Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, 1. Psychology.

(Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 2002. S. 475)

see also Non-state universities

  • - Moscow Aviation Institute, the largest aerospace university in Russia. It was organized in 1930 as the Moscow Aeromechanical Institute on the basis of the faculty of the same name at the Moscow Higher Technical School...

    Moscow (encyclopedia)

  • - MARCHI. Organized in 1930 on the basis of the Faculty of Architecture of the Higher Art School and the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Moscow Higher Technical School; was called the Institute of Architecture and Construction. From 1933 - ...

    Moscow (encyclopedia)

  • - - St. Petersburg, 12th line of Vasilyevsky Island, 13a. Psychology, social work. See also Pedagogical higher educational institutions, Universities Ch489...

    Pedagogical terminological dictionary

  • - named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze - a higher educational institution in the field of aircraft engineering. Founded in 1930 on the basis of the Aeromechanical Faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical School...

    Encyclopedia of technology

  • - are created in the system of bodies of social protection of the population instead of medical and labor expert commissions to conduct medical and social expertise people who need it. To government agencies...

    Glossary of business terms

  • - "...1...

    Official terminology

  • - "... - a general educational institution for children in need of special conditions for education .....

    Official terminology

  • - a public service that carries out medical and social expertise and is part of the system of social protection bodies of the Russian Federation. Medical services during the registration of citizens for examination in ...

    Big accounting dictionary

  • - "...8...

    Official terminology

  • - them. I. M. Sechenov, one of the oldest and largest in the USSR educational and scientific medical centers. Founded in 1755 as the medical faculty of Moscow University...
  • - them. N. I. Pirogov, one of the largest educational and scientific medical centers in the USSR. It traces its history back to 1906, when the Faculty of Medicine was established as part of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - them. Sergo Ordzhonikidze, one of the largest educational and scientific centers in the USSR in the field of aircraft construction. Founded in 1930. In 1935 the Institute was named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - one of the leading higher educational institutions in the USSR for the training of specialists for the automotive and tractor industries. Founded in 1939...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - the oldest educational and scientific center in the field of architecture...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - founded in 1930. Trains engineering personnel in the specialties of aircraft and helicopter construction, economics and organization of the production of aircraft, etc. In 1993, approx. 15 thousand students...
  • - organized in 1960 as a plant-technical college at the Moscow plant. I. A. Likhachev, since 1966 an independent university; current name since 1988...

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

"Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation" in books

From the author's book

Moscow Catherine Institute S.D. Khvoshchinskaya Memoirs of college life ... Recently I happened to meet with three former peers in m<осковскому>E<катерининскому>institute. We haven't seen each other since graduation, and now, together, somehow more alive


From the book Fundamentals of Social Work: Cheat Sheet author author unknown

28. ORGANIZATION OF MEDICAL AND SOCIAL WORK The medical and social assistance service is staffed with specially trained workers, based on the tasks assigned to it. Approval of relevant positions of social workers with a medical orientation in


From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(MO) author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MO) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MO) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (MO) of the author TSB


author author unknown

Section VI. RIGHTS OF CITIZENS IN PROVIDING MEDICAL AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE ARTICLE 30. Patient's rights When applying for medical assistance and receiving it, the patient has the right to: 1) respectful and humane treatment by medical and attending personnel; 2) the choice of a doctor, including


From the book Legal Foundations of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Psychiatry in Russian Federation: Collection of normative legal acts author author unknown


From the book Legal Foundations of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Psychiatry in the Russian Federation: Collection of Regulatory Legal Acts author author unknown

ARTICLE 13. Specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation 1. To specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation, management bodies of social protection of the population


From the book Legal Foundations of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Psychiatry in the Russian Federation: Collection of Regulatory Legal Acts author author unknown

EXAMPLE REGULATIONS ON INSTITUTIONS OF THE STATE SERVICE OF MEDICAL AND SOCIAL EXAMINATION (as amended on 26.10.2000)I. General provisions1. This Model Regulation regulates the activities of institutions of the state service of medical and social expertise (hereinafter referred to as -

1. Medico-biological vector of rehabilitation


1. Biomedical vector of rehabilitation Principles and standards for the treatment of combat traumatized combatants The goals of treatment include: To help the patient regain a sense of the value of being. Feel in control of yourself and your life again. Force again

2. The vector of medical and psychological rehabilitation in combat mental trauma

From the book Clinical Standards for the Rehabilitation of Combatant Combat Trauma author Dzeruzhinskaya Natalia Alexandrovna

2. The Vector of Medical and Psychological Rehabilitation in Combat Psychological Trauma Rehabilitation of servicemen is of great importance in BPT. The concept of rehabilitation (recovery) is considered by many as "tertiary prevention", understanding, at the same time, by primary

4. Organization of medical and psychological rehabilitation of servicemen

From the book Clinical Standards for the Rehabilitation of Combatant Combat Trauma author Dzeruzhinskaya Natalia Alexandrovna

4. Organization of medical and psychological rehabilitation of servicemen For the rehabilitation of combatants with BPT PTSD, the creation of a special medical and psychological service is recognized as necessary. the main objective activities of the Psychological Service is defined as the identification of

The program of spiritual and medical-psychological rehabilitation of persons suffering from drug addiction

From the book Mental Illness: An Orthodox View. author Avdeev Dmitry Alexandrovich

The program of spiritual and medical-psychological rehabilitation of people suffering from drug addiction The program is religiously oriented and is designed for people of the Orthodox faith or those who sympathize and strive to know the Truth of Holy Orthodoxy and with God

Parents of students of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute are contacting you.

Please support our petition and help us get the university's accreditation back!

Recently, our wonderful Institute has become a victim of discrimination. Our accreditation was taken away without legal grounds.

When our children entered SPbMSI, we wanted them to study at this Institute,

because recognized experts of the medical industry, professors and candidates of sciences teach at SPbMSI,

very strong practical training, and what is very important, there is no Corruption in this institute.

We know that the program at this university corresponds to federal standards, there are clinical bases,

classrooms, library, classes are conducted by highly qualified teachers, and the rector

The university is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Boris Ilyich Shulutko, a well-known scientist in Russia and abroad

(and, by the way, a WWII veteran)

According to the Order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor)

dated September 30, 2005 N 1938 Moscow "On approval of performance indicators and criteria

state accreditation of higher educational institutions" N7092

There are clear criteria that determine the compliance of the university program with the Federal Standards.

However, SPbMSI was deprived of accreditation on the basis of formal inaccuracies in the documentation,

which were corrected completely and in a timely manner.

Among these violations, there was not a single one that essentially affected the quality of medical education.

But this was not enough. The SPbMSI was deprived of accreditation anyway.

For us, this is a great tragedy! Our children will no longer be able to get state diplomas

and work in the specialty in medicine!

So many years of study, so many financial investments, is it really all in vain???

And foreign students in general, due to the deprivation of the university of accreditation, received a number of serious problems with visas!

Our children love SPbMSI, they want to study here, and we want it to be that way.

But what should we do now?

We ask Olga Yuryevna Vasilyeva, head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, to consider our appeal and return accreditation to our university.

Olga Yuryevna, our university not only meets the federal standards of medical education,

our university prepares worthy specialists of the medical community.

Help stop discrimination against CHOs. After all, our university, SPbMSI, is special.

And if he "dies", hundreds of destinies of students and teachers will be destroyed,

thousands of patients will not know how well they can be diagnosed and treated by SPbMSI graduates.

Stop legal chaos! Help us get our license back!


parents of students of the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute.

In the Russian Federation, there are many in which you can get a higher medical education. One of them is medical and social. It is a non-governmental educational organization. However, education in it is no different from studies that are conducted in state universities. Students also attend lectures and practice. As a result, they receive a state diploma and get a job in the specialties they have received.

Basic information about the university

The named educational institution is a young educational organization in the city. In 2004, a medical and social university appeared. The photo of the university is presented below. Since its inception, the tasks of the educational organization have been to train medical workers. The Institute is currently functioning. It offers quality education. At his disposal are:

  • modern computers, technical means necessary in the learning process;
  • medical phantoms, simulation models for better study of anatomy, development of practical skills;
  • medical instruments, consumables.

About 1 thousand students study at the institute. They are not only citizens of Russia. There are many foreigners among the students. Some of them do not know Russian well, so the educational process for them is based on English language. In the initial courses, foreign students improve their knowledge of the Russian language. This is necessary, because further training begins to be carried out only on it.

Documents of the educational organization

Upon admission, applicants are interested in whether the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute has everything Required documents. In 2015, the educational organization was issued a license that allows it to provide services in the field of education.

The university had a certificate of state organization. It was issued in 2015. This document listed the areas of training in which the Medical and Social Institute (St. Petersburg) could carry out its activities.

In 2016, in accordance with the order of Rosobrnadzor, the institute was deprived of accreditation. Checks revealed inconsistencies in the documents. One student was found to have a mismatch in the name in the student's record book when viewing his passport. Because of this and other violations, the university was banned from accepting students in 2017. At the institute, such a decision was taken calmly. Employees noted that earlier they were denied admission, and later their accreditation was restored. The university decided to go to court to resolve the dispute.

The structure of the educational organization

St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute, like any educational institution, has a certain structure. It has 10 departments. Each of them combines certain disciplines that are taught to students (for example, the departments of natural sciences, internal medicine, gynecology and obstetrics, etc.).

The institute also has faculties. They consist of departments and train students in certain areas. Medico-social has the following:

  • medical;
  • additional professional education.

More about the Faculty of Medicine

Those applicants who wish to receive higher medical education at the Medical and Social Institute of St. Petersburg must choose the Faculty of Medicine. He, in accordance with the federal state educational standards, conducts training in the only two specialties in an educational institution - in general medicine and dentistry.

The Faculty of Medicine does more than just educate students. He also carries out research activities:

  • conducts research work commissioned by regional and federal governments, various companies;
  • attracts students to research work;
  • conducts interdepartmental scientific research.

Acquaintance with the Faculty of Additional Professional Education

This structural unit, which is part of the Medical and Social Institute, is engaged in professional retraining and advanced training. Thanks to this faculty, specialists update theoretical and practical knowledge, receive additional knowledge and skills.

The institute for advanced training offers 5 additional professional educational programs:

  • "Resuscitation and anesthesiology".
  • "Neurology".
  • Ergotherapy.
  • "Psychiatry".
  • "Problems in Modern Higher Education".

Specialty "Medicine"

The Medical and Social Institute (St. Petersburg) offers specialties such as General Medicine and Dentistry. At the end of the course, students receive the qualification of a general practitioner at the “Medical business”. This is a popular speciality. It allows, after receiving a specialist diploma, to receive postgraduate education and become a doctor in a narrower field (for example, a general practitioner, gynecologist, endocrinologist, neuropathologist, oncologist).

On the specialty "General Medicine" they study for 6 years at the full-time department. A wide range of disciplines studied allows you to acquire many different skills and abilities necessary for further work. Here is their list:

  • providing medical care in various situations;
  • diagnosis of diseases and pathologies;
  • prescribing appropriate treatment;
  • conducting medical examinations;
  • performing surgical operations;
  • carrying out rehabilitation measures;
  • disease prevention;
  • maintaining medical records;
  • work with drugs, medical equipment, equipment and tools.

Specialty "Dentistry"

At the Faculty of Dentistry, the Medical and Social Institute (St. Petersburg) also teaches students for 6 years at the full-time department. The schedule (unlike the medical case) initially includes special disciplines. Students study oral diseases, cariesology, implantology, clinical dentistry, etc. Upon successful mastering educational program at the end of the training, the qualification of a general dentist is awarded.

It is worth noting that the medical and social institute not only provides theoretical knowledge. The university teaches:

  • carry out dental examinations of adults and children;
  • give advice on oral care;
  • perform anesthesia of the oral cavity;
  • to carry out professional oral hygiene;
  • carry out the necessary medical, aesthetic procedures.

Contact Information

Before entering the university, you need to find out all the important contact information about it:

  • where is the Medical and Social Institute (St. Petersburg): address - Kondratievsky Prospekt, 72a, lit. E;
  • what schedule does it work (functions educational organization from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 18:00);
  • what number you can call the university and ask questions that arise (the phone number for information can be found on the official website).

Medico-Social Institute (St. Petersburg): reviews

The St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute is spoken of in a negative and neutral way. Some people do not advise to enter this university. They point to the low quality of education and the fact that graduates are not in demand. Diplomas issued by the institute are not quoted. Also in the reviews they write that all the advantages that the university indicates on its website are not true. They serve as advertising to attract the attention of applicants.

Those people who speak of the St. Petersburg Institute in a neutral way, did not study at this university, are not familiar with the essence educational process and features of the course. However, despite this, they strive to keep applicants from taking the wrong step in their lives - they write that most non-state universities does not inspire confidence, they allegedly provide poor-quality education, they only seek to earn money cash on students. Most likely, everything is explained by the fact that doctors are trained by a private educational institution.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that at the moment the Medical and Social Institute (St. Petersburg) cannot accept applicants for training. This situation may change after the application of the university to the court. If the court satisfies the requirements of the institute, then the admission will be resumed. To enter here or not is a question, the answer to which every applicant will find for himself. It is only necessary when making a decision to pay attention to the fact that the medical and social institute was losing and the reviews have not only a positive plan.

St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute is a private educational institution of higher professional education, founded in 2004. The preparation of doctors of the highest category is carried out by teachers, more than 85% consisting of candidates and doctors of sciences.

The training of newly admitted students is carried out according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialties: "General Medicine" and "Dentistry" in full-time and part-time forms of education. The term of study depends on the chosen form (from 5 to 7 years).

A high level of organization of the educational process in the medical and social institute is ensured through modern equipment And innovative technologies. The information and library fund has electronic and printed publications and is able to provide more than 25% of students and listeners at the same time. The material and technical base allows carrying out laboratory, practical and research work at the level of the highest requirements.

It provides not only high-quality education in the chosen specialty, but also organizes an interesting and unforgettable student life for its wards. Teachers for educational work, together with the student government, regularly organize various cultural events. The Institute adheres to its traditions and associated rituals. Students take part in many social actions both at the local and regional levels. Physical education is also not far behind, the institute promotes healthy lifestyle life and strong physical development. For students of the university is provided for use sports complex with various training halls, sports competitions are held. Control over the state of students is carried out by the medical center of the institute, and students are also required to pass medical commission for admission to industrial practice.

In addition to the basic profile education, the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute has a faculty of additional professional education, where you can undergo retraining, advanced training courses, and master effective learning techniques.

The Institute has a very loyal payment system. Tuition fees can be paid on a monthly, semester or per semester basis. full year learning. A separate category of applicants can count on preferential terms of payment (up to 30% of the cost), and deferred payment in specific cases.

FVE programs at NOU "MIMSR" Only one name (!): NOU "Moscow Institute of Medical Social Rehabilitology", already deserved a serious attitude and trust to educational institution . Attention was not spared by the fact that in the NOU "MIMSR" they took with honey. education. Having achieved 10 months (!), with its duration of study, the choice of the place for obtaining FVE was determined. Without ceasing to encourage future cosmetologists in great demand with employment, they began training in September. There was even a student class with a record book :) Part of the training: in cosmetology "theory was intertwined with practice and took place in the cosmetology room of the existing Medical Center on Barrikadnaya. For 8-10 people it was quite comfortable there. But by the end of the month, only ~ 4 -5 people... How comfort was replaced by a bathhouse, and we were sprats stuffed with it (!) Despite the friendly atmosphere staying in a group of different ages with a diverse audience, with such a density (!) Someone's absence rather pleased us. in the auditorium of the MIMSR (Botanical Garden), which calmly allowed us to accommodate Us with masseurs during coinciding lectures, and at the same time not to breathe into each other's necks. not every lesson (!) I can assure you, in MIMSR, taking into account attendance, it was strict, just like with herself. The high level of pedagogical professionalism, which was present in all teachers without exception, was already tangible from the first lectures. They asked us a lot, especially the strict Kharazova Lyudmila ... (Anatomy). But her lectures were especially interesting. We enjoyed attending Psychology. Vain Kolobova Maria... (cosmetology, dietary supplements) knew how to interest in her subjects in the same way. However, that huge amount of dietary supplements that stretched for almost all 10 months was useless to us. Massage was shone half of our practice, learning from each other. But the demand in the provision of those services that we owned only theoretically was much more. Yes, we perfectly mastered any massage technique, but this is only 1/10 of what the employer requires. If you can still manage without any "little things": eyebrow correction with eyelash coloring and depilation - quickly catching up on your own, then without mechanical cleaning it is already much more difficult! Of the hardware cosmetology "from and to" present on paper, there was 1in darsonval in use, and he was put away in a closet. I was introduced to professional cosmetics through seminars from firms. The diploma issued at the end (after passing the exams) met all the requirements and standards. Special thanks for the qualification awarded by MIMSR! Attached is a letter of recommendation. Employment consisted in the "list of announcements" issued to the group, where the salons needed specialists. More like a printout from the Internet and a common "bulletin board". From a group of 4-5 people who got a job and continue their prof. activities in this area. Not everyone had the patience. I also know that half of the group was pushed around, pushed around ... And now they are not connected with cosmetology at all. rating - solid "4" my opinion and my opinion for 2006
