Dialectisms are words used only by the inhabitants of a particular locality. Now dialect words are rare even in the speech of rural residents. The dialect words most commonly used in our time are included in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian literary language. A mark is given next to the word region(regional).

There are special dialect dictionaries. In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V. I. Dal there are many dialect words collected by him in different parts of our country.

Dialect words are sometimes used in literary works to convey the peculiarities of the speech of the inhabitants of a certain area. The above dictionary contains many examples of dialect words that children can write out for a Russian lesson in grade 6.

Dictionary of dialect and obsolete words and phrases for schoolchildren of the 6th grade.

Altyn - a coin of three kopecks.
Andel is an angel.
Archangel is an archangel.
Arshin is a measure of length equal to 0.71 meters.
Badag - batog, stick, staff, whip.

Bazheny - beloved, from the word "bazhat" - to love, to desire.
Baika - a lullaby, a refrain when a child is put to sleep; from the verb baikat - to lull, rock, lull.
Balamolok - talker; from balamolit - to chat.
Balki are sheep.
Barenki are sheep.
Basalai - dandy, dandy, rake, bouncer.
Basque - beautiful, handsome, elegant.
Bayat - to speak, tell.
Bozhatka - godmother, named mother.
Birch, birch bark, birch bark - made of birch bark.
Painful - painful.
Brazumentochka, prozumentochka, prozument - from the word braid - braid, ribbon, usually embroidered with gold or silver, galloon.
Brany - woven with patterns.
Bude, will be - full, enough, enough.
Buka is a fantastic creature that scares children.

Vadit, vyvazhivat - educate, feed.
Vasiliev evening - New Year's Eve, December 31, according to Art. Art.
Basil's Day is a Christian holiday in honor of Basil of Caesarea, coinciding with the New Year (January 1, old style).
Suddenly a row - a second time, another time, a second time.
Vereiki, Vereya - one of the pillars on which the gates are hung.
great post- a seven-week fast before Easter.
World-wide, world-wide - a child born out of wedlock.
Vyazyga - a picky or absurd person; dorsal string (chord) of red fish, eaten.

Gaitan - a lace on which a pectoral cross is worn; generally lace, braid.
Galile - here: to serve the ball or ball in play.
Govena - from fasting: fasting, eating nothing, preparing for church confession.
Gogol is a bird from the breed of diving ducks.
Year - to live, stay, stay somewhere for a whole year.
Golik is a broom without leaves.
Golitsy - unlined leather mitten.
A grosz is a coin worth half a penny.
Gulyushki are pigeons.
Barn - a place for storing bread in sheaves and threshing, covered current.
Granature, set - dense silk fabric.
Hryvnia is a silver ingot, which served as a monetary and weight unit in Ancient Rus'.
Gunya - dilapidated, torn clothes.

Dolon - palm.
Doselny - the past.
Woody - small.
Dangling, dangling - grow, get denser, get healthy, get stronger.

Egary, Egoriev's Day - a holiday in honor of the Christian Saint George the Victorious. The people celebrated two Egories: autumn (November 26) and spring (April 23, according to the old style).
Hedgehog - food.
Elen is a deer.
Yolkha, slokha - alder.

Belly - livestock, wealth, life.
Harvest - harvest time, time to harvest bread from the field; the field from which the grain is harvested.

Fun - beloved, dear.
Zavichat (bequeath, zavetat) - command, severely punish or order.
The conspiracy is the last day before fasting, when you can eat fast food.
Zaroda, zaroda - a haystack, stack of hay, straw, sheaves, elongated.
Cornerstone - the nickname of an illegitimate child.
Matins is an early, morning church service.
Winter Christmas time - the time from Christmas to baptism: from December 29 to January 6, according to Art. Art.
Zipun is a peasant working caftan. Zybka - a cradle, a cradle.

And mother - to catch.
Kaby - if.
Kamka is a silk patterned fabric.
Loaf - round big bread.
To cast - to dirty, dirty, harm.
Rolled wire - felt boots.
Kaftan - an old man's outerwear.
China is a type of cotton fabric.
Koval is a blacksmith.
Peel, peel - skin.
Kolyada is a mythological creature.
Kokoshnik is the headdress of Russian women.
Gingerbread man, kolobok - a product made of dough of a round, spherical shape.
Box - a chest woven from a bast or curved from a rag; sleigh lined with bast.
Pigtail, braid - here: the tail of the rooster.
Bonfire - the tough bark of plants suitable for yarn (hemp flax).
Kostroma, Kostromushka - a mythological creature depicted by a girl or a scarecrow.
Cats - women's shoes, a kind of half boots, boots, shoes with high fronts.
Kochedyk - an awl, a tool for making bast shoes.
Kochet is a rooster.
Croma - a loaf of bread, a crust; beggar's sum.
Kuzhel, kuzhen - tow, a bunch of flax prepared for yarn.
Kuzhnya - basket, braid, box.
Kulazhka, kulaga - a tasty dish: steamed malted dough.
Kumach is a scarlet cotton fabric.
Kunya (fur coat) - from marten fur.
To mock - to mock, to mock.
Kut is the corner of a peasant's hut.
Kutia is a cult food served at wakes and on Christmas Eve (porridge made from barley, wheat, rice with raisins or other sweets).

Gore, gore - quadrangular multi-colored inserts in the sleeves of women's shirts.
To lie under the images (icons) - the dead were laid under the icons.
Lohan - wooden utensils for household needs.
Lubya, bast, bast - the subroot layer of linden and some other trees, from which baskets are made, bast shoes are woven.
Luchok - arc, bow.
Lyko - the fibrous inner part of the bark of linden and some others deciduous trees.
Lytat - shy away from work, run away from business.
Lyadina, lyada - wasteland, abandoned and overgrown land.

Fry - from small: kid, child,
Maslenitsa - a holiday of seeing off winter among the ancient Slavs, timed christian church the week before Lent; during Shrove Tuesday, pancakes were baked, cheese and butter were plentifully eaten, and various entertainments were organized.
Mizgyro is a spider.
Mouse (tree) - possibly distorted: mast (tree).

Nadolba - a pillar, a pedestal by the road.
Nadolon, nadolonka - a piece of fabric, leather, sewn onto a mitten from the side of the palm.
A daughter-in-law is a married woman in relation to her husband's relatives.
Night - last night.
Needed, necessary - poor, beggar, miserable, meager.

Mass is a church service for Christians.
Drop - drop, lose.
Barn - a building in which sheaves were dried.
Ovsen (avsen, batssen, tausen, uson, the personification of the New Year.
Clothing - the remains of hay from a haystack or the bottom layer of hay, straw in luggage
Ozimye is a field sown with winter crops.
Ozorbdy - germ, stack. Surround - die.
Opara - sourdough for bread dough.
Oprbska - from clearing; to liberate - here: to liberate.
Yell - plow the land.
Ochep (Ocep) - a flexible pole on which a cradle was hung.

To harm - to harm, to pollute.
Dad, folder - bread (children's language).
Brocade - gold or silver fabric; silk fabric woven with gold and silver.
Parchevnik - old clothes made of brocade.
Easter is a Christian spring holiday in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Plow (floor, hut) - revenge, sweep.
Pelegovat - to touch with the fingers, to move the hands in vain.
before, before, before, before, before, at first
Perelozhek, fallow - a field that has not been plowed for several years.
A pestle is a pusher for grinding something in a mortar.
Pester is a basket woven or sewn from birch bark or bast.
Petun is a rooster.
A story - a flooring over a barnyard where hay was stored, a roof over a barnyard.
Warrior - headdress married woman.
Chauffeur - whip.
Graveyard - cemetery, burial ground.
Podgrebica - a building above the cellar.
Pozhnia is a meadow during haymaking.
Half a shelf - a shelf for storing food, utensils.
Polushka is an old coin worth a quarter of a penny.
To commemorate - to participate in the rite of commemoration of the deceased.
A commemoration is a ritual meal in memory of the deceased.
More polite - og clear: friendly, courteous.
Spinner - supryadki, gatherings, evening parties; good yarn.
A helper is a helper.
Postav - each individual dish at the table, meal, change.
A chain is a chain.
Honor - respect.
Hole - hole.
Pulanok - according to the performer's explanation - a sparrow.
Bullet - snot.

Get out of paper - have fun, disperse, roam.
Stripping, stripping - a clergyman, deprived of dignity, title.
Ripachok ribachok - from rpbushi: rags, rags, tattered clothes, cast-offs.
Christmas is a Christian holiday (December 25 old style) dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ.
Horn - a dressed cow horn with a dried nipple tied from a cow's udder - for feeding a baby.

Sazhen is an old Russian measure of length, equal to 2.13 m.
To swindle - to be cowardly, to go astray, to lie.
Semik is a national holiday celebrated on Thursday of the seventh week after Easter.
Hay girls - courtyard serf girls, servants.
Sibirka - a short caftan in the waist with a stand-up collar.
Skolotochek, skolotok - a child born out of wedlock.
Malt - bread grain, germinated in warmth, dried and coarsely ground; used for making beer, mash, kvass.
Solop, salop - women's outerwear, a kind of raincoat.
Magpies - a holiday in honor of the forty martyrs, March 9, according to Art. Art.
Christmas Eve - Eve church holidays Christmas and baptism.
Candlemas is a Christian holiday in honor of Christ (February 2, O.S.).
Stretu - towards.
The wall is a shadow.
A pod is a pod.
Sugreva - dear, sweet, cordial.
Susek - a chest for grain in a barn.
Wort is a sweet broth made from flour and malt.
Shlyuzit, khlyuzit - - prevaricate, deceive, from khlyuzd: a deceiver, a swindler.
Syta - water sweetened with honey, honey decoction.

Tiun - clerk, manager, judge.
Oatmeal - crushed oat flour; oatmeal food.
Tonya is a net, a fishing net.
Tochivo - a peasant canvas, a whole tube, in a piece.
Trali - trawls, nets in the form of a bag for catching fish.
Reeds are marsh thickets or marsh plants.
Tuesok, tues - a kind of bucket with a birch bark lid.
Tukachok, tukach - upholstered, threshed sheaf.
Tikmanka - a poke in the head with the knuckles.
Tour - a stove pillar in a hut, the base of which is painted with paints.

Ustoek, ustoi - cream on settled milk.
Fork - a kind of iron pitchfork, with the help of which pots are put in and taken out of the oven.
Flail - threshing tool for threshing sheaves.
A child is a child, a child.
Sheludi - scabs, scabs, rash.
Shendrovat - distorted: to be generous - to go home with songs on New Year's Eve, receiving a reward from the owners for this.
The damask is a silk sundress.
The brother-in-law is the wife's brother.
Yalovitsa is a non-calf cow, a heifer.
Yarka - a young sheep

drum A- a place in the hut, usually in the kitchen, for couples in love during gatherings

drum And tsya - sit in the drum (cm.)

white at c - broom grass

b e reg - threshing current edge

bespel Yu ha - stupid woman

ble I t - shout loudly (about a sheep), disapproving. fabric error

b O rko, adv. (from to take) - to take strongly, to pull

brun And to pour - to pour (about an oat ear)

b at nya ( distorted gunya) - any clothes sewn from canvas

ver e tie - dry elevated area among the meadow

V e shake - dry in the wind

vzv A shave - work diligently, with tension

glance I dka - a game of youth on a village arbor. The guy and the girl sit on the ends of the bench and, according to the leader’s account, turn, if in one direction, kiss

water at straight - easy

V O greenery, non-cl.- green, unripe (about plants)

gate at shka - the upper part of a women's shirt

vroznokom e face - in different directions butts

vr O tie - in a stretched form

V s crowded - weekend, festive (about clothes, shoes)

V s to alternate - to become quite ready (about the soil for sowing)

V s be generous - flow out of the boxes (about flax seeds, peas)

G A wilted - rope

ch at py - pale (about the color of the fabric)

ch I That, union- therefore, because of this

G O betz - underground in a village hut

yard - a room, a building for livestock with an upper floor

cases yo zhka - the amount of something less than a handful

d e flax - difficult to process

dolb I zhka - a hollowed out hole

additional O toronu - to ashes

d at ty - oval

stuffy And To, caress stuffy - a hole for a samovar pipe on [p. 100:] front side of the Russian stove on the side of the mouth

and And that is flour

head A pa - food for chickens, boiled husks from flax heads and sprinkled with flour

tan O dka - a kitchen in a village hut

ass O rnitsa - diligent worker

zakor yo nok - a strong, healthy young man

hall A wok - kitchen table in the form of a cabinet

suede A ret - overgrown with moss (about a meadow)

honored O n - damper in a Russian oven

zasyk A t - delay

known e ku - long time ago

out of the blue A to succeed - to succeed, to get a good result

ist O bka - attic

cat O k - wooden roller for ironing linen, rolling pin

To O kick - hit

kokorev A ty - rough, uneven, rough (about plant stems)

copra O m, adv.- bunch

sack yo to roll - a game of youth on a village arbor

To at mouth, kurt A shka - men's short coat made of homespun cloth

fret Oн - platform for threshing

l Yu bottom, adv.- many people, people s e - many people

lal I va - a slow, slow person

l I matted - slightly stretched, sagging

m A slenik - a traveling merchant of oil and other goods

bunk O shny - special

outfit O nka - mummer

crust A vka - the bottom of a women's shirt

early yo nod - strongly, rhythmically knock

weeks O tka - fishing rod

netun I shka - stupid worker

bad e flax - clumsily, carelessly

nose I shchy - everyday, not strong

about And chka - a basket without a bottom

obol O chka - outerwear, mostly warm

cliff A tsya - make shorter, cut off

one A powerful - the same color

rep O hrit - to beat someone

shake off A out - dusty

otyag A t - pull down, make saggy (about the fabric on the camp)

P A zdera - bast

palan I– polynya

[With. 101:] pan O k - playing grandma, cozon

packs A then - carelessly, clumsily

pereb O rka - a wooden partition in the hut that separates the kitchen from the hall

pereg And bisty - cheerful, with games and mischief (on Christmas time)

moving A t - rot, rot

cover I lysh - non-woven part of the warp, strip ( cm. deficiency)

Perkhov A ty - dusty

P e ruff - linseed dust

pov e t - the second floor of the courtyard (cm.) hay storage

pov I zka - a towel given at a wedding

absorb I dock - a keepsake

like at yka - short onuchka

podor e x - boyfriend, admirer

sub O stock, collected- girls and boys 12-16 years old

subst A va - the bottom of a women's shirt

podshk O p - sheepskin in the lining of winter clothes

Mon e bee - attic

honors And t - do not rush to do, wait

poos A distey - shorter ( from settling)

ceiling O k - attic

sentences O rka - ditty

fit O shka - saying

coming A nstvo - dowry of the bride

approx s vka - washing the floor in the hut

prose O risty - bright, beautiful (about the color of the fabric)

good A tny - smooth (about canvas)

promash O th - one-piece, uncut canvas, straight dress without darts, Same checkpoint O th

pror I ny - adj. from pror I nka, a cut loop in a garment

calc And to dismantle - to disassemble, to put in order

remez And ny - bird

R at Bische - clothes

shroud Yu ha, joke. or neglect.- long, loose clothing

sar A y - the same as telling (cm.)

hay And k - a special room for storing hay

siv at n - broom grass

at all e ny ( from with everyone) - everyday, worker (about clothes, shoes)

With O days, adv.- in the afternoon

sodnov A, adv.- time after time, quickly

cn O flatter - roll up, make dense (about woolen fabric)

[With. 102:] stanushka - the bottom of a woman's shirt

pillar at shka - the same as baraba (cm.)

sucre O stump - warm (about water)

suprot And obvious - opposite

suhor O s - summer time, when there is no growth; lack of dew

congress - log flooring, along which they move out of the barn (cm.)

With s to sleep - to collect an ear (about oats)

cheese mill O volume, adv.– without pre-drying (when threshing)

T Yu chewy - wet, damp (about sheaves, fiber)

mouth A clearly - right, beautiful (about work)

tailings A ty - long and thin (about plants, tree branches)

chl yo stky - light, easy to use (about the tool)

hoh O l - a piece of linen tows, wool

xp at brush - large garbage

h A shelly - adj. from cup

chezh O OK O) - outerwear for men

people I bottom - pantry

h e rare, adv.- in order, in turn

scull e nka - clay fragment, shard

ches O vka - strand of fiber, hair

alien A k - a stranger, a stranger, a person from another village

h at hit - hit

shohrev A ty - rough, undersized, frail (about plants and animals)

[With. 103:] Appendix 4


I. Dictionaries

Dictionary of the Russian language, in 4 volumes. Moscow: Russian language, 1981–1984.

Regional dictionaries

1. Bogoraz V. G. Regional dictionary of the Kolyma Russian dialect // Sat. ORAS. - 1901. - v. 68, No. 4.

2. Vasnetsov N. M. Materials for an explanatory dictionary of the Vyatka dialect. - Vyatka, 1908.

3. Gerasimova M.K. Dictionary of the county Cherepovets dialect. // Sat. ORAS. - 1910. - v. 83, No. 3.

4. Dal V.I. Dictionary living Great Russian language. - M .: Russian language, 1978-1980.

5. Dobrovolsky VN Smolensk Regional Dictionary. - Smolensk, 1914.

6. Supplement to the Experience of the Regional Great Russian Dictionary. SPB., 1858.

7. Ivanova A.F. Dictionary of dialects of the Moscow region / Moscow region. ped. in-t im. N. K. Krupskaya. - M., 1969. - 598 p.

8. Kirillova T. V. et al. The experience of the dictionary of the Kalinin region / Kalinin ped. in-t. - Kalinin, 1972. - 312 p.

9. Kulikovsky G. I. Dictionary of the regional Olonets dialect. - St. Petersburg., 1898.

10. Melnichenko G. G. Brief Yaroslavl Regional Dictionary. - Yaroslavl, 1961. - 224 p.

11. The experience of the regional Great Russian dictionary, published by the 2nd department of Acad. Sciences. - St. Petersburg., 1852.

12. Podvysotsky A. O. Dictionary of the regional Arkhangelsk dialect in its everyday and ethnographic application. - St. Petersburg., 1885.

13. Pskov regional dictionary with historical data / Leningrad state. un-t. - L., 1967-1984. - Issue. 1–6.

14. Rastorguev P. A. Dictionary of folk dialects of the Western Bryansk region. - Minsk: Science and technology, 1973.

15. Dictionary of Vologda dialects. - Vologda, 1983-1989. - Issue. 1–4.

16. Dictionary of the dialect of the village of Akchim, Perm region / Perm state. un-t im. A. M. Gorky. - Perm, 1984. - 398 p.

17. Dictionary of dialects of the Solikamsk district of the Perm region / Perm state. ped. in-t. - Perm, 1973. - 706 p.

[With. 104:] 18. Dictionary of Russian dialects of the Middle Urals / Ural state. un-t im. A. M. Gorky. - Sverdlovsk, 1964-1981. – T. 1–3.

19. Dictionary of Russian dialects southern regions Krasnoyarsk Territory/ Krasnoyarsk state. ped. in-t. - Krasnoyarsk, 1968. - 230 p.

20. Dictionary of Russian folk dialects. - M.-L.: Science, 1965-1985. - Issue. 1–20.

21. Dictionary of Russian old-timer dialects of the middle part of the river basin. Obi. - Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk University, 1964-1967. – T. 1–3. Supplement: Parts 1–2, 1975.

22. Dictionary of modern Russian folk dialect(village Deulino, Ryazan district, Ryazan region). – M.: Nauka, 1969.

23. Smirnov I. T. Kashinsky Dictionary // Sat. ORAS. - 1901. - T. 70, No. 5.

24. Startseva S. A. A short dictionary for the regional dictionary of Russian dialects of the Perm region / Perm State. ped. in-t. - Perm, 1962.

25. Yaroslavl Regional Dictionary. - Yaroslavl, 1981-1991. - Issue. 1–10 (A–Z).

II. Selected Studies

26. Lebedeva N. I. Spinning and weaving of the Eastern Slavs in the 19th - early. 20th centuries // Proceedings of the Institute of Ethnography. N. M. Miklukho-Maclay. New episode. - M., 1956. - T. 31: East Slavic ethnographic collection.

27. Mikhailova L.P. Vocabulary of flax processing, spinning and weaving in Novgorod dialects. - L., 1970.

28. Trubachev O. N. Handicraft terminology in Slavic languages: etymology and experience of group reconstruction. – M.: Nauka, 1966. – 416 p.

29. Chumakova Yu. P. Textile vocabulary of dialects of the Bogoslovshchina district of the Ryazan region. - Gorky, 1966.

[With. 105:] Appendix 5


unit 24

roll 22 wads 48, 72 tail 56 eyelids 62

eyelids 62

vexhinki 62

rope 67

spindle yarn 50

spindle 38, 48, 55

spindle 38

upper legs 40

top 62, 66

top 20

funny 52

evening 52

Vilashka 42, 55

fork 40, 42, 55

forks 42, 55

viteika 56

vodka reed 62 flax fiber 31 fiber 16, 31, 50 fiber yarn 50

hairbrush 24

Volotina 17

volotinka 17

volotka 17

parish 16, 17

sparrow 55

look up 38

octagon 61

eight 61

octagon 78

eight-point canvas 78

eighth 61

eighth yarn

to stand out 27 to mature 26 to mature 26 to dry out 33

callouts 34

crawl out 19

spin 44

pave 25

survive 19

swear 82

weave 70

view 40, 48, 56

knitter 21

knitting 34

bundle 34

kajimot 53 border 74 stone 78 reed 62

reed reed 62

coil 40, 48

kikimora 53

muslin 78

cell 75

kletchanina 79

plaid 78

club 48

filly 41

feather grass 67

kolodina 68

block 68

bell 17, 64

bell flax 15

bell 19

bells 15

bell 17

beater 36

mallet 22

butt 17, 20

twist 41 cone 34 ends 57 kopanitsa 23

kopanushka 23

kopyl 37, 38, 56

root mill 23

root spin 37

Korenovka 23, 37

root 23, 37

root mill 60

root 23, 37

peddler 74

box 87

box 17, 19

cow 40, 56

rocker 67

short warp 55

short reel 43

Bonfire 33

costiga 33

kostika 33

bone 33

kostichina 33

crutch 67

dyer 83

dyer 82, 83

paint 83

redness 58

Krasnoryadets 84

Krasnoyar 84

dyed 82 dyed 82 dyed canvas 21, 78 cross 21

cross 75

crooked spindle 38

krivulek 41

crossed harness 59

krosna 57, 60, 76, 84

circles 63, 75

round reel 43

[With. 109:] coarse flax 15

large stem flax 15

coarse linen 15

cool yarn 50

twist 50

spinner 78

hook 67

pod 48

pod 48

somersault 67

kudelina 43

koudelka 32

tow 32, 43

kuzhelek 44

doll 35, 44

curly linen 14

kuftyrek 87

burner 66pakusha 35stick 22, 66stick 68

pastor 67

pastor 67

stepson 68

comb brush 24

comber 36

comb 29

biscuit 24

pachesi 33, 50

pachesina 80

tufted yarn 50

flinch 87

perekolka 23, 68

warp 73

lie down 26

stale flax 30

lie down 26

fallows 30

fallow 26

rewind 59

rewind 59

rewind 59

rewinder 59

overspun yarn 50

crossover 47

trailer 47

shadowing 47

persevere 19

ring 39

dog bird 62

sandy linen 32

pestrina 80

mottled 80

motley 80

moth 80

motley 80

pawn 76

wattle fence 57

close 69

poesmo 35

hangman 35

bandage 80

messenger 16

bleach 82

whitening 82

let down 73 burn 27 maid 16 raise 27

footboard 41

footboards 65

footrest 23

tease 29

pillow 41

comb 29

old lady 68

[With. 112:] lie down 19

half canvas 81

flat yarn 50

stripe 75

linen yarn 50

cloth 74

canvas 76, 84

half wallet 78

half-mote 49

semi-coated 49

semi-reel warping 55

half coil 49

semi-sheather 49

half-shade 49

half-wall warpers 54

pooch 73

thread 81

ponytail 81

slinger 79

crossbar 23

springs 68

rod 68

spinner 39

pig brush 24

tailor yarn 50

portyanina 50, 77

footcloth 77

tailor 77

sitting 52

get-together 52

spread 25

peep 45

fresh 37

pridergish 58

holding 58 stock 60 spin 45 spin 47

spin 45

pusher 65

butt plug 65

butt 65

butt end 65

stick 70

stumble 70

butts 65

butts 65

appendix 65

stranger 66

do 27

vein 68

comb 30

spin 45

prosten 48

simpleton 48

past six 75

firmware 75

strand 51

spinning 45

spinner 51

spinning 53

spinner 51

stranded fasting 53

spicy fasting 54

yarn 45, 50

buckle 37, 56

spinning wheel 37, 39

straight spindle 38

spinner 39

spinner 38

[With. 113:] spinner 36, 51, 56

spinner with pole 37

stain 56

wiring 68 divorces 68 unwind 27 undress 27

unwind 27

spacer 68

buckles 68

fluff 27

crucify 56

rassnovochka 58

spreading 25

spread 25

pierce 72

blacken 56

rassheryaka 56

rashka 42rashmaki 42rashman 42rashmanitsa 42

rashmanka 42

rashmanok 41

rasp 42

redushka 80

slingshot 42, 55

hornwort 42, 55

cuckold 55

horns 55 roses 65 wolverine 56 spurs 68

shirt 16

hand 48, 87

manual brush 24

row 80

row canvas 80

in-line krosna 80

ryashmanka 42

soot yarn 37 self-spinning yarn 39 self-spinning yarn 50 self-spinning yarn 39

spinning wheel 39

spinner 39

self-cloth 76

sanitation 39

Santalovka 24

sundresses 81

sbiten 52

pork brush 24

scroll 35, 84

semerik 61

seven 61


sower 21

[With. 114:] rocky 66

scarlet 17

tablecloth 81

folding 87

skolotina 68

pin 68

hammer mill 60

slack 73

slack 73

blind 81

drained liquor 83

mix 73 wrinkle 28 minok 35, 88 snapper 36

shoot 27

warp 54

warping yarn 50

warp 54

warpers 54

warpers 54

again 54

warp 54

warping 54

warp 54

warping 57

warp 57

doggy 65

straws 17

magpie 43

magpie 43

arrogant flax 32

arrogant linen 32

needle 39, 56

middle gazebo 52

steel 56

bed 66

dead leg 66

camp harness 60

base 66, 81

wall warpers 54

wall stain 58 style 25 stacker 36 slab 30

rack 39, 55

column 37

column 39, 76

tetanus 40

tetanus 40

column 23, 37, 39, 55, 56

standing 40

fray 29

suitcase 84

sukmanina 81

twisty 47

supolo 81

supryadka 53

housewife 51

spouse 51

grey yarn 50

severity 83

severe 83

harshness 83

harsh 83

harshness 83

[With. 115:] knot 47, 48, 73

fight 28

grapple 28

gathering place 52

comb 30

counting 67

talc 43, 49neta 64 puller 21 puller 21

fumble 20

fingering 20

textiles 81

fabrics on 77

weaving 69, 77

weaver 73

fat spinner 51

fat spinner 51thick-stalk flax 15thinning 47fine-stalk flax 31

fine linen 16

fine thread 51

fine spinner 51

spinner 51

chiseled yarn 37

tochenka 37

grassy flax 16

beater 24

rattle 24 ruffle 24 ruffler 36 ruffle 29

wag 28

cod 17, 31

three-jaw grinder 22

three cheeks 22

thirty 43

trail 75

trumpet 56

tube 40, 48

[With. 117:] Appendix 6


Names of objects and their constituent parts given as they are pronounced in local dialects, the meanings of these words are revealed in dictionary entries.

(In front of this page in the 1992 edition there was an 8-page tab with drawings by Yu. A. Navalikhin. In this publication, these drawings, with the approval of A. V. Gromov, are placed in the corresponding dictionary entries. They are also available separately in album format, - see it in the section on the Linen Dictionary, on our publishing page. - E. Sh.).

[With. 118:] CONTENT*

Foreword 3 / 5
Composition and structure of the dictionary 6 / 6
Dictionary entry structure 7 / 6
Some phonetic features of dialects of the Kostroma region in the Unzha river basin 9 / 7
Conditional abbreviations 10 / 8
Conventional signs 13 / 8
Thematic groups of words
I. Growing and harvesting flax 13 / 9
II. Primary processing of flax 21 / 12
III. Spinning 36 / 19
IV. warping 54 / 27
V. Weaving 59 / 30
VI. Textile 74 / 36
1. Vocabulary of flax processing and spinning with the help of a comb in the lower reaches of the Unzha River (Makarevsky district) 86 / 41
2. Comparison of this dictionary with other dictionaries 88 / 42
3. Dictionary of dialect words found in illustrative material, but not related to the content of the dictionary 99 / 46
4. List of used literature 103 / 48
5. Alphabetical index of words and terminological phrases included in the dictionary 105 / 49
6. Drawings of tools for processing flax, spinning and weaving [ 8-page tab between p. 116 and 117 ed. 1992] 117

* The pages of the 1992 edition are given in regular type, in bold type through the slash of the page

All publishing rights Evgeny Shikhovtsev

Dictionary of obsolete and dialect words

B A lchina - a cloud.

Bach And ly - work boots, usually without welts and heels, with round toes and high tops.

Big O th at goal - the front or red corner in the hut where the icons stand.

Boer A k - (zd.) a vessel made of birch bark of a cylindrical or round shape.

Valek - a round long bar made of wood or other material, having various applications(for dough, for threshing, etc.).

Ven e c - (zd.) the lower row of logs in the log house.

IN e res - juniper.

Faith I - a pole on which the gate is hung; jamb at the door, gate; a thick pillar supporting the roof (of a barn).

IN e rsha, versha - wicker wattle; fishing tackle.

IN And tsa - flexible rod, branch; rope made of rods, bark.

Guyt A n - lace or braid; ribbon, chain.

Guard e us - curtains, curtains.

G O forehead, golb e c, g O forehead, g O bchik - a fence or closet near the Russian stove; a platform above the closet on the side of the stove; a platform above the entrance to the underground; an extension to the stove in the form of a bench; underground entrance; underground; space under the oven; tombstone in the form of a log house with a roof on two slopes and with a cross.

Goal And k - a broom without leaves.

threshing floor O - a room, a shed for compressed bread; ground for threshing.

Dversl And out, door And vy, doorstyan O th, doorst I ny - easily crumbling, overheated, similar in structure to wood [here: stone].

D e to forge - to fool around, scoff, confuse, knock down.

D O ynitsa - pail; vessel for storing sour cream, milk.

houses And shche - a coffin; log cabin over the grave; home, permanent residence.

dr O to pour - to love; care for someone, spend time with someone.

Dubts s - rods, twigs; rods, sticks.

E rik - a non-flowing branch of the river; a small lake on the site of the old river bed; log in the coastal strip, flooded by flood; ravine.

AND A red spruce, heat O vay spruce - spruce with fine-layered wood, giving a lot of heat when burned; tall, straight spruce.

AND And tnik - bread made from wheat (barley) flour; a pie or flatbread made from wholemeal flour.

AND And then - any bread in the grain or on the vine; barley (northern), rye (southern); any spring bread.

Zaam And thread - to protect, deprive the evil forces of effectiveness by pronouncing the word "amen" three times.

Z A vertka, Wrapping - a rope, belt or woven loop from rods, with the help of which the shafts are attached to the sled; shafts at the sleigh; the rear wheel of the cart.

Zagn e that, bent, bent e weaving, zagnyotka - the ash pan of the Russian stove; a pole by the stove.

Z A shit, s A gvenye - the last day before fasting, on which it is allowed to eat meat.

Z A city, h A city, sunburn O d - hedge; (zd.) part of the yard fenced off for livestock.

Behind e zdok - (health) seine; wattle fence, which is used to block the river to hold back the movement of fish.

Hall O tender - "unclean" dead, buried in a special way (without a funeral service, under masonry, etc.).

Hall O m - a twisted (broken) bunch of ears, which is usually made by a sorcerer or witch.

Zar O d - a large haystack (not round masonry, but oblong).

Z A eaves, jams - a pole, a crossbar supporting the roof of a hut, a barn, etc .; gutter on the lower edge of the roof; thick beam at the edge of the roof.

Zat O n - the bay formed during the flood; long stagnant bay; dam, dam in a river, lake for fishing; a place where there are a lot of fish.

East O pka - (zd.) a place in the stove where firewood is burned, a firebox.

Kalit A - (zd.) purse, purse; leather pouch for money and various small things, suspended from the belt.

TO A menka - (zd.) sauna stove.

keel A , To And la - abscess, boil, carbuncle; tumor; moving from place to place aches.

Kom I ha - (zd.) a trough hollowed out of one tree for feeding or watering livestock.

TO O pan - a hole dug to collect rainwater; shallow well without a log house; artificial pond.

TO O rmchaya - a helmsman's book, a collection of church and secular laws.

TO O rshchik - feeder, helmsman.

Firewood fire - a pile or stack of firewood.

Cross O wa - godmother.

Cross s - (zd.) Crossroads.

Cr O sleep - hand loom; thread warp when weaving on manual machine; cloth woven on crosses.

Cr Yu kushki - a place behind the back, shoulder, zakorki.

Kud e eh, where e la - a combed and tied bundle of flax or hemp, harvested for yarn; linen; yarn.

Kut - (health) corner in the hut (most often under the images or near the stove).

Kut I - (healthy) boiled and sweetened wheat grains.

L at yes, stupid A - (zd.) stranded, shallow rocky place.

Loot O shka - linden, from which the bark is removed, the bast is torn off; linden stick, stick without bark, bast; stick.

M A bird, m A tka - the average ceiling beam in the hut.

Young And k - young month (in the first quarter).

Hammer And lo - (zd.) device for manual threshing; chain

Bridge - (zd.) wooden floor in the hut; canopy.

Outgrowth feather - an outgrowth feather, the caudal fin of a fish.

H A uz - amulet, a talisman from the evil eye.

Not easy e ny, not lightweight (horse) - an uncastrated horse.

H O wine (new And on, new A ) - a cleared place for arable land; new harvest bread; narrow.

Nomokan at net - nomocanon, helmsman's book, code of church laws (thin nomokanunets - distorted nomocanon).

Both I nnik - an eloquent person; witch.

About A yat - stipulate, jinx; bewitch, bewitch.

Ov And n - building, which may include rooms for drying sheaves and for threshing.

ABOUT burn, ozhi And g - a stick that stirs the fire in the greenhouse of the fireplace, the poker.

Okrut And t - dress, dress up; dress to the crown; equip, furnish; deceive.

Reply O d - (zd.) gate in the fence of the village; field fence.

Rel O c - (health) thing or edible, put somewhere to get rid of spoilage, illness, misfortune.

P A zuha ov And on - a hole for feeding sheaves; for supplying heat from below; part of the barn from the hole (manhole) to the wall.

P A fuck, p O to whip - to whip.

first A to - (zd.) the first swarm of bees.

Per e days at goal - a red corner in the hut where the icons are located.

Cross-beam - a cross beam connecting rafters or pillars; perch for chickens; fishing tackle; snare.

Pechn O th st O forehead - a pillar at the free corner of the Russian stove, on which two raven beams are attached.

P O vet, pov e t, p O branch - barn; barn; shed, roof over the yard; covered courtyard.

Pog O st - cemetery; rural parish.

Pods And n - the lower part of the barn (a pit with a dryer where a fire is made).

Train A not - wedding guests; members of the wedding train.

Cover at chenik - a worker in the field, usually from a share, a share of the field, on the master's content.

Pauld e nzi - pold e ngi, or half e nah, half. Money is a silver coin, from the 18th century. could be copper; 200 coins (minted from silver hryvnia) were the Moscow ruble.

Floor O k - a board or counter (table, chest), attached on an edge to the wall.

poper e shny - (zd.) transverse person, opponent, debater; a person endowed with unkind witchcraft influence, going and acting contrary.

P O artno, tailor O - narrow rough canvas.

Portian A tablecloth - a tablecloth made of coarse fabric, canvas (port - linen, made of hemp fibers, hemp and linen coarse yarn).

Posid e lol, sit e lki - gatherings of peasant youth on autumn and winter evenings.

Etc A vit - (zd.) straighten, correct; treat.

Prize O r - damage from the evil eye (dishonor - jinx).

Etc And braid - damage.

prip e check - a place in front of the stove, in front of the firebox; stove bench; guardianship, the basis of the furnace, the undercoat.

Prisuch And t - to entangle, draw in; to dry, to weary; bewitch; induce dryness.

Etc And clean - the cause (of the disease); damage; inflow; bad luck, misfortune.

Prichuzh e nye—ghost; sense deception.

conversation e tsya - for the first time after fasting to eat fast.

R And ha - a shed for drying sheaves and threshing.

R O get up - crossing roads, crossroads (where they part, part).

Runtz O - sheep's wool.

Serg A h - the one who leads the bear.

Cm at ry kaft A n - a dark-colored caftan made of undyed cloth, of mixed dark wool.

daughter-in-law A - son's wife; daughter-in-law; brother-in-law's wife.

sporin A - growth, abundance, profit, luck.

Stanov O th ur I dnik - the lower rank in the police, subordinate to the bailiff (stan - a police territorial unit into which counties were divided).

Passionate A I am candle A - a candle that burned during the reading of the 12 Gospels at Easter.

WITH at darker window O - a window at the front (red) corner or at the stove corner.

Sushi And lo - part of the barn; high poles with grating, where sheaves are dried.

Heat And on - a fire in a barn, a barn pit or a furnace.

T And amusing - chest.

Tonsk A i izb A - living quarters on the tone.

Tone I - a place where fish are caught; fishing.

T O grew up - (healthy) winter hunting of the beast.

stupid And tsa - a blunt knife or scraper for furrier work.

T s n - wooden solid fence, palisade.

cherub And mskaya - the cherubic hymn, performed during mass at the solemn beginning of the liturgy of the faithful, when the royal doors open.

Chernob s flax - bylnyak, alarm clock, a large species of wormwood.

Black m at rin - Negro, Moor.

Ches A lo - comb.

Shamshur - women's headdress.

W A tenderness, sh A nechka - a kind of cheesecake, juicy or simple flatbread.

Pole O j - platform in front of the mouth of the Russian furnace.

Shlapat A t - spank, make noise.

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Dictionary Aaro?n - brother of Moses and the first priest. Only his descendants could be priests.A66a? (aram.) - this is how the children called their father, and this is how Jesus Christ addressed God. Abraham - the ancestor of the people of Israel, the first person who believed in the one God

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Vocabulary Q: A hypothetical source of sayings that contains material common to Matthew and Luke, but not found in Mark. Agnostic: a person who does not have a definite opinion about whether God exists. New Testament

B agres cloths- fabric of purple color (from "crimson", "crimson").
bass- beauty, decoration; Basco is beautiful.
Baskoy- beautiful, elegant.
Hood- the head of the fishing cooperative.
Bayat- speak, say.
Safely- boldly.
Safely- without warning.
Beloyarovaya- light, selected; a constant epithet in epics, indicating the ideal quality of grain.
Berchataya -
- seat, bench; a special place under a canopy on ships; company, party .
- affiliation of the weaving mill.
bloody- young, young.
- one who is engaged in beekeeping, that is, forest beekeeping, the extraction of honey from wild bees.
Bochag- a deep puddle, pothole, pit, filled with water.
Bozhatushka- godmother.
Most -
job title.
- patterned (about fabric).
Bratchina- a feast arranged on holidays in clubbing .
Brother, brother
- brother, a metal bowl for drinking.
Buoy wand
- battle club.
Burzametsky (spear) -
see: Murzametsky.
- brother, a vessel for beer.
Brasno- food, food, meal, edible.
Bullshit, bullshit- a small net, which is used to fish together, fording.
Buyava, buyovo- cemetery, grave.
Former - like, like.
- a blade of grass, a stalk of grass.
Bylichka- a story about evil spirits, the authenticity of which is not in doubt.

Important- hard, hard.
Valyak, valyachny, valyashchaty - cast, chased, carved, chiseled, skillfully made.
(“on a mound, on a jew's harp”) - maybe from “worg” - a clearing overgrown with tall grass; sloping, open place in the forest.
Vereda - boils, sores.
Verei -
pillars on which the gates are hung.
- juniper.
Vereya(rope, rope, rope) - a pole on which the gate is hung; jamb at the door, gate.
Veretier- coarse hemp fabric.
Spindle (snake-spindle) - perhaps the spindle is meant, i.e. the type of sucker - a legless, snake-like lizard .
- equal, couple, couple.
Pounded miles -
probably from "gverst" - coarse sand, crushed stone.
nativity scene
- cave; hangout; a large box with puppets controlled from below through slots in the floor of the box, in which performances on the theme of the Nativity of Christ were played.
Vershnik- riding; riding ahead.
Evening- yesterday.
uplift- raise.
- tops.
Vitsa- twig, rod, long branch.
Water carrier - vessel for carrying and storing water, drinking.
Volzhanskaya -
meadowsweet, from meadowsweet.
Volokitnoy (bow) -
ordinary, everyday, worn out.
Volochazhnaya -
Votchina -
estate (hereditary, family); surname; "by patrimony" - by inheritance law, by father.
- stems, straws, blades of grass; the upper part of the sheaf with ears.
Voronets- a beam in a hut serving as a shelf.
Vyzhlok- hunting dog, hound; presumably: a wolf leading a pack.
dress up
- say something to yourself.
howl -
food, eating; the amount of food at a time; meal hour.
Outputs -
tribute, give.
Outputs are high -
Elm, vyazinochka -
club made of flexible wood, used for the manufacture of skids, rims, etc.
Vyazivtso - rope.
Vyray (viry, iry)
- a wondrous, promised, warm side, somewhere far away by the sea, accessible only to birds and snakes.
Vyalitsa- snowstorm.

G ah- oak forest, grove, small deciduous forest.
Gluzdyr - a chick that cannot fly; in an ironic sense - smart guy.
Golnyaya -
Gluzdyr - a chick that cannot fly; in an ironic sense - smart guy.
Golnyaya -
naked, naked, devoid of vegetation and stones.
bitter -
angry, annoying.
Guesthouse, guesthouse -
Grenesh -
you will jump, you will fly (from "to burst").
reception room, dining room, rest; actually a room in the palace.
Bed, bed -
hanging pole, crossbar in the hut for clothes .
bitter -
angry, annoying.
Guesthouse, guesthouse -
- you will jump, you will fly (from "to burst").
Gridenka, Gridnya, Grinya, Grinyushka -
reception room, dining room, rest; actually a room in the palace.
Bed, bed -
hanging pole, crossbar in the hut for clothes.
Guzhiki -
loops in the harness over the shafts.
Gusli, goslings, goslings
- plucked string instrument.
- marvel, admire, stare; stare, stare; laugh, mock.
godina- good clear weather, bucket.
Golik- a broom without leaves.
dutch- chervonets beaten at the St. Petersburg Mint.
golitsy- leather mittens without wool lining.
Gostika- guest.
Hryvnia- a dime; in ancient Rus', the monetary unit is a silver or gold ingot weighing about a pound.
garden bed- a shelf going from the oven to the wall.
Lip- gulf, bay.
Horn- a three-string violin without notches on the sides of the body. Barn - a room, a shed for compressed bread; ground for threshing.

D eever- Brother husband.
Nine- Nine days.
Grandfather-father - probably the lineage of the hero.
Del -
share division of production ("share to divide").
Hold -
spend; does not hold - is not spent, does not dry out.
Sufficient -
befits, befits; enough, enough.
Dolmozhano -
a ratovishe, i.e., a weapon, perhaps long-stinging - with a long edge.
Dolon -
Dolyubi -
enough, as much as needed .
Household -
Got it? (enough?)
- in the end, after everything.
Duma -
advice, discussion (“it does not enter the thought”).
Fool -
portly, stately, prominent.
Uncle's estate -
family estate, passed into possession by lateral inheritance.
- dough for dough, sourdough; tub in which bread dough is kneaded.
Dolon- palm.
Dosyulny- old, old.
Doha- a fur coat with fur inside and out.
Drola- dear, dear, beloved.

E ndova- a wide copper bowl with a spout.
Epanechka - short sleeveless jacket, fur coat.
- from "yernik": small, undersized forest, small birch bush.
Yerofeich- bitter wine; vodka infused with herbs.
Estva- food, meal.

Zhalnik- cemetery, graves, churchyard.
Stomach- life, property; soul; cattle.
Zhito- any bread in grain or on the vine; barley (northern), unground rye (southern), any spring bread (eastern).
Zupan- an old semi-caftan.

Z complain- to complain, to cry.
Zagneta (zagneta)- the ash pan of the Russian stove.
conspiracy- the last day before fasting, on which it is allowed to eat fast food.
Hall- twisted bunch of ears; usually done by a sorcerer or witch for damage or destruction of the field, as well as the owner of the field.
Renovated- soiled or contaminated something new clean; lightening the heart (from “renew”; take the soul to lighten the heart).
get excited- rejoice.
Zarod- a large stack of hay, bread, not a round masonry, but an oblong one.
Zasek- bin, bin; bin partition.
Zen- Earth.
Zinut- take a look.
Zipun- a peasant caftan made of coarse thick cloth, in the old days without a collar.
Mature- ripe berries.

And sleep- praise, glory, thank you.

To the azak, the Cossack- worker. (worker), laborer, hired worker.
Damask- ancient dense silk patterned Chinese fabric.
Eve- festive beer, mash.
loaves- wheat pancakes.
wire rod- boots.
cue, cue- stick, staff, batog.
kitty- bag.
kitina- grass stem, pea stalk.
Kichka- an old Russian festive headdress of a married woman.
Intestine- homemade sausage.
crate- room or pantry in the house; barn; extension to the hut, closet.
Kluka- a hook, a stick with a bend to support the gutter under the eaves of a peasant plank roof or to bend down a thatched roof.
Kokurka- an egg bun.
Komel- thickened lower part of the spinning wheel; adjacent to the root, part of a tree, hair, horn.
Komon- horse, horse.
Konovatny- from Asian silk fabric, which went to the bedspread, veil.
kopan- a hole dug to collect rainwater; shallow well without a log house.
Kopyl- a short bar in the sledge runners, which serves as a support for the body.
Mower- a large knife with a thick and wide blade.
Bonfire (bonfire)- hard bark of flax and hemp, remaining after their beating, scratching.
Skewed (skewed) window- a window made of mesh-jambs or metal rods intertwined at an angle, typical of Rus' until the 18th century.
cats- a type of warm footwear.
red corner- the corner in the hut where the icons hung.
beauty- the bride's crown of ribbons and flowers, a symbol of girlhood and girlish will.
Croma- bag, beggar's bag; “Foma-big cream” (October 19) - an abundance of bread and supplies, that is the name of a rich, wealthy person.
Red (cut)- manual weaving machine; thread base when weaving on a manual loom; cloth woven on crosses.
Krosenets- homespun shirts.
Krynitsa- spring, key, shallow well; krinka, milk pot, narrowish and high.
Tow- a combed and tied bunch of flax or hemp, made for yarn.
Kuzhel (kuzhal)- tow, combed flax; linen yarn of the highest quality.
Kuzlo- blacksmithing, forging; generally arable shells.
Kukomoya- slovenly, untidy person.
Kuna- marten.
Kuren- a place for burning coal in the forest, a coal pit and a hut for workers.
Kurzhevina- frost.
smoke- make up.
Kurchizhka- bitch, stump.
Kut- corner, especially in the hut under the images or near the stove: "rotten kut" - northwest wind.
Kutya- boiled and sweetened wheat grains.

Ladka- a little fluff.
Ladom- well, as it should.
swallows- colored quadrangular inserts under the armpits of the shirt sleeves.
Lolden- ice cube.
Lenny- linen.
Luda- stranded, stones in the lake protruding from the water.

Maina- polynya.
Mother, mother- the average ceiling beam in the hut.
Intermediate (intermediate)- long, long, summer.
low water- the average water level, which is established after the flood (in June - before the heat and drought).
Merezha- a fishing net stretched over a hoop.
Worldly- made, prepared together, "by the whole world."
Molodik- young month.
Muzzle- braided wicker.
Morok- (haze) - a cloud, a cloud.
Bridge- floor, canopy.
Mostina- floorboard.
Motushka- a skein of yarn, a spool of wound yarn.
Mochenets- hemp soaked in water.
ant- glazed.
Myalitsa- a pulper, a projectile with which flax and hemp are crushed, cleaning the fibers from the bonfire.

N azem- manure.
Nazola- melancholy, sadness, annoyance, chagrin.
Nat- it is necessary (abbreviated from "put on" - it is necessary).
pull on- to stumble, attack.
Neblyzhny- real, real.
Unsatisfactory- irresistible; deprived, unhappy.
novelty- peasant woven canvas; harsh unbleached canvas; new harvest grain.
Night- last night.

Oh attendants- mushroom, boletus.
to charm (to charm)- stipulate, jinx it.
deaf-eared- long-eared, eared, long-eared.
spin- dress; dress up (young after the crown in women's clothing); marry.
Omshanik- a felling frame for the wintering of bees.
Onuchi- windings for a leg under a boot or bast shoes, footcloth.
Flask- frost.
Supports- shoes made from old boots with the tops cut off; remnants of worn and tattered shoes.
yell- plow.
Aftermath- grass grown after mowing; fresh grass that grew in the same year on the site of mowed.
Ochep- a pole attached to the ceiling in the hut, on which the cradle was hung.

to live- pasture, pasture.
pasma- part of a skein of thread, yarn.
pelchaty- with a fringe.
fallow- neglected arable land.
Tell me, tell me- barn, barn; shed, roof over the yard; covered courtyard.
Pogost- cemetery, rural parish.
undercut- “sleigh with undercuts” - with a shackled sledge rune.
Pokut- front angle; place of honor at the table and at the feast.
Noon- south.
Polushka- an old small copper coin in a quarter of a kopeck.
Poppelunik (sprinkler)- from "peel": ashes, ash.
porn- strong, healthy; adult.
powder- falling snow layer of freshly fallen snow.
Poskotina- pasture, pasture.
post- strip, field; plot, a section of a field occupied by reapers.
jaundiced- from wool of the first shearing of a lamb.
Voice (song)- lingering, mournful.
span- the beginning of summer, June, it's time to petrovka.
Pryazhets- cake, fritters in butter; black flour pancake with butter.
spinner- scrambled eggs in a frying pan.
Pryaslo- part of the fence from pole to pole; a device made of longitudinal poles on poles for drying hay.
Putin- the time during which the fishing is carried out.
Pyalichki- hoops.

Dress up- to try, to care, to assist. Get undressed - undress.
Ramenier- a large dense forest surrounding the field; edge of the forest.
Expand- splay, raskoryachit, split bare teeth.
Zealous- heart.
zealous, zealous- about the heart: hot, angry.
Riga- a barn for drying sheaves and threshing.
Rosstan- crossroads, crossing roads, where they say goodbye, part, part.
Rubel- a wooden block with a handle and transverse grooves for rolling (ironing) linen.
Sleeves- the upper, usually decorated part of the shirt.
Dig- throw, toss.
Row (rada)- conditions, contract, contract, transaction when buying, hiring, supplying, etc.
Ryasny- plentiful.

From hell- everything that grows in the garden: berries, fruits.
Salo- small plates, pieces of ice on the surface of the water before freezing.
Scroll- top long clothes (usually for Ukrainians).
sister-in-law- Wife's sister.
Sevnya- a basket with grain, which the sower wears over his shoulder.
week- seven days, a week.
Semeyushka- husband, wife (in funeral lamentations).
Siver, siverko north, north wind.
to give birth quickly- harrow; drag something along the ground; bend, bend, bend.
get bored- gather in a bunch, in one place.
funny- delicious.
Smychin- knotty, strong stick, going to the harrow.
Sporina- growth, abundance, profit.
in order- neighbor, fellow villager (from "row" - street).
Stavets- big cup, bowl.
flock- a stall, a barnyard, a paddock, a fenced-off place for livestock.
Stamovik, stamovik- hedge from a small forest.
Village inconvenient- the children of the deceased.
Surplice- clothes of a clergyman, straight, long, with wide sleeves.
fear- lower, hanging edge of the roof wooden house, huts.
tie- poles, lay down, thick sticks to strengthen a haystack or cart with hay.
Sukoleno- knee in the stem.
Sumet- snowdrift.
Adversary- rival.
Susek- a compartment or chest in a barn where grain is stored.
Suhoroso- no dew, dry.
Syta- honey broth; water sweetened with honey.

T alan- happiness, luck, destiny.
Talina- thawed earth, thawed earth.
tank- round dance.
Tenetnik- web.
Tesmyany- made of braid.
Tonya- fishing; one throw of a seine; a place where they fish.
Torok- a gust of wind, a squall.
Torok (torok)- straps behind the saddle for tying cargo, a travel bag to it.
Torok- a bat, a torn road.
Snaffle- a metal chain to hold the mouthpiece in the horse's mouth, used as a kind of musical instrument.
Tuleley- tulle frill.
yablo- kivot, shelf for icons.

At the bar- elegant headdress, wedding veil.
supper bread- kind, plentiful supper, straw, the number of sheaves.
Shrink (of water)- to come to low water, to the usual, average state, quantity.
steal- caulk in one fell swoop, prepare for the winter.

H alo- hoped, it seemed.
Chelo- the front of the Russian oven.
Cheremny- red, red.
Blackberry, blueberry- monk, nun.
Chernitsa- blueberry.
Chernoguz- martin.
Thursday- an old Russian measure or object containing 4 any units (for example, a bag of 4 pounds).
Chuyka- a long cloth caftan.

Shalyga (shelyga)- braided ball; wooden ball; whip, whip, whip.
shanga- cheesecake, juicy, simple cake.
scaly- with a convex hat.
Sherstobit- the one who beats, pats, pushes wool.
wool- hornets.
Shestok- a platform in front of the mouth of the Russian furnace.
Fly- a towel, a cloth, a piece of fabric in full width.
Sholom- roof; canopy, roof on pillars.

scherbota- inferiority.

I'm barking, barkingbarren (of cattle).
Yarovchaty - from sycamore, a constant epithet for the harp.
Yar, yaritsa - spring bread.
