Hello dear friends. In this article, we will look at what the 24-hour hotline of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is and how it works, who can use it and when, and how long it will take to resolve your question or prepare a response to a complaint.

The hotline number is 8-800-200-03-89. It is free for all residents of Russia and operates around the clock. Very often there are questions about the provision of medical services that cannot or do not want to answer the doctors around us or their leaders. Then the only way to get the necessary information is to call the Ministry of Health by the indicated phone number.

Getting ready for the call

In order not to mumble into the phone, we form clear questions in advance that we are going to ask the operator who receives the call on the hotline, or we write a communication plan if we are going to talk about the problem.

If possible, ask for the correct name of the facility you are filing a complaint against, the name of the manager and address. If the complaint is about a specific healthcare worker, ask for their name and title, and necessary information about the medical organization where he works.

We prepare documents

Since all complaints and appeals are personalized, prepare your personal documents - passport, SNILS and compulsory medical insurance policy. If your appeal contains a link to any documents (referral for treatment, prescription, order, etc.), prepare them too so that you can name the necessary data from them.

Statistics show that most of the questions and requests currently concern the legitimacy of the appointment of paid studies and appointments of specialists. These questions can always be answered by a trained employee of the Ministry of Health working on receiving calls from the hotline.

Area of ​​issues to be resolved

In addition to payment for medical procedures, specialists in Moscow will answer the following questions and give brief consultations:

  • About a healthy environment and maintaining one's health: smoking, stressful situations and getting out of them, dietetics, etc.
  • About the possibility of obtaining information in the field of health care: the addresses of the clinics you need, the list of services provided, the possibility of recording in highly specialized medical centers etc.
  • About the possibilities of obtaining high-tech services: which clinics provide the procedures you need, whether it is possible to sign up for a free examination and treatment, etc.
  • About issues of violation of medical ethics, poor-quality medical care or not in full.
  • About availability medicines in your city and region, telephone numbers and addresses where they can provide the necessary information about the shortage of medicines provided at the expense of budgets of all levels for privileged categories of citizens.
  • On issues resolved with the help of compulsory medical insurance (CHI), problems with the registration of CHI.
  • About extortion of bribes for the provision of services by health workers.

You may or may not call

You can communicate with specialists of the Ministry of Health not only by phone. You never know, suddenly you stutter, hear badly or know Russian poorly. There are alternative ways to communicate.

For example, you can go to the website of the Ministry of Health rosminzdrav.ru, where in a separate window you can leave your written appeal. You can also write an email with attachment required documents scanned to: [email protected].

This is very convenient, because in response you will receive a notification about the registration of your appeal and an approximate response time. Also, after some time (from 10 to 30 days), the answer itself will come to the mail.

How to write an appeal

If you are outside Russia, then the hotline number is +7-495-627-29-44. Also, if you are in doubt about whether your issue will be resolved by the Ministry of Health or you just want to find out about specialized assistance services, you can call the help desk - 8-495-628-44-53.

If you have a difficult question, then it is better to take advantage of the opportunities email, because the message on the site should not exceed 2 thousand characters (letters and punctuation). Sending a message on the site is convenient for a simple question - answer format.

If you are going to attach scanned documents, their total size should not exceed 5 MB. Word, Excel and PowerPoint files are not accepted or considered.

IN Soviet time we could also file complaints, though mostly by mail or by phone, there was no Internet then. Growing opportunities for feedback and increased communication is a definite plus that will help the leadership of our Ministry of Health to keep abreast and respond quickly to all sorts of violations by health workers.

With that, let me say goodbye. Subscribe to new relevant articles on our site and give links to them to your friends and relatives on social networks.

Complaint to the Ministry of Health Chuvash Republic- an official document that establishes the requirements of the applied citizen and describes the essence of the occurrence of such requirements.

Ministry of Health of the Chuvash Republic
Chuvash Republic,
Presidential Boulevard, 17

from Surname First name Patronymic (if available)

Complaint to the Ministry of Health of the Chuvash Republic

I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (indicate your last name, first name and patronymic - the last one if available, if the event happened to you or the last name, first name and patronymic, of the one with whom it happened), on March 25, 2018 (indicate the exact date of the event) I felt unwell, namely (indicate the specific symptoms of the disease) and went to polyclinic No. 9, as it is attached to this medical institution at the place of residence (if so, please indicate), for the provision of medical care to me under the compulsory medical insurance policy I have (indicate if any) or for the provision of a paid medical service, or came to the clinic on a referral (indicate referral: to a narrow specialist; for tests; for diagnostic procedures, etc.).

At the same time, in the indicated institution, the employees (staff, head of the department, etc.) took the following unlawful actions (inaction) against me (my child, another person close to me), namely (select the one you need, in addition add to your complaint detailed description situations and attach any evidence available to you):

  • I was denied medical services for the following reason (describe the situation and the reason for the refusal, for example, “after finding out the fact that I applied at the place of temporary stay, I was denied medical assistance”, or “due to the fact that the current month has run out of free coupons, etc.);
  • I was provided poor quality medical service;
  • medical assistance was provided untimely;
  • I was misdiagnosed (please attach information about the correct diagnosis, if any);
  • the doctor refused to admit the patient;
  • the doctor was negligent;
  • I was given the wrong therapy;
  • after seeing a doctor, the state of health worsened;
  • had to incur excessive financial costs;
  • the doctor treated me rudely;
  • The doctor violated medical confidentiality.

Article 4 federal law“On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in Russian Federation» the basic principles of health protection are:

  • observance of the rights of citizens in the field of health protection and provision of state guarantees related to these rights;
  • priority of the patient's interests in the provision of medical care; availability and quality of medical care;
  • inadmissibility of refusal to provide medical care; the priority of prevention in the field of health protection; observance of medical secrecy.

Based on the above, I ask (select one):

  • take measures against the doctor (indicate the doctor's last name, first name and patronymic, the department in which he works);
  • take action against other personnel of the polyclinic;
  • refund my expenses;
  • correct the situation that has arisen (for example, provide a service that was denied, issue a referral for an additional examination, provide medicines etc.).

Date, personal signature of the person filing the complaint.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich! COME TO CHUVASHIA! GET ORDERED! I have no more strength and now I am writing to you. My name is Kozhan Svetlana Trofimovna, I am 53 years old, I will turn 54 in a month. On March 28, 2016, I got a job as a cleaner in polyclinic No.

Cheboksary, 49 Egersky Boulevard. Gladkova, 15, Cheboksary, where the chief physician is Natalya Alekseevna MALOVA. Only from the moment of my employment in this institution, 5 people in a row quit one after another, and two weeks before that, three cleaners immediately left on the same day.

Such is the turnover of staff in this organization. But Malova does not even consider it necessary to resolve this issue and somehow change the situation so that people would work. She has absolutely no interest in it. The persecution of me by Malova N.A. began in May 2016, after I began to demand new inventory(the old one is simply impossible to use), so that the bathrooms, plumbing, faucets would be repaired (the toilets are all in disrepair, they are closed, the parents of the children take them out of need right next to the main entrance to the clinic, everything is filthy), so that at least a little more would be added to the salary. Malova at first made promises to my claims, but did not fulfill them.

I realized that she was not going to fulfill her promises and then wrote detailed letters to the Committee of Ministers of the Chechen Republic Vasiliev, the President of the Chechen Republic Ignatiev, to the Prosecutor's Office of the Chechen Republic. I received an answer only from the prosecutor's office, where they described to me for what and how the salaries of cleaners are paid. (my official salary was 3,135 rubles, and they brought incentives to the minimum wage and calculated 13% of them, 5,000 and a few kopecks came into my hands) The amount of work is large, the requirements are also, but the salary is the same. I was told in the Department of Labor of the Ministry of Health of the Chechen Republic that YOU appointed such a salary, and they said that this was Putin's May decree). The prosecutor’s office didn’t write anything else to me: whether a prosecutor’s check was carried out, etc.

An answer came from the Cabinet of Ministers that my appeal was transferred to the Ministry of Health of the Chechen Republic, but I received nothing from Ignatiev at all, my letter was ignored. The Minister of Health Samoilova AV does not respond to complaints at all, she is rushing to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, but here she does not consider it necessary to listen and help ordinary people. People in the Ministry of Health of the Chechen Republic are all connected with each other and this is very noticeable, and they do not hide it. Malova, after my appeals, began to persecute me, many employees of the polyclinic stopped talking to me, they deprived me of the bonus, citing the fact that I wrote letters. I can't describe it all now. It all ended with the fact that I was fired under the article, without having any grounds for it.

Now I have applied to the prosecutor's office of the Chechen Republic and the labor inspectorate of the Chechen Republic, that I do not agree with the dismissal and the order. Malova surrounded herself at work with her relatives and close friends. Many employees of They are intimidated by the doctor Malova, people do not have the right to vote, they are afraid to say something superfluous. In the chair The doctor is sitting a TYPE, unable to measure pressure, not distinguishing between a mechanical tonometer and an electric one.

In the same way, they spread rot on the polyclinic psychologist Garagulya NG, she was also forced to write to YOU ​​when she did not find support. She was left at work, but the working conditions have not changed and her salary does not correspond to the position. Malova allows herself, at her own discretion, to give bonuses, incentives, material assistance to those whom she considers necessary, she manages the money allocated from the budget as she sees fit. Vladimir Vladimirovich! I beg YOU, I beg YOU, find time to come to our republic and personally see what is happening here. After all, our Ignatiev lies impudently, that in the republic the average salary is 20,000 rubles, this is NOT TRUE!

Few people get more than the official 10,000. All my friends get paid. There are no jobs. Tractor, they say, closed. COME for God's sake! Help!

There is no one else to turn to for protection and help. On June 23, 2016, I was fired under the article for absenteeism, which I did not have. I can’t describe it correctly, because I need to show all the papers that I was able to snatch from the management from the hands. I disagree with the dismissal, so I turned to the prosecutor's office. Vladimir Vladimirovich! Our Malova NA feels absolute impunity and support in the Ministry of Health, therefore she is not afraid of anything and behaves unceremoniously and arrogantly, humiliating not only my human dignity, but also other employees.

Therefore, I ask you for the sake of Christ, take the time to talk with me, with my former, at the moment, work colleagues, we will tell you everything and show you. I really believe that you will put things in order in our Republic. Such as Malova NA, first deputy. Minister Bogdanov TG, and Samoilov AV, have no place in the positions they currently occupy. Such disregard for people and disrespect is not worthy of medical workers. They need to be transferred by nurses, and even that is dangerous.

These creatures have no heart. Samoilova ignores our appeals, but we, in her eyes, are cattle. But in Gos. He really wants the Duma. She has nothing to do there! Let him first put things in order in his own republic, in his "kingdom" and learn to love his people, and in the position of chief.

Doctors will plant people who have a heart and empathy for people. With great hope to meet you KOZHAN SVETLANA TROFIMOVNA k. T 8 917 662 87 40 June 26, 2016

Abandoned facebook

Komsomol Central District Hospital of Chuvashia. This is how the doctors of the Central District Hospital of the Komsomlsky District behave. Today I took a coupon at the registry office and went to see an ENT doctor Fedorova Margarita Ivanovna. I sat at the door for 1 hour while she was taking 2 patients. Then she went out and said the appointment was over, I'm leaving. The former head doctor of the hospital, now a deep pensioner - a doctor who swore an oath to treat patients refused to provide medical care to the patient who is at the door I begged the doctor to come into the office. What is this attitude, who is this

I want to express my deep gratitude to the surgeon Markov Sergey Olegovich, the anesthesiologist Migushova Yulia Mikhailovna, the assistant surgeon Smirnova Darya Vladimirovna for the professionally performed operation on the vessels of the leg. Thanks to all the medical staff of cardiac surgery No. 1 of the Cheboksary Cardiology Center for their sensitive attitude towards patients. Cheberev A.Yu. City of Alatyr.

Dear Alla Vladimirovna! We sincerely congratulate you and all medical workers on the upcoming New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish you all the best, good health. We are sincerely glad that worthy doctors who know their work are working in your service. We would like to express our deep gratitude to the head of the neurological department No. 2 of the Republican Clinical Hospital Vera Vladimirovna Ivanova, Lilia Nikolaevna Gustoyeva, Olga Vladimirovna Koltsova, nurses and all the staff for their high professionalism, kind, sensitive,

Good afternoon! I don’t know who to turn to with such a question. I often go to a gynecologist for pregnancy planning at the City Clinical Center at the Women’s Consultation on Chernyshevsky, 3 to Stepanova I.A. she appointed me for the delivery of hormones and infections - the paid ones came out at 8500, in July. In August, I make an appointment with her for 3 weeks, for which they refused to accept me at the registry office, allegedly a new law came out from June, not accepting citizens who not attached to their clinic, although I go to them on the prop

we live in the Urmar region, they called me 2 times ambulance with a temperature of 39.5 they never arrived. They said to take paracetamol and that's it. A man lay with a temperature of 39 for a week. They do not want to come.

We express our gratitude to the head of the department of thoracic surgery of the Cheboksary Republican Hospital, Dobrov Alexey Vladimirovich for the complex operation performed on my mother (May 6, 2016), as well as all the staff who participated in the operation (Lepeshkin Alexey Petrovich, anesthesiologist Sergey Mikhailovich, etc.). For their professionalism, attention, care and cordial attitude. Thank you for such professionals! With respect and gratitude, the Tikhonov family.

I want to express my gratitude to the staff of the admission department of the Central City Hospital for their sensitive, attentive attitude towards patients. In particular, I want to note the work of the doctor, head of the department Yakushkina Margarita Alekseevna, nurses Osipova Galina Nikolaevna and Grigorieva Anna Valerievna. They are very attentive, polite and responsive. All my questions and requests will always be answered competently and tactfully. I think they are all great experts in their field.

In children's hospital number 1 there is no electronic appointment with the psychiatrist Rybakova S. Why are there many disabled children with whom it is not possible to stand in line for a very long time? Children up to a year old come and it’s a pity for them and it’s not possible to stand on your own, take action

Near the children's clinic on Gagarin, 51, (BU Second City Hospital) it is impossible to park! Well, there are a lot of cars, it is clear that children are not taken on foot for a medical examination. But not clean at all! So they also set up barriers around With a small baby the winter wind and blizzards ran today Isn't it really difficult to make parking near the clinic more difficult? On Mondays there are about a hundred cars! Please take action!!!

From which patient the doctor came and to which one he will go is unknown, but if it is the same Small child and she will climb to look at his throat after our sore throat, without washing her hands. The words of the doctor became the peak: "Why did you call us if you did everything yourself?" You can understand everything, the crisis, budget cuts, the lack of ambulances, but the negligent attitude towards patients, especially children, cannot be ignored. Please look into it and take action.

Good afternoon. Yesterday afternoon, I called an ambulance for my child. She reported that the child has a temperature of 40, that the child is 3 years old. Not only did I wait for an ambulance for 20 minutes and gave the child an injection myself (analgin + papaverine), so when the ambulance team arrived, they did not put on shoe covers, they went straight into the child's room. But, what causes indignation most of all, the doctor, without washing his hands, began to examine the already weak, sick child and, with the same dirty hands, climbed to look at his throat. My child has angina. From ka

Why in the clinic of the gynecological department at the place of residence in the Novaya Yuzhny district of Cheboksary, ultrasound is paid.

I don’t know if this complaint will be considered, but I’ll write anyway. I’m a resident of Cheboksary. from 12-00 and then you can write down the fact or not (they may say the recording is over, come on such and such a date). If you are lucky enough to make an appointment with a gynecologist, then only after 3 weeks. But if you pay, then you can get to the doctor immediately on that day.

Hello, the mother of a sick girl from the Morgaushsky district is writing to you, because why in Cheboksary, Gladovo and Piragovo hospitals, fathers are refused treatment with children, and if there are 2 disabled children in the family, why the district is refused about getting an apartment, and so the daughter is sick with epilepsy in the village there is no condition ...
