No one is surprised at the need for mandatory insulation of the attic space to create a comfortable microclimate in the home. Many do not even think about the installation of a proper ventilation system in this room. But high-quality ventilation of the attic helps to maintain a microclimate there, prevents the occurrence of fungi, rot and increases the service life roof structure. Properly calculated and thought out is no less important than competent vapor and thermal insulation.

Attic ventilation provides mixing and equalization of the temperatures of the roof structure and external environment. It prevents the formation of ice during the melting of the snow cover, the gathering of "avalanches" and the appearance of large icicles. Arrangement quality system air exchange is actually extremely important.

Attic space: ventilation

Roof rotted due to poor ventilation in the attic

In different buildings there are different types attics: they have a different purpose, respectively, their arrangement is different and. According to the main feature, attics are divided into two main types - warm and cold. The last type is more traditional. In such a case, the system is not protected in any way, since only the ceiling is insulated. Another type has only one important goal - to properly protect engineering.

Cold attic: ventilation device

In the cold room of the attic, an adjustable one must be present. To equip it, leave it open and. A good alternative is a special lining with gaps that allows air to circulate freely. If, however, or are used as a roofing, and there are no vapor and wind insulation films, in this case, you don’t have to worry about a special device in the attic for ventilation.

Roof space ventilation device

Between the individual waves of the roof, air without interference penetrates into the space under the roof and exits.

It is also able to ventilate on its own, but it can cause condensation, so the use of an insulating film in this case is mandatory.

At ventilation ducts located in the pediments. Loosely located sewing overhangs can be quite an effective way to solve the problem.

Narrow slots, evenly distributed, will favor high-quality ventilation of the entire attic space.

But if the lining adjoins too tightly, or in the case when the gables are made of stone, holes will have to be made in the walls. It would be rational to place them on opposite sides, thereby ensuring the exclusion of pockets of stagnation. The total S (area) of the ventilation ducts should be 0.2% of the area of ​​the entire floor.

Ventilation grille for the roof of the house

There is another option that allows you to save money. It involves the installation of standard gratings for, one of which is adjustable, the other is directed downward with its holes. A mosquito net will protect them from insects.

If we are dealing with, then the ventilation device will be made differently. Below, in the filing, an inlet is made, and on top, at the ridge, there is an exit. In the case when the filing of the overhangs is made of wood, the bars do not have to be placed tightly, there may be a gap of several millimeters between them. If the stitching was carried out using plastic, then there should be holes in all components. Such panels are called spotlights.

A situation is possible when the binder is assembled quite tightly. How to be in that case? For this, special gratings equipped with a mesh are produced. They have a diameter of five centimeters: they are placed every 0.8 meters, along the entire length of the wind overhang. To make holes, use a drill with a suitable (round) drill. The upper conclusion is made from above.

How is the ventilated ridge on the roof of the house

In general, the types of ventilation largely depend on the type of roof. For example, a classic skate is suitable for and euroslate. In an elastic flexible roof, a ventilated ridge or turtle is successfully used. Also, a special valve is used for ceramic tiles.

Perfectly ventilated with a standard ridge. I must say that the ridge is not just an economically beneficial replacement for the valve. This is also a great way to get a ventilation system in the shortest possible time.

Sometimes special auditory rooms are used, with bars or glazed, but their device is quite not an easy task which requires theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Warm attic: ventilation

In modern heating systems, natural circulation is not actually used. In other words, if it is planned to turn the attic space into, the roof must be made entirely ventilated. For tile roofs or sheet material you will have to equip a special ventilated area: a counter-rail is sewn onto the rafters.

For roofs with a metal coating, it is desirable to use a windproof film.. A slate roof can do without a counter-rail, since air must flow freely from the bottom up. An entrance is arranged in the filing, the exit to the outside occurs through the ridge.

The attic should be ventilated in the same way as other rooms. Air enters through the windows (possibly the installation of VTK valves), and leaves the house through the ventilation openings. If they are absent in the walls, then fungi (aerators) are made at the place of the hood, on the roof.

Attic ventilation in the house: truth and fiction

Questions relating to high-quality ventilation of the attic space are overgrown with rumors and speculation. Which facts about proper ventilation are true and which are not?

Does heat escape through the attic of a private house
  • Is it true that warm air escapes from the house through the ventilation ducts in winter? There is an opinion that the operation of ventilation in the cold season only interferes with the heating of the home. In fact, it is unlikely that the holes are the cause. In the case when the dwelling heats up for a long time and then quickly cools down, it is not the ventilation that is to blame, but the insulation. I must say that not too high-quality insulation is able to pass moist air into the attic. The consequence of this phenomenon is often the formation of drops of condensate, causing, in turn, damage and decay of wood.
  • Is it true that ventilation is only required during hot weather? There is a belief that the work of ventilation is necessary only in summer, with a strong increase in temperature. In reality, this is not so. If you do not carry out ventilation measures in winter, this is fraught with the formation of icicles, the development of fungi and.
  • Is it true that the size of the ventilation holes does not matter? This is also a delusion. You should not equip the channels "by eye", since it is likely that the efficiency of such a system will tend to zero. Airflow should be related to floors as one to five hundred.

When designing the construction of a house, one should not forget about arranging the ventilation of the attic space. Attic ventilation allows you to control heat transfer both in this room and throughout the house. The created ventilation does not allow the roof to become very hot in the summer heat, and in winter it protects the space from the appearance of moisture and freezing of the rafters.

An attic without a ventilation system can cause a lot of inconvenience and problems.

Consider how to make ventilation in the attic to avoid all these troubles. Indeed, due to exposure to moisture, the entire structure of the house will slowly collapse. And it does not matter for what purpose the attic space is used.

Cold attic: do you need ventilation

In cold attics there is a constant change temperature regime so the ventilation system must be adjustable. During the construction of a house with your own hands on the roof, the grate and rafters can not be completely closed, or the lining is used, which has open intervals for air circulation.

And also the need for arranging ventilation will depend on the external cover of the roof. If slate or ondulin is used, and a film is installed to provide vapor barrier or wind barrier functions, then ventilation design is not required.

Air circulation will be carried out naturally. After all, this roof is able to pass air. As well as additional ventilation passages will be obtained during the installation of the material. The resulting seams and skates are well breathable.

When using a metal tile, one factor should be considered. Even when installing a film under this material, condensation will still form, so ventilation must be provided.

If at home gable roof, then ventilation outlets are made in the gables of the holes. Even for air circulation, you can leave gaps of the same size during the sewing of fronts and wind overhangs.

Some buildings have stone gables. In this case, small holes are made in the wall through certain sections with their own hands. This procedure avoids the appearance of stagnant air. This attic ventilation in a private house needs periodic adjustment.

To do this, it is necessary to provide for closing the holes made, as well as installing a grate on them so that foreign objects or small insects do not penetrate into it.

Ventilation with dormers

Attic ventilation scheme with dormer windows

The most proven and ancient method is attic ventilation through dormer windows. Such windows are located opposite the gables. Their dimensions should be 600x800 mm. This method has both advantages and disadvantages. Of the advantages, they distinguish ease of installation with their own hands and a sufficient cross section, which provides good air exchange.

Attic ventilation with dormer windows is an option that has both advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage in such a system is the formation of stagnant air zones. Because of this, the design is less in demand. If it is used, then the dormers are small in size. This option goes well with eaves-ridge ventilation, providing excellent air exchange.

Other Cold Attic Ventilation Methods

Today, builders in the construction of private houses like to use special vents. Air ducts in the attic are a hole that are closed with gratings and are protected from the penetration of atmospheric precipitation. Instead of special vents, a deflector, aerator or sloping outlet can be used.

These products are divided into:

  • skating;
  • eaves.

By the name it is already clear on which part of the roof they are located. The cornice type is divided into:

  • target;
  • point.

The slit view represents the gap that is projected between the wall of the house and the eaves. Its width is 2 cm. The gap is closed metal mesh. The point view is a hole with a diameter of not more than 2.5 cm.

Ridge vents are presented in the form of a slot located along the ridge of the roof.

Such spaces are closed with perforated metal, 5 cm wide. To improve air circulation, they are equipped on both sides of the ridge and placed along the entire length of the roof. Ridge products are usually sold together with roofing material.

Deflectors and ventilation turbines are also very popular for do-it-yourself roofing. They are able to provide good air circulation.

Warm attic ventilation

If a warm attic is planned in a private house, then the roof should be covered with ventilated material. If you want to cover shingles or sheet metal, space must be provided for air circulation. To achieve this effect is simple, it is enough to additionally install counter-rails on the rafters. Metallic materials require the use of a windscreen.

Slate coating does not require additional devices for ventilation. After all, air can circulate through the filing and the ridge on the roof. Ventilation of a warm attic should occur in the same way as ventilation of a room. Therefore, it is desirable to provide for the presence of windows. It is desirable that all points of the ventilation system are provided for in the design scheme of the house.

The need for ventilation

In the absence of good air exchange, humidity appears on the upper floors. This is especially true for attics. Usually, when they are installed, they do not spare heaters and are frivolous about ventilation. As a result, heat begins to escape through the insulation materials, heating the roof directly. During the cold season with roofing material water begins to seep into the heater.

In the end everything Decoration Materials begin to lose their qualities, creating favorable conditions for the spread of bacteria and fungus. Therefore, it is very important to organize proper air exchange. Ventilation of the attic above the attic will allow not only to keep the insulation intact, but also to create favorable conditions for a person.

Myths about ventilation

For some people, the need for ventilation is questionable. Therefore, disagreements arise. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to do without this system:

  1. Through the ventilation winter time heat goes out. This is the most common opinion. If it takes a long time to heat the house, and the cooling occurs very quickly, then air exchange does not affect this problem. This is due to shortcomings in the installation of insulation materials. But if the insulation is of poor quality, then it is able to remove moist air into the attic. As a result, condensation appears, and the wooden floors begin to rot.
  2. Ventilation of a hip or hipped roof is only necessary in summer. In fact, if air exchange is disturbed in winter, icicles grow because of this, mold and fungus appear.
  3. It doesn't matter what area the vent will occupy. This opinion is erroneous and it is not recommended to place holes on the eye. Such ventilation will not circulate air well. It is worth adhering to a certain scheme: for every 500 m2 there is 1 m2 of ventilation.

Ventilation features

To avoid mistakes when designing ventilation with your own hands, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. When designing air circulation in a warm attic, one should calculate the rigidity of the structure: whether ventilation can cope with wind pressure and temperature changes.
  2. Soffits for eaves should be chosen plastic or aluminum. These materials do not corrode, so they will last for many years.
  3. If there is a fan in the hood, then the supply equipment must be removed at a distance of at least 8 meters from it.
  4. To avoid the formation of condensate, it is necessary to regulate the air temperature with the help of a heat exchanger.
  5. It is recommended to observe for a couple of weeks which side the winds most often blow from. Ventilation must be removed in this direction. Sometimes this single direction is enough.

It is very important to choose the right place for the ventilation holes. They should be located in the cleanest area of ​​the attic, because they should not become clogged, otherwise this will lead to blockage of air exchange.

It is very important to understand that ventilation is required at any time of the year. In the summer, it prevents strong heating of the living space, and in winter period will not allow dampness to form. Therefore, if you properly design ventilation, then the house will be convenient and comfortable.

The attic, despite the fact that it is rarely used, is still an important part of the house. Accordingly, it must be insulated, as this will keep the heat inside the room, especially in winter. Every homeowner remembers this. However, most do not pay enough attention to ventilation in the attic. In fact, it allows not only to maintain the temperature of the air, but also to maintain it in an optimal state.

But the main advantage of properly designed ventilation is that it does not allow condensate to accumulate, which significantly reduces the strength and, consequently, the life of the structure.

Why do you need attic ventilation?

The attic ventilation system in a private house is one of the main parts of the entire structure, thanks to which heat is exchanged. In summer, under the rays of the sun, a metal roof can heat up to over 150 degrees Celsius. Hot air enters the house, which leads to stuffiness.

However, this is not the only disadvantage of the absence of the described system. In winter, when the temperature difference between the street and indoors is high enough, condensation appears in the ventilation of a private house. Only a well-designed system can provide good ventilation.

Cold attic ventilation

Cold attic ventilation is a fairly lightweight design that you can do yourself without any problems. To design and create a system, you need to know the basic aspects of the theory and have basic skills.

Creating a ventilation system in a cold attic in a private house is an easy task. It works due to the large volume of air and the absence of any obstacles for its normal circulation. The described method of ventilation can be created by providing ventilation of the attic with the help of several structures: cornice overhang, gable windows, grilles, roof ridge and ridge, etc.

For rooms with a gable roof, the most the best option will be the choice of gable windows or cornice overhangs. They are best suited for designing an attic ventilation system with this type of roof.

If your stocks Money are scarce enough, then as a budget alternative, you can use the option using conventional gratings. Usually, they are installed in the amount of two pieces, where one can be adjusted, and the second is static, but at the same time facing downwards with the air. As an additional accessory, a mosquito net can be attached to them, which will block access to insects.

The design of hip-type roofs does not have gables. Therefore, to create a ventilation system, only cornice overhangs can be installed on them. In this case, the air outlet is carried out through the roof ridge.

The most difficult situation arises when working with valleys. Due to their specific design, it is quite difficult to ensure ventilation when working with them. However, this can be done using point eaves aerators.

Through dormer windows

There are many ways to ventilate an attic. One of the most commonly used is the dormer window design technique. This design eliminates the need for additional holes, vents and slots, etc.

Many experts note that the use of special dormer windows is not effective enough to ensure proper air circulation in the attic, but they are quite enough to deal with condensate.

If you want to create attic ventilation with your own hands using dormer windows, then you need to follow the following rules:

  • the minimum dimensions of each window should be 60 by 80 cm;
  • installation of dormer windows should be carried out strictly on opposite gables;
  • relative to the cornice and the edges of the attic, they should be located in the middle;
  • the minimum distance between two holes must be at least one meter;
  • each window is installed directly into the lattice itself.

The method described above is most common in the construction of country cottages. However, it has a significant drawback. In case of using poor quality building materials, air will accumulate under and above the dormer window, which in turn will interfere with ventilation. You can install dormers yourself. It is enough to study the theory a little and have basic construction skills.


Roof vents are special openings that can be used to create ventilation in both a thermal attic and a cold attic. There are two types of air: ridge and eaves.

The ventilation of the attic of the house, made using the first type, is a small gap, up to 5 cm wide. They are located along the perimeter at a distance of at least eight meters from each other.

The attic ventilation device with the help of air ducts under the cornices are slots located between the roof and the wall. Their width is approximately 2 cm. Alternative option is a point location.

The size of the hole depends on the value of the slope of the slope, however, the diameter cannot exceed the mark of 2.5 cm. Designing attic ventilation with vents is the only technique that is possible without the use of dormer windows.

Ventilation aerators

Roof aerator - relative to other devices, this is enough the new kind products. Outwardly, it is a pipe, the top of which is covered with a special "hat".

The attic ventilation system of a private house, based on them, does an excellent job of removing steam, moisture and stagnant air, providing high-quality cold-type attic ventilation.

Aerators are installed on roof slopes, since in these places the air moves due to the existing difference between temperature and pressure. Thus, they replace skating products. Aerators are divided into point and continuous. Special fans are installed in the design of the first.

The continuous type is a plate with holes located along the ridge. Due to the fact that it is covered from above with the roof of the attic roof, it is practically invisible, however, the ventilation of the room is carried out with high quality.

Depending on the material from which the roof of the attic roof is made, it is necessary to use different aerators. There are four types in total, each of which is designed for a specific roof:

  • from bituminous tiles;
  • from cermet;
  • from ceramics;
  • also for flat roofs.

It is necessary to install aerators in those places where the location of the eaves is provided. In addition, during their installation, several conditions must be observed:

  • the slope of the roof should be in the range of values ​​​​from 15 to 45 degrees;
  • aerators must be installed at a distance of at least 30 cm from the chimney and walls;
  • they should protrude from the slot of the roof ridge by 25 cm;
  • point-type models are installed further than half a meter from the ridge.

Warm attic ventilation

In modern heating systems, a natural air circulation system is very rarely used. Therefore, when redevelopment of the attic space in the attic, it is necessary to ensure absolute ventilation.

For a roof made of sheet metal and flexible tiles, it is necessary to sew on counter-battens, rafters and battens. Ventilation of a warm attic, the roof of which is made only of metal, is carried out at the expense of specialized windproof films - geosynthetics.

For roofs covered with slate, the use of counter-battens is not mandatory, since the ventilation of the attic will be carried out in the same way as in other rooms.

Attic ventilation

Attic ventilation is a more complex structure than a cold attic ventilation system. The layers should be placed between the rafters, and the space between the bottom and top surface of the insulation and the heat retaining material should be at least 2-3 cm.

It is difficult to make attic ventilation with your own hands, but having the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills is quite possible. One of the common difficulties is the situation when the depth of the rafters used is not enough to provide the desired gap between the materials. In this case, additional space is created by boards and slats.

This is easy to do on simple shaped roofs. However, if your attic is not standard, then the best way out of the situation would be to use special diffusion membranes. Their advantage lies in the fact that they will provide high-quality ventilation of the room even if they are located directly on the thermal insulation layer.

You can add space in the ventilation system in the attic with your own hands. This can be done using a special crate. Its thickness should be at least 5 cm. In this case, the air for ventilation will be taken in through special spotlights, and leave the room in the standard way - through the end of the roof.

How to insulate

The pipe system must be insulated, especially when it comes to designing ventilation for the attic of a bathhouse or sauna. This is necessary to prevent the accumulation of condensate on the inner walls. Due to the fact that the pipe connections are not airtight, it is necessary to produce additional ventilation insulation in the attic.

The fact is that the appearance of condensate in the ventilation ducts is inevitable. People exhale air, enjoy hot water, wash, etc. - all this leads to the release of copious amounts of moisture. In particular cases, the level of relative humidity can reach one hundred percent, which naturally affects the integrity of both the ventilation system and the attic as a whole.

To avoid this, it is necessary to insulate pipes with special materials. To do this, you can use foam, mineral wool, various geosynthetics, etc.

Calculation of attic ventilation

For those who decide to make a ventilation system in the attic of a private house on their own, before starting the installation procedures, you need to familiarize yourself with the calculation method and complete it. Only a professional can guarantee the maximum level of quality of the created project. However, there are a few rules, the observance of which will allow you to ensure good ventilation of the attic.

For 1000 meters squared, there must be two square meters ventilation holes. In special cases, a ratio of 1 to 300 can be used. It is important to understand that in the calculation process it is necessary to use values ​​that do not take into account the width of the gratings and the length of the ribs, even though they disrupt the natural movement of air flows.

Naturally, the excess of the size of the made products will also negatively affect the quality of the ventilation system, as well as their lack. Snow, water, etc. can get into large holes.

Common misconceptions

There are quite a lot of stereotypical misconceptions about the design and installation of attic ventilation systems. Oddly enough, most people actually believe these myths to be true. The main ones are as follows.

  1. There is an opinion that in the winter season, at negative air temperatures, heat leaves the house through the channels of the ventilation system. In fact, heat will leave the house through the channels only if the system is designed incorrectly or of poor quality. The real source of this problem is poor thermal insulation material, which allows moist air flows into the attic space. Consequently, this leads to the formation of condensate, which in turn affects the integrity of the roof.
  2. Some people believe that the ventilation system is relevant only in hot weather. In fact, it works at any time of the year. In hot weather, the system promotes air circulation, which prevents stuffiness from forming. In winter, at high relative humidity, it prevents the formation of fungus and icicles.
  3. Very often, in the process of designing an attic ventilation system, people do not pay due attention to the size of the vents. As already mentioned, it is possible to create a high-quality high-quality project only if the correct calculations are made. With a chaotic choice of the size and location of the holes, most likely, the ventilation efficiency will be equal to zero. The average air to floor ratio should be 1 to 500.

Self-designed attic ventilation in a private house is risky enough. So, as soon as a highly qualified professional can create a system that is guaranteed to provide good ventilation.

However, if you still decide to start creating it yourself, then it is highly recommended to follow the following tips from experts.

  1. It is necessary to pay careful attention to the ventilation holes located along the perimeter of the ridge of the attic roof. In most cases, the standard method is used, which involves placing them as close to the ridge as possible.
  2. The ventilation system must be designed to withstand any possible temperature and weather conditions in your climate. This will be a guarantee of a long service life of both the ventilation itself and the entire roof as a whole.
  3. An important condition, without observing which to create a ventilation project that ensures high-quality ventilation of the room, is that inside the attic space between the rafters there must be air vents. They must be placed in such a way as to completely eliminate the chances of clogging or blocking air flows.
  4. In the case of installing continuous spotlights under the eaves, it is also necessary to additionally install a specialized screening mesh. It is made of aluminum or plastic. Both materials are absolutely resistant to corrosion.
  5. If you plan to install a supply-type ventilation system, then it must be located in the cleanest area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.
  6. The pipes of the system must be closed with diffusers or gratings.

Thus, having minimal theoretical knowledge and basic work skills, following the above tips, you can easily create a high-quality ventilation system that will provide good ventilation. When developing a project, you need to carefully calculate the number of holes in order to maintain their ideal ratio with the area.

Many are sure that ventilation is needed only in a heated, residential attic, a cold room does not need such a system. In fact, well-equipped attic ventilation is not only fresh air, but also a guarantee of longevity of all elements of any roof truss.

Let's take a look at the types of such structures together, and home craftsmen will receive DIY installation tips.

Do you need ventilation in the attic - common myths

Professionals are well aware that natural ventilation is important for both warm and unheated attics.

Speculation and rumors are spread by amateurs who, without knowledge, take up the construction of complex structures with their own hands.

There are 3 erroneous myths about ventilation among the people:

In winter, most of the heat from the house leaves through the attic ventilation! · The living space is not directly connected to the cold attic, so the presence of vents in the upper level does not affect the temperature in the house.

· The root of the problem must be sought in the thermal insulation of the floor, and not in the ventilation of the roof.

Ventilate the attic only in summer! Interestingly, just in summer, the lack of fresh air causes less damage than in winter.

In the cold season, plus temperature under the roof and minus outside leads to the formation of condensate.

· Dampness entails mold, fungus and icicles hanging from the rafters.

The size and location of the ventilation openings do not matter, the main thing is that they were! To determine the size, there are specific standards prescribed in SNiP 31-01-2003.

How to make ventilation in the attic

The attic ventilation system in a private house can be equipped in several ways.

The choice of one or another design depends on 3 factors:

  1. the presence or absence of heating;
  2. type and configuration of the roof;
  3. type of roofing material.

Air exchange in an unheated attic

The easiest way to arrange ventilation in a cold room is a dormer window and gable ventilation grates. Dormer windows are located on the slopes of the roof or on the pediment; to protect them from birds, grilles are installed on them.

For the system to work, windows are mounted in the far corners of the room, opposite each other.

A lot also depends on the presence of a vapor barrier membrane under the roofing material. If such a membrane is stretched, then in addition to ventilation in the room itself, it is necessary to take care of air access under the roofing material.

It is this type of ventilation that helps to get rid of condensate in the attic.

Under the roof of corrugated board or wave slate air enters from below, you only need to ensure its exit from above, this is especially true for tent and hip roof which are often made without dormer windows, plus there are no gables.

Here you have 2 options:

  1. install a vented ridge- at the stage of assembling the roof, a special structure is placed on the ridge, which provides air outlet and at the same time protects the under-roof space from precipitation and insects.

  1. deflectors or aerators crash, if the roof is already assembled, then in order not to remake the entire ridge into roof slopes, the second option is a little more expensive, but snowfalls are not afraid of aerators, since they are raised above the roof.

These devices provide a comprehensive air outlet from several levels at once.

If the roof is covered with smooth roofing iron or soft bituminous tiles, the issue of air access to the attic and to the under-roof space is solved a little differently.

  • In this case, the roof overhang is hemmed from below with soffits, they are also called eaves, soffits are perforated siding and are made specifically for arranging ventilation.
  • Passing through the spotlights, part of the air through special channels enters the attic, and part goes into the under-roof space.

Another problem of cold attics is the insulation of pipes passing through the room. Previously, communications were wrapped in glass wool and wrapped in foil, now overhead cocoons made of mineral wool or polyethylene foam.

Heated attic ventilation

In a warm attic, it is necessary to provide air exchange in 3 sectors at the same time. There is not enough natural system here, therefore forced controlled ventilation is additionally mounted.

To insulate the attic space, vapor-permeable mineral wool mats are used. From above, the insulation is covered with wind protection, and a vapor barrier membrane is attached from the inside.

The air from the room passes through the insulation, wrapped in 2 membranes and exits into the under-roof space, from where it is removed to the street through deflectors and ridge vents.

In addition to ventilation in the under-roof space, it is necessary to ensure the movement of air in the insulation, otherwise it will be saturated with moisture and become useless.

An aerator is mounted here as a reinforcing element, it provides air outlet from all 3 zones - a room, a heater, a roof space.

The flow of air into the room is provided forcibly. In this case, supply fans or air conditioning are used. For natural inflow, special valves are installed on the windows.


We dismantled general principle arrangement of ventilation for cold and heated systems, but attic ventilation largely depends on the individual characteristics of a particular roof, the video in this article is devoted to this issue.

Although such work is considered simple, it is still better to consult a professional before installation. I advise you to watch the video in the article.

Four-slope is a constructive and functional element of the building, which is known to every builder.

The triangular end slopes have the name of the hip, which is why the main name of the roof of this type of house has gone.

They replaced the vertical gables on all sides of the building.

The reason for the popularity of hip roofs is that they are very resistant to wind loads due to its increased aerodynamics, more rigid and reliable due to triangular slopes.

In addition, it is worth noting that hip roofs are quite stylish and aesthetic elements that can give any building originality by improving its external shape. Such a roof is not difficult to make.

In this article you will find out what device hipped roof.

Like any other type of roof, a hip roof has a special type of roofing cake.

It consists of the following structural elements:

  • crate;
  • Counter grille;
  • Hydrobarrier;
  • Vapor barrier;
  • Drywall.

Each of the above elements perform their important function and has individual characteristics. Today, the building materials market is quite rich, therefore, as a roofing material for a hip roof, you can choose both piece and sheet products.


truss system

In order for the hip roof to be sufficiently rigid and reliable, it is necessary to carry out the arrangement of all its elements in a certain way.

Slant types of rafters need to be attached to inside corners walls, while diagonal - to the outer. This is fundamentally important. Due to the fact that the rafters have a large load, their length should also be greater.

Sloping rafter legs should become a support for the shortened rafters of the slopes, which are called narozhniki. Most often they are made from two paired legs.

Diagonal rafters must be secured with one or two supports.. To do this, use racks of timber. The struts should be placed in such a way that an angle of 45 degrees forms between them and the horizontal support.

Intermediate rafter legs should rest on one side on the ridge beam, and on the other side on the Mauerlat. They should be placed with steps of 1-1.2 meters. Every second rafter is best attached to bearing walls using twists.

They can be made from ordinary wires, the radius of which becomes 2 millimeters. Using the back bracket, the intermediate frame should be connected to the Mauerlat.

Sprockets or half-legs (as they are often called) should lean on the Mauerlat with one side, and on the diagonal leg with the other.

Device truss system hipped roof: drawings and diagrams below.

Drawing of the truss system

Scheme of the truss system

Knots of a hipped roof

It is important to note that there are certain rather complex nodes of the truss system, which always raise a lot of questions from builders.

This applies to fixing the rafter legs to the Mauerlat, connecting the rafter legs to each other and attaching the ridge beam to the rafter legs.

In order to fix the rafter legs to the Mauerlat, you need to use a rigid mount.

It can be done in the following ways:

  • With the help of corners installed on both sides of the rafter leg;
  • Driving a nail diagonally through the rafter into the Mauerlat;
  • Staples specially created for this;
  • Sliding attachment.

Rafter legs can be connected to each other in different ways:

  • With the help of bolts after laying them over the ridge beam;
  • Having made special recesses for the timber and connecting the legs above it with nails;
  • Having adjusted the rafters to the chosen angle and connecting them together with metal or wooden linings on both sides.

In order for the hip side of the roof to be durable enough, it is necessary to connect the rafter legs with the timber as follows:

  • Diagonal rafters are cut in such a way that it ideally fits the shape of the beam, with which they must be fastened with nails from above;
  • Laying the ridge beam on the racks and fastening it on both sides with wooden overlays from the boards.

It is worth remembering that the rigidity of the entire structure is equal to the rigidity of its weakest node. Therefore, it is very important to make connections as reliably as possible.

Mauerlat mount


The durability of the entire structure depends on how the roof will be arranged. That's why work must be carried out carefully and carefully. If there is no experience in this, it is best to contact qualified specialists or take someone who has already erected hip roofs to help you. Their device is complex, but the result is worth the effort.

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