Private houses are decorated with roofs of various shapes. Among them there are tongs. They are a structure that rests on two walls of the same height. Such roofs have two slopes. The end part in its shape resembles a triangle. If the walls are made of wood, then such a triangle is called tongs, and if made of brick - pediments. You can make a gable roof with your own hands.

Gable roofs have two slopes. There are no restrictions on the choice of roofing materials.

When constructing such a roof, as a rule, material waste is minimal. This is due to the fact that the shape of the slopes is rectangular. By the way, slopes can have different lengths and angles of inclination.

Such a roof is characterized by the use of a warm attic, which is used as an additional room. can lead to additional costs for materials and complicate the work.

Optimal Angle for the slope is determined within 20-45 degrees and depends on the construction area. If the terrain is snowy, it is better to increase the slope to avoid the formation of snow accumulations.

The device of such a roof begins with laying out the end parts - tongs. This is not the easiest task, because they must be exactly the same.

To calculate the length of the slope, use the Pythagorean theorem, familiar to everyone from school. So, if we imagine that the slope is the hypotenuse of the calculated triangle, then one of the legs will be the height from the beginning of the slope to the ridge along the plane of the wall, and the second will be half the length of the facade wall.

If the house has a simple shape in plan, then you can use the use of a gable roof, but if the shape of the structure is complex, then an option appears using a multi-gable roof. It is more difficult to build them, because they have a lot of valleys.

Gable roof device

When constructing such a roof, two types of rafters are used - layered and hanging..

Slanted are a structure that has a support beam in the middle, which transfers the load from the ridge to the Mauerlat, laid on load-bearing walls. This beam is mounted in the middle of the outer walls.

Hanging rafters are used in cases where the distance between the walls is less than 10 meters or there is no load-bearing wall in the middle of the house.

They are supported on the side walls. However, this creates a rippling effect. It gives additional load to the walls. To avoid this, the design hanging rafters provides for connecting the rafters with puffs in such a way that a triangle appears. Floor beams can be used to perform this function.

Puffs can be mounted from above and below. In this case, the upper ones must be installed in such a way that the distance from the ridge is more than 50 centimeters.


For work you will need:

  • Mauerlat. For him, wooden bars with a section of 15x10 or 15x15 centimeters are suitable;
  • rafters. For them, pine boards with a section of 15x5 centimeters are chosen.
  • spacers;
  • counterlattice. It is laid after a layer of waterproofing. For her, choose bars with a section of 5x5 centimeters or boards 3x10 centimeters;
  • the lathing is selected under the roofing. It can be made of edged or unedged boards, plywood, OSB boards.

Stages of work

  1. Depending on the design of the house, we choose the right one.
  2. If the rafter system is hanging, then the rafter legs are assembled in advance. And after the assembly is completed, the resulting rafter triangles are mounted on the two extreme structures of the truss system. Next, proceed to the installation of adjacent rafters.
  3. We lay the mauerlat (support beam) on the load-bearing walls, provided that the house is made of blocks or bricks, but if the building is built of beams or logs, then you can use the top bar as a mauerlat.
  4. Mauerlat is attached to brick walls on pre-walled threaded metal rods. They should be installed in steps of a meter and a half. This will make the structure more durable and stable. In this case, the diameter of such rods must be at least 10 mm.
  5. Before installing the Mauerlat, a layer of waterproofing is laid on the brick walls (roofing material can be used for this purpose). It is attached to bolts with washers.
  6. If the walls are made of foam concrete or ceramics, then before installing the Mauerlat, their surface is poured with reinforced concrete 20-30 centimeters high.
  7. Mauerlats are installed parallel to each other to avoid irregularities during the installation of the truss system.
  8. Before installing the rafters, it is necessary to make markings on the Mauerlat using a pencil and a ruler.
  9. Rafters are made in accordance with the length of the slope, which can be determined by the Pythagorean theorem, based on already built tongs.
  10. When calculating the length of the rafters, it is necessary to take into account the presence of an overhang, therefore, another 50 centimeters are added to the calculated value.

The length of the overhang depends on personal preferences for appearance roof, but it is not recommended to make it less than 50 centimeters, otherwise it will not perform its functions - protecting the walls of the house.

  1. The lower end of the rafter should have a hole that will create a perfect attachment to the Mauerlat. This cut should be made 1/3 of the width of the rafter.

In order not to be mistaken with the location of the cutouts, you can prepare a small drawing, where you mark all the necessary values.

  1. With a hanging system of rafters, they are attached to each other on metal plates or bolts.
  2. They are fixed with jibs, dismantled after completion of work.
  3. Next, the filly is fastened, which will form the overhang of the roof.
  4. After the installation of the filly and rafters, they proceed to the installation of the crate and massive durable boards to the ridge.
  5. If we are talking about layered rafters, then the assembly begins with the installation of the bed. Supports are attached to it.
  6. This is followed by the installation of a ridge beam, fixed with jibs.
  7. And in the end, rafters with a length exceeding the length of the beam are mounted on the beam.
  8. The type of lathing is chosen depending on the roofing.
  9. Any roof, including a gable one, should be provided with a layer of hydro and vapor barrier. And in the presence of a warm attic, there is also a heater.

The multi-gable roof is also gable, and differs from the gable roof in a large number of slopes and the presence of valleys. Their device is a rather complicated and time-consuming process. Valley - these are the junctions of two slopes, when an internal corner is formed. In such places, accumulations of snow form and a large load can lead to the destruction of the structure. When organizing such a roof, it is imperative to provide for the organization of the descent of water and snow in the form of gutters.

When arranging valleys, it is mandatory to use waterproofing materials to avoid leaks and the formation of rot on the wood. The lathing in the place of such internal corners is made solid, regardless of what it is for the selected roofing. All joints should be done with high quality, without the possible formation of cracks, so that there are no vulnerabilities.

To install such a roof, it is necessary to correctly calculate all the dimensions of the house and draw a small roof plan, on which you indicate where the skates will be located, and where the valleys will be located. This will help to correctly calculate the length of the rafter legs.

To date, houses with a multi-gable roof have become quite common. Buildings have original design. What does this name mean roof structure let's try to figure it out.

Typical project of a cottage with a multi-gable roof

Installation of a multi-gable roof is carried out not only in order to protect the building from various climatic and weather phenomena. It can be installed on those that need additional lighting, or on houses with a complex layout.

An example of a complex house layout that uses a multi-gable roof

A multi-gable roof can be simple and have only two slopes, or it can be multi-pitched and have several slopes. In most cases, the latter type is characterized by a cruciform shape on the surface of the house.

Advantages and disadvantages of the design

There are several characteristics of a multi-gable roof that have a positive effect on its technical properties.

Despite the large number of advantages of a multi-gable roof, there are also some of its disadvantages.

Note. Before building this type of roof for a house, you must initially assess your financial capabilities, since it is the most expensive.

If you are drafting a four-pitched multi-gable roof, then you need to take into account in consumables means for insulation and insulation of the structure.

Recommendations for drawing up a building plan with a multi-gable roof

First, with the help of modern computer programs. There is nothing difficult in this. The most important thing in the process of work to consider:

Secondly, it is necessary to know what elements the roof consists of and the features of the construction of its truss system.

Next, you need to correctly distribute the load of the supporting rafters and beams on the walls of the house. They are a guarantee of the stability of the roof structure to the effects of wind and other climatic phenomena.
Note. This is ensured by the frequency of installation of rafters and beams. The smaller the distance between them, the higher the strength of the roof.

To eliminate problems in the construction of the roof, it is necessary to draft it in accordance with the established standards of SNiP. After all, the loads can be constant or variable. And all of them are taken into account in the works.

Rafter connection diagram

What can you build houses with a multi-gable roof from?

It is worth considering that this type of roof has a rather significant load on the structure. It is for this reason that experts recommend building a roof only for a house from:

  • bricks;
  • shell rock;
  • foam block;
  • aerated concrete.

These materials are endowed with certain indicators of strength and reliability, and buildings of any number of storeys can be built from them.
In some cases, wood is also used:

  • profiled timber;
  • rounded beam.

In this case, houses must have large parameters and a huge number of load-bearing structures in order to withstand the load of the roof.

Note. It happens that a project of one house is immediately drawn up, in which, in the process of work, the type of roof is changed.

All this creates additional loads not taken into account by architects. In order for the structure to serve for another long period of time, it is necessary to carry out a series of works aimed at strengthening it.

In most cases, the reinforcing system of the foundation of the house is initially thought out. Ditches are dug around the perimeter of the already made base, and gravy is made concrete mortar using fittings. As for load-bearing walls, they can be reinforced at their joints with similar materials, or you can use special ready-made metal structures that are quite simply and quickly mounted on both external and internal corners of the building.

Components of a multi-gable roof

In order to correctly draft such a roof structure, you need to know what exactly it consists of.
So, in the construction of a multi-gable roof there are the following elements:

  • Mauerlat;
  • crate;
  • slope slopes;
  • rafters;
  • endova;
  • horizontal and inclined ribs;
  • skate;
  • overhangs.

In addition, drains are also used for high-quality drainage of water from the roof surface and grooves.

Project of a house with an original design of a multi-gable roof

Endows are special connections of two slopes on the roof.

Mauerlat - the base of the roof, which is constructed from a profiled beam of large diameter on the surface of the walls of the building. It is on it that a frame of wooden rafters and inclined beams is mounted.

Varieties of a multi-gable roof

At the moment, this type of roof can be:

  1. Complete. It is characterized by the fact that the roof is based on the walls of the building. That is, the wall of the house acts as the front of the roof.
  2. Incomplete. This is the case when the front is an integral part of the roof and is constructed during the installation of the roof from similar materials.

Drawing of an incomplete multi-gable roof

Advice. It is best to opt for a full-fledged multi-gable roof. It will be more reliable and durable.

In addition, the room under it can be used to equip an office or bedroom.
Buildings with such a roof can have an unlimited number of floors. The most important thing is that the building material can withstand all the loads. As a rule, on suburban areas build one-story houses mansard roof. Roof windows can be easily mounted on the slopes of a multi-gable roof.

It is also worth considering that you need to rationally use the extra space. For example, several bedrooms are easily accommodated under a four-gable roof. It all depends on the size of the house.

Multi-gable roof truss system

Mauerlat ensures the correct distribution of the load on the load-bearing walls of the house. For its construction, bars of 15x15 cm or 15x10 cm should be used. Their length should be up to 1.5 m. The rafters are assembled from boards with sections of 15x5 m.

Note. It is worth considering that the rafters can be inclined or hanging.

Their choice depends on the availability of additional supports. Although each type can be used simultaneously in the manufacture of roofing.

Where the slopes of the multi-gable roof are connected, diagonal and sloping roofs are mounted. rafter legs. Short supporting legs are attached to them in the process of work.

Various designs of multi-gable roofs

Important. Due to the fact that the main load will be directed to the diagonal rafters, they must be strengthened.

For this, boards of the same size are used, which are attached to each other.
At the top, the rafters are connected by a ridge. It is made independently from timber or boards. You can buy a ready-made product of this type.

Already on the installed rafters, a crate is mounted from wooden planks. Their size can be any.
Advice. To increase the strength and reliability of the roof structure, it is necessary to make batten cells no larger than 50x50 cm.

If the front of the roof is being built simultaneously with the roof frame, then it needs to be ennobled with wooden boards.

The construction term "multi-gable roof" defines a house roof structure that has several gables or gables more than one. A multi-gable truss roof is designed as a complex pitched rafter system. Thus, if there are several gables or gables near the wall of the building, the roof of such a design can be called a multi-gable roof. Original roofing systems can be found not only at historical sites, in ancient manors or castles. Building fashion has carried the demand for multi-gable roofs into the present day, and now most private cottages are being built with such roofs. Companies offer customers a wide variety of projects of complex truss systems, which are the basis of gable roofs, even if the construction is expensive.

Functional load of a multi-gable roof

Such a roof performs many tasks - from technical and operational to aesthetic and design. Therefore, the project must be worked out in all directions, all elements and parts of the gable roof with their own hands must have high precision and reliability. It is also desirable to make design changes to the project that make the roof of the house unlike other structures.

Even a standard gable roof with two gables can be attributed to multi-gable structures, but the roof will be called a two-gable roof. When developing a scheme for a roofing system with paired gables or gables, the roof acquires a complex multi-gable orientation.

Complex rafter system a multi-gable roof is quite feasible on its own, subject to all building rules and recommendations. Before the final choice of the project scheme, you should at least superficially familiarize yourself with different options arrangement of multi-gable roofs, photos of which are presented below in the figures:

A complex multi-gable roof has the right to life in the following non-standard situations:

  1. If the style of the building requires compliance with the solidity of the architectural composition;
  2. If one or more buildings are attached to the main building;
  3. If it is decided to decorate a rectangular or square house with additional gables;
  4. During the construction of recessed windows, loggias, balconies on the roof;
  5. If the requirements for the attic do not provide for enhanced natural daylight;
  6. Also, a multi-gable roof is being built in houses with a large number of residential and technical premises. It can be low-rise residential buildings or a one-story house of a large area. large area.

Design pros and cons

The architecture of the building only benefits from the construction of a multi-gable truss system.

The advantages of such a structure are enough to make a choice in its favor:

  1. Unusualness, originality, aesthetics and harmony of a building with a multi-gable roof are immediately visible;
  2. The design is reliable and durable precisely due to its complexity - multidirectional fastenings of rafters and gables, due to numerous stiffeners, level all types of loads - lateral, impulse, shock, weight and wind, and also negates the influence of atmospheric phenomena, such as heavy snow or deg. Snow swells will not be held on steep roof slopes, so it is necessary to design a reliable storm sewer with high throughput;
  3. The presence of several gables is a great opportunity to equip one or more additional residential or technical premises on the top floor;

Negative moments influencing the choice of project:

  1. The high cost of the system due to the large number of building materials, complex construction works and time of construction;
  2. The construction of such a system involves a lot of scraps of roofing materials, and other waste building materials;
  3. The complex geometry of the roof makes it necessary to calculate the dimensions of the parts with a high degree of accuracy, for which it is easier to use an online calculator. It is not recommended for non-professionals to mount the structure - it is more reliable to contact a regional construction company;
  4. high-quality waterproofing is necessary, especially at internal joints;
  5. Great pressure on the valley in winter.

Design nuances

Typical projects of houses with a multi-gable roof include pitched system rafters with a slope to the walls of the building. This allows you to effortlessly ensure rain runoff and snow melting. The structural elements that make up roofing device, the following:

  1. A slope is a fragment of a roof without bends and turns;
  2. Gable (pediment) - upper fragment outer wall, whose boundaries are determined by the slopes of the roof. There is an insignificant difference between a pediment and a gable: gables do not have a cornice at the bottom;
  3. Endova (groove) - internal corner connections roofs that appear at the joints of the slopes. At the end, the valley ends at the border of the pediment. The valley is the most loaded part of the roof structure, as in inside corners snow and rain streams are constantly gathering (see photo above). During construction work, it is she who needs to be given special attention in order to avoid problems associated with the appearance of leaks in the future.
  4. Edge (ridge - a horizontally located joint, which is formed by connecting adjacent slopes;
  5. The overhang provides connection of a roof fragment with a width of 300-500 mm. The main function of the overhang is to protect the building from rain and snow, the maximum possible drainage of rain and melt water;
  6. The drainage system diverts water from the roof into the drainage system;
  7. The junction is a fragment of the junction of the slopes with the outer wall.

  1. Skate;
  2. Gable detail - wind or end rail;
  3. Lower valley;
  4. Upper valley;
  5. Dropper - eaves plank;
  6. Snow retention bar;
  7. adjoining plank;
  8. Ventilation shaft cover;
  9. Ebb on the window;
  10. Fronton L-bar for the outer corners of the roof;
  11. Soffit;
  12. Ventkanal sheathed with profiled sheet;
  13. Window in the attic;
  14. Wall J-channel;
  15. Gutter.

Step-by-step process for building a multi-gable roof

The assembly of a multi-gable roof is carried out in compliance with the requirements specified in the project. The steps are:

  1. First, it is necessary to systematize climate data in the region; climate data - they will be useful in calculations and in the preparation of project documentation;
  2. Project development and calculation building materials, project budgeting. This step is quite difficult to do on your own, so do not be stingy - put the work in the hands of professionals. It is also recommended to pre-compile a list of building materials, their quantity and approximate dimensions;
  3. The first practical step is to mount the Mauerlat around the perimeter of the outer walls of the house;
  4. Installation of vertical supports and fastening of horizontal girders to form a ridge;
  5. Assembly of support beams that determine the shape of the transition and docking of the slopes;
  6. The truss structure is reinforced with struts for a more even distribution of loads;
  7. Parts are fastened with metal hardware - steel plates, staples, threaded studs or anchors;
  8. On the rafters on the outside, a frame is assembled from rails for fastening roofing material.

The design of the frame is determined by the choice of roofing. During installation soft roof it is better to mount a solid frame, without gaps. If the roof will be covered with hard roofing materials (metal tiles, corrugated board, corrugated board), it is allowed to make gaps between the slats or boards in the frame.

Protection against moisture and heat loss

Waterproofing materials in rolls are very easily rolled into strips and overlapped (overlap - 100-150 mm), perpendicular to the slope. The joints of the rolls are sealed with a special adhesive tape or construction tape. Joints and seams on the valleys need to be sealed especially carefully - with two or three layers of tape or adhesive tape.

If the laying of waterproofing layers was carried out with violations technological process, with the use of low quality materials, then you should expect the corresponding consequences - moisture will collect under the roof, the heat-insulating layer of the roof will get wet, they will rot and mold wooden beams and rafters.

A couple of decades ago, glassine and roofing material were the most popular material for roof waterproofing, but time and technology do not stand still. Innovative waterproofing membrane coatings (films) are able not only to retain their performance characteristics much longer, but also to comply with the requirements for environmental friendliness and safety of people living in the house.

When assembling a multi-gable roof, additional unoccupied space appears in the attic, and it can be equipped with residential or technical utility rooms. In view of this additional opportunity to expand the space, the roof must be well insulated and protected from atmospheric moisture. Mineral wool and other similar heaters - perfect solution For complex roofing because they can take any form. A layer of soft heat insulator prevents the formation of "cold bridges" - it is in them that moisture first appears. For the manufacture of mineral-based thermal insulation, basalt or glass are best suited. The advantages of these materials for surface insulation are obvious:

  1. Low weight insulation;
  2. High fire safety and fire resistance (NG group);
  3. Environmental friendliness of operation.

Mineral wool also absorbs noise, which is important for all residents of the house.

How much does it cost to build a multi-gable roof

Drawing up a project, costing estimates and the amount of building materials, time and labor costs - all these parameters can only be calculated with a high degree of accuracy by professionals. An independent approach to such a responsible business can result in significant financial losses. Therefore, you should not save on the services of specialists - your costs will pay off handsomely.

If the structures are designed and built in compliance with GOST and SNiP, then the result will be as follows:

  1. The house will look neat and beautiful, I spit on no one else's design will make it unique;
  2. Long-term resistance of the roof to atmospheric phenomena and other loads is provided;
  3. Housing will acquire additional free space, which you can equip at your discretion.

The cost of building a multi-gable roof and carrying out preparatory work(drawing up a project and other necessary documentation) depend on the quality and cost of consumables, the complexity of assembling structures, the level of employment of workers. Therefore, the approximate cost can be determined only after all the prerequisites for construction have been met - calculation of materials, design, hiring a team of professional workers.

Today, houses with a multi-gable roof have become quite common. Such buildings are distinguished by a very original design. But not everyone will undertake to build a multi-gable structure, since only special construction companies can do it. The cost of such services is quite high, so not every owner can afford to build such a structure. However, the results exceed all expectations. Let's see what are the features of such a roof and how it differs from others?


A multi-gable roof is a rather complex structure, which includes many structural elements(slopes, forceps, ribs, valleys, etc.).

3. It is necessary to properly distribute the load bearing beams and rafters on the walls of the house, since they guarantee the stability of the roof. It is important to understand that the smaller the distance between the rafters and beams, the stronger the roof.

Materials for building a house

Since the multi-gable roof exerts heavy loads on the structure, experts advise building houses from durable and reliable materials:

  • shell rock;
  • bricks;
  • aerated concrete;
  • foam block.

Sometimes wood is also used: rounded or profiled timber. Houses in such cases, in order to withstand the load of the roof, must have large dimensions and many load-bearing structures.

To increase the service life of the building, a number of works are carried out to strengthen it. For example, the foundation of the house is initially strengthened. Ditches are dug along the perimeter of the already finished base, concrete is poured using reinforcement. reinforced with similar materials or special prefabricated metal structures, which can be quickly and easily mounted on internal and outside corners buildings.

Multi-gable roof: construction

For the correct drafting of such a project, you should carefully study its device. The building consists of:

  • slope slopes;
  • rafters;
  • Mauerlat;
  • crates;
  • inclined and horizontal ribs;
  • valleys;
  • skate;
  • groove;
  • drain;
  • overhang.

Multi-gable roof: truss system

Since the design of such a roof is quite complex, special attention should be paid to its drawing. For this you need:

  • measure all dimensions;
  • choose a slope for the roof;
  • determine the type of truss system;
  • calculate the rafters;
  • mark the locations of valleys, skates, ribs, vertical racks, puffs, runs, stops and other elements of the truss system.

The basis of the multi-gable roof is the Mauerlat. For its construction, bars are used, the size of which is 15x15 cm or 10x15 cm. The length is about 1.5 m. It is laid on top of a concrete or brick wall and looks like a connected rigid frame. The mauerlat is attached to the outer walls with galvanized metal studs installed in the armored belt. Rafters (inclined or hanging) are made of boards with a cross section of 5x15 m. Inclined and diagonal rafters are mounted at the junction of the slopes. Since the main load will be directed precisely at the diagonal rafters, they should be reinforced with boards of the same size. From above, the rafters are interconnected by a ridge, which you can buy ready-made or make it yourself from boards or timber. On the already installed rafters from the boards, the crate is mounted. To increase the strength and reliability of the cell structure, the battens are made no more than 50x50 cm.

Arrangement of a multi-shield roof

After the erection of the frame, they begin to isolate the structure. For these purposes, a simple plastic film is used, which is laid on the floors with a call to the Mauerlat.

Depending on the type of roof finish chosen, a base is made. For example, sheet slate can be placed directly on the crate. To mount a soft roof, you will need sheets of OSB or plywood. They are attached to roof frame, spread the material on top. Insulation and insulation of the structure in this case is carried out from the inside.

Many people give their preference to metal tiles. But due to the low rates of sound insulation, thermal conductivity and other shortcomings of this material, high-quality roof insulation will be required.

When erecting a roof, it is very important to carefully approach such an issue as the installation of a truss system. This design will form the frame of the entire roof. When creating it, you should carefully calculate everything and carry out all the work with high quality. The easiest option is this. Almost anyone can do it. But this option does not suit everyone. Therefore, many choose more complex designs, one of which is a multi-gable roof. And what truss system is used in this case? How to calculate and mount it correctly? This will be discussed in the article.

General concepts

The truss system of a multi-gable roof is a rather complex structure. To perform its calculation and installation, you need to have some experience. But before talking about it, you should get acquainted with the very concept of a multi-tweezer design. What is this roof option? Why is she called that?

This design is a multi-pitched roof. Its most important difference is the presence of tongs or gable elements with a ridge. It is from them that the whole structure took its name. Each of the tongs rests on one side of the truss system of the main roof. The other end forms a pediment.

The device of the truss system of a multi-gable roof has its advantages, namely:

  1. This design has high bearing capacity and strength.
  2. The truss system of a multi-gable roof is calculated based on increased loads. This feature allows the structure to easily withstand even hurricane winds and large layers of snow.
  3. The slopes of such roofs are made quite steep. This prevents debris from accumulating on them. This means that maintenance of the roof is greatly facilitated. In addition, such a roof, if properly erected, does not require repair for a long time.
  4. Thanks to the highly located ridge, a lot of free space. This allows you to freely create additional living rooms on the attic floor.
  5. Another advantage is that such a design can be used even if the house has a complex geometry.

But do not forget about the difficulties. The rafter system of a multi-gable roof is a complex structure. If you do not have sufficient experience in construction and carpentry work, then it is better to entrust its construction to specialists.

Basic structural elements

As mentioned earlier, the truss system of a multi-gable roof is several gable structures connected together. Therefore, the basic principles will also be similar. In our case, both hanging and layered rafter systems can be used. As a rule, the main structure has a large width. Therefore, it is used here. They use in extensions, everything will depend on the width of the building and the presence of an axial load-bearing wall.

In addition, the multi-gable roof truss system incorporates the following main elements:

  • slopes. Their number in a multi-gable roof can differ significantly from the traditional design. At the same time, the sizes, shape and steepness of unpaired slopes can also vary;
  • skate. There will also be several of these elements;
  • ribs - these elements are located at the junction of the slopes. Moreover, they can only be in those multi-gable roofs where hips are used;
  • valley. Not one multi-gable roof can do without this element. This element is located at the inner corners where two slopes converge. Endova needs to pay special attention. It is here in winter period snow may accumulate. Therefore, in such places a large load is experienced and leaks most often occur, it is useful to read:.

Of course, other elements may be present. For example, pediments. They close the ends of the tongs themselves. At the same time, gables can also finish the main roof, if it is not cable-stayed, it is useful to read:.

Making calculations

The rafter system of a multi-gable roof is a complex structure. Therefore, it is impossible to do without preliminary drawing up its scheme. But first of all, you should make all the basic calculations. Before drawing up a plan for the future rafter system of a multi-gable roof, the following basic parameters should be clarified:

  1. Skate height. To do this, use indicators such as the width of the house or extension (depending on which building is being calculated) and the angle of inclination of the slope. Very often, reverse calculations are carried out. Initially, the desired height of the house is determined, and then the slope angle of the slope is calculated. It should be noted that the width of the main house and the extension will be different. And this means that the angle of inclination of the rafter system of a multi-gable roof for each building will be different. This is the difficulty of such a device.
  2. Next, you should find out the length of the main rafters. This parameter is easy to calculate from the Pythagorean formula. In this case, for the main building and the extension will be different.
  3. You should also calculate the length of the valley. This is where the rafters will be located. The Pythagorean theorem will also be used here. The valley will be the hypotenuse. The triangle itself consists of the length of the rafters of the main building and half the width of the extension.
  4. Between the ridge and the rafters are sprigs. Their length should also be found using the Pythagorean theorem. The rafters will be shortened rafters.

The total area of ​​the roof is also calculated. It will be the sum of the areas of all the slopes of the multi-gable roof. This value is necessary to calculate how much roofing material you need during installation, read the additional material:.


The rafters of a multi-gable roof, like the entire system, must withstand all external influences. Therefore, even before the calculation of all the main parameters, the load should be calculated. Experts distinguish between two types of it, namely:

  • permanent. This group includes the load on the truss system of multi-gable and other types of roofs, caused by the weight of the materials used. It also includes the mass of all equipment installed on the roof;
  • variable load. This group includes the effects of external factors. The rafter system is affected by the weight of the snow cover, which will linger on the roof. In addition, the wind also has an effect.

Knowing what angle of inclination of the slopes will be on your roof, you can calculate the variable loads. By adding to them the mass of all materials used in the construction of the roof, you can determine the total impact that the entire structure must withstand, it is recommended to read:.

Knowing all the loads, you can determine the cross section of the rafters. The greater the load, the thicker the main elements of the system should be. In addition, after such calculations, and or step is determined. Also, if necessary (for example, if the rafter legs are too long), specify the location of additional supporting elements. After all this, a drawing is drawn up.

To perform all these calculations correctly, especially to draw up a diagram of the future truss system of a multi-gable roof, is a difficult task. It is better to entrust it to specialists. Or you can use special programs. With their help, by specifying all the necessary data, you can not only calculate all the parameters, but also draw up a plan for the location of all components of the multi-gable roof truss system.

Installation of the truss system of a multi-gable roof is not much different from the traditional one. gable system. All work is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The first thing is done. In the case of a multi-gable roof, this work must be done not only on all external load-bearing walls, but also on internal ones. The latter would be more correct to be called lying down.
  2. Next, you should install the ridge run. Most often, a multi-gable roof over the main building is installed in a layered way. Therefore, you cannot do without a ridge run. Above the extension, a hanging truss system is most often used. In this case, the ridge run is not used.
  3. After that, the installation of the extreme truss pairs of the main building is carried out. To make it convenient to assemble structures, on beams attic floor it is better to lay the boards in the form of a subfloor. This will be useful, because the rafter pairs themselves are assembled directly on the roof.
  4. The next step will be to fix the rafters or valleys in their place. Its upper part should be located on the ridge run of the main building in the place where the ridge of the extension rafter system will approach it. The lower end is mounted on the Mauerlat where the walls of the extension meet with bearing walls main building.
  5. After that, the rest of the elements are attached. First of all, rafter pairs of a multi-gable roof are mounted above the main building. Next, they move on to the structure above the extension. Moreover, if the main rafters are attached to the Mauerlat, then the sprigs are mounted to the valley.
  6. During installation, it is very important that all the rafters of one side of the building are in the same plane.
  7. Further, if necessary, carry out the installation of additional supporting elements. It can be props, racks and so on.
  8. After that, end, frontal, strapping boards are fixed. Make an overhang and fasten the crate. Next, you can start laying the roofing material. If a dwelling is to be equipped under a multi-gable roof, then a vapor barrier, a heat-insulating layer and waterproofing should be additionally installed.
