Passenger insurance- this is a type of personal accident insurance that provides for the payment of a full or partial sum insured in connection with the consequences of an accident that occurred to a passenger on the way. Passenger insurance is carried out both on a mandatory and voluntary basis.

Compulsory personal insurance for passengers applies to passengers of air, rail, sea, inland waterway and road transport, with the exception of international communications of all types of transport, suburban and intracity communications, pleasure and excursion lines of sea and river transport, as well as intercity automobile routes within the same region, territory.

In this case, each passenger is insured in a single sum insured from the moment the landing is announced and until the moment of leaving the railway station (port, pier, station) at the final destination. Transit passengers remain insured free of charge. Insurance payments are included in the price of tickets, and their amount depends on the type of transport and the distance of the trip.

The size of the insurance tariff is set and approved by the insurance supervisory authorities. The amount of the insurance premium is included in the cost of the travel document and is collected from the passenger when the ticket is sold. In the event of an insured event, the carrier must draw up an accident report on transport. The insurance payment must be made within 10 days after the receipt by the insurer of the relevant act. In case of injury as a result of an accident on transport, the passenger is paid a part of the sum insured corresponding to the severity of the injury. In the event of loss of health, the beneficiary is the insured person, and in the event of the death of the passenger, their heirs.

25. Accident insurance.

Accident insurance- a set of types of personal insurance, the terms of which provide for the implementation of insurance payments in case of loss of health or in connection with the death of the insured person from specified events. It is carried out both in a voluntary or mandatory (insurance of passengers, military personnel, etc.) form.

insured event such an external impact on the insured person is recognized, which entails traumatic injury, mutilation and other harm to his health or death. Insured events are:

Temporary health disorder of the insured person;

Permanent health disorder resulting in partial or complete disability - (disability) of the insured person;

Death of the insured;

This type is quite universal in terms of the possibility of concluding an insurance contract both independently individual and at the expense of the enterprise in relation to its employees. Also, the Policyholder may conclude an insurance contract both in his own favor and in favor of other persons (insured persons).

Conditions for individuals: from 16 to 74 years old, but with the condition that by the day the insurance period expires, the age of the insured will not exceed 75 years. The contract is concluded for any period: from several days to a year or for the duration of a certain work, it enters into force from the moment the first installment is accepted. In order to stimulate the conclusion of a long-term contract, the insurance conditions provide for discounts for 3 years - 5%, for 4 years - 10%, for 5 years - 15%. Accident insurance is carried out without a medical examination, but the insurer always reserves the right to carry it out.

Tariff rates are set depending on the degree of danger of the profession or the work performed by him, i.e. the basis for the construction of tariffs is the criterion of production risk.

Insurance premium - 0.8-1.2% of the sum insured (depending on the nature of the risk).

Upon the occurrence of insured events, the insurer, as a rule, makes the following payments:

One-time payments, determined as a percentage of the sum insured, in case of permanent disability;

Insurance benefit in the form of payments for each day of incapacity for work, in case of temporary disability;

The insurance rules of some insurance companies for insurance against temporary disability provide for the possibility of a lump sum payment depending on the nature of the damage received;

In the event of death, the heirs of the insured person will receive 100% of the sum insured.

In all cases, the payment of insurance coverage (insurance indemnity) is made taking into account the previously paid amounts under this insurance contract and cannot ultimately exceed the sum insured established by this contract.

Typically, insurers set the following amounts of lump-sum payments and insurance benefits:

1 disability group - 100% of the sum insured,

2 disability group - 60% of the sum insured,

3rd disability group - 30% of the sum insured

0.3% -1.0% of the sum insured, indicated in the contract, in case of temporary disability, for each day of disability.

The sum insured is established by agreement between the insured and the insurance company. Insurance rates are calculated individually for each insured person, depending on age, profession and other parameters. This type insurance, for all its relevance, is not an expensive type. Basic insurance rates are, as a rule, in the range from 0.6% to 2.8% of the sum insured.


About compulsory personal insurance of passengers *

(as amended on July 22, 1998)

Repealed from January 1, 2013 on the basis of
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2013 N 36

Document as amended by:
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1994 N 667;
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 22, 1998 N 866.


* Name as amended, effective April 12, 1994.

In order to ensure the protection of the interests of citizens

I decide:

1. Enter the territory Russian Federation compulsory personal accident insurance for passengers of air, rail, sea, inland water and road transport, as well as tourists and sightseers making long-distance excursions through tourist and excursion organizations, for the duration of the trip (flight).
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1994 N 667)

Compulsory personal insurance does not apply to passengers:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 12, 1994 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1994 N 667)

all modes of transport of international communications;

railway, sea, inland waterway and road transport of suburban communication;

sea ​​and inland water transport of intracity communications and crossings;

road transport on urban routes.

2. Establish that before the entry into force of the Law of the Russian Federation regulating the issues of providing insurance protection for passengers (tourists, sightseers), compulsory personal insurance of these persons is carried out by concluding, in the manner and on the terms provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, agreements between the relevant transport, transport -forwarding companies (hereinafter referred to as carriers) and insurers. Licenses for the implementation of this type of compulsory insurance are issued to insurers in the manner prescribed by applicable law.

Insurers are obliged to bring to the attention of each insured person the rules for conducting compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, sightseers), including the place, procedure and conditions for receiving insurance payments in the event of an insured event.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1994 N 667)

3. The size of the insurance rate for compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, sightseers) of air, rail, sea, inland water and motor transport is established by insurers in agreement with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, respectively, and is approved by the federal executive body for supervision for insurance activities.
(Paragraph as amended by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 22, 1998 N 866)

The amount of the insurance premium is included in the cost of the travel document (voucher) and is charged from the passenger (tourist, excursionist) when selling the travel document (voucher). Passengers (tourists, sightseers) enjoying the right to travel free of charge in the Russian Federation are subject to compulsory personal insurance without paying an insurance premium.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on April 12, 1994 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1994 N 667)

4. Establish the sum insured for compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, sightseers) in the amount of 120 minimum wages established by the Law as of the date of purchase of the travel document.

A passenger (tourist, excursionist) in case of injury as a result of an accident on transport is paid a part of the sum insured corresponding to the severity of the injury. In the event of the death of the insured person, the sum insured is paid to his heirs in full.

The sum insured for compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, sightseers) upon the occurrence of an insured event is paid regardless of the payment to the insured persons or their heirs of sums of money in connection with the same event on other grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Insurance payment for compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, sightseers) is made to the insured person or his heirs no later than 10 days after the receipt by the insurer of the act drawn up by the carrier on the accident that occurred on the transport with the insured person, and other required documents provided by the rules for this type of compulsory insurance.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on April 12, 1994 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1994 N 667)

5. The carrier is obliged to draw up a report on each accident that occurred on the transport with the insured passenger (tourist, excursionist), the first copy of which should be handed over to the insured person, his representative or heirs. The carrier is also obliged, at the written request of the insurer, to send him, within 10 days from the date of receipt of the request, a copy of the said act.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on April 12, 1994 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1994 N 667)

6. Establish that part of the insurance premiums received by insurers in the implementation of compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, sightseers), in the manner prescribed by law, is directed to the creation of reserves to finance measures to prevent accidents in transport.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on April 12, 1994 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1994 N 667)

7. The procedure for mutual settlements for compulsory personal insurance of passengers (tourists, sightseers) is determined by insurers together with the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation and other interested departments and legal entities.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on April 12, 1994 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1994 N 667)

8. This Decree comes into force from the moment of its signing.

The president
Russian Federation
B. Yeltsin

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
CJSC "Kodeks"

Since January 1, 2013 health and life, as well as property of passengers of any public transport are insured.

This change is introduced by the Federal Law of June 14, 2012 “On Compulsory Insurance of the Carrier’s Civil Liability for Causing Harm to Life, Health, and Property of Passengers and on the Procedure for Compensating Such Harm Caused During the Transportation of Passengers by the Metro”.

This law establishes the minimum amount of insurance payments and the procedure for receiving them.

On which modes of transport is it necessary to insure a passenger during transportation?

The federal law on compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier applies to all types of passenger transport with the exception of passenger taxis:

  • buses;
  • trolleybuses;
  • trams;
  • fixed-route taxis;
  • railway trains;
  • aircraft;
  • water transport;
  • subway (for which a special procedure is established).

This law does not apply to passenger taxis. The liability of the carrier to the passenger in the event of a trip by passenger taxi is regulated by other regulations, in particular the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 N 259-ФЗ “Charter of Road Transport and Urban Surface Electric Transport”.

The Metro is not obligated to insure the liability of the carrier, but in the event of any harm to passengers, it will also have to pay the full amount of compensation from its own funds.

The only thing passengers need to know: only injuries received in the subway car will be considered insurance. In other cases, compensation can be obtained only after proving the subway's fault in what happened.

60 insurance companies will operate in the market of compulsory insurance of public transport passengers.

You do not need to buy an insurance policy when traveling by public transport, as it is already included in the ticket price.

For the absence of a carrier's liability insurance contract to passengers, the transport company is punished with a fine of 500 thousand - 1 million rubles, and officials - 40-50 thousand rubles.

How much is a public transport passenger insured for?

Each type of transport has different insurance rates per passenger. In maritime transport, it is the highest and amounts to 22.48–45.25 rubles, the lowest fare on suburban trains is 0.07–0.15 rubles.

The insurance company is obliged to pay compensation to the victim or his relatives in case of injury or death, if they occurred during a trip by public transport. In this case, the amounts of compensation for harm are really large.

For example:

  • for a simple bruise you can get 200 rubles;
  • for a broken leg - 240 thousand;
  • for a concussion - 60 thousand;
  • for pregnancy loss - 1 million.

Passenger death estimated at 2 million and paid to the relatives of the deceased. The same amount will be paid to people who have received group I disability as a result of an accident, and to the parents of children who have become disabled in this way.

In addition, the insurance company is obliged to compensate for the damage caused to the property of passengers.

How to confirm the fact of a trip on a vehicle involved in an accident?

The main document in the event of an accident and injury is ordinary passenger ticket, and it is desirable to keep it until the very end of the trip.

The ticket has a unique set of numbers, so you can find out all the information about the transport organization from it.

In the absence of a ticket, the insurance company may use video surveillance data as supporting evidence.

In any case, she is obliged to pay, but only after a thorough verification of the fact of the accident.

Where to go in case of injury?

In the event of an accident, passengers may contact the driver first., which must call ambulance and traffic police. In addition, he must provide an act of harm to life and health and provide information about the insurance company that pays for the treatment.

You can apply for monetary compensation at any time, as there are no time limits.

To receive payment, you must write an application to the insurance company and provide it with a medical certificate, in which the exact diagnosis is indicated and the presence of injuries and other injuries is recorded.

Passenger insurance in the Russian Federation is carried out in the form of compulsory carrier liability insurance. When concluding a passenger insurance contract, the carrier transfers responsibility for harm to the passenger to the insurance company.

About car insurance written in

1. A document regulating the insurance of passengers on public transport,

is the Federal Law of June 14, 2012 No. 67-FZ “On Compulsory Insurance of the Carrier’s Civil Liability for Causing Harm to Life, Health, and Property of Passengers and on the Procedure for Compensating Such Harm Caused During the Transportation of Passengers by the Metro.”

2. This federal law establishes the conditions for compulsory insurance for the carriage of passengers by any means of transport, with the exception of the carriage of passengers by metro and passenger taxis.

Types of transportation for which compulsory insurance of passengers is carried out:

— bus transportation, including intracity, suburban, intercity and international transportation.

- transportation by urban electric transport - trolleybuses and trams.

– transportation by rail, air and sea transport, inland water transport.

3. The carrier under this law is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur,

who are registered on the territory of the Russian Federation and, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, carry out the carriage of passengers, including under a charter agreement (regardless of whether they are carriers under a carriage agreement or actually carry out the carriage).

4. Passenger under this law -

a person recognized as a passenger by transport charters, codes, other federal laws, as well as a child transported free of charge or at a reduced rate with or without provision of a separate seat in the vehicle.

injured passenger- a passenger, life, health, whose property was damaged during transportation.

Beneficiary under this law - the victim or, in the event of his death, persons entitled, in accordance with civil law, to compensation for harm as a result of the death of the victim (breadwinner), in the absence of such persons - the spouse, parents, adoptive parents, children of the deceased, persons with whom the victim was dependents, and in respect of reimbursement of the necessary expenses for the burial of the victim - the persons who actually incurred such expenses.

5. Law No. 67-FZ prohibits the carriage of passengers by a carrier whose civil liability for causing harm to the life, health and property of passengers is not insured.

5.1. According to Article 5 of Law No. 67:

a) a carrier that has not fulfilled the obligation imposed on it by this Law to insure its civil liability for causing harm to life, health and property of passengers and which carries out transportation in the absence of a compulsory insurance contract, shall be liable for the damage caused during transportation on the same conditions on which it must be paid insurance indemnity with proper insurance.

Controls the implementation of the law Rostransnadzor by establishing whether the carrier has a contract of compulsory insurance.

b) an individual, an individual entrepreneur or entity, actually carrying out the transportation of individuals by road, equipped for transportation of more than eight people (except for the case if the said transportation is carried out by an individual for personal, family, household needs), in the absence of a compulsory insurance contract, they are liable for the damage caused during transportation on the same conditions under which the insurance indemnity must be paid with proper insurance.

Controls the implementation of the law by Rostransnadzor by establishing whether the carrier has a compulsory insurance contract during inspections, including those carried out on the basis of applications and applications received by Rostransnadzor.

c) the carrier is obliged to provide passengers with information about the insurer with which he has concluded a compulsory insurance contract (name, location, postal address, telephone number) and the compulsory insurance contract (number, date of conclusion, validity period) by posting the specified information in places available to passengers, on the ticket and on its official website.

6. Further, article 8 of Law No. 67 is given in full - the terms of the contract of compulsory insurance.

6.1. The object of insurance under the compulsory insurance contract is the property interests of the carrier associated with the risk of its civil liability for obligations arising from the infliction of harm to life, health, property of passengers during transportation.

6.2. In the compulsory insurance contract, the sums insured for each risk of civil liability must be indicated separately:

a) for the risk of civil liability for causing harm to the life of a passenger in the amount of at least 2,025,000 (two million twenty-five thousand) rubles per passenger;

b) on the risk of civil liability for causing harm to the health of a passenger in the amount of at least 2,000,000 (two million) rubles per passenger;

c) on the risk of civil liability for causing damage to the property of a passenger in the amount of not less than 23,000 (twenty-three thousand) rubles per passenger.

6.3. The sums insured are established for each insured event and cannot be changed during the validity period of the compulsory insurance contract.

6.4. The validity period of the compulsory insurance contract may not be less than one year. When transporting by inland water transport, the period of validity of the compulsory insurance contract may be less than a year, but may not be less than the navigation period.

6.5. The compulsory insurance contract cannot establish a deductible (part of the damage caused that is not compensated under the compulsory insurance contract) for the risks of the carrier's civil liability for causing harm to the life or health of passengers.

7. Insurance indemnity under a passenger insurance contract (Articles 13, 14 and 15 of Law No. 67).

7.1. Upon the occurrence of an insured event under a compulsory insurance contract, the insurer is obliged to pay the beneficiary (the definition of the beneficiary is given in clause 4 of this article) the insurance indemnity in the manner and on the conditions established by Law No. 67, and the beneficiary has the right to demand payment of this insurance indemnity from the insurer.

7.2. Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the beneficiary who wishes to exercise his right to receive insurance compensation must submit to the insurer a written application for payment of insurance compensation in the form established by the Bank of Russia, documents, an exhaustive list of which is determined by the Bank of Russia and which must contain, in particular, information about the victim , the nature and degree of damage to the health of the victim, and if the application is submitted by a beneficiary who is not the victim, information about such a beneficiary, as well as a document about the event that occurred on the transport and its circumstances (date, place of occurrence, type of transport, name of the carrier, other information about the event ), drawn up in accordance with the procedure and taking into account the requirements established by the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of transport.

7.3. Below is a list of documents required to receive insurance compensation under a contract of compulsory insurance of the carrier's civil liability for causing harm to life, health or property of passengers.

This list of documents is established by the instruction of the Bank of Russia dated February 14, 2017 No. 4293 - U.

Full text of Bank Directive No. 4293 – U.

This Ordinance on the basis of paragraph 1 of Article 14 and paragraph 2 of Article 15 federal law dated June 14, 2012 N 67 - FZ "On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier for causing harm to life, health, property of passengers" defines the list and procedure for the beneficiary to draw up documents for receiving insurance compensation, part of the insurance compensation (preliminary payment) under the contract of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier for causing harm to life, health or property of passengers.

To receive insurance compensation under a compulsory insurance contract, the beneficiary shall submit the following documents to the insurer:

7.3.1. A written application for the payment of insurance compensation, drawn up in any form, containing details that allow the transfer of funds within the applicable forms of cashless payments, if the payment of insurance compensation will be made in a cashless manner.

7.3.2. Document proving the identity of the beneficiary.

7.3.3. Documents confirming the authority and identity of the person who is legal representative or a representative of the beneficiary acting on the basis of a power of attorney.

7.3.4. A document on the event that occurred on the transport and its circumstances, drawn up in accordance with the rules for the carriage of passengers and baggage by the corresponding mode of transport, confirming the infliction of harm to the passenger, which is drawn up by the carrier or a person authorized by the carrier in relation to the victim or several victims (submitted in the case when the drawing up such a document is provided for by the rules for the carriage of passengers and baggage by the corresponding mode of transport).

7.3.5. In the absence of the document provided for in clause 7.3.4, one of the following documents:

- a certificate of a traffic accident in the form approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of April 1, 2011 No. 154 "On approval of the form of a certificate of a traffic accident", a protocol and a decision on a case of an administrative offense or a ruling on the refusal to initiate a case on an administrative an offense (in the event of harm to the victim as a result of a traffic accident and in the case when the preparation of such documents is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation);

- a decision to initiate (refusal to initiate) or to suspend a criminal case or to recognize it as a victim, or a court decision that has entered into legal force (in the event of harm to the victim as a result of an event not related to a traffic accident, and in the case when the preparation of such documents provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation).

7.3.6. In case of damage to the life of the victim, in order to receive insurance compensation in respect of compensation for burial expenses, the beneficiary shall submit to the insurer the documents specified in clauses 7.3.1. - 7.3.5. of this article, as well as the following documents:

- The victim's death certificate.

- documents confirming the amount of necessary expenses incurred for the burial of the victim.

7.3.7. When causing harm to the life of the victim in order to receive insurance indemnity in connection with the death of the injured party, the beneficiary shall submit to the insurer the documents specified in clauses 7.3.1. - 7.3.5, death certificate of the victim, as well as one of the following documents confirming the right of the beneficiary in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation to compensation for harm in the event of the death of the breadwinner:

a) marriage certificate - when applying for an insurance payment in respect of a spouse who was dependent on the victim (breadwinner) on the date of death;

b) certificate of birth, adoption of a child (children), documents issued by the guardianship and guardianship authority, confirming the fact of the appointment of guardianship - when applying for insurance payment in respect of minor children of the victim (breadwinner) who were dependent on him on the date of death, or children born after his death;

c) a certificate issued in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of social protection of persons with disabilities, confirming the fact of the establishment of disability - when applying for an insurance payment in respect of persons with disabilities who were dependent on the victim (breadwinner) on the date of death;

d) certificate of the organization carrying out educational activities, on confirmation of the fact of studying in this organization - when applying for an insurance payment in respect of a student who was dependent on the victim (breadwinner) on the date of death;

e) conclusion of a federal institution medical and social expertise or a medical organization on recognition as needing outside care for health reasons - when applying for an insurance payment in respect of a person who was at the time of the insured event dependent on the victim (breadwinner) and in need of outside care;

f) a certificate from the body that assigns and pays a pension to a disabled citizen, a certificate from the employment service, a conclusion from a medical organization that one of the parents, spouse or other family member of the victim (breadwinner) does not work and is busy caring for his relatives - when applying for insurance payment in respect of non-working family members who were at the time of the occurrence of the insured event dependent on the victim (breadwinner), who were caring for his relatives.

g) in the absence of persons entitled, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, to compensation for damages in connection with the death of the breadwinner, the spouse, parents, children of the deceased, citizens with whom the victim was dependent, if he did not have independent income, submit documents to the insurer provided for in clause 7.3.7. of this article.

7.3.8. When causing harm to health the beneficiary submits to the insurer the documents specified in clauses 7.3.1. - 7.3.5. this article, as well as the following documents.

a) documents issued and executed in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the health of citizens, by the medical organization to which the victim was delivered or applied on his own, regardless of its organizational and legal form, indicating the nature of the injuries and injuries received by the victim , diagnosis and period of disability.

b) a conclusion of a medical examination issued in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the health of citizens on the degree of loss of professional ability to work, and in the absence of professional ability to work, on the degree of loss of general ability to work (if any).

c) a certificate confirming the fact that the victim has been identified as a disabled child or the category of “disabled child” (if any).

7.3.9. If the beneficiary intends to use the right to receive a part of the insurance compensation (preliminary payment in the amount of 100 thousand rubles), the beneficiary shall submit to the insurer the documents specified in paragraphs 7.3.2 - 7.3.5 of this article, as well as the following documents:

a) a written application for the payment of a part of the insurance indemnity (preliminary payment), drawn up in any form;

b) a document issued by a medical organization in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the health of citizens, containing preliminary information on the nature and extent of injuries and injuries received by the victim, as well as signs of causing serious harm to the health of the victim in accordance with the established medical criteria for determining the degree of severity of harm caused to human health (if one of the qualifying signs of causing grievous harm to the health of the victim is present);

c) a death certificate of the victim or a list of the deceased victims provided by the carrier (in the event of the death of the victim), as well as one of the documents specified in clause 7.3.7 (in the event of the death of the victim).

7.3.10. When causing damage to property the beneficiary submits to the insurer the documents specified in clauses 7.3.1. – 7.3.5, as well as the following documents:

a) a baggage receipt containing information about the weight of the baggage, or a receipt for the carriage of hand luggage (if any);

b) an inventory of the property of the victim (luggage and (or) hand luggage), damaged or lost during transportation, indicating the approximate value of the damaged or lost property, compiled by the victim in any form.

c) documents confirming the value of the lost property (if any).

d) certificate of death of the victim and certificate of the right to the inheritance of the victim (in the event of the death of the victim).

From the author. According to paragraph 7.3.4 (document about the event that occurred on the transport). In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 27, 2017 No. 540 in the event of damage to the passenger's luggage on road transport a document about an event that has occurred is called a commercial act. Compiled by the carrier or a person authorized by the carrier.

8. Insurance of passengers on public transport provides,

that the purchase of an insurance policy from passengers is not required. Its cost is included in the ticket price. The ticket must be kept until the end of the trip.

The definition of the amount of damage to be compensated by the insurer is given in Article 16 of Law No. 67 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 15, 2012 No. 1164.

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Insurance is a form of protection against risk. Has several types. In Russia, compulsory and voluntary, personal and property are distinguished. For each of them, the object of insurance, the minimum threshold value of payments and the procedure for compensation for damage are determined.

A public transport passenger is at risk of injury or damage to luggage. In this case, the protection of a citizen is carried out by specialized companies with which the carrier enters into an agreement on compulsory insurance of civil liability.

Fundamentals and types of passenger insurance when transported by public transport

Passenger insurance is a personal form of risk protection. Until 2013, it was mandatory in Russia. Since January 1, 2014, it has been replaced by civil liability insurance. There is also a combined view - a set of services. Under protection is:

  • passenger's property;
  • vehicle;
  • life;
  • civil liability for causing harm.

Liability insurance is regulated by Federal Law No. 67. Basic moments.

  1. The contract is concluded for 12 months (at least) for all vehicles (TC) of the carrier.
  2. Protection is not determined by the type of vehicle.
  3. In the absence of an insurance contract, the carrier bears the same liability to the passenger as in the case of its existence.
  4. When evading liability, the owner of the fleet is charged cash in the amount of the cost of the contract with the insurer.
  5. The passenger has the right to receive information about the insurer in an accessible form: on the ticket, through a loudspeaker or upon request.
  6. The price of the contract does not depend on the type of vehicle.

The passenger is insured from the beginning of the trip. The amount of payments is not affected by the driver's fault, force majeure and other factors.

What modes of transport are required

The following types of transportation must be insured without fail:

  • rail transport - suburban, long-distance and international traffic;
  • aircraft - aircraft on domestic and international flights, helicopters;
  • water transport, including internal;
  • bus service - urban vehicles, suburbs and intercity;
  • other means - trolleybus, tram, monorail transport.

Types of carriers subject to insurance

Not subject to insurance:

  • Taxi;
  • subway.

When traveling by metro, the passenger has the right to compensation for damage caused to life and health. Unlike other types of vehicles, payment is made from the funds of the carrier itself. A citizen will receive compensation only in the event of a risk directly in the car.

Russian Railways LLC and Aeroflot PJSC were the first to undertake to insure passengers.

How much is insured

In the event of an accident in public transport, the passenger has the right to count on the following payments:

  • death, disability of the 1st group - 2 million 25 thousand rubles;
  • miscarriage or premature birth that ended in death for the baby - 1 ml. rub.;
  • causing harm to health - up to 2 million rubles;
  • damage to property - 23 thousand rubles.

When a citizen dies, the relatives of the deceased receive compensation. In the case of a child with a disability - his parents.

The amount of compensation for causing harm to health is calculated in proportion to the severity of the condition. For example, a passenger is entitled to up to 500 thousand rubles for a broken limb.

How to confirm the fact of a trip on a vehicle involved in an accident

The main supporting document is a travel ticket in physical or electronic form. In case of his absence:

  • a bank statement indicating the name of the seller organization (when buying a plane ticket, for example);
  • an email from the official website of the carrier about non-cash payment;
  • video recordings from surveillance cameras (when purchased for cash at the ticket point).

The physical presence of a passenger at the time of injury in public transport is evidence in itself. For its application, it is necessary to record the fact of contacting a medical organization by calling an ambulance team to the accident site.

Where to go in case of injury

The injured passenger receives monetary compensation through the insurance company. Step-by-step instruction actions in case of injury on public transport.

  1. Contact the driver, conductor, flight attendant, etc. Notify the person in charge of the fact of harm to health. Ask to call a medical officer.
  2. Write down the vehicle number, phone numbers of witnesses.
  3. Obtain a completed personal injury form from the driver. This can be done later with the carrier.
  4. Pass an examination to determine the severity of harm to health.
  5. Contact the insurance company.

In the event of an injury, a passenger may apply for payment of part of the compensation earlier than the established deadline (provisionally).

The application of the victim is considered no more than 30 days. Then the funds are transferred to the specified account.


The carrier is obliged to conclude an insurance contract if:

  • transports passengers;
  • its activities are regulated by a code or charter;
  • the number of citizens in the vehicle is more than 8 people.

The insured is the person who owns the vehicle on the right:

  • property;
  • leasing;
  • rent;
  • operational management.

The contract is in prescribed form. Conditions may be different for domestic and international shipments.

The carrier organization and responsible officials face an administrative fine for the absence of an insurance contract. In case of refusal to provide information to the passenger, a penalty is also imposed.

Passenger personal insurance

Passenger personal insurance is a form of compulsory. The civil liability of the carrier also extends to all types of tourism and excursion activities.

A prerequisite for obtaining insurance is the payment of a fee for the service provided (or travel). Citizens who have the right to preferential or free transportation are exempted from this.

Personal insurance may be voluntary. In this case, the citizen receives not only compensation for harm to health, but also payment for treatment.

Contacting the insurance company is not tied to a specific time frame and is carried out at any time convenient for the passenger.

Luggage insurance

Civil liability insurance involves compensation for damage to the passenger's property. This does not take into account:

  • baggage cost;
  • its value;
  • need at the moment;
  • losses incurred as a result of the damage suffered.

Payment is made by the carrier based on weight. Fixed rates are specified in the documentation of the carrier and the insurance company. In the case of air travel, valuables (jewelry, furs, etc.) are registered in a separate declaration.

The passenger has the right to independently insure baggage against loss and breakage, as well as against:

  • natural disaster;
  • damage;
  • military action;
  • theft.

To do this, you need to contact a specialized company and conclude an agreement.


  1. Carrier civil liability insurance is identical in legal status to compulsory personal insurance.
  2. Passenger risks are excluded for all types of transportation, except for taxis and metro.
  3. The conclusion of an insurance contract is mandatory for all organizations. Does not depend on the form of ownership, ownership and vehicle.
  4. Payments in case of injury are transferred at the expense of the insurance organization. Monetary compensation is directly proportional to the severity of the harm caused to health.
  5. For the absence of a concluded contract and refusal to provide information on the issue, the carrier organization bears administrative responsibility in the form of a fine.
  6. The passenger has the right to independently insure his life and property. This does not cancel the carrier's obligation to bear responsibility for his life and health.
