Roofing of four slopes - what is it good for? The numerous operational advantages of this type certainly outweigh the disadvantages. Is the rafter system of a hipped roof as simple as many beginners in the construction business think? You will definitely find out soon! We will describe the important nuances and features of the stages of the construction of a hip roof in this article.

What you need to know about four-pitched truss systems?

There are two variants of four-slope roofs: hip and tent. The first type has the shape of a rectangular envelope, consisting of two main trapezoidal slopes and a ridge, and two gable (side) slopes - triangles:

A hipped roof is four identical isosceles triangles connected at one upper point (reminiscent of a tent):

Both options provide for the installation of both layered and hanging rafters, which are installed using standard technologies.

How to choose the type of truss system for a 4-pitched roof?

In the absence of a central roof support, the choice is made in favor of hanging truss system. If for each rafter you can find the upper and lower supports, then you should choose a layered structure. This option is easier and more affordable for non-professional craftsmen. It is only necessary to remember two main conditions: with a rigid fastening of the bottom and top of the stop, a reinforced Mauerlat is needed, since the thrust is transferred to it; when hinged or semi-rigid (for example, the top is hinged and the bottom is rigid or vice versa), the Mauerlat does not need to be reinforced:

The choice of one of the types of hipped roof should be determined by the shape of the house itself. Hip rafters are erected for square houses, hip rafters for rectangular houses. Also, you can find complex multi-pitched roofs of a combined type, which contain both hip and tent elements.

Both hip and tent structures retain the main functions of a gable roof (for example, the possibility of arranging an attic) and look very aesthetically pleasing:

Why is a four-pitched roof more popular than a two-pitched one?

“Why the extra headache and complexity?” You ask: “After all, you can build a simple gable roof much faster and cheaper.” Here the masters emphasize some important points in favor of choosing exactly four slopes for the roof:

  1. High wind resistance. The four-pitched roof has no gables, all its planes are inclined towards the ridge. This design minimizes the impact strong wind and reduces to "0" possible destructive consequences.
  2. The most successful load distribution. A multi-pitched roof withstands the maximum amount of precipitation, since gentle slopes take part of the main load. Therefore, sagging, deformation and destruction of the truss system, in this case, have a minimal probability.
  3. The availability of a choice of any method of roof insulation. Straight gables require a special approach when choosing the type of roof insulation, as they are located vertically and are subject to wind blowing. The gentle slopes of hip and tent systems allow you to evenly insulate the roof with any available material.

In addition to the listed "pluses", a roof with four slopes saves heat well, can be lined with any roofing material and always has a neat appearance.

The device of the four-slope truss system

The four-pitched truss structure consists of the following elements: mauerlat, ridge beam, central and hip rafters, slanting legs, as well as beds, racks, crossbars, struts and other reinforcing parts. Let's look at the most basic elements.

I. Mauerlat

Mauerlat is the most important detail of the structure, since the entire truss system rests on it. He represents a powerful wooden beam 100x200, 100x250, 100x100, 150x250, 200x200 cm. Mauerlat is made from solid high-quality wood, mainly conifers. truss system hip roof, like any multi-pitched roof, requires a thorough fastening of the base bar. The order of installation of the Mauerlat in this case: the formation of a monolithic foundation at the end bearing walls with the installation of spiers; laying waterproofing; processing and installation of Mauerlat around the perimeter of the whole house; reinforcement with anchors and other fasteners for maximum reliability of the base.

Mauerlat can be laid on the edge of the wall, or in the pocket provided for when laying bricks on the inside of the bearing walls.

II. Slanted legs

Slanted legs are called four corner rafters, which rest on the edges of the ridge and the corners of the Mauerlat. They are the longest among all the rafter legs of the system, therefore they must have a section of at least 100x150 mm for maximum rigidity.

III. ridge beam

The ridge run is a horizontal beam that connects all the rafters, the top of the rafter system. The beam must be strengthened with racks and struts. The ridge should be located strictly parallel to the plane of the attic floor and perpendicular to the uprights.

IV. rafters

Rafters for a hipped roof are divided into: central (attached to the Mauerlat and ridge); main hip (mounted on the axis of the ridge and Mauerlat); intermediate and shortened (installed on sloping legs and Mauerlat, connect the corners of the slopes).

V. Strengthening elements

Additional reinforcing elements include racks for ridge beams, crossbars or floor beams, struts of rafter legs, wind beams, etc.

Do-it-yourself rafter system for a hipped roof

Consider step by step process erection of a truss structure. For clarity, we have chosen the most popular option - a hip roof. The hip roof truss system, the diagram of which, step by step, is presented to your attention below:

Step I: Create a project

To depict your version of the hip roof in the drawing, it is necessary to calculate the height, length, slopes of the slopes and the roof area. This is necessary for the clear and high-quality implementation of the project and the selection of the required amount of consumables:

Calculations should begin with the choice of the angle of the roof slopes. The optimal slope is considered to be an angle of 20-450. The slope value should correspond to the climatic features of the region. So, in particularly windy areas, the slope should be made minimal, and for areas where precipitation is frequent and abundant, the steepest slope angle is necessary. In addition to the weather, you need to consider the roofing material that you plan to use. For a soft roof, the degree of inclination should be less, for a hard one - more.

And one more small but important nuance on this issue - it is better to make the slope angle the same for all four slopes. So the load will be distributed evenly, and the structure will be as stable as possible, and the aesthetic appeal will remain “on top”.

Now that we know the angle and width of the house, we can use some simple math to calculate the height of the ridge, the length of the rafters, the posts, and other details of the truss system. When calculating the length of the rafters, do not forget to take into account the cornice overhang (as a rule, its length is 40-50 cm).

Roof area to purchase the right quantity roofing material calculated as the sum of the areas of all the slopes of the structure.

How to draw up a roof drawing?

  • We select the scale of the drawing and transfer the dimensions of the house on a scale to a sheet of paper;
  • Next, we transfer the selected dimensions of our roof to the diagram: the height of the ridge, its length, the number and size of the rafter legs, struts, racks and all the details, in accordance with the calculations made earlier;
  • Now we can count everything necessary materials and start looking for them.

Step II: Getting Ready

For erection roof frame you will need standard tools and equipment: drills, screwdriver, jigsaws, hammers, chisels and more. We already know the required amount of materials for the truss system, so we can make their purchase. Lumber for the frame should be solid, not have cracks, wormholes, have a light shade, no gray or yellow bloom, smell like fresh wood. Wet forest should not be laid on the roof immediately, it must be dried, treated with an antiseptic solution and dried again. Wood moisture should not exceed 20%.

Step III: Mounting the Mauerlat

Mauerlat is the basic part of the entire truss system. It transfers spacer loads to the load-bearing walls of the house. Installing a Mauerlat for a hipped roof is no different from similar structures with two or one slope. This process is described in as much detail as possible in our previous articles.

The base beam, the parameters of which are described above, is placed on the armored belt and high-quality waterproofing. If it is necessary to connect the Mauerlat, then the bars are cut into half the section and overlapped using strong fasteners.

Step IV: Laying the decks or floor beams

If there are load-bearing walls inside the house, then it is necessary to install beds on their ends - the basis for the supporting racks of the roofing system. If there are no more load-bearing floors in the house, then the attic floor is covered with reinforced beams, on which the supports for the roof are subsequently installed, and after that the attic floor pie is laid.

Beams must have a cross section of at least 100x200 mm. The step between them is 60 cm. You can slightly adjust this figure, depending on the features of your home. The distance between the extreme beams and the Mauerlat should not be less than 90 cm. This distance is used for mounting the semi-beams of the cornice overhang (removal). The extensions are attached to the two extreme beams with the help of strong anchors and reinforced metal corners.

Step V: Installation of support posts, purlins and ridge

Racks are an important detail for maintaining the structure, they redistribute the weight of the truss system to the beds or floor beams. Racks are installed strictly perpendicular to the plane of the beds. IN four-slope systems supports are installed under a ridge beam (hip roof) or under corner rafters (hip roof):

Racks must be securely attached to the base with metal plates and reinforced corners. Runs are installed as an additional support for racks. In a hipped roof, the girders are rectangular in shape, and for the hips, these are ordinary ridge girders.

After we have made sure that the supports are installed correctly (with the help of a meter and a level), we can fix the upper ridge beam. It is mounted on vertical racks and reinforced with reliable metal fasteners(plates, corners, anchors and self-tapping screws). Now we take on the corner offsets:

Step VI: Mounting the rafters

First you need to install the side rafters, which are based on the ridge beam and the Mauerlat (or are fixed with the extension). To do this, you need to make a template rafter with the appropriate cuts. We attach the rafter leg to the ridge, mark the place washed down with a pencil, then mark the place where the rafters washed down for docking with the Mauerlat and make gashes. Attach the rafter to the supports again to make sure that the docking is correct and correct the shortcomings. Now this sample can be used for the manufacture of all side rafters. Installation of the rafter legs of the main slopes is carried out according to general rules described in the device of the gable truss system (see article and video).

The diagonal (corner) rafters are mounted next. Their upper edge is mounted on a rack and joined with the edge of the ridge beam. Before this, measurements are taken and the corresponding cuts of the rafter legs are made. The lower end of the diagonals is fixed in the corners of the Mauerlat:

Since the diagonal rafters are longer than all the other legs, they require additional support. This function is performed by sprengels - support beams that are installed under each diagonal leg, in its lower quarter (this is where the greatest load occurs). Sprengel, as well as ridge racks, are installed on the supporting corner beams located in the plane of the floor beams.

Between the corner ribs, the space is filled with auxiliary rafter legs - sprigs. Their lower part rests on the Mauerlat, and the upper part rests on the diagonal rafter leg. The step between the sprigs should be equal to the step between the side rafters (50-150 cm).

Step VII: Lathing

Remaining to be done The final stage the formation of the roofing skeleton - the installation of the crate. These are boards or bars 50x50 mm, which are attached to the rafters parallel to the ridge run and the Mauerlat. The step of the boards of the crate is 50-60 cm. This is quite enough for laying the roofing pie. When a soft roof is provided, the crate is laid in 2 layers (counter-crate and crate).

Finally, a few videos:

So, we have described the installation of a hipped roof truss system, its basic principles, and even delved a little into some of the nuances. Hip and tent structures - although not the easiest, but quite feasible option for every novice master. Especially if he has good helpers. We wish you success in your work!

Four-slope rafter roof considered to be a rather complex structure. The construction of such a structure is recommended to be entrusted to experienced professionals who will help to correctly calculate the angle of inclination of the supporting beams and select the optimal weight of roofing materials.

This design has both advantages and disadvantages. Before choosing a similar roof for your home, it is recommended that you carefully consider the positive and negative sides of a hipped roof.

The main advantage of such a structure lies in the aesthetic appearance of a residential building. Thanks to this, the house acquires smooth and streamlined shapes.

Varieties of a hipped roof

There are several types of such a design. The standard structure is isosceles triangles that connect at a central point.

Novice builders often confuse the four pitched roof with a conventional hipped roof. It consists of triangles, which in the top view form a regular square.

If the plan shows a rectangle, then we are dealing with a hip structure. She received this name as a result of the use of special slopes that have appearance tong - hip.

The four-pitched roof is divided into the following types:

  • Dutch;
  • half hip Dutch;
  • half hip Danish;
  • tent.

The Dutch roof is distinguished by its resistance to climatic disasters. Two trapezoidal slopes are used here. The upper parts have long regular triangles, and the side ones are presented in the form of shortened corners.

In this case, a rafter system is used, in which four inclined beams are used with required angle stingray. The calculation of the hipped roof is based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building.

Thanks to this, it is possible to correctly position the inclined beams and the distance between them.

A half-hipped Dutch roof can be made as a gable or four-pitched truss roof. For the construction of such a structure, it is recommended to carefully select Construction Materials.

Bearing supports should be made of dense wood species of trees. This variety is distinguished by its durability and endurance in relation to natural disasters.

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a hipped roof? Experienced professionals identify the following positive traits such a building. These include:

  • lack of gables. Thanks to this, it is possible to improve the aerodynamic performance of the roof;
  • minimum angle of inclination of roof slopes. In this case, the hipped roof system allows you to adjust the length of the hanging logs. These elements help to make them an additional canopy for the veranda;
  • aesthetic appearance of a residential building. The house acquires smooth and streamlined lines.

The disadvantages include the following reasons:

  • complex installation. You can make such a roof yourself, if you have special skills;
  • high consumption of building materials. To create a hip roof, it is necessary to make four slopes, which require additional marking and deformation of the roofing;
  • construction of an attic space is required. If this requirement is neglected, then the risk of partial collapse of the erected structure increases.

Do-it-yourself four-pitched roof

How to make a hipped roof with your own hands? We bring to your attention detailed instructions, which will help to correctly build this structure.

It includes:

Calculation of a hipped roof. This manipulation allows you to correctly calculate the amount of building material, the distance between the bearing lags and the angle of inclination of the roofing. The roof area will be slightly larger than the width of the ceiling span.

Drawings of a hipped roof. Here are detailed calculations and additional elements for attaching load-bearing logs.

erection ceiling. To do this, use dense wood, which is fixed at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Next, lay a layer of waterproofing, which will prevent the appearance of mold and excessive humidity in the room.

On concrete walls install metal fittings. Bearing beams will be attached to it in the future.

Now proceed to the construction of beam spans. They are fixed with metal corners and embedded anchors. When installing, it is important to observe the angle of inclination. For a classic Dutch roof, 45-50 degrees must be observed.

Next, we proceed to the manufacture of the attic space. It will be located in the center of the roof structure. To do this, make rectangles from a dense bar. For a roof with an area of ​​​​50 m2, 4-5 elements will be needed;

The frame of beams will rest on the upper boundaries of the rectangular structures. The beams should form a 45 degree angle at the top. All elements are fixed with anchors with plastic nozzles.

When the frame is completed, go to the roofing deck. Here you can use metallic profile, or soft tiles. The photo of the hipped roof shows the workflow.

Photo hipped roof

Building a house with your own hands is a long and laborious process, as well as very costly in finance. If you wish, you can save on the installation of the roof and do the installation of a 4-pitched roof with your own hands.

A four-pitched roof is the most popular type of roof, which is also quite easy to build. with my own hands. If you have at least minimal skills and experience in construction work, then, following the instructions, you can build a roof yourself. The choice of a 4-pitched design is explained by its many advantages - this is the effective removal of rainwater and snow, resistance to wind loads. under such a roof, you can equip a spacious attic. An important role is played by the cost of building a roof, a 4-pitched roof is a fairly economical option.


There are several types of roofs with 4 slopes. The most popular is the so-called hip roof. It consists of two trapezoids and two triangles. Trapezoidal slopes are connected to each other along the upper edge, and triangular ones join them from the frontal sides.

Another common option is four triangular surfaces connected at one central point. You can also create almost any project that provides slopes at different levels, different shapes, with a broken connection line, etc.

If you are not a professional in the field of construction, then when creating a 4-pitched roof, stop at the hip roof as the easiest to install.

How to make a 4-pitched roof with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

Before proceeding with the installation of the roof, it is necessary to draw up its project. Calculations can be carried out independently, since there is nothing complicated in this. The main thing is understanding what this or that parameter on the diagram depends on.

Slope angle

When calculating the angle of inclination of the slopes, three indicators are used:

  • rainfall in the region
  • roof material
  • The slope can be from 5 to 60 degrees. You should also consider whether you will equip the attic space. If the slopes are too gentle, then the height of the attic will be small - it will be impossible to make a living room here. Thus, for the construction of the attic, the slope of the slopes should be no more than 45 degrees.

    If the area is characterized by frequent gusty winds or heavy rainfall in winter time, do not make a roof with an angle of inclination of less than 30 degrees.

    If the slope is 60 degrees or more, then the atmospheric phenomena of the climatic zone can be ignored.

    As for the roofing material, the building codes provide for minimum values ​​for each of them.

    • Roll materials made on the basis of bitumen can be laid horizontally.
    • Asbestos cement and clay tiles - at an angle of 9 degrees.
    • Roofing materials made of steel - a slope of 18 degrees or more.
    • Wood - from 34 degrees.


    The height of the roof is the parameter that will need to be calculated. We know the area of ​​the base since the box is built. The angle of inclination of the roof was calculated in the previous step. Thus, using simple formulas from the time of the school curriculum, it will be possible to calculate the height of the ridge.

    Preparation. Necessary tools and materials

    Prepare everything in advance necessary tools so as not to be distracted by their search later. You will need:

    • hacksaw
    • measuring instruments: plumb, level and tape measure
    • chisel
    • circular saw
    • drill
    • screwdriver
    • hammer

    Of the materials, the main role is given to roofing. Do not forget also about the fasteners with which it will be attached to the truss system.

    High-quality lumber is used for the sheathing of a hipped roof, larch or pine wood is suitable.

    The maximum moisture content of boards and beams is 22%.

    • For rafters - boards 50 x 100 mm or 50 x 200 mm
    • For Mauerlat - timber 150 x150 mm or more
    • Lathing boards

    Also purchase metal threaded studs and metal plates - these elements will be used for fastening. You will also need an antiseptic for pre-treatment of wood. To complete the installation of the roof as quickly as possible, prepare the hydro- and heat-insulating material that is provided for by the project.

    truss system

    1. Mauerlat. This is the base of the truss system, which is made of thick timber. If you are making a roof on a log house, then the last crown of the log house will play the role of the Mauerlat. If the house is brick, then the Mauerlat installation is also designed in advance. A concrete belt is made under it, into which metal studs are immured. A beam is subsequently fixed on them.
    2. Skate ride. This is the uppermost part of the system, a thick beam, on which rafter boards will subsequently be attached.
    3. Rafter. These elements are boards from which the main frame is created.
      • diagonal rafters connect the corners of the Mauerlat and the ridge run
      • row rafters are mounted on trapezoidal slopes
      • rafter semi-legs rest on the Mauerlat, and on the other hand, on the diagonal rafters
    4. Sill. It is installed parallel to the ridge run on the load-bearing wall. Its task is to transfer part of the weight of the roof to the frame.
    5. Support racks. They connect the bed and the ridge run together, make the structure more durable.
    6. Struts. They lean on the bed and support the diagonal rafters to reduce the load on them.
    7. Other auxiliary structural elements are sprengel, puffs, fillies, crossbars. They support certain parts of the crate and relieve them of the load.

    Stages of work on the installation of the frame

    1. Installation of Mauerlat and bed.
    2. Installation of vertical racks in increments of 1000 - 1200 mm.
    3. Mounting the ridge run.
    4. Installation of rafter legs. First, one element is made, tried on for a Mauerlat and a ridge run. Based on it, the rest of the details are made. The installation step of the rafter legs is 600 or 1200 mm.
    5. Installation of diagonal rafters. They start fastening from the top, the boards are cut into the ridge so that they become its continuation. From below they are fixed in the corners of the Mauerlat.
    6. Fastening sprockets.
    7. Installation of struts and trusses. These elements are not always necessary. If the structure is strong enough without them, then there is no need for installation.

      Additional elements are necessary if the length of the rafters is from 6 meters or more. In other cases - at your discretion.

    8. Installation of waterproofing. The selected material is fastened with a construction stapler.
    9. Sheathing flooring. If it is solid, ordinary plywood will do. Boards are used for the lattice frame.
    10. Roofing material. Fastening is carried out exclusively in the way that is suitable for the specifically selected building material. It is best to use the fasteners that come with the kit.
    11. Installation drainage system. This is the final part of the roof installation.

    If you plan to use the attic space as a residential attic, you need to insulate it from the inside. Then it remains only to carry out Finishing work- and the roof is ready for operation both outside and inside.

    • If you are not sure of your own knowledge, you can order a hip roof project from professionals. Often it is done simultaneously with the project of the house. In any case, it will cost less than restoring the roof after installation according to the wrong parameters.
    • If you own computer programs, you can create a roof layout in 3d projection.
    • Don't skimp on materials. Before installation, carefully check all boards for strength and treat with an antiseptic. The elements should not have cracks, bends, bumps. For the rafter system, materials of grade 1 and above are used.
    • Before installing the Mauerlat, the surface of the walls can be covered with roofing material.
    • Mauerlat must be fixed very firmly so that it does not move even a fraction of a millimeter during operation. This is the basis of the entire truss system, on which the strength of the roof depends.
    • The connection of the rafter elements to each other is carried out using metal corners, which are firmly attached to the connected elements with bolts.

    Thus, it is quite possible to make a four-pitched hip roof with your own hands if you have at least basic building skills. It will only take careful preparation, the study of theory and the preparation of a detailed project with the calculation of the amount of materials needed.

    An example of the construction of a hip roof can be seen in the following video:

    Four-pitched roofs are becoming more in demand every year, due to the design conditions for sufficiently large structures. Such a roof looks more compact and neat compared to the classic versions of gable roofs. In addition, it is possible to perform not only the standard design of such a roof, but also to diversify the roof with various elements, most often represented by dormers and dormer windows.

    Variants of pitched roofs

    Four-pitched roofs are characterized by sufficient species diversity, which allows you to perform the following types of structures:

    • . It is characterized by two trapezoidal planes in combination with a pair of triangular slopes. The design is distinguished by the absence of gables, and roof slopes are used for the installation of dormers or dormer windows.
    • half hip roof. The main difference lies in the unusual design of the hips, which consist of two parts. The lower trapezoidal segment is combined with the upper triangular part.
    • hipped roof. The name of this design is due to the joining of all four slopes of a triangular shape at one upper point with the formation quadrangular pyramid with a square or rectangle base. Characterized by the complete absence of gables. The design of four-pitched roofs is due to the presence of a rather complex truss system, which requires detailed drawings and careful planning.

    Design features

    To create a competent roof project, it is necessary to take into account any possible loads that the future truss system will experience.

    Project documentation should contain:

    • the main drawings of the rafter system and the main nodes, at the junction of the rafters with the Mauerlat and the ridge, as well as the location of the crate;
    • technological features of the roofing cake and other roofing elements.

    Drawing hip roof

    The basis of a detailed project allows you to easily perform all calculations required amount materials for the truss system and roofing pie.

    Load calculation

    The main units of account are:

    • the mass of the necessary roofing material;
    • the mass of all layers of the roofing cake being performed, including vapor and waterproofing, as well as the amount of insulation;
    • wind load, calculated with the condition of regional features and roofing slope;
    • indicators of the intensity and amount of precipitation in summer;
    • snow load typical for the construction region;
    • weight serving roofing, people;
    • dimensions and weight of additional equipment intended for installation on the roof surface.

    Carrying out the calculation of the dimensions of the elements of the hipped roof

    The obtained parameters and the indicator of the roofing slope form the basis for calculating the length and cross section of the truss system and contribute to the competent selection of roofing material.

    The device of the truss system

    The process of constructing hipped roofs is based on the use of sloping or diagonal rafters, which are located towards the corners of the structure. It should be borne in mind that such a design is subject to a greater load, which requires the construction of rafters from a double type of timber.

    A sufficiently significant length involves the use of connections that, under high loads, can be subject to subsidence. It is for this reason that it is required to install strong support stands under the connecting elements.

    The design requires the use of sprockets or short rafters, resting with the upper part on the rafters. For fixing, several different points are selected, contributing to the most even distribution of the load from the sprigs.

    In the process of creating a hipped roof, in addition to standard elements, additional frame components are involved. All components of such a roof make up a single system that combines:

    • beds, which are internal support bars laid on top of load-bearing walls or columns;
    • side rafters forming trapezoidal roof slopes;
    • diagonal or oblique type of rafters;
    • vertical type of supports, represented by racks and trusses, which help to maintain the truss system;
    • purlin or ridge beam, which is a horizontal support for the rafter system at the top of the roof structure. Stacked on top of the racks and fixed. For hipped roof no need to mount a ridge beam;
    • horizontal puffs or crossbars for connecting side rafters, which, without installing such elements, can move apart in different directions;
    • roofing sprigs mounted on top of diagonal rafters to form a pitched frame;
    • wind types of beams and strut struts, which increase the strength of the roof and allow it to withstand most loads;
    • filly to create the necessary roof overhang, which are fixed in the lower segment of the rafter legs.

    Do-it-yourself step-by-step construction technology

    Installation work is carried out immediately after the development of the project and the acquisition of all materials necessary in accordance with the calculations.

    On initial stage Mauerlat is installed, which is fixed on the walls of the building. When laying, it is necessary to maintain a distance from the edge outer wall five centimeters. Most often, an anchor option is used to fasten the Mauerlat.

    The next stage involves the implementation of high-quality markings, followed by the installation of racks and the establishment of a ridge beam. In the course of the work performed, it is necessary to use a plumb line. To fix the racks, special jibs are required.

    Next is the installation of the rafters, during the installation of which the size of the future overhang is taken into account. Under standard conditions, the length of the overhang is from fifty centimeters to a meter. Optimal size- sixty centimeters.

    Proper installation of diagonal rafters must be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

    • slanting rafters are attached to the Mauerlat with the fastening of shortened rafters or sprigs;
    • the transfer of loads from the rafters is distributed by trussed trusses;
    • as a support for truss trusses, additional puffs are used, mounted on beams of longitudinal or transverse types;
    • in accordance with the design documentation, puffs, crossbars, racks and struts are installed, which are designed to increase the rigidity of the structure;
    • the fastening of the diagonal rafters at the top is carried out on a ridge run, based on a longitudinal type of beam;
    • it is imperative to use a special type of tie-ins and cuts, supplemented by metal fasteners, which will ensure the connection of the lower rafter ends and the Mauerlat;
    • installation of ordinary rafters with a step corresponding to the calculated loads is carried out immediately after the installation of diagonal rafters;
    • the rafters are connected by means of horizontal crossbars from boards with a section of 120 x 40 millimeters;
    • rafters increase the resistance of hip slopes under significant wind loads;
    • the presence of a bay window in the project requires the installation of rafter beams from finger-jointed edged boards or timber.

    The next stage of installation is the installation of sprockets and side rafters, which must be located in the same plane. As a result of these works, lateral roof slopes are formed. Care should be taken to ensure the parallelism of all installed rafters, sprigs and side elements.

    After the installation of the structure of the entire truss system is completed, it is necessary to perform high-quality for which bars with a cross section of forty or fifty millimeters are used. This is followed by the standard execution of a suitable roofing cake, on top of which the selected roofing material is mounted.

    Learn more about the construction of the roof from the video.

    Summing up

    A four-pitched roof is the most reliable and economical option. roofing device without the need for an attic space.

    The absence of load-bearing elements in the form of rigid gables requires ensuring the reliability of the structure in accordance with the calculations and the project.

    Four-pitched roofs are classified as popular and in demand roof structures, which is due to ease of installation and minimization of the cost of building materials for the construction of walls.

    The classic four-slope even today remains unfamiliar for Russian latitudes and reminds of the overseas way of life. That is why it is built most often in order to give the architecture of a residential building a special effect in terms of style and perception, it is advantageous to distinguish it from the monotonous habitual buildings.

    In addition, a four-pitched roof - built in accordance with all the rules with your own hands - in practice has a large number of advantages, especially for the harsh Russian latitudes. Let's find out more?

    The four-pitched roof has slopes that are made in the form of isosceles triangles and converge at one point with their vertices. If the hipped roof is square in plan when viewed from above, then it is called a hipped roof.

    If it doesn’t come out square, but it turns out in the form of a rectangle, this is a hip roof. She got such an interesting name thanks to the slopes, which look like tongs-hips.

    Dutch roof: classic four slopes

    The Dutch, or hip roof is considered a classic option, which is particularly resistant to wind and snow.

    The surface of a standard hip roof forms two trapezoidal slopes on the long sides and the same number of triangular ones on the short sides. Unlike hipped roof, such a form, according to modern architects, is considered more aesthetic.

    It involves the installation of four sloping rafters - diagonal support bars that go from the two tops of the slopes to the upper corners of the building.

    But the half-hip roof, in turn, is of two types: when the side slopes cut off only part of the butt from above, or already below, that is, the half-hip itself can be a triangle or a trapezoid, and be called Danish or half-hip Dutch.

    Half hip Dutch roof: extra stability

    A half-hipped Dutch roof is both a variant of both a gable design and a four-slope one. It differs from the classic version by the presence of truncated hips - triangular end slopes. According to the rules, the length of the hip of the Dutch roof should be 1.5-3 times less than the length of the side trapezoidal slopes.

    The advantage of such a roof is that it is possible to install an attic vertical window, and at the same time, there is no sharp protrusion, like a gable roof, which, in turn, increases the ability of the roof to withstand extreme wind loads.

    Half-hip Danish roof: European traditions

    But the Danish half-hip roof is a kind of purely hip design. In this case, only the lower part of the end slope is mounted, and a small vertical gable is left under the ridge.

    The advantage of this design is that it allows you to abandon problematic in terms of waterproofing skylights in the roof and provide natural light to the attic through the installation of full-fledged vertical glazing, which is now especially fashionable.

    Hip roof: perfect proportions

    A hipped roof is usually placed on buildings that have the same length of walls, which form a square perimeter. In such a four-pitched roof, all the slopes are in shape - the same isosceles triangles, the roofer's dream, in a word, and the builder's nightmare.

    The fact is that the construction of a classic hipped roof is even more difficult than that of a hip roof, because here the rafters must all converge at one point:

    Roof truss system with four slopes

    Here is the simplest example of building a standard hip roof for a small country house:

    Stage I. Planning and design

    Before how to make a hipped roof, be sure to think through all its details, to the smallest detail. Even the simplest hipped roof device must be built according to the finished drawing. The point is that the finished gable roof flaws and distortions are almost noticeable, but if you make a mistake somewhere in the construction of the same hip or hipped roof, then the diagonal rafters simply will not converge in the ridge and it will be extremely difficult to fix it.

    Therefore, if you own special programs, create a 3D model of the future roof right in them, and if not, then just prepare detailed drawing and it's good if a professional can help you with this. All the details of such a roof must be calculated - to the smallest detail!

    By the way, today it is quite fashionable to make not only a hipped roof, but also its individual functional elements:

    Stage II. Procurement of structural elements

    So, if you took a finished drawing of the roof or sketched it yourself and are confident in the future quality, it's time to prepare the necessary elements of the truss system. And for this, first we will figure out how they are called correctly.

    So, the first thing you have to take care of before building a hipped roof is Mauerlat. This is a beam of square or rectangular section, which you will lay on the top of the walls around the entire perimeter of the house. It will become a support for the rafters, which will transfer the load to it, and it is this board that will evenly distribute the weight of the entire roof onto the walls of the house and the foundation. Perfect option- use a bar with a section of 15 by 10 cm as a Mauerlat.

    Next you will build rafter legs - this is the main element that will create a roof slope. Standard rafters are made from a board 50 by 150 mm, and diagonal ones - 100 by 150 mm.

    You will need and puffs, whose main task is to prevent the displacement of the rafter legs to the sides. You will fix and connect the puffs themselves with the lower ends, and for this stock boards with a parameter of 50 by 150 meters.

    But from above, both the diagonal rafter legs and the standard rafters will converge and be fixed to each other in skate. To do this, take a bar 150 by 100 mm.

    Further, in the center of two opposite sides there should be a transverse beam - sill, which serves as a support for the racks, and they, in turn, support the ridge run. For this purpose, a beam with a section of 100 by 100 mm or 100 by 150 mm is suitable.

    slopes will become a support for the rafters, which prevents them from shifting. Such you must install them at an angle to the rack, for this, take the same material as on the bench.

    Don't forget also about wind board- this is a horizontal element that connected all the lower ends of the rafters. You will need to nail it to the rafters along the inner perimeter of the roof and in this way emphasize the line of the slope. For this purpose, a board 100 by 50 mm is suitable.

    But for the outside you need another board - filly, from the same material. This board received such a strange name from the time when it was made cut out, in the form of horse muzzles.

    But the most unusual and complex element of a hipped roof is sprengel, which gives rigidity to the entire structure. Its main task is to connect all horizontal and vertical elements. It is also mounted at an angle, and is made of a bar 100 by 100 mm:

    And finally, if we are talking specifically about the hip roof, then the only element that is present exclusively in hip roofs is conjurers. They are shortened rafters that rest on a diagonal rafter leg. You can make them from a board 50 by 150 mm.

    In real life, all these elements look like this:

    Think also about insulation, waterproofing film and additional roofing elements:

    Stage III. Installing an attic floor

    Often, the headstock of the hanging rafters or the suspension, which works in tension in the hip roof, must be made of steel. To do this, special wooden girders are suspended perpendicular to the clamps to tighten the wooden rafters.

    And already perpendicular to the runs are suspended wooden beams, after which beamless lightweight fillings are laid between them. Therefore, if you want to reduce the load on the roof by hanging rafters or roof truss, you need to choose suspended ceiling designs.

    For steel trusses, the suspended ceiling must be made fireproof, along steel beams. Between such beams, prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs should be laid, and already on them - light insulation. To increase the fire resistance and durability of such load-bearing structures, they must be made of reinforced concrete. Moreover, the most reinforced concrete bearing structures it is better to perform from large-sized prefabricated panels so as not to take risks.

    Stage IV. Installation of the ridge run

    In calculating the ridge run, start from the following nuances:

    1. If the building has capital longitudinal walls, or at least two rows of internal pillars, then two runs are made. At the same time, many roof structures along the length they can be composite, and crossbars are used to increase rigidity.
    2. If the building does not have internal supports, then sloping rafters cannot be made here. And therefore, special construction farms are used, to which attic floor just hangs up. In this case, the rods, which are located along the upper contour of the trusses, form the upper belt of the construction truss, and along the lower contour - already the lower belt. The truss lattice itself now forms vertical rods and braces - inclined rods that are located between the upper and lower chords. Moreover, such farms are not necessarily made only of wood, on the contrary, steel reinforced concrete is quite popular today. In the process of construction itself, farms are installed at a distance of 4-6 meters from each other. The simplest version of such farms is trussed, which consist of rafter legs, vertical suspension, headstock and puffs.
    3. If the width of the building is large enough, construction trusses or trussed supports are used during installation. But then the attic floor cannot be covered with beams that will rest on the walls alone. Such a structure must be hung on steel clamps to the lower chord of the truss, or to a puff, in order to form, thus, suspended ceilings.

    This photo illustration clearly shows how exactly the rafters need to be attached to the ridge and ridges:

    Stage V. Installation of standard and diagonal rafters

    So, the diagonal rafter legs rest directly on the ridge, depending on the following conditions:

    1. If there is only one ridge run in the middle of the roof, then the diagonal leg must be stuffed on the run console. They are specially released for this purpose by 15 centimeters for a fake frame, and then they cut off the excess.
    2. If there are two runs, then they need to install a trussed structure from a horizontal beam and a rack, and then fix the rafters themselves.
    3. If the beam is strong at the same time, from a bar, and not from boards, then it makes sense to make a surf - a short board with a thickness of at least 5 centimeters. And the hip roof rafters are already supported on it.

    In addition, for reliability, the rafters are fixed with a metal wire twisted several times.

    On the ribs, the installation of ridge elements must be carried out in the same sequence as on a conventional roof ridge. Those. install the rib element with a closed end, put the ridge elements in the lock and fasten them mechanically. But at the intersection of the ribs and the ridge of the hip roof, it is customary to install Y-shaped ridge elements, although you can also use the initial and final ridge elements instead.

    But only cut them along the contour when they are fixed on the edge, and mechanically fix the joints. Be sure to treat with a primer and mineral dressing from a standard repair kit. Also, when installing ridge elements, finally leave a gap on the ribs or ridges of a four-pitched roof to remove air from the under-roof space.

    All the same principles must be observed when building a hipped roof of complex shape:

    You will succeed! Please ask your questions in the comments.
