Oracle divination by Doreen Virtue

Doreen Verche's oracles are a unique predictive system with which you can get answers to questions about your Soul, mental state and spiritual development. With the help of divination on the oracles of Doreen Verche, you can see your inner world and find out the root causes, psychological factors of ongoing events and various life situations

Fortune telling on the oracle Magical messages of the goddesses - 12 houses of the horoscope. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out what awaits you in the coming year. Each card corresponds to one of the twelve months and describes its main events or atmosphere.

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche Magical messages of the goddesses - Test of separation. This alignment is used in a situation where people love each other, but cannot be together for any reason. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out why fate is testing you, how you and your loved one react to these tests, what lesson you need to learn and what is the possibility of a joint future.

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche Messages of the Angels for lovers - Talk to me. This spread is used in a situation where you feel that a loved one wants to talk to you, but neither you nor he finds an opportunity to start a conversation. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what a person wants to tell you, what he is afraid of, how comfortable he is with you, what feelings he actually has for you, and also whether the conversation will take place and under what circumstances.

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Virtue "Magical Messages of the Goddesses" - Romantic Attraction. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn more about your attraction to another person, about emotional, aesthetic, physical attractiveness, what is the psychological challenge of this relationship, and also the intended result.

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche "Messages of angels for lovers" - How to understand him (her)? This fortune-telling will help to understand the actions of a loved one; with the help of this alignment, you will find out why he behaves this way, what has changed in your relationship, what is happening in his soul, what plans he has for you, and also what he will do with respect to you in the near future

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche "Messages of angels for lovers" - I am in his (her) eyes. This fortune-telling is used in a situation where you met a person and want to understand how he perceives you, what (how) he sees you, what he likes most about you, what he is trying to convey to you with a look, what feelings you are in awaken him what he would like from you, as well as the prospect of developing relations in the near future

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche "Messages of angels for lovers" - Soul Mate. This fortune-telling is used in a situation where an acquaintance with a person has already taken place. When two kindred Souls meet, there is a powerful surge of creative energy; you begin to change for the better, you feel that you love unlimitedly, without demanding anything in return. This alignment is designed to help you understand who this person really is for you, what feelings he or she is experiencing, whether he (she) is really your soul mate

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche - Messages of the Goddesses for the week. This alignment will show what awaits you during the coming week; what emotions will accompany you on each of the seven days, and you will also receive advice from the Goddesses for each day of the week

Ascended Master Oracle Divination Doreen Virtue - Obsession. This fortune-telling is used in a situation where you need to figure out what attracts you to a person or things that you constantly think about. With the help of this divination, you will find out why you constantly think about it, how this obsession manifests itself, how you can overcome obsessive thoughts, and what the outcome will be.

Divination of the Ascended Masters - Lightning. This fortune-telling will help you understand yourself, learn more about your personality, past, origins, ideals, self-realization. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what is the meaning of problems, what are the ways to solve them.

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Virtue "Ascended masters" - Talent. With the help of this divination, you will find out what talent you have and how you could use it, how your talent manifests itself in life, how you can develop it

Messages of angels for lovers - Probability of marriage. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can analyze the situation in your personal life and find out why you can’t get married. This alignment of the Doreen Verce oracle will show what you need to do to achieve the goal where you can meet your future spouse, as well as the probability of marriage at the specified time (month, year, etc. to choose from)

Divination of Angels for lovers - Meeting of love. With the help of this divination by the famous oracle Doreen Verce, you can find out if the meeting of love will take place, how the relationship will begin, how it will develop, what will be your new partner what is happening now in your personal life, what needs to be changed in yourself in order for changes to occur in your personal life

Fortune telling on the cards of the Archangel Michael - Abilities. This alignment will help you find out what your abilities are, your gift, how you can develop it, why it was given to you, what obstacles you will have to face, what will help you overcome the challenge, and also what your talent will bring you in the future.

Fortune telling on the oracle of the Archangel Michael - My heart. This divination will show your past and current experience in love, what you want from a relationship, what you really need. This spread will also show your future experience in love or just your future personal life

Fortune telling on the oracle Dorin Verche - Divination of the Archangel Michael. This divination can be used to analyze an exciting situation and get answers to questions about the future. With the help of this divination, you will find out what the situation looks like at the moment, and also receive wise advice or a warning from Archangel Michael

Fortune telling on the cards of the Archangel Michael oracle Dorin Verche - Spiritual aspirations. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will learn about the merits or demerits of your spiritual life, about what changes should be made in your life, what needs to be done for this, and you will also receive the advice of Archangel Michael - in which direction you should move

Fortune telling on the oracle Dorin Verche - Message of the Archangel Michael. This divination can be used to get answers to a wide variety of questions; Archangel Michael will give advice on how best to act in an exciting situation, what to pay attention to, and also what to do to achieve your plan.

Divination on the oracle of the Ascended Masters - Defenders of the soul. This alignment will show who or what opens your path today, who or what motivates you, challenges, supports, strengthens, who or what inspires you, who or what accompanies your Soul today

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche Ascended Masters - Spirituality. This fortune-telling will help you find out your spiritual essence, as well as show your mental, emotional and physical state, the male and female aspects of your personality, your self-esteem and interaction with the outside world.

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche Messages of Angels for lovers - The reason for the break. This alignment will show how each of the partners sees the situation, why the relationship deteriorated in the opinion of her and him, and also what are the chances of a reunion

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche Messages of Angels for lovers - On problems in relationships. This layout consists of three cards, with the help of which you can learn about the role of both partners in causing problems in a relationship, as well as the influence external factors affecting the problem

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche Messages of Angels for lovers - On existing relationships. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what you really want from a relationship, and what your partner wants and whether your desires and needs are compatible

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche Messages of Angels for lovers - To a new acquaintance. This simple divination, consisting of three cards, will answer the most exciting questions, relatively new acquaintance; the first impression of partners about each other, as well as the prospect of developing relations

Fortune telling on the cards Doreen Verche - Desire. This alignment will show whether there is a chance to get what you want right now, whether the Guardian Angel helps in this, whether there are interference from dark forces, and much more regarding the fulfillment of a cherished desire

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche - Harmony. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what your main life mission is, what you have to discover in yourself, how to find spiritual harmony, as well as harmony in relations with others, and how Fate is favorable to you

Fortune telling on the oracle of Unicorns - What should I do. This fortune-telling is used in difficult situations when you need to make an important decision and not make a mistake. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what tactics of behavior you should choose, what you need to change in yourself, where to start and what the result will be.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Unicorns - Prediction for the day. This simple layout will help determine how the day will go, what to expect, what to hope for. To find out what awaits you today, just select one card

Oracle Divination Doreen Virtue Ascended Masters - Inner world. With the help of this divination, you will learn more about your Soul, at what level of spiritual development you are at the moment, how compassionate and patient you are, what the main objective of your life

Fortune-telling on the oracle Doreen Verche Ascended Masters - Contacts with the Spirit-mentors. This divination will show if you have Spirit Guides, whether it is possible to contact them, what information you can receive from them, what Spirit Guides can help you with, whether they will open new realities for you.

Fortune telling on the oracle Doreen Verche Ascended Masters - Mirror of the Soul. An interesting divination for those who are looking for their spiritual path. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out in which direction you need to move further in your spiritual development, what practices can help with this, whether it is worth turning to the help of a mentor, and also what are the prospects for further spiritual growth.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Dorin Verche of the Guardian Angels - Helper Spirit. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out if you have a Helper Spirit, what element or nature it is, what it helps you with and whether you can hope for its help in difficult life situations.

Fortune-telling on the oracle Doreen Verche Ascended Masters - Keys to the seven doors. This alignment will help determine your karmic debts and tasks from the past, identify the fears and complexes that your subconscious mind stores, and also learn about your earthly mission and abilities in esotericism

Fortune telling on the oracle of Dorin Verche of the Guardian Angels - Rising Sun. This alignment will help you understand the exciting situation, find out what caused it, what the situation looks like at the moment, and what its consequences may be for you.

Fortune telling on the oracle of Dorin Verche of the Guardian Angels - Flight of the Soul. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what is worth working on in order for changes to occur, how best to motivate yourself to achieve the goal, where you can get additional help and support in this situation.

This divination has recently become more and more popular. In this version, angel cards are used.

The cards were designed by Diane Harris. There are only thirty cards in the Doreen Verche deck, which will help to reveal the essence of the situation, talk about the urgent and sore, and also help with advice.

The Doreen Verche cards themselves - the signs of angels - are not so widespread yet. But at the same time, online fortune telling is used, which is free. The only "but" in this kind of prediction is the lack of interaction between the cards and the one who asks.

As a result, a simple online program makes you a layout that is fully decrypted, but it can only be called reliable.

It should also be understood that spirits will not start talking to you through inanimate electronic pictures of angels Doreen Verche online. That is why it is recommended to pay attention to the very process of divination in reality without the participation of programs that have no connection with the subtle worlds.

Three Card Spread

This alignment is as simple as possible and it is quite possible to do it yourself or online if you just want to have fun. As a result, you will receive not so much answers to questions as advice from the divine principle, your angels.

You need to think about the situation, the question, the person you are interested in and lay out three cards or click on the "online" button. Now let's look at the resulting layout:

  • The first card will tell you about the subject of divination, business, person.
  • The second card is what you need to know about the situation or person.
  • The third card is what needs to be done.

Layout "Heart"

There are five cards in this spread:

  • The first in the middle means the root of the situation, its basis.
  • The second from the top will tell you about the obstacle that prevents you from reaching the goal.
  • Third from the bottom are unknown factors that you have no idea about, but they continue to influence the situation.
  • The fourth from the left is what the fortuneteller needs to do so that everything goes as it should.
  • Fifth from the right - events that will happen in the near future. They will serve as a signal to you whether you are doing everything right.

As a result, you have a rhombus. The fact of the origin of the name remains a mystery, but fortune-telling gives amazing results, as you yourself will see.

The layout of the "Cross of the Way"

This divination of angel cards will be somewhat more difficult than the previous two. Its shape is more like an airplane. By location, the main row looks something like this: 7 6 5 1 8 9 10. The second card is located above the first, and the third below the first. The fourth angelic picture lies under the third, and the eleventh over the tenth.

Now let's write down what each card means:

  1. What is now in the center of your life, aspirations, desires, goals.
  2. The necessary actions are here and now on your part.
  3. basis of the situation.
  4. What you need to know about this set of circumstances.
  5. Present and passing influences that affect not only the environment, but also you.
  6. Emotional condition. The way you react to events.
  7. Spiritual advice from above.
  8. How events will develop.
  9. Which will complete the cycle of events and end the matter.
  10. What is the best way to deal with the current situation. Do not confuse with spiritual advice. These are different cards that will tell you in the first case what needs to be done in order to comfortably fit into the situation, and what should be changed specifically in yourself.
  11. Summary and possible advice.

The layout of the angel cards may seem complicated at first, but it will be able to tell you about all the sides that you might not have seen until now. At first glance, it may seem complicated, although online this layout has been simplified to the impossible, denying the essence of intuition and the subconscious.

That is why it is better to independently carry out the entire process from start to finish. It will be enough to listen to the advice that the angels give you, and life will begin to improve. Author: Valeria Kalchenko

The value of the card. You are trying to achieve satisfaction in life through external sources such as material possessions or interpersonal relationships. And you see the source of the necessary help only in other people. But the fairies with this card want to tell you that you can find the answers to many questions in yourself.

Sometimes, feeling lonely and empty, you rush to fill this void with something or someone. You are deluded into thinking, “I will be happy when I have... ( new house, academic degree, new outfit, etc.)”. But when you get what you want, the feeling of satisfaction is very fleeting. The fairies remind you that the only reliable source of long-term satisfaction in life is connection with the Spirit that dwells within you. Maintain a mental dialogue with the Creator and feel how Divine love fills you.

The same is true when you turn to external sources for answers to your questions. Of course, there is nothing wrong with taking the advice and help of your wise friends, especially if their recommendations resonate with you. But it may turn out that their conflicting recommendations will only confuse you. If everyone offers different solutions, you need to reflect on the problem and listen to what your inner voice tells you.


I have great inner beauty and light. I have access to all knowledge in the universe.

Doreen Virtue

fairy kingdom




If you believe in fairies, then you are not alone. Traveling all over the world, I often met people who told me about their contacts with the magical realm of the fairies. They fondly recall their childhood years and the impressions caused by communication with these creatures, and some, having become adults, still continue to talk with them. (Most of them told me about it in whispers.) About myself I can only say one thing: I believe in fairies! ..

As a little girl, I spent hours staring at pictures of fairies with a mixed sense of recall and recognition. Although from childhood I was endowed with the ability to see angels and people who left this earth, I saw the first fairy when I was already an adult. Since then, I have had the most kind and tender relationship with these creatures.

I have the utmost respect for their mission on Earth to cleanse the natural environment, protect animals and remind us of the importance of joy and fun.

Surveys conducted among the population show that if most people believe in the existence of angels, then much less believe in the existence of fairies. In many bookstores, separate shelves are dedicated to angels, while books about fairies are "banished" to the mythology section. Probably because fairies, unlike angels, appear only to those who believe in them.

I found that people in Britain and Australia believe in fairies much more than people in other parts of the world. In addition, these same countries are the focus of the largest number fairies. Is it because there are so many fairies here that the local people believe in them? Or vice versa: is it because the local people believe in them that there are so many fairies here?

Other places whose inhabitants are also closely associated with fairies are New York, Hawaii, Iceland and the Canadian province of Ontario. In fact, most of my fairy encounter stories come from readers in Ontario, not elsewhere!

Those who believe in fairies receive miraculous help from them, as you will learn from this book. Fairies help us realize our earthly needs - such, like buying, renting or selling a house. They help us find jobs and money. They help our gardens and pets in a wonderful way, but they are especially happy to help those who share their love and care for the environment and animals.

Angels and fairies are God's creatures, performing an important mission and actively helping people in their lives. important issues. Archangels and guardian angels assist us in our spiritual path and protect us. Fairies are the guardian spirits of nature and animals.

The more people believe in fairies, the greater the power of the latter. The power by which they purify the earth, air and water.

Please don't forget the immortal words of Peter Pan: "I really believe in fairies... I believe, I believe, I believe!" These words brought the fairy Din - Din back to life, and they are also able to infuse additional life and energy into any fairies in general.

Doreen Virtue

Chapter first

Who are the Fae?


Each blade of grass has its own angel who bends over it and says: “Grow! Grow!"

The angels that the Talmud mentions are "natural angels". Each of them has its own special purpose, but in general, nature angels look after the environment and animals.

Since nature is made up of the basic elements Earth, Water, Air and Fire, the natural angels thus belong to the "elemental realm". There are a few various types elementals, differing from each other depending on their purpose and the task they perform. In this book, we will focus on only one of their species - fairies.

Fairies are angels who are closely connected to the Earth, which allows them to carry out their Divine mission to protect nature and animals. Fairies also have wings: some like dragonflies, others like butterflies, in contrast to the feathered wings of guardian angels and archangels.

Again, unlike guardian angels and archangels, fairies have egos. So they are like people in the sense that they have judgments and evaluations. When the fairies meet you, they immediately evaluate you in terms of how you feel about the environment and animals.

Fairies know that a person is imperfect, and they do not expect perfection from him. However, if you do everything in your power to recycle waste, if you use environmentally friendly products, are kind to animals, and so on, they will treat you with the greatest respect and favor.

If, in their opinion, you are hostile to the environment or animals, they may begin to harass you and play evil tricks on you. That is why they sometimes have a reputation for being evil and mischievous spirits.

At different peoples fairies can be called by many different names, but no matter how they are called and no matter how their names are pronounced, fairies sincerely want to help you live a healthier, happier and more rewarding life. Since fairies are closely connected with the earth and everything earthly, they can help you solve material problems, including money problems, household problems, gardening and pets.

Did you happen to see fairies as a child?

But many children see fairies. Fairies are more likely to reveal themselves to children whose minds are open and whose hearts are pure than to adults (unless the hearts of men or women are just as open and pure). And fairies also love to help children and do it in all sorts of ways. different ways which you will also learn in this book.

Fairies remind us that we should not lose heart, be cheerful, joyful and enjoy life as often as possible. They love parties, music and dancing. They love candy and sweets, and some elementals have even been known to drink alcohol. But, despite the fun, they do not forget about the duties and responsibilities assigned to them, and this is one of the lessons that they teach us all.

Fairies remind us

That life is joyful and cheerful;

That nature requires respect for itself, which it fully deserves;

That animals are our brothers and sisters;

That everything around is alive;

That games and amusements are very important;

That you can magically accomplish whatever you need (especially with their help).

Chapter Two


To get in touch with the fairies, go outside, that's where they live. Fairies love flowers, trees, and bodies of water. They love open-ended gardens that aren't defaced by ridiculous shearing and pruning or polluted with pesticides.

In the pages of this book, you will read that the fairies are able to help you with gardening, so you don't need chemical fertilizers!

As soon as you go outside, contact the fairies, saying that you want to contact them. You can say it to yourself, out loud, or just leave them some kind of offering. Fairies catch your thoughts and love gifts. Especially candy (unwrapped, of course) and shiny items like crystals.

The fairies will study you - in terms of how well you feel about the environment and animals. If you pass this test, they will give you a sign - in the form of a thought or sensation. As a rule, they will ask you to collect and take out the garbage from the area where you are. And if you do, they will gladly help you achieve what you ask, as Lisa Grubb found out, for example.

Arriving at her favorite place, where she used to pitch a tent and enjoy the camping life, Lisa was truly dejected at the sight of all the rubbish that littered the territory. She went to gather wood for the fire, but wherever her gaze fell, instead of firewood, she saw only garbage that completely littered the ground.

There was nothing to do, and Lisa began to clear the slope of the mountain from debris. At the same time, collecting garbage, item by item, she blessed the land and asked for forgiveness for the people who littered it. She collected six large bags of rubbish, but could not find any firewood or wood chips. and even in the pits For there was not even a charred firebrand on the campsite either.

Lisa decided that she would go to the nearest garbage collector and buy firewood from someone there. She collected garbage bags, came to the foot of the mountain, threw the garbage into containers, but did not find anyone who could sell her firewood.

Returning to the campsite, she decided that she would either find firewood or just leave the place closer to night. When she approached the parking lot, she was surprised to find a large pile of logs, sawn, chopped and neatly stacked in a pile. But she was absent for no more than 15 minutes and there was not a soul around. Where did this wood come from?

We have already talked about a certain lady, whose name is Doreen Virtue. Moreover, we did not just talk, but even offered you to tell fortunes on a deck of cards, of which she is the author. Surely you have already appreciated her magical invention. Well, Doreen's deck is unusual in every way. Today we would like to reveal one more little secret to you: Mrs. Verche has more than one deck of cards in stock. Providence itself encouraged this woman to share with us the inner light that she carries inside. She shared through maps and books that she has in huge circulations.

Fairy divination is also an invention of the beautiful Doreen. This is a real Oracle, which acts like any other, but only more delicately. Distinctive feature This fortune-telling is that the Fairies will tell you what to prepare for and how best to spend the coming week. And it doesn't matter what day of the week it is. If, for example, you decide to tell fortunes on Wednesday or Friday, there are no prohibitions.

In this case, you get acquainted with the prediction that the Fairy of Wednesday (or Friday) whispers to you, and then get acquainted with the rest of the information. The same days that have already passed - Monday and Tuesday - will need to be interpreted as the past. Thus, the cards also have "retroactive effect", i.e. talk about the past.

Of course, it would be ideal if you could take the advice of the little Fairies on a Sunday evening. Thus, you could understand: what events you can expect during the week. Fairies will always warn you about what not to do and what you should be afraid of. Their clues are not only magical, but also extremely truthful. Try to touch the real magic, try telling fortunes on the Fae and you yourself will understand everything.
