In an unstable economic time in our country, few people dare to make bank deposits. However, if you make a deposit, then only in a reliable, stable bank, which was practically not affected by the times of crisis.

This is exactly what Sberbank is, serving a third banking system countries.

If you open a deposit, then only in Sberbank. This is how the Russians think and trust the bank with funds. Consider the entire line of deposits of Sberbank of Russia in 2019 with interest rates for today.

Problems in the economy did not shake Sberbank and bank deposits remained profitable. There are new offers, with new conditions and rates.

The previously popular line of Sberbank deposits for individuals in 2019, “Save Online”, “Replenish Online”, “Manage Online” lost a little percentage, but not everywhere. Rates for some types of deposits are lower by an average of 0.5–1%, but there is also an increase of 0.15–1.8%, especially for foreign currency investments. The rates for deposits opened online or at the bank office have become different. If you open a deposit online via the Internet on the official website of Sberbank, then your rate will be on average 0.15% higher than if you open a deposit with the same name, but at the bank office. Sberbank, thus, encourages its future and current customers to move to the Internet.

It is worth noting that the conditions for deposits for pensioners have become more interesting. In 2019, Sberbank increased rates on savings, savings deposits and accounts for receiving pensions.

Sberbank term deposits in 2019

Today, Sberbank offers six types of term deposits.


This deposit in Sberbank promises reliable preservation and replenishment of your savings. The interest rate on the deposit varies from 4.05 to 5.75% per annum, if the deposit is in rubles, from 0.01 to 1.85% in US dollars.

Deposit term from 1 month to 3 years. It is impossible to replenish the deposit or partially withdraw funds during the initially declared period. Minimum deposit amounts: 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros.

Interest on the deposit is accrued every month and is automatically added to the deposit amount, so that in the next month they are already accrued on the increased amount. Accrued interest on the deposit can be cashed out or transferred to the account bank card Sberbank.


The interest rate on this deposit is from 4.6 to 5.3% per annum, for deposits in rubles. For dollars and euros - from 0.01 to 1.45% per annum. You can invest for a period of 3 months to 3 years inclusive. The deposit remains replenished. However, it is impossible to reduce the initially invested or replenished amount. You can easily withdraw interest on the deposit and transfer it to your card. Minimum amount: 1,000 rubles, 100 dollars or 100 euros.

"Replenish" in the name of the child

Sberbank gives parents the opportunity to open a personal deposit for a minor child, which can only be closed upon reaching the age of 18. The minimum amount for placement is 1,000 rubles or $100, and the rate will be 4.6–5.15% for ruble deposits and 0.01–1.15% for dollar deposits. The account is replenished by any person without restrictions, but savings are cashed out only when the age threshold is reached or through permission from the guardianship authorities.


A feature of this deposit is the possibility of partial withdrawal of funds in the process of deposit, while not closing and not losing interest. Deposit interest rates are 4.3–5% for ruble deposits, depending on the amount of the deposit. Interest rate for dollars - from 0.01 to 1.35% per annum. Deposit term from 3 months to 3 years. The deposit can be replenished and partially withdrawn. You can manage the movement throughout the term of the deposit, hence the name. Minimum deposit amount: 30,000 rubles or 1,000 dollars.


Special deposit for children left without parental care, and depositors with the status of a veteran or disabled veteran of the Second World War. It opens for 3 years, replenishes in free mode and is consumed if necessary. Interest is set at 4.75% per annum and accrues at the end of each quarter. Funds “earned” in excess of the initial capital can be transferred to a third-party account or returned to a deposit for subsequent capitalization. The minimum amount for making a deposit is 1 ruble.

"Gift a life"

This is a charitable contribution. Every 3 months, 0.3% per annum is transferred from the deposit to the fund for helping children with oncological, hematological and other serious diseases. The interest rate on the deposit is 5.65% per annum. The deposit is exclusively in rubles, and the minimum amount is 10,000. The deposit is issued for a period of 1 year, during this period it is impossible to replenish or partially withdraw funds.

Online deposits

In the line of deposits of Sberbank: "Save", "Replenish" and "Manage" - there are options for opening deposits with the same names via the Internet. The conditions are similar, but slightly different.

To open a deposit, go to the "Sberbank online" system or " Mobile bank”, select the section “Deposits and accounts”, then “Opening a deposit”. Be sure to read the conditions for placing and withdrawing funds on deposit accounts, then select the conditions and interest rates that suit you and click the "Continue" button. Fill out the application, where you indicate the amount and term credited to the deposit, then click "Open". After that, you can consider yourself a contributor.

Interest rates on deposits opened online via the Internet are higher by 0.15% per annum.

"Pension Plus"

The "Pension Plus" deposit - why is it special? The essence of the contribution is that the pensioner does not withdraw the entire pension when he enters the account, but leaves part of the funds there for accumulation at 3.5% per annum in rubles. The term of the deposit is 3 years, during the entire period the “fireproof” amount can be replenished and partially withdrawn.

Deposits with higher rates

For owners of the Sberbank First or Sberbank Premier service package, deposits with increased annual interest rates are available. The standard annual rate increases by 1%, which, with an amount of at least 700-5000 thousand rubles. or 50-150 thousand c.u. bring the investor a high return. A similar deposit is made with a personal manager or in a personal online account for an individual period and with special conditions.

Special Accounts

In addition to standard consumer deposits, special deposits can also be issued at Sberbank. Among them:

  • for social payments for the maintenance of the ward. The minimum initial payment for line activation is not set, replenishment and spending is free, and the rate is fixed at 3.5%;
  • for the formation of the electoral account. No additional income on the balance and no restrictions on spending and creating an account;
  • for the bidder. It is opened ahead of schedule, replenished unlimitedly and spent within the deposited amount with a yield of 0.01% annually.

savings account

It is an account for free and confident disposal of savings. Opened indefinitely, replenished and spent at the request of the depositor. Available in three currencies: rubles, dollars and euros. Annual rates range from 1-1.8% for ruble deposits and 0.01% for foreign currency investments. The higher the deposit amount, the higher the interest rate.

Current account

For daily use, a termless deposit in rubles without restrictions and accrual of 0.01% every year is suitable.

Poste restante

The basic deposit of Sberbank, which is valid indefinitely and offers unlimited movement limits on the account. Suitable for any world currency, including rubles, dollars, euros, pounds sterling, crowns and yen. The minimum amount and minimum balance is 10 rubles, 5 c.u. or other banknotes equivalent to 5 US dollars. The deposit is replenished for any amount throughout the entire period of existence, and withdrawn up to the minimum entry fee. Interest in the amount of 0.01% is accrued quarterly, and in case of early demand, it is calculated according to the actual storage period.

It is worth noting that Sberbank deposits, of course, provide for early withdrawal of funds if you need them. However, it is not recommended to withdraw money ahead of schedule, as you will lose the accrued and future interest on the deposit. Interest rates for early withdrawals and closing the deposit are immediately reduced to 0.01%, regardless of how long the money has already been in the account. You violate the terms of the deposit agreement, so the bank has the right to lower rates. Even if you have previously withdrawn or capitalized already accumulated interest, you will be given back the money, taking this interest back.

Despite the fact that Sberbank does not offer the highest rates on deposits, the bank's foreign currency deposits for individuals are popular among customers and are considered one of the most reliable. Below we will consider the conditions offered by the most demanded bank in Russia for 2017, and compare them with the conditions of competitors.

Overview of deposits

In 2017, Sberbank offers customers a good selection of deposits in foreign currency for individuals. You can open a deposit not only in the office, but also remotely. Interestingly, the interest rate will be higher than in the branch.

The bank's programs are available to customers with any income, because the minimum amount for almost all products is only 100 US dollars or euros. It is also convenient that interest is accrued every month, and the conditions allow you to add it to the principal amount, increasing the final profit, or withdraw it from the account, receiving a stable additional income. And now let's take a closer look at each of the programs presented in Sberbank:

The highest income can be obtained for a period of 1 month to 3 years. It is not allowed to replenish or withdraw money from the account (except for accrued interest). When applying through the Internet, the profitability of this product is slightly higher. It is noteworthy that the maximum rate on deposits in foreign currency is set for a period of 1-2 years.

Interest rate on deposit Save:

  • from 4.60% to 6.23% in Russian rubles
  • from 0.01% to 1.06% in US dollars;
  • 0.01% in euros.

Clients who want to accumulate savings should pay attention to the currency version, which can be opened for a period of 3 months to 3 years. The rate on it is slightly lower than on the “Save” deposit, however, it is allowed to make additional contributions in the amount of 100 US dollars or euros (non-cash replenishment of all deposits is made without restrictions). When you move to the next amount range, the percentage automatically increases.

Interest rate on deposits

  • from 4.92% to 5.72% in Russian rubles
  • from 0.01% to 0.90% in US dollars;
  • 0.01% in euros.

Can be the best option investments for clients who want to control their accounts and manage their money, but flexible terms result in a reduction in the rate and an increase in the minimum deposit amount to 1000 US dollars or euros. With remote registration under the Manage Online @ yn program, interest rates increase. Withdrawing money from the account is allowed within the minimum balance, and replenishing - in the amount of 100 US dollars or euros. When the amount increases to the next range, the bet increases.

Interest rate on deposits Manage:

  • from 4.62% to 5.41% in Russian rubles
  • from 0.01% to 0.60% in USD;
  • 0.01% in euros.

What conditions are offered by competitors?

In Alfa-Bank, the maximum income is accrued under programs without withdrawal and replenishment of the account - these are the Pobeda and Premium foreign currency deposits, as well as the Valuable Time savings account.

For all products of the bank, the first installment is 500 US dollars and euros, and the highest interest can be received on the Pobeda deposit with monthly capitalization and payment of income at the end of the term. On the deposit "Premium" interest is paid every month.

You can replenish your account and withdraw funds from it under the Potential program, but you can’t count on a good profit. The "Premier" deposit is intended for clients who want to accumulate savings and regularly replenish their account by increasing the current rate. Income is paid at the end of the term. In addition to basic programs, Alfa-Bank offers a "Multicurrency" deposit, which can be issued in an amount of 10,000 rubles, 500 US dollars or euros. Interest is added to the principal amount every month, in addition, replenishment of the deposit is allowed.

Interest rates on foreign currency deposits of Alfa Bank:

  • from 0.15% to 1% in US dollars;
  • 0.01% in euros.

VTB 24 offers 3 basic programs, including deposits in foreign currency with maximum profitability, the ability to replenish and withdraw funds. The placement period ranges from 3 months to 5 years and is set individually. Interest is capitalized or transferred to a separate account each month. The amount of the first installment is quite high and amounts to 3,000 US dollars or euros.

It is not allowed to withdraw funds and make contributions on the Profitable deposit. The possibility of replenishment is provided for the "Cumulative" deposit, but the interest will be slightly lower. The most flexible conditions apply to the "Comfortable" deposit: customers can withdraw funds and replenish their account at any time.

Interest rates on foreign currency deposits of VTB24:

  • from 0.05% to 1.31% in US dollars;
  • 0.01% in euros.

Rosselkhozbank offers a wide range of currency deposit programs. Investors can choose the interest payment scheme themselves: at the end of the term or monthly, with or without capitalization - the amount of profit depends on this. The advantage of Rosselkhozbank is also a small amount of the first installment - only 100 US dollars or euros, just like in Sberbank.

The highest income is accrued on the "Classic" deposit with interest paid at the end of the term. If you want to replenish your account, then “Cumulative” with a growing rate is suitable for you: the larger the deposit amount, the higher the interest rate. It is allowed to withdraw funds and make additional contributions on the “Managed” deposit, and the rate depends on the term and level of the minimum balance, but in any case it will be an order of magnitude lower than on other programs.

Interest rates on foreign currency deposits of the Russian Agricultural Bank:

  • from 0.25% to 2.25% in US dollars;
  • from 0.02% to 0.48% in euros.

Sberbank is the most popular credit institution among the inhabitants. The organization does not provide the most favorable conditions on the market for investors. Operations to create an account and withdraw funds can be very complicated.

However, a foreign currency deposit for individuals in Sberbank in 2019 is the safest way to save money from inflation and increase savings. Experts say that Sberbank is very similar to Swiss banks.

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The credit institution charges minimum interest on the deposit, however, a service fee may be charged. However, the client can be sure that nothing will happen to his money.

Deposits in Sberbank are subject to compulsory insurance. The company seeks to increase interest rates and improve the attractiveness of conditions for customers.

General overview of offers

Sberbank offers customers to become the owner of an account that will be opened in foreign currency. Investment conditions depend on the size of the deposit and the term for which the amount is placed.

Sberbank offers depositors a choice of 6 types of service packages, which are opened during a direct visit to a branch of a credit institution, and 3 types of accounts that can be opened online by visiting the company's official website.

The interest rates offered by the institution are not high. However, this is offset high reliability companies. In addition, the owner of funds can receive income from the difference between exchange rates.


Today, the "Multicurrency" deposit can be opened in 1 of 3 currencies. However, keep in mind that the interest rate can vary significantly depending on the type of account. So, if the owner of the deposit opens it in euros, then he will be able to count on 0.01-0.05% per annum.

On the deposit in dollars is accrued from 0.01 to 0.91%, and in rubles - from 0.01 to 5.61%. The minimum amount is the same for all types of currencies - 5 units of cash. The deposit can be opened on 12 or 24 months.

The user must remember that it will not be possible to withdraw part of the funds before the expiration of the contract. Regardless of the chosen currency, the account can be replenished. Size minimum investment differs.

Its value must be at least:

  • 1 000 rubles;
  • 100 dollars;
  • 100 Euro.

There are no restrictions on the amount of replenishment if the operation is performed online.

A deposit can be opened in 3 currencies at once, but for this it is necessary to deposit the same number of units of funds into each account


"International" - a package of services that is unusual for the layman.

It can be opened in:

  • Swiss francs;
  • pounds sterling;
  • Japanese yen.

The interest rate depends on the currency in which the account will be opened. For francs, it cannot exceed 0,01% . The bank approaches the owners of other currencies more loyally. Thus, up to 0,55% , and for pounds - up to 1,75% .

You can deposit funds for a period from 1 to 36 months. When choosing the duration of storage, the owner of the money must remember that it will not be possible to make a partial withdrawal before the expiration of the contract.

The amount of money that you need to put into an account to open it differs depending on the type of currency selected. So, the owner, who is going to open a yen account, will have to invest 1 000 000 , in pounds - 10 000 , in francs - 10 000 .


The “Save” deposit can be opened for a period from 1 month to 3 years. The interest rate depends on the type of currency chosen.

Up to 6,91 , for euro - up to 0,30 , for dollars - up to 1,38 . The minimum amount to open also depends on the currency.

It is:

  • for rubles - 1 000 ;
  • for dollars - 100 ;
  • for euro - 100 .

When choosing a package, the user must be prepared in advance for the fact that it will not work to withdraw part of the funds or deposit an additional amount to the account. For this reason, it is necessary to prepare in advance the total capital that the user wants to deposit in the bank.


The deposit can be opened on 91-1100 days. The type of currency chosen affects the interest rate. So, for rubles it is from 5.68 to 6.59, for euro — from 0.01 to 0.20, for dollars - from 0.01 to 1.17.

To open an account, you will need to invest:

  • for rubles - 1 000 ;
  • for dollars - 100 ;
  • for euro - 100 .

During the term of the contract, the account can be replenished, but it will not be possible to receive money back.


The deposit can be opened for a period from 3 months to 3 years. The amount of interest that can be received from the amount of money depends on the currency in which the account will be opened. So, for rubles it is from 4.81 to 6.13, for euro — from 0.01 to 0.05, for dollars - about t 0.01 to 0.86.

The minimum amount to open an account is:

  • for rubles - 30 000 ;
  • for dollars - 1 000 ;
  • for euro - 1 000 .

The bank allows the owner who has chosen tariff plan, deposit additional funds to the account and withdraw part of the funds if they are urgently needed.


The account does not have an expiration date. It can function until the owner decides to close it. The interest rate varies depending on the type of currency and the term of holding the funds.

If the client invests rubles, then he will be credited 1.5 to 2.3 percent, and if dollars and euros - from 0.01 to 0.1.

The owner can deposit any amount to the account to open it. The tariff implies replenishment during the entire period of work and withdrawal of any amount.

Online variations of deposits

Save Online

You can open an account and replenish it online.

For information on the interest rate of the tariff, you can find out by examining the table below:

Sum Currency
Rubles dollars Euro
1-2 months 6-12 months 36 months 1-2 months 6-12 months 36 months 1-2 months 6-12 months 36 months
More than 1000 5, 3% 6, 4% 6% 0, 01% 0, 5% 1, 2% 0, 01% 0, 01% 0, 2%
More than 10000 5, 3% 6, 4% 6% 0, 01% 0, 7% 1, 4% 0, 01% 0, 01% 0, 3%
More than 100000 5, 6% 6, 7% 6, 2% 0, 01% 0, 9% 1, 6% 0, 01% 0, 01% 0, 4%

To familiarize yourself with the terms of the service package, you need to study the information about the "Save" tariff.


The deposit can be opened online.

Information about possible income from receiving interest is placed in the table below:

Sum Cash
Rubles dollars Euro
Up to 2 months 6 months to 1 year 3 years Up to 2 months 6 months to 1 year 3 years Up to 2 months 6 months to 1 year 3 years
From 10000 0, 1% 0, 5% 0, 9% 0, 01% 0, 05% 0, 01%
From 30000 5, 5% 5, 7% 4, 7% 0, 2% 0, 7% 1, 1% 0, 01% 0, 15% 0, 1%
From 100000 5, 8% 6% 4, 9% 0, 2% 0, 7% 1, 1% 0, 01% 0, 15% 0, 1%

The conditions under which customer service will be carried out copy the requirements of the “Top up” tariff plan, in order to open an account for which you need to visit a branch of the company.

Drive Online

You can become the owner of the deposit by visiting the bank's official website on the Internet. After studying the table below, the user will be able to choose the appropriate interest rate and the period for which you need to put money to get the desired income.

The amount of money invested Selected currency
Ruble account dollar account Euro account
Deposit period
31-62 days 181-365 days 1100 days 31-62 days 181-365 days 1100 days 31-62 days 181-365 days 1100 days
From 1000 5, 8% 6, 2% 5, 6% 0, 01% 0, 4% 1% 0, 01% 0, 01% 0, 1%
From 10000 5, 8% 6, 2% 5, 6% 0, 2% 0, 65% 1, 2% 0, 01% 0, 01% 0, 2%
From 100000 6, 1% 6, 5% 5, 8% 0, 3% 0, 8% 1, 4% 0, 01% 0, 01% 0, 3%

To find out the terms of service, the user must study the Manage tariff plan, information about which is located above.

The client can open an account, both in Russian rubles, and become the owner of a deposit in any foreign currency, transactions with which Sberbank allows


How to open an account

In order to become the owner of an account and make a contribution to it, the user must:

  • Visit the nearest branch of a credit institution or go to the official website of the bank. Then you need to select a suitable tariff plan and the period for which the user is ready to transfer money to the institution. The most favorable interest is charged on deposits 1 to 3 years.
  • Provide the required package of documents. To open a deposit, you only need a passport or other document that contains a photo and information about a citizen.
  • Complete the signing of the contract and transfer the funds to the bank. In the paper, you can specify in advance the people who will inherit the contributed cash.

The user can give the ability to dispose of the capital to another person. However, in this case, you will need to issue a power of attorney.

The Bank offers owners of foreign currency deposits to take advantage of a special offer. A user who has deposited funds in one currency will be able to receive them in another. However, if he wants to re-invest the converted funds, the interest on the deposit may be reduced.

What is the benefit

Features of foreign currency deposits in Sberbank in 2019. Information and legal regulation. The process of opening a deposit and the proposed conditions of the bank.

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The current economic situation puts us in a difficult position. The low exchange rate of the national currency makes it necessary to seek alternative options savings storage.

One of them is foreign exchange. However, the rates on such deposits are significantly lower, but the exchange rate of some currencies is more stable.

The decision must be made taking into account all the circumstances, carefully analyzing the economic situation.

General points

The sharp depreciation of the ruble, which occurred several years ago, led to its depreciation. Savings in the national currency have become less profitable, while currency savings have shown their reliability.

However, the economy is unpredictable and experts advise keeping money in different currencies to ensure the greatest reliability and safety.

There are practically no risks in this case. But at the same time, interest rates on deposits are relatively low.

They are approximately equal to the inflation rate, and often lower, it all depends on the amount of the deposit, the term and the chosen program. With currency, the situation is even more interesting.

On the one hand, the dollar and the euro are less subject to depreciation, more reliable and in demand, but on the other hand, the interest on foreign currency deposits is even less than on ruble deposits.

In such a situation, a thorough analysis of the economic situation, a reliable forecast and a balanced decision are necessary.

Being one of the key banks in the domestic market, Sberbank offers many types of deposits.

Important Concepts

Bank This is a financial institution that provides a range of services from to payments and deposits of funds of citizens and legal entities. The bank must have a license, otherwise its activities will be illegal
Deposit agreement (or savings account) This is a transaction in which the depositor transfers his funds to the bank, which must return them in the manner and on the terms specified in the text of the agreement
Contribution This financial resources, which are transferred by the client to the bank for storage and profit at a fixed interest rate
Contributor This is a person who transfers his money to the bank at interest
Beneficiary physical or entity in favor of which the deposit agreement is concluded. Has the right to receive funds in accordance with the terms of the transaction
Contribution program A set of conditions specified in the agreement that define the contribution and allow it to be distinguished from other programs
Prolongation of the contract This is an extension of its validity on the conditions that existed before
Capitalization This is a change in the status of accrued interest and their addition to the deposit amount. In the future, interest will accrue on the full amount.
Maximum deposit amount The maximum amount of funds that the bank can accept under the selected program

Contact Information

At the moment, Sberbank has the most developed network of offices and representative offices throughout the country.

It is used by up to seventy percent of the country's population and it is impossible to name a person who has not heard about this organization.

The history of the bank has more than a century and a half, it is the oldest Russian bank. The range of services provided is the widest among competitors.

The Bank is trying to implement emerging trends and innovations, to keep up with the times.

Using the Sberbank website (address - you can find out all necessary information about the services provided, as well as news and information about the work of the bank in general and branches in particular.

If you can't find something, you can call the number hotline(dial 900 from the phone). The operator will definitely help.

The address of the central office of the bank, as well as its legal address - Russia, Moscow, st. Vavilov, house 19.

Anyone can also apply to one of the branches of Sberbank throughout the country. The organization has the most developed network of offices in comparison with any other domestic bank.

Any of the employees of the relevant department will tell you the further procedure and orient you in the right direction.

The legislative framework

When making a deposit, it is necessary to check that the bank has a license-agreement-form.doclicense to carry out activities.

If an account is opened with Sberbank, then there will be no problems, at the moment its activities do not contradict legal norms.

However, in addition to this, you will need to pay attention to several legal acts:

Additionally, it is worth checking whether the bank complies with the requirements, as well as numerous by-laws, including Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Tax Service, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and others.

How to make foreign currency deposits in Sberbank for individuals

The process of making foreign currency deposits for individuals is not much different from the process of making deposits in rubles.

The client must fill out an application (some deposit programs allow you to complete everything online). You can apply at any branch of the bank.

To do this, you need to contact any employee and he will tell you a further algorithm of actions.

A package of required documents and information will be named, as well as other conditions necessary for concluding an agreement. As a rule, there are no special requirements for investors.

Main types of deposits

Sberbank offers several options for making foreign currency deposits, which include the following programs:

Deposit type Rate in dollars Rate in euro
1.05 percent 0.01 percent
Save online 1.25 percent 0.01 percent
0.85 percent 0.01 percent
Top up online 1.05 percent 0.01 percent
drive 0.5 percent 0.01 percent
Drive online 0.7 percent 0.01 percent

It is also possible to open a simple savings account, the rate of which will be equal to 0.01 percent in both dollars and euros.

The benefit of keeping funds under such conditions is doubtful. There are more profitable programs offered by Sberbank. Currency deposit "Save", "Manage" and others will allow you to get a big rate.

Operating conditions of the organization for today

The terms of deposits will directly depend on the chosen program

Deposit type Conditions for dollar deposits
save Amount from 100 dollars.
Period from one month.
Inability to withdraw part of the deposit ahead of schedule, as well as replenish it
Save online Amount from 100 dollars.
Period from one month.
Replenish Amount from 100 dollars.
A period of three months.
You can top up at any time.
Partial withdrawals are not allowed
Top up online Amount from 100 dollars.
A period of three months.
Opening and control through Personal Area
drive Amount from 100 dollars.
A period of three months.
Possibility of partial withdrawal and replenishment
Drive online Amount from 100 dollars.
A period of three months.
Opening and management through a personal account

The interest rate will also depend on the deposit amount. The higher it is, the higher the percentage.

List of documents you will need

To open a deposit, you do not need a large list of documents. The list is quite short:

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation You can also use any other document that can confirm the identity of the applicant (but in this case, the fact that the application is approved by the bank is not guaranteed)
TIN, i.e. individual tax number If not, you can get it at your local tax office. If it was received earlier, but is missing for some reason (for example, lost), it can also be restored
A document confirming the fact of receiving a pension (if the potential contributor is a pensioner Pensioners are not entitled to special privileges, only some advantages are possible on issues of early withdrawal of funds)

At the same time, the bank reserves the right to require any other documents if necessary.

Interest rate

Interest rates on deposits will depend not only on the chosen program, but also on the amount and term.

However, when making a deposit in euros, the rate on the offers of the Savings Bank will always be the same - 0.01 percent.

Deposits in US dollars will be more diverse in terms of conditions. The minimum rate in this case will be 0.05 percent, and the maximum - 1.05.

Despite the fact that the interest rate in rubles is much higher, dollar deposits may turn out to be slightly more profitable due to the instability of the national currency.

However, the market can deviate in any direction, so the investor must be aware of the existing risks and try to find ways to reduce them.

Can I apply online

Applying for a loan online will be possible with the choice of certain programs. These include Save Online, Manage Online and Replenish Online.

You can open a deposit from your personal account by performing a number of actions:

  1. Go to the Sberbank website and log in to your personal account. If there is no personal account, then you need to register. This can be done at any branch of the bank, where the identity of the citizen will be confirmed and the login information will be issued.
  2. Select "deposits" on the site. Located at the bottom of the page, you can use the search.
  3. Choose one of the programs that allows you to open a deposit online (It will be "Save online", "Manage online" and "Top up online").
  4. Fill in all the required information and click "Open". It is necessary to use data from identity documents, they must be completely reliable.

After that, you can start using the deposit. The most convenient to use online will be programs that allow you to replenish your account. These are "Replenish" and "Manage".

The depositor will be able to accumulate funds and transfer amounts to deposit accounts from other accounts and cards he has.

Early dissolution

Early termination will be possible, however, the client will not be able to count on the capitalization of accrued interest.

Under the terms of some programs, the rate for early termination is reduced. However, in case of urgent need, such an opportunity is available.

If a potential contributor believes that he may need funds at any time, then he is advised to pay attention to the Manage or Manage Online program. They allow you to make partial withdrawals without any consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages and disadvantages of foreign currency deposits are in several points. Among the positive points can be identified:

  1. The use of foreign currencies (US dollars and euros) allows for greater stability due to the reliability of the economies of these states.
  2. Such deposits are covered by the state insurance program (for an amount equal to 700,000 rubles).

The main disadvantage is that the interest rate on foreign currency deposits is significantly lower than on ruble deposits.

Given the actual economic situation, keeping funds exclusively in rubles is not productive.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that the interest rates on foreign currency deposits are much lower than the rates on deposits in rubles.

Video: how to choose a bank deposit. Basic parameters of deposits

Deposits in Sberbank, for objective reasons, are considered the most reliable in Russia. This is partly due to the special status of the bank, because it occupies the largest share in the consumer market and is among the systemically important ones. But we should not forget about the role of the state, which is the main shareholder of the bank and will provide it with direct support in the event of a crisis.

According to their main characteristics, Sberbank's offers are not as profitable as those of other Russian banks, so a potential client must immediately decide what he wants to receive from a credit institution - high interest or moderate income with maximum reliability.

Sberbank traditionally focuses on the following categories of depositors: civil servants, pensioners, students and large investors who cannot afford to keep money in unreliable banks, because in 2019 the DIA still guaranteed the safety of only 1.4 million on deposits of individuals in a separate selected credit institution.


In 2019, Sberbank set interest rates on deposits for individuals below the market average, but, as already noted, the offers of this bank have other advantages. One of the most comfortable programs can still be considered an offer called "Save". Let's list the conditions:

  • the deposit is allowed to open from 1000 rubles. (or from $100);
  • replenishments and expenses are prohibited;
  • the period for which it is allowed to place a deposit is from 1 month. up to 3 years.

The rate depends on several factors, namely:

  • term of the contract (the longer, the higher the interest);
  • capitalization;
  • opening method - in a branch or remotely (the latter option is more profitable by 0.15%);
  • social status - for pensioners, Sberbank removes the linkage of interest to the amount of the deposit.

The table above shows the standard ruble rates that are valid for all clients who decide to open a deposit remotely. What's interesting here:

  • the investor receives the maximum benefit when depositing 400 thousand rubles. for a period exceeding 1 year (important - the period must be exactly longer than 12 months, for example, 13 months);
  • the longer the contract is valid, the higher the interest;
  • monthly capitalization allows you to slightly increase profits.

In principle, such conditions for ruble deposits are quite comfortable, but the rates for dollar deposits "Save" in Sberbank leave much to be desired. They are presented in the following table.

Recall that in 2019, large Russian banks offer to place dollars on deposit at an average of 3%.

As for pensioners, for citizens of the appropriate age (women and men over 55 and 60 years old, respectively), Sberbank does not impose additional conditions on the size of the deposit. Simply put, they are offered maximum interest, which depends only on the duration of the contract.

Other options of the "Save" deposit:

  • interest is credited monthly;
  • they can be capitalized or transferred to another account;
  • in case of early termination of the agreement, the amount of interest will depend on the time during which the deposit was in the bank.


This proposal is very similar in its specifics to the previous one, but it has important feature- in this case, Sberbank allows you to replenish the deposit at any time, but at the same time it charges interest at a reduced rate. It cannot be said that the difference is directly so significant, but the client loses 0.3 - 0.6% of the benefit.

The mentioned rate adjustment is especially noticeable on the dollar deposits of Sberbank, which in themselves do not have high interest rates. Here, a loss of even 0.3% leads to a significant decrease in profit on the deposit.

The rest of the terms of the "Top up" deposit are standard and quite comfortable:

  • You can open it for a period of 3 months. up to 3 years;
  • the minimum initial amount is 1000 rubles. or $100;
  • further replenishment can be transferred both in cash and non-cash way;
  • debit transactions are prohibited (only accrued interest can be withdrawn);
  • for pensioners, the rate is not tied to the amount;
  • If the contract is terminated before the due date, the following rules apply:

The maximum amount is determined as follows - first, the amount that was on the deposit on the day of its opening or prolongation (starting) is taken, after which this value is multiplied by 10 times. Suppose an individual opened a deposit and deposited 200 thousand rubles on it. This means that the maximum amount will be 2 million, i.e. if a person begins to credit additional funds to the deposit, then upon reaching 2 million, the rate on the “excessive” share will decrease.

Simply put, the maximum amount is not a strict limit, but a kind of bar that divides the deposit into two parts - the base and the reduced rate. It should also be noted that for deposits with an initial contribution of up to 100 thousand rubles, $5 thousand and €5 thousand, this limit is 1 million rubles, $50 thousand and €50 thousand, respectively.


The offer of Sberbank called "Manage" has its own characteristics. Firstly, for this contribution there is no direct relationship between interest and the duration of the contract. In particular, the bank gives the most favorable rates for deposits opened for a period of 6 to 12 months.

And, secondly, the terms of this deposit provide for the possibility of conducting debit transactions without losing interest (lowering the rate). For this rule to work, the amount on the deposit must exceed the minimum balance.

Terms of the "Manage" deposit:

  • open it is allowed for a period of 3 months. up to 3 years;
  • the minimum initial amount is 30,000 rubles. or $1000;
  • if, after additional contributions, the amount of the deposit reaches the next level of the minimum balance (recall, these are 100 thousand, 400 thousand, 700 thousand and 2 million rubles), the rate increases;
  • in case of early termination, the same rules apply as when opening the “Replenish” deposit.

Sberbank special deposit for the elderly

The most favorable conditions for pensioners in Sberbank are provided by the “Save” and “Replenish” deposits, but they have one drawback - a person must deposit money into accounts himself and monitor the validity of the contracts. In addition, in some cases, with early withdrawal of money from a regular deposit, the rate is significantly reduced, which is unacceptable for older people.

For this reason, Sberbank offers pensioners a special Pension Plus deposit with a simplified model. Here are its main terms:

  • minimum balance - 1 rub.;
  • rate 3.5%;
  • interest is calculated every 3 months;
  • deposit term – 3 years (prolongation is available);
  • funds can be withdrawn at any time without debiting accrued interest;
  • and the most important rule: the Pension Plus deposit is available only to those Sberbank clients who receive pensions from state and non-state funds through it.

Thus, a pensioner who decides to take advantage of this offer does not limit himself in any way in his financial capabilities, while the bank will charge interest on the balance, the amount of which is lower than on standard deposits, but significantly higher than the rates on demand deposits (0.01%) or savings accounts (1.8%).

A gift for coming of age - a deposit "In the name of the child"

In Western countries, people have long realized that the future of children must be taken care of "right now." For this reason, special long-term "children's" deposits are widely used, to which parents periodically deposit small amounts, as a result of which a decent capital is formed on the account by the age of their son or daughter.

Sberbank borrowed this very good idea and offered clients a deposit "In the name of the child." In principle, we have just described the essence of this investment model, so we will not repeat its description and will immediately move on to the conditions. In 2019, the bank offers to open such a deposit at the following rates.

Other conditions of the deposit "In the name of the child":

  • since the deposit is opened for a minor, this can only be done legal representative(parent, guardian);
  • the minimum starting amount is 1000 rubles/$100;
  • not only parents can replenish the deposit, but also any citizens of the Russian Federation, for example, grandmother, uncle, sponsor, etc.;
  • from the age of 14, the child receives partial access to the account - he will be able to withdraw interest;
  • if, before the age of majority, the child needs to be withdrawn and spent on other needs, permission from the guardianship authority will be required.

Let's see how it works. Suppose a client opened a deposit in Sberbank for his son a year after his birth. The initial payment is 1000 rubles, subsequent monthly replenishments also amount to 1000 rubles. The term of the contract is 1 year (it is renewed annually). If a child from the age of 14 does not begin to withdraw interest, the dynamics of his account will look something like this:

Why “approximately” - when the deposit is extended, the rate in reality will change. This adjustment can be carried out both up and down, so preliminary calculations are only indicative.

In 2019, out of all Sberbank's offers, two promotions stood out - "Catch the Profit" and "Give Life". The first type of deposit can be opened only until March 31, but it has a high interest rate. As explained in the bank itself, this campaign was launched in connection with the increase in the rate by the Central Bank, therefore, if the Central Bank continues to tighten its policy, it is possible that Sberbank will delight customers with profitable deposits in the future.

Deposit conditions:

  • amount from 50 thousand rubles. (without restrictions on the upper bar);
  • replenishments and partial debits are not available;
  • interest depends on the term of the deposit;
  • with early complete withdrawal funds rate is reduced to 0.01%.

Another contribution called “Give Life” does not have high stakes, but it is not intended to enrich, since its main task is to help sick children. It has the following conditions:

  • the rate in 2019 is 5.65% (5.77% with capitalization);
  • term - one year;
  • without replenishment and partial write-offs;
  • the minimum deposit amount is 10 thousand rubles;
  • quarterly, Sberbank will transfer to charity an amount equivalent to 0.3% per annum.

If a person has 700 thousand rubles. or $50,000, he gets the right to open a deposit with Sberbank with an increased rate (+0.8% to the base rate for deposits "Save", "Replenish", "Manage"). This option is included in the Sberbank-First package, which is provided free of charge for the first 2 months, and then costs 2,500 rubles / month if none of the conditions are met:

  • account balance of at least 2.5 million rubles;
  • the balance is not less than 1.5 million rubles, and the amount of purchases is not less than 100 thousand rubles;
  • the amount of purchases on cards is not less than 200 thousand rubles.

Another offer of Sberbank from the premium segment is aimed at customers who are ready to deposit 5 million rubles. and more. As part of this program, the bank raises the rate by 1% relative to the base rate on the corresponding deposit. The first 2 months the package is provided free of charge, in the future its cost will be 10,000 rubles / month, if the balance on accounts and cards is less than 15/10 million rubles for Moscow / other regions, respectively.

Let's repeat what we noted at the very beginning of the review - Sberbank's deposit rates are not the highest even for its segment (top banks), but this credit institution There is another plus - maximum reliability. To put it simply, in the event of a serious crisis, the bank will freeze client accounts last, and this is exactly the condition that is required by holders of amounts exceeding insurance from the DIA.

Social accounts

In addition to the usual deposits, to which the client himself makes funds, Sberbank offers special accounts for receiving payments social character. It cannot be said that they have much in common with the usual deposits, but there are still certain similar features between them.


Designed to receive payments due to orphans and veterans / disabled veterans of the Second World War. In this case, exactly the same model applies as with the Pension Plus deposit. This is easy to verify by looking at the conditions:

  • deposit currency - rubles;
  • rate - 4.75% (not the highest even for Sberbank);
  • deposit term — 3 years;
  • deposits and withdrawals are available;
  • the minimum balance is 1 ruble;
  • Interest is calculated every 3 months.


And another account of a similar plan - a nominal one for crediting social benefits, which include all the concepts from Chapter 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, for example, alimony, benefits, etc. The main purpose of this deposit is to make the calculations as transparent as possible and at the same time receive additional interest for cooperation with Sberbank.

Deposit conditions:

  • deposit currency - rubles;
  • rate - 3.55%;
  • deposit term - indefinitely;
  • replenishment - only social receipts are allowed (you cannot deposit money on your own);
  • spending transactions are allowed;
  • minimum balance - 0 rubles;
  • interest is credited quarterly;
  • on a nominal account, you can issue a power of attorney to another person.

Deposit opening algorithm

There are two options for opening a deposit - in person at the office and remotely via the Internet. In the first case, you need to visit the nearest branch of Sberbank and contact the manager, expressing a desire to place a deposit in the bank. The specialist will advise on all issues and name the current interest rates.

If an individual has already registered a personal account on the bank's website, then you can apply for a deposit directly through a smartphone or computer. There is even a special video instruction on how to open a deposit in Sberbank-online, prepared by the organization's specialists.

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