Aerated concrete blocks, due to their high thermal insulation characteristics, are very popular today in private housing construction. But they have one drawback - high water absorption. Therefore, precisely selected and mandatory exterior decoration of a house made of aerated concrete is the main requirement for the design of the facade. Needless to say, manufacturers today offer a huge amount various materials, which produce the decoration of the house outside. All of them can also be used when finishing the facade of a house made of aerated concrete blocks.

Types of materials for facade decoration

Before proceeding to the analysis of the finish, it is necessary to indicate that aerated concrete is a type of lightweight cellular concrete with a high vapor permeability. That is, the walls assembled from this material “breathe” well. It is with this indicator in mind that it is necessary to carry out Finishing work.


This is the easiest finishing process at first glance. But he has a few things to consider:

  1. Traditional cement plasters for finishing aerated concrete are not suitable. The latter from the solution will instantly absorb moisture due to the high rate of moisture absorption. Therefore, the applied plaster layer will be covered with cracks or even peel off. No primer will help here.
  2. For finishing facades of aerated concrete blocks, special plaster mixtures have been developed based on additives that prevent moisture absorption. Manufacturers write this on their packaging - for aerated concrete blocks.
  3. The external decoration of the walls from the outside is associated with the preparation of the surface to be trimmed. Aerated concrete is also being prepared. Only for this, special primers for aerated concrete are used.

Myself technological process plastering standard. It includes the installation and fastening of the plaster mesh. You can’t do without this element, because aerated concrete blocks have a very smooth and even surface, so its adhesion to the plaster mortar will be minimal. Mesh enhances grip. Be sure to install beacons in the form of metal profiles, between which a plaster solution is applied.

As for the finish, in terms of the use of plaster, you can approach the issue from different positions. For example, paint with facade paints, or use decorative plaster, which includes mineral additives in the form of stone granules, glass beads and other decorative materials. Today, bark beetle is a popular outside wall decoration.

brick cladding

Brick cladding of aerated concrete houses is another traditional way to protect porous material. Here are the benefits of this option:

  • brick - a durable material with good sound and heat insulation characteristics;
  • it has a high bearing capacity;
  • appearance - presentable;
  • easily withstands the negative effects of precipitation, sun rays and wind.

But the cladding process itself is not so simple compared to plastering. This requires experience and qualifications. And if you are assured that the brick cladding process can be done with your own hands - do not believe it. After all, masonry is not only about laying bricks beautifully, you need to achieve flexible connections for facing bricks and aerated concrete. And this requires experience.

At the same time, it should be noted that brick cladding is a huge opportunity in the decorative design of the facade of a house made of aerated concrete blocks. And each of them will be unique. To the disadvantages of this type of finish, you can additionally add - a high price in comparison with plaster.

If there is a need to increase the thermal insulation properties of an aerated concrete structure, you can use the technology of brick cladding of an aerated concrete house with insulation. This technology does not shine with variety. Usually, heat-insulating material is added to the masonry mortar - perlite or vermiculite, rarely polystyrene foam chips.

Attention! It is possible to use brick for facing buildings made of aerated concrete blocks only in private housing construction with a height of no more than two floors. At the same time, the use of a plaster mesh is a prerequisite.

About the plaster mesh must be said separately. This reinforcing belt must be installed on walls if their finishing is associated with wet technologies.

Clinker and porcelain tiles

Both materials differ strikingly from each other not only in performance, but also in appearance and price. But the technology for laying them on the walls is the same. Which is better facing of the two, it is difficult to say. It all depends on the taste preferences of the owner of the house. It should just be noted that clinker tiles have a small amount of decorative design. In this regard, porcelain stoneware is presented on the market with a huge variety.

The very technology of facing a house made of aerated concrete with clinker tiles or porcelain tiles is no different from each other. It is easier than brick, cheaper. Both tiles are thin material with low weight, which reduces the load on the foundation. They have higher strength characteristics than brick. Easily resist natural loads.

If we talk directly about laying clinker tiles on aerated concrete (and porcelain stoneware, respectively), then, as mentioned above, a mesh (preferably synthetic) is first installed on the wall, which is fixed in the aerated concrete wall with self-tapping screws or carnations. Fortunately, concrete allows you to do this without drilling mounting holes. As a masonry mortar, a special mixture is used, designed specifically for aerated concrete surfaces.

But there is one difference between the two tiles. Clinker has small size so it's hard to work with. Porcelain stoneware has large dimensions, so laying it on the wall is a more simplified process. Today, the technology of wall cladding with dry-type porcelain stoneware is presented on the market. This is when the tile is laid on the crate. This option is much easier if we talk about doing it yourself.

By the way, when the task is to insulate and clad the facade with porcelain stoneware, then this technology optimal solution. In this case, tiles on aerated concrete do not fit. An air gap remains between it and the walls, which can be filled with heat-insulating material. This technology is not only easier to perform, it allows you to repair the cladding without disassembling a large number of facing material.

Clinker tiles are laid on aerated concrete using wet technology only.


We turn to the finishing of the facade gas block using dry technologies. bright representative this category finishing materials is siding: plastic, metal, ceramic, cement and wood. When the question is raised, how to finish an aerated concrete house with your own hands without complex construction operations, then it is the sheathing of the building with siding that is.

Each type of this finishing material has its pros and cons. For example, metal, cement and ceramic are one hundred percent fire safety. Vinyl siding- This is a huge variety of decorative design. Wooden - this is the natural beauty of the structure of the tree. Although today new technologies make it possible to design all types of siding for almost any natural materials.

A separate group are thermal panels, made according to the type of decorative heat-insulating material. The outer layer is a tile: clinker or stone, the back layer is a heater, and between them there is a base in the form of an OSB board.

It should be noted that all the above-mentioned materials belong to a large group of ventilated facades. That is, these are exterior finish options that are not attached to the wall being trimmed. For this, a frame is assembled from metal profile or wooden slats on which the panels are attached. A gap remains between the finish and the aerated concrete wall, which in this case performs the functions of ventilation. Coming out through the blocks interior spaces warm and moist air is immediately discharged through the gap outside the finishing structure. It turns out that moisture will not condense on aerated concrete walls, which means they will last a long time.

How to properly install a ventilated facade.

  1. The frame is assembled in the form of vertically installed profiles, the distance between which is determined by the length of the siding. For example, a standard metal material has a length of 3 m. This means that the installation of frame elements is carried out either after 0.5 m or after 0.6 m.
  2. Be sure to install profiles around the perimeter of window and door openings.
  3. If the aerated concrete sheathing is carried out with insulation, then after assembly frame structure it is necessary to lay a bookmark of thermal insulation material. Depending on the chosen type of the latter, additional tasks related to the protection of the insulation are solved. This mainly concerns mineral wool, which must be covered with a waterproofing film on the back side, and with a vapor barrier membrane on the front.

Attention! Since a ventilated facade is being assembled, a gap must be left between the insulation and the surface of the aerated concrete wall.

The process of installing siding is not difficult. To do this, mounting holes are made in the material at the factory, through which fastening to the frame is carried out. The main thing is to install the panels exactly horizontally. Panels of all types of siding are interconnected with a tongue-and-groove lock. This is not only a strong bond, but also an inconspicuous seam, plus ease of installation.


This wooden cladding material can be categorized as siding. Although in the register of building materials it appears as a separate group. What can be said about lining on aerated concrete. There are no restrictions in its use for facing an aerated concrete house. This material belongs to the technology of ventilated facades. Therefore, they mount it on frame crate just like other types of siding.

But there are some requirements for it:

  • mandatory treatment with an antiseptic and anti-foam composition;
  • choice of dry lumber for both frame and cladding;
  • external protective painting or varnishing against the negative effects of precipitation;
  • optimally - if the roof of the house made of aerated concrete is with a large cornice, which will cover the walls sheathed with clapboard.

With wet technologies, everything is clear, they require special adhesive compositions. But it must be warned that aerated concrete is not a material as durable as concrete or brick. Therefore, to install ventilated facades, it is necessary to use special dowels as fasteners, which are specially made for cellular concrete.

They are made of plastic (PE, PP or nylon) or metal (galvanized or stainless steel). According to the installation method, dowels are divided into driven and screwed. The latter are considered more reliable and are divided into straight and conical. A separate group is chemical anchors, which are liquid polymer compounds poured into prepared mounting holes in aerated concrete, where they polymerize.

A gas-block house without finishing looks quite presentable if adhesive compositions are used for laying blocks. The seam between them is small - up to 2 mm, so the appearance looks like a monolith. But the gas block with lining will last longer.

The cheaper the finish, the lower its lifespan. In this regard, brick, clinker and porcelain stoneware - best materials for finishing the facade of a house made of aerated concrete.

Finishing a bath of aerated concrete is best done with clapboard or siding. A large amount of moist and warm air will seep through the walls, so for this building best option- ventilated facade.

When cladding a house with your own hands, consider the installation technology of the selected material. Strictly follow the rules and requirements of manufacturers.

When deciding how to sheathe a building from gas blocks, consider all the pros and cons of the chosen material. The price will not be the last selection criterion.

Exterior finish aerated concrete houses are carried out after all work related to the interior decoration of the building has been completed. The technical characteristics of the materials used in this case should be the determining factor in their choice. Options for finishing the facade of a house made of aerated concrete blocks can be completely different.

Properties of finishing materials for facades

Aerated concrete blocks have a sufficiently low compressive strength, so they should not be subjected to mechanical stress or shock during transportation. Another disadvantage of these products is the high hygroscopicity or water absorption. The walls of gas blocks outside and inside must be lined with high-quality finishing material. It must have the following important properties:

  1. Small weight.
  2. Ease of installation.
  3. Convenience in transportation.

When choosing how best to clad a house of gas blocks, you should not purchase too heavy finishing materials. They require the arrangement of a massive foundation for an aerated concrete house. Since all outdoor work will be done by hand, there should be no need to use various kinds technology.

Finishing walls made of aerated concrete should be carried out using materials that can withstand the impact of different external factors. This will not only allow you to decorate the landscape design of the site, but also make the building durable. Before finishing the house from aerated concrete outside, you should decide on the choice of the most suitable type material assembly technology. They must have the following functions:

  • provide thermal insulation;
  • protect the supporting structures of the house from moisture and wind;
  • increase the sound insulation of the building;
  • ensure the hygiene of the operation of the house;
  • not be exposed to the negative effects of fungus, mold;
  • have a high rate of water resistance;
  • be frost resistant.

By finishing the exterior walls of buildings made of aerated concrete, one can conclude about the tastes and preferences of the owners of the buildings. If Vacation home has a well-groomed facade, then the status of its owner is appropriate. Before lining the exterior walls of aerated concrete with any finishing material, it should be remembered that it should not be cheap. Otherwise, the life of the building will decrease due to poor quality cladding.

It is possible to carry out a choice of options for finishing the facade of a house made of aerated concrete after all interior work. They involve pouring floor screed, laying tiles or plastering. These types of work often cause vapors to accumulate in the room, so they can freely escape through the thickness of the walls of aerated concrete.

Disadvantages of walls made of gas blocks

Finishing the facade of a house made of aerated concrete requires the use of moisture-resistant materials for wall cladding from the outside. This is due to the high rate of moisture absorption of the gas block. It exceeds similar characteristics of other building materials.

Being a kind of cellular concrete, lightweight aerated concrete has open pores. It also has high thermal insulation properties. The material exhibits good hygroscopicity in direct contact with a source of moisture. As a result, its weight increases and strength decreases. Subsequent freezing leads to the destruction of the wet block.

During the laying process, the material also absorbs moisture from the cement composition. As a result, the elasticity of the solution with which the material is laid is reduced. Therefore, aerated concrete finishing is required not only outside the house, but also inside.

Aluminum powder is used as a gas-forming substance in the manufacture of aerated concrete blocks. It is she who provides the porosity of the structure of the produced material. Due to the high rate of vapor permeability, finishing the facade of aerated concrete requires a constructive approach. It must be carried out in accordance with all requirements.

If the facing work was not carried out according to the rules, then the exterior finish may be performed with errors. All the nuances should be taken into account even at the design stage of building a house from aerated concrete blocks with cladding. When performing technological operations, it is always necessary to take into account the sequence of their implementation.

line up secure home from gas blocks is possible only if high quality material is used. The preparation of the masonry mortar also requires a careful approach. All heat engineering calculations must be accurate, which will allow you to choose the right material for finishing walls from aerated concrete blocks from the outside.

Materials for finishing the walls of the house outside

Finishing the exterior walls of a house made of aerated concrete involves not only cladding, but also the arrangement of thermal insulation. Insulation of aerated concrete walls is best done using mineral wool. The layer of thermal insulation will largely prevent the removal of moisture from the surface of the outer walls.

To fix the insulation outside the house should be using a wooden crate soaked in an antiseptic. Perfect option to solve this problem is an iron profile. Self-tapping screws or dowels are used to fasten the outer frame to the wall surface. Insulation should be laid after installation of the crate.

Common finishing materials are:

  • tile;
  • siding;
  • fibrolite;
  • lining;
  • clinker brick.

The latest finishing material is presented on the market in a wide variety. It differs according to the following criteria:

  • texture;
  • form;
  • dimensions;
  • colors.

Before finishing the facade of the house from aerated concrete using clinker bricks, it is necessary to take into account a distance of 3-4 cm from the thermal insulation layer. Vinyl siding is well-spread on the market of finishing materials.

Clinker tiles for aerated concrete walls

Aerated concrete house outside can be lined with clinker tiles, specifications which are reduced to the following properties of this material:

  1. High thermal conductivity.
  2. Long service life.
  3. chemical neutrality.
  4. Ecological purity.
  5. Reliability and strength.
  6. High density.
  7. Fire resistance.
  8. Frost resistance.
  9. UV resistant.

It is not difficult to beautifully decorate the outer walls of houses, gazebos or verandas made of aerated concrete with tiles. Having developed design idea, you can think about which type of clinker tile to choose. Because it is characterized high density, then the thermal conductivity of this material is quite high.

Facing aerated concrete with clinker tiles can be carried out with or without insulation. If the thickness of the outer walls is normal, then thermal insulation is not required. Laying of any finishing material that does not require additional thermal insulation is carried out close to the surface of the outer walls.

If expanded polystyrene is used as a heater, then a vapor barrier membrane is fixed on it. It allows you to protect the outer wall from condensation and moisture. It is necessary to lay the lining elements of the facing layer when erecting walls of aerated concrete or after it.

Clinker brick for aerated concrete walls

Choosing how to veneer a house from aerated concrete blocks, you can stop your attention on clinker bricks. Before buying, you need to find out the density of the material. If its surface is smooth without any interlayers or voids, then its firing was uniform. The greater the density of the clinker, the higher should be the tone emitted by the brick when tapped on it with a hammer.

Clinker may have a different structure. It depends on it the need for thermal insulation of the building. If you use front clinker bricks for facing external walls made of aerated concrete blocks, and not front ones, this will significantly increase the life of the building. At the same time, the cost of repairing the exterior walls of the house will decrease.

Cladding walls made of aerated concrete with clinker bricks is an environmentally friendly coating. It is not capable of becoming contaminated, which is especially important for buildings located in conditions in which there is an increased content of harmful substances. Facing clinker is often used for the reconstruction of worn-out facades.

Clinker brick goes well with other types of finishing materials. It can have not only red colors, but also yellow, black, white. Such material looks spectacular, decorating the facades of buildings built from aerated concrete blocks.

External finishing of gas blocks by plastering

At the present stage of construction of aerated concrete buildings, plastering of houses made of aerated concrete is common. In this case, the finishing occurs in stages:

  1. The walls are thermally insulated with extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.
  2. To fix the heat-insulating material, glue, dowels with hats, self-tapping screws are used.
  3. A reinforcing fiberglass mesh is attached to the prepared heat-insulating layer, which makes it possible to enhance the adhesion of the insulation and the finishing layer.

High-quality thermal insulation not only provides protection from noise, but also allows you to neutralize the effect of atmospheric humidity on the surface of the walls. Since the plastering of the facade requires the installation of a reinforcing mesh, it is better to choose safe materials. They must be chemically neutral so that the cladding of the house made of aerated concrete could not adversely affect the grid up to the formation of rust.

Before finishing the surface outer wall, it is necessary to use a special primer composition. Only then can you move on to finishing plaster. It must be of high quality and contain antiseptic additives. The final stage of plastering involves applying facade paint to the surface of the walls.

Natural stone for exterior wall decoration

Facade cladding can be supplemented if the house is plastered on the outside. For this, it is used decorative rock, which fits in separate fragments. For example, we cover only corners, window openings or a plinth with it, and the main part remains plastered.

Natural stone can be used as a separate facade material. It is laid on a cement mortar, and all seams are filled with grout, which is then leveled. This type of finishing is labor intensive, so it has a high cost. The facade of aerated concrete blocks lined in this way will have a long service life.

Not every home owner has the opportunity to use natural stone for exterior walls. You can solve the problem if you use the imitation of natural material. It also has a rich appearance, which does not distinguish it from a natural sample. This will reduce the cost of facing the facade of the house.

A budget option is to use clinker tiles. It is an imitation of clinker bricks. For the manufacture of these materials, components of natural origin are used, which have different colors and invoices.

Artificial stone for aerated concrete

To cheaply sheathe a house with your own hands, you can use artificial stone to decorate the facade. The choice of this material is rational. It does not have as much weight as natural stone, which is difficult to reinforce to the wall surface.

The artificial material has many positive qualities, which are also typical for natural stone. Its cost, unlike other types of facing materials, is the lowest. It has a weight that is 1.5 times less than the natural sample.

There are several different ways, allowing to finish aerated concrete with artificial or natural stone. Due to the minimum weight, the artificial material makes the cladding lighter to a large extent. Experienced Master sheaths with such a stone not only internal, but also external walls of a house made of aerated concrete.

Artificial stone has a wide scope of use. With its help, wall cladding is made of plasterboard or thermal panels. The material is used not only the same shape, but also combined with analogues of other colors and parameters.

To perform facade cladding with artificial stone, it will not take much effort, since on the reverse side it has a flat surface. Corner elements that allow finishing window and door openings are used for finishing corners. Facing the facades of buildings with artificial stone is a bit like a surface finished with clinker tiles.

Aerated concrete is a porous stone made of cement and quartz sand, a kind of cellular concrete. It has become widespread in the construction of private houses due to the speed of construction, good thermal insulation properties, and low price. Unfortunately, it has a high moisture content. Many open pores in the stone, thanks to which it is warm building material, when in contact with water, they are easily filled with it. When aerated concrete blocks are saturated with moisture, thermal conductivity increases. Therefore, the exterior decoration of the walls of such houses should have, along with a beautiful appearance, also strength and moisture resistance.

It must meet the following requirements:
  • reliably protect the outside walls of the house from moisture, rain, snow;
  • do not change their properties in the cold;
  • be resistant to chemical environments, vehicle exhaust gases;
  • do not fade under the influence of sunlight;
  • resist ignition;
  • have high thermal insulation, soundproof characteristics.

The following options for exterior decoration of the facade of houses are most common:

  • plaster;
  • siding trim;
  • facing with brick or stone;
  • painting.

Plastering with ordinary sand-cement mortar is not suitable for walls made of aerated concrete blocks due to its moisture permeability.
If it is decided to plaster without insulation, then the aerated concrete blocks must be covered with a penetrating primer. All subsequent work to be done after it dries. The plastering of the facade of a house made of aerated concrete blocks should be carried out using a reinforcing mesh. Particularly responsible places: the corners of the house, window and door slopes. Then puttying and painting is done.
Modern thin-layer facade plaster mixes effectively replace plaster with a reinforcing mesh. The selected plaster mixture should:

  • be easy to use;
  • lie well on the base, evenly distributed;
  • have good adhesion;
  • have a long shelf life.

Facade mixtures are:
Mineral decorative facade plasters are made on a cement basis. To increase adhesion, redispersible polymer powders are introduced into the composition of the mixture. Sometimes such mixtures are sold as a polymer-cement mixture. They are packaged in bags.

Before use, the powder is diluted with water according to the instructions. Use on concrete, brick bases, on base plaster. Before applying such mineral plaster, the base must be primed, the primer must dry. This plaster is moisture-resistant, non-flammable, durable, inexpensive, and when applied with a water-repellent composition, it lasts up to 20 years. TO negative properties include the hardness of the coating and the difficulty of obtaining the desired color.
Acrylic-based exterior wall plaster is synthetic. Sold liquid, ready to use. Such plasters have high moisture resistance, resistance to deformation, good adhesion to the base. But low vapor permeability makes you carefully approach the choice of insulation. For example, mineral wool may get wet. Another serious disadvantage is flammability.
Silicate facade plasters are made with a predominant predominance of potash liquid glass.

Such plasters are sold in liquid form. Their undeniable advantages: strength, elasticity, hydrophobicity, vapor permeability, antistatic. The disadvantages are limited colors and fast setting. After breaking the integrity of the package, all contents should be quickly used. Before plastering the walls, they should be covered with a special silicate primer.
Silicone or silicone plasters for the facade are made with a predominance of silicone, which gives them moisture resistance, good adhesion, elasticity, ease of use. The only downside is the high cost.

Siding - a modern type of protection for the facade of the house

Siding is the most reliable protection walls of the house from adverse weather conditions. The house is sheathed with clapboard, vinyl siding, metal profile sheets or ceramic panels. A crate is attached to the house, on which the siding panels are fixed. The facade is well ventilated.

If a layer of insulation is laid between the siding and the wall of the gas-block building, there is an additional opportunity to reduce heating costs. This way of protecting the facade is often optimal.
wood siding- this is the external cladding of the walls of the house with specially processed boards. In cold weather, it keeps heat well, creating a cozy atmosphere in the house. This house has a representative stylish look. In modern construction, the following types of house wall decoration with wooden siding are popular: block house and false timber. Block house is a board, on the front side of a semicircular shape, imitating planed logs. The false beam has a flat face. Exterior trim with false timber imitates timber walls. Facing boards are treated with compounds to increase strength, against fungus, woodworms, moisture. Wood siding natural wood much more expensive than other types of siding, but this is offset by environmental friendliness, low thermal conductivity, presentable appearance.

Facade cladding from the outside with wood siding or glued clapboard made of wood-polymer composites is cheaper. It is made by pressing under pressure at high temperature from wood fibers and polypropylene. Such siding is resistant to moisture and fire, does not require coating with paints, impregnation with protective substances, and lasts more than 15 years.
Vinyl siding is made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride with the addition of modifiers, stabilizers, dyes and other components that improve the performance and aesthetic properties of the finishing material. Looks like plain board, but without additional processing retains its properties and appearance for at least 20 years. It is very practical in operation: it does not require complex maintenance, withstands temperature extremes well, is resistant to pollution, and is easy to install. Vinyl siding also comes with imitation stone, brick.
Metal siding - these are profiled metal panels, made of galvanized sheet steel with a polymer coating. The covering imitates a ship board, a bar, lining, etc. According to structure the steel siding consists of several layers.

A passivation layer against corrosion is applied to the galvanized sheet on both sides, then primed. After that, a polymer layer or paint is applied to the front side, and a layer of protective paint is applied to the inside. Panels are made with a thickness of about 0.5 mm. Metal siding wins over other types of siding in durability (service life up to 50 years), fire resistance, strength, low cost. The disadvantage is the greater weight, which increases the load on the supporting structures of the house and the foundation.
Cement siding for wall decoration is rarely used because of its shortcomings. Such panels are made of sand and cement. They are heavy and require very solid sheathing and load-bearing structures. Difficulties in installation are also caused by silicon dust generated during sawing. The main advantage is incombustibility. It is better to use it where there are increased fire safety requirements.

For facing aerated concrete blocks with brick or finishing stone, it is necessary to provide for the width of the foundation for the house, taking into account the thickness of the facing layer, so that the main load-bearing wall and the facing layer can stand on the foundation.

A gap of 30-50 mm should be provided between the wall and the facing layer, and a layer of heat-insulating material is also possible for insulation. Without a gap, you can finish houses in which you plan to live only in the warm season. Brickwork must be firmly connected to the wall of aerated concrete blocks and be a single solid system. Such solidity is achieved by establishing connections. They are brought into the facing and supporting structures during masonry. They are metal and basalt-plastic.
You can veneer the facade of the house with natural or artificial stone. Natural stone has a respectable appearance, environmentally friendly, strong, durable, non-flammable, easy and quick to install. The disadvantage is the large weight of the stone, which increases the margin of safety of the foundation and load-bearing structures of the house. The construction industry offers slabs of natural stone. They are laid on frost-resistant glue "For stone". The back side of the plate must first be primed. After finishing the facing work, the surface of the stone must be covered with water-repellent compounds, for example, Hydrophob.

It is much cheaper and weighs less artificial stone. Make styling easier standard sizes and the same characteristics of facing plates. On sale there is a variety of facing stone, a wide range of colors.

Coating with special paints and putties

Coating aerated concrete blocks with special paints and vapor-permeable putties is the most cheap way protection of the facade of the house from moisture. They are sold in the form of dry mixes. The most popular putty of this class is "Prospectors". Before use, they are diluted with water and color is added to give the paint the desired color. The finished paint is applied with a roller or brush in two layers. The main disadvantage of this method is the need for careful preparation of the base surface. This is the cheapest way to finish the facade of aerated concrete blocks, but also the most short-lived.
If additional wall insulation is required from the outside, the simplest is foam insulation, then puttying with a reinforcing mesh and painting. The foam is attached to the base with glue and dowels. The joints between the foam panels are best sealed with tile adhesive. Then the entire surface is reinforced with a fiberglass mesh, puttied with any putty for outdoor use, and painted.

Since ancient times, the outer walls of houses were lined with finishing materials. Decorative cladding gave buildings uniqueness, protected from adverse effects, increased the service life. The modern building industry offers various options materials for finishing the facade of houses from aerated concrete blocks. The choice is best made based on the financial capabilities of the owner, aesthetic preferences, durability. The final look of the house should be in harmony with the interior, as well as landscape design personal plot and the surrounding nature.

Recently, in the construction of private houses, they are increasingly using this circumstance cannot be called accidental. The mentioned material has a porous structure, which is characterized by high thermal insulation qualities.

Aerated concrete absorbs a lot of moisture and dust, as a result of which it oxidizes, becomes heavy, darkens and loses its quality advantages. In order to avoid this, the exterior of the house is made of aerated concrete. This makes the facade resistant to external environmental influences.

Exterior finishing options for aerated concrete

Before performing work on finishing aerated concrete from the outside, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic technologies. The most economical method is the application of plaster. It is important to choose the right composition, preferring a vapor-permeable viscous mixture. In order to achieve a higher layer strength, a reinforced mesh should be additionally used, this is especially true for difficult places, namely:

  • profiles;
  • windows;
  • corners.

Exterior decoration of aerated concrete house can be done with bricks. To do this, make the foundation stronger. Its width should include brick and block. For the reason that the brick passes less steam than aerated concrete, an opening is formed between the materials. Its width should be 50 mm. This approach will eliminate the accumulation of condensate inside the structure. Ventilation is provided by empty joints between bricks, which are left at the top of the walls. The total area of ​​these seams should be 1% of the total area of ​​the building.

If they have a low vapor permeability coefficient, then the formation of air gaps can be abandoned, but this approach cannot be called the best, because this will increase the thermal conductivity of the walls and lead to cooling of the premises. Heating costs will be more impressive. Without the formation of gaps, summer cottages or houses can be lined.

When facing, a sheet should be used that will resist the contact of the blocks with the mortar. The canvas shifts as the masonry moves. Cladding cannot be laid without supports. For example, a brick is connected to blocks, which will allow you to get monolithic structure. This indicates that every square meter four connections should be laid. They must be provided in advance. For this, metal tapes, basalt-reinforced plastic ties, and galvanized steel perforated strips are usually used. Elements are inserted into blocks, while the other side is inserted into bricks.

Use of paint

Exterior finish of aerated concrete house can be done with paint. It will cost less than other solutions. For this you need to use special compound or putty, which must be vapor-permeable. This will protect the blocks.

Before drawing paint is diluted with water. The disadvantage of such a cladding is a rather long preparation time for external walls. All seams and irregularities must be cleaned, as well as dents, as well as protrusions. Aerated concrete blocks can be prepared by cutting a chamfer around the perimeter. This will achieve smoothness and evenness.

Alternative solution: siding trim

Siding is another popular facing material for aerated concrete. It can be done based on different materials. This:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • vinyl.

This allows you to protect the facade from climatic influences. The advantage of this approach is the ability to additionally insulate the walls by laying insulation under the siding crate. The frame, by the way, will play a major role in the cladding, because it is on it that the panels will be installed, the gaps between which will ensure the ventilation of the structure.

You can make an exterior finish of aerated concrete house with fiber cement panels. Fastening can be carried out directly to the wall with self-tapping screws. An alternative solution is the installation of a frame. In both cases, clamping brackets are used for installation, through which the fasteners are screwed into the elements of the crate or wall.

Fiber cement elements are fixed to each rack. The distance between fasteners should be 600 mm horizontally. Kleimers are installed more often in areas adjacent to door and window openings as well as in the corners of the building. Such exterior decoration of the walls of a house made of aerated concrete sometimes provides for the formation of an air gap, which in some cases is used to install insulation material.

Technology Features

Experts do not recommend attaching panels to a frame or wall without clamps, but in some cases this approach is the only correct one. This is true if the panels require fixing in areas where brackets cannot be installed. In this case, the products are drilled through, and then self-tapping screws are screwed into the holes, the head of which is recessed inward by 1.5 mm. After completion of the lining, the holes are covered with plaster with moisture-resistant characteristics. For this purpose, you can use a sealant paste, which is selected by color, and sometimes comes in a kit.

Before starting work, you can consider a photo of the exterior of the house made of aerated concrete. If it is used as a cladding material, then the technology will be slightly different. The elements are installed at an angle, they are located with an overlap of the upper boards on the lower ones. This allows you to get the effect of a ship board or Christmas tree.

Siding will be located exclusively on the top side of the panel and attached to each of the racks of the frame. When joining boards in length, a gap of 2 mm should be left between them to compensate for linear thermal expansion when exposed to temperature. The caps of the self-tapping screws will be covered by the boards fixed above. Plates to the wall can be installed in a frame way. This involves the use of metal frames, in the grooves of which fiber cement panels are installed. In this case, the surface of the plates and the frame strip will be visible.

About the frame

If the exterior decoration of the aerated concrete house is carried out with the help of the crate, it can be made of wood or a galvanized metal profile. Horizontal elements from a bar should have a section within 50x30 mm. The distance between them on the wall will be 600 mm. Anchors are used for their fastening. The vertical racks of the frame, as a rule, have a size in the range of 40x70 mm. They are attached with two screws. The step between the vertical bars is also usually 600 mm. These parameters should also be adhered to for the reason that thermal insulation is usually produced with such dimensions. This indicates that its installation will be easier and there will be less waste.

Work methodology

In some cases, cladding with fiber cement boards and boards is carried out from the blind area to the junction with the eaves. The base is not highlighted. Otherwise, a zigzag-type frame should be formed, the lower part of which will be filled with expanded clay of the middle fraction. This material acts as an excellent insulation and will protect against rodents.

In order to eliminate the need for plastering the walls, the gap is filled with cement mortar, which is pre-mixed with polystyrene chips or polyurethane foam. Filling should be carried out sequentially, which will occur as the finishing panels are fixed. If the aerated concrete house is finished on the outside with fiber cement elements, then whatever installation method is chosen, it should be started from the bottom of the wall. You can move from the blind area, which is true if you plan to line the plinth with this material.

When cutting slabs, saw cuts should be painted with an acrylic composition, which is often supplied in the kit. The paint will mask the cut and protect the end part from moisture and other factors. After completing the installation of the panels on the basement of the wall and above it, it is necessary to install a metal tide. The easiest to install is the one that is attached to the wall.

Finishing the perimeter of openings

Having considered the options for finishing houses made of aerated concrete, you can choose which should also be installed around the windows. In order to cope with this work as accurately as possible, you should use dividing strips. The gaps are closed with a special decorative corner which enhances the look. If wide slopes have formed around the window, then they can be decorated with the same panels to make the joint neat. To do this, a starting profile is fixed to the box, and plates are installed in its grooves. The gaps before installing the plates in them are coated with sealant.

Facade plastering

Aerated concrete house for finishing should be prepared with a brush. Chips and dents are sealed with glue, which is pre-mixed with aerated concrete dust. The minimum layer thickness is 10 mm, the material may not be reinforced. The composition contains cool additives, thanks to which the mixture will be held on the surface as firmly as possible. If the layer thickness increases to 15 mm, then it can be reinforced with a fiberglass mesh. A more impressive thickness of finishing a house made of aerated concrete is impractical.

When choosing a grid, you should prefer one whose cells are approximately 3 mm. The material must be resistant to alkaline media. Otherwise, after a while, the mesh will lose strength and stop holding the plaster, and the finishing layer will simply fall off. First, a primer mixture is applied, then reinforcement is carried out. This will create the basis for decorative plaster.


The composition is applied in a strip. Before the solution hardens, a grid should be laid on it by pressing it with a grater or a notched trowel. As soon as the mesh is immersed, a wide spatula should be used to level it. Surface on final stage left until dry. This period may vary in time depending on the material used. Finishing a house made of aerated concrete at the next stage involves applying a primer that paints over grey colour and reduces porosity. After the primer has dried, you can proceed to the application of decorative plaster.

Quite often, consumers are wondering what is the best exterior finish for a house made of aerated concrete. Among other solutions, tiles should be distinguished, which can be ceramic or clinker. Its surface is able to withstand the effects of aggressive substances and precipitation. The weight of such a cladding is lower compared to brick, which reduces the load on the foundation. Tiles are small. This indicates that continuous cladding will be labor intensive.

Sometimes clinker is used to decorate facade fragments. In this case, the tile is combined with plaster. Exterior decoration of aerated concrete houses can also be done with the help of thermal panels, which are usually used with an impressive facade area. This allows you to decorate and warm. The front side of such panels in the factory is supplemented with stone or clinker tiles. In this case, it is natural.


For aerated concrete walls, one of the many materials that are on the market today can be used as a finish. Among others, porcelain stoneware should be distinguished, which has a more impressive size compared to clinker tiles. This simplifies the work on continuous facade cladding. You can fix porcelain tiles on wooden crate or glue. In the first case, it will be possible to ensure good ventilation of the facade.

Porcelain tiles, if necessary, wall insulation can be installed on an aluminum profile. The facade must be prepared very carefully. The surface must be protected, the seams sealed, and the potholes filled with mounting foam.

The use of aerated concrete blocks has become quite popular in our country. The reasons for this boom are the affordable cost of the material and the ease of installation. With the help of aerated concrete, the construction of cottages is carried out very quickly, since the dimensions of the material allow you to quickly build load-bearing and internal walls.

Another indisputable advantage is the lightness of the gas block compared to classic brick or other types of cement-concrete structures. For a house made of such blocks, it is not necessary to create a particularly strong foundation and carry out excessive reinforcement. This affects the cost of building a house and the final estimate.

Among all its benefits, aerated concrete material has one significant drawback - it is porous and quickly absorbs moisture. Creation of internal cavities with air provides high performance thermal protection, but contributes to a high level of vapor absorption. Aerated concrete house cannot be used without external cladding. This will be discussed in our article.

How to veneer a house made of aerated concrete?

Without exception, all professionals in the field of construction will point out to you the need for high-quality exterior decoration of the walls of the constructed cottage. If someone says that it is enough to paint the surface, immediately drive such a “master”, as he does not understand the essence of the issue at all. Ready-made projects of houses and cottages from aerated concrete initially have a separate estimate for facing work. InnovaStroy architects will definitely tell you all the existing options with finishing and cladding.

To get a durable and energy-efficient house made of aerated concrete blocks, you need to decide on the type of finish installed at the facility at the design stage. Be sure to remember two conditions that must be met before cladding a house of aerated concrete:

  1. Any external finishing work should be carried out approximately one year after the house shrinks and withstands spring floods and high humidity;
  2. Facing outside is carried out only after all the finishing work associated with wet materials has been completed inside the house. Aerated concrete will work as a conductor for steam and condensate, and will bring out excess moisture.

Violation of these conditions will damage the new skin of the house. In the first case, it will crack or change shape, and in the second case, it will be saturated with moisture along with the material. In any case, the house will lose all the advantages that aerated concrete provided it with.

The specialists of our company will provide the customer with complete information on each type chosen for cladding. The main requirement with which house exterior decoration from aerated concrete blocks by the masters of InnovaStroy - ensuring an excellent level of moisture exchange. In fact, it is necessary to ensure the unhindered penetration of moisture, condensate, steam to the outside - through aerated concrete and cladding levels. It is this approach that will ensure the safety of the material and the strength of your cottage.

Insufficient level of ventilation of facades or the use of low-quality materials will lead to saturation of aerated concrete with evaporation and moisture accumulation. As a result, the house will be cold and will not be able to contain heat, dampness will appear and even fungus may develop.

Naturally, our designers and architects will advise you the better to clad a house of aerated concrete but the final choice is yours. Below we will consider all the options for exterior decoration of a cottage or a private house. Even if you are planning to build a summer cottage for temporary use, cladding is a must for your summer cottage to stand for more than a decade.

How to veneer the facade of a house made of aerated concrete?

The modern market of finishing materials is able to offer customers a huge selection of varieties and types. Some are classics, while others show modern trends in design and architecture. Whatever you choose, be sure to contact specialists who know exactly how to properly clad a house of aerated concrete, draw up a cost estimate, and ensure quick order fulfillment.


The most popular type of cladding, which is always in demand, as it gives the house the appearance of a building built from this particular material. Best suited clinker or decorative brick having original shades and a smooth surface. This type of exterior finish has several strict requirements, without which all work will be useless:

  1. Before cladding a house of aerated concrete with bricks, it is necessary to set a sufficient foundation width at the design stage. A wall of aerated concrete block, you need to provide a place for the width of the brick, and the recommended space for ventilation is from 10 centimeters. The outer surface of the cladding cannot extend to the edge of the foundation by more than a third of the width of the brick. Thus, greater stability and strength of the structure will be achieved;
  2. The ventilation gap is made in two ways, which are equally suitable for gas-block houses. The first - the width of the space is equal to the transverse size of the brick. Then you can lay the cladding across and keep enough space inside for the passage of air. The second - a polystyrene plate is used, which moves along with the masonry. Thus, the uniformity of the gap along the entire height of the wall is achieved, and the ingress of cement mortar into the resulting space;
  3. The presence of reinforcing metal components. It can be ordinary cut wire with a thickness of 3 centimeters or more, mounting strips or fittings. Its installation is carried out in the seams and poured cement mixture. Never bend these parts so that they are located in the seams of gas blocks and facing bricks. This violates the strength of the structure and does not affect stability in any way. The installation method has two types, which are used to the same extent. The first is that the metal reinforcement is placed into the seams of the cladding with one edge, and the second is driven into the mass of gas concrete to a great depth. The second way is exactly the opposite, when the metal is mounted in the seams of the main wall, and it is installed into the cladding according to the situation. The main requirement is the presence of at least four such strips for each square meter of the wall;
  4. It is imperative to leave “air vents” - holes through which air will flow under the skin from the outside. Most often they are arranged under the upper eaves and at the very bottom. Appearance resembles an ordinary gap between bricks, only without cement mortar;
  5. If brick cladding is made without a ventilation gap, then it is necessary to lay internal materials with a high degree of moisture transmission - insulation, waterproofing, reinforcing meshes.

Laying decorative or natural stone is carried out according to exactly the same principle as brick cladding. All terms and conditions remain unchanged and are not subject to change.

Finished ventilated facades

This category includes several varieties of facing material. It can be plastic or metal siding, natural or plastic lining, ceramic tile, metal finished panels. The advantage of this method of exterior decoration is that the house will look modern and stylish. If necessary, part of the cladding can be easily replaced. The unique feature of this species is that already in its own way technical parameters and installation rules, the material has a space for ventilation between the casing and the wall. IN standard version it can be only 3 centimeters, but for a house made of aerated concrete blocks, it is recommended to increase the space to 10 centimeters in order to lay a vapor barrier and insulation.

Such construction of houses from aerated concrete in Moscow and the area is very in demand, as it allows you to significantly save on the construction of the cottage. InnovaStroy specialists quickly perform the assigned tasks. It is worth noting that this species facing does not require additional reinforcement or expansion of the foundation. Due to the low weight, the finish practically does not affect design features houses.

Plastering and painting

Covering aerated concrete walls with simple materials is also possible, based on the wishes of the customer and his financial capabilities. Painting or plastering can be carried out on a finished wall or on the surface of the insulation. The main requirements in this case are:

  • Alignment of the wall surface from the influx of cement or adhesive mixture, correction of protruding masonry segments;
  • Use of a primer that does not form an impenetrable film. That is, it must be moisture and vapor permeable;
  • Mandatory reinforcement with a special mesh. Especially this requirement applies to the corners of the building, window and doorways;
  • The use of breathable textured plaster and paints to provide moisture removal from walls and heaters;
  • With full insulation, you should also select a material that can let steam out. The layers are fastened with the help of dowels and self-tapping screws with external linings.

Who knows how to veneer the facade of a house made of aerated concrete?

The specialists of our company will always help the customer to decide on the appearance of the cottage or house. At the stage of individual design or purchase of a finished development, this issue is necessarily discussed. InnovaStroy professionals will provide full information about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of cladding, make a comparative estimate and develop copies of a cottage with different outer cladding. Simply contact us for advice. Even if you have already built your house from aerated concrete blocks, our craftsmen will help to revet it with modern and reliable materials at an affordable price.
