paints have recently appeared. Therefore, their properties and features should be considered separately. With the help of decorative paint, you can easily get different design effects, imitate any surface. You can give the walls the appearance of stone, velvet, silver or gold, or even imitate silk. There are even paints on sale that change the color of the surface at different angles of illumination.

For getting decorative wall paint a water base is used with the addition of minerals and polymers, depending on the desired properties. Decorative paint is the most the best option for painting walls in residential premises. In addition to decorative qualities, this paint is environmentally friendly. The painted surface will become resistant to abrasion, dust practically does not settle.

To obtain the intended design effect from decorative paints, you can use different painting tools and techniques. To create the necessary pattern and texture, use different-sized brushes, rollers, metal and plastic spatulas, and much more. In the place where you will purchase decorative paint, you can ask for all necessary information for decorative effects. In specialized hypermarkets and decorative paint shops, samples of the effects of specific paints are usually provided.

Ecological wall paints.

In connection with the increased interest in the ecology of the home (and ecology in general), the so-called "green paints" were put on sale. Special environmental paints do not emit harmful fumes when working with them.

In such an environmentally friendly paint, the addition of such harmful substances as: zinc, mercury, lead, chlorinated phenols, cadmium compounds, as well as other chemicals dangerous to human life, is excluded. Ecological paints can be safely used in children's for painting walls in the children's room. For people with allergies, this paint will the best option. You can determine the ecological paint for the walls by the signs of the manufacturer. Each manufacturer has its own mark.

The choice of paint for the walls must be approached carefully, thinking through the details.

IN modern renovation the use of interior paint for walls and ceilings is common. The compositions that were used before have long been replaced by new ones, now covering the walls with paint is a durable and reliable way of finishing. But in order for the wall painting to live up to expectations, it is important to choose the right interior paint. It is not enough to choose the color of the coating in order for the paint to hold and last for many years, you need to choose suitable look interior paint depending on the coating material.

Classification of interior paint

Paint for walls and ceilings is divided into 3 main types. The rest of the options that you will meet in the hardware store are derived from these paints.

  • Oil paint for walls and ceilings. The basis of oil paint is drying oil. The disadvantage of oil paint is a long drying time. In addition, the paint smells strongly, for the time of staining and until it dries completely, it is necessary to free the room from people and animals. The advantage of oil paint is its low cost.
  • Alkyd paint for walls and ceilings. Alkyd paint contains synthetic resins. Forming a film on the substrate, this paint is resistant to moisture and UV rays.
  • Water-dispersion paint for walls and ceilings. Water-based paint contains water instead of a solvent. Non-toxic, breathable paint, but not resistant to moisture. To eliminate this problem, acrylic is added to the composition of the water emulsion.

How to choose interior paint

The choice of interior paint depends on the substrate to be painted.

  • For coloring wooden surfaces use oil or alkyd paint. The water contained in water-based paint will harm the tree. Don't forget to pre-treat the wood, but finish painting with a protective varnish.
  • If the walls of the apartment are prepared for painting by leveling with concrete or plaster - suitable water-based paint. But it is better to cover the same base when painting walls in a bathroom or kitchen with alkyd paint, it interacts better with water.

  • For the ceiling, the type of paint is unimportant, but for the convenience of painting the ceiling, purchase a thixotropic paint (it can be of all kinds). Its peculiarity lies in its density. When stirring, the paint becomes liquid, but as soon as you stop stirring, the solution thickens to a state of sour cream. This is convenient for working with a horizontal ceiling surface. But for walls, it should not be chosen: ordinary paint spreads itself under the influence of gravity, unlike thixotropic, which will have to be carefully distributed.
  • Working with a metal surface is similar to working with wood. Metal also does not like water, so oil or alkyd paint is suitable in this case.

Difficulties arise when there is already a coating on the walls and ceiling, and it is impossible to determine its composition. In this case, it remains only to completely get rid of the old paint, and only after that apply a layer of new one.

How to apply interior paint

Painting the walls and ceiling is just the final step. Before you get the brush, you will have to perform main part works, prepare the base for painting. There are several key steps:

  • Removal of the old coating, if the repair is not the first time.
  • Wall alignment. For large level differences, use cement mortar.
  • Applying a primer. The primer performs several functions. It enhances the adhesion of materials, and also reduces the amount of paint wasted. Without a primer, the first layer of paint will soak into the wall without leaving a trace. Match the primer to the paint - acrylic primer to acrylic paint, for example.

  • Fix foundation flaws. Use putty to repair cracks in walls and ceilings.
  • If necessary, treat the walls with an antifungal and antiseptic solution.
  • Paint the finished walls and ceiling using the appropriate painting technique. Wait for each layer to dry before applying a new one.

Painting walls and ceilings with your own hands is not a difficult job, but it is creative and requires patience. Do not rush, wait for each layer to dry, then the coating will please the eye for a long time and look like freshly painted.
