Selection does not stand still, and new varieties of vegetables and improved types of already known crops and root crops are constantly emerging. Therefore, there is no single answer to the question “when to sow seeds for seedlings”. Even experienced gardeners they doubt the correctness of the chosen time, but beginners are even more lost among the huge amount of information regarding sowing seedlings. You can calculate the time using the formula.

There is no universal period for sowing seedlings even for one vegetable crop. There are many individual factors that determine the optimal sowing time. It is better to calculate this period for each type of seedlings individually. To calculate the formula, you need data on the following items:

  • climate features in which the seedling will grow;
  • how long does the vegetation of this plant last;
  • at what age is it best to plant seedlings in the ground;
  • the need of a particular culture for warmth;
  • approximate ripening time;
  • where this crop will grow, in a greenhouse, or on open ground;
  • seed germination time.

Despite the apparent complexity, everything is simple. If you consider each item in detail, you will see that even a novice summer resident can determine the time for sowing seeds for seedlings.

Climatic conditions

This is the key criterion that will be the starting point. It is best to use the scheme of two main sowing dates, the so-called "cold" and "warm" terms.

In the "cold" period, which is indicated by the time period from March to May, in open ground cold-resistant crops are planted. Also planted early ripe cabbage. Under the film are vegetables that are more thermophilic. These include tomatoes, vegetable peppers, eggplant, cucumbers. During this period, the temperature of the soil at a depth of 10-15 cm should reach 9 ° C.

In the "warm" period, heat-loving seedlings are planted in open space. The period lasts from mid-April to mid-June.

Important! From the period in which it is possible to plant seedlings in open and closed ground in your climate, the time for sowing seeds will depend.

growing season

This is the time from the appearance of the first sprouts to the final harvest. Different crops have different growing seasons. The seedling method, as a rule, grows crops, the growing season of which is longer than the warm climatic period of the region. If you sow such crops in the ground, you can simply not have time to get a crop. It often happens that different varieties of the same crop do not have the same growing season.

There are garden crops:

  • early ripe;
  • medium ripeness;
  • late-ripening.

Data on this parameter is always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of seeds.

Planting age

For seedlings of each crop, there is an optimal planting period. It was at this time that young, immature plants more easily transfer the process of transportation from comfortable growing conditions to the soil. If the seedling is transplanted in due time, it is less injured, does not get sick in the future and better adapts to new conditions. The time of sowing seedlings must be chosen based on this feature of the plants.

Planting dates for seedlings

culturePlanting age of early variety seedlings in daysPlanting age of medium grade seedlings in daysPlanting age of late variety seedlings in days
tomatoes40-50 50-60 60-65
cucumbers20-25 30 30-35
eggplant45-50 50-55 60-65
Pepper40-45 45-55 55-65
30-35 35-40 40-45
Broccoli25-30 30-35 35-40
Kohlrabi20-25 25-30 30-35
Cauliflower25-30 30 30-35
Zucchini20-25 25 30
Melons (watermelons, melons)20-25 25-30 30-35


Almost all plants that we get by the seedling method are thermophilic. The exceptions are early cabbage and zucchini. Eggplants can be planted only when all risks of frost have passed. Peppers too. Cold-resistant plants can be sown on seedlings later. More late deadline sowing also involves landing under a film web.

ripening time

This is a relative criterion, since there is a technical ripeness of the product and a biological ripeness. To bookmark the crop for storage, it is quite enough to wait for the first one. For immediate consumption, plants can be aged until the final biological ripeness of the fruit is reached.

Advice! Guided by one simple rule, you can influence the timing of the ripeness of the crop. By slightly changing the timing of sowing seeds, by sowing in several stages, you can get seedlings different ages. She will mature into different periods thereby extending the overall harvest period.

Greenhouse or soil

Planting vegetables in various conditions significantly affect their maturity. If you plan to grow tomatoes in a regular garden bed, you should transfer seedlings to it no earlier than the end of May - the beginning of June. Under greenhouse growing conditions, planting can be moved three to four weeks earlier.

It is also worth paying attention to the materials that make up the greenhouse. The time of crop maturation also depends on what temperature will be in the shelter.

cultureTime of planting seedlings in the groundPlanting time for seedlings in the greenhouse
tomatoes26.05 - 6.06 2.05 - 7.05
cucumbers7.06 - 14.06 7.05 -14.05
eggplant1.06 - 10.06 20.05 - 25.05
Pepper25.05 - 05.06 01.05 - 10.05
White and red cabbage05.05 – 15.06 30.04 - 15.05
Broccoli25.06 - 1.07 20.05 - 25.05
Kohlrabi20.06 - 25.06 25.05 - 30.05
Cauliflower25.06 - 05.07 20.05 - 01.06
Zucchini1.06 - 10.06 15.05 - 25.05
Melons (watermelons, melons)5.06 - 15.06 20.05 - 30.05

Time of emergence of sprouts

The appearance of sprouts can occur within 3-15 days from the moment of sowing the seeds. This criterion is very important, since it directly affects the overall growth period. vegetable crops. It depends not only on the quality of the seeds, but also on the conditions in which they are located. This includes soil quality, temperature, humidity level, sowing depth. Shoots from dry seeds appear later than shoots from pre-wetted and prepared seeds. To speed up germination and make it uniform, you can treat the seeds with a special preparation - a growth accelerator.

Average seed germination rates

cultureGermination time after preparation in daysDry germination time in days
tomatoes4-5 7-8
cucumbers2-3 5-7
eggplant4-5 8-15
Pepper4-5 8-15
White and red cabbage3-5 8-10
Broccoli4-6 8-12
Kohlrabi3-5 8-10
Cauliflower3-5 8-10
Zucchini4-5 7-8
Melons (watermelons, melons)7-10 14-18

Video - Terms of sowing vegetable seeds for seedlings. When to sow?

The optimal time for sowing

Climatic conditions are taken as a starting point. Then, from the table, the conditions under which the culture will grow are selected. Considering the information on the growing season specified by the manufacturer, the sowing time is selected. Subtracting from the obtained value the period of emergence of sprouts, you can get the exact dates of sowing for seedlings of seeds of a particular crop. This is a basic formula that can be supplemented with data from personal experience.

Advice! Eggplants and cucumbers for seedlings are best sown immediately in separate pots or cassettes, as their roots are very fragile and painfully react to the transplant procedure. Tomatoes can be sown in boxes, and when transplanted into open ground, divide them with a fork or knife into squares.

Too, in a hurry with seeding, it's not worth it. Very early sowing may not meet expectations for early harvest. Seeds sown according to the exact time will grow in healthy seedlings, and subsequently in a noble, generous harvest.

All experienced gardeners know that in order to grow good seedlings and then enjoy a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances, including the timing of sowing.

A key factor in the success of this event is the age of the seedlings at the time of planting. It should not outgrow, because otherwise there is a great risk that the seedlings simply will not be able to take root, or it will take them too long to do so.

In order to properly sow seeds for seedlings, you need to know the time of their germination, the most suitable age for seedlings and the timing for planting. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the timing of sowing seeds in the tables below.

Optimal sowing dates for vegetable crops


Date of sowing seeds

Emergence of shoots (days)

Disembarkation date

seedling age

Early varieties of tomatoes

Medium and late varieties of tomatoes



Early April

White cabbage

End of March - beginning of April



Bulb onions


head salad

seedling age- the maximum period of time for each crop during which it can grow in a seedling container before transplanting into the ground. Compliance with the terms of sowing is extremely important in order for the seedlings to take root well and quickly.

Sprouting time- this is the number of days from the moment of sowing seeds to the formation of the first shoots.

Disembarkation dates- the optimal time for planting seedlings in the ground.

The article indicates the timing for sowing various crops in Central Russia. Residents of other regions will have to independently adjust the timing of planting seeds, according to their climatic conditions. For example, in the more southern regions, crops begin to be carried out from mid-February, and in the northern regions - at the end of March, mid-April.

The timing of sowing lantern seeds is somewhat different from vegetable seeds, you can see them in the following table.

Terms of sowing seeds of flower annual crops


Month of sowing

Emergence of shoots (days)

Decoration period (days)


Ageratum low varieties and high

March, April

75 - 105 (depending on variety)

Always be interested in the size of the ageratum variety, then it will be possible to calculate the time for sowing seeds of high and low varieties so that they bloom at the same time: high varieties are planted 2-3 weeks earlier.

Balsam (Impatiens) March 15-18 up to 110 A rather capricious plant that only great amateurs or fairly experienced gardeners undertake to grow. Requires a lot of light, but not direct sun rays and a lot of moisture in the soil and air, but without excessive waterlogging. Wonderful, awesome flowering plant, which is suitable even for shady gardens. The term for landing in the ground is when constant heat is established.

Begonia evergreen

December - January

Quite a complex plant that requires special care and long-term cultivation in greenhouse conditions. Ever flowering begonias have very small seeds, to simplify the sowing process, you can mix the seeds with river sand and evenly scatter it over the prepared, moist soil, then cover with glass and provide good lighting. The term for landing in the ground is when constant heat is established.

verbena garden March, April 10-12 70-80 A beautiful and hardy plant, can be grown as an annual or as a indoor plant, taking out to the garden for the warm season.
Carnation Shabo January February 6-10 up to 180 The difficulty of growing seedlings lies in the fact that for the active growth of seedlings, a temperature of 12-15 degrees is required, at home on the windows this is quite difficult to achieve.
Heliotrope January February 14-21 90-100 Heat-loving and capricious plant. At proper cultivation and care forms a beautiful constantly flowering and fragrant shrub. It is worth growing once with seeds in order to keep cuttings at home in subsequent years.
Dahlia summer March 8-12 90-100 Grown by seedlings. In order for the flower to branch densely and give more peduncles, it needs to be pinched from time to time. It is very sensitive to cold, so it should be planted in open ground when the soil warms up well.
Sweet pea February 6-10 120-130 Romantic and delicate flower. For successful cultivation time should be taken when preparing its seeds for planting: soak in hot water for 1-2 days, then place the swollen peas in separate seedling pots, attaching a pea support. The time for landing in the ground will come when the threat of cold weather has passed.
Calendula April May 8-10 50 A very unpretentious, fast-growing plant, grown by planting seeds in open ground. The term of sowing seeds is from mid-April to the end of May.
Kosmeya (Cosmos doubly pinnate) March, April 8-12 110-120 Cosmos can be planted directly into the ground, where it will bloom around June until frost. Airy and light plant for sunny places. Not picky about soils and easily tolerates drought. For earlier flowering or growing a special variety, you can sow seeds for seedlings. In this case, there is one rule: do not flood the seedlings! The term for landing in open ground is in May.
Levkoy (Matiolla) February March 3-5 100-120 Loves light and moisture. The plant is worth growing for a surprisingly pleasant aroma that spreads through the garden on summer evenings.
Lobelia Erinus February March 4-6 90-100 Compact, all summer and until cold weather strewn with small flowers plant. Lobelia is good for containers, alpine slides or borders. The seeds are very small, do not sprinkle with earth when sowing - they need light and heat to germinate. It will be enough to evenly place the seeds on a light and moist substrate, cover with a film or glass. Transplant to ground when danger of frost has passed.
mimulus January February 8-12 120-130 Blooms profusely from June to frost. True, there is one BUT: after the first abundant flowering, faded flower stalks should be cut off. Seeds are very small - sow superficially, keep evenly fertilized, in a well-lit area. Planting time for a permanent place - mid-May - early June.
Nasturtium (Capuchin) April May 12-14 110-120 Unpretentious, profusely flowering plant, undemanding to soils. Its main "enemy" is frost, so plant it in open ground only when the soil and air are well warmed up. Nasturtiums are best grown through sowing immediately in open ground.
forget-me-not Chinese March, April 12-14 85-120 It can be tall or short, the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings depends on the variety. amazingly soft and unpretentious flower for a shady garden. Forget-me-nots can be grown through seedlings or direct seeding outdoors. Quite simply tolerates mild cold, so you can plant quite early.

Wonderful floriferous annual. It is not a hassle in growing seedlings, and if it happens that the seedlings are very elongated, you can simply pinch them. Pinched tops can be used as cuttings to increase the number of plants.


March, April

Fast growing climbing plant vertical gardening garden. It can reach a height of 3-4 meters, while strewn with unusual purple flowers. Propagated well by seeds and cuttings.

Rudbeckia March, April 12-14 85-100 Quite unpretentious, prefers sunny places6 but also grows in partial shade.
fragrant tobacco March 15-20 90-100 Loves heat and light, grown only in seedlings. It develops for quite a long time, so in order to prepare the seedlings for the deadline, you need to work hard in early spring.
Tagetes (Tagetes) March 7-10 105-110 Warm and light-loving flower that has settled in our gardens forever. At present, there are a huge number of fine varieties Marigolds - from the usual orange to creamy white colors. For planting in the ground in a flowering state, sowing for seedlings is carried out in early March.

Fairly easy to grow from seedlings or directly into open ground.

It should be borne in mind that the age of seedlings may vary depending on the following factors:

  • growing conditions - seedlings grow more slowly at low temperatures;
  • the size of containers for seedlings and the number of seeds per one square meter- how less area nutrition, the shorter the time required for seedlings to ripen.

The timing of planting seedlings may also differ from those shown in the tables. If, for example, the spring in your area turned out to be very warm, planting can be started about a week earlier and, accordingly, vice versa. After sowing seeds for seedlings in accordance with all the rules, and observing the recommended sowing dates, very soon you will be able to enjoy a rich harvest.

In the article on preparing seeds for sowing, you can find even more useful information.

After new year holidays gardeners begin to prepare for sowing seeds for seedlings. Experienced, with many years of experience in growing vegetables, can easily determine the date of sowing seeds for seedlings, using their observations and calculations. It is much more difficult to determine this date for beginners. To determine and clarify the date of sowing seeds for seedlings, several methods can be used:

  • according to the results of agrotechnical research,
  • countdown method,
  • according to the correction formula.
Shoots of pepper. © Pookie & Schnookie Content:

Using ready-made average parameters

It is advisable for beginner gardeners to use special reference books for crops. Data on the timing of sowing seeds of vegetable crops for seedlings are obtained in long-term agrotechnical experiments under conditions close to the area of ​​cultivation. Seeds are called zoned and when selling on the back of the package, manufacturers always indicate the output, up to the recommended date for sowing seeds for seedlings.

It must be said that the dates of sowing the seeds given on the package are averaged. They don't take into account climatic conditions year, features of the variety named on the label and other parameters. Therefore, in winter period(free from field work) gardeners need to familiarize themselves with the recommendations of breeders and select the varieties and hybrids they like from reference books and catalogs.

It is more expedient to buy hybrids marked F1. These are hybrids of the first reproduction. They always differ from subsequent ones in increased resistance to diseases and more accurately correspond to the reference characteristics.

Draw a table in your garden diary and enter data that will help you more accurately determine the date of sowing seeds and planting seedlings permanently in open or protected ground (heated, cold, film, spandbod greenhouses and other permanent and temporary shelters).

The required parameters for the main vegetable crops are given below in Table. 1 and 2. Please note that in tables 1 and 2 the same crops differ in seedling age and planting time (the region is the same, but the districts are different). These tables show how the official data are averaged. Therefore, when using ready-made parameters for sowing seeds, it is better to take data from your area.

Table 1: Average data for sowing seedlings obtained on the basis of agrotechnical experiments for central Russia

Name of culture, days Seedling age, days Date of sowing seeds shoots, days Planting date
early tomatoes 45-50 10.03-15.04 5-7 1-10.06
Tomatoes medium and late 65-70 11.03-20.03 5-7 5-15.06
Sweet and hot pepper 65-75 11.03-20.03 12-14 5-10.06
eggplant 60-65 21.03-31.03 10-12 5-15.06
head salad 35-45 21.04-30.04 3-5 11-20.06
Celery 75-85 12.02-20.02 12-20 21-31.05
Zucchini, pumpkin 25-30 11.04-20.04 3-5 21-31.05
Cucumber 25-30 1.05-10.05 2-4 1-10.06
Cauliflower 45-50 1.04-10.04 4-6 21.05-31.05
White cabbage 45-50 25.03-10.04 4-6 21.05-31.05

Tomato seedling. © Gary Walton

Table 2: Terms of planting seedlings in central Russia in protected and open ground

Countdown Method

To apply this calculation method, it is necessary to additionally use regional climate maps, which show the parameters of the onset of stable warm weather in spring (without returning possible spring frosts) and autumn cooling. Data on the length of the growing season of crops is also required. For a better organization of the sowing and transplant period, we enter the necessary parameters in our garden diary.

In the table, we place the data on the age of the seedlings, the period of their planting in the ground, the emergence of seedlings, the allowance of time for unforeseen circumstances, adaptation after picking, and the calculated data obtained.

Eg: in central Russia, a warm frost-free period begins in the second decade of May. The deadline is May 15th. The period of development of early tomatoes from germination takes 45-50 days. To this period we add 5-7 days for the emergence of seedlings and 3-4 days for the period of adaptation of seedlings after picking and other unforeseen cases (50+7+4=61). Using the calendar, we count back 50 days from the age of seedlings, 4 days for picking and 7 days for germination, and we get the number of counting days (60-61 days) and a fixed date for sowing seeds for seedlings. The date falls on March 14-15. Sowing seeds can be extended by conducting it in several periods with a break of 10-15 days. Planting seedlings will take the period from March 15 to April 1.

Here is another example of a countdown for sweet peppers. We determine the deadline for the frost-free period using the climate map. In the southern regions, it falls on the last ten days of April - the first ten days of May. The age of seedlings of sweet pepper, ready for permanent planting, is 65-75 days. We are counting down from May 10 (so as not to fall under the return frost).

By the age of seedlings 65 we add 5 days for germination and 7 for unforeseen circumstances (temperature drops, lack of lighting, delay in watering) and we get a total of 77 days. We count them from May 10 and get the date of sowing seeds for seedlings on February 17. So, the period of sowing sweet pepper for seedlings in the southern regions is from February 17 to March 1. If sowed in 2-3 terms with a gap of 8-10 days, then the period of sowing pepper seeds for seedlings will last until March 5-10.

When calculating the date of sowing seeds, follow the rule: it is better to plant younger undergrown seedlings permanently than overgrown ones. Young seedlings go through a period of adaptation to new living conditions faster (like a newborn baby), and overgrown seedlings are inconvenient to plant (a lot of waste) and are prone to diseases during the adaptation period.

If you are not sure about the quality of the preparation of seedlings for permanent planting, then always postpone the sowing date to a later date (sometimes up to 10 days). You can sow seeds in several periods. This technique will provide an opportunity to get into temperature and light conditions favorable for the culture.

Eggplant seedling. © Joel Ignacio

Correction Formula Calculation

As you saw in the examples above, the sowing date of the seeds still turns out to be floating and fluctuates within 10 days. There is another way to calculate more accurate sowing of seeds for seedlings - using the correction formula. To calculate it, additional data will be required, which can be taken from the reference literature or use the results of your long-term observations.

We draw an auxiliary table, where we enter the following data (Table 3). When determining the date of sowing seeds for seedlings according to the amendment formula, we calculate at the level of the variety. That is, we take into account the parameters not in general of early tomatoes or another crop, but of a certain variety or hybrid.

Table 3: An example of calculating the sowing date of vegetable seeds using the correction formula

You will find some of the parameters on a bag of seeds, others you can get from reference books, climate maps of the region, district. To calculate, immediately decide under what conditions the crop will be grown in the post-seedling period.

The following parameters should be indicated on the bag with seeds:

  • name of the variety or hybrid,
  • growing region,
  • sowing date,
  • date of landing in the ground,
  • seed processing.

The last 2 parameters will be a guide for you in the calculations. It is important to know whether pre-sowing treatment seeds. If not, you must treat the seeds for diseases and pests yourself. Poor-quality seeds will delay the development of seedlings and you can be late with the planting dates for a permanent planting, not get or get very sparse seedlings, etc. To fill in the calculation table, you will need a number of parameters obtained empirically (duration of the growing season, age of vegetable seedlings, seed germination period).

On average, the duration of the growing season is always indicated on the seed bag or in the catalogs of varieties and hybrids of vegetable crops. We take as a basis the averaged data:

  • tomatoes - 75-140 days;
  • sweet pepper - 80-140 days,
  • eggplant - 90-150 days.
  • tomatoes - 45-50 days;
  • mid-ripening tomatoes - 55-60 days;
  • late-ripening tomatoes - 70 days;
  • sweet pepper - 55-65 days;
  • eggplant - 50-60 days.

Germination depends on the preparation of the seed material: - treatment with growth substances, sowing with sprouted seeds or dry, etc. The average seed germination time is:

  • tomatoes - 4-8 days;
  • sweet pepper - 12-14 days;
  • eggplant - 10-12 days;
  • white cabbage - 4-6 days.

Cabbage seedlings. © hmle2217

It is possible to get a harvest at a predetermined time, as well as to prolong the fruiting of a crop. To do this, we sow the seeds in several stages, with a gap (depending on the crop) of 8-12-15 days. To get an extra early harvest, we select early ripe variety and sow it in the limit early dates, providing all the required conditions (heat, watering, supplementary lighting, top dressing). There is a risk of losing seedlings to frost, but a quality temporary shelter will help preserve the seedlings and get an extra early harvest.

Planting seedlings on a permanent basis significantly affects the period of sowing seeds for seedlings. If we plant seedlings in open ground, then it is necessary to know as accurately as possible the onset of the spring frost-free period. For middle lane Russia (range Moscow, Ufa, Chelyabinsk) is the period from 10.06. For a colder region, covering Perm, Yekaterinburg, the frost-free period starts from 15.06. At the level of Voronezh and Saratov, steadily warm weather sets in from 01.05 and in the south (Rostov, Krasnodar) - from 10.04.

The established warming will have a noticeable effect on the condition of the soil, it will begin to warm up. This is especially significant when sowing in film greenhouses and hotbeds without constant heating. By the above dates, the soil for seedlings in a 10-15 cm layer should warm up to +10 .. +14 ° С. With cold soil, it is better to delay sowing. Researchers involved in the agricultural technology of vegetable crops believe that it is more rational to plant seedlings of a shorter period than overgrown ones.

According to the data in Table. 3 we calculate the date of sowing seeds of early tomatoes for seedlings according to the amendment formula.

  1. The date of planting seedlings in open ground for Moscow and the region is June 15.
  2. The optimal age of seedlings is 50 days. According to the optimal parameters, seedlings by this period should have 25-30 cm in height, 5-7 formed leaves, a stem diameter of at least 6-8 mm and 1-2 inflorescences with buds. If the seedlings have such indicators, but the age is still only 44 days, it can be planted in open ground with the above accepted indicators of soil readiness. If the soil has not yet warmed up and the weather is cold, then you can reduce watering and reduce the temperature in the greenhouse (suspend the growth of seedlings) or plant in the ground, making a temporary shelter (for example, use a double layer of spandbond).
  3. From the date of June 15, countdown subtract the age of the seedlings (50 days). We get the date April 27th.
  4. Subtract the seed germination period (7 days). We get the date April 20.
  5. We subtract the adaptation period if the seedlings are grown using picks (1 + 4 = 5 days). We get the date April 15th.

Pepper seedling. © Amy Urquhart

The dates of sowing seeds for seedlings obtained by calculation completely coincide with the data in Table. 1 (averaged seeding parameters obtained in long-term experiments), but are more accurate.

A responsible and long-awaited time for gardeners is approaching - seedling cultivation cucumbers, tomatoes, other vegetables and flowers.

Very soon, the window sills of the apartments will turn into plantations with seedlings. The main question of interest to gardeners and gardeners - when to sow vegetable seeds for seedlings How to correctly calculate the timing of sowing.

Experienced gardeners know and know how to correctly determine the time of sowing. But there are more and more new types and hybrids of vegetable crops that you really want to grow.

The time for sowing seeds for seedlings can differ significantly even for varieties of the same crop. It is almost impossible to name the optimal sowing time, but it can be calculated, and with great accuracy.

To calculate the sowing time, you need to know:

The length of the growing season for a particular crop;
The optimal age of seedlings for planting in open ground;
How demanding are plants for heat;
Under what conditions will the crop be grown (greenhouse, greenhouse, open ground);
Seed germination period;
Weather conditions in your region;
Desired harvest time.

Let's collect all these elements in our future formula to calculate the timing of growing seedlings.

Length of the growing season

This is the time from the moment the seedlings appear, the formation of the plant until the harvest. The duration of each crop is different, so seedlings grow crops with a long growing season, otherwise the plants simply will not have time to produce a crop.

The duration of the growing season varies in different varieties of the same plant. Therefore, varieties are divided into early-ripening, mid-ripening and late.

Seed packages usually indicate length of the growing season in days. This is the number we need.

For the most popular vegetable crops, remember the average growing season:

tomatoes 80 – 140 days

eggplant 100 - 150 days

Sweet pepper 90 - 140 days

White cabbage 50 - 100 days

The range is very large, for example, late varieties are sown in February, early varieties in March-April.

Optimal seedling age for transplanting

Each culture has its own age for picking, transplanting and planting in open ground. This is the optimal age when young seedlings easily tolerate such a serious procedure, get sick less and take root faster. Therefore, calculate the sowing time correctly so that at the time of transplanting the seedlings are of a suitable age.

Early ripe tomatoes– 40-50 days

mid-ripening tomatoes– 55-60 days

Late ripe tomatoes– 70 days

Bell pepper– 50-65 days

eggplant– 45-60 days

These are indicative figures, it all depends on the length of the growing season.

Heat for seedlings

Vegetable crops grown in seedlings are very demanding on heat. An exception is cabbage, it is able to tolerate a relative decrease in temperature. This indicator will affect the timing of planting seedlings in open ground.

Landing in the ground is carried out when the probability of frost has passed. Today, there are varieties of tomatoes and peppers bred by breeders for the northern regions, they are less demanding on heat.

Growing conditions

In our formula, this is the most important variable, because plants planted in a greenhouse and in open ground differ significantly in terms of time. For example, tomato seedlings are planted in a greenhouse without heating already in early May, and in open ground - in the first decade of June.

That's why sowing seedlings in a greenhouse you can do it already in February, and for open ground not earlier than the end of March.

Of course, when growing in a greenhouse, a lot depends on the type of greenhouse itself, the material with which it is covered, and the presence of heating. When grown outdoors, it all depends on the weather conditions.

Desired harvest time

This parameter is relative, because by changing the timing of sowing seeds, we adjust the yield. By sowing in several stages, you can prolong the fruiting of vegetable crops by obtaining seedlings of different ages.

Such seedlings should be planted in the ground in stages.

Seed germination time

This is often forgotten, but it is an important parameter. In some types of vegetable crops, the time from sowing to germination is 10-15 days. Therefore, always consider the germination period of seeds. And not always everything depends only on the quality of the seeds themselves, but also on the conditions created - temperature, humidity, depth of placement.

Table of sowing dates for seeds of the main vegetable crops

Seed preparation and processing speeds up the germination process, shoots appear together. Dry and soaked seeds germinate differently.

Average germination rates for the main crops:

tomatoes 4-6 days

Bell pepper 12-15 days

eggplant 8-10

White cabbage 4-5 days

Climatic conditions

This is a key factor in the seeding time formula. It is easier to use the scheme of V.I. Kuznetsov, which is based on two main terms:

Cold sowing time- the time of planting cold-resistant crops and early-ripening varieties of cabbage in open ground, and planting heat-loving cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants in closed ground (greenhouses and greenhouses).

Warm sowing time- the time when you can sow and plant seedlings of heat-loving crops in open ground.

The cold sowing period is determined by the physical ripeness of the soil (a certain temperature and humidity).

During the day, the temperature of the soil at a depth of 8 cm should be +8 degrees, which can be measured with an ordinary thermometer. If there is no desire to dig and measure with a thermometer, watch the birch. The appearance of the first leaves is a sign that the temperature is at the level we need.

Well, those who sow and plant lunar calendar, will find the desired dates consistent with the movement of the moon.

When to plant seedlings. Terms of planting garden plants

When to plant what seedlings? Seedling Growth Calendar

The optimal time for landing is when the moon is below the horizon, that is, it has not yet risen or has already set, avoiding especially the rising and setting of the moon.

For getting best harvest inches, sow seeds in the ground during the growing moon - from the new moon to the full moon, preferably closer to the new moon. But not on the new moon: at this time, the seeds have a minimum of viability, they may not germinate. You can sow long-germinating seeds two days before the new moon.

The period two days before the new moon and seven days after the new moon is the best for sowing seeds that germinate and germinate very quickly or very long. 3rd quarter moon best time for sowing seeds that germinate and germinate moderately long.

Most good harvest you will get roots if you plant on the waning moon or two days before the full moon.

Any harvest intended for storage is best harvested during the waning moon and on days when the moon is in one of the "unproductive" signs of the zodiac.

It is best to dig up potatoes on the waning moon, closer to the new moon and when it is in Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius. It is permissible when the Moon is in Leo, Virgo. Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces - potatoes are poorly stored and tasteless.

Among the productive signs of the Zodiac, “wet” are noted, when plants most actively absorb water and accumulate it in the green parts. These are Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces. When the Moon is in these signs, watering is most effective. But harvesting grown products for the future (canning, pickling, pickling, drying, harvesting juices and wine) is effective with the growing Moon, when it passes the signs of Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus. Less effective, but acceptable - with Gemini, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo. Highly discouraged - with the Moon in Aquarius.

Planting calendar for seedlings of garden crops

culture Sowing for seedlings
Anise 25.4-15.5
Basil 15.3-10.4 10.5-10.6
Eggplant 10.2-15.3 5-25.5 (might need cover)
beans 10.4-15.5 (might need cover)
Swede 20.4-5.5 20.4-15.6 (grow both seedlings and non-seedlings)
Peas 15.4-5.7 (provided that the soil warms up over 6 degrees)
Mustard leaf 10.4-10.8
Melon 1-15.4 10-30.5 (subject to warming up the soil over 15 degrees)
strawberries 1.2-1.4 15.7-5.9
Zucchini, zucchini 25.4-15.5
early white cabbage 1-15.3 15.4-10.5
red cabbage 15.4-5.5 20.5-25.6
late white cabbage 25.3-15.4 10-25.5
Broccoli 1.3-25.5 25.4 (might need to cover) -30.6
Brussels sprouts 25.3-25.4 15.5-15.6
kohlrabi cabbage 1.3-15.7 5.4 (might need to cover) -20.8
storage kohlrabi 20.5-10.6 20.6-10.7
leafy cabbage 10.5-30.6 10.6-30.7
Cauliflower 1.3-15.6 25.4 (might need to cover) -25.7
Potato early 20-30.4 (provided that the soil warms up over 9 degrees)
Potato 1-10.4 8-20.5
cilantro 20.4-10.8
Watercress 10.4 (might need cover) -10.9
Onion, from seed 1-30.3 15.4-10.5
Bow-batun 15.4-15.7 and up to 10.9
Leek 10.3-5.4 1-30.5
Shallot from 15.4 (may be required) until October
Marjoram 20.3-10.4 15.5-15.6
Melissa 5.3-10.4 20.4-20.5
early carrot 10.4 (may need to cover) - 5.8
late carrots for storage 20.5-5.6
Peppermint March April (also in autumn)
Cucumbers, greenhouse 5-30.4 1-25.5 (subject to soil warming up to 12 degrees)
Cucumbers, open ground 1-15.5 20.5 (you may need to cover: subject to soil heating over 12 degrees
Parsnip 10.4 (might need cover) -25.4
Squash 20.4-10.5 20.5-10.6 (subject to warming up the soil over 11 degrees)
culture Sowing for seedlings Planting (or sowing) in open ground
Bulgarian pepper 10.2-15.3 5-25.5
Parsley March April and/or October
Rhubarb 10.4-10.5 1-15.9
Radish 10.4-25.5
Late radish for storage 25.7-10.8
Radish, spring-summer varieties 25.4-20.5
Radish, summer-autumn varieties 10.6-10.7
Turnip 20.4 (might need cover) -10.5
turnip storage 5-20.7
head salad 15.3-20.7 10.4 (might need cover) -20.8
leaf lettuce 15.3-20.7 10.4 (may need to cover) - 20.8
Beetroot 10-25.4 20.4 (you may need to cover; subject to warming up the soil to 8 degrees) - 20.6
Beetroot for storage 10-15.5
Celery rhizomes 5-20.2 25.4-10.5
leaf celery 1.3-15.4 1.5-10.6
Asparagus 25.2-10.6 1.5-10.7
Caraway April or October
early tomatoes 10-25.4 25.5-10.6
Pickled tomatoes 20.5-10.6
Jerusalem artichoke April
Pumpkin ordinary 5.5-25.5 25.5-15.6 (subject to soil warming over 11 degrees)
Butternut squash 10-30.5 1-15.6 (provided that the soil warms up over 13 degrees)
Dill 1.4-31.7
Winter dill 15.10-30.11
Beans for grain 20.4-20.5 15.5-15.6
Beans tall, curly 20-30.5
Horseradish April
Winter garlic 10.9-5.10 (provided that the soil warms up to + 4 degrees)
Spring garlic 17.4-15.5
Sorrel April to July
Spinach 20-30.3 10.4 (may need to cover) - 20.7
Endive March 1-15.6
Tarragon 10.2-5.5 5.4-30.6
