Life flows, children grow up, mothers and fathers let them go free, and only touching memories of how small they were remain in the soul ... Parents try in every way to capture their children: they take photos, videos. We offer another interesting way- make casts of the baby's arms and legs.

Time is so fleeting... It would seem that not so long ago children learned to walk, and today young grandparents are looking at photo albums and souvenirs related to the childhood of their grandchildren's parents. More and more new generations are brought up on such memorabilia. Family histories backed up by "physical evidence" are always much more valuable than those to which there is nothing to attach. One of such cute “proofs” that mom and dad, it turns out, were also small, can be a handmade panel with casts of arms and legs. You can make casts of the baby’s arms and legs with your own hands in several ways, we will tell you about the most accessible ones.

How to make an impression of the baby's hands and feet?

Sand cast of hands/feet

We will tell you about the simplest method that a mother who does not know the art of sculpture can easily handle. The cast can then be decorated with buttons, shells and chains.

For creativity you will need:

  • fine sand;
  • cookie tin;
  • alabaster;
  • tassel.

How to do?

1. Sand is poured into the box and leveled. A child's imprint is made in the center.

2. Next, the alabaster powder is diluted very quickly with water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

3. With a thin stream, it is poured into the cast. The thickness of the material above the sand is from 2 to 4 cm.

4. The container is left for 20 minutes or more, a cast is taken out and the grains of sand are cleaned with a brush. Then you can start decorating the cast.

Decorative panel "Casts of the handle of the leg" from auxiliary materials

  1. Doing salty dough from half a glass of salt and a glass of water, add enough flour to make an elastic dough. So that it does not stick to the arms and legs, it must be kneaded and let it stand for a while. If desired, you can lubricate the palms and feet of the legs with vegetable oil, but with a well-kneaded dough, you can do without it.
  2. If the baby is only a few months old, he can pull oiled hands into his eye, he can involuntarily wipe them on his mother's clothes. It is not always possible to make casts when the child is sleeping, because the handle will have to be pressed, and it is generally better to do the leg while standing for good pressure. After all, all the lines of fate should be imprinted!

3. Don't think that we made too much dough, because it needs to be divided into 4 equal parts in order to take prints from two handles and two legs. Gently press the dry hand or foot of the baby into the resulting thick cakes. If the pattern could not be made clear, the dough can be crumpled and repeat the procedure again.

4. Before taking prints, select suitable containers or boards for pieces of dough, because dough impressions are only the first stage of work. It would be possible to leave them too, but after a few months the dough will lose its shape.

5. We got four cakes with indentations in the form of feet and hands.

6. Now you can dilute dry gypsum or alabaster to the consistency of thick sour cream. Stir them thoroughly so that there are no air bubbles or unmixed clumps. Do not forget that alabaster hardens very quickly, you need to work with it extremely quickly, you can work with gypsum more slowly. The resulting solution is poured into the recesses to their edges and left to dry completely. After that, we clean the casts from the dough, preserving the structure of the imprinted skin.

7. It is best to paint with gold or bronze from spray guns. These materials are much better than other paints, they emphasize the texture and will look great on your panel.

8. On the prepared rectangle or square of thick cardboard, we glue the resulting casts, a photo of the baby, with a special gun with glue or liquid nails, around you can put an ornament of buttons, pieces of plastic, feathers and other beautiful little things. And insert the molds into the frame.

Someone uses plastic instead of salt dough, someone buys special kits for casts, but the dough inspires more confidence because it is environmentally friendly.

Casts of arms and legs from dough - video

Home-made ceramics "Casts of the handle-legs"

  1. Wet sand can be used instead of dough. But for this you need to find good clean fine sand or thoroughly rinse the existing one. Then pour it into the chosen container.
  2. Let's say you have chosen a round or oval container, in the center of which the baby's leg can easily fit, and along the edges you can place shells, circles, a chain, beads - everything that can be beautifully and embossed imprinted on wet sand. The entire resulting composition will need to be filled with the same alabaster or gypsum, and when everything is dry, the surface must be cleaned of sand and painted.

3. You don’t need to stick anything on cardboard, but you will have to choose a frame for the formed round or oval plaster panel. However, if you immediately decide on a beautiful and neat container and don’t get anything out of it, its edges can serve as a frame, only a hole in the upper segment will have to be drilled in advance so that it includes a self-tapping screw head, on which you put the decoration.

4. Clay, rather than gypsum, may become a more logical material here. And you get a great ceramic disc. It remains only to figure out where and how to burn it. But this is for those who have experience with clay.

Ideas - baby prints

Baby molds from puff pastry

This method is considered the cheapest, but it should immediately be noted that the material is short-lived. The dough can crumble after a few months, and the high humidity in the room will ruin it even faster. Of course, you can extend the life of the cast by varnishing it, but it will still serve you only a few years longer.

Making plaster molds

You can immortalize the arm and leg of your baby in the form of a cast using ordinary plaster, as in the photo. But this method is not ideal either. For example, if your baby suffers from allergies, you can not use ordinary building plaster. In addition, the casts are too bulky and heavy, and there is simply nowhere to put them later. However, we will tell you how to make it yourself.

First, we dilute the gypsum with water as indicated in the instructions. We take a form (for example, a round cup or a small saucepan), cover it cling film and pour out the plaster.

When the mixture begins to solidify, we make an imprint. It is better to lubricate the baby’s leg or arm with a greasy cream in advance or sunflower oil. When the mold is completely hardened, you can easily remove the pen from the mold.

Casts of children's hands and feet made of plastic

This is the most progressive way that will help you make a cast of a child's hand and foot at home.

First you need to make "rough" prints from salt dough. Some recommend that they be made of plastic, but this material has quite bad smell and firm consistency, so you don't know how your baby will react to them. PICTURE 5

Salt dough print should be well oiled. Take the plastic, knead it into a thin plate and fill in all the holes so that it exactly repeats the shape of a child's arm or leg.

When the mixture hardens a little, it can be removed and cleaned of excess dough with a cotton swab. Cut out the cast and leave to cool somewhere on the windowsill.

Now on sale there are even special kits that help you make casts with your own hands. They immediately provide a container and a mixture for the print. Therefore, if for some reason you do not trust the methods we have proposed, you can use the kit and make yourself a great keepsake.

Video how to make casts of arms and legs with your own hands

Little kids grow up so fast that you can't keep up with them. Here he turned over for the first time, smiled, said "mom", went ... got married. And so I want to remember every pleasant moment of this lovely childhood life, to capture in my memory small hands and feet. Today, newfangled trends come to the aid of young mothers, thanks to which you can make casts of the arms and legs of their little children. Let's look at several ways to "freeze the moment" and capture the tiny, lovely limbs of a child.

On the Internet, there are a lot of offers of kits for creativity, with which you can make prints of the arms and legs of your baby with every prominent crease on the palm and foot. After all, you must admit that making a collage of photos, arms and legs in 3D format is an exclusive art, looking at which you will light up with a smile every time.

It is very popular today to bring such gifts to christenings or buy a certificate for this service as a gift. After all, when the godson grows up, he will surely remember his godparents with gratitude. What else you can give to the godson read in the article:. Parents can also order handprints on a stand in the style of "Avenue of Stars" in Hollywood. And you can make casts of arms and legs yourself, but how? See below.

How to prepare a crumb-model for "work"?

It is best to do the hand and foot molding work when the little model is calm. Pick a moment. It can be a dream or watching your favorite cartoons. You can find cartoons by clicking on the link:. There are sleepy children with whom you can do anything in this state. There is an interesting article about a child’s sleep: “Does the child sleep badly? possible reasons and find a solution to this problem.

If you decide to carry out work on making a cast while the child is awake, then be sure to make sure that the crumbs have a good mood, that they are not hungry and joyful.
Does the baby wiggle his fingers slightly during the impression? It does not matter, this will not spoil the final result, since the mass will better fall into all the folds and the handle or leg will be more prominent. In this case, the main thing is calmness, nocturnal holding will not give the desired result.

How to make casts of arms and legs out of sand?

The method is quite simple and does not require any special "troubles". Any mother will cope with such a task, even if she is completely unfamiliar with the skill of creating a sculpture. Such a cast can be made decorated, then in addition to the tools and materials below, decorative elements are needed, which can be shells, chains, buttons or small toys.

Required accessories

To work on the cast you will need:

  • capacity, a round-shaped cookie tin is great for this idea;
  • sand, it is desirable that it be fine;
  • alabaster, it is easy to buy it on the construction market (shop);
  • brush, common for painting radiators.

Stages of work

1. Pour fine sand into the selected container, level it. It should not be over-tamped.

2. In the center of the prepared sand, make an imprint from the hand or foot of your child. If you want to make a decorated cast, then make decorations around the print from pre-prepared items.

3. Now you need to do alabaster. Do not forget that this material hardens very quickly, so you need to work quickly. The powder is diluted with plain water. The mass that is necessary for work should be like sour cream.

4. After the alabaster is diluted, pour it into a container in a small stream, so as not to spoil the sand form. The thickness of the alabaster above the sand should be 2–4 cm.

5. Leave the container for at least 20 minutes. It is desirable longer, but if "unbearable", then you can get it.

6. Carefully take out the cast and use a brush to clean off the grains of sand. Next, act as your imagination tells you: paint, decorate, decorate with drawings, write inscriptions.

How to make casts of plasticine arms and legs?

Such material as plasticine is familiar to us since childhood. After all, each of us began to create our first "sculptures" from it in kindergarten. If you are going to make casts of your child's arms and legs from plasticine, then you need to remember the skills gained in kindergarten.

Required accessories

For work, the following materials should be prepared:

  • plasticine, today the choice of such material is quite wide, children's soft is best;
  • ordinary PVA glue (clerical);
  • gypsum, it can be different: for decoration, construction, medical. You can take any;
  • if you want to decorate the cast, then the decor elements.

Step-by-step instruction

1. In order for the print to be of high quality plasticine, it is necessary to knead it well until soft.

2. We make an imprint of a handle or a leg with a depth of at least 1.5 cm. If you want, you can make decorative recesses.

3. We hide the resulting print in the freezer to set the contours.

4. Prepare plaster. The standard proportion suggests 1 cup of powder + 0.5 cups cold water. Do not forget that the gypsum does not take lumps of water should be poured into the gypsum, and not vice versa. Pour a small amount of PVA glue into the resulting mixture.

5. Remove the impression from the freezer and fill all the cavities with plaster.

6. Leave the impression for hardening for 12-18 hours.

7. Plasticine is removed quite easily if you hold it over warm air (a battery, a boiling kettle) for several minutes.

8. The resulting cast is polished and decorated according to your desire.

How to make casts of arms and legs from salt dough?

Hand and foot molds made from salt dough are the easiest way to capture baby prints. But it should be remembered that the dough is a short-lived product and varnish applied on top in several layers will help to preserve the original appearance of the cast.

Required accessories

To prepare the dough for work, you must have:

  • wheat flour;
  • salt, it is better to choose fine;
  • water.

Staged implementation

1. Prepare the dough, it must be elastic. To do this, mix one glass of flour with the same amount of fine salt. In the resulting mixture, twist half a glass of water, knead the dough. If you see that there is not enough water, then add a little.

2. From the resulting dough, roll out a cake of 3–5 cm. You can give the mold a different shape.

3. Push the handle or leg of the child on the cake. This material is good because if the desired result does not come out the first time, you can roll out the dough in a new way.

4. Around the print, you can write inscriptions, draw patterns or beautiful drawings.

5. Place the impression with the imprint in a hot oven for two hours. The optimum temperature for drying the dough should be 100-120 degrees. Depending on the thickness of the cake depends on the baking time.

6. After baking (drying) the cast of the handle or leg, let it lie down for a day and only then apply a decorative coating (lacquer, paint, etc.), decorate with drawings and inscriptions.

Impression design options

Making a mold of the handle and leg is half the battle. It still needs to be beautifully decorated. In addition to making a cast, it also needs to be beautifully designed. There are many design options, because it all depends on your imagination. Here are some design options:

1. In the form of a figurine. To do this, cover the resulting cast with silver or bronze spray paint and pile it on the base. Sign the base and put a date and get a miniature figurine.

2. Photo frame with a cast. Glue a photo of your child and a cast of an arm and leg into a regular photo frame. In addition to these things, "under the glass" you can put a tag from the hospital, a pacifier and other paraphernalia of a newborn.

3. In the form of a pendant. Make a hole while making. After the casts of the arms and legs have hardened, thread a beautiful ribbon through this hole and hang it on the wall in the children's room. And you can read about the design of a room for a newborn in the article:.

Author of the publication: Zoya Kiseleva 

Sometimes it seems that children are growing too fast, parents do not have time to enjoy communication because of worries, and the thrill that they experience when looking at the small arms and legs of children slips away. I so want to leave something in an unreliable memory so that it reminds of a baby and demonstrates the miracle of a baby’s growth. Photographs and plaster casts of the palms help in part.

Photo Shutterstock

Making plaster casts is not difficult, the only problem is that the kids are mobile, making them put their palm with the right force at the right time and not bring the baby to tears - this is really difficult. Little secrets come to the rescue.

Option one - economical

You will need: - soft plasticine, - oilcloth, - vaseline, - gypsum, - a glass of water.

Cover the table with oilcloth, otherwise you risk spending the rest of the day cleaning. From plasticine (take a couple of pieces at once), mold a cake with a thickness of at least 3 cm. It should be even and without holes. Apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly to one of the surfaces of the cake, you can even use petroleum jelly.

It is not necessary to use gypsum at all, the prints of the legs on plasticine look no less cute

In a bowl, dilute a bag of medical plaster (sold in pharmacies or by weight, or packaged in 150 grams), pour it into a glass and gradually pour 200 ml warm water. Stir constantly so that there are no lumps. Cover the glass with a lid.

Now send the finished plasticine to the microwave for 10-15 seconds, so it will become very soft and plastic. Check if the mass is too hot, if the baby will burn the hands.

Let the baby "drown" the handle or leg in the mass of plasticine. This must be done quickly and clearly, it is impossible for the child to have time to squeeze his fingers or twist his palm in a warm mass. Feel free to remove the pen, the plasticine should not stick, because there is a layer of Vaseline on it. For safety net, you can smear your baby's hand with a greasy baby cream.

Pour the prepared gypsum into the resulting recess and leave the mold for 2-3 hours. As soon as the plaster dries, you can remove the plasticine. Dry the gypsum for another day, now you can cut off the irregularities of the gypsum with sandpaper. Cover the cast with paint, acrylic or meat ones fit perfectly. It remains to be placed in a deep frame, you can even without glass.

Option two - home

Make molds from salt dough. Knead in a bowl 2 cups of flour with 1.5 cups of warm water, add 1 cup of fine salt. For softness and smoothness of the dough, you can squeeze half a tube of baby cream into it.

Little children grow up quickly, and so you want to capture their tiny fingers and legs in memory. Casts of arms and legs made by parents can become quite a tangible thing. The manufacturing process is very simple, the materials are available, and the result will delight you for many years.

You will need:

  • flour;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • gypsum or alabaster;
  • paint in a can;
  • picture frame;
  • liquid Nails;
  • photograph of a child, jewelry.
To get an impression, we make salt dough. Dissolve half a glass of salt in one glass of water and add flour. Mix everything thoroughly to make it elastic, soft dough. Flour add about 1 cup, but if your hands stick to the dough, you can increase the amount of flour. Divide the resulting dough into 4 parts and roll out cakes 2 cm thick and slightly larger than the palm of your hand. Take the baby's hand and gently press it into the dough. The hands and feet of the child should be dry, clean, so as not to stick to the dough. We remove the palm and look at the print. If not very clear, roll out the salt dough back and repeat the process. Try to make a deep impression. In a separate container, we dilute gypsum or alabaster. We take half a glass of dry matter and gradually add water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. The resulting solution is quickly poured into a mold from the dough until the alabaster is frozen. Move the mold gently to avoid air bubbles. Leave the print to dry overnight.

Carefully remove the casts of the legs and arms, as the resulting fingers are very fragile. To do this, turn the dough over and slowly separate it from the cast. Excess parts are cut off with a knife, irregularities are processed with sandpaper.

It's time to paint our casts. Traditionally gold and silver spray paint is used. But you can take the usual gouache. After the casts have dried, glue them onto the frame using liquid nails. We insert a photo of the baby, decorate with applique.

The considered option allows you to make casts of arms and legs using improvised materials. To get three-dimensional casts, you can purchase ready-made kits with a gel filler.
