What is needed to establish disability with the least effort and time? What documents will be needed? What is the verification procedure? How to appeal an ITU decision if a person does not agree with it?

Answers to all these questions can be found in the new document - Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services for medical and social expertise.

Registration of disability, passing the procedure of medical and social examination is an occupation that often takes a lot of time and effort from a citizen. The new administrative regulation is, in fact, a kind of - and very detailed - "instruction" on how, ideally, the examination procedure should take place.

1 What is the time frame for review?

The maximum allowable time is 30 calendar days from the date of submission of the application. Moreover, this period also includes the time of additional examination, if it is needed during the ITU. The application must be registered in the journal of incoming documentation on the day of its submission. In a maximum of five days, an invitation for an examination is sent to the citizen, in which the address, date, time and office number are indicated. If a citizen wishes, an invitation can be sent to him by e-mail.

The date and time of the examination are appointed in such a way that the waiting time in the queue does not exceed 30 minutes.

Important: You can apply without an application required documents. You have 10 calendar days to "deliver" them.

2 How to find out about the results of the examination?

The decision of the bureau (as well as the main and federal bureaus) on the establishment of disability, determining the degree of disability, etc. adopted by a simple majority vote of the experts included in the commission for the examination. The result with all the necessary explanations is announced to the person immediately.

If the examination was carried out in absentia, the decision and the necessary clarifications can be obtained in writing or by e-mail. The letter, signed by the head of the bureau and sealed, shall be sent no later than three days after the decision has been made. An e-mail is certified by an electronic signature and sent through a single portal of state and municipal services. The term is also three days.

3 How to appeal an ITU decision?

If a person does not agree with the results of the examination, he has the right to write an application to appeal the decision to the same bureau where the examination took place. The bureau itself, within 3 days from the moment of receiving the application, sends it with all available documents to the main bureau. There, within a month, a new medical and social examination is carried out and a decision is made.

The same principle is observed when appealing against the decision of the main bureau. The application submitted there, along with the documents, is sent to the federal bureau, and the final decision is made within a month.

Important: In the application for appealing the decision of the bureau, the last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant, his address, the essence of disagreement with the decision of the ITU, a request to conduct a new examination on appeal are indicated. At the same time, abbreviations and abbreviations are not allowed.

4 Who controls the work of the ITU bureau?

It is the responsibility of Roszdravnadzor to control the work of the ITU. This federal service conducts scheduled and unscheduled inspections based on complaints received from citizens or organizations.

5 Can they charge money, for example, for an additional examination?

All ITU bureau services are provided free of charge.

6 How should the work of the bureau be organized to make it more convenient for people with disabilities?

ITU offices should be located mainly on the lower floors of buildings and be accessible to wheelchair users (wide doors, ramps, etc.). Parking is provided near the office building, including for disabled cars. Wardrobe, toilet are equipped so that it is convenient for the disabled to use them.

In order to streamline the queue, the document recommends, if possible, to install electronic queue management devices in the bureau premises, as well as light boards, which will reflect the order of the ITU.

7 Where to get

information about the addresses and telephone numbers of the ITU bureau, how to consult on the certification?

All addresses with telephone numbers are in the annex to the administrative regulations. If a citizen addresses a question by phone, the specialist who received the call is obliged to name his bureau, his last name, first name, patronymic, position and answer questions.


What documents will be needed for the examination:

  • passport (birth certificate for children under 14);
  • document confirming the authority legal representative;
  • a statement requesting an ITU and its purpose;
  • referral to the ITU from a medical institution (form 088 / y-06).
  • To determine the degree of disability, you must additionally submit:
  • an act on an accident at work or an act on a case of an occupational disease;
  • conclusion of the body of state expertise of working conditions.


A complete list of documents for various purposes of passing the examination is given in the text of the administrative regulations.

Direct speech

Kira Afonina, Head of the ITU Development Division of the Department for Disabled Affairs of the Ministry of Health and Social Development:

The Administrative Regulation is a consolidated document that summarizes the entire vast regulatory framework on medical and social expertise. Naturally, it is difficult for an ordinary citizen to find all these documents, get acquainted with them and take them into account. The administrative regulations, on the other hand, prescribe the general procedure for the work of the medical and social examination in a simple, clear and in plain language. In practice, these are the rules for the provision of public services for conducting ITU, which are mandatory for specialists. For citizens, the document is no less important - with its help, a person who comes for an examination will always be able to check what, during the ITU, they can ask him, and what requirements are redundant.

Important update!

How to pass the commission: algorithm

Step 1

First you need to get from the therapist on the basis of the data entered in the outpatient card.

Step 3

Passing a citizen examination. It can take place both in the office and, if necessary, at the patient's home. As a rule, employees of the institution (at least three) and other doctors of all necessary profiles are present.

During the examination itself, specialists first of all get acquainted with all the documentation, then they already conduct an examination and a conversation with the patient, analyze his condition. All actions and conversations during the work of the commission are recorded.

Step 4

Step 5

Important! The decision made by the commission is communicated to the patient on the same day on which the examination took place. In the case of a positive conclusion, the person is given the original certificate, as well as a scheme for future rehabilitation and treatment specially developed for him.

Step 6

The appeal of a citizen with this very certificate to a pension fund or other social organization for pensions and other benefits. This must be done within three days after receiving the papers..

In total, in about two months it is really possible to successfully apply for a disability.

However, this does not mean that a visit to the ITU bureau can be forgotten. Depending on the assigned group, people with disabilities in Russia must confirm their status at certain intervals:

  • the first group - every two years;
  • the second and third - annually;
  • children with disabilities - once during the validity of this status.

Before the deadline is also possible. If this is due to a noticeable deterioration in the state of a citizen, then at any time, if not, then the disability should be valid for no more than two months.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.02.2006 N95 gives citizens the right to challenge the decision of the commission. A period of one month has been allotted for the local ITU center in the main office. The same period applies for a complaint against the decision of the main bureau in the federal center.

At the same time, documents for appeal must be brought to the office where you have already been examined. It is it itself that is forced to transfer the applications of dissatisfied citizens to higher authorities within no more than three days. The last body to which you can turn in such proceedings, and the decision of which is no longer subject to appeal, is the court.

Possible difficulties

  • The patient himself is in a non-transportable state or in intensive care. The doctors of the medical institution, his relatives and the company in which the patient is employed are then required to collect papers. His collected documents are transferred to the ITU bureau on the basis of a special certificate confirming the citizen's inability to deal with everything personally.
  • The clinic in which the patient is located is a psychiatric one, and the situation is similar to the previous one, that is, the person’s condition is very difficult. At such moments, a notarized power of attorney is usually issued, and his relatives have the right to speak on behalf of the patient.
  • A citizen is able to independently deal with the registration of disability, but in a medical institution he was denied a referral. The solution to this problem is to require a form in the form

ITU or medical and social expertise exists to perform certain tasks, in particular, to conduct an examination, assign a disability group, assess the current state of health and further forecasts.

ITU experts must establish the need for a potential disabled person in social protection and rehabilitation, based on the criteria approved in Art. 7 and 8 of the Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995 "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation."

This law also characterizes the ITU examination as a process of assigning an appropriate status to the applicant, taking into account the degree of disability and not only. Next, we answer the most pressing questions within the framework of the topic.

What are the tasks of the ITU Bureau?

So, in total, 5 key tasks can be distinguished (some of them are briefly described above and will be disclosed):

1) Establishment of disability - for this, doctors must check the compliance of the restrictions with the specified criteria, in other words, those who have persistent health problems provoked by injuries, defects or illnesses are considered disabled, and the ability to serve themselves is not fully manifested or lost (the same about communication, work performance, etc.).

2) Development of an IPR for a disabled person (individual rehabilitation program) - this is a specially developed document that contains a set of measures to compensate or restore the body's lost abilities, plus, the program can indicate the objectives and goals of the expected results with possible consequences and much more (for example, the opportunity to study and work with recommendations).

3) Definition of disability group - here we mean categories such as 1, 2 and 3 disability groups and separately “a disabled child”. In any case, the severity of violations plays a key role, on the basis of which a specific group is assigned (for example, group 1 indicates severe restrictions).

4) Re-examination - to confirm (renew) disability in groups 2 and 3 is necessary every year, and in group 1 - every few years, unless, of course, the status is assigned for life. Disabled children can be examined once a year or several years until they reach the age of majority, then the process is repeated and it is likely that the group will be given indefinitely (especially in view of the lack of positive dynamics).

5) Identification of the causes of death of disabled people - in order to use this service, one of the family members of a deceased person with disabilities must write an application, attaching a package of documents (passport, copies of a death certificate and a certificate of disability, an extract from the examination card by a pathologist). As a result, an expert opinion is formed (it has an electronic or paper form).

Who controls the work of the ITU bureau?

Representatives of the federal service of Roszdravnadzor are responsible for inspection (including unscheduled) and control of ITU activities.

What do ITU institutions include?

Clause 1 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 310n dated October 11, 2012, indicates that the ITU hierarchical system includes:

The Federal Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (FB ITU) is the central authority that controls the bureau of a lower level, if necessary, carrying out an examination (if the case is complex, special or a disabled person wants to appeal against a previously made medical decision) and training of specialists in this profile (including advanced training);

The main ITU bureaus in the regions (ITU GB) - operate within a certain subject of the country, can review the conclusions issued by local bureaus and accept new ones, assess the health of the applicant by creating a special expert team;

Main Bureau of ITU FMBA (residents of certain territories and employees of certain sectors of industry with special working conditions undergo an examination here);

Local ITU offices (their number is calculated depending on the number of local population), that is, located in settlements and representing branches - any survey begins from here.

By the way, in addition to the above, there are bureaus in which work regarding the establishment of disability is carried out for one of the diseases (tuberculosis, visual and mental defects, etc.).

What is the difference between ITU and VTEC?

Medical and social expertise has been functioning in Russia for more than 20 years, while some citizens still do not understand the difference between ITU and VTEC. The fact is that the second abbreviation denotes the medical and labor expert commission, which has been operating in the country since 1929. Here, too, they were engaged in the assignment of disability and the appointment of rehabilitation measures for persons with disabilities.

But in 1995, in accordance with the adopted Federal Law No. 181, the functions of the liquidated organization were transferred to the ITU. By and large, ITU has only minor differences in the areas of activity carried out by VTEK (the same can be said about the organizational structure). Moreover, the current ITUs operate in the premises previously provided for the VTEC.

Where is ITU held?

According to paragraph 20 of the Rules, approved. By Government Decree No. 95 of February 20, 2006, the applicant undergoes a medical examination at the place of residence or stay. If the case is exceptional, that is, the recipient of the group is not able to visit the office himself, the experts go to his home. And if the rehabilitation program for a disabled person does not change health towards improvement, disability can be extended in absentia (it is not necessary to appear for an examination).

Where can I find the addresses and phone numbers of the ITU Bureau and how can I get advice?

To clarify the location of the local office, ask other questions, you can call " hotline” or on the ITU federal portal. Also, addresses with telephones are indicated in the annex to the administrative regulations. It should be borne in mind that when conducting a telephone conversation, the specialist who received the call must name his full name, position and bureau.

How should the work of the ITU be organized for the convenience of the disabled?

It is ideal when the office is located on the first floor of the building and is accessible for wheelchair users (for example, ramps, wide doors, etc. are needed). It is also important that there is parking for cars near the building (including persons with a disability group). The toilet, wardrobe should be equipped so that it is convenient for a person with disabilities to use them. Electronic queue management devices and light displays reflecting the order of the ITU passage will not interfere.

Who is on the ITU Commission?

Focusing on paragraph 4 of the Order, approved. By order of the Ministry of Labor No. 310n dated 10/11/2012, it can be found out that specialists from a particular bureau (the one where the applicant applied) are engaged in the examination. The commission should consist of three doctors and other professionals, if necessary (specialists in rehabilitation, psychologists, etc.).

If the situation so requires, experts in adaptation and social work are included in the commission, and specialists of a narrow profile can be additionally invited to implement the additional survey program within the framework of the ITU.

Be that as it may, according to GOST R 55635-2013, the requirements for all participating experts are approximately the same. For example, they must have specialized education and knowledge regarding the fundamentals of health care legislation, ITU, and the International Classification of Disabilities (ICF). The experience of the practice of conducting ITU (including international) will not interfere.

A specialist in the commission should be able to make a rehabilitation prognosis and assess the patient's rehabilitation potential, as well as possess ethical skills, have an understanding of safety precautions and be ready to perform the necessary functions that do not go beyond the competence.

What is the procedure for passing the ITU?

This issue is regulated by the Rules, approved. Government Decree No. 95 of February 20, 2006, which sets out the general procedure for passing the examination. The following key steps are meant:

A potential disabled person, having in his hands all possible evidence of his ill health, receives a referral to the ITU from his doctor, the Pension Fund or the social security authorities;

Directly in the expert bureau, an application for certification is drawn up and signed, a package of documents is submitted;

Representatives of the commission set a date for assessing the applicant's condition, sending him an invitation indicating the place and time in it;

On the appointed day, an examination takes place, the information provided is studied (starting from medical documents, ending with social status, etc.);

As a result, a protocol is drawn up, an act is written with the decision made (the majority of votes is taken into account), which is announced to the recipient of the group;

If the status is recognized, a certificate of disability is issued and an IPR is developed ( individual program rehabilitation).

What documents are needed to pass the examination?

The package of submitted documents includes:

Applicant's passport (or birth certificate for children under 14);

Referral to ITU (form 088/u-06);

Evidence of the authority of the legal representative, if he acts on behalf of a person with disabilities (certified power of attorney);

Statement outlining the request to carry out the survey;

An extract from the outpatient card and all medical data regarding the current state.

Additionally, certificates of occupational disease or an accident at work, if any, may be required. Plus, working disabled people attach a description of the place of work and working conditions.

Important: To get acquainted with the full list of documentation requested in a particular case, it will turn out in the text of the administrative regulation.

What is the time frame for the examination?

A maximum of 30 days may elapse from the date of application, and the fact of registration is recorded in a special journal. During this time, according to the rules, an examination is carried out (if necessary) and an examination is carried out (by the way, the time is set in such a way that you do not have to wait in line for more than half an hour).

Most often, an invitation for an examination in paper or electronic form is received by a citizen with disabilities within 5 days from the date of submission of the application and documentation (papers can be submitted not immediately, but no later than 10 calendar days from the date of the request).

How to find out about the results of the examination?

The decision on the appointment of disability and the degree of restrictions is made by taking into account the majority of votes of the members of the commission. The results and the necessary explanations, as noted above, are presented to the applicant for the group on the spot. It is also possible to send a letter by e-mail through the State Services portal. In any case, the document is signed by the head of the bureau, certified with a seal and sent to the applicant within three days from the date of the decision.

Do they charge money, for example, for passing an additional examination?

There is no charge for the services provided by the ITU Bureau. The entire certification process is free.

How to appeal an ITU decision?

If you disagree with the results, you can apply to the same bureau where the examination took place. From here, a request for appeal and a package of documents will be sent to the main office within 3 days. Then, within one month, a re-examination will take place.

If the decision does not suit you again, you need to act according to the principle described earlier, only this time the application from the main one is sent to the federal bureau. The maximum term for making a decision here is also 30 days.

Finally, the last instance where you can express your disagreement with the opinion of the expert commission on disability is the court. By filing a claim within 3 days from the date of receipt of the ITU decision, the applicant has the right to insist on the involvement of independent specialists.

Important: the application for appeal (without abbreviations and abbreviations of words) must include the full name and address of the applicant, as well as the essence of his disagreement and a request for a new examination.

The innovation of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, which approved new classifications and criteria, should first of all reassure the patients of the ITU bureau - people with disabilities. Some of them often expressed dissatisfaction and complained about the incorrectness of the disability groups assigned to them, explaining this by the subjectivity of specialists.

After all, disability in general and its group, in particular, for our people have importance, since they give certain social guarantees state support: that a person with disabilities receives instead of in-kind benefits that were canceled ten years ago, as well as the opportunity to use travel, and so on.

Degrees of disability are determined as a percentage

Until recently, when conducting a medical and social examination, specialists were guided by scattered recommendations and instructions. Which to some extent contributed to the "discrepancy" about the assignment or refusal to establish disability, "understatement" of the group, and so on. To exclude this, at the end of last year, the Russian Ministry of Labor developed clear, uniform for all regions quantitative indicators for assessing the severity of violations of the functions of the human body (respiration, circulation, digestion, and so on). This made it possible to eliminate the subjectivity of experts during the examination.

At the same time, it should be noted that there is no significant difference in the approaches to determining disability then and today. As in the previous document, the new document is based on the degree of impairment of function due to disease, injury or defect. But only now - as a percentage.

There are 4 degrees of persistent violations of body functions:

I degree - is given for minor violations of body functions in the range from 10 to 30%;

II degree - with persistent moderate violations of body functions in the range from 40 to 60%;

III degree - with severe violations of body functions in the range from 70 to 80%;

IV degree - with persistent, significantly pronounced violations of body functions in the range from 90 to 100%.

In order to again avoid the subjectivity of specialists in determining the quantitative assessment in percentage terms, a corresponding document was published (an appendix to the classification). It outlines in percent the clinical and functional characteristics of persistent disorders of the functions of the human body.

A few more highlights

Even if there is no particular disease in the application, the experts will consider the general approach to the class of diseases.

In the presence of several persistent violations of the functions of the body, each of them will be evaluated separately. And then choose the maximum percentage violation.

In the event that the fact of the influence of other disorders on the aggravation of the maximally expressed violation of the body's function as a percentage is established, then it can be increased, but not more than by 10%.

The third group of disability is assigned in a new way

The ITU Bureau also drew attention to the fact that in order to establish disability groups, the classifications of the main categories of life activity and the criteria remained the same, except for group III. If earlier it was possible to get a III group of disability, having only one disability of the first degree, now two or more are needed.
