The egg diet is simple, affordable and, most importantly, effective. And you can eat on it not only eggs. A nutritionist recommends how to diversify the diet on an egg diet so that you do not draw on forbidden goodies.

Diets don't just help you lose weight. They are also an excellent training of endurance and willpower. These qualities are necessary for self-control, on which the preservation of the achieved result and gaining self-confidence depends.

One of the diets that is designed for self-discipline is egg. This method of dealing with extra pounds is very popular. The egg diet does not suggest eating eggs alone! But precisely chicken eggs are a key ingredient in her menu. And the action is based on chemical reactions occurring in the body. Therefore, it requires relentless observance of all rules. However, the weight loss reward is worth it. Plus, the egg diet for weight loss won't leave you starving. Such a pleasant feature is that the diet is rich in protein, which provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety.


  1. You need to eat three times a day - without snacks.
  2. Dinner is recommended before 18:00.
  3. You can not change lunch with dinner or vice versa.
  4. Eggs should be boiled soft-boiled, and eaten without adding salt.
  5. If the amount of a permitted product is not indicated, it can be eaten in unlimited quantities. But this does not mean that you can abuse it.
  6. Prepare salads without adding salt and oil.
  7. You can replace grapefruit with orange (and vice versa).
  8. Potatoes, bananas, dates, mangoes, figs, grapes should be excluded.
  9. Meat should be cooked without fat, chicken without skin. Lamb should be excluded.
  10. Eating should start with citrus fruits.
  11. Watch your drinking regimen. Drink at least 2 liters of water without gas per day. The effectiveness of removing toxins and toxins from the body depends on this.
  12. You can drink tea and natural coffee, but without additives.
  13. If you still feel very hungry - eat fresh cucumbers, but not earlier than two hours after the planned meal.
  14. During the diet, it is recommended to perform a set of exercises (of your choice).
  15. If for any reason you have interrupted the egg diet, you should start all over again.


For 3 days

In three days, depending on the initial weight, you can get rid of 2 to 5 kg.

The principles of the three-day egg diet for weight loss

  1. Divide your meals into three stages.
  2. The break between meals should be 4 hours.
  3. Eat one type of vegetable at a time.
  4. If you feel very hungry - drink green tea with lemon.

Menu for three days:

  • 3 eggs (without salt);
  • 1 grapefruit;
  • vegetable salad (Beijing cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers) - in any quantity;
  • green or black tea, pure water (without restrictions), diet drinks (no more than 300 ml per day is allowed).

For 5 days

In five days, you can get rid of 3 to 6 extra pounds.

  • Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 grapefruit, herbal tea.
  • Lunch: 1 egg, 150 g boiled chicken breast, 1 orange.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, 200 g salad (cucumbers + tomatoes + Chinese cabbage).
  • Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 apple, green tea.
  • Lunch: 1 egg, 130 g of boiled pollock, 5 lettuce leaves.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 200 ml of kefir (1.5% fat).
  • Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 grapefruit, 200 ml tomato juice.
  • Lunch: 150 g baked turkey fillet, 1 egg, 2 cucumbers.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, 1 orange, 200 ml of kefir (2.5% fat).
  • Breakfast: 2 eggs, 1 grapefruit.
  • Lunch: 2 eggs, 150 g boiled hake.
  • Dinner: 1 egg, 200 g salad (Beijing cabbage + carrot + apple).
  • Breakfast: 2 eggs, 200 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + carrot + apple).
  • Lunch: 150 g boiled shrimp, 1 egg, 100 g Chinese cabbage.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, 1 grapefruit, 100 g cottage cheese (5% fat).

For 7 days

Egg diet for 7 days will help to lose weight by 3-8 kilograms, depending on the initial weight.

  • Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 2 eggs.
  • Lunch: 1 egg, 1 orange, 150 g boiled chicken fillet.
  • Dinner: 200 ml of kefir (2.5% fat), 200 g of boiled chicken fillet.
  • Breakfast: 2 eggs, 200 ml freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Lunch: 150 g boiled chicken breast, 2 grapefruits.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, 1 orange, 200 ml of kefir (1.5% fat).
  • Breakfast: 1 egg, tea.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled veal, 1 orange.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs.
  • Breakfast: 2 eggs, any greens in any quantity.
  • Lunch: 200 g of baked chicken breast, 150 g of salad (Beijing cabbage + cucumbers + tomatoes + 2 tablespoons of sour cream 10% fat).
  • Dinner: 2 oranges, 1 egg.
  • Breakfast: 200 g of salad (boiled carrots + 2 boiled eggs + greens + 2 tablespoons of sour cream 10% fat).
  • Lunch: 2 fresh carrots, 200 ml freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Dinner: 200 g cod stew, 1 egg.
  • Breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese (7% fat content), 200 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Lunch: 2 eggs, 2 oranges.
  • Dinner: green tea.
  • Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 2 eggs.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled beef.
  • Dinner: 1 grapefruit, green tea.

For 2 week

An egg diet for 2 weeks will allow you to get rid of 7-15 kilograms.

Breakfast for the whole period: 1 grapefruit, 2 boiled eggs, green tea or natural coffee.

Week #1

  • Lunch: 2 eggs, 1 tomato (or 200 ml tomato juice), herbal tea.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, 200 g vinaigrette without oil, 1 grapefruit, herbal tea.
  • Lunch: 2 eggs, 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner: 200 g of baked beef, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, celery (as much as you want).
  • Lunch: 2 eggs, spinach (as much as you like), green tea.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs, 100 g Chinese cabbage, 50 g boiled beets, 100 g cottage cheese (5% fat), herbal tea.
  • Lunch: 2 eggs, spinach (as much as you want), natural coffee.
  • Dinner: 200 g vinaigrette without oil, 100 g boiled hake, coffee or tea.
  • Lunch: 2 eggs, spinach (as much as you want), coffee.
  • Dinner: 200 g vinaigrette, 100 g boiled hake, 100 g Beijing cabbage, herbal tea.
  • Lunch: 200 g fruit salad (oranges + apples + pears + kiwi).
  • Dinner: veal steak (150 g), 2 tomatoes, celery (as much as you want), coffee.
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled chicken fillet, 1 tomato, 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner: 1 tomato, 1 carrot, 100 g Chinese cabbage, 100 g boiled chicken fillet, tea or coffee.

Week #2

The menu for the second week remains the same as for the first.

For 4 weeks

Egg diet for 4 weeks will help you lose weight by 10-20 kilograms.

Week #1

Daily breakfast 1st and 2nd week: 1/2 orange or grapefruit, 1-2 boiled eggs.

  • Lunch: any fruit in any quantity (out of those allowed).
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled meat(any, except lamb).
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled chicken breast.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 150 g salad (cucumbers + tomatoes + peppers + carrots), 1 toast (20 g), 1 orange or grapefruit.
  • Lunch: fat-free cheese in any quantity, 1 toast (20 g), 2 tomatoes.
  • Dinner: 150 g boiled or baked beef.
  • Lunch: any permitted fruit in any quantity.
  • Dinner: 150 g of baked meat (optional), 100 g of salad (cucumbers + Chinese cabbage + carrots).
  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 200 g boiled vegetables (optional).
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled hake, 1 orange or grapefruit.
  • Lunch: any fruit in any quantity.
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled veal.
  • Lunch: 200 g baked chicken breast, 2 tomatoes, 100 g boiled vegetables, 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner: 200 g of boiled vegetables.

Week #2

  • Lunch: 150 g of baked meat (optional), 150 g of salad (cucumbers + tomatoes + peppers + carrots).
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 150 g salad (cucumbers + tomatoes + peppers + carrots), 1 orange or grapefruit.
  • Lunch: 200 g of baked meat (optional), 2 cucumbers.
  • Lunch: 150 g boiled chicken breast, 2 cucumbers.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit.
  • Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 150 g fat-free cheese, 100 g boiled vegetables.
  • Dinner: 2 boiled eggs.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled pollock.
  • Dinner: 2 eggs.
  • Lunch: 150 g boiled beef, 2 tomatoes, 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner: no more than 500 g of any fresh fruit (according to the season).
  • Lunch: 200 g boiled chicken breast, 2 tomatoes, 100 g boiled vegetables, 1 grapefruit.
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled chicken breast, 2 cucumbers, 1 orange.

Week #3

These products should be eaten at any time of the day, without limitation for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  • Day 1: Throughout the day, you should eat any fruit in any quantity (except for prohibited ones).
  • Day 2: All day you need to eat boiled and fresh vegetables in any quantity.
  • Day 3: any boiled vegetables and fresh salads in any quantity.
  • Day 4: boiled hake in any quantity, 200 g of Chinese cabbage, 200 g of boiled vegetables.
  • Day 5: boiled chicken meat and boiled vegetables in any quantity.
  • Day 6 and Day 7: Eat one type of fruit in any amount throughout the day (for example, only apples or only apricots).

Week #4

Products are distributed throughout the day without time limits. It is forbidden to supplement the specified list of products with anything.

100 g boiled beef or 200 g boiled chicken breast, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 50 g canned tuna (without oil, can be washed with water), 1 toast (20 g), 1 grapefruit or orange.

150 g baked veal, 3 tomatoes, 4 cucumbers, 1 toast (20 g), 1 apple or pear, or orange.

50 g fat-free cheese, 100 g boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 1 toast (20 g), 1 orange or grapefruit.

500 g boiled chicken fillet, 3 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 toast (20 g), 1 grapefruit.

2 boiled eggs, 3 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 orange or grapefruit.

400 g boiled chicken breast, 300 g cottage cheese (5% fat content), 1 toast (20 g), 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 1 orange or grapefruit.

50 g cottage cheese (10% fat), 100 g boiled pollock, 200 g boiled vegetables, 2 tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 1 toast (20 g), 1 orange or grapefruit.

Getting out of the diet

The correct exit from the diet will ensure not only the consolidation of the achieved result, but will also allow you to lose weight for some time to the optimal weight for your body. The main principle of getting out of any, and especially from a strict egg diet, is consistency. The bottom line is that for some time you should eat those foods that were included in the diet. diet food. This will save the body from stress and allow you to smoothly switch to proper nutrition, without causing harm to health (sharp load on the liver, pancreas, kidneys).

  • For the first week after the egg diet, eat 2 eggs and 1 orange daily.
  • Try to eat at the same time.
  • Food should be baked, steamed or boiled. Fried is allowed extremely rarely, and not earlier than three weeks after the end of the course.
  • Lean meat, poultry, sea and river fish, and dairy products should be present in your diet.
  • Getting out of the egg diet for weight loss involves switching to fractional nutrition: 4-6 meals a day. At the same time, at one time you should eat no more than 300 g of food.
  • Replace high-calorie confectionery with marshmallows (without chocolate icing), marmalade, marshmallow, jelly. The consumption of dark chocolate is allowed - but not more than 70 g per day.
  • Foods containing fast-digesting carbohydrates are allowed to eat until 14:00.
  • It is recommended to refuse flour. It is allowed to consume bran and rye bread, but not more than 70 g per day.
  • Refrain from drinking alcohol. Firstly, alcohol is high in calories, and secondly, it can provoke overeating. Sometimes you can afford a glass of dry wine.
  • Fill salads with sour cream (10-15% fat), olive oil or lemon juice.
  • Drink 2 liters of pure water without gas per day.
  • Minimize sugar intake and do not abuse salt. Seasonings that contain flavor enhancers (monosodium glutamate) should be avoided.
  • Every day in your diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits - according to the season.
  • Eat slowly, carefully chewing each piece - so the food is better absorbed. Don't get distracted by reading news feed and watching TV, otherwise you risk overeating. Eating is a process that requires absolute concentration and does not tolerate haste.
  • Get exercise, walk more, and try not to use the elevator. Do wraps (no more than twice a week) and massage with anti-cellulite cream - this will improve the condition of your skin.

Only a change in eating habits and exercise will allow you to always be slim.


Before an egg diet, regardless of the duration of the chosen course, be sure to consult a specialist. This will help identify and prevent possible complications.

  1. Allergic to eggs and citrus fruits.
  2. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system.
  3. Contraindicated in hyperacidity of the stomach.

If during the diet you feel discomfort, nausea, dizziness - immediately stop the course and switch to a sparing diet.

Whether you prefer scrambled eggs for breakfast, hard-boiled eggs in a salad for lunch, or soft-boiled eggs with lots of greens for dinner, we can all agree that a deliciously cooked egg is a surprisingly versatile staple.


What is the egg diet?

There are different variations of the egg diet, and all of them are rather vague and lack clear instructions. One version involves eating eggs and nothing else for a few days, while others simply include eggs in every meal. A more flexible version of the egg diet suggests that you eat eggs or chicken and fish, for example, throughout the day for about two weeks.

Some diets have strict guidelines for cooking eggs, while others are more lenient on the cooking method.

What can you eat on an egg diet?

There is no official version of the egg diet, which means there is no official list of foods that you can (or cannot) eat on the egg diet.

It goes without saying that eggs are a staple of any variant of this diet. However, some meal plans include only eggs, while others allow fruits and vegetables, as well as other sources of lean protein.

Can you lose weight on an egg diet?

The egg diet, especially in more restrictive versions, can actually help you lose weight because it drastically reduces your calorie intake. But any weight loss will be temporary. This diet is not intended for sustainable weight loss. What's more, restricting your carbohydrate intake can make you tired, so you may not have enough energy for your workouts.

Instead of eating only eggs, or any other diet that could make your condition worse, focus on developing sustainable eating habits. The point is not whether the diet will help you lose weight. The key is whether it will help you maintain a healthy weight.

Chances are you won't want to eat eggs at every meal for the rest of your life, so the egg diet may only be temporary. Making a choice in favor healthy eating, and by gradually reducing the intake of high-calorie junk food, you are more likely to be able to maintain a normal weight for a long time.

Is the egg diet safe?

If your diet contains only eggs, this cannot be called a healthy and safe diet. By following the most extreme form of the egg diet, you are eliminating many of the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

How many eggs can you eat per day?

Researchers have found out whether we should limit our consumption of eggs because of their ability to raise LDL cholesterol (often referred to as "bad" cholesterol, although it's actually important to have a healthy balance of cholesterol in your body). An analysis of studies over the past 60 years has shown that dietary cholesterol in eggs had relatively little effect on blood cholesterol levels.

However, the law of "everything in moderation" applies to eggs as well. An egg yolk contains 184 milligrams of cholesterol (the most concentrated form of dietary cholesterol). Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating about one egg per day, although there are some exceptions - people with heart disease are advised to reduce their consumption of eggs, while some studies show that you can eat up to 3 eggs per day if you are healthy.

It's no secret that egg yolks are the culprit of high cholesterol, and egg whites, on the contrary, are absolutely safe in this regard. However, there are many in the yolk nutrients, so you can combine one yolk with several egg whites to get the best of both worlds.

Like any other diet that limits the diet to one or two foods, the egg diet is not healthy. But if your goal is to lose weight and lead healthy lifestyle life, eggs can be a staple on your shopping list.

  • Barley diet for a week
Say what you like, but the first to notice the problem of an extra century in the United States. Environmental pollution, irrational and untimely nutrition, a jaded, sedentary lifestyle and hot dogs sold everywhere, apparently have done their dirty work, and more than forty percent of the population of this country have problems with their own bodies. Moreover, extra pounds are not just not beautiful and not aesthetically pleasing, they can bring with them numerous diseases, for example, those associated with metabolism.Diet on chicken eggs - the invention of the Americans

Excess fat can also cause heart vascular diseases, and the like, quite frankly, dangerous symptoms. Apparently, this is what prompted American scientists to take action, forcing them to delve deeper into the issue. Thanks to this, the egg diet arose, which we will tell you about.

There is simply a colossal number of the most diverse ways to lose weight, but most of them cannot be simply applied in real life. After all, they require great willpower, or moving to live on an uninhabited island, because to give up the most beloved "sweets". Moreover, while someone is nearby, appetizingly munching on a bun or cake, it is simply unrealistic for most food lovers.

In order not to experience hellish torments, and to turn the process of losing weight into a fairly acceptable, simple and not so painful, the egg diet, reviews of which can be easily found on the Internet, offers everyone a fairly comfortable way to lose weight. The essence of an egg, like any other protein, carbohydrate-free diet, is that the body spends a lot of energy digesting the natural protein found in chicken eggs, taking it from its own “repositories”, which we all call that - excess fat .

What is the use of chicken eggs?

Yes, and the eggs themselves, as a low-calorie product, are extremely useful for the body, because it is not for nothing that our ancestors also tried to give fresh eggs to the sick, children, and so on. This is because the egg has a unique composition, saturated with an extraordinary set of a wide variety of "utilities": An egg is a completely natural product, and to fake it, if it succeeds, then at a cost, it will be so impractical that no one will engage in such falsification.

One testicle a day can easily cover almost twenty percent of the needs of everything. human body in proteins for a day, judge for yourself.

A chicken egg contains such a unique, even outstanding set of natural amino acids that are involved in the "building" and updating of almost all tissues of our body.

In addition, it is in the testicle that there are a large number of trace elements, as well as minerals. For example, eggs are rich in phosphorus, iron, potassium, and, importantly, active zinc, which has an extremely positive effect on the growth and health of hair and nails.

Without vitamins, in chicken eggs, it also could not do at all. Vitamins of groups A, C, B, K, E, and besides, also D, which is quite rare in food.

Eggs have an amazing ability, the human body absorbs all the substances from this useful, and also tasty product, by almost 95-98 percent, and these are simply outstanding indicators.

Barley diet for a week

We will provide a menu of the simplest, egg diet for seven days, during which you can easily leave about 4-8 kilograms somewhere on the sidelines, despite the fact that this option is not a mono-diet at all, and you will not be haunted by a constant feeling of hunger. Such a diet is easy to transfer, and its effect is simply amazing, the main thing is to follow all the instructions. We will provide you with an approximate menu for seven days.

The first day

Breakfast: two chicken eggs, half a grapefruit, as well as coffee or tea without sugar and, of course, cream.

Dinner: two hard-boiled eggs and a ripe, red tomato. You can drink a glass of tea.

Dinner: Again 2 eggs, you can lightly fry without oil and vinaigrette without dressing. The second half of grapefruit and herbal gulls.

Second day

Breakfast: repeat the same as on the first day.

Dinner: half a grapefruit and 2 soft-boiled eggs.

Dinner: to the already familiar eggs, you can add a piece of boiled lean beef or chicken (120-160 grams), as well as a light salad (you can use lettuce, celery, cucumbers, arugula, and so on).

Day Three


Dinner: two eggs and stewed spinach (120 grams), green or herbal tea.

Dinner: we repeat dinner on Monday (the first day).

Day four

Breakfast: repeat the breakfast of the first day.

Dinner: repeat lunch of the third day.

Dinner: to a pair of testicles (soft-boiled or hard-boiled), add about 125-145 grams of boiled or, slightly fried without oil, sea lean fish e.g. hake. Vinaigrette, tea.

Day five

Breakfast: repeat the breakfast of the first day.

again we repeat the lunch of the third day.

you can also repeat the diet of the fourth day, with fish and vinaigrette.

Day six

Breakfast: repeat the breakfast of the first day.

Dinner: fruit salad made from any fruit, including peaches, grapes and bananas. Herbal or green tea.

Dinner: two boiled eggs, a piece of boiled turkey, or baked in the oven, with spices, but with a minimum amount of salt. Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce, tea or coffee without sugar and other additives.

Day seven

Breakfast: repeat the breakfast of the first day.

Dinner: boil a piece of chicken (150 grams) and eat it cold, two eggs and herbal tea.

Dinner: the same pair of eggs, a piece of boiled chicken (120 grams), a salad of cabbage, tomatoes and grated carrots, tea without sugar.

Egg diet for two weeks and for a month. Diet and general recommendations and rules

If the result, for some reason, did not suit you, and you feel excellent, there is no dizziness, pain or pain in the housing and communal services, and so on, then you can extend the duration of this diet for yourself. So the egg diet for 2 weeks will become twice as effective, since the body has already adapted to “pull out” energy from those fat deposits that you so thoughtlessly “worked up before. Several points should be taken into account.

For example, you should not constantly eat grapefruit, and on some days you can replace it with an orange, this will make the diet more varied. The egg diet menu suggests a rather democratic one, such that hunger, in theory, will not be strongly felt, but you should control yourself quite carefully. Indeed, in the event of a breakdown, you will have to start all over again so as not to lose the already accumulated result. Among other things, you can also stretch such a diet for a month. An egg diet for 4 weeks will allow any woman or girl to lose more than two dozen kilograms. This is a fairly high level of weight loss, since the egg diet is not too strict, and you won’t have to feel much discomfort.

The first two weeks are no different from the egg diet for seven or fourteen days. Then the menu can be changed, however, the requirements to consume eggs at least once a day remain in force. So, imagine the diet for the third and fourth weeks of such a diet. All products can be evenly distributed throughout the day as you personally like best.

Diet for the third stage of the egg diet (third week)

Monday: fruit day, you can choose whatever you like, except for bananas, figs, grapes, and mangoes. You can eat as much as you want and do not forget about the obligatory two eggs, soft-boiled or hard-boiled, you can also bake or fry, but without oil.

the same two eggs, as well as any vegetables except potatoes and eggplant. You can cook them for a couple, bake in the oven or simply boil them.

Wednesday: you can make a combination of fruits and vegetables and, of course, do not forget about eggs, in the amount of one or two pieces.

Thursday: two eggs, as well as fish, grilled or boiled. Cabbage, both fresh and stewed, is also suitable here.

Friday: two eggs, boiled meat (low-fat), as well as steamed vegetables (do not forget that potatoes are not suitable in any way).

Saturday: apple day, that is, in addition to the testicle, you can only eat apples, and as much as your darling (or stomach) wants.

the same as on Saturday, but only with a pear. By the way, fruits can be at your discretion, the only “but” will have to be excluded from those listed on the menu for Monday.

Ration for the fourth The final stage 30 day egg diet

Monday: two or three eggs, four beef steaks (65-75 grams), or a quarter of a chicken, without skin, canned tuna, three or four tomatoes, four cucumbers, grapefruit and a small toast.

four cucumbers, three tomatoes, grapefruit, boiled lean meat (200 grams), one or two eggs, a pear or an apple.

Wednesday: Two cucumbers and the same number of tomatoes, up to 250-300 grams of boiled vegetables (but not potatoes), toast, orange or grapefruit, a tablespoon of cottage cheese.

Thursday: three or four tomatoes, a couple of cucumbers, grapefruit, half boiled cold skinless chicken, toast.

Friday: three or four tomatoes, lettuce leaves (as much as you like), one or two eggs, grapefruit or orange.

Saturday: a couple of boiled chicken fillets, a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes, toast, grapefruit, low-fat cottage cheese (100-120 grams), a glass of kefir (250 grams).

Sunday: canned tuna (one jar), toast, grapefruit, cottage cheese (120 grams), a couple of tomatoes and cucumbers, boiled vegetables (up to 200 grams, except for potatoes and eggplant).

Low-carb, protein, budget and effective - the egg diet is a weight loss system that does not take long to get used to. An egg is a product that is constantly present in the diet of almost every person, its cost is quite acceptable, its taste is excellent, and its health benefits are undeniable. And most importantly, this is not a mono-diet, which promises a variety of diet, and not an exhausting hunger strike.

Slimming mechanism

An egg is a fairly high-calorie product, as evidenced by simple mathematics:

  • in 100 g of boiled chicken egg - 160 kcal (average weight of 1 pc. - 50 g);
  • in 100 g of yolk - 352 kcal (weight in 1 pc. - 20 g);
  • in 100 g of protein - 44 kcal (weight in 1 pc. - 30 g).

If you eat 2 eggs per meal, you get a sufficient amount energy value, but how then there is a growing thin?

  • The rest of the daily diet is low in calories, since the amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed is reduced to a minimum;
  • proteins are digested for a long time, making it easy to survive the time between main meals;
  • eggs contain a huge amount of vitamins, amino acids and other benefits that ensure the normal functioning of the body during the diet;
  • such a nutrition system causes the liver to produce ketones, which effectively suppress hunger;
  • unsaturated acids fight fat deposits;
  • proteins require a lot of energy to digest - this is how calories are spent.

If you continue to eat 2 eggs every morning after the diet, you can keep the results achieved for a long time.

nice bonus. Eggs strengthen bones, joints, immune system and increase mental performance.

Advantages and disadvantages

The egg diet has a lot of positive characteristics that will persistently tempt you to use it. And yet much more attention should be paid to the cons.


  • Does not suffer from hunger;
  • ease of cooking;
  • variety of recipes;
  • formation muscle mass with constant sports;
  • persistent results.


  • Cholesterol rises;
  • lethargy and decreased performance due to lack of carbohydrates;
  • constipation, flatulence, bloating, bad smell from the mouth like side effects due to the abundance of protein foods;
  • coffee ban;
  • strict adherence to the menu;
  • high risk of failure;
  • refusal of intense physical activity;
  • A 4-week diet risks ending with serious stomach problems.

Ignore at least one drawback - then health complications may arise. So weigh the pros and cons beforehand.


To prevent complications, you must first study the contraindications:

  • allergy;
  • pathology of the kidneys, liver;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • problems with the pancreas;
  • hypertension;
  • gastritis, ulcer.

The presence of chronic diseases, the state of pregnancy and lactation are also relative contraindications for the egg diet. So first you need to consult with your doctor.

  1. Give preference to soft-boiled eggs, because they are better absorbed.
  2. The maximum number of eggs that can be eaten per day is 4 pieces.
  3. Limit your salt intake.
  4. If frying, then without oil. Best way cooking - baking.
  5. Dinner - 4 hours before going to bed.
  6. Snacks are excluded.
  7. Daily water consumption - at least 2 liters.
  8. If a four-week egg diet is chosen, the weight loss process should be supervised by specialists.
  9. Better than others, the weekly version affects the figure and health.
  10. Of the physical activities, you need to leave only morning exercises, walking,. Gym and running without the support of carbohydrates can be very exhausting.

This diet is characterized by the use of citrus fruits for breakfast, which is no accident. In tandem with eggs, they prolong the feeling of satiety, contribute to even more fast weight loss. Grapefruits are especially useful.

On a note. Try to use only fresh eggs, the "age" of which is not more than a week. Starting from day 8, they lose amino acids.

Product Lists

The egg diet is quite strict, as it involves strict adherence to the menu. To compile it, use the lists of foods that you can and cannot eat as part of protein weight loss.


  • low-calorie fruits: apricots, apples, pineapples, citrus fruits, pears, pomelo, peach, kiwi, plums, watermelons, melons;
  • vegetables: tomatoes, zucchini, carrots, broccoli, squash, onions, eggplants, cucumbers, radishes;
  • legumes: beans, green peas;
  • greenery, leaf salad;
  • lean meat: beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey (but without the skin);
  • lean fish ( haddock , pollock ), seafood;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • bread: toast, cereal, bran, diet crackers;
  • drinks: tea, herbal decoctions, chicory (without milk and sweeteners);
  • salad dressings: lemon juice, ginger, balsamic vinegar.


  • mayonnaise;
  • rich broths.
  • carbohydrates: pasta, pastries, confectionery, potatoes, cereals, sugar;
  • coffee and other drinks containing caffeine;
  • alcohol.
  • high-calorie fruits: persimmons, bananas, cherries, mangoes, grapes, figs, dates, avocados;
  • pork, lamb, duck, goose;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • drinks: juices, soft drinks, alcohol;
  • sweets: sweets, sugar, chocolate, honey;
  • dressings: mayonnaise, soy sauce, ketchup.

If you break loose and allow yourself something from the prohibited list, nutritionists advise starting a diet from the very beginning.


Since the egg diet does not apply to mono-fasting and involves a fairly extended list of auxiliary products, there are many variations.

Perhaps the most popular is Maggi. A two-week diet on egg whites helps to achieve good results, with which, however, you should be careful because of the numerous contraindications and side effects.

The diet on egg yolks is much more mildly tolerated, since the dishes have a more pleasant taste, there are not so many proteins in it. However, you will not lose many kilograms.

If you are interested in one of these weight loss systems, see them for more detailed description in separate articles:

Keep in mind. For weight loss, you can use not only chicken, but also quail eggs. They have a lot more protein.


Using this technique, you can lose weight both quickly (express diets for 3 days) and for a long time (arrange a marathon for a month). It all depends on how many pounds you want to lose. If not more than 5 - look for options for 1 week so that protein foods do not harm the body. If from 5 to 10 - you can look at the menu for 2 weeks. If the problem is tens of kilograms of excess weight, an egg diet for 4 weeks is what you need.

Helps with diet planning detailed menu for every day, designed for different terms separately.

Menu for 7 days

Menu for 14 days

The peculiarity of the menu for 2 weeks is that every day you have to start with the same breakfast. It consists of half a citrus and 2 eggs. If the number of servings is not indicated, the dish can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

In 2 weeks, you can lose up to 7 kg.

Egg diet menu for 28 days

The four-week diet assumes the same breakfast for the first 2 weeks of weight loss: 2 eggs and half an orange. At 3 and 4 weeks, all of these products are divided into 4 daily servings. Losses can be up to 10 kg.

1 Week

2 weeks

3 and 4 weeks

Despite the fact that foods can be eaten in unlimited quantities, it is worth controlling your appetite.


To diversify the menu and not eat exclusively hard-boiled and soft-boiled eggs for several weeks, we offer recipes for low-calorie dishes. They fit perfectly into this power system.

Protein Fitness Salad


  • 300 gr chicken fillet;
  • 50 ml low-fat sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 lettuce leaves;
  • clove of garlic;
  • basil.


  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces, fry in a dry frying pan until golden brown. Salt, pepper.
  2. Chop basil and add to chicken.
  3. Mince the garlic and add to the salad.
  4. Boil, peel, cut into pieces of eggs, add to the salad.
  5. Fill with sour cream.
  6. Mix.
  7. Spread on lettuce leaves.


  • 2 liters of broth (vegetable or chicken);
  • 100 gr cornstarch;
  • 6 eggs;
  • soy sauce;
  • 30 gr (ground or fresh, finely chopped);
  • 2 cinnamon sticks;
  • 200 gr tofu;
  • 200 gr Beijing cabbage;
  • green onions;
  • a few cloves of garlic.


  1. Add ginger, chopped garlic, tofu cubes, soy sauce to the boiling broth.
  2. Dilute 60 g of starch in a small amount of water and knead so that there are no lumps. After that, after 15 minutes of stewing the soup on the stove, pour the resulting solution into it.
  3. Boil 5 minutes.
  4. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with the remaining starch.
  5. Cut Chinese cabbage into strips.
  6. Pour the egg-starch mixture into the soup, add the cabbage.
  7. Boil 10 min.
  8. Sprinkle with herbs before use.

Diet omelette with chicken and mushrooms


  • 20 ml;
  • bulb;
  • 50 gr boiled chicken fillet;
  • 8 champignons;
  • 8 small tomatoes;
  • parsley;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 20 gr grated cheese;
  • 20 gr sweet pepper.


  1. Heat up the oil in a frying pan.
  2. Fry chopped onion.
  3. Finely chop the fillet, add to the onion, fry for 2 minutes.
  4. Cut the mushrooms into 4 parts, add to the omelet.
  5. Cut each tomato into 4 parts, put in a pan.
  6. Chop the parsley, pour into an omelet.
  7. Whisk the eggs with a tablespoon of water. Salt, pepper.
  8. Pour into skillet; cook 3 minutes.
  9. Sprinkle the omelet with grated cheese, put in the grill until browned.
  10. Sprinkle with sweet pepper rings and chopped parsley before serving.

Despite the fact that eggs can be cooked a huge amount diet meals, without salt and dressings, most of them lose their excellent taste. And even if they can be enjoyed in the first 2-3 days of the diet, then the four-week marathon runs the risk of ending much earlier. Therefore, in order to experience this weight loss system for yourself, you must either love this product very much, or take into account only short-term options.

The 4 week egg diet is ideal for those who believe in the effectiveness of carbohydrate-free diets. The monthly diet developed by American nutritionists actually prescribes eating eggs daily for only half the time: the rest of the time is spent on consolidating the weight loss result and testing the habit of being content with little.

The four-week egg diet is a serious test of patience and intention! During this month, the metabolism of losing weight will undergo major changes: due to the abundant intake of protein, the body will have to waste its fat energy reserve and make efforts to process and absorb high doses of protein.

Thus, the main weight loss will occur in the first two weeks of the diet. However, it is important not to skip the second phase of the monthly nutrition plan, which may not seem very important when a good result has already been achieved. With an incorrect exit from the egg diet for 4 weeks, a quick return of excess weight is almost guaranteed.

Egg diet for 4 weeks: in short

Duration: 4 weeks;

Peculiarities: strict, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed menu. Chicken eggs are the main product in the first two weeks of the diet, the next two weeks are aimed at consolidating the result (the menu is mainly low-carb vegetable with small portions of protein);

Price: medium (up to 5 thousand rubles for the entire period);

Result: up to minus 25 kg (depending on the initial weight);

Additional effect: long-term preservation of the result of the diet due to the consumption of fat reserves;

Egg diet for 4 weeks is not suitable: strict vegetarians, suffering from kidney and liver diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, with allergies to eggs and / or citrus fruits. Before starting an egg diet for a month, you should consult your doctor!

Useful information for those who are attracted to the egg diet for 4 weeks: a chicken egg is 85% water, 12% protein (ovalbumin, ovotransferrin, lysozyme, ovomucoid,
ovomucin). It contains only 0.3% fat and 0.7% carbohydrates, as well as some glucose and a lot of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, and magnesium. That is, to put it in "fabulous" language - truly the testicle is not simple, but

Egg diet for 4 weeks: myths and fears

Many of you have probably heard at one time the warnings of various therapists and nutritionists that excessive consumption of chicken eggs is fraught with the development of serious diseases - they say that they have more than enough bad cholesterol, and the protein is absorbed for too long ... What then, you ask, maybe we are talking about an egg diet for as long as a month?

Indeed, a similar panic took place about 20 years ago. Namely: scientists sounded the alarm by placing chicken eggs in " bad list"- it was reported that their constant use causes an increase in blood cholesterol and the appearance of cholesterol plaques in the arteries.

However, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health (apparently very fond of eggs and worried about their undeservedly damaged reputation) conducted a massive study. In its course, it turned out that regular consumption of eggs does not affect “bad cholesterol” in any way - its occurrence is regulated by other factors.

Their colleagues from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that an egg is one of the healthiest breakfast options. For the same number of calories consumed, sandwich eaters are more likely to become obese than egg eaters.

However, when dealing with eggs, you should not relax: one in about 20,000 eggs sold on the market may be infected with active salmonella, a bacterium that causes an acute intestinal infection, especially dangerous for children.

Therefore, when choosing eggs for the full 4 weeks of the egg diet, avoid those whose shells are damaged, runny or "decorated" with droppings or blood. Experts advise to wash even the cleanest eggs after purchase and cook so that both the yolk and the protein are completely curtailed (about 5 minutes). It is also important to monitor the expiration date of purchased eggs and, having bought them, store them in the refrigerator on a separate shelf, away from meat and milk. Eggs should be cut on a separate board, which is recommended to be rinsed with boiling water after each use, like the knife with which the eggs were cut.

How to "sit on the balls"?

Egg diet for 4 weeks does not mean eating chicken eggs alone. And their number on the menu is also quite moderate ...

“If there is a honeymoon, why shouldn’t we be an egg month?” American nutritionists thought, and relying on success, they invented an egg week for 4 weeks. More duration - respectively, better effect. Cases have been recorded when, in a month of “sitting on eggs”, losing weight lost up to 25 kg (with an initial weight of about 100 kg).

Why is the egg diet good and why for 4 weeks? With chicken eggs, you get pure protein without excess fat and fewer extra calories (including due to the fact that, in principle, eat less - after all, eggs are perfectly satiating).

In addition, the cost of food on a diet becomes transparent and predictable. And one more interesting moment: overseas researchers have found that regular consumption of the same food really helps to lose weight. This moment is rather psychological: for example, a nutritionist may advise eating eggs every Wednesday and Saturday. Of course, this in itself will not help to lose tens of kilograms, but will create a certain discipline, to which the body will definitely respond positively. And the knowledge of such a mechanism obviously will not hurt those who follow the figure and seek to control their weight.

Love chicken eggs? Egg diet for 4 weeks good way to test how strong this gastronomic attachment is.

However, not everything is so simple with an egg diet for a month. The main surprise is that she... is not eggy all the time. The main shocks are the first two weeks, during which you are sure to eat eggs for breakfast and at least one more time a day.

From the third week, the protein component is replaced by other protein-rich foods (fish and beef or poultry), and the menu becomes especially rich in fruits and vegetables. The abundance of fiber helps intestinal motility, which is very useful especially if chicken eggs act on your stool fortifying.

During the egg diet for 4 weeks, it is important to get enough fluids (at least 1.5 liters of plain non-carbonated water per day). As you already know, protein is a complex substance. During its processing, indigestible residues are formed, which are very important to remove from the intestines. Therefore, fiber and fluid remain indispensable allies of fans of the protein diet.

Drinking juice and soda on an egg diet is strictly prohibited. You can afford a morning cup of coffee without milk and sugar and herbal tea (unsweetened).

Monotony is the bane of any strict eating plan. An egg diet for 4 weeks prohibits additional consumption of fats (although it cannot be called fat-free - eggs themselves, and fish, and meat contain inseparable fats, both saturated and unsaturated), but you can experiment with a clear conscience with the form of serving products. Vegetables and fruits (as well as meat) can be baked without oil, steamed, stewed. Boiling eggs can also be replaced by baking, making scrambled eggs without fat, poached eggs. The main thing is to ensure that the egg is evenly heat-treated.

Eating raw eggs during the egg diet for 4 weeks is impossible.

Pros of the egg diet

At least in the morning, you will hardly believe that you are “sitting” on any weight loss system - breakfasts on an egg diet for 4 weeks are not much different from regular healthy protein breakfasts.

  • eggs are delicious food. Even given the restrictions on the use of fat in their preparation, there is room for culinary fantasy in the egg diet;
  • eggs cook quickly, which means that the diet will not require separate temporary resources. In the second part of the egg diet for 4 weeks, when eggs cease to be the main dish, foods that are easy to prepare also participate;
  • the egg diet, like any other protein diet, is well suited for fitness enthusiasts;
  • egg protein and trace elements contained in eggs have a positive effect on the skin, hair and nails;
  • eggs saturate for a long time - even with a small amount of servings on an egg diet for 4 weeks, it is possible to keep hunger in check.

Cons and risks of an egg diet for 4 weeks

  • despite its relative diversity, the egg diet remains a fad diet, involving the almost complete rejection of a certain type of macronutrient (in the four-week egg diet, fat and fast carbohydrates become such "default figures") - that is, it is healthy and balanced to call such a nutrition plan in its original the form is impossible;
  • excess protein and lack of carbohydrates can cause a variety of problems and ailments, from migraines to bad smell from mouth. If you notice unwanted changes in your condition - get off the diet and consult a doctor.

For a diet, choose only the freshest selected chicken eggs ...

Egg diet for 4 weeks: a detailed menu of the first week and reviews

  • Breakfast every day this week is the same - 2 hard boiled eggs + ½ orange or 2 eggs + ½ grapefruit (Note also the separate so-called grapefruit and egg diet.


  • Dinner: lean meat (boiled or grilled)


  • Lunch: boiled or grilled skinless chicken
  • Dinner: cucumber, tomato, lettuce, bell pepper and carrot salad, 2 eggs + 1 toast + 1 grapefruit or orange


  • Lunch: any amount of low-fat lightly salted cheese + 1 toast + tomato
  • Dinner: lean meat, boiled or grilled


  • Lunch: any one fruit in any quantity
  • Dinner: grilled or boiled lean meat + leaf lettuce


  • Lunch: any one boiled vegetable in any quantity (beans, green pea, carrots or zucchini) + 2 boiled eggs
  • Dinner: boiled or grilled fish + a portion of leaf lettuce + 1 orange or grapefruit


  • Lunch: one fruit in unlimited quantities
  • Dinner: boiled or grilled meat without fat + leaf lettuce


  • Lunch: boiled or grilled skinless chicken + any steamed vegetables + tomato + 1 grapefruit or orange

Egg diet: complete menu of the second week

  • Breakfast is similar to breakfast in the first week.


  • Lunch: boiled or grilled lean meat + leaf lettuce
  • Dinner: 2 eggs + lettuce + grapefruit


  • Identical menu for Monday


  • Lunch: boiled or grilled lean meat + cucumber salad without dressing and salt
  • Dinner: 2 eggs + grapefruit


  • Lunch: 2 eggs + boiled vegetables + cottage cheese
  • Dinner: 2 eggs


  • Lunch: grilled or boiled meat + 2-3 tomatoes
  • Dinner: 2 eggs


  • Lunch: Friday lunch menu + grapefruit
  • Dinner: fruit salad (e.g. apple, pear, tangerine) without dressing


  • Lunch: skinless boiled chicken + boiled vegetables + 1 grapefruit
  • Dinner: same as lunch

Egg diet: complete menu of the third week

  • In the third week, all foods allowed on a certain day can be eaten at any time without limiting the volume and quantity.
  • Monday: fruits (except banana, grapes, mango, figs)
  • Tuesday: any boiled or steamed vegetables and fresh vegetables in the form of salads (avoid potatoes)
  • Wednesday: a combination of products allowed on Monday and Tuesday
  • Thursday: fish, boiled or grilled + cabbage
  • Friday: boiled or grilled lean meat or chicken + boiled or steamed vegetables
  • Saturday and Sunday: one type of fruit on each weekend (for example, only apples on Saturday and only pears on Sunday)

Last week's menu - leaving the egg diet

  • The products allowed on a certain day must be distributed on the day at your own discretion and consumed without reference to a specific time, but strictly adhering to the prescribed amount.
  • Monday: 4 small grilled steaks (75 g each) of beef or ¼ boiled skinless chicken, a can of canned tuna in its own juice, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit
  • Tuesday: 200 gr boiled meat, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit, 1 apple or pear
  • Wednesday: 300 gr boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit
  • Thursday:½ boiled skinless chicken, 1 cucumber, 3 tomatoes, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit
  • Friday: 3 tomatoes, 10 lettuce leaves, 2 boiled eggs, 1 grapefruit
  • Saturday: 2 boiled chicken breasts, 1 toast, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 120 g cottage cheese, grapefruit, 1 glass of kefir
  • Sunday: 1 tin tuna in its own juice, 200 gr boiled vegetables, 2 cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon cottage cheese, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit

An egg diet for 4 weeks (which, in combination with grapefruits, is very reminiscent) requires strict adherence to recommendations and does not tolerate regime violations. The result of following this rather long and complex diet will be nice looking numbers on the scales. An egg diet for 4 weeks allows you to achieve a “dream weight” and it is only in your power to keep it at the desired level by monitoring nutrition and physical activity.
