The use of decorative stone in the interior will allow you to decorate the room in an interesting and tasteful way. Decorating with it will create a comfortable and calm atmosphere in the house. You can use decorative material in any room: in the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the corridor. It is unique and suitable for almost all interior styles.

It is practical to use decorative stone. It will protect slopes and corners from damage or dirt. If you decide to use wallpaper or plaster around the perimeter of the door, you will soon notice that the slopes and corners will look terrible, and you will have to redo the repair. The stone will last for many years, retaining its original appearance. Given the variety of textures and colors offered by stores, any design compositions are created using this material.

Attention! This finish is used both indoors and outdoors. The entrance to the room with stone trim looks expensive and respectable.

decorative material upon entering the room


Decorative stone is an easy-to-lay material. It can be placed even on an uneven surface, it will hide installation flaws front door, irregularities of the wall adjacent to it. Installation does not require special skills, so you can safely do everything yourself, paying attention to the instructions that will simplify this process.

Decorative stone is a lightweight material, so it is used on any surface. It consists of sand, cement or gypsum, fillers and dyes. Gypsum-based stone is used indoors, as it is not moisture resistant. This is his only unique flaw. To make the finish last longer, it is covered with a protective varnish. If desired, such a stone can be used to clad plasterboard walls.

To finish the front door from the street, it is more practical to use cement-based material. It is moisture resistant, does not react to changes in external temperature and is resistant to sunbeams, although slightly heavier than its gypsum-based counterpart. This material is easy to care for. Just dust it off and wipe it with a damp cloth. It does not deteriorate and does not rot, does not burn, and is environmentally friendly.

Door finish option

Important Benefits

Gypsum finishing in the interior has a number of significant advantages. These include the following:

  1. Durability. The material is not subject to wear, fading, pollution. Properly laid stone will last at least 15-20 years.
  2. Wide choice of colors and textures. Everything that is in nature is repeated in an artificial counterpart.
  3. With the help of the material, the room can be decorated in any style.
  4. Low price. The material cost is much lower than natural stone. At the same time, the material itself is in no way inferior in appearance and variety of choices.

Stages of stone finishing

Before you start laying the material, old finish, represented by wallpaper or plaster, is removed. Eliminate wall defects, which include cracks, chips, deep dents. You can not pay attention to small roughnesses, the stone will lie perfectly on them and hide them under itself. The surface is cleaned of dust and coated with a primer for better adhesion of materials.

Effective design options own house

While the wall is drying, it's time to start sorting the stone. It is laid out on a flat surface, preferably on the floor, and the finish pattern is thought out. It is necessary to file the parts in advance with a hacksaw or a jigsaw, fit them together. Then it remains only to take the elements and stick them to the wall according to the picture.

Attention! P The right decision would be to choose a finished pattern or create an individual ornament yourself. This is done in advance. If you work in a hurry, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve a good result.

Laying material starts from the bottom. On the wall, control marks are made to guide you. With the help of glue, a special mortar for laying stone and a spatula, you can quickly and accurately lay the material. Glue is applied to inner surface material, and, attaching to the wall, gently press.

stone decor

Each row on slopes or corners is checked with a level and gently tapped to remove air layer. It is better to do this with a rubber mallet, so as not to beat off a piece from the stone and not to displace it. Then the laying of the stone is continued to the required height, constantly checking the horizontal and vertical line with a level. At the bottom of the wall, the masonry can be made a little wider, gradually narrowing upwards. It looks more harmonious and natural. If the entire wall is tiled, you can lay some of the tiles on the adjacent wall, which will also give the masonry a natural look.

The finishing of slopes and corners does not end with the laying of finishing elements. To give the new finish a finished look and to protect it, perform the final operations:

  1. Filling joints between stone tiles with mastic;
  2. Coating masonry with special solutions to protect against moisture. The simplest is to varnish for stone, but you can choose special tools.
  3. To give the stone additional effect, the surface is treated with spraying of other shades with sparkles or golden pigment.

The use of finishing stone for facing slopes and corners of the front door

Design fantasy: what to look for?

This material loves light. Try to brightly illuminate the surface of the stone with lamps, picking them up in one design solution. You can use natural light for this.

When designing a doorway, show your imagination and lay out the elements not strictly vertically, but creating a pattern. Or overlay the nearby lamps with the same material. It looks stylish and attracts attention.

This finishing material harmonizes with green plants. If masonry indoors or outdoors is decorated climbing plants, it will look original and expressive. Only trees or flowers should be maintained. You can repeat the finish on other items (wardrobe, mirror, hanger) or in rooms combined with a corridor. This will give completeness to the design of an apartment or house.

Using this material in the decoration of the front door, you will create an individual and unique design of an apartment or house. Having shown imagination and patience, you can get a magnificent decor of the front doors.

Artificial material in the interior of the room

Decorative rock - universal option finishes. By choosing it, you prefer simplicity finishing works and interesting design solutions. If you comprehensively approach the issues of finishing, you will be able to create a real masterpiece, using your own strength.

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When planning the decoration of an apartment or house, choosing the perfect design solution For many people, it becomes a difficult task. In an attempt to decorate their home, people use everything available materials starting from Italian wallpapers and ending artificial stone. Finishing is a particular challenge. doorways, because the number of options that designers offer can amaze even the most demanding imagination.

It is extremely difficult to choose the ideal way that will optimally fit into the overall style decision and correctly emphasize the leading direction.

Finishing the doorway: choosing the right solution

Before deciding on the design of the doorway, the designer, together with the owners, needs to decide what shape these openings will be.

There are such forms of doorways:

  • Rectangular opening. This way of organizing space requires either a door or a voluminous and noticeable cashing. Depending on what kind of cashing will be chosen, the doorway can perform both an auxiliary and a main function in the interior of the room. By itself, such a strict form requires additional decor, which can give it the desired gloss and attractiveness.
  • Arch. This way of designing doorways is quite popular and appropriate in certain styles. Designers note that the use of an arched opening is advisable only if the rooms connected by it are made in the same style. Experts advise paying attention to the fact that excessively massive or bright decorative elements can make such an opening heavier.
  • FACT! The arch does not have to be round. Other forms are also used: ellipsoidal, trapezoidal, asymmetric arch - each of them is worthy.

    • Arch imitation. This way of designing a doorway can be called "lazy", because in this case an ordinary rectangular opening is given the shape of an arch with the help of segments fixed in the corners of the opening. Designers advise in this case to make these corners openwork and airy - this will allow you to fit such an arch into any interior and make the room more spacious and lighter.

    Finishing doorway without door- this is a special task, the complexity of which lies in the fact that all the attention that could be focused on the door is transferred to the doorway. Therefore, in this case, designers pay more attention to the design, choosing options and methods of finishing much more carefully.

    ADVICE! Often, as a substitute for a door in such openings, curtains or curtains are used, as well as lambrequins falling with noble folds.

    Use of plastic and drywall

    Despite the popularity of natural materials, the use of PVC panels and, as well as the decoration of openings with artificial decorative stone. All these materials are acceptable options, which, with decent performance, can become a real decoration of the room.

    • Plastic panels are the simplest and most concise design option for the opening, as they allow you to imitate such a popular wooden texture. Dark panels allow you to create an attractive contrast with a light painted or wallpapered wall, thereby emphasizing the rigor and sophistication of the interior. This design method allows you to visually expand the space and create the effect of a high ceiling. In addition, such panels are the most accessible: they are easy to clean, even if dust or dirt is visible on the surface.
    • Polyurethane molding replaced the usual plaster, because it has a decent appearance with less weight and excellent practicality. When choosing this method of decorating a doorway, you should be extremely careful, since the abundance of decor can overload the room and make it small.

      Most often, in such cases, the most simple and concise stucco molding in white or another neutral color is used.

    • Drywall. Finishing with the help of this material is carried out in cases where the task of designers and builders is to divert attention from the opening, creating the effect of a single room.

      In addition, it often becomes the basis for using other decor: for example, polyurethane cornices are often glued onto plasterboard structures.

      Regardless of what kind of material will be used to decorate the doorway, designers are advised to pay attention to the appropriateness and expediency of using massive or voluminous elements.

      Complementing the traditional design with moldings or mosaics means making the room individual, adding a touch of the owners' subtle taste to it.

      Decorative stone in the decoration of doorways

      Especially popular recently is the decoration of doorways with decorative stone. This is due to the fact that decorative stone is one of the most stylish ways to decorate doorways, allowing you to give the room a new mood and sophistication.

      The use of such material is quite expensive, but more than offset by a decent appearance and reliability of the result.

      Finishing the opening with artificial stone is often ideal solution, since this material has the following advantages:

      • spectacular appearance;
      • durability and reliability in operation;
      • ease of maintenance and the possibility of restoring damaged elements;
      • variability and compatibility with other decorative materials.

      Most often, for decorating openings in apartments with artificial stone, medium-sized stones are used that do not load the interior. To give such a finish "naturalness", the outer edge of the finish is deliberately uneven, while smooth edges are used extremely rarely.

      If an arch is decorated with a stone, then in its upper part the stones are laid along the perimeter of the opening: in this way the geometric shape of the arch will be emphasized, which will make it more noticeable against the background of the rest of the wall lined with stone.

      In the case of decorating a doorway without a door with such a stone, the decor should be laid on both sides of the opening: it is this option that will allow you to optimally fit the finish into the interior and connect two rooms into one.

A solid front door is a guarantee of peace of mind for the owners. But appearance is no less important than its protective qualities. Immediately after installing the front door, the question arises: how to ennoble the slopes? There are many options, but I will focus on finishing the slopes of the front door with artificial stone.

Gypsum stone has a large number of options both in relief and type of stone, and in the thickness of the tiles. For this work, I used thin-layer gypsum slate stone with a thickness of each tile from 2 to 2.5 cm, depending on the relief in one place or another. The slopes of the front door were leveled with cement plaster. Stone can be laid on a flat cement screed without prior puttying.

First, I primed the places at the front door where the artificial stone will be mounted. Then, gradually, from the bottom, she began to lay tiles on gypsum putty diluted to a thick cream. When she reached the corner, she simply sawed the stone to the required size with a hacksaw. In the presence of corner elements, facing the door with decorative stone turns out to be much more beautiful than connecting the relief stone at the corners with different tiles. The photo shows that this corner element is precisely cut out according to the relief and looks complete.

Wallpaper was pasted on the outside of the wall. Stone cannot be laid on wallpaper, so I simply cut off pieces of wallpaper with a clerical knife, and mounted sawn pieces of stone on the resulting sections. It turned out like a torn stone on the slopes. The seams at the docking points were carefully rubbed with gypsum putty, trying not to run into the general relief.

After drying, the stone had to be painted. I did this with the help of varnish on the stone, which I tinted in chocolate color. I applied it with a brush and immediately, until the varnish was absorbed, I washed it on the protruding areas with a damp sponge. Gypsum absorbs quickly, so you need to do it right away. It turned out to be a very old-looking stone, as if weathered by time.

Facing from the inside of the front door with artificial stone can be done with both gypsum stone and cement stone. The main thing is that the cement stone is not too massive, and does not look rough. And in this case, it is necessary to veneer the slopes of the front door, using not gypsum putty, but tile adhesive. So the adhesion of materials will be better, and the stone around the door will hold for many years.

Sections of the article:

Traditional finish doorway is the installation of a structure that completely fills the space between the partitions. However, it is not always possible to perform such an installation. This is due to the fact that often door blocks are several of an existing doorway. In this case, door trim involves the use of other solutions, which will be discussed below.

Finishing the doorway: extensions and panel materials

The classic option for finishing the entrance doorway is the use of extensions and other panels. The best and most simple option is the use of extensions. These products have a small width, which allows them to be successfully used for finishing openings. The use of all kinds of decorative panels is suitable for openings without doors, as well as for doorways with installed door blocks. Both of these options deserve to be considered in more detail.

The implementation of finishing doors with extensions is the simplest and most fast way performing such work. Dobors are made from various sheet materials. Often, MDF, plywood or natural wood is used for these purposes, which happens much less often. The owner of the dwelling can independently make an additional bar.

To do this, you need a certain tool and several sheets of material. With this option, it is possible to decorate the extensions at your discretion. All you need to do is cut the slats to the desired length and width and decorate according to your own preferences. Mounting of extensions is also quite simple.

Another way to finish the entrance doorways is to use MDF or other panels. This door design is very similar to that solution with the help of extensions. The main differences are in the original characteristics of MDF panels. So, additional slats can change the aesthetic perception of the doorway slightly. At the same time, MDF panels significantly change the appearance of the front door. In addition, they can be used to decorate doorway almost any width. As a rule, MDF panels are formed by using several separate planks, similar to the installation of laminate boards. It would be nice to say that the laminate itself can also be used to finish the doorway.

At the moment, there are two technologies for finishing doors with extensions and decorative panels. The first method is the fixation of products using polyurethane foam with slight pressure during the polymerization of the material. The second option involves the creation of a frame, on which extensions or panels are then attached. The second technology is preferable for finishing fairly wide doorways. As an example, we can note the vestibule between two front doors in a private house. The thickness of the outer walls in such buildings often reaches 800 mm.

How to trim a doorway with drywall

One of the most popular materials of the last decade is drywall. Today it is difficult to imagine a house, apartment or office in which it would not be used. Doorways are no exception, for the decoration of which this truly universal construction material. By the way, it will be noted that with the help of drywall, you can both level old surfaces and create new ones. This quality of the material allows it to be used for decorating doorways of entrance doors. In addition, with the help of drywall, you can trim sections of almost any width. Perhaps the only drawback of this cladding option is the need for additional decoration of the material after its installation. Drywall is a representative of draft materials, the main function of which is to provide the ability to perform "finishing" construction work on a flat surface. Making doors in this way is a good option.

The fixing of drywall segments on the slopes of the doorway is carried out using a special gypsum-based adhesive. In other words, the finishing material is glued to the end parts of the walls, which allows you to effectively hide the traces of the mounting foam used when installing the door block. Then the plasterboard slopes must be puttied together with the walls and painted. top coat to match the interior of the room. It will be by the way to say that for the design of slopes from drywall, you can use not only paint, but also wallpaper, natural and artificial stone or other decorative materials.

One of the main advantages of using drywall for finishing doors is precisely the wide range of options for choosing the final finishing coating. So, you can use the usual water-based paint, wallpaper, tiles, decorative plastering. It will be by the way to say that the tile can be used without creating a hypocarton base. True, this is possible only if there is no shingles on the walls.

However, do not forget that drywall must effectively resist moisture, which will inevitably accumulate during the condensation of steam in the air during winter period. In addition, you will need to securely protect the door during plasterboard finishing work. To avoid damage to the decorative coating of the door, it must be pasted over with masking tape. This is to protect door block from adhesives, putty and other substances that can damage the surface of the structure.

Decorative finishing of doorways with stone

Use for decorating doorways of natural or artificial stone is a good solution, but it is not always appropriate. The fact is that these materials are not suitable for all interiors. They will look more organic in those living quarters that are made in the old style. Of course, in such apartments and houses, stone simply has no competitors. Finishing entrance doors with decorative stone has a number of obvious advantages, and the appearance of such a solution looks great, as you can see from the photo in our article.

The most important advantage of these materials is their neutral structure. This means that both artificial and natural stone in no way affect the microclimate of the room. Both materials have excellent moisture resistance characteristics, which is very important when facing the slopes of entrance doors, which emit condensate in the cold season.

Another important advantage of decorating doors with decorative stone is durability. It is known that the glue used to fix the material will disintegrate much faster than the stone itself. In this regard, natural stone is somewhat preferable to artificial. But the second one can last several decades.
Also, the advantages of using stone include a simple laying technology, which does not require the obligatory observance of even seams. This method of cladding is able to perform even a person far from the construction and repair sphere. In addition, it is worth emphasizing the wide range of this material. This is especially true for artificial stone. A variety of natural stone products is achieved thanks to different ways cutting. Using this technique allows you to create hundreds of different patterns and ornaments, even if you use one type of stone, for example, sandstone.

It will be by the way to say that it is this variety that, as a rule, is used when facing entrance doorways with natural stone. There is such a type of this material, which among consumers received the winged name "noodles". This variety is a stone cut into thin strips of various lengths.

It should be emphasized that the decoration of entrance doors with artificial or natural stone is an expensive pleasure. But, this "flaw" is fully compensated by the unique appearance of the cladding, as can be seen in the photo. Moreover, this solution differs high reliability. Many specialists and designers emphasize that the finishing of slopes with artificial stone is an ideal solution due to a number of advantages of this particular material. For example, they note the spectacular appearance, the strength of the cladding and durability, the ease of caring for the stone, as well as the ability to restore the decorative finish in case of damage to its individual elements.

In addition, one can also recall the excellent organic combination of this material with other types of cladding. Often, medium-sized stones are used to finish the doorway with artificial stone in apartments and houses. This allows you not to load the interior with large forms. It would be nice to say that many designers use one interesting trick to make the environment natural. The outer edge of the artificial stone trim is deliberately uneven, but even edges are almost never used.

In cases where it is necessary to decorate an arched opening with a stone, the material is laid out in the upper part along the perimeter, which allows you to emphasize the shape and make the design noticeable against the background of the rest of the wall. An important nuance of styling decorative cladding from stone is the finishing material of the slopes themselves. This will allow you to stay within the chosen design solution and maintain harmony in the interior.

Other finishing methods

Do-it-yourself door finishing, in addition to the methods already listed, is also carried out by a number of other methods, which are a good and often cheaper alternative. Among them are, for example, cladding tiles. True, it should be emphasized that most often this material is used for finishing slopes in sanitary facilities and bathrooms. It will be by the way to say that when tiling a doorway with tiles, you can use the remnants of the material after completing the main work on the walls. This saves cash and reduce the overall cost of repairs.

In addition, it is possible to veneer the slopes of the doorway using laminated chipboard boards. This is a great option, the implementation technology of which is quite simple and easy. All you need to do is fix the material with mounting foam, and then fix the trim. In addition, you can use such a traditional way of finishing doors as decorating with natural wood. This material has been used for such work for many centuries, and perhaps millennia. The main advantage of a tree is its natural natural attractiveness. In addition, the tree is environmentally friendly and easy to process. It is these characteristics that have made it the most attractive material throughout human history.

The only negative natural wood is his fastidiousness. Thus, the condition and service life of this material is highly dependent on temperature regime and environmental humidity. It is also worth emphasizing that wood processing will require a special professional carpentry tool. Otherwise, it will not work to decorate the entrance doorway with the help of a tree.

In conclusion, I would like to note that there are many options for decorating the doorway of the front door. The consumer only has to choose the most suitable solution for him in terms of interior, purpose of the premises and the budget for the work. Before finishing the doors with your own hands, you should carefully analyze the options offered. Also, do not forget about the choice of color for the decorative cladding of the slopes. After all, a poorly chosen shade can spoil the impression of the room as a whole.
