Problems of development of the sanatorium-resort and tourist-recreational complex of the Caucasian mineral waters

Nagoev Alim Beslanovich

Doctor of Economic Sciences

Kabardino-Balkarian State University them. HM. Berbekova

A. Nagoev@ yandex .en


The reform of the Russian economy has led to the emergence of negative trends in the functioning of health resort organizations. The nationwide system for the implementation of sanatorium and health services has ceased to exist. The sanatorium-and-spa institutions were faced with the task of adapting to the conditions of market relations. The absence of regulatory and legislative acts contributed to the development of a spontaneous process of privatization and corporatization of sanatoriums, which destroyed the functioning system and reduced funding for the sanatorium-resort complex, and posed a number of problems for them, without solving which their effective functioning is impossible.

Keywords: recreation, tourism, recreational complex, tourism infrastructure

Problems of development of a sanatorium and tourist complex of the Caucasian mineral waters

The abstract

Reforming of the Russian economy has led to the emergence of negative tendencies of functioning of the sanatorium-improving organizations. Has stopped existence nation-wide system of realization of sanatorno-improving services. Before resort establishments there was a problem on adaptation to conditions of market relations. Absence of acts promoted development of spontaneous process of privatization that has destroyed the system of functioning and decrease in financing of a resort complex, and has put before them a number of problems without which decision their effective functioning is impossible.

Keywords: a recreation, tourism, a recreational complex, tourism infrastructure

It is well known that the tourism and recreation industry, being one of the most dynamic sectors of the world economy, has a stimulating effect on the development of key industries (transport and communications, construction, agriculture, production of consumer goods), which is estimated by a significant multiplier effect, which acts as a catalyst for social economic development, directly and indirectly contributes to improving the quality of life of the population.

The modern development of the world community, associated with innovative transformations in the organization of work and leisure, has led to a new understanding of not only the structure, but, first of all, the social significance of recreational tourism, its role in the reproduction of human potential.

Tourism, including recreational tourism, is one of the most profitable and intensively developing sectors of the world economy. By the beginning of the third millennium, international tourism accounted for 8% of total world exports and 30-35% of world trade in services. The total expenditure on domestic and international tourism is 12% of the world national product. For example, in 2003, according to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), European countries received a total of 476.0 billion US dollars from tourism (57% of world income from the tourism industry). According to the same data, the return on funds invested in the development of tourism is 1:4.8, i.e., one ruble gives an income of 4.8 rubles, which makes tourism a profitable industry.

Previously, the state implemented a unified policy for the development of the sanatorium and resort complex, which was designed for the mass consumer, while mass character was achieved by a well-established financing system. Financing of the development of the sanatorium-resort complex was carried out both at the expense of the state budget and at the expense of enterprise funds and other non-centralized sources.

In recent decades, the reform of the Russian economy has led to a change in the organizational and legal forms of ownership of sanatorium and health organizations. The nationwide system for the implementation of sanatorium and health services has ceased to exist. Before the sanatorium-resort institutions stood not an easy task to adapt to the conditions of market relations, many institutions of the industry turned out to be unprepared for the coming transformations. The absence of fundamental state regulatory and legislative acts contributed to the development of a spontaneous process of privatization and corporatization of sanatoriums, which destroyed the functioning system and reduced funding for the sanatorium complex.

The need to improve the efficiency of the recreational sector, taking into account socio-political and social trends, becomes a task of national importance in the new conditions. The significance of recreational activities at the level of an individual, group and society as a whole is formulated in many program documents of the state level. Being one of the most important branches of the social sphere, recreation is, in essence, a socio-cultural tool in the implementation of state policy.

However, today the tourist and recreational sphere in our country is ineffective: the infrastructure is worn out and is being slowly reconstructed, the conditions for the development of the health resort services market are poorly developed in the regions, monopolism and outdated management methods prevail, as a result - the high price of vouchers with low service.

Therefore, the first problem and direction of development of the tourist and recreational sphere in the regions is to ensure the availability of recreational services for the population. The second is the development of tourism, increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of tourist and recreational complexes in the regions. Work in these areas includes the creation of a modern tourism industry and the development of its infrastructure. It is necessary to develop a systematic methodology that supports the functions and processes of managing the development of regional tourist and recreational complexes, starting from goal setting, collecting and analyzing information, forecasting and planning the macro environment, ending with the development of control actions and regulatory procedures.

To date, due to the historically established long-term anthropogenic pressure on natural healing resources, serious problems have been formed in the region. ecological problems. Also in Soviet period as a result of contamination of groundwater with waste products, in some areas of the deposits, there were facts of contamination of mineral waters formed near the daylight surface. Some of the springs were closed for sanitary and hygienic reasons. There are facts of violation of the environmental regime on the territory of the zones of the mountain and sanitary protection of the resort, mostly associated with a high density of residence, including in specially protected natural areas (water protection zones, zones of formation of mineral waters).

Problems of the sanatorium-resort complex. There is a significant lag in the resorts of the CMS in terms of the level of development of the resort and tourist infrastructure. At the same time, we are talking not only about the material and technical base (infrastructure itself), but also about the degree to which this infrastructure satisfies the cultural and leisure needs of vacationers. In particular, the material and technical base of many institutions of the complex is morally and physically obsolete, the insufficient level of infrastructure development in many resorts, the low level of patient care in a number of health resorts, there is a self-capture of areas of resorts and resort areas for private construction and misuse of resort lands, weakening control due to the use of natural healing resources leads to the irrational use of the most valuable deposits of mineral waters and therapeutic mud, from the standpoint of modernity, the relevance of developing new technologies and methods of sanatorium treatment and rehabilitation of patients with different periods of stay at the resort, programs for assessing their effectiveness and quality, has significantly decreased carrying out research and production work in the field of exploration and use of natural medicinal resources, development and implementation of modern technological equipment.

The region has a large share of the shadow economy, which hinders the growth of tax revenues. Large corporations are pursuing a transfer pricing strategy to "withdraw" profits from the region and minimize tax payments paid to the regional and municipal budgets. The infrastructure of both production and financial markets is slowly developing. Its imperfection sets a high level of transaction costs in the economy, hinders the coherence and effectiveness of the interaction of individual parts of the market mechanism. Not enough attractive objects for investment - enterprises with high growth potential, whose owners are interested in attracting investors; low activity of strategic investors due to insufficient awareness of the region's investment opportunities; limited access to credit resources and other long-term financing instruments.

One of the problems in the social sphere, including demography, is characterized by the fact that over the past 15 years, about 200 thousand people have moved to the CMS region. The influx of migrants exacerbates social problems: poverty, employment, housing and social infrastructure, on the basis of which xenophobia is formed and grows, especially against Caucasian peoples. The system of social protection of the population of the CMS region is experiencing serious problems with the performance of its functions due to insufficient funding, poor equipment with office equipment, computers, software, lack of qualified personnel, the absence of stationary social service institutions in a number of settlements.

Problems related to territorial development and, in particular, transport and engineering infrastructure need to be addressed. There is no territorial planning scheme for the CMS region, which is necessary to ensure the integral development of the territory of a specially protected ecological resort region Russian Federation, rational use land resources, transport and engineering support, improvement, determination of the main directions of urban planning policy. The administrative isolation of the cities of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody contradicts the actual ecological and urban development situation.

As for the transport and engineering infrastructure, at the moment the airport "Mineralnye Vody" does not meet all-European standards. For more than 30% of its length, the parameters of federal roads do not correspond to the achieved level of traffic intensity. The situation is similar with regional and municipal roads. For a long time there has been no construction of new railways at the entrances to the CMS region to connect with the most developed regions and centers of the European part of Russia, with the resorts of the Black Sea coast Krasnodar Territory and with the largest urban centers of the Caspian Sea coast

Thus, in general, there is a positive trend in the growth of the number of recreants, both in the country as a whole and, in the region, improving the use of the bed fund. At the same time, the studied regions are characterized by specific features of the development of the regional recreational complex. Firms, for example, engaged in the operation of recreational structures in the Elbrus region, Dombai, Teberda and Arkhyz, are very weak both financially and organizationally, unable to invest on a large scale or provide an appropriate level of service.

In the regions, there is a high proportion of the turnover of recreational services uncontrolled by state bodies.

When considering the legal framework and priorities of state regulation, it turns out that: there are no level priorities (at the federal, regional and municipal levels); the priority of sectors is not declared; there are no priority criteria; time ranges of priority are not specified; personnel, financial and information support is not allocated; responsibility and deadlines for the release of regulatory and legal documents that disclose priority have not been determined; no supervisory authority has been defined for priority areas.

There are factors hindering the increase in the income of the sanatorium-tourist complex of the regions of the South of Russia, which include: insufficient state support for recreation as a sphere of the economy; imperfection of the system of accounting and statistical reporting; economic instability; the criminogenic situation and the imperfect system of security, protection of the person and property; a decrease in the standard of living of the population, the destruction of the previously existing system for the sale of vouchers through trade unions and social insurance funds; insufficient coverage of the recreational opportunities of the regions in Russian funds mass media.

The recreational sphere can activate the development of the studied regional economies. At the same time, one should not forget about the anthropogenic pressures on the biosphere caused by the development of this, perhaps relatively environmentally friendly, but not environmentally harmless industry. There are norms of anthropogenic load for various biogeocenoses in various zones of the country. However, in reality, they are little followed, as a result of which recreational services negatively affect the ecological state of the natural complexes of the regions. On the other hand, the development of the recreational business will contribute to the growth of incomes and provide significant employment for the population of these regions.

Bibliographic list

1. About tourism in Russia. Regions of Russia. North Caucasus - Access mode: 03.09.2011

2. Poiseev I.I. Sustainable development of the North. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publishing House, Siberian Publishing Company RAS, 1999, pp. 47-53.

The bibliographic

1. About tourism in Russia. Regions of Russia. The North Caucasus – an access Mode: 03.09.2011

2. Poiseev I.I. sustainable development of the North. Novosibirsk, "Science", the Siberian book-publishing firm of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1999. p . 47-53.

Eastern European University of Economics and Management

course work

On the topic of:
"Investment activity in the resort and recreational sphere in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea"

by subject
"Economics in the industry"

                  Completed by a student
                  ZFMG-61 groups
                  Aldushina E.V.
Feodosia, 2010

Content Page
Introduction………………………………………………………… ……… 3
Section 1. Recreational resources of Crimea………...
      Characteristics of the region…………………………………..
1.2. Analysis of recreational and tourism potential ……
    CONCLUSIONS to Section 1……………………………………….
    Section 2. Analysis of the organizational and economic characteristics and investment attractiveness of the recreational and tourist potential of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea……………………………………………………………..
    2.1. Investment attractiveness of the recreational complex………………………………………………………… …
2.2. Analysis of recreation and tourism potential ………
    CONCLUSIONS to section 2………………………………………….
Section 3. Investment activity in the resort and recreational sphere in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea……………..

3.1 Investment activities in recreational areas..

3.2. Positive experience of attracting investments………….
    3.3. Investment projects of republican significance….
    CONCLUSIONS to section 3……………………………………….


Conclusions….………………………………………………………… ……


Bibliography…………………………………………………… ...





The development of a recreational complex in the ARC requires the attraction of investment resources, the justification of investment projects, the development of ways to attract investors, i.e. the formation of the investment attractiveness of the region is the most important for the region, which determines the relevance of this study.
An analysis of recent publications indicates that a number of works are devoted to the study of recreational potential on the example of the Crimean foothills, the assessment of recreational resources. However, the problems of effective use of recreational resources in the complex have not been studied enough and require the most complete consideration, which determines the relevance of the topic.
The purpose of this work is to characterize the investment attractiveness of the Crimean peninsula for the development of a resort, sanatorium, health, and tourism business on its territory, to assess recreational resources, and to study ways to increase their effective use.
Based on the goal, the following tasks are set:
characterize recreational resources and their classification:
reveal the main problems in the use of recreational resources;
determine ways to increase the effective use of recreational resources of the Crimea.
The object of this work is the study of investment activities in the resort and recreational sector in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
The subject of this work is investment activity in the resort and recreational sector in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
The work of such domestic scientists as Berezhnaya I.V., Mikhurinskaya E.A., Zakharova O.D., Pakhomov V.A. is devoted to the study of the investment attractiveness of the ARC. as the availability of recreational resources, existing elements of the region's infrastructure, material and technical base and qualified personnel.
This work consists of an introduction, three sections, conclusions, list of references and applications.
The first section considers the recreational resources of the Crimea. This section consists of two subsections.
The second section analyzes the investment attractiveness of the recreational potential. This section also consists of two subsections.
The third section deals with investment activities in Crimea. It consists of three subsections, which deals with investment activities, investment experience and investment projects in the recreational sphere of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
Conclusions are given after each section. The work ends with a general conclusion.
One of the most important problems of the socio-economic development of individual regions and Ukraine as a whole is to ensure sustainable economic growth and, on this basis, improve the standard of living of the population. The solution to this problem depends on many factors, including the productive capacity of workers based on their health and physical condition. In this regard, the tourism and recreation sector plays an important role, not only having a stimulating effect on workers, but also influencing the functioning of key sectors of the economy: transport, communications, trade, construction, agriculture, and the production of consumer goods. The development of the recreational and tourist complex (RTC) ensures the creation of additional jobs, improvement of the investment climate, and intensification of entrepreneurial activity.

Section 1. Recreational resources of Crimea

    1.1. Characteristics of the region.

Representatives of more than 101 nations and nationalities live here - more than 3 million people. There are 17 cities and 16 rural areas in Crimea.
Crimea today is an economically developed industrial and agricultural region. Its most significant industries are food, machine building, metalworking, chemical, mining, light industry, shipbuilding and materials production.
One of the leading industries is the highly developed food industry, which is based on productive agriculture and the fishing fleet. And the essential oil industry provides almost half of the rose oil and more than two-thirds of the lavender and more than one-fifth of the sage oils produced in the country.
In diversified agriculture, animal husbandry and grain production play a leading role.
At the same time, horticulture, viticulture, vegetable growing, industrial poultry farming and the cultivation of southern industrial crops occupy an important place in the Crimean economy.
A major role in the development of irrigated agriculture was played by the construction of the North Crimean Canal and its irrigation systems. The canal helps solve the problem of water supply for the cities of Kerch, Feodosiya, Yevpatoria, Simferopol, Sevastopol and dozens of other settlements, which is important for Crimea, and, in the future, for the South Bank as well.
Humanity is showing increasing interest in the World Ocean. This interest is dictated primarily by the ever-growing need for various types resources - energy and mineral, biological and chemical. On a global scale, the issue of the depletion of land minerals is associated with the accelerated pace of world industrial production.
A well-developed network of various means of communication is of great importance for the diversified economy of the region.
Cities and districts are interconnected by rail and road, air and maritime modes of transport. Commuter trains annually transport more than 10 million passengers, the major ports of the region - Kerch, Evpatoria, Feodosia and Yalta - are connected by coastal flights with each other and other ports of the Black and Azov Seas, through which trade relations are carried out with more than 50 countries.
Aviation and rail transport (including the ferry to Kerch) connect Crimea with many countries. But the main thing in intra-regional passenger and freight traffic is automobile transport. This is facilitated by a large network of paved highways, including a significant length of roads that connects Crimea with other regions of Ukraine.
The resort resources of the Crimea are very diverse: therapeutic mud and brine of salt lakes, mineral water springs, beautiful sea.
The inexhaustible and unique wealth of the peninsula is the mild Crimean climate with an abundance of warm sunny days. Therefore, climatotherapy is used in almost all Crimean resorts, in all health resorts. In general, the Crimean climate is characterized by low humidity, equal course of the main meteorological elements, a small number of days with fogs and strong winds, long duration sunshine.
The most common type of climate therapy is aerotherapy in the form of walks, sleeping outdoors in climate pavilions, in a park or on the seashore and air baths. The sea, the presence of hotbeds with coniferous trees, forest parks with southern coastal plants make the air on the southern coast, in the foothills of Crimea, healing.
Climatotherapy in the Crimea is also carried out in the cold season. In case of respiratory diseases and some other diseases, chilled air has a more pronounced healing and hardening effect than in summer.
Crimea is called sunny for a reason. In summer, solar radiation here is five to six times richer in ultraviolet rays than in central Russia. Most of the sun in the summer is in the western and southeastern parts of the Crimea and somewhat less on the southern coast. In the cold season, irradiation on the southern coast is carried out in special cabins or solariums.
Picturesque landscapes must also be attributed to the healing forces of nature. The positive emotions that they evoke strengthen faith in recovery, create a favorable background for the successful application of climate procedures, medicines, and various medical manipulations.
The attractive force of the sea is great. In order to swim in the waters of the warmest Black Sea in Russia, sunbathe on its beaches, vacationers and vacationers come from different parts of the country. Treatment by the sea (thalassotherapy) is a pleasant and attractive therapeutic and prophylactic procedure that causes a huge emotional lift.
Numerous studies have shown that the salt composition of sea water is close to the salt composition of human blood and tissue fluids. Sea water is a complex natural complex with certain physical, chemical and biological properties that cannot be obtained in the laboratory.
In the Crimean resorts, sea water is used for baths, showers, rubdowns, douches, heat-moist inhalations, and irrigation of the affected organs. A powerful procedure is the sea bathing itself, during which the human body is affected by temperature, pressure and the movement of sea water. In health resorts, sea bathing is strictly dosed, taking into account the temperature of the water, air, and the state of health of the bathers. In winter, swimming in the sea is replaced by swimming in a pool with heated sea water.
Mud therapy has been known since ancient times. However, its scientifically substantiated and widespread use began during the years of Soviet power. In Crimea, reserves of therapeutic mud are formed at the bottom of salt lakes. For mud therapy, the Saki salt lake, Moinakskoye (Evpatoria) and many others are used.
Therapeutic mud is black lake silt, thick, viscous, velvety to the touch, with the smell of hydrogen sulfide. Silt is formed as a result of a complex long-term interaction between brine (lake water), microorganisms and organic residues that enter lakes with rain and melt water. The composition of therapeutic mud includes various salts, organic acids, microelements, antibiotics, hormones, biologically active substances, gases and much more.
Modern studies note the multifaceted effects of mud on the human body: thermal, mechanical (in the form of massage), electrical, chemical and radioactive. Scientists continue to study the mechanism of action of mud. The application of mud masks causes a rejuvenating effect.
Not only silt, but also brine has excellent healing properties. Rapa is a concentrated saline solution smelling of hydrogen sulfide, which contains biologically active substances. Rapa has a stronger effect on the human body than sea water. Bathing in the estuary, as a rule, is carried out in the afternoon, when the Rapa water warms up well and is also used for therapeutic baths in various modifications.
Crimea is rich and mineral springs. There are more than a hundred of them, but few have been developed and used for therapeutic purposes. The main value of mineral waters is determined by the general mineralization, the presence of specific elements (radium, fluorine, iron and others), biologically active substances (hydrogen sulfide, arsenic, bromine and others), organic components such as humins and bitumens.
Crimean drinking waters are classified as low-mineralized. They are used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract, some kidney diseases, as well as metabolic disorders.
A rarely used, but effective method of treatment should include sand baths of natural (solar) or artificial heating, which are released on the beautiful sandy beaches of Evpatoria. The body, covered with hot dry sand, receives dry heat, dry sea salts and mineral components act on it. Usually sand baths are easier to tolerate than mud therapy. They are most often prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Fruits and grapes are not only foods that all year round served on the table in the Crimean health resorts. They contain a rich supply of vitamins in an easily digestible natural combination, amino acids necessary for the body, various salts, and natural fiber.
That. Crimea (Crimean peninsula) is located in the south of the European part of the mainland and is washed by the waters of the Black and Azov Seas. It is connected to the mainland by the narrow and low Perekop isthmus. Crimea has the shape of an irregular quadrangle with a wide ledge - the Tarkhankut Peninsula - in the northwest and a long ledge of the Kerch Peninsula - in the east. The area of ​​the Crimean peninsula is 26 thousand km2. The distance from Perekop in the north to the southernmost point of the Crimea - Cape Sarych - is 195 km, in the latitudinal direction from Cape Tarkhankut to the Kerch Peninsula 325 km.

In general, the Crimean climate is characterized by low humidity, equal course of the main meteorological elements, a small number of days with fogs and strong winds, and a long duration of sunshine.

1.2. Development of the resort and recreational sector
The key issue of sustainable development of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is the question of what can revive tourism activities in the future.
The revival of the Crimea is associated with its rich recreational resources.
Recreational resources are a set of natural, natural-technical, socio-economic complexes and their elements that contribute to the restoration and development of the physical and spiritual forces of a person, his ability to work.

Natural recreational resources are features of nature, natural and natural-technical geosystems, bodies, natural phenomena, their components and properties, environmental objects.
Socio-economic recreational resources - cultural objects, historical monuments, architecture, ethnographic features of the territory.

The specialists of the State Committee found out that the Crimean peninsula is the leader among the most attractive regions of Ukraine for recreation. By the beginning of the holiday season, the Crimean Center for Humanitarian Research published the results of a sociological study conducted in the summer of the last goal among people vacationing in the territory of the autonomy. In the course of a sociological survey at the Simferopol railway station, four thousand citizens leaving Crimea were interviewed. The vast majority of those those who rested in Yalta and Alushta highly appreciated the natural diversity of these territories, the possibility of entertainment, the well-groomed parks and beaches. At the same time, the majority of respondents expressed their belief that the cost of recreation in Yalta and Alushta is higher than in other Crimean cities.
At present, the recreational resources of the Crimean Peninsula can be assessed as follows.
Historical and cultural resources. On the territory of Crimea there are more than 11.5 thousand monuments of history, culture and architecture belonging to various historical eras, civilizations, ethnic groups and religions. The most unique of them, for example, a complex of cave cities and monasteries, a Genoese fortress, holy places of various faiths and others, which are used as tourist sites.
landscape resources. Five state reserves, 33 reserves, 16 of which are of national importance. 87 natural monuments, 13 of them of national importance. 10 reserved tracts, etc.
Speleological resources. About 900 underground cavities, 160 can be used for recreational purposes.
Medical and mineral resources. The Crimean peninsula has the richest recreational potential. The cost of mineral resources (more than 100 sources of mineral waters, 26 deposits of mineral mud) resources of Crimea, its beaches and coastal land plots is highly estimated by world standards. Mineral waters, which are formed in the bowels of the earth under the influence of various geological processes, contain various salts in ionized form (hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfide nitrate water, etc.).
In terms of natural conditions for creating a recreational zone, Crimea belongs to unique regions, since there are no analogues in Ukraine and the CIS for such a combination of resort resources as mineral waters and mud, sub-Mediterranean nature, and a warm sea.
Describing the hydro-mineral resources, it should be noted that the Crimea occupies one of the first places in the CIS countries in terms of the richness and diversity of recreational resources, among which a significant role belongs to mineral waters, therapeutic mud and brine.
Crimea has rich plant resources, especially coniferous forests, which emit a large amount of phytoncides. In the distribution of vegetation, the Crimean Mountains determine the presence of altitudinal zonation in the south of the peninsula.
The uniqueness of the floristic diversity of the Crimea is a condition for educational and recreational activities. The flora of the Crimea includes about 2600 species of higher plants, of which more than 220 species of plants are endemic (Pontian needle, folded snowdrop, lucerne, etc.).
Of the total length of the coastline of the sea of ​​the Crimean peninsula (approximately 1000 km), beaches make up 517 km. including over 100 km - artificial. On the eastern and western coasts of Crimea, the beaches are natural and stretch in a continuous strip, and on the southern coast of Crimea - mostly artificial beaches. The normative indicator of the load on the beach is 20 cm of the coastline per one recreant (or 5 sq. m. pers.). In the use of beach resources, the determining factor is the temperature of the water and the nature of the waves of the sea.
Resources for the educational and cultural recreational activities of the Crimea are represented by historical and cultural monuments, which can significantly expand the system of recreational activities.
The available natural recreational resources of the Crimea are the determining conditions for the recreational specialization of the territory, as well as for the formation of a regional recreational and economic complex.

2. The presence of deposits of therapeutic mud and mineral water springs with unique properties.

4. The climatic features of the Crimea, allowing the development of the following types of tourism: hiking, horse riding, speleotourism, rock climbing, cycling, mountaineering, underwater tourism, etc.

6. Enough labor force to work in the recreational economy. The material and technical base of the recreational sphere of Crimea (economic factor) combines existing sanatoriums, boarding houses, rest houses, hotels, campsites, tourist bases, architectural monuments, educational and entertainment facilities.
Positive trends continue in the health resort and tourism sectors. According to the operational data of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in 2009, the number of people who arrived for rest and treatment decreased by 29 compared to 2008. %. The number of organized vacationers in sanatoriums and tourist establishments in 2009 amounted to 1.15 million people.

Fig.1. Dynamics of the number of rested tourists in Crimea
The Crimean peninsula, occupying about 4.5% of the area of ​​Ukraine, concentrates 30% of all recreational resources, 10% of the capacity of the country's hotel fund and 40% of Ukrainian health resorts.

So, recreational resources are a combination of natural, natural-technical, socio-economic complexes and their elements that contribute to the restoration and development of the physical and spiritual forces of a person, his ability to work.
The factors influencing the formation and development of the recreational sector are: The successful economic and geographical position of the peninsula, mild climate, warm sea, fine weather. The presence of deposits of therapeutic mud and sources with mineral water, which has unique properties. Numerous archaeological, historical, cultural and ethnographic monuments of great interest to tourists. The climatic features of the Crimea, allowing the development of the following types of tourism: hiking, horseback riding, caving, rock climbing, cycling, mountaineering, underwater tourism, etc. Improving the living standards of the population of the territory due to income from recreational activities. Sufficient number of labor force to work in the recreational economy. The material and technical base of the recreational sphere of Crimea (economic factor) combines existing sanatoriums, boarding houses, rest houses, hotels, campsites, tourist bases, architectural monuments, educational and entertainment facilities.
At the moment, there is a problem: inadequate use of rich recreational resources. The situation is getting more complicated. that recreational demand is highest in densely populated urban areas. The territory is used quite intensively by other sectors of the economy, and not for recreational purposes. Recreational resources are unevenly distributed.

Crimea (Crimean peninsula) is located in the south of the European part of the mainland and is washed by the waters of the Black and Azov Seas. It is connected to the mainland by the narrow and low Perekop isthmus. Crimea has the shape of an irregular quadrangle with a wide ledge - the Tarkhankut Peninsula - in the northwest and a long ledge of the Kerch Peninsula - in the east. The area of ​​the Crimean peninsula is 26 thousand km2. The distance from Perekop in the north to the southernmost point of the Crimea - Cape Sarych - is 195 km, in the latitudinal direction from Cape Tarkhankut to the Kerch Peninsula 325 km.
Representatives of more than 101 nations and nationalities live here - more than 3 million people. There are 17 cities and 16 rural areas in Crimea.
Crimea today is an economically developed industrial and agricultural region.
The resort resources of the Crimea are very diverse: therapeutic mud and brine of salt lakes, mineral water springs, beautiful sea.
The inexhaustible and unique wealth of the peninsula is the mild Crimean climate with an abundance of warm sunny days.
In general, the Crimean climate is characterized by low humidity, equal course of the main meteorological elements, a small number of days with fogs and strong winds, and a long duration of sunshine.
Recreational resources are a set of natural, natural-technical, socio-economic complexes and their elements that contribute to the restoration and development of the physical and spiritual forces of a person, his ability to work.
There are natural and socio-economic (or natural and cultural-historical) resources of recreational activities.
In 2008-2009, 1.15 million people rested in Crimea. Such an idea as the efficient use of resources is erroneous, since at the moment, with less significant indicators of those who have rested in Crimea, the problems of recreational load on individual resort areas are already significant. And. as a result, the destruction of ecosystems is noticeable. The problem can, of course, be solved by redistributing the recreational load to other regions, but an important point should be to increase the service of the tourist infrastructure to a level that meets the requirements of elite tourism.
Factors influencing the formation and development of the recreational sphere.
1. Successful economic and geographical position of the peninsula, mild climate, warm sea, fine weather.
2. The presence of deposits of therapeutic mud and mineral water springs with unique properties.
3. Numerous archaeological, historical, cultural and ethnographic monuments of great interest to tourists.
4. The climatic features of the Crimea, allowing the development of the following types of tourism: hiking, horse riding, speleotourism, rock climbing, cycling, mountaineering, underwater tourism, etc.
5. Increasing the living standards of the population of the territory due to income from recreational activities.
6. Enough labor force to work in the recreational economy. The material and technical base of the recreational sphere of Crimea (economic factor) combines existing sanatoriums, boarding houses, rest houses, hotels, campsites, tourist bases, architectural monuments, educational and entertainment facilities.
At the moment, there is a problem: inadequate use of rich recreational resources. The situation is getting more complicated. that recreational demand is highest in densely populated urban areas. The territory is used quite intensively by other sectors of the economy, and not for recreational purposes. Recreational resources are unevenly distributed.

Section 2. Analysis of the organizational and economic characteristics and investment attractiveness of the recreational and tourist potential of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

2.1. Investment attractiveness of the recreational complex
At the present stage of development, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea should be considered as an all-Ukrainian and international center of recreation and tourism, which can successfully compete in the world market of resort and recreational services, since Crimea, in terms of its physical-geographical, climatic, geological, tectonic, hydro-geographic features, stands out not only among other regions of Ukraine, but also has no analogues in the world, since the most diverse natural landscapes are located here - mountains, plains, forests, steppes, seas, mountain rivers, etc. At the same time, about 6 million people from different countries of the world.
The natural and climatic features of the Crimea historically determined its specialization as a sanatorium and resort region and ensured the development of related industries, therefore, the resort and health tourism direction is developed in the Crimea.
The development of a recreational complex in the ARC requires the attraction of investment resources, the justification of investment projects, the development of ways to attract investors, i.e. formation of the investment attractiveness of the region, which determined the relevance of this study.
The sanatorium-resort and tourist complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is considered as a set of interconnected industries and enterprises of the economic complex, whose activities are aimed at meeting the needs for sanatorium-resort treatment, rehabilitation, health improvement and recreation of citizens of Ukraine, near and far abroad, as well as to create a competitive sanatorium-resort and tourist product based on the efficient and rational use of natural, socio-cultural, industrial and economic resources of the region. Thus, the image objects of the sanatorium-resort complex of Crimea are such institutions as: ICC "Artek", "Dyulber", "Crimean Dawns", "Massandra", etc.
The study of the investment attractiveness of the ARC is devoted to the work of such domestic scientists as Berezhnaya I.V., Mikhurinskaya E.A., Zakharova O.D., who identified priority areas for the development of the investment policy of the ARC through the historical prerequisites for the development of the recreational elements of the region's infrastructure, material and technical base and qualified personnel. These factors determine the resort and recreational industry as one of the priorities in the composition of the national economic complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
Crimea concentrates a complex of resource factors, such as climate, mineral thermal waters, brine, therapeutic silt mud of lakes, sea water, etc. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the ARC Plakida V.T. estimated the existing mineral resource potential of the Crimea in the amount of more than 60 billion US dollars.
IN last years Crimea acquires the status of a major tourist center, where such types of tourism as diving, caving, mountaineering, rural green tourism, horseback riding, hunting and wine tours are popular. The presence of about 11 thousand monuments of culture, history, architecture determines the popularity of cultural, historical, ethnographic tourism. According to Stepanov S.A. and Stepanova E.S., pedestrian routes are the most preferable for the Crimea. Pedestrian tourism is the most effective, because. is a part of active recreation, in which all types of recreation intersect, there is a process of restoration and development of human forces based on a fundamental change in activities.
In the economy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, an annual increase in investments is observed, which also affects the development of the recreational complex of the Autonomy. Thus, in the period from 2004, the economy of the ARC from foreign entrepreneurs received foreign direct investment of 25.7 million US dollars, in 2005 - 70.54 million US dollars, in 2006 - more than 120 million US dollars, in including from the CIS countries - 49 million US dollars, from other countries of the world - about 72 million US dollars, in 2007 - 120.5 million dollars. USA, in 2008 - 712.9 million US dollars. At the same time, in terms of the amount of foreign investment received, Crimea ranks only eighth among the regions of Ukraine after large industrial centers, which is associated with low investment attractiveness, insufficient justification of investment projects, inefficient investment policy, etc.
According to the materials of the Ministry of Economy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, in 2008 investors from the United Kingdom of Great Britain cooperated most actively with Crimean entrepreneurs, the amount of direct investments they received amounted to 28.2 million dollars, which is 71.8% more than in 2007. Also, a significant influx of investments came to Crimea from companies in Cyprus - 12.4 million rubles. dollars, which is 17.4% more than in 2007, Seychelles - 4.7 million. dollars (an increase of 19.2%), Belize - 3.1 million. dollars, i.e. increased by 59%. At the same time, according to the data of the Ministry of Economy of the ARC, the volume of investments from entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation decreased by $64.6 million, by $40.3 million - by Germany, by $13.4 million - by Switzerland, by 10. 7 million dollars - Latvia and 3.9 million dollars - USA.
Particular attention should be paid to such a problem of Autonomy as the seasonality of the work of the recreational economy. Currently, the resort complex of the Crimea has been operating for three months, which affects the payback of investment resources. Therefore, it is necessary to develop investment projects for year-round operation, thereby increasing the duration and size of cash flows and reducing the payback period of investments. The solution to this problem is possible by creating a network of winter recreation complexes, indoor water parks, facilities for various international events (conferences, seminars, forums, sports competitions, etc.).

The structure of the recreational complex is represented by the subjects of the recreational and tourism industry, resources and consumers (Fig. 2). At the same time, the recreational and tourist complex is constantly subject to changes, which requires the identification of the dynamics of the development of recreational and tourist services in the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Thus, in 2007 the number of recreants who arrived for rest and treatment amounted to 196.3 thousand people, which is 11.4% more than last year. In the structure of the volume of sales of tourist services, the largest percentage was occupied by domestic tourism- 71%, in second place - foreign - 28.6%. At the same time, most of the vacationers arrived on the peninsula by rail (2 million 998 thousand people), by air (almost 620 thousand)
Figure 2. Structure of the recreational and tourist complex

A significant amount of natural resource potential, a variety of natural conditions, historical traditions of economic development and sociocultural priorities have determined the recreational specialization of Crimea as a strategic direction of its regional development for many years. The recreational and tourist complex of the Crimean peninsula includes over 3 thousand natural and anthropogenic objects, of which 64% are concentrated in the South Coast zone, 10% in the Central (Simferopol, Bakhchisaray and Belogorsky district), 5% each in the North (Dzhankoy, Krasnogvardeysky, Krasnoperekopsky , Pervomaisky and Chernomorsky regions) and Eastern (Leninsky, Kirovsky and Sovietsky regions) zones, and 16% in the Western (Saksky and Chernomorsky regions) (Fig. 3) .

Figure 3. Recreational and economic potential of the Crimean peninsula.

On the territory of the autonomy there are more than 11.5 thousand monuments of history, culture and architecture belonging to different historical eras, civilizations and religions. There are 26 deposits of therapeutic mud and brine, more than 100 sources of mineral waters of various chemical compositions. In Crimea, there are 6 state reserves, 33 reserves (including 16 of national importance), 87 natural monuments (13 of national importance), 10 protected tracts, 850 karst caves (of which 50 are recognized by experts as suitable for arrangement and visiting tourists), mines , wells, and more than 30 parks - monuments of landscape art, of national and world significance. Occupying about 4.5% of the area of ​​Ukraine, the Crimean peninsula concentrates 29.6% of the volume of all recreational resources, 10% of the capacity of the hotel fund, 40% of the capacity of health resorts, more than 30% of the flow of foreign tourists.
The most developed part of the peninsula is the territory of Greater Yalta, which produces about 64% of the total volume of tourist services. The northern and western Crimea is the least developed. However, the main trend that has emerged in recent years is a gradual transition from using mainly the South Coast to the new resort regions of the peninsula.
Currently, the material and technical base of recreational institutions, the range and quality of services lag behind the world level, which reduces the competitiveness of the Crimean region in the international market for recreation, health improvement, spa treatment and tourism services and requires investment.
So, the development of a recreational complex in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea requires the attraction of investment resources, the justification of investment projects, the development of ways to attract investors, i.e. formation of investment attractiveness of the region.
Further effective development of the republic as a whole and the functioning of its tourist complex depend on the solution of land issues, problems of water supply and sanitation, waste disposal, seasonality of recreation. At the present stage of development, it is necessary to resolve such an urgent problem as the irrational and inefficient use of land and natural medicinal resources in the coastal regions of Crimea, since the coastal zone of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is a territory of intensive exploitation of natural resources in various fields of human activity, including maritime transport, residential and cultural and recreational complexes, water use system, etc.

2.2. Analysis of recreation and tourism potential

Currently, more than 700 business entities carry out tourism activities in the ARC. Including, about 300 enterprises are engaged in foreign tourism, about 400 domestic ones, and 180 foreign ones. Of the business entities licensed to provide tourism services, their own food base; have 85 enterprises, their own accommodation base - 51.
In total, representatives of 31 countries invested their funds in the Crimean economy. In 2007, the volume of direct foreign investments in the autonomy's economy amounted to 120.5 million dollars, of which. In the database of investment projects of the sanitary-resort and tourist complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, there are about 50 projects totaling 237 million USD, of which 20 are close to completion, with more than half of the funds received from Russia.
The implementation of the tasks facing the government of our region at the moment capital into the economy of the Crimea, which will give a direct economic effect (Fig. 4).
The recreational effect obtained from the increase in national income in the form of a reduction in payments for temporary disability leaves is considered as part of an integral socio-economic effect. In addition, the sectoral recreational effect is produced in Crimea, which is obtained directly in the recreational economy due to the difference between the foreign price for a recreational service and the full cost of its production.
As the capacity of the sanatorium and recreational network increases, the complex recreational effect created in the Crimea will increase significantly.
Despite the obvious socio-economic advantage of the recreational economy, in the economic structure of the republic, it occupies only the fifth place in terms of the number of people employed after industry, agriculture, the construction industry, transport, and engineering.
Since the recreational effect created in the Crimea is not paid for by other Commonwealth states, Crimeans are forced to pay for the above supplies with meat, milk, dairy products, vegetables, gourds, grapes, garden products, eggs, televisions, limestone, etc.
It is assumed that in order to create a new hotel stock and infrastructure facilities of the entire complex, it is necessary to provide for investment investments for reconstruction, re-equipment and new construction, which will raise the reproduction structure of the region's fixed assets to a qualitatively new level, radically change the technical base and increase the share of tourist services to 30 -50% and recoup costs within 5-7 years.

Figure 4. Mechanism of formation of direct economic effect.

Based on the lack of traditional experience in creating recreational SEZs and the consequences of their economic, social and environmental impact on the adjacent region, it is advisable at the first stage to form separate local zones, the compact placement of which will make it possible to use foreign experience and potential in this field of activity with maximum efficiency.
Tourist and resort-recreational SEZs should be created within the boundaries of already established resort areas and recreational zones. At the same time, preference should be given to those participants who have a favorable transport infrastructure, an established network of health resorts and tourist facilities.
The priority objects for the creation of tourist and resort-recreational SEZs should be the health resorts of the Crimean resort-recreational region, which is especially attractive for Western foreign tourists and entrepreneurs due to the possibility of investing in this promising area of ​​activity and receiving significant profits in the face of increasing international competition in the world. recreational market. The specifics of the development of these SEZs should be the formation of a large, export-oriented base for the extraction, use and export to other regions of Ukraine, the CIS countries, as well as abroad of especially valuable types of recreational resources that are competitive on the world market, such as high-quality therapeutic silt mud , mineral waters, etc.
Having considered some prerequisites for the functioning of the recreational and tourist industry of the Crimean economy, which, according to international experts, is one of the fastest growing in the world. And in our country, it can become one of the most profitable, provided that the state policy is aimed at its active improvement. The recreational and tourism industry is not science-intensive, is not environmentally hazardous (with its reasonable development) and allows you to quickly get a return on invested capital. Now the task of the state is to direct and determine the basic principles for the development of the industry. There is an opportunity to attract not only foreign, but also domestic investment capital to this industry, which can actively contribute to the Ukrainian economy's recovery from the crisis.
The country, raising the standard of living of its citizens, involuntarily attracts them to travel. No wonder some of the most traveled nations are Germans and Japanese. However, by developing this industry, it is possible to achieve an increase in the level of well-being of the country's population. In addition, tourism contributes to the improvement of the ecological situation in the country. After all, no one wants to go to a country where there are no normal conditions for life, where nature is not valued as the highest asset of the state.
Also, tourism through intercultural understanding affects people, making them more tolerant towards each other. This helps to avoid conflicts and wars. It is no coincidence that the countries that have proclaimed political neutrality - Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Mexico, have always been and remain attractive for tourists. In the conditions of peaceful, stable bilateral and multilateral relations between states, international tourist exchange is growing significantly. And our region, striving to organize a highly developed resort and tourism industry on its territory, needs to create a single central executive body with the status of the Ministry, which would ensure effective management of the resort and tourism industry and the development of regulatory legal acts aimed at developing this sphere.

As for prices, according to experts, they have remained at the level of last year. The cost of living in Crimean hotels on the South Bank has long been equal to the price in Turkish and Egyptian hotels with the corresponding number of stars. A separate story is the private sector, it all depends on the sense of proportion of the landlord.
That. At present, there is a need for liberalization of foreign economic activity and the beginning of an active policy for the integration of Ukraine and the Crimean region, incl. to the European community. In the field of tourism and recreation, this should mean creating favorable conditions for foreign and domestic investors. Currently, the investment climate in Crimea is assessed by the majority of stakeholders as unfavorable. To change its status to favorable, changes are needed on the part of state bodies. The main changes should be firm guarantees of the safety of investments. Thus, the most common opinion is that investors do not even need special benefits, but they need a firm belief that their money will remain their money. In this regard, neither Ukraine nor Crimea can yet declare their firm guarantees.
Also, one of the priority areas in attracting foreign investment in tourism in Ukraine may be the formation of free zones of recreational entrepreneurship.
The creation of tourist and resort-recreational SEZs, along with additional attraction of foreign currency, will allow solving a set of economic, environmental, social, scientific and other problems associated with a fundamental improvement in this type of activity, including: reconstruction of the material and technical base of resorts, expanding the set of recreational services and leisure activities, advanced training and wages for service personnel.

CONCLUSIONS to Section 2.
The development of a recreational complex in the ARC requires the attraction of investment resources, the justification of investment projects, the development of ways to attract investors, i.e. formation of the investment attractiveness of the region, which determined the relevance of this study.
Further effective development of the republic as a whole and the functioning of its tourist complex depend on the solution of land issues, problems of water supply and sanitation, waste disposal, seasonality of recreation. At the present stage of development, it is necessary to resolve such an urgent problem as the irrational and inefficient use of land and natural medicinal resources in the coastal regions of Crimea, since the coastal zone of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is a territory of intensive exploitation of natural resources in various fields of human activity, including maritime transport, residential and cultural and recreational complexes, water use system, etc.
At present, there is a need for liberalization of foreign economic activity and the beginning of an active policy for the integration of Ukraine and the Crimean region, incl. to the European community. In the field of tourism and recreation, this should mean creating favorable conditions for foreign and domestic investors. Currently, the investment climate in Crimea is assessed by the majority of stakeholders as unfavorable. To change its status to favorable, changes are needed on the part of state bodies. The main changes should be firm guarantees of the safety of investments. Thus, the most common opinion is that investors do not even need special benefits, but they need a firm belief that their money will remain their money. In this regard, neither Ukraine nor Crimea can yet declare their firm guarantees.
Also, one of the priority areas in attracting foreign investment in tourism in Ukraine may be the formation of free zones of recreational entrepreneurship.
The creation of tourist and resort-recreational SEZs, along with additional attraction of foreign currency, will allow solving a set of economic, environmental, social, scientific and other problems associated with a fundamental improvement in this type of activity, including: reconstruction of the material and technical base of resorts, expanding the set of recreational services and leisure activities, advanced training and wages for service personnel.
According to the official statistics of the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the ARC, in the health resorts of the autonomy for January-August this year. rested 800 thousand people - 181 thousand less (18%) than in the same period last year. And in 2008 the number of tourists decreased by 12% compared to 2007. In general, since the beginning of the year, 4 million 300 thousand people have rested in Crimea, which is 619 thousand or 12.5% ​​less than the corresponding indicator of 2008. It is interesting that the number of sanatorium-resort institutions and tourist enterprises in Crimea has not changed much, as there were about 280 last year.

Section 3. Investment activity in the resort and recreational sphere in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

3.1 Investment activities in recreational areas

The solution to the urgent problem of restructuring the tourist and recreational sector of the economy of Ukraine and its regions can be achieved only on the basis of a dynamic and systematic investment process. In the State Program for the Development of Tourism in Ukraine for 2002-2010. it is noted that the further development of tourism in the country is hampered by the slow growth of investment in the development of the material base of tourism, and the task was set to develop and implement an investment program for creating tourism infrastructure in tourist and recreational areas in the directions of the national network of international transport corridors. The scientific substantiation of investment programs should be based on the principles of territorial differentiation and taking into account the geographical specifics of the region. At the same time, the geographical aspects of investment activity in the field of recreation and tourism are extremely rarely the object of a special study.
An analysis of the main indicators of investment activity in the tourist and recreational complex of Crimea revealed a discrepancy between the scale and qualitative structure of investments and the status of recreation as a priority sector of the regional economy. According to the Main Department of Statistics in the ARC. investments in the fixed capital of the hotel and restaurant industry in 2009 amounted to UAH 168,863 thousand, which is only 6.9% of the total investment in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Centralized funds for the development of the city from the State budget

Bukreev Igor Alexandrovich
Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Finance
Russia, Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy (branch) Krymsky federal university named after V. I. Vernadsky
[email protected]


The article is devoted to the actual problem of regional development - the assessment of the economic efficiency of the use of the recreational potential of Greater Yalta. The results show that the intensity of the use of recreational complexes in the Crimea and Big Yalta during the study period is characterized by a higher indicator of the latter and an almost constant ratio. The paper notes the problem of the reliability of the generated statistical data, which must be taken into account in the economic assessment of the effectiveness of using the recreational potential of the Big Yalta region.
To determine the degree of use of the Yalta recreational potential by the tourist and recreational industry, relative indicators were constructed that characterize the economic development of the region. All these indicators, when summarized, make it possible to calculate the coefficient of economic efficiency of using the recreational potential of Greater Yalta. The results obtained show the effectiveness of using the potential of Big Yalta in the economy of the subregion. The conducted economic evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of recreational potential shows that there is a clear inconsistency in the development of indicators for the analyzed period. The results can be explained by changes in the activities of the shadow sector.
It should be noted that according to the analysis, the increase in the efficiency of using the potential depends on the price and fiscal policy, which indicates inefficient management of the recreational potential.
Based on the results of the study, an assessment of the prospects for using the recreational potential of Big Yalta shows that it is necessary to pay attention to the modernization and organization of the work of the recreational and resort complex of the subregion. The problems are related to the moral and physical obsolescence of the recreational and general infrastructure, its irrational use. There is also no constructive dialogue between the private and public sectors as users of recreational potential. The development of the sub-region must be considered in the process of development of the Crimea, neighboring regions and settlements.


recreational potential of the region, Big Yalta, recreational resources, economic efficiency assessment

Featured Link

Bukreev Igor Alexandrovich

Economic efficiency of using the recreational potential of Big Yalta in the period 2008-2012// Regional Economics and Management: electronic scientific journal. ISSN 1999-2645. - . Article number: 4820. Publication date: 2016-11-28. Access mode: https://site/article/4820/

Bukreev Igor Aleksandrovich
Senior Lecturer Department of Economics and Finance
Russia, Management Humanities and Education Academy (Branch) Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky
[email protected]


The article devoted to the actual problem of regional development - assessment of economic efficiency of using the recreational potential of the Big Yalta. The results show that the intensity of using recreational facilities in the Big Yalta during the study period is characterized by a high rate of the latter and an almost constant ratio. The paper noted the problem of the reliability of statistical data generated, which must be considered when evaluating the economic efficiency of using the recreational potential of the Big Yalta.
To determine the degree of utilization tourism and recreation industry in Yalta, recreational building were constructed relative indicators characterizing the economic development of the region. All these indicators enable to generalize the coefficient to calculate the cost-effectiveness of the recreational potential of the Big Yalta. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of using the potential of the Big Yalta in the economy of the subregion. The evaluation of economic efficiency of using recreational potential, shows that there is a clear contradiction of the development indicators for the analyzed period. The results can be explained by changes in the activities of the informal sector.
It is worth noting that according to the analysis of more efficient using, the capacity depends on the price and fiscal policies, which proves ineffective management of recreational potential.
In accordance with study assessment of prospects for the recreational potential of the Big Yalta, it is necessary to pay attention to the modernization and organization of recreational and resort complex in the sub region. Problems related to the moral and physical obsolescence of the recreational and general infrastructure, mismanagement of its use. Also there is no constructive dialogue between the private and the public sector as users of the recreational potential. The development of the sub-region should be considered in the development of the Crimea, neighboring regions and localities.


recreational potential of the region, Big Yalta, recreational resources, economic evaluation

Suggested Citation

Bukreev Igor Aleksandrovich

Economic efficiency of use of the recreational potential of Big Yalta in the period 2008-2012. Regional economy and management: electronic scientific journal. . Art. #4820. Date issued: 2016-11-28. Available at: https://website/article/4820/

The author expresses deep gratitude to reviewers for detailed consideration of the manuscript and valuable remarks. Author express gratitude Eco. Sci., to the prof. Olifirov Alexander for the help and constant interest in work, and also Dr. Eco. Sci., to the prof. Zhitniy Pavel for a valuable advice and remarks, etc.


The tourist and recreational industry of the Republic of Crimea, and in particular Greater Yalta, is one of the promising areas of the region's economy. In the period from 2011 to 2013, the share of the main sectors of the service sector of the Republic of Crimea accounted for more than 60% of the gross regional product: trade (14%), transport and communications (12%), tourism and sanatorium-resort sector (11%) , operations with real estate(10%) and others. The implementation of the socio-economic policy of the Republic of Crimea as part of the Russian Federation is the development of the sanatorium-resort complex as one of the main sources of financial income, a means of increasing employment and the quality of life of the population, the basis for the development of the socio-cultural environment, which is determined by the Federal Target Program "Socio-economic development Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol until 2020".

The needs of a federal arrangement involve finding internal reserves for the socio-economic development of regions to ensure their economic growth and, on this basis, improve the standard of living of the population. The Crimea region, and in particular the Greater Yalta sub-region, has every opportunity for intensive economic growth. So even during the period of autonomy, Crimea was especially distinguished in the field of recreational regions of the country and was characterized by a high concentration of recreational resources, and also ranked first in Ukraine in terms of the scale of recreational activities. So in Crimea in 2012, 12,350 objects of a socio-cultural and economic nature were registered (including 227 monuments of national importance, of which 150 are included in the UNESCO lists). There are about 647 recreational and tourist complexes (including 545 sanatorium and resort institutions, 127 rest houses, 273 recreation centers and 102 hotels).

The development of the tourist and recreational direction is associated with an increase in the involvement of recreational resources in circulation and the efficiency of their use on the basis of existing competitive advantage potential of Greater Yalta relative to other regions of Crimea. So the recreational potential of Big Yalta is 18.34% of the potential of the Crimea. At the same time, Big Yalta occupies only 1.1% of the area of ​​the Republic of Crimea. Thus, the territorial concentration is about 20 times higher than in the region. The study revealed that the main contribution to the development of tourism and recreation is made by the recreational and resort complex of the subregion, which functions quite intensively, since it provides rest and treatment for more than 30% of the Crimean holidaymakers (up to 2 million people per year). Thus, efficiency will be characterized by an increase in the volume of tourist services and quality, wages and employment, profitability and tax returns from recreation and tourism.

Big Yalta and Alushta are leaders in revenues to the Crimean budget from recreational and tourist activities (Yalta - 40%, Alushta - 17%). Big Yalta is the largest object of foreign direct investment in the sector of sanatorium and hotel services. More than 20% of the total number of Crimean health resorts is concentrated here, including 44% of sanatoriums, 28% of hotels, 25% of holiday homes, which makes it possible to serve up to 1 million tourists annually.

The need to assess the effectiveness of the tourist and recreational direction is especially important for Big Yalta, since a third of the tourist flow to the Crimea falls on this region.

Ways of development of the tourist and recreational direction, the impact on the socio-economic situation of the region and assessment methods have been studied widely and from various positions in the domestic works of S.Yu. Ambartsumyan, S.A. Lochan, B.G. Ilyasova, F.Kh. Mazitova, Sh.Z. Zagidullina, A.N. Razumova, A.M. Vetitneva, A.V. Dzyubina, A.I. Marikyan , G. G. Ermolenko , I. G. Pavlenko and other authors. At the same time, the explanations do not focus on the influence of the shadow sector when complex economic indicators change.

Purpose of the study. To assess the economic efficiency of using the recreational potential of Big Yalta according to the presented methodology and interpret the results.

Methodology. To assess the economic efficiency of using the potential and interpret the results, a systematic approach and generalization of information were used. An economic and statistical method was used, in particular its methods: groupings, index in assessing the economic efficiency of using the recreational potential of the Big Yalta region.

Main content

The intensity of use of the recreational complexes of the Crimea and Big Yalta during the study period is characterized by a higher indicator of the latter and an almost constant ratio. Also in Big Yalta there is a higher development of the territory. In terms of bases and placements, Big Yalta is ahead of the Republic of Crimea by more than 20 times. It should be noted that the availability of accommodation places has not practically changed during the study period. Average prices for accommodation services in Big Yalta are also higher than in Crimea as a whole.

As an assessment of the use of the potential of Greater Yalta, two groups of interrelated characteristics can be used:

1) resource indicators (the number of complexes and places of accommodation, the number of people employed in the recreational industry and the number of recreants, the volume of foreign direct investment);

2) activity indicators (resulting - sales proceeds, taxable profit, budget revenues, see Table 1).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of recreational potential

Regarding the effectiveness of the use of recreational potential, the following results were obtained. During the period 2008-2012. there is a general positive trend of increasing the efficiency of using the Big Yalta RP (Table 1).

Table 1 - Main characteristics of the recreational complex of Big Yalta in 2008-2012 *

Index Year
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Number of recreational complexes, units 141 140 137 138 138
Number of placements, thousand units 35,3 35,4 35,5 35,7 36,4
Number of recreants, thousand people 555,3 470,1 494,9 522,7 549,7
Number of employees, thousand people 14,6 14,3 14,1 13,9 13,5
Average salary, UAH 1697,6 1796,1 2009,3 2332,4 2720,9
The volume of services sold (revenue), UAH mln. 1185,7 1253,8 1478,3 1508,6 1559,9
Financial result, mln. 45,3 70,7 80,8 104,6 143,2
FDI volume, mln USD ** 102,5 186,6 193,7 229,9 268,1
Collection of payments to the budget (consolidated), hryvnia mln. 164,5 169,3 188,5 202,4 219,2

* Main Department of Statistics in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 08.11.2013).
* State Statistics Service of Ukraine [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 08.11.2013).
* Crimean investment portal [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 08.11.2013).
* Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 08.11.2013).

The degree of use of the Yalta recreational potential by the tourist and recreational industry for the purposes of economic development reflects the relative indicators:

1) To EE, economic efficiency of the use of RPR (financial result before tax / revenue from services sold);

2) K ET, efficiency of use of labor resources (wage fund / volume of services sold (revenue));

3) K Eif, efficiency of infrastructure use (volume of services sold (revenue) per location);

4) To Eu, efficiency of provided services (maintenance) (financial result before tax per one recreant);

5) K ein, efficiency of use of investment resources (financial result before tax / volume of FDI);

6) K EB, budgetary (fiscal) efficiency (the amount of taxes and fees to the consolidated budget of Greater Yalta / revenue from services sold).

All these indicators, when summarized, make it possible to calculate To EC, coefficient of economic efficiency of using the recreational potential of Greater Yalta (Table 2). The results obtained show that in the range of 0.171-0.192 (17-19%) the efficiency of using the potential of Big Yalta in the economy of the subregion.

table 2 Use of the recreational potential of Big Yalta in 2008-2012 *

Index Year
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Economic efficiency To EE 0,038 0,056 0,055 0,069 0,092
Labor efficiency K ET 0,251 0,246 0,230 0,258 0,283
infrastructure efficiency K Eif 0,238 0,253 0,304 0,306 0,311
Service Efficiency To EU 0,082 0,150 0,163 0,200 0,261
Investment efficiency K ein * 0,055 0,047 0,052 0,057 0,067
Budget efficiency K EB 0,139 0,135 0,128 0,134 0,141
Integrated efficiency To EC 0,134 0,148 0,155 0,171 0,192

** Investment indicators were calculated based on the weighted average hryvnia/dollar exchange rate in 2008-2012. (date of access: 08.11.2013).

It should be noted the general positive trend of increasing the efficiency of using the RPR of Greater Yalta (the coefficient of the integrated efficiency of using the recreational complex To EC), from 13.4% to 19.2%, played by such elements as improving the efficiency of the use of economic and labor resources ( To EE, To EU). There is also a negative trend in the recreational industry of the Yalta subregion: with an increase in the number of vacationers, the volume of recreational services sold, financial results and investments in general, return (indicators of investment K ein and budget efficiency K EB) are far behind the others. Thus, an increase in the efficiency of using the potential, other things being equal, does not depend on the volume of capital investments, attracting labor resources or improving the quality of services, but on pricing and fiscal (fiscal) policies, which indicates inefficient management of recreational potential (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1.

** Investment indicators were calculated based on the weighted average hryvnia/dollar exchange rate in 2008-2012. (date of access: 08.11.2013).

Being a regional leader in terms of the indicator, FDI Big Yalta failed to ensure the implementation of the investment component of the recreational potential, since the efficiency of the use of investments ( K ein) increased by only 22%, while their volume increased by 2.6 times.

In order to increase the efficiency of investments, it is necessary to develop innovations and the representation of innovative projects in the information space (recreational and tourist database). It is the development of innovations in the field of tourism products that is an important factor in reducing the effect of seasonality, which can be implemented during the months of May and October. Innovative types tourism will distribute the burden on infrastructure and increase business activity during the periods of "low" and "dead" seasons.

The dynamics of indicators of the use of recreational potential is controversial in the industry (Table 3).

Table 3 Growth in the use of the recreational potential of Big Yalta in 2008-2012 *

Growth rate years Average annual

growth rate

2009/2008 2010/2009 2011/2010 2012/2011
Economic efficiency To EE 1,48 0,97 1,27 1,32 1,26
Labor efficiency K ET 0,98 0,94 1,12 1,10 1,03
infrastructure efficiency K Eif 1,06 1,20 1,01 1,01 1,07
Service Efficiency To EU 1,84 1,09 1,23 1,30 1,36
Investment efficiency K ein * 0,86 1,10 1,09 1,17 1,06
Budget efficiency K EB 0,97 0,94 1,05 1,05 1,00
Integrated efficiency To EC 1,10 1,05 1,10 1,12 1,09

** Investment indicators were calculated based on the weighted average hryvnia/dollar exchange rate in 2008-2012. (date of access: 08.11.2013).

The return per resident is growing at a faster pace, which, in the context of an unstable growth in the number of tourists and the absence of noticeable shifts in the field of improving the quality of services, can only mean an increase in the “exploitation” of the price factor and, as a result, the passage of a significant part of services to the “shadow sector” of the economy. This is also indirectly evidenced by the dynamics of budget efficiency: for 2008-2012, with an increase in the ratio of financial results / sales revenue by 2.4 times ( To EE), budget efficiency ( K EB) practically did not change (Tables 1-3).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of economic, labor and financial resources

The labor potential of the recreation of Big Yalta is characterized by a relatively low efficiency of its use - in the face of a reduction in the number of employees (by 8%) and a noticeable increase in wages (by 60%), for 2008-2012. labor efficiency increased by only 3%. At the same time, the number of serviced complexes, places of accommodation and recreants changed relatively insignificantly (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2.

** Investment indicators were calculated based on the weighted average hryvnia/dollar exchange rate in 2008-2012. (date of access: 08.08.2013).

In connection with the growth, over the same period, of the economic efficiency of the use of recreational potential in general, this may mean:

a) reduction of the “official”, taxable part of the wage fund of enterprises in the industry, and / or;

b) the withdrawal of part of the involved labor resources to the "shadow sector", i.e. illegal employment, especially during the tourist season.

A difficult situation is observed with labor potential. So there are more unemployed people in Crimea than the average in Russia, because under Ukraine most of the large industries were closed and resources were involved in small business. Some people are in the shadow sector and, working illegally, receive unemployment benefits. Many worked in the shadows during the holiday season, renting apartments and rooms in their mini-hotels, opening bars. But with the transition to the legal field of the Russian Federation, some types of business, for example, the sale of alcoholic beverages for bottling, were outlawed. Therefore, the number of officially unemployed has increased.


Considering the problems associated with the use and development of the existing RPR of Greater Yalta, it is necessary to pay attention to two fundamentally important moments: modernization and organization of work of the recreational and resort complex of the subregion.

The first group of problems is related to the moral and physical obsolescence of recreational and general infrastructure (including objects of cultural and historical heritage), its irrational use. Insufficient integration of the sanatorium-resort complex into market relations affects the interest in financial results, management methods, sources of financing, which ultimately forms the competitiveness of the material base of recreation and tourism. So recreation is carried out in the conditions of an outdated material and technical base, but in the conditions of favorable natural factors. It should be noted that a significant part of the sanatoriums is in disrepair. On the territory of the Republic of Crimea in 2013, there were 120 sanatoriums and boarding houses under departmental control. According to the Council of Ministers of the ARC in 2013, the number of such institutions was one third of the total.

The second category of problematic issues concerns the system of relations between the private and public sectors, as users of the RWP. In the theory of competitive advantages, the Western scientist M. Porter considers such factors as new technologies, constantly changing consumer demand, the formation of new market segments, the presence of related and supporting industries, as well as the effectiveness of government regulation measures on which competitiveness depends. national economy. M. Porter assigns the state the role of a catalyst for competitiveness. In the works of some domestic authors, the government is given the function of laying down the principles of regional cooperation, coexistence, and assistance. This is a new methodological paradigm of regional development, which in the development of tourism will represent the coordinated and solidary development of the regions. In this system, the region simultaneously appears as a triune model - a quasi-state, a quasi-company and an export-import flow. The development of the subregion cannot be considered in isolation from the process of development of Crimea, neighboring regions and settlements. Competition within the region should not become an obstacle to internal cooperation. So needed governmental support strategies for the development of the region, increasing the legality of the functioning of the industry, stimulating the development of uniform development of potential, consistency in the actions of all subjects of the region, developing methods of sanatorium treatment, innovations and event tourism during the off-season and increasing the competitiveness of the price / quality ratio of services.

An analysis of the dynamics of indicators of the economic use of the recreational potential of Big Yalta gives a general idea of ​​the problematic and promising areas of development of the industry in the region. Attention needs to be paid to investment and fiscal policy, including important questions increasing the return on existing investment projects, the use of tax incentives, the rate of payment for land for individual enterprises in the industry. The indicators of the use of labor resources and realized recreational services characterize the presence of a significant shadow sector in these areas, which requires a reduction in the overall burden on the wage fund and the profits of enterprises.

List of sources

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  11. Marikyan A.I. Problems and prospects for the development of the sanatorium-resort complex of the Russian Federation // Theory and practice of social development. - 2006. - No. 3. - S. 90-92.
  12. Ermolekno G.G., Abibullaev M.S., et al. Financial support for the socio-economic development of the region / ed. G. G. Ermolenko, M. Yu. Kussogo. - Simferopol: IT "ARIAL", 2012.- 491 p.
  13. Pavlenko I.G. Management of the development of enterprises of the recreational complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea: Monograph / I.G. Pavlenko. - Simferopol: DIAIPI, 2009. - 236 p.
  14. Bukreev I.A. Development and development of the recreational potential of the regions of Crimea and Big Yalta. In the collection: Management of entrepreneurial activity materials. Fourteenth scientific and practical conference. 2016. S. 431-433.
  15. Bukreev I.A. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the system for implementing the recreational potential of the region // Actual problems of economics. - 2014. - No. 7. - P. 275-284.
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  17. Porter M. Competitive Advantage / M. Porter // The Free Press, New York, NY. - 1985. - 557 rubles.
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  19. Tatarkin A.I., Doroshenko S.V. Region as a self-developing socio-economic system // Economics of the region. 2011. - No. 1. - S. 15-23.
  20. New research on regional economics ECONOMY OF THE REGION №2 (2015) ECONOMYOFREGION.COM
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  1. Cehla S.Ju., Simchenko N.A., Polishhuk E.A. Development of the staffing structure of a sanatorium complex of the Republic of Crimea . Economics of region.2015. No. 3. pp. 149–160.
  2. Tatarkin A.I. Personal development of territorial socio-economic systems as the need for a federal arrangement. economics of the region. 2014. No. 4. pp. 9–26.
  3. Matyuhina A.A. Recreational Business Crimea. Black Sea Coast Peoples Culture. 2012. No. 230. pp. 45–48.
  4. Cehla S.Ju. Transformation of recreational activities and tourist resort of regional markets and recreational services: monograph. Tavria, 2008. 352 p.
  5. State management of regional development in Ukraine: Monograph. edited by V.Ye. Vorotin, Ya.A. Zhalil. NISD, 2010. 288 p.
  6. Bukreev I.A. Estimation of recreational potential of the Greater Yalta and its development prospects. Regional economy: theory and practice. 2016. number 7 (430). pp. 187-196
  7. Sustained Crimea. The city-resort Big Yalta. V.S.Tarasenko, V.G.Ena, I.V. Berezhnaja. Simferopol IT "Aryal", 2010. 392 p.
  8. Ambarcumjan S.Ju., Lochan S.A. The organization and management of a sanatorium complex. The innovative aspect. . M. Paleotyt, 2003. 136 p.
  9. Razumov A.N. Sanatorium complex as a complex control object . Issues of balneology, physiotherapy and medical physical culture. 2008. No. 5. pp. 43-46.
  10. Vetytnev A.M., Dzyubyna A.V. Modern problems of spa complex of Russia and ways of their solution // Economy Crimea. - 2012. - No. 3 (40). - S. 296-300.
  11. Marikjan A.I. Problems and prospects of development of sanatorium-resort complex of the Russian Federation. Theory and Practice of the Public Development. 2006. No. 3. pp. 90-92.
  12. Ermolekno G.G., Abibullaev M.S., et al. Financial support for socio-economic development of the region .Simferopol. IT "ARYAL", 2012.- 491 p.
  13. Pavlenko I.G. Managing the development of a recreational complex enterprises Crimea: Monograph. - Simferopol: DYAYPY, 2009. 236 p.
  14. Bukreev I.A. Exploration and development of the recreational potential of the regions and the Crimea Big Yalta. In: Management of business materials. Fourteenth Scientific-practical conference. 2016. pp. 431-433.
  15. Bukreev I.A. Evaluating the effectiveness of the recreational potential of the implementation system of the region . Actual problems of the region economy. 2014. No. 7. pp. 275-284.
  16. Porter M. Competitive Strategy. New York, 1980. 396 p.
  17. Porter M. Competitive Advantage. The Free Press, New York, NY. 1985 557 p.
  18. Suharev O.S. regional economic policy. The institutions, structural and organizational changes, reindustrialization. . LENAND. 2014. 144 p.
  19. Tatarkin A.I., Doroshenko S.V. The region as a self-sustaining socio-economic system. The economy of the region. 2011. No. 1. pp. 15-23.
  20. New research on the regional economy of the region's economy. №2 (2015) WWW.ECONOMYOFREGION.COM
  21. Tatarkin A., Lavrikova Ju., Vysokinskij A. Development of the economic space of the Russian Federation on the basis of the principles of cluster . federalism. No. 1. pp. 45-60.

Health resort and tourism services are a significant segment of the economy of many developed and developing countries. According to the World Tourism Organization, the total cost of domestic and international tourism on our planet today is 15% of the world's gross domestic product. The task of developing the sphere of providing sanatorium-resort and tourist services is due to the need to restore people's health. The modern dynamics of reproductive processes in society is currently disrupted in Ukraine: mortality is ahead of the birth rate, there is a spread of serious diseases. All this emphasizes the role of the recreational complex in improving people's health, increasing human capital, investments in which create the basis for increasing labor productivity and developing scientific and technological progress in the post-industrial era.

In Ukraine, under the influence of a number of reasons, sanatorium and tourism activities have not yet received sufficient development in the course of the formation of market relations. At the same time, a significant gap between the level of development of sanatorium and resort activities and the large-scale recreational potential that Ukraine and, in particular, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea have is quite obvious. The balneological possibilities of the Crimea, which form the basis for the restoration of the physical and spiritual strength of citizens, are unique.

The financial crisis affected the functioning of the recreational complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. First, in 2009 the number of recreants decreased by 13%, that is, people who came to Crimea for the purpose of recreation and health promotion;

Secondly, the citizens of Ukraine who were treated in sanatorium clinics, tourist hotels and recreation centers, as well as those who settled in the private sector of resort cities did not have the same funds that were spent during the holiday period, which affected the volume of income from transport, communications, trade, cultural institutions.

The global financial crisis that began in 2008 has already affected the economy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the core of which is the recreational complex. If in 2007 the aggregate of sectors of the economy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea received 512.4 million hryvnias of profit, then in 2008 for the first time in many years there was a loss of 1.578 billion hryvnias. This was reflected in the types of activities that serve recreational activities. For example, trade organizations that finished 2007 with a profit of UAH 6.3 million. received in 2008 - 252.3 million losses, transport, which in 2007 had 12.1 million hryvnia. profit received 127.0 mln. loss, hotels, hotels, restaurants, which in 2007 had 26.8 million hryvnia. loss, received in 2008 UAH 235.3 million. loss, etc.

All this is due to a decrease in the number of recreants and their potential funds, which they use for recreation and treatment.

We note as a positive trend the increase in the number of vacationers in stationary sanatorium-and-spa institutions. If in 2007 1070 thousand people had a rest, in 2008. - 1080 thousand people, then in 2009 1095 thousand people.

It should be noted that in 2009 the Government of Ukraine allocated more than 100,000 vouchers for treatment to Ukrainian citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster.

In general, the health resort complex has improved its occupancy.

The main reserve for the use of the recreational complex is to increase the duration of the use of its fixed assets. The fact is that the arrival for three summer months and a long wait for the new season is not a normal activity of this complex. At one time, trade unions negotiated with employers and employees received leave during the year. Obviously, in the future, sanatorium-and-spa institutions should be re-profiled for year-round activities, having interested vacationers in changing the vacation schedule.

The economic efficiency (E) of the financial and economic activities of the recreational complex is determined by the result of its impact on the recreational complex and is manifested both in health promotion and income received:


where ΣP - the amount of profit of the institutions of the sanatorium-resort complex;

ΣB is the amount of revenues to the budget and off-budget funds, UAH;

Ek - savings on the payment of benefits for temporary disability, UAH;

ΔVP - increase in gross income due to a reduction in the duration of the disease;

ΔCHK - increase in human capital as a result of rehabilitation in the recreational complex;

ΣΔP.torg + ΣΔPtran + ΣΔPsvyaz + ΣΔPkul - additional profit of trade, restaurants and hotels, transport organizations, communication and cultural institutions from the influx of tourists to the region. This increase is due not only to the fact that more than 4 million people come to rest, but also to the fact that they have significant funds to implement holiday plans. Therefore, the increase in income is an additional economic effect from the activities of the recreational complex.

The economic efficiency of the activity of the recreational complex and the infrastructure serving it has been determined (in million UAH)

ΣE=ΣP+ΣB+Ef. cool + ΣΔPtorg + ΣΔPtran + ΣΔPsvyaz + ΣΔPkult

ΣE2001=5.92+184.5+468.0+18.0+92.4+2.9=771.72 mln.

ΣE2005= - 11.83+322.4+493.2+32.0+116.2+4.3=956.27 million UAH

ΣE2007= - 3.78+444.8+517.4+53.0+65.0+3.8=1080.23 million UAH

ΣE2008= - 11.23+ 56.9+522.2+28.7+49.6+3.2=1049.12 million UAH

The global financial crisis of 2008 that began in

structures of the recreational complex.

The recreational complex has a large production potential, which includes: the cost of fixed and working capital of sanatorium and resort institutions and tourism organizations, the cost of labor resources (human capital) serving vacationers and patients, the monetary value of land resources. This potential of the recreational complex should be effectively used (Table 1).

Table 1

Economic efficiency of using the production potential of the recreational complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

Return of gross income to production potential

The level of profitability of production potential

Return on financing of the recreational complex

1045.5 mln hryvnia

9522.3 mln hryvnia=0.109

5.92 million UAH x100/

UAH 9522 million = 0.62%

1045.5 mln hryvnia/

1039.4 million UAH=1.005

2009.9 mln hryvnia

10216.4 million UAH = 0.1967

UAH 11.13 mln x100/

UAH 10216.4 million = - 0.015%

2009.9 mln hryvnia /

2003.8 mln hryvnia=1.003

2938.2 mln hryvnia

10886.5 mln hryvnia=0.269

UAH 3.78 millionx100/

UAH 10886.5 million = - 0.034%

2938.2 mln hryvnia/

2432.5 million UAH=1.2

UAH 3123.1 million

11136.1 million UAH = 0.28

UAH 11.25 million x 100/

11136.1 million UAH = - 0.1

UAH 3123.1 mln./

2532.2 million UAH = -1.23

From the analysis of the table it can be seen that the production potential is being strengthened, and this allows increasing the volume of recreational services. If in 2005 the cost of recreational services was UAH 2.0 billion, in 2008 it was UAH 3.1 billion. However, since sanatorium-and-spa institutions do not pursue the goal of maximizing profits, and their goal is to improve people's health, due to the fact that they do not operate all year round, they are unprofitable. Unfortunately, the level of unprofitable potential is increasing. The ratio of income received and funding indicates that this indicator is improving. In general, the indicators of the table show that the economic efficiency of the functioning of the recreational complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for 2001 - 2008 has increased.

The strategy and tactics of marketing activities in conditions of insufficient budget funding, and not only in these conditions, but should always be aimed, among other things, at obtaining a financial result in the form of ever-increasing financial resources.

A study of the marketing activities of the recreational complex showed the volume of sales of services of sanatoriums increased. The influence of a number of factors on this indicator is determined, the following equation is obtained:


It follows from the equation that the growth in the value of current assets by one million UAH. entails an increase in the volume of sales of services by UAH 11.07 million. An increase in the ratio of current assets by one percent entails an increase in the cost of services by UAH 3.368 million, an improvement in the receivables turnover ratio by one unit adds UAH 2.5435 million. cash receipts. The value of the coverage ratio is also high, the growth of which by 0.1 units will lead to a decrease in the cost of selling recreational services by UAH 17,364.8 million, and an increase in the quick liquidity ratio by 0.1 units contributes to an increase in the cost of recreational services by UAH 14.719 million .

From the study, the following conclusion follows:

1) The recreational complex of Ukraine is an important constituent part socio-economic type of activity and is aimed at restoring the health of recreants. It is a complex formation of a set of enterprises, institutions, organizations whose activities are reduced to the treatment and prevention of diseases and the organization of recreation for visitors.

State regulation of the activities of the recreational complex is carried out by two ministries: the Ministry of Health (in terms of monitoring the therapeutic effect on vacationers) and the Ministry of Resorts and Tourism (in terms of organizing recreation, distribution of vacationers). It is possible to single out a number of areas of recreational impact, but the main thing is the management of the treatment of those who have arrived on vacation, the system of resort factors, physiotherapy methods, physiotherapy exercises, therapeutic nutrition, medicines, as well as the impact by improving the psychological climate and comfort.

From the theoretical positions adopted by Western scientists, the activity of the recreational complex should be considered as an investment aimed at restoring health, the main component of human capital.

Ukraine has huge recreational resources and is one of the richest countries in the world with these resources, which, unfortunately, are not fully used. Many recreational regions are international (Crimea, Carpathians).

Based on the assessment of recreational activities from the standpoint of a management strategy, two main interrelated but contradictory areas of priority have been identified: firstly, the social direction of sanatorium and resort activities, which represents the process of providing a set of medical services to those in need (in accordance with the diagnosis). This set of spa services is carried out in accordance with the principles of social justice, such as universal accessibility, financial solidarity (including insurance) and others. Recreational resources should be available to any of the vacationers - this is the opportunity to use sandy beaches, sea bathing, mud therapy, mineral springs, etc. Secondly, a commercial direction based on marketing tools, with the goal of maximizing the financial results of the activities of sanatorium and tourism institutions. In accordance with the classification of resort territories, based on the criteria of resource provision, the priorities of the strategic management of the recreational development of territories are determined.

The sequence of developing a management strategy and the relationship between the levels of hierarchical subordination determine the specifics of the development of the industry. The coordination of the elements of the subject of the recreational industry management strategy is determined by the economic and legal basis for the interaction between them. In the system of staged rehabilitation (hospital - polyclinic - resort), sanatorium treatment is an integral part of the unified health protection system and the most important link in the complex of therapeutic and preventive measures, restoration of working capacity and strengthening the health of the population.

The result of the impact of the functioning of the recreational complex is, first of all, the medical effect of treatment, which is reflected in a decrease in the incidence of the population and is expressed in the amount of loss of working time due to illness, an increase in labor productivity, and an increase in the cost of human capital. Currently, recreation and tourism are considered as a specific sector of the national economy, as an integral part of the socio-economic policy of the state and regions.

2) The concept of financial and economic activities of the recreational complex is defined. The state financial management of the recreational complex provides for the allocation of funds for forecasting and drawing up programs for the development of this complex, funds for the training of medical specialists for sanatorium treatment and other specialists for recreational institutions and for the maintenance of the administrative apparatus of ministries and departments. The main task of the financial and economic activities of recreational institutions is to optimize the functioning of financial relations, which are multi-level and multi-channel and are carried out at the expense of three main sources of financial resources - budgetary funds, funds of the compulsory medical insurance system and Money recreants. The consumption of sanatorium services in the system of sanatorium and resort activities is carried out both on a gratuitous, partially paid, and commercial basis.

3) The assessment of the financial condition of the recreational complex created the prerequisites for predicting ways to improve the economic performance of its activities. On the basis of multifactorial correlation-regression equations, the relationship between the impact on the mass of profit, the amount of cash proceeds (the occupancy of health resorts, the length of stay, the cost per bed-day, the number of tour days, etc.), the impact of the tax system, investment investments , mixed financing and others, which allows you to plan these indicators for the future. Seasonal demand for recreational services is pronounced. The analysis carried out indicates the possibility of growth in income from services.

Privately owned institutions have the smallest volume of recreational services, but they also have the lowest cost per bed-day. State-owned institutions rank second in terms of recreational services, but the cost of a bed-day stay is quite low. Most additional services are provided by institutions with private property, and the least additional services are provided by institutions with communal property.

Established on the example of the Crimean region, the high economic efficiency of the recreational complex, which even in the conditions of the current difficult level of the economy allows you to get 267 million hryvnias per million vacationers. net profit and budget revenues. The calculations made indicate an increase in the economic efficiency of the financial and economic activities of the recreational complex of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, taking into account the income received from the service infrastructure.

The recreational economy is engaged in the organization of recreation, sanatorium treatment and tourism of the population. For our region, the problem is

development of the recreational complex is a priority. The Irkutsk region as part of the Baikal region is widely known for its specific natural and socio-cultural potential, favorable geopolitical position (in relation to the countries of Europe and Asia) for the development of a recreational complex. The development of this sector of the economy has a positive impact on the socio-economic conditions of life of the local population, since it stimulates the development of other sectors of the infrastructure complex (transport and communications, public services), agriculture, the construction industry, etc. The priority direction in recreational development is tourism, the development of which is often associated with plans for rapid economic growth. The territorial organization of all types of tourist activities is determined by the placement of natural and historical and cultural resources that make up the tourist and recreational potential (Ryashchenko et al., 2008).
The tourist and recreational potential of the Irkutsk region is formed by the following factors: convenient geographical location, natural resource potential, rich historical and cultural heritage, developed tourist infrastructure, many years of experience in receiving tourists in the Irkutsk region and the availability of a human resources base. The most important feature of the recreational resources of our region is their limitedness and uniqueness. Therefore, all concepts for the development of this industry are based on the principles of maintaining ecological balance in natural ecosystems (Ryashchenko et al., 2008).
Tourist and recreational resources are unevenly distributed over the territory. On the territory of the Irkutsk region, six zones are distinguished, to varying degrees, ready for the development of a modern tourism industry (Long-term target program ..., 2010): "Baikal region". The districts of this group (Slyudyansky, Irkutsk and Olkhonsky districts) have direct access to Lake Baikal - a unique natural site, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and which is the basis of the tourist potential of the Irkutsk region. This group also includes the city of Irkutsk as a major tourist transit center with a developed tourist infrastructure. Currently, there are about 400 registered camp sites and recreation centers on the shores of Lake Baikal, with a capacity of about 20 thousand people. "Indigenous Culture". Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Okrug - district compact living indigenous population - Buryats. From a tourist point of view, this territory is interesting for its preserved original culture and traditional way of life. "Untouched nature". The group includes unique natural resources: the reserves "Vitimsky" (in the Bodaibo district) and "Baikal-Lensky" (in the Kachugsky district), sources of medicinal mineral waters (Kazachinsko-Lensky district), extensive hunting grounds (Zhigelovsky district of the Irkutsk region), systems rivers and lakes, mountain ranges. Of particular interest in the future may be the history and practice of gold mining in the Bodaibo region. "Southern Industrial Regions". It is relatively difficult for the areas of this group to compete in the tourist market. The concentration of industry, the unfavorable ecological situation, the lack of significant tourist and recreational resources, as well as significant environmentally friendly development projects, significantly limit the possibilities for tourism development. "Northern Industrial Regions". The main tourist and recreational resources are the Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk reservoirs with a large number of places of recreation and water entertainment in summer season. With the proper development of unique tourist offers, the areas of this group can become centers of event tourism. Recently, increased activity has been noted both on the part of local governments of municipalities of the Irkutsk region, and investors in the city of Bratsk, where there are all the prerequisites for the formation of a tourist cluster (favorable location, developed transport infrastructure, accessibility, availability of recreational potential, ongoing tourism projects) . "Regions of Postponed Tourism Development". Due to the considerable remoteness, low level of economic development and basic infrastructure, a number of areas are classified as a group of delayed tourism development. The development of tourism in these territories is possible with the development of specific economic projects. At the same time, on the territory of the districts of this category there are significant tourist and recreational resources (in particular, the Nizhneudinsky district, Tofalaria), the use of which can serve additional source for the economic development of the region, to contribute to the preservation of ethnic nature management and traditional economic activities of the indigenous Tof people.
The development of tourism in the Irkutsk region began 50 years ago, but this process has noticeably intensified since 2002. During all this time, the tourist infrastructure, service culture, personnel, excursion and tourist routes, etc. have been formed.
The Irkutsk region specializes in the development of the following types of tourism: Ecological tourism. It develops on Lake Baikal and other untouched natural areas, including specially protected ones (Pribaikalsky national park, reserves "Baikal-Lensky" and "Vitimsky", wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments). Cultural and historical tourism. It is formed on the basis of the rich history of the Irkutsk region and in the presence of more than 1,500 objects of excursion and cognitive significance, the most famous of which are the city of Irkutsk, included in the list of historical cities of Russia with significant architectural monuments, an engineering and architectural complex of world importance, - Circum-Baikal Railway, architectural and ethnographic museum "Taltsy". Active tourism. Recently, there has been a significant increase in interest in outdoor activities on Lake Baikal: winter ice fishing, photo-video safari, boating, hiking, scuba diving, motorcycle and
motor races, horse routes, rafting on the rivers Utulik, Irkut and Snezhnaya. The Khamar-Daban, Primorsky, Severo-Baikalsky ridges, the Sayan spurs, the Olkhinsky plateau are unique places not only for mountaineering, but also for skiing. Promising sites for the development of skiing are located: in the Irkutsk region ("Snowland", "Eastland" and the sports and recreation park "Nikola"); in the Slyudyansky district (mountain Sobolinaya ski resort and the project to create a ski complex "Kharlakhta" in Baikalsk). Business tourism (scientific and educational tourism). Created on the basis of the existing research and production potential of the Irkutsk region. The Irkutsk Scientific Center operates in the region Siberian Branch The Russian Academy of Sciences, higher educational institutions, branch institutes, the country's largest industrial complexes operate - fuel and energy, mining, timber, petrochemical, non-ferrous metallurgy. Medical tourism. On the territory of the Irkutsk region there are six lakes with valuable reserves of therapeutic mud, 230 wells and springs, 25 deposits of therapeutic mineral waters, 46 sanatorium-resort organizations for 5589 places are functioning. The sanatorium and resort complex of the region allows you to effectively treat and prevent urgent and problematic diseases: circulatory organs, nervous system and organs of movement, digestive organs and the genitourinary system, respiratory organs, female and male genital areas.
The main elements of the tourist infrastructure are located in the territories arriving at Lake Baikal (Irkutsk, Slyudyansky, Olkhonsky districts), as well as in the city of Irkutsk. Currently, there are 241 units of collective accommodation facilities in the region with a one-time capacity of about 19,236 beds (Table 21).
Table 21
Dynamics of development of collective accommodation facilities for 2000-2010

assessment of compliance with the classification system of hotels and other accommodation facilities. Recently, there has been a trend of placing tourists with private individuals who are converting their estates into private visiting houses, which can contribute to the development of so-called "rural tourism".
In large cities of the region, activities are developing to provide additional tourist services (restaurants, clubs, entertainment, cinemas, bowling alleys, etc.). In total, 207 travel companies operate in the Irkutsk region, of which 11 travel companies included in the Unified Federal Register of Tour Operators carry out tour operator activities (Table 22). About two dozen travel companies have more than 10-15 years of experience in the tourism sector.
Table 22
The main indicators of tourist activity in the Irkutsk region for 2000-2011 a.








Number of travel agencies, units








Firms-tour operators







Travel Agents







Average number of employees, pers.







Tourists served, pers.







Compiled according to (Irkutsk region. 75 years ..., 2012)

The development of tourism and related infrastructure contributed to an increase in the tourist flow to the Irkutsk region, an increase in the consumption of tourism services and the number of people employed in this area.
Over the past six years, the tourist flow has shown stable and high growth, while the Irkutsk region is one of the leaders in Siberia and the Far East in terms of the number of tourists received. Thus, in 2009 the number of tourists visiting the Irkutsk region increased by 38% compared to 2006, and the volume of consumption more than doubled. The number of people employed in the tourism sector increased from 3.4 thousand people. up to 18 thousand people (“Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Irkutsk region (2011-2016)”..., 2010).
QUESTIONS FOR SELF-CONTROL Highlight the territorial features of the development of the service sector of the Irkutsk region. Why is the Irkutsk region a region with a high level of development of education and science? How are tourist and recreational resources located in the region? What types of tourism are most developed in the Irkutsk region?
