Small children grow up quickly, and so you want to capture their tiny fingers and legs in memory. Casts of arms and legs made by parents can become quite a tangible thing. The manufacturing process is very simple, the materials are available, and the result will delight you for many years.

You will need:

  • flour;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • gypsum or alabaster;
  • paint in a can;
  • picture frame;
  • liquid Nails;
  • photograph of a child, jewelry.
To get an impression, do salty dough. Dissolve half a glass of salt in one glass of water and add flour. Mix everything thoroughly to make it elastic, soft dough. Flour add about 1 cup, but if your hands stick to the dough, you can increase the amount of flour. Divide the resulting dough into 4 parts and roll out cakes 2 cm thick and slightly larger than the palm of your hand. Take the baby's hand and gently press it into the dough. The hands and feet of the child should be dry, clean, so as not to stick to the dough. We remove the palm and look at the print. If not very clear, roll out the salt dough back and repeat the process. Try to make a deep impression. In a separate container, we dilute gypsum or alabaster. We take half a glass of dry matter and gradually add water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. The resulting solution is quickly poured into a mold from the dough until the alabaster is frozen. Move the mold gently to avoid air bubbles. Leave the print to dry overnight.

Carefully remove the casts of the legs and arms, as the resulting fingers are very fragile. To do this, turn the dough over and slowly separate it from the cast. Excess parts are cut off with a knife, irregularities are processed with sandpaper.

It's time to paint our casts. Traditionally gold and silver spray paint is used. But you can take the usual gouache. After the casts have dried, glue them onto the frame using liquid nails. We insert a photo of the baby, decorate with applique.

The considered option allows you to make casts of arms and legs using improvised materials. To get three-dimensional casts, you can purchase ready-made kits with a gel filler.

Baby molds from puff pastry

This method is considered the cheapest, but it should immediately be noted that the material is short-lived. The dough can crumble after a few months, and the high humidity in the room will ruin it even faster. Of course, you can extend the life of the cast by varnishing it, but it will still serve you only a few years longer.

Making plaster molds

You can immortalize the arm and leg of your baby in the form of a cast using ordinary plaster, as in the photo. But this method is not ideal either. For example, if your baby suffers from allergies, you can not use ordinary building plaster. In addition, the casts are too bulky and heavy, and there is simply nowhere to put them later. However, we will tell you how to make it yourself.

First, we dilute the gypsum with water as indicated in the instructions. We take a form (for example, a round cup or a small saucepan), cover it cling film and pour out the plaster.

When the mixture begins to solidify, we make an imprint. It is better to lubricate the baby’s leg or arm with a greasy cream in advance or sunflower oil. When the mold is completely hardened, you can easily remove the pen from the mold.

Casts of children's hands and feet made of plastic

This is the most progressive way that will help you make a cast of a child's hand and foot at home.

First you need to make "rough" prints from salt dough. Some recommend that they be made of plastic, but this material has quite bad smell and firm consistency, so you don't know how your baby will react to them. PICTURE 5

Salt dough print should be well oiled. Take the plastic, knead it into a thin plate and fill in all the holes so that it exactly repeats the shape of a child's arm or leg.

When the mixture hardens a little, it can be removed and cleaned of excess dough with a cotton swab. Cut out the cast and leave to cool somewhere on the windowsill.

Now on sale there are even special kits that help you make casts with your own hands. They immediately provide a container and a mixture for the print. Therefore, if for some reason you do not trust the methods we have proposed, you can use the kit and make yourself a great keepsake.

Video how to make casts of arms and legs with your own hands

Our mothers circled our hands and feet in childhood, so that in the children's album there would be a memory of what we were. Already at school, we circled them ourselves and gave them to each other.

Today you can make an imprint of the child's hand and foot with every fold on the skin. And your Romeo will be able to give his Juliet in kindergarten not just a picture, but a three-dimensional copy of his pen. In our century, you won’t surprise anyone with photographs, videos are shot with a mobile phone, and casts of children’s arms and legs in 3D format are really exclusive, which you can’t buy, you can only order a master or make it yourself.

Godparents buy a gift certificate for this service so that an adult child will remember them with gratitude. Lovers (as in the "Avenue of Stars") and newlyweds order handprints on a stand with engraving. For the hero of the day, you can call a specialist at home, and organize a gift - a procedure as part of the holiday program.

Now it is fashionable to collect sculptural copies of the entire family and keep them as family heirlooms for posterity. Many people order accurate 3D sculptures of their hands.

Of course, such casts were invented a long time ago, but this service was expensive, and not everyone dared to take their crumbs across the city to the sculptor's workshop. Children grow rapidly, and I want to leave an extraordinary gift in memory of childhood. When your child becomes famous, these casts will be worth more than gold. Now many masters provide this service, but it is quite possible to manage on your own at home.

Children's casts. Method one - on the sand

Tools and materials

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Sand is poured into a bowl (without tamping).
  2. Carefully in the center we make an imprint of the handle or foot of the child.
  3. Along the edges we lay out the selected decor for prints.
  4. Dilute alabaster to the consistency of sour cream (better cold water, as it seizes very quickly).
  5. In a thin stream, so as not to spoil the work, pour the solution onto the sand with a layer of 2 - 3 cm.
  6. After 15 minutes, when the alabaster completely hardens, carefully remove it from the mold.
  7. > We clean it from sand with a brush and cover it with paint, varnish, apply a commemorative inscription.

Materials of casts of children's hands and feet are very diverse. We got used to the sand, you can experiment with plasticine.

Method two - plasticine

Tools and materials

  • children's soft plasticine;
  • gypsum;
  • PVA glue;
  • decor material.

Step-by-step instruction

Method three - in the test

Tools and materials

  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • fine salt - half a glass;
  • vegetable oil or glue - 1 tbsp;
  • paints;
  • decor material.

Step-by-step instruction

For grandparents, this is the most desired gift that they will keep for a lifetime.

But no one canceled grandmother's fun and simple method - if there are hypoallergenic paints in the house, just give your child paper and paints - and you will have a lot of prints in five minutes.

If you have mastered simple methods from simple improvised materials, you can purchase a kit for professionals.

Children grow up very quickly, and you need to have time to catch moments that will delight you all your life!

Want to make your baby's childhood memories even more amazing and vivid? Kits for making children's volumetric casts and prints will help parents with this. Small palms and heels of newborns are so appetizing and beautiful that you want to remember them in the smallest detail.

The arms and legs of babies, we have already told you. Now let's talk about how you can design them in an original way.


Framing casts of children's hands and feet into a frame is a classic of the genre, but this does not detract from the charm of the made souvenirs. There are single, double and triple frames on sale, with or without a photo - it all depends on your wishes. You can make a frame with your own hands. In addition, you can add a frame with a cast or print in a variety of ways.

Use rhinestones, flowers, butterflies and other decorative delights.

Add a pacifier, socks, booties or other memorabilia.

Color prints in any shades - pink, blue, gold, silver, bronze.


If, during the manufacture of casts or prints of the palms and heels, a small hole is made in them and a satin or lace ribbon is threaded into it, an elegant pendant can be obtained. This decor will look great in a child's room, in the living room or in the parent's office.


To make a cute figurine, you just need to install the resulting 3D plaster casts on the platform and cover with paint. It is important to let them dry thoroughly before applying a decorative coat of paint, as well as after that. You can apply paint in several layers, as well as use contrasting shades. Any ideas - the possibilities for creativity are unlimited. How to color? It all depends on your wishes - choose a golden or silver decor, semi-antique or, on the contrary, fashionable and bright shades?

How to decorate a figurine? Add some chic - rhinestones, beads, flowers or any other decorative elements.

Heart shaped

Plaster prints or heart-shaped casts look very graceful. To give more chic to such souvenirs, you can use dyes for gold and silver. And of course, do not forget about the commemorative signature with the name and age of a small child.

Babies in their first year of life grow so fast that their parents don't even have time to look back. But you really want to capture in your memory the moments when the baby is very small. The way out of the situation is casts of arms and legs. Buying a ready-made kit for their manufacture is now not difficult.

However, the price of such kits is often surprising, and the creative components included in the composition seriously limit the imagination. How realistic is it to make casts of arms and legs with your own hands, using improvised means? It turns out that the procedure is quite simple, and the materials will require quite a bit!

Plaster casts

How to make casts of arms and legs with your own hands using plaster? It is necessary to take plasticine, you can even old one, heat it up in microwave oven and form a cake to fit the imprint of the foot or palm.

Then we make an imprint on the cake. If the first time does not work out, then you just need to re-heat the mass. To make the print clearer and deeper, when pressing, fix the edges of the cake so that they do not diverge to the sides.

It is convenient to use a certain form with sides for this. After obtaining an acceptable result, the cast is placed in a freezer to harden. We breed gypsum for sculptural works (can be purchased at an art store) in accordance with the instructions and additionally add a little PVA glue, pour the resulting mass into cakes with prints, leave for a while to harden.

When the gypsum hardens, the resulting casts are carefully cleaned of plasticine and left for about a day for final drying. Then you should lightly walk on them with sandpaper, removing roughness and irregularities. This should be done very carefully so as not to crumble the finished product. From above it is necessary to apply paint in several layers.

The most popular options are bronze or metallic silver, but the choice of color is up to you. After drying, the casts of the arms and legs (by the way, made with your own hands) are ready! They can be placed in a deep frame, mounted on a stand or otherwise fit into the interior.

Casts of alabaster

The second, no less budgetary way with which you can make casts of arms and legs with your own hands is to use alabaster as a base. It is necessary to mix five glasses of flour, two and a half glasses of fine salt, a tube of baby cream, mix. Gradually add water, achieving the consistency of plasticine.

We make cakes of the required shape and make prints of the feet and hands. The casts are placed in the oven and dried at a low temperature until hardened. Lubricate the prints with petroleum jelly and fill with diluted alabaster, leave to dry.

After complete drying, carefully remove the casts from the mold using a nail file, file, other improvised means, give them a neat shape. After that, we cover the casts with paint of the desired color and let it dry.

We have reviewed two of the most simple ways how to make casts of arms and legs with your own hands. As you can see, it is quite simple and accessible to parents. And the possibilities of further decoration are limited only by the range of products of the art store!

This could be a pretty frame. nautical style for a boy, decorated with pebbles and shells, flower arrangement for a girl. Or you can even make a cast of the pen every month and by the end of the year draw up an unusual panel, which will clearly show how quickly the baby grew during this period.
