If it is necessary to create a durable and reliable roofing system for a private house, a hipped roof can be made by hand. It is important to carefully consider the development of the project of the truss system and strictly observe the technology of installation of structures.

Designing a hipped roof

A hipped or hipped four-pitched roof differs from a gable one by the absence of gables - instead of them, additional triangular slopes are mounted on the ends. This design is more laborious during construction, but is characterized by increased strength and reliability. At the design stage, it is required to correctly calculate the parameters and location of the elements; during the installation process, they must be precisely adjusted to the installation sites.

It should be noted that building a roof with your own hands may require the use of non-standard solutions if the builders do not have suitable building materials at their disposal.

The hipped roof project is developed taking into account all types of loads that it will experience. At the first stage, the angle of inclination of the roof slopes should be determined. This parameter primarily depends on factors such as:

  • the purpose of the attic;
  • choice of roofing material;
  • nature of atmospheric loads in the construction area.

Typically, the angle of inclination of the roof slopes is 5 - 60 degrees. If the region is characterized by low rainfall and strong winds, you can build a roof with a small angle of inclination. In areas with heavy snowfalls and frequent rains, it is recommended to build roofs with a slope angle of 45 to 60 degrees.

Choosing roofing material, should take into account the features of its installation:

  • on slopes with an angle of inclination of less than 18 degrees, flat or wavy slate, roll materials can be mounted;
  • if the angle of inclination is less than 30 degrees - you can use different kinds tiles;
  • if the slopes are located at an angle of 14 to 60 degrees, in the number suitable materials roofing metal included.

The scheme of the roof structure should contain detailed information about the location and size of the elements of the system. After defining optimal angle the slope of the slopes, it is required to calculate the height of the roof ridge (based on the formula of a right triangle).

truss system

The design of a hipped roof includes the determination of the required section of the elements of the truss system. It is performed on the basis of an analysis of the loads that the truss system will experience during operation. It is necessary to take into account the wind load, the maximum mass of snow in winter period, slope angle.

It is recommended to choose a safety margin of rafters of at least 1.4, as well as to evaluate their bearing capacity and take it into account when calculating the pitch of the rafters. The type of truss system is selected based on the parameters of the building: if there is an internal load-bearing wall or columnar supports, it is more convenient to use a system with layered rafters, if it is not possible to create a supporting structure, installation of hanging rafters is provided. In some cases, both types of rafters can be used.

During the design process, it is important not only to determine the type of truss system, but also to find out the need for additional fasteners, such as braces and puffs. They provide rigidity to the entire structure, prevent it from loosening over time, and reduce the load on the rafters.

Load calculation

Considering in detail how to make four pitched roof, it is worth paying special attention to the principles of calculating loads. There are two types of loads:

  • constant (weight of the crate, insulation, insulating materials, roofing);
  • temporary (weight of snow accumulated on the roof, wind exposure, etc.);
  • additional (any structures attached to the rafters).

According to SNiP, when designing a roof, one should proceed from the average snow load, which is 180 kg / m 2, but in the event of a snow bag, in this area the load increases to 400 kg / m 2. In this case, the snow load is not taken into account if the angle of inclination of the roof slopes exceeds 60 degrees. It is also required to take into account wind loads, but their value is noticeably less - up to 35 kg / m 2. If the slope angle is less than 30 degrees, the wind correction can be neglected.

The above average load parameters are recommended to be corrected using correction factors corresponding to the climate in the construction area.

An additional load is any suspended objects attached to the roof rafters. These can be ventilation chambers, a water tank, or other devices installed in the attic. The possibility of their installation should be taken into account at the design stage of a hipped roof.

When designing a rafter system, two calculations must be performed. The first calculation is aimed at assessing the structural strength parameters - it is necessary to make sure that the system does not break under loads. The second calculation makes it possible to estimate the degree of deformation of structural elements. For example, the deflection of the rafter mansard roof must not exceed 1/250 of its length.

Special computer calculator programs make it possible to significantly simplify the calculations of the design of a hipped roof and avoid possible errors.

After doing necessary calculations a drawing of the truss structure of a hipped roof is drawn up. Detailed scheme contains information about the dimensions of each element and how they are attached.

Materials for the manufacture of the truss system

hipped roof do it yourself is usually done using lumber from softwood - larch or pine. You should carefully consider the type of wood - lumber should not have defects that affect its strength and durability.

The moisture content of wood should be no more than 18-22%. Otherwise, the boards and timber should be dried before use in order to avoid deformation of the roof structure during operation.

To create a rafter system, it is optimal to use a rectangular beam, the cross section of which is determined by design calculations. As an alternative solution, a board with a section of 50x100 or 50x200 mm can be used. If necessary, double boards are mounted.

Steel elements that hold the rafters and keep their relative position unchanged allow to increase the strength of the multi-pitched roof structure. Supports for the most loaded ridge runs can also be made of metal. Combined structures are characterized by increased strength.

Features of the construction of a hip roof

The roof with four slopes is supported by a Mauerlat, the installation of which is described in detail in the instructions for the construction of a gable roof. A feature of the hip roof is that the mauerlat must be laid on all four external walls of the building. When figuring out how to make a hipped roof, it should be noted that the key feature of the design is the presence of diagonal rafters connecting the ridge and the corners of the building. It is these rafters that take on the maximum load.

It is extremely important to correctly mark the diagonal rafters, ridge run and supports for it. This makes it possible to ensure the absolute symmetry of the structure, which is the key to an even distribution of loads on the roof of the structure and prevents its deformation.

After mounting the mauerlat, supports are installed under the ridge run, which must be fixed strictly horizontally at the height provided for by the project. Diagonal rafters made of timber or double boards are attached to the ridge run.

To ensure the required length of the diagonal rafters, in some cases it is necessary to mount them in two parts. To unload the joint, it is recommended to install a support under it. The greatest rigidity of the structure can be achieved if the joint with the support is located at a distance equal to a quarter of the length of the rafter from its upper part, fixed to the ridge. In general, for the installation of diagonal rafters, it is most convenient to use prefabricated (glued) rafter legs, which are highly durable and ideal for erecting complex structures.

After installing the main structure, consisting of a ridge run and diagonal rafters, rafters are mounted for mounting the crate. To features hip roof includes the use of not only full-size rafter legs, which are attached with the upper part to the ridge (central rafters), but also the joists - corner rafters, resting with the upper end against the diagonal rafters. The length of the sprigs decreases as it approaches the corner of a triangular or trapezoidal slope. The spacing of the rafter legs is determined at the design stage, and at least three central rafters must be mounted on each slope, regardless of its length.

To ensure the rigidity of the entire structure, supports, puffs and braces are installed in the right places. The installation of the crate completes the creation of the truss system. Mounted waterproofing, roofing material. From the inside, insulation and vapor barrier are fixed. If it is planned to use the space under the roof as a living space, special attention should be paid to thermal insulation and ventilation of the roof. In addition, it is necessary to design and then correctly mount roof windows.

Details on how to build a hipped roof on your own can be found in the thematic video.

Roofing of four slopes - what is it good for? The numerous operational advantages of this type certainly outweigh the disadvantages. Is the rafter system of a hipped roof as simple as many beginners in the construction business think? You will definitely find out soon! We will describe the important nuances and features of the stages of the construction of a hip roof in this article.

What you need to know about four-pitched truss systems?

There are two variants of four-slope roofs: hip and tent. The first type has the shape of a rectangular envelope, consisting of two main trapezoidal slopes and a ridge, and two gable (side) slopes - triangles:

A hipped roof is four identical isosceles triangles connected at one upper point (reminiscent of a tent):

Both options provide for the installation of both layered and hanging rafters, which are installed using standard technologies.

How to choose the type of truss system for a 4-pitched roof?

In the absence of a central roof support, the choice is made in favor of a hanging truss system. If for each rafter you can find the upper and lower supports, then you should choose a layered structure. This option is easier and more affordable for non-professional craftsmen. It is only necessary to remember two main conditions: with a rigid fastening of the bottom and top of the stop, a reinforced Mauerlat is needed, since the thrust is transferred to it; when hinged or semi-rigid (for example, the top is hinged and the bottom is rigid or vice versa), the Mauerlat does not need to be reinforced:

The choice of one of the types of hipped roof should be determined by the shape of the house itself. Hip rafters are erected for square houses, hip rafters for rectangular houses. Also, you can find complex multi-pitched roofs of a combined type, which contain both hip and tent elements.

Both hip and tent structures retain the main functions of a gable roof (for example, the possibility of arranging an attic) and look very aesthetically pleasing:

Why is a four-pitched roof more popular than a two-pitched one?

“Why the extra headache and complexity?” You ask: “After all, you can build a simple gable roof much faster and cheaper.” Here, the masters emphasize some important points in favor of choosing exactly four slopes for the roof:

  1. High wind resistance. The four-pitched roof has no gables, all its planes are inclined towards the ridge. Such a structure minimizes the impact of strong winds and reduces to "0" possible destructive consequences.
  2. The most successful load distribution. A multi-pitched roof withstands the maximum amount of precipitation, since gentle slopes take part of the main load. Therefore, sagging, deformation and destruction of the truss system, in this case, have a minimal probability.
  3. The availability of a choice of any method of roof insulation. Straight gables require a special approach when choosing the type of roof insulation, as they are located vertically and are subject to wind blowing. Gentle slopes of hip and tent systems allow you to evenly insulate the roof with any available material.

In addition to the listed "pluses", a roof with four slopes saves heat well, can be lined with any roofing material and always has a neat appearance.

The device of the four-slope truss system

The four-pitched truss structure consists of the following elements: mauerlat, ridge beam, central and hip rafters, slanting legs, as well as beds, racks, crossbars, struts and other reinforcing parts. Let's look at the most basic elements.

I. Mauerlat

Mauerlat is the most important detail of the structure, since the entire truss system rests on it. It is a powerful wooden beam 100x200, 100x250, 100x100, 150x250, 200x200 cm. Mauerlat is made from solid high-quality wood, mainly coniferous species. The rafter system of a hip roof, like any multi-pitched roof, requires a solid fastening of the base bar. The order of installation of the Mauerlat in this case: the formation of a monolithic foundation at the end of the bearing walls with the installation of spiers; laying waterproofing; processing and installation of Mauerlat around the perimeter of the whole house; reinforcement with anchors and other fasteners for maximum reliability of the base.

Mauerlat can be laid on the edge of the wall, or in the pocket provided for when laying bricks on the inside of the bearing walls.

II. Slanted legs

Slanted legs are called four corner rafters, which rest on the edges of the ridge and the corners of the Mauerlat. They are the longest among all the rafter legs of the system, therefore they must have a section of at least 100x150 mm for maximum rigidity.

III. ridge beam

The ridge run is a horizontal beam that connects all the rafters, the top of the rafter system. The beam must be strengthened with racks and struts. The ridge must be strictly parallel to the plane attic floor and perpendicular to the posts.

IV. rafters

Rafters for a hipped roof are divided into: central (attached to the Mauerlat and ridge); main hip (mounted on the axis of the ridge and Mauerlat); intermediate and shortened (installed on sloping legs and Mauerlat, connect the corners of the slopes).

V. Strengthening elements

Additional reinforcing elements include racks for ridge beams, crossbars or floor beams, struts of rafter legs, wind beams, etc.

Do-it-yourself rafter system for a hipped roof

Consider step by step process erection of a truss structure. For clarity, we have chosen the most popular option - a hip roof. The hip roof truss system, the diagram of which, step by step, is presented to your attention below:

Step I: Create a project

To depict your version of the hip roof in the drawing, it is necessary to calculate the height, length, slopes of the slopes and the roof area. This is necessary for the clear and high-quality implementation of the project and the selection of the required amount of consumables:

Calculations should begin with the choice of the angle of the roof slopes. The optimal slope is considered to be an angle of 20-450. The slope value should correspond to the climatic features of the region. So, in particularly windy areas, the slope should be made minimal, and for areas where precipitation is frequent and abundant, the steepest slope angle is necessary. In addition to the weather, you need to consider the roofing material that you plan to use. For a soft roof, the degree of inclination should be less, for a hard one - more.

And one more small but important nuance on this issue - it is better to make the slope angle the same for all four slopes. So the load will be distributed evenly, and the structure will be as stable as possible, and the aesthetic appeal will remain “on top”.

Now that we know the angle and width of the house, we can use some simple math to calculate the height of the ridge, the length of the rafters, the posts, and other details of the truss system. When calculating the length of the rafters, do not forget to take into account the cornice overhang (as a rule, its length is 40-50 cm).

The roof area for the purchase of the required amount of roofing material is calculated as the sum of the areas of all the slopes of the structure.

How to draw up a roof drawing?

  • We select the scale of the drawing and transfer the dimensions of the house on a scale to a sheet of paper;
  • Next, we transfer the selected dimensions of our roof to the diagram: the height of the ridge, its length, the number and size of the rafter legs, struts, racks and all the details, in accordance with the calculations made earlier;
  • Now we can count everything necessary materials and start looking for them.

Step II: Getting Ready

For erection roof frame you will need standard tools and equipment: drills, screwdriver, jigsaws, hammers, chisels and more. We already know required amount materials for the truss system, so we can make their purchase. Lumber for the frame should be solid, not have cracks, wormholes, have a light shade, no gray or yellow bloom, smell like fresh wood. Wet forest should not be laid on the roof immediately, it must be dried, treated with an antiseptic solution and dried again. Wood moisture should not exceed 20%.

Step III: Mounting the Mauerlat

Mauerlat is the basic part of the entire truss system. It transfers thrust loads to bearing walls Houses. Installing a Mauerlat for a hipped roof is no different from similar structures with two or one slope. This process is described in as much detail as possible in our previous articles.

The base beam, the parameters of which are described above, is placed on the armored belt and high-quality waterproofing. If it is necessary to connect the Mauerlat, then the bars are cut into half the section and overlapped using strong fasteners.

Step IV: Laying the decks or floor beams

If there are load-bearing walls inside the house, then it is necessary to install beds on their ends - the basis for the supporting racks of the roofing system. If there are no more load-bearing floors in the house, then the attic floor is covered with reinforced beams, on which the supports for the roof are subsequently installed, and after that the attic floor pie is laid.

Beams must have a cross section of at least 100x200 mm. The step between them is 60 cm. You can slightly adjust this figure, depending on the features of your home. The distance between the extreme beams and the Mauerlat should not be less than 90 cm. This distance is used for mounting the semi-beams of the cornice overhang (removal). The extensions are attached to the two extreme beams with the help of strong anchors and reinforced metal corners.

Step V: Installation of support posts, purlins and ridge

Racks are an important detail for maintaining the structure, they redistribute the weight of the truss system to the beds or floor beams. Racks are installed strictly perpendicular to the plane of the beds. In four-pitched systems, supports are installed under a ridge beam (hip roof) or under corner rafters (hip roof):

Racks must be securely attached to the base with metal plates and reinforced corners. Runs are installed as an additional support for racks. In a hipped roof, the girders are rectangular in shape, and for the hips, these are ordinary ridge girders.

After we have made sure that the supports are installed correctly (with the help of a meter and a level), we can fix the upper ridge beam. It is mounted on vertical racks and reinforced with reliable metal fasteners(plates, corners, anchors and self-tapping screws). Now we take on the corner offsets:

Step VI: Mounting the rafters

First you need to install the side rafters, which are based on the ridge beam and the Mauerlat (or are fixed with the extension). To do this, you need to make a template rafter with the appropriate cuts. We attach the rafter leg to the ridge, mark the place washed down with a pencil, then mark the place where the rafters washed down for docking with the Mauerlat and make gashes. Attach the rafter to the supports again to make sure that the docking is correct and correct the shortcomings. Now this sample can be used for the manufacture of all side rafters. Installation of the rafter legs of the main slopes is carried out according to general rules described in the device of the gable truss system (see article and video).

The diagonal (corner) rafters are mounted next. Their upper edge is mounted on a rack and joined with the edge of the ridge beam. Before this, measurements are taken and the corresponding cuts of the rafter legs are made. The lower end of the diagonals is fixed in the corners of the Mauerlat:

Since the diagonal rafters are longer than all the other legs, they require additional support. This function is performed by sprengels - support beams that are installed under each diagonal leg, in its lower quarter (this is where the greatest load occurs). Sprengel, as well as ridge racks, are installed on the supporting corner beams located in the plane of the floor beams.

Between the corner ribs, the space is filled with auxiliary rafter legs - sprigs. Their lower part rests on the Mauerlat, and the upper part rests on the diagonal rafter leg. The step between the sprigs should be equal to the step between the side rafters (50-150 cm).

Step VII: Lathing

Remaining to be done The final stage the formation of the roofing skeleton - the installation of the crate. These are boards or bars 50x50 mm, which are attached to the rafters parallel to the ridge run and the Mauerlat. The step of the boards of the crate is 50-60 cm. This is quite enough for laying the roofing pie. When a soft roof is provided, the crate is laid in 2 layers (counter-crate and crate).

Finally, a few videos:

So, we have described the installation of a hipped roof truss system, its basic principles, and even delved a little into some of the nuances. Hip and tent structures - although not the easiest, but quite feasible option for every novice master. Especially if he has good helpers. We wish you success in your work!

When building your own home, a lot of responsibility falls on your shoulders. You have to deal with a bunch of issues and participate in the construction process. After all reliable roof overhead will provide a comfortable life.

Difficulties always attract a person. After all, it is not in vain that they say: “We are not looking for easy ways.” This is what happens in construction. The four-pitched roof has a complex shape, giving the building a special look. This architecture attracts many. This type especially popular in the construction country houses. On cottage a good option would be to build a hipped roof.

In this article


The location on different sides of 4 slopes gives your home a solid look. Often slopes have different shape: a pair of them is obtained in the form of a triangle and plays the role of a pediment, and some are shaped like a trapezoid.

Difficulties with a hipped roof during calculations and installation scare away many who wish, but if you do not doubt your abilities, then you can safely build it.

Design Benefits

A four-pitched roof with your own hands has the following advantages:

  • the absence of gables makes the roof more durable and resistant to gusts of wind. This type of roof is suitable for areas with windy weather conditions;
  • the presence of 4 slopes more effectively copes with the removal of melt and rain water, as well as snow;
  • the attic space becomes more spacious, which is ideal for the location of the attic;
  • the construction of a 4-pitched roof will cost no more than other types.


When making a hipped roof with your own hands, you can distinguish several of its subspecies:

  • hip - is a classic option. It has 2 triangular hips and 2 slopes in the shape of a trapezoid;
  • half-hip - has slightly shortened slopes. Perfectly used for the attic;
  • tent - executed in the form of a pyramid. Ideal for a square building.


Before proceeding directly to construction, it is necessary to create a roof project in order not to make mistakes in the future. How to build a roof? In this case, a step-by-step instruction will help. Having familiarized ourselves with the design of the house, proceed to the following:

  • we calculate the angle of inclination of the slopes, based on indicators such as wind load, precipitation in your area, type of roofing material. In areas with strong gusts of wind, it is advisable to make the angle of inclination less than 30 degrees, thus, the windage will decrease. In areas that are constantly flooded with precipitation, the desired roof angle is not lower than 65 degrees to prevent the accumulation of snow and water. In areas with a more or less stable climate, a roof from 40 to 50 degrees is perfect. For each type of material, the manufacturer indicates the lowest operating angle;
  • we calculate the height of the ridge using a series of simple geometry formulas.

Rafter system design

The truss system of a hipped roof forms the roof frame. It is made up of the following elements:

  • mauerlat - a beam located along the perimeter of the walls and distributing the load on them. The four-pitched roof has 4 beams. If the house is wooden, then the blocks of the upper crowns will be the Mauerlat. In a brick house, a concrete belt is created over the walls, into which special studs are embedded. Then the Mauerlat is attached to them;
  • the ridge beam, or run, is above all elements. The upper part of the rafters is attached to it. At a 4-pitched roof, it is less than the length of the house;
  • rafter legs - boards that create the geometry of the slopes. Their cross section is 50 x 150 mm. A four-pitched roof uses 3 types of rafters: slanting, ordinary, outdoor. Installation of ordinary rafter legs is carried out on slopes in the form of a trapezoid. Sloping rafters are made from a more durable material, since the load on them is greater. The upper part of the slats rests on the ridge run, and the lower part rests on the angle of the Mauerlat. The hip is formed by outdoor rafters. They focus on the diagonal rafter legs and the support beam;

  • bed - a bar that lays a supporting wall located inside the building. Functionally, the bed transfers the weight and distributes it to the foundation;
  • vertical supports - racks, mounting takes place on a bed. They are a support for the middle of the rafters and run;
  • rafter leg, or brace. The angle of its installation is 45 degrees to the rafter. The emphasis is on the rack. It is used so that the rafters do not sag, to transfer part of the weight to the bearing wall;
  • sprengel is used to support the rafters. This is a vertical support, similar to a rack. Sprengel farms are used most often;
  • puff, or bolt, - bars of a horizontal position that grab the rafter pairs in the upper and lower parts;
  • filly - boards that extend the rafters and protect the walls from dampness, forming a roof overhang.

Installation procedure

A four-pitched roof begins with the installation of a Mauerlat, which we lay along the perimeter of the walls. Its cross section is 150 x 150 mm. When placing it is necessary to control its level. The beam should be located 5-7 cm from the edge of the wall. Fastening is carried out on pre-walled studs. Nuts are screwed on top. Such a beam will connect the design of the rafters and the walls of the house into a single whole.

To install racks, you need a bed and floor beams. The size of the beam of such elements is 100 x 200 mm. Installation of supports is carried out vertically with fastening with plates or a corner. When using a hip roof, the racks are placed in 1 row, and a run is attached on top. hipped roof involves the placement of supports diagonally. Equal distances are laid off from the corner. Thus, a rectangle is obtained on which the runs are laid. We fix everything with the help of a corner.

Roof truss installation

The next step is to make rafter templates. We install side rafters on them. A thin board is suitable for blanking. We apply it to the run and mark it washed down. With the second end, which is located at the Mauerlat, we also note washed down. We make the required number of rafters using a template. After choosing the mounting step, we make the installation. The step can be from 60 cm to 1 m. We make the connection with self-tapping screws.

The angle of inclination of the slope is determined by the rafters. They are arranged diagonally for additional load. Often double boards are used for them. We also make cuts according to the template. The upper part of the rafters is connected with a crossbar to give strength.

The hipped roof connects the rafters near the ridge using puffs. Installation occurs at an angle of 90 degrees. We connect with wire clamps to the walls.

We fasten the sprigs to the diagonal rafters. Their length can be varied, but they must be parallel to each other. Ordinary and outdoor rafters together form side slopes.

The four-pitched roof with their own hands came to an end. The last step is its insulation with basalt wool or expanded polystyrene. We lay the material between the rafters. A layer of waterproofing will protect from moisture. The crate directly depends on the type of roof material.

In this video, you can learn more about the construction and design of a four-pitched hip roof:

The roof is no less important element of the house than the foundation and walls. Its design sets the mood for the entire architectural ensemble, makes the building neat and attractive. The four-pitched roof has gained wide popularity not only because of high reliability and external attractiveness, but also due to the opportunity to equip additional structures - dormers and dormer windows, bay windows, etc. Despite the fact that the installation of such a roof is a little more expensive and more complicated than a gable structure, it is still easy to build with your own hands.

Advantages of hipped roofs over gable roofs

One of the main tasks that appears even at the stage of designing your own house is the choice of the type of roof. The presence of many options among gable and four-slope structures requires an answer to the question of which roof to give preference to. And although the aesthetics of the building plays an important role, the criteria for reliability and practicality still come to the fore.

The gable roof is a classic structure, which is formed by two opposite slopes and a pair of vertical end parts, called gables. A spacious under-roof space allows you to equip an attic, living space or use the attic for domestic purposes.

classical gable roof easy to recognize by a pair of rectangular slopes that adjoin each other along the central axis of the building, and two triangular pediments from its ends

Structures of this type, due to their simplicity and practicality, remained the most popular in individual construction for a long time. At the same time, the dependence of the geometry of the roof on the size of the building, as well as the complication and rise in cost of the structure during the arrangement of the attic, forced the search for other, more practical and functional options. And they were found in the form of a variety of hipped roofs, which basically have a pair of triangular and two trapezoidal slopes. The latter are often called hips, and the roof itself is called hip. When erecting a structure of this type, there is no need for gables and it becomes possible to make the building more modern and original.

The slopes of the simplest hip roof define surfaces in the form of two trapezoids and a pair of triangles

There are several advantages of hip roofs over traditional gable structures:

  • the possibility of arranging attic windows directly on the slopes;
  • increased strength, reliability and stability of the truss system;
  • increased resistance to weather factors;
  • the possibility of increasing the area of ​​​​the attic space by simply reducing the width of the base of the hip;
  • more even weight distribution of the roof;
  • improved temperature regime when arranging an attic room.

Don't be fooled by the numerous advantages of a more stylish hipped roof - it also has its drawbacks. These include a more complex design, a slight decrease in the size of the attic space and uneconomical consumption of roofing material. As for the costs, the budget that will be required for the construction of one and the other roof differs slightly.

The four-pitched roof is not a know-how in architecture - its design has been known since ancient times

Classification of hip roofs

Differences in the form of buildings, as well as the requirements for functionality and practicality of traditional hip roofing, contributed to the emergence of many variations. If we do not consider the most exotic of them, then we can distinguish several main types of hipped roofs.

  1. Traditional hip roof, the side slopes of which reach the level of the eaves. For the construction of its main surfaces, straight rafters are used, and the hip ribs form bars extending from the ends of the ridge. The well-designed design and weight distribution of the roof over an increased area allows not only to place the overhangs on the same line, but also to increase their overhang. Thanks to this, the facade of the building is reliably protected from rain even with strong gusts of wind.

    Glazing elements are often built into the slopes of a classic hip roof.

  2. A hipped roof can be installed on a house that is square in plan. A feature of this design are slopes of the same configuration. Their edges converge to one point, and the hips have the shape of isosceles triangles.

    Hip roofs are widely used in modern individual construction.

  3. Half-hip roofs got their name because of the shortened hips. Unlike traditional roofing, their length is reduced by 1.5–3 times compared to the dimensions of the main slopes.

    The side slopes of half-hipped roofs have a shortened length, so they do not reach the cornice line

  4. The Danish semi-hip roof has a small pediment under the ridge and a short hip from the side of the eaves. This design allows you to install elements of ventilation and lighting directly into the vertical end of the roof, thereby eliminating the need to install skylights.

    The Danish project is good because it allows you to easily equip the attic

  5. The semi-hipped Dutch roof has a vertical pediment that divides the hip into two short slopes. The Dutch truss system, although it has increased complexity, but it allows you to make the attic space more spacious and practical. In addition, this design is great for installing vertical glazing in the attic.

    The roof built according to the Dutch project is still rare in our area

  6. The broken hipped roof has several slopes different sizes on one slope. Thanks to their different inclination, it is possible to increase the amount of under-roof space. Though broken structure and cannot be called simple, houses with such a roof are very common. The reason for the popularity is the ability to equip additional living rooms on the upper tier. For this reason, a roof with broken slopes is often called a mansard.

    The sloping roof makes the architecture of the building somewhat heavier, but it allows you to equip several living quarters in the attic space

There are also more complex structures of many hips, as well as those in which a hipped roof is combined with roofing systems of other types. The design and installation of such a roof requires many years of experience and knowledge, so it is better to entrust the construction of a tricky roof to specialists.

Design of pitched roofs

When developing a hip roof, all types of loads that will affect it are taken into account. To do this, first of all, several important questions must be addressed:

  • purpose of the attic space;
  • roofing material;
  • degree of atmospheric impact in the region of construction.

Based on these factors, the degree of inclination of the slopes and the roof area are determined, the loads are calculated and a decision is made on the design and parameters of the truss system.

Geometric parameters of slopes

The angle of inclination of the slopes depends on the snow and wind load, therefore it varies over a very wide range - from 5 to 60 degrees. In areas with rainy weather and high snow cover, roofs are erected with a slope of 45 to 60 degrees. If the region is characterized by strong winds and minimal rainfall, then the slope can be reduced to the very minimum.

When determining the angular parameters of the roof, it is necessary to take into account what material it will be covered with:

  • slate sheets, ondulin, roofing metal and rolled materials are laid on slopes with a slope of 14 to 60 degrees;
  • tiles are mounted on the surface with a degree of slope from 30 to 60 degrees;
  • roll coating is used on sloping slopes - from 5 to 18 degrees.

Having decided on the angle of inclination of the roof, it is not at all difficult to calculate at what height the ridge will be. To do this, use simple trigonometric formulas for a right triangle.

Roof area

Even the most complex hip roof consists of individual slopes that follow the contours of the simplest geometric shapes, so most often for calculations it is enough to know linear dimensions bases and angles of inclination of the hips.

To determine the quadrature of the roof, it is necessary to add the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slopes of which it consists

The total roof area is calculated by summing the quadrature of the individual hips. The slopes of a complex configuration are divided into several simple surfaces, after which separate calculations are carried out for each of them.

The principles for calculating the geometric parameters of hipped roofs are based on calculations for simple surfaces

Load calculation

The loads acting on the hipped roof are divided into two types:

  • permanent,
  • periodic.

The first includes the weight of roofing materials, rafters, battens and other frame parts. The second is the effort exerted by precipitation and the force of the wind. In addition, the calculation should take into account the payload in the form of a variety of engineering systems and communications attached to the elements of the truss system.

Focusing on SNiP, when designing a roof, it is necessary to take a snow load of 180 kg / sq. m. If there is a danger of snow accumulation on the roof, this parameter rises to 400–450 kg / sq. m. m. If the roof has a slope angle of more than 60 degrees, then the snow load can be ignored - precipitation does not linger on surfaces with such steep slopes.

The strength of wind loads is much less - up to 35 kg / sq. m. If the slope of the roof is from 5 to 30 degrees, then the impact that the wind has can be neglected.

The above parameters of atmospheric effects are average values ​​taken for middle lane. When performing calculations, correction factors should be used depending on the region of construction.

Calculation of the truss system

When calculating the rafter system, the pitch of the rafters and the maximum load that they can carry are determined. Based on these data, a decision is made to install braces that contribute to the redistribution of the load, and puffs that protect the frame from loosening.

The main load of the hip roof falls on the diagonal rafters

The presence of hips on four-pitched roofs, in addition to ordinary rafters, also requires the installation of diagonal (in other words, slanting) - those that are attached to the ridge and go to the corners of the building. Their length is greater than the transverse nodal elements of the roof. In addition, shortened elements - sprigs - are attached to the diagonal ribs. Compared to conventional rafters, slanting legs experience a 1.5–2 times increased load, so their cross section is doubled, and to ensure multi-span, they are supported by one or two racks.

Often, hip roofs have a complicated truss system, which, unlike a simple four-pitched structure, exerts an additional load at the installation sites of vertical supports. This feature must be taken into account when calculating the strength wooden frame roofs.

The distance of laying the rafters is called a step and is determined based on the length of the rafter leg and the cross section of the lumber used. It is most convenient to determine this parameter using special tables, one of which is given below.

Table: dependence of the section and pitch of the rafters on their length

Manual calculations are quite laborious. To reduce design time, you can use one of the online calculators to determine the parameters of hip roofs. With it, you can determine not only the geometric parameters, but also a lot of other equally important factors:

  • the amount of moisture and heat insulation, taking into account overlaps;
  • the amount of roofing material, including waste generated during cutting;
  • the volume of lumber required for arranging the truss system;
  • length of overhangs, etc.

Video: using a construction calculator to calculate the roof

What materials will be needed to assemble the truss system

For the construction of a hip roof, timber and a board made of larch, pine and other coniferous wood are best suited. When choosing a material for construction, it is necessary to carefully reject defective boards. Fungal damage, knots and cracks reduce the strength of the boards and affect the durability of the roof. When the moisture content of the wood is more than 22%, the lumber is stacked in the open air and dried. It should be understood that under-dried boards can warp, and this, in turn, will lead to a violation of the geometry of the roof with possible damage to the finish coating.

To assemble a wooden frame, a rectangular beam with a section from 80x80 mm to 150x150 mm is used - the exact parameters are determined by calculation or using the table above. Alternatively, you can use a board with a section of 50x100 mm or 50x200 mm. If there is a need to strengthen the rafter leg, then paired boards are used.

For reliable fastening, as well as increasing the rigidity of the wooden frame, steel brackets and other metal elements are used. Often, not wooden, but steel supports are installed under especially loaded ridge runs. Combined frames have increased strength and reliability.

Features of the truss system

In order to properly design and install a four-pitched roof, it is necessary to understand in detail its design, as well as the features of the arrangement of hip roofs of the most common types.

The device of the truss system in detail

The hip roof frame consists of most of the same parts as the gable roof, but a more complex truss system requires the installation of additional elements. Upon closer examination, the following components can be found:

All these elements can be found in a hipped roof of any type. The only exception is the hipped roof, which does not have side rafters and a ridge beam.

in wooden and frame houses the truss system is mounted without a Mauerlat. In the first case, its functions are taken over by the extreme crowns, and in the second - by the upper harness.

Varieties of hip roof truss systems

Since the hip roof truss system is based on rafters, the following rules must be followed when installing the roof frame:

  1. In structures where the sloping legs experience an increased load, a beam of double thickness is used for their manufacture.
  2. The splicing of individual parts of the diagonal rafters is performed in places with maximum load (most often in their upper part) and strengthened with struts and vertical posts installed at an angle of 90 ° to the rafter legs.
  3. In the manufacture of rafters, a margin for trimming in place should be provided, therefore, the estimated length of the timber is increased by 5–10%.
  4. Responsible joints of the rafter legs must be reinforced with metal fasteners - staples, twists or perforated building strips.

When choosing a rafter system, it is necessary to take into account the size of the building and the presence of internal supports or capital walls. Based on specific conditions, choose a scheme with hanging or layered rafters.

Hanging rafter system

roof structure with hanging rafters it has no supports along the midline, so the main weight falls on the walls of the outer perimeter. This feature manifests itself in the redistribution of internal forces - the rafter system is subjected to compressive and bending loads. As for the walls, significant bursting forces are transmitted to them. To eliminate this factor, each pair of rafters is interconnected by so-called puffs - jumpers from wooden beam or rolled metal.

The puff can be located both at the base of the rafter legs and above. In the first case, the jumper will also play the role of a transverse beam, which is good option during the construction of a mansard roof. If the puff is installed in the region of the midline or higher, then it will only serve as a fixing link. It should be noted that the cost of the truss system depends on such a seemingly insignificant moment as the installation height of the puffs. The higher the transverse jumpers are located, the larger the cross section of all components of the wooden frame should be.

Hip roofs with layered and hanging rafters have differences between the supporting structural elements

Construction with layered rafters

A hip roof with layered rafters is only suitable for those houses whose interior space is divided into two equal parts by a main wall or supporting pillars installed to support the ceiling. In this case, the lower edge of the rafter legs rests on the Mauerlat, and the middle part rests on the supporting wall. The presence of additional support points allows you to unload the elements of the truss system, removing sign-variable horizontal forces from them, as well as from the walls of the building. Like roof beams, rafters begin to work only in bending. The frame with layered rafters becomes more rigid and durable compared to the design that uses unsupported rafters. And this despite the fact that in the first case, you can use a beam of a smaller section. And this helps to reduce the weight of a wooden structure and reduces the cost of purchasing lumber.

Installation of a pitched roof

The assembly of the truss system must be carried out in a strictly defined order. This is necessary in order to properly install and secure all structural elements roofs.

  1. To redistribute the load that is exerted on the walls roof structure, wind and precipitation, a Mauerlat is laid on the outer walls. In individual construction, a bar with a section of at least 100x150 mm is used for these purposes. Anchor studs are used to fasten the longitudinal beams of the structure. They must be laid in the upper rows of masonry even at the stage of building walls. Mauerlat waterproofing is performed using two layers of roofing material, which is laid on top of the load-bearing walls.

    Mauerlat is fixed to the load-bearing wall with bolts or anchors.

  2. If it is necessary to install vertical supports, beds are laid on the bearing walls. For horizontal alignment of the elements of the truss system, wooden linings are used. In the future, this will greatly simplify the installation of racks and runs. If capital partitions are not provided for by the building plan, then vertical supports are mounted on floor beams. To do this, they are reinforced by splicing two boards 50x200 mm or using one bar 100x200 mm.

    The support of vertical racks on beams is allowed only if the structure will rest on the main pier

  3. Set up support stands. To level them, use a plumb line or laser level, after which temporary supports are installed. To attach a vertical support to a bed or a horizontal beam, metal corners and plates are used.
  4. Runs are laid on top of the racks. The traditional hip roof requires the installation of one run, which, in fact, forms the ridge. Tent structures require the installation of four runs. As with the installation of racks, fastening is carried out using metal corners and self-tapping screws.

    The ridge run can be attached either directly to the rafter leg or by means of wooden slips

  5. Rafter preparation. The side rafter legs of simple four-slope roofs are mounted in the same way as the rafters on a gable roof. First you need to make a template. To do this, from the side of the extreme support, a board of the same width as the rafters is applied to the ridge. Its thickness should not exceed 25 mm - the template should be light. On this board, they mark the gash, which is necessary for reliable support and precise fit of the rafter leg to the ridge beam, as well as a cutout corresponding to the place of joining with the Mauerlat. The marked places are cut out and then used for quick preparation of rafter legs.

    Making a template can reduce the time it takes to prepare rafters for installation

  6. When applying the manufactured sample to the running beam, it is necessary to check whether an exact fit of the rafters is needed. If there are gaps, cuts in the rafters are performed taking into account the amendments. After all the supporting legs are ready, they are set in increments of 50–150 cm and attached to the Mauerlat and the ridge. Staples are best suited for mounting, but powerful metal corners can also be taken.
  7. As already mentioned, diagonal rafters are made from spliced ​​boards or a beam of increased cross section. For their installation, you will also need a template, which is prepared in full accordance with the method described above. Since the rafters on one side adjoin the corner of the Mauerlat, and on the other they rest on the racks, the sawing is performed at an angle of 45 ° to the plane.

    The layout of the rafters and joists on the hip roof is performed according to the template

  8. In the intervals between the slanting rafters, sprigs are attached. Their step corresponds to the distance between the rafters, and the diagonal legs and the Mauerlat act as support points. The load experienced by the rafters cannot be compared with the weight that falls on the rafters, so the first can be built from boards 30-50 mm thick. To speed up the installation, you will need a template with cuts from the side of the diagonal rafter and Mauerlat, but the cutouts on half of the sprigs must be made in a mirror image.

    The use of metal fasteners makes the truss system more rigid and stable.

  9. If there is a need, then fillies are attached to the rafters and sprigs. The ends of the truss elements are cut along the cord.

    Fastening rafters to the Mauerlat can be done in several ways

  10. Strengthen the side and side rafters. In the first case, vertical trusses are used, and in the second, struts installed at an angle of 45 °. They are supported on beds or beams.
  11. After the rafter system is assembled, a roofing pie is installed on top of it.

    The truss system is prepared for the installation of roofing materials

Sheathing and insulation

Before proceeding with the installation of the crate, a vapor barrier is laid on top of the rafters, and, if necessary, roll thermal insulation. From above, the insulation layer is covered with a waterproofing film, which is mounted with an overlap of 10–20 mm wide and attached to the beam with a construction stapler. After that, the slats of the counter-lattice are nailed to the rafters. If the roofing pie is mounted without insulation, then vapor barrier is not required - a layer of moisture-resistant material will suffice. Of course, additional slats will not be needed, since the boards supporting the roof will be attached directly to the sprigs and rafter legs.

Depending on the type of roofing material, one of two types of lathing is used on hip roofs:

  • solid;
  • sparse.

The first is most often equipped under a soft roof, and only in some cases - for arranging an attic space. The crate of this type is made of boards with a width of 100 to 200 mm and a thickness of at least 20–25 mm. Installation is carried out without gaps. In addition, the use of plywood sheets and OSB boards is allowed. Their advantage is an extremely flat surface, which allows you to lay roofing material with minimal cost time and effort.

Under a soft roof, a continuous crate of OSB, plywood or boards stuffed without a gap is equipped

For a sparse crate, the same boards are used as in the first case, however, they are mounted with a gap. Since this type of base is used for laying slate, corrugated board, metal tiles and roofing iron, the distance between the individual boards must take into account the characteristics of the roofing material.

The fastening of the crate is carried out with nails, the length of which is equal to three times the thickness of the boards. If self-tapping screws are used for fixing, then a shorter threaded fastener with a length corresponding to twice the thickness of the lumber can be used.

For fastening slate, ondulin and others sheet materials use a sparse crate

The wooden base of the roofing pie is mounted from the bottom up, while the first board of each slope is set parallel to the Mauerlat. First, the crate is stuffed on the hips, after which the protruding edges are cut with a hacksaw flush with the diagonal ribs. Next, they begin to fasten the lumber on the main slopes, releasing the edges of the boards behind the rafters. After that, the ends of the boards are cut down similarly to the first case.

Video: we build a hip roof with our own hands

Typical hip roof project

When building a simple hip roof, you can use a typical project that was developed by specialists. Project documentation includes:

  • technological map;
  • roof plan;
  • schemes of the truss system;
  • drawings of sections and corner joints;
  • statement and specification with a complete list of materials used.

As a sample, below is the documentation for a typical design of a hip roof for a house with an area of ​​​​155 square meters. m.

Gallery: drawings and diagrams of a hipped roof

The drawing shows the exact dimensions of all elements of the roof. At the base of the truss truss are triangles. The rafters of trapezoid slopes rest on the long load-bearing walls of the building. Puffs are installed at the base of the rafters and act as floor beams. rafter fastenings are used wooden and metal products Fastenings allow you to transfer the load from one element of the system to another

Despite the apparent complexity of a four-pitched roof, it is not much more difficult to build it with your own hands than a gable construction. It is only important to carefully understand the appointment individual elements and principles of construction of the truss system. Otherwise, the reliability and durability of the roof will still depend on compliance with the technology and accuracy of installation. As for the additional difficulties and costs, they will pay off with complete satisfaction from the work, which will make the building brighter and more attractive.

Presentable appearance, reliability, durability - all this is a hipped roof, the drawing, calculation and installation of which, of course, is quite difficult to do on your own, but you can always ask for help from qualified specialists.

A noticeable advantage of hipped roofs is that in such buildings it is very convenient to equip attic floors. The premises are very comfortable and spacious, ideal for living, unlike houses, for example, with gable roofs.

Currently, more and more buildings made according to such a plan began to appear. The advantage of a multi-pitched roof is the possibility of using it on completely different buildings, from a bathhouse to a large private cottage.

Houses with hipped roofs look really solid and expensive, and therefore, you should not spare time and money for its arrangement.

The main types of hipped roofs

There are no pediments (these are the triangular completions of the facades of a building, bounded on the sides by two roof slopes, and at the base by a cornice) on such a roof there are no, and attic windows are placed in the slopes.

This roof is much more economical than a gable roof in terms of the cost of wall building materials, but the inclined ribs at the junctions of the hips and frontal slopes require the installation of a very complex truss structure and additional measurement and adjustment of the roofing material.

Slopes are often made with different levels of inclination, due to which the silhouette is created. broken roof.

  • Semi-hip (Danish) design. It differs from the previous one in the presence of a pediment, which has a small hip at the top. Protection from wind loads in such a roof is provided by a ridge (the upper horizontal edge of the roof, formed due to the intersection of two slopes). Most often, such a roofing device is found in regions with frequent strong winds.
  • Tent construction. It looks like a pyramid: four triangular slopes, converging at the tops in one place. Such roofs do not have gables; they are erected on small buildings in the form of an equilateral polygon or square. Installation of a truss system on such a roof is very difficult.

Creating a pitched roof project

Before starting work on the arrangement of the roof, it is necessary to design it, carry out calculations for the structure, and also create its drawing.

The project of a hipped roof provides that the slope of the slopes of such a roof can be in the range from 5 to 60 degrees. It depends on atmospheric loads, the purpose of the attic and the type of roofing materials used.

In areas with frequent and heavy precipitation, the slope of the slopes should be significant (from 45 to 60 degrees). In regions with strong winds and rare rains, the slope of the slopes is usually made much less.

If the angle of inclination is approximately 5-18 degrees, the use of a roll coating is recommended; 14-60 - asbestos-cement sheets, roofing metal; 30-60 - tiles.

The height of the roof ridge is calculated using a trigonometric expression for right triangles.

Calculation of rafters is the beginning of drawing up the entire project of the house. Their cross section is determined depending on the expected load (weight roof structures, roof pie, external influences), and the degree of slope of the roof. With the help of calculations, the step between the rafters is also determined, they are checked load bearing capacity.

The plan of the rafters of a hipped roof provides for which rafters it is advisable to use - layered or hanging. It also turns out whether additional elements are needed: braces, puffs, etc.

If it happens that the standard lumber parameters are not suitable for the future roof, you can modify them. For example, you can lengthen the rafters or double the beams. You can also use glued or type-setting rafter legs (they are noticeably more powerful and longer than usual).

The impact of loads on the rafter system

The rafters are subjected to constant (mass of roofing, lathing, rafters, etc.) and temporary (wind, precipitation) loads. The main design parameter of snow load, adopted in Russia for the middle lane, is 180 kg / m?. A snow bag can increase this figure to 400-450 kg/m².

If the roof slope is greater than 60 degrees, the snow load is not taken into account.

The standard design value of the wind load for central Russia is 35kg/m².

If the roof slope is less than 30 degrees, the wind correction is not taken into account in the drawing.

The load parameters are adjusted for local climate conditions through special coefficients. The total mass of the roof is calculated based on the amount of materials used and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure.

Payload indicators for the system are included in the calculations if ceilings are suspended from the trusses, water-heating tanks, ventilation chambers, etc. are installed.

It is obligatory to calculate the strength of the rafters and the degree of possible deformation during various conditions.

The most commonly used as rafters are: a rectangular beam with a section corresponding to the calculated loads, boards with parameters 5x15, 5x20 cm.

Most often, the choice is stopped on softwood lumber (spruce, pine) with a moisture content in the range of 18-22%, treated with antiseptics and fire retardants.

To increase the rigidity and stability of the geometry of the truss system of a multi-pitched roof, steel elements are sometimes introduced.

Installation and installation of the truss system

Before proceeding with the installation, you need to select the necessary materials and tools. In addition, it would be nice to get a drawing of the entire structure on paper. Of the materials you will definitely need: thermal insulation ( mineral wool e.g.), waterproofing, vapor barrier, wooden beams, roofing material, wood for lathing. Required Tools: drill, screwdriver, hammer, nails, self-tapping screws, level, tape measure, measuring rod, etc.

The scheme of a hipped roof assumes the presence of rafters, support beams, braces, and other elements necessary to stiffen the entire structure.

Rafters having a cross section of 5 × 15 cm will add reliability to the structure. When you go shopping for lumber for rafters, don't go for wet, twisted, or severely flawed lumber.

Roofing is always done from the bottom up. First of all, support beams (Mauerlat) are laid, on which rafters are subsequently installed. So you get a lower frame, which should extend beyond the walls by 40-50 cm. It is not desirable that the rafters protrude from the edges of the walls exceed the limits specified above, otherwise the object will look inharmonious.

Do not forget to check the correct installation using the building level.

If the building wooden walls, support beams are not needed, since the upper crown of the log house will act as a Mauerlat.

After that, frame rafter legs are installed from each corner of the building, they are called oblique (diagonal). The upper parts of the rafter legs, if necessary, can be held by a system of braces and racks. Their main task is to unload the rafters by redistributing the load along interior walls or supporting pillars, as well as to give the entire structure sufficient rigidity.

Special care should be taken with the attachment points of the rafter legs to the Mauerlat. These are the main points that are responsible for the strength of the truss system as a whole. The overhang of a hipped roof is regulated by the length of the diagonal rafters.

A special table of coefficients will help in the work with the length ratios presented in it and the laying of the rafters for different slopes of the roof slope. In one of its columns, the coefficients for intermediate ones are indicated, in the other - for the corner rafter legs. In order to calculate the required length of the rafter, multiply the laying by the coefficient. You can easily find such a table on the Internet.

In those places where there are no load-bearing walls, the heels of the rafters can be placed on the longitudinal beams (side runs). In addition, a beam is mounted in the center, it is mounted on three supports: in the middle and at both ends.

If you have a large roof area, you can not do without the arrangement of truss trusses, which will take on part of the load from the rafters. Sprengel trusses need puffs on which they will rely. Sometimes they can be fixed on existing transverse or longitudinal beams.

The parameters associated with the height and degree of slope of the roof are determined precisely by the height of the rafters and the horizontal upper beam (ridge run).

After installing the guide rafters, proceed to the construction of the main frame. Attach the inclined (outdoor) rafters to the support beams, as well as to the ridge run.

They should be installed in increments of 40-50 cm, no more. If the gaps are too large, the rafter system may not withstand the loads from the snow that has fallen. The scheme of the truss roof system must take into account this fact.

Fasten the inclined rafters together at a distance of about a meter from the upper rafter beam. This can be done using boards with a cross section of at least 4 * 12 cm.

It is not necessary to select outdoor rafters strictly in length, because they will most likely have to be cut. The main thing is to make sure that they are not too short.

  • in order to reduce the likelihood of errors to a minimum, use not a tape measure, but a special measuring rod when measuring;
  • mark the center line along the top trim of the end wall. After that, measure half the thickness of the ridge beam, draw the placement line of the first of all the central intermediate rafters;
  • align the end of the lath and the placement line of the rafter that you marked a little earlier. On the other end of the measuring rail, copy the line of the inner contour of the side wall (thus you will lay the intermediate rafter). Transfer the line of the outer contour of the wall and the overhang of the roof to the measuring rail;
  • to determine the future location of the second of the central rafters, move the measuring rail to the side of the wall, transfer the desired rafter position to it from inner corner top harness;
  • repeat the entire algorithm of actions in each of the corners. Following this scheme, you will determine the location of the ends of the ridge beam, as well as all the central intermediate rafters.

After installing the truss system in accordance with the plan, they make a crate, vapor barrier, waterproofing, counter-lattice, as well as roof insulation.

The final stage of the construction of a hipped roof

After installing the entire structure, a hipped roof (like any other) provides for the creation of a crate. For this purpose, use wooden planks 50 or 40 mm thick. The main thing is that the material is of high quality and well dried.

Before installing the crate, it is necessary to lay a film that insulates the roof from steam and moisture. Such a film is attached with a stapler. In addition, in no case should you lose sight of the thermal insulation that should be equipped in the attic. Thermal insulation is necessary to maintain a normal temperature in the building. And after that, the installation of a hipped roof is carried out.

And the last stage is laying the roofing. You are not limited in choice, be guided by your own taste, material capabilities and design features your roof. The main thing is to attach the material firmly enough, carefully, so that rain cannot penetrate into the room through the joints, and the wind cannot tear off fragments of the roof.

The scheme of the hip roof truss system is very complex, as has been said more than once above, but do not be afraid of it. The most important thing is to make all the calculations and measurements correctly, and also not to make a mistake with the markup. Having thoroughly understood this once, you can easily repeat a similar construction. Of course, it will be quite difficult for one person to cope with the amount of work ahead, so a couple of assistants will not hurt.
