The association with the word "fern" is always ambiguous. Something secret and mysterious arises in someone’s thoughts, for someone it beautiful plant associated with lush green foliage, while for others, the finished rock garden composition immediately appears in the imagination. The fern is indeed a wonderful addition to garden compositions. You can adapt it even in the most difficult, at first glance, conditions. This can be done at proper care and choosing the type of frond plant.

Types of ferns

The fern has been growing on earth since the very times when it was inhabited by dinosaurs. From that period to the present day, many species of this herbaceous plant have been preserved.

According to researchers, this figure is more than 10,000. Despite the wide variety of images of this plant, it has one feature: the fern never blooms. There are whole legends about him, but no one has documented the fact of flowering.

Even considering that the fern does not have a flowering part, they like to use it in landscape design. Here are some of the popular types of this plant:

  • Fern Adiantum - the most suitable for the climatic zones of Russia is considered the fern Adiantum Stopiform and Venus hair. The first subspecies takes root especially well on Far East, in the forests of the Amur and Primorye. As for the Venus hair, he feels favorably in the Crimea and the Caucasus near mountain rivers and reservoirs.
    Venus hair is considered one of the most common species that grows well on the territory of a private economy, as well as in natural conditions. It is distinguished by openwork dissected leaves that grow on petioles that look like thin wire. Leaves, like bunches, grow from a powerful root stem. Its height does not exceed 0.5-0.7 m. There are spore sacs on the bottom of the leaves, they look like dark spots.
    Adiantum by nature does not like windy areas. The plant develops a full life in shaded areas where there is enough moisture. One has only to allocate the right place for him and he will delight with his appearance for several decades. If very hot days come, then the fern needs to be watered. Watering is arranged in a special way - sprinkling. The soil should be slightly acidic and fertilized organic fertilizers like manure or compost. A drainage layer is embedded in the base.
    With proper care, the fern in just a few years turns into a luxurious spherical shrub. Landscape designers recommend planting it in rockeries, along ponds, in garden compositions along with an umbilical or stonecrop. Some gardeners like to decorate the garden with ferns of this kind directly in pots, without planting them in the ground;

  • male fern- has a wide variety of subspecies, among which is found:
    Austrian Shield. A favorite place to grow on loamy moist soils. It has triangular leaves with a span of up to 1 m. Color: light green. On the ground it spreads like a carpet, for which it is called "Prostrate".
    Amur Shield- gardeners prefer this plant variety for its high frost resistance. The color is bluish-green, the shape of the leaves resembles feathers. With the onset of frost, triangular fronds die off.
    Crested Shield is one of the most common species of its group. It can grow in any territory of Russia. Humidity conditions will be more suitable for it. Well, if there is a reservoir nearby.
    A perennial plant in adulthood reaches no more than 0.5 m. It has a short but thickened rhizome, covered with scales on top. The color of the leaves is close to dark green. On the reverse side are black spores arranged in a row. The leaves are elongated. They are attached to erect petioles.
    Except above listed species, For garden beds the Odorous Shchitovnik is suitable, which has a pleasant aroma and a miniature size, decorative look False male Shield, Sikhotinsky Shield.

  • fern bracken- is an extremely useful plant. It will always come in handy household. Many homeowners prefer this particular fern. It has an attractive aroma due to its high content of tannins. Due to this property, fern leaves are used to store horticultural crops. Vegetables, fruits and berries are spread on the leaves of Orlyak, then they are covered with crops.
    The shape of the branches of the bracken fern is lush and sprawling. The leaves are hard, thrice-pinnate. In height, it is no more than 0.5 - 0.6 m. The root is branched, horizontal. The plant is naturally unpretentious and can grow even in the most depleted areas. Below, if you look closely at the lower pairs of leaves, you can see a nectary. It attracts ants. The spores are on the bottom of the leaf, for additional protection, its edges are twisted;

  • fern ostrich- this species is characterized by vertical erect leaves. They are quite dense and can reach a height of 2 m. In a circle, the leaves grow in rows. In the center are smaller ones - spore-bearing. Dark spore points are attached to their backs. The root system is underground, rapidly developing. Fern Ostrich is of several types: Oriental and Ordinary. The common Ostrich is not afraid of frost, which cannot be said about the East. A fragile plant does not tolerate winds and needs constant moisture.
    The shape of the fern resembles a bouquet of ostrich feathers, hence the name. Gardeners often grow this species for its decorative effect. Leaves look great in flower arrangements;

  • kochedyzhnik- there are several types: Women's, Chinese, Nippon, Burgundy Layz. All ferns from this subspecies are shade-loving and can grow up to 10-15 years in one place. The soil must be well-groomed and fertilized in advance. Kochedyzhnik is not afraid of frost.
    The female kochedyzhnik has green shoots. They are very delicate to the touch and have a feathery complex shape. In length, the petioles grow up to 1 m. The root of the plant is short and thickened. The Chinese Kochedyzhnik, like the female one, reaches a height of 1 m, but the color of its leaves has an unusual reddish tint. The Nippon variety of the plant is also the owner of an exotic purple color. Burgundy Leys is shade-loving. The darker its habitat, the richer the wine color of the leaves. It is characterized not only by the reddish color of the foliage, but also by the burgundy color of the petiole.

Garden fern can be selected for any area, both for a darkened area and for an area saturated with sunlight. The same applies to the type of soil. Of the many species, each gardener is able to choose the right one for himself: fragrant, edible, decorative or even medicinal.

Fern in the garden planting and care

Before planting a fern, you need to know some rules for the care and maintenance of this perennial. If you want to get a ready-made plant, then you can dig it out in the forest. So you will be sure that it will take root, as it is grown in home latitudes. But there are others available ways for cultivation.

As for the landing site of the fern, it should be planted in wide holes, no more than 0.5 m. The part of the earth that needs to be brought into the hole should be from the place where you took the shoot. You need to transplant the fern immediately so that the roots do not have time to dry out. Otherwise, it will not be possible to reanimate the plant. The same should be considered in the leaves. Stems should not be wilted. Do not separate the earth from the roots, it would be better if you dig the fern in such a way that a clod of earth remains on the rhizome.

Ferns in the garden growing

A fern in a household plot can be grown in several ways: by separating a fragment from the rhizome of a tall fern, by budding, and by growing from spores.

  • Root separation fern is carried out as follows. In the garden, in the forest or in the area where the fern grows, you find a healthy individual. An adult bush should not have dried and damaged leaves. Divide the sockets at the root, transplant the separated part to a certain area in the garden during the day. Try to keep the clods of forest land to the maximum so that the plant takes root better. For transportation to the house, cover the fern root with moss. This will keep the moisture in the roots.
    Plant the plant in a shady area. Put drainage and a small amount of fertilizer at the bottom. Ferns can also take root in poor soils. But watering should be plentiful at least the first time after transplantation (7 days);

  • budding fern is held in autumn or late summer. Around the end of August, find a suitable bush. Bend the developed leaves to the ground. Sprinkle this place with soil about 1-1.5 cm. Do not fill in the main vein, leave it open.
    With the advent of spring, several new shoots will grow in place of the buried shoot. They will need to be separated from the twig and transplanted into the garden;

  • fern seeds collected in several ways. First option: break off the spore leaf on the back. Put it in a paper bag or on a lighted window sill until the shoot is completely dry. Once the leaves are dry, you can collect the spores and plant them in a bowl.
    The second option: take a knife, turn over a leaf of a living plant and scrape the spore-bearing sacs into a box, a sheet of newspaper or some kind of container. Next, dry the seeds and plant them in a container filled with earth (part of the forest land and part of the universal or garden soil). Seeds are sown on top of the soil and watered from a spray tank. Rain watering will awaken spore growth. Next, insemination will occur, and only then small processes will begin to appear. This usually happens on the 25th day after the spores are planted. By spring, the fern is transplanted into the prepared hole to a permanent place of growth.

Planting a fern in the garden

  • Planting should be done in the spring. For planting a fern in a horticultural area, a shady place is selected. As an exception, plants can also be planted in a sunny area, but it is worth doing this with species such as the Female Kochedyzhnik and the Male Shchitovnik. After transplanting, for these fern groups, it will be necessary to ensure timely abundant watering so that the plant develops comfortably;
  • The depth of the hole should be no less than the clod of earth with which you transplant the plant. Add a drainage layer and some fertilizer for an accelerated set of phytomass;
  • As a fertilizer for transplanting, you can use three equal parts of compost, sand and peat (humus). Further, it is allowed to use universal fertilizer for garden plants. Top dressing should be carried out once a month from May to July. It is possible more often, but not more than 1 time in three weeks;

  • The soil of the fern should be moist. Especially this fact must be taken into account the first week after transplanting a forest plant. Make sure that the plant does not "float". An excess is detrimental to the developing root system. As you grow, also try to keep the soil moist;
  • The listed species of ferns tolerate frost and cold well. But the Kochedyzhnik requires additional care. It needs to be covered for the winter. It is allowed to use fallen leaves, peat, spruce branches.

Why does the fern dry in the garden

Despite the fact that the fern is a perennial plant, any disease can lead to its withering, and, as a result, its death.

One of the common cases of fern extinction is the gradual drying of the plant. This may happen for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect plant maintenance. Fern loves shade, only some varieties are capable of perception sun rays. Perhaps this fact affects the drying of the stems. You can fix this by replanting the plant. Inadequate moisture intake can also affect the drying of the leaves. Before planting, it is recommended to prepare a drainage layer;
  • Wrong watering. In the first week after planting in the garden, the fern should be watered abundantly. If you fill it with water, the leaves may turn yellow. If the fern grows in a shaded garden area, but the air is very dry, then it must also be watered additionally. For irrigation, you need to use water without chlorine and lime;

Choose a time to periodically inspect all the plants in your area. This can extend their lifespan and the lushness of your garden. Following these simple tips, along with the rules for planting and breeding, you will admire the forest plant on your site for more than a dozen years.

The fern is one of the most beautiful garden plants. Planting and caring for a fern in the garden are worries that fall on the shoulders of the gardener. First you need to figure out what conditions are necessary for the normal growth and development of the plant, how it can be grown, what is the care. Given all the subtleties and features, with the help of garden plantings, you can significantly transform the landscape of your site.

Consider those types of plants that can be recommended for growing in the country or in the garden. Decorative ferns are used for the home, but for the garden it is worth choosing those species that are adapted to climatic conditions(frost, rainy weather, hot summer). At the same time, the choice of plants is quite large.

The most common species include asplenium. Most of the ferns are thermophilic. However, there are varieties that are able to tolerate the climatic features of winter in middle lane. To form rosettes of leaves, plants are planted in partial shade, which will ensure the preservation of decorativeness from the beginning of spring until the first snow.

It is worth considering the undersized Woodsia, which belongs to medium-sized garden ferns. This plant in nature grows on ledges of rocks. Its crown can reach a height of 20 cm, depending on the species. In one place it can grow for about 30 years.

Such a fern, like a nomad, forms a dense bush, reaching a height of 1 m. The plant has one feature - it constantly forms new foliage.

One of the most common plants of this type is bracken. It can be grown in the middle lane to decorate the garden plot. After planting, the plant grows quite quickly. Appropriate fencing measures must be taken to prevent the crop from growing outside the area where it was planted.

Planting and growing spores

There are several ways to plant a fern on your site:

  • purchase seedlings in a specialized store;
  • grow yourself from spores;
  • bring bushes from the forest.

Spores can also be purchased at the store or assembled with your own hands, especially since there is nothing complicated about this. Most varieties are characterized by the formation of spores on the back of the leaves. In order to collect spores, a piece of cloth or a plastic bag is placed under the leaf of the plant, after which the leaf must be gently scraped with a knife. The resulting mass is dried for a week. Further, yellow particles are separated from debris and large particles. They are the spores of the fern.

The best time for planting is the beginning of spring. But you can sow at any other time of the year. For growing seedlings, a soil mixture of peat and earth is prepared. Depending on the fern variety, additional components can be added, for example, chalk. Before sowing spores, the soil is disinfected and warmed up. Suitable flat containers are filled with soil and spores are poured on top. To create optimal conditions, the container is covered with a transparent film and placed where the temperature will be maintained + 23-25˚С. During this period, it is not necessary to moisten the soil.

After 2 weeks, a greenish coating will appear, which will indicate the germination of spores. If the coating is too thick, a pick is made. Optimal sizes spores are considered 1 * 1 cm. When the spore diameter reaches 5-6 cm, spraying is carried out warm water. Further moisturizing is carried out once a week. After 7-10 days, young fern leaves should appear. At first, they are not very similar to fronds (fern shoots), but gradually the shoots will grow. In the future, you will need to perform another dive procedure.

When the leaves reach a height of 8 cm, it will be necessary to remove the film from the container for 3-5 minutes a day. Gradually, the time interval should be increased. Spraying is also done more often, up to 3 times a week. As one could understand, planting a fern with spores is a rather lengthy process and requires some attention. It is worth knowing about these nuances in advance. In open ground, plants can be planted in May.

Root separation and budding

Above, we looked at how to plant a fern from spores. If this method seems laborious, then you can grow plants by separation of roots and budding. Let's consider these methods in more detail. To separate the roots of a fern, it is necessary in the place where it grows to find a healthy and mature plant. It should not have damaged and dry leaves. Sockets are separated near the root, and the separated part is planted in a prepared place in their garden during the day. When extracting a plant from the ground, it is not necessary to shake off the soil. For better survival, keep as large a clod of earth as possible. In order to avoid evaporation of moisture during transportation, it is necessary to cover the root system with moss.

As for budding, it is carried out at the end summer period or in autumn. For the procedure, it is necessary to find a bush at the end of August, bend the developed leaves to the ground and sprinkle them with a layer of soil 1-1.5 cm. At the same time, you need to be careful not to fill up the main vein. Next year, in the spring, several young sprouts will grow in this place. They are separated from the twig and transplanted to a permanent place on the site.

Disembarkation and departure

In order for culture to feel as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for it. Where do ferns grow? Optimal location are shaded areas in the garden, under trees, near water bodies. Depending on the group of plants, landing in sunny areas is possible, but at the same time they are provided with timely watering to create comfortable conditions. These ferns include Male Shield and Female Kochedyzhnik. As a rule, landing is carried out in the spring. The soil should be loose and moisture permeable. The planting depth should be no less than the clod of earth with which the ferns are planted on the site. Be sure to add a layer of drainage, which can be used as river sand. It will prevent water stagnation and root rot. The root system must be straightened and covered with earth. After that, the soil is carefully tamped.

When planting, it is recommended to apply a certain amount of fertilizer. To do this, you can use sand, compost, peat or humus in equal proportions. How to care for shrubs? In the future, they resort to top dressing with universal fertilizers for garden plants. The planted fern is fed once a month from May to June. It is not recommended to fertilize more than once every 3 weeks. Soil moisture needs to be monitored. In particular, attention should be paid to humidity in the first week after planting plants from the forest. Both excessive waterlogging and drying out of the soil should be avoided. Excessive moisture will simply destroy the root system. Depending on what species of ferns are grown on the site, they may need shelter for the winter (peat, spruce branches, fallen leaves) or additional care.

When planting plants, there are no strict distances. The main thing to consider is what size they will be when they grow up. If it is planned to plant ferns belonging to giant species, then the distance between the holes should be at least 30-60 cm. The main goal pursued is that the plants do not interfere with each other during the development process. For ferns with an extensive root system, large areas are provided so that other plants are not interfered with. It is recommended to thin out the bushes every few years. If you follow such simple tips on planting, growing and caring for a crop, a garden fern will delight with its beauty for decades.

The use of the fern ornamental plant in landscape design has become increasingly popular in recent years.

If you believe the legends, then the fern is flowering plant, which has magic power, but in the real world of things, it should be clarified that this culture does not form seeds, since it does not bloom. It is primarily a deciduous plant.

Reproduction is mainly vegetative, that is, by parts of the plant body, but such a process is quite long in time, so horticulturalists prefer to propagate the fern using its spores. Let's take a closer look at how to use a fern for decorative purposes. landscape design.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

Ancient legends tell about the magical properties of the fern during its flowering period. It is believed that the one who is lucky enough to see the flower of this plant will surely own great wealth. However, it is now known that ferns do not bloom. These plants reproduce by spores or rhizomes.

Almost all species grow in the shade and partial shade of the forest thicket, so it is very important to create such an environment in the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour garden where you plan to plant this plant. The plant will feel good on the north side, while the soil should be moderately moist. For better growth loose earth with slightly acidic reactions is needed. For specific fern species, it is best to find out their preferences regarding soil characteristics.

The culture has special, inherent only to it, features of appearance, so the plant is quite popular among both landscape designers and among gardening enthusiasts. Quite often, these cultures are used at home.

Due to the peculiarities of reproduction with the help of rhizomes, these plants will easily spread over the territory themselves, which will undoubtedly decorate your garden, but you need to take into account some nuances. If you use ferns in decorative compositions, then be careful about the speed of its growth. Due to the fact that they have long rhizomes and grow very quickly, there will soon be no room for other plants. Ferns with short rhizomes grow more stable and maintain their size from year to year, but they can be overwhelmed by more aggressive neighbors (such as periwinkle).

Often these plants become a solution to the problem of bare stems of various shrubs. With the help of their broad leaves ferns will help hide this defect in garden design.

The composition of fern and bergenia is obtained in an original and very beautiful way.

Do you want to equip an alpine slide and make it part of the landscape design? You can come to the aid of some varieties of fern.

For such purposes, the stop-shaped maidenhair is ideal for you. If your garden is shady, then you can use a three-part multi-row to decorate an alpine slide.

In order to properly grow a culture, you need to add some secrets to your treasury of knowledge. Here are the main techniques that are used when caring for a plant in the garden:

  • It is best to plant the fern in early spring. Its pinnate leaves are still collected in a snail. If the spring period does not suit you, you can plant a plant in the first half of September, when it stops growing actively;
  • for planting, the soil must be prepared in a special way (it must have good water flow).
  • when you plant a plant, be sure to consider the size of an adult fern and its ability to grow. This is necessary in order to correctly determine the required distance between landings. Large species are best planted at a distance of about 60 cm, medium sizes - about 40 cm, small ones - about 20 cm. Use barriers for creeping species.

In the photo below you can see how incredibly beautiful a fern garden can be:

Garden design benefits from the naturalness of its ingredients, which is why it's wonderful that there are so many varieties of fern plants you can choose from for your arrangements, depending on your needs and taste preferences.

In order to be able to enjoy the beauty of these unusual plants, it is necessary to acquire knowledge regarding their life cycle. This will allow you to become garden design wizards. You can decorate your garden with an alpine slide, unusually elegant and beautiful.

A good "partner" for ferns are irises

These noble plants will help hide imperfections in your garden by covering them with their shady leaves, and the fern's ability to grow quickly with the help of a rhizome will make it easier for you to decorate a large area.

A fern can organically merge into the design of a small pond. Such a composition looks very harmonious and at the same time chic.


There are many varieties of ferns. A fairly large number of varieties relished the conditions of middle latitudes. Of these stand out:

  1. Ostrich feather, the leaves of this species resemble the tail of an ostrich.
  2. Onoklea sensitive, which is particularly elegant.
  3. Orlyak. Has edible "snails".

There are also the following types.


This is one of the most popular types. It is often used as part of decorative elements for residential premises (phytowall, indoor rockeries, etc.). It has pinnate, carved leaves, which reach a length of 70 cm. Feels comfortable at a temperature not lower than +16 degrees. Does not like direct sunlight. Requires frequent spraying and moderate watering.


The habitat of this species is the tropics. It has finely dissected leaves of a pale green hue. It reaches a length of no more than 50 cm. It requires bright light, but also does not like direct sunlight. Feels comfortable at an air temperature not lower than +20 degrees. Otherwise, growth slows down. Considered one of the most popular aquarium ferns.


Common ostrich, kochedyzhnik, shchitovnik, multi-row, leaflet, bracken - all these varieties belong to this species. These cultures are easy to care for, have a bright saturated color and unusual leaves. They are winter-hardy, able to withstand the weather conditions of Russia. Prefer moist nutrient soil.


Can grow in various conditions but doesn't like strong winds and cold. It feels very comfortable in subtropical forests - it can often be seen near lakes and in wetlands.


This perennial herbaceous culture is capable of reaching a height of 100 cm. The leaves are quite large, collected in a bunch. From July to August, this species spores. Likes shady places.


This species can often be found in Northern Australia and Southeast Asia. The leaves are long, finely dissected, bright green. In height it can grow up to 50 cm in favorable conditions. The air temperature of +25 degrees is optimal for this species. Reproduction occurs by the formation of small daughter plants on the mother's old leaves.

Propagation of ferns with spores

At the beginning of the reproduction process with the help of spores, it is necessary to prepare the substrate in which they will grow. For these purposes, peat soil, brick chips, rotten chopped pine wood or, in extreme cases, sand are perfect. If you want to avoid the possibility of germination of wild fern or moss spores, you need to steam this substrate. To solve this problem, there is another option to use fresh brick crumbs scattered on the surface of the substrate in a thin layer, but the first method is the most effective.

Basically, fern spores are formed on the underside of its leaves. This salient feature for most species.

The leaves should show sporangia, which are the organs of sporulation. In some cases, spores are formed only on specially designed leaves, which stand out from others due to their unique structure. Such unusual species include "osmunda" and "ostrich feather". Osmunda has the fastest maturation of spores. You can collect material of this type ready for reproduction at the end of May. For other species, the typical period of spore maturation is summer time (that is, three months of summer). There are species that are heat-loving, and therefore reluctant to bear fruit in cold places. These ferns include the maidenhair.

If you watch on the underside of a leaf brown spots, then we can conclude that the spores are ripe for reproduction. It is best to collect them during wet weather, as under such conditions they do not get enough sleep.

To collect the spores, take a sheet of paper, then lay the fern leaf on the paper with the spores down. The sheet will need to be torn off. After that, leave the sheet in this position for a day. After a while, you can check for brownish powder on your sheet of paper. These are the spores of the plant. If you did not find the powder after a day, then most likely it means that you are late. There are no more spores on the leaf of the plant.

In some species, spores can be stored for a long time, but this does not mean that you should hesitate with their seating in a prepared substrate. It is better to immediately evenly scatter the resulting powder over the substrate.

To improve germination conditions, it is necessary to maintain a constant source of scattered light and a constant high humidity. Humidity must be maintained by spraying.

Young plants that are going through the first season of their life are still fragile, so they need to be placed in a cool room, protected from frost.

Germinated spores need low light. For them, the open sun is categorically harmful. It is not yet possible to open the glass with which you covered your crop. At least for a long time, because for the death of the entire crop, it may be sufficient to carry out in a dry room air a few minutes. Be careful with this moment.

The sprouts that you get at the beginning of the spore germination process bear little resemblance to adult types of culture. They are very sensitive to the slightest manifestation of dryness, so it is useful for them to arrange abundant watering. For this, the bases of the sprouts are watered with boiled water at room temperature.

Water stagnation should not be allowed, as fern sprouts do not like this.

If you plant the spores tightly, you will end up with mostly male plants. In order to avoid such an outcome, you can thin out the growths from the edge with tweezers.

The process of fern development in the photo.

After fertilization of the seedlings has occurred, sporophytes begin to grow, from which spores are collected in the future. When they grow up, you should plant them in new containers.

For some time, sporophytes are also recommended to be kept in a humid atmosphere. To do this, you can cover the containers with glass or a plastic bag, as is the case with spore growths. Light for sporophytes must be provided in greater quantities than for growths. The open sun is also contraindicated at this stage of development.

In June, you can plant your seedlings in the shade of trees, always under a film to make a greenhouse. Follow the rules of regular watering at this stage of plant growth. Fertilizers can be used to feed the sprouts, but only in the form of a weak solution. Sufficiently developed plants can be left to winter outside. The rest is better to return to a frost-resistant room.

The peculiarity of plants obtained from reproduction by spores is the fact that you most likely will not be able to maintain the shape of the parent fern, but this method of reproduction does possible option selections of different species. You can use various garden molds when sowing spores on the substrate.

Having studied the features of reproduction, you can conclude that this plant is very whimsical, but it is not. Like all living things, it loves care. When you grow your own plants, starting with collecting and planting spores, if the result is positive, you will have a lot of fun in the process. The awareness of such a feature adds a huge amount of inspiration and creative power to accomplish the most intricate design options.

Use the gifts of nature along with your imagination. Expand the boundaries of design and rejoice in the result of incredible and harmonious beauty. Be creative creators of the beauty of our world. All possibilities are in your hands.

Mysterious openwork fronds growing in the depths of the forest have always become characters in various legends, mystical stories and fairy tales.

A long time ago, a fern settled in the garden. Planting and caring for it require certain conditions of placement and moisture, otherwise the forest dweller is picky.

Many nationalities still believe that once a year, on the night of Ivan Kupala, an amazing flower still blooms, bringing happiness to those who see it, or indicate where the treasure is buried.

Alas, the lover of a thick thicket does not bloom.

Because of the ability to reproduce by spores, the famous botanist Carl Linnaeus called ferns secret marriage plants.

They live in shady forests at the foot of tree trunks.

Some grow like epiphytes on the branches of large giants, adapt to cling to rock ledges, prefer wet banks of rivers and lakes, swampy hummocks, and even manage to perch on the walls of city buildings.

Ferns live everywhere, but their greatest variety is in the humid tropics and subtropics.

However, there are many species that grow in the temperate zone. Many of them are used in cultural cultivation. Among flower growers they are known under common name- garden fern.

botanical portrait

ancient plants on the planet, ferns are extremely diverse and differ in their shapes, sizes, structural features and life cycle.

They do not have true leaves. What everyone calls leaves is more correctly called flat branches, or fronds, which are a whole system of pagons located in the same plane.

There are no flowers, they reproduce by spores or vegetatively - using fragments of rhizomes, fronds, buds, aphlebia (leaf-like processes at the base of fronds) and in other ways, in particular, sexual reproduction in some varieties.

Spores that are mistaken for fern seeds are usually located on the underside of the frond.

Types of ferns grown in the garden

In temperate latitudes, plants with a short stem immersed in the soil are common. Over the surface of the soil, fronds unfold, formed from the buds of the rhizome.

They are characterized by apical growth, and their main purpose is sporulation and photosynthesis.

Most readily take root in the shady areas of the middle lane are the following garden views:

Ostrich fern (Matteucia struthiopteris)

A graceful plant with airy fronds, one and a half meters high and about 1 m in the circumference of the bush. Easily adapts to any conditions, picky about the composition of the soil, resistant to cold.

His only whim is the high humidity of the soil.

It likes shade more, in an open place it will grow shorter, and the fronds will be much lighter than that of an ostrich that has grown under a canopy of trees.

In August, in the center of the rosette, it forms sporophylls - brown, pinnate and leathery.

Adiantum stop (Adiantum pedatum)

An extremely frost-resistant species, it is not afraid of temperatures of 35 degrees below zero. Loves moisture, but does not tolerate stagnant water.

The bush is rounded, pinnately dissected fronds of light emerald color, incised along the edges, bent in an arc.

Female kochedyzhnik (Athyrium filix-femina)

An unpretentious look that will put up with even stagnant water.

Many varieties have been bred that are distinguished by their decorative effect, we are especially fond of LadyinRed flower growers - with red petioles and openwork dissected fronds.

However, in late summer or early autumn, after sporulation, they turn brown and look undecorative.

Japanese nomad (Athyrium niponicum)

Well suited for growing in the middle lane, loves moist nutritious forest soil and shade, copes with low winter temperatures.

Beautiful varieties Metallica and Ursula's Red are known, which have fronds with a silvery tint and purple veins.

Royal Osmunda (Osmunda regalis)

One of the most spectacular ferns with large, often almost two-meter leaves.

It is quite frost-resistant, but flower growers with experience in growing it are still advised to mulch the soil around it.

Osmunda requires regular watering, its spores, like the ostrich, quickly lose their germination capacity, they must be sown only freshly picked.

Bracken Fern (Pteridium aguillinum)

Differs in graceful double and triple pinnate fronds on long petioles, hard, triangular-ovoid.

The bracken is characterized by rapid growth, which turns into a disorderly cover.

The peculiarity of the plant is that its spore sacs are hidden in the wrapped edges of the leaves, and not like other ferns, they are simply attached from the underside. Used for food and folk medicine.

Scolopendra leaflet (Phyllitis sclopendrium)

A popular synonym is "deer tongue". It has fronds without dissection, which distinguishes it from other ferns.

It grows up to 50 cm, thermophilic, requires shelter for the winter.

Multi-row fern (Polystichum)- several species from a numerous genus are grown in the garden - Brown (Polystichumbraunii), top-fruited (Polystichumacrostichoides), prickly (Polistichumaculeatum) and others herbaceous plants with leathery dense fronds growing from an obliquely growing rhizome. Differ in slow growth.

Ground cover ferns include several low and very showy plants:

Linnaeus's Shieldwort (Dryopteris Linnaeana)) - the root system of the fern is highly branched, intensively growing. The fronds are openwork, light green in color, triangular in outline, with doubly pinnately dissected lobes. Spores mature in June.

Woodsia elbe (Woodsia ilvensis)

The plant is only 10-20 cm tall, withstands both frost and drought, but suffers greatly from direct sunlight, so it is planted only on the north side of buildings.

Hairy kostenets (Asplenium trichomanes) - the same low view as the previous one, growing no more than 20 cm in height. Prefers to grow in alkaline soil.

Millipede fern (Polypodium vulgare)

It forms a dense beautiful canvas, which is often used for landscaping the roofs of high-rise buildings.

Salvinia floating (Salvinia natans)

The most common fern for reservoirs is considered floating salvinia - annual plant with pale green fronds collected in whorls in pairs and drifting on the surface of the water. With the advent of autumn, it sinks to the bottom, only spores hibernate.

Conditions for growing ferns in the garden

The most suitable place for perennials in the garden is a corner protected from direct rays on the north side of buildings located on a site where shade remains for most of the day.

Most of them do not like the sun, but if you provide good watering, then in an open, lit place, you can plant a female nodule, osmund, onoclea.

The multi-row, shield and telipteris do not tolerate bright lighting at all.

Ferns prefer light and nutritious garden soil that is constantly moistened. They do well near bodies of water.

Slightly acidic soil is suitable for the ostrich, kochedyzhnik, Linnaeus’s shield, onoclea, the male shield, marsh telipteris grows on acidic soil.

Features of reproduction of ferns

Of all possible ways in garden floriculture, reproduction by spores and division of overgrown bushes is usually used.

Growing ferns from spores

Spores ripen in August - from yellowish-green they become brown.

They look very small and delicate, incredibly afraid of drying out and sunlight.

They are sown in containers filled with peat, and the crops are covered with glass on top, or the entire container is placed in a transparent plastic bag.

The substrate inside is constantly kept moist.

Shoots appear after 2 weeks or a month.

Young seedlings dive twice, grow up for at least 2 years and only then are transplanted into open ground.

Plants grown in this way are distinguished by powerful bushes and resistance to adverse environmental conditions.

The division of the bush

Most garden ferns are propagated by fragments of the rhizome or by dividing the bush into several parts.

Use segments of rhizome 20-25 cm long, they should have at least 2 buds.

Those species that have a short rhizome and a rosette form of growth are divided if small daughter rosettes have formed next to an adult specimen.

It is best to divide the bush in early spring in cool cloudy weather, while the fronds have not yet unfolded.

The bush is dug up, with a sharp knife cut it between rosettes so that well-developed roots in sufficient quantities remain on each division.

Slices are sprinkled with cinnamon or crushed charcoal. After transplanting, the plants are well watered.

It is permissible to divide the bush in the fall at the beginning of September or even at the end of summer - in the last days of August.

The main thing is that the weather on the day of transplantation and a few days after is cool.

Those ferns that grow with only one point of growth and do not form rosettes propagate exclusively with the help of spores.

Features of planting a fern in the garden

Having chosen a suitable place, plant the plant in a shallow hole, commensurate with the root system of the plant.

The pits are placed at a distance of 30-50 cm from one another, guided by the estimated size of an adult perennial.

A mixture of peat, compost and sand, taken in equal amounts, is poured onto the bottom of the hole.

The perennial is positioned so that the base of the frond is not too deep into the ground, it is well watered and sprinkled with earth dug out of the hole.

Fern planting is completed by mulching the soil around the plant to retain moisture from last year's dry foliage or coniferous needles.

Boarding Issues

Often from the lips of flower growers the question is whether it is possible to plant a fern near the house.

Having discarded all mystical warnings, experts boldly answer them - as much as they like, only from the north side and in the shade.

Similar doubts arise in connection with statements about the plant's energy vampirism.

They arose due to the ability of the fern to absorb a lot of oxygen at night, therefore, in a living room where people sleep, a pot of indoor fern you can’t put it - the next morning a migraine will be provided.

However, this does not apply to garden ferns, because they grow in the open, and the amount of oxygen absorbed by them will not affect others in any way.

Another question arises - how often can a fern transplant be. The less often, the better.

Plants do not like to be disturbed by their root system, especially by dividing.

Powerful beautiful bushes are formed within a few years, any intervention in this process stops their development.

Best outdoor fern care tips

The main care measures are associated with regular watering of plants, especially in hot summer weather.

The amount of water is not particularly limited if the surrounding air is dry - the plants are also sprayed with spray nozzles for a hose or watering can.

The soil for the fern should be constantly moist.

After drying, it is gently loosened so as not to hook the root system of the plant, weeds are removed.

At the beginning of the growing season, perennials are fed once every three weeks with complex mineral fertilizers, organics are introduced in early spring.

Preparing the fern for winter consists in mulching the near-root space with peat, as well as sheltering with spruce branches or fallen leaves.

For frost-resistant species, it is enough to sprinkle the center of the bush with dry leaves, although many plants do without it.

Diseases and pests of ferns

The decorativeness of fern plantings is seriously spoiled by slugs and snails that live in a humid environment.

They are collected by hand, if the colony is numerous, metaldehyde preparations are scattered between the bushes.

A serious problem for plants is bacterial and fungal infections that cause rotting of the rhizomes and, as a result, the death of the entire bush.

The appearance of brown spots on the fronds is a signal for immediate action.

Affected fronds are cut and burned, and the whole plant is treated with a fungicide, for example, Maxim.

As a preventive measure for diseases, they try to water so that the stream of water does not fall into the center of the bush.

Ferns in garden design with other plants (photo)

Spectacular forest aliens bring to the atmosphere of any garden the natural mystery of a virgin corner of nature.

The plant looks great on the shore of a reservoir, along garden paths, in a near-trunk circle of trees, ideal for creating rutaria or rockeries, for decorating the northern shaded slopes of alpine hills.

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We recommend to know:

The fern appeared on the globe over a million years ago. To this day, it plays an important role in nature and is used in apartments.

During the existence of the fern, more than 10 thousand species of fern appeared, all of them differ in their interesting view and sizes. Large species have leaves longer than 0.5 meters, it is customary to grow them on garden plots. Most often grown:

  • shield-keeper;
  • bracken;
  • ostrich;
  • female kochedyzhnik.

Fern looks great on the site with any bulbous plants. In addition, the former help to stop the growth of weeds, which prevents the soil near the bulbs from drying out quickly.

The male shield tree is planted in the shade or partial shade, it is able to form thickets. Under natural conditions, the fern grows in Siberia and the mountains of the European part of Russia.

The male shield tree does not require much attention when caring, its maximum height is 1.5 meters, but sometimes it can stop its growth by 50 cm. Fern leaves are doubly pinnate, located on long petioles, resulting in a goblet rosette.

The spores are on the underside of the leaves, they are covered with a protective layer on top. The length of the leaf itself reaches 1.5 meters, but they develop slowly. Only in the third year after planting do they fully unfold and begin to grow. And disputes dissipate in the summer.

The common bracken was named because of the shape of its leaves. By the way, a pleasant specific aroma emanates from them, this is due to the high content of tannins in them. Since tannins have antiseptic properties, fern leaves are used to store berries and vegetables in them.

The average height of the bracken is 50-60 cm, it can develop in unfavorable conditions on dry infertile soil. Its rhizome is widely branched, located horizontally. Leaves thrice-pinnate, hard, solitary. Under each lower pair of leaves there is a sweet nectary, which ants go to. Spores are located on the underside of the leaf. And so that they are protected, the edge of the leaves is bent.

The common ostrich grows in the shade in damp conditions. This is with underground creeping shoots. Reproducing rapidly, the ostrich forms dense thickets. The leaves can be sterile and spore-bearing, the first ones die off for the winter.

Spore-bearing leaves, due to their high decorativeness, are used as dried flowers for composing compositions.

The female nomad prefers moist, shaded areas. Its height ranges from 30 to 100 cm, the leaves are thrice dissected, collected in a bunch. Spores are located on the underside of the leaf, they are protected by a fringed bedspread. The rhizome is dense, winter period its leaves are dying.

All ferns look equally unusual in the garden, you need to choose the type based on personal preferences and growing conditions.

Planting a fern in the garden

Any ferns are grown only in shaded or semi-shaded areas. The soil in this place should be constantly wet, sometimes even swampy. Fern can be planted in places where other plants die due to lack of light. Ferns get along well in adverse conditions on soils that.

It is necessary to find out in advance to what maximum dimensions a certain type of fern will grow, and, based on these parameters, determine the distance between the planting pits and the depth of the holes. If the plant is long-rhizome, then it is better to increase the distance between individual representatives, as they can interfere with each other and displace. The second option is an artificial fencing of the area.

Periodically ferns are transplanted. Plants tolerate transplanting well because they have a shallow root system. Nevertheless, it is better not to disturb the plant once again. The less often it is replanted, the larger and branchier its leaves will be. When transplanting, you can immediately propagate the plant by division, leaving about 4 sheets.

Planting and transplanting fern is carried out in the spring, during the period of active growth. If you postpone the procedure to the end of spring or summer, then it is important not to damage the rhizome, as new ones will grow very slowly. Earth remains on the roots, and after transplantation, the leaves are shaded. And in this case, the soil is well moistened. The growth point does not need to be deepened, because the earth will settle a little over time.

The rhizome and roots should be freely located in the planting pit, the top of the rhizome should be on the soil surface. After that, a large amount of water is poured into the pit, earth is poured on top.

It is necessary to ensure that there is no air left, and the earth is well stuck to the roots.

Although plants take root well in poor soils, it is better to arrange for them a soil rich in organic matter. To do this, you can periodically fertilize the ground, or you can use special solutions instead of water when irrigating, for example, ArganiQ for the garden.

How to grow ferns, you can learn from the following video plot:

fern care

The main conditions that need to be provided to the fern are high humidity and shading. Regularly the plant needs to be watered and sprayed, especially in summer season and long absence of precipitation. Water is used soft, separated, coinciding with the ambient temperature, the water should contain as little lime as possible. Water from the pipeline should settle for several days, it can be replaced with melt or rain water.

You need to water the plant carefully, although ferns love moisture, an excess of water can lead to death, as well as drought. Watering increases during the period of active growth, that is, in spring and summer.

If the soil is fertile, then ferns do not need additional top dressing. They have enough of those nutrients that enter plants from fallen leaves. If the growth of the fern has slowed down, the leaves have become less elastic, then fertilizer must be applied. Until the leaves of the plants unwind after wintering, ArganiQ is applied to the soil. The same fertilizer can be applied several times during the summer season. It is diluted in the amount of 300 grams per bucket of water.

You need to take care of the fern in the fall - remove the dried leaves

Care continues in the fall, dried leaves can be cut, or you can wait for their natural fall. When the rest of the trees in the garden also shed their leaves, they will need to be laid under the fern to create a fertile layer and retain moisture in the soil. Thus, it will be easier for the fern to transfer the winter period.

Some types of fern are, which means that they do not drop plants for the winter. For their winter appearance can deteriorate, especially if there was little snow. To preserve the high decorativeness of the leaves, they are covered with spruce branches or fallen leaves.

In the spring, bad leaves are cut off, but this is done after new ones grow. While there are no new leaves, the fallen ones are not raked, but are carefully removed by hand.

Ferns, like any other plant, can get sick. The most common problems:

  • browning of non-infectious leaves;
  • leaf bronze virus;
  • false shields and shields;
  • slugs and snails;
  • strawberry nematodes;
  • spider mite;
  • thrips.

In case of fern diseases, the affected leaves are removed, the plant is treated with special solutions, and insect traps are placed.

Fern reproduction

Under natural conditions, ferns reproduce by spores, this enables the plant to grow rapidly and occupy large areas. At home, the following fern methods are used:

  • disputes;
  • dividing the bush;
  • rhizome whiskers;
  • brood buds.

On the leaves you can find a branch with spores, they are located on the bottom of the leaf and look like small tubercles. For self-propagation of the fern by spores, the tubercles are cut off together with the leaf and dried in a paper bag. In the middle of winter, spores are sown in containers with a substrate, which is prepared according to the following scheme:

  • 2 parts of peat;
  • 1 part of leaf land;
  • 1 part sand.

Spores spill out on the surface of the soil, do not sprinkle on top of the earth. After that, the spores are moistened with a spray bottle and covered with earth or plastic wrap. Germination occurs already in the second month. When this happens, the glass is removed to allow access to oxygen. During this period, ferns look like moss. When it looks like a full-fledged plant, it is seated in separate containers. The growing pot is taken small, about 10 cm in diameter and about 7 cm high. In the spring, young ferns can be transplanted into open ground.

Not all ferns have spores, so the division method is used. It is ideal for ferns with a long rhizome, such as bracken or ostrich. The method allows you to get several plants and thin out the available specimens. The method is quite simple, the plant is dug up, divided into several parts and planted according to the planting rules discussed above. This is done in the spring, when the threat of frost has passed.

The rhizomatous whisker propagation method is suitable for the hearty fern and nephrolepis, as well as other species that have rhizomatous whiskers. Over time, shoots form from the mustache. Mustaches are dug into the soil to a depth of about 10 cm and carefully watered.

If there are brood buds on the fern, then new plants can also be obtained from them. "Kids" are detached from the sheet, laid on wet peat moss and provide a greenhouse effect using glass or film. The place for germination is chosen shaded. After 3 weeks, young plants can be transplanted into.

Reproduction is easy and fast, so even a novice gardener can handle it.

Growing a garden fern will bring a lot of pleasure to the owner of the site. The main thing is not to forget to water the plant, and nature will take care of the rest.
