The development of Belarus as a tourist state is determined by its geographical position, its ever-increasing transit importance for the movement of people, capital, goods and services on the routes between Western Europe and Russia, Scandinavia and Asia. The specificity of the tourist resources of Belarus lies in the presence of a rich natural potential, a relatively even distribution of historical and cultural values, convenient transport links within the country and with neighboring countries.

The presence on our land of more than 15 thousand objects of historical, cultural, architectural significance, as well as memorable places associated with the names of prominent figures in world history and culture, suggests the active development of sightseeing and educational tourism.

Priority tourist areas are located within the boundaries of the National Parks "Belovezhskaya Pushcha", "Braslav Lakes", "Narochansky", "Pripyatsky", the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, the Euroregions "Bug", "Neman", "Lake Region". Zaslavsky, Nesvizh, Polotsk historical and cultural museum-reserves are popular with tourists. The Mir Castle was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2008.

On the territory of Belarus is the historical capital of the Principality of Polotsk - Polotsk, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Novogrudok. In many cities, historical development zones with valuable architectural monuments have been preserved. These are St. Sophia Cathedral and the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior with unique frescoes of the 11th century in Polotsk, the Kolozha Church in Grodno, the church in the village of Synkovichi, castles in Krevo, Nesvizh, Lida, Mir.

Belarus has a common history with Russia, Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine. Here is the birthplace of F. Skorina, N. Gusovsky, P. Mstislavets, T. Kosciuszko, A. Mitskevich, I. Domeiko, M. Oginsky, M. Chagall, J. Kupala, M. Bogdanovich. The Belarusian region is associated with the work of A. Pushkin, F. Dostoevsky, I. Repin, L. Ukrainka and other prominent cultural figures of Belarus and neighboring states.

For the development of domestic and inbound tourism, the following are of particular importance:

  • · existing national parks - "Belovezhskaya Pushcha", "Braslav Lakes", "Narochansky", "Pripyatsky" and projected - "Belaya Rus", "Svislochsko-Berezinsky", "Surazhsky";
  • · reserves and sanctuaries of republican significance - the Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, the reserves "Nalibokskaya Pushcha", "Blue Lakes", "Svityazansky", "Buda-Koshelevsky", "Mozyr Yars";
  • · resort and recreational areas - resorts "Naroch" and "Ushachi", recreation areas "Stolbtsy", "Schara", "Dnepr", "White Lake";
  • hunting grounds - "Braslavskoye", "Rossonskoye", "Glubokskoye", "Ozerskoye", "Ostrovetskoye", "Prinemanskoye", "Logoyskoye", "Stolbtsovskoye", "Kobrinskoye", "Pruzhanyskoye", "Telekhanskoye", Berezinsky Reserve and the national park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha", research and hunting farms "Badgers", "Krasnoselskoye";
  • · monuments of history and culture - the center of Grodno, the monuments of Polotsk, Nesvizh, Novogrudok, the Brest Fortress, the Mir Castle, defensive-type churches in Synkovichi and Murovanka, the Lida Castle, the monuments of Pinsk, Slonim, Mogilev, Gomel, Mstislavl, Vitebsk, Bobruisk;
  • places associated with important historical events - Novogrudok (Grand Duchy of Lithuania), Grodno (the second and third sections of the Commonwealth), Polotsk (the center of one of the oldest Slavic principalities), Zhirovichi (location of the miraculous icon), Brest (church union of 1596 , a peace treaty between Soviet Russia and Germany in 1918, the heroic defense of the Brest Fortress in 1941), Khatyn (burned by the Nazis in 1943 together with the villagers), etc.;
  • places associated with outstanding historical figures- A. Mitskevich (Novogrudok, Zaosye, Lake Svityaz, Shchorsy, Bolteniki, Tuganovichi), M. Oginsky (Slonim, Grodno, Zalesye), E. Ozheshko (Milkovshchina, Grodno, Lyudvinovo), I. I. Domeiko (Medvedka, Shchuchin ), F. Skaryna (Polotsk), Simeon Polotsky (Polotsk), Kosciuszko (Kossovo, Sekhnovichi, Grodno), M. Shagal (Liozno, Vitebsk);
  • museums - Minsk, Grodno, Vitebsk, Polotsk, Gomel, Mogilev, Brest, Slonim, Novogrudok, Baranovichi, folk art in Raubichi, folk art in the village of Vetka, in the Mir Castle, Kupalovsky Reserve, Kolasovsky Reserve, material culture in the village of Dudutki;
  • centers of folk crafts and crafts - pottery and ceramics in Ivatsevichi, Bobruisk, Motol, painting and wood carving in Ivenets, Budslav, the village of Ogova, Ivanovsky district, wood inlay in Zhlobin, linen weaving in Molodechno, weaving in Motol village, straw products in Mogilev, glassware in Borisov and Berezovka, souvenir factories in Minsk, Brest, Pinsk, Gomel.

The existence of the Trans-European Communication Corridor (TECC) Paris-Berlin-Warsaw-Brest-Minsk-Orsha-Moscow is of great importance. The main part of the transit tourist route "Belarusian Equator" passes through TEEK. In the zone of this corridor, unique recreational and tourist resources are concentrated, not only of national, but also of world significance, and a tourist infrastructure is being created. The emerging trans-European communication corridor on the West-East line is not the only transport tourist corridor in Belarus. An important role is also retained by the route St. Petersburg - Vitebsk - Mogilev - Gomel - Kyiv, which connects the Scandinavian countries with the Black Sea basin, and is an ancient trade and cultural route of Europe. Tourist routes “From the Varangians to the Greeks”, “Viking Roads”, which will become one of the most popular, will pass along the Belarusian section of the Vitebsk-Gomel corridor. Their novelty is the historical connection of Belarus with the ancient trade and cultural routes of Europe and the East.

Within the framework of the international integration program of the Council of Europe "European Cultural Routes", international tourist routes have been developed that pass through the territory of 3-4 bordering member countries of the Central European Initiative (CEI): "Castles and fortresses in the CEI member countries", "Churches and cathedrals in Central Europe".

Consistent work is being carried out in the republic to integrate the country into the international tourism community.

Behind last years signed a number of intergovernmental agreements on cooperation in the field of tourism with India, Cyprus, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Turkey, Poland, Romania, Syria, Yugoslavia, Latvia, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan..

Agreements with Moldova, Estonia, Israel, Slovakia, Romania are under preparation.

The annual international tourist exhibitions "Recreation" and "Tourism business" have become traditional in the republic; Belarus is represented by a single National stand at the largest international tourism exhibitions in London, Berlin, Moscow, Vilnius.

Festivals and folklore holidays held in the republic, major sports competitions, including:

  • International festival of arts "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk", regional folklore festival "Paleski Karagod" in Pinsk, Republican festival of choreography in Brest, chamber music in Zaslavl, international music festival "Minsk Spring" and "Belarusian Musical Autumn" , International Film Festival "Listapad", etc.;
  • international festivals medieval culture in Nesvizh, Novogrudok, Zaslavl;
  • · international competitions in tennis "Davis Cup", in freestyle wrestling for the prizes of Alexander Medved, in sambo for the prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus Lukashenko A.G., in equestrian sports, etc.

With the creation in 2007 of the Republican Unitary Enterprise "National Agency for Tourism", the work on advertising and information support for the promotion of the national tourism product in the external and internal tourism markets has improved.

Advertising albums "We invite you to Belarus", a tourist guide "Tourist Belarus", guidebooks "Braslav and its environs", "Polotsk", "Tourist routes of the Brest region", a map-scheme "Mir Castle. Nesvizh. Novogrudok. Lake Svityaz" were published promotional films "We invite you to Belarus", "Polotsk invites you", "Grodno invites you", "Grodno region invites you", "Braslav lakes", "Weekend near Minsk" and others. Prepared for publication:

  • · album "Mogilev land is waiting for guests";
  • · a guide to the Grodno region;
  • · Map-scheme "Zalesye and environs";
  • · a guide along the highway "Brest-Minsk-Orsha".

A system of personnel training for the emerging tourism industry has developed in the republic. In 14 universities, both state and non-state forms of ownership, they receive higher education in tourism, economists, managers, marketers, culturologists and specialists in the organization of sports and tourism and tourism and recreational work.

On the territory of the republic, within the framework of the international programs "TACIS", "UNDP", UNESCO, a number of projects are being implemented that are of paramount importance for the development of tourism. First of all, this is the creation of a cultural and tourist zone on the basis of the castle complexes of Mir and Nesvizh (“Mir-Nesvizh”), the commissioning of the Belarusian part of the Augustow Canal.

There are 265 hotels, 133 sanatoriums, 185 recreation centers, 125 museums, 24 theaters, 2 circuses, more than 200 large sports facilities, more than two thousand restaurants, cafes and bars at the service of tourists. Tourist activity on the territory of the Republic of Belarus is carried out by more than 500 legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have a license from the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus for its implementation. The largest domestic tour operators that own a significant part of the infrastructure of the republic are the tourist structures of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus and the National Tourist Concern "Belintourist" of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism.

Public associations in the field of commercial and sports tourism will intensify their work. Among them: "Belarusian Union of Tourist Organizations", "Belarusian Federation of Tourism", "Association of Agricultural and Ecotourism", "Republican Tourist and Sports Union", "Belarusian Public Association of Sports Tourism", "Belarusian Association of Tour Guides, Guide-Translators and Managers tourist groups.

The country has formed a regulatory legal framework for the standardization and certification of tourist and hotel services, which makes it possible to bring the quality of reception and service of domestic and foreign tourists in line with generally accepted international requirements.

In order to realize the tourism potential of the Republic of Belarus, the National Program for the Development of Tourism in the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015, regional (regions, Minsk) and sectoral programs for the development of tourism have been adopted.

State regulation in the field of tourism is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Tourism", the Regulation on Licensing Tourism Activities, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated October 20, 2009 No. 1377, state standards of the Republic of Belarus, as well as regulatory legal documents on the organization of amateur forms of sports and tourism and tourist and health-improving work (Rules for competitions in tourist-applied all-around, Rules for competitions in sports tourism, Rules for hiking, etc.).

To coordinate the efforts of all interested participants in the tourism market of the republic, republican government bodies, an Interdepartmental Expert and Coordinating Council for Tourism under the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus was created. The same Soviets were created under the regional executive committees and the Minsk city executive committee.

The development of tourism is one of the priority areas of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus. This industry is taken under special care of the state.
The state program "Hospitable Belarus" in 2016-2020 provides for an increase in the export of tourist services, an increase in the number of tourists and sightseers sent along routes within the country, an increase in the number of foreign citizens visiting Belarus, as well as an increase in the number of organized tourists and sightseers.
According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Sports and tour operators, 2017 will be a year of growth in the national tourism market compared to previous years. Among the trends of this year is the growing popularity of ecotourism, event and business tourism, as well as self-booking trips.
Today the image of Belarus is built on domestic tourism products. An illustrative example is the 1st place in popularity in the field of gastronomic tourism among Russian tourists. Also, according to the results of 2016, Belarus took the 1st place in the category "Agritourism" of the National Geographic Traveler Awards - 2016 among the best tourist destinations. And the national airline Belavia took 7th place among the world's airlines.
In terms of tourism, Belarus has a number of advantages compared to other countries. Among them: proximity to Western Europe, Scandinavia, ancient history and original culture, preserved natural potential and much more.
At the same time, the active development of the tourism sector is impossible without an extensive infrastructure, which includes hotels and other accommodation facilities, health resorts and health organizations, various cultural, art and sports facilities.
Agro-ecotourism has become relatively new for Belarus. Today, guests are received in more than 2 thousand farmsteads located in the picturesque corners of our country. According to the Ministry of Sports, in 2016, over 300,000 people visited Belarusian agro-eco-estates, which is 2.5% more than in 2015.
The rich flora and fauna of Belarus contributes to the development of hunting tourism. Hunting is allowed for 50 species of wild animals, including 21 species of mammals and 29 species of birds. There are 196 hunting lodges in the country.
Also, medical and health tourism is becoming more and more popular among foreign citizens. Among the patients who received medical care in Belarus, there are citizens of 128 countries of the world. In January-March 2017, more than 32 thousand foreigners were treated. In Belarus, the growth in income from medical tourism is expected to be at the level of 3-10% annually, depending on the economic situation in neighboring countries and, as a result, the income of potential patients.
Not to mention sports tourism. Over the past five years, more than 100 physical culture and sports facilities have been put into operation. The number of major international sporting events held in Belarus is growing every year. Republican calendar plan holding mass sports events for 2017 includes 279 events of various kinds. Further work is aimed at increasing the number of sporting events held in our country, accepted for competitions and training camps of foreign athletes, as well as comprehensive preparations for holding the II European Games in 2019 and the Ice Hockey World Championship 2021 in Minsk and Riga.
Educational, culinary, industrial, military-historical, religious and autotourism are actively developing on the territory of our country.
The development of the tourism industry is facilitated by an increase in the length and branching of the road network, as well as the development of roadside services.
According to the Ministry of Sports, investors are currently being searched for 89 investment proposals for the construction of roadside service facilities and hotels.
Today there is a dynamic growth of inbound tourism. First of all, this is due to the visa-free entry into the country. Thus, since June 12, 2015, a visa-free procedure for entry into the Republic of Belarus, departure from the Republic of Belarus and temporary stay for tourist purposes for up to 3 days in the territory of the National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" has been established for foreign citizens.
Also, from October 26 last year, foreign citizens can cross the State Border without visas to stay for tourist purposes for up to 5 days on the territory of the special tourist and recreational park "Augustow Canal" and the territories adjacent to it.
Since January of this year, a visa-free procedure has been established for foreign citizens of 80 countries arriving in our country through Minsk National Airport for a period of not more than 5 days.
Over the past three years, visas have been canceled between the Republic of Belarus and Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Turkey.
Today, every tourist and traveler can choose a vacation in Belarus for every taste. There are no snow-capped mountains and a warm sea with sandy beaches in Belarus, but in summer you can plunge into clean lakes, and in winter you can go to ski resorts, and at any time of the year you can visit knight tournaments, folk holidays, various sports competitions, festivals, theaters, museums, excursions.

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The development of tourism is one of the priority areas of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus. The tourist potential of Belarus is based mainly on the diversity, beauty and pristine nature of the country, the uniqueness of the historical and cultural heritage and consists of more than 15 thousand objects of historical, cultural, architectural significance, memorial places associated with the names of prominent figures in world history and culture.

in cities and countryside there are 1834 monuments of archeology, 1597 - architecture, 1131 - history, 122 - art, about 100 centers of folk crafts and crafts, dozens of local areas of traditional weaving and embroidery, pottery, weaving, saddlery, etc. In addition to nature reserves, sanctuaries, there are villages and cities, which are complex reserves, where the preserved historical environment is adjacent to the traditional way of life. All these are prerequisites for large-scale development various kinds tourism.

Main types of tourism and directions of their development

In order to develop inbound tourism and the industry as a whole, in recent years Belarus has developed and adopted 13 legal documents, the main of which is the National Tourism Development Program in the Republic of Belarus for 2006-2010. The main objectives of the program are the creation of the necessary infrastructure in tourist areas, effective and rational use natural resources and historical and cultural heritage, development of domestic and inbound tourism.

In accordance with the National Program in the Republic, a direction has been taken for the development of the following types of tourism.

Transit and cross-border tourism is proposed based on geopolitical position countries. It is planned to develop a roadside network of tourist infrastructure that allows organizing recreation for several days, with visits to tourist attractions located along highways and transport corridors. It also provides for the organization of cross-border tourist routes, including visits to tourist sites of border states. In the future, it is planned to create tourist centers along the main transport corridors, primarily based on small historical towns with valuable historical and cultural heritage (Mir, Nesvizh, Slonim, Zaslavl, Kobrin, Kossovo, etc.).

For the development of educational tourism, it is planned to use the rich cultural and historical heritage of the Republic of Belarus and the common history and culture of Belarus with neighboring countries. It is planned to create conditions for the formation of tourist-excursion routes for different categories of the population in places of important historical events. It is even possible to organize nostalgic tours for immigrants from Belarus and their descendants now living in other countries. More active involvement of young people in traveling around their native land is planned.

Agri-ecotourism is considered a promising direction for the development of tourism. The creation of tourist villages with traditional folk architecture based on existing rural settlements located in a picturesque area, the organization of rural tours with accommodation and meals in village houses and estates to get acquainted with the natural potential of the Republic of Belarus - all this is the potential for the development of this type of tourism.

The ecotourism direction includes outdoor activities, organization of hiking trips, as well as environmental education and environmental education tours for different age and social groups of the population. Unique landscapes, valuable wetlands or forest lands, acquaintance with flora and fauna, rare and endangered species of plants and animals, photo hunting for animal representatives and flora- all this allows to actively develop ecotourism.

A variety of agroecotourism is water tourism. This type tourism is realized in the form of short-term trips on passenger comfortable ships along the waterways of the republic.

Taking into account the geographical location of the navigable rivers of Belarus, the development of this type of tourism is envisaged on the Dnieper-Bug Canal and the Pripyat River from Brest to Mozyr, on the Berezina, Dnieper, Sozh Rivers from Borisov to Gomel. It is interesting for tourists to organize and conduct water routes on sports boats of the “kayak” type, small-sized (up to 6.5 m) rowing boats along the Berezinsky water system, Augustovsky, Oginsky, Dnieper-Bugsky canals.

In the future development of this type of tourism - the creation of rental points with a fleet (boats for pleasure, hiking, kayaks, kayaks, pedal boats), group and personal tourist equipment, necessary equipment For active rest, as well as the construction of passenger ships and watercraft of the appropriate class and level of comfort, the creation of coastal and floating infrastructure at the anchor points of the routes.

Growing popularity healthy lifestyle life, sports traditions, the use of the existing infrastructure predetermined the development of sports tourism, two main directions in the organization of sports trips (water, hiking, horseback riding, cycling, skiing) and other tourist and sports events in which tourists are participants, as well as visiting major sports competitions, where tourists are spectators. The development of these areas of sports tourism is planned to be carried out both for residents of the republic and for foreign tourists.

Active forms of tourism associated with significant physical activity are aimed at young people and physically healthy middle-aged people. For the organization of tourist trips of various categories of complexity, special tourist routes have been developed, adopted and recommended in various areas Belarus, which have favorable natural resources - in Poozerye, Ponemanye, Dnieper, Polissya, Central Belarus.

The basis for the development of recreational and health tourism is the efficient and rational use of natural resources and the existing tourism infrastructure. In this regard, it is envisaged:

Rational use of natural resources with medicinal properties, such as mineral water, peat mud, sapropels, types of peat, etc.;

· wider use for tourism purposes of the existing sanatorium-resort base of the republic;

· Renovation of existing and creation of new infrastructure in sanatorium and health resorts with the expansion of the range of offered tourist services;

· Creation of summer tourist camps, campsites, equipped parking lots for recreation;

· expanding the geography of sanatorium-and-spa institutions offered to foreign tourists;

The growth of business activity, the expansion of international contacts is a serious prerequisite for the development of business tourism. The main attention will be paid to: the development of tourist and excursion services for participants in international congresses, conferences, symposiums; organization of international trade exhibitions, fairs; creating conditions for the provision of tourist and excursion services during international reviews of scientific and technological achievements on the basis of large scientific centers and industrial organizations.

Religious or pilgrimage tourism can be called a new type in the tourism industry of Belarus. It is associated with visiting religious shrines and spiritual development. Two main directions of its development have been identified:

· worship of the main religious shrines outside the Republic of Belarus (for Orthodox and Jews - the Holy Land, for Catholics - the Holy Sepulcher and Rome, for Muslims - Mecca and Medina);

· visits to religious shrines on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, both by residents of the country and foreigners.

Religious tourism is planned to be developed with the coordination of the activities of tourist organizations, religious denominations and local authorities.

Regional tourism policy is becoming an important direction in the development of tourism in the republic. This policy in the Republic of Belarus is aimed at developing inbound and domestic tourism, increasing the importance of regions in the development of the tourism industry and is closely related to the economic concept of territorial development. Its basis is:

· Creation of a tourism management structure that allows efficient management and maximum benefit for the economy of the regions to use the resources and material base available on their territory, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental subordination, subject to environmental protection;

· creation of a competitive tourist product that satisfies the economic, social and aesthetic needs of the population while maintaining the natural, historical and cultural potential;

· development of mechanisms to attract domestic and foreign investment;

Satisfying the demand of the population for tourist services and goods;

development of the tourism industry at the level of world standards;

· Creation of favorable conditions for the development of social tourism for all groups of the population.

To implement the regional tourism development policy, it is planned to increase the efficiency of the use of available tourism resources and material base through the creation of 27 tourist zones and the implementation of the following activities:

1. development of roadside services (motels, bistros, a network of organizations selling souvenirs and gift items), creating a tourism infrastructure along the main transport corridors and highways, ensuring the development of transit, sports, educational tourism;

2. Bringing the material base of sanatorium-and-spa institutions, rest houses, dispensaries in line with international standards for service in order to develop inbound and domestic, health and business tourism;

3. use of the material base of agricultural cooperatives and agro-towns to create agro-tourism complexes and "inns" that ensure the development of agro-ecotourism, educational, sports, health and business tourism;

4. creation of a system of environmental and cultural education of young students,

5. use of the main tourist routes of tourist areas and the material base of centers, stations, tourist bases for children's tourism;

6. ensuring the development of social, educational, sports, health tourism, as well as agroecotourism;

7. development of a network of one-, two-, three-star hotels through the repair, reconstruction of existing hotels, improvement of service, provision of additional services, ensuring the development of transit, educational, business tourism;

8. development of a network of estates, leasing residential houses in rural areas, using tourist and recreational resources, ensuring the development of health, sports, agroecotourism, improving the well-being of the local population;

9. development of a network of hunters' and fishermen's houses, ensuring the rational use of the potential of natural complexes for the organization of hunting, health, educational, sports, business tourism, developing a system for the provision of additional services;

10. bringing facilities in line with world standards Catering and services in them, organization of gastronomic tours, weekend tours, developing national cuisine and offering cuisines from around the world, ensuring the development of inbound and domestic tourism;

11. development of tourism infrastructure near objects of historical and cultural heritage (including objects of religious denominations related to architectural monuments), ensuring the development of social, educational, religious, nostalgic tourism;

12. development of the entertainment and leisure industry, using cultural and sports facilities, theaters, cinemas, concert halls, sports facilities, ensuring the creation of new complexes, water parks, bowling alleys, tourist and sports complexes, etc.;

13. Ensuring the production of souvenir products through the opening of organizations for the revival of ancient national technologies; development of centers of crafts and crafts, organization of exhibitions and sales of products of folk craftsmen.

Belarus is consistently working to integrate the country into the international tourism community. In June 2005 the Republic of Belarus became a full member of the World Tourism Organization (WTO). Within the framework of the international integration program of the Council of Europe "European Cultural Routes", international tourist routes have been developed that pass through the territory of 3-4 bordering countries - members of the Central European Initiative (CEI): "Castles and fortresses in the countries - members of the CEI", "Churches and cathedrals in Central Europe".

On the territory of the republic, within the framework of the international programs TASIS, UNDP, UNESCO, a number of projects are being implemented that have great importance for the development of tourism. First of all, the creation of a cultural and tourist zone on the basis of the castle complexes of Mir and Nesvizh (“Mir-Nesvizh”), the commissioning of the Belarusian part of the Augustow Canal.

In recent years, a number of intergovernmental agreements on cooperation in the field of tourism have been concluded with countries - Moldova, India, Cyprus, China, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Poland, Romania, Syria, Yugoslavia, Latvia, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, etc.

Festivals and folklore holidays held in Belarus, major sports competitions, including the International Festival of Arts “Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk”, international festivals of medieval culture in Nesvizh, Novogrudok, Zaslavl, international sports competitions are becoming attractive tourist events.

The trans-European communication corridor (hereinafter referred to as TEC) Paris - Berlin - Warsaw - Brest - Minsk - Orsha - Moscow is of great importance for the development of tourism in Belarus. It crosses the country from West to East, and the main part of the transit tourist route "Belarusian Equator" passes through it. In the zone of this corridor, unique recreational and tourist resources are concentrated, not only of national, but also of world significance.

The emerging TEC on the west-east line is not the only transport tourist corridor in Belarus. An important role is also retained by the route St. Petersburg - Vitebsk - Mogilev - Gomel - Kiev, crossing the country from North to South, connecting the Scandinavian countries with the Black Sea basin and being an ancient trade and cultural route of Europe.

The Belarusian section of the Vitebsk-Gomel corridor will be traversed by currently developed tourist routes "From the Varangians to the Greeks" (the project is being implemented with the support of the Swedish International Cooperation Office), "Viking Roads", which will become one of the most popular and will show the historical connection of Belarus with the ancient trade and cultural routes of Europe and the East.

Guided by these directions, currently more than 600 enterprises carry out tourism activities in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, of which 90% are private. All of them are licensed by the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus. The largest domestic tour operators that own a significant part of the infrastructure of the republic are the tourist structures of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus and the Republican Unitary Enterprise "Belintourist" of the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus.

The National Agency for Tourism of the Republic of Belarus has been created, which is working on certification and standardization of tourist services, retraining of personnel.

The scale of the tasks facing the Republic of Belarus in the development of tourism as one of the priority sectors of the economy, the intersectoral nature of the tourism industry and activities, the importance of tourism for improving the health of the population and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, educating the younger generation on the knowledge of historical and cultural values ​​- all this determines the significant attention paid in Belarus to the development of tourism.

The development of tourism in any country, region depends on a whole range of factors, conditions and resources. The clear winners are those countries that have the sea and mountains. Despite the fact that Belarus does not have these significant tourism resources, it has a number of advantages compared to other countries. Among them: proximity to Western Europe, Scandinavia - a tourist market with a very high financial potential; proximity to the Baltic countries, Russia, Poland is a serious resource for the development of cross-border tourism; ancient and rich history, original culture; rich natural potential.

In the Republic of Belarus in recent years there have been significant changes in the field of tourism infrastructure: the number of new comfortable hotel complexes has increased; work is underway to reconstruct and update the existing hotel stock in order to increase its comfort and bring it to world standards.

Among the main trends in the development of domestic tourism can be noted:

  • 1 formation of tourist zones on the territory of the republic, interconnected with a system of recreation areas and resorts of local and republican significance, a network of urban and rural settlements;
  • 2 increase in the number of tourist centers in the republic;
  • 3 development of educational tourism in the republic on the tourist and excursion potential of tourist centers and cultural and historical sites;
  • 4 development of sports and health tourism in the existing recreational system of the republic;
  • 5 development of amateur tourism;
  • 6 further expansion of the material and technical base of tourism.

One of the priorities of the concept State program for the development of tourism in the country for 2016-2020 - investments in the tourism industry, including in the construction of roadside service facilities, collective and individual accommodation facilities, parking lots for campers.

It is planned to develop such types of tourism as cultural, educational, ecological, hunting, business (MICE-tourism), caravanning (travel with accommodation in motorhomes) and automobile tourism, recreational and health-improving (SPA tourism). In addition, attention will be paid to the medical, sports direction (including fan tourism), as well as religious, cross-border and agroecotourism.

It is planned that by 2020 tourist arrivals (business, tourism, private trips) will increase to 5.1 million people. And income from the export of tourism services will increase 1.6 times and reach the volume of 460.0 million dollars.

An increase in the one-time capacity of hotels and similar accommodation facilities is also expected - 1.2 times (up to 38.0 thousand beds). The total revenue from the provision of tourism services to tourism entities will increase by 3 times and amount to 12,000 billion rubles.

"A set of measures is envisaged to promote and develop the image of the Republic of Belarus as an attractive tourist region, which will make inbound and domestic tourism a profitable component of the country's economy," the creators of the concept say.

Among other things, it is planned to develop social tourism, that is, to meet the needs for tourism services of certain categories of the population - the elderly, children and adolescents, people with disabilities.

The marketing policy, as before, will be based on the "themes of the year" and is designed for tourists from Western Europe and BRIC countries. Another direction is the development of air communication with Belarus, attraction of new budget air carriers and modernization of existing airports.

A necessary condition for increasing the export of tourism services will be quality control in tourism in accordance with international standards for the level of tourism infrastructure and services.

Work will continue on the introduction of the TAX Free system in trade facilities. Also among the tasks in the field of tourism for 2016-2010 are quality control in tourism in accordance with international standards, participation in international tourism fairs and the opening of information centers in the regions of the country.

As for improvement regulatory framework in 2016-2020, special attention will be paid to the development of documents aimed at developing inbound and domestic tourism, attracting investments, and stimulating the development of agroecotourism.

It is planned to harmonize the legislation in the field of tourism in the Common Economic Space of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as in accordance with the recommendations of the UNWTO. The improvement of the legislation of the CIS countries will continue.

It is also proposed to improve the methodology for collecting statistical information through the introduction of an auxiliary (satellite) account in tourism. This will provide reliable data on the total contribution of tourism to the domestic economy (its share in GDP, employment, investment, budget revenues) and will serve as a weighty argument for attracting public and private investment in this area. It is planned that by 2020 tourist arrivals (business, tourism, private trips) will increase to 5.1 million people, income from the export of tourism services of tourism entities will increase 1.6 times and reach $460 million. The one-time capacity of hotels and similar accommodation facilities by 2020 should increase by 1.2 times to 38 thousand places, the revenue received from accommodation should increase by 1.5 times and amount to 2.2 trillion. white R. It is assumed that the revenue from the provision of tourism services to the subjects of tourism activities will increase 3 times and amount to 12 trillion. white R.

It is difficult to provide data on the number of domestic tourists, so the most accurate data are on the volume of paid services provided to the population in the field of culture, tourism and recreation. On the one hand, these data demonstrate a steady increase in sales of travel and related services. In 2009-2014, their volume in absolute terms in Belarusian rubles increased by 3.8 times. However, over the same period, the Belarusian ruble depreciated almost 4.8 times against the US dollar, which seriously reduces the interest of Belarusian entrepreneurs in providing tourism services for Belarusian tourists and travelers within the country.

The problem is the small share of the actual "tourist services" (tourist and excursion services, hotels and similar accommodation facilities, health resorts) in the total volume of paid services to the population in the field of culture, tourism and recreation. In 2009, this indicator amounted to only 6% of the total volume of paid services to the population in the field of culture, tourism and recreation. In 2014 - about 8% of the total volume of paid services to the population in the field of culture, tourism and recreation. Taking into account the difficult economic situation of the republic in recent years, the growth specific gravity actually "domestic tourism services" in the total volume of services in the field of culture, tourism and recreation, as well as an increase in the number of trips of citizens of the Republic of Belarus abroad show the growing importance of tourism needs for modern Belarusians. This opens up good prospects for the development of domestic tourism.

Domestic tourism needs foreign investment, but for this it is necessary to develop clear rules of the game in the tourism market for all participants. It is possible to attract foreign investors with more favorable business conditions than in neighboring countries. First of all, the government plans to make land plots for construction more accessible, as well as to prepare a package of investment projects.

The country has adopted an Investment Code, the provisions of which are aimed at stimulating investment activity, its state support, as well as protecting the rights of foreign investors in the republic.

Belarus has established a Foreign Investment Advisory Council, whose work is focused on improving the investment climate. A national agency for innovation and investment is also being created. There are six free economic zones with preferential operating conditions.

Great attention is paid to the formation of a competitive and rationally functioning banking sector that enjoys the confidence of the population and meets the needs of the real sector of the economy. It should be noted that the government has stepped up efforts to provide foreign banks with the opportunity to expand their activities in Belarus (today there are 9 banks with 100% foreign capital operating in the Republic of Belarus).

Priority zones for tourism development at the national level are Brest-Kamenetsk, Baranovichi-Slonim, Grodno, Novogrudok-Nesvizh, Minsk-Molodechno, Narochansko-Postavskaya, Polotsk-Ushachsko-Lepelskaya, Vitebsk-Orshanskaya, Bobruisk-Mogilev and Turov-Mozyr tourist and recreational zones. Favorable prerequisites for their development is that almost all of them are located in the area of ​​influence or at the intersection of existing and prospective trans-European communication corridors and are concentrated around the main centers of tourism infrastructure. Tourism development trends in the Republic of Belarus are clearly demonstrated by tourism statistics. According to the WTO recommendations, tourism statistics are carried out in two major sections: statistics of tourist flows and statistics of tourist income.

An analysis of the main trends in the conjuncture of foreign markets and their influence on the determination of industry priorities can be traced through the structure of the tourist flow to the Republic of Belarus. The table shows the main export markets for tourism services. However, it should be taken into account that these data include only organized tourists, and do not include persons visiting Belarus for personal and business purposes. In other words, these data do not fully reflect the structure of markets upon entry into Belarus. For a more complete picture, information is needed about crossing the state border, as well as the purpose of travel.
