Quite often, people who accept the observance of the Fast, laid down according to Christian canons, ask themselves questions about the possibility of eating a particular product, in particular, this is due to some specific dishes and drinks. Let's see if cocoa can be fasted or something, and how the conical Church reacts to it.

Can cocoa be in the post

Let's start with a few common concepts. The fact is that fasting itself, no matter how strict it may be, mainly implies the rejection of food of animal origin. It is not so easy for a beginner to fast to do this. Someone tries to watch more TV or play board games during fasting to divert attention from thoughts about food.

As it is already clear, the question related to the topic, is cocoa allowed in the post, is resolved by itself. Cocoa is known to be a plant-based product and is therefore allowed in the diet.

Another thing is exactly how this drink is prepared, because many people are used to mixing it with milk. And milk, alas, is already an animal product, so such combinations are simply unacceptable.

But it is worth dwelling separately on the post itself, including the Great one. It involves the initial refusal of food of animal origin, then - fish, and during a period of strict fasting - and from any kind of food at all. Prayer should replace food.

However, a person still needs to eat something and maintain his strength even in the process of spiritual purification. And cocoa, as well as products made on its basis (usually chocolate), are able to cope with this task best of all. In terms of energy, cocoa and chocolate surpass everything that is known today. It is not for nothing that even the military is given special rations with chocolate bars. They not only support the performance of the body in terms of physical activity, but also activate mental activity.

Thus, the question of whether cocoa can be fasted, directly or indirectly, is clearly decided in favor of this product. By the way, one should not confuse the energy value, which helps to maintain shape, with calories that are stored in fat cells and formations. There is nothing of the kind in this case. The only thing worth considering is mixing with foreign ingredients, which must meet the strict requirements of the Church, that's all. In general, as it is already clear, cocoa is a universal product that is not only allowed, but even recommended for use in Lent. And his energy value surpasses most of the known products of our time.

Many traditions exist in Orthodox Church, and observance of fasts, fasting days is one of the most important. From year to year the custom of fasting finds new followers. People want to be cleansed both spiritually and physically. This is a wonderful desire, but the tradition of fasting has a number of nuances, as well as its own history.

Also, before fasting, you need to take a blessing from the priest and understand how much you are able to withstand the Charter of the Church regarding fasting - it has indulgences. How to fast correctly and what sweets to treat yourself to fasting, we will tell in our article.

What is a post

It is known that the fasts have a gospel institution. Already the Lord Jesus Christ, at the beginning of His earthly ministry, stayed in the wilderness for 40 days and fasted.

Long fasts are a tradition established in the first centuries of Christianity. They are established by the Church so that we come to bright holidays with a pure heart, a light soul and a renewed body. The Lord and His Mother do not need expensive gifts, but our pure heart, good deeds and the fulfillment of the word of God given in the Gospel.

It should be noted that fasting as such cannot be called a holiday — each fast is only a preparation for the celebration of Easter, Christmas, the Assumption, the memory of the holy apostles — however, symbolically, fasts are called a spiritual holiday.

Even Pope Saint Leo I the Great (led the Church from 440 to 461) marked the dates of the Dormition Fast and the other three long Orthodox fasts. The dates of fasting were finally set in 1166, at the Council of Constantinople, which took place after the Great Schism - the division of the Churches into Orthodox and Catholic. All Christians were supposed to keep a number of fasts, which have come down to our days:

  • Great - is calculated 47 days before Easter, which is a moving holiday, ends with the feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem. Throughout the next Holy Week, believers also strictly fast until Easter.
  • Petrov - also considered 50 days after Easter, immediately following the Spiritual Day (Monday after the feast of Pentecost) day. It ends on July 12, on the feast day of the holy apostles Peter and Paul (that is, July 11 is the last fast day).
  • Assumption is the only post that is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It begins on August 14 - on the feast of the Origin (that is, the acquisition and honoring) of the Tree of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. It is also called the Honey Savior (by this day, the honeycombs are filled with honey and its collection begins, for which they bless with a special prayer) and the Wet Savior (according to the peasant tradition, wells were cleaned on this day and water-blessed prayers were performed over them), ends on the feast of the Assumption
  • The Advent fast begins on November 28 (15, according to the old style) and lasts until January 7 (December 25), lasts for forty days, and therefore is called the Fortecost in the Church Charter, just like Great Lent. Since the conspiracy for fasting (the last non-fasting day) falls on the day of remembrance of St. Apostle Philip, then this post is popularly called Filippov, Filippovka.

Also on Wednesday and Friday every week, except for certain ones, Orthodox Christians fast in remembrance of the betrayal of the Lord Jesus by Judas (on Wednesday) and the Crucifixion of the Lord (on Friday).

Weeks (more precisely, in the church, a week in our understanding is called a week, and Sunday is a week) without Lenten Wednesday and Friday is

  • Christmas time - from Christmas to Epiphany, January 7-18.
  • The Week of the Publican and the Pharisee is the week on the eve of Lent.
  • Maslenitsa (transient, the last week before Lent) - they no longer eat meat, but eat all the other fast foods.
  • Bright week. the first week after Easter.

Bright Week and Christmas time mark our great joy from the great holidays of Easter and Christmas, and Maslenitsa and the Week of the Publican and the Pharisee remind us that one cannot be hypocrites, the main thing is not to be proud of fasting, to have time and have fun, to rejoice in the gifts of God, to prepare for a serious time of fasting.

What's in the post

Let's start with the full church charter. Perhaps only monks can keep it, but according to your diligence, you can also observe such a fast. On ordinary Lenten Wednesday and Friday is not allowed

  • Meat,
  • Dairy products,
  • Eggs,
  • Fish.

During long fasts on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, fish, wine and oil are forbidden by the charter and it is allowed to eat food without vegetable oil (dry food) only after the evening service.

On other days, you need to abstain only from meat, milk and eggs.

Wine is allowed in small quantities, but for those prone to weakness of alcoholism, it is better to abstain. People who are prone to the bad habit of smoking should try to give it up, or at least smoke less.

Fasting is the time to quit smoking. There are special prayer appeals with which we ask to deliver us from the passion of smoking the Lord, Holy Mother of God and St. Ambrose Optical, who has a special grace to help in this.

How to start fasting, keep fasting

You can enter the post gradually, in stages, starting at least with abstaining from fast food on Wednesday and Friday. Those who thoughtlessly undertake the ascetic feats of fasting and begin to fast strictly, soon either upset their health, or become impatient and irritable from hunger. “It is better to eat meat than your neighbors,” such a saying exists.

Sweet in the post - recipes

Remember what needs to be replenished nutrients in organism. Fasting is limited to animal proteins, so replenish them with vegetable

  • nuts,
  • soy products,
  • legumes.

Eat more vegetables - cereals and potatoes quickly gain weight. Try eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, chickpeas; use more vegetable oil (olive, sunflower and others).

People often ask if sweets are allowed in fasting? In fact, it is better sometimes to refrain from chocolate, but to eat milk and fish, because we indulge ourselves with sweets. There are also lean sweets - they also need to be eaten in moderation, since you have decided on ascetic restrictions.

Each person can find sweetness in fasting according to their taste. The only question is to consume them in moderation:

  • marmalade on pectin or agar-agar - natural gelatin;
  • marshmallows, that is, marshmallows not on egg whites;
  • jelly sweets, roasting and sweets in lean chocolate;
  • caramel and lollipops of any taste;
  • dark chocolate (without milk and milk powder, without egg powder);
  • products from seeds and nuts: halva, gozinaki, nuts, can be in dark chocolate;
  • dried fruits and candied fruits;
  • nuts in multi-colored glaze (not in milk chocolate).

Do not fast to the point of extreme weakness, consult a priest about fasting, take communion more often.

Why you can’t have marshmallows in the post

If you fast completely, then marshmallows and milk chocolate are not allowed: they are prepared using, respectively, egg whites and milk.

Use more actively

  • jams,
  • Muesli,
  • jam,
  • Dried fruits.

All this will please you without breaking the fast.

diet in fasting

Without prayer and repentance, fasting becomes just a diet. Fasting bodily, without spiritual fasting - good deeds, correcting your heart, getting rid of bad habits in words and deeds, it brings little for the salvation of the soul, it can also be spiritually harmful if a person, abstaining from food, is imbued with the consciousness of his own superiority from the consciousness that he is fasting.
During pregnancy, in illness - peace of mind and tranquility, the health of mother and child, and fasting is secondary! All church life at this important time should bring you spiritual comfort and peace of mind, and not deprive you of strength through fasting and constant presence at divine services.

Holiday in post

It is better to reschedule the birthday for the next weekend, when fish is allowed. Many non-church people do this, because on Saturday and Sunday it is simply easier to gather relatives and friends for your holiday.

You can also use dairy products so as not to embarrass non-fasting friends and loved ones. The assortment of stores allows you to celebrate these days without breaking the fast and without falling into gluttony. Wine on Saturday and Sunday is allowed even according to the Charter.

In fasting, we should strive for a life pleasing to God, visit the temple, pray for worship, help people, forgive the sins and mistakes of our neighbors, and behave calmly in conflicts. Fasting was given to us as a spiritual school. When we restrict ourselves only in food, the soul will be of little use. Fasting is also abstinence from worldly fuss, sin.

Cake and sweets for the wedding in the post

Weddings are allowed on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Do not get married on the following days:

    On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, because the wedding night will fall on a Lenten day (Wednesday, Friday) or a festive day (Sunday - Little Easter).

    Before church holidays - the twelfth, great, as well as the patronal feast of the temple (the memory of that saint, feast or icon of the Mother of God, in whose honor the temple was consecrated). On the days of the holidays, getting married is also not recommended, but it is not forbidden either - you can ask the priest about it.

    IN church holidays, which are both days of grief and strict fasting: the Beheading of the Prophet and Forerunner John (September 11) and the Exaltation of the Cross (September 27).

    During fasts: Veliky, Petrov, Uspensky, Rozhdestvensky.

    On Maslenitsa (Cheese) week, at Christmas time (on the week immediately after Christmas) and on Bright Week (on the week immediately after Easter)

Thus, the question of fasting sweets for a wedding disappears, because they don’t get married in fasting, they don’t get married.
May the Lord keep you and help you in your fasting labors!

Can you eat chocolate in fasting? Then - a counter question: is it possible to eat peas and beans in fasting? No matter how rhetorical the answer may seem, there is something to speculate about here.

The main product in the composition of chocolate is cocoa, the fruits of which, due to their name, are often attributed to the legume family. The history of some ancient monasteries, for example, Studian, gives us the tradition of distributing beans at the meal to the brethren, and they were eaten both raw and boiled. This tradition was reflected in the statute on fasting, which the Church uses to this day.

Life in the ancient monasteries was built in such a way that a very small amount of time was allotted for food and rest - just as much as was necessary to maintain strength. The rest of the time the monks spent in prayer, worship and work. Hence the peculiar diet. It was simple (what grew in the area), but at the same time allowed for physical labor. In our area, during fasting, dishes of beans and peas are often consumed. These products are very high in calories and contain a huge amount of protein, which allows you to maintain normal physical strength without breaking the fast.

South America is considered the birthplace of cocoa. According to researchers, cocoa has been used there since the 18th century BC. The range of its use was quite wide. Acquaintance with "brown gold" on our mainland happened only in 1519. The scientific name Theobroma (food of the gods) was given to it by the scientist Carl Linnaeus, exploring the culture of using cocoa in his historical homeland.

Cocoa was most often used to make hot drinks. It was only in 1828 that the technology of extracting cocoa butter and cocoa powder from cocoa beans was invented, from which hard chocolate could be prepared. The inhabitants of ancient monasteries simply did not know about cocoa or chocolate. However, it can be assumed that if they had such an opportunity, they would positively assess its benefits - and who knows, maybe the word “chocolate” would appear on the pages of the Charter.

Now a huge number of articles have been written about the benefits of chocolate and many reports have been read, so there is no point in dwelling on this in detail. Suffice it to say that the antioxidants and other beneficial substances contained in chocolate reduce the stickiness of platelets by 70% and reduce the risk of stroke, myocardial infarction, cancer and diabetes by almost 10%. In addition, chocolate is quite high-calorie and simply delicious.

With all the advantages of chocolate, a couple of dangerous points should be noted. First, it is our attitude towards it. The use of any food should never develop into an addiction to it. If a person is addicted to chocolate and cannot live a day without it, then chocolate for such a person is the first product that must be abandoned during fasting. A Christian should not become dependent on his desires and habits.

Secondly, food should not harm a person. Keep in mind that the chocolate we see on store shelves often contains unhealthy contaminants such as cocoa butter substitutes and sweeteners. There's nothing to be done: chemistry is the key to abundance. We need to check what we have in our hands: a bar of chocolate or a piece of plastic. This is inevitably reflected in the price. Good chocolate cannot be cheap, which means that we will never have much of it on our table. And there's nothing you can do about it - a little bit of good.

In general, the aesthetic side should always be present in the food culture, which puts the emphasis, first of all, not on quantity, but on quality. If we learn to apply this rule, then even a small piece of real fragrant dark chocolate eaten during fasting will not only give strength and energy, but also give joy.

Archpriest Vladislav Shestakov

On the eve of major Christian holidays, believers observe fasting. This is done to purify the body and soul, to turn thoughts to the spiritual. Fasting should serve to strengthen the will, spirit and body. During fasting, many pleasures are banned - gastronomic and not only.

It is forbidden to eat fast food (meat, eggs, dairy products), alcohol. But what about sweets?

Sweets are allowed during fasting. But these should be special, lean treats.

There are no restrictions on sugar, because it is a vegetable product. But eggs, dairy products and animal oils are banned. For a lean treat, flour, jam or jam, sugar, honey, vegetable oil. You can add raisins, nuts, cocoa to your lean culinary masterpieces.

Chocolate in post

"But what about chocolate?" - you ask. You can eat chocolate in the post. But not everyone.

Only dark dark chocolate is allowed during fasting. It contains cocoa butter, cocoa powder and sugar. This chocolate contains no dairy products and animal fats. So, chocolate, carefully study its composition - it is written on the package.

Some church fathers even argue that, just as despondency is a sin, to cheer yourself up with a window of black bitter chocolate is a good and charitable deed. Such a small joy is not forbidden even to monks.

Special offer for sweet tooth

For fasting sweet tooth we offer honey cake recipe.

You will need:

  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 200 ml of water
  • 2 tablespoons of honey and cocoa,
  • 1 teaspoon soda, half a glass of vegetable oil
  • half a glass of any jam or jam,
  • flour to taste
  • raisins, nuts,
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

Pour sugar into a saucepan, add honey, vegetable oil and water. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly, so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the liquid slightly - up to 35-40 C. Add cocoa, cinnamon and soda. Stir. Then add flour, stirring gently so that there are no lumps. The consistency of the finished dough should resemble thick sour cream. Add nuts and raisins.

Bake in the oven for 45 minutes. Cut the finished gingerbread lengthwise and spread with jam.

Here comes Great Lent. Time for abstinence and humility. People, in order to purify their body and their soul, fast. This means that they refrain from bad thoughts and deeds, eat only lean food.

All products containing animal fats and proteins are prohibited. That is, you can not eat fish, meat, dairy products. Try to eat less fried foods, more fruits, vegetables, herbs, drinks. Drinks can be: kvass, jelly, fruit drink, juice, compote, tea.

In order for your body to normally survive the fast without complications when you refuse meat, you need to monitor your diet, eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible.

Sweets in post

In addition to meat, there is another type of food in fasting, without which a person suffers. These are sweets. What sweets can and cannot be consumed in fasting? Those sweets that contain animal proteins and fats are strictly forbidden, that is, where there are dairy products and eggs, this is not lean food. For example: crackers, gingerbread, oatmeal cookies can be consumed. Just read the ingredients on the product packaging carefully.

Chocolate in the post - is it possible?

There are a number of foods that cause controversy over whether they are lean or not. As for seafood, they have not yet decided exactly, because in theory they are equated with fish, although in their biological properties they are more like mushrooms.

As for baking, we figured out that you can use those products where the label says that there are no eggs and dairy products. White bread, cakes - you can not. But about chocolate, you need to figure out whether it is forbidden or not.

But milk chocolate is not allowed, because there are dairy products. In principle, read the packaging, everything is written there. The rule is the same for all products - no animal proteins and fats.

sweets recipe in post

In the post candy will help you to replace: honey, candied fruits, nuts, fruits, berries. Here are some sweet recipes in the post.

1. Baked apples

  • Removing the core from apples
  • We put nuts, candied fruits, dried apricots, raisins (at your discretion) mixed with honey there.
  • We put in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees.
  • Sprinkle the baked apples with powdered sugar.

2. Lean Cookies

  • This is the cookie, where there are no eggs and milk. Here is the recipe for this cookie.
  • Mix one teaspoon of baking powder with three cups of flour.
  • Add one glass of starch.
  • Add one hundred and fifty milliliters of vegetable oil.
  • We mix.
  • We dilute one glass of sugar, salt on the tip of a knife, a little vanillin with water to a uniform mass. Two thirds of a glass of water.
  • Mix, knead the dough. If it is very tight, add water.
  • We roll out the dough, cut out the molds: rhombuses, squares or circles, as you like.
  • You can decorate each cookie with nuts, berries, dried apricots, prunes at your discretion.
  • We spread the cookies on a baking sheet, bake for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
