For guard structural elements structures from the destructive effects of liquids, many technologies have been developed. Samples of relevant products differ in characteristics, application, and most of them have long been known to the mass consumer. But with regard to penetrating waterproofing for concrete, you can’t say this - “in the subject”, as they say now, few, with the exception of specialized specialists. What is it, is it really impossible to do without it in many situations, or is it just another lure - all such questions will be the subject of detailed consideration in this article.

An analysis of the reviews, various opinions and judgments of those who have heard at least something about such waterproofing or have encountered it shows that they are very contradictory. Apparently, this is due to confusion, and even a banal substitution of concepts. It is difficult for an inexperienced person to understand the variety of insulating materials, so you should start with some clarifications.

1. Firstly, when finishing concrete with rolled (mastic) products, high qualifications are not needed. The use of penetrating waterproofing agents requires not only experience, but also knowledge of the specifics of their use. Can everyone brag about it? This is the main reason for some of the negative reviews.

2. Secondly, the range of insulation materials is huge. Many of them are very similar in their characteristics, application method and a number of other parameters. Hence the confusion.

3. Thirdly, penetrating waterproofing compositions have not been on the market for so long, and the lack of statistics raises some doubts about their effectiveness and extended duration.

4. Fourth, the relative fragility of traditional materials is a guarantee that builders will not be left without work. This is one of the reasons why they focus on these types of waterproofing, modestly silent about the products of Ceresit, Lakhta, Penetron, Kalmatron, Hydrotex. By the way, these brands are not the only ones that are actively used in concreting. The choice is large, including the price.

Features of the compositions

The specificity of the protection of artificial stone is to increase its water resistance. Such waterproofing does more than simply prevent direct material-liquid contact. It penetrates into its structure (up to 35-40 mm), that is, it ensures that the characteristics of concrete remain unchanged when exposed to moisture throughout the depth.

1. Composition of penetrating waterproofing preparations.

It may vary depending on the modification and manufacturer, but the main components are conventionally divided into 3 groups.

  • Portland cement.
  • Filler (mostly fine sand).
  • Chemical / compounds - additives. As such, there are salts of metals (alkaline earth) and polymers.

2. The specifics of the action.

Whatever brand of mortar is used for concreting, fake diamond to some extent characterized by porosity. Since any cement contains calcium, as a result of capillary penetration of the waterproofing, a reaction occurs between it and the additives. As a result, crystallization of newly formed chemical/compounds. The smallest solid fractions completely clog all "microchannels" (cavities), thereby preventing the penetration of liquid into the structure of the concreted part over the entire area of ​​insulation application.

3. Varieties.

4. Benefits.

Briefly, since such isolation has quite a lot of them.

  • Certain characteristics of traditional materials impose a number of restrictions on their use - in terms of temperature, pressure, humidity. For penetrating waterproofing, they are insignificant.
  • Mechanical damage to concrete leads to a violation of the protective layer (mastic, rolled). After the use of penetrating compounds, the quality does not decrease if any defect occurs. But only if the impregnation was introduced into the solution during kneading.
  • The higher cost is recouped many times over in insulation efficiency and durability.
  • Ease of use. Hard-to-reach areas, spot repairs, "all-weather" - this makes these mixtures sometimes the only way to solve the problem.

Now, having general concept about penetrating (capillary) waterproofing of concrete, you can also read reviews about it. Opinions, as noted, are very different. What to take note of and what to skip, the reader will decide for himself.

People's opinions

“The idea to use a penetrating composition for waterproofing the basement from groundwater was suggested to me by a colleague. I am skeptical about various reviews on the Internet about any product. And here is an opinion based on personal experience, and for quite a long time. Processed from the inside everything that is concreted with Lakhta insulation. After 2 years, I can say that the efficiency is high, and the cost is quite consistent with the final result.”

Vitaly, Murmansk.

“My opinion on why penetrating compounds have not yet become widespread in the private sector is a lack of information and a lack of skills. Everyone can equip waterproofing with pasting or coating, but it is not possible to impregnate concrete with high quality. But if you understand the specifics of the application, it becomes clear that this is a great option. Concrete structures do not need to be dried, covered from precipitation, everything is done quite quickly. What else is needed? I worked with Penetron and I put such isolation as a fat plus.

Andrey, Ufa.

“Regarding such compositions, only one thing is confusing - the lack of time statistics. This product is relatively new, so any final conclusions are inappropriate. But the fact that it is one of the most convenient and effective ways protection of concrete structures - no doubt. It is a pity that such insulation has some restrictions on the porosity of materials, but otherwise I do not see any shortcomings. Even the price is not a minus.

Viktor, Astrakhan.

“Personally, I have not worked with penetrating agents, but simple logic suggests that in most cases this method of waterproofing is better. As an engineer, I will say that everything must be taken into account: the time for the operation, complexity, local specifics, the shelf life of the material, and the like. It is possible that it is more profitable to use rolled products for finishing a reinforced concrete septic tank, but if we are talking about the foundation, then it alone will not be enough. I believe that the cost of waterproofing should not prevail over quality, but one penetrating one may not provide it. And here is the combination different types, comprehensive protection is ideal.”

Igor, Samara.

“Any mastic or rolled insulation cannot be in contact with liquids for a long time - this is a fact. No wonder manufacturers indicate such a characteristic as moisture absorption. I used a combined method when finishing a concrete basement - first impregnation with Kalmatron, then treatment with Ceresite. And the quality turned out to be high, and the money is not expensive.”

Marat Ishimov, Moscow.

“I think the advantage of penetrating compositions is their versatility. The range is extensive, application - in any conditions, even in a limited space. Opinions on the advisability of buying differ, but if we sum up all the reviews about such waterproofing, it turns out that there are much more advantages than disadvantages. I worked with Lakhta twice and was personally convinced of its advantages over conventional mastics, bitumen, and roofing felt.

1. Specifics of use. For different types of work (primary concrete treatment, prevention, joint insulation), it is advisable to purchase a certain modification of products from 4 main groups - “seam”, “repair” or W12 (2 options).

2. Method of application.

3. The degree of wear also affects the choice of waterproofing.

4. Features of the preparation of the concrete base. In fact, the amount of work to be done.

5. Surface material. It makes no sense to buy a sufficiently deep penetration waterproofing (its price is higher) if it is only supposed to protect the plaster layer.

6. Restrictions. For each composition, they are different, so here are the most common:

  • The water permeability of the base is not lower than what index?
  • Impregnation of cellular concrete is ineffective when using any brand of waterproofing.
  • Not all compositions are suitable for protecting structures on which there is a risk of cracking during operation.

BrandPacking, kgThe specifics of the application of insulationRetail price, rubles
Crystallisol25 suture1 580
coating2 380
3 "hydraulic seal"369
Kalmatron25 penetrating1 890
10 725
Lakhtapowder (can be added to solution)1 580
25 suture2 890
penetrating3 880
Penetronmastic275 – 295
ceresite954 – 978

Construction wooden house includes protecting it from the harmful effects of moisture. Moreover, it is necessary to protect not only the walls, foundation and roof, but also the floors, ceilings and any elements. Penetrating concrete waterproofing can play an important role, especially in spring time floods. We learn about what penetrating waterproofing of concrete is, how it is used in wooden housing construction and what reviews about existing compositions sound from users by reading this article.

Penetrating concrete waterproofing or penetration was invented in Denmark and came to us relatively recently. The first composition was called Vandex and was released by VANDEX. Later, on the basis of this invention, the Canadian Xeyplex from XYPEX, the Spanish Drazero from DRIZORO, the American Penetron from PENETRON appear.

Judging by the user reviews, the American Deep Action Penetron is the best of the entire line listed. It more reliably protects concrete from cracking and moisture penetration. But there is a big minus - Penetron is expensive.

Our manufacturing companies have solved this problem by developing our own deep action penetrating compounds: Aquatron, Lakhta, Coral, Kalmatron, Hydrotex, Wasson, etc. among the most popular are Lakhta. In terms of composition, Lakhta and Penetron are similar, but the price for the domestic composition is lower.

Reviews about Lakhta are mostly positive. negative ones are associated with low-quality fakes, or with work with compositions that have expired. In some stores, you can find deep-acting formulations of Lakhta and Penetron with a good shelf life, but the composition was not stored correctly. It is difficult to insure against such purchases. By purchasing high-quality penetrating waterproofing, you can endow concrete with unique protective properties.

Action of penetration

IN wooden house penetrating waterproofing is used to protect the concrete surfaces of the foundation, walls of the basement and basement, garage and wells.
Any concrete structure has a porous structure. Moisture easily gets into the smallest cracks, rising it penetrates into the wood. And talking about the interaction of water and wood is not worth talking about once again.

The use of roll waterproofers does not give a lasting effect. Delamination occurs and the foundation is deformed and cracked. And bituminous coating compositions are laborious to apply. 90% of them need to be heated and applied quickly, as curing occurs within a few minutes. In addition, such activities are not safe.

Penetrating waterproofing of deep action helps to solve most of the problems. the main thing is to choose the right composition and carry out the processing in a complex manner. The main action of penetrating compounds for concrete is based on the chemical interaction of free lime (calcium hydroxide) and capillary water inside the concrete. Due to the reaction of these elements, hydrosilicates and hydroluminates are formed, which are practically insoluble in water. These crystals form a strong protection within the structure of the concrete structure and enhance the texture of the material. Waterproofing is applied with a simple brush or roller, to simplify, you can use an airbrush. The composition penetrates the structure concrete wall by 10-20 cm.

Pros and cons of penetrating coatings

For a wooden house, I use penetrating compounds to protect the basement, foundation, and roof. But the area of ​​\u200b\u200buse of the composition is almost limitless, they can process walls, floor logs, truss system. You can work with the material inside the house and outside. Positive reviews about waterproofing are associated with its main advantages:

  1. Waterproofing with a layer of 10 cm per 1 pass.
  2. Healing of microcracks in concrete structures.
  3. Frost resistance of concrete structures increases by 2-3 times.
  4. Resistance to chemical influences.
  5. The service life of impregnating concrete protection is more than 25 years.
  6. The structure remains vapor-permeable, which means that the circulation of oxygen in a wooden house is not disturbed.
  7. It can be applied from the inside and outside of the building at any temperature.

Over time, the effect of waterproofing becomes only stronger. Can be applied to any surface, dry or wet.
Negative reviews are mainly about the high price of the material.

Features of applying concrete waterproofing

It is necessary to apply penetrating emulsions to the concrete surface of the walls and floor of the basement in the following steps:

Depending on the type of work, measures for waterproofing with penetrating emulsions may vary.

Injections for the concrete or brick part of the house

A wooden structure, such as a bursa house, can be built on a columnar foundation. It can be assembled from red brick. Previously, a penetrating composition was not used for waterproofing such structures, the situation has changed in the last 5 years. Any brickwork is treated in the same way.
Processing is carried out in two ways:

  1. Waterproofing penetrating concrete cut-off. In increments of 25 cm, shallow holes are drilled in the masonry at an angle of 45 °. A protective emulsion will be driven into them with a special syringe.
  2. Waterproofing "sloping shirt". The brick is cut down in parts and cut some of the seams. Instead, plaster is applied mixed with a penetrating composition, the composition is again driven from above.

Important: All work in the brick part of the foundation can only be done with a special device. Therefore, the work is carried out by specialists. Applying the composition to a brick foundation with a brush or roller is not effective.
The main thing for work is to choose an effective and high-quality composition.

MK-TRON penetrating

The relatively young brand MK-Tron has already established itself in the market waterproofing materials stable product quality at a relatively low cost. In particular, a dry mortar is produced under the brand name: MK-Tron penetrating. Similarly, the waterproofing result occurs due to the filling of pores and microvoids of concrete with a sparingly soluble composition in liquid form on a wet surface, which subsequently crystallizes.

The limitation of the depth of penetration of the MK-Tron is determined by the depth of the pores of the concrete on which the composition is applied. After treatment of the concrete structure with a solution, water resistance increases by 2-3 steps, frost resistance increases by F200. The consumption of the penetrating composition is calculated approximately 1 kg of dry mix per 1 m2 of concrete surface. Packing - convenient plastic buckets with a handle for packing 5kg and 25kg.

The table below shows the main parameters of the MK-Tron penetrating mixture:

Aggregate fraction, mm, no more 0,63
Consumption per 1 m² when applying a layer 1 mm thick, kg 1,2
Consumption per 1 m², minimum, kg 1,0
Consumption per 1 m², recommended, kg 1,6
Consumption per 1 m², applied in one pass, depending on the quality of the surface, kg 0,6-0,8
Mortar mix MK-Tron penetrating
Water consumption for mixing 1 kg of dry mixture, coating method, l 0,33-0,34
Water consumption for mixing 1 kg of dry mixture, injection method, l 0,5
Viability, min 30
Application temperature, ᵒC from +5 to +30
Improving the mark for water resistance, depending on the quality of concrete and the thickness of the application, not less than for 2-3 steps
Increase in frost resistance depending on the quality of concrete and application thickness, not less than on F200
Heat resistance of treated concrete under constant exposure, ᵒC 120
Contact of treated concrete with potable water allowed
Operation of treated concrete in aggressive environments 5< pH <14
Climatic zones of application All
Start of operation
Filling the tank with water (pressure waterproofing) is allowed after application through 14 days
Filling the tank with water (tear-off waterproofing) is allowed after application through 1 day

All MK-Tron products have a certificate of conformity with the GOST R Certification System. Each batch is tested in a laboratory to obtain a quality certificate.


  • Reliability
  • Vapor permeability.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.
  • High resistance to aggressive media and sea water.
  • economy
  • Small expense.
  • Ease of use
  • Apply to a damp surface.
  • Can be applied manually and mechanically.
  • Safety
  • Does not contain solvents and other substances hazardous to health.

Lakhta or Penetron, pros and cons

Mixtures of Russian-made Lakhta and American Penetron can be bought in the form of a dry composition with a grayish color. The composition contains quartz sand and special cement - Portland.
Lakhta and Penetron are used:

  1. For installation of cut-off waterproofing.
  2. In brick and stone laying.
  3. Pool protection.
  4. For processing the floor, ceiling and foundation walls made of concrete.

Performs a protective function against: water, oils, alkalis, acids, and other liquid substances. Lakhta and Penetron have a unique property: crystals formed inside the foundation will increase when moisture enters, in a dry state the size does not change. This allows the protective layer to adapt to varying degrees of humidity. Penetration depth: Lakhta - 13 cm, Penetron - 15 cm.

You can buy the mixture in various hardware stores or on the Internet. It is sold in weights of 5, 10, 20 kg. The price of the compositions differs by 200-500 rubles.

Advantages of waterproofing Lakhta and Penetron:

  1. Non-toxic and do not cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Withstand any water pressure.
  3. They adapt to the structure of the foundation and become one.
  4. Do not block the access of oxygen through the foundation.
  5. When it enters the structure, it increases the frost resistance and strength of the foundation.
  6. Can be used in any climate zone.

The construction of any house begins with a foundation that needs protection from moisture and groundwater. To do this, a number of measures are taken to waterproof the foundations of houses, using all kinds of roll coatings, mastics, sealants, etc. Such materials should serve as a reliable barrier against water.

Recently, the so-called is gaining more and more popularity. What it is and what advantages it has will be discussed in this article.
Most often, roll coatings or bituminous mastics are used to protect the foundation from moisture, which require certain knowledge and experience during installation. A small defect in the construction of a protective barrier of the foundation based on these materials can lead to serious consequences. Moisture will penetrate through the walls of the foundation, which will lead to premature destruction of concrete, a decrease in thermal insulation properties, constant dampness in the basement or basement.

Traditionally, waterproofing is done outside the strip foundation, at the stage of laying the house. What to do when your house is already fully built, and water seeps through the concrete walls in the basement.

The first step is to determine the cause of the leak. The most common causes are a broken water pipe or poor waterproofing protection. If it is quite simple to eliminate a leak in a pipe, then it is very time-consuming and expensive to re-do the waterproofing of the foundation. To do this, you will have to dig out the entire house around the perimeter, drain the concrete structure, clean it of dirt, find a leak, and then put a patch. True, after a few years a new leak may occur and the whole process will have to be repeated again.

Therefore, there was penetrating waterproofing for concrete and foundations, which can be applied from the inside, unlike traditional materials that are applied only from the outside. This does not require special skills, and all the work can be done independently, without the involvement of hired workers.

The principle of operation of penetrating waterproofing

Untreated concrete foundation walls are not a serious obstacle to water, therefore, in the absence of good protection, sooner or later it begins to seep into the basement. Water can also seep through cement joints between foundation blocks or through joints in masonry. The fact that it is problematic to eliminate these leaks after building a house is written a little higher. In such cases, the best solution would be to apply a penetrating waterproofing to the concrete from the inside or from the residential side of the room.

This material is a mixture of high-quality cement with the addition of ground quartz sand and special additives that perform the main function of concrete waterproofing.

The principle of operation of penetrating waterproofing is as follows - when the mixture is applied to foundation walls or concrete surfaces, chemically active additives begin to penetrate through capillaries, and upon contact with water form insoluble crystals that fill voids, pores, microcracks. Thanks to this, concrete structures become waterproof, more dense, durable and frost-resistant.

If, when protecting concrete, and in particular the foundations of buildings, from water with polymer-bitumen mastics, roll or polymer coatings, a dry surface is required, then for penetrating waterproofing, on the contrary, it is necessary that the material be well moistened. due to contact with water, there is an active growth of crystals in the pores of concrete.

Penetrating compounds can be applied both inside and outside the structure. Thanks to chemical processes, concrete itself acquires the property of water resistance. This is the fundamental difference between penetrating waterproofing and other types.

Scope of application of penetrating compounds

Due to its properties and ease of application, penetrating waterproofing has become widespread not only in the construction of houses, but also in the construction of pools, cellars, bathrooms, wells, i.e. for structures exposed to water.

It can be used both outside and inside, at the beginning of construction, and during subsequent repairs, therefore it is practically indispensable for protecting the walls and floors of basements in already built buildings, where it is problematic to carry out external waterproofing.

In monolithic construction or when constructing a swimming pool, penetrating waterproofing can be added to the concrete mix, which will make the cured concrete waterproof. This method is used in the construction of dams, tanks for oil products, berths, bridges, sewers, pumping stations, etc. This list can be continued for a long time. As you can see, the use of such compounds is quite wide.

Unfortunately, many people still do not know about this type of waterproofing and use various bitumen-based coatings. The disadvantage of bitumen-containing materials is that when applied from the inside, they cannot withstand water pressure and therefore cease to perform their function. In addition, when the soil shifts or shrinks, the external traditional bitumen protection can receive mechanical damage, which will render the entire foundation waterproofing system unusable.

Application of penetrating waterproofing

1) The first thing to do is to prepare the surface for applying penetrating waterproofing. This can be done mechanically or chemically. Regardless of the preparation method, it is necessary to get rid of efflorescence on the concrete surface, which greatly prevent the composition from penetrating deep into the structure. With the mechanical method, you can use a drill or grinder with a hard metal brush.

A more advanced method is the use of high-pressure water-jet machines, which quickly and effectively remove efflorescence from large areas. During this processing, it is necessary to use a protective suit and a respirator.

With the chemical method, special compounds are used that are applied to the surface and dissolve efflorescence on the concrete surface.

Of all the preparation methods, the simplest, most effective and economical is to clean the surface with a grinder or drill. As a rule, everyone has these tools, and it is expensive to buy or rent water jet machines, and sometimes there is nowhere. In chemical processing, you will have to spend money on reagents that are not cheap.

2) The second important step is the saturation of the treated surface with water. This must be done especially carefully, because the quality of the impregnation determines how deeply the composition of the penetrating waterproofing penetrates into the concrete. It is necessary that one square meter of surface absorb at least 5 liters of water. You need to do this in several visits, i.e. spray the surface with a spray bottle, wait until everything is absorbed and repeat the process again.

3) The final step is to apply the mixture to the surface to be treated. Usually the method of application is written on the package with penetrating waterproofing. If there is no such instruction, then the composition is applied in two stages. The first layer is rubbed with a hard sponge or brush, and the next layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one with a spatula or brush, depending on the consistency. There are also liquid mixtures that can be applied with an airbrush.

Approximately one hour after applying the finishing layer, it is necessary to re-moisten the concrete surface.

If all work is done carefully and in compliance with all technologies, then the concrete becomes waterproof to a depth of 400 mm. The strength of concrete increases, the number of freeze and thaw cycles increases.

Penetrating waterproofing device for masonry

There are situations when it is necessary to protect brick walls from moisture. But penetrating waterproofing is designed to protect materials based on cement-sand compositions, and it is not able to penetrate deep into the brick. What to do in this case?

To do this, make the so-called waterproofing plaster. It is set up as follows:

- a plaster mesh with a cell size of 50x50 mm is attached to the brickwork, at a distance of 15 mm from the wall;

- the surface is plastered with a cement-sand mixture. In this case, plasters based on gypsum or lime should not be used. The thickness of the plaster layer must be more than 40 mm;

- a day later, you can apply the composition of the penetrating waterproofing.

As a result of these actions, a protection against water is formed, the thickness of which is the thickness of the plaster layer. The reliability of waterproofing in this case depends on how well the plaster adheres to the brickwork.

Benefits of penetrating waterproofing

Summing up, we list the main advantages of penetrating waterproofing, which distinguish it favorably from traditional materials:

  • the composition can be applied from the inside and outside;
  • the vapor permeability of the structure is maintained;
  • ease of application, no special knowledge is required;
  • possibility of application in already constructed buildings;
  • frost resistance, durability and strength of concrete structures increase;
  • can be applied to a damp surface;
  • environmentally friendly, therefore it is used for the construction of swimming pools and drinking water tanks.

Now on the market there are materials from various manufacturers. The most common are Penetron, Lakhta, Xypex, Drizoro, Hydrohit, Antihydron, Crystallisol, etc. All penetrating compounds differ slightly in their technical characteristics, method of application and price. Therefore, before buying, it is better to consult with specialists from various manufacturers in order to obtain more reliable information.

Waterproofing helps to resist prolonged exposure to moisture, which becomes a barrier to water seepage into the pores of concrete. The use of a penetrating composition makes it possible to make a confident sealing of a layer up to 15 cm thick. Some manufacturers claim the mixture passes into the surface up to 0.6 m. The frost resistance grade increases by 2-3 steps.

The difference between penetrating waterproofing and rolled or coating coatings is that when applied, the components seep through moisture-filled pores to a considerable depth and crystallize. The resulting protection works for the entire service life of the structure, and can only be destroyed together with the base material. The hardened layer will not let water through, but will remain vapor-permeable.

Penetrating insulation involves the use to protect concrete, reinforced concrete structures and cement plaster. It cannot be chosen for large-porous products: asbestos-cement slabs, foam and expanded clay concrete blocks.

The composition of dry penetrating waterproofing includes the following components:

  1. Portland cement;
  2. finely ground quartz or silicate sand (screening out a given granulometric fraction);
  3. active polymer additives.

Manufacturers try not to disclose the full names of active chemical additives and indicate in the passport only the main properties that affect compatibility with other materials. In addition to Ceresit and Knauf, they have proven themselves well:

  • carat;
  • Penetron (Penetron);
  • Vandex;
  • Hydrotex;
  • Xypex,
  • masterseal;
  • Kalmatron;
  • Lakhta.

The products are produced both in ready-to-use form and in the form of concentrates, dry mixes that require preliminary dilution with water. Packaged liquid waterproofing can be an aqueous suspension (canister), thicker mastic (closed bucket). Application to the concrete floor is done with a brush or paint roller. The surface must be thoroughly moistened with water so that the protection can penetrate to the maximum depth.

Improving the efficiency of waterproofing works occurs through the use of auxiliary products for a narrower purpose. Sealing of cracks and chips with a size of more than 0.3 mm, protection of joints, seams, passages of technological communications of prefabricated structures is done with a solution with special characteristics from the line of the same manufacturer. Such dry mixes have a similar composition based on Portland cement, but when solidified in cavities, they do not shrink or increase in volume, they form an array with increased strength. The use of such a type as a waterproofing seal is permissible with the direct flow of water from the destroyed area.

Obligatory characteristics of penetrating capillary waterproofing include obtaining good adhesion of the treated base and increasing the surface resistance to mechanical stress.

Brands of mixtures for concrete insulation

Penetrating materials are applied as a liquid waterproofing, but for long-term storage, ease of transportation and application in the right amount, they are often released in a dry form.

Selected for isolation:

  • foundations;
  • all types of concrete structures;
  • brick inserts in self-leveling or prefabricated reinforced concrete structures;
  • basement walls from groundwater ingress;
  • ceilings and floors;
  • pools, wells, reservoirs with drinking water;
  • cement plaster.

WDM SM-Extra is a penetrating waterproofing coating for concrete with water stopping properties (W16). At the same time, the chemical resistance of the surface is increased, and additional protection against washing out of other polymeric additives that improve performance appears.

Consumption - 1.5 kg / m² with a layer thickness of 1 mm. When performing insulation, apply with a spatula or palm a layer of 2-3 mm. For leveling, use a brush dipped in water. The temperature of the surface and ambient air must be between +5 and +35°C. The used floor is cleaned of dirt and dust, abundantly moistened and maintained in this state for 5-7 days.

2. CT throne-1.

For waterproofing the floor on the ground in a private house located in the zone of frequent groundwater flooding, it is great to buy a dry mix, the use of which is provided in the form of coating and injections. The protection obtained is resistant to man-caused pressure of liquid aggressive media and gases. Concrete becomes immune to sea water, the effects of carbonization and de-icing salts, vapor permeability is maintained.

Consumption with a thickness of 1 mm is normally 1.2 kg/m². The minimum allowable is 1 kg, recommended by the manufacturer is 1.6. For 1 pass, no more than 0.8 kg should be applied. Frost resistance of concrete increases by F200-F300 (depending on its quality). KT tron-1 crystals can penetrate in a liquid medium to a depth of up to 0.6 m. Concrete treated with penetrating waterproofing withstands constant exposure to +1,200°C.

3. Penetron.

High-quality waterproofing of the floor in the basement is made by the penetrating composition of this line. No specific site preparation is required. In the dissolved state, the finished liquid mixture can be applied to a wet or dry surface. This saves time and costs for drying/wetting the base.

In an individual household, they choose for the following reasons:

  • applicable to all grades of concrete;
  • forms a strong coupling with reinforcing parts;
  • environmentally safe when in contact with drinking water.


This is an example of a bitumen-latex emulsion with the addition of synthetic resins. It is sprayed simultaneously with the catalyst by a special airless spraying unit. Possesses high degree of adhesion, is operated at -25 and +100 °C. Polymer rubber withstands impact and stretching up to 5000%. The advantage is versatility - it can be used on surfaces assembled from different materials (concrete, brick, wood, metal, plastic, glass). Can be painted and does not form seams, carrying out a complete sealing of the base.

To protect against moisture, liquid glass (sodium) GOST 13078-81 is taken as an additive, more about it in. It is chosen when bituminous coating is not possible both for covering the base and for adding to fresh mortar. It is valued for the low cost of the material and good characteristics of the strength of the resulting surface, antibacterial properties. But liquid glass is not used on its own, only as an additive. Re-treatment occurs at least after 5 years.

6. Penecrete.

To seal the seams from the inside, mixtures (dry) Penekrit are produced, which are used in combination with Penetron. They are water resistant W14 at a flow rate of 1.5 kg/m.p.

7. Hydrotex-Sh.

It has a frost resistance of 200 cycles and a consumption of 0.9-1.0 kg/m.p.

Materials for penetrating protection should be purchased based on the following fundamental points:

  1. Availability of application technology, requirements for surface preparation.
  2. Compliance with the maximum permissible indicators of operating conditions (temperature conditions, expected loads, aggressiveness of the environment).
  3. Estimated service life. Concrete structures are designed, as a rule, for decades - the high price of protection will pay off many times over by the absence of the need for repair and restoration work.
  4. Compatibility with other materials and their components. All penetrating compounds (basic and additional) must be taken from the same line to guarantee the quality of the result. When choosing a penetrating impregnation, it is better to take into account the brand of plasticizers in concrete and the chemistry of the environment of the intended finish coating.
  5. Useful life. The rapid setting of the solution (for example, liquid glass) requires the skills of work and calculation of the preparation of portions of the mixture for a one-time production. The alternative is to increase the number of workers.
  6. Shelf life of dry packaging before the start of work.

The construction of any house begins with a foundation that needs protection from moisture and groundwater. To do this, a number of measures are taken to waterproof the foundations of houses, using all kinds of roll coatings, mastics, sealants, etc. Such materials should serve as a reliable barrier against water.

Recently, the so-called penetrating waterproofing. What it is and what advantages it has will be discussed in this article.
Most often, roll coatings or bituminous mastics are used to protect the foundation from moisture, which require certain knowledge and experience during installation. A small defect in the construction of a protective barrier of the foundation based on these materials can lead to serious consequences. Moisture will penetrate through the walls of the foundation, which will lead to premature destruction of concrete, a decrease in thermal insulation properties, constant dampness in the basement or basement.

Traditionally, waterproofing is done outside the strip foundation, at the stage of laying the house. What to do when your house is already fully built, and water seeps through the concrete walls in the basement.

The first step is to determine the cause of the leak. The most common causes are a broken water pipe or poor waterproofing protection. If it is quite simple to eliminate a leak in a pipe, then it is very time-consuming and expensive to re-do the waterproofing of the foundation. To do this, you will have to dig out the entire house around the perimeter, drain the concrete structure, clean it of dirt, find a leak, and then put a patch. True, after a few years a new leak may occur and the whole process will have to be repeated again.

Therefore, there was penetrating waterproofing for concrete and foundations, which can be applied from the inside, unlike traditional materials that are applied only from the outside. This does not require special skills, and all the work can be done independently, without the involvement of hired workers.

Untreated concrete foundation walls are not a serious obstacle to water, therefore, in the absence of good protection, sooner or later it begins to seep into the basement. Water can also seep through cement joints between foundation blocks or through joints in masonry. The fact that it is problematic to eliminate these leaks after building a house is written a little higher. In such cases, the best solution would be to apply a penetrating waterproofing to the concrete from the inside or from the residential side of the room.

This material is a mixture of high-quality cement with the addition of ground quartz sand and special additives that perform the main function of concrete waterproofing.

The principle of operation of penetrating waterproofing is as follows - when the mixture is applied to foundation walls or concrete surfaces, chemically active additives begin to penetrate through capillaries, and upon contact with water form insoluble crystals that fill voids, pores, microcracks. Thanks to this, concrete structures become waterproof, more dense, durable and frost-resistant.

If, when protecting concrete, and in particular the foundations of buildings, from water with polymer-bitumen mastics, roll or polymer coatings, a dry surface is required, then for penetrating waterproofing, on the contrary, it is necessary that the material be well moistened. due to contact with water, there is an active growth of crystals in the pores of concrete.

Penetrating compounds can be applied both inside and outside the structure. Thanks to chemical processes, concrete itself acquires the property of water resistance. This is the fundamental difference between penetrating waterproofing and other types.

Scope of application of penetrating compounds

Due to its properties and ease of application, penetrating waterproofing has become widespread not only in the construction of houses, but also in the construction of pools, cellars, bathrooms, wells, i.e. for structures exposed to water.

It can be used both outside and inside, at the beginning of construction, and during subsequent repairs, therefore it is practically indispensable for protecting the walls and floors of basements in already built buildings, where it is problematic to carry out external waterproofing.

In monolithic construction or when constructing a swimming pool, penetrating waterproofing can be added to the concrete mix, which will make the cured concrete waterproof. This method is used in the construction of dams, tanks for oil products, berths, bridges, sewers, pumping stations, etc. This list can be continued for a long time. As you can see, the use of such compounds is quite wide.

Unfortunately, many people still do not know about this type of waterproofing and use various bitumen-based coatings. The disadvantage of bitumen-containing materials is that when applied from the inside, they cannot withstand water pressure and therefore cease to perform their function. In addition, when the soil shifts or shrinks, the external traditional bitumen protection can receive mechanical damage, which will render the entire foundation waterproofing system unusable.

Application of penetrating waterproofing

1) The first thing to do is to prepare the surface for applying penetrating waterproofing. This can be done mechanically or chemically. Regardless of the preparation method, it is necessary to get rid of efflorescence on the concrete surface, which greatly prevent the composition from penetrating deep into the structure. With the mechanical method, you can use a drill or grinder with a hard metal brush.

A more advanced method is the use of high-pressure water-jet machines, which quickly and effectively remove efflorescence from large areas. During this processing, it is necessary to use a protective suit and a respirator.

With the chemical method, special compounds are used that are applied to the surface and dissolve efflorescence on the concrete surface.

Of all the preparation methods, the simplest, most effective and economical is to clean the surface with a grinder or drill. As a rule, everyone has these tools, and it is expensive to buy or rent water jet machines, and sometimes there is nowhere. In chemical processing, you will have to spend money on reagents that are not cheap.

2) The second important step is the saturation of the treated surface with water. This must be done especially carefully, because the quality of the impregnation determines how deeply the composition of the penetrating waterproofing penetrates into the concrete. It is necessary that one square meter of surface absorb at least 5 liters of water. You need to do this in several visits, i.e. spray the surface with a spray bottle, wait until everything is absorbed and repeat the process again.

3) The final step is to apply the mixture to the surface to be treated. Usually the method of application is written on the package with penetrating waterproofing. If there is no such instruction, then the composition is applied in two stages. The first layer is rubbed with a hard sponge or brush, and the next layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one with a spatula or brush, depending on the consistency. There are also liquid mixtures that can be applied with an airbrush.

Approximately one hour after applying the finishing layer, it is necessary to re-moisten the concrete surface.

If all work is done carefully and in compliance with all technologies, then the concrete becomes waterproof to a depth of 400 mm. The strength of concrete increases, the number of freeze and thaw cycles increases.

Penetrating waterproofing device for masonry

There are situations when it is necessary to protect brick walls from moisture. But penetrating waterproofing is designed to protect materials based on cement-sand compositions, and it is not able to penetrate deep into the brick. What to do in this case?

To do this, make the so-called waterproofing plaster. It is set up as follows:

A plaster mesh with a cell size of 50x50 mm is attached to the brickwork, at a distance of 15 mm from the wall;

The surface is plastered with a cement-sand mixture. In this case, plasters based on gypsum or lime should not be used. The thickness of the plaster layer must be more than 40 mm;

A day later, a penetrating waterproofing composition can be applied.

As a result of these actions, a protection against water is formed, the thickness of which is the thickness of the plaster layer. The reliability of waterproofing in this case depends on how well the plaster adheres to the brickwork.

Benefits of penetrating waterproofing

Summing up, we list the main advantages of penetrating waterproofing, which distinguish it favorably from traditional materials:

  • the composition can be applied from the inside and outside;
  • the vapor permeability of the structure is maintained;
  • ease of application, no special knowledge is required;
  • possibility of application in already constructed buildings;
  • frost resistance, durability and strength of concrete structures increase;
  • can be applied to a damp surface;
  • environmentally friendly, therefore it is used for the construction of swimming pools and drinking water tanks.

Now on the market there are materials from various manufacturers. The most common are Penetron, Lakhta, Xypex, Drizoro, Hydrohit, Antihydron, Crystallisol, etc. All penetrating compounds differ slightly in their technical characteristics, method of application and price. Therefore, before buying, it is better to consult with specialists from various manufacturers in order to obtain more reliable information.

Which is better, breaking or penetrating basement waterproofing?

Basement waterproofing is a set of works designed to remove moisture, fight fungi and mold.

Protecting the surface from the negative effects of external factors prolongs the service life of the structure and increases the reliability of operation. It is carried out using special waterproofing mixtures with improved protective properties.

Waterproofing methods

Depending on how the mixture is used, there are two ways to waterproof the basement of a house - penetrating and lubricating.

Based on the operating conditions of the premises, the temperature regime and climatic conditions are selected, the optimal approach to surface protection.

Breakthrough waterproofing

Special mixtures of deep penetration of cement-polymer material are used.

Waterproofing for concrete - improving the performance of buildings and structures

For waterproofing basements, you can use the following mixtures of cement and polymer:

  • Penetron;
  • "CT prestol-1";
  • "Penetrate"
  • "Kalmatron".

Benefits of water penetration:

  • Ease of use of cement-polymer mixtures (only the surface must be cleaned).
  • Large penetration depth (up to 50 cm).
  • Long service life (the same period of operation of concrete and reinforced concrete structures).
  • Relatively low costs.

Lubricant waterproofing

Bitumen-polymer or bitumen-rubber sealants are used, which form a strong film on the surface with a thickness of 1 to 3-5 mm.

The rate of polymerization of the components of the mixture depends on the surface temperature and the concentration of chemical reagents. The sealant has excellent adhesive properties, which significantly increases the service life and improves the protective properties of the waterproofing coating.

Depending on the operating conditions of the building and the required level of protection, the following mixtures can be used:

  • "Penetrat Elast";
  • "CT prestol-10 1K";
  • "UNIS Hydroplast";
  • Knauf Flachendicht.

Advantages of lubricating insulation:

  • It can be used on surfaces that are in direct contact with water.
  • The number of layers depends on the working conditions of the room and can vary from 1 to 4-5.
  • It provides full protection of the room with negative pressure up to 5 atm.
  • It maintains integrity when cracks appear up to 2 mm.

Which one is better?

Durable waterproofing is used to protect the surface from mold, mildew and moisture under normal operating conditions, while lubricant is used for more extreme conditions (direct contact with water, high pressure).

Regardless of how basement waterproofing is done, the characteristics of the building, operating conditions, climatic conditions and the required level of protection must always be taken into account.

The final decision can only be made by a qualified specialist who has carefully studied this issue.

Concrete waterproofing

Concrete waterproofing is a process that creates concrete surfaces such as slabs, walls, floors, etc. It becomes waterproof. There are various methods of waterproofing.


Concrete is a building material consisting of cement, water, many fillers, reinforcing components, chemical and mineral additives.

Sand and gravel are used as fillers, while metal-based equipment as well as glass and plastic fibers are used for reinforcement. Chemical additives make it possible to produce concrete with special properties.

Mineral additives are used to increase the strength of concrete. In addition, additives, which are usually the main component of concrete, can be used instead of Portland cement.

Waterproofing system.

For concrete, there are two main waterproofing systems - a complete waterproofing system and a system based on the use of waterproofing membranes.

The complex waterproofing device system includes two subtypes: hydrophilic and hydrophobic waterproofing device systems.

There are various ways of hydrophilic waterproofing, among which the most common crystalline waterproofing device. This method is based on the transformation of water into concrete into insoluble crystals.

The activity of many hydrophilic waterproofing materials is based on its properties in contact with water, absorbing it, expanding it when exposed, and thus filling the pores with concrete, making it waterproof.

Hydrophobic waterproofing systems are based on the use of various waterproofing coatings, membranes, etc., which are used from outdoor insulated structures.


Waterproof membranes are liquid and sheet metal.

What is breakthrough concrete waterproofing

Liquid membranes are applied to concrete and form a rubber coating 6 mm thick. The main advantages of this waterproofing method are high performance and low cost applications.

Sheet membranes are made of bitumen. Such membranes are laminated with polyethylene film, and the resulting leaves are glued to concrete. It is a very durable waterproofing material. Sheet membranes are used for waterproofing foundations, underground parking spaces, tunnels, etc.

The main disadvantage of sheet membranes is that they are glued by hand,
leading to higher labor costs.

hydrophobic concrete

Unlike hydrophobic membranes, "hydrophobic concrete" is a completely new cutting-edge technology.

It is not based on the waterproofing of precast concrete structures, but on the production of waterproof concrete. Hydrophobic concrete is obtained by introducing special additives also at the stage of its production. These additives prevent capillary infiltration of water into the concrete, making it waterproof. Such concrete is successfully used in Asia, Europe and Australia, which has proven itself among builders, as it allows you to build construction even in the rain.

Crystal waterproofing for concrete

The crystalline waterproofing device is one of the options for creating an integrated waterproofing system.

Let's see how it's done. Firstly, the proportion of the concrete surface created by the sealant is wetted with water and then applied to the base layer, the mortar has a low density and then coated with a waterproofing crystalline material, which is a high density mortar.

After that, the process of chemical diffusion begins. The high density crystalline waterproofing mortar penetrates the concrete into the low density mortar until a balance is reached. After water enters the concrete, the hydration of the cement begins. The hydrated cement reacts with the crystalline waterproofing material in the concrete.

During the diffusion process, the crystalline waterproofing material penetrates the concrete up to a depth of 30.5 cm. This waterproofing method is very effective because the crystals in the concrete are protected from any external damage.

Another advantage is the thermal resistance of the structure in its unmodified state up to 130 degrees. In addition, when the waterproofing device is installed, the resistance of the chemical structure of the reaction, such as carbonization, increases, resulting in a decrease in the suction and destruction of concrete; prevents the diffusion of chloride ions into the structure, which protects the reinforcement found in concrete from corrosion and expansion.

Waterproofing Concrete Injection

In some cases, concrete injection technology is used to repair concrete structures.

This method is based on filling formed cracks due to shrinkage with polyurethane or epoxy resins. She somewhat resorted to the introduction of concrete containing cement-containing injection materials. Pressure waterproofing is recognized as the most effective and fastest way to repair concrete structures from leakage.

With your help, you can stop a serious water infiltration within minutes. The disadvantage of this technology is the high cost of materials used for waterproofing.

Before proceeding with the preparation of waterproofing concrete...

Before proceeding with the installation of waterproofing, it is necessary to consider a number of important factors.

The concrete surface must be thoroughly cleaned. It is necessary to remove construction waste, etc., measure the rough surfaces and glue the shells to the concrete, and then turn off the dust. Make sure the waterproofing material can be used with a mortar that is used to seal the shell and does not cause a chemical reaction that could cause the concrete to break. Some of the materials used for waterproofing are flammable and precautions must be taken when working with them.

Penetrating waterproofing for concrete - features and methods of application

Analysis of penetrating waterproofing for concrete - reviews, pros and cons, price comparison

RetisPro CO general purpose synthetic penetrating fluid. Simultaneously lubricates, dissolves rust, cleans, protects against corrosion, displaces moisture.

RetisPro CO provides safe and effective separation / unscrewing of stuck surfaces, temporary preservation of products during their production, lubrication of small and high-precision parts and interfaces, cleaning and lubrication of weapon elements.

It is safe for health.

RetisPro CO made from pure base components; is non-toxic and carcinogenic. It is safe for health.

Approved for use in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

RetisPro CO it is applied for:

  • unscrewing stuck and rusty joints;
  • temporary conservation of products in the process of their production;
  • lubrication of small and high-precision parts and interfaces;
  • protection of a surface of stainless steel from pollution of fingers and water drops;
  • removal of moisture after washing and cleaning parts;
  • cleaning and lubricating weapons elements;

RetisPro CO applied by spraying, brushing or dipping.


Product registration document

Penetrating waterproofing

Recently, quite often there are cases when penetrating materials are used as the main waterproofing element, which WRONG.

Penetrating compounds can be used as one of the elements in the chain of systemic waterproofing materials, but not as the main one.

Penetrating waterproofing for concrete

These materials are easy to use, effective when a new structure has leaked (basement, underground garage, etc.), but consider them as a universal remedy for all cases - WRONG, especially since they also have limitations (large pores, old leached concrete, etc.).

When repairing an old base, when the external pores are oily or clogged, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of plaster and degrease it, opening access to the capillary system.

Moreover, this cannot be done with a simple iron brush - it must be cleaned thoroughly, preferably with sand or high-pressure water. There are other significant points that limit the use of penetrating waterproofing.

The problem of waterproofing foundations in active contact with water, as well as in cases with limited access to the outside of the foundation, is that the use of traditional waterproofing materials does not always lead to effective protection against water and moisture.

To further enhance the waterproofing properties of a concrete structure (foundation), waterproofing is recommended to be made of penetrating materials from the inside of the protected structures (basements).

Penetrating waterproofing- cement-sand mixture with the use of chemical additives.

The fundamental difference between penetrating compositions and all other materials is the formation of a waterproofing layer not on the surface of the foundation, but in its considerable thickness (the penetration depth of active chemical components can reach 10-12 cm).


  • waterproofing of surfaces of concrete and reinforced concrete structures;
  • waterproofing of foundations and basements that are actively in contact with water;
  • in combination with surface waterproofing of the foundation at a high level of groundwater.


  • improving the water resistance of concrete structures (and ONLY! concrete);
  • formation of a waterproofing layer in the mass of concrete;
  • the possibility of processing the outer and inner surfaces of the structure, regardless of the direction of water pressure;
  • applied to a damp surface, there is no need to dry the concrete.

The main advantage of penetrating materials is the ability to protect the structure from the inside from the penetration of moisture from the outside.

Therefore, this type of waterproofing has found wide application in the reconstruction of basements and semi-basements, when it is no longer possible to perform external waterproofing.


  • used for waterproofing on crack-resistant concrete structures;
  • does not provide anti-capillary protection of brick walls (due to the absence of substances necessary for the reaction in the brick);
  • not used for waterproofing walls made of porous materials (foam concrete, aerated concrete, etc.) due to the large pore size;
  • it is not recommended to apply prefabricated foundation blocks to foundation blocks (the joints between them are a problem).

Penetrating waterproofing: pros, cons>>>

The combination of penetrating waterproofing on stable foundations and elastic waterproofing on foundations subject to deformation can solve many waterproofing problems in the repair and reconstruction of underground structures.

Penetrating waterproofing mechanism

The waterproofing mixture is mixed with water and applied to the wet concrete surface.

The effect of waterproofing is achieved by filling the capillary-porous structure of concrete with insoluble crystals.

Active chemical additives that make up the material, penetrating into the concrete, enter into a chemical reaction with the components of the concrete mixture, forming insoluble compounds (crystals), which create a continuous barrier that prevents the ingress of water.

The process of concrete compaction develops in depth upon contact with water molecules and stops in its absence.

Upon new contact with water, the reaction resumes.

The depth of penetration into the concrete body of active chemical components can reach tens of centimeters. Micropores, capillaries and microcracks with a width (diameter) up to 0.3-0.4 mm, filled with products of chemical reactions, increase the water resistance of concrete by 2-3 steps.

As a result, penetrating waterproofing becomes integral part concrete, thus forming compacted waterproof concrete.
