Excess baggage at the airport may result in additional costs. Before you go on a trip, you should find out in advance what cargo allowances are accepted by Aeroflot, S7, Ural Airlines and many others and.

Weighing luggage at the airport

There are 2 systems:

  • weight;
  • depending on the number of seats.

If we talk about the first, then it only assumes that the weight of your luggage will be limited. For example, if you can carry only 20 kg, then without additional payment you can take only 2 suitcases with you, the weight of each should not exceed 10 kg. Anything over 20 kg will be considered excess of the norm by the airline. You will have to pay extra for overweight baggage.

For example, an airline has determined that 20 kg can be carried. You take 2 suitcases with you. 1 bag is 17 kg and 2 bag is 11 kg. You need to calculate the total amount, it is 28 kg. Subtract the allowed weight of luggage, in the end you will get the following value: 28-20=8. You will have to pay extra for 8 kg.

There is another system, it takes into account the number of seats. If we talk about an economy class flight, then passengers have the right to check in only 1 suitcase. Its weight should not exceed 23 kg.

Utair baggage allowance

For a better understanding, consider 2 examples.

Situation 1. You took 2 suitcases with you on your trip. You loaded the first one lightly - 10 kg, but the second is heavier - 13 kg. Counting the total weight, you get 23 kg. But it is worth considering that airlines with such a system also limit the amount of luggage. As a result, you will receive an excess of baggage, it is 1 piece.

Situation 2. You have 1 bag, its weight is 28 kg. Although you fit within the number of seats, an excess weight of 5 kg will be recorded.

How much is overweight baggage

The cost of excess baggage depends on the standards that the airline uses, as well as the destination. You should always check with the airline for specific numbers. Employees of Aeroflot, Pobeda and S7 will always provide assistance to passengers.

The cost of overweight baggage may vary from airline to airline.

If the carrier uses a weight system, then you will have to pay extra for each kilogram that is recorded in excess of the established limit. Payment is influenced by airline policy and direction. The cost is calculated taking into account transportation in economy class, while the highest fare is taken into account.

For 1 kg of overweight, an amount equal to 1.5% of the ticket will be taken. In addition, the air carrier may set a fixed amount. Usually the cost of 1 kg of overweight fluctuates within reasonable limits, from 5 to 10 euros will be taken from a passenger.

For example, you are going to fly from Paris to Berlin. In economy class, you can carry a suitcase that weighs no more than 20 kg. Your bag weighs 24 kg. We can say that the advantage was 4 kg. If the excess baggage fee is 10 euros per 1 kg, then you will have to pay an additional 40 euros.

Some companies have adopted restrictions not only on weight, but also on the number of seats. In this case, the cost will be calculated differently. You will have to pay extra for the extra baggage you occupy and for the extra kilos you carry.

For example, if you are flying from Milan to London, you are entitled to a free baggage allowance of 23 kg. Let's say you have a heavy bag, its weight is 31 kg. The airline has set tariffs, if the baggage weight is more than 23, but less than 32 kg, then you will have to pay 100 euros. Consider how much you exceeded the norm, it does not matter. In any case, you will pay 100 euros for an overweight of 3 kg and 9 kg.

What if you have multiple suitcases? For example, you took 2 bags with you on a trip. The weight of one is 20 kg, the other is slightly lighter. Let the second bag weigh 14 kg. In this case, there will be an excess, but already by the number of seats. You will have to pay for 1 more seat, usually 50 euros.

Please note that in some situations it is much more profitable to pay extra for 1 seat than to pay for the carriage of baggage in excess of the established standards. It is recommended to always have a small amount of money with you, then the demand of the airport staff will not take you by surprise.

It is worth considering another example. You go on a trip, take 2 suitcases with you. The weight of one bag is 26 kg, and the second is slightly lighter - 15 kg. It can be said that the airport staff will record an excess not only in the weight of luggage, there will be an excess in the number of seats. For carrying heavy suitcases you will have to pay 100 euros. Also, be prepared to pay €50 for 1 extra seat. As a result, you will pay 150 euros.

What can be done in such a situation? It is best to put some of the things from the heaviest suitcase into a lighter bag. As a result, you will only pay extra for 1 extra seat.

When going on a trip, pay attention to the fact that the weight of 1 suitcase should not exceed 32 kg. If an excess is recorded, then the cargo will be considered oversized. Most airports simply will not transport it, you will have to deal with sending things on your own. At many airports around the world, loaders will not carry bags that weigh more than 32 kg. They are forbidden to do so. Explore. Almost every airport is provided, but it is paid.

It is worth paying attention to one more rule. We are talking about coordinating the transportation of oversized cargo. Be sure to notify Utair or another carrier, otherwise the suitcase may not be accepted for carriage. The carrier has the right to do so.

Where to pay

To pay for baggage, if you have exceeded the standards, you should contact the specialists. The payment desk is located at all airports. You can find out about its location by contacting the employee at the front desk. Here you will also be told about the cost of excess baggage.

First your bag will be weighed. Often, passengers do not even have to pay for a small excess of luggage on the plane. Of course, we are talking about 2-3 kg.

Counter payment for additional services at Domodedovo airport

Review the information provided to clients. Additional payment for overweight is possible not only at the airport. For example, in 2019, UTair allows you to carry 23 kg of baggage in economy class. Aeroflot has set similar standards. But in the economy-comfort and business class, 2 extra seats of 32 kg each are provided. Special conditions are offered to participants of the Status program of UTair. For more information, please contact your airline representative.

How to avoid going overboard

If you travel quite often, then it makes sense to purchase a hand scale. So you will always know the weight of your suitcase. To avoid overweight, it is recommended to do the following:

An example of a scale for weighing luggage

Find out the cost of tickets in business class. Aeroflot offers such tickets, they can be purchased at UTair.

Passengers, having purchased such a ticket, have the right to carry many things. You are given the opportunity to take 2 places, transport 2 times 32 kg.

Of course, such tickets are expensive, it's easier to just pay extra for the excess. Nevertheless, it is still worth studying the information of air carriers.

Explore the offers that are available to airline customers as part of bonus programs. High-status travelers may carry heavy suitcases. With the weight system, you will have the opportunity to carry an additional 10 kg of luggage on the plane. With a seat-based system, you will be entitled to 1 extra seat with 23 kg of luggage. Such privileges are provided to members of the bonus system who have received silver or gold status. UTair and Aeroflot have developed special offers for passengers who frequently use the services of air carriers.

Take an extra bag with you on your trip. If the need arises, you will transfer things to it.

Typically, airlines use three criteria for determining baggage allowance: quantity (place), allowable weight and size.

The norm can be both paid and free. It depends on the fare the passenger is flying.

The general baggage allowance for Ural Airlines is as follows: does not allow the suitcase to exceed 203 cm in three dimensions. Weight limit 50 kilograms.

Anything more is recognized as oversized cargo and is paid as cargo.

hand luggage

In addition to checked baggage, there is another type - hand luggage. Under this definition are things that a passenger is allowed to take with him to the cabin free of charge.

Ural Airlines also regulate the weight and size of luggage on the plane. The size limit is as follows: bag no larger than 115 cm in three dimensions and weighing no more than 10 kg.

There are exceptions for flying business class. For them, the baggage allowance has been increased to two pieces of 15 kg each. But Ural Airlines sets the same dimensions - 115 cm.

Such restrictions are explained by the peculiarity of the organization of the aircraft cabin space. The bag must fit under the seat or on the top shelf.

It must be such that the passenger is able to independently lift it onto the luggage rack.

Besides along with hand luggage, the passenger has the right to take personal items from a limited list.

These are things that he cannot do without in flight (cane, medicines, cradle, baby, diabetic food), as well as valuable, expensive and fragile items - small electronics, a briefcase, a handbag.

Laptops, video cameras and other electronics do not need to be weighed and marked. It is not subject to baggage allowance and is not included in the weight of hand luggage.

The rules for the carriage of hand luggage apply not only to its weight and size, but also to its content. So things that could pose a threat to the safety of the aircraft and its passengers are not allowed in the cabin- everything piercing, cutting, flammable, explosive, toxic and poisonous.

Also It is forbidden to transport liquids in large volumes. The exception is alcohol in a sealed bag of a duty-free shop at the airport of departure.

With "Comfort" comfortable

The free baggage allowance depends on the fare the passenger is flying.

For example, there is absolutely no opportunity to carry things for free from those flying on the Promo tariff. For them, the transportation of bags is only paid.

Tariffs "Economy" and "Premium" allow Free transportation of one suitcase weighing up to 23 kg.

"Business Light" and "Economy Light"– 1 suitcase up to 32 kg. "Business" and "Comfort"- 2 suitcases of 32 kg.

For small passengers - their own rules. Starting from two years old, and up to 12 years old, 10 kilograms of free baggage are allowed, including 5 kg of hand luggage. After 12 years - 20 kg, including the same 5 kg luggage.

There are things that are not included in the free baggage allowance and for which you will have to pay, as for the excess. These are vehicles (motorcycles, cars, boats), musical instruments, flowers and seedlings, birds, pets.

As for household appliances, then it can be transported, both free of charge and as excess weight. It depends on the fare that the owner flies and on the size of the equipment.

Ural "Wings"

For its loyal and regular customers, Ural Airlines came up with special program, calling it "Wings".

Bonus rubles are accrued for each flight by the company's regular flight on a special card. The holders of these cards have privileges, including luggage.

So silver "wings" are received as a bonus for loyalty to the company, double the allowable weight of hand luggage, i.e. 20 kg. And the golden "wings" - 35 kg.

Both those and others carry sports equipment free of charge in 1 piece up to 23 kg.

  • free overweight up to 32 kilograms;
  • 50% discount for overweight from 33 to 50 kilograms or oversized (over 203 cm in three dimensions);
  • 50% discount for extra baggage.

Gold card holders flying economy, 1 piece of baggage weighing 23 kg is free of charge, and the following - at half price.


This is baggage that has exceeded the norm in terms of the number of pieces..

Since the “Promo” class does not have free baggage at all, then, starting from one piece (code 1pc) weighing up to 23 kilograms, you will have to pay extra 2000 rubles.

If a Promo passenger has two suitcases weighing up to 23, then the surcharge will be 4,000 rubles. And so on.

With other international flights, for example, to Europe, it comes out more expensive - 50 euros for the first suitcase, and 150 euros for the second and subsequent ones.

It turns out, it is very unprofitable to fly to far abroad in the Promo class, having a bag with things with you.

And for flying Economy and Premium Economy classes, but they only pay for the second and subsequent suitcases weighing up to 23 kilograms.

They have a free baggage allowance for the first (one) suitcase. Flights within Russia - 2000 rubles each. for the second and subsequent bags. CIS and Georgia - 25 euros each, non-CIS countries - 50 euros each.

Business class passengers carry free two suitcases weighing up to 32 kilograms each and pay only for the third and subsequent - 2000 rubles (50 and 150 euros) each, depending on the route.

"Business Light" and "Comfort Light" have the right to transport free of charge only one suitcase weighing up to 32 kilograms. And, already starting from the second, the rates of excess baggage of the “Business” class come into effect for them.


These are transported things that do not fit into the norm in size.. At Ural Airlines, everything that is more than 203 cm in three dimensions is recognized as oversized. This rule applies to all classes of service.


This is baggage that has exceeded the weight stipulated by the rules..

For "Promo", "Economy" and "Premium Economy" classes Paid excess weight starts from 23 kilograms.

And for superior comfort classes - "Business", "Business Light" and "Comfort Light"- from 32 kilograms.

If flying Promo and Economies have things weighing from 23 to 32 kilograms, then on domestic flights they will have to pay 2,000 rubles for overweight, 25 euros for the CIS and Georgia, and 100 euros for non-CIS countries.

When the suitcase is even heavier - 32-50 kilograms - the surcharge increases: 10,000 rubles, 100 and 150 euros, depending on the direction of the flight. This rule is valid for all service classes.

About oversized and overweight baggage, the airline should be warned about the excess rate in advance when booking a ticket.

If the transportation of such special cargo was not agreed with the company in advance, the carrier reserves the right to refuse its transportation due to "technical impossibility".

And you will find out this “good news” at the last moment, for example, when checking in for a flight.

Special free baggage

The airline allows free transportation:

  • golf equipment, if the baggage allowance is not exceeded;
  • a bicycle, if its dimensions when folded and packed are not more than 203 cm;
  • a surfboard if it weighs less than 32 kilograms;
  • skis, hockey kit, if the weight of this equipment together with luggage does not exceed 40 kilograms. If the specified condition is not met, then it will be necessary to pay extra at the rates of excess weight;
  • guide-dog;
  • wheelchair, baby stroller.

Black list

There is a clear list of things that will not be allowed on a passenger plane, neither as checked baggage nor as baggage.

It turns out that, to play by the rules you need to know the rules. And then everything will be fine and your luggage will be fine.

Each carrier has its own baggage allowance.

The cost of baggage on Ural Airlines is as follows: the size of one piece of baggage must not exceed 203 cm in three dimensions, and the weight must not exceed 50 kilograms.

Anything larger is recognized as oversized cargo and is paid as cargo, not as baggage..

Ural Airlines has three baggage allowance criteria: quantity (seat), weight and size. Each service class has its own rate.

"Promo" with "Comfort" is not comfortable

The air carrier announces that it has introduced new rules for baggage transportation since April 18. The changes also affected the free baggage allowance. It depends on the fare that the Ural Airlines passenger flies.

Now there is no free baggage for those flying on the Promo fare. For them, only paid.

"Economy" and "Premium" allow free transportation of 1 suitcase weighing up to 23 kg.

"Business Light" and "Economy Light" - 1 suitcase up to 32 kg.

"Business" and "Comfort" - 2 suitcases of 32 kg.

For small passengers - their own rules. From two years old to 12 years old, 10 kg of free baggage allowance, including 5 kg of hand luggage. After 12 years - 20 kg, including the same 5 kg luggage.

There are things that are not included in the free baggage allowance and for which you will have to pay as for excess baggage. These are vehicles (motorcycles, cars, boats…), musical instruments, flowers and seedlings, birds, pets.

As for household appliances, they can be transported both free of charge and as excess baggage. It depends on the fare that the owner flies and on the size of the equipment.

hand luggage

The definition of "hand luggage" includes things that a passenger is allowed to take with him into the cabin of the aircraft, moreover, free of charge.

The weight and size of luggage is limited - no more than 115 cm in three dimensions and no more than 10 kilograms.

For baggage there are exceptions for flying business class. For them, the free hand luggage allowance has been increased to two pieces of 15 kilograms each. But the dimensions of the luggage must be the same - 115 cm.

In addition, along with the luggage, the passenger has the right to take personal property from a limited list.

These are things that he cannot do without in flight (cane, medicines, cradle, baby, diabetic food), as well as valuable, expensive and fragile items - small electronics, a briefcase, a handbag.

Laptops, video cameras and other electronics do not need to be weighed and marked. They are not subject to baggage allowance and are not included in the weight of hand luggage.

"Light" in Ural

Ural Airlines introduced a new fare in December last year - no-luggage, aka light. The company was in a hurry and did not properly think through the rules of the game according to the "light" rules. As a result, the new tariff turned out to be crude and controversial.

It took the company's management two days to understand this, and having canceled the "light" for a while, it quickly released new version your baggage-free fare. This happened in December 2015.

After grinding, the notches still remained. So the passengers of Ural Airlines who have chosen "light" can both save money and, conversely, overpay. In addition, this new tariff does not apply to all destinations, and not even to all flights.

Please note that the baggage-free fare cannot be returned or changed. Rather, you can change, but you have to pay penalties. And they are rather big - 3 thousand rubles.

For example, on most baggage fares, the exchange and return of a ticket is punishable by only 1 thousand rubles.

If at the last moment you realized that you can’t fly light, then you can pay extra for things, but this spontaneous decision will cost you 2 thousand rubles.

Sometimes it's cheaper to buy a "baggage" ticket right away. Better yet, “turn on” foresight before choosing “light”.

The essence of the no-baggage fare is that it allows business people who fly, as a rule, with one briefcase, not to overpay for a ticket, the price of which includes Ural Airlines' baggage allowance.

Also, this tariff may be of interest to budget passengers who count money in an era of economic crisis, but are not ready to give up air travel.

What does "light" allow:

  • 10 kilograms of hand luggage and those personal items that are included in the limited list of things allowed into the cabin with the passenger. The owners of silver "Wings" are granted another 10 kilograms of luggage, and gold - 20 kilograms plus;
  • save on tickets. The benefit can be different - from 500 to 1,500 rubles It depends on the route;

Pitfalls of "light":

  • it is not available on all routes;
  • baggageless and some flights are deprived;
  • such a ticket may be more expensive than baggage.

For example, a Ural Airlines passenger flying from Yekaterinburg to Novosibirsk on a direct flight is deprived of a no-baggage fare. And at least this flight will cost him 7,650 rubles. But if he chooses a flight with a transfer in Moscow, he will have the opportunity to buy a “light” for 9,950 rubles. But this “light” will be heavier than the baggage fare, which costs 9,500. These are miracles.

Luggageless has low miles in the Wings program - only 5% of mileage instead of 10%, like most luggage.

Business class flying on a baggage-free fare is not allowed to visit the airport's business lounge. The fine for exchanging a business light is 5,000 rubles. They also have fewer miles than business luggage and the baggage allowance is reduced - 25 instead of 30 kilograms.

Ural "Wings"

The loyalty program, called "Wings", was created for its loyal and high-flying passengers.

For each flight on a regular flight of the company, bonus rubles are credited to a special card, which can be obtained by becoming a member of the Wings club.

The holders of these cards have privileges, including luggage.

So silver "wings" receive double the allowance of hand luggage as a bonus for loyalty to the company, i.e. 20 kilograms.

Golden "wings" have 35 kilograms of hand luggage.

Silver and gold levels have:

  • free transportation of sports equipment in 1 piece up to 23 kg;
  • free overweight of things up to 32 kg;
  • 50% discount for overweight from 33 to 50 kg or oversized (over 203 cm in three dimensions);
  • 50% discount for an extra piece of luggage. Gold card holders flying economy get 1 piece of baggage weighing 23 kg free of charge, and the following - at half price.

Thus, in this tariff there is a discount for the excess of things in value, Ural Airlines, as they say, take care of their regular customers.


And how much does it cost to carry things on a Ural Airlines plane, if there is more of it than it should be according to the norm?

Exceeding the norm by the number of places-pieces.

Since the Promo class does not have free baggage at all, starting from one piece weighing up to 23 kilograms, you will have to pay 2,000 rubles extra. If a Promo passenger has two suitcases weighing up to 23 kilograms, then the surcharge for things on Ural Airlines will already be 4,000 rubles, and so on. This is the price in Ural Airlines for domestic flights. International tickets are paid in euros.

Routes in the CIS and to Georgia - 25 euros for each suitcase. With other international flights, for example, to Europe, it comes out more expensive - 50 euros for the first suitcase, and 150 euros for the second and subsequent ones. It turns out that it is very unprofitable to fly in the Promo class, having a suitcase with you, to far abroad countries.

Similar rates for Economy and Premium Economy passengers, but they only pay for the second and subsequent suitcases weighing up to 23 kg. They have a free baggage allowance for the first (one) suitcase. Flights within Russia - 2000 rubles each. for the second and subsequent suitcases. CIS and Georgia - 25 euros each, non-CIS countries - 50 euros each.

Those flying in the Business class carry two suitcases weighing up to 32 kg each free of charge and pay only for the third and subsequent ones - 2,000 rubles (50 and 150 euros) each, depending on the route.

"Business Light" and "Comfort Light" have the right to carry only one suitcase weighing up to 32 kg free of charge. And, already starting from the second, the rates of excess baggage of the “Business” class come into effect for them.


Exceeding the norm in size. Everything that is more than 203 cm in three dimensions is recognized as oversized. This rule applies to all classes of service.


Excess weight.

For "Promo", "Economy" and "Premium Economy" classes, the paid weight excess starts from 23 kg. And for superior comfort classes - "Business", "Business Light" and "Comfort Light" - from 32 kg.

If a suitcase weighs from 23 to 32 kg for flying "Promo" and "economy" passengers, then on domestic flights they will have to pay an extra 2000 rubles, within the CIS and to Georgia - 25 euros, and far abroad - 100 euros.

When the suitcase is even heavier - 32-50 kg - the payment for things on Ural Airlines increases: 10,000 rubles, 100 and 150 euros, depending on the direction of the flight. This rule is valid for all service classes.

The airline should be warned about oversized and overweight things, about excess weight in advance, when booking a ticket.

If the transportation of such special cargo was not agreed with the company in advance, the carrier reserves the right to refuse its transportation due to "technical impossibility". And you will find out this “good news” at the last moment, for example, when checking in for a flight.


The airline allows free transportation:

  • golf equipment, if the baggage allowance is not exceeded;
  • a bicycle, if its dimensions when folded and packed are not more than 203 cm;
  • surfboards if it weighs less than 32 kg;
  • skis, a set for hockey, if the weight of this equipment, together with other things, does not exceed 40 kg. If the specified condition is not met, then you will need to pay extra at the rates of excess baggage;
  • guide dogs;
  • wheelchair, baby carriage.

So, as we can see, Ural Airlines has a rather flexible system for baggage and fares. Having studied it and taking into account some of its subtleties, you can fearlessly hit the road with your things. Well, what is their cost in the Ural Airlines plane, you now know.

When planning a trip, it is important to understand how much hand luggage and baggage a passenger can take on a plane for free. Avianiti will briefly describe the main requirements of the airline "" to the number, weight and size of hand luggage and baggage included in the tickets, and what to do if the baggage is overweight.

At Ural Airlines, all airfare rates include free baggage allowance and hand luggage. Depending on the ticket fare, a passenger can carry from 5 to 15 kg of items in hand luggage and from 10 to 64 kg in the luggage compartment.

Learn more about and what luggage is included.

Members of the Wings bonus program can carry one more piece of baggage weighing up to 32 kg or 23 kg of sports equipment for free. When paying for additional baggage or overweight, they receive a 50% discount.

Baggage that exceeds the norm in terms of volume or weight is considered excess baggage and is paid extra at the airport. Tariffs for overweight on the official website of Ural Airlines.

Some flights, such as Moscow-Baikonur, may have different baggage allowances. Before buying tickets, carefully check the information about the baggage.

Requirements for hand luggage

Passengers of Ural Airlines can carry one piece of hand luggage weighing up to 5 kg in economy class and two pieces of hand luggage with a total weight of up to 15 kg in business class free of charge. The dimensions of hand luggage (backpack, bag, briefcase or box) should not exceed 50×40×20 cm, otherwise you will have to pay for excess baggage at check-in at the airport.

Federal aviation regulations have approved a list of items to be carried in the cabin. These things are not considered by the airline as hand luggage and are transported free of charge.

Checked Baggage Requirements

In the luggage compartment of Ural Airlines aircraft, they are allowed to carry either one piece of baggage from 10 to 23 kg, or one or two pieces up to 32 kg free of charge:

  • in the "Promo" tariff - 1 piece weighing up to 10 kg.
  • in the tariffs "Economy" and "Premium Economy" - 1 piece up to 23 kg.
  • in the "Business Light" tariff - 1 piece weighing up to 32 kg.
  • in the "Business" tariff - 2 pieces weighing up to 32 kg.

Special restrictions apply for children

  • Infants under 2 years old: 1 piece up to 10 kg hand luggage or luggage.
  • Children aged 2 to 12: 1 seat up to 5 kg.
  • Children over 12 years old: 1 seat up to 15 kg.

Transportation of animals on the plane

Before the flight, you need to inform the airline that you plan to travel with a pet and receive confirmation of consent to transportation. You must have a veterinary certificate with you. Passengers can take a cat, canary, parrot or dog into the cabin with them, if the weight of the pet together with transportation is not more than 8 kg, and the container size is up to 45*35*25 cm. The service for transporting an animal in the cabin is paid: from 2500 rubles . Guide dogs fly in the cabin for free.

If the animal weighs more than 8 kg, taking into account the weight of the transportation container, then it must be transported in the luggage compartment. Ural Airlines does not transport animals in luggage compartments on all types of aircraft. Therefore, you must first agree and obtain permission from the airline to transport the animal, and then make payment.

Baggage damage

If your baggage is damaged, without leaving the baggage claim area, contact the tracing service. If the passenger left the baggage claim area, it is considered that he has no claims to the baggage. Draw up a special baggage defect report, which will be prepared by an airport employee. Next, contact the airline: file a complaint, attaching to it a ticket, a baggage tag, an act of malfunction and documents that determine the amount of damage.

Loss of luggage

If the baggage did not arrive on the same flight as you, then in the issuance area, contact the tracing service and draw up a statement about the loss of baggage (act). Next, keep in touch with the search service by phone, which will be indicated in the act.

Searching for cheap flights Avianiti searches by comparing their prices with offers from other airlines and ticket agencies. You can select a fare with baggage included when booking flights.

The note is written on the basis of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) and will help you better understand the rules of Russian airlines and the rights of passengers. The new FAPs were updated last year and determine the minimum weight of hand luggage and luggage, their dimensions, as well as what items of luggage can be carried free of charge on board Russian airlines.

Passenger's personal property, which is carried on board, falls into the category of baggage. Airlines have different policies in this regard. Therefore, it is appropriate for a passenger who intends to fly with a particular airline to familiarize himself with the requirements of the carrier. Consider the conditions for transporting the luggage of the Russian holding " Ural AL» and find out what surcharge is provided here for baggage in excess of the established norm.

Learn general rules baggage. The baggage allowance is regulated by a separate section of the airline's requirements, which provides for the division of the client's belongings into hand luggage and directly luggage. Hand luggage size standards depend on the class of flight, and the determination of the limit of things that will go into the baggage compartment regulates the fare plan of the ticket.

Let's talk about working fares for passengers. Today, the company's customers book seats on board according to the six options presented. The most budgetary way to travel with this airline is the Promo fare. However, for flights within the country, CIS countries and international flights, airlines do not provide for the provision of space in the luggage compartment. In such situations, only paid baggage is available to customers.

Tariff plans "Economy" and "Premium Economy" allow the client to use a single seat in the luggage compartment. However, the luggage weight here is up to 23 kg. Exceeding this criterion requires additional funding.

When purchasing tickets of the "Business Light" or "Comfort Light" tariff, the client has the right to increase the weight of luggage up to 32 kg. At the same time, the airline offers the passenger one seat in the luggage compartment. But expensive tickets "Business" suggest an increase to two pieces of luggage with a maximum weight of 32 kilograms. The described conditions briefly characterize the policy of the company " Ural Airlines". Baggage, the weight of which does not fit within the specified limits, is subject to additional payment by the passenger.


The specified standards do not work for all flights. Traveling to Dubai from Moscow, passengers have the right to take a suitcase weighing up to 15 kg. The Moscow-Belgrade-Moscow flight involves an increase in the norm to 32 kilograms. In addition, there are special fares for flights from the capital to Baikonur in both directions.

Here, clients with standard conditions of service take on board only up to 5 kg of hand luggage and check in a maximum of 15 kg of things in luggage. On the same flight, business class passengers carry up to 10 kg of personal belongings into the cabin, and they can check in a suitcase weighing 30 kg in the luggage compartment. Similar rates apply for children 2-12 years old, depending on the class of service. But the carriage of luggage for a baby is not provided for on all the routes described.

Things in the cabin

Now let's take a brief look at how hand luggage is transported on an airplane. Ural Airlines". The dimensions and weight of things on board the liner regulate the cabin service class. Three budget tariff plans of the economy class include free transportation of a travel bag with dimensions of 55X40X20 and a weight of 10 kilograms. These standards apply to adult passengers and children under 12 years of age.

For passengers who prefer a high-class flight, the airline offers two pieces of hand luggage for free. Maximum dimensions sides of the bags remain within the norm of the economy class, but the weight of the transported property increases to 15 kilograms.

Parents flying with babies under two years of age are entitled to carry an additional 10 kilograms of luggage per baby free of charge. Moreover, it does not matter for the airline whether customers will hand over things in luggage or take them to the cabin. Passengers will be able to transport a baby stroller free of charge.

In addition to checked luggage, travelers may additionally carry a personal bag on board for daily use, baby food, small household appliances: laptop, phone, video or camera, clothes in suitcases. True, due to recent events, airlines are asking customers to refrain from using and charging on board a smartphone. samsung galaxy Note 7 because the device is prone to spontaneous combustion.

Payment for excess baggage

Now let's figure out how much baggage costs on an airplane. Ural Airlines". When purchasing a Promo class ticket, a passenger will certainly be interested in this issue. When flying within Russia, the cost of transporting a suitcase of a standard economy class weight of 23 kilograms will cost 2,000 rubles. Traveling to the CIS countries involves paying for one piece in the luggage compartment already in the amount of 25 euros. Passengers on international flights will have to pay for such services at the rate of 50 euros.

Excess luggage is paid by customers on the basis of a place or an excess weight. The cost of the second piece in the luggage compartment, provided that the weight of things does not exceed 23 kg, was priced by the airline in the same way as the Promo package standards. The only exception here is this package itself. For foreign flights, the company has set a tax of 150 euros. Note that the rule applies only to economy class passengers. The third place fare for international destinations is also 150 € for all service packages.

Business class customers pay for additional seats at the rate of 2,000 rubles in Russia, 50 euros when traveling within the CIS and 150 euros on international flights. However, the rate of luggage transported here is increased to 32 kg, and the dimensions of the cargo fit into the total value of 2,030 mm.

Exceeding the weight of luggage within 23-32 kilograms will require an additional payment of 2,000 rubles in Russia, 25 euros in the CIS countries and 100 € if the client plans to fly abroad. Of course, these requirements apply only to economy class passengers. Exceeding the weight of baggage from 32 to 50 kilograms requires advance notice to the airlines. If the issue is resolved positively, the passenger will pay 10,000 rubles to the airlines if he intends to fly within the country. Similar conditions on flights within the CIS will require an additional payment of one hundred euros. International flights will increase the tax to 150 €.

Bonuses for regular customers

Airplane baggage allowance Ural Airlines” changes for people who took part in the Wings airline bonus program. Here, customers who own a silver card and fly in economy class, exceeding the allowable baggage weight of up to 32 kg, do not pay the excess. For baggage weighing up to 50 kilograms, payment is expected in the amount of half the nominal value of the second piece. A similar discount is given for an additional seat in the luggage compartment. In addition, they offer free transportation of sports equipment.

Members of the Wings program count on discounts when paying for additional pieces of baggage

Gold level cardholders receive a 50% discount if the weight of the luggage carried is between 32-50 kg. A seat in economy class and excess weight of up to 32 kg allows free transportation of “extra” items or sports equipment. Surcharge for additional places here also has nuances. Such passengers have the right to count on free transportation of property up to 23 kilograms when traveling on a budget flight. Moreover, airlines provide additional seats here at half price. And business class customers receive a 50% discount on extra seats.

Airline specific requirements

A separate topic for conversation is the transportation of oversized items. Typically, sports equipment, specialized equipment, and entertainment equipment fall into this category. In cases where such objects fit into dimensions up to 2 meters and 3 centimeters and do not weigh more than 32 kg, the client has the right to use the standard conditions of transportation.

Exceeding the established norm will require the passenger to inform the representative of the company in advance about such cargo and pay an additional fee for the transportation of the item. Anyone can pay for airline services accessible way. It provides for the possibility of cashless payments, online payments and transfer of funds through self-service terminals.

In addition, the company has the right to refuse to transport the object to the client if it falls into the category of substances hazardous to the environment. Airlines offer customers to study the list of objects that are not recommended to be taken on board. Here, water equipment for sports and entertainment, with the exception of windsurfer boards, vehicles and parts of their construction, plants weighing more than five kilograms, Appliances with a mass of 10 kg.

Transportation of non-standard cargo requires an individual agreement with the carrier and additional payment for reloading

Keep in mind that the company will refuse to transport these items even for an additional fee. Therefore, consider such nuances. Prohibited substances include poisonous, isotopic, explosive compounds, firearms and edged weapons, living plants. Transportation of such categories of luggage requires special permits and papers confirming the passenger's legal possession of a specific object.

As for the transportation of animals, here the airline assumes that the client provides the necessary documents for the animal and complies with the current requirements for transportation. Moreover, the passenger will have to pay for the pet’s travel at excess baggage rates and notify the carrier in advance of such a situation.

The information provided briefly characterizes the conditions " Ural AL” and will help beginners get a general idea of ​​​​the formation of the pricing policy of this company. However, the data presented loses relevance over time, so we invite readers to independently study the standards of this carrier, which they can find.

Standards for baggage allowance and hand luggage in the company "Ural Airlines" depends on the purchased ticket fare
Today, out of six offered by airlines tariff plans"Promo" becomes the most budgetary, but does not include free luggage transportation
When flying on certain routes, the baggage allowance has changed from the standard rules
The dimensions of hand luggage on the Ural AL aircraft are unchanged, but the weight depends on the chosen class of service
Exceeding the established standard for free transportation of things will require additional payment
