Before the start of the school year, the teacher watches the kids, and pays great attention to individual work. In the last week of summer, an adult organizes activities to consolidate the knowledge and skills that the kids received in. You will find educational and finger games, conversations with children in the annex to the plan "Thematic week" Consolidation of material ".

Social and communicative development

In specially organized situations “We know how to dress”, “Let's show the doll Masha a plot”, not only the formation of the CPG takes place, but also the development of ideas about oneself as a person, about one's achievements. The development of communication skills is facilitated by the exercises “Touch gently”, “Chizhik”.

cognitive development

In the field of cognitive development, observations of the state of the weather and earthworms, the didactic game “When does this happen?”, the exercise “Find an object by description”, and viewing the album “Furniture” are planned.

Speech development

An adult attracts children to the games “Toys for Bears and Bears”, “Who Shouts How”, “How to Say”, which allow them to form the grammatical structure of speech and develop a desire to communicate with adults and peers on various topics.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The teacher organizes the construction of the Lego-constructor "Pantry for the squirrel", modeling "Caterpillar". Game exercises, in which the formation of the ability to accompany game actions with speech, contribute not only to artistic and aesthetic development, but also to the formation of the ability to ask questions about musical and literary works.

Physical development

Work continues on developing the ability to start and end the movement at the signal of the educator, the formation of throwing skills at various targets. Games like "Sunny Bunnies", "Get in the hoop", "Ring the bell" and others help the educator to solve the problems of physical development.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Game situation "Masha is having lunch". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to hold a spoon in your right hand, take food with your lips, bite it into small pieces, chew with your molars, and not with your front teeth.Exercise "Find an object according to the description." Purpose: to exercise in finding an object by characteristic features, to develop observation.Quiet-loud game. Purpose: to develop the vocal apparatus, to develop the skill of quiet and loud pronunciation of words.Di. "Fix the bunnies' clothes." Purpose: to teach children to distinguish colors and shapes and use the names of colors in speech.The game "Who will run faster." Purpose: to teach children to run in a certain direction without bumping into each other.
Game situation "Our toys". Purpose: to form the habit of cleaning up toys after playing in places.Di. "We will disassemble and collect." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to find and name parts of a plant.Exercise "How to say" Purpose: to teach politely to express a request for help.Di. "What an animal can do: we will say and show." Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about the habits of animals.P.i. "On a flat path." Purpose: to develop the ability to walk in a straight line, exercise in balance.
2 p.d.Exercise "We know how to dress." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to properly dress and undress with a little help from adults, place your things in the closet, fold and hang clothes on a chair before going to bed.Di. "Glade". Purpose: to continue learning to group objects by color and shape.Storytelling through subject pictures. Purpose: to form the ability to compose descriptive stories using adult questions.Independent games with the designer. Purpose: to encourage children to construct familiar buildings, to develop independence and friendships between children.Fizminutka "Clockwork toys". Purpose: to form the ability to coordinate speech and movement.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Exercise "Show in the picture who is happy, who is sad." Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary with verbs denoting an emotional state, to cultivate interest in looking at pictures and illustrations.Board game "Whose mother". Purpose: to expand knowledge about animals and cubs, to activate the vocabulary on the topic.Exercise "Toy for Mishka and Mishutka". Purpose: to encourage children to select pictures according to verbal instructions based on the size of the object, to develop the function of generalization.Drawing "This is how we draw." Purpose: to determine the level of formation of skills in drawing with pencils.The game "Little feet walked along the path." Purpose: to develop the rhythm of the step, to learn to play together, not to push.
Exercise "Let's show Masha the plot to the doll." Purpose: to form the ability to navigate the site, find objects according to verbal instructions.Observation of the weather (the presence of the sun, wind, precipitation) - teach children to see changes in nature, speak in simple sentences.Finger game "Ducklings". Purpose: to learn words, to promote the development of fine motor skills.Game exercise "Funny songs". Purpose: to form the ability to accompany game actions with speech, encourage them to ask questions.P.i. "Find your home." Purpose: to teach to combine walking with other types of movements. To develop the ability to navigate in space, to coordinate the action with other children.

Calendar planning for the 1st junior group for the month of October "I am a man in the world"

Queen Nina Anatolyevna. This material will be useful for educators 1 and 2 of the younger group.
Fri Morning 1. Conversation with children on the topic "I can" Purpose: to develop cognitive activity teaching children to control their behavior
2. Didactic game for the development of speech "Toy Store" Purpose: To develop monologue speech
3. A little-moving game "Who is next" Purpose: to develop throwing skills To develop an eye
4. Exercise with massage balls "Affectionate hedgehog" Purpose: development of fine motor skills
5. preliminary work on the development of speech - viewing illustrations in the book
NOD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
2. Cognitive development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT Lesson No. 6 reading the story of L.N. Tolstoy “Petya and Misha had a horse” goal: to improve the ability of children to listen to the story without visual accompaniment by V.V. Gerbov “speech development in kindergarten with children 2-3 years old” ( p.42)
2. FKGN "How to wash your hands properly" Purpose: to remember the sequence of washing hands, to teach to give detailed answers
3. The outdoor game "Cucumber - Cucumber" Purpose: to form the ability to follow the rules of the game, repeat the words
4. Role-playing game "Tram" Purpose: to consolidate the rules of behavior in public transport To activate speech
5. Independent activity of children Balls, hoops, hats for familiar games, breathing simulators, wheelchairs, etc. Purpose: to encourage the participation of children in joint games, to foster interest in physical exercises

Individual molding work. - learn to roll plasticine between the palms

Mon Morning 1. Talk about kind children and their good deeds goal: to instill good, moral qualities
2. Didactic game on FEMP "Our Day" Purpose: to teach how to use parts of the day correctly
3. The mobile game "Bubble" Purpose: to remember the words of a familiar game, to form the ability to walk in a circle
4. Labor assignments Put the toys back in their places after the game Purpose: to cultivate industriousness and the ability to work collectively
5. Preliminary work ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT - consider objects different shapes

2. Cognitive development
ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL FEMP Lesson No. 3 goal: to form the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: brick, ball; to form the ability to perform actions with objects: stroke with the palm of your hand, set. roll, build the simplest buildings. I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina "FEMP with children 2-3 years old, 2015 (p. 12)

1. Gymnastics after a daytime sleep
2. Listening and singing familiar songs Purpose: to develop the desire to sing and sing along to melodies, to attach to music
3. Role-playing game "Birthday" Purpose: to teach children to distinguish dishes and name them
4. Didactic game for the development of speech "Name your mother" Purpose: to develop memory, thinking in children
5. Independent activities of children noisemakers, musical instruments, sounding toys, hats and masks Purpose: to interest children in musical instruments and theater supplies.

Individual work on the development of speech - to teach children to listen to a story without visual accompaniment

WT Morning 1. observation of the work of the assistant educator goal: to form a friendly attitude of children to help educate.
2. Didactic game: "Name the subject" Purpose: vocabulary enrichment.

3. Consideration of plot pictures: “Children in kindergarten»; Purpose: to instill in children a benevolent attitude towards kindergarten
4. N / Game "Russell dolls" Purpose: to develop color perception, the ability to correlate objects by color
5. Preliminary work on DRAWING - consider the finished work of senior children

Individual work ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT goal: to form the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: brick, ball

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
DRAWING “Water, water, wash my face” goal: to introduce the properties of paints, to learn to hold a brush in your right hand, to pick up paint on the bristle of the brush, to draw it across the sheet, lightly touching the paper.

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL CULTURE (in a group) Lesson No. 7 Purpose: to teach children to walk on a limited surface, crawl under a rope and throw an object at a distance with their right hand, develop the ability to run in a certain direction S.Ya. 76

Evening 1. Gymnastics after sleep
2. Situational conversation about caring for books. goal: to instill a love of books
3. FKGN behavior at the table Purpose: To teach children to hold a spoon correctly, bend over a plate, and chew food thoroughly.
4. m / n game "What can our legs do?" Purpose: to develop the ability to walk one after another, in a given direction
5. Children's independent activity: play in the living corner Purpose: to encourage children to play with animal figurines

Wed Morning 1. Talk “Tell me about yourself” Purpose: To consolidate children's ideas about their appearance; learn to use a mirror when describing your appearance, naming parts of the body and face; clarify their functions
2. MP / and “Engine” Purpose: to develop coordination of movements, to learn to move in a column without pushing other children and without stumbling
3. Kh / l - “Drema visiting children” Purpose: to teach to understand the semantic meaning of the content of nursery rhymes and songs. To form auditory perception of the rhythm and melodiousness of Russian folk songs and small forms of folklore. Develop an active vocabulary
4. D / and "Our helpers" Purpose: To consolidate children's ideas about functional purpose eye; cultivate respect for your eyes
5. Preliminary work on the DEVELOPMENT of SPEECH - read poems and fairy tales with a clear emphasis on the sound "U"
Individual work DRAWING goal: to learn to hold the brush in the right hand, to pick up paint on the bristle of the brush
GCD 1. Speech development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT Lesson No. 7 games and lessons on the sound pronunciation "U". Reading the song "Conversations" goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound "U". V.V. Gerbova "speech development in kindergarten with children 2-3 years old" (p. 42)

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) Lesson No. 8 Purpose: to teach children to walk on a limited surface, crawl under a rope and throw an object at a distance with their right hand, develop the ability to run in a certain direction S.Ya. 76
1. Gymnastics after a daytime sleep,
2. FKGN "Dress ourselves" goal: to teach children to dress in the right sequence
3. D / and “Show the same” Purpose: To teach to find identical objects at the request of the teacher, to develop visual memory
4. Independent activity of children sub. games Purpose: to encourage children to play independently

Thu Morning 1. D / and "Helpers of a person at work" Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about the functional purpose of hands
2. P / and "Shaggy dog" Purpose: to learn to move, following the instructions given in the form of a game
3. Labor assignments "Let's put things in order in the group" goal: To teach to clean up toys
4. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills goal: to cultivate the ability to properly hold a spoon, eat carefully, over your plate
5. Preliminary work on Lepka. - “warm up” plasticine together with the children so that it becomes soft
Individual work on the DEVELOPMENT of SPEECH goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound "U"
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MODELING "Fence for a horse" goal: continue to teach how to roll out plasticine with direct movements of the palms, put sticks on top of each other. encourage to recognize familiar objects in a combination of forms.

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION Lesson No. 8 Purpose: to teach children to walk on a limited surface, crawl under a rope and throw an object at a distance with their right hand, develop the ability to run in a certain direction S.Ya.

1. Gymnastics after a daytime sleep
2. D / and “We will dress the doll after sleep” Purpose: to learn to name items of clothing
3. C / r game "At the doctor" Purpose: Familiarizing children with the activities of a doctor, fixing the names of medical instruments. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan
4. Independent activity of children with / r games goal: to involve children in a game situation

Fri Morning 1. Observing the weather outside the window goal: to teach children to see the beauty of nature
2. H / l - Russian retelling folk tales“Ryaba Hen” Purpose: to encourage children, together with the teacher, to retell a small literary text; develop intonation expressiveness speeches
3. p / and "Catch up with me" Purpose: To teach children to act quickly on a signal, to teach them to navigate in space, to develop dexterity
4. D / and "Lacing" Purpose: development of fine motor skills and sensory perception
5. pre-music work - to remind the children how to walk in a circle without bumping into each other.
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC (organized by the music director)
2. Cognitive development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT Lesson No. 8 Examining plot pictures (at the choice of the teacher) goal: to teach children to understand what is shown in the picture, to comprehend the relationship of the characters by answering the questions of the teacher. V.V. Gerbova "development of speech in kindergarten with children 2-3 years old" (p. 43)

1. Gymnastics after a daytime sleep
2. C / r “Let's rock our daughter” Purpose: to teach children to perform a series of game actions using the words in speech: “wrap”, “shake”.
3. D / I: "Guess what mood" Purpose: to develop the ability to respond to the general emotional state
4. MP/s: "Catch the ball" Purpose: to practice catching the ball
5. Children's independent activities P/I goal: to encourage children to play in groups
Individual work on physical culture. – teach children to walk on a limited surface, crawl under a rope

Mon Morning 1. Conversation “About girls and boys” using plot pictures. Purpose: to expand children's self-image, gender representations
2. Theater on a flannelgraph based on the fairy tale by K. Ushinsky "The Wolf and the Goats" Purpose: to introduce to verbal art; memorizing the text of the story.
3. Didactic game: "Name the subject" Purpose: vocabulary enrichment
4. P / and “Let's help the bunny jump off a low bench” Purpose: Development of coordination of movements, practice jumping from a small height
5. Preliminary work ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT - prepare toy vegetables, let the children look at them and hold them

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC LESSON (organized by the music director)
2. Cognitive development
ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT "Carrot from a Bunny" goal: to expand children's ideas about vegetables (about carrots). develop a positive attitude towards others. O.A. Solomennikova "Introduction to nature in kindergarten with children 2-3 years old" 2016, (p. 20)
Evening 1. Gymnastics after a daytime sleep
2. C / R game "Let's take the doll to the clinic" Purpose: to develop the ability to follow certain rules in the game, choose a role
3. P / I "Sun and Clouds" Purpose: to develop the ability to listen to the rules of the game, to perform movements on a signal
4. Work in the corner of nature: water houseplants, wipe the ficus leaves. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to care for plants, to help adults.
5. Independent activity of children in drawing Purpose: to interest children in colored pencils
Individual work in music - to train in walking in a circle

Changes in Russian education encourage teachers to look for new approaches to the implementation of tasks preschool education. The changes affected not only program documents, but also, mainly, the activities of teachers with children. It is known that the first step to action should be planning. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends to a large extent on the quality of planning.

There are ready-made long-term and calendar plans for some exemplary programs of preschool education. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such plans sometimes do not take into account a number of important points: the current situation in the development of children, the characteristics of a group of children, the technologies being implemented, the regional component, the variable part of the educational program, and also do not always allow the implementation of such requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard as taking into account the interests of the child, supporting his initiative and becoming a child as a subject of his education. Our planning notes comply with the Federal State Educational Standard, but:

ready-made plans can only partially be used to develop teachers' own plans. When downloading the plan, you should read it in detail and change it in accordance with your children, their interests and abilities.

The effectiveness of the implementation of educational areas as a whole depends on how thoughtfully and competently the planning is carried out.

Long-term planning of the educational process in age groups is an early determination of the order, sequence of the educational process for the academic year with the definition of tasks and content for each month. Its basis is the main general educational program of a preschool institution. A long-term plan is drawn up by teachers of each age group for a month, quarter, six months or a year (correction is allowed in the course of work in a plan of this type).

The long-term plan is developed by educators and specialists independently for one academic year and is carried out on the basis of the curriculum approved by the head. Forward planning of immediate educational activities(GCD) is compiled for each age group, taking into account integrated thematic planning.

The long-term plan includes (depending on the preschool program):

Implementation timeline;
educational areas (socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development; physical development);
goals and objectives (for a month);
types of children's activities
used literature and teaching aids,
work with parents for the academic year (parent meetings and consultations);
at the beginning of each month, the following is determined: complexes of morning gymnastics, a complex of gymnastics after sleep, work with parents and children for a month (individual and group consultations, group and general garden parent meetings, information stands, folders, folders, memos, competitions, exhibitions, seminars, musical and sporting events, days open doors, etc.).

The shelf life of the calendar-thematic and long-term plan is 5 years.

Summaries of long-term plans for the year


The abstract includes:

  • Regime and regime processes (adaptation of the child, physical culture and health work, organization of daytime sleep)
  • Classes
  • Independent play activity
  • Working with parents, topics of consultations and conversations.
  • A set of morning exercises for every month.
  • Games-classes by day.


Author Lyamina Alevtina Ivanovna. Methodical work and long-term planning in the 1st junior group for the academic year.docx>>


Abstracts of long-term planning of classes for the year by months

One week - one common topic. In each week, classes are divided into areas: cognition, communication, fiction, drawing, modeling, design.

Planning for the program "Birth to School"

Developments according to the program "From birth to school" by N. E. Veraksa, Vasilyeva M. A., Komarova T. S. for the 1st junior group for the entire academic year, broken down by weeks, given the topic, tasks, cognitive, artistic, gaming, labor and other activities. Author Kostikova Natalia Petrovna. Long-term planning in the first junior group for the academic year (pdf file)>>

Another summary of planning for the program "From Birth to School". Working programm compiled by educational areas: physical development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development (FSES DO). Educator Sukhikh Natalya Sergeevna. Download abstract >>

Long-term planning in the 1st junior group under the program "Rainbow"

Teacher Osovskaya Natalya Alexandrovna. Download plans for "Rainbow" >>

Long-term planning of the first junior group based on an exemplary educational program for the Federal State Educational Standard "Childhood"

Synopsis 5 weeks

Planning classes and routine moments for the first junior group in 5-week cycles in accordance with 5 educational areas. These are social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic and physical. Abstracts from mid-September to mid-October.



Name theme week

Goals and objectives

Approximate content of work with children

Working with parents

Creation of a subject-spatial environment

Final event


1 Week


"My Happy Childhood"

-Children Protection Day;

- Hello summer red;

- My favorite kindergarten.

form elementary representations about summer (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothes). To form in children emotional-figurative perception through the artistic word.

4. Develop observation, creative imagination, arbitrary memory and attention;

Excursion "Group visiting the group";

Conversations : "Hello, red summer!" ;

"My group, my site";

"Our Favorite Kindergarten"

Examination of illustrations, postcards on the theme "Summer";


S/r game : "Kindergarten",

"Let's go visit"

"Summer Vacation"

Musical activities:

Listening to songs with viewing presentations on the topic “Here it is, what our summer”;

round dance : "There was a birch in the field"

mobile game : "At the bear in the forest";

"Birds in nests";

Low mobility game: "Rain"

Puppet show



learning poems, songs about summer.

Drawing : « Balloons»;

Drawing on asphalt solar circle»

Storytelling"What are pencils for?"

Continue to form KHN in children; labor assignments for cleaning toys "We have order"

Involve parents to participate in the improvement and landscaping of the site and the repair of the group.


"On the benefits of natural factors (sun, air, water) on the child's body",

"Child Safety in Summer";

Laying out in the book corner of works about summer.

Asphalt drawing competition

2 weeks


"Where does the Motherland begin"

- My family is my castle;

-The house I live in;

-My responsibilities in the family;

-My name;

-Family holidays.

Learn to say your name and the names of membersyour family: mom, dad, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather;

To instill in children love and respect for family members, to teach them to take care of their loved ones;

Give an idea of ​​the role of each family member (duties, deeds, and actions);

Learn to navigate in the immediate environment: recognize your house, your apartment, name the street;

Examination of subject pictures "Household items";


"Who is next to me?";“Who do you live with”; “My mom”, “My dad”, “My family”, “What I like - I don’t like”, “How I spent my day off”


"Big - small";

"Let's feed Tanya";

"Guess whose clothes", "Who called"; "Name the parts of the body"; "Let's tell Petrushka how to meet guests", "Who does what", "Let's drink tea to the doll",

S/r game:

"Family", "Day

the birth of Mishka”, “Doll Natasha”;

Game situation:

"Telephone conversations with family members",

"We are washing"

"Our hands help to undress"

"Hen and chickens", "Roll the ball to me", "Sparrows and the car"; "Let's not get our feet wet...", "We'll walk along the path";

Musical activities:

Singing songs "What a wonderful day", "Smile";

Reading fiction :

nursery rhymes “Nose, nose! Where are you, nose?

"Like our cat";

works by S. Kaputikyan “Everyone is sleeping”; L. Voronkova "Masha the Confused", N. Nosov "Steps", V. Suteev "Three Kittens"

poems by G. Lagzdyn “Bunny, bunny, dance”; listening to recordings of Russian folk tales (Turnip, Kolobok)

Finger game:

“This finger is a grandfather ...”, “Okay”, “Family”

"Finger is a boy", "House"

Breathing exercises: “Let's blow on the balls”, “The ball burst”;

Self-service and elementary household work:

"Let's help toys find their home"

To promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in a family and kindergarten;

Campaign "Give a toy to kindergarten"

Family photos;

gouache and other materials for fine arts;

Exhibition of drawings "My family" (together with parents)

3 week


"There is no more beautiful in the world than my Motherland"

-Travel down the street along the garden;

-Russia Day;

- We will take the flag in our hands;

- Day of favorite activities;

- I love you my station.

Formation in children of a patriotic attitude towards their small Motherland, love for their native land,

Acquaintance with the concepts of "flag", "coat of arms", "anthem", symbols of the state;

Consolidation of ideas about colors;

To form the ability to notice the beauty of the streets, to expand children's ideas about their native village, to cultivate emotional responsiveness, love for their native land.


"Walking down the street" ;

“Our home is Russia”, “Birch as a symbol of Russia”

“Each country has its own flag”, “Where you can see flags”,

game situation : "The dolls are awake and getting dressed"

S/r game:


" Hospital";

"Let's treat the doll with tea";


“Sad - funny”, “What have I done?”; " Find out what I'm playing";

"Where we've been, we won't say"

Drawing :

"Flags" - coloring of the Russian tricolor

Application: "Flag of our Motherland"

Musical activities:

flag dance,

listening to the anthem of Russia

Poem. A. Barto "Flag";

V.Stepanov "Song", "Flag of Russia", "Moscow", "Our House",

G. Lapshin "Three colors on the flag of Russia."


"Find the flag";

"Run to your flag";

"Across the Brook", "Airplanes"


“On the Bridge”, “Throw and Catch”, etc.


"Building a house for Masha's doll", "Road for cars";

Self-service and elementary household work:

To continue to form in children KGN, independence in dressing, labor assignments for cleaning toys, watering flowers on the site.

Remind parents to:

"Raising a Little Patriot"

"Russia is the country in which we live",

"The meaning of the stripes on the flag"

Material about Russia, Kuban, villages;


Russian flag making

4 week


"Without the past, there is no present"

- Grandmother is the soul of the family;

-Who has a grandfather, he did not know the troubles;

- Day of memory and sorrow;

-I love my horse;

- Kuban folklore.

To contribute to the formation of the child's ideas about emotionally close adults - grandparents;

to form an idea of ​​the Kuban folklore, the folklore of the peoples inhabiting the Kuban, to introduce the genres of the Kuban folklore.


"This is my grandma, grandpa"

(based on photographs from the photo album and illustrations).

S/r game :

"Visiting Grandma and Grandpa"; "Family";

Game is fun "From the grandmother's chest" (disguise).

Didactic games:

“Get to know your grandmother, grandfather / by appearance, by voice”, “Help grandma in the kitchen”, “Help grandpa fix it”, “Call grandma and grandpa for dinner”

Onomatopoeia games: "Drip-drip-drip" "Let's ride a horse."

Exercise “A horse walks along the bank”, “The cat falls asleep”.

learning "Hello sunshine"

P / s:

"Mice in the pantry", "Sparrows and a cat",“On a flat path”, “Wind and leaves”, “Beetles”,“The chicken went out for a walk”;

Ugh: "Do as I do", "School of the ball";

Finger game:

"Magpie Crow""I'm going to my grandfather, I'm going to my grandmother"“There is a horned goat”, “Fists”

Low mobility game "Roll the ball into the goal";

Reading fiction:

Russian nar. fairy tales "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", etc., reading and learning songs, chants, fables "Kisonka - Murysonka", "Grandma's song about the fidget" (per. Y. Kushak) and more,

learning poems about grandparents;

Kuban folklore:

"Frets - frets";

"Dozhzhik, dozhzhik, perestan";

modeling "Lambs for tea"

Drawing "Wheels for grandfather's cart" and more.

Construction from a large and medium designer of familiar buildings, "Furniture for the room of grandparents" (table, chair, bed)

Self-service and elementary household work:

Independence in dressing, labor assignments for cleaning toys, watering flowers on the site.

Joint activities with grandmothers

"We knead salty dough» (for productive activities)

Joint activities with grandparents

"Toy Repair"

Consultation in the corner for parents: "How to avoid heat and sunstroke»

Elements of clothing for disguise;

Table theater "Kolobok";

Photos of grandparents;

Collective modeling from salt dough"Healthy food"

5 week


"Visiting the Cossack and Cossack"

- Life of the Kuban Cossacks;

-Toys and games of children of the Kuban Cossacks;

- Animals of the Kuban court;

- Crafts in the Kuban - we sculpt, we make;

- Kuban fairy tales and epics.

To give children basic knowledge that we are descendants of the Kuban Cossacks, and they are our ancestors;

Introduce children to the Kuban epics. Continue to teach children to listen carefully to fairy tales,

Answer the simplest questions on the content, teach to empathize with the heroes of fairy tales.

Looking at pictures on the topic “How do pets live?” (safe behavior with animals);

Consideration of "My toy";

Conversations A from personal experience"My favorite toy";


"Folk Crafts", "Talented People";

"Respectful attitude of the Cossacks to the elders»;

"Behavior with Pets".

The game "Lubo, not lyubo";

"The most dexterous";

Game on onomatopoeia "Cockerels and chickens";

"The clock is ticking" - sounds "K", "T", "T'"

"It's possible - it's not" (safety in everyday life),

“What has changed”, “What has not happened” (for the development of thinking);

“Call me affectionately”, “Who called”

S/r game:

"Family", "We're going to visit",

"Produse store";

Visual activity:

Application "Sunshine"

Drawing "Combs for toys",

Musical activities:

Muses. rhythmic movements "We are kicking top top top…»,

Round dance "Carousel";

Reading fiction: poem by A. Barto "In the yard",

story by V.M. Fedyaevskaya "Helpers",

learning the nursery rhyme “There are three chickens on the street”, “Vanya, Vanya simplicity”.

P / s "Traps", "Get in the circle","Sun and Rain"

UGH: “Jump up to the palm of your hand”, ball games “Who will hit”, “Run, catch”

Finger gymnastics "Finger on finger"

"Boy finger";

Articulation gymnastics:

"Shovel", "Watch", "Swing", "Horse", " delicious jam»,

"Frog", etc.


"Turret for a cockerel", "Gate for cars";

Self-service and elementary household work:

didactic game "Doll Tanya goes for a walk" (the order of dressing and undressing);

labor assignments for cleaning toys.

Subgroup consultation "Hygienic requirements for clothing in summer period»;

"Games with sand and water at home"

collections of Kuban fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, jokes,

Collage "Animals of the Kuban court"


1 Week


"Tales of Peter and Fevronia"

- Flower heaven;

- Life is given for good deeds;

- Chamomile is a symbol of the holiday;

- Seven-I - proverbs, sayings and poems;

- Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

To reveal to children the essence of the concepts of "good", "kindness", "good deeds".

To deepen children's knowledge of colors and their diversity.

Learn to compare plants, draw conclusions based on comparison.

Exercise in the classification of flowers, consolidate the concepts: indoor plants, garden, meadow, forest flowers.

To form a caring attitude towards flowers, to develop a desire to care for flowers.

Cultivate love for the beautiful, the beauty of the world.

Watching flowers in a flower bed;

Examination of subject pictures "My family",


Conversation: "My family","Good Deeds"

"What flowers do you know?";

Experience: "Flowers also want to drink";"Cold-warm water"

ANDgra "Blowing soap bubbles";

Sand games "We will make anything we want out of sand"

Did. game: “Guess the flower” “Find a couple”, “Let's add a picture”, “Pick a vase for a flower”, “Find the same flower”, “Pick a picture”, “Whom the sun woke up”;

S/r game:

"Family", "Kindergarten", "Masha Doll at the Holiday";

Visual activity:

Drawing: "Flower meadow"

Application: "Vase with flowers"

Musical activities:

Dance game "We stood in a circle",

Listening to the song "Chamomile, chamomile white petal ..."

Reading fiction:

reading nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, sentences at the choice of children;

Reading poems about family;

"From bump to bump"

"Through the brook"

"Catch a Mosquito"

P/I: “We hear - we do”,

"Sun Bunnies"

"Fox and Hares"

"Cats and mice";

finger game :

"This finger..."

"Fingers say hello";

Breathing exercise: "Beautiful Petals"

Self-service and elementary household work:

Continue to form KHN in children; labor assignments for cleaning toys, watering with color on the site.

Individual consultation for parents about the benefits and harms sun rays;

How to spend a day off with a child

The introduction of various pictures, illustrations and posters on the topic.

Fiction submission:

proverbs, sayings and poems

Drawing on asphalt "Flower path"

2 weeks


"Nature of the native land"

- Traveling around the territory of the kindergarten;

- Trees in our yard;

- Animals of my yard;

-Water-voditsa give everyone a drink;

- Love and respect your land - the rules of behavior in nature.

the formation of a cognitive attitude to the world through observations, events, phenomena, experimentation, research;

the initial formation of the ecological culture of the child;

To give an idea of ​​the role water plays in human life;

R development of experimentation and research skills in children, systematization of children's knowledge in experiments.


“Where does water live? what is water for, what kind of water is there?


"Rules of conduct in nature » ;

"Trees in Kindergarten";

Experiences with water (sinks - does not sink, floats);

"The wind blows on the sea"

S/r game:

"A trip to the sea";

"Bathing doll Masha";

"Katya got sick";

Fun game: "Soap Bubbles"


"Large and small" "Find the cub's mother", "Settled houses", "Who is screaming?",

"Colorful meadows";

Reading fiction:

Consideration of Chukovsky's book "Moydodyr";

Reading A. Barto "Girl grimy"; songs and nursery rhymes: “The cat went to Torzhok”, “Vodichka, some water”, “A horned goat is coming”;

Musical activities:

"Dance with handkerchiefs", "Dance with dolls"


"Path for nesting dolls", "Fence for animals";


"Sun and Rain"

"Rain rain more";

sedentary games “We woke up ...”, “Washer”

Finger gymnastics: "We chop cabbage, chop",

"One two three four five";

Self-service and elementary household work:

Continue to form in children KHN, independence help wash toys and put them in their place.

Consultation in the corner for parents "Tempering together", "Daily routine", "Rules of conduct on the water."

The introduction and use of a tape recorder for musical accompaniment of games, regime moments.

Introduction of didactic games and manuals on the topic.

Introduction of fiction about water

Final event - Entertainment "Water, water, wash my face"

3 week


“My village is not like the others”

- My favorite village;

- My street;

- Let's put things in order;

- Transport in my village;

-Professions of my parents.

Remind the name of the village in which the children live;

To consolidate the ability to name the street on which they live. Develop the ability to carefully consider the illustrations of the page, answer the questions:

Formation in children of a patriotic attitude towards a small Motherland, love for their native land.

Teaching children exhibits neatness skills;

Examination of subject pictures about transport;

Consideration of plot pictures “Who is doing what?”


"My native street", "Rules for crossing the roadway","What do people drive?"

"Profession of my parents"

Game situations : “The truck carries cargo”, “Let's ride the fox on the bus”;

"Be careful, dear!"

DI :

"Chickens and a car""Put the car in the garage""cars are coming"

S/r game:

"Playing in the store", "Construction",

"Drivers", "I am a driver", "We're going by train", "Let's ride toys", "Trip"

P / s:

"Let's take the bus"

“Airplanes”, “Shaggy Dog”, “Here is our train going”,

"Sparrows and the Car"

Ugh :

“Like a heron”, “Jump, jump”, “Who walks quieter”,

"From bump to bump."

Breathing exercises: "Inhale-Exhale"

Finger games: "Birds" "Transport"

Reading fiction:

A. Barto "Truck",

fairy tale "Three little pigs"

T. Popatenko "Machine";


"House for the pig", "Road for the car"

Self-service and elementary household work:

consultation "Water Games",

Individual work "Developing the child's speech"

Introduction of illustrative material on the topic.

Laying out in the book corner of works on the topic.

Introduction of didactic games and manuals on the topic.

Leisure in the group "Look how good the land in which you live"

4 week


"Wealth of our land"

- Reserved corners of the kindergarten;

- The sea is a miracle of nature;

-Little hard workers (insects);

- a kitchen garden in a Kuban family;

- We are responsible for those whom we have taught.

Expand children's understanding of insects;

Learn to recognize them in kind and in pictures, observe insects on the site;

Cultivate a caring attitude (consider without harming them).

The teacher's story « What we

know about insects,

"Safety at

communication with insects.

Examination of paintings and illustrations, albums about insects« The children found an anthill in the forest.

Examination of fruits and vegetables, dummies.

Walking around the territory of the kindergarten (examining flowers, changes that occur with shrubs, note the appearance of insects);

Observation"We come to the meadow to study insects"

Conversations :

« What not to do in the forest ,

Why you need to wash fruits and vegetables What guests appeared on the site? ”,“ These are the legs of a centipede ”,“ Worker bees ”;

Conversation Game a "Beware of insects";

Board-printed games: "Assemble the pyramid", "Cut pictures", "What's more?"

DI :

"Butterflies and Flowers"

"Hide the toy", "Name what we see",“It happens or not”, “Where the insects hid”, “Collect from parts”.

S/r game:

"Inhabitants of the grandmother's yard", "Let's go to the village" "Shop",

"Grocery store";


"Garden Fence" "The snail crawls on the path", "Anthill"

Visual activity:


"Draw paws and antennae",

"Crawl the caterpillar."

Collective application: "Fruit basket"

Insects coloring pages,

Modeling "Snail"

Reading fiction:

V. Suteev "Apple",

A. Barto "Carrot juice",

E. Serov "Bees sit in a hive",

S. Marshak "Under a tall pine - an extraordinary house",

G. Serebritsky "Lucky bug"


"Catch a mosquito", "Butterflies fly", "Butterflies, flowers";

UGH: "Toss catch", "Reach for the bell",

"Pass the snake"

Finger gymnastics "Two Centipedes", "Snail"

Articulation gymnastics "Delicious jam", "Horse",

"Turkey", "Pancake", etc.

Self-service and elementary household work:

Continue to form in children KGN, independence in dressing, labor assignments for cleaning toys, watering with color on the site.

Consultation in the corner for parents "Insect bites".

advice for parentsVitamin kaleidoscope», “Wash vegetables and fruits before eating!”

Homework: "Butterflies and bugs in a flower meadow" - we use the material at will.

The introduction of various pictures, illustrations and posters on the topic.

Introduction of didactic games and manuals on the topic.

Introduction of dummies, fresh fruits and vegetables

Books for reading and viewing. Series of books "Insects"

TO collective application "Fruit Basket"

5 week



1 Week


"Kuban-breadbasket of Russia"

- “Bread is the pride of Kuban”;

- "Kuban poets about bread";

- "Field workers";

-From plow to "smart" machines";

- "How did the bread come to the table?"

To give the children an initial idea of ​​the path that grain goes through to become bread.

To acquaint adults with labor: a grain grower, a miller, a baker. To cultivate respect for working people, a careful attitude to bread.

Conversation :

“How bread came to the table”, “What kind of bread is”,

"Take care of the bread"

"Who works in the fields";

Examination of paintings and illustrations about bread, Kuban fields and harvesting wheat.

Viewing the presentation "Where did the bread on the table come from"

S/r game:

"Let's clean up the group"

"Knead the dough"

"Shop", "Family";


"Orders", "Flies, does not fly", "Name the transport",

“And what kind of bread is it”; “Who will name more bakery products”;

Visual activity:

Making patterns and drawings from cereals.

Reading fiction:

“Winged, hairy, but oily”, “Spikelet”

Reading poems about the bread of the Kuban poets D. Kedrin "Rye bread ...", T. Lavrova "Wonderful spikelet"

Pronunciation of tongue twisters about bread: "A good pie - inside the curd "

Musical activities:

Listening to songs about friendship;

Game - relaxation "Grains";

P / i. "Loaf", "Sparrows and car", "Fox and hares" and others;


"From bump to bump"

"Through the brook"

"Catch a mosquito"

"Hit the target";

Low mobility games: "Do as I do";

P alchikovy game :

"Ladushki-ladushki", "Magpie-magpie", "House"

Self-service and elementary household work:

"Who will neatly put the clothes in the closet";

Consultation "Know the world together with the baby";

Consultation for parents "Orders"

Presentation "Where did the bread come to us from," illustrations "Fields of Kuban"

selection of illustrations about agricultural machines;

reproductions of paintings by Russian artists on a given topic;

Sculpting "Bablis and rolls »

2 weeks


"Multifunctional Kuban"

- “A tree is supported by roots, and a person by a family”;

- "Observation of the work of adults (help)";

- "Excursion around the preschool educational institution";

- "Visit the chef";

- "Kuban folklore";

Continue to expand children's ideas about the work of adults, about different professions; to form the beginning of a responsible attitude to the assigned task (the ability and desire to bring the matter to the end, to do it well). Explain to children the importance of their work. Encourage their initiative in helping adults and peers.


“The work of adults must be respected”, “How I help at home”, “Professions”,

“How to ask for help, to thank”;

Examination of illustrations of plot paintings from the series "Professions";

Observation of the work of a cook, a janitor, an assistant educator.

Viewing the presentation "Professions"

Finger game:

"Family", "Vodichka";


“Assemble from parts”, “Find all red”, “Pick up by size”;

“Everything has its place”, “What is gone”, “Wonderful bag”;

Board-printed games: lotto, split pictures, mosaic;

S./r/game: "Cooking dinner" "Hospital", "Drivers",

"Little Helpers";

Visual activity:

Application "Paper boats",

Modeling "Treat for friends";

Reading fiction:

reading nursery rhymes (with illustrations by Y. Vasnetsov) “Chiki-chiki-chikalochki”,

V. Suteev "Who said "meow"?",

A. Barto "Airplane", "Ship",

"Drum" ;

Kuban folklore:

"Frets - frets";

"Dozhzhik, dozhzhik, perestan";


"Cat and Mice", "Bubble"

"Train", "Catch Me", "Run to Me";


"Across the brook", "Who is higher",

Imitation of animal movements:

"Bear clubfoot",

"Sister Fox"

"Bunny - runaway";

Self-service and elementary household work:

Help wash toys and put them in their places, collect large debris on the site.

Conversation with parents "Family education - self-service skills";


"Games at home, on the playground"

Professions illustrations.

Attributes to s / r / games "Hospital", "Drivers",

presentation "Professions"

Excursion to the laundress

3 week


“The Apple Savior will not pass without us”

- "Honey Spas";

-Games of the Kuban Cossacks";

- "Apple Spas";

- "Kuban fair";

- "Nut Spas";

Continue to acquaint children with Christian holidays, Savior - the harvest festival.

Enrich children's vocabulary. Build good relationships with those around you.

To cultivate love for the Motherland and the traditions of the native land.

Give the first ideas about the Cossack games


"Apple Spas" (about its importance and meaning);

"The symbol of the holiday is an apple tree";

“Harvest and store for the winter”; "Who are the Cossacks and their traditions"

Teacher's story Beneficial features nuts";

"What are the types of nuts" (peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews);

Viewing the presentation "Apple Spas"


“Decompose by color”, “What grows where”, “Inserts”,"Wonderful bag" "Pick up apples";

S/r game:

"Produse store",

" Kindergarten",

"Barbershop", etc.

Simulation of the game situation "Olya doll is waiting for guests, let's help her bake a cake"

Games in the sand "I bake, I bake"

Music game"Guess What Sounds"

Reading fiction:

Reading fairy tales by K. Chukovsky “Aibolit", "Fly Tsokotukha",

Mobile round dance game: “An apple rolled in a circle»;

Folk games : “Roll the nut in gate”, “The most accurate”;


“Pick up the apples”, “Catch up with the Cossack”, “Crawl under the rope”, “Who will throw further? »

Self-service and elementary household work:

To educate children in a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to communicate calmly, without shouting;

Learn how to properly wear clothes and shoes;

Development of labor skills;

To acquaint with the traditions of the celebration in the institution of the Apple Savior. Invite parents to take part in the celebration of Apple Savior and prepare an original dish for the holiday.

Masks "Apples",

Basket with apples, toy hedgehog;

Presentation "Apple Spas"

Collective application "Basket of apples"

4 week


"Green Light Journey"

- "Lessons of a traffic light";

-“Every citizen knows this number-01”;

- "One at home and on the street";

- "Dangerous phenomena in nature";

- “Our assistants are electrical appliances”;

To form the initial ideas of children about safety rules: Dangerous phenomena, traffic rules, fire safety, rules of conduct with strangers, household appliances.

Conversations :

“Who travels and goes where”, “How to behave on the street”, “Fire is very dangerous”, “Home Alone”

Looking at pictures and talking about the purpose of a traffic light.

Game situation: "Bunny on the Road" (safety on the street),

“Tell Bunny where to ride a bike, play with the ball”;

S/r game:

“Meeting the guests”, “Bunny has a sore throat, we will treat him”;

"Polyclinic - doctor's appointment"

DI:" It is possible - it is not ”(home security)

DI: “Find the same sign”, “Let's build a house for the bunny”, “Magic bag”, “Rolling, not rolling”

Musical activities :

kolobok song,

D / and "Find out what I play";

Muses. rhythmic movements to music“Bi-bi-bi-bi bibika! Let's go for a ride! »;

Visual activity:

Application with drawing elements "Kolobok rolled along the forest path";

Drawing "Traffic light";

Modeling "Treat for Mishutka";

Reading books and viewing illustrations on life safety.

P/N: "Red, yellow, green"

"At the Bear in the forest", "Spider", "Catch up with the hoop",

"Colored cars";

UGH : "On the bridge", "Toss and catch" and others.

Self-service and elementary household work:

D / and "Doll Tanya goes for a walk" (the order of dressing and undressing),

Labor assignments for cleaning toys

Consultation "Mistakes of upbringing",

Memos "Teaching children safety rules"

The introduction of various pictures, illustrations and posters on the topic.

Surprise moment - Bunny,

Selection of books on life safety.

traffic light layout,

circles of red, yellow, green colors.

The plot game "Journey by car"

5 week


"Goodbye summer red"

-To be friends with sports is to be healthy”;

- "Healthy family - strong Kuban";

-Day of the young Olympian";

To form children's ideas about summer - the season.

To expand ideas about the world around us, to give an understanding of the role of the sun in human life and all living things. Expand observation, attention, curiosity.

Examination of illustrations on the topic.

The story of healthy lifestyle,

"Wash, temper"

« Healthy foods”, “On the benefits of sleep”

View a presentation on a topic.

Conversations - Observation "Sunshine", "What did the sparrow have for dinner";

Conversation : “In order for us to be healthy, we need to temper ourselves, do exercises and wash our faces”;

Observations « sun glare", for insects, birds ...

Experiments with water, sand.


"Decompose by color", "Color mosaic";

"Guess the Taste", "Dimble and Bold"

S/r game:

« sports complex”, “Grocery store”, “A trip to the sea”, “At the doctor’s appointment”, “Family”.

Musical activities:

Musical-rhythmic movements: "That's how we can";

Reading nursery rhymes “The sun is a bell ...”, “So the summer has arrived” V. Danko.

P/I :

"Train Journey", "My Jolly Ringing Ball",

"Catch me",

"Bubble" etc.


"Through the Rivers"

"Throw Catch"

finger games "Fingers say hello"


Self-service and elementary household work:

To continue to form in children KGN, independence in dressing, labor assignments for cleaning toys, watering flowers on the site.

Information in the parent corner “Disease of dirty hands”, “ healthy image children's lives"

Bring a photo

"How I spent summer"

The introduction of various pictures, illustrations and posters on the topic.

The introduction of sports attributes into the developing environment of the group and the veranda.

set for experimentation, mirror, soap bubbles.

Stand design "How I spent my summer"

Tasks in the main areas of development:

    Cognitive and speech development:

    expand children's knowledge about the world around them;

    develop speech activity, fix the correct sound pronunciation;

    encourage kids to respond emotionally to a literary work;

    Physical development:

    develop the physical abilities of children, coordination of movements, fine motor skills;

    exercise in walking, running, jumping;

    to form a stable positive attitude towards physical activity;

    Artistic and aesthetic development:

    arouse interest in the process of drawing, modeling;

    to form the simplest visual skills;

    develop musical abilities, a sense of rhythm, expressiveness of movements;

    Social communicative development:

    promote a positive - emotional mood;

    form the rules safe behavior at home, in nature, on the street;

- contribute further development independence in the game, develop the game creativity of children;

    develop communication skills, emotional contact with adults, peers.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 6

Municipal Formation Shcherbinovsky District, Staroshcherbinovskaya Station

I approve

head of MBDOU CRR-kindergarten No. 6

Art. Staroshcherbinovskaya

____________ S.A. Syusyukalo

"__" ______________2016

Calendar - thematic planning

first junior group

for the summer wellness period

Educators: developer Bubnova V.V.

assistant Vivchar L.A.


Forms of work with children

    games didactic, board, didactic with elements of movement, role-playing, moving, psychological,

musical, round dance, theatrical, dramatization games, outdoor games of an imitation character;

    viewing and discussion cartoons, videos, presentations;

    reading and discussion program works of different genres, reading, reviewing and discussion

educational and artistic books, children's illustrated encyclopedias;

    creating situations pedagogical, moral choice; conversations of social and moral content, special stories of the educator to children about interesting facts and events, about getting out of difficult everyday situations, situational conversations with children;

    observations for the work of adults, for nature, for a walk; seasonal observations;

    manufacturing items for games, cognitive research activities; creating layouts, collections and their design, making decorations for a group room for the holidays, souvenirs; decorating items for personal use;

    project activity: imitative nature (performed together with an adult) cognitive research activity, experimentation, design;

    exhibition design books with illustrations, reproductions of paintings, etc.; thematic exhibitions, exhibitions of children's creativity; photo exhibitions;

    staging and dramatization excerpts from fairy tales, learning nursery rhymes, poems, developing artistic abilities in outdoor games of an imitation nature;

    consideration and discussion subject and plot pictures, illustrations for familiar fairy tales and nursery rhymes, toys, aesthetically attractive objects (trees, flowers, household items, etc.), works of art (folk, arts and crafts, fine art, book graphics, etc.);

    productive activity (drawing, modeling, appliqué, art work) by design, on the themes of folk rhymes, based on familiar poems and fairy tales, to music, on the theme of a read or viewed work; drawing illustrations for works of art; drawing, modeling;

    listening and discussion folk, classical, children's music, didactic games related to the perception of music;

    playing along on musical instruments, an orchestra of children's folk musical instruments;

    singing, joint singing, exercises for the development of articulation, conversations on the content of the song (answers to questions),

    dancing, showing adults dance and dance musical and rhythmic movements, showing a child dance movements, joint actions of children, round dances.

Planning in the 1st junior group for a month: September

Igolkina Elena Konstantinovna, teacher 1 MBDOU d / s No. 7 "Polyanka" This material will be useful for educators when writing a plan for every day

Thu Morning 1. Conversation "Our group" Purpose: To introduce the objects of the group room, to form an active vocabulary “play corner, table, chairs, wardrobe, toys. Cultivate respect for toys. Learn to put toys in their place.
2. Reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate badly” Purpose: to form the simplest behavioral skills while eating, explain the need for good nutrition
3. Individual conversations about the world around: what the child saw on the way, natural, seasonal, weather changes. The topic is "How (child's name) went to kindergarten." Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children
4. KGN: “Let's show the doll Katya how to sit at the table properly” Purpose: to develop the habit of washing hands before eating, proper behavior at the table, respectful attitude towards cooks.
5. Preliminary work on modeling - prepare plasticine, boards for classes, let the children see the finished work of older children

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION "Visiting children" Purpose: Exercise in walking in a straight direction, exercise in crawling. Cultivate positive emotions. (N.A. Karpukhina p. 265)
1. Gymnastics after sleep "We woke up ..."
2. Hardening: walking barefoot along the path of health - acupressure. goal: to instill a healthy lifestyle
3. C / r “Let's rock our daughter” Purpose: to teach children to perform a series of game actions using the words in speech: “wrap”, “shake”.
4. D / and “We will dress the doll after sleep” Purpose: to learn to name items of clothing
5. Children's independent activity of playing in a living corner Purpose: to encourage children to play with animal figurines
Individual work on

Mon Morning 1. Situational conversation “Who says hello?”
Purpose: to form a respectful attitude towards others.

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development

2. Cognitive development

1. Gymnastics after sleep “The sun wakes up” PURPOSE: to instill a healthy lifestyle
2. Hardening procedures. Walking barefoot on the rug Purpose: hardening of the child's body
3. Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing. Purpose: to teach children to put themselves in order after a daytime sleep: dress, straighten clothes in front of a mirror, comb their hair.
4. C / r game "Kindergarten" Purpose: To familiarize children with the work of adults working in kindergarten. Developing the ability to take on a role. game material. Dolls, toy dishes, substitute items.
5. Independent activities of children Board games Purpose: to interest children board games(liners)
Y/n Time Joint activities of an adult with children (group, subgroup, individual)
1 2 4

Mon Morning 1. Conversation with all children: - "Toys" Purpose: to continue to introduce the group.
2. D / game "Collect a matryoshka". Purpose: to teach children to establish the ratio of objects in size.
3. Examination of pictures "Pets" - Purpose: acquaintance with the house.
4. Individual work on the development of speech goal: to learn to maintain a collective conversation

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development

2. Cognitive development
ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT "Visiting the children" Karpukhina N.A. "Summaries of classes in the first junior group" (p. 10) Purpose: To introduce children to the elementary ethics of greeting, develop communication skills in relation to adults and peers, cultivate the skill of cultural communication
1. Gymnastics after sleep "Rain" goal: hardening of the body
2. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: cultivate the ability to properly hold a spoon, eat carefully, over your plate
3. Didactic game: "Name the subject" Purpose: vocabulary enrichment.
4. Independent activity of children D / and Purpose: to interest children in didactic games

Tue Morning 1. Conversation: "What awaits me in the garden" Purpose: to form a respectful attitude towards the kindergarten
2. Game situation "Let's arrange the furniture in the doll's room" Purpose: fostering positive actions and actions towards each other
3. Preliminary work on DRAWING - remember with children what a dandelion looks like, look at pictures of a dandelion.
4. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: teach how to wash your hands properly, wipe them dry with your towel

NOD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
DRAWING goal: introduce children to pencils, teach them to hold pencils with three fingers
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL CULTURE (in a group) Purpose: To teach children to start walking on a signal to develop balance - to walk on a limited surface (between two lines) Equipment: 2 long ropes (2.5-3 m) doll

Evening 1. Gymnastics after sleep "Rain" goal: to raise the mood and muscle tone of children after sleep
2. D / I: “Name the subject” Purpose: enrichment of the dictionary.
3. Situational conversation about friendship. Explain to the children that they don’t need to quarrel over toys, they shouldn’t fight and bite, but it’s much more interesting to play together, share toys.
4. Children's independent activity P/I goal: to encourage children to play in groups
Individual work MUSIC LESSON goal: memorizing the words of songs and dance movements -

Wed Morning 1. Conversation about why go to kindergarten. Purpose: to form a respectful attitude towards the kindergarten
2. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills: teach how to wash your hands properly, wipe them dry with your towel
3. D / I: “Name the subject” Purpose: vocabulary enrichment
4. Preliminary work on the DEVELOPMENT of SPEECH - talk to the children about what we have in the group.
Individual work DRAWING goal: learn to hold pencils with three fingers

GCD 1. Speech development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT "Journey around the room" V.V. Gerbova "Speech development classes in 1 ml. group" p. 33 goal: to teach children to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the teacher's suggestions, to willingly fulfill them.
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL CULTURE (in a group) Purpose: To train children to start walking on a signal to develop balance - to walk on a limited surface (between two lines) Equipment: 2 long ropes (2.5-3 m) doll

1. Gymnastics after daytime sleep, hardening "Rain" goal: to strengthen the work of the main body systems
2. Theatricalization: "Our emotions" Purpose: to exercise children in demonstrating emotions
3. D / I: "Guess what mood" Purpose: to develop the ability to respond to the general emotional state
4. Children's independent activities theater games Purpose: to encourage children to play independently

Thu Morning 1. Conversation: “Our educators: - Purpose: clearly pronounce the names of teachers, talk about the work of a ped.
2. P / I: “Catch the ball” Purpose: to exercise in catching the ball
3. Reading Kh / l: “Paladushki, patty…” Purpose: to enrich the child’s speech, show melodiousness, melody, rhythm of songs and nursery rhymes
4. Preliminary work on Lepka.
Individual work on the DEVELOPMENT of SPEECH goal: to hear and understand the suggestions of the educator, willingly fulfill

MODELING Purpose: to introduce plasticine and its properties, as well as the rules for working with this material
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL CULTURE "Visiting children" Purpose: Exercise in walking in a straight direction, exercise in crawling. Cultivate positive emotions.
(N.A. Karpukhina p. 265)

1. Gymnastics after daytime sleep, "Rain" Purpose: to increase the tone of the nervous system

3. "Kindergarten". goal: to show that there are many of us, we are different and friendly
4. Independent activity of children with / r games goal: to involve children in a game situation

Mon Morning 1. Situational conversation “Who says hello?” Purpose: to form a respectful attitude towards others.
2. Individual conversation: What did you see on the way to the kindergarten? Purpose: to expand the understanding of the world around us, natural and seasonal changes; develop the oral language of children.
3. Repeating the nursery rhyme "Cockerel, cockerel" Purpose: to develop the child's memory
4. MP / I "Colored paths" Purpose: to teach to play with building material
5. Preliminary work on the development of speech - remember with the children what they saw on the territory of the kindergarten when they went with their mother to the group

GCD 3. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC (organized by the music director)
4. Cognitive development
SPEECH DEVELOPMENT “Traveling around the territory of the site” Purpose: to teach children to participate in a collective event, to hear and understand the teacher’s suggestions (speech development in kindergarten V.V. Gerbov, p. 31)
Evening 6. Gymnastics after sleep “The sun wakes up” PURPOSE: to instill a healthy lifestyle
7. Hardening procedures. Walking barefoot on the rug Purpose: hardening of the child's body
8. Education of KGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing. Purpose: to teach children to put themselves in order after a daytime sleep: dress, straighten clothes in front of a mirror, comb their hair.
9. C / r game "Kindergarten" Purpose: To familiarize children with the work of adults working in kindergarten. Developing the ability to take on a role. game material. Dolls, toy dishes, substitute items.
10. Independent activity of children Board games Purpose: to interest children in board games (inserts)
Individual work - MODELING, goal: to learn to carefully lay out plasticine on a board without dirtying the table

Mon Morning
1. Conversation with children “What interesting things I did in the evening” Purpose: To involve children in a conversation, continue to teach the ability to conduct a dialogue with a teacher: listen and understand question asked to answer it clearly.
2. The game of low mobility "Find a rattle" goal: to develop mindfulness
3. Games with colored caps. Purpose: To develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination
4. D / and “What is the weather” Purpose: to teach to call the state of the weather, warm, the sun is shining, it is raining, the wind is blowing, warm, cold
5. preliminary work on familiarization with the environment. - put the toys in their places

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC LESSON (organized by the music director)
2. Cognitive development
ACQUAINTANCE WITH THE ENVIRONMENT “Toys in our group” Purpose: to consolidate ideas about toys and techniques for playing with them
1. Gymnastics after a daytime sleep, "Coal" Purpose: health promotion
2. D / and “We will dress the doll after sleep” Purpose: to learn to name items of clothing
3. C / r game "Kindergarten" Purpose: To familiarize children with the work of adults working in kindergarten. Developing the ability to take on a role. game material. Dolls, toy dishes, substitute items.
4. Independent activity of children with sounding toys goal: to arouse interest in musical instruments.
Individual work Drawing - learn to hold pencils with three fingers

Tue Morning
1. Conversation with all the children: - about what they did yesterday; what are your plans for today; wishes of children (what would you like to do). The topic is "What we did in the group." purpose: Encourage the child to talk on a given topic, develop coherent speech, expressing their emotions.
2. D / and "Come to me" Purpose: Formation of emotional contact with an adult.
3. FKGN Purpose: to teach children to eat carefully, to hold a spoon correctly
4. Reading Kh / l "Cockerel" Purpose: to enrich the child's speech, to show the melodiousness, melody, rhythm of songs and nursery rhymes
5. preliminary work on drawing - prepare desired material

GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
DRAWING “Introduction to pencils, a brush and the rules for working with them” Purpose: Show how you can leave marks on paper with a brush (drive, poke, twist) Let children simply paint over the sheet. Equipment: brushes, paints, paper, rags, glasses of water.

2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) Purpose: To train children to start walking on a signal to develop balance - to walk on a limited surface (between two lines) Equipment: 2 long ropes (2.5-3 m)
1. Gymnastics after sleep complex "Ugolyok" Purpose: continue to teach children to perform exercises after sleep

3. D / and "Lacing" Purpose: development of fine motor skills and sensory perception
4. Independent activities of children in the book corner - arouse children's interest in books
Individual work MUSIC

Wed Morning
1. Conversation with all children: - about what they did yesterday goal: Encourage the child to talk on a given topic, develop coherent speech, expressing their emotions
2. D / and "Who called?" Purpose: to develop auditory attention
3. F / I: “Catch the ball” Purpose: to exercise in catching the ball
4. Kh / l - “Paladushki, palms” Purpose: To enrich the child’s speech, show melodiousness, melody, rhythm of songs and nursery rhymes
5. preliminary work physical culture. - prepare rattles for each child
GCD 1. Speech development
DEVELOPMENT OF SPEECH "About the girl Masha and Bunny - Long Ear" V.V. Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in 1 ml. group" p. Goal 35: Help children understand that morning breakups are experienced by all babies and all mothers.
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) Purpose: To teach children to walk and run, changing direction to a certain signal, to develop the ability to crawl. Benefits. Rattles for each child, dog toy (bear).


2. FCGN, self-service skills and mutual assistance in dressing. Purpose: to encourage children to help each other when dressing after sleep, to keep order in clothes.
3. Situational conversation about the rules of behavior at the table. Goal: Learn to hold a spoon correctly, eat neatly and independently
4. Independent activity of children in the sports corner - arouse children's interest in playing with balls
Individual drawing work

Thu Morning 1. Conversation: About the actions of friends - goal: to learn how to communicate with each other
2. Reading nursery rhymes and jokes Purpose: interest in the works of oral folk art
3. D / I: “What is the name in the picture Purpose: enrichment of the dictionary
4. preliminary modeling work - examining ready-made crafts from plasticine for old children
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MODELING Purpose: to introduce plasticine and its properties, as well as the rules for working with this material
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL CULTURE Purpose: To train children to walk and run, changing direction to a certain signal, to develop the ability to crawl. Benefits: Rattles for each child, dog toy (bear).

1. Gymnastics after sleep complex "Ugolyok" Purpose: health promotion
2. M.F/N: “Do as I do” Purpose: to develop mindfulness
3. D / and “Show the same” Purpose: To teach to find identical objects at the request of the teacher, to develop visual memory
4. Independent activity of children with table games - to arouse interest in table games
Individual work on physical education. - Teach children to walk and run by changing direction to a specific signal
