Reading 8 min.

Not all housewives have spacious kitchens. Most often in old Soviet apartments they are quite small in size, and sometimes even tiny. However, in such a situation, you can find a way out by resorting to design tricks. The play of colors, original modern style, spacious lockers and much more will help to solve this issue. How to make the most of a small space in the kitchen will be discussed next.

Layout for a small kitchen

A small room, most often, even with the right layout and design decision, can continue to crush with four walls, as a feeling of constriction remains.

To avoid this, you can get rid of the door by arranging an arch instead. This can visually expand the space and remove the feeling of tightness. In case doors are needed, sliding models can be one of the options, which in addition look very stylish and modern.

A radical solution would be to combine the kitchen and living room, while receiving a studio apartment. This layout is especially popular among young people. At the same time, the kitchen expands and the disadvantages of a small area are no longer so noticeable. Besides dinner Zone can affect part of the living room, due to which a place for a kitchen set and furniture will be won, which will give the kitchen more functionality and comfort.

The layout of the kitchen set depending on the shape of the room

The correct location of the headset in the kitchen is the key to comfort, saving space and, as a result, saving time on cooking.

First of all, it is worth remembering the rule of the triangle, which consists in placing the refrigerator, sink and stove. It is this that contributes to the improvement of ergonomics in the kitchen, since it is based on the principle of cooking the dish in turn, that is, first the products are taken out of the refrigerator, then they are washed, cut and thermally processed.

The choice of layout of the headset should be based on the shape of the room, the location of windows, doors, communications. If the kitchen is square, then the best option considered U-shaped headset. If the dining area needs to be separated separately, then the L-shape is more suitable.

For rectangular kitchen fit linear arrangement or parallel, when only one wall is used, which is longer, for arranging furniture, or outside parallel walls.

With a non-standard form, including a studio apartment, the layout can be any, including island, oval. Also in this case it may be necessary individual order furniture.

What style to choose for a small kitchen

In a small room, bulky parts, a large number of accessories, various parts, especially small ones, are unacceptable. Therefore, the style must be chosen based on the features that each of them represents. Therefore, for a small kitchen, the following styles are suitable:


This style fits perfectly. It is characterized by functionality, practicality and a minimum of details. The area in this case is used as efficiently as possible. Clear expressive lines, strict colors are welcome here, while decor is almost absent.

High tech

This style is dominated by smooth glossy surfaces, glass inserts, metal elements, clear lines, cold tones. High-tech furniture and appliances, innovative design, above all. You will not find elaborate details in this style. Everything is done in the most comfortable and tasteful way.


One of the modern styles for which non-traditional materials, original accessories, the presence of glossy surfaces, metal, mirrors are relevant. At the same time, colors can be very diverse, including quite bold contrasting combinations.


Characterized by strict lines, natural materials, simple shapes. Tones in this case are combined dark with light. There are also patterns in the form of flowers, while the texture of textiles is as simple as possible.

Color and pattern

With the help of color, you can not only expand, but also narrow the space, so the choice colors plays a huge role. For a small kitchen, it is better to abandon dark tones, otherwise the room will seem even smaller, and the atmosphere will be dull and burdensome. Therefore, the choice should be stopped at such colors as white, beige, cream, peach, olive, gray.

Brighter tones are also possible, such as green, yellow, pink, while it is important not to overdo it with brightness. Contrast is not always appropriate. If we are talking about bright colors, then, for example, a red spot on a white background will narrow the space.

A smooth plain surface will visually add additional area. Gloss is also a winning option, as it perfectly reflects light, thereby moving the walls away from each other. Drawing can only be used small. Large ornaments and patterns are absolutely unacceptable in this case.


Huge overall curtains are not recommended for use in the kitchen, regardless of its size. This is due to the fact that they not only absorb odors and get dirty quickly, but are also fire hazardous. Moreover, their moderate use concerns small kitchens.

For protection against sun rays you can use a short tulle in the form of a curtain or a dense canvas hung in a narrow strip like a visor. Blinds, bamboo roll products will become a universal solution. Also popular and comfortable are Roman blinds, reminiscent of an accordion.

Advice! If, nevertheless, the choice fell on fabric curtains, then it is better to use synthetic materials than natural fabrics, as they are easier to care for and have a fire-resistant and water-repellent impregnation.

Table and bar counter

A full dining area for a small kitchen often becomes a huge luxury. In this case, it is relevant to ask the question of how to save space and fit the table, or what other options are possible.

There is always a way out. The first option is to use a window sill, which can be made an extension of the table. Thus, there will be an additional work surface that can be used functionally. At the same time, you can order a countertop that will replace the window sill, or you can install the surface on a different level.

The second option is to use a folding or sliding table. Again, it can be attached to the windowsill. It is also possible to install a small table and attach a retractable tabletop to it. In addition, a folding table can be installed near a free wall and it can be adjusted only if necessary, for example, during a meal.

Finally, a bar counter, which can be different size and forms. It can become a continuation of the window sill or become part of the U-shaped headset, continuing it. Bar counters are more compact and therefore take up less space. In addition, for a studio apartment, this is a great way to zone space.

Floor and ceiling

IN small kitchen the ceiling is important to perform in bright colors, and best of all in white. by the most simple options considered to be ordinary painting or wallpapering. Another inexpensive solution and at the same time more practical and durable is the use of plastic panels.

more expensive and modern version are stretch ceiling. They will take only 2-3 cm in height, the effectiveness of such a choice is worth it. The main thing in this case is to use a glossy film that will visually increase the height of the ceiling.

For the floor, it is necessary to use durable materials that are not afraid of moisture and can be easily washed. Therefore, it is recommended to choose linoleum, ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware or self-leveling floor. It is unacceptable to use patterns; a plain surface will look better.


For walls, it is recommended to choose light solid colors that will increase the space. It can be both painting and wallpaper. A pattern or drawing can only be unobtrusively small, decorated plaster is allowed.

Wall murals look original, but they must be used carefully so as not to overload the kitchen even more. It can be seascapes, photos of street cafes.

The apron is preferably made of ceramic tiles, stone or tempered glass. Again, large patterns and landscapes are not recommended.


A small kitchen should be as bright as possible. Good lighting, which requires special attention, also contributes to this. Bulky chandeliers are inappropriate here. They should be small size, not very remarkable, discreet colors, simple shapes.

For the working area it is worth installing a separate lighting. Suitable for spotlights or led strip. The window should also be as open as possible so that natural light enters the room.

Secrets and tricks

Light colors, smooth glossy surfaces and good lighting have already been mentioned. All these subtleties can significantly increase the space visually. At the same time, it is important to know certain secrets that allow you to make the most of the usable area.

The headset itself is desirable to take in narrow and high in order to accommodate more items. The more hanging cabinets there are, the more space there will be for storing kitchen utensils.

Roof rails in the kitchen are often simply irreplaceable. They are hung over the tabletop in the form of a tube or plank with metal hooks. It is convenient to place ladles, skimmers, ladles and many other necessary items on them.

Organizers not only help to make lockers more spacious and convenient, but in some cases they also make it easy to get items located near the far wall. There are also sliding drawers, dividers for dishes, which also become excellent helpers in a small kitchen.

Thus, every centimeter of the kitchen can be put to good use by installing convenient modern elements that save space. Even the space under the window sill or bar counter can be reasonably used by installing additional drawers, niches or retractable structures.

small kitchen real photo

There will be a renovation in the kitchen space soon - be sure to take a closer look at interesting, useful and beautiful kitchen ideas, which we have collected for you in one collection. Wall color, wallpaper coupon, ceramic tile format, interesting furniture solutions and space-saving options - all this will certainly come in handy in order to create a comfortable for every person who will use it or just be in it.

Modern Kitchen Ideas

Whatever is touched modern kitchen ideas: furniture, technical content, cladding format or other - all this today is subject to the minimalist trend. Concepts designed by leading interior designers are as simple as possible, functional and simple in form.

Rather, it is carried out with the help of the right color scheme than with the use of complex furniture solutions, half-wall built-in wardrobes or bulky kitchen islands.

The trend that seems to be the only one left from the recent past is the formation of a bar counter. And then, we think that such a countertop has remained at the top of popularity due to its wonderful ability to save, redistribute and zone the kitchen space very correctly.

The use of the bar counter is presented among the most interesting ideas for modern kitchen- photo above illustrates this beautifully. Moreover, it looks appropriate in rooms of absolutely any format, so you will definitely see this element in other photos in today's material.

ordering kitchen set, it is worth taking a closer look at the options that include such a remote tabletop, and also immediately think over a set of chairs that will be adjusted in height to it.

A prerequisite is that these chairs must either move under the countertop, or fold and tuck into a special niche, in a word, all this is done so that there is even a place for the eating area without transferring it to other rooms.

An innovative idea for, which developed from the previous trend considered, was the combination of countertops and window sills. If earlier we could see such a combination only in isolated cases, today it has acquired a truly massive scale.

Master furniture makers no longer refuse such orders as complex and risky, but on the contrary, they offer them to their customers. Judge for yourself, in addition to being very beautiful, you can sit at the table, eat or read, having great view before your eyes, it also saves additional space that can be filled with a small sofa or a soft corner.

By the way, such a layout does not mean giving up a full-fledged table, it can simply be folded and taken out as needed, for example, when guests come to the house or you need to arrange a festive dinner for the family.

And our triptych, dedicated to the versatility of the table, is completed by another fashionable idea - a window sill combined with a work surface.

If you want to make repairs that are not cosmetic, but complete, then it is worth dismantling the central heating battery under the window, moving it to another place (and most often it is completely replaced with a warm floor system), and occupy this area with a work surface with a sink.

These will definitely appeal to housewives who spend a lot of time in this room, because now, when doing their household chores, you can also enjoy contemplating the surrounding landscape.

Kitchen Interior Ideas

Traditionally in all ratings kitchen interior ideas the novelties of ceramic lining of the apron of the working area are included. Despite all the novelties, all original ways design of this zone, it is the tile that remains ideal option in terms of price-quality ratio. This is a really durable and elegant way to decorate a wall and also keep it clean and tidy.

Examples using interesting tiles are presented above. It is they who demonstrate the main trends, those textures that should be paid attention to in the first place. The pattern that imitates brickwork does not lose its relevance.

Moreover, it does not have to be the usual, red-brick shade. For a snow-white facade, bright contrasts are allowed - blue, bottle green, amber, lilac and others.

The main thing is that there should not be too much color, and he should not occupy a dominant position. Another trend in ceramics is tiles with a pattern of geometric shapes. Broken lines, strict figures - all this in combination with original lamps and furniture fittings in a loft style, forms an unusual interior.

It becomes not just one of the stages of the repair, but the most important part of the whole concept. We will separately consider the types of wallpapers that will look good in modern interiors, however, it is safe to say that it is not at all in shade wallpaper for the kitchen modern ideas are concluded.

On the contrary - the main trends are aligned walls, covered with paint or decorative plaster and having one even, pleasing to the eye color. The shades are purely natural, in no example are they truly fashionable interior you won't find acidic, flashy, neon colors.

On the other hand, pure white (rather for arranging small rooms) or purely dark shades are used less and less. Among the most popular are turquoise (perfect for shaping marine style), lavender, pale blue, green.

Dark shades are used less often, but in some cases, for example, for industrial interiors or for loft-style, they are quite acceptable. In the photo examples you see the main basic shades dark interiors- gray in the entire palette, as well as cobalt blue.

Kitchen Wallpaper Ideas

Briefly touch kitchen wallpaper ideas, because this is an ideal way to transform the space for those who can only afford a tactical move - repairs are not major, but cosmetic. It is the sizing of new wallpaper that can breathe new life in any interior, especially since changing them after a couple of years will also not be difficult.

In the first selection, we draw your attention to kitchen wallpaper ideas Photo, which are presented above, can be completely used as ready-made interior solutions for a small room.

Photo wallpapers do not lose their relevance, but you should not place the main emphasis on them. The photo of the city on the whole wall looks beautiful, but you should take into account that the furniture and decoration must match such a picture.

It’s easier to make a small detail bright, for example, decorate a column or highlight a niche. The modern loft style loved by many is also easy to imitate in a typical layout if you use wallpaper with imitation brickwork.

Much more attention needs to be paid to choosing wallpapers with a traditional coupon so that they look relevant. How it might look, you can see in the examples wallpaper for the kitchen, photo modern ideas which are presented above. Try not to let the patterns dominate the color, abstractions and textures are preferable to flowers. It is a good idea to use wallpaper to decorate the apron of the work area, and to protect it from moisture and dirt, use transparent plexiglass panels.

Ideas for a small kitchen

Ideas for a small kitchen separate materials can be devoted, because, unfortunately, there are plenty of such premises among the layouts of city houses and country cottages. It is not necessary to sacrifice beauty and functionality when arranging, you just need to correctly prioritize what exactly you would like to leave, and what you could well refuse.

By examples ideas for the kitchen, photo which you see above, shows how the white shade can be combined with bright color accents, as well as combined with the texture of natural wood.

And you should always leave the maximum amount of sunlight in the room, do not prevent it from entering through the window with curtains or blinds, and also provide space additional sources lighting, and there should be a lot of them, not just one single chandelier on the ceiling.

You can also pay attention to the hanging shelves, by the way, there are quite sharp conceptual disputes about this, because we are used to the fact that there are a lot of storage systems in the cooking area and some of them are located above the level of the work surface.

So, to date, concept designs have been developed in which they propose to completely abandon any shelves or cabinets that are on top, leaving only the lower chests of drawers and cabinets.

They associate this with a greater sense of freedom, a visual increase in space, which, in the end, allows you to feel more comfortable and safer in a small enclosed space. The photo below shows just such ideas.

Among the past, we still could not think of a work area without shelves and cabinets, and here it is in front of you. Designers take away the walls that have become empty for the placement of decor: paintings, drawings, tiles of an interesting design.

Interior ideas for the kitchen: photo

Other interior ideas for the kitchen, photo which are presented in front of you in this section, also deserve attention and bring new ideas for greater beauty and kitchen comfort.

For example, bright accents in the decor, which are in harmony with each other and give the whole interior a certain mood. More good idea- Gather around you as much as possible indoor plants, moreover, not only on the windowsill, but also above it. Organizing another level vertical gardening. Antique elements will also always look relevant if they are used precisely as small accents, it can be, as in our example, a raw board shelf or a vintage sink faucet.

Original ideas for the kitchen: 100 photos

What is original and ? This means that it will be different from the usual ones found everywhere, for example, in photos in thematic magazines. But how to make it exactly like that?

is something unusual, unique, perhaps even exclusive. And this can only be created with your own hands, or rather with your brains. Of course, you can use other people's ideas, but they can only be taken as a basis, and then refined and brought to perfection, or rather, to originality. That is, your imagination will come in handy in any case, and it will play a decisive role.

How to create an original kitchen design?

A certain algorithm by which it would be possible to create original design kitchen does not exist. This is a creative process, sometimes very long. Some hatch ideas for months or even years, and only then proceed to repair. But if you have some ideas about design and the basic rules of interior design, then the following rules can help you:

  • No rules! Yes exactly! No need to figure out how to do it better and right. In general, the concepts of "rules" in the process of creation unique interior simply no. The main thing is that it be creative and different from everything that you often see in furniture stores, in magazine photos, in other houses, and so on.
  • Break stereotypes. In general, this concept in design is gradually dissolving. And if before all designers were taught the basic rules of design in one style or another, today truly talented and gifted professionals in their field use their most unimaginable ideas, and sometimes deliberately mock the generally recognized canons.
  • Forget about traditions. If you're tired of your classic and incredibly boring kitchen, then you need to come up with something completely opposite.
  • . And even if they do not match at all in color, let them refer to different styles, now everything is possible, because your goal is an original and bold design.
  • No restrictions! In the end, you are decorating the interior of your own kitchen, which means that you can not limit yourself in anything. And if someone tells you that you are crazy, take it as a compliment and a sign that you are on the right track (after all, originality is needed in order to surprise).

If you decide to create an interesting and original kitchen design, then start with finishing. Try to use modern materials, but preferably environmentally friendly and, of course, high-quality.

What materials are suitable and will make the room bright? These can be all kinds of panels of different textures, creative wallpapers with unusual effects, plaster (you can create exclusive relief patterns on it with your own hands), and so on. By the way, one of the walls can be distinguished, but in order for it to appear in all its glory, free it as much as possible. On it you can place a huge photo, an interesting picture. Or you can just make it different from the rest of the walls with the help of finishing materials.

The ceiling can either be the most ordinary, or, conversely, play the role of an accent. In the latter case, it is best to make it tension, for example, multi-level. Moreover, the tiers should be non-trivial, have unusual shapes and arrangements. And you can choose a canvas with a bright print, this is also welcome.

When finishing the floor, it is advisable to abandon the classic materials, such as parquet, or boards. But the laminate is suitable, but if it is stylish and unusual, for example, bright and plain, or decorated with patterns. A large selection of textures and patterns is offered by linoleum manufacturers, and this option is not only practical (which is important in the interior of the kitchen), but also original. Also, the floor can be painted, and in the most juicy tones or saturated. And if you plan to make the floor the most important part of the room, then you can choose 3D technology or simply place a bright print in the center.

To make the design creative, play with contrasts. Choose non-trivial tandems of colors: combine dark and light, combine seemingly incompatible shades. You can also try experimenting with textures. So, gloss will perfectly get along with a relief surface, glass can be combined with matte details, shade metal with a cloth. And don't be afraid, it will hinder you.

Color spectrum

If you want to get an original design, then allow yourself to experiment with colors. In the photo of interesting interiors, you can find the brightest and richest colors, such as light green, orange, red, mint. And today they are very relevant. But more saturated, deep and dark colors are also in fashion: blue, purple, brown. By the way, some designers choose only one color, and it is present on all extensive surfaces. Accessories can also match in shade, which will create a single boundless space. Another trick is to use different shades of the same color. If you make such a decision, the room will become multifaceted and, no doubt, very interesting.

If you really like one color, but the monochromatic interior seems boring, dilute the background by placing on it color accents, and preferably contrasting ones to shade the room, refresh it and make it brighter.

You can also create an original . To avoid excessive variegation, use no more than three to four tones, one of which can be taken as a basis. And if the multicolor does not scare you at all, then do not limit yourself. And tandems can be classic and most successful, or more daring, not previously used. Rely only on your perception. Do you like how red and mint look side by side? Then combine them! And let it look too bright in the photo. If merging bothers you, use borders, for which you can use the classic and universal white and black colors, marking the junctions with them.


Do you want original furniture? Then order it, and do not purchase a ready-made headset. This, of course, is much more expensive, but it's worth it, because your main goal is to creative design your kitchen. A sketch, by the way, can be drawn up both independently and with the help of a specialist.

Modern modular furniture will look no less interesting, as it can be used to create a variety of unusual sets, and parts can be easily interchanged, so you can quickly and easily change the look of your kitchen if you wish.


Accessories complement and refresh the interior, and sometimes play a decisive role in the final perception of the kitchen. And that's why they have to be stylish. But I immediately want to write: do not overdo it! Firstly, minimalism is in fashion, and secondly, abundance small parts can make the room cluttered.

The photo shows that functional elements can be used as decor, for example, towel hooks, pan holders, pot holders, chair seats (if you purchase them separately), kitchen utensils, dishes and so on. By the way, you can create installations from some parts. For example, hang pans at different levels or arrange plates in an original way.

original styles

You can not choose a specific style, but create it yourself, then the design will definitely be bold and original. And you can choose one of the following directions:

  • Vanguard. The photo shows that this is a bold style, involving the use of bright colors (but neutral light is usually taken as the basis), furniture of complex shapes, bright accessories.
  • Hi-tech is a modern technological style. This kitchen is made in gray or metallic colors and is equipped with multifunctional appliances.
  • Fusion - a combination of styles in textures, tones, shapes and other features.
  • Eclecticism is somewhat reminiscent of fusion, as it also involves a mixture of directions. Also, the main features are: geometric prints, comfort, abundance of decor, the use of complex shapes, interweaving of lines.
  • Kitsch is a kind of mockery of all existing rules. For example, you can create refined interior by deliberately using cheap and tasteless items.

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DIY kitchen design: photos, non-standard ideas, design solutions

It takes ~6 minutes to read

The kitchen is the place where the whole family comes together. Therefore, it should be warm and cozy for each member of the family and comfortable for the hostess. It is these factors that should be considered when planning repairs. Today, a do-it-yourself kitchen is far from an innovation. Often the template interior design ideas of experienced craftsmen do not suit creative and demanding customers, then they try to bring individual ideas into the already finished project or create your own style and interior from scratch.

Beautiful layout of the premises in a private house from scratch

If the scale of the kitchen or the layout of the entire apartment allows, then you can visually create it unique and non-standard. This can be done using drywall, podium, multi-level ceilings and spot lighting. Such repairs, of course, are easily soiled and long, but in the end you get a cozy kitchenette that you don’t want to leave. It is also a great option to create a kitchen-studio or combine it with a balcony, loggia. If this is a private house (they wrote more about the design in the article), and there is access to the terrace from the dining room, by making a beautiful massive glass door, several problems can be solved at once:

  1. Increase the amount of light in a natural, economical way.
  2. Move the dining area to the terrace (more details), which is possible in the warm season.
  3. Place cabinets and the work area itself on the terrace.


Small corner dining room


Layout option


Option with yellow tones


Option with a terrace

The idea of ​​​​custom wall decor at home

Partitions are also an important element of the kitchen space. Many psychologists claim that the right shades, color and pattern in the interior design of the kitchen can influence a person both positively and negatively. So, bright and catchy tones of flowers awaken an appetite in a person, but at the same time, with a long stay in such a room, a person quickly gets tired and experiences excessive nervousness. But gentle pastel colors, on the contrary, soothe. So for harmony inner world these colors are best combined. There are many options for creating a kitchen design and a headset, among the most successful are:

  • stickers, they can be pasted on walls or ceramic tiles (read also), you can pick up a series of drawings and create a whole story;
  • ornaments drawn through stencils (this is the most inexpensive way, because you can make stencils yourself by downloading a picture from the Internet);
  • paintings, panels, plaques and photographs;
  • painting.

You can buy ready-made wallpapers for the kitchen with a pattern (considered in the article) that you like, or you can paint the walls in a monotonous shade (they considered color advice) and make inserts with a pattern, as in the photo:


A photo of the whole family or even a whole collage will add home warmth. You can decorate such a portrait as you like. The internet is full of ideas.

If there are small children in the house, and repairs are simply inevitable, you can use the IdeaPaint wall. You simply glue special wallpaper on the wall and draw on it with a special marker that can be easily erased. Such an undertaking will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults who will be able to write down the information they need, a reminder or interesting recipe right on the kitchen wall. It's not only useful thing but also an interesting design.


Decorating furniture with your own hands, or how to create an inexpensive design (photo)

After finishing the renovation in the dining room, putting in a new set, it often seems boring and simple. To give standard furniture exclusivity, use the following techniques:

  • decoupage;
  • painting;
  • plastic, foam pads that look like threads (great for giving classical style conventional kitchen set);
  • special film: it can look like any natural material, made in any shade you need, or with any pattern;
  • non-standard fittings.


Walls in orange


cartoon kitchen set


Mosaic tile apron


Apron option above the stove


Classic style


Italian décor

The kitchen interior and its design will help to dilute hand-made textile decorations. On the Internet you can find many such master classes from experienced handmade masters. To give old technology a new look, it can simply be painted or pasted over with a film. In the case of painting, it is better to use paint in spray cans, it lays down in an even and thin layer.

There is a special film for decorating countertops and facades, it is easily glued, you can choose any pattern or “material”: leather, metal, marble, granite and wood.
If bright colors and massive decorations are chosen as decor, then it is better to give preference to either walls, or furniture, or appliances. Decorating everything at once will make the room overloaded, and it will become difficult to be in it.

Make furniture for the kitchen with your own hands

There is nothing better than conveniently furnishing a space in the kitchen that can save space in the room and accommodate as many utensils as possible. Often, finished furniture in the interior of the kitchen is rather impractical. That's why experienced craftsmen assemble your own or remake an already finished one. An important criterion is functionality, practicality, space saving and, of course, external characteristics.


Table with drawers


Drawers for dishes


Do-it-yourself washing


Country style


A good solution can be called secret cabinets for large dishes, spices and cereals, cans with preservation and other things.


Hidden dish drawer


Spacious closet


Spacious cupboard for dishes


Corner kitchen cabinet

DIY interior textiles

A cozy interior in the kitchen can be created using individually decorated textile items. So, curtains, potholders, towels and even pillows will become not just helpers in the kitchen, but also decor. Elements made from the same fabric will look harmonious. It is better to use natural linen and thick cotton for such purposes. These fabrics are not very easily soiled, absorb moisture well and are heat resistant.


Various grip options


Aprons and tablecloths


Table in gray tones

Cozy little things

In any home, you can see a cute little thing, completely useless, but it is she who creates a special homely atmosphere. Among these little things you can use:

  • magnets. Today, probably, there is not a single apartment on the refrigerator of which there are no magnets. They can be bought on vacation or made by hand. The materials for such magnets are varied: salty dough, cereals, coffee, tea, textiles, cold porcelain, flowers and other improvised means;
  • vases and dishes. An original vase for every little thing can be created from twine or thread different colors, glue and ball. It can also be dishes made of clay or gypsum;
  • souvenirs and boxes. Any materials are suitable for their manufacture: paper, plaster, cold porcelain, clay, wood. Needlework masters make boxes even from what an ordinary housewife simply throws out after use: a scotch tape reel, a toilet paper base;
  • hooks. Non-standard hooks can be made from cutlery, tree branches;
  • non-standard organizers;
  • pots various forms, in which there can be both flowers and healthy greens.


Spices in a frame


Cereal decoration in a bottle


Can decor


flower plants

Interesting ideas for the kitchen will help equip this important living space, where the hostess spends a huge amount of time. Especially in demand interesting ideas for a kitchen in Khrushchev or interesting ideas for a kitchen of 9 sq.m, where the limited space creates a lot of inconvenience, but you want to small room looked beautiful. Interesting ideas for the kitchen, embodied by one's own hands (the photo clearly shows how it looks), make it possible to make any kitchen comfortable, beautiful and practical.

The kitchen is a very specific room in the apartment: being one of the most, it performs a large number of functions.

There is a huge arsenal of equipment, furniture and various accessories. All this should, firstly, fit in a small volume; secondly, to be always at hand; and thirdly, do not spoil the decoration of the room.

Based on this, one can put forward the most important requirements for ideas for arranging a kitchen: they must optimize the use of the entire volume of the room; provide enough storage space for all kinds of items; create beautiful interior without violating functionality.

When arranging a kitchen, its decoration and interesting ideas (there are plenty of photo examples) are aimed at:

  • expansion of space by combining with other rooms;
  • optimization of storage conditions for kitchen utensils;
  • optimal use of furniture and equipment, their placement and change in appearance;
  • Creation original design walls, floor, ceiling;
  • arrangement and decoration of the working area and apron;
  • zoning of the kitchen space;
  • changing the appearance of windows and doors;
  • use of lighting opportunities;
  • the use of various decorating elements, ornaments and accessories.

How can you expand the space

The original arrangement of the kitchen in the direction of expanding the space can provide interesting ideas for a kitchen combined with a living room or a loggia (balcony). Such proposals are especially relevant for small spaces.

To implement the project, the intermediate wall is removed and the kitchen is connected to the living room with the dining area moved into the living room. When implementing such a project, it is important to provide a visual highlight of the kitchen and dining area.

Combining the premises allows you to leave only the working area in a small kitchen, and turn the living room into a recreation area (receiving guests) and a dining room with large beautiful table. Interesting ideas for the kitchen in this case are to form decorative partition highlighting the kitchen area. A common option is to install a bar counter, which is of interest both from a practical point of view and in terms of design.

Other ideas can be suggested:

  1. Two level floor. Two options are possible: raising the floor of the living room by 8-12 cm or the floor of the kitchen by 12-14 cm. The second option is convenient for the possibility of masking communications. An interesting solution can be the use of spotlights for illumination in the step. Another way of floor zoning is different color and coating material (in the kitchen - ceramic tile, for example) at the same floor level.
  2. Two-level ceiling. The kitchen can be distinguished by the manufacture of a false ceiling with built-in lights. In the working area, as a rule, maximum lighting is provided.
  3. Sliding partition. This solution allows you to get rid of an important drawback of combining rooms - smell. During the preparation of dinner, the doors close and isolate the kitchen.
  4. The partition may have decorative features. Of interest is a large aquarium or another type of wildlife corner. The openwork partition with curly rooms looks very nice.

How to provide storage options

The kitchen is a container for many kitchen utensils, so interesting ideas for the kitchen in terms of storing various items are in great demand.

You can put forward the following proposals:

  1. Using a corner sofa with a device in the space between the legs drawers for storage of dishes or drawers with a lifting lid.
  2. Using cabinet doors to hang pans, cutting boards, etc.
  3. The use of one maximally high and narrow cabinet.
  4. Installation of carousel-type shelves for food storage. Such "carousels" under the worktop will provide storage of the necessary products and are convenient to use. Shelves can be divided into sections: products, dishes, bottles, detergents.
  5. Equipment on the doors of the cabinet under the sink of shelves and holders for detergents and inventory. In the space under the sink, a platform for a garbage container is equipped.
  6. Wall Mount Decorated metal profile with hooks for hanging kitchen utensils and cups.
  7. Making an envelope for cutting boards. Such an envelope can be assembled from wooden slats with a height of 16-22 cm. Decoration is provided with paint or varnish. The envelope is fixed on the inside of the cabinet door under working area, on the side wall of a hanging cabinet or directly on the wall in the work area.

How can you diversify the interior

You can give the kitchen interior attractiveness and originality in various ways.

So, for decorating tiles, the following technologies are offered:

  • beads or decorative small pebbles are glued to the surface of the tile with special glue - this way you can create any plot and even a whole picture (images of flowers, greenery, fruit and vegetable plot, sunflowers are suitable for the kitchen);
  • decoupage - fastening or applying standard (ready-made) patterns or ornaments (in the final form, the patterns are varnished);
  • craquelure - creating an "antique" effect with the help of ready-made compositions that allow you to apply a cobweb-like grid.

Decorating with the use of textiles can provide any style of decoration and a special warmth of the interior. In this group of decor, elements such as curtains, tablecloths, pillows, napkins on the countertop, coasters for dishes, furniture covers stand out.

An interesting idea: the preparation of several sets of harmonizing textiles, which are periodically changed, providing a seasonal design (for example, symbolizing the arrival of spring). In addition, this approach allows you to influence the seasonal mood: in summer, create the illusion of coolness with green or salad tones, and in winter, add warmth with reddish or yellow hues. The decoration for any holiday will look impressive.

Ideas in the design of the walls allow you to radically change the attitude towards the interior. For the kitchen, it is rational to decorate the walls with the help of a composition from a different combination of shelves. On them you can install vases, room and decorative flowers, beautiful dishes, figurines. The murals and mosaics look impressive on the kitchen walls. In their manufacture, you can use stencils, vinyl stickers.

In the urban kitchen, the landscape on the wall looks good, and when decorated in high-tech style, abstract plots look good.

Decoration of glass elements gives a special charm. If ordinary glass in kitchen furniture replaced with mirror ones, the volume of the room will visually increase. Undoubtedly, the use of frosted, corrugated (patterned), colored or stained glass will add attractiveness. With your own hands, glass interior elements can be diversified with appliqués, lace, and stencil patterns.

kitchen stuff

Various small decorative elements can unrecognizably change the whole look of the kitchen. What crafts to use depends on the owner's imagination.

We can only recall possible ideas:

  • original lampshades for lamps;
  • decorations in the form of paintings, collages for walls;
  • coasters for dishes;
  • holders, hangers, towel mounts;
  • products from bottles and vases;
  • old and original jars and utensils;
  • candlesticks;
  • all kinds of crafts and figurines.

Originality is given by painting and coloring of the refrigerator body and other kitchen equipment (for example, microwave oven). Painted trays and cutting boards, beautiful towels, potholders, aprons.

The design of the kitchen provides a good mood and increases appetite. The original kitchen interior, regardless of the size of the kitchen, creates a special home microclimate.

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