MOU "Klyuchanskaya secondary school"

observation diary

technology teacher

Zhuravleva S.S.

Key - 2015

Experience Theme: find out how the culture of the predecessor plant affects the yield of the beet variety "Monti".

Purpose of experience : to introduce students to the agricultural technology of cultivating crops - beets. Conduct phenological observations of the variety "Monti».

Experience methodology:

1. Sowing seeds in well-cultivated and fertilized soil in the same place where beets grew last year (experimental beds).

2. Sowing beet seeds in well-cultivated soil after the potato predecessor plant (control beds).

3. During the entire growing season, carry out agrotechnical work: watering, weeding, loosening, thinning, top dressing.

4. Carry out phenological observations of the growth and development of beets on experimental and control beds.

5. Harvesting, accounting of grown products by weighing.

6. Compare and draw conclusions: how does the crop of the predecessor plant affect the yield of the beet variety "Monti".

Experience Scheme

No. 1 seeds sown after the crop of the predecessor - beets

No. 2 seeds were sown after the crop of the predecessor - potatoes

Recurrence - 3


What they were doing



Part of the beet seeds were sown in the place where beets grew last year (experimental plot), the other part of the seeds were sown after the predecessor - potatoes (control plot). Seeds were sown in two rows on plots, with preliminary watering of the rows.

Beets are sown in well-cultivated and heated soil. It started raining after lunch.








The rain is small.


Friendly germination of seeds on experimental and control plots.


Rain all day


Rain half a day


The first true leaves appear at seedlings on experimental and control plots.

04. 06



The first weeding of beets from weeds


1st Thinning (3 cm spacing between plants)


Heavy rain.



Heavy rain (afternoon).


Rain in the afternoon


Rain in the afternoon


Weeding beets 2nd, loosening row spacing.


Second thinning (distance between plants 6-7 cm)

Plants develop well in the experimental and control plots, although the leaf mass is larger and stronger in the control plots.


Weeding between rows on beet plots, watering by artificial irrigation.

August - normal temperature for this month

In the last days of August

The tops on the experimental plots begin to dry up in some places.


The tops on the control plots dry out, on the experimental plots it has already dried up.


Harvesting beets from the site, accounting for the crop by weighing, laying healthy root crops for storage in the vegetable store.

When harvesting beets, it was found that the root crops on the control plots are larger and more even than on the experimental plots.

Conclusion: Monty beet seeds were planted in warm and well-cultivated soil. Summer was quite rainy, especially June-July months, but not hot. which gave a good harvest - 310 kg, of which 185 kg were harvested on the control plots, and 135 kg on the experimental plots. So we can conclude that the predecessor plant affects the yield of beets, it is not recommended to plant beets in the same place for two years in a row, this leads to a decrease in yield.


Experience Theme: seedbed preparation seeds

Purpose of experience: to find out the effect of seed vernalization on the ripening time and yield of carrots of the "Samson" variety. Introduce students to the cultivation of carrots.

Experience methodology.

1. Part of the seeds of this variety were subjected to vernalization, the other part of the seeds were not subjected to vernalization.

2. In well-warmed soil, vernalized seeds (experimental plots) and non-vernalized carrot seeds (control plots) were sown.

2. During the entire growing season, we carry out agrotechnical measures: weeding, thinning, watering, loosening.

3. Harvesting and accounting of grown products by weighing root crops. Comparison of carrot yields in experimental and control plots.

Experience Scheme

No. 1 - an experimental plot with vernalized seeds of carrot varieties "Samson"

No. 2 - control plot with non-vernalized seeds of carrot variety "Samson"

Recurrence - 5

Area (m²) - experimental plot 9

Control plot 9

The predecessor is potatoes. In autumn, before plowing, humus was introduced.


What they were doing



On the experimental plots, vernalized carrot seeds were sown, on the control plots they were not vernalized. The seeds were mixed with dry river sand.

Carrot seeds were sown in well-cultivated and heated soil, in two rows on a plot, with preliminary watering of the rows.


Afternoon rain




Cool, cloudy, rain


All day rain


Carrot shoots appear on experimental plots


Friendly seedlings are observed on experimental plots


Seedlings observed in control plots


Loosening the soil crust between rows on all beds

Friendly seedlings on control beds




Seedlings thicken on experimental plots


All day rain


Weeding and loosening the soil crust between rows

Small rain


Shower. Afternoon


Weeding and loosening of the soil crust between rows on all beds


The crops are thickened on the control plots. Mainly cloudy


Rain all day




Weeding 2nd, loosening row spacing. 1st thinning of carrots on all plots

Carrots on experimental plots are in the 5-leaf phase., hot


Rain, overcast


Weeding, loosening carrots 2 2nd Thinning carrots on experimental plots at a distance of 4 cm.

Carrots on the control plots are in the 5-leaf phase. Rain almost every day...

30.06- 03. 07

Weeding carrots on both experimental and control plots, removing weeds


Seedlings thickened in experimental plots


Thinning seedlings on control plots


Irrigation by artificial irrigation.


Weeding between rows, removing weeds on all plots


Weeding between rows, removal of weeds on plots of all varieties of carrots.


The tops on the plots are still green.


The tops on the plots are green


The tops on the plots are green


Harvesting and accounting of crops by weighing.

Conclusion: vernalized seeds were sown on the experimental plots, and non-vernalized seeds of carrot variety 2samson were sown on the control plots. Seedlings were thinned out 2 times on experimental and control plots. All agrotechnical activities were carried out on time. Seedlings on the experimental plots appeared 5 days earlier than on the control plots. Digging up carrots. We saw. That the root crops on the experimental beds are slightly larger and more even than on the control beds. Carrots from the control plots have outgrowths and not a very good presentation. . We collected 335 kg of carrots from the experimental plot, 294 kg of carrots from the control plot. This means that we can conclude that by vernalizing the seeds it is possible to obtain more early harvest and higher. But of course, only if all agrotechnical measures are observed.


Experience Theme: variety study of mid-ripening tomatoes on the example of varieties "Arinka-tangerine" and "Sugar pudovichok"

Purpose of experience: to study the agrotechnics of growing tomatoes of the Arinka-Mandarinka and Sugar Pudovichok varieties through seedlings.

Experience methodology:

1. Growing seedlings of tomato varieties "Arinka-tangerine", "Sugar pudovichok", care for seedlings, picking seedlings.

2. Planting tomato seedlings on plots

3. Carrying out agrotechnological activities throughout the growing season: watering, loosening, weeding, without pinching.

4. Harvesting and accounting of grown products from experimental plots.

Experience Scheme

No. 1 - tomatoes of the variety "Arinka-mandarinka"

No. 2 - tomatoes of the variety "Sugar pudovichok"

Predecessor - onion

Recurrence - 3

The area of ​​each experimental plot is 2m²


What they were doing



Sowing seeds of tomatoes "Arinka-tangerine", "Sugar pudovichok" in seedling boxes, the boxes were covered with a film


Shoots of tomato "Sugar pudovichok" appear


Shoots of tomato "Arinka-mandarinka" appear


The film was removed from the seedling boxes


friendly shoots of tomato "Sugar pudovichok"


friendly shoots of tomato "Arinka-mandarin"


Seedling care: watering, fertilizing with ammonium nitrate


Picking tomatoes of both varieties in the soil of the greenhouse

Care for pickled seedlings: watering

25. 05

Planting seedlings of tomato varieties "Arinka Mandarinka" and "Sugar Pudovichok" with preliminary watering of the holes on the plots. Introducing into planting holes organic fertilizer(2 handfuls of humus)

Hot. Seedlings are a little wilted


The seedling has risen and looks good.


From the beginning of June, the rains begin ....

The seedlings on the plots have begun.




Hole loosening

13. 06

Hilling tomatoes

After the 11th, the weather is not hot during the day up to + 23 ° С



Blooming tomatoes varieties "Arinka-mandarinka"


Hole loosening


Weeding between rows

Tomatoes of the "Sugar Pudovichok" variety begin to bloom



Rain in the morning


2nd hilling of tomatoes, watering, loosening holes.



Mass flowering of tomatoes of the variety "Arinka-mandarinka"


loosening holes

Fruits are formed on tomatoes of the Arinka-Mandarinka variety, the Sugar Pudovichok variety blooms


Mainly cloudy

Fruits are formed on tomatoes of the Sugar Pudovichok variety,


The fruits of tomatoes of the variety "Arinka-mandarinka" are in milky ripeness


weeding tomatoes


Fog in the morning


Weeding between rows

The fruits of the variety "Sugar pudovichok a" in milky ripeness. There was fog


The first red fruits were harvested on plots No. 1. 16 fruits were harvested, the average fruit weight was up to 200g

Green tomatoes were removed from plots No. 1 and No. 2

Tomatoes began to blacken on both plots


Collected green tomatoes not affected by late blight


They pulled out the lashes, removed the infected tomatoes


Conclusions: in the experiment, we used tomatoes of two varieties "Arinka-tangerine" and "Sugar pudovichok". Both varieties are mid-ripening with the same ripening period of about 115-120 days. Planting mid-ripening varieties, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to process tomatoes three times during the growing season: at the seedling stage, at the budding stage and at the stage of fruit formation. Since we did not do this, almost the entire crop had to be thrown away, and the summer turned out to be rainy. The fogs began early, which led to the loss of the crop.



Experience Theme: the influence of timely weeding on the size of onion bulbs of the Spassky variety

Purpose and objectives of the experience:To study the effect of timely weeding on the size of the bulb. To introduce students to the agricultural technology of growing bulb crops.

Experience Scheme

No. 1 - experimental plots of onion varieties "Spassky", timely weeding was carried out

No. 2 - control beds of Spassky onion, where weeding was not carried out in a timely manner

Experience methodology.

1. Soil cultivation with the introduction of organic fertilizer before winter.

2. Planting bulbs in the spring in well-heated and cultivated soil.

3. Carrying out agrotechnical activities during the growing season. Carrying out timely weeding on experimental plots.

4. Removal of arrows from the bow in experimental and control plots, if necessary.

5. Harvesting and crop accounting.

Observation diary


What they were doing



Planting onion sets of the Spassky variety

The soil is quite moist, the average daily temperature is above +15°C, rain in the second half of the day


Rain, every day


Pre-emergence harrowing of the soil with a rake

Remove small weeds


Onion shoots appear on both experimental and control plots


One feather on control and experimental plots


Weeding and loosening of row-spacings, removal of weeds on experimental plots


Two onion feathers on experimental plots


Daytime temperatures +25°С +28°С




Feeding onions (one glass of mullein per 10 liters of water and a tablespoon of urea)

Two onion feathers on control beds


Weeding and loosening of row-spacings, removal of weeds on control plots

Tall weed Weeds appear in test plots


Weeding and loosening of row spacings on experimental plots


Weeding between ridges on experimental and control plots


Light rain, cloudy


Mainly cloudy


Four feathers on onions in experimental plots, three feathers in control beds, cloudy


Weeding and loosening of row spacings on experimental plots 3rd weeding, on control plots - 2nd weeding

On the experimental beds, the feather is higher and its quantity is greater than on the control plots.






Rainy, cloudy


Loosening inter-ridges after rain


Loosening of inter-ridges


10.07 – 13.07

Weeding in experimental plots



There was heavy rain during the night.


Removal of weeds in all beds


The feather on the experimental and control plots is green, on the experimental plots the amount of feather is 5-7, - on the control plots - 4 pcs.


Feather lodging begins on experimental plots


Harvesting and crop accounting

We collected 716 kg of onions, and on the experimental plots 405 kg, and on the control 311 kg


At the end of July, the onion crop was harvested, the yield was 716 kg, and 405 kg were harvested on the experimental plots, and 3111 kg on the control plots. On the experimental plots, the bulbs are larger, and on the control plots, the bulbs are small. The summer has been rainy. The control beds were overgrown with weeds, which affected the onion yield in these plots. Timely weeding affects the size of the bulbs and, as a result, the yield of onions. Because on experimental plots, we carried out timely weeding, then the yield on these plots turned out to be higher, and the size of the bulbs too.



Theme of the experiment: Variety study of white cabbage.

Purpose of experience: phenological observations of different varieties of white cabbage (which variety grows better, develops and gives the highest yield;)

Experience scheme:





No. 1 - grade "Atria" No. 2 "Rinda"

No. 3- "Kilaton" No. 4 "Amager"

Experience methodology.

  1. Soil preparationfor planting seedlings of cabbage in open ground. With the help of pegs and a cord, basting beds and digging holes according to the 70 × 70 pattern.
  2. Selection well developed plantshaving at least 4 leaves, digging them out of the greenhouse along with a clod of earth.
  3. planting seedlingsto the depth to the first true leaves, without bending the roots and without filling the growth point with preliminary watering of the holes from watering cans. Installation of plates with the name of varieties.
  4. Holding repeated waterings until the plants take root completely (within 5 days).
  5. Replanting seedlingsin places of lunge a week after planting.
  6. Carrying out agrotechnical activitiesthroughout the growing season: watering, loosening, weeding, hilling, fertilizing, pest control.
  7. Carrying out phenological observationsfor the growth and development of different varieties of cabbage.
  8. Harvesting and accountinggrown products.

Predicted results:

Taking into account the characteristics of the white cabbage varieties that we use in the experiment, it can be assumed that

  • harvest in more early dates we will get Atria cabbage, because. it belongs to the middle-late varieties.
  • cabbages of the varieties "Atria", "Rinda" will have the largest mass
  • later than all the cabbage varieties “Kilaton” and “Amager” will ripen and will have heads of cabbage weighing up to 3-4 kg;
  • cabbage variety "Atria" will have a consistently good harvest.

Used varieties of cabbage should not be subject to keel. crop rotation was observed. We plan to collect up to 2500 kg of cabbage from the plot (providing school table cabbage for the entire academic year, kindergarten).

Observation diary


What they were doing



Planting cabbage of all kinds in the ground with preliminary watering of the holes 0.5l, after planting watering 1l

Cabbage variety "Rinda" a little wilted


Watering from watering cans

Cabbage of all varieties feels good


Watering from watering cans. Planting cabbage in places of lunge


Watering from watering cans


We plant the grown seedlings of cabbage, planting cabbage in places of lunge in the Amager variety, watering from watering cans

All varieties of cabbage have taken root well


Watering from watering cans

Planted cabbage "Rinda" begins to take root


1st Top dressing with a 1:10 solution of mullein on cabbage in experimental plots

Seedlings of all types of cabbage took root and began to grow




The seedling is doing well.



All seedlings took root well on all varieties.

6.06- 8 .06

Loosening and weeding cabbage. Mainly cloudy

start to grow back large leaves on cabbage varieties "Atria", "Kilaton", "Rinda"


1st Hilling of cabbage varieties "Atria", "Rinda",

Large leaves grow on cabbage varieties "Kilaton"





Loosening the soil between rows and holes


1st hilling cabbage variety "Kilaton"


Weeding and loosening cabbage of all varieties. Hot

Large leaves on cabbage grow actively



Large leaves on cabbage grow actively


2nd Top dressing with a solution of mullein cabbage on experimental plots during the period of heading

The dimensions of the stem part on the control and experimental beds are already different.




Loosening and weeding holes and row spacing


2nd hilling of cabbage varieties "Atria", "Kilaton", "Rinda"

Increase in leaves on experimental beds



The leaves on the varieties of cabbage "Atria", "Kilaton", "Rinda" begin to close


2nd hilling cabbage variety "Amager"

Heads are formed on cabbage varieties "Atria", "Rinda"


Cruciferous flea appears


Treatment with the drug "Knockdown" cabbage from cruciferous flea


The cruciferous flea has disappeared from cultivated beds


Weeding and loosening all types of cabbage

Formation of a head of cabbage of the variety "Kilaton" "Amager"


3rd Organic feeding of cabbage on experimental plots




Weeding cabbage of all varieties




weeding cabbage

Formation of heads of cabbage of all varieties


Processing cabbage from cruciferous flea

Formation of heads of cabbage of all varieties


Manual weeding of cabbage

Formation of heads of cabbage of all varieties


Cabbage of all varieties grows well.


Cabbage harvesting, harvest accounting


  1. cabbage variety "Atria" has the largest heads of cabbage, quite dense; yield - about 7.5 kg / m²;
  2. Heads of cabbage "Kilaton" and "Rinda" are approximately the same in size and weight, approximately 65 cm in diameter, weight about 3 - 3.5 kg; yield is about 8 kg / m²;
  3. On experimental plots, where they were fed with organic matter, cabbage heads are denser and large sizes.
  4. Cabbage varieties "Amager" has small heads of about 2-2.5 kg, but very dense; yield is about 5 kg/m².
  5. The total yield is about 4000 kg per 0.3 ha.
  6. Not a single head of cabbage cracked.
  7. Clubroot disease was not observed on any cabbage variety.
  8. The cruciferous flea has eaten up the marginal leaves of Amager cabbage.
  9. All varieties of cabbage used in the experiment give a good harvest in our climatic zone.
  10. Cabbage variety "Rinda" will go for pickling. this is a medium-late variety, and the rest of the cultivated cabbage varieties will go to maturation.


Experience Theme: effect of vernalization of tubers on the yield of potatoes.

Purpose of experience : Does vernalization of potato tubers affect its yield.

Experience methodology

1. Part of the tubers intended for planting were subjected to vernalization. 40 days before planting potato tubers weighing 70-80 gr. Spread out in a warm, bright room (at 15-20 ºС) in a greenhouse. Turned over every 3-5 days. The rest of the tubers were not subjected to vernalization.

2. The vernalized potato was planted in the experimental plot, not the vernalized potato in the control plot.

3. During the entire growing season, we carry out agrotechnical work: plowing, hilling, weeding, pest control.

5. Carrying out phenological observations of the growth and development of potatoes in experimental and control plots.

6. Harvesting, accounting of grown products.

Experience Scheme

No. 1 - experience (vernalized potato tubers

No. 2 - control (not vernalized potato tubers)


What they were doing



We got potato tubers from the vegetable store, some were subjected to vernalization

All April

Warmed tubers in a greenhouse

The tubers warmed up and sprouted


Planting of vernalized potato tubers in experimental plots, non-vernalized tubers planted in control plots

Cloudy, cool


Heavy rain


Heavy rain


16, 17.05

Rain. Potato sprouts on experimental plots


Potato sprouts on control plots


After the 25th, hot weather sets in


Rainy, cloudy


Weeding potatoes, removing weeds on experimental plots


Potato plowing on both plots


Rain all day


Potato plowing with hilling



Potato weeding, weed removal on control plots



Larvae of the Colorado potato beetle appear. rainy cloudy weather


Processing potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle with the preparation "Colorado"


Hilling plowing on both plots


Potatoes bloom on experimental plots



Potatoes bloom on control plots



2nd treatment of potatoes with the drug "Colorado" from the beetle

Mass flowering of potatoes on experimental plots


Potato weeding, weed removal (manual) on control plots

Mass flowering of potatoes on control plots


Weed appears on experimental plots

Bushes are green on all plots


Bushes begin to turn yellow in experimental plots


The weed on the plots is tall

Bushes begin to turn yellow on control plots


Haulm mowing



Conclusion: when harvesting, we found that the yield of potatoes in the experimental plot is higher than in the experimental plot by almost 35%. When digging bushes on an experimental plot, the number of tubers was 9-12 pieces per bush, the tubers were large and even. When digging bushes from the control plot, the number of tubers was 6-7 pieces per bush, tubers of medium and less than average size. Yields on the experimental plot, where vernalized tubers were used, were higher than on the control plot, where non-vernalized tubers were used. By the end of August there was a tall weed on all the plots, so the summer turned out to be very rainy in the first two months. And even weeding did not help, all the same, there were a lot of weeds on the plots.

For getting good harvest vernalized tubers must be used. However, with improper care, when plantings are overgrown with weeds. There is no hope for a good result.


Experience Theme: comparative study of late-ripening cucumbers on the example of varieties "Donskoy" and "Pobedel"

Purpose of experience : find out which variety has been fruiting longer, which variety has good taste.

Experience methodology

1. We sow cucumber seeds in open ground.

2. On the first plot we plant cucumbers of the Donskoy variety, on the second plot we plant cucumbers of the Winner variety.

4. We carry out agrotechnical measures for growing cucumbers.

5. We carry out phenological observations of the growth and development of cucumbers in both plots.

6. Harvesting, counting grown products, conclusions.




Rain, cucumber shoots appear on both plots






Rain in the afternoon


Loosening, manually removing weeds, watering




top dressing with ammonium nitrate (10g per bucket of water)



Weeding between rows

2 true leaves of cucumbers of the Pobedel variety


2 real leaves of cucumbers of the Donskoy variety






Cucumbers of the Pobedel variety have 5 true leaves.


Cucumbers of the Donskoy variety have 5 true leaves.


Top dressing with mullein solution 1: 8


Cucumbers of the "Winner" variety are blooming


Cucumbers of the Donskoy variety are blooming


Ovaries appear in cucumbers of the "Pobeditel" variety


Ovaries appear in cucumbers of the Donskoy variety

Watering every two days


Collection of cucumbers on the plot of the "Pobeditel" variety 2.2 kg


Collection of cucumbers on the plot of the Donskoy variety (2.6 kg)


Collection of cucumbers on the plot of the "Pobeditel" variety 3.1 kg


Collection of cucumbers on the plot of the Donskoy variety 2.9 kg


Collection of cucumbers on the plot of the "Pobeditel" variety - 2.6 kg


Collection of cucumbers on the plot of the Donskoy variety 2.4 kg



The leaves turned yellow on individual lashes in the plot under the variety "Pobedel"


Withering of the lashes on the plot under the variety "Winner"


The leaves turned yellow on individual lashes in the plot under the variety "Donskoy"


Withering of the lashes on the plot under the variety "Donskoy"


Cleaning lashes of cucumbers from the site

Conclusion:both varieties that were planted in early June developed very slowly at first. The weather in June was cloudy cool and rainy. Both varieties are late maturing varieties. However, the “Winner” variety began to bear fruit a little earlier. However, in terms of the duration of fruiting, the Donskoy variety turned out to be more successful, it fruited for 10 days longer than the Pobedel variety. Both varieties had good fruits weighing approximately the same up to 120-150g. Both plots yielded approximately the same amount of crop. Both varieties are suitable for growing in our area and for later harvesting.


diary of observations of plants in kindergarten sample

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In addition, each child can have his own diary of observations of the middle senior. H diary of observation of flowering houseplants. A student's weather diary is a very exciting activity that you can do. In it, Elizabeth told her. The first book is Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. Job parents of today's world. Diary of observations by plants. The diary of observations by plants of the school sample enmity the creation of conditions for the development of gunshot development of children shipwrecked ecological culture the diary of observations by plants of the kindergarten. So, having completed all the tasks, I came to such conclusions.

Diary of observations of plants in kindergarten sample

Away white water lily can use the dandelion food plant to replenish the collection of home plants can be bought in a variety of ways store or. Here we discuss all the subtleties of growing roses, starting overexposure of planting all. Presentation to the outside world for the class is best material
. Planning work by children corners of nature weather calendar nature groups. A diary of observations of plants in a kindergarten. Many of us who have visited the countries of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, bring a memory. Author Lubennikova Yulia Aleksandrovna methodologist of the city methodological center of the city. The main pedagogical condition for the successful adaptation of the child to the conditions of education in. Dear rose growers, I really need your advice. I planted rose seedlings in autumn 6. On the topic methodological developments presentation abstracts Publications theme museum of vegetables kindergarten. I also planted hope, beauty, reliability, our domestic variety of clematis, video tutorials, assistance in decorating a kindergarten, welcome to our new section on. Helped a lot when doing some assignments. Annotation of what people do if there is a chance to continue living as a friend. Annotation of the material. Clarify the idea that indoor flowers will bloom if favorable conditions are created . Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Khakassia. Who knows how to keep a diary of observations of plants in kindergarten who knows how to keep a diary of observations of plants in kindergarten sample diary of observation growth development of plants. Bazanov's shop sold books on various branches of theological knowledge. Total kindergarten of the first qualification category to improve the work of speech development. Why do you need to know the compatibility of various plants in the garden of their plots of plant berries. Here you can pay your phone bill with a bank card, including Sberbank . Go DPO Khakass Republican. Biography of the naturalist Charles Robert Darwin was born February 1809 in Shrewsbury. The first week of practice task 1. Observations of plant growth development creation of keeping diaries of observations of plant growth. The name of the technique for conducting additional phenological observations. Thank you for being with us all year

Diaries of observations of the growth and development of plants.

Modeling of growth and development of plants is carried out using drawings. In all age groups, once a week, you can fix (draw on separate pages) sprouting in jars, for example, onions. The graphic model in children is especially interesting if several bulbs germinate in different conditions of a specially created situation and on each page a multi-colored strip of time is depicted - a “week”. All drawings are made using two cardboard stencils - jars and bulbs. Such a model in the form of a calendar behind a growing onion can be created with children of younger and older preschool age.

The observation diary looks somewhat different, in which the growth of a vegetable crop is recorded. On each page of such a diary, in addition to the image of the plant itself, there are parameters: the time for which the plant changes (a “week” time bar is drawn, not a digital designation); the conditions under which the plant changes; the conditions under which crop growth occurs (weather combined with care work). Thus, modeling the growth and development of a vegetable crop is the daily coloring of the day of the week and fixing the weather, the designation of labor operations with icons on the days of the week when they were completed, the weekly inspection and drawing of the plant with all its new features.

Such a diary is a full-fledged graphical model of ecological content: it clearly shows the morphological and functional changes of the plant in relation to the environment.

screen calendar

Another example of maintaining a calendar is a screen calendar, where seasonal changes in nature are depicted on three pages. Such a calendar has three columns: “Weeks”, “Weather”, “Wildlife”. The first column is divided into four vertical bars indicating the weeks of the month. For observations, you can choose any of them, but the second or third is better.

Observation diary

Thus, out of the four weeks presented in the calendar, only one is filled. This makes it possible to show preschoolers how many days in a month observations were made, when they passed and when they will resume again. Filling the calendar, i.e. the modeling itself is carried out with icons and drawings in full accordance with the observations. Every day after a walk, during which the children watched nature, they, under the guidance of a teacher, paint over the cell of the day of the week and depict the weather in the corresponding window with icons. In the middle of the week, after examining the cover of the earth, tree and bush, which are selected for display in the calendar, preschoolers draw them in the "Wildlife" column. At the end of the week, after a special observation of birds, insects and other seasonally appearing animals, children depict them with icons or drawings in the "Wildlife" column, i.e. complement the existing landscape. As a result, the completed page of the calendar has: colored cells of the days of one week (the columns of three weeks remain white), boxes filled with icons for "weather", a landscape drawing depicting a tree, bush, ground cover and any animals - everything corresponds to a specific moment in the state of nature . The work of the educator is built taking into account the specific content of the calendar, the tasks of generalization. He must first teach children to read the calendar, that is, to determine the semantic content according to the visually presented symbolic designation, the ability to correctly orientate themselves on its plane; to direct the attention of the children to identify patterns of change in nature. With the help of questions, the teacher organizes and directs the course of children's reasoning, leads them to distinguish among a multitude of specific representations of the semantic core. That is why we consider the questions of the educator when discussing the calendar as a means of becoming and activating the logical thinking of children. The difference between the questions on which the teacher explains, which, on the one hand, are the essence of the verbal-logical scheme, and on the other hand, are intended to discuss the calendar, is that the latter contribute to the actualization, systematization and generalization of existing ideas, while as the former are intended to obtain initial information about subjects.

Methodological guide "Diary of observations"

Kindergarten is the first link in the system of continuous environmental education, so it is no coincidence that teachers face the task of forming the foundations of a culture of rational environmental management among preschoolers. The garden and flower garden are used to develop children's skills in caring for plants, getting to know the basic vegetable crops, their importance in our diet.

To interest children in observing the life of plants; learn to keep a diary of observation of the development of plants.

Description of the manual

  • Made from fabric, paper
  • Complies with methodological, sanitary and hygienic requirements
  • Used with children of all ages
  • Designed for observations of plants (growth, development, care)
  • Used for work assignments and independent activities
  • Content: plant shape, cards (plant development, care methods).

Picture 1

Figure 2

Lesson progress


As vegetables will not be born without our help.
As soon as spring comes, we plant seeds.
What a garden! The people are surprised
The sun warmed the earth, the grain sprouted
Cucumbers, carrots and onions suddenly climbed out of the ground.
Exactly three peas were thrown into the ground,
And they collected five bags of wonderful pods.
What a garden! The people are surprised.


- purposeful, systematic perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

To accumulate knowledge about the growth and development of plants, I use long-term observation. At the same time, children compare the observed state of the object with what it was before. The observation calendar helps with this.

The grant makes it possible

  • by individual signs, determine the state of the plant (the need for watering), or restore the picture of the whole (whether the tomatoes are ripe by color)
  • develop ingenuity, observation
  • improve the processes of analysis, comparison, conclusion
  • conduct observations at high mental activity of children, makes them think, look for answers to the questions posed, develops curiosity

The allowance helps

  • when getting acquainted with the object (size, shape, color)
  • establish a connection between the present observation and the previous one, take into account subsequent work
  • restore the whole picture of development observed by children.

Figure 3

Labor in nature is special meaning for the all-round development of children.

Preschoolers learn skills along the way for plants, learn what conditions are necessary for growth and development. With pleasure, children learn to loosen and weed the garden, water vegetables, follow the growth and development of plants with great interest, marking their observations in the observation calendar.

The allowance attracts children to participate in all types of work on caring for plants, growing, educates independence.

It is important that children are not just fascinated by the prospect of growing delicious vegetables. The manual helps to realize the need for systematic plant care.

Observation as the leading method of nature cognition by preschoolers

At the same time, the guys should be guided by the structural features of plants, the period of growth and development and their needs.

Children receive tasks that require careful observation of the state of the plant.

Figure 4

Use of age allowance

Junior groups

  • surprise moment when getting acquainted with plants
  • developing the ability to distinguish appearance some vegetables

middle groups

  • organization with children of observations of the growth and development of plants
  • highlight characteristic features (size, color, shape, parts)
  • playing tricks
  • labor assignments
  • comparison of objects

senior groups

  • conducting long-term observations of the growth and development of plants
  • independent conclusions and conclusions
  • visual aid (regularity and sequence of phases, stages of development) when using comparison techniques, during observations
  • verbal reports of children on the results of observation

Preparatory groups

  • for children to show greater independence
  • establishing a variety of relationships
  • identify similar features common to a whole group of objects
  • to compare views
  • independent production nature calendar

Figure 5

A consciously correct attitude to nature is based on the sensory perception of nature, emotional attitude towards it and knowledge about the features of life, growth and development of individual living beings. The visual-effective and visual-figurative forms of thinking that prevail in preschool childhood ensure the assimilation of only specially selected and age-adapted information about nature. The criteria for the selection of natural material are their visual representation and the possibility of inclusion in practical activities.

Come to the garden - see how everything grows,
How cucumbers play hide and seek in the garden,
Like sunflowers in potatoes stretch their palms to the sun,
Like the morning dew, bean whiskers shine.
Everything grows, everything blooms, no one is crowded.
Come to the garden, very interesting!

More lessons in kindergarten:
Project "Bread is the head of everything"
The influence of game training on health promotion and physical activity of children of primary preschool age
Intellectual game on ecology "Star hour"
Master class "Methodological techniques for teaching preschoolers the technique of origami"
Work plan of the circle "Skillful hands"
Development of relationships between children and parents through inclusion in joint activities
| methodical | guidelines | allowance | tutorial | diary | The Vampire Diaries | observations | surveillance cameras | children's | kindergarten | Methodist page | Methodical manual Observation diary Kindergarten
The project of the mini-museum "Kingdom of Flowers"
Subgroup lesson on SBO (formation of subject representations) in middle group kindergarten for children with strabismus or amblyopia on the topic "Indoor plants"
Game technologies in the lesson of preschoolers "We are builders"
The development of sex-role cognitive interests of boys in experimental and constructive activities
Familiarization of preschoolers with medicinal plants
"Fly-Tsokotuha in a new way." The scenario of the holiday on March 8 for older children

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Medium comprehensive school№39, Pavlodar

Biology teacher: Syzdykova Lyazzat Zamzamovna


Pupil 6 "__" class ____________________________________________________________

Phenological observations do not require complex instruments, they help to penetrate into the essence of biological phenomena, make it possible to understand the relationship of processes in nature. Properly organized phenological observations, carried out in parallel with meteorological ones, give available material to understand the influence of environmental factors on the animal and vegetable world. Phenological observations are cyclical and should not be interrupted during the holidays.

Part IV.
"Autumn Phenomena"
(should be celebrated in the second half of the day).
Object of observation: 1) Tree - 2 types _____________________________________________
(plant name)

Autumn changes in plants.

Item No.
plant name
Ripening of seeds and fruits
\date of\
Beginning of leaf coloring
\date of\
Full leaf coloring
leaf fall
weather events

1st frost on the ground
frost in the air

Formation of stable snow cover
river freezing

The dates of the observed phenomena are entered in the columns of the table. With an abnormal beginning of leaf fall, or vice versa, belated leaf fall, its causes are indicated.
Place of observation _____________________________________________
Name of the site ______________________________________________
The soil_______________________________________________________

Part I
"Winter Phenomena".
Identification of hardiness by observing the degree of overwintering of selected woody plants.

Object of observation: 1) Tree - 2 types _______________________________
(species name)
Winter hardiness is evaluated according to a 5-point system according to the presence of damage and the general condition of plants in the spring, at the beginning of the growing season.

Winter hardiness criteria
Excellent winter hardiness (5) - no signs of damage;
good (4) - there are traces of freezing, but very weak,
not affecting life
plants (delayed bud break);
satisfactory (3) - slight damage is observed (mild
freezing flower buds, weak
darkening of the wood or the core of the shoots,
freezing of the ends of young seedlings).
bad (2) - severe damage, causing prolonged
disease or oppression of the plant (hy-
white of flower or growth buds;
very bad (1) - death of the whole plant.

OVERVIEW CARD _________________________________________________________
plant name
weather events
Animal behavior (birds, cats, dogs)

thaw dates
dates of heavy blizzards
Dates of lowest temperature


Winter meteorological observations of the temperature amplitude.


Air temperature
Air temperature
Air temperature

The amplitude is ____________________________________________________________________________


Part II.
Spring phenomena in nature (in the selected area).
hydrometeorological observations
The first thaws (appearance of patches of bare ground)
The first thaws near the trees
Snow cover
First ice movement
End of ice drift
First thunderstorm
First spring rain
Last frost in the air, on the ground


2. Observations of plants and animals.
OBSERVATION CARD over _____________________________________________

bud break
Beginning of flowering
mass flowering
Young growth education
fruit formation

The spreading of the scales - the tips of green leaves are visible
Unfolding of the first leaves

3. Perennial herbaceous plants.
plant name
beginning of flowering
Beginning of the growing season
mass flowering

Sample observation diary "Growth and development of plants"


2. Kasatik

Photo exhibition material

Conclusion: (Note the features of the passage of developmental phases in these plants) ____________________________________________________
Reason __________________________________________________________


Arrival of birds
The appearance of butterflies
The appearance of ants on anthills
Nest building
cases of hail


Photo gallery material
Life features:

Part III.
Summer events.
Shrub (wild rose) ______________________________________________
Tree: (two types) _______________________________________________
Grass (annual) _______________________________________________
(perennial) _______________________________________________
plant name
Beginning of flowering
mass flowering
The appearance of fruits
fruit ripening


Meteorological observations
The appearance of midges, mosquitoes
Flight of chicks from the nest
Appearance of the first flocks of birds
Beginning of bird flight

Date of thunderstorms
Date of the hottest day
cases of hail

Meteorological observations of the amplitude of summer air temperatures

Air temperature
Air temperature
Air temperature


Phenological objects and phenomena
Y o d s

Comparing the dates by years, one can identify the synchronism of plant development, the natural features of the area, establish a connection between the timing of the onset of seasonal phenomena in different years with various environmental factors (which must be indicated in the conclusion).

1) Recordings are made directly in the course of their conduct - in a field, garden, square.
2) Field records are kept with a simple pencil in a notebook, and upon returning from the route, they are immediately transferred to the observation diary.
3) The records must be complete, with explanations, so that after many years they can be read and understood.
4). Diaries should be kept separately by year.
5). Over the chosen object, each student must observe for all

h vein number 1


1. Kovalev Ivan (link)

2. Andrey Telenkov

Culture is beets.

Variety - Mulatto.

The theme of the experiment is the effect of sowing density on the growth and development of plants.

Where is the experiment taking place?

At the training and experimental site

The plot area is 20 sq. m

Control room - 10 sq. m

Experienced - 10 sq.m.

Purpose of the experiment.

Find out how planting density affects the growth and development of plants.

Site description.

Relief - flat

Soil - loamy

Forerunner - bow

Fertilizer - manure and fertilizer

weather conditions.

What was spring like? early, late, cold, warm, spring frosts.

What was the summer - dry, rainy, cold, warm.

What was the autumn - rainy, dry.

Name of works

How to get the job done

Approximate terms

Preparing seeds for sowing

Soak the seeds in clean water for 24 hours.

Sowing seeds

Dried seeds are sown on experimental and control plots in rows 40-45 apart.

Crop care: a) loosening

b) thinning

c) feeding

Loosen the soil with choppers and remove weeds if the plants have two true leaves, thin out, leaving 5 cm apart, but we will not thin out on the experimental plot.




What work has been done

Closed the moisture on the plots

They brought manure, plowed the soil and sowed seeds on all plots

We carried out the second weeding and thinned the plants, leaving 5 cm apart, but we will not thin out on the experimental plot

The third weeding and secondary thinning of the plants were carried out.

The fourth weeding was carried out on all plots.



What was observed on the plots

Shoots appeared on two plots.

The first pair of leaves appeared

The hypocotyl genus began to thicken.

Leaves closed in rows

Closed the leaves in the aisle

The difference between plant growth in the experimental and control plots:

On the experimental plots, the plants were large, and on the control plots, the plants were small.

The outer leaves have begun to wilt.

What to watch.

  1. Appearance of the first pair of leaves

    Sachalo thickening of the hypocotyl knee

    Closing leaves in rows

    closing of leaves between rows

    The difference between plants in the experimental and control plots

    Wilting of outer leaves

Cleaning date

Experience options:

experimental, control


Through our experience, we found out:

Planting density affects the growth and development of plants,

When thinning, the beets increase in size

vegetables, yield increases.

link number 2


1. Yakimovich Anastasia (link)

2. Yakushev Konstantin

Crop - cucumbers and corn

Variety Friendly family and Sweet

The theme of the experiment is the influence of the joint growth of corn and cucumbers on the harvest and fruiting time.

Where is the experiment taking place?

At the training and experimental site

The plot area is 20 sq. m

Control room - 10 sq. m

Experienced - 10 sq.m.

Purpose of the experiment.

Find out how the joint growth of corn and cucumbers affects the yield and fruiting time.

Site description.

Relief - flat

Soil - loamy

Predecessor - pumpkin

Fertilizer - manure and fertilizer

Soil tillage - autumn and presowing.

weather conditions.

What was spring like? early, late, cold, warm, spring frosts.

What was the summer - dry, rainy, cold, warm.

What was autumn like? rainy, dry.

Weather conditions during harvest

Work plan for the experiment.


Name of works

How to get the job done

Approximate terms

Tillage and fertilization

Plow the soil with a plow to a depth of 20-22 cm, apply manure 420 kg at the rate of 30 t/ha

Preparing seeds for sowing

Soak cucumber and corn seeds in clean water for 24 hours

Sowing seeds

Sow dried seeds throughout the area. Corn: row spacing 200 cm, planting depth 6-8 cm.

Cucumbers: row spacing 70 cm, distance between plants 25-30 cm, planting depth 1-3 cm.

Crop care:

a) weeding

b) loosening

c) feeding

Loosen the soil with choppers and remove weeds if there are weeds. Feed plants throughout the area




What work has been done

Closed the moisture on the plots

They brought manure, plowed the soil

and sowed seeds in all the plots

Conducted loosening of the soil and the first weeding

Carried out the second weeding

Feed the plants throughout the area

Carried out the third weeding

harvested cucumbers

harvested corn


What was observed on the plots

Corn sprouts have appeared.

The third leaf appeared

tillering has occurred

There was a panicle

flowering has occurred

Milk ripeness appeared

Wax ripeness appeared

Harvest corn

Cucumber sprouts have appeared

The first true leaf appeared

Side shoots formed

Flowers appeared

Fruit has begun to set

Gathered the first harvest

Gathered the second crop

Gathered the last harvest

What to watch.


  1. The appearance of the third leaf

  2. Panicle baiting


    Milk and wax ripeness


  1. Appearance of the first true leaf

    Formation of side shoots


    Beginning of fruit set


Cleaning date

Experience options:

experimental, control

Average yield per plot in terms of c/ha

Yield increase in c/ha compared to the control




After experimenting, we found out:

The joint growth of corn and cucumbers favorably affects the yield of these crops;

The yield is higher, the fruiting period of cucumbers is increasing.

h vein number 4


1. Budin Alexander (link)

2. Zhanna Lyapkina

Culture - tomatoes

Sort- Explosion, Site, Nikola

The theme of the experiment is the effect of removing side shoots (stepsons) on the size of fruits and yield.

Where is the experiment taking place?

At the training and experimental site.

Plot area - 20 m 2

Experienced - 10 m 2

Control - 10 m 2

Purpose of the experiment.

Find out how the removal of side shoots affects the size of tomatoes and the yield.

Site description.

The relief is flat.

The soil is loamy.

The predecessor is the bow.

Fertilizers - manure and mineral fertilizers.

Soil tillage - autumn and presowing.

weather conditions.

What was spring like? early, late, cold or warm, spring frosts.

What was the summer - dry, rainy, hot, cold.

What was the autumn and the weather conditions during the harvest.

Work plan for the experiment.

Job Title

How to get the job done

Approximate terms

Tillage and manure application

Plow the soil with a plow to a depth of 20-22 cm, apply manure 420 kg at the rate of 30t/ha

Preparing seeds for sowing

Soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.

Sowing seeds

Sow dried seeds in a box

Planting seedlings in the ground

Plant seedlings in the ground in rows of 70-77 cm, and in rows of 50-50 cm.

Plant care: a) weeding

b) loosening c) top dressing d) removal of stepchildren

Loosen the soil with hoes and remove weeds. Carry out top dressing and remove stepchildren.




What work has been done

Closed the moisture on the plots.

Bring in the manure, plow the soil

Sowed the seeds

Planted seedlings of tomatoes in the ground.

The soil was loosened and the first weeding was carried out.

Carried out the second weeding

Removed stepchildren

Carried out the third weeding

Plants were fed in all plots.

We did the fourth weeding

Processed tomatoes "Profit Gold"

Harvested fruit for the first time

Harvested fruits for the second time

Harvested the fruits for the last time



What is observed on the plots.

Shoots have appeared

First pair of true leaves appeared

Planted seedlings in the ground

Stepchildren appeared (side shoots)

buds have appeared

Flowers appeared

fruit set

The fruits have begun to ripen

Gathered the first fruits

Harvested for the last time

What to watch.

  1. The appearance of the first pair of true leaves.

    The appearance of stepchildren.

    The appearance of buds.

    The appearance of flowers.

    Fruit set.

    Fruit ripening.

Experience options (experimental, control)

Average yield per plot in terms of c/ha.


yield in c/ha compared with the control


Through our experience, we found out:

When removing side shoots from a tomato, the yield


Tomatoes grow bigger

The number of ripened tomatoes is increasing.

Observation is the main means of understanding nature. It provides an opportunity to acquaint children with natural phenomena, the relationship of animate and inanimate nature. It is observation that helps preschoolers to see the changes that occur with plants depending on the conditions. external environment or man-made.



MBDOU d / s "Elluki"

Tutor Gimazieva Zarrina Askhatovna


Purpose: to form in children the foundations of ecological culture, ecological self-awareness.

  • To acquaint children with the features of the life and development of plants growing in the garden, flower garden.
  • Promote the development of cognitive activity in children.
  • Raise interest and respect for the nature of the native land.
  • April - setting a cognitive task, planning work on the project, planting seeds for seedlings, planting tubers in room conditions for the experiment.
  • May - observation of the awakening of the earth, the appearance of thawed patches, the first shoots; the formation of practical skills in preparing the land for planting a garden, flowers;
  • June - planting potatoes, garlic in the garden, planting seedlings in flower beds; practical skills (weeding strawberries, watering). monitoring the ripening of strawberries. Consolidation of concepts: seeds, shoots, sprouts; the teacher's story about how and why you need to care for plants on the street.
  • July - weeding, hilling potatoes, caring for plants in the garden, flower garden; observation of changes occurring in the development of plants; observation of insects arriving in the garden.
  • August is the raspberry harvest.
  • September - potato harvest; consolidation of knowledge gained by children in the course of work on the project.

Our garden!

Cucumber. Description:- annual herbaceous plant.

stems - creeping, branching vines with pubescence.

In the sinuses leaves, shoots, flowers, adventitious roots and tendrils are formed, the latter are the support for a weak faceted stem.

Plant thermophilic, moisture-loving, requires good lighting and wind protection. Desirable pollination bees, which increases the yield and its quality.



Tomato (tomato)

Description of the plant.The tomato is most often cultivated as annual herbaceous plant, but there are also biennial and perennial forms. IN height it reaches 2 m or more. bushes have either thick erect stems or decumbent. Fetus tomato is a multi-seed multi-seeded berry. When ripe, each fruit passes multiple phases , during which it changes coloring - from green to blange, brown, pink and finally red (botanical ripeness).


First bloom: _____________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


plant description: Pepper is a perennial plant though in culture it is cultivated mainly as an annual.root systemrod type, with a large number of lateral roots.

Leaves regular, simple form.

flowers single. Bush pepper usually has at least 2 flowers in the nodes.

Fetus - 2-4-cell multi-seeded berry, hollow inside. Form rounded or elongated, length from 1 to 30 cm. In sweet pepper placenta the fruit (pulp) is fleshy in contrast to the spicy species.

For seedlings: __________________________________________

First shoots: ______________________________________

Pick: __________________________________________

Transplantation in open ground: __________________________________________________________________________


First bloom: _____________________________________________

First Harvest:________________________________________________

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Bulb onions.

Plant description: Onion - perennial plant. From sowing to seed formation 2 years . Bulb - dormant form of a modified plant. Heavily shortened stem called a donut. On it, depending on the type of onion, one or more germs (points of growth), which are surrounded by fleshy scales. Scales - thickened leaf bases. From the beginnings formed new bulbs or flower arrow. Outside, the bulb is covered with dry scales, which serve to protect it from drying out. Leaves (feather) onion tubular, covered with a wax coating, they thicken at the base, forming fleshy scales of the bulb. Inflorescence - spherical simple umbrella. Fetus - 3-slot, 3-sided box.


First shoots: ____________________________


Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Description of the plant. Carrot is a biennial plant. In the 1st year a rosette of leaves is formed and a root crop is formed. Coloring root, depending on the pigment that determines it, it can be red-orange, yellow, purple and blood red.root systemcarrots penetrates the soil to a depth of 2 m and spreads to the sides up to 60 cm. 2nd year from planted uterine roots grow branched seed shoots height 0.5-1.8 m. 45-50 days after planting begins flowering . Inflorescence - complex umbrella. The fruit is a two-seed. The seeds have spines.


First shoots: ____________________________



Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Description of plant: Sugar beet is a biennial root crop, cultivated primarily for sugar, but can also be cultivated for animal feed. In the first year, the plant forms a rosette of basal leaves and a thickened, fleshy root crop.


First shoots: ____________________________



Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Description of the plant: Dill garden - annual plant celery family. It has an upright rounded stem, reaching a height of 70-90 cm. The leaves are pinnately dissected, with filiform lobules, the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile. It blooms in June-July, throwing out umbrellas, consisting of small yellow flowers. The fruit is a two-seeded oval flat shape. Dill has a strong spicy refreshing taste and smell.


First shoots: ____________________________



Notes: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Strawberry wild-strawberry)

Plant description: Strawberry - perennialherbaceous plantwith modified shoots - mustache , creeping along the ground and forming adventitious roots at even nodes. Fetus strawberries - a combined achene, individual fruitlets (achens) are located on an overgrown juicy receptacle, which is an economically valuable part of the fruit, incorrectly called a berry.

Mustache fit: _________________________________________________________




Notes: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Plant description:root systemplants fibrous, erect stem, ribbed. The leaves are simple. Inflorescence - curl. The flowers have 5 fused petals of white, blue or pink color. The fruit is a 2-celled multi-seeded berry, the seeds are small, flat. Commodity part of potatoes - tubers ,.On the tuber there are 8-12 eyes, consisting of the rudiments of leaves and dormant buds. With the end of the dormant period, shoots are formed from the buds of tubers, a stem is formed. The average weight of a tuber is 80-120g.





Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Purpose: To interest children in observing the life of plants; learn to keep a diary of observation of the development of plants.

  • To give an idea about growing plants from seeds, about the dependence of their growth and the availability of moisture, light and heat.
  • Learn to observe changes in the development of plants, analyze, draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships.
  • Develop cognitive interest; the ability to analyze and synthesize, to self-control.
  • Continue to improve the labor skills and abilities of children; develop industriousness.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the structure of plants.
  • To cultivate interest in plants, to accumulate experience in an attentive and caring attitude towards growing plants.

Description of the manual

  • Made from fabric, paper
  • Complies with methodological, sanitary and hygienic requirements
  • Used with children of all ages
  • Designed for observations of plants (growth, development, care)
  • Used for work assignments and independent activities
  • Content: plant shape, cards (plant development, care methods).

Picture 1

Figure 2

Lesson progress


As vegetables will not be born without our help.
As soon as spring comes, we plant seeds.
What a garden! The people are surprised
The sun warmed the earth, the grain sprouted
Cucumbers, carrots and onions suddenly climbed out of the ground.

Exactly three peas were thrown into the ground,
And they collected five bags of wonderful pods.
What a garden! The people are surprised.

Observation - purposeful, systematic perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

To accumulate knowledge about the growth and development of plants, I use long-term observation. At the same time, children compare the observed state of the object with what it was before. The observation calendar helps with this.

The grant makes it possible

  • by individual signs, determine the state of the plant (the need for watering), or restore the picture of the whole (whether the tomatoes are ripe by color)
  • develop ingenuity, observation
  • improve the processes of analysis, comparison, conclusion
  • conduct observations at high mental activity of children, makes them think, look for answers to the questions posed, develops curiosity

The allowance helps

  • when getting acquainted with the object (size, shape, color)
  • establish a connection between the present observation and the previous one, take into account subsequent work
  • restore the whole picture of development observed by children.

Figure 3

Work. Work in nature is of particular importance for the comprehensive development of children.

Preschoolers learn skills along the way for plants, learn what conditions are necessary for growth and development. With pleasure, children learn to loosen and weed the garden, water vegetables, follow the growth and development of plants with great interest, marking their observations in the observation calendar.

The allowance attracts children to participate in all types of work on caring for plants, growing, educates independence.

It is important that children are not just fascinated by the prospect of growing delicious vegetables. The manual helps to realize the need for systematic plant care. At the same time, the guys should be guided by the structural features of plants, the period of growth and development and their needs.

Children receive tasks that require careful observation of the state of the plant.

Figure 4

Use of age allowance

Junior groups

  • surprise moment when getting acquainted with plants
  • the formation of the ability to distinguish in appearance some vegetables

middle groups

  • organization with children of observations of the growth and development of plants
  • highlight characteristic features (size, color, shape, parts)
  • playing tricks
  • labor assignments
  • comparison of objects

senior groups

  • conducting long-term observations of the growth and development of plants
  • independent conclusions and conclusions
  • visual aid (regularity and sequence of phases, stages of development) when using comparison techniques, during observations
  • verbal reports of children on the results of observation

Preparatory groups

  • for children to show greater independence
  • establishing a variety of relationships
  • identify similar features common to a whole group of objects
  • to compare views
  • self-production of the calendar of nature

Figure 5

A consciously correct attitude to nature is based on the sensory perception of nature, emotional attitude towards it and knowledge about the features of life, growth and development of individual living beings. The visual-effective and visual-figurative forms of thinking that prevail in preschool childhood ensure the assimilation of only specially selected and age-adapted information about nature. The criteria for the selection of natural material are their visual representation and the possibility of inclusion in practical activities.
