Non-state universities in Moscow

Rating of non-state (private) universities in Moscow. List of the best commercial (institutions, universities, academies) 2019 with accreditation.

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(found establishments: 139 )


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    MIEP trains specialists of a new level. Thanks to the technical base and the use of remote technologies, MIEP trains managers throughout Russia on the job. The services of the university are used by many current managers to learn new ways of doing business.

    Specialties: 4 Minimum USE: from 36 Cost: from 14.000 rubles

    The university is modern educational institution focused on the international level of education.

    Specialties: 18 Minimum USE: from 36 Cost: from 45.000

    The International University united 4 universities: the Moscow Institute of Psychology, the Moscow Institute of State and Municipal Administration, the Moscow Institute of Law and the Institute of Economics.

    Specialties: 4 Cost: from 2000 rubles.

    A large non-state economic institute that trains financial managers in the field of international trade.

    Specialties: 2 Cost: from 22,500 rubles.

    The Moscow Institute of Economics is a university in Moscow that trains students in various popular and in-demand areas.

    Specialties: 10 Cost: from 27,000 rubles.

    The Institute is open for distance learning using distance learning educational technologies. The institute was founded in 2008.

    Specialties: 3 Cost:

    The Institute of International Trade and Law is a unique university in Moscow that trains graduates in the field of international trade and international legal relations.

    Specialties: 4 Cost: from 90.000

    The history of the creation of MIT began in the early nineties of the last century. Back in the 80s, UNESCO formulated the idea of ​​creating a huge international network of technical universities

    Specialties: 5 Cost: from 24900

    The Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities was founded in 1992 with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'.

    Specialties: 14 Minimum USE: from 38 Cost: from 17,500 rubles

    Moscow International Higher School of Business MIRBIS was founded in 1988 with the cooperation of the Plekhanov Academy and the Italian economic community "NOMISMA"

    Specialties: 2 Cost: from 85,000 rubles.

In Moscow, there are a huge number of non-state universities that can be compared in terms of the quality of education with. Getting into a good commercial one is much easier, and training, in some cases, is much more interesting. Private universities apply innovative approaches For training, I focus on the experience of foreign colleagues, combining the best world and domestic developments.

Advantages of non-state universities in Moscow

As we have already noted, innovation is considered the main advantage. educational process. Students are taught during role-playing games, creative activities and master classes by accomplished professionals. Thus, training moves away from the format of lectures and seminars and moves towards working conditions. The student must study in the same atmosphere in which he will work. This approach allows you to attract progressively minded applicants who want to get education for practical purposes, and not the fact of having a diploma.

There are many more places in non-state, and it is much easier to enter them. But it is worth noting that we are talking about paid education. Although there are private institutions that provide budget places, they are few. Thanks to more good governance, private schools charge less to students than their public counterparts.

Choosing a commercial university

The site "Study here" contains all non-state. You can choose the one you need using the convenient filters. But initially, it's up to you to decide what you are looking for. To do this, you need to choose a specialty or at least areas of study. After that, outline the geographic circle in which the university can be located so that it is comfortable to get to it. When you have set limits for yourself, you can safely choose.

But before submitting documents and paying money, it is necessary to check the state of affairs at the institute. To do this, you can make a request to the Ministry of Education and find out about the availability of a license and accreditation. But even if all the documents are in place, it is worth looking at the feedback from the students. Maybe they extort bribes, or bad teachers. There are different situations and it is necessary to collect as much information as possible before proceeding. This will help social networks and other resources on the Internet with reviews and descriptions.

Among the many private higher education institutions in Russia that have state accreditation, Moscow universities are traditionally considered one of the best. This is evidenced by the results of a study by the Rosrating agency, as well as the fact that 18 non-state universities in Moscow at once were able to receive state-funded places as part of a new funding distribution strategy adopted with

The quality of education in non-state universities in Moscow

The effectiveness of education in non-state universities can be assessed by the demand for graduates in the labor market - in this respect, the best private educational institutions are practically not inferior to state universities.

More than 65%, and sometimes even more than 80% of graduates get the opportunity to work in their specialty - such a result, typical for leading non-state universities, can not be shown by all well-known state educational institutions.

It is important to note that many non-state organizations have a history of almost twenty years. During this time, they managed to form both a high-quality material and technical base and a high-class teaching staff. It is no secret that many non-state educational institutions in Moscow today employ the same teachers who are part of the staff of well-known state universities.

The main advantages of private universities are:

  • Mobility. Non-state educational institutions respond faster to the demands of the labor market - change the content training courses and offer variable education
  • Higher motivation of teaching staff. As a result, staff stability
  • Closer interaction with potential employers

In addition, in many cases, non-state universities have a more modern technical base for conducting practical classes.

As for diplomas, it is important to note that all accredited private universities issue a state document, therefore, in this respect they are absolutely not inferior to state universities.

budget places in

Until recently, private higher education institutions could only offer paid education to applicants. And today this form is the main one, but now it is no longer the only one. Since 2012, for the first time, an experiment has been carried out - the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation distributes budget places based on the results of an open public competition not only among state, but also among private universities. The corresponding law was adopted by the State Duma on November 2 and approved by the Federation Council on November 9, 2011. The decree signed by the President came into force on February 1, 2012.

The competition is held for each individual area of ​​training (there are 390 in total). The selection criteria are, among others, the needs of the economy of a particular region, the demand for graduates, the USE of applicants, the number of olympiads, the characteristics of the educational and material base, the level of the teaching staff, and the availability of state accreditation.

In 2012, 313 state (subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science) and 85 non-state universities took part in the competition. Among the winners who received state-funded places were 54 private educational institutions, including 18 from the capital. Many of the winning universities of the "people's" rating (this one is given below), compiled by visitors to the website, managed to get budget places.

Rating of non-state universities in Moscow

  1. (formerly Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law)
  2. (humanitarian)
  3. (previously - Moscow Economic and Linguistic Institute
  4. (International Independent Environmental and Political University)

Therefore, we bring to your attention another rating, but already compiled professional specialists- it was presented in July of this year by the National Rating and Attestation Agency "Rosrating". The main criteria for evaluating the activities of all non-state Russian universities were the demand for graduates in the labor market, as well as the level of their wages. The best non-state universities are among the leaders of the all-Russian list

university % of graduates working in their specialty / related specialty average salary of graduates working in their specialty / related specialty
MFLA Moscow Financial and Law University (Faculty of Law and Faculty information technologies) A B
Moscow State University of Public Administration (Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Design) A IN
MPSU Moscow Psychological and Social University A IN
MASI Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering B WITH
MIEMP Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte B WITH
MGLI International Humanitarian-Linguistic Institute D C
EOI Eurasian Open Institute (Moscow) B B

A - more than 80%

B - from 65 to 80%

D - from 35 to 50%

By wage level:

B - from 60,000 to 70,000 rubles

Applicants who decide to study at one of the non-state universities can be recommended in the selection process to pay attention first of all to those educational institutions that were able to receive state-funded places in 2012. Their success in the competition testifies to the high quality of education.

It is likely that some non-state universities that did not apply for participation in the competition in 2012 can also offer quality education - after all, many have deliberately decided not to fight for the budget, believing that the money allocated by the state will not be enough to ensure the proper level of student preparation .

At the same time, one should be careful considering as an option one of the non-state universities that participated in the competition, but lost. Obviously, not all performance indicators of such universities meet the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science.

In any case, in the process of choosing a university, it is useful to pay attention to the following points:

Training conditions - material and technical base and teaching staff

Features of study programs, internships and practices

Employment prospects, in particular, ways of interaction of the university with potential employers

As for the competition for state-funded places in the full-time department, some characteristic ratios can be noted (the number of students enrolled in a given university to the number of students enrolled in free education):

Moscow Institute of Linguistics (MIL) - 2.8

Moscow University of Public Administration (MUGU) - 2.6

Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy" - 2.5

International Independent Environmental and Political University (MNEPU) - 2.1

Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte (MIEMP) - 1.9

One of the minimum ratios - 0.8 - was noted at the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University (PSTU), the maximum - 5.7 - at the Moscow Financial and Law University (MFLA).

Alexander Mitin

In Russia, there are many universities with state accreditation, but Moscow universities are rightfully the best. This fact is confirmed by the research agency Rosrating, as well as the fact that non-state universities in Moscow were able to acquire state-funded places, which became the products of the introduction of a new strategy for the distribution of financial flows.

The quality of education

The demand for graduates of such educational institutions in the labor market speaks most clearly about the quality of the education received. It should be noted that in this regard, non-state universities are no worse than their state counterparts.

As practice shows, more than half of these universities train a considerable number of specialists who get the opportunity to work in their specialty, which does not distinguish them from state ones.

Almost every non-state university located in Moscow has a rather rich history.

Over the past twenty or thirty years, such educational institutions have been able to acquire an extensive and high-quality material and technical base, as well as highly qualified teachers. At the moment, the staff of such universities consists of almost the same teaching staff as in state institutions.

The main advantages of such universities include:

  • high mobility, which consists in a quick response to the existing requirements of the labor market (this is expressed in the fact that these institutions can quickly change the direction of study and offer a variety of education);
  • high motivation, which the teaching staff has, as a result of which there is stability in the staff;
  • close contact with potential employers;
  • such universities are equipped with a better technical base, which is well reflected in the conduct of practical classes;
  • obtaining state diplomas, which practically equates them to state educational institutions.

Equipped with budget places

Until recently, education in non-state universities was only paid. At the moment, this form of education is also present, but is no longer taken as the main one. Since 2012, the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation started holding open public competitions for the possibility of obtaining budget places both public and private educational institutions.

Such a competition is carried out separately for each area of ​​training. The main criteria for such selection are orientation to the needs of the economy of the region where the institution is located, as well as the demand for graduates, the results of the unified state exam, the number of winners of Olympiads, the state of the educational and material base, the professional level of teachers, the availability of accreditation.

Top private universities in Moscow

We offer for your consideration the rating of the best private universities in Moscow, compiled by professionals. This top of the best was announced by the Rosrating agency. The main criteria included the level of demand for students among potential employers, as well as the level of planned remuneration.

The top universities included:

  1. Financial and Law University of Moscow (MFYuA).
  2. University of Public Administration of the city of Moscow (MUGU).
  3. Psychological and Social University of Moscow.
  4. University named after S. Yu. Witte of Moscow (MIEMP).
  5. (MASI).
  6. International Humanitarian-Linguistic Institute (MGLI).
  7. Eurasian Open Institute of the City of Moscow (EOI).
  8. Financial and Law University of Moscow (MFYuA)

In addition, there is a list of categories of demand for graduates in the labor market. These are categories A (from 80%), B (more than 80%), D (from 35 to 50%).

There is also a selection according to the level of wages:

  1. Category "B" provides for wages from 60 thousand rubles to 70 thousand rubles.
  2. Category "C" - from 50 thousand rubles to 60 thousand rubles.

If a graduate chose any of the above non-state educational institution, then they should first of all look at those universities that were able to get budget places. This indicator will speak eloquently about the success of this university.

Even if the university that looked at you and did not receive state-funded places, this sometimes indicates that they deliberately did not go to the competition for the distribution of state-funded places, deciding that state funds may not be enough to ensure the proper level of student education.

Despite this, one should not lose vigilance when choosing a private university that lost in such a competition. This may indicate that the level of such an institution has not yet reached the desired level.

You should also be especially careful with things like:

  • provided conditions for training;
  • level of material and technical base;
  • professionalism of teachers;
  • quality curriculum, as well as ongoing internships and practices;
  • possible prospects for further employment and building effective relationships with future employers.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that you should not be afraid of non-state universities, you just need to carefully study their work and make the right choice.

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