Often, roof repairs can be done on their own.

Since the creation of the first dwelling by man, much has changed, but one thing remains the same: every house needs a roof! In the course of evolution, a wide variety of roofing coverings appeared, as they say, for every taste and budget. But nothing lasts forever under the moon, and any element of the house fails over time. When the roof as a whole or its individual components are somewhat worn out, there is no need to perform a complete replacement. A more convenient and budgetary way is do-it-yourself roof repair. It is erroneously considered that the repair work of the roof of a private house is an event that only experienced specialists can do. In fact, knowing the secrets and rules, you can do this work yourself.

Assessment of the situation and preparation for repair

The roof of a private house performs, first of all, a safe function, providing not only the comfort of living, warmth and coziness for all households, but also preventing damage to property. Therefore, if the roof is leaky, and the owners are in no hurry to repair, the consequences can be catastrophic.

Lack of inspection and repair can even lead to collapse.

Before starting to execute repair work, it is necessary to assess the situation and inspect the roof, including the attic. How to do it? Each private house has an attic or attic, it is there that you should start analyzing the situation. Having climbed into the attic, the problems are visible to the naked eye: the degree of wear of the truss system, its integrity, the presence unpleasant odors dampness and mustiness, and also mold spots or fungus. Wet spots on the ceiling or walls in living rooms can often indicate a violation of the functionality of the roof of the house.

For example, a leak can lead to an increase in humidity in the attic and the development of mold.

Advice! It is most convenient to inspect the integrity of the roof, including the attic, during heavy rain. In this way, the places of leaks are clearly determined and it is easier to understand the causes.

When the assessment of the condition is made inside the house, it is necessary to check the integrity of the roof from the outside. What to pay attention to?

It is also important to check the integrity of the coating itself.

After a thorough inspection of all the individual components of the roof of a private house, it is important to pay attention to checking the ventilation system and waterproofing. To avoid global problems and expensive repairs, it is worth conducting a routine inspection of the roof of a private house annually, the ideal time is the beginning of spring. Why is the repair of the roof of roofs relevant and should every owner of a private house know the nuances? There are several common issues that can lead to broken functionality and integrity:

The downside of old roofs is that outdated materials were used to create them.

Having studied the problem in detail and assessing the situation, you can do the current repair of the roofing with your own hands, without involving specialists.

Therapy of truss systems

The rafter system is the roofing basis of a private house. The main material for its construction, as a rule, is wood. Despite the processing wooden surface all kinds of antiseptics, the reliability of the truss system may decrease. In addition to the violation of waterproofing, various atmospheric loads negatively affect such a foundation: the severity of snow, torrents of rain, gusty winds. If damage to the rafters is detected, then it is impossible to delay the repair for a minute.

Even such a defect can lead to sad consequences.

Where to begin? First of all, in the places of damage, the skin and insulation are removed, the roofing is removed, and the crate is partially disassembled. If a center of rotting of the rafter support is detected as a result of damaged waterproofing, the site of the lesion is carefully cleaned. On both sides, at the site of the defeat of the support, boards 8-10 centimeters wide are knocked out. In the case when the center of decay extends to the very middle of the beam, reconstruction is performed. To do this, it is necessary to make a “prosthesis”: the rotten part of the support is cut out, and a bar replacement is installed in its place, its length exceeds 2 times the size of the rotten piece of the beam. The structure is reinforced on both sides with overlays and long nails.

Important! Mandatory point: all affected areas, even carefully cleaned ones, must be treated with an antiseptic.

In addition to the failure of the supporting rafters, a damaged crate can violate the integrity of the roof. Everyone can also handle its repair by doing the work with their own hands. To do this, all cracks or deflections are replaced with new ones or strengthened. To strengthen the crate, it is enough to lay a beam between the rafters, and fill the boards in the transverse direction.

Restoration of the waterproofing layer

One of the highlights is a layer of heat and waterproofing. In the event that it gets wet, the level of protection may decrease. To identify and fix the problem, you need to understand the structural features of the roofing pie:

If there was a violation of the waterproofing, and there were heat losses, the work to be done is not easy, but it is quite possible to do it yourself. First of all, the casing is removed, the vapor barrier layer is checked for moisture. If the vapor barrier is still wet, it is removed and a new one is installed in its place. Then the waterproofing layer is checked for integrity. If the film is damaged, it is replaced.

Important! The waterproofing film should go around the rafters. To do this, it is fixed with special staples or nails.

Next is the laying of insulation boards. It is necessary to cut it not end-to-end, but making a margin of 1 centimeter in order to cover the inter-rafter distance as much as possible. After the insulation is installed in place, vapor barrier is performed. As you can see, do-it-yourself repairs and restoration of roof waterproofing are essentially a simple, but multi-stage process. Withstanding the technology and the sequence of steps, even beginners can do the event. Installation of vapor and thermal insulation of the roof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB0n1FXAP-U

Recipe for repair

Due to the fact that today there is a whole firework of roof types, each material has its own problem areas and repair recipes.

  1. Metal tile. Such a roof has the following problems:
  • corrosion and rust;
  • damage to the top layer of paint;
  • deflections and deformation.

Roof from a metal tile.

Elimination of such problems is possible with your own hands. To do this, just unscrew the screws and replace the old sheet with a new one. Correct installation metal tiles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp5O0W3ADSo

  1. Seam roof made of steel:
  • rotting of the upper layers;
  • damage to the paintwork;
  • the appearance of gaps.

Steel seam roof.

Gaps can be eliminated with sealants. The integrity of the coating can be restored by covering the sheets again with paint, but first by cleaning and disinfecting the lesions. Seam roof repair https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6PKB9jdSEI

  1. Slate. problems with slate roof There may be several, but the most common is the appearance of cracks. To seal the flaws of a slate roof, you can use the following “therapy”:
  • pour a dense layer of adhesive mass;
  • glue with epoxy glue;
  • seal with duct tape.

Slate is a fairly outdated material and has recently become less and less popular.

There are often moments when the slabs on the slate roof begin to tap. In this case, a violation of the fastening is possible, and the elements should be re-fixed with self-tapping screws. The slate roof has many advantages, so its popularity does not decrease. It must be remembered that the sheets are quite fragile and when working with a slate roof, accuracy and caution are needed. Minor repair of a slate roof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ria_1eVfvk

  1. Bituminous tiles. Such soft roofing has several potential problems during operation:
  • shedding of granulate;
  • the appearance of cracks;
  • deformation.

Bituminous tiles are quite popular in private homes.

Problems can arise due to incorrect installation, improper maintenance and uneven application of the granulate. Small cracks can be sealed, as on a slate roof. If the cracks are large or there are many, it is necessary to replace the elements. Bitumen roof repair with rubber paint https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKlvwk4hBOM The secret of success is simple: all preventive and repair work must be done in a timely manner. Reliable roof- it is always the coziness and comfort of living in a family nest. Given the fact that the process is quite simple, you can do the work yourself by doing any current repairs, including mansard roof. For quality result it is important to know the secrets and structural features of the roof and the nuances of working with one or another type of roofing material.

Many do not even try to repair the roof of their own house on their own, considering this occupation to be hopeless. They call craftsmen who change the old roof. However, today such repairs are quite expensive, and it is not always justified. Sometimes you can repair the roof yourself and save a lot of money, and you won’t have to worry about replacing the roof in the coming years.

The first step is to assess the condition of the roof. To do this, you will have to climb into the attic and inspect each element of the roof - rafters, waterproofing and the floor of the attic. Dampness causes the greatest harm to a tree, so you need to carefully look for mold or fungus. Availability on wooden planks spots indicates that water is constantly getting there. It is advisable to inspect the roof during the rain, then you will not have to guess whether the roof is leaking or not, and it will also be possible to identify problem areas.

It does not interfere with inspecting the roof from the outside. Here you need to pay attention to the condition of the ridge, cornice, downpipe, ventilation channels, waterproofing layer, places where the roof adjoins pipes, etc. When inspecting, you need to pay attention to every centimeter of the roof. If moss began to grow on it, then you need to get rid of it immediately. You also need to pay attention to the presence of various defects.

After assessing the condition of the roof, it will be possible to decide on further actions. If the damage is global, then it is advisable to involve the masters. Otherwise, you can do the repair work yourself.

Top Causes of a Roof Leak

Before proceeding to the description of the repair work, I would like to say a few words about what most often causes a roof leak. First of all, this is a violation of its integrity. In this case, the repair comes down to replacing the damaged area. Also, leaks can be caused by leaky joints between the roof and pipes, parapets or antennas. Sometimes the roof starts to leak due to failure drainage system.

We repair the roof ourselves

The main element of the roof is rafter system This is the roof support. She takes almost all the burden. Therefore, the rafters must be systematically inspected and, if necessary, repaired.

First of all, you need to get to the rafter support itself, which is covered with a crate, insulation, roofing and sheathing. Then assess the condition of the rafter support: if it is completely rotten, then the damaged area is cut out. After that, a bar prosthesis is installed, which should exceed the length of the rotten part of the support by at least 2 times. On the edges of the bar prosthesis, it is necessary to install overlays. It is necessary to fasten the prosthesis to the support with nails, the length of which is 10-15 cm. During the work, temporary racks should be installed under the rafter support, which are removed at the end of the repair.

If the rafter support is slightly rotten, then it is enough to treat the affected area with special means and strengthen it on both sides with boards. It is advisable to use boards with an average thickness of 4 cm and a length of 1 m. It is often not the rafter itself that is damaged, but the crate. In this case, you need to replace the damaged crate or strengthen it.

Damaged thermal or waterproofing

If the waterproofing layer is damaged, moisture enters the thermal insulation and damages it. Getting to the thermal insulation layer is not so easy. It is located between the waterproofing membrane laid under the roofing material and the vapor barrier. Accordingly, the replacement of thermal insulation is a rather laborious process.

It is necessary to remove the inner lining and vapor barrier. In this case, do not rush to remove the heat-insulating material. If it is dry, it means that moisture did not have time to get to it. Therefore, he fully performs the functions assigned to him. Those plates that moisture has managed to get to need to be replaced with new ones. In this case, the heat-insulating material is laid between the rafters in a slightly compressed state.

Next, you need to assess the condition of the waterproofing layer. It should not have any defects. If there are any, then the waterproofing membrane will have to be changed. Lay the material in such a way that it goes around the rafter supports. It is advisable to attach the waterproofing to the rafters with staples.

Repair of roofing materials

Many people use metal tiles when arranging a roof. This roofing material must be replaced if it is rusted or has defects. The metal tile is subject to partial repair In addition, the manufacturer gives a guarantee for their products.

If a steel seam roof is used as a roofing material, then the need for repair is indicated by the presence of large gaps and the appearance of defects. Also, this material can rot. You can get rid of large gaps with silicone sealant. In case of significant damage, patches will have to be applied.

Clay and sand-cement tiles, as well as slate, are subject to partial replacement. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the data stacking technology roofing materials.

If the integrity of the shingles is broken, then patches will have to be applied. This is one of the most whimsical roofing materials, so when repairing, you should think about changing it to a less whimsical metal tile.

And finally, a small video of roof repair from the masters of their craft))

The durability of the roof rests on three pillars: competent design, adherence to technology during construction, proper operation and maintenance. If a mistake was made at any of these stages or a natural disaster of unprecedented force took place, some of the elements of this structural assembly may be damaged. How to replace them correctly - read on about this below.

Signs you need roof replacement

Of all the elements of the roof, the most intense impact from the outside external environment roofing is exposed. Therefore, it has to be changed or repaired most often. The call to action is as follows:

  1. Leaks. If water is still leaking in small quantities, indirect signs may be observed: a putrid, musty smell, mold, etc. An important circumstance should be taken into account: the place on the ceiling where water appeared may be at some distance from a crack in the roofing, especially if the slopes have big slope.

    Depressurization of the roofing leads to rotting of the wooden elements of the truss system

  2. Damage. They can occur when a tree or stone branch falls, careless cleaning or snow melting. To identify them in a timely manner, that is, before leaks appear, the roof must be periodically inspected. Also, the presence of damage can be reported by fragments of roofing that have fallen to the ground.

    Mechanical damage to the roofing will lead to leakage

  3. Color change. If the roof is covered with ondulin, corrugated board or metal tiles, then the change in color only indicates that the color coating has faded. There is no need to replace the material, unless the homeowner treats aesthetic issues with particular trepidation. Another thing is a soft roof. Some of its sections change color if stone powder has been washed off from them. And this is a very important element that protects the fragile bitumen-polymer material from solar radiation and mechanical stress. Without powder, bitumen-based roll roofing materials soon begin to crack. It is useful to look closely at the drainage system: the washed-off powder accumulates here in the first place.
  4. Deformations. If a dent appears in a sheet of corrugated board or metal tiles, it means that the protective polymer coating in this place is most likely damaged and leaks water. Because of this, the steel will gradually be destroyed by rust. On soft roofs, water can linger in dents, and in this case, over time, it will certainly seep into the roofing cake. Deformations here can be imperceptible and in order to reveal them, the roof is poured with water.

    The poor quality of asbestos-cement sheets led to their deformation

  5. Wrong choice of roofing material. The type of roofing must match the slope of the roof. It would be wrong to lay thin corrugated board with a low wave on a gentle slope - it is unlikely to withstand the load from snow, which is quite high on such roofs. Installation is also a mistake. soft roof based on bitumen with a large slope of the roof: in the heat, such material will soften and slip.
  6. Also, the amount of overlap between sheets or panels depends on the slope: it should be the greater, the more gentle the ramp is. If any discrepancy is found, the roof should be replaced before it begins to leak. It is also recommended to do the same if poor quality materials were used.
  7. Violation of the roofing fastening technology. In this case, replacement is not needed, but it is necessary to re-roof. Otherwise, after a strong wind or snowfall, you will have to make expensive repairs.

The location of the spot on the ceiling and the damage to the roofing are not always on the same straight line: for this reason, it is possible to detect the place of damage to the roof only after a thorough examination of it


Remove the old roofing must be carefully and according to all the rules. Heavy sheets at a height pose a danger to people and objects below, and the installer himself runs the risk of breaking loose. Usually dismantling is carried out in the following order:

It is desirable to carry out the dismantling of a soft roof at temperatures below +20 0 С - at higher temperatures, the bitumen softens and it is more difficult to work with it.

Seam seams, if it is necessary to reuse sheets, are disassembled carefully, using a lapel hammer or two roofing hammers. If the roof is badly worn out and it is planned to be disposed of, the standing seams are broken open with a lapel hammer and crowbar, and the lying seams are broken with a roofing chisel.

Finally, cornice overhangs, grooves and various additional elements are unfastened and lowered.

A device for lowering roofing material can be assembled, for example, in this way:

Video: dismantling the seam roof

How to change the roof on a house

The loads from snow and wind acting on the roof are quite large. If the installation is carried out without observing the technology, the matter may end not only with leaks, but also with the breakdown of the roofing. Therefore, it is better to entrust the replacement of roof elements to conscientious and experienced professionals. But minor repairs, such as installing a patch or replacing fasteners, can be done on your own.

Replacing the waterproofing film without dismantling the roof

According to the technology, a waterproofing film is laid over the rafters and fixed with a counter-lattice, on which the crate is then stuffed. It may be necessary to replace this material, for example, for one of the following reasons:

  1. Resource exhausted. That is, the film has ceased to fulfill its functions due to natural aging.
  2. Breaks appeared. This happens if a low-quality film was used or having insufficient strength, as well as if it was laid without sagging.
  3. Error in material selection. It implies the use of a conventional airtight film instead of a vapor-permeable waterproofing membrane. If it is laid close to the insulation, as is done with membranes, it will soon get wet due to steam condensation. Ordinary vapor-tight films can be used as waterproofing only if there is a ventilated gap between them and the insulation, the same as between this film and the roofing.
  4. The membrane was laid on the wrong side. We are talking about waterproofing membranes that allow water to pass in one direction. In fact, this material is intended for laying on walls, but in principle, nothing prevents it from being used in roof construction. And it happens that the film is laid on the wrong side, so it passes water into the insulation. In this case, the waterproofing, of course, must be replaced immediately.

Ideally, to replace the waterproofing film, it is necessary to remove the roofing, battens and counter battens. But for the homeowner, this is burdensome, especially if, due to lack of experience, he cannot do these works on his own and is forced to hire third-party performers.

1, 4 - counter-lattice; 2 - rafter leg; 3 - film to be replaced; 5 - heat-insulating material; 6 - vapor barrier film; 7- drywall sheets; 8 - frame for drywall, nailed to the beams; 9 - new waterproofing vapor-permeable membrane

There is a simplified way to replace the roofing film that does not require the dismantling of the roof and battens:

With this method of replacing the film, less critical elements are dismantled than roofing and sheathing. But here, too, accuracy is required: all necessary clearances must be observed, and the vapor barrier must be made absolutely tight. The disadvantage of this method is that the new waterproofing film will not protect the rafters from moisture.

If there is no suitable roofing material at hand, a temporary patch can be applied to the damage site, consisting of several layers of any fabric impregnated with nitro paint

How to replace the metal on the roof

If the roof has a metal coating, the following abnormal situations are possible:

  • when laying, the technology was violated;
  • low quality fasteners were used;
  • a tear has formed in the sheet due to rust or a blow with a heavy object.

The first case requires re-laying the coating, for which specialists should be involved. In the other two, the homeowner can do the repairs himself.

Replacing fasteners is carried out as follows:

If the sheet is broken, it must be replaced with a whole one with the same dimensions. They operate in the same order that has just been described. A small hole can be patched:

How to change beams without parsing the roof

The support for the rafters is a bar laid on top of the walls - Mauerlat. The end of the rafters is cut so that it rests on the Mauerlat with the entire area, as a result of which it can withstand the load without deformation. But if decay processes develop in the support beam, the rafters gradually push through the weakened wood and the geometry of the slope is broken. The roof looks skewed and may leak.

You can repair the beam without parsing the roof like this:

The causes that caused the Mauerlat to rot are identified and eliminated. It can be:

  • damage to the waterproofing over the wall or its absence. Under the Mauerlat, a piece of new roofing material or similar material should be laid;
  • insufficient treatment of the entire Mauerlat with an antiseptic;
  • roof leaks;
  • violations in the operation of under-roof ventilation. Check for blockages under the eaves and under the ridge, roof aerators. It must be ensured that no elements interfere with the movement of air;
  • vapor barrier leakage.

Upon completion of the repair, the struts are removed, the roofing and the eaves are installed in place.

Video: replacing rafters without dismantling the roof

Roof Resin Replacement

Over time, bituminous roofing materials lose their elasticity and crack. You can restore the waterproofing properties of the coating by replacing the resin. Here's how it's done:

Complete roof replacement

If the roof covering is badly worn, it has to be replaced entirely. They operate like this:

  1. The old coating is dismantled as described above.
  2. Choose a new roofing. If a new crate is being laid, it can be anything, as long as it matches the slope of the roof. If the replacement of the crate is not expected, it is better to use metal tiles or corrugated board: with such a coating, the flaws of the old frame will not be so noticeable.
  3. Tidy up the truss system. Rotten or moldy areas are cut out and carefully treated with an antiseptic.
  4. If the resource of the waterproofing film is exhausted, it is removed and a new one is laid, nailed or stapled to the rafters
  5. If the roof was covered with slate and it was decided to replace it with metal sheets, a counter-lattice must be added to the rafter system. It does not fit under the slate, but under the metal tile or corrugated board it must be. Otherwise, in winter, cold metal will fog up from below. The counter-lattice is boards with a thickness of 25 mm, which are stuffed along the rafters from above. Thanks to them, a blown gap will be obtained between the waterproofing film and the crate, from which the steam approaching the metal sheets will be carried out by a draft.
  6. Starting from the bottom, row after row of new roofing is laid. The row should be started from the side opposite to the prevailing wind direction. That is, if the wind predominantly blows to the right in relation to the slope, then laying the row should begin on the left.

The row is usually laid in the following sequence:

  • screw the first sheet with one self-tapping screw in the corner;
  • two or three more sheets are screwed to the first sheet;
  • the resulting chain is aligned horizontally;
  • finally screw all the sheets to the crate.

At the final stage, a ridge bar is installed. It is assembled from several parts, which, like roofing sheets, must be laid with an overlap. Laying must also be started from the side opposite to the prevailing wind direction.

Video: roof restoration

Slate roof repair

Slate has a very low cost and at the same time its service life is quite long. Therefore, this material is still used quite often, especially on country houses or outbuildings. But slate is fragile and therefore a crack or hole may appear in it with a high probability. If the damage is small, it can be repaired in one of the following ways:

The preparation of asbestos-cement mortar is carried out in the following order:

  • knead cement mortar by adding water and the same amount of PVA glue to the cement;
  • little by little the solution is introduced into asbestos, taken in a volume 3 times larger than the volume of the solution;
  • mix the mixture until smooth (it is important to knead all the lumps).

It is necessary to exclude the ingress of asbestos dust into the lungs, so the solution is prepared in a respirator.

Video: asbestos-cement slate roof repair

As you can see, many types of roof repair work can be done by the homeowner himself. But whatever they may be, even the most insignificant, you should always remember about safety precautions. Do not climb onto the roof in wet weather when the surface is slippery; make sure that the hook for attaching to the ridge on the roof ladder is held firmly; use shoes with non-slip soles.

Cracks, holes, punctures and other damage to roofing are serious problems that need to be addressed before they cause more serious damage. Dampness and stains on the ceiling are only a small part of what leaks in the roof can lead to.

House roof repair

Problems relating to the construction of the roof and roofing are quite regular situations that can be solved without resorting to the help of specialists. To find out what technical condition the roof of the building is in, it is necessary to carry out visual inspection her designs.

To do this, you need to go up to the attic and carefully examine the space around, the truss system, the crate and others. structural elements. As a rule, if the roof leaks, then already during the inspection you can feel the persistent smell of dampness. In turn, due to constant dampness and moisture, the supporting elements of the roof will be affected by mold.

It is better to carry out a roof revision in rainy weather - this will allow you to more accurately determine the places where the roof is leaking. If no signs of damage to the roof are found, and the walls and ceiling in the house are still damp, then the cause should be looked for among possible problems in the water supply and central heating system.

Roof repair must begin with an inspection of the inter-attic space and the existing roof structure.

The most common reasons why it is necessary to carry out current or major repairs of the roof include:

  • violation of the integrity of the roofing - cracks, tears, dents and other mechanical damage received during snow removal, cleaning of the roofing, etc. As a rule, leaks and damage to the heat-insulating cake occur due to mechanical damage;
  • depressurization of the seams of the roofing carpet - loss of tightness of the joints of the roofing with adjacent elements: chimney, walls, parapet, antennas. If the laying technology is violated, depressurization of the seams between the roofing sheets is possible;
  • damage to the drainage system - partial or complete failure of the roof drainage system. Usually, drainage problems are observed on flat roofs, when water simply stagnates on the roof surface. As a result, both roofing damage and moisture ingress to bearing walls buildings.

When inspecting the roof, remember that the leak may not be where water seeps through the roofing cake and drips onto attic floor. It's connected with design features pitched roofs, due to which water can freely flow through the rafter system.

Current roof repair

The current roof repair is the restoration of the structure and the elimination of local damage to the roof. Usually needed when the area of ​​damage is small compared to the total area of ​​the roof. All maintenance work can be done independently. This allows you to significantly save on labor costs. Instead, you can choose better materials.

The current repair of the roof is aimed at eliminating local damage to the roofing

Roof maintenance includes the following types of work:

  • replacement of the damaged section of the roofing carpet;
  • restoration of tightness of the connecting seam between different elements roof structure;
  • patch repair aimed at covering leaky areas of the coating;
  • single replacement of elements of the truss system;
  • roof drainage system repair.

Used to perform current repairs various materials, the choice of which directly depends on the design of the roof. For example, for the repair of pitched bitumen roofs bituminous roll coatings are used. When repairing roofs, coverings with metal tiles, galvanized sheet metal or tile elements similar in color are used.

Overhaul is carried out in cases where more than 40% of the roof surface has damage of a different nature. If the roof structure is a truss system, heat-insulating cake, vapor barrier and roofing, then a complete replacement of one of the roof elements is carried out only after a scheduled inspection.

It is better to entrust major repairs to qualified workers who can not only carry out repair work, but also eliminate the cause of damage or errors made in the design of the roof structure.

Major repairs of the roof are carried out in the case when more than 40% of the roofing surface is damaged

Major repairs are necessary in the following cases:

  • inconsistency of roofing material with the type of roof;
  • mistakes made when laying the roofing cake;
  • step discrepancy between rafter supports;
  • the presence of problems with the installation of the crate;
  • partial or complete lack of roof ventilation;
  • violation of the technology of laying and fixing roofing;
  • oversights made during the adjoining of the roofing to various communications;
  • errors in the design of the drainage system.

It should be noted that major repairs are carried out only in cases where the implementation of local repairs is impossible or will not bring results. For example, if there is damage to the gable roof truss system, coupled with damage to the roofing pie, then current repairs are impossible. In this case, a complete enumeration of the heat-insulating layer will be required, replacement of leaky rafter legs, as well as a complete replacement of the roofing on one of the roof slopes.

When performing a major overhaul, it should be borne in mind that roof damage is not always associated with a violation of the technology for working with roofing materials or errors in calculations. Sometimes roof damage is caused by increased soil mobility. Because of this, the bearing elements of the structure are displaced and the rafter legs are skewed, as a result of which there is a depressurization of the connecting seams and damage to the coating.

Rafter system repair

The rafter system is used to create pitched roofs. It includes vertical racks, inclined rafter legs and struts. All elements of the system are responsible for bearing capacity pitched roof. With the help of the truss system, the roof structure is able to withstand the load exerted by the roofing material, the volume of snow lying on it, as well as the flows of flowing water and gusts of strong wind.

Moisture on the rafters, racks and struts leads to the formation of mold and rot

Therefore, it is important to carry out a scheduled inspection of the truss system and, even if there are minor damages, carry out local repairs. Otherwise, not only the roof itself, but also the supporting elements of the structure may suffer.

The general technology for repairing the truss system is as follows:

During work, it is recommended to substitute temporary supports under the repaired rafter legs or racks - for this, it is better to work with a partner. After replacing the damaged elements, the insulating materials are laid back, the battens and roofing are installed. If these elements of the cake were also damaged, then they are partially or completely replaced.

Roof deck repair

The roof sheathing consists of edged boards or sheets of moisture-resistant material laid perpendicular to the rafter legs. Sheathing boards are laid with a certain step, which is calculated in advance based on the expected load of the roofing material and snow masses.

Solid roof sheathing is made of OSB-boards or moisture-resistant plywood

The main problem affecting the integrity of the lathing elements is moisture entering through damage to the roofing material. Therefore, the repair of the lathing is carried out in conjunction with the restoration or complete replacement of the roofing.

To repair the crate, you will need to do the following:

As mentioned above, the sheathing boards must be laid at intervals, the size of which depends on the angle of the roof. For example, for pitched roofs with a slope of 5–10 degrees, the lathing must be solid and can be made of moisture-resistant plywood or OSB. When laying roofing, the overlap between adjacent sheets must be at least 300 mm.

Roof eaves repair

Roof eaves or overhangs prevent running water from getting under the roof covering, onto load-bearing walls, windows and other building elements. Additionally, cornices provide ventilation of the under-roof space.

Structurally, the roof cornices are formed by protruding the rafter legs at a certain distance. On the front side of the building, cornices are formed due to the protrusion of the truss system beyond the bearing wall.

For filing roof eaves, it is better to use vinyl or steel siding.

Repair of cornices, as a rule, is associated with the replacement of sheathing material. Basically, either elements of vinyl and metal siding, or an ordinary edged board treated with an antiseptic.

Replacing the skin is carried out according to the reverse technology. First, the finishing bar is dismantled, and only then the plastic or metal soffit. In the case of a board, it is enough to dismantle the damaged boards and replace them with new ones. When working with wood, remember that any structural element must be treated with two layers of water-repellent impregnation.

Roof Repair Materials

Various materials are used for roof repairs, from bituminous mastic to create a seamless roofing carpet and ending with high-strength sealant used to seal metal roofs.

Adhesives for sealing

Adhesive compositions for sealing are used in the construction of both flat and pitched roofs. Used for sealing joints between sheets, canvases and various elements of roofing. Additionally, they can be used to eliminate gaps when laying materials near chimneys, drains, ventilation openings and other communications.

Sealing tape or tape sealant is used to repair minor damage on bituminous rolled roofing.

Conventionally, adhesive compositions for sealing joints can be divided into the following types:

Roof Repair Mastic

Bitumen mastic is a viscous plastic mass consisting of finely dispersed fillers and special additives, rubber, various resins and plasticizers. It is used both for waterproofing various surfaces, and for the installation of full-fledged roofs. For example, in order to seal a flat roof for technical and storage rooms.

One-component bituminous mastic is used to repair localized damage on a flat rolled or soft roof.

Bituminous mastic is different increased elasticity, resistance to low and high temperatures, good adhesion to concrete and metal, as well as resistance to vibrations and weak mechanical stress.

Depending on the composition, bituminous mastic is divided into the following types:

Any bituminous mastic allows you to create a seamless monolithic roofing sheet that reliably protects the roof structure and interior spaces from dampness and moisture. In addition, mastics are ideal for local repair of bituminous flat roofs.

Among the disadvantages of these compositions, it can be noted that repair work is possible only on a sunny day, when the likelihood of precipitation is minimal. In addition, in the absence of work experience, it will be quite difficult to control the thickness of the bitumen layer, which may affect the final result.

metal roof sealant

For the repair of metal roofs, a sealant based on bitumen or silicone is used. It is a water resistant compound based on bituminous elastomers that can be used even in high humidity conditions. The composition is resistant to UV rays and can be applied both at low temperatures up to -35 ° C, and at high heating to temperatures above 100 ° C.

Bituminous sealant eliminates minor damage to metal tiles and other metal roofing

Other benefits of this sealant include:

  • excellent adhesion to most materials used for roofing;
  • ease of application - the composition does not spread, does not drip and easily penetrates even into small cracks;
  • environmental friendliness - bituminous sealant does not contain asbestos and other highly toxic substances.

When working with this type of sealant, there are several restrictions that are usually indicated on the packaging. For example, once applied, the sealant must not be painted over with organic solvent based paint. It is also not recommended to use it in conjunction with foam insulation, which is often used for thermal insulation of roofs.

Metal Roof Paint

The use of metal as a roof covering is a very good choice, especially when you want to get a durable coating that does not require seasonal repairs. But the metal itself is susceptible to moisture and corrosion.

Therefore, to protect metal roofing, special paints are used, which can increase the service life of the product by 2-3 times. This also applies to galvanized steel roofs. By itself, galvanizing copes well with corrosion, but even a slight damage to the front layer can lead to damage to the entire sheet of material.

To protect the metal roof, it is painted with special enamels that protect the surface from mechanical damage and prevent the development of corrosion.

For painting metal roofs, many paintwork materials. The most common enamels marked EP-1236, EP-1333 and EP-140 M. These compositions are suitable for painting aluminum, copper, galvanized and other surfaces. They are characterized by high UV resistance, resistance to mechanical stress and a wide choice of colors.

If it is necessary to use compositions with high adhesion, it is recommended to purchase enamels marked AK-06, AK-070M and XC-5146. To obtain the required consistency, you can use the P-5A solvent.

Roof Repair Methods

Roof repair work can be done independently. Especially if the owner of the house already has experience with roofing materials, bituminous mastic or sealant. In other cases, it is better not to take risks and entrust the repair of the roof to professionals.

Roof repair with liquid rubber

Liquid rubber is a water-based bitumen-polymer composition, which is applied using special equipment and a spray gun. With its help, you can create a seamless roofing carpet. It is mainly used in cases where the use of rolled or metal roofing materials is not possible due to their higher weight.

Liquid rubber can be applied as hand tool, and special high-pressure installations

Among domestic manufacturers, liquid rubber under the Technoprok trademark can be noted. The composition is a two-component mixture and is widely used for flat roofing in the industrial sector.

Roof repair technology using liquid rubber consists of the following steps:

Video: spraying liquid rubber on the roof

Roof repair with roofing bitumen

Construction bitumen is used for flat roofs, as well as their waterproofing after construction. concrete screed. Currently, it is rarely used for roof repairs, as there are simpler and more economical materials. Despite this, it is widely used for the production of roofing materials, including bituminous mastic and bitumen roll coatings.

Roofing bitumen is produced in ingots different size, which are melted before applying to the work surface

The technology of work with roofing bitumen is as follows:

  1. The damaged area of ​​the roofing must be cleaned of dirt and dust. If the area of ​​damage is extensive (more than 40%), then it will be necessary to completely dismantle the upper waterproofing layer.
  2. After dismantling and garbage collection, it is required to determine the technical condition of the concrete screed. If the concrete layer does not have pronounced damage in the form of cracks and chips, then the surface is additionally cleaned and prepared for further work.
  3. If the concrete screed is severely damaged, it must be dismantled using construction tool. For this, a jackhammer, a puncher and a grinder with a disc for concrete are used.

    The damaged screed is broken with a perforator

  4. After dismantling the screed, the work surface is cleaned again. Further, a heat-insulating material up to 10 cm thick is laid on the roof surface. For this, extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene is used.

    Under the new screed, insulation from modern composite materials is laid.

  5. Linear guides are installed on top of the insulation in increments of 60–70 cm. After that, the concrete mixture is mixed based on M300 cement. To improve the strength properties of concrete, fiber is used, which is added to the mixture during mixing.
  6. A concrete screed up to 8–10 cm thick is poured. A wooden or metal rule is used to distribute concrete. After pouring, the screed is covered with a tarpaulin or polyethylene. In the process of drying, it must be moistened 2-3 times a day.

    A new concrete screed is poured onto the insulation layer

  7. After 25-28 days, you can start waterproofing the roof with bitumen. To do this, you need to make a small fire near the place of repair work and melt the bitumen. For the preparation of the bituminous mixture, bitumen with the BNK 90/30 marking is used.

    It is convenient to distribute bitumen over the roof surface using wooden trowels and metal scrapers.

  8. Bitumen is applied after its complete melting. Bitumen is applied evenly. For spreading, a hard-haired roller and a metal scraper with a long handle are used.

    If possible, it is better to use liquid modified bitumen for repairs.

Video: melting bitumen to make mastic

Roof repair technology with mastic

The process of repairing a roof using bituminous mastic is in many ways similar to the technology for applying liquid rubber. Bitumen mastic, depending on the type, is one- or two-component.

One-component compositions, as a rule, are used in conjunction with bituminous roll and metal roofing. Two-component compositions are used for the device of flat mastic roofs.

To apply bituminous mastic, paint brushes and rollers with a hard bristle are used.

The general technology for repairing a roof with mastic is as follows:

  1. The surface of the roof, on which there are damages of a different nature, must be cleaned of dust, sand and other abrasive particles. To dry the damp roof, a building hair dryer or heat guns are used, which are located under a special canopy.
  2. Prepare bituminous mastic according to package instructions. As a rule, an electric drill with a mixer attachment is used for this. If required, the mastic is carefully heated to operating temperatures.
  3. Apply bituminous mastic to the cleaned roof surface. To do this, it must either be carefully poured onto the surface and spread with a scraper and roller, or applied as a paintwork with a brush and roller.

If the area of ​​work is quite large, then it is possible to apply the mastic by airless spraying using a special spray gun. During the repair work, safety precautions must be observed. Mixing and distribution of mastic occurs only in gloves and goggles.

Video: repairing a metal roof with bituminous mastic

Roof repair is a long and labor-intensive process that requires an integrated approach. overhaul can be avoided if you perform a routine inspection of the roof structure and fix the problems found in time. This is especially true for pitched roofs, when for revision it is enough just to go up to the attic and carefully examine the truss system for dampness and rot.

Rafters serve as the basis of the entire roof structure, and their installation is one of the most important tasks in building a house. The frame of the future roof can be made and installed independently, observing technological features roofs of different configurations. We will give the basic rules for the development, calculation and selection of the truss system, and also describe in stages the process of installing the "skeleton" of the roof.

Rafter system: rules for calculation and development

Rafter system - Basic structure, capable of resisting gusts of wind, taking on all external loads and evenly distributing them to the internal supports of the house.

When calculating roof structure take into account the following factors:

  1. Roof pitch:
    • 2.5-10% - flat roof;
    • more than 10% - pitched roof.
  2. Roof loads:
    • constants - the total weight of all elements of the "roofing pie";
    • temporary - wind pressure, snow weight, weight of people who carry out repair work on the roof;
    • force majeure, for example, seismic.

The magnitude of snow loads is calculated based on the characteristics of the climate of the region according to the formula: S=Sg*m, Where Sg- snow weight per 1 m2, m- calculation coefficient (depends on the slope of the roof). The determination of the wind load is based on the following indicators: type of terrain, wind load standards of the region, building height.

Coefficients, necessary standards and calculation formulas are contained in engineering and construction reference books

When developing a rafter system, it is necessary to calculate the parameters of all components of the structure.

Roof structure elements

The truss system includes many components that perform a specific function:

Materials for the manufacture of rafters

Rafters are most often made from coniferous trees (spruce, larch or pine). For the arrangement of the roof, well-dried wood with a moisture level of up to 25% is used.

The wooden structure has one significant drawback - over time, the rafters can be deformed, so metal elements are added to the supporting system.

On the one hand, the metal adds rigidity to the truss structure, but on the other hand, it reduces the life of the wooden parts. On metal platforms and supports, condensate settles, which leads to decay and damage to the wood.

Advice. When installing a truss system made of metal and wood, care must be taken that the materials do not come into contact with each other. You can use moisture barriers or apply film insulation

Used in industrial construction metal rafters made of rolled steel (I-beam, brand, corners, channel, etc.). This design is more compact than wood, but retains heat worse, and therefore requires additional thermal insulation.

The choice of truss system: hanging and hinged structures

There are two types of roof structures: hanging (spacer) and layered. The choice of system is determined by the type of roof, floor material and natural conditions of the region.

hanging rafters rely solely on the outer walls of the house, intermediate supports are not involved. rafter legs hanging type work in compression and bending. The design creates a horizontal bursting force that is transmitted to the walls. With the help of wooden and metal puffs, this load can be reduced. Puffs are mounted at the base of the rafters.

A hanging rafter system is often used to create an attic or in situations where roof spans are 8-12 m, and additional supports are not provided.

Rafters mounted in houses with an intermediate column support or an additional load-bearing wall. The lower edges of the rafters are fixed on the outer walls, and their middle parts are fixed on the inner wall or bearing pillar.

Installation of a single roofing system over several spans should include expansion and layered roof trusses. In places with intermediate supports, layered rafters are mounted, and where they are not, hanging ones.

Features of the arrangement of rafters on different roofs

Gable roof

The gable roof, according to building codes, has an angle of inclination up to 90 °. The choice of slope is largely determined by the weather conditions of the area. In areas where heavy rainfall prevails, it is better to install steep slopes, and where strong winds- sloping roofs to minimize the pressure on the structure.

Common variant gable roof- design with a tilt angle of 35-45°. Experts call such parameters the “golden mean” of consumption. building materials and load distribution along the perimeter of the building. However, in this case, the attic space will be cold and it will not be possible to equip the living room here.

For a gable roof, a layered and hanging truss system is used.

hipped roof

All roof slopes have the same area and the same angle of inclination. There is no ridge run here, and the rafters are connected at one point, so the installation of such a structure is quite complicated.

It is advisable to install a hipped roof when two conditions are met:

  • the base of the building is square;
  • in the center of the structure there is a bearing support or wall on which it will be possible to fix a rack supporting the junction of the rafter legs.

It is possible to create a hipped roof without a rack, but at the same time, the structure must be strengthened with additional modules - rack puffs.

hip roof

Traditional design hip roof suggests the presence of rafters (diagonal), directed to the corners of the building. The angle of inclination of the slope of such a roof does not exceed 40 °. Diagonal runs are usually done with reinforcement, since they account for a significant part of the load. Such elements are made from a double board and a durable beam.

The joints of the elements are necessarily supported by a rack, which increases the reliability of the structure. The support is located at a distance of ¼ of the length of the large rafters from the ridge. In place of the gable roof gables, shortened rafters are installed.

The truss structure of a hipped roof may include very long diagonal elements (more than 7 m). In this case, a vertical rack must be mounted under the rafters, which will rest on the floor beam. Sprengel can be used as a support - the beam is located in the corner of the roof and is fixed on adjacent walls. The sprengel farm is reinforced with struts.

broken roof

Sloping roofs are usually created for arranging larger attic. The installation of rafters with this version of the roof can be divided into three stages:

  1. Installation of a U-shaped structure - supports for purlins that hold the rafter legs. The base of the structure is floor beams.
  2. At least 3 runs are installed: two elements pass through the corners of the U-shaped frame, and one (ridge run) is mounted in the center of the attic floor.
  3. Installation of rafter legs.

Gable roof: do-it-yourself installation of rafters

Calculation of the angle of inclination and loads

Calculation gable roof Of course, you can make it yourself, but it’s still better to entrust it to professionals in order to eliminate errors and be sure of the reliability of the design.

When choosing the angle of inclination, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • an angle of 5-15 ° is not suitable for all roofing materials, so first choose the type of coating, and then make the calculation of the truss system;
  • at an angle of inclination over 45 ° - material costs for the purchase of the components of the "roofing pie" increase.

Snow load limits range from 80 to 320 kg/m2. The design coefficient for roofs with a slope of less than 25° is 1, for a roof with a slope of 25° to 60° - 0.7. This means that if 140 kg of snow cover falls on 1 m2, then the load on the roof with a slope at an angle of 40 ° will be: 140 * 0.7 = 98 kg / m2.

To calculate the wind load, the coefficient of aerodynamic influence and wind pressure fluctuations are taken. The value of the constant load is determined by summing the weight of all components of the "roofing cake" per m2 (on average - 40-50 kg/m2).

Based on the results obtained, we find out the total load on the roof and determine the number of rafter legs, their size and cross section.

Installation of Mauerlat and rafters

Do-it-yourself installation of rafters begins with the installation of a Mauerlat, which is fixed with anchor bolts to the longitudinal walls.

Further construction of the structure is carried out in the following sequence:

Installation of rafters: video

Ways to connect the elements of the truss structure: video
