Hawthorn is a genus of deciduous shrubs and small trees that belong to the Rosaceae family. The plant, whose age can reach 300 years, is widespread in Eurasia, mainly in the territory between 30 ° and 60 ° north latitude. An unpretentious shrub is found in light forests, on the edges and glades. Hawthorn is an excellent honey plant. The fruits (berries) of the plant, popularly known as "cock spur", "lady" and "glod", can be eaten. On the territory of our country there are 15 species.

Since ancient times, folk healers have given special meaning properties of Hawthorn. In Chinese medicine, berries began to be used as a remedy several thousand years ago. In Rus', from the flowers and fruits of a unique shrub, healers have also been brewing medicinal potions for the treatment of various ailments for a long time. During the reign of the great reformer Peter I medicinal properties The hawthorn was officially recognized, the plant was entered into a special register and began to be grown in the “apothecary gardens” established by the sovereign order.

In modern official medicine, blood-red hawthorn, Altai prickly, small-fruited, single-pistil and some other species are used, sometimes quite outwardly different from each other.

  • atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • nervous fatigue;
  • digestive disorders;
  • gastritis;
  • esophagitis;
  • liver pathologists;
  • some pathologies of the kidneys;
  • spasms of blood vessels;
  • spasms of smooth muscles;
  • angioedema;
  • hyperthyroidism (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland);
  • dyspnea;
  • cardiac edema;
  • rheumatism;
  • epilepsy;
  • headaches of vascular origin;
  • dizziness;
  • stagnation of bile;
  • frequent urination;
  • violations of the discharge of urine;
  • fever;
  • viral infections (herpetic lesions);
  • muscle pain (myalgia);
  • radiculitis;
  • sciatica;
  • lumbago;
  • ulcerative lesions of the digestive system (in particular, a stomach ulcer);
  • intoxication (with poisoning);
  • asthma;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • renal colic;
  • fungal skin diseases (dermatomycosis);
  • dropsy;
  • some hematological diseases (blood diseases);
  • insufficient production of breast milk;
  • elevated blood cholesterol levels (to prevent coronary disease heart and formation of atherosclerotic plaques).

Important:With increased pressure, preparations from flowers are more effective.

In case of poisoning, tea helps very well, which includes dried hawthorn berries, rose hips, tansy flowers, as well as the roots of elecampane and Baikal skullcap. A healing drink allows you to quickly remove toxic compounds from the body.

Some Popular Hawthorn Recipes

The recipe for an aqueous extract of hawthorn, recommended for neurosis and high blood pressure

For 4 parts of dried hawthorn berries, take 4 parts of motherwort herb and 1 part of chamomile flowers. 1 st. Pour a spoonful of the collection with 200 ml of boiling water and insist for 2 hours in a thermos or a container tightly wrapped in a towel, then cool and strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

Hawthorn fruit tea recipe for arrhythmia and angina pectoris

Pour 20-30 whole hawthorn berries and a handful of rose hips into a thermos. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, close tightly and leave overnight. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day one hour before meals.

Recipe for a tincture of hawthorn flowers, indicated for hypertension and angina pectoris

For 4 st. spoons of plant substrate take 40 ml of a 40% solution of ethyl alcohol or vodka. Leave the container in a dark place for 2-3 weeks, during which the tincture must be shaken periodically. Strain the finished product. Take 25-30 drops 1 hour before meals, diluted with water first.

Recipe for a healing infusion for prevention and therapy

In the evening, take 3 parts of dried Hawthorn flowers, and 4 parts each of St. John's wort and motherwort grass. 1 st. brew a spoonful of the collection with 200 ml of boiling water and insist all night (preferably in a thermos). Drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Recipe: "Male" infusion to improve potency

Take 1 part of dry Hawthorn flowers and peppermint herb, 2 parts of Veronica officinalis herb and 3 parts of highlander and fireweed (Ivan tea). Pour 1 tbsp. collection spoon of 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink a third of a glass before meals.

Contraindications to the use of Hawthorn

The list of contraindications for Hawthorn is small.

Phytopreparations based on it should not be taken if a person has:

  • individual intolerance;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure).

Side effects

Excessively long-term use of infusions and decoctions of Hawthorn in high doses can lead to a strong decrease in blood pressure and arrhythmia. Taking drugs on an empty stomach often causes vomiting, spasm of blood vessels and spasms of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract.

The use of hawthorn berries in very large quantities can cause symptoms of mild poisoning (headaches and dyspeptic disorders). Intestinal colic often appear if you drink the fruits of the plant with cold water.

Hawthorn during pregnancy and lactation

For women who are preparing to become mothers, Hawthorn is an excellent source of vitamins, trace elements and other beneficial substances that strengthen the body. It is not recommended to use alcohol tinctures during childbearing, since ethanol, even in small quantities, has a pronounced toxic effect on the fetus.

Walking through the forest in autumn, you can see hawthorn bushes strewn with blood-red berries. They have excellent taste and carry healing power. Since ancient times, people have been interested in the fruits of hawthorn: beneficial features and contraindications of these berries will be discussed in detail.

The ancient Greeks baked bread from dried and ground berries. Already at that time, people knew about the unique ability of hawthorn - to heal heart disease. In addition, the plant was attributed Magic force. Therefore, hawthorn thorns were strengthened at front door. Thus, evil spirits were scared away from the house.

The Buryats decorated the cradle of a baby with branches of a bush, believing that such a ritual would scare away the disease from the baby. The newlyweds weaved hawthorn wreaths on the altar of Hymen for a long and happy family life.

How are hawthorn fruits used today? Useful properties and contraindications excite modern man.

Unique composition

Over time, perhaps, the bush has lost its "magical" qualities, however, even today the healing fruits of hawthorn are highly valued. The healing properties of amazing berries have passed the test of time and have proven their effectiveness. It is not surprising, because the fruits of hawthorn, the photo of which is posted in the article, are a real storehouse of useful substances!

They are rich:

  • vitamins A, C, K, E;
  • fructose;
  • starch;
  • sorbitol;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • pectin;
  • choline;
  • tannins.

In addition, small berries contain almost all the elements from the periodic table. Among them are iron, zinc, calcium, molybdenum, magnesium.

The colossal value of this plant is hidden in the rather rare and necessary for health ursolic acid. Such a substance contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, the elimination of inflammation, fights tumors. is an excellent diuretic. In addition, it stimulates the production of collagen, which promotes skin rejuvenation.

Carefully studying the fruits of hawthorn, useful properties and contraindications, scientists came to the conclusion that small berries contribute to the removal of poisons, toxins, and toxins from the body. They are excellent antioxidants that help improve blood circulation, protect blood vessels from damage. Homeopaths call hawthorn fruits like this: "the medicine of the old heart." After all, unique red berries can cure heart pathologies when official medicine gives up.

Medicinal properties

Some people grow the bush for decorative purposes. However, the healing power inherent in nature in the fruits of hawthorn is much more important. The healing properties of small berries are truly endless.

They differ in the following effects on the body:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • vasodilating;
  • diuretic;
  • antitumor;
  • cardiostimulating;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • rejuvenating;
  • antioxidant;
  • choleretic.

If we consider how hawthorn fruits are useful, then first of all it should be said about their ability to treat heart disease. They restore the normal functioning of the body with bradycardia, tachycardia. Berries are useful for patients suffering from heart failure. Hawthorn fruits relieve chest pain if the latter is provoked by circulatory disorders.

Small berries contribute to the expansion of the lumen of blood vessels. As a result of this effect, the filling with oxygen improves and the flow is facilitated.

The use of hawthorn improves the blood supply to the heart. This effect causes an increase in myocardial contractility.

The benefits of berries for diseases

Despite the fact that official medicine is skeptical about folk recipes, the fruits of which were subjected to careful analysis) are recognized as an effective drug. The main confirmation of this is the well-known hawthorn tincture, which is sold in any pharmacy.

In addition, doctors evaluated the ability of berries to improve blood circulation, oxygenate the brain, heart, and blood vessels. Today they are widely used in neurology, cardiology, therapy. They are in demand even in pediatrics.

It is known that hawthorn fruits are used for such pathologies of the heart and blood vessels:

  • heart attack;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • angina;
  • various disorders in the vessels and heart, provoked by age;
  • after cardiac interventions;
  • with pain in the heart.

They are in demand to combat neurological diseases, such as:

  • migraine;
  • inflammation of the nerves;
  • headache;
  • nervous fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • stress;
  • hysterical states;
  • nervousness;
  • epilepsy;
  • sleep disturbance.

Use the fruits of hawthorn in dermatology. They are used to treat:

  • herpes virus (in complex therapy);
  • dermatitis;
  • allergies.

This remedy is widely demanded for the fight against many diseases. It is recommended to use hawthorn for the following pathologies:

  • reduced immunity;
  • colds, viral diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • colitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • puffiness;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • liver disease;
  • menopause;
  • hepatic colic, provoked by cholelithiasis or cholecystitis;
  • rheumatism.

In addition, hawthorn fruits stimulate the brain and improve memory.

Contraindications for admission

The main advantage of hawthorn is its harmlessness. The longer the patient takes it, the better his health becomes. However, not all so simple! Have hawthorn fruits contraindications. Consider them:

  1. Berries and any preparations containing hawthorn should not be consumed by children under 12 years of age. They are not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  2. Hawthorn fruits should be consumed in reasonable doses! The recommended norm is 150 grams of berries during the day. With uncontrolled intake, hawthorn can harm even a healthy person, dramatically lowering blood pressure. Unpleasant consequences from an overdose can manifest themselves in the form of nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and diarrhea.
  3. It is forbidden to use on an empty stomach tincture or decoction of hawthorn. This leads to vascular and intestinal spasms. Sometimes a person may experience abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting.
  4. Do not use hawthorn fruit in combination with cardiac antiarrhythmic drugs.
  5. Unripe fruits can cause mild poisoning in the body.
  6. It is categorically contraindicated to take hawthorn for people suffering from hypotension. The berry helps lower blood pressure. In patients, it can provoke a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Be sure to study, if you decide to use hawthorn fruits, the beneficial properties and contraindications of unique berries.

Effective tincture

So, we examined what the fruits of hawthorn are (useful properties and contraindications). Recipes that allow you to make your own tincture are quite diverse. In addition, it can always be purchased at any pharmacy.

Before moving on to the amazing recipes that have been preserved since ancient times, let's consider what effect the tincture has on the body. It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. A person's excitability decreases, irritability is eliminated. This action improves the performance vegetative system that innervates everything internal organs and blood vessels. The patient's heart function stabilizes.

In addition, hawthorn fruits will have a beneficial effect on almost all body systems.

cooking recipes

For the manufacture of tinctures, you can use fresh fruits or dry. Consider some of the most common recipes:

- Making tinctures from fresh fruits. You will need 1 cup of fresh hawthorn berries. Place them in your chosen container and mash using a wooden masher. The resulting composition should be filled with alcohol (70%). It will need 200 ml. Transfer the resulting infusion to a dark place. Here he must remain for three weeks. The tincture should be shaken daily. After 3 weeks, strain the resulting solution. The tincture is ready. It can be consumed.

- Tincture of dry fruits. In this case, stock up on dried berries in the amount of 100-150 g. Raw materials should be carefully sorted out. After that, it should be crushed or ground. Such an ingredient is poured with vodka or alcohol (1 liter). The solution must be left for 20 days in a cool dark place. After the specified time, the infusion is filtered. You should have a clear, yellowish-red liquid.

- Decoction of hawthorn. Such a recipe will be useful for people suffering from metabolic disorders, coronary insufficiency, and difficulty in the blood supply to the brain. Consider how to brew hawthorn fruits.

To make a decoction, you need 30 g of berries. They should be crushed first. Raw materials are steamed with one glass of boiled water. The remedy should be infused for half an hour. During the day, it is recommended to use a decoction of 1/2 cup 2-3 times. Greater efficiency will bring an infusion brewed in a thermos. Warm broth is much faster absorbed by the body.

- Making an ointment. This remedy is used for joint pain, thrombophlebitis. For its manufacture, you will need an alcohol tincture (50 ml). Mix the liquid with the contents of one tube of baby cream. The ointment will be uneven. It's not scary. But be sure to stir well before using.

This is enough effective remedy, which contains the healing power of such a component as hawthorn fruits. Instructions for use recommends applying the ointment to sore hands and feet immediately before bedtime. The product should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator.

How to use the tincture

How to use a unique tincture, the main component of which is hawthorn fruit? Instructions for using alcohol tincture are very simple.

Alcohol tincture will produce a beneficial effect under the following conditions:

  • heart failure - only in the initial stages;
  • cardioneurosis;
  • violation of blood circulation and heart rhythm (in complex therapy);
  • ischemic disease, accompanied by attacks of angina pectoris;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system (with hyperactivity of the thyroid gland);
  • insomnia;
  • influenza, pneumonia;
  • menopausal disorders, PMS;
  • an overdose of heart drugs (helps to maintain the functioning of the organ).

Treatment of hypertension

The fruits of hawthorn are extremely useful for pressure. When using tincture, the walls of blood vessels relax. Due to this, the increased pressure is reduced.

In addition, the patient's headaches decrease, tinnitus disappears, dizziness stops. Hawthorn fruit tincture normalizes the balance of cholesterol in the blood. An increase in the amount of lecithin is noted. As a result, patients significantly improve blood, as well as its coagulability index.

If the patient is diagnosed with the initial stage of hypertension, then it is enough to use only hawthorn tincture. For a more serious pathology, other drugs will be required, which the doctor will prescribe. But if you use hawthorn tincture in the late stage of hypertension, be sure to tell your doctor about it.

It should be remembered that an effective tincture enhances the effect of cardiac drugs on the body. In this case, the doctor will reduce the dosage of prescribed medications.

Antistress tea

For many centuries, hawthorn fruits have been used for nerves. Brewed tea helps to normalize digestion, remove toxins from the body, and improve metabolism. In addition, it has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, lowers blood pressure.

However, we should not forget that the fruits of hawthorn show all their useful qualities only as a result of long-term use. Don't count on instant results.

To make a wonderful anti-stress tea, you need to grind 1 tablespoon of dried berries. The resulting composition is poured with 1 cup of boiling water. This solution is infused until cool. This tea is recommended to be consumed three times a day for a couple of sips.

Hawthorn drink is an excellent medicine not only for strengthening nervous system. It is an excellent prophylactic against heart disease. People after 40 years of age, experiencing constant stress, smoking, malnutrition, drinking tea, get a chance to avoid a heart attack. And patients suffering from heart pathologies can significantly improve their health if they drink a healing drink in the fall and spring.

Application for women's health

Over time, all the fair sex is faced with unpleasant symptoms of menopause. This is an increase in pressure, headache, depression, weight gain and many other signs. However, one of the most unpleasant phenomena that characterize the change in hormonal levels are hot flashes.

To survive such a difficult period, it is recommended to use hawthorn fruits. From hot flashes, the following remedy will help. To make an infusion, you will need fruits and take 1.5 tablespoons of raw materials. Pour 3 cups of boiling water over them. The product must be infused for 3 hours. After the allotted time, strain the solution.

Use this infusion three times a day for ½ cup 30 minutes before meals.

Treatment of coronary disease

The benefits of hawthorn in this pathology are fully confirmed. The use of berries leads to a decrease in the number of angina attacks, improves fat metabolism. Hawthorn lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. As a result, plaques cease to be deposited in the vessels. In coronary disease, even an ECG shows a significant improvement in the functioning of the heart.

Of course, a favorable effect can be obtained only in the case of regular and long-term use. In this case, the dosage should be strictly observed and the use of the tincture should be combined with the prescribed drugs, in a healthy way life and proper nutrition.

Hawthorn for weight loss

A healing and affordable berry can not only improve the body. It helps to lose weight. In addition, hawthorn cares not only about thin waist but also improves the condition of the hair, complexion.

It is no wonder that with the help of hawthorn you can get such excellent results without much effort, because it helps to remove fat from the body. Numerous organic matter and flavonoids contribute to the removal of bile from the body, stimulate the functioning of the thyroid gland. Hawthorn is extremely useful for people suffering from obesity.

If you decide to use fruits to lose weight, then you can take them in any form. The most popular options are teas, decoctions. It is recommended to add berries to baking.

However, if you are correcting your figure with hawthorn, do not expect results in a couple of weeks. To get rid of excess weight accumulated over the years, the berry itself cannot. But, combining its use with physical activity, diet, you can achieve results.

Patient opinions

It has long been appreciated by modern consumers (who buy tincture in a pharmacy or make it on their own using hawthorn fruits) useful properties and contraindications. Reviews are unanimous: the amazing berry really helps!

Some patients testify that regular intake of tincture allows them to not resort to drug therapy in old age. Such people do not experience problems with pressure, heart, sleep well at night.

Favorable effects were noted by women experiencing menopause. Tune in to a long course of therapy, they notice that the improvement of well-being occurs after two weeks.

Many people use an amazing berry as a sedative, vitamin, immunity-strengthening remedy. And in winter, a tincture of fruits allows them to cope with colds much faster. It should be emphasized that this drink very quickly and effectively calms the nervous system. Patients themselves notice that hawthorn tincture is an excellent remedy.

For people suffering from insomnia for a long time, the berry allowed not only to normalize sleep, but also saved them from old ailments.

Patients with problems with oily skin, who have tried many different means, came to the conclusion that rubbing the face with hawthorn tincture gives an excellent result.

Here it is, a small blood-red berry, carrying a magical healing power!


hawthorn - very useful plant, where the root, leaves, and berries have healing qualities. But you need to take tinctures carefully so as not to harm the body during treatment.

Until now, scientists do not know the exact chemical composition hawthorn, which determines its beneficial properties. They believe that plant polyphenols and flavonoids give the healing effect of berries and leaves: they not only make hawthorn berries red, but are also able to: neutralize free radicals, eliminate fragility of vessel walls.

There are hawthorn and others useful elements: quercitrin, hyperoside, vitexin. Quercitrin maintains the elasticity of the skin and reduces capillary permeability - this element helps with cerebrovascular accidents and cardiovascular diseases. Taking hyperoside leads to an increase in glucose utilization, enriches the heart with oxygen and potassium ions. Vitexin helps blood vessels, strengthening them and accelerating metabolic processes.

Hawthorn in cardiovascular diseases

Flowers and fruits of hawthorn contain many useful substances, especially acids are released:

  • ursolic - characterized by wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • oleanolic - increases blood circulation in the heart;
  • chlorogenic is useful for the liver, kidneys, has a choleretic effect;
  • caffeine is famous for its antibacterial properties.

Red hawthorn is very useful, berries and leaves contain a lot of carotene, vitamin A, C, E and K. So, some varieties contain more carotene than carrots or. The plant contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper.

Hawthorn has been related to medicinal plants used for the treatment and prevention of a wide variety of diseases. In addition to the vitamins and minerals listed above, hawthorn fruits are famous for their great nutritional value- the presence of acids and sufficient sugar content, the basis of which is fructose, allows people with diabetes to consume hawthorn.

Hawthorn fruit for people with diabetes

In any pharmacy, hawthorn tincture is found - the beneficial properties of tincture of red fruits and 70% alcohol allow it to be used to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, with atherosclerosis, tachycardia. If you suffer from high blood pressure, hawthorn tincture will help normalize it. In addition, you can take tincture during menopause. If necessary, the tincture can be prepared independently - both berries and flowers of the plant will do.

If you decide to use, you need to take 25 g of dry or fresh berries and pour them with 100 ml of alcohol. Tincture is taken a day after infusion - 40-60 drops three times a day. If you want to use flowers, take two parts of alcohol for one part of the flowers, taking 40 drops three times a day. The resulting liquid should be infused for at least two weeks. The tincture can be made on the basis of vodka. In this case, mix a spoonful of berries or dried flowers with 200 ml of water, pour into a jar and close, leaving to settle for a day.

The main benefit of this plant is a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. By the way, during the Second World War, hawthorn was widely used instead of medicines, which were in short supply, for heart diseases. It is also often prescribed to people who have experienced a serious illness. Properly cooked flowers or berries will also help with diseases such as:

  • hypertension;
  • angioedema;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • tachycardia;
  • arrhythmia.

The use of hawthorn berries will increase the blood circulation of the cerebral vessels, while the plant "acts" selectively. These healing properties allow the plant to be used in a targeted manner, supplying oxygen to the neurons of the brain. In addition, the plant relieves pain, improving the general condition. The use of hawthorn leaves or flowers, the beneficial properties of which you already know, is recommended in traditional medicine with edema, the appearance of which is caused by poor functioning of the cardiovascular system, during epilepsy and rheumatism.

Berries with healing properties

Also, the beneficial properties of hawthorn help with nervous diseases accompanied by painful sensations - the sedative effect of the fruits of this plant has been experimentally proven.

Due to the antispasmodic properties of hawthorn berries, it is prescribed for headaches, pain in the shoulders, lower back, blood diseases and dropsy. The medicinal properties of the plant allow it to be used for intestinal disorders, diseases of the gallbladder, liver, renal colic, frequent urination, or with a small amount of urine. If you are sick with ARVI or suffer from herpes, the tincture can be used as an additional remedy.

IN different countries Berries are used in the treatment of various diseases. Yes, in Western Europe this plant is often prescribed for sore throat, dysentery, urolithiasis. In Belarus, it is prescribed for diseases of the esophagus, asthma, stomach ulcers. In Siberia, he found use in various gynecological diseases.

Thanks to such diverse useful qualities and a small price of tincture, hawthorn is very popular. But can it be used by pregnant women? This issue is very relevant, since the use of many medicines during this period is simply prohibited.

hawthorn tincture

Hawthorn berries during pregnancy are best taken as a soothing tea in a small concentration. In this case, the medicinal properties of hawthorn will have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, help solve the problem of insomnia, without having a negative effect. There is one more healthy recipe future mothers:

  • concentrated tincture of hawthorn - 1 tablespoon;
  • kefir (ryazhenka) - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - half a teaspoon;
  • banana.

Just mix all the ingredients and take throughout the day. But remember that frequent intake of fruits due to the large amount of vitamin C in their composition can lead to premature birth, increasing the tone of the uterus.

Despite the mass positive qualities, red hawthorn has contraindications that must be considered. So, if your work requires a quick reaction, then drinks and infusions based on hawthorn should not be used - they inhibit the reaction, can lead to drowsiness .

health drink

It is also undesirable to use such drugs for nursing mothers - there have been many cases when taking hawthorn led to a significant decrease in breast milk. Another contraindication is the post-stroke condition of a sick person, serious kidney problems, and cardiac disorders. In such cases, consult a doctor - only an experienced physician, after conducting all the tests, will be able to prescribe the dosage that is suitable for you. Hawthorn is not recommended for children either - exceeding the norm of a decoction or tincture will lead to increased drowsiness.

But at a normal dosage, there are practically no contraindications. The main thing is not to abuse it - as doctors have established, hawthorn berry jam, the beneficial properties of which allow you to treat many sores, replaces taking 20-30 drops of any other strong heart remedy. The main danger of hawthorn is that it acts rather slowly - a negative effect can appear only a couple of days after the start of the intake.

Red fruits need to be brewed in different ways, only in this case the beneficial properties of hawthorn will be fully revealed. If you need to take hawthorn for arrhythmia or high cholesterol, you need to:

  • wash the fruits and chop;
  • pour a tablespoon into a cooking container;
  • pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • withstand the mass on fire so that it decreases by 2 times;
  • take three times a day before meals.

If you suffer from chronic hypertension, the recipe is as follows:

  • pour a tablespoon of dried fruits with 200 ml of boiling water;
  • leave the mass in the oven for two hours;
  • strain carefully;
  • drink a spoonful three times a day.

Preparing a drink for chronic hypertension

With nervous stress and overstrain, you need to use the following recipe:

  • pour a spoonful of dry berries with 200 ml of boiling water;
  • brew the infusion for 3 hours;
  • Take two tablespoons every day before meals.

Can be cooked and healing tea in which all appear medicinal properties flowers and leaves of hawthorn. To increase efficiency, add chamomile or motherwort to hawthorn - this combination of medicinal herbs will allow you to quickly restore the body after experiences, reduce pain in the heart, often resulting from severe nervous disorders.

Hawthorn jam is also useful as a tincture or decoction. The only caveat is that the berries of this plant have a slightly mealy taste, so pure jam will not be the most delicious - it should be diluted with lemon or cranberries. To make jam, wash the berries, remove the seeds and stalks.

hawthorn jam

Lemon jam:

  • cook sugar syrup (for 1 kg of sugar you need to take 200 ml of water), constantly stirring it;
  • pour hawthorn berries into the boiling mass;
  • add lemon juice at the rate of one fruit per 1 kg of berries;
  • cook for 5-7 minutes and roll into jars.

You can make jam with the addition of cranberries - it will be very useful during SARS and flu, with hypertension, insomnia, while cleansing the body of toxins in case of poisoning.

The recipe is the following:

  • take 1 kg of hawthorn and 0.5 kg of cranberries;
  • cook sugar syrup (per kilogram of sugar - a glass of water);
  • we fall asleep fruits, boil for 5 minutes and roll up the jam.

Now you are familiar with what hawthorn is, and what useful properties and contraindications berries and leaves have, how to make jam or tinctures. But remember: “In a drop is a medicine, and in a spoon is a poison”, consult your doctor before taking any healing tinctures.

Hawthorn is a tall, deciduous shrub that grows on slopes and in sunny forested areas around the world. Depending on taxonomic interpretation, from 200 to 1000 species of hawthorn are recognized (including blood red hawthorn, plum hawthorn, Daurian hawthorn, common hawthorn, etc.)

Hawthorn is the oldest known medicinal plant in European medicine. Its benefits to the heart were first described by Dioscorides in the first century AD.

Hawthorn tincture has historically been made from the flowers, leaves, and fruits of the plant. However, most data on the medicinal effect of hawthorn on the heart is based on the evaluation of the beneficial properties of dried flowers (in particular, hawthorn or common hawthorn).
Dried hawthorn fruit is traditionally used in Chinese medicine for digestive disorders. In addition, jams, jellies, sweets, or wines are made from them.

Hawthorn single, common hawthorn and many other species of this plant can be grown on your site. This plant loves the sun, so planting it in a shady area will result in a not too abundant harvest. It is planted in autumn or spring. For planting, it is better to choose drained soils rich in lime.

Hawthorn care is very simple:

  • Before flowering, fertilize it with slurry diluted in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Care for moisture-loving varieties (watering) is carried out once a month, in dry times - twice a month.
  • Caring for varieties that are "accustomed" to drought is even easier. They don't need watering at all.

Various types of hawthorn have been used in traditional medicine recipes for hundreds of years to treat ailments such as dysentery, ulcers, boils, and heart problems ranging from irregular heartbeats and high blood pressure to heart failure and angina pectoris.

Nowadays hawthorn leaves and flowers are also used in medicinal purposes, and there are a number of studies showing that this herb, along with valerian and motherwort, may be beneficial in the treatment of mild to moderate heart failure.

The beneficial properties of hawthorn are due to the presence of antioxidants in it, including oligomeric procyanides and quercetin. Antioxidants are useful substances that rid the body of free radicals (compounds that damage cell membranes and even contribute to cell death). Free radicals in the body become more and more as we age.

Environmental toxins, including:

  • ultraviolet light;
  • radiation;
  • smoking;
  • some medicines;
  • air pollution

All of these substances can increase the amount of these harmful particles in our body. Free radicals are believed to contribute to the aging process, as well as to the development of a number of health problems, including cancer and heart disease.

In addition, hawthorn fruits contain such useful substances as

  • ascorbic acid;
  • carotene;
  • pectins;
  • fructose;
  • starch;
  • tannins.

Hawthorn leaves "store" organic acids, essential oil and phytoncides, and flowers - acids, saponins, flavonoids and essential oils.

The benefits of hawthorn for the heart

  1. Hawthorn has been used in various studies involving people suffering from heart failure (a condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to other organs). The subjects reported that hawthorn helped to significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease (such as shortness of breath and fatigue). One study found that using hawthorn tincture (900 mg daily) for 2 months was as effective as low doses of captopril (a heart drug) in "relieving" the symptoms of heart failure.
  2. A large study involving 952 subjects and 217 therapists found that a standardized hawthorn supplement was effective in 588 patients with heart failure. The study compared traditional methods of treating heart failure (using different drugs) together and separately with preparations containing hawthorn. After 2 years of taking hawthorn, the subjects had reduced clinical symptoms of heart failure (rapid heart rate, breathing problems, and fatigue). People taking hawthorn tincture also had to take less medication to treat the diseased condition.
  3. Heart failure is a disease that causes serious harm to health, and you should not try to treat it yourself with hawthorn. First, check with your doctor if hawthorn is good for you.
  4. Hawthorn may also benefit people suffering from angina, which is caused by poor blood flow to the heart. In one study, 60 people with angina pectoris were divided into three groups. The first group was given hawthorn berries (180 mg per day), the second was given a formulation with extracts of hawthorn leaves and flowers, and the third was given a placebo. The study was conducted for 3 weeks. Those who consumed hawthorn had better blood flow to the heart. In addition, they did not suffer from chest pain for longer periods of time. However, further research is needed to say for sure whether hawthorn is beneficial for angina pectoris.
  5. Although the beneficial properties of hawthorn have not been studied in patients with high blood pressure, some people believe that a tincture from this plant will benefit them in their hypertension. However, until now there have not been numerous studies that could prove the benefit of hawthorn for lowering blood pressure.
  6. One study, lasting 16 weeks, found beneficial medicinal properties of hawthorn extract for people suffering from hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Some of the participants in the experiment took 1200 mg of hawthorn extract per day, others were given a placebo. Those who took hawthorn had lower blood pressure than those in the second group.

Even if you are completely convinced of the benefits of hawthorn, talk to a cardiologist before using any recipes with hawthorn, motherwort and other plants that are used in traditional medicine.

How to brew hawthorn for pain in the heart


  • motherwort grass;
  • hop inflorescences;
  • chandra grass.

Mix in a ratio of 6:4:3:3 (motherwort, hawthorn, hops, shandra). Pour two teaspoons of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for an hour. Drink the infusion in small sips throughout the day.

Hawthorn: contraindications and possible side effects

Hawthorn should not be given to children under 18 years of age.

Side effects of hawthorn are rare, but may include:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • strong heartbeat.

An adult can, without harm to health, take a composition containing from 160 - 1800 mg of hawthorn per day. The duration of treatment should be from 3 to 24 weeks.

Although the medicinal properties of hawthorn are well established in traditional and folk medicine, you should not use it as the only remedy and without the approval of a doctor.

Hawthorn is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

It is important to note any changes in condition while taking hawthorn. People who feel frequent angina attacks or feel very tired while walking or exercising should stop using hawthorn and seek immediate medical attention. Even if you don't experience these symptoms, visit your doctor if you haven't noticed hawthorn benefiting your health after 6 weeks of treatment.

Hypotension is another contraindication for taking drugs that contain hawthorn. People with reduced blood pressure the plant can cause harm, as it will reduce the pressure even more.

Hawthorn products can cause drowsiness and distraction. For this reason, they are contraindicated for people who drive a vehicle.

Side effects of an overdose may include:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • cardiopalmus.

Contraindications of hawthorn include its joint use with preparations based on nitrates. They increase blood flow to the heart and, when combined with hawthorn, can increase the likelihood of dizziness.

Hawthorn tincture: instructions for use

Hawthorn tincture can be prepared independently from the collected flowers. For this recipe you will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of dried hawthorn flowers;
  • 200 grams of medical ethyl alcohol;
  • dark bottle;
  • 100 grams of distilled water.

Mix alcohol with water. Pour the resulting liquid into a bottle and add hawthorn flowers there. Cork the bottle and put it in a dark place for 10 days. Use the tincture as needed. For example, to calm the nerves during stress (hawthorn works no worse than valerian or motherwort) or eliminate pain in the heart.

How to take hawthorn tincture? It will benefit by taking 20 drops in half a glass of water three times a day. It is advisable to drink this composition half an hour before meals, then its medicinal properties will be fully manifested.

In pharmacies, hawthorn is available in loose and standardized capsules, as well as tinctures and extracts.

Good day, dear readers!

In today's article, we will consider with you such a wonderful thing as hawthorn, as well as its medicinal and other useful properties, use, contraindications, composition and treatment of hawthorn. So…

Hawthorn (lat. Crataegus)- a genus of deciduous, rarely semi-evergreen small trees or tall shrubs, belongs to the Rosaceae family.

The healing properties of hawthorn were used by residents Ancient China and Asia. Hawthorn was taken to eliminate loose stools, and later they noticed its property to have a therapeutic effect on the cardiovascular system.

Other names: Glod, lady-tree.

Hawthorn begins to bear fruit after about 15 years, and lives for more than 300 years. There are cases when the height of the plant reached 6 m. It grows slowly, but resistant to drought and frost. Blossoms in May-June, fruits ripen in August-September.

According to various data, the genus to which the hawthorn belongs includes from 200 to 1000 species, the most famous of which is the blood-red hawthorn, which is most often used for medicinal purposes.

For harvesting flowers, you need to choose dry sunny weather in late spring or early summer. Dry them in the shade.

Mature hawthorn fruits are harvested in autumn, when the foliage crumbles and the fruits are perfectly visible on bare branches. After collection, they should be scattered on tin trays in a thin layer and put in a hot, but not hot oven. Stir from time to time, then remove the burnt ones, and pour the dried ones into a cloth bag or plywood box. Properly dried raw materials can be stored for up to 8 years without losing their medicinal properties.

Chemical composition of hawthorn

The medicinal properties of hawthorn are due to its rich composition.

The hawthorn contains:

  • vitamins,;
  • fructose;
  • sorbitol;
  • essential oils;
  • starch;
  • phytosterol;
  • pectin;
  • organic acids (ursolic, oleanic and chlorogenic);
  • saponins;
  • : , manganese, and .

Hawthorn is very useful for diabetes, because. it can normalize blood sugar levels.

Also, this plant is widely used in cosmetology - masks, in which it is included, make the skin more elastic, rejuvenate and improve the functioning of blood vessels.

Hawthorn - medicinal properties

The use of hawthorn is advisable for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • in neurology - epilepsy;
  • in gastroenterology -, and;
  • in cardiology -, angioedema, transferred;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • , chronic fatigue;
  • swelling;
  • violations , ;
  • to raise immunity;
  • for prevention,;
  • For .

Hawthorn has the following beneficial properties:

  • antispasmodic;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • vasodilating;
  • cardiostimulating;
  • antitumor;
  • sedative;
  • choleretic;
  • normalizes the heart rhythm;
  • tones the heart muscle;
  • ensures sufficient supply of oxygen;
  • relieves excitability and fatigue of the heart;
  • normalizes blood clotting;
  • regulates cholesterol levels.

Hawthorn - contraindications for admission and harm

The benefits and medicinal properties of hawthorn are numerous, but, unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with.

Contraindications to taking hawthorn:

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy and lactation;

Hawthorn overdose

Before taking hawthorn, you should consult your doctor. Also, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor and measure in use. medicinal plant for treatment.

Symptoms of an overdose of hawthorn:

  • violation of the heart rhythm (which is very dangerous for people with heart disease).

Important! With signs of an overdose, you should immediately stop using hawthorn and consult a doctor!

Hawthorn flower tea. Take equal proportions of large-leaf black tea and dried hawthorn flowers, mix. The resulting mixture, take 2 tbsp. spoons, pour into a teapot, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cover. After 3-5 minutes, the tea leaves are ready, you can add and to tea to taste.

Hawthorn fruit tea. 3 art. spoons of hawthorn fruit pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave to brew in a thermos for 30-40 minutes.

Decoction of hawthorn. 2 tbsp. spoons of hawthorn fruit pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in an enameled container. Hold on low heat for 5-7 minutes, turn off, cover and leave for 5 minutes.

Infusion of hawthorn flowers. Brew in a thermos 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried hawthorn flowers 1 cup boiling water. After 2 hours, strain, drink 3-4 times a day before meals, ¼ cup.

Infusion of hawthorn fruit. 1 st. pour a spoonful of hawthorn fruit with boiling water in a thermos and leave for 2 hours. Take 3 tbsp. spoon before meals 3-4 times a day.

Alcohol tincture of hawthorn. Such a tincture can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can cook at home. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried flowers or hawthorn fruits and pour 1 glass of good quality vodka. Keep for 1 week in a glass and closed vessel (jar, bottle) in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth. Take 20 to 25 drops, slightly diluted with water, 3-4 times daily before meals.

Hawthorn jam. Such jam can be eaten only for medicinal purposes, and not instead of goodies, control the amount eaten so as not to harm the body. Wash the ripe hawthorn berries well and peel the stalks, remove the seeds (put on rubber gloves on your hands, because the hawthorn will stain the skin). For 2 parts hawthorn berries, take 1 part sugar. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and leave for 30 minutes. Put the candied berries on the smallest fire until boiling, when it boils, add heat to medium and cook for another 5 minutes, removing the foam. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and leave to cool. After 8-12 hours, put the jam on a small fire again and after boiling for 5 minutes, boil over medium heat. Leave to cool again. Then, after 8-12 hours, repeat the same steps and pour the hot jam into sterile jars and close the lid. Store jam in a cool place. This jam can be eaten at 0.5 tbsp. spoons 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals or one hour after meals.

Bath with hawthorn. Mix hawthorn leaves and grass in equal proportions. 6 art. spoons of the mixture, steam with 10 cups of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Leave to brew for a couple of hours, strain and add to the bathroom with water. Such a tonic bath will relieve fatigue after a busy day and bring the body into tone.

Hawthorn treatment - recipes

Vitamin infusion. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of hawthorn and wild rose, rinse and pour into a thermos. Pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Strain, drink instead of tea throughout the day in small doses between meals. You can add honey to taste.

Hypertension. 1 st. pour a spoonful of hawthorn flowers with a glass of boiling water and leave overnight in a sealed container. Take 1 glass an hour before meals for a month.

Mix 3 parts of hawthorn flowers and add 2 parts of chokeberry fruits and 1 part of sweet clover. Brew 1 tbsp. spoon collection in a glass of boiling water in a thermos and leave overnight. Take 1/3 cup one hour before meals.

Phlebeurysm. Take 1 part hawthorn berries, flowers, oregano and kidney tea, 2 parts each and motherwort. At night, brew 1 tbsp. collection spoon with a glass of boiling water. Take 0.5 cup one hour before meals.

Atherosclerosis. 1 st. Pour a spoonful of fruit with a glass of boiling water in a thermos. Let stand 2 hours. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons an hour before meals.

Prevention of coronary artery disease, stroke. Mix 2 parts hawthorn fruit and 1 part chokeberry fruit and carrot seeds. Brew 3 tbsp. tablespoons of the mixture 1 liter of boiling water, leave to brew for 3 hours. Take 0.5 cup 6 times a day.

1 st. a spoonful of crushed hawthorn fruits, pour 0.5 liters of water and simmer for 30 minutes, adding 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Take 1 tbsp. spoon an hour before meals and at night. Store in refrigerator.

Poor sleep, insomnia. Brew 1 tbsp. a spoonful of hawthorn fruit with a glass of boiling water in a thermos. Leave for 1 hour. Take 3 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day an hour before meals.

Heart failure. 1 cup fresh or freshly frozen hawthorn fruits, wash, chop and add 1/3-¼ cup of water, heat to 30-40 degrees and squeeze the juice. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 2-3 weeks.

And . Mix 1 part of hawthorn flowers and peppermint, 2 parts of Veronica officinalis, 3 parts of willowherb flowers and knotweed. 1 st. brew a spoonful of collection with a glass of boiling water, leave to brew for 20-30 minutes. Take 1/3 cup one hour before meals.

Headache. For headaches, take an infusion of hawthorn fruit or hawthorn in combination with willow tea, mixed in equal parts. Brew 1 teaspoon of hawthorn or mixture with a glass of boiling water (you can add a pinch of peppermint). Drink 0.5 cup before bed.

Peace, health and goodness to you, dear readers!
