The living conditions of people today require compliance with certain rules and norms of fire safety. Each requirement is conditioned by the size of the probable damage from possible fires. Accelerated elimination of the fire source is of great importance. It will not be possible to eliminate the fire quickly and effectively without the timely supply of a sufficient volume of fire extinguishing agents through the fire hose to the right place.

Fire hoses are the tools that any fire brigade needs to carry out their duties. This is due to the fact that water is mostly used to extinguish fires, as well as other solutions based on it. To work on numerous objects, a huge variety of fire hoses are used, differing in length, diameter, and materials from which they are made.

Functional characteristics

All fire hoses are pipelines made of elastic materials, equipped with special connecting heads. Thanks to such devices, fire extinguishing agents are supplied to sources of ignition.

Classification of fire hoses is a variety of types that are used depending on the type of fire. Such devices should be among the tools intended for the maintenance and use of residential facilities.

There are the following types of fire hoses: special hoses operating at very low temperatures, as well as devices with increased level resistance to various reagents and chemical compositions.

suction arms

Suction fire hoses are specially designed to supply fire extinguishing agents to the nozzles of pumping devices from direct sources. Ordinary devices function from natural as well as open sources water.

Suction-delivery hoses are universal tools because they can be used under vacuum both from pipelines with liquid supply under high pressure as well as from natural sources. There are sleeves with a diameter of 75 to 200 mm and a length of 2 to 4 m.

Pressure hoses

Pressure fire hoses are used to work in extreme conditions when supplying fire extinguishing solutions and water over relatively long distances. Pressure fire hoses withstand temperatures from -40 to +40 °C.

Some devices can supply water in the most severe climatic conditions. This type of sleeves differs from the rest in high wear resistance, and the presence of internal and additional external layers of waterproofing makes it possible to use them in a wide variety of situations.

To increase the service life, it must be periodically performed. This usually requires special devices. Rewinding is carried out on edge or on a new fold. Before each rewind, the tightness of the sleeves must be checked.

It is necessary to dry them indoors, or in any other place where direct Sun rays. Correct use and storage of all devices allows you to keep their technical properties for a long time and thereby guarantee fire safety on various objects.

Rewind safety requirements

Only employees who have undergone appropriate training may be allowed to rewind. Each employee participating in the imposition must be suitably equipped. Before winding, make sure that all working parts are in good condition.

On the coil of each machine for rewinding fire hoses, the wire must be wound tightly enough so that it does not abruptly break off when unwinding. The brake shaft mounted on the coil should fit as tightly as possible the strap connecting the system to the pedals.

Care must be taken to ensure that not a single finger is caught under the wire during the tying process. The half nut, the installation of which must be carried out in accordance with safety requirements, is tightly fixed on the machine.

When winding, the wire must be kept in constant tension without loosening or sharp jerks. For winding it is necessary to use only materials specially designed for this. Deformed half nuts must not be used. The room in which the winding is carried out must be well lit.

Integrity check

  • visual inspection

Each sleeve is subject to visual inspection at least once a month. Such instructions refer to the devices used. A visual inspection of any sleeve must be carried out after each use. Unused fixtures are inspected once a year.

Checks are carried out to detect discoloration, defects, deformations, spots, punctures, flaking, small cracks. Internal surfaces are visually inspected for clearance.

  • tightness test

During scheduled inspections, as well as after repair work fire hoses must be hydraulically tested. The tightness is also checked if the slightest suspicion arises during visual inspection.

Each fire hose must undergo such tests at least twice a year. At the end of the warranty period of storage, equipment at various bases and warehouses must undergo hydraulic tests with a working pressure.

Test plan:

  1. overpressure testing is carried out by connecting one end of the fire hose to special devices that inject high pressure. On the other hand, the blocking plug creates an obstacle to the flow of water;
  2. the liquid fills the sleeve, and only after that the plug is closed;
  3. depending on the type of failure of the hose, the pressure slowly increases to a level that meets the requirements.

During the testing of fire hoses and at their completion, no leakage, rupture or swelling should be observed, and the metal spiral should retain its original shape without deformation.

The sleeve is sent for repair if it does not pass the test and is written off when it is not recoverable at all.

  • peel test

A visual inspection rarely reveals a delamination of the inner rubber part. When the vacuum is removed, this component of the sleeve is discharged. If such delamination is suspected, a water test using a pump is carried out. If there is a defect, the vacuum gauge will show a high level of vacuum, and water will not enter the pump.

Legal requirements

Fire hoses must necessarily provide employees with the possibility of unhindered delivery of fire extinguishing agents to the fire site. The speed, strength of each connection and the tightness of the entire fire hose is ensured by special connecting heads.

The operational and quality properties of fire hoses, as well as connecting heads must necessarily comply with all technical parameters special hydraulic devices used by fire departments.

By state standards on all sleeves at a strictly fixed distance of 150 mm from one of the edges of the roll, a specific marking must be applied, which must be maintained throughout the guaranteed period of use and storage, which indicates:

At the other end, the sleeve must be marked with the corresponding trademark of the manufacturer.

Sleeves made for operation in areas with a frosty climate must be marked in accordance with the instructions specified in GOST 14892.

Each sleeve is supplied rolled up, while the winding must always be even, without prominent turns and protruding edges. To fix the outer end, a special dressing is used that will not damage the sleeve. To ensure safety, the rolls are packed in piles and must be wrapped in a special material and sewn up.

Sleeve selection

In the process of operation, synthetic fibers have a huge advantage. Sleeves made of this material are very light, have a fairly high elasticity, do not require drying after use, can be used in areas with different type climate because the technical properties allow operation in a very wide temperature range. When using some samples, increased resistance to the effects of a variety of aggressive chemical compositions is observed.

The use of natural fibers in the manufacture of fire hoses also has its advantages.

For example, such devices may be a twenty-meter pipeline with half nuts attached at both ends to connect to a fire hose and a faucet located on the site. Latex sleeves can withstand pressure up to 1.6 MPa. The permissible temperature range varies from -40 to +45 °С. The duration of operation of such hoses should not exceed 5 years.

TTX fire hoses

Firehose- this is a flexible pipeline equipped with connecting heads and is designed to supply fire extinguishing agents (OTV) to the place of fire extinguishing.

Additional ways to use fire hoses:

  • as a guide cable for orientation in a smoky area;
  • to alert the receiver or the GDZS link, by twitching the sleeve;
  • for self-rescue from a height instead of a fire rope;
  • to raise the PTV to a height.

Types of fire hoses:

  • pressure;
  • pressure-suction;
  • suction.

Types of fire hoses according to the material of manufacture:

  • linen sleeves;
  • linen jute sleeves;
  • rubberized sleeves;
  • latex sleeves;
  • sleeves with a bilateral polymeric covering.

Pressure fire hoses

  • Purpose: for transporting OTV to the place of fire
  • Length: 20 meters
  • Diameter: 38, 51, 66, 77, 89, 150mm
  • Device:
    - woven or knitted reinforcing frame;
    - internal waterproofing coating;
    - outer protective coating or impregnation;
    - cuffs.
  • Trial: on pressure - 3 min.
    - sleeves in operation: 1 time in 6 months (with seasonal maintenance), after repair.
  • Rolling to another edge: 1 time per year.

Pressure-suction fire hoses

  • Purpose: for water intake from a fire hydrant (GH);
  • Length: 4 meters;
  • Diameter: 77 mm;
  • Classes:
    - Class IN
    - Class KSh 20% .
  • Device:
    - internal rubber chamber;

    - the second textile layer;
    - connecting half-nuts;
    - cuffs.
  • Trial
    - new sleeves: when setting in the calculation.

Suction fire hoses

  • Purpose: for water intake from open water sources;
  • Length: 4 meters;
  • Diameter: 125mm;
  • Classes:
    - Class IN- the working medium is water (technical);
    - Class KSh– working medium are weak solutions of inorganic acids and alkalis with concentration up to 20% .
  • Device:
    - internal rubber chamber;
    - textile layer (inner);
    - steel wire spiral;
    - intermediate rubber layer;
    - the second textile layer;
    - protective outer textile layer (rubber for KSh class hoses);
    - connecting half-nuts;
    - cuffs.
  • Trial: with vacuum plug - 3 min. and pressure - 10 min.
    - new sleeves: when setting in the calculation.
    - sleeves in operation: at TO-1, when changes in quality are detected, after repair.
    After the test, the hose shall not have any inner surface bulges, bubbles, tears and flaking.

How to roll sleeves:

  • single roll;
  • double roll;
  • harmonic;
  • eight.

Pressure loss in hose lines:

  • 1 atmosphere per branches;
  • 1 atmosphere per 10 meters vertically (3 floors of a residential building);
  • 1 atmosphere per 100 meters horizontally.

The fire hose is a pipeline with a flexible design that serves to transport water and other fire extinguishing compounds (foam solution, powder mixture). It is equipped with special connecting heads. When extinguishing a fire, it is necessary to take into account possible pressure losses inside the element, depending on the distance to ignition and other laws specific to hydraulics.

Sleeves of this type operate on the principle of direct supply of the working mixture to the main fire hose. The head pressure varies between 2-8 atmospheres. Pressure hoses are the most common, as they are supplied to all fire trucks, train and ship tanks. Also, the elements are widely used in economic activity.

Storage and transportation is carried out by means of a single or double roll on a special coil. Brief classification:

  • Models with reinforcing natural fiber frame (linen, jute).
  • Options with a cover made of synthetic materials (rubberized coating, latex, polymer).

These products undergo a series of checks and comply with GOST. Every 6 months it is necessary to rewind all fire hoses.

Suction-delivery versions

Sleeves of this configuration serve to draw fluid from hydrants and springs. A pump unit is used to create a vacuum. The features of the devices include the presence of a steel wire frame with a durable textile cover.

The diameter of products of the suction pressure type is from 5 to 20 cm. For high-quality connection of individual segments between themselves or the working pipe of the tank, the use of keys K-80 and K-150 is required. This is due to the high rigidity and big size elements. Purpose - pumping of foaming agent, oil and other special liquids.

Suction options

Suction fire hoses are structurally similar to the previous counterpart. hallmark is a reinforced structure that includes:

  • Rubber inner chamber.
  • A couple of layers of textiles.
  • Wire in the form of a spiral.
  • Intermediate rubber and outer textile lining.

The modifications under consideration do not differ in length from other standards. The indicator depends on the characteristics of fire transport, is 4 meters. Location - a special compartment-pencil case in the upper part of the tanker or at the level of the pump department, which is somewhat more convenient during operation.


Sleeves of the "universal" type are used on internal hydrants and portable pumps. Models "standard" are suitable for supplying special solutions under pressure. The "technolen" option is focused on mobile equipment and motorized pumps with a working pressure of up to 1.6 MPa. They are resistant to wear and low temperatures.

Latex sleeves are equipped with internal waterproofing and are used to transport liquids under a force of no more than 1.6 MPa. Rubberized models of the "Armtex" type with a double polymer coating are used foaming agents with a hydrogen pH of 7 to 10 units.

Hello, dear readers, who are not indifferent to compliance with fire safety standards and requirements. Did you know that at least 85% of all fires are extinguished using fire hoses? It is a fact.

Therefore, it is natural that special attention is paid to their production and operation. And this means that you and I should approach the choice of this fire extinguishing agent thoughtfully and purposefully. In addition to other technical characteristics, the diameters of fire hoses play an important role.

It is this indicator, more precisely, its identity to the dimensions of the outlets of fire hydrants, motor pumps, etc., you will agree, that primarily ensures the functioning of the entire system.

To be sure, the commendable commitment to compliance is usually motivated by two factors: the desire not to incur the righteous wrath of the fire inspector and, indeed, concern for one's own safety.

In both cases, the choice of the correct diameter of the fire hose must be approached in detail. And then the inspector comes, looks into the fire cabinet, and there is a 2 ” (inch) fire water pipe, a PK-50 faucet, and a 66mm sleeve.

But the inspector is nothing compared to when you suddenly have to put out a real fire. It turns out that there is nothing. Further development events, I think you can imagine.

It is in order to prevent both variants of trouble that we have gathered today. Together we will figure out how to determine the diameter of the sleeve, how to choose it correctly, and a lot of necessary, interesting related information. Well, I hope the motivation is convincing, and no one waved his hand. Shall we begin to understand?

I propose to start with them, because if fighting fire is not your profession, then most likely you will encounter them. Where will you encounter? You live somewhere, work... That is, they are used in buildings and premises.

By the way, this use is strictly regulated by regulations. And which ones, let's consider in order:

  1. Code of Practice SP 10.13130.2009 “Fire protection systems. Internal fire plumbing. It clearly describes the requirements for the minimum water consumption when extinguishing a fire in buildings of various heights and purposes. There is also the necessary table of water consumption, depending on the diameter of the fire hose.
  2. GOST R 51049-2008 “Fire fighting equipment. Fire pressure hoses. General technical requirements. Test Methods". Here are all the necessary standards that the fire hoses you have chosen must comply with.
  3. Methodological guide to the organization and operation of fire hoses. It gives clear requirements and recommendations for use, maintenance, repair and much, much more, up to the decommissioning of fire hoses.

This documentation completely, transparently describes everything that you need to know and do when equipping a building, premises of various purposes with elements of a fire safety system.

But back to diameters. The most common sizes of pressure fire hoses are 51mm diameter, 66mm diameter and 77mm diameter. The first two options are used not only for completing fire cabinets in rooms, but also on fire trucks.

Naturally, they have significant differences, since their working pressure is higher - from 1.6 MPa to 3.0 MPa versus 1.0 MPa for taps. The third option - 77mm - is used exclusively on fire equipment, being in service with the Ministry of Emergencies.

In addition to the obvious differences in the density of materials used to withstand higher pressures and the corresponding markings, there are differences that can be literally determined on the spot. We are talking about such an indicator as weight.

So, how much should one meter of RPK with a diameter of 51mm weigh for a crane. The answer is no more than 350 grams. The same diameter, but for RPM - 450 grams. At first glance, the difference is insignificant, but if you consider that the standardized length of the RP for cranes is 10, 15 and 20 meters, and the RP for equipment is 20 meters, then it’s easier to notice the difference.

Now we will carry out similar measurements with a diameter of 61mm. For cranes - no more than 450 grams, for equipment - 550 grams. Sleeve length is the same.

Finally, 77mm. Single weight running meter of such technical means is 650 grams.

In fact, everything specifications indicated directly on the surface. It is for this purpose that labeling is carried out. It is located next to the connecting head - no further than 10-15 cm from it.

What you should pay attention to here: RPK - sleeves for cranes, RPM - for fire equipment. Just remember that, with respect to the diameter, the conditional passage is indicated in the marking, and we are talking about the actual one. That is: the actual 51mm corresponds to the conditional 50mm, the catch 66mm - the face value of 65mm.

You can easily find more complete information in GOST R 51079-2008. Do not be lazy so as not to buy a cheap fake.

How to choose the right RPK

How to determine which sleeve is needed? In fact, there is little trick here. First, refer to the above regulations. Secondly, it depends on the diameter of the fire water pipe at your facility.

I'll tell you a secret, only you - in 99% of cases, a fire cabinet will need a diameter of 51mm. I’ll justify it: no matter how many firefighters I talked to, they all as one claim that they haven’t come across a diameter of 66mm in buildings for a long time, since this is already an “outdated format”.

The vast majority of buildings are equipped with 2-inch fire water pipes, on which, respectively, a PK-50 crane is installed. This necessitates the use of a RPK with an identical nominal bore, that is, an actual diameter of 51mm.

However, it still cannot be ruled out that you can stumble upon a 2.5-inch pipe with a PK-70 tap. This is where 66mm is needed. Although now it is recommended to use various adapters so as not to mess with a rare format.

One way or another, but both diameters of the RPK fully comply with all the necessary requirements prescribed in SP 10.13130-2009. As if by chance reminded you of the importance technical documentation in matters such as fire safety.

Pressure-suction fire hoses

You will agree that pressure hoses for fire fighting equipment alone are not enough. After all, you need to get water somewhere. For this, suction and pressure-suction are used. The first ones are intended only for taking liquid from open sources, the pressure they can withstand is small - 0.3 MPa.

The latter have a broader spectrum of action, since they can also be used for sampling from water supply networks (hydrants), which, as we know, are under pressure. Their working pressure is from 0.3 MPa to 1.0 MPa.

By the way, in the presence of a motor pump, pressure-suction hoses are often used for domestic purposes. For example, summer residents, gardeners, for watering. After all, if there is a river or a lake nearby, then everything can be perfectly organized.

Their diameter is extremely variable: 25mm, 32mm, 38mm, 50mm, 65mm, 75mm, 100mm, 125mm, 150mm, 125mm, 150mm, 200mm, 250mm and 300mm. This diversity is due to a very wide range of applications of this type of sleeves.

With their help, they fight floods - pumping out liquid, with fires - taking and transporting it. By the way, not only her, but also various bulk materials, vapors and gases under high pressure.

Directly during fire extinguishing, a diameter of 100 mm is used for the intake and transportation of water to the place of ignition. The weight of one linear meter here ranges from 4.5 to 6 kg, depending on the class (C - for water, B - for gasoline, KSh - for acid-base solutions no more than 20%, and so on).

The standardized length is 4, 8 and 10 meters. However, if the length is not enough, the segments are joined using special couplings.

Surely, you have already guessed that this type of fire equipment has high strength. Hence, in fact, the weight. But you can get acquainted with the characteristics of suction and pressure-suction hoses in more detail in GOST 5398.

On this, the conversation about the diameters of fire hoses, it seems to me, can be completed. After all, we discussed exactly those options that you may have to face. However, today we have discussed only isometric characteristics.

Therefore, the conversation about fire-fighting equipment in general, and hoses in particular, is not over yet. So that we can continue it in a cozy, homely, confidential environment, subscribe to this blog. Connect your friends and acquaintances by sharing our link with them on social networks. Take care of their safety too.

Classification of fire hoses

According to their purpose, fire hoses are divided into two main groups:
  1. Pressure fire hoses
  2. Suction fire hoses
  3. Pressure-suction fire hoses

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Pressure-suction (above)
and suction arms
various diameters (below)

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Pressure fire hoses:
for fire hydrant
and mobile fire fighting equipment

Application of fire hoses

Water for extinguishing fires is supplied by pumps of fire trucks and motor pumps from various. Most simple circuit water supply is its intake from the tank of a fire truck and pumping through the main 1 and working 3 hose lines to trunks 4 (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Water intake and supply schemes:
A- from the tank of a fire truck; b- from an open water source;
V- from the water supply network;
1 – main hose line; 2 - three-way branching; 3 – working hose line; 4 - manual fire barrel; 5 - suction hose 6 – pressure-suction hose; 7 - sleeve water collector; 8 – a pressure hose for work from a hydrant

Fire extinguishing agents are supplied under pressure through pressure hoses. In the case of use (Fig. 1, b), suction hoses 5 are used for water intake. When water is taken from the water supply network (Fig. 1, c), a pressure-suction hose 6 and a short pressure hose 8 are used.

With sufficient pressure in the water supply network, water enters the pump through the sleeves 6 and 8. In case of insufficient pressure, it is sucked in by the pump through the pressure-suction sleeve 6.

Fire hoses (suction, pressure-suction and pressure) must ensure the possibility of transporting fire extinguishing agents to the fire site. Connecting heads must provide a quick, tight and durable connection of fire hoses to each other and to other fire equipment.

The strength and performance characteristics of fire hoses and connecting heads must comply with the technical parameters used by fire departments hydraulic equipment.

The history of the creation and improvement of fire hoses

In the 19th century “A fire hose was such a device, through which water can be carried in all possible directions.”

Fire hoses were of 2 types: pick-me-ups And irrigated:

  • Intake (or suction) - for transporting water from a container to a fire pipe or pump.
  • Irrigation (or ejection) - for transporting water from a fire pipe or pump to a fire site.
Pick-up sleeves were made of leather or rubber. Irrigation sleeves were made of leather, rubber or hemp. Leather sleeves, depending on the method of production, were produced with rivets or cast.

Rivet sleeves were the most expensive, but with good care were the most convenient and profitable. It should be noted that when using fire steam engines at the fire site, only leather sleeves with rivets were used, as they were more durable.

Leather cast were made of leather and stitched together. Such sleeves are somewhat cheaper than riveted sleeves, but they were subject to rapid wear due to decay of the wood and withstood less water pressure.

Rubber sleeves are much cheaper than leather ones, but they required more careful handling during operation. When broken, they were difficult to repair and could not be stored for a long time in a roll in a dry place, which led to their cracking.

Hemp sleeves are the cheapest of all the sleeves that existed at that time. They lasted a long time if kept dry. They were the most unstable when operating at low temperatures.

To connect the sleeves, threaded half nuts were used, which were connected using special crepes.

Much attention was paid to the correct operation of irrigation hoses, both in case of fire and during maintenance after using them. In a fire, to prevent their damage when moving carts and sledges, hose bridges were used.

When lifting a fire hose to a height, it was recommended that the grenade operator take it by the middle part in order to prevent a heavy load on the person working with the trunk (senior pipe worker) and a possible rupture of the hose under its own weight.

To connect irrigation hoses to each other, hose fasteners were used, of which some had external threads, while others had internal threads, therefore, when rolling out fire hoses, it was necessary to follow a certain order so that they could be connected to each other. Special keys were used to connect sleeve fasteners.

The binding of connecting sleeve fasteners was carried out on a special machine.

For different kind fasteners in the fire brigade used a whole set of keys.

During fire extinguishing and transportation of water along hose lines, their movement was not allowed. Sleeve lines were considered horizontal when the sleeves were laid horizontally. Vertical, when the sleeves are raised up or down on the wall or stairwell. Inclined, if the sleeves are laid on an inclined plane.

Methods have been developed to determine the required length of a hose line for transporting water to fire nozzles. The parameters for calculating the length of the hose line were as follows:

Marking of fire hoses in software divisions

On the hoses received by the fire department or the hose base, in addition to the factory one, additional marking is applied to their belonging to the fire department or the hose base.

On the sleeves that belong to the fire department, the marking consists of a fraction, where the number of the fire department is indicated in the numerator, and the ordinal number of the sleeve in the denominator.

On the sleeves that belong to the sleeve bases, their serial number is affixed.

Marking is applied at a distance of 1000-1500 mm from each fire connection head with stencil paint. To mark the sleeves, it is allowed to use paint of any color that contrasts with the color of the sleeve.

At the end of the input control in the fire department or at the hose base, an application is issued to
