After the end of International Women's Day, Russians do not cease to be interested in what holiday it is today. They do not want to lose sight of some important date, or just an event of historical proportions.

Today this question is more relevant than ever. The fact is that on the ninth of March several holidays fall at once. In particular, today is World DJ Day. Along with this, if you look into the folk calendar, it becomes clear that there is also a memorable date here, namely: Ivan's Day.

It is unlikely that World DJ Day can be attributed to official holidays. This is more of an important charity event, which has been held since 2002 on behalf of the International Club Industry. Every year around the world, a week of charity events is held to help children's organizations, and the culmination of charity events is March 9 - World DJ Day.

The event was originally initiated by the World DJ Fund and Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy, an organization that uses music to treat children and adults. Traditionally, all the profits received by DJs, clubs, radio stations on this day are sent to various international children's funds and institutions.

For several years, the annual tradition of DJ charity has been supported by well-known media - MTV, Radio 1, Galaxy, Mixmag, DJ, Muzik, Hello, Face, Loaded and FHM, as well as stars of the world dance scene - Pete Tong, Danny Tenaglia, Sasha , Dave Seaman, Paul Oakenfold, Paul Van Dyk, Carl Cox, Seb Fontaine, Sister Bliss and many more.

The word DJ, as you know, is an abbreviation of the English DJ (sometimes the spelling deejay is found) - disc jockey (disk jockey) - and defines the profession of a person who selects and plays recorded music for an audience. Initially, disk (disk) meant records, but in last years CDs are becoming more and more popular. In this regard, today the concept of disc jockey involves all types of musical reproduction, regardless of the source of the music.

There are several types of DJs. Radio DJs present and play music that is broadcast over AM, FM, shortwave, digital, or internet radio stations.

Club DJs select and play music in bars, nightclubs, discos and even stadiums. Mobile disc jockeys travel with portable sound systems and present music at various events. And sometimes DJs themselves sing and play rap and reggae.

Which folk holiday today: midsummer day

March 9 is considered the day of finding the (first) head of John the Baptist. The hermit and ascetic John predicted the coming of Jesus Christ, and even more than that - he himself baptized him in Jordanian waters, and in addition, he led many Jews to this rite.

John died by cutting off his head because of the cunning of Salome and her mother, Herodiana, the Jewish queen.

Based on this story, John was prayed that his headache would go away. But they also offered up prayers for the safety of crops, the fertility of the land, and the health of children.

They believed that on this day the birds begin to make nests for themselves, and if it was possible, the peasants helped them in every possible way, repairing old and building new birdhouses. Summer promised to be cold if the birds chose the sunny side for their nests. Even the washing of clothes was canceled that day, so as not to frighten away the birds, not to force them to fly back to their wintering grounds.

If all the birds returned to their native lands on time, then you can expect a good harvest. The tit sang about warmth that day, but if the singing was mournful and drawn out, it meant that she was hungry, and then she was exposed to feeders. A good sign of Midsummer was to notice a flying lark, as well as a stork.

About this weather it was said: “If the day is snowy, then in April it will be snowy, and if it is a goal, then in April it will be.” Also, the snow on Midsummer's Day foreshadowed a cold Easter.

You are deeply intuitive, sensitive and observant, and at the same time restrained and endowed with hidden strength and determination. With a sharp mind, you love to initiate projects and be a leader.

You were born on March 9, the zodiac sign is Pisces. Idealistic and gifted with deep feelings, you need difficulties in order to fully reveal your true character.

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. Compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will learn what the planets say about your personality.

You are imaginative, sensitive and caring. Sensitive and receptive to other people's feelings, you are patronizing and loyal, but you should not treat other people's problems as your own.

The ability to penetrate into the subconscious world of people allows you to capture their collective moods. Try to avoid emotional imbalance, and in difficult times, protect yourself from anxiety and the desire to escape from reality and complain about fate.

Multi-talented talent requires constant activity and creative self-expression, but your stubbornness and willfulness can become an obstacle to realizing your potential.

By developing receptivity, you will be able to understand more deeply the world and himself.

You are inspired by new beginnings and, having believed in the chosen cause, you are full of hope, self-confidence and able to work hard.

Until the age of 11, sensitivity, sensitivity to the environment and emotional needs occupy the main place in your life. Between the ages of 12 and 41, you will gradually become more self-confident, daring and inspired, which will result in a desire for activity and new achievements.

After the age of 42, the need for stability, financial security and emotional peace will increase. At the age of 72, you will become more inquisitive and have an increased interest in various forms communication and new hobbies.

Personal qualities of those born on March 9

Despite your communicative skills, at times you can be a big idealist and have difficulty expressing your true feelings.

However, communication and trusting relationships are essential components of your happiness.

By learning to be objective, independent, and less demanding of others, you will gain the confidence you want. This will also help Pisces born on March 9 to overcome suspicion and fear of loneliness.

Pedantic and accurate, you like to pay attention to details and strive to develop your critical and analytical skills.

Organizational skills, determination and diligence say that, having made a decision, you are able to succeed in any chosen area. Idealistic and romantic, you yearn to unleash your creative talents. With a worthy goal, you will be able to successfully realize your high ideals, insight and desire to help others.

Work and vocation of those born on March 9

You are open-minded, hard-working and dedicated to your chosen cause. Responsibility and the ability to quickly grasp ideas will not go unnoticed by employers.

Being a natural leader allows you to influence others and remain calm in times of crisis.

Intuition and insight will help you with problem solving, planning, and the visual arts. You may be interested in music or dancing.

On the other hand, you can choose a career as a consultant or administrator. Interest in education indicates the ability to become an excellent teacher or writer.

Some of those born on March 9 show a penchant for religion and spirituality. Or they choose medicine, charity or other form of service to people as their field.

Love and partnership born on March 9

Sensitive and receptive, you need a reliable partner who can share your thirst for trust. You need to get rid of excessive preoccupation with your interests, which can alienate you from people.

By learning to deal with shyness, you can overcome the tendency to be suspicious. You are more suited to a partner who can share your high ideals and passions.

Dynamic energy and the ability to initiate projects will earn you the admiration of others.

The ideal partner for those born on March 9

It will be easier for you to realize your ideals with those born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 11, 20, 25, 27, 29; February 9, 18, 23, 25, 27; 7, 16, 21, 23, 25 March; 5, 14, 19, 21, 23, 29 April; May 3, 12, 17, 19, 21; June 1, 10, 15, 17, 19, 25; July 8, 13, 15, 17; August 6, 11, 13, 15; September 4, 9, 11, 13; October 2, 7, 9, 11; November 5, 7, 9, 15; 3, 5, 7 December.
  • favorable contacts : January 9, 26; February 7, 24; March 5, 22; 3, April 20; May 1,18, 29; June 16, 27; July 14, 25, 29, 30; August 12, 23, 27, 28, 31; September 10, 21, 25, 26, 29; October 8, 19, 23, 24, 27; November 6, 17, 21, 22, 25; 4, 15, 19, 20, 23 December.
  • Kindred soul : May 30; June 28; 26 July; 24 August; September 22, 30; October 20, 28; November 18, 26; 16, 24 December.
  • fatal attraction : January 16; The 14th of February; March 12; April 10th; May 8; June 6; 4th of July; August 2; 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 September.
  • Troubled Relationships : January 8, 29, 31; February 6, 27, 29; March 4, 25, 27, 28; April 2, 23, 25, 26; May 21, 23, 24; June 19, 21, 22; July 17, 19, 20; August 15, 17, 18; September 13, 15, 16; October 11, 13, 14, 30; November 9, 11, 12, 28; December 7th, 9th, 10th, 26th.
Published on 09.03.18 01:06

Today, March 9, 2018, we also celebrate World DJ Day, Barbie Doll Birthday and other events.

On March 9, 2018, the national holiday of Finding is celebrated. Churches on this day remembers the first and second finding of the head of St. John the Baptist. The people call the holiday Finding because the birds found a nest (the choice of a place for nesting) on ​​this day.

John the Baptist - the baptizer of Jesus Christ and a pro-orc led an ascetic life until the age of 30. Then he preached to the Jewish people. By order of the Jewish queen Herodias idhumkz he was beheaded. The body of the prophet was buried in Sebastia. The queen secretly placed his head in a jar and buried it on the Mount of Olives.

Many years later, the estate on that mountain went to the Christian official Innokenty. He decided to build a church there. When laying the foundation, the head of John the Baptist was found for the first time. During his lifetime, Innokenty carefully kept the found relic. He was afraid that she might get to the Gentiles. Shortly before his death, Innokenty returned the shrine to its original place, to his church, which subsequently collapsed.

During the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great, the head of John the Baptist was found for the second time. The relic was discovered by pilgrim monks who arrived in Jerusalem to bow to the Holy Sepulcher. John appeared to one of the monks and indicated the location of the head. For a long time, the shrine was transferred from hand to hand for storage, after which it was transferred to Constantinople.

During the iconoclastic persecution, the head of John the Baptist was moved to Emessa, and later to Comany (IX century), where it was hidden for a long time. In 842, when the unrest subsided, the saint appeared in a vision to the Patriarch of the Council of Constantinople, Ignatius, and indicated the place in the monastery where the head was hidden. By order of Emperor Michael III in 850, the relic was found and transferred to Constantinople to the court church.

It is believed that what the weather is like on the Finding - this will be the whole of April. Also, what is the weather like at Finding, it will be the same for Easter.

If the birds arrived at the Finding, then the year will be rich in harvest.

World DJ Day is celebrated annually on March 9th. UNESCO became its founder in 2002. The initiators were the World DJ Fund and Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy. The latter specializes in the treatment of diseases through listening to music. Initially, the holiday was conceived as a charity event. The date is dedicated to the manifestation of mercy, which is customary to arrange in the first month of spring.

Barbie doll birthday

Barbie's birthday is March 9, 1959. It was on this day that the doll was first presented at an exhibition in New York and was sold for $ 3. She made a splash and soon became the most desired gift for all girls. The creator of this popular toy is Ruth Handler, who decided to make a toy for her daughter Barbara.

Teacher's Day in Lebanon

In Lebanon, this celebration is one of the most beloved professional holidays. It deserves a special calling. The most interesting thing is that the celebration begins on March 3, and lasts a whole week. But it ends culminating on March 9th.

Ivan, Illarion.

  • 1500 - The Spanish expedition of Cabral went to India, discovering the lands of Brazil along the way.
  • 1714 - Peter I issued a decree prohibiting the assignment of officer ranks to nobles who did not serve as privates.
  • 1776 - Adam Smith's book, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, was published in London.
  • 1831 - A law was passed in France establishing the Foreign Legion.
  • 1906 - a farewell exhibition of the World of Art association opened in St. Petersburg.
  • 1959 - The first Barbie dolls went on sale.
  • Amerigo Vespucci 1454 - Italian traveler.
  • Taras Shevchenko 1814 - Ukrainian poet and artist.
  • Vyacheslav Molotov 1890 - Soviet politician.
  • Alexander Rou 1906 - Soviet film director.
  • Afanasy Kochetkov 1930 - Russian film and theater actor.
  • Yuri Gagarin 1934 - Soviet cosmonaut.
  • Larisa Golubkina 1940 - Russian film and theater actress.
  • Robert Fischer 1943 - American chess player.
  • Ornella Muti 1955 - Italian film actress.

In 1451, the only person named after an entire continent was born, Amerigo Vespucci.

He was the son of a Florentine notary and from the age of 16 he worked in the Berardi banking house. Having tried to open his own bank, he went bankrupt and in 1499 went to seek his fortune in the newly discovered America, then nameless. The expedition did not find any wealth, but the quick-witted and cautious Amerigo earned a reputation as an excellent navigator. In this capacity, he made three more voyages to Brazil, but never recovered the treasure.

Then Vespucci took up writing. His vivid sea stories became a hit of their time. In 1507, his publisher Martin Walsemüller suggested that the new continent be named after Amerigo, although the traveler himself never laid claim to Columbus's laurels. Vespucci died in 1512 in Seville - without money, without a family, but with loud undeserved fame.

On March 9, 1697, as part of a large embassy - 200 people - Peter the Great went abroad, to the main European states. The tsar rode incognito, like Captain Mikhailov, emphasizing that he intended to study.

At that time, Peter was little interested in diplomacy, which surprised the French ambassador in Stockholm, who wrote to Louis XIV: "The king's trip is very strange and completely contrary to common sense." The main thing for Peter was the creation of the fleet. In England, he studied the theory of shipbuilding, in the Dutch city of Saardam he worked as a carpenter at a shipyard.

by the way, Dutch was the only foreign language, which Peter owned, he learned it back in Moscow. After 130 years, the future Tsar Alexander II visited Peter's house in Saardam, and his companion Vasily Zhukovsky wrote on the wall with a pencil:

Above this poor hut
Holy angels are flying.
Grand Duke! Revere:
Here is the cradle of your empire,
Great Russia was born here.

Ukrainian artist and poet Taras Shevchenko was born in 1814.

Fate fully endowed him with both inspiration and tears.

The son of a serf, an orphan, given "to science" and redeemed from serfdom through the efforts of fellow artists. Graduate of the Academy of Arts, student of Bryullov and Apollo Shchedrin. "Writer of outrageous poetry", arrested for participation in a secret organization. Exiled private of the Orenburg separate corps. An artist of European significance, the author of more than a thousand works, a master of engraving. And a real folk poet who loved a lot, endured and suffered.

A soul with a wonderful purpose
Must love, endure, suffer,
And the gift of the Lord, inspiration,
Should be watered with tears

Adam Opel was born in 1837.

At the age of 25, he already had a factory that produced sewing machines. Bicycles soon took their place. And since 1889, Opel began to assemble cars.

However, three decades later, the automobile concern was forced to attract foreign capital, and over time, the American corporation General Motors acquired the entire block of shares, and Opel became, in fact, its German branch.

On March 9, 1932, the President of the Weimar Republic, Hindenburg, signed a decree on the protection national economy. According to the document, the term of imprisonment for theft of industrial secrets for foreign powers has increased from 4-10 months to 5 years.

In those years, Soviet espionage in Germany assumed alarming proportions. Every year, German losses amounted to, according to some estimates, almost a quarter of a million dollars. The stolen secrets helped Stalin carry out his first five-year plan to transform the USSR into a modern industrial power.

In 1934, the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was born in the Smolensk village of Klushino.

He was the son of a carpenter, survived the occupation and was almost shot by the Germans when he dragged potatoes from the garden. After the war, Yuri entered the flight school, and in 1957 a capable student with an impeccable biography was accepted into the cosmonaut corps.

On April 12, 1961, he made his famous flight, which lasted 108 minutes. Descending to Earth, Gagarin immediately received the Star of the Hero Soviet Union, the rank of major and the love of all mankind.

On March 27, 1968, he, along with navigator Seregin, crashed in the Moscow region during a training flight. Rumor has it that they were drunk; in fact, the cause of the disaster was a malfunction of the aircraft. However, the Bulgarian blind prophet Vanga claimed that Gagarin "was taken to heaven."

In 1943, Robert Fischer was born, the eleventh in a row and the most controversial world chess champion.

In 1972, he broke the Soviet monopoly on the chess championship by defeating Petrosian and Spassky in turn. The revenge became a matter of honor for the USSR State Sports Committee. However, Fischer in 1975 refused to play the final with the new Soviet star Anatoly Karpov. The crown went to Karpov without a fight, but Fischer walked away undefeated.

There are happy, self-sufficient people whose lives were spent in relative harmony with themselves, and fate protected them as best they could. Apparently, Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (before her marriage - Domontovich) belonged to the number of such "darlings of fortune." How else can one explain her amazing longevity and unrestricted activity, while her comrades-in-arms and friends were dying in oblivion ...

The first woman in the world is a minister and the second, contrary to Soviet propaganda, is a woman ambassador (the first was still the Hungarian Rosike Schwimmer, who headed the embassy in Switzerland in November 1918), Alexandra Kollontai died of a heart attack on the same day in 1952, a little before reaching 80...

world dj day

DJ Day is more of an unofficial holiday that has been celebrated in the club industry since 2002. As planned by the organizers, the event has a deep motive. The purpose of the holiday is not only to cheer up the crowd of people, but also to "unwind" people for charitable donations aimed at helping children. And these two phenomena - dancing and charity - were connected by the Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy company, which specializes in treating people with the help of music therapy. The custom of the World DJ Day commands all disc jockeys of clubs and radio stations to send the proceeds received to various children's funds. The charity event is supported annually on March 9 by many well-known music media of the world: Galaxy, Amtivi, Hello, Face, Sister Bliss, etc.

Day of the Land Surveyor of Ukraine (2013)

Land surveyor's day (or as it is also called in Ukraine - land surveyor's day) has been celebrated annually on the second Saturday of March since 2000. The goal is to support the initiative of the Committee of Ukraine on Land Resources, as well as the Union of Land Surveyors of the country, to carry out reforms related to land and its rational use. In addition to the Land Decree issued by the President on December 11, 1999, a number of land cadastres operate in Ukraine: “On Land Management” (since 2003), “On the Delimitation of Lands of State and Municipal Property” (since 2004), etc. Such an important profession of a land surveyor has always been respected in Ukraine, since it is associated with the main wealth of the country - its land. Representatives of this profession make sure that it is used rationally, according to its intended purpose, and very carefully - for the future generation of the country.

Parents' Saturday (2013)

On March 9, 2013, the Orthodox denomination celebrates the day of commemoration of all the dead - parent saturday. The Christian holiday was established in the first millennium. As a rule, Christians celebrate this day several times a year - on Saturday before the Meat Week, and also before the Trinity. The priests legalized the days of commemoration of the dead in order to repose their souls. Many people die unnatural deaths. Thus, according to the church, it is difficult to find peace. That is why they need to be helped with the help of remembrance, and the church, in turn, directs souls on the true path through psalmody and prayers for the dead.

March 9 in the folk calendar

John (Ivanov) day

On March 9, the people celebrate the day of St. John the Baptist, or rather the day of the acquisition of his head. Holy Scripture says that John the Baptist was the closest predecessor of Christ - he predicted the coming of the Messiah. Saint John lived in the desert, preaching baptism. The Baptist was executed by cutting off his head, because of the insidious intrigues of the Queen of the Jews Herodias and her daughter.

In Rus', John was prayed for deliverance from pain, for the health of children and future offspring, for the protection of lands and fertility. It is believed that from Ivanov's Day, birds begin to make their nests. Their ancestors did their best to help them in this, building new houses for birds - birdhouses. On this day, women were forbidden to do laundry and protect themselves to the maximum from “water” affairs and procedures.

I looked at the people and signs. For example, if birds build a nest on the sunny side of the yard, then a cold summer is coming. Many years of bird watching experience has shown that their timely arrival promises good harvest. A titmouse will sing - to be warm, but her drawn-out and plaintive singing symbolized rather hunger. On Midsummer Day, people also installed feeders so that the birds would not starve. To see a stork on this day was considered a good omen.

Due attention was given to the weather that day. So people noticed: if the snow falls in flakes, then April will be the same - snowy and damp. But the lack of snow suggests otherwise. “Ivan's day in the snow, then in April in the snow, and if it's a goal, so April in that,” the peasants liked to say.

Historical events March 9

March 9, 1822 American inventor Charles Graham was granted a patent for artificial teeth. Since ancient times, people have been trying to implant an artificial jaw, but it never occurred to anyone to patent false teeth until Charles Graham “took such responsibility” upon himself.

March 9, 1958– US inventor Albert Potts received a patent for the world's first street mailbox, which was a metal container attached to a wooden post. The first mailbox had two openings: the first was for outgoing letters, the second for incoming letters.

March 9, 1932– The President of the Republic Hindenburg issued a decree on the protection of the national economy. The contents of the document alerted other powers to increase the sentence for stealing industrial ideas and secrets to five years. At that time, Soviet espionage was “walking” in Germany, which spread to a very wide, threatening scale. German annual losses amounted to more than a quarter of a million dollars. Stalin used the fished out secrets for his own purposes - to fulfill the plan to turn the USSR into a strong industrial power.

March 9, 1953- The last day of farewell to Stalin took place. After that, the funeral of the leader began. It was possible to enter Moscow on that day only by special order or pass. However, people arrived illegally to say goodbye to him. A mourning meeting was opened on Red Square, and by order of Khrushchev, a double inscription “Lenin. Stalin." However, later the body of the leader was reburied, and the inscription with his name on the mausoleum was removed.

March 9, 1959– The first collection of Barbie dolls, the most popular dolls for girls, went on sale. But how did the history of this elegant toy begin? And it all started with Ruth Handler. It was this woman who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a “feminine” doll called Barbie - in honor of her daughter Ruth. The first copies released for sale sold out at lightning speed. Over time, the models improved, “overgrown” with outfits, accessories, furniture, and even cars and houses.

March 9, 1961- The first exit of "man" into open space. And this “man” was a certain robot mannequin named Ivan Ivanovich. For an ideal resemblance, Ivan Ivanovich was put on a tuxedo, and a sheet with the inscription “mock-up” was attached to his face, so as not to scare in the future those who could find him in the wide expanses of space before the rescuers. To check the connection, a tape recorder with voices and songs was built into the layout.

March 9 were born

- Born in 1451 Amerigo Vespucci- the person after whom the continents of America were named. After his bank went bankrupt, Vespucci went to an unnamed, newly discovered mainland. The expedition could not stumble upon riches, but Americo himself became famous as a quick-witted but cautious navigator. His captivating stories truly delighted people. He became a legend of his time. This was the reason that both continents were named after him. Vespucci died in 1512 in splendid isolation, without a family, but with glory.

- Born in 1814 Taras Shevchenko- Ukrainian poet and artist. Fate rewarded him with talent, but the life of an outstanding poet has never been sugar. For "outrageous poetry" he was repeatedly arrested, ridiculed and condemned.

- In 1837 he was born Adam Opel. Young man with early age was distinguished by a great desire, at the age of 25 he had his own factory specializing in the production of sewing machines. Soon the factory began to produce bicycles, and after a while - cars.

— In 1934, the legendary Yuri Gagarin- the first cosmonaut of our planet. The first flight in outer space lasted only 108 minutes, but Gagarin withstood it with dignity, after which he received the Star of the Hero, the rank of major and world fame.

- In 1943, the story of Robert Fischer began - the eleventh in a row and the most scandalous world chess champion.
