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1 ADMINISTRATION OF THE SMOLENSK REGION DEPARTMENT OF THE SMOLENSK REGION FOR CULTURE AND TOURISM OGOBU VPO "SMOLENSK STATE INSTITUTE OF ARTS" I APPROVE and. O. Rector of the Institute I.V. Khriptulov February 19, 2015 METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS on the formation of funds for evaluation funds ADOPTED at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute protocol 7 of February 19, 2015 DISCUSSED at a meeting of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Institute Protocol 7 of February 12 » February 2015 Chairman of the Council E.V. Gorbyleva SMOLENSK, 2015

2 Content 1. General provisions 2. Requirements for FOS in accordance with GEF VPO 3. Functions various kinds funds of appraisal funds 4. Development and examination of the FOS 5. Basic requirements for the structure and content of the FOS 5.1. Characteristics of the structural parts of FOS 5.2. The content of the FOS for different stages of control 6. Requirements for the design and storage of the FOS 7. Evaluation methodology 7.1. Methods, types and forms of evaluation 7.2. Characteristics of types of control by stages of training 7.3. The main forms of assessment at the university Oral survey Written verification Schedule of the monitoring activities assessment plan 8. Marking 8.1. Evaluation of tasks with a freely constructed answer 8.2. Types of assessment scales 9. Means of assessing learning outcomes 9.1. Requirements for control tasks 10. Applications

3 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS The main feature of the Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education (FSES HPE) is the focus not on the content, but on the result of education, expressed through the competencies of bachelors and specialists. The structure and content of the BEP and a separate discipline (module), educational technologies, including planning and assessing the quality of training for bachelors and masters, should be aimed at the formation and achievement of the stated learning outcome. Assessment aims to systematically establish correspondence between planned and achieved learning outcomes. Accent educational process is transferred to the control and evaluation component, which allows you to systematically monitor, diagnose, correct the learning process. Already at the design stage of the BEP, it is necessary to plan in what ways and means the learning outcomes will be evaluated, which will serve as proof of the achievement of the goals of educational programs. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the Higher Professional Education, for the certification of students for the compliance of their educational achievements with the step-by-step requirements of the relevant basic educational program (BEP), funds of assessment tools (FOS) are created for current assessment, intermediate and final certification of students. FOS is integral part normative and methodological support of the system for assessing the quality of mastering the BEP HPE, is part of the BEP as a whole and the passport of competencies (in particular the Work Program) of the relevant discipline. Fund of assessment tools A set of methodological materials that regulate the procedures for assessing learning outcomes, i.e. establishing the compliance of educational achievements with the planned learning outcomes and the requirements of educational programs, work programs of modules (disciplines). FOS as an assessment system consists of three parts:

4 - a structured list of objects of assessment (codifier / structural matrix for the formation and assessment of learning outcomes of the PLO, discipline), - bases of training tasks, - methodological equipment of assessment procedures. When planning and developing FOS as an assessment system, a limited set of elements is used: - goals / learning outcomes; - indicators and evaluation criteria; - content control area; - functions and goals of control; - types, methods and forms of control; - assessment tools/learning tasks. FOS, in addition to performing evaluation functions, best characterizes the educational level of the institute. The quality of the fund of evaluation tools and technologies is a clear indicator of the educational potential of the university, a kind of hallmark of institutes, faculties, departments that implement the educational process in the relevant areas. To evaluate the effectiveness of the control system, generalized criteria are used: productivity, efficiency, adaptability, didacticity, efficiency, reliability. 2. REQUIREMENTS FOR FOS IN ACCORDANCE WITH FSES HPE cognitive activity; the use of methods of group and mutual assessments (reviewing of each other's works by students; students' opposition to projects, theses, research papers, etc.; expert assessments by groups consisting of students, teachers and employers, etc.); transition from assessing only learning outcomes to systematic monitoring, including

5 operational (control for training); creating conditions for the maximum approximation of the assessment system to the conditions of future professional practice (for example, the use of situational tasks based on contextual learning, which provides an integrated assessment of several characteristics at the same time); tracking and fixing the formation of personal qualities (it is necessary to provide for an assessment of the ability to creative activity facilitating the preparation of a graduate who is ready to search for solutions to new problems); shifting the emphasis in control from what they do not “know” to the assessment of what they “know”, are able, are able to demonstrate; external evaluation, which ensures the use of generally recognized criteria, indicators of the quality of education (the growing role of independent expert evaluation, including by potential employers and professional communities); increasing the objectivity of the assessment results when using high-quality standardized tools; the use of software tools that allow for adaptive control, timely individual correction of training, as well as storing and processing information on all evaluation activities. The fund of assessment tools should be formed on the basis of the key principles of assessment: - validity (objects and content of assessment should correspond to the goals and functions of control and training); - reliability (the focus of the methods and means used on the objectivity of the assessment); - efficiency (optimum choice for specific conditions of use of goals, methods and means of control). 3. FUNCTIONS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF EVALUATION FUNDS Evaluation funds are formed to solve educational problems: - control and management of the educational process by all participants;

6 - control (using a set of assessment tools) and management (using feedback elements) the achievement of the goals of educational programs, defined as a set of graduate competencies; - achieving such a level of control and management of the quality of education, which would ensure the unhindered recognition of the qualifications of graduates by Russian and foreign employers, as well as by world educational systems. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, the institute creates funds for assessment tools for conducting current assessment, intermediate and final certification in order to establish the compliance of students' educational achievements with the requirements of relevant educational programs. Functions of various FOS: - FOS of the current control is used for the operational and regular management of educational activities (including independent) of students. Under the conditions of the rating system of control, the results of the student's current assessment are used as an indicator of his current rating. - FOS of intermediate (semester) certification of students by module (discipline) is designed to assess the degree of achievement of the planned learning outcomes upon completion of the study of the module / discipline in the form established by the curriculum: credit, exam, term paper, practice report, etc. - FOS of the final certification is used for conducting the state exam, performing final qualifying work and assessing the quality of the PEP. During the final state certification, the degree of compliance of the formed competencies of graduates with the requirements of the PEP of the corresponding direction is assessed. The final state attestation should be considered as a demonstration of the graduate's abilities and opportunities in professional activities. FOS are intended for use by students, universities, third-party organizations to evaluate the effectiveness and quality of the educational process,

7 educational programs, the degree of their adequacy to the conditions of future professional activity. 4. DEVELOPMENT AND EXAMINATION OF FOS According to the regulatory and methodological documents related to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the following procedure for creating a FOS is assumed. The preliminary stage is connected with the planning of control measures. For each of them, the FOS developer must answer the questions: What to evaluate / what are the learning outcomes and its components? How to ensure the evaluation of these control objects / what methods of activity will be the most optimal for evaluating these control objects? What funds are needed to carry out this activity in the evaluation of these objects? It is advisable to structure the assessment plan in the form of a matrix, in which each object of control (learning outcome or its component) will be matched: the content of the training, the assessment method and learning tasks. The formation of a structural matrix for the formation and evaluation of learning outcomes (codifier) ​​involves the following actions. 1) Based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the stated goals of the PEP and the academic freedoms of the university, the PEP establishes the full set of requirements for the graduate in the form of planned learning outcomes and a list of competencies to be formed. The structure of the BEP contains a matrix that correlates the list of requirements for a graduate with an array of basic educational modules / disciplines. Moreover, each module may be sufficient for the formation of the corresponding ability, or it may have the status of a necessary one, i.e. that forms this ability only in conjunction with other modules. In the sequential or parallel study of disciplines that form the same learning outcomes of the BEP, it is necessary to take into account the level of development of competencies and the components of learning outcomes.

8 Behavioral indicators are defined for each learning outcome or component that has specific codes in the PLO. The main difference between learning outcomes and indicators is that learning outcomes represent general information and are not directly measurable, while indicators reflect a uniquely identifiable and measurable activity of the learner. Behavioral indicators of the achievement of learning outcomes (objects of assessment): - are the focus of evaluation of each learning outcome and determine the specific actions that students will be able to demonstrate as a result of learning (standards of effective / desirable behavior); - establish a minimum level for evaluation; - allow to describe the desired behavior / mode of work of students and reduce the ambiguity associated with the demonstration of expected abilities. The developer needs to formulate a list of student actions that clearly show the achievement of the required learning outcome. The uniqueness of the formulation of the object of control diagnosticity is carried out using B. Bloom's taxonomy based on the specification of learning outcomes at a certain stage of the educational process. Hence the need to develop different types FOS of the current assessment, intermediate and final certification. - consist of a verb denoting action and content. In fact, these are answers to the questions “what does it do, how does it do it?”. Indicators and their manifestation in behavior should be written in simple terms are understandable and easily measurable in human behavior. Each indicator should be unambiguous and avoid double interpretation. It is important that behavioral indicators of learning outcomes, on the one hand, reliably reveal the desired behavior, and on the other hand, do not duplicate each other. - have the properties of a scale, that is, there is an obvious progression from the lowest level of performance to the highest. For the learning outcome of the program

9, 5-9 indicators are compiled. For a separate discipline 3-5 indicators. The indicators determine the content of the training. Spot training for specific tasks will require less cost than global training for everything. In the assessment process, behavioral indicators are the basis for comparing what was and how it became (provided that an assessment of the initial level was carried out before the start of training). Example: “Fuzzy” wording and “difficult to measure” indicator: Possesses analytical thinking “Simple” wording and “measurable” indicator: Sees the prerequisites or consequences of a situation or information Analyzes situations to calculate the consequences Anticipates real obstacles It is desirable to use a subject-activity approach when concretizing learning outcomes , correlating indicators of diagnosed learning outcomes and learning content. This correspondence is determined in the Codifier (structural matrix for the formation and evaluation of learning outcomes). For intermediate certification, the codifier contains the final requirements for the level of training in the discipline. And for the FOS of the current assessment, the detailing of learning outcomes goes to the level planned at the time of the assessment. For each behavioral indicator, it is necessary to choose the type of training task, the results of which can be used to judge the degree of achievement of the learning outcome. It is possible that one indicator will control several tasks of the same type or different ones related to one type of control or several. The next step is the formation of a methodology for using educational tasks, the choice of a method and form of control, the establishment of evaluation criteria, the development of evaluation schemes and / or scales.

10 Thus, the assessment plan in the form of a codifier includes objects of control associated with the type of tasks and the methodology for their use, taking into account specific learning conditions. Main stage. Formation of the content of the fund of appraisal funds. 1) Development and selection in accordance with the codifier of control tasks, the results of which can be used to judge the student's achievement of a certain learning outcome and, therefore, compliance with one or another requirement. The main requirement is to structure the base of training tasks according to behavioral indicators and / or control measures. A task cannot exist on its own. It is necessarily associated with a specific purpose of use, i.e. with an object and a certain control procedure. Formation of the content of specific control measures (test, test, self-control, exam, etc.). Development of a plan for a control event, which indicates the controlled learning outcomes (didactic units), indicators (activity goals), the structure of the set of tasks used, the rules for conducting it, educational, methodological, technical and ergonomic conditions for its implementation, evaluation criteria, the use of control results. The control plan makes it possible to develop several options for tasks. This is open information for all participants in the educational process. The plan is necessary to justify the reliability, objectivity, validity of control measures. Determination of criteria for evaluating the results of the performance of control tasks in given conditions. The level of a student's preparedness is considered to meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard if he demonstrates the ability to solve problems of professional activity in typical situations without errors of a fundamental nature. In this case, the level of preparedness of the student can be assessed as "good" or "excellent". For a more accurate and objective assessment, specific threshold values ​​are set for assessing tasks both in general and individually. For this purpose, it is possible

11, for example, to describe the fundamentally significant elements of the answers, the absence of which is an "error of a fundamental nature." The procedure for grading must be known, transparent and clear to the student. As a result of assessment, the student must be clearly aware of what, how and when it was assessed, for which he was awarded or not awarded a point. The final stage. Development of methodological materials for each participant of the control event. IN various forms control is: - instructions (guidelines) for students, teachers, methodologists, observers, members of the SEC, reviewers, etc.; - scenarios of control measures; - regulatory and methodological documents; - instructions for processing, analyzing and interpreting the results; - forms of answer forms (questionnaires), reviews, evaluation sheets, etc. Funds of evaluation tools for current control and intermediate certification are developed for each discipline / module, practice assigned to the department, and are included in the work program of the discipline. FOS can be developed by a team of authors on behalf of the head of the department. Responsibility for the creation of the FOS of the final certification and coordination of departments in the development of materials of the fund is assigned to the dean and head of the PEP. The FOS of current control must pass an internal examination, FOSs for certification internal and external. After passing the examination, a decision is made on the approval of the FOS. For current control at a meeting of the department, for intermediate certification at a meeting of the educational and methodological council, for final certification at a meeting of the academic council of the institute. FOS expert commissions include: - for internal (university) teachers of the institute, reading similar or related disciplines, graduate students;

12 - leading teachers of other universities, representatives of employers and professional communities, graduates of previous years, representatives of partner universities are involved for external participation. The results of the examination are drawn up in the form of an act. The minimum number of members of the expert committee is three. When developing, examining and approving the FOS, its content must be ensured in accordance with the results of training and the tasks of future professional activity in accordance with: - GEF HPE in the relevant area of ​​training; PLO and curriculum (direction of training); - the work program of the discipline, implemented according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education; - educational technologies used in the educational process; - modern scientific ideas, achievements of science, technology, technology and culture. The quality criteria for the examination of FOS are: - diagnostics of the control objectives; conformity of learning outcomes; the quality of the proposed criteria, indicators, evaluation indicators; - completeness and systematic organization of assessment materials, the presence of levels of difficulty, complexity, adaptive presentation mechanisms, variability, ensuring control of interdisciplinary connections; - stimulation cognitive activity(a variety of task forms, contextual tasks, relevant and integrated assessment, reflection, mutual assessment); - formation of self-assessment and mutual assessment skills; - the use of modern control principles (competence-based approach, objectivity, external evaluation, automation of procedures, etc.); - reliability and validity of control results; - approbation data, quality indicators of tasks, compliance of the developed materials with the control objectives.

13 - volume, completeness of coverage and originality of materials, incl. the results of their own scientific research, etc. - the formulation of problematic and promising issues in the development of a particular scientific discipline. 5. BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF OP 5.1. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STRUCTURAL PARTS OF THE FOS The PEP of each direction includes the FOS of the final certification. FOS of current assessment and intermediate certification of modules (disciplines, practices) are components of the work program of the discipline. The structure of the FOS as an assessment system: A) A structured list of objects of assessment (codifier / structural matrix for the formation and evaluation of learning outcomes) should be based on the learning outcomes, which are determined according to Table 1. Type of FOS Initial requirements for the level of assimilation Object of assessment Final attestation of the Federal State Educational Standard, PLO Results of learning OOP Intermediate certification Current control Work program of the module/discipline Work program of the module/discipline Generalized learning outcomes for the module (discipline) Concrete learning outcomes for the module (discipline) / educational achievements Table 1 Type of control for the development of the codifier including term paper, practice; GE; WRC; external evaluation of the conference week; semester tests (test / exam / term papers) All types of control used in the course of mastering the module (discipline) of the Codifier a systematized list of requirements for the level of graduates' preparation and checked content elements, in which each object corresponds to a specific code. In the codifiers of the current assessment and intermediate assessment, behavioral indicators are formulated based on the generalized results

14 learning by module / discipline, based on B. Bloom's taxonomy. In the codifiers of these types, the assessed learning outcomes are correlated with indicators, the type of training tasks, and the control method. It can be recommended to introduce into the structure of codifiers a didactic unit of the content of the module (discipline) and the duration of the evaluation procedure. The final certification is carried out on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education and the PEP, which need to be differentiated according to the forms of control: state exam, final qualification work, assessment of the quality of the PEP. In the codifier of the final certification, the assessed learning outcomes are correlated at least with the modules (disciplines), the method of control, the duration of the assessment procedure, and the persons responsible for collecting and storing information are indicated. An approximate form of the codifier in Table. 2. The result of mastering the BEP Modules (disciplines) formed by the RO Form of the final assessment codifier Means / method of assessment Assessment terms Expected use of the results The base of tasks includes both standardized assessment tools (questionnaires, questionnaires, tests), typical tasks (tasks, situational tasks, etc.), and creative tasks (case tasks, description of problem situations, business game scenarios, research, design, etc. . tasks) with mandatory evaluation criteria. C) The methodological equipment of the assessment procedures reflects the basic information about each control event, determines the control procedure and the criteria for evaluating learning outcomes / their components that meet the requirements for the results of mastering the BEP.

15 Methodological equipment includes the specification of a separate control activity / assessment procedure and includes materials describing the conditions for conducting assessment procedures, characteristics of the tools and methods used, instructions for participants, etc. Methodological equipment includes documents regulating the preparation, conduct, analysis and interpretation of the results. The specification of the assessment procedure reflects the assessed learning outcomes, the methods and techniques of control used, the structure of the training tasks performed, the procedure regulations (time, standard period, technical and ergonomic conditions, etc.). Mandatory elements of the specification are evaluation criteria presented in the form of evaluation scales; threshold values ​​for assessing tasks, both as a whole and each separately. - rating plan of the discipline/module; - structured base of control training tasks; - specifications of control actions of the current assessment; - methodological materials that define the control procedure and evaluation criteria, methods for interpreting the results. In the fund of assessment means of intermediate certification in the form of a test (by discipline, term paper, practice, UIRS / NIRS): - codifier for conference weeks / CR / practice, UIRS / NIRS; - assignments for conference weeks, etc.; - guidelines for students containing a schedule and requirements for completing assignments, assessment criteria, a specification of control measures, a list of necessary educational resources. FOS of intermediate certification in the form of an exam should consist of at least: - a codifier;

16 - exam specifications; - bases of tasks intended for presentation to the student at the exam; - teaching materials that determine the procedure for conducting the exam: exam program, scenario, criteria for evaluating answers, methods for interpreting the results. The specific list of methodological materials depends on the control methods used. The FOS of the final attestation includes the funds of assessment tools for the state exam, final qualification work / thesis (hereinafter referred to as WQR) and the fund of assessment tools for the quality of the PEP. The fund of assessment means of the state interdisciplinary exam includes: - codifier; - plan of interdisciplinary examination; - a set of tasks intended for presentation to a student (graduate) at the exam; - methodological materials that determine the procedure for conducting the exam and evaluation criteria, methods for interpreting the results. The interdisciplinary exam plan is developed by a group of experts, approved by the director of the institute and brought to the attention of students no later than three months before the exam. The form of the exam (written, oral, etc.) is chosen by the graduating department. The fund of evaluation funds of the WRC includes: - a plan that defines the objects of evaluation, the procedure for the implementation and defense of the final qualification work / graduation project / dissertation; - requirements for the final qualifying work / diploma project; - guidelines for organizing the implementation of the final qualification work / graduation project / dissertation; - guidelines for writing a final qualifying work / graduation project;

17 - teaching materials that determine the procedure for defending the final qualification work / graduation project; - methodological materials that determine the defense procedure and the criteria for evaluating the WRC; - form of feedback on the final qualifying work / diploma project; - a form of review for the final qualifying work / diploma project. FOS of the quality of the PLO: - banks of statistical information; - monitoring research programs, etc. questionnaires / questionnaires of students, graduates of previous years to obtain an assessment of the quality of the training received; - Questionnaires and mechanisms for conducting and processing materials for employers, external assessment of the level of training of graduates. For each FOS, recommendations should be provided for updating and improving (frequency, degree of updating, procedure for changing assessment procedures, methods, technologies, indicators, criteria, etc.). 6. REQUIREMENTS FOR FORMULATION AND STORAGE OF FOS FOS during registration should begin in the order of following from the title page, design of the reverse side of the title page, expert opinion are entered in the preface, FOS passports. The approving signature of an official gives the FOS the character of a regulatory document of the institute. This is followed by sections: a systematized list of requirements for the level of training of graduates and content elements to be checked, in which each object corresponds to a specific code, a base of tasks, and methodological equipment. The original FOS in printed form is stored at the department that developed the work program (PEP) as part of the educational and methodological complexes of disciplines. The authors-developers of FOS have the right to publish materials in the form of guidelines. Demo versions of individual FOS materials can be made available to students in the public domain. FOS validity period

18 is set by the authors-developers for a period of not more than 5 years and can be extended by appropriate decisions. 7. ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY 7.1. METHODS, TYPES AND FORMS OF ASSESSMENT Methods of control are the methods by which the effectiveness of the educational and cognitive activity of students and the pedagogical work of the teacher is determined. IN teaching practice the concept of "method of control" is often used in conjunction with the "form", "type", "kind" of control / evaluation / verification. Therefore, in such cases, the broader concept of "method of control" is usually used. Control methods are understood as a set of such components as type, type, form, means of control, with the help of which feedback is organized and carried out between students and teachers in the educational process. Table 3 provides a classification of control methods. The choice of control method depends on the purpose, the content of the assessment and the availability of resources to ensure the use of this method. Thus, the verification of complex theoretical questions is usually carried out during an individual survey (seminar, colloquium). A frontal oral survey is planned when checking a voluminous, but not complex educational material, rich in facts. A frontal written survey is carried out when it is necessary to establish the level of assimilation by all students of one or two important theoretical questions that serve as reference when studying new material. Control written work is intended mainly to obtain objectified accurate estimates. When choosing a control method, the following evaluation axioms are taken into account: - As a rule, there is an inverse relationship between the quality of the method and its rationality. - It is important to carry out a preliminary check to see if the method is suitable for a given program.

19 - It is not possible to use all methods, because we are limited in time and resources. - It is necessary to prioritize the use of methods. Classification of methods of control Table 3 Components of control Characteristic 1 Method of organization is traditional; innovative (rating, portfolio, case meters, essays, etc.). 2 stages learning activities 3 Person exercising preliminary control (input, selection, initial); current (operational); intermediate (thematic); final (final, attestation, control of residual knowledge). teacher; student partner (mutual control); self-control. 4 Mass coverage is individual; group; frontal. 5 Written control method; oral; using software; practical work; protection creative works; self-control. 6 The form of classes at lectures; at seminars; in practical and laboratory classes; on offsets; in exams; at colloquia; homework. 7 Form of control - oral survey (individual, frontal, interview, dispute); - control written work (dictation); - testing; - practical work; - Olympiad; - observation (in industrial practice, evaluation at the workplace); - defense of the IPD and creative works (situational tasks, abstract, article, project, WRC, selection of tasks, report, etc.); portfolio protection; - participation in business, situational, simulation games The optimal way in the formation of the FOS is a combination of traditional and innovative methods, types and forms of control. At the same time, traditional tools should be rethought in line with the competency-based approach, and innovative tools should be adapted for practical use.

20 The main criteria for selecting assessment methods should be objectivity, reliability, validity, or providing sufficient evidence of achievement of the learning outcome being tested. Students, parents, employers, and the public should be assured that assessment results are objective and reliable, as these results often affect a student's personal, social, economic, and social mobility. Validity is the degree to which an assessment method reflects or evaluates a particular characteristic or outcome. Validity includes three components: - a clear and precise definition of the result to be assessed; - a clear definition of what will be evidence (proof) of the student's achievement of the assessed result; - rationale for the use of the appropriate assessment method. Objectivity implies the clarity and clarity of the assessment procedure. It should be transparent and accessible to students. In addition, an appeal and re-evaluation mechanism should be developed and provided. Reliability in an estimate implies its stability. The stability of the assessment has its confirmation on the same material in the same conditions or on similar material. The reliability of the assessment procedure is ensured by: - ​​the competence of the expert conducting the assessment procedure in his subject area and in the field of pedagogical measurements; - clarity, consistency and unambiguity of instructions; - using the evaluation criteria outlined in the BEP; - involvement of other experts for evaluation; - clarity and systematic procedures for registering results CHARACTERISTICS OF CONTROL TYPES BY STAGES

21 The development of an assessment methodology depends on the stage of training, which determine the objectives of the procedures being carried out. The main types of control of learning outcomes adopted in pedagogical practice are: - diagnostic (input), - current (operational), - final (periodic and final certification). Diagnostic control is a necessary prerequisite for successful planning and management of the educational process. The purpose of diagnostic control is to establish the initial level of different aspects of the student's personality and, above all, the potential for future activities (ability as an opportunity) and the results of previous learning, the state of readiness to perform new learning activities (ability as readiness). If the purpose of control is to identify gaps in knowledge and the causes of gaps, express diagnostics is used based on tasks with the choice of one correct answer from 2-3. The accuracy of the measurement in this case is less important compared to the efficiency of obtaining generalized results for the group. Current control is the main type of systematic testing of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Its task is the operational and regular management of the educational activities of students based on feedback and adjustment. It allows you to receive primary information about the progress and quality of mastering the educational material, as well as to stimulate the regular purposeful work of students. Current control is also designed to perform a prognostic and diagnostic function. The educational process is organized not only for the sake of obtaining correct answers from students, but mainly for teaching them those cognitive actions that lead to these answers. Therefore, there is a need to control the content of the generated actions. Each action consists of certain operations. Operational control is also important because it makes it possible to accurately record the mistakes made, immediately correct them and continue successfully.

22 further execution of the action. When monitoring only the correctness of the final result of the action, correction is difficult. The frequency of control depends on the stage of assimilation; moreover, it should change within the individual stages. Control can be carried out not only by the teacher, but also by the student; at different stages of the educational process, the student controls himself in different form: external control is gradually replaced by internal control. In other words, on early stages formation of activity feedback is carried out by the teacher, and at the final stages by the student himself. In the latter case, self-control takes place. The results of this control are not subject to “level assessment”. The most appropriate pass/fail score. The mark must be accompanied by a value judgment, from which the merits of the answer, the student's work, or their shortcomings would be clearly visible. If the answer turns out to be weak and deserves an unsatisfactory assessment, then it is advisable to apply the delayed mark method, i.e. do not give an unsatisfactory mark, but limit yourself to a value judgment or tactful suggestion. While the results of the control are not evaluated, the student is given the opportunity to improve the quality of his educational work. During the current control, the results of the assimilation of individual modules / topics are evaluated. Some teachers distinguish this type of control as a separate type of intermediate or boundary. Milestone control allows you to determine the quality of studying and assimilation by students of educational material in sections, topics, modules (logically completed part of the educational material) in accordance with the requirements of the program, to identify the relationship with other sections and subjects. The final control consists in the objective identification of learning outcomes, which make it possible to determine the degree of correspondence between the actual learning outcomes and those planned in the program. It is aimed at checking the final results of training, identifying the degree of assimilation by students of the system of knowledge, skills and abilities obtained as a result of studying a particular subject.

23 The main forms of final control at the university are tests and exams, which, in turn, can be carried out using a variety of methods (final test, testing, oral individual survey). The final control is an integrating control and it is it that allows you to judge the overall achievements of students. In preparation for it, a more in-depth generalization and systematization of the learned material takes place, which allows raising knowledge to a new level. When systematizing and generalizing the knowledge and skills of students, it manifests itself in more and the developing effect of training, since at this stage intellectual skills and abilities are formed especially intensively. They can still be successfully used mainly for current assessment and intermediate certification, however, when using them, emphasis should be placed on how the acquired knowledge and skills are built into the integrative system of the formed competence (competencies). Some forms of control may combine several assessment methods. For example, an exam in a discipline may include both oral and written tests, and the implementation of practical tasks. The most common forms of control include: - interview; - colloquium; - offset; - exam (by discipline, module, final state exam); - test; - test; - report (on practices, research work of students, etc.);

24 - term paper; - final qualifying work. Operative information about the assimilation of educational material, the formation of skills and abilities can be obtained during observation, which is the main method for current control, is carried out in order to measure the frequency, duration, topology of students' actions, usually in natural conditions using non-interactive methods ORAL SURVEY Oral survey allows assess the knowledge and outlook of the student, the ability to logically construct an answer, the possession of monologue speech and other communication skills. Questioning is the most important means of developing thinking and speech. It has great potential for educational influence of the teacher. The educational function consists in identifying details that, for some reason, were not sufficiently comprehended during training sessions and in preparation for a test or exam. Interview is a special conversation between a teacher and a student on topics related to the discipline being studied, designed to clarify the student's knowledge of a particular section, topic, problem, etc. A colloquium (lat. colloquium conversation, conversation) can serve as a form of not only testing, but also improving students' knowledge. At the colloquiums, separate parts, sections, topics, questions of the course being studied, which are usually not included in the topics of seminars and other practical training sessions, as well as abstracts, projects and other works of students are discussed. The test and the exam are forms of the student's periodic reporting, determined by the curriculum for training in the direction of higher education. Credits serve as a form of checking the quality of student performance laboratory work, assimilation of the educational material of practical and seminar classes, successful completion of industrial and pre-diploma practice and fulfillment of all training assignments in the process of these practices in accordance with the approved program.

25 The mark given as a credit can be either of a qualitative type (according to the scale of names “passed” / “not passed”). The discipline (module) exam is used to assess the student's work during the semester (year, entire period of study, etc.) and is designed to identify the level, strength and systematicity of the theoretical and practical knowledge gained by him, the acquisition of skills independent work, development of creative thinking, the ability to synthesize the acquired knowledge and apply them in solving practical problems. According to the results of the exam, as a rule, a grade is given on a scale of the order: "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory". Written verification is used in all types of control and is carried out both in classroom and extracurricular work. Written work may include: dictations, tests, tests, essays, abstracts, term papers, scientific and educational reports on practices, reports on scientific / educational research work of students. The most important advantages of tests and examinations are: - saving the teacher's time (the time spent is two to three times less than with oral control); - the ability to put all students in the same conditions; - the possibility of developing equivalent difficulty variants of questions; - the ability to objectively evaluate the answers in the absence of the teacher's help; - the ability to check the validity of the assessment; - reduction of the subjective approach to assessing the student's preparation, due to his individual characteristics. A dictation is a list of questions that require short answers. The time for answers is limited, so the questions of the assignments should be unambiguously understood, simply and clearly formulated.

26 Mandatory examinations are carried out, as a rule, after the completion of the study of a topic or section (module). Principles of preparation of examinations: - assignments of different complexity and difficulty; - assignments may include questions advanced level, optional for implementation, but for their solution, students can receive additional assessment, and the teacher the opportunity to identify knowledge and skills that are not included in the mandatory requirements of the program; - the composition of the control work includes not only calculation tasks, but also qualitative ones, requiring, for example, a graphic description of processes or an analysis of phenomena in a particular situation. During the verification and evaluation of control written work, an analysis of the results of the implementation is carried out, typical mistakes as well as the reasons for their occurrence. Analysis of work is carried out promptly. When checking test papers, the teacher needs to correct each mistake made and determine the completeness of the presentation of the question, the quality and accuracy of the calculation and graphic parts, taking into account the development of written speech, the clarity and consistency of the presentation of thoughts, the presence and sufficiency of explanations, culture in the subject area. An essay is one of the forms of written work that is most effective in mastering the basic and optional disciplines of the GSE cycle and, in some cases, the professional cycle. The role of this form of control is especially important in the formation of the graduate's universal competencies, which involve acquiring the basics of humanitarian, social and economic knowledge, mastering the basic methods of the relevant sciences. An essay is a small independent written work on a topic proposed by a teacher of the relevant discipline. The purpose of the essay is to develop the skills of independent creative thinking and the written presentation of one's own conclusions. The essay should contain a clear statement of the essence of the problem posed, include

27 independently conducted analysis of this problem using the concepts and analytical tools of the relevant discipline, conclusions summarizing the author's position on the problem posed (recommended essay size is 10 thousand characters). Depending on the specifics of the discipline, essay forms can vary significantly. In some cases, this may be an analysis of specific data collected by the student on the problem under study, an analysis of materials from the media, detailed analysis the problem proposed by the teacher with detailed explanations and analysis of examples illustrating the problem under study, etc. The requirements for an essay can be transformed depending on a particular discipline, however, the quality of the work should be assessed according to the following criteria: independence of execution, the ability to argue positions and conclusions, validity, clarity, conciseness, originality of the problem statement, the level of mastery of the topic and presentation of the material (validity of the selection of material, the use of primary sources, the ability to independently comprehend the facts, the structure and logic of presentation). Abstracts of articles, paragraphs and chapters or the full text of brochures, books are evaluated taking into account the labor invested in their preparation. They are not replaced by work plans or a completely rewritten text: the student must learn to select the main. The abstract is written in a notebook with the designation of the owner's surname. The author of the book (article), place and year of publication must be indicated, and the pages where the outlined text is located are marked in the margins. The quality of the abstract increases when the student accompanies it with his own comments, diagrams or tables. Summary of the report (abstract), lecture read in preparation for the seminar. Should reflect the main ideas of the heard message. The ability to “fold information” using symbols, diagrams, symbols is assessed.

28 Abstract creative research work based primarily on the study of a significant amount of scientific and other literature on the research topic. Other methods of research can, of course, be applied (and should be encouraged), but it is sufficient to work with literary sources and own reflections related to the topic. The purpose of writing an essay is to instill in the student the skills of a concise and concise presentation materials collected and facts in accordance with the requirements for scientific reports, reviews and articles. Course work is a type of independent written work aimed at the creative development of general professional and specialized professional disciplines (modules) and the development of relevant professional competencies. Volume term paper and the requirements for its implementation are determined by the Regulations. Depending on the amount of time allotted for the task, course work may have a different creative focus. When writing a term paper, the student must fully disclose the chosen topic, follow the logic of the presentation of the material, show the ability to make generalizations and conclusions. The term paper should consist of an introduction, the main part, a conclusion and a list of references. In the introduction, the author briefly substantiates the relevance of the topic, the structure of the work and gives an overview of the literature used. The main part reveals the essence of the chosen topic; the main part may consist of two or more chapters (sections); At the end of each section, brief conclusions are drawn. The conclusion summarizes the work done and draws general conclusions. In the list of used literature, all publications used by the author are indicated. When assessing the level of course work, in accordance with the goals set for this type of educational activity, the following skills and competencies can be controlled: - the ability to work with objects of study, critical sources, reference and encyclopedic literature; - the ability to collect and systematize practical material;

29 - the ability to independently comprehend the problem on the basis of existing methods; - the ability to logically and competently state their own conclusions and conclusions; - the ability to comply with the form of scientific research; - ability to use global information resources; - possession modern means telecommunications; - ability and readiness to use the main application software; - the ability to substantiate and build an a priori model of the object or process under study; - the ability to create a meaningful presentation of the work performed. Scientific and educational reports on internships are a specific form of written work that allows the student to summarize their knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the passage of basic and specialized educational production, scientific and industrial practices and research. Reports on basic and specialized educational practices can be compiled collectively with the indication of the participation of each student in writing the report. Reports on production, research and production practices and R&D are prepared individually. The volume of reports can be pages, the structure of the report is close to the structure of the course work. Properly formulated requirements for the content, design and protection of scientific and educational reports on practices can provide a good example of a new “integral” or systematic approach to assessing the level of skills acquired by a student, universal and professional competencies. At the same time, in addition to the skills and abilities listed above, acquired during the course work, the following competencies can be controlled: - the ability to work independently and as part of a team; - willingness to cooperate, tolerance; - the ability to organize the work of performers; - ability to make managerial decisions;

Autonomous non-profit organization higher education"Moscow Regional Socio-Economic Institute" The regulation was approved by the Scientific Council of the MRSEI Minutes 2 of September 15, 2017 I approve

1 2.5 In accordance with the requirements of the standard for attesting students for the compliance of their personal achievements with the step-by-step requirements of the relevant EP, a FOS is created to conduct ongoing monitoring

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "NATIONAL RESEARCH TOMSK POLYTECHNICAL

REGULATIONS on the Fund of Evaluation Funds for Conducting Current Monitoring of Academic Performance, Intermediate Attestation of Students and State Final (Final) Attestation of Graduates in Educational Programs

Draft REGULATION on the formation of a fund of evaluation funds for the current monitoring of academic performance, intermediate and final (state final) certification of students in higher educational programs

1.6 These Regulations are mandatory for execution by all departments of the University that ensure the implementation of the educational process in the relevant EP VO. 2. The purpose and objectives of the creation of the WCF 2.1 The purpose of the creation

MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "KUBAN STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY"

1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State University” (FGBOU VO “PSU”) APPROVED by the Academic Council of the University

APPROVED by the Rector of the PEI "CHIEP them. M.V. Ladoshin” G.I. Ladoshina (signature) 2015 M.P. On the formation of a fund of evaluation tools for quality control Head of Education Quality Management Department

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The regulation on the formation of funds for evaluation funds for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students in the SibUPK is drawn up in accordance with the following

The meaningful independent work of students is determined by federal standards higher education, work programs academic disciplines(modules), educational and methodological complexes of disciplines

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) in the Azov-Chernomorsky engineering institute branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Donskoy State Agrarian University (hereinafter

About the organization of the current control of progress in FSBEI HPE "Kursk State University" 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The purpose of this provision is to substantiate the organization and methodology for conducting the current

Training in the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, corresponding to the direction of training (specialty). 2.2 Tasks of the FOS in the discipline: - control of the process of mastering the level of formation of competencies by postgraduate students

2. Purpose and scope 2.1. The regulation defines the fund of assessment tools (hereinafter FOS) as a set of methodological and control and measuring materials, assessment tools designed to determine

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This Regulation establishes the procedure for development, requirements for the structure, content and design, as well as the procedure for approving the funds of evaluation funds (hereinafter FOS) for certification

1 General provisions 1.1 This Regulation establishes the procedure for the development, examination and storage of the fund of appraisal funds, and also indicates the requirements for the structure, content and design of the fund of appraisal

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tambov State Technical University" ACCEPTED for

With changes approved and approved by the Decision of the Academic Council of the FGBOU HE IPCC protocol 1 dated 08/28/2017 With changes approved and approved by the Decision of the Academic Council of the FGBOU HE IPCC dated 01/30/2017

APPROVED by the order of Russian Railways JSC dated September 13, 2013, 1960r STANDARD PROVISIONS on the organization of monitoring the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in training center professional qualifications of the iron

1.2. This Regulation is a local regulatory act of the Chita Institute (branch) of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Baikal State

Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution "Perm Oil College" "APPROVED" Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Perm Oil College"

5. Evaluation of the results of mastering the main professional educational program 5.1. Monitoring and evaluation of students' achievements The quality of training of students and graduates is assessed in two ways:


Annex 4 to Order 29/3 dated 03/03/2017 REGULATION on the procedure for the development and approval of control and measuring materials of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary general education

3 Terms and definitions 3.1 Fund of assessment tools (hereinafter FOS) didactic component of the work program of the discipline, practice program, scientific research, final (state final) certification


Annex to the order of 01/09/2017 4 adm REGULATIONS ON THE FUND OF EVALUATION FACILITIES of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Saint Petersburg Mining University"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

2 Contents 1 Scope 4 2 Normative references 4 3 Purpose and objectives. 4 4 Formation and approval of the WCF 5 5 Responsibility for the formation of the WCF ... 6 6 Improvement .. 7 Annex A (mandatory). A.1 Form

1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. Regulations on the fund of appraisal funds of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kuban State University of Physical Culture,

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "SYKTYVKAR STATE UNIVERSITY"

1 out of 21 state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Kemerovo State Medical Academy" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation I APPROVE

FUNDS OF EVALUATION FACILITIES OF current and intermediate control in the direction of training 38.03.01 "Economics" Profile: "Finance and credit" Evaluation of the results of the formation of competencies within the discipline

Development of cognitive abilities and activity of students: creative initiative, independence, responsibility and organization; - formation of independence of professional thinking:

1. General provisions 1.1. Regulations on the formation of a fund of appraisal funds (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) of the federal state budgetary professional educational institution "Kaltan Special

1. General Provisions. The main feature of the federal state educational standards for higher professional education of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education is the focus not on the content, but on the result of education,

1. General provisions 1.1 This provision determines the procedure and content of the current control of knowledge, skills, the level of formation of professional and general competencies of students under the program of professional


REGULATION Regulations on the current monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students in the PEI DEVELOPER: E.A. Ivanova Deputy Director for educational and methodological work 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. Position

Systematization and deepening of theoretical and practical knowledge in the direction of training (specialty), their use in solving specific practical problems; development and demonstration of independent

The regulation was reviewed and agreed upon at a meeting of the Council of the technical school protocol 1 dated September 19, 2015. 1. General provisions 1.1. The regulation on the educational and methodological complex is intended to introduce uniform requirements

1 This Regulation on the formation of a fund of assessment funds for ongoing monitoring of academic performance and intermediate certification of students in the State Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan "College of Arts of the Komi Republic" (hereinafter - the Regulation)


ADOPTED At the College Council protocol 76 dated November 07, 2014. REGULATION on the formation of a fund of assessment funds for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students of the GPOU

Annex A (informative) Control methods Oral control methods - survey; - interview; - colloquium; - seminar; etc. Methods of written control Written control is used in all types of

Quality management system 2 of 8 Effective from the moment of approval CONTENTS Adopted at the meeting of the Academic Council Minutes 3 dated September 30, 2015 Name 1. Normative references 2.

REGULATION - 2016 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education IRKUTSK NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNICAL

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "PETROZAVODSK STATE UNIVERSITY" (PetrSU) ronin


1. Purpose and scope This provision applies to the activities of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Additional Professional Education "St.


CONTENTS of the section Section name Page 1 2 3 1 Purpose and scope 3 2 Normative references 3 3 Terms, designations and abbreviations 4 4 General provisions 6 5 Contents of appraisal funds

"APPROVED" Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Synthetic polymer materials them. N.S. Enikolopova Russian Academy sciences corresponding member. RAS A.N..Ozerin ACCEPTED

Regulations on the organization and control of extracurricular (independent) work of graduate students 1. General provisions 1.1. This provision has been developed taking into account the introduction into the educational process of the main professional

TOGBPOU "Construction College" Considered and adopted I APPROVE: at a meeting of the pedagogical Director of the TOGBPOU College Council "Construction College" Protocol 4 A. I. Ananiev dated 03/14/2016 Order 38


GBPOU DZM approval of the training program 1 15 Per. 103 ^D RE RZH D A U GBPOU DZM 1 "" REGULATIONS on the Procedure for the Development and Approval of the Training Program in the State Budget Vocational Educational

Department of Education and Science of the Bryansk Region

State budget educational institution

Primary vocational education

"Vocational School No. 38"

Methodical development

On the topic of:

« Fund of appraisal funds»

Makarenkova N.P.

Rognedino village


1. Introduction

The FOS OBEP is formed immediately after the goals of the educational program are determined and its components are developed, in particular, the work programs for UD and PM.

FOS OPOP - a set of methodological materials, forms and procedures for current monitoring of knowledge, intermediate certification for each academic discipline (hereinafter - UD) and professional module (hereinafter - PM), state (final) certification, providing an assessment of the conformity of educational results (knowledge, skills, practical experience and competencies) of students and graduates to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard NGO / SPO.

The FOS of the OPOP of a profession/specialty is formed from sets of control and evaluation tools (hereinafter referred to as CBS sets), created in accordance with the work programs of UD and PM.

CBS kits are brought to the attention of students during the first two months from the start of training.

CBS sets are an obligatory part of the OPOP of the profession / specialty of educational and methodological complexes (hereinafter - EMC) UD and PM.

2. The purpose and objectives of creating a FOS OPOP of a profession/specialty

FOS OBEP are created to certify students for the compliance of their personal achievements (knowledge, skills and acquired competencies) with the step-by-step requirements of the relevant OBEP (current control and intermediate certification), to establish, during the certification tests of graduates who have completed the development of the OBEP profession / specialty, the fact of compliance / non-compliance the level of their preparation to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of NGOs / SPO (state (final) certification).

Tasks of the FOS OPOP of the profession/specialty:

  1. control and management of the process of acquiring by students the necessary knowledge, skills, practical experience and mastering the competencies defined by the Federal State Educational Standard of the NGO/SPO;
  2. control and management of the achievement of the objectives of the OBOR, defined as a set of general and professional competencies (hereinafter - OK and PC) of graduates;
  3. assessment of the achievements of students in the process of studying UD and PM, highlighting positive / negative results and planning preventive / corrective measures;
  4. ensuring the correspondence of learning outcomes to the tasks of future professional activity through the improvement of traditional and implementation innovative methods learning;
  5. achieving such a level of control and management of the quality of education, which would ensure the recognition of the qualifications of graduates by employers in the industry.

3. Evaluation of the results of mastering the OBOR of a profession/specialty

Evaluation of the results of mastering the educational program includes:

  1. ongoing monitoring of progress;
  2. intermediate certification;
  3. state (final) certification.

The current control of progress is a check of the assimilation of educational material, regularly carried out throughout the semester. At the same time, the emphasis is on establishing a detailed, real picture of the achievements and the success of the students in mastering the work program of UD and PM at a given point in time.

Current monitoring of students' progress can be carried out in the following forms:

  1. survey (oral or written);
  2. performance of laboratory, settlement-graphic, creative and other works;
  3. test;
  4. testing;
  5. protection of the results of independent work (abstract, project, research work and etc.);
  6. other.

Intermediate certification is carried out at the end of the semester and can complete the study of both UD or PM as a whole, and a separate section (sections).

Such control helps to assess larger sets of knowledge and skills, in some cases even the formation of certain PCs. Intermediate certification sums up the work of students during the semester or academic year. Its results are the basis for certain administrative conclusions (transfer or not transfer to the next course, the appointment of a scholarship, etc.). At the same time, the knowledge and skills of the student are not necessarily subject to control again: intermediate certification can be carried out based on the results of the current control (test or exam “automatically”).

The main forms of intermediate certification are:

  1. offset;
  2. differentiated offset;
  3. exam.

The state (final) certification (hereinafter referred to as the GIA) serves to check the quality of the development of the BRI as a whole. It is carried out with the participation of external experts, including employers, and allows you to fully evaluate the OC and PC acquired by students.

The form of the GIA is the preparation and defense of the final qualifying work (thesis, graduation project), the subject, which must correspond to the content of one or more PM.

4. Structure and content of the FOS OPOP of the profession/specialty

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of NGOs / SPO, the assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates is carried out in two main directions:

  1. assessment of the level of mastering disciplines;
  2. assessment of students' competencies.

In this regard, CBS should include tests, standardized tests, standard tasks and other assessment tools to assess knowledge, skills and the level of acquired competencies.

Evaluation tools accompanying the implementation of each OBOR profession/specialty should be a tool not only for evaluation, but also for training.

The structural elements of the FOS OBOR are:

  1. FOS passport;
  2. CBS kits developed according to EA and PM, designed to assess skills and knowledge, the formation of competencies at certain stages of mastering the BRI;
  3. a program for monitoring the results of mastering the BRI of a profession/specialty;
  4. recommendations for updating CBS kits taking into account the results of monitoring;
  5. requirements for the qualification of developers of KOS kits.

Structural elements of KOS UD are:

  1. samples of evaluation tools intended for the implementation of input control;
  2. samples of evaluation tools intended for the implementation of current control;
  3. samples of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students (typical, non-standard tasks (tasks), problem situations, scenarios of business games corresponding to future professional activities, etc.);
  4. samples of evaluation tools for the final control of students.

Structural elements of KOS PM are:

KOS MDK kit, which includes:

  1. explanatory note (passport),
  2. samples of evaluation tools intended for the implementation of input control,
  3. samples of evaluation tools intended for the implementation of current control,
  4. samples of evaluation tools intended for the implementation of boundary control (sections of the MDK),
  5. samples of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students (typical, non-standard tasks (tasks), problem situations, scenarios of business games corresponding to future professional activities, etc.),
  6. samples of evaluation tools for the final control of students;

A set of KOS educational and industrial practice (hereinafter - UE and PP), which includes:

  1. explanatory note (passport);
  2. educational practice program;
  3. internship program;
  4. guidelines for compiling a practice report;
  5. an example of keeping a diary of an internship.

The set of CBS for the state (final) certification (hereinafter referred to as the GIA) has the following structure:

  1. explanatory note;
  2. GIA program, including: requirements for registration of the procedure and protection, criteria for evaluating the final qualification work.

The CBS sets of each DM and PM should provide verification of the assimilation of specific elements of the educational material of the work program of the DM/PM/PM and RP.

Each assessment tool in the OBOR FOS should be accompanied by indicators/assessment criteria.

5. Formation and approval of the FOS OPOP profession / specialty

The FOS OPOP of the profession/specialty is formed on the key principles of assessment:

  1. validity (objects of assessment should correspond to the set learning objectives);
  2. reliability (use of uniform standards and criteria for evaluating achievements);
  3. equity (providing students with different levels of learning equal opportunities to succeed);
  4. timeliness (providing feedback);
  5. efficiency (correspondence of the performance results to the tasks set).

When forming the CBS, their compliance should be ensured:

  1. GEF NGO/SPO of the relevant profession/specialty;
  2. the curriculum and OBEP of the relevant profession/specialty;
  3. work program UD and PM;
  4. educational technologies used in teaching UD and PM.

The purpose of each control task and means determines its use to measure the level of achievement by students of the established learning outcomes on one topic (section) and / or a set of topics (sections), UD and PM as a whole.

Each evaluation tool in the CRP must be accompanied by indicators and evaluation criteria.

The CBS must necessarily include the evaluation tools specified in section 2 of the work program UD / PM “Content and structure of the discipline / module”.

The development of other procedures, means of control and evaluation, their inclusion in the CBS is carried out by the decision of the teacher (s), the leader (s) of UD and PM.

KOS are developed for each UD and PM. The expediency of developing a single set for the same name UD or PM for various professions/specialties is determined by the decision of the methodological/subject-cycle commission (hereinafter - MC/PCC), which provides teaching UD/PM.

6. Approaches to the formation of CBS (assessment of development results) PM

The result of mastering the PM is the readiness to perform the corresponding type of activity and the PCs that provide it, as well as the development of the OK provided for the BRI as a whole.

The final form of control for PM is the qualification exam. The assessment of mastering the PM involves demonstrating or confirming that the student is ready to perform the specified type of professional activity and the formation of his competencies, defined in the section “Requirements for the results of mastering the OBEP” of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NGO / SPO. The result of the check is an unambiguous decision: "the type of professional activity is mastered / not mastered."

The final certification for the PM (examination (qualification)) is ideally carried out as an external assessment procedure with the participation of representatives of the employer. In the future, it can be supplemented by a voluntary certification procedure (an independent external assessment).

The condition for admission to the exam (qualification) is the successful mastering by students of all elements of the PM program: the theoretical part of the module (MDK) and practices. It is possible to conduct an intermediate certification according to individual elements PM programs. In this case, the recommended form of certification for educational and / or industrial practice is a differentiated test (DZ), for MDT - an exam (E) or a differentiated test (DZ).

The tasks of the current and midterm control in PM (certification by MDT and practice) are the assessment of the formation of competency elements (knowledge and skills), individual competencies, followed by aggregation (combining individual data into a single indicator) of assessments.

The results of intermediate and final control on PM are the same, but not identical. The control of the development of the MDT and the passage of practice is aimed at assessing the learning outcomes. The subject of evaluation activity here is an educational institution. Control of the development of PM as a whole is aimed at determining the level of qualification. The subject of appraisal activity is the employer. Different focus and different subjects of control require different verification tools.

7. Algorithm for developing KOS PM

It is advisable to start the development of the content with an analysis, if necessary, adjustments and clarifications.performance evaluation indicatorsgiven in section 5 of the module program.

In the process of analysis, special attention should be paid to the correctness of the formulation of indicators. An indicator of the development of competence can be a product or process of practical activity. If the result indicator is a product of practical activity, then a reference to the quality standard of this product (for example, GOST) should be provided. If the indicator of the result is the process of practical activity, then the criterion will be the correspondence of the learned activity algorithms to the given one (regulations, time parameters, etc.). At the same time, the evaluation criteria are based on the stage-by-stage control of the process of completing the task.

If there is no normatively fixed standard of a product or process (for example, GOST), it is possible to use the qualitative characteristics of the product or process (correctness, accuracy, etc.), but in this case it is necessary to establish criteria for them. The evaluation indicator can also be the justification of the students for their actions.

You can formulate the performance indicators as follows:

Activity Product Evaluation

Evaluation of the process of activity


  1. Correspondence (for example, window dressing, display stands, aesthetic display of goods, color scheme) withobsession and rules(formulation of trade offers)
  2. Correspondence (for example, simple questionnaires to collect quantitative and qualitative information) goals and objectives (survey)
  3. WITH compliance with the requirements for(structure when compiling simple declarations);
  4. Achievement (set goals and objectives)
  1. Correspondence (technological requirements, SNiP, SanPiN, GOST, etc.)
  2. WITH matching stages(for example, determining malfunctions and the scope of work of the car, its units and systems) instruction card
  3. Implementation of all forms of banquet services according With professional standards service
  4. Compliance technological sequence (route, algorithm)
  5. Fulfillment of requirements(for example, safety regulations during disassembly, assembly of components, assemblies of the car and troubleshooting);
  6. Usage new technologies (or their elements) with ...
  7. Execution ... using new (please specify) technologies (or their elements)


Evaluation of the process and product of activity during observation (verification):

  1. Accuracy (correctness)selection (for example, materials for ..., mode ...); accuracy (e.g. diagnostics, definitions, calculations)

Note . The word "correctness" can be used if the criteria for correctness are unambiguous

  1. Accuracy and speed(for example, reading blueprints)
  2. Speed ​​and technicalityperforming all types of work (for example, serving visitors to food establishments)
  3. Timeliness(for example, the provision of emergency first aid in terminal conditions)
  4. Efficiencyinformation retrieval
  5. Correctness (rationality)allocation of time to complete the task

Evaluation of the student's rationale for choosing a solution:

  1. Argumentation(for example, the benefits of a trade offer)
  2. Validity (for example, selection and design of commercial advertising information for consumers)
  3. Adequacy (e.g. method evaluations…)
  4. Clarity and reasoning(for example, expressing one's own opinion)
  5. Completeness and accessibility(for example, recommendations to the consumer in oral and written form, in Russian and foreign languages);

It is expedient to compile the list of indicators taking into account the skills and knowledge available in the structure of the BRI that correspond to this type of activity. It should be remembered that competence is not reducible to a separate skill or knowledge, which means that the indicators of its formation should be of a complex nature.

Indicator statements should not:

  1. duplicate the wording of competence, for example:
  1. contain the words “skill”, “skill”, since skill and skill cannot be indicators of themselves, for example:
  1. use the words “knowledge”, “presentation”, since knowledge and presentation does not yet mean mastery of competence: you can know, but not be able to apply this knowledge in an outside educational, non-typical situation, for example:

OK is the result of mastering a holistic BEP. When studying one or another PM and / or UD, general educational, communicative, organizational, analytical skills are formed that ensure the development of OK, therefore, to determine the indicators for their assessment in the PM program, it is necessary:

  1. Determine what contribution to the formation of each OK makes the study of PM, i.e. what general skills does he form(not only the content itself can and should be taught, but also the organization of training, the methods used, forms, atmosphere).
  2. Determine indicators for assessing OK, taking into account the specifics of the content of the PM and the time of its study. For example:


Key indicators of training outcomes

Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality

The rationality of planning and organizing activities for ...(indicate taking into account the specifics of the content of the PM),

Timely delivery of assignments, reports, etc.

Compliance with selected methods(carrying out marketing research) their goals and objectives

Validity of goal setting, selection and application of methods and methods of conducting (lesson (lesson));

The formulation of indicators for evaluating the result is carried out taking into account the rules:


small numbers;

The predominant use of forms from verbal nouns (correspondence, fulfillment, choice, organization, calculation ...).

After clarification of the indicators are developedtypical tasks for the exam (qualification) by PM.

Tasks can be designed to test both PC and OK, as well as a comprehensive test of competencies. Before starting the formation of tasks, it is necessary to group the OK and the PC so that the task simultaneously implies the verification of both groups of competencies. It is also advisable to highlight in the list of OKs those that can be verified only on the basis of the portfolio.

Typical tasks should be competency-oriented, complex. It should be remembered that competence is manifested in the willingness to apply knowledge, skills and abilities in situations that are not identical to those in which they were formed. This means that tasks are aimed at solving not educational, but professional problems. The content of tasks should be as close as possible to situations of professional activity.

Types of control and evaluation tasks for assessing the results of the development of PM



Options, varieties



Finished product manufacturing

Practice-oriented project

Making a working model of the mechanism

Development of a method for preventing the disease

creative project

Making an object of arts and crafts


Assembly (disassembly) of the whole from individual elements

Job with redundant item set

Job with an insufficient set of elements

Task to change the system by replacing part of the elements or their relative position, interconnection

Assembling the mechanism (with checking it for operability)


Identification of a problem, pattern, trend, involving independent work with information sources

Scientific research

Technological research

Forecasting the development of the situation

Diagnostics of a technical device with the definition of a breakdown (defect)


Demonstration of professional activity as a specialist

"Field" option

Imitation game option

"Surrendering the test at the bedside of the patient."

A group simulation game that includes the roles of all participants in the technological process.


Formation of proposals within the framework of professional activities to resolve a specific problem situation

"Case method"

Suggest the best way to solve the pedagogical problem at school.

The development of standard tasks should be accompanied by the establishment of criteria for their evaluation. The set of evaluation criteria can be drawn up as an expert sheet.

The formulation of typical tasks should include requirements for the conditions for their implementation (place of implementation - educational / industrial practice or directly an exam (qualification); the time allotted for completing the task, the need to monitor the process of completing the task, sources that can be used, etc.). The choice of conditions also depends on what type of evidence that the result is achieved by the student is considered reliable.

In the explanatory note (passport) of the CBS, it is necessary to indicate and justify the preferred form of the exam (qualification): completion of a case assignment, defense of a course project. The choice of a course project as a form of examination is possible in the case when its implementation is associated with the target order of employers, relies on work experience in practice, reflects the level of mastering the competencies assigned to the module. If, with this option of conducting the exam, it becomes necessary to additionally check the formation of individual competencies, it is necessary to provide appropriate tasks.

Tasks for the exam (qualification) can be of 3 types:

Tasks focused on checking the development of the type of activity as a whole;

Tasks that check the development of a group of competencies corresponding to a specific section of the module;

Tasks that test individual competencies within a professional module.

In the course of developing the content of typical tasks, the indicators for evaluating the results of mastering the PM are being refined.

Development standard tasks for step-by-step verification of the MDT and the results of the internshipperformed subject to the following provisions.

When compiling assignments, it must be borne in mind that professionally significant information for mastering the type of professional activity is assessed, aimed at the formation of the PC indicated in Table 3.1. PM programs, as well as OK.

Tasks to check the assimilation of the required amount of information should also be of a complex practice-oriented nature.

The test for educational and (or) work practice can be set on the basis of the data of the certification sheet (characteristics of the professional activity of the student in practice) indicating the types of work performed by the student during the practice, their volume, quality of performance in accordance with the technology and (or) requirements of the organization where the practice took place.

Indicative list of evaluation tools

No. p / p

Name of the evaluation tool

Brief description of the evaluation tool

Presentation of the evaluation tool to the CRP

Business and/or role play

Joint activity of a group of students and a teacher under the control of a teacher in order to solve educational and professionally oriented tasks through game simulation of a real problem situation. Allows you to evaluate the ability to analyze and solve typical professional problems.

Description of the topic (problem), concept, role and expected outcome of the game

Tasks for independent work

A means of testing skills to apply the acquired knowledge according to a predetermined methodology for solving problems or assignments for a module or discipline as a whole.

Job set


A means of monitoring the assimilation of the educational material of a topic, section or sections of a discipline, organized as a training session in the form of an interview between a teacher and students.

Questions on topics / sections of the discipline

Case tasks

A problematic task in which the student is asked to comprehend the real professionally oriented situation necessary to solve this problem.

Set of case tasks


A tool for testing skills to apply the acquired knowledge to solve problems of a certain type on a topic or section

A set of control tasks by options

Round table, discussion, controversy, dispute, debate

Evaluation tools that allow students to be included in the process of discussing a controversial issue, problems and assess their ability to argue their own point of view.

List of discussion topics for holding round table, discussion, controversy, dispute, debate


Targeted selection of student's work, revealing his/her individual educational achievements in one or more academic disciplines.

Portfolio Structure

Computer testing programs

Electronic workshop

Virtual Labs

Means that allow you to quickly obtain objective information about the assimilation of controlled material by students, the ability to present this information in detail and personified

List of computer tests, electronic workshops,

virtual labs


The final product resulting from the planning and execution of a set of educational and research tasks. Allows you to assess the ability of students to independently construct their knowledge in the process of solving practical problems and problems, navigate in the information space and the level of formation of analytical, research skills, skills of practical and creative thinking. Can be done individually or by a group of students.

Topics for group and/or individual projects


A didactic complex designed for independent work of a student and allowing him to assess the level of assimilation of educational material.

Sample workbook

Multi-level tasks and tasks

Distinguish tasks and tasks:

a) introductory, allowing to evaluate and diagnose knowledge of factual material (basic concepts, algorithms, facts) and the ability to correctly use special terms and concepts, recognition of objects of study within a certain section of the discipline;

b) reproductive level, allowing to assess and diagnose the ability to synthesize, analyze, generalize factual and theoretical material with the formulation of specific conclusions, the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;

c) a productive level that allows assessing and diagnosing skills, integrating knowledge of various fields, arguing one's own point of view, and performing problem tasks.

A set of multi-level tasks and tasks


The product of the student's independent work, which is summary in writing the results of a theoretical analysis of a certain scientific (educational and research) topic, where the author reveals the essence of the problem under study, gives different points of view, as well as his own views on it.

Essay topics

Message / Report

The product of the student's independent work, which is a public performance on the presentation of the results of solving a specific educational, practical, educational, research or scientific topic

Topics of reports, messages


A means of control, organized as a special conversation between a teacher and a student on topics related to the discipline being studied, and designed to clarify the amount of knowledge of the student in a particular section, topic, problem, etc.

Questions on topics/sections UD, PM

Typical task

Standard tasks that allow you to test the ability to solve both educational and professional problems. The content of tasks should correspond as much as possible to the types of professional activity

Set of typical tasks

Creative task

Partially regulated task, having custom solution and allows diagnosing skills, integrating knowledge of various fields, and arguing one's own point of view. Can be done individually or by a group of students.

Topics for group and/or individual creative assignments


A system of standardized tasks that allows you to automate the procedure for measuring the level of knowledge and skills of a student.

Set of test tasks

Training apparatus

A technical tool that can be used to control the professional skills and abilities acquired by a student in managing a specific material object.

A set of tasks for working on the simulator


A tool that allows you to evaluate the student's ability to write down the essence of the problem, to independently analyze this problem using the concepts and analytical tools of the relevant discipline, to draw conclusions that summarize the author's position on the problem.

Essay topics

A set of control and evaluation tools for the academic discipline



(code, name)


Explanatory note

A set of control and evaluation tools (hereinafter referred to as CBS) by discipline

(code, name of discipline)

is intended for the implementation of current control and intermediate certification of students.


* The name of the topic (section) or topics (sections) must correspond to the work program of the discipline.

Cover form for exam papers

tickets by UD/MDK


Speciality (code, name):


Group: No.____

Semester: №___


Considered at the meeting of the MC/PCC __________________________________________________________


Chairman of the MC/PCC ____________/_________________________/

Signature Signature transcript

Examination Form

ticket by UD/MDK


Speciality (code, name):


1. Question (task No. 1)………………………………………………………….………...

2. Question (task No. 2)………………………………………….………………………...

3. * …………………………………………………………………………………………..

Signature Signature transcript

* The practical (th) task/task is included at the discretion of the teacher. It is considered and approved at the meeting of the MC/PCC. The criteria for assessing the discipline developed by the teacher and approved at the meeting of the MC/PCC are attached to the set of examination tickets.

Criteria for evaluation:

Exam List Form

questions on UD/MDK


by discipline/MDK "____________________________________________________________"

specialty ______________________________________________, ____ course

  1. Question title
  2. Question title
  3. Title of the question

Teacher ______________________ /_________________________/

Signature Signature transcript

Considered at the meeting of the MC/PCC ______________________________________


Protocol No. __ dated "___" _______ 20__

Chairman of the MC/PCC ____________ /_________________________/

Signature Signature transcript

"____" __________________ 20__

Making an assignment for

business (role-playing) game

Business (role-playing) game

(name of the discipline)

1. Topic (problem) …………………………………………………………………….


2. Game concept …………………………………………………………………….


3. Roles:

- …………………………………………………………………………………..………;

- …………………………………………………………………………………………...

4. Expected result(s):………………………………………...…………….


  1. Criteria for evaluation:

Making a case task

Case task

by discipline________________________________________________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ______________________________________



3. ………………………………………………………

Criteria for evaluation:

Making questions for

interviews, testimonials

Questions for an interview

by discipline_________________________________________________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ______________________________________


Chapter ……………………….…………………………………………………………….

1. . …………………………………………………………………………………...……..

2. ………………………………………………………………………………..………….

n ….……………………………………………………………………………………..

Chapter ……………………….…..………………………………………………………...

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………...

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………...

n ……………….…………………………………………………………………………..

Criteria for evaluation:

Making a set of tasks

for control work

Set of tasks for control work

by discipline ______________________________________________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ____________________________________________________



Option 1

Subject ……………………………………………………………….………………………………………

Option 2 …………………………………………………………..…..…………………………………

Exercise 1 ……………………………………………………………...………………………………..…

Criteria for evaluation:

Making a list of topics

Course projects on UD / PM

Topics of course projects (works)

Specialty (code, name): _____________________________________________________


Group: ___________

Form of education: (full-time, part-time)




Topic of the course project (work)

Criteria for evaluation:

Making themes for the round table

List of discussion topics for the round table

(discussion, controversy, dispute, debate)

by discipline ____ ________________________________ ___________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ______________________________________


1. ……………...……………………………………………………………………………..


n. ……….……………………………..…………………………………………………….

Criteria for evaluation:

Making a task

for portfolio

by discipline _____ ____________________________________ _________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): _______________________________________________


1. Portfolio title __________________________________________________

2.Typeportfolio ___________________________________________________

(documents, works, reviews, mixed)

  1. Checked OK

OK, which are subject to



result evaluation

4. Portfolio structure(invariant and variable parts):

5. Portfolio evaluation criteriaare contained in the methodological recommendations for compiling a portfolio.

Registration of group and / or

individual creative


Topics for group and/or individual creative assignments/projects**

by discipline___________________________________________________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ______________________________________


Group creative tasks (projects):

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………..……...

n …………………………………………………………………………………………..…

Individual creative tasks (projects):

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………….…

n ……………………………………………………………………………………..……

Criteria for evaluation:

Set design

assignments by type of work

A set of tasks to complete

independent work, work on the simulator, stand

by discipline____ ____________________________________ ________________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ______________________________________


Task (task) 1. …………………………………………………………………………

Task (task) 2. ……………………………………………………….………………...

Task (task) n. ……………………………………………………………………………

Criteria for evaluation:

Essay topic design

Essay Topics

(abstracts, reports, messages)

by discipline____________ ____________________________________ _________

(name of the discipline)

Specialty (code, name): ______________________________________


1. ………………………………………………………………………………………….....

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………….

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………...…..

… …………………………………………………………………………………………...

n. …………….……………………………………………………………………………....

Criteria for evaluation:

A set of control and evaluation tools for the professional module



SVE specialties/NGO professions


(code, name)

Explanatory note

The result of mastering the professional module __________________________

(code, name)

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ the readiness of the student to perform the type of professional activity _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and its constituent professional competencies (PC), as well as general competencies (OC) that are formed in the process of mastering the OBEP as a whole.

The form of attestation for the professional module is an exam (qualification). The result of the exam is an unambiguous decision: "the type of professional activity is mastered / not mastered."

FOR SPO: indicate the preferred form of the exam: the implementation of case tasks, the defense of a course project (for technical specialties). In the case of an exam in the form of defending a course project, it may be necessary to additionally check the formation of individual competencies. For this, appropriate tasks should be provided.

The evaluation tools used in CBS are presented in the table.

Module element

Controlled competency code

(or parts of it)


current control

Intermediate certification

Final control





1. Evaluation of the development of the MDT__________________________________________

(code, name)

Samples of registration of evaluation tools are presented in Appendix 2.

2. Evaluation of educational and (or) work practice

A differentiated credit for educational and (or) work practice is set on the basis of the data of the certification sheet (characteristics of the professional activity of the student during the practice) indicating the types of work performed by the student, their volume, quality of performance in accordance with the technology and (or) requirements of the organization, in which the practice took place.

Form of certification sheet

Certification sheet

(characteristic of the professional activity of the student during the educational / industrial practice)

1. Full name of the student, group number, specialty / profession _____________________

2. Name, legal address of the place of practice (organization), ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Time of the practice __________________________________________

4. Types and scope of work performed by students during practice:



5. Quality of work performed in accordance with the technology and (or) requirements of the organization in which the practice took place


"___" ____________ 20___ _____________________ /_________________/


____________________________ / ________________________/

Signatures of the head of practice, representative of the organization

3. The structure of the CBS for the exam (qualification)

Tasks for Ek are formed in 3 ways:

1. Tasks focused on checking the development of the type of activity (of the entire module) as a whole.

2. Tasks that check the development of a group of competencies corresponding to a specific section of the module.

PC1. Determine goals, objectives and plan work with parents.

OK2. Organize their own activities, determine methods for solving professional problems, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK4. Search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development.

Compliance of the prepared consultation plan with the required criteria.

Validity of the choice of the type, methods and techniques of counseling.

The validity of the choice and the optimality of the composition of the sources necessary to solve the problem.

Rational distribution of time for all stages of solving the problem

The coincidence of the results of self-analysis and expert analysis of the developed plan

  1. Assignment for the examiner. Option___________


Read the task carefully. You can use(specify what) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The time to complete the task is _____________.


Task text

  1. Examiner's Pack


The number of task options for the examiner is _______.

Task completion time - ______.

Equipment:________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Literature for the student:


Methodological aids:at least 5 out of 10 indicated.

Reference literature:at least 5 out of 10 indicated.

Criteria for evaluation

Completing the task:

- reference during the assignment to information sources;

- rational distribution of time to complete the task

It is obligatory to have the following stages of the task execution: familiarization with the task and work planning; receiving the information; product preparation; reflection on the completion of the task and correction of the prepared product before delivery.

Prepared product/implemented process

Characteristics of the product / process (evaluation criteria: description of the quality standard; a given algorithm; stages of the task completion process, etc.) and a mark of completion / non-completion. You can use one of the tables:

Portfolio Protection(if enabledVETo)

1. Type of portfolio ______________________________________________(portfolio of documents, portfolio of works, reflective portfolio, mixed type of portfolio)

2. Verifiable learning outcomes :__________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

3. Evaluation criteria:

Portfolio evaluation

1.3. Portfolio Requirements

by discipline_____ ____________________________________ __________________

(name of the discipline)

Speciality(code, name):__________________________________________


1. Portfolio name ___________________________________________________

2. Typeportfolio __________________________________________________________

(portfolio of documents, works, reviews, mixed)

  1. Checked PC OKs

OK and PC, which are subject to



result evaluation

OK2. Organize their own activities, determine methods for solving professional problems, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK4. Search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development.

The validity of the choice and the optimality of the composition of the sources necessary to solve the problem.

Rational distribution of time for all stages of solving the problem

The coincidence of the results of self-analysis and expert analysis of the developed plan

4. Portfolio structure (invariant and variable parts):

4.1. ………………………………………………………………………………………

4.2. ………………………………………………………………………………………


4.n …….………………………………………………………………………………..…

5. Evaluation criteria

Tested Competency Codes

Outcome evaluation indicators


(Not really)

General competencies:

Professional competencies:

This assessment tool should be accompanied by developed methodological recommendations for its compilation and use.

Indicate the codes of the checked OK, and also, possibly, the PC, the verification of which is not provided directly during the examination (qualification) for the PM.

This evaluation tool should be accompanied by developed methodological recommendations for its compilation, use and evaluation.

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Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Sverdlovsk Region

State budget educational institution

additional professional education in the Sverdlovsk region

"Institute for the Development of Education"

Department of Vocational Education

Development methodology

Funds for evaluation funds

The main professional educational program based on the Federal State Educational Standard

cand. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department

vocational education IRO

Yekaterinburg, 2011

Published by decision of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the IRO.

Minutes No. 3 dated 14.12.2011

Temnyatkina O.V. Methodology for the development of the Fund of Evaluation Funds of the Main Professional Educational Program based on the Federal State Educational Standard. Guidelines. Yekaterinburg, 2011.

The Guidelines are intended for managers and teachers of primary and secondary vocational education institutions implementing the Basic Professional Educational Programs based on the Federal State Educational Standards.

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Gerasimova M.A., Ph.D. ped. sciences, head. Department of Vocational Education of IRO,

Sapozhnikova I.A., Head of the Regional Resource Center, Deputy Director of GBOU SPO SO "Style", Yekaterinburg.

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………. 4

1. Development methodology modern system funds

and technologies for assessing educational

achievements of students on the basis of competence

approach………………………………………………………………………….. 5

1.1.Features of evaluation (diagnosis) of achievements

students based on a competency-based approach ………. ……….

1.2. The specifics of the definition of competencies…………………………. ……… 9

1.3.Classification of basic competencies. ……………………………….. eleven

1.4. Classification of general and professional competencies …………. 17

2. Features of the assessment of educational achievements

students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard……………... 28

2.1. Requirements of the Federal State Educational

standard of primary and secondary vocational education

to assess the quality of training of students……………………….. 28

2.2. The choice of methods for assessing educational

results of students in accordance with GEF………………………. 31

2.3. Test tasks to control educational

achievements of students and their features.…………………………….. 33

2.4. The structure of competence - oriented

tasks and requirements for its components…………………………………… 50

3. Assessment of the level of mastering knowledge and skills by students

within the framework of an academic discipline and an interdisciplinary course …..…. 54

4. Assessment of students' competencies……………………………………….. 63

4.1. Evaluation tools for diagnosing

emotional and psychological level

formation of competencies………………………………... ………… 67

4.2. Evaluation tools for diagnosing

regulatory level of formation of competencies…………………. 71

4.3 Evaluation tools for diagnosing

social level of formation of competencies………............................. 74

4.4. Evaluation tools for diagnosing

analytical level of formation of competencies………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… are there 77.

4.5. Evaluation tools for diagnosing

creative level of formation of competencies…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

4.6 Evaluation tools for diagnosing formation

competencies at the level of self-improvement ……. ………………… 92

5. Assessment of the level of formation

type of professional activity………………………………….. 94

6. Technologies for assessing educational achievements

during the state final certification of graduates………. 104

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………. 111

Literature ……………………………………………………………………….. 112


The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard - a new generation standard in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education involves changing, first of all, the result of education. Under educational outcomes the GEF standard refers to sets of competencies - general and professional - expressing what exactly a student will know, understand and be able to do after completing the development of an academic discipline, a professional module or the entire Basic professional educational program in a profession or specialty.

Expressing the results of education in terms of competencies helps to strengthen the personal orientation of the educational process, adequately corresponding to the new conditions and prospects for the development of a competitive and dynamic economy based on knowledge.

Defining the results of education in the form of a target, basic function of the vocational education system means a transition to a student-centered model of specialist training, when the emphasis is shifted from the content (what is taught) to the result (what competencies the student will master, what he will know and be ready to do). Focusing the educational process on the achievement of a given educational result by students makes the teacher and student equal subjects of the educational process with their own tasks and responsibilities, but with a single educational goal. It is this model of education that is recognized as a priority by the countries participating in the Bologna process in building the European space for vocational education.

The introduction of the new standard since September 2011 exacerbates the need to develop Funds of assessment tools as a basis for ensuring the implementation of the Basic Professional Education Program and assessing the quality of graduate training in a competency-based format.

It becomes relevant to consider the methodology for the development and implementation of a modern system of tools and technologies for current and intermediate certification of students (as an element of the system for monitoring the quality of education in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education), the modernization of the system of final state certification (assessment tools and certification technologies) of graduates of primary and secondary vocational education.

These methodological recommendations are devoted to the study of methodology and the development of a modern system of tools, technologies and methods for assessing the quality of training (educational outcomes and competencies) of students and graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions in a new competency-based paradigm.

1. Methodology for the development of a modern system of tools and technologies for assessing the educational achievements of students based on a competency-based approach.

1.1. Peculiarities of evaluation (diagnosing) of students' achievements on the basis of the competency-based approach.

The assessment of the quality of training in the new competence-methodological paradigm of vocational education requires the development of technologies for assessing the characteristics acquired by students that form their competencies.

The competence-based approach makes it possible to reveal the versatility of trainees' readiness, which includes, in addition to traditional titles and skills, a certain set of psychological, pedagogical and professionally significant characteristics, which are considered as variables of the pedagogical dimension in the assessment process.

These psychological and pedagogical characteristics of preparedness, reflecting an orientation towards cognitive learning and the development of creative abilities, in combination with the assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities can serve as a multidimensional assessment of the quality of students' educational achievements.

In turn, the most common variable assessed by traditional assessment tools or tests in the domestic professional school is the level of preparedness (the level of knowledge, skills, abilities), which, as a rule, does not reflect modern requirements to the quality of student training. This level is weakly focused on integral interdisciplinary knowledge due to its inherent one-dimensionality, which does not check the degree of mastery of competencies by graduates, including the ability to learn, the ability to analyze and synthesize, transfer knowledge and skills to new situations, generate ideas, etc.

Competences are formed and developed through the content of training, educational environment institutions and, mainly, educational technologies. In particular, the elements of creative activity contribute to the training of a generalist, the search for solutions to new problems associated with the lack of specific specialized knowledge and the lack of specific algorithms for solving problems of this class. The creative characteristics of a personality can be formed only in the process of modeling the student's quasi-real activity, which requires finding solutions to new problems, in which it is necessary to transfer knowledge, combinations, transform methods of activity and perform other creative procedures.









Methodical recommendations are intended for teaching staff educational institutions of secondary vocational education, implementing the main professional educational programs, reveal general approaches to the process of formation of funds for evaluation funds for specialties and professions of secondary vocational education.

Methodological recommendations define the requirements for the content of control and evaluation tools, contain information on the structure, procedure for the formation and execution of funds for evaluation tools. The appendices contain mock-ups of funds for assessment tools for the academic discipline and professional module, a mock-up of control and evaluation tools for the exam (qualification).


Specialties of secondary vocational education ...... 4

General provisions………………………………………………………4

Structure of FOS………………………………………………………… 5

The procedure for the formation of the WCF……………………………………… 6

General requirements for the content of CBS…………………………… 7

Responsibility for the formation of the WCF…………………………...9


Requirements for the design of the text………………………………….10

List of sources used ……………………………….10

Annex 1……………………………………………………………11

Appendix 2…………………………………………………………14

Annex 3…………………………………………………………18


In the context of the implementation of federal state educational standards, the control and evaluation of students' personal achievements become an important stage in the educational process.

At present, educational institutions of secondary vocational education create funds of assessment tools that provide an adequate assessment of the knowledge, skills and competencies of students. The activities of teaching staff in the development of assessment tools should be focused on strengthening their content and motivational components, and contribute to the formation of individual educational trajectories of students.

Systematic work on the creation of funds for evaluation tools contributes to the improvement of the qualifications of teaching staff in the field of pedagogical measurements, analysis and use of the results of evaluation procedures.

The developed recommendations define the requirements for the content of control and evaluation tools, contain information on the structure, procedure for the formation and execution of funds for evaluation tools. Applications can be used in the preparation of funds for evaluation tools and control and evaluation tools for an exam (qualification).

1. General Provisions

1.1. Recommendations for the formation of funds of assessment funds for the specialties of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as SVE) were developed in accordance with the federal state educational standards of secondary vocational education (hereinafter referred to as FSES SVE).

1.2. Evaluation Funds (hereinafter - FOS) are created to certify students for the compliance of their personal achievements with the step-by-step requirements of the relevant main professional educational program (hereinafter - BEP).

1.3. FOS is a set of control and evaluation tools (hereinafter referred to as COS) designed to assess the knowledge, skills and competencies of students at different stages of their education, as well as to conduct state (final) certification of graduates and check the compliance (or non-compliance) of their level of preparation the requirements of the relevant Federal State Educational Standard upon completion of the development of a specific BRI.

1.4. Assessment is carried out during:

Current control of knowledge;

Intermediate certification;

State (final) certification.

The procedure and conditions for evaluation are determined educational institution secondary vocational education (hereinafter - EI SVE) independently and are fixed by local acts approved by the director.

The conditions and procedure for conducting evaluation activities and procedures are disclosed in the Regulations on the conduct of ongoing monitoring and intermediate certification of students of GBOU SPO VO "KPGT".

1.5.FOS are developed and approved by the educational institution independently. FOS in the academic discipline is considered at a meeting of the subject (cyclic) commission. FOS according to the professional module is considered at a meeting of the subject (cycle) commission after agreement with employers.

The program of state (final) certification is developed and approved by the educational institution after a preliminary positive opinion from employers.

1.6. When forming the FOS, it is taken into account that the assessment of the quality of training of students is carried out in two main directions:

Assessment of the level of mastering disciplines;

Assessment of mastered competencies.

2. Structure of the FOS

2.1. FOS by specialty consists of a program of state (final) certification and FOS in all academic disciplines and professional modules of the mandatory and optional parts of the OBEP in accordance with the curriculum of the educational institution of secondary vocational education.

2.2. The FOS for the academic discipline/professional module includes:

Title page;


CBS for the current control of knowledge, skills of students (can be developed according to the interdisciplinary course as a whole (hereinafter referred to as MDK), sections of academic disciplines/professional modules, topics of academic disciplines/professional modules);

CBS for intermediate certification of students (can be developed for the academic discipline, MDT, educational and industrial practice (according to the specialty profile), including for the exam (qualification) (Appendix 1.2).

2.3. The procedure for the development of CBS for the current control of knowledge and intermediate certification, the composition and requirements for registration are determined by the Regulations on the formation of the fund of assessment funds of the GBOU SPO VO KPGT. When determining the composition of the CBS for the (qualification) exam, it must include:

Title page;


Student portfolio requirements;

Form of attestation sheet for practice;

Evaluation form;

The form of the summary evaluation sheet for the study group;

A set of tasks for conducting an exam (qualification) according to the number of students in a group;

Examiner's package (Appendix 3).

3. The procedure for the formation of the FOS

3.1. FOS are formed on the key principles of assessment:






3.2. The organizer of the development of the FOS in the specialty is the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs, who determines the direct executors who develop the FOS in the academic discipline/professional module.

3.3. The direct executors of the development of a FOS for an academic discipline/professional module (hereinafter referred to as developers) can be both individual teachers/masters of industrial training, and a group of pedagogical workers.

3.4. Developers fill out FOS passports for academic disciplines and professional modules.

3.5. The formation of CBS for the current control of knowledge, skills of students, their intermediate certification can be carried out in two directions:

Correction and adaptation of existing assessment materials, taking into account the competence-based approach to learning outcomes;

Development of new evaluation materials.

3.6. The development of assessment materials for inclusion in the CBS is carried out taking into account:

Forms of assessment activities (oral survey, test, exam; written test, test, exam, etc.; testing, including computer).

Levels of mastering the educational material of the topic (introductory, reproductive, productive);

The types of activities that students will perform in the process of assessment activities (conscious reproduction of information, application of information, analysis, synthesis, evaluation);

The learning opportunities of assessment materials;

Opportunities for making a decision on the development of students

professional competencies (type of professional activity).

3.7 CBS for the current control of knowledge, skills of students in academic disciplines / interdisciplinary courses, are included in their educational and methodological complex, and are stored in the classroom, laboratory, workshop, etc. from the developer of evaluation materials.

3.8. CBS for intermediate certification of students in academic disciplines / interdisciplinary courses, for an exam (qualification) are part of the educational and methodological complex and are stored in the methodological room.

3.9. KOSs collected in a single FOS for the academic discipline / professional module are considered and approved at a meeting of the methodological associations of the technical school. FOS on the professional module, including assessment materials for the exam (qualification), is agreed with representatives of specialized enterprises (organizations), employers.

3.10. It is allowed to form a single FOS for an academic discipline implemented within the framework of various OBOR from one enlarged group in the specialties of SVE. The corresponding decision is made at the specialized methodological association after the analysis of the didactic units defined by the Federal State Educational Standards of the secondary vocational education and is agreed with the deputy director for educational and methodological work.

4. General requirements for the content of CBS

4.1. Developers should include both simple and complex tasks in the CBS.

4.1.1. Simple tasks include tasks that are performed in one or two steps. These include:

Test tasks with the choice of an answer in a closed form, to establish a correspondence in a closed form, or to establish the correct sequence in a closed form;

Simple situational tasks with a short answer or a simple action;

Simple text reproduction tasks, decisions or actions, etc.

They involve students performing simple actions to present knowledge of concepts, definitions, terms, laws, formulas, etc. with an understanding of the meaning of the studied material, or on the use of information to solve problems; application (of facts, rules, theories, techniques, methods) in specific situations, compliance with principles and laws.

4.1.2. Complex (complex) tasks may include tasks that require multi-way solutions, both in standard and non-standard situations. These include:

Tasks in an open form, requiring a phased solution and a detailed answer, incl. test;

Tasks for individual or collective implementation of projects, practical actions on simulators, machines, mannequins, etc.;

(They involve students performing complex actions to divide information into interdependent parts, identify relationships between them, understand the principles of organizing the whole, etc.);

By interpreting results, creatively transforming information from different sources, creating a product/hypothesis, systemic explanation/solution and other new information that explains a phenomenon or event, predicts something, etc.; assessing the value of an object/phenomenon for a specific purpose, determining and making a judgment about the integrity of an idea/method/theory based on insight into the essence of phenomena and their comparison, etc.

4.1.3. When forming the CBS for the intermediate certification of students in the academic discipline, the MDT is recommended to include tasks that require students to perform both simple and complex actions.

To test complex skills and competencies during intermediate certification, incl. when conducting an exam (qualification), it is recommended to use complex tasks.

4.2. The CBS includes methodological materials that perform both control and training functions, incl. methodological developments for performing laboratory work, organizing and conducting practical classes by methods: analysis of production (professional) situations, case method, portfolio, projects, business games, etc.

They allow not only to check the level of assimilation of knowledge, mastery of skills, but also to assess the various qualities of the student's personality, the level of formation of professional and general competencies.

4.3. The composition of the CBS includes materials that provide an assessment of the results of control. These include: criteria for assessing indicators of learning outcomes, standards for solving tasks, keys to tests, etc.

The criterion for evaluating indicators of learning outcomes is a sign (basis, rule) for making a decision on the compliance of the results of mastering competencies, mastering knowledge, mastering skills with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Evaluation of results should be carried out according to a specially established scale. The scale determines the system for recalculating the sum of points (the sum of the criteria weights) received by students in the course of assessment activities and the rules for making a decision on the final assessment.

4.4. The form of assessment activities and the type of control affect the content of assessment materials and their submission to the CRP.

4.4.1. The materials for assessment activities conducted orally (oral exam, test) include a list of questions to prepare students for assessment activities and exam tickets.

4.4.2 Materials for written events are completed according to options (at least 2), including control tasks and instructions for students on their implementation.

4.4.3. Tests (including for computer testing) are formed in accordance with the general requirements for the design and content of tests.

4.5. Topics of the course work (project); requirements for its (its) structure and design can be included in the CBS for current control of the academic discipline/professional module.

5. Responsibility for the formation of the WCF

5.1 The deputy director for educational and methodological work and the deputy director for educational and production work are responsible for developing the content of the CBS and organizing the formation of the content of the FOS in the specialties.

5.2. The deputy director for educational and production work organizes the examination and approval of the CBS for the exam (qualification), the subject of final qualification works, the program of state (final) certification of graduates of the OU SVE from employers.

5.3. The chairman of the methodological association is responsible for the quality of the CBS developed in the academic disciplines / professional modules assigned to this commission and included in the FOS.

5.4. The developer(s) is/are responsible for:

Compliance of the FOS with the work program of the academic discipline/professional module and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Compliance with the key principles of assessment;

The correctness of the registration of the FOS in accordance with the local acts of the GBOU SPO VO KPGT.


A methodically well-formed fund of assessment tools is a tool that allows you to meet the requirements of federal state educational standards focused on the results of education.

Pedagogical teams are faced with complex tasks in developing assignments adapted to practice-oriented assessment procedures that ensure the adoption of informed decisions on the development of general and professional competencies and types of professional activities by students.

Work on the creation of modern assessment tools will contribute to the achievement of such a level of education quality that the qualifications of graduates can be certified and recognized both by employers and the educational system as a whole.

7. Requirements for the design of the text:

Format A 4.
Margins: top, bottom, right, left - 2 cm.
Page numbers - in Arabic numerals, at the bottom of the page, center alignment, the title page is included in the general numbering, but the number is not indicated on it.
Font - Times New Roman.
Font height - 12 (14) points;
Red line.
Line spacing is single.
Text alignment - in width.
Avoid hyphenation in words.

8. List of sources used

1. Federal state educational standards for specialties of secondary vocational education and professions of primary vocational education

2. Guidelines for the design of evaluation tools for the implementation of multi-level educational programs of higher education with a competency-based approach / V.A. Bogoslovsky, E.V. Karavaeva, E.N. Kovtun, O.P. Melekhova, S.E. Rodionova, V.A. Tarlykov, A.A. Shekhonin.–M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2007.

3. Materials of educational institutions:

SBEE HPE "Naberzhnochelny Institute of Social and Pedagogical Technologies and Resources";

OGBOU SPO "Irkutsk College of Architecture and Construction";

GBOU SPO Technological College No. 14;

GBOU SPO College landscape design №18;

GBOU SPO Polytechnic College No. 19.

4. Internet resources:

Center for the Study of Vocational Education Problems

[Electronic resource]. – Access mode:


Educational-methodical complexes on disciplines. workers

programs, technological maps, lectures, tests, methods of implementation

laboratory and practical work[Electronic resource]. - Mode


Annex 1






by academic discipline

name of the discipline



Full name, position, name of GBOU SPO VO KPGT

Full name, position, name of GBOU SPO VO KPGT



by academic discipline



code, name of specialty


Topic name 2

The level of mastering the topic

current control

Intermediate certification

Control work on the academic discipline

Test on the topic, section

Subject Test

Exam tickets for the oral (written) exam

Course project (work)

Laboratory work



Columns 1,2 are filled in in accordance with section 4 of the work program "Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline"

Columns 3.4 in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of the work program " Thematic plan and the content of the academic discipline "

3 approximate composition of CBS for the current control of knowledge, skills of students in sections and (or) topics of academic disciplines and intermediate certification.

Appendix 2

Department of Education of the Administration of the Vladimir Region






according to the professional module



code, name of specialty



title page verso form

Compiled by: _________________________________________________




on MDT, practices and qualifying exam


name of the academic discipline


code, name of specialty

Learning outcomes (learned skills, acquired knowledge) 1


Topic name 2

Level of development

Name of control and evaluation tools 3

current control

Intermediate certification

Test No. 1 - on the topic, section

Control work on MDK

Questions for oral (written) survey on the topic, section

Questions for oral (written) test

Test on the topic, section

MDK test

Abstract, report, message, essay

Examination tickets for the oral (written) MDT exam

Course project (work)

Diary or report on educational practice

Laboratory work

Field Practice Report

Practical lesson-business game

Practical lesson-solution of situational problems

Practical lesson - settlement and graphic work



4 column 1 is filled in in accordance with the requirements for practical experience, skills, knowledge laid down in the FSES SVE and defined in clause 1.3 of the work program "Goals and objectives of mastering the discipline."

5 columns 2.3 “Learning outcomes - mastered PC, OK”, “Key indicators for evaluating the result” are filled in in accordance with section 5 of the work program “Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the professional module”;

6 column 4 "Name of section, MDK, topic, subtopic" - in accordance with clause 3.2 of the work program "Content of training in the professional module"

7 the approximate composition of the CBS for the current control of knowledge, skills of students in the MDT, sections and topics of professional modules;

For intermediate certification in MDT, educational and industrial practice.

Forms of intermediate certification for the professional module

PM elements

Forms of intermediate certification (possible filling out of the form is given)

1 semester

2 semester

3 semester

4 semester

5 semester

6 semester

MDK… 01








diff. offset


diff. offset


Exam (qualifying)

Annex 3








according to the professional module



code, name of specialty



title page verso form



commission on _______________

commission name

Protocol No. ____

from "__" _________ 20___

Chair method. commissions


Signature Full name

Developed on the basis of the Federal State Standard

by profession/specialty of primary/secondary vocational education


Code, name of specialty

Deputy director for educational and production work ___________/____________

Signature Full name

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs ___________/____________

Signature Full name

Compiled by: _________________________________________________

Full name, position, name of the educational institution SPO


Full name, position, name of the educational institution SPO

Test Tool Specification

for the exam (qualification)

The results of the development of PM PC, OK

(preferably grouped)

Main indicators for evaluating the result

Criteria for evaluation

Maximum Points

Task type

Forms and methods of assessment

Theory on tickets

Practical work


Description of the grading system


(describe the grading scale used (for example, 4-point), the system for recalculating the sum of points (the sum of the weight of the criteria) received by the examinee when completing the task and (or) defending the project, portfolio, relative to the established scale and the rule for deciding on the final assessment of the qualification test .

*types of tasks depend on what is planned to be controlled during the exam (qualification):



Product and process at the same time.

The process is evaluated:

If it is necessary to check and evaluate the correct use of tools, equipment, compliance with safety regulations, etc.;

If the time factor is significant (timing is required);

If the product (results) is delayed and/or is more difficult to evaluate than the process.

The product of the activity is evaluated:

If it does not matter how the product is obtained, what methods (technologies) are used;

If it is difficult to provide a procedure for monitoring the process (for example, mental activity is performed or it is performed for a long time). In this case, if necessary, the assessment of the product of the activity can be supplemented by protection (justification).

Evaluation of the same object (product or process of activity) may provide an opportunity to evaluate one or several competencies at once, or all competencies.

** To assess different groups of competencies, the following forms and assessment methods can be used during the (qualification) exam:

Full-time (on the principle of "here and now")

Correspondence based on expert evaluation of video materials or portfolio materials, student rating.

Most often, a mixed form of assessment is used, when professional competencies are tested in production conditions or close to them, and general competencies are based on a portfolio.



at the meeting of the MC _____________


MK name

"__" _____ 20___, protocol No. ___

Chairman of the MC

_______________ / _____________

Signature Full name



By ________________________________


professional module name



Deputy Director for

educational work

"__" _______________ 20___


signature / full name

TASK # ____

Conditions for completing the task

1. Place (time) of the task(at educational / industrial practice, at the workplace, for example, in the workshop of an organization (enterprise), workshop of an educational institution (resource center), organization, enterprise, at a training ground, in a training company, etc.): ______________

2. Maximum task completion time: ___________ min./hour.

3. You can use

(indicate the equipment (inventory) used, Consumables, literature and other sources,

information and communication technologies, etc.)

4. Indicate other characteristics that reflect the essence of the task: in real (model) conditions of professional activity, etc., and

etc. ________________________________________________________________________________

may vary to perform different options tasks.

Task text:






Group No. ________________________

Code, name of specialty, profession__________________________________________________________________


Name of the professional module_____________________________________________________________________


No. p / p


Results for interdisciplinary courseseducational and work practice(excellent, good. satisfactory, unsatisfactory)

MDK 01.01.

MDK 01.02.







Master p / o _____________________

MDK teacher_______________


Module name _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

Group number, code, name of specialty (profession) ____________________________________


Place of practice ____________________________________________________________

Terms of internship_______________________________

No. p / p


Tested competencies, knowledge and skills

Tested competencies, knowledge and skills

Tested competencies, knowledge and skills

Tested competencies, knowledge and skills

U1, U2

Z2, Z3;


final grade

Type of work/

number of hours

Type of work/

number of hours

Type of work/

number of hours

Type of work/

number of hours

Type of work/

number of hours

tree planting

12 noon

Ivanov P.






















Practice leader _______ __________ ______________________

Head master __________ __________ ______________________

(date) (signature) (signature)

Examiner's Pack

1. Information for the examiner

Number of tasks for the examinee ______

Maximum task completion time _______ minutes/hour.

Used equipment (inventory), consumables:


Literature for the student: ____________________________________

To sheet "Information for the examiner»applied:

2. Specification of the control and evaluation tool for the exam (qualification)

3. Evaluation sheet of the exam (qualification)

4. Certification sheets for educational and industrial practice*

5. Summary sheet of the results of the intermediate certification for the elements of the professional module

*in the documents, columns of informational nature must be filled in:

- surname, name, patronymic of the student;

- code, name of the specialty;

- name of the professional module;

- the results of the intermediate certification on the elements of professional



XL included
