It's no secret that the walls and ceilings in our apartments have numerous irregularities. During repairs, these problems are easily and quickly eliminated with the help of PVC panels. In addition, a wide selection of color palettes, textures, prints, a variety of types and sizes of panels allow you not to restrain yourself when choosing a style and implementation. design ideas. Maintaining order in such a kitchen will not be a hassle.

Leveling the surface of walls and ceilings has two solutions: using plaster and sheathing. Experts recommend using the first method with a curvature of no more than 30-50 mm, otherwise the repair will require large investments in material and work. And with the help of sheathing with a small budget, you can hide any flaws.

Versatility, ease and speed of installation, long service life, affordable prices firmly strengthened the position of PVC panels among the leaders in sales.


Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a thermoplastic polymer (plastic). It is obtained from natural ingredients: 57% rock salt and 43% petroleum products. Panels are produced by creating a mixture of polyvinyl chloride with plasticizers, stabilizers, pigments, which improve the quality and increase the properties of the product: plasticity, elasticity, increase light resistance and thermal stability. The number of auxiliary components for all manufacturers, as a rule, is more than 200, but each has its own manufacturing recipe.


  • Rack panels- narrow type-setting, as a rule, plain planks, like a classic lining. Length varies from 2400 to 3700 mm, width from 250 to 500 mm. The thickness varies from 5 to 25 mm.

  • Tiled panels- square plastic tiles. The dimensions of one cell range from 300x300 to 980x980 mm. Thickness - up to 250 mm. One of the advantages is the compilation of combinations of different colors and structures, the creation of mosaic canvases.

  • Multilayer panels (sandwich) - almost full-fledged walls, ceilings or partitions, in demand for country houses. They are sheet panels, between which there is a polyurethane insulation, sound insulation and other materials. Standard - 1220x2440x7 mm.

The width of the panel is always indicated excluding tongue, grooves and other connecting elements. Therefore, when determining the amount required material only the dimensions of the front surface are taken into account.


PVC products differ from each other not only in shape and size, but also in the way the upper decorative layer is processed: using thermal film, offset printing and lamination.

  • thermal film applied by rolling onto the front part using a special roller. The color palette is very wide, photo printing is possible. Good for imitating stone or brick. In terms of brightness, variety of textures and patterns, it surpasses the capabilities of the tiled assortment. Most often, the film is used for sheet panels and PVC tiles. Sensitive to harsh detergents.

  • Offset printing involves drawing a picture directly on the panel, as in a printing house, and fixing it with varnish. Usually used for mosaic images, floral ornaments, bright prints. The surface can be either glossy or matte. However, this technology does not provide sufficient coating strength, high sensitivity to mechanical damage, and therefore direct printing is more often recommended for decorating a dining area.

  • lamination provides the maximum strength that PVC is capable of, because, in fact, another layer of plastic is added. According to reviews on the forums, such wall panels last much longer and can be cleaned with any chemical means. All this provides them with a leading position in decorating the apron area. Lamination also gives an advantage in the choice of images, provides for the execution of drawings and photos on order, that is, it ensures the exclusivity of the kitchen interior.

The most expensive are sheet models with lamination, the price tags are quite comparable with tiled competitors, with 3D photos or drawings, friezes, as well as all textured and volumetric options. The economy class includes panels with direct printing, thermal film and, of course, the simplest - without a pattern.

Kadillak Plastic introduces a mirror version of the PVC family in the premium segment, made of acrylic and glass, while being many times lighter and stronger than the latter. Sheets are easily bent, they can be wrapped around columns if desired. The panels are not afraid of temperature differences and can withstand from -500 to + 500°C. The range includes tinted and holographic (shimmering) models.


Mistakes made during a kitchen renovation can result in a new rework. In order to prevent the replacement of improperly selected materials, it is necessary to think over the design of the entire room at the planning stage, decide on the main and finishing materials, make sure that they are compatible, and study the operational features.

Podivinylchloride gravitates toward modern and trendy solutions, supports them with numerous bright types of films and patterns, organically masks technical equipment, for example, cut-in spotlights. For small rooms, experts recommend using glossy materials. Glitter and a slight mirror effect visually expand the space.

No matter how bold the idea is, experts advise not to use more than three colors in one project.

Metal spraying, photo printing adequately support the asymmetry of modernity and the brutality of high-tech. Minimalism is the perfect pair with sheet plastic. And the cheapest plain slats seem to be made for Provence. They are chosen in light pastel colors, with a matte, sometimes textured front part. For a classic Mediterranean style, you will need imitation stone, an emphasis on white and blue-blue. Textured film under the tree - finishing for the country. Plastic panels, mosaics, laminated photos give great scope for eclectic ideas.


No matter what tricks and tricks manufacturers resort to, PVC does not tolerate a direct hit sun rays . Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation leads to photodegradation, as a result of which the plastic loses its elasticity and strength. To counteract these processes, many factories add light-absorbing dyes to the panels. Thus, it is possible to prevent the destruction of the material almost throughout the entire thickness, but it does not save from fading, changes in the protective properties of the thin outer layer of the plate.

Modern technologies allow to produce polymer materials which withstand a temperature load of at least 120°C. By fire classification, with the exception of Chinese production, PVC is classified as self-extinguishing. However, susceptibility to high and low degrees is their weak point. For example, at + 40°C, a three-meter panel lengthens by 1 cm from the standard length, which is determined by the plus mode within the range from 17°C to 25°C.

Thermal dependence should be foreseen during installation and operation. Polyvinyl chloride must be protected from gas or electric stove, it is not recommended to install PVC in the immediate vicinity of radiators.

If repair work is carried out in the cold or hot season, experts recommend letting the panels rest for a couple of days so that they can acquire dimensions that correspond to the conditions for their future use.

Closely fitted in the heat, during cold weather cracks may appear at the joints, so the off-season is considered ideal for wall cladding.


The easiest way to install PVC panels is with glue or liquid nails. Let's apply to tiled and sheet panels. With a material thickness of up to 0.4 mm, walls with small defects can not be leveled, more than 0.5 mm - without plastering to correct complex relief no longer manageable. The thinner the plates, the better their adhesion to the surface.

Before applying the adhesive, dust is removed and a primer is applied. The tiles are joined together in grooves that do not require masking, and a narrow gap at the point of contact of the sheet plates is filled with sealant and covered with a rack profile.

For docking work, there are various profiles and moldings. Some are indispensable when bringing together the sheathing of corners, others hide the ends, edged parts of the sheathing. Provided ceiling plinths or baguettes that snap into the grooves between the ceiling and wall panels.

PVC wall panels, photos of which can be seen on the Internet, are not suitable for all styles. It's relative new material, which is more and more recently used for decoration. A practical, durable material that has many advantages. Find out exactly what advantages and how it can be used in the interior in more detail later in the article.

Advantages and disadvantages

Due to their specific properties, the panels can be used in places where other materials would suffer. For example, in the bathroom or in the toilet, plastic panels will fit right in. Or, if repairs need to be done, but there is no money for natural materials, plastic can also come in handy.

But in order for it to look good, not depart from the walls and complement the interior, instead of completely breaking it, you need to approach the choice and location in the house reasonably and consistently.

Before figuring out what plastic panels are, where they should be placed, and where it is better to use another material, let's first look at their main properties.

Among the useful ones are the following:
  • low price. This is one of the main advantages - plastic is a cheap material that can still look good, stylish, interesting.
  • Ease. Usually, wall finishing materials are quite heavy - especially when it comes to tiles or panels made of natural wood- but the plastic is devoid of this drawback. Even a child can lift one element, therefore, there will be no problems with delivery and mounting on the walls.
  • moisture resistance. One of the materials completely insensitive to moisture. Even the joints between the panels can be coated so that no water gets into them.
  • Diversity. Plastic, like any synthetic material, paints well. Therefore, on the market you can find all kinds of panels - one-color and multi-color, patterned and plain, with and without drawings. They can also be made with different textures - waves, wood or stone imitation.
  • Ease of installation. Structural elements are usually equipped with the simplest thorn-lock hitch device. Even a person who has never undertaken repairs in his life can compose them with each other. No specific skills are required.

But, of course, no material can have only useful properties.

There are also bad ones:
  • Lack of resistance to mechanical damage. Plastic is thin, lightweight and easily damaged. You can scratch it even with a brush that is too hard, and from an accidental and casual blow, a crack will surely remain. Therefore, both use and transportation must be careful.
  • High probability of buying low-quality goods. WITH natural stone it’s hard to mess something up, just like with wood - they won’t cost less if you break the production technique. But plastic will become, therefore there is always a chance to buy panels that will melt, smell very unpleasant or quickly deform.
  • Specific smell. Despite everything, even expensive PVC, made according to all the rules, at first emits a smell that may seem unpleasant.
  • Difficulties with fitting into the interior. Natural materials somehow can be adapted to any style. But PVC is only suitable for those that are democratic enough to endure synthetics - these are all modern styles.

In fact, it makes sense to install plastic panels in rooms where strength is less important than resistance to changes in temperature and humidity.

It is interesting at the same time that despite the stability, plastic cannot be placed in rooms where the humidity rises higher than seventy percent, otherwise it will quickly fail.

Varieties of panels

The material for all panels is the same - PVC, aka polyvinyl chloride. But that doesn't mean they're all the same. There are important nuances - from shape to thickness.


Typically, structural elements are rectangular - despite the flexibility of plastic, no one sees the point in giving them a more intricate look. But even rectangles are different:

  • « clapboard". Such panels reach a length of one and a half to two and a half meters, reach a width of up to thirty centimeters and easily cover the entire space from ceiling to floor. They look very much like the real thing. wooden lining- especially if the top layer is applied with a special coating imitating wood. Less fragile than tiles, they allow you to influence the perception of the room, increase it or reduce it.
  • Sheets. The height of such sheets is the same as those made for lining, but the width reaches a meter. The result is wide slabs - and in order to cover the wall in the room they do not need too much.
The choice depends on how much effort you are willing to invest in repairs (fixing sheets is much easier than tiles) and on what kind of visual result you want to get.

Seam and surface finish

In addition to the shape of the panels, they also differ in the presence of a seam:

  • Seamless. Unfortunately, they do not fully justify their name - even the thinnest panels are not able to merge with each other so that the joint is not visible at all. But still, they are as zealous as possible - the seams, albeit quite noticeable, do not stand out on the general canvas, dirt or dust does not clog into them, and the wall seems quite homogeneous.
  • with seams. All panels have seams, but these are specially marked out so as to become a kind of decoration. To understand how it looks, just look at the wooden lining - there, at the junction of two elements, a special recess is made, because of which the final wall seems striped. It looks stylish in its own way, but only if there is no pattern or pattern.

The choice is not fundamental and depends solely on the effect that you want to get. If you make panels under a tree - then with seams. If a flat wall - then without.

The final impression is much more influenced by the way the surface is finished:
  • Varnishing. When the panel is ready, it is coated on top with a colorless varnish, which provides it with greater resistance to all external influences. Gives a shiny glossy finish, which slightly glare in the light. Her colors are rich and vibrant. From the material it is immediately obvious that it is plastic.
  • lamination. When the panel is ready, it is covered with a special film, which not only protects it from the influence of the environment, but also gives it a certain color. The result is a matte surface that does not shine and looks quite restrained. It is this method that is used when it is necessary to imitate natural material with the help of plastic.

No finishing method is perfect. The varnish peels off over time, and with constant contact with something it is rubbed, losing its glossy sheen. The film also peels off over time, it can also be wiped, and water can also get under it and then it will swell.

But if the panel is worn out, it will be enough just to varnish it again or re-glue the film - as a result, it will look updated.


To better imagine how the room will look like in the end, draw it or use special design programs.

Technical nuances of choice

To choose panels that will last a long time, you need to pay attention to their technical characteristics and overall quality:

  • Thickness. Of course, no plastic panel will be very thick - its purpose does not require it. But still, more or less durable products start at two and a half millimeters. Everything that is thinner belongs to the segment with a low price and cracks, not only from a blow - it will be enough just to lean unsuccessfully.
  • Number of stiffeners. The rigidity of the panel is provided by special ribs on which the main surface rests. The more of them, the less likely it is that the plastic will crack from careless movement. But, the more ribs, the more expensive the product.
  • Appearance. Not so much in the context of compatibility with the interior, but in the context of obvious quality problems. The color of the panel should be uniform, it should not have cracks, chips, minor defects. No colored spots, no swollen areas or shallow depressions. All the little things of this kind may indicate that the panel will lose its attractive appearance very quickly.
  • Weight. The stronger the panel, the more it weighs, this is logical, since a lot of additional stiffeners are added. To understand which of the two panels of the same size will be stronger, it is enough just to lift them at the same time.
  • Mutual compatibility. In one batch, the plastic is always the same - it was made under the same conditions, packaged and stored under the same conditions. Therefore, you should buy products from the same batch. The same article, but from a different batch, may turn out to be slightly different in color.
  • Certificates. A serious seller is always able to provide documents for the goods - provided that they exist in nature. They indicate the manufacturer, materials, warranty period, stamped for compliance with GOST. If there is no quality certificate, it is better to refuse to buy - such plastic is unreliable and may be harmful to health.

But if the seller does not provide such a service and you need to drive it yourself, use a taxi. In public transport, fragile plastic is more likely to be damaged.

Aesthetic side

Long service life is not everything. If the panels are ugly, do not fit into the interior, please, then their reliability will rather annoy. Several important factors need to be taken into account.


Different rooms require different handling of plastic.

First of all, the bathroom. The most common place to use plastic panels. This is due to the fact that they are cheaper than tiles, but at the same time they withstand humidity very well. Designer delights in the bathroom do not take root in everyone, practicality takes precedence over the desire to make it expensive and stylish, because plastic can often be seen.

To make it look good, you need to combine it with the color of the bath (if it is not white - then any color at all will do), with the color of accessories, like a rug and a curtain. Most often, shades of green are used here, warm light shades like beige and peach, blue or drawings that somehow resonate with the theme of water procedures.

Then the toilet. Not everyone has enough inspiration to choose a style for a toilet, and plastic is cheap, holds moisture and can hide pipes, for which wallpaper, for example, is useless. The colors here are the same as in the rest of the house, or as neutral as possible.

PVC can also be used on the balcony - especially if you are going to use it as another pantry. PVC withstands moisture well and can last for about a decade, even if you don't like to close the windows on the balcony.

General impression

Having decided in which room to place the panels, you can move on to other questions: how to arrange them and what color to paint.

  • Horizontal arrangement. Suitable for tall narrow rooms that seem too small. Horizontal stripes on the walls will help to visually enlarge the space, make the ceiling lower, and the walls seem to be wider.
  • Vertical arrangement. Suitable for low wide rooms, which seem to be very flattened. vertical stripes on the walls will help to visually reduce and stretch the space in height, so that it will seem larger.
  • . Absolutely neutral in nature, but depending on the pattern used, it can affect the surrounding space in different ways.
It is also important to consider how the color of the panels will be combined with the color of the floor and ceiling.
  • Light walls, dark floor and ceiling. It is good to combine with a horizontal arrangement, since this combination is suitable for rooms that are too narrow and high. The dark ceiling seems to press the height, makes the room lower, and the floor reinforces this impression.
  • Light walls, dark floor, light ceiling. Well suited for low narrow rooms. Makes them visually wider, increases the space and seems to stretch it upwards.
  • Light walls, light floor, dark ceiling. This combination looks a little strange, but can give a strange effect - it will seem that the room narrows slightly towards the ceiling.

minimalist room style

  • Dark walls, dark floor and ceiling. A very controversial decision, suitable only for pompous artsy styles and really large rooms, as it makes them visually noticeably smaller. It is better not to do it in a small room, because the feeling will be that the walls are squeezing anyone who enters.
  • Dark walls, light floors and ceilings. Such a room seems to be stretched upwards. Well suited for wide, with a small height.
  • Dark walls, light ceiling, dark floor. Such a room stretches upward even more. If you arrange such a narrow room, the incoming one will feel as if he has fallen into a well.
In addition to the combination, the shade of color also matters:
  • Light warm colors. They give the room comfort, but make it visually a little smaller. Well suited to classic romantic styles.
  • Light cold shades. An ideal solution for a loft and minimalism - which, being modern, quite accepts plastic. Makes the room more spacious, gives it a boom, but also some coldness.
  • Dark warm shades. Quite acceptable, cozy, slightly reduce the room. They go well with wooden furniture.
  • Dark cold shades. Permissible only in some styles, and then - serious ones, usually requiring natural materials and restraint. Plastic doesn't go well with them.

Wall panels have become very popular relatively recently. These materials can radically change the design of an apartment without requiring large funds. Wall panels are very easy to care for, they practically do not get dirty and have good durability, so they are ideal for the kitchen. You can turn classic walls into unique stylistic compositions, come up with a unique interior and fill it with beautiful decorations. Today we will look at how the kitchen is finished with wall panels.

Preparing to install panels

First you need to prepare all the materials that you may need. Therefore, buy in advance: wall panels, corners, wooden slats, dowels, level, staples, tape measure, profiles, pencil, self-tapping screws, protective impregnation etc. After that, evaluate the degree of evenness of the surface on which the panels should be attached. If the walls in the kitchen are perfectly flat (which is unlikely), you can attach the panels directly to the wall using glue. This option only applies to kitchens with normal humidity levels.

If the room is dominated by high humidity, you will have to install a wooden frame. It can also be installed if the room has uneven walls. There is then some space left between the wall and the kitchen wall panel, which can be filled with insulating material. In addition to sound insulation, it retains heat, so heating costs are reduced. In addition, in this way you can hide the wiring, under which you do not need to ditch the walls.

If the walls are not too smooth and you are not going to use a frame, you need to prepare them for finishing. To do this, carefully clean the walls from dust, dirt and let it brew. Be sure to remove the remaining old decorative coating, paint material or wallpaper. All irregularities should be eliminated with a quality putty that is suitable for the type of surface. After that, you should walk along the walls with sandpaper.

Calculation of material for installation

Before fixing the wall panels in the kitchen, their number should be calculated. To do this, you must know the dimensions of the wall panels for the kitchen. Please note that there should be no errors. It is necessary to measure the width of the kitchen walls and divide it by the width of the panel. Thus, you will get the number of products needed for finishing. It may not be complete. If this happens, you will need to carefully trim one panel and fit it to size.

If there is a window, doorway or arch in the wall, this area must be measured. After that, subtract the resulting number from the length of the wall. To finish the walls, you will need profiles and corners with which you can fix the wall panels in the corners. It is recommended to leave gaps, because panels (especially sheet ones) may expand over time. The height of each piece should be one centimeter less than the distance between the floor and the ceiling.

After that, you can cut blanks of the desired size. If you will use a hacksaw, it is advisable to make cuts from the front side of the coating. If you plan to work with a circular saw, you need to cut the pieces from the side of the base. First, carefully cut the coating, then cut the panel itself with more force. When cutting, try to keep the carpet knife strictly perpendicular to the panel.

For perfectly cut straight lines, it is better to use a flat rail or ruler. For sockets and switches, you need to cut appropriate holes in the material. Before fixing the wall panels in the kitchen, they must lie in a room at room temperature for more than twelve hours, so that the humidity levels of the building materials and the ambient air can approach each other. Therefore, unpack the box and leave the material for a while.

The procedure for gluing wall panels

Sheets can be glued with acrylic, silicone or universal building adhesive. It is advisable to study the adhesive composition on the package and follow all the steps, taking into account the manufacturer's advice. First, wall panels are glued to the inner corner of the room, and then along the perimeter. The adhesive composition should be applied to the entire surface of the material.

  1. Tiles are square or rectangular wide panels with a side of 290-950 mm, mainly used for wall cladding or kitchen backsplash cladding.

Square fragments look good on the ceiling

  1. A plate (sheet) is the largest material in terms of area, which is sawn according to the parameters required by the customer. Dimensions are selected in the range from 1040 to 2800 mm for the most seamless wall covering.

In addition, MDF wall panels for the kitchen also differ in thickness.

  • The thinnest (5-9 mm) are convenient for their light weight and ease of installation, but they cannot boast of sufficient strength, so they are most often used in the manufacture of furniture facades, but can also be used to cover ceilings in the kitchen.
  • Medium thickness (10-18 mm) - the main material for wall cladding (as well as the manufacture of doors or furniture frames). They are strong enough, but their thickness will not significantly affect the usable space of the premises.
  • Thick (19-38 mm) - the most durable, mainly used in furniture production, but can also be used for sheathing large rooms that need additional insulation.

And finally, MDF wall panels for the kitchen can be divided by texture into smooth and embossed. A flat surface (especially with a glossy finish) visually enlarges the room, which is especially true for small kitchens. But on a textured cladding with a pronounced relief, various defects are much less visible, and it looks more unusual and impressive.

Embossed finishing materials based on MDF

Interesting! Those who want to practice design art can try their hand at selecting combinations of different colors or textures, as well as non-standard (for example, diagonal) installation of MDF boards. If you are not confident in your skills, use ready-made offers with original design, for example, materials with a 3D effect.

Optical illusions using 3D technologies

Options for facing the kitchen with MDF panels

If you decide to use MDF panels when decorating the kitchen, it is important to determine the area of ​​​​their coverage. Actually, there are two options - full cladding of all surfaces (which is quite rare) or fragmentary cladding of walls, ceilings or their sections. We propose to consider several areas in which this material will be both functional protection and a spectacular decoration of the interior.

Full plating - pros and cons

At first glance, it seems that the best option for finishing the kitchen with MDF panels is complete replacement all facing materials with decorative wooden plates. But the result obtained rarely lives up to expectations. To implement this idea, you need a really spacious room with a high ceiling, otherwise a small kitchen with such decor can turn into a kind of wooden box.

Of course, you can connect your imagination and try to create original color combinations, beat the texture of embossed and smooth materials, or make installation with non-standard installation. For example, pick up square slabs for the floor, multi-colored lining for the walls, and align the ceiling with seamless panels. But still it is better to leave this option for the kitchen in the country or in a country house.

Fully fitted kitchen in spacious home

MDF wall, floor and ceiling cladding

For kitchens in an apartment, partial finishing with MDF panels is more often used. This may be the cladding of the lower part of the walls, used mainly in large rooms, since in small kitchens this space is almost completely covered with furniture. You can also close the ceiling with MDF lining or sheet. Moreover, if wood-like slabs are more recommended for walls, the ceiling covering should be chosen in light neutral shades - white, pale blue, creamy. In addition to plain panels for the ceiling, stone imitation, for example, light marble, and original reliefs are suitable.

Highlighting the dining area with wood trim

A cozy duet - a massive countertop and a wall with a wooden finish

If the kitchen is spacious enough, has a long rectangular shape, or is combined with another room in the house, you can install a small partition, separating the dining and working areas not only visually. And here, seamless MDF wall sheets imitating wood will come in very handy. And for this, veneer from expensive breeds, and a simple varnish coating, and material with realistic photo printing can be used. Air partitions made of MDF made by laser cutting look no less impressive.

Openwork partitions for zoning the kitchen space:

On a note! In kitchens with a small area (for example, in "Khrushchev"), this material is used to decorate the wall opposite the working one. Moreover, for this it is not even necessary to completely sheathe the entire area, it is enough to cover the surfaces free from furniture with MDF panels. Particularly good for partial cladding is a seamless sheet cut to fit the open space.

The use of MDF for a kitchen apron

The section of the wall between the upper and lower cabinets of the kitchen set belongs to the working area, that is, it is here that the impact of moisture and temperature is the highest. Therefore, MDF panels for decoration should be chosen only with good protection (and ideally, moisture resistant) or additionally covered with a glass screen.

The most reliable option for wall panels for interior decoration of the kitchen are the so-called MDF skins with a heat-resistant plastic coating. By the way, another advantage of these sheet plates is their richest decorative assortment, including photo printing. We offer a selection of photos of wall panels on a kitchen apron for inspiration.

With plastic coating and photo printing:

On a note! It is better to mount wall panels for an apron on a crate in order to conduct wiring under them for lighting working area and communications for connecting various household appliances.

Do-it-yourself MDF cladding installation methods

For finishing walls and ceilings with any MDF panels, there are only two mounting options - glue and frame method. The latter is considered more environmentally friendly, since it does not require chemicals, which, when exposed to high temperatures, can release harmful substances. In a properly equipped kitchen, the negative effect of possible adhesive fumes is leveled by exhaust ventilation, so both options are equally popular and are successfully used for covering various surfaces.

Adhesive fastening of panels

In this way, you can mount any kind of panels, but it will be most reliable for fixing thin and medium MDF boards. Mounting on glue is chosen only in cases where the surface does not have defects that extend beyond the plane by more than 2-3 mm.

For long or voluminous fragments, it is better to glue the wall with glue

  • Installation starts from the corner - the first panel is pressed against the work surface, aligned vertically and horizontally with a level and tapped with a rubber mallet (or just a fist) for a snug fit. Then the following elements are attached.
  • In the case of gluing lining or tiles, the correctness of the connection is checked by the level every 3-5 fragments. Excess adhesive that comes out is immediately removed with a cloth soaked in water or alcohol.
  • After fixing the entire cladding, the necessary fittings are installed - internal, external and finishing corners, plinths.

Important! It is most convenient for novice craftsmen to use the so-called “liquid nails” for installation, more experienced ones can choose any universal reinforced adhesives or even mounting foam.

Installation on a frame or crate

If the kitchen does not please you with perfectly flat surfaces, you will have to equip a frame made of metal profiles or wooden slats. This option is also chosen when installing hidden wiring and ceiling sheathing.

Fastening MDF panels to the frame

Sequence of work:

  • The preparatory stage consists in applying a primer with fungicidal properties to the walls or ceiling. All wooden parts of the future frame are treated with the same impregnation.
  • Lathing is being done. When working with walls, the upper and lower rails are placed at a distance of 3-5 cm from the floor and ceiling, the rest are set aside by 40-50 cm. For the ceiling frame, a grid with a square side of 1 m is marked.
  • The frame elements are fixed to the working surface with self-tapping screws for metal or wood in increments of about 50 cm, checking the correct installation level.
  • Installation of panels starts from the corner. The first lamella is aligned along the vertical level and fixed to each lath of the crate with small carnations at such a distance that they can then be closed with fittings. On the other side of the lamella, the comb is also attached to the frame. It is most convenient to use special clamps for this (in construction jargon - clamps).

Clamp mounting system

  • The next lamella is installed in the lock of the previous one and is also fixed with a clamp by the comb. This rapport is repeated around the perimeter.
  • The last plank, if necessary, is cut to width with a hacksaw (if the gap is too narrow, you can reduce the width of the first and last fragment so that the difference is not striking).
  • After installing all the main elements, the turn of fittings comes - superimposed required angles and plinth.

Video: how to fix MDF panels on the working wall of the kitchen

Now you know how to sheathe ceiling or walls with MDF panels. This work is really simple and accessible even to a non-professional master, but if there is not enough time for independent experiments, or there is simply no confidence in your own building skills, you can always call for help from specialists who will install MDF panels with high quality and as soon as possible.

The kitchen is one of the most difficult areas in the design of a modern interior. This is especially noticeable when, since in addition to good aesthetic data, the surface must also effectively resist frequent contamination and be easy to clean.

To decorate work areas, tiles are most often used, but not everyone will like the mosaic structure, appearance and the price of ceramic products.

The closest alternative to tiles are wall panels, which not only match, but in many ways surpass ceramic products in terms of performance and visual impact. Due to the artificial origin, the panels are quite easy to form, which in turn allows you to significantly diversify the surface texture and color range.

Panels for finishing the kitchen are made of PVC or MDF - which modification to give your preference depends solely on your wishes.

PVC panels have a lower cost and moisture resistance, however, their installation can be carried out exclusively on a pre-assembled frame. MDF sheets have heat and sound insulation properties and can be fixed on the wall both with adhesive and frame method.

The disadvantages of MDF products include high cost and relatively weak resistance to moisture.

Also, this product is distinguished by ease of installation - even without professional skills, you can install the panels yourself without any difficulties. In this article, you will be provided with how to finish the kitchen with wall panels.

Panel mounting

Finishing the kitchen with panels is carried out in two ways - glued or on a pre-assembled frame. The first method is used exclusively in combination with MDF sheets - both MDF and PVC analogues can be mounted in a frame way. We'll take a look at both technologies below.

Panel sticker

The advantage of adhesive mounting MDF sheets is simplicity and cost-effectiveness - for fixing there is no need to assemble the supporting frame, which saves money on the purchase of material. The disadvantage of this method is the lack of thermal insulation and the obligatory presence of the most even surface in order to avoid voids and excessive consumption of the adhesive composition.

Most often, the walls in the kitchen are decorated with 122x244 wall panels using the adhesive method, since smaller counterparts are easier to “plant” on the frame.

Surface preparation

  • Peeling layers of whitewash, paint, plaster, etc. must be removed from the walls. – the surface must be continuous and reliable. Cracks, cavities and other irregularities are filled with a repair mass, the composition of which is selected based on the structure of the original finish. As a result, you should get a flat surface with a uniform texture;

  • If the surface is porous, it is necessary to fill small voids and make the wall structure homogeneous.

Note! In this case, it implies the installation of sheets already in advance, which complies with all building codes. In any other case, it may be necessary to level the walls with plaster or putty.


Before gluing, the panels should be left for 24 hours in the room where they will be installed, so that the material can adapt to the temperature regime.

Sheets must be unpacked in such a way as to ensure air access to each element.

  • The back of the panel is cleaned of dirt and degreased, after which an adhesive composition is applied to it, according to one of the schemes shown in the figure;

  • The panel must be pressed firmly against the wall and the entire surface of the sheet should be tapped in order to evenly distribute the adhesive. For guaranteed fixation, it is recommended to use spacers and other temporary fixators;
  • Between the panels and the floor/ceiling/inner corner, it is necessary to provide a temperature gap of at least 3 mm, which is necessary for the thermal expansion of the material.
  • All joints, external and internal corners are masked with moldings and profiles, or filled with sealant - the first option is preferable, as it ensures complete tightness of the coating;

Note! If you are using moldings or other connectors, sealant should also be applied to the joints to prevent moisture from entering the inside of the panel.

Mounting in a frame way is carried out by means of a tongue-and-groove lock, which is located at the ends of the panel. The elements are fixed on a pre-assembled frame, which allows you to smooth out small wall irregularities.

Assembly of the crate

  • As a material for assembling the supporting frame, you can use both a wooden bar and a metal profile. The thickness of the elements in this case does not play a big role, since wall paneling in the kitchen does not imply the presence of thermal insulation;
  • First of all, the lowest rail / profile is installed, the subsequent frame elements are arranged in 40 cm increments from each other. If wooden slats are used, then their fixation is carried out by means of polyamide screws. The metal profile is mounted using metal fasteners;

  • During installation, it is important to follow the horizontal and vertical profiles / beams using the building level. Ultimately, all elements of the frame should be a single plane and be on the same level;
  • Sheathing starts from the inner corner - a corner is mounted with a stapler or screws, into which the first panel is inserted. Then the free side of the panel is fixed and the next one is inserted - for a tighter fit, you can knock out the panel by placing a piece of foam between it and the hammer so as not to damage the edge;

  • When the sheathing reaches the next corner, a corner is put on the outer panel, after which the panel can be fixed. External corners are also formed by means of the corresponding corners;
  • To seal the sheathing, the joints are coated with sealant. It is most convenient to carry out longitudinal cuts with a construction knife, and transverse cuts with a hacksaw.


Finishing panels for the kitchen make it possible to diversify the interior with bright colors and new ideas, while maintaining the functionality of the coating. Along with a unique look, you get a stain-resistant surface that is easy to maintain.

You can get more on this topic by watching the video in this article.

Plastic wall panels for the kitchen allow you to repair quickly and cleanly, with minimal installation skills, you can do it yourself. This finishing material is distinguished by the widest variety of color and texture solutions, it is easy to process and install.

Panels for the kitchen - composition and purpose

Almost all plastic panels intended for interior decoration walls and ceilings are made of PVC. The abbreviated name of this material is PVC, it is present in their name. From a philistine point of view, the composition of PVC is alarming, it contains ethanol, lead and chlorine. However, these elements are in a bound state and do not stand out even during combustion - and wall and ceiling panels burn poorly.

With proper workmanship, they do not emit any toxic substances - both during installation and during operation. Therefore, it is extremely it is important to purchase PVC panels in company stores where such quality is guaranteed. Yes, and the choice of manufacturers, sizes and colors with such a purchase is greater, as well as the chances of getting competent advice from a trained manager.

The use of plastic panels in repairs is relevant when finishing kitchens, balconies, loggias, corridors, toilets and bathrooms, as well as utility rooms. For ceilings, light options are selected, because. they do not require mechanical strength. Wall panels are made of hard plastic, with a large number of internal partitions and stiffeners.

PVC wall panels are produced with a standard length of 3 meters, a width of 12 to 37 cm and a thickness of 5-10 millimeters. A reduced length of 2.6 or 2.7 meters is possible. Please note that trimmings will not be used, the amount of material is calculated based on full-length elements in length or height.

Plastic panels for walls - advantages and disadvantages

The repair advantages of PVC panels include:

  • Profitability, in comparison with the most modest tile, they are several times cheaper;
  • Quick and easy repair;
  • Many options for colors, patterns and textures;
  • The finished look of a flat surface, without visible joints and seams;
  • Ease of sanitization;
  • Resistant to chemically active substances and moderate impacts;
  • Long lasting attractiveness.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • The possibility of mechanical damage when struck by a heavy object, when moving furniture, etc.;
  • The need for auxiliary and consumable materials during installation;
  • Poor resistance in conditions of constantly high humidity, especially during vaporization. This "minus" does not apply to the panels themselves, plastic is absolutely immune to water. However, its installation provides for a wooden frame - moisture slats can mold and rot for several years. And this means the need for new repairs much earlier than planned.

PVC panels for the kitchen - a profitable repair

Most common in kitchens combined option wall repair - the area around the sink and gas stove giving all the best tiles, and the rest of the wall is finished with plastic. This allows not only to reduce the expenditure part of the budget or speed up repairs, but also to hide any unevenness on the walls.

Plastic is a “warm” material, it is much more pleasant to the touch than a cold tile. It is easy to choose PVC panels for the kitchen in a similar color scheme to both purchased tiles and existing furniture; there are hundreds of varieties to choose from. Installation can be done independently, only the corners and turns of the walls present some difficulty - but with perseverance and attentiveness, these wisdoms are within your reach.

PVC wall panels - installation instructions

With the ideal evenness of the kitchen walls, the absence of peeling plaster, cracks, etc. frameless installation of panels is allowed using special glue or “liquid nails”. In practice, you almost never see impeccable walls in kitchens, and it’s easier to paint them than to cover them with plastic beauty.

The main thing is to accurately and correctly assemble the frame. It is a crate made of wood, mounted perpendicular to the future installation of panels. It is important to consider this at the very initial stage of repair - the PVC panels themselves allow installation both vertically and horizontally. Having thought over the design, you automatically set the direction of the crate.

Installation instructions for PVC wall panels - step by step diagram

Step 1: Optional but Important

Even before starting work with the frame, you can insulate the walls. For this, any rolled insulation is used, whose thickness fits into the internal space between the plastic and the wall. It is possible to carry out this procedure partially by insulating only the end wall(s), as it is most exposed to atmospheric bad weather. Like the insulation of the veranda, the internal insulation of the walls is quite doable on your own.

Step 2: Mount the frame

Reiki are nailed or shot to the walls with a step of 20-30 cm. The more often the step, the stronger and more reliable our construction will turn out. It is important to maintain the parallelism of the rails so that none of them protrudes or is recessed relative to the others. To do this, use a level and a long metal ruler. If necessary, you can cut off part of the rail or put scraps of the same plastic under it.

It is easier to attach the slats to walls made of bricks or cinder blocks, ordinary nails are suitable for this (holes are drilled under them in the slats, otherwise the thin wood may split). concrete walls you will have to drill or use a wall chaser for concrete, otherwise it will not be possible to securely fix our frame. An even frame is the key to the success of all repair activities with wall plastic. The number of rails is calculated based on the selected step between them and the surface area of ​​the walls.

Step 3: Fasten the hardware to the frame

At the corners, turns and joints, plastic fittings are attached - corners, joints and endings. Be sure to use a plumb line and a level - the fittings must be mounted as evenly as possible. These plastic elements should be bought with a margin - with self-assembly it is quite likely to spoil or inaccurately cut a corner or end, then do not go to the store on such an occasion. Corner joints are performed at 45 ˚, for which a clamp or template is used.

Fastening of accessories is carried out with small nails, in their invisible, inner part. For this, a hammer and a punch are used (see below) so as not to damage the surface visible from the outside.

Step 4: Mounting the plastic

You should decide where the last panel will be. Because it is not attached, but simply inserted into the finishing corner. It is logical if the end is in the most "untrodden" place in the kitchen. If the installation goes from the bottom up, then the last panel will be under the ceiling.

We insert the first PVC panel until it stops. Now we pull it out a little and set it perfectly level and plumb. We nail from the edges with mounting nails. Checking parallelism. We take out the nails and expose the panel again - and so on until it works out. The installation of the entire wall depends on the first plastic sheet. When this sheet is precisely mounted, the next steps are simple - insert the next panel into the "lock" all the way and nail it to each frame rail.

We got to the end of the wall. We measure the remaining width (taking into account the depth of the mounting bracket!). We cut out the plastic, slide it into the fittings and carefully insert it into the lock of the previous panel. The installation of the wall is completed, go to the next one.

Installing PVC wall panels for the kitchen on your own is much easier than experimenting with laying tiles or linoleum flooring. Any damaged part can always be thrown away and replaced with a new one; with the development of skills, the percentage of such defects will steadily decrease. It's pure work with a quick payoff in the form of a smooth wall surface and the pleasure of your own craftsmanship.

What is it, aprons available and on order, in various colors, this product can not only protect walls from pollution, but also update and decorate the room.

The production uses high-quality modern material made of food-grade plastic with a pattern using thermal and photo printing, with a highly varnished or matte surface with 3D drawing applied in several layers and creating the effect of depth and volume.

The service life is about 5 years, which is important for the use of such an inexpensive and easy-to-install material.
Today, ABS plastic is very popular among the materials used to decorate and protect the wall surface from mechanical damage, moisture, and household chemicals. Food grade ABS plastic is plastic, hygienic and easy to use. ABS sheets are heat resistant and withstand temperatures from 40*C to 180*C. The temperature for drawing a pattern on ABS plastic for its reliable and durable fixation is 180*C. ABS kitchen aprons are practical and have an attractive appearance: they do not absorb grease, they are easy to clean with a rag and non-abrasive detergents, with proper care they retain the visual effect of glass for a long time, they have a very clear and high-quality pattern.
When installing it, only accuracy and basic skills are required from a specialist. Aprons are easily transported, mounted, do not break, easily take their original shape after being rolled up, do not crack when screwing in screws, and are easily cut with a construction knife. For cutting, it is enough to make marks and draw a straight line with a sharp blade along the surface of the apron, then break it at the notch. It is necessary to glue to the wall surface with a special adhesive for plastics and wall panels.

  • ABS plastic is better than ordinary plastic;
  • Support a local manufacturer.

If you need a large number of aprons, you can request wholesale price via the feedback form.

  • Easy transport: rolled into a roll 60 cm high, 25-30 cm in diameter. Compact and lightweight roll can be transported to the subway or take up minimal space in the car. After unpacking, it easily returns to its original shape.
  • Attractive price.
  • Density of ABS apron allows you to close all the irregularities and defects of the surface on which it is mounted. In the product card you will find photos of interiors with ABS aprons.
  • Savings of services of the Transport Company: the minimum volume, light weight and ease of packaging allows you to spend about 500.00 rubles on transportation to distant regions.
  • Easy installation: no special knowledge is required, it is mounted using liquid nails for polystyrene or self-tapping screws. Easily cut with a utility knife or disc.
  • 100% moisture resistance, heat resistance up to 180 degrees C, brightness and quality of thermal printing, varnished or matte 3D surface, resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Easy to clean from dirt and greasy traces, does not absorb fat, does not fade over time. To preserve the durability of the varnishing of the coating, cleaning with liquid, non-abrasive detergents.
  • Set: Additionally, at the request of the customer, the apron is completed with PVC strips 3 mm thick: initial, connecting, internal and external corners. Initially, these strips are designed for mounting HDF aprons, however, when using silicone sealant, they are perfectly mounted and complement thinner ABS materials.
  • Delivery: We deliver in the Moscow region and regions. The cost of delivery in Moscow is 800.00 rubles.

Previously, only tiles served to protect the walls of the kitchen from household pollution, but today you can create an apron with your own hands that is in harmony with the interior of the room. The first task is to decide on the choice of material.

Types of apron for the kitchen

The most common material options for an apron for the kitchen include:

  • Plastic. Installation of this design is simple, maintenance will also not cause difficulties, and the costs are very democratic.
  • MDF. A good choice, inexpensive material, resistant to fungus and mold.
  • Glass. A more expensive option, a novelty in the kitchen interior. You will have to wash often, and the fragility of the glass will not protect against strong impacts. A more practical option is tempered glasshowever, its price is much higher.
  • Tile. Inexpensive, unmarked, simple. For conservatives repair - a great option.

And yet, the first option is chosen more often, besides, plastic implies the use of PVC panels, and sheet plastic and carbonate glass (also a type of plastic). The material is suitable for any style of the room, minimal maintenance is required, and in terms of its aesthetic qualities, plastic is not inferior to more expensive designs.

plastic apron

A plastic apron is remarkable in that it has a fairly high heat resistance, it is in close contact with the kitchen wall, does not accumulate dirt and dust, and is strong in imitating almost any texture.

To do the installation of plastic panels (sheets) with your own hands, you need:

  • Determine the size of the apron. The height of the table is the basis for calculating the distance from the floor to the base. The apron should be at least 1-2 cm below the table surface.
  • The height of the apron ends where the wall cabinets begin. He may or may not reach them.
  • Cut of plastic panels. The best way to do this is with a hand saw with a fine-toothed file inserted.
  • You can fix the plastic on the wall in different ways.. A quick way is to glue the material, but then it will be very difficult to tear off its walls with your own hands. You can also screw plastic onto self-tapping screws, but it is best to install self-tapping screws on a base of metal profilesattached to the wall. It turns out that the apron is removable.

All is ready!

Fastening for plastic panels (video)

PVC panel apron

Installation of this design is practically no different from the previous version. The main thing is that the walls of the kitchen are even. In this case, the installation will be as simple as possible.

If there is no ideal evenness of the walls, then you need to prime the surface, close up all the cracks, cover with plaster and re-prime. Then the apron is to be glued. PVC panels are fixed like this:

  • Mounting adhesive is applied to the inside of the protective layer. Glue is smeared both on the entire surface of the plastic and on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen where it will be fixed.
  • The distance between the adhesive strips is about 15 cm. As soon as the glue is applied, the plastic is applied to the wall, it can be fixed using spacers.
  • Additional fixation. At the corners of the panel can also be attached with self-tapping screws.

It is obvious that it is not difficult to cope with the installation of plastic with your own hands.

Finishing a kitchen apron with PVC panels (video)

Helpful hints

A plastic sheet is cheap, and the economy version of a kitchen renovation involves the use of just such a design. Some knowledge about the characteristics of plastic will be useful:

  • Plastic is not afraid of high temperatures, except, of course, direct exposure to fire.
  • The surface of the panels is even, so dirt will not clog into tight-fitting joints.
  • Plastic is not afraid of moisture, so the processes of decay of the material are excluded.
  • But you can’t clean plastic with abrasive products, they are dangerous for him.
  • Plastic can be washed with a damp soft cloth or sponge. The detergent should not be hard, otherwise the surface will be scratched, and the pattern will not be preserved.

  • It is easy to break through plastic with something sharp, piercing, cutting. Therefore, it is impossible to allow, for example, children to try to pierce the material with something.
  • The choice of colors and patterns of the panels is incredibly large: both plain, and extravagant, and imitating natural natural drawings.

If at some point some panels become annoying, it will be affordable to change them to more modern ones.

Modern ideas for finishing an apron in the kitchen (video)

Wall panels for the kitchen are a great way to radically change the design of the backsplash.

Wall panels for the kitchen look beautiful, they are practical and reliable.

Features of panels for kitchens

The most important of the advantages of this type of finishing materials is that with their help you can modify the interior so much that it will be simply unrecognizable. Such panels can be chosen absolutely for any of the design styles of the design of the kitchen. The market for this product offers a variety of color variations. When choosing a material, you can view photos of panels for the kitchen and choose exactly what you like and will suit the design of your kitchen area.

The panels are easy to install. Therefore, almost everyone can carry out work on the design of their interior design, even if he is not a professional builder.

Almost all wall panel options available on the market have special advantages that are suitable for kitchen conditions. In addition, it is very easy to take care of such material, and if necessary, it can be very easily replaced.

Video: how to choose wall panels, tips from experienced craftsmen!

Of course, each type of panel has its own characteristics (in terms of appearance, installation and ease of maintenance).

What wall panels for the kitchen to choose?

Due to the wide and varied assortment, the panels can be chosen not only in different colors and designs. And also in order to divide the room into separate zones, place certain accents in the interior, decorate the additional decor of the room or make the main decoration of both the walls and the kitchen apron.

In any case, from a huge variety, everyone can choose for themselves exactly what they need!

PVC panels for the kitchen

PVC wall panels for the kitchen are a fairly economical option and, moreover, very common. Plastic panels for the kitchen are absolutely practical, which is not at all difficult to explain, because they:

  • Completely impervious to moisture
  • Able to withstand different temperatures
  • Easily replaceable if needed (and very inexpensive)
  • They are easy to care for

Such materials are easily mounted on the wall, thanks to the wooden frame and the most common fasteners. Everything is done in a certain sequence, with the help of such improvised means as: a hacksaw, construction knife, pliers, ceiling, screwdriver, dowels and self-tapping screws.

As a result, when buying wall panels, there is no need to additionally spend money on installation work or any special types of fasteners. And all thanks to the fact that you can buy everything you need for fastening in the same place where the panels themselves are, and you can install them yourself.

MDF panels for the kitchen

This material is almost the same as PVC.

The difference lies in the fact that MDF does not tolerate moisture at all, because to some extent it is the same paper. And if such panels are used incorrectly or inaccurately in practice, they will quickly become completely unusable: they will swell and spoil the overall appearance of the kitchen interior.

Accordingly, MDF panels for the kitchen must initially be selected with a special protective coating and “behave carefully” in the kitchen. Or you can place such a finish in a zonal way, or maybe even on the territory of the dining room, so that it is as far as possible from the stove and sink.

Video: installing an MDF kitchen apron

The design of such materials is quite diverse. With it, you can more economically replace marble materials, as well as expensive stone or wood.

Sheet panels

These are PVC and MDF panels, which are produced by narrow long sheets. They can be easily cut into the desired shape and size. All characteristics are exactly the same as those of MDF and plastic panels for the kitchen.

Therefore, when you choose sheet panels, be sure to discuss with the seller the material from which they are made.

Glass panels for the kitchen

These materials are awesome. They are the most popular, but they are also the most expensive of all. Glass panels for the kitchen are also used to finish the work area or backsplash. Glass absolutely does not lend itself to any reaction to elevated temperature and the ingress of moisture or liquid.

And if the glass surface gets dirty, this is not a problem at all, because it is very easy to clean. Thanks to all these advantages, glass panels are of interest to most people who renovate kitchen designs.

Based on this, this type of panels is also valued financially. But if you have the means, you will never regret that you made wall panels from glass!

Laminated wall panel

This is also a great option for decorating kitchen areas, but it should not be located close to the stove or sink. Ideally, this type of panel will fit into the area where food is eaten.

What to look for when choosing wall panels?

There are a number of nuances that you should pay attention to, namely:

  • Moisture resistance of the material
  • Withstand temperature fluctuations
  • Easy cleaning. He should not be afraid of grease and liquids.
  • Ability to respond to mechanical stress
  • Beautiful appearance and at the same time - durable material
  • Easy to assemble or dismantle.

Video: glass kitchen apron

Installation of panels in the kitchen

If we are talking about plastic, laminated or MDF panels, their installation is absolutely simple. It is necessary to attach a wooden frame using a level and a tape measure, as well as make accurate markings and calculate the correct measurements for both the panels for the kitchen apron and for all other areas.

Video: Kitchen installation overview, with panel installation

The time that you will have to spend on installing the panels yourself is about one hour per square meter. In the case of installing glass finishes, it is better to entrust it to professional craftsmen, since it will be quite difficult to install them without the necessary skills and experience.

Traditionally, the backsplash and walls of the kitchen are lined with ceramic tiles, however, plastic panels can oppose this material a lot - both in terms of design and in terms of practicality. To understand why this is so, consider the classification of the material.

What are plastic panels for the kitchen

Plastic panels for the kitchen are made from extruded polyvinyl chloride (PVC). They are classified into types according to dimensions:

  1. PVC lining: 10-12.5 cm wide, up to 3 m long, as a rule, monochrome;

  1. Actually wall plastic panels: width 15-50 cm (25 cm are more common), length up to 3 meters, seamless connection;

  1. PVC sheet: 0.8-2.03 meters wide, 1.5-4.05 meters long, 1 to 30 mm thick; with a flat, smooth surface, matte or glossy.

Advantages of plastic panels

The walls and apron of the kitchen, lined with plastic panels, have the following advantages:

  • Lightweight construction, making PVC mounting incredibly easy;
  • Speed ​​of fastening work - plastic kitchen panels are fastened 10 times faster than ceramic tiles;
  • Apron and plastic walls are incredibly easy to clean - they can be wiped with napkins or washed with standard detergents (non-abrasive);
  • Plastic panels for the kitchen are made of hard PVC, resistant to high temperatures (sensitivity threshold - 120°);
  • Modern plastic trim allows you to create a kitchen backsplash with any design - with unusual prints, three-dimensional patterns or original colors, transparent wall panels are often used;
  • And the main advantage - the cladding of walls and an apron made of plastic - is budgetary and affordable.

Cons of plastic trim

Of course, plastic wall panels have their drawbacks - in most cases they are a counterbalance to affordable cost. The main negative characteristics of plastic include:

  • Small margin of safety, low wear resistance;
  • The possibility of damage to the front decorative panel due to prolonged contact with detergents or ultraviolet rays;
  • Combustibility upon contact with open fire - this should be taken into account when placing a kitchen apron.

There is one more nuance - PVC wall panels for the kitchen must certainly have all certificates, including hygienic, confirming the manufacture of material from safe raw materials that do not emit harmful substances when heated.

Do not think that finishing the kitchen with pvc panels is impractical or unprofitable. The main thing is to choose the right material.

When choosing kitchen wall panels, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. The dimensions of the plastic sheet or panel should be larger than the apron area - so that the material goes behind the cabinets and is slightly below the work surface.
  2. If you plan to place plastic close to the hob, then do not forget to make sure that the material has fire safety certificates.
  3. The color scheme is selected depending on the characteristics of the kitchen: large patterns and dark colors are preferred in spacious rooms, and in small rooms, wall panels with small floral ornaments or calm light colors will be more appropriate. A win-win- light plain or wood-imitating panels without gloss.

  1. You can choose wall panels with unique design textures: metallized for, brick for, wood for, imitation of old images or ornaments for vintage.

With the help of plastic panels in the backsplash and on the walls, you can even visually expand the kitchen spaceif they are installed horizontally, and "raise" the ceiling when installed vertically.

Advice! A plastic apron should be supplemented with a border that protects the panel joints from moisture and dirt.

Also see our other articles:

We fix the wall panels with our own hands

To fix the panels in an apron or on the walls, you will need the following tools:

  • Hammer drill and screwdriver;
  • Pencil, tape measure;
  • Plumb or level;
  • Construction stapler, staples to it;
  • Glue;
  • metal profile or wooden beams to create a crate;
  • Hangers;
  • Dowels, self-tapping screws;
  • Actually PVC panels of the selected type and size.

Method 1. Plastic panels can be glued directly to the wall. This is an easy-to-implement method, however, it will not be possible to dismantle the material without damage if necessary. In addition, gluing is only possible if the kitchen walls are even and their difference is no more than 1 centimeter. Additionally, the panels should be fixed in the corners with self-tapping screws.

Method 2. You can screw the material directly to the wall - for this, mounting holes are drilled, the panel is fixed, and the places where the screw heads are located are masked with plugs. For this method of fastening, you will need to first prepare the wall: repair cracks and potholes, level, prime.

Method 3. Plastic can also be installed on the crate - first, the panels are screwed (attached) to the profile or plank, and then they are already attached to the wall.

Method 4. The installation of plastic panels using metal profiles and brackets is carried out according to a similar technology using a crate.

Polyvinyl chloride is a universal plastic material, the hygienic and mechanical characteristics of which fully allow its use in the repair of residential premises. Plastic panels for the kitchen are rich in variety, thanks to the lamination of the external PVC surface of the panel. Numerous fashionable textures of lamination are complemented by textured photographs, the prints of which imitate anything: from annual rings of wood to luxurious Venetian plaster. It is especially nice that some kitchen panels have a texture similar to how the wall mosaic looks in the photo. This solution looks great in quality.

Types of plastic wall panels

To update and decorate the kitchen walls as quickly as possible, there are three types of PVC panel:

Rack narrow type-setting panels.

Their width is from 25 to 50 cm. And the standard length - wall - from 2.6 to 3 meters. With these panels, the usual lining is most of all associated. The similarity with plastic skins is also in the installation method. Ideally, if the rack panels are mounted on a wooden or aluminum crate. If the kitchen area urgently requires saving space, then you can only glue the material on pre-aligned walls. Moldings are designed for all joints in the corners.

Square PVC Tile.

Its dimensions can vary from 30x30cm to 98x98cm. Tiled panels can lay out an aesthetic motif or pattern. They are also attached to the crate of wooden slats. The assembly of plates among themselves is carried out by the comb-groove method. The thickness of panels and slabs ranges from 8 to 25 m.

Sheet wall panel for the kitchen.

This is a monolithic dense sheet of considerable size: an average of 1.22x2.44m. It can also be printed with a trendy print that imitates photographs. The thickness of the sheet is much less than that of the panel - only 3-6 mm. For joints, special fittings are not provided, so the seams between the sheets are filled with sealant or masked with a rack profile.

Video about what wall panels are:

The reaction of plastic panels to temperature conditions

It may surprise you, but the expansion of the PVC material when the temperature rises by 40°C leads to a lengthening of the three-meter panel by 1 cm. This should be considered if repairs are made during the cold season. If you are dealing with plastic sheet materials in winter, then trim their edges so that there is a gap of 5 mm at the top and bottom in the grooves of the guide profile. This will protect the material from deformation during temperature changes, which are constant for the kitchen. There is advice from experienced people, suitable for any wall materials, if the repair is started in winter - let the PVC rest in the heat of the apartment for a couple of days - it will heat up and acquire the properties of normal expansion. The same applies to the situation if the wall panel for the kitchen is installed in the heat. In heat, the material expands, and the wall sheets seem to fit perfectly into the grooves. But with the onset of cold weather, cracks at the joints of PVC panels will suddenly become noticeable. In principle, it's okay, because next summer everything will return to normal again. But it is worth remembering that it is better to make such repairs in the kitchen in the off-season.

Rules for installing plastic wall panels for the kitchen

The installation of any wall material consists of a string of important processes that should be responsibly addressed at each stage:

The choice of model and color of plastic wall panels for the kitchen

For the kitchen, the idea may come in handy when the lower part of the wall is sheathed horizontally with panels of a darker color, and the light upper part vertically.

Calculation of the volume of PVC wall panels for purchase

You need to calculate the number of panels based on the quadrature of the sheathed walls of the kitchen, adding the trimming of each panel along the length. That is, you need to count how many panels will fit in the kitchen along the width of each of the walls, and multiply the number by the length of the panel offered in the store. Multiply the resulting number by the width of the panel in meters.

Calculation of moldings for joining PVC panels

There are various docking profiles for wall sheets. Some help to bring the skin in the corners, others - to join the cut ends of the rails. Still others snap into the grooves between the ceiling and wall panels, acting as baguettes.

Lathing device for mounting kitchen wall panels

The crate is easiest and cheapest to make from wooden slats with a section of 25x40mm. This is a great item for the kitchen.

Attention! The wood must be well and properly dried.

Clearly horizontally (track the building level) the topmost and bottommost profiles of the rails are set. Then - all intermediate ones with an interval of 60 cm.

Screw the crate to the walls of the kitchen with self-tapping screws with a hiding head. If the wall is with tolerable curvature, then a horizontal crate is quite enough.

Sheathing the kitchen with plastic wall panels

  • Installation of panels starts from the corner.
  • The first of them is installed strictly on a vertical level and is grabbed with staples of a construction stapler.
  • When the plastic rail has taken its place, it is fixed with small self-tapping screws, one for each wooden bar. All of the following skins will automatically fit as they should. However, special brackets are sold for attaching plastic wall panels. It is very convenient to work with them, and they are reliable in operation.

If you will tile the floor, then here is a link where to buy floor tiles for the kitchen in Moscow
