Events” tested the sled different types and found out which are the fastest, safest and most convenient.

On what to slide down the hill? Before, there were only three options: aluminum sleds, ice rinks and a bag filled with snow. Now there are so many of these accessories in stores that your eyes run wide. The correspondent of the portal "Events" Daria Turtseva brings up two children, which means she owns an almost complete range of rolling aids. Together with her family, she got out into the forest and made a big test drive.


Snow tubes are also called "cheesecakes" for their shape - new recent years. The cost is from 800 to 2500 rubles. The price depends on the configuration. Last year we decided to save money and just bought a rubber one. "Extremely strong, reinforced construction" was written on the packaging. On the second day of "pokatushki" "cheesecake" cut through the sharp edge of the ice. The hole was sealed, but they no longer took risks, this winter they bought a cover for it for another 800 rubles.


Compact, easy to transport when folded, convenient to store in the summer - does not take up space on the balcony

From the slope, the cheesecake rushes like a jet. Children and adults alike enjoy it immensely.


It is very difficult to inflate on the street in winter, the rubber becomes “oak”, cold air does not fill the chamber well. We never succeeded in pumping it up to the end on the street, and the dimensions of the car do not allow us to drive it inflated from home.

Absolutely unguided projectile. On a bump, you can jump up and fly out of it. It is impossible to slow down - sitting inside, even my legs do not reach the ground, not to mention the children. It becomes scary when the “cheesecake” turns around and you have to roll down with your back, because you don’t see what awaits you further down the course.

General impression:

This is an extremely dangerous projectile, I would equate it with extreme sports. Riding a "cheesecake" is safe only on a specially prepared track, where there are no pits and springboards. Otherwise, the "pokatushki" can end in bruises and fractures.

Snow scooter

We bought a snow scooter three years ago at a sale for 350 rubles at a price of 2500 thousand. The fear “cheap means bad” was not confirmed. During all this time, not a single breakdown. The user manual specifies a weight limit of 50 kilograms. But in fact, the snow scooter can withstand 70, and even 90.


Handling - thanks to the steering wheel, you can easily go around pits and bumps. There are brakes - a pedestrian who unexpectedly jumped out onto a snowy track will not suffer if you press the pedals in time.

Sustainability. Despite the fact that the “driver” of the snow scooter sits quite high above the ground and it seems that falling from such a height is more dangerous than from flat ice, due to the wide plastic skis it is almost impossible to turn the snow scooter over. In any case, we did not manage to do it even on purpose.

Those who love extreme sensations will appreciate the speed. As our test drive showed, the “cheesecake” and the snow scooter fly from the slope at the same speed.


Takes up a lot of space, inconvenient to transport.

Big weight. Difficult to lift and carry.

It is inconvenient to use it as a sled (lead by the rope), because the child enjoys turning the steering wheel from side to side and turning the wrong way.

General impression:

In terms of comfort and safety, a snow scooter, I would put in the first place. Excellent maneuverability and stability, the boys behind the wheel can feel like real drivers.


Ledyanka are of two types - small ones from our childhood and modern large ones, which even an adult can fit into. Small ones can be bought for 150-200 rubles. Large ones, depending on the material, cost from 400 to 800 rubles. The stronger the plastic, the more expensive.


Primitive control. Own legs and to steer and to slow down. In extreme cases, you can easily eject from the ice cubes, simply by falling on your side.

Develops a moderate speed - good for kids and adults who do not like thrills.

Multifunctionality. It can also be used for descents from snowy slopes and from ice slides.

Can be used not only for active rest, but also for transporting a child to a kindergarten, for transporting firewood, snow and for other household needs.


The speed is less than that of the "cheesecake" and the snow scooter.

Rigidity. You can bounce on a bump and hit the "fifth point" great on landing.

General impression:

Large ice cubes showed the second fastest result. Small ones - the fourth, after a bag stuffed with snow - their legs fall out of them and slow down. The main advantage is compactness and lightness, if there is no car, then this hand luggage will not burden you much on the way to the hill.

Plastic bag

A package, a piece of linoleum, a briefcase, after all. Riding them was a common thing in my childhood. A piece of polyethylene helps out even now. The time-tested projectile also took part in our test drive.


Price. In the bins of each apartment you can find a large durable package. If not, then you can buy it in a building materials hypermarket, it costs a penny.

Compactness. Easy to fit in a handbag and even a pocket. You can always carry it with you.


The speed depends on the quality of the coating. If it's icy and perfectly smooth, then it's good. If there is snow, and even with holes, you won’t go far, you will sit in the very first one.

All bumps and tubercles will leave a memory of themselves in the form of bruises on the pope and back.

General impression:

As practice has shown, it is best to ride on a pack full of snow. It took me about 10 minutes to fill. The first descent was simply enchanting. The package yielded in speed only to the “cheesecake” and the snow scooter. With a participant in the competition on large ice rinks, we reached the finish line almost simultaneously. But the most interesting was ahead. While everyone else rolled their vehicles up the mountain with ease, I barely trudged along with a bag full of heavy wet snow. After the second descent, I decided to empty the bag halfway. Surprise awaited here too. Under the weight of the “rider”, the snow moves to the sides, as a result, the “fifth point” had to count all the bumps on the mountain. For the third time, I decided to get rid of the snow in the bag completely, because there is still no sense in it. But the empty package showed unimportant speed.

Soft ice cubes and the so-called "podzhopniks"

Soft ice caps are made of polypropylene. From above, for better sliding, they are put on covers made of awning or banner fabric. Very small ones cost 200 rubles. There are bigger ones, like surfboards, you can buy them for 800.


Strength. It will not crack like a plastic ice cube in severe frost.

Compactness. Easy to store and transport.

Ease. Even a baby can drag it up a hill or slope.

Multifunctionality. It can be used both on snowy and icy slopes and on children's metal or wooden slides. Such an ice cube in the summer can be used as a swimming board.


Not suitable for very young children. There is no back and sides - it is difficult to maintain balance.

There is nowhere to rest your legs, you have to lift it up above your head so as not to slow down or move out while lying on your stomach, head first.

General impression:

Small soft ice cubes showed the worst result in terms of speed. All because they interfere with the legs, which have nowhere to go. Large iceboats ride well on both icy and snowy surfaces. On bumps they don't take off as high as regular ice skates, but a hard landing is felt, even despite the soft construction.

plastic sled

Despite the fact that the sled is plastic, it is very durable. More than 5 years serve faithfully. There are models that are equipped with an additional seat for babies.


Warm. For some reason, even in cold weather, the plastic remains warm enough. It is pleasant to sit on it and touch it with your hands. Children can even lick - the tongue will not stick.

Durability. On a plastic base, there are metal runners, thanks to which they not only glide well. They protect the plastic from abrasion on the asphalt.

Lungs. They weigh only 2.5 kilograms.

Durable. Withstand up to 100 kilograms.


Price. Imported ones cost about 5,000 rubles. But now there are plastic sleds Russian production, they cost about 2000 rubles.

General impression:

The sled rolls well down the mountain. They have an ergonomic design and are comfortable to hold. They showed the same speed as the ice-boats. Even a child can handle the controls at the level of intuition. He pulled out his legs - he slowed down, it's scary - you fall on your side. They do not injure, even if they fall on top of you, because they are light and do not have sharp corners.

Booster and car cover

Also in our test drive was a child car seat, the so-called booster and a car seat cover.

The first one refused to roll at all, despite the fact that, like ice cubes, it is made of plastic. Great Hope was on an old car cover. One side is made of leatherette, and the other side is made of upholstery fabric. It was expected that in the cold the leatherette would freeze and it would just look like ice cubes, and it was not cold to sit on the fabric side. The cover is really stiff, but did not slide down the mountain.

Winter usefulness for everyone who does not like annoying troubles

To prevent hair from being electrified from a hat. Of course, there are special tools, but we are talking about the most available ways. Add water and a few drops of lavender oil to a spray bottle (you can get these for cheap at fixed price stores or any hardware store). Shaking well, spray on the hair - the static charge is neutralized.

To keep shoes from getting wet. You can grate paraffin from an ordinary candle on a fine grater and put it in the microwave for a few seconds, add a couple of spoons to liquid paraffin linseed oil(maybe a few drops of lavender). Grate shoes with this mixture and leave to soak overnight.

To remove the pellets from your favorite sweater use a regular razor. Although there are special machines for removing lumps from clothes, they cost a lot of money. You can also use adhesive tape or roller adhesive tape (the effect is the same), but this will only help from a small amount of spools that have just appeared.

To make the phone respond to gloved fingers, you can upgrade the hand accessory. The first way: we take non-working telephone headphones, pull out a metal thread from them, thread it into a needle with a large eye. On the index finger we embroider a small circle (or cross). It is with this “embroidery” that you will touch the screen of the now obedient phone. Second: insert a small ball of foil into the tip of the index finger of the glove. Third: Some advise spitting on a gloved finger. It works, the sensor reacts to a wet glove, but walking with wet fingers is a dubious pleasure.

Keep your feet warm on long walks, according to the size of the foot, cut out the insoles from the foil isolon and lay them in the shoes - it will be warmer. However, on sale you can often see insoles made of similar material.

To keep your hands warm get into the habit of carrying an extra pair of gloves. Suddenly you decide to exchange a couple of snowballs with your friends. It is uncomfortable to walk in wet gloves, you will instantly change them to dry ones.

To make the ice slide even better, you can melt the grated paraffin in the microwave and grease the ice cube with it. Let it freeze. Gliding will be even better.

To open a frozen castle for example, a garage, in the absence of special tools at hand, heat the key with a lighter (this is more difficult to do with matches). A hot key will "convince" the lock to give in.

To make the apartment a little warmer, build a wall behind a conventional battery food foil or a sheet of foil isolon. Heat will be reflected inside the room.

To keep shoes from slipping work with the sole. Firstly, you can create microburrs from slipping on it with coarse-grained sandpaper. Secondly, with an ordinary stationery stapler (many of them have a lower part that is bent), try applying a few staples in the heel and toe area. Thirdly, you can stick pieces of adhesive tape on a clean sole. True, it is erased after each walk and, if you have enough patience, you will have to update it every time. The staples will last a little longer. Some also advise applying hot melt adhesive to a clean sole and letting it dry. These options can be used if you do not want to spend about 200 rubles on ice access or think that they spoil the aesthetic appearance of the shoe.

To keep glasses from fogging up When you enter a room from a cold, try generously smearing your lenses with shaving foam and then wiping them thoroughly with a tissue. Some claim that this works due to the microfilm that, covering the lenses, protects them from condensation.

So that there are no stains from wet shoes in the hallway, some advise to keep an ordinary one at the door cat tray with a lattice. Dirty water from shoes and snow will drain into the tray, leaving no dirt on the floor.

To protect your phone from the cold, do not carry it in your jeans pocket. Low temperatures are bad for the battery, so put your phone in an inside jacket pocket.

In order not to freeze on the street, put on several layers of thin clothes, this is much better than one layer of thick clothes. For example, one warm sweater will not warm as well as, say, three T-shirts and a turtleneck worn one on top of the other. The effect is achieved through air gap because air has a low thermal conductivity. If this does not help, some advise dialing hot water(approximately 80 °C) into small bottles and put them in your pockets. While you are walking, they will not let you freeze.

To prevent car wipers from icing up, some advise to wear regular socks on them. It looks funny, but the main thing is not to press them against the glass: it will be even more difficult to tear them off with socks. It is believed that this simple method allows you not to loosen the fasteners, each time removing the wipers.

To the side windows of the car not covered with frost overnight, wrap them in plastic bags. Of course, this only makes sense for those who do not have heated mirrors.

To insulate the seats without heating in the car, you can put sheets of the already mentioned material on them - isolon. It's not that cold to sit on.

Skiing from the mountains is a fun mass fun for children in winter time since time immemorial. Everyone contrives to fly down the rolled ice path on whatever they have to: some squatting, some flopping flat, and some placing plywood or a cardboard box lid under them. Previously, in the villages, children made special ice cubes for this: they took an old sieve or a basin, coated it with clay or adobe on the outside, doused it with water and froze it. Then hay was laid inside, as in a nest. On such a peculiar lens, the descent turned out to be especially rapid.

Despite the fact that modern plastic ice cubes are now sold in stores in a large assortment, the children still continue to make their own versions - it’s more interesting and more fun. Here are some examples from the German magazine Praktik.

An ice cube from ... a shovel

An old shovel shovel really begs to be used as an ice shovel. And indeed, it already has everything for this: a wide blade will serve as an excellent skid, especially since one edge seems to be specially bent, like a sleigh; and if you shorten the handle - we get a finished handle, comfortable to hold on to and even control the movement.

1- shovel; 2- fabric (or rubber) loop tape; 3- liner (polystyrene, foam rubber, latex)

It is possible to improve such a “soviet” ice cube a little more - to make a seat for it. This will require a strip of fabric (or rubber - for example, from a car camera): the material is folded in half and put on a handle (shank) with a specially made hole. It remains to put a piece of foam, thick foam rubber or latex inside - and a comfortable soft seat is ready.

"Ski" ice rink

Children's wooden skis serve the child for a short winter or two, and there, you see, the baby has grown - others are needed, more. Throw away the old ones? Some make sleds out of them. And if you collect several pairs, you can build an original ice rink from your used skis

To do this, the skis must first of all be rallied into a single shield. This can be done in the following way. Through the through hole available for each ski for soft fastening, a tightly fitting connecting bar is threaded on glue (carpentry, PVA). At the same time, the side edges of the skis are also glued, and the resulting shield is firmly rallied on a flat surface and held for the glue setting period.

1 - skis; 2 - connecting bar; 3 - plywood seat pad; 4 - carpet; 5 - connecting bar, A - ice cap assembly; B - toe part

At this time, a connecting bar from wooden board; the toe of each ski is carefully nailed to it.

For additional reinforcement of the shield, a strip of plywood is superimposed and nailed on top of the backs of the skis. It can be oval in shape and serve as a seat: then its surface is covered with carpet. A strip of the same material is glued to the toe bar, which acts as a stop - the legs will not slip off. You can also attach a rope or a leather handle here for the convenience of carrying the ice maker.

Ice chair

Another version of the ice has an increased “comfort” - in the form of a high chair on a wide skid. This design, as it were, combines the "scoop" and "ski" options. Only from a shovel, only a part with a handle is used as a handle, and instead of skis, a sheet of plywood is used.

1 - plywood skid; 2- toe figured bar; 3 - seat legs; 4 - coated seat (rubber, carpet); 5 - part of a shovel with a handle; 6 - undercut bars

The device of this ice-maker is clear from the figure. The plywood sheet-runner with its front edge overlap is attached from above to the toe bar, processed by a planer for a toboggan bend. Their connection is reinforced with figured seat legs nailed on top. The latter is formed by two panels joined at a certain angle, for which the legs have corresponding cutouts. The surface of the seat is pasted over or upholstered with a rubber ribbed rug or carpet.

Two bars are nailed to the bottom of the plywood skid, playing the role of undercuts. A part of a shovel with a handle is attached to the bottom of the toe bar, so that there is something to hold on to when riding an ice rink.

How to make a sled for children? The instructions and the drawings attached to it will help you with this. So that you do not spend money on a master class from craftsmen of folk hand-made, we will try to tell you how you can make a sled yourself. Moreover, it is not so difficult as it seems at first glance. You can adjust the size of winter sleds, make them strong and stable, which means they will be much more reliable than folding store ones.

Do-it-yourself wooden sled: drawings

The most common material for making sleds is wood. Wooden sledges can be either entirely made of wood or contain elements woven from vines or branches.

To make the sled smooth and comfortable, you will need drawings. They will be the basis, and you can think of additional elements yourself.

We offer you such a drawing for the manufacture of children's standard sledges with your own hands.

To decorate a vehicle made according to a drawing, you can cut out several carved back elements from plywood with a jigsaw. For strength, the runners are recommended to be made of thicker timber or to beat them with sheet metal.

With the growing demand for replacing iron plumbing and heating pipes with plastic ones, craftsmen often began to make sleds from plastic pipes with your own hands. If your family members or friends are engaged in a similar business, or you have a few tubes left after the repair, then you will not have problems. You can make a sled from a pipe or from polypropylene.

Sledge from profile pipe, PVC, polypropylene pipes or from a tube square will be equally good if they are made strong. The main thing is the presence within reach of a special soldering iron and a grinder for cutting off sections of the desired valley. You can rent these tools at some hardware stores.

What you need:

  • actually plastic pipes;
  • adapters for connection;
  • metal corners to strengthen the skids;
  • a sheet of plastic for sitting (optional);
  • rope to pull the sled.

A home craftsman can weld a sled out of metal with his own hands, and such a product will be much cheaper than purchased sleds. Iron welded sledge from a corner or from metal profile, left after construction - a good use for what could be left in the garage in the "useful" category.

Forged decorative elements from metal profiles, metal rods left in the art forging workshop are best used. You can decorate them with thin wire snowflakes, and then the Snow Queen herself will envy such a sleigh.

You can make a sledge from an old folding bed or from bed headboards.

What you need:

  • corners for skids and frame;
  • seat profile;
  • bolts with nuts and washers for fastening;
  • rope, preferably not synthetic, so that the sled can be pulled.

You can add a board for sitting, because the metal in the cold becomes very cold.

Do-it-yourself foam sled

Styrofoam from household appliances it’s a pity to throw it away right away, and he moves to the balcony. So that valuable material does not have to lie idle for a long time, try to ride on a do-it-yourself foam sled. In the cold, they are warm to ride.

It is enough to cut a streamlined contour with a sharp knife and punch holes for the rope. Let it be disposable sledges, but they will cost almost nothing.

Another option for free sledges is from plastic bottles. It is enough to wrap the required amount of empty containers with plastic film in four or six pieces and put them in a large plastic bag or film for the greenhouse. Solder the edges with an iron and ride to your health.

Install skids from a metal corner, plastic pipes or old skis on the baby stroller, which is possible even without removing the wheels. Riding in winter on such a sled from a stroller is much more convenient.

Do you have old skis lying around? Do not rush to get rid of them! If they have not fallen into disrepair, it's time to make a pair of sleds from skis with your own hands.

It will take quite a bit of skill and some additional materials for this. Making sleds from old skis can save you a lot of money.

What you need:

  • actually old skis;
  • timber or corner for fastening;
  • board or plastic sheet for sitting;
  • bolts with nuts and washers;
  • a rope so that the sled can be pulled.

Briefly about the creation of such a sleigh - a corner is stuffed on the ski runners, a seat is attached to the top, to which a rope is tied.

Do-it-yourself sled for twins

Store options for a sled for two, controlled, with a steering wheel help to save parental strength. The main difference between a sled for two kids is an elongated seat and two backs. Toddlers can sit in a train if they ride down a hill, or face to face if this vehicle is up to kindergarten and on a walk.

It does not matter what the sled will be made of, with or without a steering wheel - made of wood, metal, plastic pipes or old skis. In a product of your own production, you will take into account the exact height and weight of children. The quality of fasteners and materials will also not cause you concern.

You can use one of the drawings above.

Do-it-yourself ice sledges

Do-it-yourself ice sleds are easily made from anything - the main thing is that the material is slippery and does not let moisture through. As an option - ice cubes from linoleum. All they need is sharp scissors or a chisel and a piece of linoleum.

The pattern for the ice cube from linoleum is small in area.

DIY Finnish sled: drawings

Finks are sleds with long skids and a high seat. One person sits down, the second stands behind the runners and pushes off. Adults can accelerate to high speeds. Sometimes large dogs such as huskies or huskies are even harnessed to such sleds.

Before you use the blueprints to build your own kick sled, consider: maybe you can upgrade an old children's sled by adding a high back to it?

Do-it-yourself sled-cheesecakes

An inflatable cheesecake or a bun will bring the joy of skiing downhill for both children and adults. One of the easiest models to manufacture allows you to develop high speed and saves you from hypothermia. It is especially pleasing that the sled-cheesecakes from the car camera have very simple patterns.

To protect the inflated camera, you need to put it in a cover made of awning fabric, thin linoleum or wide vinyl wallpaper. According to the size of the base, but with a margin, it is necessary to cut out the protective material in the form of two circles. Take your time, measure several times.

The circles are sewn together along the front seam. The camera can be lowered, and then it will be possible to stitch the edges even on sewing machine. For convenience, you can equip the cover with carabiners, to which an additional seat cushion will be attached.

Previously, to slide down the hill, the sled was not needed at all. Nothing forbade us to go straight to the “fifth point”: either we didn’t strive for high speed, or our pants and jackets glided better, or maybe the slides were filled using a different technology. In extreme cases, you could sit on a cardboard box that was found on the street under a hill.

Now it is difficult to find a child who agrees to ride without ice or sleds. It is possible that children are simply protecting their clothes from unforeseen damage. Or maybe the slides are no longer so slippery and the guys are trying to accelerate as much as possible. True, this is fraught with the fact that you can drive directly onto the roadway and, God forbid, under the wheels of a car.

However, the fact remains that it is inconvenient and no longer relevant to take a bulky sled from home with you every time.

Not so long ago, one of the Russian sites conducted a survey "What do your children ride on the hills." According to the results, iceberg won the most popularity. 32% of respondents voted for them. The second place was shared by sleds and snowmobiles. And right after them, with 8% of the votes, the well-known “fifth point” follows. The rest spoke in favor of improvised and foot products, on which you can move out.

What to choose here is no longer decided by people, but by the mountain itself. If it is moderately wide, not too steep and has a long enough descent, then bulky sleds, snow scooters and skis will do. But you can’t drive down a small hill for them. It's too unsafe. So either ice cubes, or buttocks, or improvised materials just come to the rescue.

Don't do for your child what he can do for himself.

As for homemade ice cubes, the most popular type is still a piece of linoleum. However, boards, cardboard also do not give way to their place of honor. For older children, a sled can replace not only a briefcase, but also a proven essay. And in one of the universities of Kirov, after the session, students ride protected term papers. One thing is bad: these improvised means are not always safe. But the child can make them himself!

In order not to hurt themselves, they used to sew soft ice caps from linoleum. The base was cut out of old oilcloths, and paralon was laid inside. The good thing is that they are safe, gliding well and light, because the child will have to drag them uphill. These can be done now, spending less than an hour on it. In addition, if such sleds are torn, then you can always make new ones.

In principle, now in stores they offer inflatable sleds made according to the principle of a mattress.

But you can also make them yourself.

If you have turning skills, then you can make the sled more difficult. The design of the ice sled is not at all complicated: an old chamber inflated with air from any car is tightened in two places with tie-down straps, which also serve as handrails. From below, a duralumin skid panel with a pair of shortened skis attached to it is attached to the camera.

According to the inventors themselves, such a modification has been tested more than once and proved to be the best. Firstly, the ice sledge is very stable and has a significant cross-country ability on fresh snow. Secondly, there is no fear of injury or injury. Sledges are light, they are disassembled during transportation, and their preparation for working condition takes a few minutes. It is enough to go down a mountain or a steep slope several times, and you will master the simple tricks of sledding on ice.

Safety regulations

Finally, let's discuss security. First of all, pay attention to the slide with which your children ride. There should be no protruding sticks and pieces of iron on the trajectory. If they are not there, then the child will not flog anything when he rides.

If the slide rests on the roadway, then it is worth warning the children in advance so that they do not roll up to the cars. Better yet, teach them to slow down or turn the other way in front of the road.

No less injury if two children collide on a sled. It is better to wait than to rush into the back of another. This also needs to be put into the head of the child. Well, the previous one, of course, should quickly get up and step aside so that no one crashes into it.

Cloth. It is better if the jacket and pants are made of waterproof fabric. Make sure your child rides down the slide wearing mittens and a hat. By the way, children have a lot of excuses against this. In addition, a thick hat will soften the blow anyway.

From the heart

Do not miss the opportunity and ride yourself once again. Do not break the old Russian tradition. By the way, on Maslenitsa everyone - both children and adults - was supposed to ride down the hill, even the oldest, oldest old man. And if he has enough strength for this, then he will definitely live until the next Easter.
