The right to housing is one of the fundamental constitutional rights of every Russian. Family mortgage is one of the forms of support for the population to purchase comfortable housing. Under the terms of mortgage lending, young couples with children have the opportunity to purchase an apartment or a private house already today, and pay the debt to the bank over a certain period of time. At the same time, many families can use the help of the state.

Family mortgage in Russian Federation is a special home loan program for couples with or without children. It is no secret that having your own housing significantly increases the birth rate, thereby improving the overall demographic situation in the country. Therefore, a family mortgage always has 3 sides of the transaction:

  • financial institution that provides funds;
  • borrower;
  • state.

At the same time, state assistance in acquiring own square meters can be expressed in one of the following ways:

  • transfer of a certain amount of money to pay off debt on a bank loan;
  • lowering the interest rate on the loan;
  • provision for the sale and purchase of real estate objects from a special fund.

In 2019, state-supported family mortgages are represented by several programs.

Program "Young family" within the framework of the Housing project

The federal housing program has been operating in Russia for almost 20 years. During this time, thousands of Russian families have managed to purchase houses or apartments for personal use by combining their own, borrowed and state Money. The main conditions of the state program for young families are:

  1. Age. In accordance with the name of the program, couples in which each of the spouses is not yet 35 years old can receive a loan.
  2. The need for housing. Families that do not have their own housing or live in inadequate conditions will be able to become borrowers.
  3. The presence of official income. At least one of the able-bodied family members must have a permanent job and income sufficient to make monthly loan payments.

If a married couple meets all the requirements for borrowers, a mortgage agreement is drawn up for the amount necessary to purchase their own living space. On the part of the state, funds will be transferred to repay the loan in the amount of 30 to 40% (depending on the composition of the family and the number of children in it).

Young family in Sberbank and Rosselkhozbank

Some banks offer their customers particularly advantageous banking products. Such programs are the result of cooperation between financial institutions and the state. Let us consider in more detail the special programs for young families provided by Sberbank and Rosselkhozbank.

It is provided at 9% per annum for up to 30 years to citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 35 who meet the following requirements:

  • legally married or single parents with children under the age of 35;
  • only ready-made housing is purchased;
  • having an official income commensurate with future payments.

Young families can use the bank's borrowed funds to purchase an apartment, a country cottage, a piece of land or build a private house. The loan can be issued in rubles, US dollars or euros. Requirements for borrowers:

  • not older than 35 years;
  • the level of income sufficient to make payments on the loan;
  • the opportunity to make an initial contribution (minimum 10%, the use of maternity capital is allowed).

When building a house or giving birth to a child, borrowers are given a 3-year deferment to pay the principal.

Family mortgage with state support 6 percent since 2018

Since 2018, a new state lending program has been launched, already called "Family drip with state support at 6 percent." It will be available for families in which the second, third and subsequent child is born between January 1, 2018 and March 1, 2023.

The main terms of this loan program are:

  1. Provision of borrowed funds at 6% per annum.
  2. The funds can be used to purchase housing in new buildings or to refinance an existing housing loan.
  3. The contract of sale can only be concluded with legal entities, except for the acquisition of housing in rural areas of the Far East.
  4. The maximum loan amount is 6,000,000 rubles, for cities of federal significance (Moscow, St. Petersburg, as well as the Moscow and Leningrad regions) - 12,000,000 rubles.
  5. The subsidy is provided for the entire duration of the mortgage.
  6. For residents of the Far Eastern Federal District, you can take a mortgage at 5%.

A state-supported family mortgage is a significant help to families with two or more children. Russians will be able to purchase new, comfortable housing on a housing loan with an annual rate of only 6%. It also provides for the use of maternity capital to make a down payment or pay part of the debt.

Putin's decree

In November 2017, the President of Russia once again raised the issue of the need for state assistance for families with two or more children. Putin's decree contained direct orders aimed at forming regulatory framework and the early introduction of a program of lending to the population at 6%.

Government Decree

Already in December 2017, all the requirements of the President of the country were met, and the Government presented the country signed by Dmitry Medvedev. And . It contains the rules for state subsidies to financial institutions and JSC AHML when providing citizens with preferential housing loans at 6% per annum. Their essence is simple:

  • banks provide loans to the population at a low interest rate;
  • Lost income is reimbursed by the state at the expense of budgetary funds.

Changes for 2019

Since April 2019, there has been a change in the terms of the family mortgage in terms of the duration of the preferential rate. Now it is valid for the entire term, and not 3 and 5 years as it was before. It was allowed to refinance previously refinanced loans under the family mortgage program at 6%. There are also benefits for residents of the Far Eastern Federal District. Now they can purchase housing in their region on a family mortgage at 5% per annum, and they can also purchase housing in rural areas of their region at the same rate from individuals.

Also, in the near future, a possible partial write-off of the debt to the creditor is expected, but not more than 10% of the debt and 450,000 rubles.


The program "Family Mortgage at 6 Percent" is short-term. Families who have given birth to the 2nd and 3rd child in the period from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022 will be able to become participants in the program and purchase their own housing on favorable terms. So far, the extension of the state program is not expected, but changes are possible based on the results.

Program conditions

Only those financial institutions that express a desire to participate in the program will be able to issue housing loans at 6 percent. To do this, banks will need to submit an application for participation to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as a certain package of documents confirming their financial stability and legal clarity.

For potential borrowers, the general ones will be the same regardless of the chosen bank (VTB, Sovcombank, etc.), but will carry certain specifics for client verification and execution.

Membership and credit requirements

To become a borrower under the new preferential lending program, you must meet certain requirements:

  1. Age. A potential client of the bank must not be younger than 21 years old and older than 65 years old.
  2. Family status. The main condition is the birth of the borrower's second or third child during the period of the program. At the same time, the presence of an officially concluded marriage or the absence of a second parent in the family does not matter.
  3. Employability. The borrower must have a permanent job and income sufficient to pay the monthly loan installments. At the same time, the experience in the last place is at least six months.

With respect to the loan, requirements are established regarding its direct use:

  • for the purchase of an apartment in a new building or finished housing from the developer;
  • to refinance an existing loan (housing was purchased in the primary market, from a developer).

Banks participants

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation accepted applications and approved 47 financial institutions as participants in the Family Mortgage at 6% program:

BankNew building lendingOn-lendingLimit, million rubles
AHML Dom.RFYesYes320
Russian capitalYesYes22 840
VTB Bank of MoscowYesNo106 726
AbsalyutbankYesNo46 586
MetallinvestbankYesYes3 202
SberbankYesNo171 205
GazprombankYesYes22 006
RosselkhozYesYes20 145
PromsvyazbankYesNo14 835
OpeningYesNo14 578
ICDYesNo13 261
RaiffeisenYesYes12 807
rebirthYesYes12 135
Bank RussiaYesNo9 285
SovcombankYesNo8 538
DeltaCreditYesYes8 062
TranscapitalbankYesYes7 628
AK BarsYesYes6 980
Investment Trading BankYesYes5 136
ZapsibkombankYesNo4 937
UralsibYesNo4 717
Center-investYesYes4 669
UniCredit BankYesNo4 269
Koshelev BankYesNo3 202
SnezhinskyYesNo3 202
Kuban CreditYesNo3 202
Prio VneshtorgbankYesNo3 202
RNKBYesNo3 202
NSRYesNo3 202
Active BankYesNo3 202
TatsotsbankYesNo3 202
RosevrobankYesNo3 148
Bank "Rus'YesNo3 148
ZenithYesNo3 148
ObverseYesNo3 148
Kursk Industrial BankYesNo3 148
Bank "Saint-PetersburgYesNo3 148
Orenburg Bank for Industrial DevelopmentYesNo3 095
Far Eastern BankYesNo3 095
SurgutneftegazbankYesNo3 095
Ural Financial HouseYesNo3 095
SevergazbankYesNo3 095
BainbankYesNo3 095
Credit Bank of MoscowYesYes3 095
EnergobankYesNo2 988
Bank KuznetskyYesNo2 988
All-Russian Regional Development BankYesNo2 988

Important point! From April 26, 2019, VTB Bank began issuing family mortgages at 5% for residents of all regions of Russia, without exception. The main conditions for obtaining a discount of 1% of the base rate under the program compulsory insurance life.

How to issue

Applying for a housing loan at a preferential rate must begin with the choice of a bank presented in the list of the Ministry of Finance. Having decided on a potential lender, you must follow a sequence of steps:

  1. Initial contact with the bank.
  2. Filling out the loan application form.
  3. Providing the necessary documents (passports of borrowers, financial documents confirming income, marriage and birth certificates of children).
  4. In case of a positive decision on the application, it is necessary to find a suitable property within the allocated amount.
  5. Providing documents for the apartment.
  6. Signing a mortgage agreement.
  7. Registration of the transaction in Rosreestr.

Refinancing an existing mortgage at 6%

Those families that have previously issued housing loans, with the birth of another child during the period of the program, can refinance. For this, certain conditions must be met:

  • housing was purchased in the primary market from a seller who is a legal entity;
  • the loan has not been previously restructured;
  • no current loan arrears.

The registration procedure is quite simple:

  1. contacting your bank with an application for mortgage refinancing at a preferential rate of 6% and birth certificates of children;
  2. signing an additional agreement on refinancing;
  3. lowering the rate and teaching a new payment schedule.

Family mortgage with state support in Sberbank

Sberbank was one of the first to start issuing loans, which have already received the popular name "". When providing borrowed funds at 6%, the bank puts forward its own conditions for the successful conclusion of the contract:

  • mandatory down payment of at least 20% of the loan amount;
  • the minimum loan amount is 300,000 rubles;
  • loan term from 12 months to 30 years, while the grace period can last from 3 to 8 years;
  • compulsory insurance of the purchased property, as well as the life and health of the borrower.

Family mortgage with state support AHML

The main mortgage agency of the country provides citizens with family loans under the following conditions:

  1. For a period of 3 to 30 years.
  2. The minimum down payment is 20%. It is permissible to use family capital, as well as any other social payments and subsidies.
  3. Borrower's insurance is mandatory.

When drawing up an agreement, it is permissible to attract 4 co-borrowers, one of which must be the spouse of the title borrower.

Other types of family assistance with a mortgage

Family mortgage is only a part of the all-Russian project, the purpose of which is:

  • creating conditions for the acquisition of comfortable housing by families;
  • increase in the birth rate in the country;
  • increase in construction volumes.

Currently, there are other programs of state support for families with children:

  1. Matkapital. Providing mothers who gave birth to their second child with a cash certificate in the amount of 453,026 rubles. The funds can be used in several ways pension provision, education, purchase or construction of housing).
  2. military mortgage. A special accumulative program (NIS) has been created for military personnel, with the help of which, after 3 years, personal account the military accumulates an amount sufficient to obtain a housing loan and purchase their own living space.
  3. Social lending. Assistance programs are successfully operating for certain categories of citizens: scientists, teachers and other public sector employees. The essence of the program is to repay part of the housing loan (25-45%) from the budgets of different levels.
  4. Support and development programs for the rural population. Young professionals and public sector workers living in or wishing to relocate to countryside, have the opportunity to purchase housing on preferential terms.

A family mortgage is an opportunity for millions of Russians to significantly improve their living conditions. But preferential lending terms at the birth of a second or third baby do not cancel the need to have a certain level of income and meet the bank's requirements for borrowers.

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Our mortgage lawyer is always in touch, who will tell you how to get a mortgage and get benefits from the state.

The housing problem in Russia is closely interconnected with the solvency of the population. Due to the ongoing crisis, citizens have become interested in the possibility of extending the state assistance program for lending. It was assumed that mortgages with state support in 2017 would not be introduced. This is due to the fact that the program was introduced to assist citizens in repaying loans. State regulation of mortgages helped to stop growth and subsequently reduce the interest rate.

Will there be a mortgage extension in Russia

The government has no plans to continue the program state regulation mortgage lending for 2017. This is due to the fact that most banks reduce interest rate op mortgage lending. Recall that according to the program, the rate was 12%, while now banks offer credit lines at 10-11%, which is certainly beneficial for citizens. There is no need for additional government subsidies.

The reason for the introduction of state-supported mortgages in 2015 was a jump in the growth in the number of developments with a simultaneous rise in the cost of housing. The situation was also influenced by the ratio of the ruble to the currency, in particular, to the dollar, to which many mortgage agreements were pegged. Since its introduction in 2015, the program has been repeatedly revised, interest rates and limits have been adjusted. It is expected that in 2017 there will be no need for state price control, that the cost of mortgage lending will decrease relative to today's figures.

What does this mean for the population

Some Russians took the latest news painfully, believing that curtailing the program state subsidies lead to an uncontrolled increase in mortgage interest rates. According to experts, current lending rates are critical. With an increase in the amount of payments under mortgage agreements, there is a risk of insolvency among the population. However, panic is unnecessary. The lending market currently offers citizens the correct rates. The government assures that, if necessary, the mortgage program with state support will be resumed.

Mortgage conditions at VTB

Some banks offer state-supported mortgage extensions for Russians. For example, VTB Group has published lending rates for 2017 on mortgage lines. So citizens can count on the extension of state rates until March 1, 2017. And until the end of the current 2016, loans will be provided at 10.4-11.4% per annum. The expected size of standard mortgage lending in 2017 is 12.1% if the agreement is signed in rubles.

Lending programs and rates at VTB are as follows:

Conditions Sum Term Down payment Bid
State program 300 thousand - 8 million up to 30 years from 20% 11,4%
State program 300 thousand - 3 million up to 30 years from 20% 11,4%
Urgent delivery within 2 days 300 thousand - 30 million up to 20 years from 40% 13,6%
On bail 600 thousand - 15 million up to 20 years from 0% 14,6%
Military up to 2.01 million up to 14 years old from 15% 12,1 – 13,1%
Through bidding 600 thousand - 60 million up to 30 years from 20% 12%
primary housing 600 thousand - 60 million up to 30 years from 20% from 12.6%
Refinancing up to 15 million up to 30 years 12,6%

The lowest percentage is offered by Sberbank

Despite the curtailment of the state mortgage support program for 2017, Sberbank will continue issuing preferential loans to the population after March 1, 2017. This is due to the fact that for applications submitted to the bank before December 31, 2016, a decision can be made in 2017. The date of adoption of the resolution does not affect the procedure for granting a mortgage loan. The standard validity period for a decision on a citizen's application is 60 days, during which a mortgage agreement can be concluded.

At the beginning of 2018, a new decree of the President of Russia was approved to provide assistance to families with children in purchasing housing. According to the adopted innovation, families that meet certain criteria will receive state support when buying residential real estate. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin commented on such a decree with the need to help families, for their greater confidence in replenishment.

This will reduce the financial burden when paying mortgage obligations to the bank at the birth of children. And this will have a positive impact on the desire of Russians to have new children, because now the state is trying in every possible way to help those families that favorably influence the growth of demographic indicators in the country. Government program support for mortgage lending to families with newborn children is a vivid example of this.

The state support program for families with newborn children allows you to lower the mortgage rate through government assistance provided only to certain families that meet the necessary program criteria (more on that below). Families receiving preferential terms under state support will pay a mortgage at a fixed rate, and the state will pay the rest of the interest difference for them. However, such benefits are not provided for the entire period of mortgage lending - each criteria has its own time intervals, which will be described below.

Primarily, this decree was adopted to increase the demographic indicators in the country. Feeling the support from the state, many families will look more boldly at the issue of replenishment and worry less about its financial component. In addition, this opportunity to purchase housing is supported by a number of other projects also aimed at helping families with several children. But in this case, we are interested in a mortgage from Sberbank with state support.

Families with a 2nd or 3rd child born between 01/01/2018 and 12/31/2022 can count on state assistance in paying off a housing loan. They have a fixed interest rate of 6% per annum. For the second child, the period of preferential payments will be 3 years, and for the third - 5 years. At the end of the subsidized period, the rate is set at 9.25%. Thus, families where the 2nd or 3rd child is born will be able to apply for a mortgage loan at Sberbank in order to purchase housing and pay loan obligations at a reduced interest rate for a certain period of time.

Thanks to a mortgage with state support, it is possible to receive from 300 thousand to 3 million rubles. for the purchase of housing. For the purchase of residential real estate within the boundaries of the Russian capital, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the maximum possible mortgage loan will be 8 million rubles. It should also be noted that it will be possible to purchase housing only from an official developer. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with their list - when buying real estate from developers accredited by the bank, customers will be able to count on greater loyalty from Sberbank when considering an application. The purchase of housing from construction companies that are not properly registered legally, as well as on the secondary market, within the framework of state support under this program is not provided.

Families eligible for this program can apply for two more guarantors from among close relatives. Thus, the total number of co-borrowers can be no more than 4 people. You also need to take into account that only close relatives (mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister) can act as co-borrowers - a less close relationship no longer implies participation in the program as a co-borrower.

A mortgage under this program can be issued to families where the 2nd or 3rd child was born, as well as if they meet the following criteria:

  • The age of the borrower and co-borrowers is from 21 to 75 years. You cannot apply to a borrower or co-borrower under the age of 21, and the expiration date of the mortgage agreement must not exceed or be equal to the age of one of the co-borrowers at 75 years old - in other words, you need to calculate the mortgage term in such a way that its maturity date comes earlier than the co-borrower turn 75 (if any).
  • The presence of the borrower and co-borrowers of the citizenship of the Russian Federation. This criterion is mandatory for all persons entering into this transaction with the bank.
  • Seniority. At the last workplace, you must work for at least six months, and the total length of service for the past five years must not be less than one full year.
  • Solvency. A sufficient level of solvency of the client is determined by the total amount of his main and additional income, income of co-borrowers and their expenses, as well as existing credit obligations. It is important to note that the bank will not approve an application where, after deducting all existing and proposed loan obligations, the borrowers have an amount less than or equal to the minimum living wage per person.
  • Good credit history. Absence dark spots in the form of delinquencies in the credit history is a mandatory criterion for all mortgage co-borrowers.

The above criteria are common for mortgage and consumer lending in the vast majority of banks, so there is nothing special in this list. Also, the bank may have other criteria for individual borrowers, based on the individual situation. To do this, some data may be requested from the client. In general, the main criteria are similar to those that apply in all banks to those who wish to receive a loan or mortgage.

Among the features of mortgage lending under this program are many nuances. One of them is the summation of the terms from the birth of the second and third child: if during the period of the program the 2nd child was born in the family, and then the 3rd, both terms are summed up. In this case, the borrower will be able to pay the mortgage with state support for eight years. In this case, no additional requirements are imposed on the family, it is only necessary to document the fact of the birth of a third child.

It is also possible to refinance an existing mortgage and pay it at a reduced interest rate. But in this case, it should be taken into account that the bank will consider the possibility of refinancing individually, studying the compliance of the client with the above criteria, as well as the stage of paying off the mortgage loan. The fact is that now payments on all Sberbank loans, including mortgages, are annuity (that is, they are paid in equal installments every month), which means that at the beginning of the loan repayment term, preferential repayment of interest, and by its end - the loan debt itself. Because on final stages, when the principal interest has already been repaid and it remains to pay the borrowed funds directly, the recalculation of the interest rate no longer makes sense. This moment can be taken into account by the bank to refuse to recalculate the interest rate.

It is also worth noting that children born strictly between 01/01/2018 and 12/31/2022 are accepted into the calculation of such a mortgage program. A child born even one day earlier or later than this date no longer gives the family the opportunity to meet the criteria necessary to receive support from the state. Therefore, such seemingly trifles should be taken quite seriously, because the bank, on the one hand, and the state, on the other, have clear agreements, and it is hardly worth hoping that they will “meet” you and fill out an application. In this case, the date of birth of the child plays a fundamental role.

However, there are some nuances to a mortgage from Sberbank, which involves state subsidies. One of these nuances is the mandatory insurance of the acquired real estate. Acquired housing must be insured at least for the period of state support. Further extension of insurance is at the discretion of the borrower. This is done for greater confidence in the protection of property. The amount of insurance payments is calculated based on the value of residential property, therefore, you can find out more detailed data directly from the bank employee who will supervise your application for mortgage lending.

Due attention must be paid to buying a home from a developer. The fact is that this program, first of all, is designed specifically for the purchase of new housing, and only then - as a tool for refinancing and lowering the interest rate on an already existing mortgage. In the first case (if all the conditions and requirements are met), the bank will issue loans for the purchase of housing without any overlays, in the second case, it will be necessary to calculate the feasibility of refinancing (because if the interest on the existing mortgage loan has already been paid in full or at least in sufficient, then lowering the interest rate will no longer have the desired effect).

To apply for a mortgage loan from Sberbank with subsidies from the state, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Satisfaction with all criteria for the borrower and his co-borrowers. Their list is given above, and all of its items are mandatory. Therefore, before submitting an application, you should make sure that on the client side, all participants meet the criteria for submitting an application. In addition, do not forget about the strictness regarding the date of birth of children - only families with children born only on the set dates become participants in the state support program.
  • Availability of sufficient funds for the down payment. Even with state support, the conditions for purchasing residential real estate remain almost identical, and the need for a down payment remains. In this case, it is 20% of the total cost of housing and must be available to the borrower to complete the transaction. As evidence of the availability of a sufficient amount of funds, an extract from the bank in which the money is kept, or an appropriate document confirming the proposed purchase of real estate, is suitable.
  • The presence of a package of necessary documents. Acquiring a home is a serious and painstaking process, therefore, before applying, you will need to collect the entire list of documents, details of which can be found in the following sections of the article or from a bank employee who oversees the relevant direction. Pay due attention to the correct filling and relevance of information in order to avoid red tape with their re-registration, receipt, etc. Because the collection of a full-fledged package of such documents can take quite a long time and re-registering some of them is a rather dubious pleasure. Timely elimination of all errors and shortcomings will save both time and effort with nerves.
  • Real estate insurance. As mentioned above, real estate insurance is a mandatory item, at least for the duration of state support.

An important requirement is a correctly assembled package of documents, which is submitted jointly from the client side. Be sure to ensure that all necessary documents are provided by each participant in the mortgage agreement. The standard package of documents for participation in this program includes:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • application forms signed by the party of the beneficiary (for each of the clients - a separate own copy with personal data);
  • marriage certificate (only for the borrower's family);
  • a copy of the marriage contract (if any);
  • birth certificates of children;
  • documents officially confirming employment and income (copies of the work book certified by the employer, certificates in the form 2-NDFL, various documents confirming the receipt of income - for example, certificates from the Pension Fund, which indicate the receipt of funds as pension contributions, which indicates about the availability of wages from which taxes are paid.If the income is unofficial, then it will be much more difficult to confirm it, therefore it is worth considering this point in advance, because for the bank this criterion is one of the most important when deciding whether to approve the application);
  • registration documents (this may be a permanent registration in the passport and / or temporary; if there is a temporary registration, the relevant documents about it must be submitted without fail);
  • documents for the purchased residential property (these include registration papers and documents that can confirm the authority of the construction company to complete the transaction for the sale of housing, if it is not in the lists of construction organizations accredited by the bank, after which Sberbank will consider such an application. But it’s better choose an apartment from the list of developer companies accredited by the bank, which will significantly increase the chances of approval).

It is also worth considering that the bank may request and additional documents considering individual customer cases. An example of such requests can be certificates of valid loan agreements taken from other banks. If there is additional income, it is best to obtain documentary evidence of its receipt - this will be a significant plus for the borrower.

To participate in this assistance program for families with born 2nd and 3rd children, first of all, you need to carefully study all the necessary requirements for the borrower and co-borrowers. You can find out this information on our website or directly from a specialist in the department. After studying all the criteria and requirements that the bank sets for the borrower, you can proceed to submitting an application. Before that, you need to collect a complete package of requested documents for the borrower and each of the co-borrowers. Take care of the reliability and relevance of the information provided in the papers.

Then you can go to Sberbank and apply. When obtaining a mortgage with state support, an application must be submitted at a bank branch. The term for consideration of the application is 2-5 working days - it depends on the individual client. The consideration period is affected by the number of co-borrowers, documents provided and individual criteria that are taken into account by the bank. After the approval of the application, the borrower will be notified to return to the branch and sign the mortgage lending agreement. As a rule, the client is required to sign copies of three documents:

  • mortgage loan agreement;
  • agreement on the pledge of acquired residential real estate bank for the period of mortgage payment;
  • approved payment schedule.

After that, it is necessary to pay the initial installment at the expense of the borrower's personal funds - this can be done both in cash and non-cash. Next, you can go to register a newly executed transaction with the registration authority. Further, the bank transfers the remaining amount for the full payment of real estate to the developer's account by non-cash way. At this stage, the mortgage is considered received, and now the client, according to the payment schedule, will return the borrowed amount to the bank. A mortgage loan is issued one-time, and no partial transfers are provided. You can also repay the debt to Sberbank ahead of schedule - this is done after writing the appropriate application at the bank branch, and no commissions or penalties are charged.

Based on the legislation, the client has the opportunity to use maternity capital to purchase residential real estate. You can use it in two ways: to pay the down payment and to pay off the debt. The changes made allow these funds to be used as soon as the 2nd or 3rd child was born, rather than waiting until they are three years old, which was a mandatory requirement before the law was changed. Such opportunities - maternity capital funds and reduced interest due to state subsidies - together can significantly reduce the financial burden on families where the 2nd or 3rd child was born.

To use maternity capital funds as a down payment, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the appropriate amount (or part of it) available on the borrower/co-borrower's account to complete the desired operation. The same must be done if you wish to repay part or the remainder of the mortgage loan with maternity capital. After receiving the requested certificate, you need to write an application for the transfer of the entire amount of money or part of it from a personal account in the Pension Fund to a bank repayment account. Within a few working days, the transfer operation will be completed. The bank can get confirmation of its successful completion.

There are also some nuances that you should pay attention to before applying for a state-supported mortgage. One of these moments is the issue of paternity - if the spouse has a child (or children) from a previous marriage and a newborn already from a new husband. In this case, in order to avoid unnecessary red tape, it is better to be a borrower to the spouse, because for her these are her own children, and there will be no questions. And the spouse will become a co-borrower. Otherwise, the spouse will be asked for documents on adoption / guardianship of children, which will only give rise to additional worries.

The next moment - after the approval of the application by the bank, the client has 90 calendar days to select a property for purchase (if this has not yet been done). During this period, he can use the approved amount (or part of it) to complete the transaction. If the transaction is not executed within the allotted time, the offer from the bank is canceled. The term is sufficient to search for housing even if there are no prospective options, but it is better to take care of choosing housing in advance - this will avoid rush. A hasty choice of residential real estate can affect some undesirable nuances that can be avoided with timely consideration of the issue.

Mortgage with state support from Sberbank

Anna Frantsuzova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Far from all citizens, current incomes allow them to quickly accumulate the necessary amount of funds to buy their own housing. Banking offers scare with their high interest rates. The best option in this case, there is a preferential mortgage with state support, which guarantees low rates. Leading Russian banks have already formed a line of preferential mortgage offers for 2019.

What does preferential mortgage promise in 2019?

Currently, preferential mortgage programs operate in most major Russian banks. Its essence boils down to the fact that part of the interest rate is subsidized by the state, using PFR funds for these purposes. As a result, now the interest on preferential mortgages does not exceed 12%, unlike others.

What promises borrowers in 2019:

  • Firstly , despite the differing opinions regarding the abolition of state subsidies for rates on mortgage products, preferential mortgages will be extended for 2019 (20 billion rubles have already been allocated in the budget for this purpose).
  • Secondly , its conditions will apply to socially unprotected segments of the population, namely, poor citizens, disabled veterans, public sector employees and military personnel (to obtain a loan on favorable terms, you will need to confirm your social status).
  • Third , the interest on a housing loan will be no more than 12%, and its amount will range from 300,000 to 3,000,000 rubles (in federal cities - up to 8,000,000).
  • Fourth , it will be possible to purchase under the program only apartments in houses under construction or residential complexes that are accredited by a particular bank (a list of developers can be requested from a banking institution).
  • Fifth funds are allocated for up to 30 years. At the same time, at the time of repayment of the debt, the borrower must be no more than 75 years old.

Important point: The purchased apartment can be used as collateral: in this case, it is under the burden of the bank until the borrower fully covers the principal amount of the debt and interest payments.

What do Russian banks offer: TOP 10 best offers for preferential mortgages for 2019

  • Sberbank of Russia

In the coming year, the leader of the Russian banking system plans to maintain the same conditions for preferential mortgage lending with state support.


  1. The rate is 11.9%.
  2. Down payment - from 20% (depending on the price of the apartment).
  3. The loan repayment term is up to 20 years.

Obligatory conditions are the purchase of housing insurance, payment for the apartment appraisal procedure (specialists of any accredited appraisal company) and notarization of all papers submitted to the bank.

Important point: By the New Year, Sberbank launched a special offer on preferential mortgages, which allows you to get a loan at a rate of 11.5%. Its terms are valid until the end of February 2019.

  • VTB 24

The terms of the preferential mortgage at VTB 24 in 2019 will also be very loyal:

  1. The rate will be 11.4%.
  2. The initial payment will be determined depending on the price of the apartment and will be at least 20% of the transaction amount.
  3. The funds will be provided for a period of up to 30 years.

When applying for a mortgage, the borrower will need to take out property insurance and provide the bank with a document on labor activity in one place for at least 3 months.

Important point: The bank's management does not rule out that a downward revision of the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation may provoke a revision of mortgage interest in mid-2019.

  • Bank of Moscow

Mortgage programs with state support at the Bank of Moscow for 2019 are designed to provide financial support for the possibility of buying an apartment in new buildings accredited by the bank.

In this case, funds are allocated on the following conditions:

  1. The interest on a housing loan is 11.15%.
  2. Initial payment - from 20%.
  3. The loan repayment period is from 3 to 30 years.

Important point: The Bank of Moscow also issues mortgage loans at a reduced rate to foreign citizens who have been officially employed in Russia for at least six months.

  • Gazprombank

This financial institution plans to provide housing loans at a rate of 11.3% for the purchase of an apartment or townhouse.

In this case, the conditions for issuing funds are as follows:

  1. The need to confirm the income of work experience in the last place for at least six months and property insurance.
  2. The initial contribution from the borrower in the amount of 20%.
  3. Mortgage on the acquired apartment.

Important point: If the borrower is able to provide an initial payment of 50%, he can count on a rate of 10.8%.

  • Rosselkhozbank

In Rosselkhozbank, preferential mortgages will be issued in 2019 using only two documents for up to 25 years.

The conditions for a home loan are as follows:

  1. Initial payment - from 40%.
  2. The rate is 11.9%.
  3. The need to insure the life and property of the borrower.

Important point: The Bank does not allow the possibility of attracting co-borrowers in 2019.

  • Raiffeisenbank

For 2019, Raiffeisenbank has planned a very advantageous offer - a mortgage with state support at 11.0% per annum.

It is provided:

  1. For up to 25 years.
  2. With an initial investment - from 20% of the loan amount.

Important point: When forming the initial contribution, the possibility of using the initial capital is not excluded.

  • Promsvyazbank

The management of Promsvyazbank plans to leave two preferential mortgage lending programs in 2019:

  1. “New building with state support (standard) - 11.4% for 10 years.
  2. “New building with state support (partnership) - from 5.99% for 20 years.

If the first program will allow you to buy an apartment in both a finished house and a house under construction, then the second one is focused exclusively on shared construction.

  • Binbank

One of the cheapest options for preferential mortgages in 2019 can rightfully be considered an offer from Binbank, which plans to issue housing loans to its customers at a rate of 10.75%.

In order to take advantage of the favorable conditions of the program, you must submit to the bank:

  1. Employment documents (at least six months in the last place, at least 18 months in one area).
  2. Documents on income (certificate 2-NDFL or 3-NDFL).
  3. Down payment from 50%.

Important point: If the borrower's installment is only 30%, then the mortgage rate will be increased to 11.0%.

  • Uralsib

In 2019, Uralsib Bank will issue housing loans at 11.25% per year.

In this case, the borrower will need:

  1. Confirm your income and employment.
  2. Submit your credit history to the bank.
  3. Submit a down payment of 20%.

Today, all those who have not yet had time to take advantage of the preferential mortgage program with state support are concerned about the question of whether the government will continue to subsidize mortgages in 2017? Now the Ministry of Finance, together with the Ministry of Construction, are working on various options assistance to those citizens who wish to apply for a mortgage next year on preferential terms. According to Dmitry Medvedev's order, the state will allocate 20 billion rubles for these purposes. annually.

Mortgage conditions with state support 2017

At present, the state program involves subsidizing at the expense of the Pension Fund an affordable interest rate on mortgage loans in the banks participating in the program. The bank offers customers a lower interest rate (up to 12%), and the state compensates the difference in interest to cover the profit lost by the bank.

Mortgage in 2017 is a new type of state program, which is currently being developed. However, borrowers can be sure that mortgages and government assistance in 2017 will be available to all socially vulnerable categories of the population.

A number of banks with state participation offer customers the opportunity to obtain a mortgage loan on the following basic conditions:

  1. The age of the borrower is over 21 years old but under 65 years old (65 years is the maximum age at the loan repayment date).
  2. The interest rate is maximum 12%.
  3. The minimum down payment is 20% of the price of the purchased property.
  4. The purchase of housing in houses under construction is subsidized.
  5. You can attract up to 3 co-borrowers.
  6. The minimum loan amount is 300 thousand rubles, and the maximum is 3 million rubles. (in the regions) or 8 million rubles. (Moscow, Saint Petersburg).

These are the main conditions that apply to all banks working with this program. In order to obtain the right to offer these types of loans to the population, banks acquire a special license. It is impossible to buy housing from a private person in a mortgage under the state program. Only purchase and sale transactions in new houses built by developers or only housing under construction in a particular residential complex accredited by this bank are allowed.

If the borrower does not have his own housing, the acquired property is issued as a pledge to the bank and is under encumbrance exactly until the client repays the loan fully issued under the state program. Then the removal of the encumbrance is registered in the USRR.

The maximum loan duration is 30 years. When determining the term, the bank looks at the age of the borrower and offers terms in such a way that at the time of repayment of the loan, the client is not yet 75 years old. Given the growing overpayment with an increase in the repayment period of the loan, the optimal period is considered to be 15 years or less.

It should also be taken into account that the state program applies to socially unprotected categories of the population. These include doctors, teachers, the military, families with many children, public sector employees, civil servants. Only by documenting their social status, the borrower will be able to apply for participation in the state program.

Mortgage with state support 2017 at Sberbank

Sberbank is the flagship in the mortgage lending market, as over 50% of the mortgage market in the country falls to its share. State mortgage 2017 - these are banking products that will be offered to the population from 01/01/2017 at Sberbank and other banks with state participation.

Currently, and until 01/01/2017, Sberbank offers mortgages with state support on the following terms:

  1. The minimum down payment is 20% of the cost of housing.
  2. Loan term from 1 to 30 years.
  3. The rate is 11.9% before mortgage registration and after registration.

In addition to paying interest on the loan, the borrower will have to incur additional costs:

  1. Purchase homeowner insurance.
  2. Pay for a home appraisal at an accredited appraisal company.
  3. To notarize a part of the documents submitted to the bank.

When applying for a loan, the spouse becomes a co-borrower, regardless of whether he is employed and what is his income. The loan is not issued to persons who are not able to confirm their income. So for all those working under employment contracts, you will need to provide a copy of the work book or a certificate from the enterprise stating that the length of service at the last place of work is at least 6 months, and in total for the past 5 years, the total length of service must be at least 12 months.

The bank does not charge a fee for approving a loan application and processing a loan, and any borrower will be able to repay the loan early if desired and will not be required to pay any additional fee or penalty for this. In case of delay in payment, the penalty to the bank is paid at a rate of 20% per annum. in Sberbank gives the client the right to issue a tax deduction due to him by law.
