• Windows built into the roof structure are quite common, especially since attics have long ceased to be used only as a warehouse for old things. And they provide additional lighting. The rationalism of our time does not interfere with a creative approach to the re-equipment of the attic for various useful premises: a bedroom, an office, and more.

    In architecture, an attic window is defined as a window opening made in a roof with an attic. Thus, the name of the attic window, lucarne, dormer, dormer or even birdhouse, in fact, does not matter. All of them are needed for ventilation and lighting of the under-roof space. The only question is how convenient it is to open them, and in general they close or not.

    What are attic windows for?

    • First of all, attic windows are designed for ventilation, and this applies to almost any of them: both attic and technical.

    On a note

    In a cold attic, they also help equalize the pressure inside and outside the room during strong wind. Otherwise, the lifting force formed during the hurricane wind will blow the roof off the house. Competent device a dormer window in the attic (see photo) will save you from such trouble.

    • Another purpose of window structures is attic lighting. Sun rays not only should they penetrate under the roof, but in the under-roof space there should be enough light. This requirement is important not only for living quarters, but also for technical ones, because the mold fungus develops even in semi-darkness. The only thing is that you need to choose its shape correctly in order to provide the necessary luminous flux for this room.
    • The attic window is also used to access the roof.

    Classification by design features

    The name "window in the attic roof" speaks for itself. Before embarking on the installation of windows in the roof, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties of such structures and the requirements of SNiP.

    Structures may be located in different ways. According to this principle, they are divided into:

    • Vertical or end. They are located on the end wall. Simple and easy to operate and maintain, they are easy to open and close, wash and paint;
    • Horizontal. Significantly increase the illumination of the internal space, but make it difficult to clear the snow accumulated on the roof;
    • Balcony or recessed. Through them you can go to the balcony terrace or balcony. If we talk about providing illumination, then from this point of view they are not very effective;
    • Inclined. A window in the attic roof of this design appeared relatively recently, but immediately became in demand, since it can almost double the illumination of the interior space. In addition, it fits perfectly into the design of the roof of the house;
    • . This is a completely transparent design, which is mounted on a flat attic roof. It provides fairly good illumination and does not cast shadows;
    • light tunnels. A structure resembling a pipe in shape, which abuts against a lamp inside the attic, which evenly scatters light;
    • Cornice. They combine the features of horizontal and inclined windows. Their installation is possible only if there is a high wall not lower than 180 cm.

    Classical species and their new varieties

    Window structures for attics differ, in particular, by the type of roof:

    • Attic windows of complex shape, as a rule, have an unusual geometric shape and give the house a certain style. On the one hand, they fit perfectly into the roof, and on the other hand, they interestingly change its shape and design.
    • The round window looks like a porthole. It is made either entirely of glass or in the form of a stained-glass window - so often stylishly decorated mansions. For flat roofs sometimes dome structures are chosen using translucent materials.
    • Enough interesting solution- a semicircular shape, which is distinguished by smooth graceful lines of the roof. For example, a bull's-eye design cannot be overlooked, it is so spectacular. In addition, it is very functional.

    Attic windows and their size

    The size and shape of attic windows is determined based on design features roofs, and their functionality is largely determined by the location. They should not be too small - through this small window in the attic in case of emergency, say, in case of fire, it will be impossible to get out.

    There is a certain relationship between the size of the window structure and the distance between the rafters. For example, for a flat roof with a slope of up to 30˚, the length should start from 1.4 m, and the width should be 40–50 mm less than the distance between the supporting elements of the truss system.

    On a note

    On device tiled roof the width of the window is chosen as a multiple of the width of the tile.


    • The simplest is the design of the lucarne, which is located between adjacent elements of the truss system. At the same time, the load-bearing system of the roof remains unchanged: the facade pillars rest with their lower end on the rafter legs, and the upper end is nailed to the splints. The side walls are laid on short racks. The width of the structure is limited by the pitch of the rafters and is usually equal to either 60 cm or 90 cm.
    • If you need to increase the width of the lucarne, then the rafters are reinforced.
    • if necessary, one or two rafter legs are cut, and the extreme rafters that frame the contours of the attic window are doubled;
    • between the extreme rafter legs, the beamers are laid at once, which connect the cut ends of the rafter legs in the lower and upper parts. The rest of the installation repeats the design device of the previous type.
    • If the intended width is even greater, a self-supporting structure is the best solution. It is also valuable because it does not create an additional load on the roof.

    Consider the technology of a more complex attic window

    Lucarna device "bull's eye"

    Such a design is thought out at the design stage. First of all, this concerns the supporting frame and the front wall.

    An essential point in the design of the latter is the ratio between the height and length of the front wall, which varies depending on the roofing material used.

    "Bull's eye" is mainly covered with tiles: flat, say, "beaver tail", ceramic grooved or cement. If desired, you can use environmentally friendly wooden shingles or straw. The easiest way is to use flat tiles for covering.

    Note these ratios for popular roofing materials.

In order to be able to lighten and ventilate the attic or attic, windows must be arranged in the roof. In this article we will tell you how to build windows for the roof of private houses, what they are and what are the main differences between them.

Types of roof windows

To understand what a roof window is called, you need to figure out what it can be. If it is placed vertically and embedded in truss system roof, and also serves to illuminate and ventilate the attic, we are talking about a dormer window. In the same time, skylights built into the roof at an angle, which allows for better access to light. In addition, such windows are much easier to build. It is noteworthy that dormers first appeared at the beginning of the 19th century, and dormers - after the Second World War.

When determining which of the options is suitable in a particular case, it is worth considering some architectural features of the building. If the house is old and make any changes to it appearance undesirable, the best option there will be a skylight. At the same time, skylights are in great demand. You can turn to this option if you want to equip a residential attic above the house.

Let's take a closer look at what dormer roof windows are. To make such a window, it is necessary that there are special niches in the roof. The window frame must be joined to the main one in several places. roof structure, therefore, accurate calculations are necessary for its arrangement. The side walls and pediment will need to be sheathed with plywood and finishing materials. The place where the window opening will join the main roof must be insulated and waterproofed.

But the roof windows of the attic type are fixed between two rafters. As a rule, such windows are mounted in roofs with a slope of 15-20º, since they will be subject to precipitation. Currently, roof windows are produced that are reliably protected from leaks and cold air. However, you should not try to make them yourself, it is best to purchase a ready-made design from the manufacturer. Such windows in the attic roof will need to be fixed with a base plate. They are also equipped with a special flashing, i.e. a metal frame, which can be opened using friction hinges so that the water that gets inside it flows onto the roof.

We mount a window in the old attic roof

Quite often, when the owners of private houses seek to equip a window in the attic, they still do not want to overhaul the roof. In this case, an acceptable solution would be the arrangement of the auditory opening. It is quite possible to make such a window in the roof with your own hands.

Location selection

According to the regulations, the width of the window should not exceed 10% of the roof perimeter. This is due to the fact that large openings lead to significant losses. Moreover, glazing is not able to fully protect the roof from external influences. It is best if the window opening is located in the center of the roof between the supporting beams.

Do-it-yourself frame installation

Before installing the window on the roof, it is necessary to cut a hole of the required size in the roofing material, such as slate. Next, they mount on the roof rafters wooden frame from a bar 40 × 50 mm, in which a window frame is installed. It is advisable to use stainless fasteners. The frame itself is fixed on the rafters with self-tapping screws. Alternatively, you can equip a frame window built into the roof, which will be parallel to the main roof, however, it is better not to carry out such work on your own.

For waterproofing, you can use the following sealants:

  • acrylic;
  • based on bitumen;
  • silicone;
  • self-expanding vapor barrier tape.

It should be noted that the latter option is the most acceptable. At the top of the gap can be filled with acrylic-based sealant. It is desirable to carry out all work in the dry and warm season. However, for those who still want to equip a dormer window in the attic roof with their own hands, we will describe this process in more detail.

Dormer types

If we are talking about a dormer window with a flat roof, it must be equipped with gutters. In this regard, the slope of its slope should be within 5-15º. Quadrangular window with one or two pitched roof and should have steeper slopes with a slope of 15º.

Triangular dormer windows are very often mounted in country cottages. This design assumes the absence of side walls, the function of which is performed by slopes. Although in this case less effort is required to perform waterproofing, the access of light through such windows is still significantly reduced. The exception is when the front part of the window is directed to the facade of the entire building. One of the new varieties of dormer windows is a rounded window opening.

The optimal choice among all types of dormer windows is a variety of skylight shapes. Along with the fact that this design does not weigh down the roof, it provides high-quality attic lighting. There are standards for dormer windows that are taken into account during design: the width of the opening should not exceed ½ of the attic width, the distance from the floor to the lower edge of the dormer window should be from 0.9 meters. Light quality improves as the height of the window placement increases.

Roof frame fastening

It is necessary to install a truss system for a dormer window simultaneously with the installation of a common roof frame. In the case of a gable window, such a frame will be a separate roof in miniature. It is noteworthy that reinforced rafters should be installed near the openings where the dormer windows will be located, which can withstand the additional load transmitted by their rafter system.

Crossbars are mounted on top of the rafter legs: the upper one will correspond to the dimensions of the window, and the lower one should be located at the level of the outer wall of the building. Vertical supports are attached to the lower beam, connected at the top by a transverse beam. As a result, a frame is obtained, which must be connected to the upper beam, placed on the rafters, using longitudinal bars. After that, rafter legs for the dormer window will be attached to this frame.

What frame is needed for a triangular window

Please note that when installing jumpers, do not loosen bearing capacity main rafter legs, making cuts on them. To fix the frame parts, it is desirable to use metal fasteners. When the level check is complete, you can proceed with the installation of the ridge and small rafter legs for the dormer on the roof. You can facilitate the work of making rafters if you first create templates. On the side walls of the dormer window, it is necessary to sew a moisture-resistant finishing material. The final roofing on the dormer window is laid simultaneously with the roof covering on the main building.

To avoid leaks and deformation of wooden roof structures, the joints between the main roof and the dormer window must be properly waterproofed.

The question of how to make a window in the roof of a house arises when building new or reconstructing old buildings. In this case, the owner of the house seeks to make the most of the available space. The attic floor is a good way to increase the usable area, subject to competent natural lighting.

There are two groups of roof windows: dormers and dormers. Each has structural differences and requires its own approach to installation.

Dormer windows (the second name is lucarnes) have been used for centuries to ventilate a non-residential attic space, and subsequently found their application for attic floors. They are always vertical. A competent designer, choosing one of the various forms of lucarins, in addition to the utilitarian purpose, will be able to give sophistication and originality to the external appearance of the building.

Dormer windows are:

  • with a flat roof with a slope of up to 15 degrees;
  • quadrangular under a shed or gable roof;
  • with a hip roof;
  • triangular;
  • panoramic with a trapezoidal roof;
  • anti-aircraft lamp - completely glass surface of the original form;
  • semicircular.

Since these skylights are mounted in a side-walled structure, less light passes through them than through a similarly sized skylight opening. Dormer windows are installed on the roof of any shape: shed, gable or more complex. When installing a lucarne in a new house, the design of its elements is developed and mounted simultaneously with the main load-bearing elements of the roof. When reconstructing old houses, for stability, it is recommended to place a dormer window between the supporting beams.

Vertical racks are attached to the bottom of the box, which are connected between the transverse beam (when arranging a triangular window, they converge at the desired angle). As a result, another, now vertical, box of the front part of the frame comes out. The upper element of the roof of the dormer window - the ridge beam - is attached to the load-bearing elements of the roof through the lintel beam. The latter cannot be cut into the roof rafters (so as not to weaken the section), the connection is made only with metal fasteners.

The final stage of frame installation is the installation of rafters. Their number depends on the length of the ridge beam, and the step should ensure the reliability of the structure. A crate is made over the rafters, on which the roof is fixed, usually the same as on the main roof. Layers of hydro and thermal insulation are laid on the side walls. The material for the final cladding can be used varied: from lining to iron.


Before the start of work, a project is carried out, which takes into account all the nuances of the design and fasteners. When making a window with your own hands, you need to remember:

  • lucarnes are mounted on roofs with an inclination angle of 35 °;
  • add-ons are placed at a limited distance from the walls of the house, for triangular windows - in the same plane;
  • the minimum size of the window opening is 1.2 x 0.8 m (windows, respectively, 0.6 x 0.8 m);
  • the total width of the dormer windows should be at least half the width of the attic;
  • dormer windows are located strictly in line with the window openings under them;
  • the lower edge is made at a height of 90 cm from the floor, the upper one is limited by the height of the ceiling (the larger the window, the more light).

Unlike dormer windows, skylights do not require complex construction. They are mounted directly into the roof plane.

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Installation steps

The first step is to arrange an opening of the required size in the roof. Its parameters are calculated based on the location of the lower part of the window and its height. The opening is limited to rafter legs of increased strength, capable of withstanding the weight of the future structure. The transverse beams connecting the rafter legs to each other form a horizontal box along the contour of the opening.

A frame and a window of the selected type are mounted in the opening of the front part: plastic or wooden. Gaps are carefully sealed. The joints of the structure with the main roof must also be airtight. Interior decoration can be performed in various styles and from various materials- this is a full-fledged part of the attic, harmoniously complementing and decorating the main space of the room.

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roof window

Windows can be opened:

  • along the lower axis, which contributes to protection from precipitation, but the disadvantage is inconvenience in washing;
  • along the upper axis - the movement of the window does not interfere with the access of fresh air and sunlight;
  • on the lateral axis: convenient where access to the roof may be required.
  • along the central axis of the window: able to rotate 180 °, which allows convenient maintenance of the window;
  • using combined opening mechanisms.

When choosing a roof window, you need to remember that for normal lighting of 10 m² of area, 1 m² of glazing is required. The mounting height on an inclined plane should ensure ease of use: opening windows, washing them, etc. (usually, depending on the location of the handle - 80-130 cm). The height adjustment is also given by the type of material for the roof. Some shingles cannot be cut into pieces, so you have to adjust to the boundaries of the roofing. Roof window designs from different manufacturers may vary. Each set has detailed instructions for the installation.

The general steps are:

  • opening preparation;
  • installation of the window assembly;
  • dismantling the window sash;
  • waterproofing device;
  • salary setting;
  • installation of the window sash in place;
  • activation of window springs and hinges.

Marking is done on the waterproofing layer fixed inside. The dimensions of the opening will be larger than the dimensions of the window: about 50-90 mm recede from the bottom for the installation of profile roofing materials, a margin of 30 mm is made on the sides, and 100-150 mm at the top. A neat cut is made in the waterproofing film with a margin of 200 mm around the perimeter (it is wrapped inside). The necessary part of the roofing material is removed, the crate is cut out.

For ease of installation, the window sash is removed and one frame is first attached. A roof window kit always includes a waterproofing apron and fasteners. The latter are installed on the window frame. On it, with the help of a stapler, the edges of the insulation, which were cut out at the beginning of work, and the insulation are attached. The frame installed in the window opening will press down the insulation. A lower waterproofing apron is placed on top of the structure, and then its side and upper parts are installed.

A salary is mounted on the insulated and insulated opening with the frame. It is selected depending on the type of roof and can be smooth or with a wave of various heights. After that, the sash is attached. The lower fasteners of the frame are fixed tightly immediately, the upper ones are not fixed completely: so that you can check the evenness of the gap and adjust the skew.

Adjustment is mandatory for all window elements: moving parts must be activated, checked for their performance and adjusted. After the window is mounted and checked, it is time to finishing works- installation of slopes. The trick for a structure located at an angle to a horizontal surface is that the plane of the floor, not the frame, is taken as the reference point. The lower slope is oriented perpendicular to it, the upper slope is parallel. To ensure ventilation, the side slopes are made at an angle of 120 °.

In this article, we will consider the question of what advantages a gable roof with windows has, why roof windows are needed, what types of skylights exist, whether it is necessary to violate the integrity of the roofing when installing the described element.

Should skylights be installed? If the house has a large area, if the space under the roof is equipped for housing, yes. The described element helps to equip the ventilation of the attic, properly executed, it easily becomes a spectacular design move that allows you to complete the overall stylistic concept. Simple dormer windows are doors to the roof, they allow, if something happens, to repair the roof, to help evacuate in case of fire.

Roof window can be different shapes, different design. To understand how one species differs from another, the next section of the article will prompt.

Types of skylights

A roof window is a glazed frame built into the plane of the roof. The shape of this frame may be different. Experts distinguish four main types of structures. They are clearly shown in the published photo.

Frame in gable wall

A window in a gable wall is the easiest option for installing a glazing frame. Located between two slopes, it can be of any shape: triangular, round, oval, trapezoidal.

The most popular option is considered to be a rectangular dormer window. It is easy to assemble and install such a frame with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists. Semicircular frames have an unusual name. The people called them "bull's eye". A frame of this shape looks very impressive on roofs covered with tiles. This type of dormer windows has one advantage - the absence of sharp corners prevents the accumulation of snow, rainwater from such a frame flows immediately, without lingering on its ledges.

Triangular dormer windows often adorn the roofs of country mansions. The side walls of this design replace the slopes located at an angle of 60 degrees to each other. The triangular frame design has certain features: their main purpose is to ensure the flow of fresh air into the attic. The triangular design does not contribute to the penetration of sunlight, therefore, such structures are not used to illuminate the attic. The side walls of a triangular window do not need to be carefully sealed. And all because they are joined to the roof with the help of a groove or an irregularly shaped valley. The front part of the triangular frame is not buried in the roof, it is flush with the rest of the walls. For special showiness, a triangular dormer window must be located closer to the lower tier of the roof.

Installing such a design is quite simple. There is no need to build additional roofing elements for this. Most often, those who are going to perform the auditory opening on their own choose just such an option for its installation.


Dormer - a frame structure that is located above the roof slope. It is quite difficult for non-professionals to perform it on their own. And all because before installation it is necessary to carry out complex calculations. The main condition for installation is the need to strengthen load-bearing structure on gable roof and well waterproofing the frame before glazing. The photo shows all types of dormer, you can make it gable, arched, built-in, panoramic, triangular.

Note! The chosen version of the dormer window must be combined with the architectural style of the house.


Antidormer, its design is directly opposite to the design of the dormer. It also settles on the slope of the roof, but does not come out of the roof, but, on the contrary, goes deep into the roof of the roof. Designing this type of frame is easier than drawing up a dormer drawing, but despite this, the anti-dormer did not take root well in Russia. And all because the described design reduces the useful area of ​​​​the attic space.


An inclined window (it is also a roof window) is in line with the roof slope. The use of metal-plastic allows you to perform an attic version of any configuration. Such an element does little to decorate the roof, but without it it is impossible to equip the attic with natural lighting. The choice of this option is justified when the attic is converted into a living space.

Roof windows are installed between two rafters located next to each other. It is possible to equip such window frames only where the angle of inclination of the roof is at least 20 degrees. Otherwise, the roof window will become a barrier to water flows. No waterproofing in this case will save the roof from leaking.

Doing frames yourself for skylights is not worth it. It is better to buy ready-made insulating glass, produced in the factory. Its design is carefully designed and developed in such a way as to exclude the very possibility of flooding the under-roof space. Installing a ready-made window is not particularly difficult. Support frames are attached directly to the roof. The roof window can be opened for ventilation even when it rains.

Design features

Many years of experience in installing frames in the roof made it possible to formulate the basic rules for their placement. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them in advance.

  • Firstly, any dormer window should not be close to the roof ridge, as well as to the roof eaves. Do not install window frames close to the front parts of the roof.
  • Secondly, when installing two elements adjacent to each other, the distance between the two elements should not be less than 80 cm. If the location is closer, it will be impossible to lay the roofing. The closer location of the dormer windows provokes some difficulties in the operation of the roof. So, for example, this will certainly make it difficult to carry out preventive measures, the close location of the dormer windows will provoke the accumulation of snow on the roof in winter. And this is also not good from an operational point of view.
  • Thirdly, dormer windows can only be installed on those roofs whose slope angle is at least 35 degrees.

Note! Cuts and tie-ins into the common roof frame system cannot be made.

Mounting Features

We will describe the features of installing the auditory frame using the example of installing a dormer.

It is necessary to install dormer windows on the roof immediately after the installation of a common truss system. To do this, it is necessary to assemble the fronts, rafters and ridge timber. Then a drawing of the dormer is drawn up in advance. It should look something like the one shown in the photo.

As you can see in the photo, the dormer frame is assembled from bars. The walls of the dormer window rest on the roof guides, the bars are attached to them at a right angle. If the window width exceeds the standard dimensions, the load on the rafters will be increased. In order to prevent the roof from collapsing, where the dormer will be installed on the rafters, another one is placed next to one beam, increasing the stability of the rafter.

Note! It is better to fasten the racks of the dormer walls to the doubled rafters with special fixing metal corners. Jumpers should not be used for these purposes. They will help weaken the entire structure of the dormer.

The next stage is the construction of the frame window frame. In fact, it is a miniature roof, which is why it is so important to pre-carry correct calculations the described structure. First, the openings of the window opening are fenced with strong wooden beams which roofers call legs. The photo shows this stage. They will take on the load of the entire frame.

The transverse beams are laid in such a way that the lower one lies parallel to the wall of the house, the upper one - where the height of the future window ends. The longitudinal bars are installed. They help secure the frame to the top beam of the rafter guide. At this stage, it is necessary to arm yourself with a building level and check with it the location of the assembled frame vertically and horizontally. It is important to “cut out” all elements of the dormer in advance, according to the drawing made, the dormer frame is assembled according to the photo, which shows the schematic structure of the dormer window.

Note! Roofing on a gable roof is mounted simultaneously with the roofing of the dormer window. Only in this case it is possible to build a solid coating, durable and of high quality, able to withstand the effects of precipitation.

The front sides of the dormer are pre-sheathed with either moisture-resistant plywood or sheets of OSB boards. Roofing material is laid on top of them. In order for the slopes of the dormer windows to be docked with the roof slope, valleys are used.

Generalization on the topic

If you want to install a dormer window on your roof, you must definitely contact the experts. Their help will help you choose the right frame design, which will most successfully fit into the stylistic decision of the house. It is important to start the installation work with drawing up a drawing of the frame structure. As a rule, modern window manufacturers produce ready-made double-glazed windows standard sizes. The easiest way is to take them as a basis and, starting from such decisions, calculate the structure of the dormer window frame. If you study the topic in advance, watch the training video, you can try to install the decorative element on the roof yourself. The main thing in this matter is not to rush, carefully think through all the stages of work in advance and strictly follow the plan. When working on the roof, it is imperative to follow safety rules, always be insured and not work on top alone.

Today we will touch on the topic - skylights. She is interesting because non-standard option location window openings. This is especially true for private housing construction, because until quite recently no one in Russia heard about window structures of this type. Let's talk about their varieties, features and installation rules, as well as which ones can be used. You will understand this topic, you will understand what and why the masters who are entrusted with the installation of skylights in their home do.

Types of window structures on roofs

In principle, the classification includes only two positions: the already mentioned attic and auditory. They differ from each other mainly in location. The first are installed on the slopes mansard roofs, the second in the gables of pitched roofs. Now let's deal with them separately and start with auditory ones, you will understand why.

Windows on the pitched roof of a private house Source fccland.ru an> Source pinterest.com

Dormer windows

This type of roof windows got its name not because of the fact that something was eavesdropped through them, because there is no one to listen to under the roof structure. They were first invented by an engineer named Rumors, who was responsible for the construction of the roof of the Moscow arena. It was there that the first windows on the roofs appeared.

The classification of dormer windows is not wide. By location, they are divided into gable and pitched. By design, the division is divided into three types:

    in its purest form, a window opening located on the gables roof structure, that is without additional elements;

    on the pediment with side walls and a visor;

    on slopes with side walls and a visor.

Two latest models popularly called "cuckoos".

It is purely conditional that a division can be made according to the configuration of the visor, although architects believe that it is the shape of the window roof that often plays an important role in creating a single building project. There are visors:




    flat they are French.

Auditory structures located on the slope of the roof Source prohor-stroy.ru

It would seem that dormer windows are simple and functional solution. But the architects again warn that the type design decoration, the location is chosen strictly taking into account compatibility with the architecture of the building. Otherwise, this element will look like alien.

We must immediately make a reservation that for the dormer windows for the roof, a set of norms and rules (SNiP) was compiled under the number 21-01. It clearly outlines some of the requirements related to with place of installation window construction of this type:

    dormer windows are installed only on slopes, the angle of inclination of which over 35° ;

    minimum size of window sashes - 0.6-0.8 m, respectively, the dimensions of the entire opening should be 1.2x0.8 m;

    if windows according to the project are installed on hip roof, then the slope on which the window structures are mounted, should not be a continuation of the wall of the building.

There is a recommendation in SNiP, which architects themselves know about. It is believed that hearing products should be installed on the same vertical as the windows in the walls of the house. In this way, the architectural proportions of the structure are not violated.

Dormer window on the gable of the roof Source vivbo.ru

How to make a dormer window

If it concerns the pediment, then there is nothing complicated.

    In the process of facing the gable part of the roof, between the supports for the rafter legs, opening, at least 1.2 m wide.

    into it install two crossbars, defining the size of the opening in height. That is, the window opening is formed finally with the required dimensions.

    Under the opening ordered window construction wood, plastic or aluminium.

    After manufacturing carry out the installation according to standard technology, as in the wall of a house or apartment.

How to make a window on a roof gable Source cconstruction.co.uk

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of installing windows and doors of any configuration. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

If the dormer window is a "cuckoo", then here the installation process is not limited to the installation of glazing. It is necessary to build a rather complex structure in the form of a house with a roof. First, let's make a reservation that the "cuckoo" is collected between two roof rafters:

    Between the rafters according to the level of the window sill and the ridge of the canopy of the dormer window install crossbars from the same material as the rafters themselves.

    If necessary strengthen the structure, then between the rafter legs to the cornice one or two pieces of boards are laid in the form of a shortened leg to form an overhang. Exactly the same elements are laid to the roof ridge. The first rest with their upper edges on the lower crossbar, the upper lower edges on the top.

    Now form house walls. From the rails with a section of 50x50 mm, racks are installed along two rafter legs in increments of 40-50 cm. They are cut so that they are located on the same horizontal line along the upper ends.

    Now all the racks are on the upper ends oblige all the same rail 50x50 mm.

This is how the frame of the cuckoo protrusion looks like for the auditory glazing structure Source dekorrapi.jew.access.ly

    Peak visor should rest with its rear end against the upper cross-beam between the rafters. They attach it to her.

    Under the opposite end set rack, which with its lower end abuts against the element of the upper trim (facade).

    Install canopy rafters, abutting the ridge and the upper harness.

    Insulate the entire structure, sheathed from the outside and from the inside, cover the visor roofing material.

    Install window on the roof of the house according to standard technology, that is, vertically.


In general, there is a complete mess with skylights. Someone believes that the auditory structures installed in mansard roof, the same can be considered attic. Someone denies this and assures that this category includes window structures that are installed in the plane of the roof slope. All others are auditory.

Therefore, the townsfolk are confused in the names, often calling one variety by another. There is nothing wrong with this, because this does not affect the roof window itself. But to be honest, they started talking about attic window models as a separate group only when they began to be built into the plane of the roof slopes. So, we will assume that this is the attic variety.

Now directly about the window itself. There are strict rules for the window area that must be present on the roof. Its value should not exceed 10% of the area of ​​the entire pitched structure. For example, if the roof area is 100 m², then the window area should not exceed 10 m². With such a difference, the natural illumination inside the attic will be normal, and heat losses will not exceed acceptable standards.

Skylights in the plane of the roof slope Source trade-point.co.uk

This was rule number one for attic windows. Now the second rule. It sounds like this: it is better to have several small windows than one large one. Therefore, there is an unspoken rule that displays area ratio glazing with number of windows:

    glazing area 1 m² – 2 windows;

    2 m² - 3 windows;


There are several criteria by which windows of this type are classified. One of the most insignificant (we'll start with it) is blind or opening windows. We must immediately make a reservation that well-known manufacturers of roof windows do not produce a deaf variation. But they can make an exception for large orders. True, the deaf ones will not differ in price from the opening ones.

As for the latter, there is a fairly wide choice:

    open around the central axis installed in the middle of the window;

Models with opening doors around a central axis Source: www.dachgewerk.de

    around an axis located at the top frame window construction or slightly lower by ¼ of the height of the window itself;

Models with an axis at the top window frame Source concept-casa.ro

    hinged side opening design.

Attic model with a swing sash Source nova-co.ru

Eat modern model, which is called window-balconies. The structure consists of two wings: the first opens around a horizontal axis located at the top frame. This sash opens to a horizontal position. And myself in open form she represents the visor over the window opening.

The second sash opens in exactly the same way as the first, only its axis is located at the bottom frame. Its maximum opening is a vertical arrangement. That is, in its open form, it represents a glazed fencing of the opening along the front side. In this case, the window is provided with sidewalls along the lower sash, which create a side railing of an impromptu balcony.

Attic glazing structure of the "balcony" type Source nesmetnoe.ru

Roof window installation technology

The modern market offers a huge number of attic windows from different manufacturers. Each of them has its own requirements for the installation process. Let's designate the most common differences:

    Models from Fakro and Roto install only for truss system, and from the company Velux on the crate.

    At Fakro before installation it is necessary remove double-glazed windows, Velux has no such need.

    Depending on the type of roofing material, Fakro skylights are installed to a certain depth, which is indicated in the product passport with the letters: V, N or J.

So, first of all, form a window opening. Here, as in the case of the auditory option, it is necessary to determine the installation location. To do this, transverse elements are installed between the rafters.

A box is assembled from four boards, which is inserted into the opening. And where it is fixed with self-tapping screws through the rafter legs and laid crossbars. The most important thing is the elements of the box. Grooves are made in them with a cutter, indicating the landing site of the roof window frame. It seems that it would be possible to make grooves on rafter legs and crossbars. But in no case should the truss system be weakened even on two elements, because this design bears a large load and is the center of the roof.

Forming an opening for installing a roof window

The window is inserted into the box, to which they are attached with special brackets and self-tapping screws. There is one subtlety here:

    fix first top brackets, but not to the end;

    bait lower, but do not attach them to the box;

    expose window structure exactly in the opening, taking into account the gaps;

    then tighten upper brackets and attach the lower ones.

Now install additional elements. This is an apron made of waterproofing film, which is laid around the perimeter of the window. On top of it is a metal apron, the elements of which are an assembled visor structure. They are attached to the box with screws around the perimeter. This completes the installation, the builders proceed to laying the roofing material on the roof.

If it is necessary to install a window in the roof of the attic, which is already covered with roofing material, then the technology is slightly modified. The differences are that you will first have to disassemble part of the roofing. Then cut the layers of the roofing cake: waterproofing membrane, insulation and vapor barrier. And here it is necessary to accurately measure and cut. Everything else is exactly the same as in the described process.

Video description

In the video, the technology for installing a roof window is disassembled step by step:

Conclusion on the topic

The information given in the article should help to understand what dormers and skylights are and which ones exist. In fact, the technology of their installation is simple. Masters representing manufacturing companies are trained in specialized centers, so their skills can be trusted. Many portals write that installing windows on the roof is a simple process. Nobody argues with this. But it's not worth the risk, especially with models built into slopes. Self-activity here will only get in the way. The low quality of the end result is guaranteed in many cases. In addition, many window manufacturing companies only give a guarantee if the installation was carried out by a certified construction company.
