Vault over the "goat" in the way of legs apart Presentation was prepared by Belov Valery Borisovich

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation, the goal of school education in physical culture is the formation of a versatile physically developed personality, able to actively use the values ​​of physical culture to strengthen and maintain their own health for a long time, optimize labor activity and organize outdoor activities.

The value of physical culture in the school period of a person's life is to create a foundation for comprehensive physical development, health promotion, and the formation of various motor skills and abilities.

Methodology of education of physical qualities In the practice of physical education of schoolchildren, various means and methods are successfully used to improve physical abilities. The components of the methodology of physical abilities education are: -value of the training load, volume and intensity of physical exercises; - duration of rest between exercises and its -number of repetitions of physical exercises and their character; ratio.

Development of the strength qualities of schoolchildren One of the main physical abilities of a person is muscle strength, which can be defined as the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscle efforts.

Development of high-speed qualities of schoolchildren Speed ​​is a complex of functional properties of a person, mainly determining the speed characteristics of movements, as well as the time of a motor reaction.

Development of endurance in schoolchildren In theory and methodology, endurance in a general sense is the ability to resist fatigue in any activity, and the criterion is the time during which a person is able to maintain a given intensity of activity.

Development of flexibility in schoolchildren Flexibility is understood as the morphological and functional properties of the musculoskeletal system, which determine the degree of mobility of its links. Distinguish between active and passive flexibility.

Development of dexterity Among physical abilities, dexterity occupies a special position due to its diverse relationships with other physical abilities. The generally accepted formulation suggests that dexterity can be defined: firstly, as the ability to quickly master new movements (the ability to quickly learn) and, secondly, as the ability to quickly reorganize motor activity in accordance with a suddenly changing environment.

 The special impact of physical exercises on the human body in order to develop certain qualities should be consistent with the natural course of the age development of the body. Most often, the impact with the aim of actively influencing the development of certain qualities should coincide with the period when those aspects of it that this quality depends on develop in the body.

Motor skills as a subject of training in physical education Various motor actions are formed during a person's life under the influence of many factors, and the process of their formation can acquire a different character. Optimization of this process is achieved in conditions of rationally constructed training. It is customary to represent the internal logic of the process of formation and improvement of a motor action under such conditions as a sequential transition from knowledge and ideas about an action to the ability to perform it, and then from skill to skill.

Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics in the physical education of schoolchildren Gymnastics is especially important in the physical education of children and adolescents.  Gymnastics has a great health-improving and hygienic value. Gymnastics forms important applied skills and abilities in overcoming various obstacles, carrying weights, etc., improves a person's coordination abilities. Gymnastics is an indispensable tool in the fight against displacement internal organs in unusual conditions.  Gymnastics - effective remedy aesthetic education of a person, as it widely uses musical accompaniment.

Gymnastics at school

 Methods of teaching vaults.  Gymnastic jumps are valuable physical exercises that have a comprehensive effect on the human body. They are available to those involved in different ages, genders and physical fitness. With their help, develop muscle strength, speed, agility and accuracy of movements. All jumps in gymnastics are divided into two large groups: 1. Non-support or simple jumps. 2. Vaults. The first group includes: jumping in place on both and on one leg with various turns and movements, clapping, etc.; high jumps from a place and from a run, long jumps from a place and from a run, from a height or from shells, jumps far-high, into a “window”, through a bar or rope, jumping rope, with additional support, from swinging shells. The second group includes support jumps with a push by hands on a projectile (through a goat, a plinth, a horse,) performed through a projectile set in width or length, with a push on the far, middle, and near parts. Vaulting is one of the main sections of gymnastics.

Education  1. First of all, teach children to evaluate the performed movements in space, time and according to the degree of muscle effort. 2. Pay attention to the development of jumping ability, arm strength and speed-strength endurance. 3. Eliminate defensive reactions (using foam mats, active assistance and insurance, "wiring along the movement") insurance in groups, jumping over a shortened or inclined projectile, using two bridges (inclined bench, transverse boom obstacles) for working out individual phases jump, landmarks, acrobatic track.

 There are two approaches in vault teaching methodology: 1. Phase vault training - (divided into elements and phases.) At the first stages of training, attention should be focused on mastering the general basics of the technique of this exercise. First of all, it is necessary to understand that all phases of the jump are interconnected, the final and actions of one phase are preparatory for the next, and the mistakes made in each of the phases can cause a whole reaction of new mistakes or failure to complete the jump 2. Holistic learning - (like learning through a holistic image, movement) One of the main disadvantages of holistic learning is a defensive reaction to overcoming obstacles, which is accompanied by errors in the technique of performing individual phases.

The main reasons that impede the development of jumps: Poor physical fitness of the student and poor knowledge of the basics of technology and their implementation. Wrong teaching method. For example: a decrease in take-off speed, a belated and sluggish push with the legs. The delay of the hands on the projectile and the sluggish push with the legs, the result of the manifestation of a feeling of fear, fear of an obstacle. Therefore, holistic teaching is used in cases where the student has a stock of dynamic stereotypes and a new skill is formed from parts of old, previously formed stereotypes.

Sequence of vault training: 1.Landing training 2.Takeoff training 3.Bridge landing training 4.Jumping training 5.Hand push training 6.Flying phase training

The student puts his hands on the projectile significantly in front of the body, at an obtuse angle to it. When placing the arms at an angle of less than 90 °, the shoulders will go far forward, and efforts will have to be spent on lifting them. As a result, repulsion will be low. With the start of the push with your hands, spread your legs apart wider. The push must be very fast (“one-touch”). After the push, the student, unbending at the hip joints, raises his arms back and up, describing almost a circle. This helps to straighten up to a slightly arched position. Having fixed the position of the leg apart, bending, the student connects the legs and bends at the hip joints.

Run training. Teaching the run-up technique begins with the study of the rational technique of running steps. For this, it is advisable to use the following exercises: imitating hand movements in place, running in place, raising the hips high, leaning against the wall. Slow running on toes. Free running without acceleration with arm movements. Running with gradual smooth acceleration. .Learn to jump into the bridge Usually, this phase is not improved separately, and hitting the bridge is mastered by performing the jump as a whole. But it is possible to achieve stable performance of this phase by including specially selected exercises.

Learning to push with legs The control task, which checks the correct execution of a quick and elastic push with the legs in combination with a wave of the arms, is a jump to the floor from the gymnastic bench and at a pace the repulsion can be elevated. Hand push training. The study of pushing with hands is the most time-consuming process. Here, in addition to technique great importance also has the physical fitness of students. Therefore, in the process of studying the technique, it is necessary to constantly (at each lesson) use preparatory exercises to develop the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. It is recommended to give exercises on stops more often in the warm-up and in

Landing training In the beginning, the correct posture of the body in the landing phase should be explained to the trainees. To this end, the teacher uses a fixation technique, which is as follows: From the main stance, the occupants take a semi-squat position, heels together, socks and knees apart, back straight arms forward-up outward. The initial exercises in training are jumping, bending over and legs apart. The main requirement is a confident landing without moving from the spot. To increase the interest of those involved and stabilize the skill when conducting jumps from a height, it is advisable to set tasks: 1) land strictly on the designated place; 2) perform jumps with additional movements (clapping, catching balls, turning with eyes closed, etc.) At the first stages, jumping from a height should be carried out at each lesson. When teaching vaults and dismounts from a projectile, one must teach shock-absorbing landing on tense legs; avoid landing on heels, on straight legs, with a lot of jarring.

Insurance With one hand, the teacher's wrist. supports under the chest or under the back - depending on the position of the student's body before landing, the other - behind the forearm or behind

Lesson topic: Vault


  • Building and rebuilding in ranks
  • Teaching vault technique
  • Development of physical qualities

  • Introductory-preparatory part: 15 min.
  • Main part: 27 min.
  • Final part: 3 min.

  • Alignment. Report. Greetings.

  • The rebuild is done after preliminary calculation for the first - second on command: "In two lines - line up!" On this command, the first numbers put their right foot on a step back (count "one"), then put the left foot on a step to the side (count "two") and, putting the right foot to the left (count "three"), stand behind the second number. Rebuilding from two ranks into one is carried out at the command: “In one rank - line up!”, while all actions are performed in the reverse order.

  • 1. I. p. - main stance, movement in place. Step from the left foot, right hand up, left back and vice versa
  • 2. I. p. - left hand on the belt, right to the side, right leg in front, change the position of the hands for each step
  • 3. I. p. - left hand behind the head, right up, right foot in front, change the position of the hands for each step
  • 4. I. p. - arms to the sides, raising the straight leg high, clap under the leg, take one step in two counts
  • 5. I. p. - stand in the “on all fours” position, take four steps on toes, straighten up, take four normal steps
  • 6. Jumping with side steps left side forward, the same right side forward

  • Fulfillment: from a small run, leaning on the projectile with straight arms point-blank, kneeling. Take your hands back, lean forward slightly. Swinging your arms forward, straightening up and pushing off the projectile with your feet, make a jump forward. The teacher insures the students, standing at the landing site, facing the projectile, holding their hands above the elbow, helping them swing their arms and perform a dismount. It is necessary to insure at the beginning of training and during an attack on the projectile, preventing a fall back.

  • Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position, legs on the benches for boys, arms in emphasis on the bench for girls.

  • Building in one line.
  • Summing up the lessons.
  • Changing clothes in the dressing room.
  • Organized return to class.

slide 2


3rd slide: vault. 4 slide: strength. 5, 6 slide: forms of manifestation of power. 7, 8 slide: muscle structure. 9, 10, 11, 12 slide: movements that involve the pectoral muscles. 13, 14 slide: exercises for the development of pectoral muscles. 15 slide: literature

slide 3


  • slide 4

    Strength is the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscular effort. Force

    slide 5

    Forms of manifestation of power:

    Dynamic: lengthening or contraction of muscles (muscles work in a dynamic mode). Static: constant length of the muscle (keep the muscle tense in a certain position for a longer or shorter period of time)

    slide 6

    Strength endurance: repeated repetition of the same movement (dynamic) or long-term maintenance of a certain position (static).

    Slide 7

    Muscle structure

    1. The biceps of the shoulder. Flexes the arm at the elbow joint. 2. Muscles of the neck. Tilt your head, turn to the side. For development, exercises are used: circular head rotations, head tilts. 3. Trapezius muscle. Raises and lowers the shoulders. For development, raising and lowering the shoulders is used, holding the burden in the lowered hands. 4. Deltoid muscle. Participates in raising hands forward, to the side, back. Exercise: raising straight arms to the sides. 5. Large pectoral muscle. Brings the arms to the body. Exercise: lying on your back, lowering straight arms to the sides from the position of the arm forward. 6. Muscles of the forearm. Bend and unbend fingers. Exercise: winding a cord with a load at the end on a stick. 7. Rectus abdominis. Flexes the body forward. Exercise: torso forward from a supine position. 8. Quadriceps femoris. Extends the leg at the knee joint, participates in hip flexion. Exercise: squat with weights on the shoulders.

    Slide 8

    9. Calf muscle. Flexes the foot. Exercise: lifting on toes. 10. Muscles rear surface hips. Bend the leg at the knee joint. Exercise: from a prone position, flexion and extension of the leg at the knee joint with overcoming resistance. 11. External oblique muscle of the abdomen. Rotates and tilts the body. Exercise: circular rotation of the torso. 12. Long dorsal muscles. They unbend the torso, participate in torso tilts to the sides. Exercise: forward torso without bending the legs. 13. The latissimus dorsi muscle. Brings the shoulder to the body, pulls the arm back and inward. Exercise: lowering and raising straight arms through the sides with weights using a rubber bandage. 14. Triceps muscle of the shoulder. Extends the arm at the shoulder joint. Exercise: extending the arm to the side, stretching the expander or rubber bandage.

    Slide 9

    Movements in which the pectoral muscles are involved:

    raise your hands in front of you

    Slide 10

    Lower your hands in front of you

    1 slide

    Presentation for the lesson of physical education in grade 11 (boys) on the topic: "Long vault over a horse."

    2 slide

    CONTENTS: 3rd slide: vault. 4 slide: strength. 5, 6 slide: forms of manifestation of power. 7, 8 slide: muscle structure. 9, 10, 11, 12 slide: movements that involve the pectoral muscles. 13, 14 slide: exercises for the development of pectoral muscles. 15 slide: literature

    3 slide

    4 slide

    Strength is the ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscular effort.

    5 slide

    Forms of manifestation of force: Dynamic: lengthening or contraction of muscles (muscles work in a dynamic mode). Static: constant length of the muscle (keep the muscle tense in a certain position for a longer or shorter period of time)

    6 slide

    Forms of manifestation of strength: Strength endurance: repeated repetition of the same movement (dynamic) or long-term preservation of a certain position (static).

    7 slide

    Muscle structure 1. Biceps muscle of the shoulder. Flexes the arm at the elbow joint. 2. Muscles of the neck. Tilt your head, turn to the side. For development, exercises are used: circular head rotations, head tilts. 3. Trapezius muscle. Raises and lowers the shoulders. For development, raising and lowering the shoulders is used, holding the burden in the lowered hands. 4. Deltoid muscle. Participates in raising hands forward, to the side, back. Exercise: raising straight arms to the sides. 5. Large pectoral muscle. Brings the arms to the body. Exercise: lying on your back, lowering straight arms to the sides from the position of the arm forward. 6. Muscles of the forearm. Bend and unbend fingers. Exercise: winding a cord with a load at the end on a stick. 7. Rectus abdominis. Flexes the body forward. Exercise: torso forward from a supine position. 8. Quadriceps femoris. Extends the leg at the knee joint, participates in hip flexion. Exercise: squat with weights on the shoulders.

    8 slide

    Muscle structure 9. Calf muscle. Flexes the foot. Exercise: lifting on toes. 10. Muscles of the back of the thigh. Bend the leg at the knee joint. Exercise: from a prone position, flexion and extension of the leg at the knee joint with overcoming resistance. 11. External oblique muscle of the abdomen. Rotates and tilts the body. Exercise: circular rotation of the torso. 12. Long dorsal muscles. They unbend the torso, participate in torso tilts to the sides. Exercise: forward torso without bending the legs. 13. The latissimus dorsi muscle. Brings the shoulder to the body, pulls the arm back and inward. Exercise: lowering and raising straight arms through the sides with weights using a rubber bandage. 14. Triceps muscle of the shoulder. Extends the arm at the shoulder joint. Exercise: extending the arm to the side, stretching the expander or rubber bandage.

    9 slide

    10 slide

    11 slide

    Movements that involve the pectoral muscles: Lower your arms to the sides

    In the modern program of gymnastic all-around: for women on bars of different heights, balance beam, in vaults, floor exercises; for men in floor exercises, vaults, pommel horse, rings, parallel bars and crossbar. In the modern program of gymnastic all-around: for women on bars of different heights, balance beam, in vaults, floor exercises; for men in floor exercises, vaults, pommel horse, rings, parallel bars and crossbar. Artistic gymnastics is a sport that includes competitions on gymnastic equipment, floor exercises and vaults.

    Gymnastic jumps are valuable physical exercises that have a comprehensive effect on the human body. They are available to those involved in different ages, genders and physical fitness. With their help, develop muscle strength, speed, agility and accuracy of movements. All jumps in gymnastics are divided into two large groups: 1. Non-support, or simple, jumps. (Jumps in place on both and on one leg with various turns and movements, claps, etc.; high jumps from a place and from a run, in length from a place and from a run, from a height or from projectiles, far-high jumps, into a “window”, through a bar or rope, jumping rope, with additional support, from swinging projectiles. (through a goat, plinth, horse,) performed through a projectile set in width or length, with a push on the far, middle, and near parts.)

    GYMNASTICS LESSONS AT SCHOOL The lesson is the main form of organizing gymnastics classes at school. The lesson should contain certain general tasks, the implementation of which is ensured by the entire learning process, and consists of sequentially solved specific tasks: Educational; Wellness; Educational;

    Educational tasks are: 1. Teaching children to perform gymnastic exercises provided for by the program; 2. Students gaining knowledge about gymnastic terminology; 3. Self-control when performing general developmental exercises; 4. Safety rules, insurance and assistance when performing exercises on gymnastic apparatus.

    Gymnastics lessons have great opportunities for solving educational problems, such as discipline, attentiveness, accuracy, collectivism, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, aesthetics of movements, etc. Health and educational tasks should be solved in close connection with educational ones.

    Improving tasks: 1. Formation of correct posture in children; 2. Compliance with hygienic conditions for conducting classes and measures to prevent injuries; 3. Teaching proper breathing when performing gymnastic exercises; 4. Teaching students the methods of self-control and health assessment.

    Vault is one of the types of exercises in gymnastics. Vaults are included in the program of both women's and men's tournaments. When performing a vault, the athlete runs up the track, then pushes off with the help of a special inclined spring bridge and makes a jump, during which he must make an additional repulsion from the projectile. During the jump, the athlete performs additional acrobatic elements in the air. Men perform vaults on pommel horse, rings, parallel bars and crossbar.

    Pedagogical observations have shown that the main reasons that make it difficult for schoolchildren to perform vaults are the lack of a push with their feet, and the absence of a short push with their hands, followed by quickly lifting them up outward, while in coordination of movements over the projectile, most of the vaults quite accessible to children.

    The following methodological techniques aimed at developing a short push with the hands give a useful effect: 1. Students are asked to imagine that the surface of the goat is “very hot”, so they need to push off from it so as not to “burn their hands.” Each jump is evaluated by the word “burned” or "not burned." 2. The students are given a condition: after pushing with their hands, touch the teacher’s palm before landing (the teacher stands near the projectile and holds his hand slightly above the level of the upper edge of the projectile). This methodological technique is best used after students learn the basic jump pattern and proceed to improve push with hands.

    It is necessary to immediately teach students the correct motor actions and techniques in order to avoid wasting time and energy on their retraining. The main focus of training: 1. First of all, to teach children to evaluate the movements performed in space, time and by the degree of muscle effort. 2. Pay attention to the development of jumping ability, arm strength and speed-strength endurance. 3. Eliminate defensive reactions (using foam mats, active assistance and insurance, "guiding along the movement") insurance in groups, jumping over a shortened or inclined projectile, using two bridges, etc. 4. The use of auxiliary projectiles for training, a wall, benches, banquettes, a jumping complex (an inclined bench, transverse boom obstacles) for practicing individual phases of a jump, landmarks, an acrobatic track.

    There are two approaches in the technique of teaching vaults: 1. Phase training - (divided into elements and phases.) At the first stages of training, attention should be focused on mastering the general basics of the technique of this exercise. First of all, it must be understood that all phases of the jump are interconnected, the final and actions of one phase are preparatory for the next, and the mistakes made in each of the phases can cause a whole reaction of new mistakes or the failure of the jump. It is advisable to start the study with the possession of a landing, the correct posture when performing it, the ability to maintain this posture after various jumps, from a height and rotation. Then they master the run, jump on the bridge, push with their feet, push with their hands and without the support phase, only after mastering the individual phases of the jump, students can begin to master the jump as a whole. 2. Holistic learning - (like learning through a holistic image, movement) One of the main disadvantages of holistic training is a defensive reaction to overcoming obstacles, which is accompanied by errors in the technique of performing individual phases. In the end, the student overcomes his fear - he jumps, and the mistakes that accompany him are gradually fixed.

    The main reasons that impede the development of jumps: 1. Poor physical fitness of the student and poor knowledge of the basics of technology and their implementation. 2. Wrong teaching methodology. For example: a decrease in take-off speed, a belated and sluggish push with the legs. The delay of the hands on the projectile and the sluggish push with the legs, the result of the manifestation of a feeling of fear, fear of an obstacle. Therefore, holistic teaching is used in cases where the student has a stock of dynamic stereotypes and a new skill is formed from parts of old, previously formed stereotypes. 3. Errors in the execution technique sometimes appear due to incorrect installation of the projectile. For example, a bridge that is too close causes the takeoff run to slow down, the body to deviate backward, and a belated push with the arms (lack of a stopper). Importance has a projectile height, the misconception that a low projectile is easier to jump over. At the same time, the “Rational” push with the hands is difficult. The inability to perform a stop push with the hands due to the late placement of the hands on the projectile, bending of the arms at the elbow joints, rolling the shoulders forward lead to the absence of the flight phase and proper landing. These mistakes can be prevented only by the skillful application of training methods, reliable help and insurance.

    THE SEQUENCE OF TEACHING VASE JUMPS I. Task for learning to land II. Tasks for learning to run III.

    I. Landing training task Training sequence: 1) Squats with a medicine ball in hands behind the head 2) Forward bends with a medicine ball in hands behind the head 3) Lying on the hips on the gymnastic bench, back to the floor with toes hooked on the first rail of the gymnastic rail. With the ball in the hands behind the head, quickly bend the torso forward to a vertical position. 4) I. p. too, but facing the floor (flexion of the body) 5) Lying on the stomach, clasping the horse, raising straight legs to the deflection position 6) Standing facing the gymnastic wall and leaning on the hands at chest level, lifting on toes and lowering on the whole foot. 7) Jumping from support with roars on the rail, landing in a semi-squat 8) Take the correct landing position and fix for 10 seconds (semi-squat, heels together, toes and knees apart, back bent, head straight, arms up to the sides) 9). The same, but with closed eyes. 10) Jump, bending up into the landing position 11) Take the landing position after jumping from the gymnastic bench 12) The same, with eyes closed. 13) The same, but according to the visual landmark. Square 40 x 40 changing distance 14) Jumping from knees with a wave of hands to the landing position 15) Jumping over obstacles with soft landing 16) Along the bench jumping with advancement, legs apart and into the landing position 17) Jumping with leg extension and soft landing 18) Jumping from an elevation. with a different position of the arms and legs in the prose of landing 19) Jumping, from a squat, bending into a squat 20) From ip. in a squat, right (left) forward, change of legs with a jump.

    TASKS FOR IMPROVING THE LANDING TECHNIQUE At the beginning, it is necessary to explain to the trainees the correct posture of the body in the landing phase. To this end, the teacher uses a fixation technique, which is as follows: From the main stance, the occupants take a semi-squat position, heels together, socks and knees apart, back straight arms forward-upward. The initial exercises in training are jumping, bending over and legs apart. The main requirement is a confident landing without moving from the spot. To increase the interest of those involved and stabilize the skill when conducting jumps from a height, it is advisable to set tasks: 1) land strictly on the designated place; 2) perform jumps with additional movements (clapping, catching balls, turning with eyes closed, etc.) At the first stages, jumping from a height should be carried out at each lesson. When teaching vaults and dismounts from a projectile, one must teach shock-absorbing landing on tense legs; avoid landing on heels, on straight legs, with a lot of jarring. Training sequence: Jumping from the bench to the bridge, followed by landing on the mat in the landing position Jumping upwards, bending over with a turn of 90, 180, 270.360 degrees, etc. (in different directions) Tempo jumps (bending jump at a pace, a jump with a turn of 360, etc.) The same, but with legs apart. Jumping from a hill to a bridge and again to a hill (a hill of mats) and vice versa. Jumping over obstacles (benches, balls, rope) followed by a push on the bridge and landing Forward roll and arched jump The same, but with a 360 turn, etc. and leg extension. Back roll and arch jump with a 90 turn, etc. Standing on a gymnastic bench with your back to the mats, a jump with a turn in a circle. The same, but with catching balls at the moment of landing. The same, with eyes closed Bending jump from a goat (horse) onto mats, according to the task (breeding legs, arms, pulling up legs, and turns, clapping to catch balls Jump, bending over from a gymnastic bench and at a pace 360 ​​jump with a fixed landing From a hang on the gymnastic wall, raising the legs to the extension in the landing position.

    II. Tasks for learning the run. Teaching the run-up technique begins with the study of the rational technique of running steps. For this, it is advisable to use the following exercises: imitating hand movements in place, running in place, raising the hips high, leaning against the wall. Slow running on toes. Free running without acceleration with arm movements. Running with gradual smooth acceleration. Training sequence: Running with support on the gymnastic wall (body in an inclined position) Running with high hips. Running with overflowing of the lower leg back. With a gradual acceleration of 8 - 12 meters Minching run Running along the markings located at a distance of (1, 1.20) Running in a straight line, placing the feet strictly on the line and parallel to it (15 m) Running with a given frequency of steps on a segment of 15 meters

    III. Tasks for learning to jump on the bridge Usually this phase is not improved separately, but hitting the bridge is mastered during the holistic performance of the jump. But it is possible to achieve stable performance of this phase by including specially selected exercises. Training sequence: 1. Tempo jumps with a wave of hands. 2. Jumps with varying degrees of support rigidity (alternating soft and hard and vice versa). 3. Jump from one leg to two after three steps 4. The same, but placing the legs along the markings located at a distance (cm) 5. From three steps with a swing of one and a push of the other, a jump to the elevation on two legs (height cm) 6. From three steps, a jump from one foot to two, a quick push with two and a jump up with an energetic swing of the arms 7. From 5-6 steps of a run, repulsion from two bridges and a jump onto the rope.

    IV. Tasks for teaching push with legs The control task, which checks the correct execution of a quick and elastic push with the legs in combination with a wave of the arms, is a jump to the floor from the gymnastic bench and at a pace the repulsion can be raised. Training sequence: 1. Rolling from heel to toe. 2. Jump to the floor from the gymnastic bench and in tempo repulsion with legs, arching jump with a soft landing. 3. Walking on toes with a load in the hands behind the head. 4. Raising and lowering on toes while standing on the gymnastic wall. 5. Jumping over obstacles over bumps. 6. Jumping with a push with two hands on the rail of the gymnastic wall. 7. Jumps in place on one leg, placing the other on the 3-4 rail of the gymnastic wall. 8. Leaning with one foot on a 4-5 rail, jumping with a change of legs at the gymnastic wall. 9 Tempo jumps on two legs with pulling the knees to the chest. 10. Jumping on one leg, standing on a support (bridge) while pulling up the fly leg. 11. A jump from a hill (a hill of mats) to a bridge and a hill is performed at a pace. 12. From a step, a jump onto a gymnastic bench and a push with two jumps, bending over. 13C banquettes (benches) jump and successive push with the legs on each of the 3 bridges located one behind the other with a landing on the mat. 14. Jump legs apart, legs together on a gymnastic bench. 15. Jumping over the benches with an intermediate push on the bridges. 16. Jump from the bench to the bridge and jump, bending over. 17. Jump from a hill to a foam mat and back to a hill. 18. From three steps, jump onto the bridge and jump into a squat on a low horse or goat.

    V. Tasks for learning to push with hands Learning to push with hands is the most time-consuming process. Here, in addition to technology, the physical fitness of students is of great importance. Therefore, in the process of studying the technique, it is necessary to constantly (at each lesson) use preparatory exercises to develop the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. It is recommended to give exercises on stops more often in the warm-up and in the daily homework. Sequence of training: 1. Quick flexion and extension of the arms in support while lying legs on a raised platform. 2. From the support while lying, pushing with your hands and at the same time with your feet, jump forward to the elevation (1-2 mats) and back. 4. Standing facing the wall at a distance of 1 meter with straight arms rest against the wall (extension in the wrist joints to the stop with the fingertips). 5. Standing at a distance of 1 meter from the wall, fall with a straight body onto the wall, followed by a quick push with the hands and return to the sp. 6. In the emphasis lying jumps with advancement (forward, backward, to the side). 7. Jumping in the lying position with claps 8. From the lying position, one hand on an elevation (stuffed ball, bench) jump to the side, followed by a change of hands on the support. 9. From an emphasis while lying down, simultaneously pushing off with your hands and feet, go to an emphasis while standing, legs apart, arms to the sides. 10. The same, but with a thread between the hands in the gray. 11. From the squat, jump forward onto the hands and grouping, pulling the legs to the support, take the crouching emphasis (bunny jumps). 13. Jump forward on hands on a gymnastic bench located along to take emphasis crouching (“bunny”) 14. In emphasis on parallel bars, jumping forward.

    VI. Tasks for training the flight phase before the hand push. Sequence of training: To get acquainted with the technique of performing the flight phase after the kick, the following are used: 1. Long roll forward. 2. Rope jump (the moment of take-off after the push is being mastered). 3. Flight somersault on a hill of mats. (3-4 mats). 4. Long somersault through the rope. 5. On the acrobatic track jumps "bunny" 6. Long somersault forward. 7. The same for elevation. 8. The same through obstacles (mat, rope, balls, etc.) straight position body.

    VII. Tasks for teaching the flight phase after the hand push. When teaching this phase, it should be clearly understood that the position of the body in flight is determined by the method of jumping. The quality of the jump is determined by the height, range (and therefore duration) of the flight. If the student performs the correct stop push with his hands, then the rotation is redistributed not forward, but backward, and the student gets the opportunity to raise his shoulders up and prepare for landing. Sequence of training: 1. From an emphasis while standing on a goat (horse), dismount with a wave of hands to quickly straighten up and take a landing position. 2. Jump forward on your hands pulling your legs up and pushing off with your hands to take a squat arms up. 3. The same, but legs apart. 4. Standing on the bridge at a distance of 1 m, falling forward with a straight body onto the horse, perform a quick push with the hands, extending the body and raising the arms. 5. Lying on the hips on the gymnastic bench, emphasis lying on the floor, perform a quick push with the hands, extending the body and raising the arms

    Point-blank jump, kneeling and with a swing of the arms, unbending the legs dismounting (the jump is basic) projectile from above. A typical mistake is bridge movement with knees forward. Exercises to eliminate them: 1. From an emphasis lying down, pushing off with your feet, go to an emphasis crouching. (Pay attention to the movement of your back.) 2. Leaning on the projectile, jumping with pulling your knees up to your chest. 3. From the emphasis lying down with a push of the legs, the emphasis is crouching and at the pace the jump is bent. 4. Crouching from the stop, on the acrobatic track, resting your knees on your elbows, tear your legs off the floor (hold) ( Effective exercise to overcome the fear of putting the legs through and placing them on a support) Enables the student to maintain the correct position of the back. The dismount is performed in one movement - unbending the legs and torso and with a wave of the arms up. The lead-up exercise is 1. From the stop on your knees, slightly bending your legs, take it, sit on your heels while tilting your torso forward, take your hands back and with an energetic wave of your arms unbend your torso and come to point-blank crouching. 2. The same from the bench. 3. On the mat, perform a serial jump from the stop, crouching on your knees and back. Belay: - Standing behind the horse on the side of the performer, preparing to support him when falling forward - over the shoulder or under the chest back - under the back.

    A jump at point-blank range, kneeling, followed by a transition to point-blank crouching and dismounting, bending over. To master the first part of the jump, the lead-up exercises of the previous jump are used. Learning the second part begins with imitation of a dismount from an emphasis, crouching (on the floor) - jumping upwards, bending over. Then the dismount is performed from the gymnastic bench. Sequence of learning. 1. Jumping at point-blank kneeling on a goat (horse) at a pace. 2. From the stop lying down with a jump at close range, kneeling. 3. The same on the bench. For the second part of the jump, see the section (Landing). Insurance: Standing behind the horse on the side of the performer, grabbing the student by the hand (with one hand by the wrist, and with the other by the shoulder, help to go point-blank When performing the jump, bending over, preparing to support him when falling forward - by the shoulder or under the chest; back under the back.

    Point-blank jump, crouching and dismounting, arching This jump is leading to a jump with legs bent. Jumping onto a projectile with a stop is of great practical importance. Holding hands on a projectile in vaults is a significant mistake, so you should not stop crouching for a long time. After mastering, you need to immediately switch to a complicated option - jump into a squat, when, after pushing off with your feet from the bridge, a short and energetic push is made with your hands and the student jumps onto the projectile without touching it with his hands. To maintain a vertical position in flight, one must feel the simultaneous deflection in the chest (moving the shoulders back) and a sharp movement with tense straight legs back. If the extension is insufficient or extension occurs only in the chest part and the legs “hang” in flight, then a fall onto the back occurs. Therefore, when learning to jump, bending over, pay attention to the extensor movements of the upper shoulder girdle and legs. The sequence of training: 1. From an emphasis lying down, pushing off with your feet, go to an emphasis crouching. (Pay attention to the movement of the back.) 2. Jump forward on your hands at point-blank crouching and at the pace jump bending. 3. From an emphasis lying on a gymnastic bench (across), pushing with your legs and arms, go to point-blank crouching and dismounting, bending over 4. The same, but from a jump. 5. Tempo jumps with an exit at point-blank range, crouching on a goat leaning on your hands 6. Jumping into a squat on a low goat. 7. Complicated options for dismounting, bending over: with a turn of 90 degrees; with claps above the head, behind the body, with legs spread, legs bent back, dismount through the rope. 8. The second part of the jump, see the section (landing). Insurance - Standing behind the projectile from the side, preparing to support when falling forward by the shoulder or under the chest; back - by the arm and under the back. When landing, support under the back and under the chest (depending on its position).

    Jump legs apart over the goat. When learning to jump, you should pay attention to the fact that the push on the bridge is made with both legs. The push should be directed upwards and almost simultaneously with the push with the hands. The hands perform a short locking movement, after which the legs are spread and unbent at the hip joints, simultaneously with the movement of the legs back, raise the arms up and out and bend. Maintain this position until landing. The sequence of training: - Jumping, with the legs apart, leaning on the projectile, raising the back, not the pelvis. - From an emphasis lying with a push, spread your legs apart and come to the sp. - the same but come at close range, standing legs apart. - leaning on the projectile, go to point-blank standing with legs apart on the horse and dismounting, bending over. - The same on the gymnastic bench from an emphasis lying pushing to go to point-blank range, standing legs apart. - The same, but from a jump. - Peremakh legs from an emphasis lying in an emphasis lying in front. - Jumping legs apart through a partner. Belay: The spotter stands at the landing site on the side and supports at the time of the push with his hands under the shoulder with both hands (above the elbow)

    Jump, bending your legs, over the goat. When training this jump, you should pay attention that after an energetic run-up and a push with your feet, there is a stop push with your hands with simultaneous flexion in the hip joints (back is raised) and a quick movement of the shoulders and arms up with vigorous extension of the trunk and legs and moving them back. Sticking hands on the projectile or a late push leads to touching the projectile and falling. Training sequence: 1. Jump up in place. bending your legs forward until your knees touch your chest. 2. From an emphasis lying down with a push of the legs, go to an emphasis crouching and back. 3. The same, but with two legs jumping into a squat. 4.See leading exercises. Jump jump at close range crouching. 5. Standing a step away from the wall, drop onto her hands and quickly push off in and out. p. 6. A complicated version of the jump: moving the bridge back to the landing distance. Belaying: Standing in front and slightly to the side of the landing place, when learning, hold the jumper with both hands by the hand above the elbow, and when the jump is learned with one hand by the forearm. Another over the shoulder or under the chest; when falling forward, hold under the chest; when falling backwards, under the back.

    Side jump with a 90 degree turn. When jumping in this way, after pushing with your feet, the weight of the body must be transferred to the supporting arm. A very serious mistake, difficult to eliminate - flexion in the hip joints during the flight over the projectile. Training sequence 1. From the emphasis lying on the floor with two jumps to the left (right) go to the emphasis lying sideways. 2. Standing on the bridge, hands on the body of the horse after two three jumps, jumping on the horse at point blank range, lying sideways and dismounting in front (dismount with a turn of 90) ) 4. side jump with a 90 turn over the goat while standing at the gymnastic wall, grabbing the poles with your hands, push your legs to the level of the horizon. 5. From an emphasis lying down, leaning on the bench with your feet, turns left or right, followed by lifting without a supporting arm 6. From an emphasis lying in front on a gymnastic bench, longitudinally push one and swing the other to move your legs to the left and right (possible with advancement) 7. Jumping in support lying left (right) across the bench with advancement. 8. From the stop lying with a push of the legs, jump over one arm into the gray. 9. From a stop astride the lower pole with a jump of one dismount, bending with a turn to Jump sideways over a horse with a placed object (ball, cube, etc.) projectile from the side of the supporting arm, assistance is provided with two hands over the shoulder or standing at the bridge with one hand to support the shoulder, and with the other push from below the pelvis or thigh.

    An angled jump with a running start at an angle to the projectile with a push of one leg and a swing of the other. An angled jump to the right is performed with a push of the left leg (farthest from the projectile) while simultaneously resting the right hand on the body of the horse. The fly leg goes up and through the projectile, the supporting leg after repulsion quickly joins the fly leg above the projectile, hands rest on the projectile in sequence: at the beginning of the jump - right, and in the second half - left. The bridge is installed on the side near the near edge of the projectile. Sequence of learning. From the emphasis lying in front, simultaneously raising the legs and arms, then the left side, then the right. Also through the bench with one stroke of the other in an emphasis lying in front. With a push of one stroke of the other, mount the horse and go point-blank, lying in front. Movement in an emphasis lying in front with a partner. From the emphasis lying in front, alternately raising the legs Sitting on a horse on the right thigh, lean your hands on the back, swinging your legs forward to the right, jump off the projectile and land with your left side to it. Sitting legs apart across on a horse, lean on the body of the horse with your hands and swing your legs to dismount at an angle to the right. From a sitting position on the hip, on the uneven bars, a dismount at an angle through the poles. From swinging on parallel bars, an angled dismount over the poles. Belay: Stand at the landing site facing the projectile, hold the right hand with the right hand above the elbow with the right hand, and with the left hand under the pelvis or under the back.

    Jump legs apart over the horse in length. When learning to jump the legs apart over the horse in length with a push on the far part, attention should be paid to placing the hands on the far part of the horse. Breeding, but to the sides, begins simultaneously with a push with the hands and flexion of the body in the hip joints. A decrease in the speed of the run-up before attacking the bridge, a late and prolonged push with the legs, bending in the thoracic and lumbar parts of the spine at the moment of repulsion, as a rule, are the result of insufficient physical fitness of students. From emphasis lying on the floor with a push of the legs, come to point-blank standing with legs bent apart. Jump forward on the hands with spreading and bringing the legs together, followed by coming to point-blank crouching The same but on the bench Jump forward on the hands on the bench across at point-blank range standing legs apart Jump legs apart over the goat with a gradual retraction of the bridge Standing in a squat on the near part of the horse leg jump apart with a push with your hands on the far part Jump legs apart over the horse on the far part of the near lowered Jump legs apart on the far part of the deployed horse to reduce its length Jump over two goats placed in a tight push on the far projectile. Insurance: Standing on the side behind the projectile at the landing site, hold under the chest and by the arms above the elbow.

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